
总长 L 133 142
160 169
槽长 l1
HSS-E价格 (元)/支
规格 d(h8)
15.0 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00
价格 (元) 11.00
17.00 20.00
规格d (h8)
12.70 12.80 12.90 13.00 13.10 13.20 13.30 13.40 13.50 13.60 13.70 13.80 13.90 14.00 14.1~14.4 14.50 14.6~14.9 15.00 15.1~15.4 15.50 15.6~15.9 16.00 16.1~16.5 16.6~17.00 17.1~17.5 17.6~18.00 18.1~18.5 18.6~19.00 19.1~19.5 19.6~20.00
1.10 1.15

1高速钢麻花钻(HSS TWIST DRILL BIT),这类钻头是我们最常见的钻头,可以打木头、塑料、金属等材质。
2 锥柄钻头(TAPER SHANGK BIT),这类钻头我们在台钻、钻床上经常看到,经常配合莫式钻夹头使用。
3 支螺钻(AUGER BIT), 头部是一个尖锐的赶锥螺纹,用于木头上钻孔,可以根据工件加工的长度,选择需要的长度,目前本人见到最长为1米。
其柄部主要是六角(HEX)和圆柄(SDS PLUS)。
4 木工钻(WOOD BIT ) ,这类钻头就是小号的支螺钻,头部尖尖,快速定位,钻入木头中。
5 木工扁钻(FLAT BIT ),这类的钻头跟上着很相似,但是难以操作,对新手不友好。
6 电锤钻(HAMMERING DRILL BIT ),这类钻头主要钻混泥土和红砖,家庭打孔,放膨胀管,经常使用。
7 冲击钻头(MASORY BIT ),这类钻头跟电锤钻一样的功能,只是他们的配对的机器不一样,常见的手电钻就可以配合使用了。
8 宝塔钻(STEP DRILL BIT),材质跟麻花钻一样,就是麻花钻的亲哥。
9 玻璃钻(GLASS BIT),这类钻头大多数用于玻璃是打孔,但也有消费者拿来打瓷砖。
10 霸王钻(MULTI-FUNCTIONED BIT),这类钻头比较网红,可以打n种材质,包括铁、瓷砖、混凝土、铝材等。


TRUST BLUE■Drilling and countersink tools from a single source■Drills and countersinks for nearly all materials and applications■Highest degree of quality for precise and neat resultsDrilling toolsHSS spiral drills 3■DIN 338 HSSG N STEEL spiral drills 6■DIN 338 HSSE N INOX spiral drills 8HSS step drills 10■HSS step drills 12■HSS step drills with HICOAT coating HC-FEP 13Countersink toolsHSS conical countersinks 14■HSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinks 16■HSSE DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinks, Co5 type 17■HSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinkswith HICOAT coating HC-FEP 18■HSS DIN 334 C 60° conical countersinks 19HSS flat countersinks 20■HSS DIN 373 flat countersink quality grade fine for through hole 22■HSS DIN 373 flat countersink quality grade medium for through hole 22■HSS DIN 373 flat countersinks for tapping hole 23TC ground contact countersinks 24Drilling tools with cross grinding for industrial uses. Fully ground, right-hand turning versions that produce precise drill holes thanks to their high concentricity and exact centring. PFERD offers spiral drills in the STEEL (118° point angle) and INOX (135° point angle) types.Advantages:■Very good chip removal. ■High concentricity.■Exact centring and low feed force thanks to cross grinding.Applications:■DrillingRecommendations for use:■Observe the recommended rotational speed.■When drilling metals, use a high-quality cutting oil or cooling lubricant, if possible. This facilitates smooth running andextends the drill tool life. Exception: when working on aluminium, use kerosene instead of cutting oil.■In order to avoid corrosion, remove any particles which develop when working on stainless steel (INOX) from the workpiece. Clean the workpiece chemically or mechanically (etching/polishing, etc.).Safety notes:=Wear eye protection!=Follow the safety instructions!Matching tool drives:■Power drills ■Column drills ■Machine tools ■RobotExample applications for STEEL/INOX HSS spiral drillsHSSG (M2) STEEL 118° type■Suitable for universal use on steel, cast steel, grey cast iron, annealed cast iron, bronze, brass, aluminium. ■Easy centring. ■Long tool life.■Good chip removal.HSSE Co5 (M35) INOX 135° type■Particularly well suited for tough and hard materials, such as alloyed and high-strength steel, stainless steel (INOX). ■Robust tip profile. ■Very long tool life. ■Good chip removal.■Very good temperature resistance due to Co content.Recommended rotational speed range [RPM]To determine the recommended cutting speed range [m/min], please proceed as follows:➊ S elect the material group to be machined.➋ Select the type.➌ Establish the cutting speed range.To determine the recommended rotational speed range [RPM], please proceed as follows:➍ S elect the required diameter.➎ T he cutting speed range and the diameter determine the recommended rotationalspeed range.Fully ground spiral drill with cross grindingPFERD drills are completely ground spiral drills: they are precision ground both in the chip flute and the guide chamfer as well as at the drill tip. They also have cross grinding. This drill is suitable for highly precise positioning on the workpiece and supports centring during drilling. This grinding finish even cuts at the centre of the drill tip and reduces the feed forces during use. Spiral drills with cross grinding are suitable for purposes including machining of difficult-to-machine materials like chromium-nickel steel.Example:Spiral drill,SPB DIN 338 HSSG N 12,0 STEEL, Tool dia. 12 mm.Steels up to 700 N/mm²Cutting speed: 25–35 m/min.Rotational speed range: 650–950 RPMDIN 338 HSSG N STEEL spiral drills Array High-performance drilling tools in the STEEL in HSSG (M2) type for industrial uses.Fully ground, right-hand turning version with cross grinding.Materials that can be worked:■steel, aluminium, brass, bronze, cast,plasticsSTEELEAN 4007220DIN 338 HSSG N STEEL spiral drills, 19-piece setThe set contains 19 HSS spiral drills in the STEEL in HSSG (M2) type for industrial uses. