

【不只是手机】 联想乐Phone天翼版

【不只是手机】  联想乐Phone天翼版
可 以 看 新 闻 电 视 、 欣 赏 网 络 视 频 , 用 支 付 宝 “ 拼 ” 、 可 以 血 炒 股 、 读 书 、 写 馓 博 , 可 以 访
编 辑 评 价
坦 白讲 .我 个人对此类 手机并 不” 感
冒” .最 为重 要的 原 因便 是 其 电 池
续 航 能力着 实不 能满 足我 的基 本 需 求 不过抛开这点不谈 的话 .联想 乐 P oe h n 已经超越 了手机的应用范畴 .
因 为 这 个 原 因 , 联 想 随 包 装 提 供 了 两 块 电 池 , 但 显 然 不 如
厂商 联想中国
电话 80 8 0 2 0 0- 2- 0 8
网 址 www . n v o c 1 o o cm.n e
BI c Be r 那 样 动 辄 待 机 数 天 a k ry
联 想 乐Ph0ne 日前推 出 了
一 一
用 户 更 加 了 解 的 联 想 提 供 的
本 地 化 设 计 更 加 实 用 , 从 百
度 、 开 心 网 、 新 浪 微 博 , 到
QQ、 斗 地 主 和 淘 宝 。 那 些 钟 爱
o 侧面按键
戏 、 网 络 浏 览 、 炒 股 读 书 等 应 用 , 与 其 相 对 的 则 是 创 造 型 应 用 , 就 像 使 用 Pho o ho 制 ts P 作 一 副 动 人 照 片 , 或 是 使 用 Fls 作 网 页 动 画 那 样 。 ah制 事 实 上 , 乐Ph0ne 应 用 的 与 上 网 本 产 品 极 为 类 似 ,但 它
款 如 此 设 计 的 产 品 了 , 不 A ndr d的 发 烧 友 也 许 会 对 乐 0i
过 联 想 公 司 为 其 设 计 了 外 接 Ph0n 颇 有 微 辞 ,但 大 多 数 对 e 扩 展 键 盘 。 当 然 如 果 你 选 择 了 乐 Ph0ne 那 么 恐 怕 键 盘 并 不 , 是 问 题 , 只 要 习 惯 了 触 摸 型 操 作 ,相 信 无 论 短 信 还 是 I 通 讯 M
























unigui经典问答 85个常遇问题的解答

unigui经典问答 85个常遇问题的解答

Unigui 经典问答:解答 85 个常遇问题在 Unigui 开发中,初学者或是有经验的开发者经常会遇到一些常见问题。

在这篇文章中,我会解答 85 个 Unigui 经典的常见问题,帮助你更好地理解 Unigui 的使用和原理。

1. 什么是 Unigui?Unigui 是一种基于 Delphi 的 Web 应用开发框架,它能够让 Delphi 开发者快速地将现有的桌面应用转换成 Web 应用,而无需学习新的开发语言或技术。

2. 为什么选择 Unigui?Unigui 提供了完整的组件库和工具集,能够帮助开发者快速构建功能丰富、响应迅速的 Web 应用,同时还能保留 Delphi 开发语言的优势和开发习惯。

3. 如何在 Delphi 中安装 Unigui?在 Delphi 中安装 Unigui 只需要几个简单的步骤,首先下载并安装Unigui 的安装包,然后在Delphi 的环境中进行相关设置和配置即可。

4. Unigui 支持哪些数据库?Unigui 支持主流的数据库,包括 MySQL、SQL Server、Oracle 等,开发者可以根据自身项目需求选择合适的数据库进行应用开发。

5. 如何实现页面跳转和导航?在 Unigui 中,页面跳转和导航主要通过组件间的交互和事件触发来实现,开发者可以通过组件的属性设置和事件绑定来完成页面之间的跳转和导航。

