高中英语作文-亨利-福特(Henry Ford)
高中英语作文亨利:福特(Henry Ford)亨利·福特尽管亨利·福特的名字和大生产的概念相连,但他在劳工保护上得到同样的赞誉,因为他早在1913年便实行了用今天的标准来衡量依然是先进的标准。
although henry ford’s name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered advanced even by today’s standards. safety measures were improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, compared with the ten-or twelve-hour day common at the time. in order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.in addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured on the job were instituted. the ford motor company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an english language school for immigrants. some efforts were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts.the most widely acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was offered in order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions. ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing. he also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced -- in effect creating a market for the product. in order to qualify for the minimum wage, anemployee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness, industriousness, and dependability. although some CRIticism was directed at ford for involving himself too much in the personal lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken advantage of in frightful ways, henry ford was helping many people to establish themselves in america.。
亨利福特 英文介绍
Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the
Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.However, the company was not successful and was dissolved soon.His second company——the Henry Ford,his racing cars are the main products.He even won the game by driving his own car on
Born:July 30, 1863
Died:April 7, 1947 (aged 83)
Nationality:American Occupation:Founder of Ford Motor Company
In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. After his promotion to Chief Engineer in 1893, he had enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on gasoline engines. These experiments culminated in 1896 with the completion of a self-propelled vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle.
automobile experimentation.
Encouraged by Edison, Ford designed and built a second vehicle, completing it in 1898.
新概念英语背诵短文:Henry Ford(亨利·福特)
新概念英语背诵短文:Henry Ford(亨利·福特)新概念英语背诵短文:Henry Ford(亨利·福特)Although Henry Ford’s name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equalcredit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered advanced even by today’s standards.即使亨利·福特的名字和大生产的概念相连,但他在劳工保护上得到同样的赞誉,因为他早在1913年便实行了用今天的标准来衡量依然是先进的标准。
Safety measures were improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, compared with the ten-or twelve-hour day common at the time.安全措施得到改进,日工作时间从当时普遍的10或12小时减少到8小时。
In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.为了适合更短的日工作时间,整个工厂从双班变成了三班。
In addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured on the job were instituted.而且,病假和改善了的工伤医疗得以制度化。
The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants.福特汽车公司是最早建立技术学校来培训专门技工和为移民开设英语学校的工厂之一。
One hundred years ago today the firstModel Ts hit the market . The Model T wasn’t among the first cars ever made ;Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler made those .The boxy, black car made from steel wasn’t the fanciest either . Actually ,what made the Model T special was how ordinary it was . A technological marvel yes , but one common people could afford.一百多年前的今天,这款Ts车子搅动了整个汽车市场。