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage.The securing of the HSS spiral drills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.Contents:19 HSS spiral drills,STEEL in HSSG (M2) type,dia. 1.0 to 10.0 mm, graduations in 0.5 mm Materials that can be worked:■steel, aluminium, brass, bronze, cast, plasticsSTEEL EAN 4007220DIN 338 HSSG N STEEL spiral drills, 25-piece setThe set contains 25 HSS spiral drills in the STEEL in HSSG (M2) type for industrial uses. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage.The securing of the HSS spiral drills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.Contents:25 HSS spiral drills,STEEL in HSSG (M2) typedia. 1.0 to 13.0 mm, graduations in 0.5 mm Materials that can be worked:■steel, aluminium, brass, bronze, cast, plasticsSTEEL EAN 4007220DIN 338 HSSE N INOX spiral drills Array High-performance drilling tools in the INOX in HSSE-Co5 (M35) type for industrial uses. Fully ground, right-hand turning version with cross grinding.Materials that can be worked:■steel, stainless steel (INOX), aluminium,brass, bronze, cast, titanium, plasticsINOXEAN 4007220DIN 338 HSSE N INOX spiral drills, 19-piece setThe set contains 19 HSS spiral drills in the INOX in HSSE-Co5 (M35) type for industrial uses. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage. The securing of the HSS spiral drills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.Contents:19 HSS spiral drills,INOX in HSSE-Co5 (M35) type,dia. 1.0 to 10.0 mm, graduations in 0.5 mm Materials that can be worked:■steel, stainless steel (INOX), aluminium, brass, bronze, cast, titanium, plasticsINOXEAN 4007220DIN 338 HSSE N INOX spiral drills, 25-piece setThe set contains 25 HSS spiral drills in the INOX in HSSE-Co5 (M35) type for industrial uses. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage. The securing of the HSS spiral drills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.Contents:25 HSS spiral drills,INOX in HSSE-Co5 (M35) typedia. 1.0 to 13.0 mm, graduations in 0.5 mm Materials that can be worked:■steel, stainless steel (INOX), aluminium, brass, bronze, cast, titanium, plasticsINOX EAN 4007220Sturdy high-performance tools for burr-free drilling and deburring of sheet metal, pipes and profiles. Materials up to 4 mm thick can be drilled and deburred easily in a single step. PFERD also offers step drills with a high-quality HICOAT coating. To ensure reliable torque transmis-sion, all step drills have a three-surface shaft.Advantages:■Drilling and deburring in a single step.■Completely smooth running and a high cutting performance.■The high-quality drill tip ensures effortless centring and drilling.■The tool taper makes it easier to pull back from drilled plates.■Chips which do not break are neatly removed as with a spiral drill.■Built-up edges and cold welding on the blades are prevented. Materials that can be worked:■Steel■Cast steel■Stainless steel (INOX)■Non-ferrous metals■Plastics■Other materials Applications:■Drilling■Deburring Recommendations for use:■Use HSS step drills on sheets, pipes and profiles with a maximum thickness of 4 mm.■Please refer to the table for the recommended rotational speeds. Matching tool drives:■Power drills■Column drillsSafety note:To ensure reliable torquetransmission, step drillshave a three-surface shaft.HSS type■Use cutting oil/compressed air as a coolantand lubricant in the case of step drillswithout a coating.HSS HICOAT HC-FEP type■Step drills with a HICOAT coating can alsobe used without the addition of coolants.■Particularly suitable for work on stainlesssteel (INOX).Recommended rotational speed range [RPM]To determine the recommended cutting speed range [m/min], please proceed as follows:➊S elect the material group to be machined.➋ Select the type.➌ Establish the cutting speed range.To determine the recommended rotational speed range [RPM], please proceed as follows:➍S elect the required diameter.➎T he cutting speed range and the diameter determine the recommended rotationalspeed range.Example:HSS step drillsSTB HSS 04-30/10,Step dia. 4–30 mm. Steels up to 700 N/mm². Cutting speed: 20–30 m/minRotational speed range: 2,400–200 RPMl2HSSEAN 4007220HSS step drills, 3-piece setThe set includes three HSS step drills in the versions 4–12 mm (9 steps), 4–20 mm (9 steps),4–30 mm (14 steps) for industrial uses. To ensure reliable torque transmission, all step drillshave a three-surface shaft.The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage. The securing of the HSS stepdrills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.HSSEAN 4007220HSS step drillsHSS step drills for drilling and deburring thin sheets, pipes and profiles made from variousmaterials. To ensure reliable torque transmission, all step drills have a three-surface shaft.l2HSS step drills with HICOAT coating HC-FEPHSS step drills with premium HICOAT coating HC-FEP are wear resistant and versatile as they can be used to process steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, thermoplastics and duroplastics. To ensure reliable torque transmission, all step drills have a three-surface shaft.Step drills with