6. Unigui 支持哪些常用的 UI 组件?Unigui 提供了丰富的UI 组件,包括按钮、文本框、下拉列表、表格、树形菜单等,开发者可以根据项目需求灵活地选择和组合这些组件来构建页面。

7. 如何处理用户输入和表单提交?在 Unigui 中,开发者可以通过事件处理和数据绑定的方式来处理用户输入和表单提交,确保用户输入的合法性和完整性。

8. Unigui 如何实现权限控制和登入验证?Unigui 提供了强大的权限控制和登入验证机制,开发者可以通过角色管理和权限配置来实现对用户访问页面和操作的控制。


乐P o e h n 要找对 手 ,还是从 HTC、摩托罗拉 等 An r i d od手机 制造商仍是 卖硬 件的公 司。 A d od手机制造商 中寻 找 比较合适 。将 i h n n ri P oe 看作 自己的假想敌 ,或许是联 想宣传乐 P o e的 hn

由此分 析 ,乐 P n hO e很难 找 到除 了销售 手 机之 外 的其 他盈 利模 式 ,联 想依 靠乐 PhO e进 n
S mb a y in、Me g e o和三星 b d ,联 想 由于 没有 广告 分成 。只要使用 And o d平 台 ,只要 升级 aa ri
自己的操作 系统 ,因此与 i Pho e没有 可 比性 。 An r i n d od平台 ,就要帮 助 Go g e o l 卖广告 ,所 以
文 /王斌 消费 电子 专家
谁 才是 乐P 的敌人? hn oe
【广 定要P全一 l I下心优n位 \。苹ie , 我 们决和o水 — 战是的是 但果势背 h方
乐 P o e新闻发布 会上 ,柳传志将 i h n hn P o e当成 了乐 P o e “ 想敌” hn 的 假 。
的程 序商店 模 式。在联 想应 用商店 里 ,也销 售 i 元 、2 、2 9 元 .9元不等 的应用程序 。但 是 ih n P oe
P tr 特别 是在 品牌 上 。而联 想 的优 势 和 AP S o e之间的关系是相 互促进 关系 ,由
只有一 条 , 就是—— 这 是在 中国 。 ”在 4月份 的 于 i h n P o e用户量 十分 庞大 ,因此带 动了 i h n P oe
如 , n ri A d od版手机 QQ、 n r i A d od版新浪微博 等 。 在 GO g e刚刚发布 的 And o d . 统 0l r i 2 2系