这个人名叫“福特”The man named FordHenry Ford , the person behind the Model T and Ford MotorCompany , was born in 1863. A farmer’s son , Henry became more interested in machines than farm chores. Against his father’s wishes , he became a mechanic’s assistant at age 16. In the 1890s, inventors began making automobiles, and Ford, an engineer at the time , hopped on the bandwagon . He spent long hours working in a shed behind his home , causing his neighbors to call him “Crazy Henry.”Then at 2:00 a.m.on June 4, 1896, he drove through a wall of the shed in his first automobile. This automobile eventually led to the formation of Ford Motor Company.亨利.福特,是T字型车和福特汽车公司名下的负责人,生于1863年。
亨利福特汽车工业的创新者与工厂制造的奠基人亨利福特(Henry Ford)是汽车工业的创新者和工厂制造的奠基人,他的影响和贡献对于现代工业以及全球汽车行业都至关重要。
汽车研发工程师:亨利·福特(Henry Ford)人物简介
• 他的家庭生活与他的商业生涯形成了鲜明的对比
• 两人育有四个孩子,他们的家庭生活非常和谐
• 他认为,企业应该承担起社会责任,为社会做出贡献
• 福特汽车公司为社会公益事业做出了许多贡献,得到了广泛的好评
• 他相信,只有不断学习,才能保持竞争力
• 父亲是一位失败的农民和木
• 在密歇根州的一家机器制造
• 在底特律的一家电力公司担
• 亨利·福特在农场度过了童
• 学习了机械制图、金属加工
• 负责安装和维护发电机、蒸
• 这种方式可以降低生产成本,提高生产效率
• 同时也有利于汽车的维修和保养
• 这对汽车行业的发展产生了深远的影
• 这种生产方式被其他汽车制造商广泛
• 他的这种精神得到了广泛的认可和尊敬
• 他喜欢在旅行中了解不同文化,拓宽视野
• 他喜欢打高尔夫球,这是一种放松身心的方式
• 他认为,员工是公司最重要的资源,应该得到充分的关心和照顾
• 福特汽车公司为员工提供了良好的工作环境和福利待遇
3、服务要先于获利。企业依靠利润而生存。也就是说获得的本身并不是错的。以公 平方式交易的企业必能得到利润回报,但利润的到来必然要建立在良好的服务之上。 利润无法成为基础,而他必然是服务的障碍。
亨利 ·福特
颇有怨言, 反而对鼓捣
17岁那年,他独自一人到位 于底特律的密西根汽车制造公司 上班去了。但在这家拥有2000人 的底特律最大的工厂,福特只工 作六天就辞职不干了,原因是“ 该公司优秀的的员工需要花费好 几个小时才能修复的机器,我只 要30分钟就可以修好,因而其他员工对我十分不满”(福特 语)。后来,他又先后从事过机械修理、手表修理、船舶修 理等工作,并且还一边工作一边参加夜校学习,以便将来能 够“不屈居于人下被别人利用而过一生,自己开一家制造机 械的工厂”。为了实现这一目标,他还告别了富庶而温馨的 家,到爱迪生电气公司边工作国学习电气知识。
底 特 律 爱 迪 生 电 灯 公 司 当 技 术
员, 后升 为总工程 师。他潜心设计汽车 , 1 8 9 6年试制成一辆二 汽缸 气冷式 四马力汽车。1 8 9 8年辞职 , 成立 了第一 家汽车公 司, 但 只生产 了 2 5 辆 汽车后便 于 1 9 0 0年破产 。 1 9 0 3年福特 6 月1 6日再次成立汽车公 司, 并一直担任 总经理 。 同年 , 公 司生 产 出第一辆福特 牌汽车。1 9 0 8年福特汽车公 司生产 出世界上
将本 土企业 的文化 、 管理、 营 销等理 念
与对 方融合 , 并 爆发新 的增 长极 , 也 是 米 塔 尔今 后 更 需 关注 的 因素 。 作者 简 介
赏, 纷 纷表示 此次并购 案 是一 次 “ 理性
的婚姻” 。
我国民营钢铁 龙头老大 ,中国东 方集 团
的 年 产 量 虽 然 只 占 中 国 钢 铁 总 产 量 的
X I A N D A I B A N Z U l 现 代 班 组
理 念 前 沿. <
亨利 ・ 福特 ( He n r y F o r d ,
1 8 6 3 . 7 —1 9 4 7 . 4 ) ,生 于 美 国 密 歇
2 0 世纪最伟大的企业家——亨利・ 福特
根 州格 林费 尔德 城。亨利 自学成
职位 上 ,没有一 系列的上 下 级权 力等级 ,也 几乎 没有 头 衔 ,没有会议 ……没有繁 文
亨利 ・ 福 特是 世界 上 第
第一辆属 于普通 百姓 的汽车——T型车 ,这种 大众化 汽车深 受欢迎 , 畅销欧洲 , 世界汽 车工业革命就此开始。1 9 1 1 年在 密 苏里州堪萨斯城 建成 第一 家汽 车装 配工厂。 亨利 ・ 福特非常注意他与其雇 员的关 系。 他 的雇 员每天 工
亨利 福特简介
1880年,独自一人到位于底特津的密西根汽车制造工 厂上班。六天后辞职。目标:“不屈居于人下被别人利 用而过一生,自己开一家制造机械的工厂”。 1887年,进底特律爱迪生照 明公司当技术员。
1891年,福特成为爱迪生照 明公司的一个工程师。 1893年,晋升为主工程师。
2003林肯Fra bibliotek1922年,亨利收购林肯(Lincoln)汽车公司。
林肯大陆 金正日遗 体告别现 场
水星品牌的独特之处在于,它是福特汽车 公司唯一自创的品牌。
1924年,孙中山先生致信亨利·福特。 1978年,亨利·福特二世与邓小平举行了会
1896年,他制造了他的第一辆汽车,他 将它命名为“四轮车”。
1899年,福特又成功地制作出了三辆汽 车。 此后,他与别人合作成立了底特律汽车公 司并任制造部经理。
福特A型车 福 特 型 车
1978年,邓小 平先生会见亨 利·福特二世
20%的股份,共同开发商用车全顺(Transit)。 1997年12月2日,第一部真正中外共同开发的 汽车福特·全顺下线。
2001年4月25日,福特汽车公司和长安汽车集团成立了长安 福特汽车有限公司,双方各拥有50%的股份,专业生产满足中 国消费者需求的轿车。 2003年1月18日,长安福特首辆投产的轿车—福特嘉年华正
Henry Ford
大学英语二福特先生的故事Ford's Assembly lineIt is hard for modern people to imagine the life one hundred years ago. No television, no plastic, no ATMs, no DVDs. Illnesses like tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia meant only death. Of course, cloning appeared only in science fiction. Not to mention, computer and Internet.对于一百年前的生活,今天的人们是很难想象的。
Today, our workplace are equipped with assembly lines, fax machines, computers. Our daily life is cushioned by air conditioners, cell phones. Antiobitics helped created a long list of miracle drugs. The bypass operation saved millions. The discovery of DNA has revolutionized the way scientists think about new therapies. Man finally stepped on the magical and mysterious Moon. With the rapid changes we have been experiencing, the anticipation for the future is higher than ever.一百年以后的今天,在上班时,我们有装配流水线、传真机、电脑。
福特N型车 1906年