a HICOAT coating HC-FEP provide good high-temperature hardness and resist-ance to oxidation. They can therefore also be used on hard materials without the addition of coolants.HC-FEPEAN 4007220HSS step drills with HICOAT coating HC-FEP, 3-piece setThe set includes three HSS step drills in the versions 4–12 mm (9 steps), 4–20 mm (9 steps), 4–30 mm (14 steps) with a premium HICOAT coating HC-FEP for industrial uses. To ensure reliable torque transmission, all step drills have a three-surface shaft.The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage. The securing of the HSS step drills facilitates the selection and withdrawal of the tools.HC-FEPEAN 4007220Conical countersinks from PFERD are characterized by their particularly sharp right-hand blades that are able to achieve very good results, even at low cutting speeds. The various types allow for countersinking and deburring when machining various types of materials, even in industrial environments. To ensure reliable torque transmission, conical countersinks have a three-surface shaft from a countersink diameter of 28 mm.PFERD also offers conical countersinks with a premium HICOAT coating. Tapered countersinks with a HICOAT coating provide good high-temperature hardness and resistance to oxidation. They can therefore also be used on hard materials without the addition of coolants.Advantages:■Very high stock removal rate and optimum chip removal.■Burr-free results, even with low cutting speeds.■Long tool life.■High surface quality of the workpiece. Materials that can be worked:■Steel■Cast steel■Stainless steel (INOX)■Non-ferrous metals■Cast iron■Plastics■Other materials Applications:■Chamfering■Deburring■Countersinking Recommendations for use:■Select the appropriate type depending on the countersink angle required and the material to be machined.■Use cutting oil or compressed air as a coolant and lubricant.■Please refer to the table for the recommended rotational speeds. Matching tool drives:■Power drills■Column drills■Machine tools■RobotSafety note:To ensure reliable torquetransmission, conicalcountersinks have athree-surface shaft froma countersink diameter of28 mm.HSS countersinks 90°■Particularly well suited for producingcountersinks for 90° screws.HSS countersinks 60°■Particularly well suited for countersinkingand deburring.HSS type HSS E Co5 (M35) type HSS HICOAT HC-FEP type■HSS countersink that is suitable foruniversal use on almost all materials.■HSS countersink that is suitable foruniversal use on almost all materials.■Long tool life.■Very good temperature resistance due toCo content.■HSS countersink that is suitable foruniversal use on almost all materials.■Very long tool life thanks to premiumHICOAT coating.■Can also be used without coolants andlubricants.Recommended rotational speed range [RPM]To determine the recommended cutting speed range [m/min], please proceed as follows:➊S elect the material group to be machined.➋ Select the type.➌ Establish the cutting speed range.To determine the recommended rotational speed range [RPM], please proceed as follows:➍S elect the required diameter.➎T he cutting speed range and the diameter determine the recommended rotationalspeed range.Example:Conical countersink KES HSS DIN 335 90°, countersink dia. 28.0 mm. Steels up to 700 N/mm². Cutting speed: 15–20 m/minRotational speed range: 170–220 RPMHSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinksHigh-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° for countersinking 90° screws for all common materials such as steel, cast steel and non-ferrous metals. To ensure reliable torque transmission, conical countersinks have a three-surface shaft from a countersink diameter of 28 mm.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsHSS EAN 4007220HSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersink setsThe sets include high-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° for countersinking 90° screws for all common materials such as steel, cast steel and non-ferrous metals. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsOrdering notes:■Select the set depending on the number of types required.HSSEAN 4007220l 1HSSE DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinks, Co5 typeHigh-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° for countersinking 90° screws for particularly tough and hard materials such as alloyed and high-strength steel and stainless steel (INOX). To ensure reliable torque transmission, conical countersinks have a three-surface shaft from a countersink diameter of 28 mm. Long tool life and temperature-resistant type due to Co content. Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsHSSE EAN 4007220l 1HSSE DIN 335 C 90° conical countersink sets, Co5 typeThe sets include high-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° forcountersinking 90° screws for particularly tough and hard materials such as alloyed and high-strength steel and stainless steel (INOX). Long tool life and temperature-resistant type due to Co content. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsOrdering notes:■Select the set depending on the number of types required.HSSEEAN 4007220HC-FEP EAN 4007220HSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersinks with HICOAT coating HC-FEPHigh-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° for countersinking 90° screws for particularly tough and hard materials such as alloyed and high-strength steel and stainless steel. To ensure reliable torque transmission, conical countersinks have a three-surface shaft from a countersink diameter of 28 mm. Thanks to the HICOAT coating HC-FEP, they have high hardness and wear resistance. They are very temperature resistant and have a particularly long tool life. They can also be used in a higher cutting speed range and without coolants and lubricants.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsl 1HSS DIN 335 C 90° conical countersink sets with HICOAT coating HC-FEPThe sets include high-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 90° forcountersinking 90° screws for particularly tough and hard materials such as alloyed and high-strength steel and stainless steel (INOX). Thanks to the HICOAT coating HC-FEP, they have high hardness and wear resistance. They are very temperature resistant and have a particularlylong tool life. They can also be used in a higher cutting speed range and without coolants and lubricants. The sturdy plastic box protects the tools from dirt and damage.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsOrdering notes:■Select the set depending on the number of types required.HC-FEPEAN 4007220HSS EAN 4007220HSS DIN 334 C 60° conical countersinksHigh-performance countersink tools with a countersink angle of 60° for deburring all common materials such as steel, cast steel and non-ferrous metals.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materialsl1High-performance flat countersinks made from HSS according to DIN 373 for countersinking cylinder head and hexagon screws as well as nuts. Flat countersinks have a cylindrical design. The cylindrical pilot in the relevant quality grades of fine, medium or tapping hole ensures coaxial alignment of the countersink to the bore.Advantages:■Very high stock removal rate.■Optimum chip removal.■Burr-free results.■Long tool life.■Smooth operation.■Good surface quality.Materials that can be worked:■Steel■Cast steel■Stainless steel (INOX)■Non-ferrous metals■Cast iron■Plastics■Other materialsApplications:■Produce flat countersinks in the qualitygrades fine (F), medium (M) and tappinghole (GKL).Recommendations for use:■Please observe the recommendedrotational speed.Matching tool drives:■Power drills■Column drills■Machine tools■RobotQuality grade fine (F)Quality grade medium (M)For tapping hole (GKL)■Flat countersinks with the quality gradeof fine are suitable for producing flatcountersinks at through holes or blindholes in the tolerance range of fine withhigh mounting accuracy.■Flat countersinks with the quality grademedium are suitable for producing flatcountersinks at through holes or blindholes in the tolerance range of mediumwith extended mounting accuracy.■Flat countersinks for the tapping hole aresuitable for producing flat countersinks atcore holes for female threads.Recommended rotational speed range [RPM]To determine the recommended cutting speed range [m/min], please proceed as follows:➊S elect the material group to be machined.➋ Select the type.➌ Establish the cutting speed range.To determine the recommended rotational speed range [RPM], please proceed as follows:➍S elect the required diameter.➎T he cutting speed range and the diameter determine the recommended rotationalspeed range.Example:Flat countersinkFLS HSS DIN 373 15,0 F, Flat countersink dia. 15 mm. Steels up to 700 N/mm². Cutting speed: 10–20 m/minRotational speed range: 220–440 RPMF EAN 4007220HSS DIN 373 flat countersink quality grade fine for through holeHigh-performance countersink tools for through holes with the quality grade fine (F) according to ISO 273.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materials2M EAN 4007220HSS DIN 373 flat countersink quality grade medium for through holeHigh-performance countersink tools for through holes with the quality grade medium (M) according to ISO 273.Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materials2GKL EAN 4007220HSS DIN 373 flat countersinks for tapping holeHigh performance countersink tools with guide pilots for the tapping hole (GKL). Materials that can be worked:■steel, cast steel, stainless steel (INOX), non-ferrous metals, cast iron, plastics, other materials23/2020S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l m o d i fi c a t i o n s .PFERD produces TC ground contact countersinks flexibly and precisely according to the cus -tomer‘s specifications. They are used to produce precisely circular ground contact points. Com -pared to the use of brushes, not only are precise ground contact points achieved, but also high surface qualities for optimum conductivity. Thanks to their depth gauge, the stock removal is predefined extremely precisely. The tools meet the guidelines from well-known manufacturers from aircraft construction since they were developed together with aircraft manufacturers in order to be used in the manufacture and maintenance of airplanes and helicopters.Contact us in order to develop your individual tool solution together with us. Our worldwide sales addresses and contact details can be found at .Advantages:■Special solution for producing precisely defined circular ground contact points. ■Low contact resistance/top conductivity due to milled surface instead of brushed surface and chips instead of dust.