mini乐phone 刷机

mini乐phone 刷机

第一步就是安装一键root第二部就是安装RE管理器,就是专门卸载程序用的,安装好后,打开它提示以获得最高权限,挂载为读写,然后进入system/app,把你不想要的系统通通删除掉,记得.apk和.odex要同时删除system\app文件详解: (特声明:删除前请记得要备份,红色字的删除有风险,非红色的请根据个人情况考虑删除,删除有风险,请谨慎操作,此文仅供参考,不承担由此引起的任何后果)本帖隐藏的内容AccountAndSyncSettings.apk 账户与同步设置AndroidCount.apk 系统计数ApplicationsProvider.apk 搜索应用程序提供商本人删掉了,没什么影响AppStore3.apk 乐商店BakRestore.apk 备份与恢复Bluetooth.apk 蓝牙BrcmBluetoothServices.apk 蓝牙系统程序Browser.apk 浏览器可用第三方软件代替,如UC Calculator.apk 计算器可用第三方软件代替Calendar.apk 日程可用第三方软件代替,如365日历CalendarProvider.apk 日历存储Camera5M.apk 拍照与摄像可用第三方软件代替CertInstaller.apk W API证书管理Clock.apk 时钟可用第三方软件代替Contacts.apk 通讯录ContactsProvider.apk 联系人存储Converter.apk 换算器DefaultContainerService.apk 软件包访问帮助程序DeskClock.apk 底座模式DM-W.apk 设备管理DownloadProvider.apk 下载管理器DownloadProviderUi.apk 下载内容DrmProvider.apk 受DRM保护的内容的数据存储服务Email.apk 电子邮件EPCenter.apk 企业策略中心Factorytest.apk 工厂测试FileBrowser.apk 文件管理可用第三方软件代替FMPlayer.apk 收音机不要的可以删,可用第三方软件代替Fota.apk 系统升级GSensorCalibration.apk 重力传感器校准HTMLViewer.apk HTML查看器LatinIME.apk 安卓键盘可用第三方软件代替Launcher.apk 主页我删了,不喜欢四叶草的可删除,请先安装第三方软件LenovoAntiSpam.apk 乐安全.防骚扰删除了不能发短信LenovoSafeCenter.apk 乐安全LenovoSafeChildrenModeWidget.apk 儿童模式LenovoSafePrivateModeWidget.apk 私人模式LenovoUser.apk 联想帐号删除后账户与同步设置中点击添加账户会自动重启LeSaerch.apk 搜索LeTaskMenu.apk 应用菜单LiveWallpapers.apk 安卓动态壁纸本人没删,不需要动态的可以考虑删LiveWallpapersPicker.apk 动态壁纸本人没删,不需要动态的可以考虑删MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk 魔幻烟雾壁纸Mails.apk 推送邮件MapabcLBS.apk 系统文件MediaProvider.apk 媒体存储Mms.apk 信息MobileNetworkWidget.apk 移动网络数据小工具MusicPlayer.apk 音乐可用第三方软件代替NotePad.apk 记事本可用第三方软件代替NtpClient.apk 时间同步PackageInstaller.apk 打包安装程序Payment.apk 联想支付中心Phone.apk 拨号器PhotoPlayer.apk 图库PicoTts.apk 微型tts 语音导航可以用到的,有需要的不要删PinyinIME.apk 谷歌拼音输入法可用第三方软件代替Print.apk 打印机PrivInit.apk 系统程序ProfileWidget.apk 情景模式小工具桌面快捷工具,本人删除没影响Protips.apk 主屏幕提示桌面快捷工具,本人删除没影响Provision.apk 系统程序PushEngine.apk 信息推送设置删掉后设置中不能打开联想服务设置QueryMD5.apk MD5校验ReaperApplication.apk 系统程序RssAudioWidget.apk 乐资讯-音频RssDataModle.apk 乐资讯数据管理RssFinder.apk 乐资讯订阅助手RssImageWidget.apk 乐资讯-图片RssPortalWidget.apk 乐资讯RssTextWidget.apk 乐资讯-新闻RssViewer.apk 内容显示Settings.apk 设置SettingsProvider.apk 设置存储shareboard.apk 乐分享删除后不能截屏SoundRecorder.apk 录音机本人没删,其实可用第三方软件Stk.apk USIM卡应用这个删掉不会有什么影响,保守点没删StockWidgetNew.apk 股票小工具syncContacts.apk 联系人云同步本人删了,没什么影响SystemInfo.apk 系统信息删了不能打开设置中的系统信息,也没什么影响SystemUI.apk 状态栏TelephonyProvider.apk 拨号器存储TtsService.apk tts服务语音导航可以用到的,有需要的不要删UserDictionaryProvider.apk 字典存储VideoPlayer.apk 视频可用第三方软件代替VisualizationWallpapers.apk 音乐可视化壁纸不需要的可以删VpnServices.apk 虚拟专用网服务WallpaperChooser.apk 设置壁纸Weather.apk 天气可用第三方代替,删掉后锁屏条上没有天气显示WidgetHost.apk widget的hostWiper.apk 用于恢复出厂设置的系统工具删除前请记得要备份,如果误删了软件,可在备份中找到自己需要的软件,在RE管理器挂载读写状态下拷进system/app1.记得修改apk的权限,第一列读:所有者,用户组,其他全勾选,第二列写勾选:所有者,第三列执行全不选,然后确定,修改后为:rw.r.r.特殊权限都不选2.更改所有者中所有者和用户组都改成:0-root,确定,最后恢复出厂设置就可以了。