1908年秋,令人注目的T型车隆重问世了。T型车在设计思 路、生产、零售定价、销售组织、售后服务等许多方面都采用 了与众不同的方法。T型车的各种零件被首次设计成统一规格, 实现了总成互换;在大型总装车间,别人发明的流水线装配法 被发展成为了由机械传送带运送零件和工具,极大地提高了工 作效率;采用低定价(每辆车只售850美元,后又降至360美元) 的销售策略,使大多数人都能购买得起;提供充足的零部件和 及时的售后服务保障,消除了用户的后顾之忧;大幅度提高工 人工资(实行“8小时5美元工作日”--相当于原工资的200%以 上,汽车界及金融界一致反对,纷纷预言他将破产),以求提 高工作效率、降低生产成本(1914年,公司以不足13000人生 产了730000辆汽车,获利3000万美元)。
4、做生意事实上并不是在市场上寻求差价。他是一个用公平的价格购入原料,以最 小的成本来将原材料转变为消费品之后再回报给消费者的过程。投机和不利于别人的 交易,只会减缓此过程的发展速度。
亨利.福特︰给社会大众提供行动自由亨利.福特(Henry Ford, 1863-1947)说:“历史是或多或少的废话,唯一值得提的只有我们今天创造的历史。
”讽刺的事实,虽然亨利福特漠视历史,但是福特T型车(Model T)的畅销与普及大众,却彻底改变了整个社会、生活模式、商业和历史。
“是的,他是一个生逢其时的人,但这就是我们今天称之为远见”,密歇根大学商业史教授刘易斯(David Lewis)说道。
1901年亨利福特与Childe 合资成立亨利福特公司,但与其他投资人不合没多久即离开,该公司在亨利‧李兰入股后改名为凯迪拉克(Cadillac)汽车公司。
最早的一批T型车都是在皮科特制造车间完成装配,后来公司将生产部分移动到空间更大的高地公园(Highland Park)的车间来满足市场对于T型车源源不断的需求。
在美国第一个使用装配线进行生产作业是Oldsmobile汽车创办人兰塞姆·奥茨(Ransom Olds),他也将装配线生产的方法登记专利,之后福特汽车另外独立发展装配线生产方法。
福特生产流水线 (1913)机械传送带在当时并没有立刻取得成效,而且工人的失误率相当高,然而失误就意味着更多的生产延误以及更多对工人进行培训所需的额外支出,还有就是要使用干活较慢的工人。
个人简介亨利·福特(Henry Ford,1863年7月30日-1947年4月7日),美国汽车大王,汽车工程师与企业家,世界最大的汽车企业之一福特汽车公司的建立者。
亨利·福特出生於美国密西根州迪尔伯恩的格林菲尔镇(Greenfield Township, Dearborn,MI.),该镇是今日迪尔伯恩市(Dearborn, MI.)的一部分,他在1947年时逝世于故乡德宝的住宅中,享寿83岁。
17岁那年,他独自一人到位 于底特律的密西根汽车制造公司 上班去了。但在这家拥有2000人 的底特律最大的工厂,福特只工 作六天就辞职不干了,原因是“ 该公司优秀的的员工需要花费好 几个小时才能修复的机器,我只 要30分钟就可以修好,因而其他员工对我十分不满”(福特 语)。后来,他又先后从事过机械修理、手表修理、船舶修 理等工作,并且还一边工作一边参加夜校学习,以便将来能 够“不屈居于人下被别人利用而过一生,自己开一家制造机 械的工厂”。为了实现这一目标,他还告别了富庶而温馨的 家,到爱迪生电气公司边工作国学习电气知而,公司在一年后却解散了,原因是:几乎所有员工都 没有制造汽车的经验;零件质量不好,采购不及时,常常延误 工作里程;高成本制造出的汽车无法销出。所以,以制造了20 辆汽车以后,公司就关门了。1901年10月10日,福特接受主要 凭赛车建立起了商业信誉的温顿的挑战,亲驾自制赛马车参赛, 结果他出人意料地获得了胜利。于是,在商人们的支持下,他 又成立了第二个汽车公司。可是批量生产汽车所需的技术完全 不同于生产单一的汽车,修理工出身的福特在当时显然还不能 胜任这一重任。当投资者发现他只热心于将金钱花在研制一种 无法销售的高价竞赛车上时,毫不客气地将其赶出了厂门。这 样,福特第二次办汽车厂也以失败而告终。
亨利 ·福特
美国101000位历史名人榜:亨利··福特榜:亨利美国100位历史名人榜:亨利位历史名人榜:亨利··福特位历史名人榜:亨利··福特美国100位历史名人榜:亨利本文整理:厦门培训中心Henry Ford(July30,1863–April7,1947)was the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production.His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry.He was a prolific inventor and was awarded161U.S.patents.As owner of the Ford Motor Company,he b eca me one of the richest and best-known people in the world.He is credited with"Fordism",that is,the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line,coupled with high wages for his workers.Ford had a global vision,with consumerism as the key to peace.Ford did not believe in accountants;he amassed one of the world's largest fortunes without ever having his company audited under his administration.Henry Ford's intense commitment to lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations,including a franchise system that put a dealership in every city in North America,and in major cities on six continents.Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation but arranged for his family to control the company permanently.CareerIn1891,Ford became an engineer with the Edison IlluminatingCompany.After his promotion to Chief Engineer in1893,he had enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on gasoline engines.These experiments culminated in1896with the completion of a self-propelled vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle.He test-drove it on June4.After various test-drives,Ford brainstormed ways to improve the Quadricycle.Also in1896,Ford attended a meeting of Edison executives,where he was introduced to Thomas Edison.Edison approved of Ford's automobile experimentation;encouraged by him,Ford designed and built a second vehicle, completing it in1898.