■Precisely defined stock removal thanks to depth gauge.■Good dimensional accuracy compared to the brush.■Extremely high tool life with consistent quality from the first to the last use.■Flexible tool design according to the cus-tomer‘s wishes with close tolerances. ■Coordinated drive and tool from a single source.Materials that can be worked:■Aluminium■Painted or otherwise treated surfacesRecommendations for use:■Use the TC ground contact countersinkswith a rotational speed of 400 RPM.Contact us for further information on these special tool drives.Our worldwide sales addresses and contact data can be found at .Matching tool drives:SP = keyless fast clamping system S = changing tools with 2 keys ➊T M-B DEB 1/004 45° S3Rotational speed: max. 400 RPM Power: 2 watts286253023➋ TM-B DEB 1/004 90° S3Rotational speed: max. 400 RPM Power: 2 watts232528130➌ TM-B DEB 1/004 SP3Rotational speed: max. 400 RPM Power: 2 watts15288253023。

高速钢1. 概述高速钢High Speed Steels又名风钢或锋钢,意思是淬火时即使在空气中冷却也能硬化,并且很锋利。
它在高速切削产生高热情况下(约500℃)仍能保持高的硬度,HRC 能在60以上。
2. 主要生产厂我国上钢五厂、河冶科技是生产高速钢的主要生产厂。
3. 主要进口生产国家我国主要从日本、俄罗斯、德国、奥地利、法国、乌克兰、巴西等国进口。
4. 种类有钨系高速钢、钼系高速钢和钴系高速钢三大类。
钨系高速钢有W 18 CR 4 V,钼系高速钢有W 6 Mo 5 Cr 4 V 2 ,钴系高速钢有W6Mo 5Cr 4 V 2Co5、W 2 Mo 9 Cr 4 V Co 8等。

微孔加工方法在孔加工过程中,应防止出现孔径扩大、孔直线度过大、工件表面粗拙度差及钻头过快磨损等问题,以防影响钻孔质量和增大加工成本,应尽量保证以下的技术要求 : ①尺寸精度:孔的直径和深度尺寸的精度;②形状精度:孔的圆度、圆柱度及轴线的直线度;③地点精度:孔与孔轴线或孔与外圆轴线的同轴度;孔与孔或孔与其余表面之间的平行度、垂直度等。
深孔加工:一般把长径比 L( 孔深与孔径比 ) 大于 5 的孔称为深孔。
机械钻削加工一、 HSS-E(高性能高速钢)钻头因为长钻头自己的稳固度不好,所以在加工过程中一定采纳较低的切削参数,而 HSS较低的红硬性也要求进一步降低其切削速度。
切削液被加压泵打入钻杆内( 压力约为3MPa-8MPa),而后流过切削刃,当切削液沿着刀具和零件孔壁间的V形截面空间流出时,将切屑带走。


• 钨钼系高速钢典型牌号为W6Mo5Cr4V2,目前正在取代钨系高速钢,具有碳化物细小分布均匀,耐磨性高,成本低等一系列优点。
这三个牌号的普通高速钢在中国市场的比例分别为:W18Cr4V,16.5%;W6Mo5Cr4V2 69%;W9Mo3Cr4V11%。
• 高碳系高速钢牌号为9w18Cr4V,因含碳量高(0.9%),故硬度、耐磨性及热硬性都比较好。

1. 工作材料:不同的材料有不同的硬度和切削性能,因此需要根据工作材料来选择合适的转速。
2. 钻头直径:钻头直径的大小也会对转速的选择产生影响。
3. 可用速度范围:合金钻头的转速有一个可用的速度范围,通常在钻头的产品说明书或技术参数表中可以找到。
进给参数的选择应综合考虑以下几个因素:1. 工作材料:不同的材料对进给参数的要求也不同。
2. 钻头直径:钻头直径的大小也会对进给参数的选择产生影响。
3. 钻孔深度:钻孔深度较大时,进给速度应选择较低,以避免钻头过热和提高钻孔质量;而钻孔深度较小时,进给速度可以适当增加,以提高工作效率。

优点: • 定位好 • 加工精度高
缺点: • 钻尖强度差 • 受力分布不理想
• 孔口无毛刺
by Xu_Hanguang
The Tool Company
by Xu_Hanguang
The Tool Company Art.-Nr. 653
DIN 最大钻深 1897 DZ DZ (3xD) 338 (5xD) 339 DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ 340 DZ DZ DZ 1869 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
直柄麻花钻 Type VA (V2A/V4A)
圆弧后刀面 顶角: 130 度 螺旋角: 比标准的(30度)大 钻芯锥度: 标准 直径公差 Ø : h 8 螺旋角 35度
by Xu_Hanguang
The Tool Company
HSS 直柄麻花钻
标准品范围: 3 ~13,00 mm
by Xu_Hanguang
by Xu_Hanguang
502 503 504 670 671
618 619
The Tool Company
麻花钻 GT100(抛物钻)
TIN coated
FireX coated
Type N – 圆柱柄
螺旋角 = 20°-30° 圆弧后刀面 顶角 = 118° 标准钻头,主要用来加工拉伸强度不超 过1200 N/mm² 合金或非合金钢, 灰铸铁, 球墨铸铁 以及 粉末金属

加工材料钻头直径(ød)切削速度V(m/min)进给量f(mm/r)进给速度F(mm/min)加工材料钻头直径(ød)切削速度V(m/min)进给量f(mm/r)进给速度F(mm/min) 623.60.11251075.40.15360 825.50.121221589.50.18342 1025.10.1411220103.60.22363 15260.189925117.80.25375 2025.50.2289301130.28336 25240.2576351040.3285 30220.286540100.50.33264 35200.35540190.35531062.80.2400 45170.42501584.80.22396 60150.5402094.20.25375251020.28364 620.70.151653094.20.3300 823.90.21903593.40.33280 1023.60.261954087.90.35245 1525.90.321762025.10.381522527.50.421473026.40.481343519.80.529440150.55664514.10.6606014.10.65492. 对孔的精度要求较高或孔表面粗糙度要求较高时,内冷充分冷却。
高速钢钻头的切削用量(推荐值)铸铁(HB120~225)硬质合金钻头的切削用量(推荐值)碳素结构钢和优质碳素结构钢(HB125~225)铸铁(HB120~225)注:1. 以上切削参数使用条件:孔深=3ød;硬质合金钻头 可适当提高转速,降低进给量。
碳素结构钢和优质碳素结构钢(HB125~225)钻头直径mm 15φ< 30~15φφ< 50~30φφ<进给量 mm/r0.05~0.15 0.15~0.25 0.20~0.30硬质合金钻头线速度 min /120~100m =ν高速钢钻头(HSS) 1> Q235-A min /30m =ν 2> 16Mn min /20m =ν切削速度ν:刀类相对于工件的线速度转速即圆周长ו•=n d πν高速钢钻头线速度:min /03~25m =ν进给量(吃刀量)mm/r 钻头每转一转走的长度(轴向),取:0.2mm/r(齿数)刃Z /×mm 取0.1~0.2 mm/刃硬质合金钻头线速度min /120~100m =ν孔的精度:孔径公差;孔的表面光洁度 钻孔精度:孔距公差;孔的垂直度THE TWIST DRILLSThe twist drill is the more simple tool for drilling holes cylindrical, usually from solid.The twist drill is formed by:x by a cylindrical or conical shank to center on the spindle of the machine and transmit the cutting torque (by friction or drag tooth)x by a cylindrical part in which are carried two opposing helical grooves, which intersect with surface ends form the two main cutting edges.The two helical grooves allow the evacuation of the chip that is formed at the cutting edges, and lead near the same, the lubricating/coolant fluid .Characteristic elements of endsThe check or driving surfaces (with rake angle lower by about 2°) are formed by two off-set diametrically opposed to the limit of the helical grooves and have a dual function: à driving the tip into the hole without even the jam during drilling, because thecontact between the drill and sides of the hole is limited.