Page 7
第一章 乐Phone拆机
A. 拆手机背壳
Step5.移除手机右侧内卡勾 请依图示方法手指施力手机右侧边,依照箭头方向施力(防止破坏内部卡勾)
Step6.施力同时将Pick塑胶弹片或撬 棒插入手机,顺箭头方向移动顶开编 号2内卡勾
FY08H1 Sales&Service Business Review Lenovo Confidential | © 2009 Lenovo Mobile
第一章 乐Phone拆机
Step11.小心将Touch FPC connector上黑色边条向上扳起
Step12.将Touch FPC依箭头方向 取出不可曲折/压迫
FY08H1 Sales&Service Business Review Lenovo Confidential | © 2009 Lenovo Mobile
第二章 乐Phone装机
Step9. 请先锁上图示三颗螺丝,2号螺丝锁上Ant弹片
2 1
Step10. 放入power key (电源开关机键)
FY08H1 Sales&Service Business Review Lenovo Confidential | © 2009 Lenovo Mobile
第一章 乐Phone拆机
FY08H1 Sales&Service Business Review Lenovo Confidential | © 2009 Lenovo Mobile




















联想乐Phone P700评测

联想乐Phone P700评测

双卡双待超长待机联想乐Phone P700评测联想集团在2010年初发布了旗下的第一部乐Phone智能手机,该机一推出就深受业界关注,因为当时该机出色的硬件配置和人性化的系统界面能与国际品牌的旗舰机相媲美,而且价格比较亲民,一时间,乐Phone成为国产精品手机的代名词,良好的形象从此深入民心。


P700的配置比较均衡,相对于上代乐Phone商务机P70,P700从屏幕、RAM、ROM 和CPU等方面都有质的飞跃。
















1. 性能问题游戏的性能是开发过程中最重要的问题之一。

在游戏之中,fps 数值是非常重要的指标,因为它决定了游戏的流畅度。




2. 游戏中的Bug无论进行多么深入的测试,游戏中总是会有一些难以避免的Bug问题。





3. 版本管理在协作开发的过程中,版本管理是必不可少的。




4. 操作界面定位位置问题对于一个游戏,操作界面的定位问题可能会给玩家带来很不舒适的游戏体验,也有可能让玩家感到不知所措。



5. 艺术风格不一致游戏的主题和艺术风格应该是贯穿于整个游戏开发过程中的核心要素之一。


怎么买最超值 深度解析联想乐Phone合约

怎么买最超值 深度解析联想乐Phone合约

















iOS应⽤审核被拒常⽤回复⽅法1、没有明确说明问题所在1.1 模板⼀我仔细检查了我们的app,不太明⽩审核⼈员认为我们app所存在的可能会对⽤户产⽣伤害的问题,期间我们优化了我们的代码,现更新我们的应⽤。


1.2 模版⼆对于2.1 这是新的app操作演⽰视频信号源:对于2.3.1 我们不明⽩审核团队所指的令⼈迷惑的代码、选择器指的是什么,我们的应⽤⼒求为⽤户提供最好的体验,应⽤还很年轻,难免存在⼀定的代码冗余、耦合性过⾼等问题,如果审核团队的确发现我们的app存在问题,请明确指出我们应⽤的问题所在,以便于我们进⾏改进,共同为⽤户提供最好的体验。

1.3 模版三原因:Guideline 2.1 - Information NeededThis type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guide lines. Specifically, these types of apps often:1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app3.2.1 - Do not come from the financial institution performing the loan services4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app5.2.3 - Facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media from third party sources without explicit authorization from those sources5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is usedBefore we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines.You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in App Store Connect to verify this app’s compliance.Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional ti me. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account.Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app’s compliance, the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation.Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the meta data, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.回复模版:尊敬的审核团队,你们好。





目录一、基础知识81.什么是iPhone手机,iPhone手机有的优点? (8)2.如何了解更多iPhone使用操作方面的问题? (8)3.iPhone客服热线是多少? (8)4.苹果技术支持的网址是多少? (8)5.只要我的 iPhone 一靠近电视,我就听到免提出现恼人的吱吱声。