[8]Backed by the capital of Detroit lumber baron William H. Murphy,Ford resigned from Edison and founded the Detroit Automobile Company on August5,1899.However,the automobiles produced were of a lower quality and higher price than Ford liked.Ultimately,the company was not successful and was dissolved in January1901.With the help of C.Harold Wills,Ford designed,built,and successfully raced a26-horsepower automobile in October1901.With this success,Murphy and other stockholders in the Detroit Automobile Company formed the Henry Ford Company on November30,1901,with Ford as chief engineer.However,Murphy brought in Henry M.Leland as a consultant.As a result,Ford left the company bearing his name in1902.With Ford gone,Murphy renamed the company the Cadillac Automobile Company.Ford also produced the80+horsepower racer"999";Barney Oldfield to drive it to victory in a race in October1902.Ford received the backing of an oldacquaintance,Alexander Y.Malcomson,a Detroit-area coal dealer.They formed a partnership,"Ford&Malcomson,Ltd."to manufacture automobiles.Ford went to work designing an inexpensive automobile,and the duo leased a factory and contracted with a machine shop owned by John and Horace E.Dodge to supply over$160,000in parts.Sales were slow,and a crisis arose when the Dodge brothers demanded payment for their first shipment.Ford Motor CompanyIn response,Malcomson brought in another group of investors and convinced the Dodge Brothers to accept a portion of the new company.Ford& Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June16,1903,with $28,000capital.The original investors included Ford and Malcomson,the Dodge brothers,Malcomson's uncle John S.Gray,Horace Rackham,and James Couzens.In a newly designed car,Ford gave an exhibition on the ice of Lake St.Clair,driving1 mile(1.6km)in39.4seconds,setting a new land speed record at91.3miles per hour(147.0km/h).Convinced by this success,the race driver Barney Oldfield,who named this new Ford model"999"in honor of a racing locomotive of the day,took the car around the country,making the Ford brand known throughout the United States.Ford also was one of the early backers of the Indianapolis500.$5dayFord astonished the world in1914by offering a$5per day wage, which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers.(Using the consumer price index,this was equivalent to$111.10per day in2008dollars.)The moveproved extremely profitable;instead of constant turnover of employees,the best mechanics in Detroit flocked to Ford,bringing their human capital and expertise, raising productivity,and lowering training costs.Ford called it"wage motive."The company's use of vertical integration also proved successful when Ford built a gigantic factory that took in raw materials and shipped out finished automobiles.Model TThe Model T was introduced on October1,1908.It had the steering wheel on the left,which every other company soon copied.The entire engine and transmission were enclosed;the four cylinders were cast in a solid block;the suspension used two semi-elliptic springs.The car was very simple to drive,and easy and cheap to repair.It was so cheap at$825in1908(the price fell every year) that by the1920s,a majority of American drivers had learned to drive on the Model T.Ford created a massive publicity machine in Detroit to ensure every newspaper carried stories and ads about the new product.Ford's network of local dealers made the car ubiquitous in virtually every city in North America.As independent dealers,the franchises grew rich and publicized not just the Ford but the very concept of automobiling;local motor clubs sprang up to help new drivers and to encourage exploring the countryside.Ford was always eager to sell to farmers,who looked on the vehicle as a commercial device to help their business. Sales skyrocketed—several years posted100%gains on the previous year.Always on the hunt for more efficiency and lower costs,in1913Ford introduced themoving assembly belts into his plants,which enabled an enormous increase in production.Although Henry Ford is often credited with the idea,contemporary sources indicate that the concept and its development came from employees Clarence Avery,Peter E.Martin,Charles E.Sorensen,and C.Harold Wills.Sales passed250,000in1914.By1916,as the price dropped to$360 for the basic touring car,sales reached472,000.