à finishing the cylindrical surface of the hole.The central core (central scraping edge) between the two grooves has a diameter (0.1~0.2) × D and provides to give the torsional strength to the drill during machining. However for a hole made by a twist drill we can be obtained the maximum standard ofIT 10 and a roughness Ra> 1.8 mm, which often must be finished with other processes such as boring or grinding.Caracteristic anglesİ :Inclination angle of helix .It is formed ythe tangent of the helix average with axisof the drill. Its value is so smaller as harderSEZ N-Nis the material to machining.ij:Angle of cutters. It is the angle formedby the two main cutter.Ȗ:Upper rake angleȕ:Cutting angleĮ:Lower rake angleThe characteristic angles can assume different values in according to the material to be machined and the diameter of the drill.WORKING CONDITIONS IN DRILLINGRelative motion and cutting parametersThe main relative motions are the motion of cutting and the move of advance or feed. The motion of cutting is the main motion of the machine, and is what determines the removal of chip.On the drilling machine it is rotating type and is acted by the tool.The motion of cutting can be expressed both as cuttingspeed, both as rotary speed.The cutting speed, denoted by V (m / min), represents therelative speed between tool and workpiece, at the pointwhere it be removed the chip, therefore the speedwherewith the material can be cut.It is equivalent to peripheral speed of the tool, that is thespeed of point P shown in the figure, which is tangent tothe circle of point P in same sense of rotation. The cuttingspeed is not constant along all points of the cutting edge,but varies from a maximum (cutting speed rated) at thepoint P to a zero value at the axis of the tool.The value set depends on: material processing, material ofthe tool and diameter of the drill.There are tables indicating the value needed depending onworking conditions.The cutting speed and the speed of rotation are related by:This relation calculates the number of rounds to select on the drilling machine, after determining the cutting speed more suitable for processing.The movement of advance or feed aims to bring new material from the tool contact. It is a movement much slower than the motion of cutting.On drilling machine it is a translational motion and is impressed to the tool, according to its axis, in a continuous and simultaneous movement of the cutting.The movement forward can be expressed as feed per revolution, both as speed of advancement.Advancement per revolution, indicated by a (mm / rev), representing the movement of the tool for every lap completed by the same tool.Its value depends on the diameter and material of tool, as well as the material processing. For the selection of the advanced exist tables that suggest the value needed depending on conditions of work.Speed of advancement, indicated by Va (mm / min), represents the speed with which the tool moves, hence the speed with which the processing proceeds.The two magnitude are related by the following relation:Indeed, if a indicates the tool displacement per revolution, multiplying its the number for the revolutions n made in a minute, you get the movement of the tool for each minutes; that is its speed of advancement.SECTION OF THE CHIPThe section of the chip, denoted by q, in the case of a twist drill,takes the form of a parallelogram equivalent to a rectangle ofheight equal to half of the feed per revolution and a basis equalto the radius of the drill. (D / 2 represents the depth of cut in thecase of drilling a hole from solid).Indeed, if for every round of the drill advances of a step equal to a(advancement per revolution), each of cutters to remove a chipwith a side a / 2.In this case, the section area of the chip removed from each edge is:Cutting forceCutting forces required on both edges of the twist drill to detach the chip depend :x from material of workpiece, through the load or pressure to tear Ks (N/mm2).x from total chip section Q = 2 x q (mm 2) detached from the tool.These forces, one for each main cutting edge, supposedly applied approximately half the length of the cutting edge.Each of them takes the value:section of one cutter chipthere is a cutting force :withThen foreach cutterOn average it is considered that : xKs = (4,2 y 5) Rm for cast ironwitch Rm the diameter of drill nd with higher values he total cutting force is :x Ks = (4,8 y 6) Rm for steels and non-ferrous materials In is strength of the material in N/mms decreases with increasing of the advanced. However keep in mind that the value of K a TCUTTING POWERcreate a torque (cutting moment). with dimension b in metres.Looking where the cutting forces are positioned you can see that they form a couple of forces that The value is:aller values forrittle materials (cast iron), higher values for lasting materials (steel).sional stress, where the torque is