我觉得可能哪里出了问题? (8)6.怎样拿出SIM卡? (8)7.为什么只有一边扬声器有声音? (8)8.iPhone支持关机闹钟吗? (8)9.我的iPhone可使用哪些中国联通3G增值业务? (8)10.在哪些国家和地区可以使用WCDMA手机进行漫游? (8)11.激活iPhone手机的过程是否复杂? (9)12.iPhone手机是否必须激活后才能使用? (9)13.是否所有型号的联通版iPhone均内置数字指南针? (9)14.iPhone手机能否安装插件? (9)15.iPhone4手机关机充电时为什么不能自动开机? (9)16.iPhone 手机太热,会出现什么情况? (9)17.手机经常连接电脑同步,需要不需要下载杀毒软件? (9)18.用户如何通过串号或序列号查询他的iPhone是否为行货? (9)19.为什么新升级的功能有很多iPhone3G手机不能用? (9)20.如何在iPhone手机中插入手机银行控件及淘宝网控件? (9)21.国外购买的iPhone 4在中国大陆能否使用? (9)22.Apple ID是什么? (9)二、网络知识1023.联通版iPhone是否可以使用GSM网络? (10)24.iPhone是否可当作“猫”用?(猫的意思是:MODEM或调制解调器) (10)25.iPhone手机是否有网络共享功能,收费吗? (10)26.我想用我的iPhone来当无线网卡连接到电脑使用,如何操作? (10)27.手机信号旁边的字母“E”是什么意思? (10)28.我的 iPhone 接听效果很差。






