[16](Using the consumer price index,this price was equivalent to$7,020in2008dollars.)By1918,half of all cars in America were Model T's.However,it was a monolithic block;as Ford wrote in his autobiography,"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black".Until the development of the assembly line,which mandated black because of its quicker drying time,Model T's were available in other colors,including red.The design was fervently promoted and defended by Ford,and production continued as late as1927;the final total production was15,007,034.This record stood for the next45years.This record was achieved in just19years from the introduction of the first Model T(1908).President Woodrow Wilson asked Ford to run as a Democrat for the United States Senate from Michigan in1918.Although the nation was at war,Ford ran as a peace candidate and a strong supporter of the proposed League of Nations.Henry Ford turned the presidency of Ford Motor Company over to his son Edsel Ford in December1918.Henry,however,retained final decision authority and sometimes reversed his son.Henry started another company,Henry Ford andSon,and made a show of taking himself and his best employees to the new company;the goal was to scare the remaining holdout stockholders of the Ford Motor Company to sell their stakes to him before they lost most of their value.(He was determined to have full control over strategic decisions).The ruse worked,and Henry and Edsel purchased all remaining stock from the other investors,thus giving the family sole ownership of the company.By the mid-1920s,sales of the Model T began to decline due to rising competition.Other auto makers offered payment plans through which consumers could buy their cars,which usually included more modern mechanical features and styling not available with the Model T.Despite urgings from Edsel,Henry steadfastly refused to incorporate new features into the Model T or to form a customer credit plan.Model A and Ford's later careerBy1926,flagging sales of the Model T finally convinced Henry to make a new model.Henry pursued the project with a great deal of technical expertise in design of the engine,chassis,and other mechanical necessities,while leaving the body design to his son.Edsel also managed to prevail over his father's initial objections in the inclusion of a sliding-shift transmission.The result was the successful Ford Model A,introduced in December 1927and produced through1931,with a total output of more than4million. Subsequently,the Ford company adopted an annual model change system similar to that recently pioneered by its competitor General Motors(and still in use byautomakers today).Not until the1930s did Ford overcome his objection to finance companies,and the Ford-owned Universal Credit Corporation became a majorcar-financing operation.Ford Airplane CompanyFord,like other automobile companies,entered the aviation business during World War I,building Liberty engines.After the war,it returned to auto manufacturing until1925,when Henry Ford acquired the Stout Metal Airplane Company.Ford4-AT-F(EC-RRA)de L.A.P.E.Ford's most successful aircraft was the Ford4AT Trimotor—called the“Tin Goose”because of its