equal and opposite to the utting moment.sics we know that in rotary motion, the power is calculated using the followinglation:The value of arm b is assumed, the approximate equivalent to D / 2, but in reality its value varies with the type of material that is drilled. In particular b = (0.45÷ 0.60) × D : sm b The tool is subject to a tor c From phyre Where M is sum of torques applied to the body respect to its axis of rotation. nd Ȧ is the angular velocity of the body. the case of drilling:xM represents the moment of cutting forces, then as we saw earlier.with dimension b in metresxȦ is the angular velocity of twist drills.with n number of rounds of the drill ino the cutting power is:aInSWhereand :he power required for the advancement of twist drills can be neglected, because little. tearing of the chip, but also all the sses may be present in transmission of motion.o account for this power dissipation introduces the mechanical efficiency: echanical efficiencyom which flows: T So that the processing is possible, the engine power of the drill must be capable of winning not only the moment of resistance due to lo T m fr that allows us to calculate the engine outputen we known the effective power of cutting and the mechanical efficiency of the achine.he mechanical efficiencyȘ depends on the state of the machine: h = 0.6 ¸ 0.8. power, wh m T It has the condition of maximum utilization of the drilling machine when the power eveloped by its motor c Working timedoincides with the available power of the engine.The relation that calculates the working time is the following:he tool, is With reference to the figure we see that the travel,that is the distance that who must run t e sum of four quantities, namely:th L is the depth of the holee 1 is the overtravel attack : e 1 = 1÷ 2 mm e 2 is the overtravel output : e 2 = 1 2 mml p is the height of the drill cone : l p = ~ 0.33 × DRegarding the height of th edges, with the following considerations of trigonometry.angle OAB is noted that:e drill cone, the approximate value lp = ~ 0.33 × D, can bereplaced by the correct value function of the cuttingFrom the tri from the definition of tangent:which is calculated:For example in the case of a twist drillø 20 for drilling steel with Rm <700 N/mm2 withngle of the cutting edges M = 118 ° is calculated:aE XEMPLEecessary power and time to drill a trough hole ( Tool in high speed steel ) eatures:nd N/mm 2Mechanical efficiency Ș = 0,75alculation of poweralculation of working timeel with Rm <700 N/mm2 and with angle of thecutting edges M = 118°, it is calculated:N F Hole diameter D = 16 mm Hole deep L = 25 mm Feed a = 0,2 mm/rou Cutting speed V = 32 m/min Material strength Rm = 600C We can assume:We think to can select exactly this speed on drilling machineCutting powerOutput power of motorC If we use a twist drillø 20 for drilling ste We assume。

4)与国际标准接轨,降低编程的工作量5)严格加工程序的规范与标准6)高质量的程序可以提高产品质量B.培训的目的1)提高程序的质量2)规范刀具与工步的名称3)编制标准规范的程序4)文件及程序的标准化,规范化5)便于DNC系统的实施与高质量6)降低辅助时间,提高加工效率7)所有数控相关人员必须掌握一、 1.1 程序文件夹与文件的命名规范对于各位编程员的编制的程序有必要进行规范,1.为了安全起见,编制的程序不得放到C盘,原则上放到D和E盘,文件夹可以直接用本工序命名,例如 d:\数控车程序和加工中心程序\577642.单工序的程序文件一般格式有TXT,*NC 等格式,所以在命名本工序的程序文档名称时必须规范,原则上就是参照程序名称的命名原则来命名,这就是说,操作工进入节点的时候必须知道程序的全部信息,才可以调用,3.例如57764-A-OP5/L1-F-1.TXT57764-A 代表产品图号和图号版本C1 是车加工工序一。
例如;O1001 (57764-A-OP5/L1-F-01)57764-A-OP5/L1-F-0157764-A 代表产品图号和图号及版本OP5/L1是数控车加工一F是FANUC系统01 是标识程序的修改版本号注意事项:1.图纸版本必须添加,2.表格内的红色必须注释3.黑色的是选择注释2.1加工中心刀具工步规范刀具名称规范图表加工中心刀具英文规范名称图表加工中心刀具中文规范名称2.2加工中心刀具规范—缩写EM SPM BM FAM RAMCHRM SLM TAM DOM LOLMDRM REM BOM TAPR TAPLCDRM SPD CNBM CSM 2.3加工中心工步注释规范2.4表格技术资料加工中心使用刀具技术资料加工中心的程序编制需要根据实际情况来选择合适的切削参数,1请各位工程师及技术人员根据实际情况选择合适的切削速度及背吃刀量和进给来编制程序和调试程序,2数控加工中心的切削参数选择是根据机床的功率,工件的结构,刀具的切削参数来合理的选择切削参数,3 一般加工中心的是分进给MM/min 但是主要结合刀具的V C线速度来计算转速,根据刀具的f z齿进给计算MM/N 这样就可以计算MM/MIN,V C=3.14*D*n/1000 根据刀具直径来计算转速f n=F Z*Z V f=fn*n V C线速度f n转进给V f是分进给Z是刀具齿数4新产品程序编制尽量使用中量的切削参数5技术员以及班长可以负责新产品的程序调试及优化修改,修改完毕需要上传DNC服务器机床库存档。
SH-Series 迷你型高速水压铣钻机说明书

SH-SeriesCompaCt HydrauliC pressAvailable in 2.5 - 15 TonoverviewSH-Series Hydraulic Press is a mid-range compact, high-speed hydraulic press designed to satisfy a wide range of production’s needs. This press package comes standard with a 240V/480V, 3 phases, self-contained hydraulic power unit and an air/oil heat exchanger forthose high duty production applications.DescriptionModel SH-250Model SH-300/400Model SH-500Force Range 2,000 lbs. - 5,000 lbs.3,500 lbs. – 20,000 lbs.7,400 lbs. – 30,000 lbs.Stroke (Standard) 6" 6" 6" Cylinder Bore 3.250" 4" 5" Ram Diameter 1.375" 2.000" 3.000" Reservoir Capacity 16 Gallons 23 Gallons 25 Gallons Motor H.P. 3 HP / 1,800 RPM / 3 phase / TEFC5 HP / 1,800 RPM / 3 phase / TEFC5 HP / 1,800 RPM / 3 phase / TEFCDaylight (Standard) 12" 14-1/2" 16" Throat (Standard) 6.250" 6.250" 8.250" Approx. Weight 700 lbs. 1,100 lbs. 1,700 lbs. Floor Stand Weight205 lbs.205 lbs.405 lbs.Approach 420 300 165 Press 65 60 40 Return440320210Minimum 250 250 250 Maximum6001,5001,500wHat makes us Better?Our team at Air-Hydraulics will work closely with you to design one of our SH-Series Hydraulic