手机常见问题解答(FAQ of mobile phone)[1] mobile phone crashes, unable to start and other issues of simple handling methods:1. pull card, restart, card (this is the test software in C or in the card, such as card to solve the problem, the problem is existing in the card software.2. look at the software that starts randomly, especially if you install software before and after a problem, and then try deleting the software, and then restart it, if not......3. not yet, the machine is not late...... Isn't it? Acting on the machine is not a good way to solve problems and learn!4. there may be the machine after the machine is still not, you should try to brush and submit.Suggestion:1. software is best installed in the mini SD card (some must be installed in the machine, there is no way... This can minimize the probability of a problem! (because white screens are usually caused by software errors)2. don't delete something C.3. make backups frequently, just in case.4. develop memory, remember the last mistake that led to the operation.The 5.3D ringtone cannot be opened together with the name of the caller.[2] why does my cellphone feel slower and slower?Install SISX files or JAVA files, pay attention to if no special instructions, as far as possible on the card, otherwise, occupy mobile phone memory, resulting in slower cell phone speed. At the same time the installation file is not The more, the better., look at whether it is useful, because too much software is inevitable conflict, influence the response speed of mobile phone.[3] why can't I see the system folder on the phone or on the memory card?In the mobile phone on this folder you need to install third party file management software "Y" file manager and file management software, download Forum (refer to all the resources top general index)If you want to see this folder on the computer, you need to put the card into the card reader, connect to the computer, and then set the computer to display all the files and folders"How does [4] delete software that cannot be uninstalled in program management?Some of the software running on the taskbar in the list is not visible, but by the process running in the background, thereis a common call firewall, SMS firewall software, antivirus software, encryption software need real-time monitoring software, therefore, of course, can not be deleted in the running of the software; solutions: process manager provided in the forum to see the process table, if you can determine which thread is the process of the program, you can close it, if not judgment can be set up to display the system process, and then close all the process of non system, so you can uninstall the software to the program manager in normal.Why [5] download software can not be installed smoothly?Not all software can be compatible with S60 third version, the current support software is very few, the general support software format is SISX format, and the former S60 SIS file format is different. At the same time, the oil reflects some SIS format can be installed, but generally not. So some SIS format software needs to be signed to install, but only half a year of use, so expired after the need to renew the signature can continue to use.How does [6] remove icons from a row of shortcuts on the desktop?Enter the function list, and then enter the tool settings - Mobile settings - equal state mode - the current standby mode: shut downHow does [7] display the current call time in the call?The settings are: communication record - Options - Settings - display call time: Yes[8] why MMS, Bluetooth can not send MIDI, SISx, JAR format?Since the above three formats in the S60 OS7 after the phone set intellectual property protection, can not send through Bluetooth, mms. Send with Bluetooth, you only need to change the suffix of SIS and MIDI files, you can send it. MMS has no software support at present.How does [9] transfer movies, songs and other files from PC to mobile phones or storage cards?1) put the MMC card in the card reader and connect it to the computer, and copy the needed files to the card2) connect your mobile phone to your computer through the PC suite,Copy the needed files to the mobile phone or storage card How to view the [10] mobile phone serial number (IMEI)? Press *#06# in standby mode[11] if you look at the phone software version number? Press *#0000# in standby modeHow does [12] view the total call time?You can view the call time in the communication record or press*#92702689# in standby mode[13] why the number in the address book does not show the name or some can show some can not be displayed?It is necessary to display the name of the card in the cell phone; for some parts that cannot be displayed, there is usually a number in the name of two or more persons[14] why can't mobile phones connect with computers through PC suite? Why can't my PC suite be deleted or installed?If the previous connection is normal, you can restart your phone, try again; if not, you can delete the PC kit again. If not all of the above will be the computer equipment management in the universal serial bus under all the equipment to delete, restart the computer, and so on automatically installed after the driver connected to the mobile phone. Never connect, confirm the installation process is correct, before installation need to use administrator account login computer, WIN2000 need at least SP4, XP need at least SP1. It's better to shut down antivirus software and firewall. First, don't connect your cell phone. After installing the kit, the computer will automatically install the data line for the mobile phone until it is finished.Why can't [15] use PC kit to fully backup mobile phone data?You can't backup the address book, then you can restart your phone, and then use the PC suite backup[16] why can't MP3 be used as a ringtone?To support a MP3 or other mobile phone as a ringtone, you must place the sound file in C or E:/sounds/digital/ orsounds/simple/Do you need to format [17]'s new memory card?If necessary, the phone will create some folders on the memory