corrugated metal construction.It used a new alloy called Alclad that combined the corrosion resistance of aluminum with the strength of duralumin.The plane was similar to Fokker's V.VII-3m,and some say that Ford's engineers surreptitiously measured the Fokker plane and then copied it.The Trimotor first flew on June11,1926,and was the first successful U.S.passenger airliner,accommodating about12passengers in a rather uncomfortable fashion.Several variants were also used by the U.S.Army. Henry Ford has been honored by the Smithsonian Institution for changing the aviation industry.About200Trimotors were built before it was discontinued in 1933,when the Ford Airplane Division shut down because of poor sales during the Great Depression.Later careerWhen Edsel,president of Ford Motor Company,died of cancer in May1943,the elderly and ailing Henry Ford decided to assume the presidency.By this point in his life,he had had several cardiovascular events(variously cited as heart attack or stroke)and was mentally inconsistent,suspicious,and generally no longer fit for such a job.Most of the directors did not want to see him as president.But for the previous20years,though he had long been without any official executive title,he had always had de facto control over the company;the board and the management had never seriously defied him,and this moment was not different.The directors elected him,and he served until the end of the war.During this period the company began to decline,losing more than$10million a month.The administration of President Franklin Roosevelt had been considering a government takeover of the company in order to ensure continued war production,but the idea never progressed.个人经历亨利·福特(HenryFord,1863年7月30日—1947年4月8日),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。
福特公司背景英文介绍Ford introduced the family business, Ford Motor pany is the world's largest automotive pany. By Mr. Henry Ford was founded in 1903, it is a vehicle to the production of the main lines of business involving electronics, aviation, steel and military industry in such areas as a prehensive monopoly of transnational industrial group. It was founded in 1901 in the United States in Detroit, currently headquartered in the city of Dearborn, Michigan, workers have a total of 370,000 people. 1908 Ford Motor pany, the world's first to produce a car belonging to the ordinary people of the Model-T, the world automobile industry to start the revolution.In 1913, Ford Motor pany has developed the world's first assembly line, so that the first Model T reached a total of 15,000,000, a building has not yet broken the world record. To that end, Mr. Ford the title of "the world fitted with wheels".In 1999, "Fortune" magazine named him "a giant of the twentieth century business" in recognition of his Ford Motor pany and the industrial development of mankind made outstanding contributions. Mr. Henry Ford is only one success: to understand the needs of people inside, using the best materials, by the best staff for the general public for all manufacturers can afford a good car.Today, Ford continues to be a world-class car, still stands, Mr. Henry Ford to create a corporate philosophy: "The consumer is the center of our work. We must always think of the work of our consumers than pe ... s Better products and services. "That is why in 2004, Ford's 327,000 employees in more than 200 countries around the world of Ford manufacture and sale of businesses andwork together to create a ine of 3.5 billion U.S. dollars.Ford Motor pany owns the car brand Aston Martin (Aston Martin), Ford (Ford), Jaguar (Jaguar), Land Rover (Land Rover), Lincoln (Lincoln), Mazda (Mazda), Mercury (Mercury ) And Volvo. In addition, the world's largest auto credit panies - Ford Credit (Ford Credit), as well as car service brands (Quality Care).These are the people's well-known brands, at the same time, as the Ford Motor pany has so painstakingly built up over the years, the brand itself has great value. June 16, 2003, Ford Motor pany celebrated the birthday of 100 years.In 1986, Ford made the most expensive in the history of automotive design input costs - 60 billion dollars to build a true "world car" - the Ford Mondeo. Ford Mondeo, the integration of all countries in the world the essence of cars from the chassis, Zetec engine to the windshield of a new design, available in Europe in 1993, was immediately recognized as such in the vanguard on behalf of the car and elected to the Year 1994 Models. In 1996, the Mondeo had a large-scale renovation to improve. Since then, sales of the Mondeo has always been among the best, the parties to rave reviews, but also twice received the "World Car of the Year" title.福特家族企业介绍福特汽车公司是世界最大的汽车企业之一。
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• 1891 moved to Detroit and became chief engineer at Edison Illuminating Company • 1893 built and tested 1st gasoline engine • 1896 built 1st self propelled vehicle called the Quadricycle • June 1903 founded the Ford Motor Company with $28,000 • 1908 introduced the Model T or “Tin Lizzie”, it cost 1/3 of the price of other cars at the time • 1913 introduced the conveyer belt assembly line which cut production from 12 hours to 1 ½hours
Biography cont.
• After his son’s death, he became increasingly obsessive and paranoid • He was also anti-semitic • He had an evil henchman named Harry Bennett • Henry Ford died in 1947 at the age of 84
• Born in Dearborn, Michigan in 1863 • As the oldest son he was expected to take over the family farm but he had no interest in doing so • In 1891, at age 28 he married Clara Ala Bryant • In 1893 his only son, Edsel was born • In 1943, at the age of 49, Edsel Ford died of cancer • Henry Ford was a philanthropist and during the course of his life he built a hospital and donated money to a number of charities, among other Ideas
• He thought that gasoline was the fuel of the future and redesigned the gasoline engine • Believed that cars should be available and affordable to everyone • Invented cars such as the Model T that were simple and widely available • Came up with the assembly line method of production, in which the vehicle was brought to the worker, instead of the other way around • Through mass production more cars could be produced, allowing the price to be lower • Replaced people with machines wherever possible
• Musolf, Nell. The Story of Ford. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Education, 2009. Print. • Mackwood, Gae. Made in the USA. Edmonton, Alberta: Reidmore Inc, 1990. Print. • Wright, Ed. A Left-Handed History of the World. Miller's Point, Australia: Murdoch, 2007. Print.
• Henry Ford is a symbol of the beginning of urban living and mass consumerism. He brought people to the cities and through mass productions made products widely available and affordable.
Accomplishments cont.
1914 introduced the idea of minimum wage 1920 manufactured cars at a rate of 1 per minute 1922 purchased Lincoln Motor Company 1925 manufactured 1 car every 10 seconds 1927 began standardizing and creating own parts 1947 1 in 7 Americans were employed in automotive related industries At the time of his death he was worth $500 million and he had sold 15,456,868 Model Ts • Before Henry Ford came along the urban to rural population was 1:4, at the time of his death it was 4:1 • • • • • • •