Presses to suit your needs. You’ll have the peace of mind in knowing that your press will be built using only quality components and tailored workmanship. Along with quality, you get a hydraulic press designed with an open architectural control system. This gives you flexibility to add control integration and/or process monitoring now or when you need to.advantages• Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinder • Standard Two-Hand Non-Tie Down Controls• Air / Oil Heat Exchanger • Minimal Heat Generated• Heavy Duty C-Frame Construction • A Variety of Open Architectural Designed Controls• Ability To Custom Design To Meet Your Application SpecssH-series press dimensionssH-series Features & optionsOur objective is to offer you a solution to your assembly and forming needs. If our standard features or available options do not meet your application requirements, please consult our factory to see about us offering an affordable solution to meet your design needs.• “Opto-Touch” Control Buttons, Non-Tie Down Control Circuit • Rapid Ram Advance Using a Hi-Lo System• Anti-Rotation Ram Guide• 240V/480V, 3 Phase, Self-Contained Power Unit with HeatExchanger• Oil Level Gauge• Nema Enclosure• 120V Control Voltagestandard FeaturesavailaBle options• Matching Floor Stands• Pressure / Dwell / Distance Return Options• Adjustable Downstop• Jog Control Circuit• Fault Circuit Control Package (E-FI)• Increased Stroke Lengths• Press Frame Modifications• Other Voltage OptionsCustom designed options• Light Curtains & Guarding Packages• PLC Control Options• 4-Post and 2-Post Designs• Load Cell & Distance Monitoring Packages• Selectable Modes of Operation• Control Systems Designed for Future Expansion• Custom Tooling and Fixture Packages• Emergency Stop Control Circuit• 24vDC Control Circuit• Linear Position Transducer• Custom Control PackagesModel SH-500 15 TonS6" overall Stroke14.00" daylight opening 8.25" Throat depthsH-series Control paCkage optionsSH-Series Compact Hydraulic Press comes standard with basic two-hand non-tie down electric (110v) relay logic control package. Operator initiates and maintains both actuators at the same time to advance the press stroke. Once the operator releases one or both actuators, the ram returns to home position.Auto Ram Return options:(Add to the above standard control package)SH-PSTd: Pressure with Timer Return:Pressure sensor initiates an adjustable press dwell timer which returns the ram SH-PSdR: Distance ReturnAdjustable distance sensor initiates returns the ram SH-PSRR: Pressure Only Return:Pressure sensor only initiates the return of the ramSH-JCC: Jog Control CircuitOperator initiates and maintains both actuators at the same time to advance the press stroke. If the operator releases one of both actuators during the downward stroke, the ram stops downward motion. The operator can either proceed with the downward cycle by re-initiating the actuators until the auto ram return option is meet (see auto ram return options), or the operator can manually retract the ram to home position by pressing the manual ram return button (Note: includes SH-PSTD Pressure with Timer Return as the standard auto ram return option)other Available options:(please consult factory)• 24vDC Control Circuit • Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) • Emergency Stop Control Circuit • Light Curtains and Guarding • Rod End Load Cell • Linear Position Transducer • Press Force and Distance Monitoring • Custom Designed Control SystemsAir-Hydraulics is committed to delivering quality products on time to achieve customer satisfaction. Air-Hydraulics uses a process approach to achieve this policy in accordance with ISO 9001 and is committed to continually improve at this process.iso 9001 registered (witH design) **********************Phone: 1-800-837-4355Document No.: SH01Revision: Original。
HS钻孔技术 43技术锚固件钻孔工具钻孔技术配件墙锚定器信息说明书

Portable drilling machine KSHV Blow out nozzle for KSHV
532 Portable drilling machine KSHV
127 265
` Portable undercutting drilling machine with vacuum foot
33 ` Diamond tipped facade drill bit for through
holes 34 ` Roller conveyor drilling table KRT 47 ` Cooling water supply 62 ` Filter cartridge 62 ` Water pressure tank 63 ` Cooling lubricant 63 ` Fastener set 1 65 ` Whetstone 66 ` Wooden case for transportation of KSDV,
Portable drilling machine KRDV
` The portable drilling machines are used for professional mobile drilling and undercutting of small batches, infill and special size panels.
KSHV and KRDV 65 ` Seal for vacuum foot 66 ` Ball bearing 66 ` Carbon brush set 66 ` Cable integrated circuit breaker 67 ` Water locking 67 ` Silencer 67 ` Corrosion inhibitor 68

3、江钻牙轮钻头表示方法江钻三牙轮钻头型号由四部分组成:钻头直径代号钻头系列代号钻头分类号钻头附加结构特征代号示例:8 1/2MD517X8 1/2:钻头直径8.5英寸(215.9mm)MD:高速马达钻头系列代号517:适合低抗压强度和高可钻性地层的镶齿钻头X:主切削齿为凸顶楔形齿1)钻头直径代号:用数字(整数或分数)表示,单位一般为英寸。
钻头应用表配套系统——轴承和性能3)三牙轮钻头分类号、江钻牙轮钻头与IADC编码对应表和钻头类型与地层级别对应关系表:分类号采用SPE/IADC 23937的规定,由三位数字组成,首位数为切削结构类别及地层系列号,第二位为地层分级号,末位数为钻头结构特征代号。
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(2)如发生主轴停止转动,为避免损伤刀刃,请先关闭电机,逆方向回转1mm 左右后再回升电机。