card, such as system folder, sound folder, etc.. At the same time, the file system of the memory card is formatted as FAT, so that it can be compatible with the mobile phone betterWhen formatting, it reminds me of "memory card"Has been used (without a card reader)Before you restart the grid or so, and I have formatted the first mobile phone to Geka!Solution: start the card again, restart the test ~ ~ ~![18] why can't I download videos on the phone on the phone? Why can't you watch MP4 movies?RM format video needs to be converted to 176*144 resolution in order to watch on the phone, the common PC side conversion software is Easy RealMedia ProducerAVI format needs to install SmartMovie on the mobile phone, commonly used conversion software for the smartmoviePC side,support 320*240 resolution.MP4 format, the MP4 parameter N73 support for 352*288 resolution, MPEG-4 video encoding, frame 15 frame, bit rate is below 720Kbps, the audio encoding for AAC, making MP4 do not meet the above criteria will not be played.How does [19] set full screen wallpaper?S60's full screen wallpaper can only be implemented by installing theme mode. Do not apply theme modeOnly 240 * 240 resolution pictures are supported.Why can't [20] open the software registration machine?Right click your registration machine, select attribute > compatibility > compatibility mode > run this program in compatible mode > tick > select WIN98/WIN ME belowClick OK to open your registration machineHow does [21] set up mobile phone to send and receive e-mail?First, make sure your SIM card supports the CMNET access point, otherwise you can't use the email function of your mobile phoneTo set your method of mail provider website POP3 and SMTP, each email provider might have set a little discrepancy; setting method of POP3 and SMTP are filled after mobile phone mail settings, and fill in the login user name and password, andaccess point defined sending and receiving mail must be: GPRS connection the Internet (CMNET)[22] why do I always switch back to NOKIA's default ringtone when I set my personality ringing?There are several possibilities: 1, unused has set the bell scene mode; 2, name card or packet number or some packet ring set as default ring; 3, memory card 4, software compatibility is not good; conflict; 5, mobile phone software version BUG; need to keep Italy check before 4. Fifth if you buy is in line or warranty Hong Kong, you can go to KF to upgrade the mobile phone software version.[23] what do you mean by "MCE program shutdown" when my mobile phone has finished sending messages or receiving messages?Mce error reporting is a common short message phenomenon of NOKIA smart phones:1. Delete all the information, and all the messages in the inbox and outbox;2, the SMS storage location as much as possible in the mobile storage;3, slow operation can reduce the probability of MCE error;4, after the grid machine can temporarily solve MCE error for a long time.Is it necessary to install antivirus software for mobile phones on [24]?Answer: at present, virus species is still relatively small, such as Kabir virus, skeleton virus, Kabir virus can take up a lot of memory resources, causing the system to crash, and automatic operation, the virus is in operation after the skull icon screen into the skull and bones, is a terrorist, this kind of virus is only rely on Bluetooth channel to send and don't want to spread, is simple, as long as usual without Bluetooth can, need to open the Bluetooth file transfer, the use of the Bluetooth headset can be hidden in the Bluetooth visibility after pairing, usually if you want to open the Bluetooth, Bluetooth even received message is unknown can be directly rejected, so you can say never the virus, not the anti-virus software, personal feel necessary not installed.[25] brush machine boot up shows "boot failure", please contact with Nokia operator"1. turn off your cell phone2. take out the SIM card3. hold the green call key + "3" + "*" at the same time, press down and turn on the powerAfter the 4. screen is opened, the word "NOKIA" will appear, and then boot5. first "*#7370#" (hard reset), revert to the original stateAfter 6. reboot, please wait patiently and you will see the initial settings7. set up enough to enter the phone screen, shutdown8. back to SIM card, and then boot[26] multimedia photos, video can not find the solution1. put the memory card in your cell phone (no card reader)Use mobile phone data line and then select large capacity storage.2. open my computer to find the corresponding letter here we assume that he is X and then click the right key attributes, tools and a check (selected), and then automatically repair the tick (another do not hit!) Then scanWait till he's done......3. if there is a mistake, then the bestBut don't worry, don't worry about it, then go ahead with another item.4. open "start" and then select "run"Enter CMD and then enterIt will pop out a DOS frameIn this frame inside CHKDSK x:/f input (x is your memory card drive, please don't forgetEveryone's not the sameMine is E) and then WINDOWS is checking the files and folders.. Wait till he's overBy 100, you're done!End mass storageShutdownRestartOK.- a simple and practical method of cleaning the c * * - file1. the mobile phone is using the SIM card and MMC card out (Note: off), and then another SIM up, and then boot (full power state), about two or three minutes off, in exchange for the original SIM card and MMC card, so you can!! I use this method make 400K a valuable disk space, which is easy to C 400K space!!Principle: one for each different SIM card, the Series60 system will override the NOKIA Zhang C data once, so as to automatically remove the original useless files.2. through the data line or Bluetooth, to the mobile phone memory to send a file larger than the phone memory, ignore the phone warning, until the phone memory alarm "space is not enough", then you look at the phone memory,Did it increase a lot?. My 3250 has just tried and added more than 1M! The longer the mobile phone system is, the more effective it is. I sent a 10M file with the data line and I got it right away!The simpler method, using the software such as QBrowser, to the mobile phone memory to copy a file from the memory card than the mobile phone store, the beginning did not even warn, mobile phone will feign death a few minutes, then will pop up a warning, when the mobile phone is released the same memory.How to install and delete themesHow to install themesMethod one: the theme installation file (SIS or SISX format) COPY to the card, with file management for installation.Method two: use the card reader or data line "data connection", will decompress the theme folder COPY to the card, direct use. The path is X:\private\10207114\import\ (assuming X is a storage card)Comparison of two installation methods:Method: will produce a "C:\sys\install\sisregistry\" file in C. Such asC:\sys\install\sisregistry\a00000eb\00000002_0000.ctl, theme installation and more disk space occupied.Method two: does not produce any file in the C drive, is not installed on the C drive.How to delete topics1. use method one to install the theme and delete it in program management. If the topic is installed too much, it may not be seen in program management. The solution is to delete the C:\preinstallAppscache.dat file with the Y manager, and then see if you can delete the program management ". If not, delete it in the following way.2. use the method two to install the theme, remember the name of the subject, use the card reader or data line "data connection", find the folder of the theme inX:\private\10207114\import\, delete the folder.For example: the installation of A and B in the E theme theme disc: then will automatically generate 0a057dcc3f7cdcad and 0a059dcc3f8cdcad two folders in the E:private10207114import folder into the 0a057dcc3f7cdcad folder, you can see the inside of the file such as A.mbm and A are the same theme file name, then this is the theme of the A installation folder, the same theme B is the 0a059dcc3f8cdcad folder. Then we need to choose the theme in A when I delete the a057dcc3f7cdcad folder.Each theme is generated after the folder name is different, according to their actual situation, choose to deleteSimple and easy to delete the theme of the mobile phone (no data line, card reader)In the forum recently often see someone for help advice no longer need to remove the theme in my mobile phone, after a period of exploration, and finally found a good way to delete, delete the theme, do not need any mobile phone accessories, also do not need to use any tools, simple and feasible. This is my first posting, I hope everyone support!NOKIA mobile phone help said into the theme mode, scroll to the topic name you want to delete, and then press the C key, you can delete the unused theme, but after I test, no, maybe it is because the mobile phone.Next, I'll introduce an absolutely feasible way to delete topics. Enter the file management first, and then choose the options, search, mobile phone will be prompted to select the memory card, select the installation location of the theme card, will find the text dialog box appears, enter private, search options, private folder will appear on the mobile phone, enter the folder, a folder list, find 10207114 folder and enter, there the import folder is our theme folder to install the mobile phone location, enter the import folder, you will see a list of folders, one folder is our theme installed, a folder corresponding to a theme, could choose to enter a folder, there are four documents. There is a ****.mbm file (* * * * is any file name),It can open a preview picture, can determine whether you need to delete the theme name, do not need to view the subject, if the subject needs to be deleted, the folder can be deleted directly, then you come to the theme under the mode of view, the theme is gone.- the easiest way to change the name of a software -The first will be renamed the "menu" mobile software in the first place, and then move the cursor to a folder can be renamed (Note: there must be a "Rename 'option in the choice, such as tools, games, can press the left key) option, then pop up all kinds of options then, click the shutdown button when the pop-up is the scene mode options, and then select the offline mode, other modes can not, then we must wait a few seconds, you will find that the selected menu jumped to the first, then you can rename the software will be renamed the.How to browse the contents of the protected sys and private folder in the storage card on your mobile phoneFirst comes into the file management procedures, and then press the option - Search - Select - storage card input sys or private--- according to the search, you want to browse the folder will appear in the search results, then we can start browsing!So we can delete the topics that are not needed inE:\private\10207114\import on the mobile phone! If you can't find the private folder, you only need to use the card readeror offline (data transmission) mode to connect to the computer, and remove the hidden property of the private folder!Note: don't build new folders in protected folders that are found, otherwise the system will automatically set new folders as hidden properties, so that this new folder will never be found again...Remind you to use it carefully! Don't delete system files!Reasons for Smartphone system errorQUOTE:The following are some error code, you can easily understand the wrong reasons, not for machine system error headache!KErrNotFound1 cannot find the file specifiedKErrGeneral2 general errorKErrCancel3 operation was canceledKErrNoMemory4 memoryKErrNotSupported5 does not support the requested operationKErrAgument6 error requirementsKErrTotalLossOfprecision7 accurate lost sumKErrBadHandle8 wrong objectKErrOverflow9 beyond the defined boundariesKErrUderflow10 is less than the limit line KErrAlreadyExsits11 already existsKErrPathNotFound12 cannot find the specified directory KErrDided13 program shut downKErrLnUse14 specified object is in use by another program KErrServerTerminated15 server is downThe KErrServerBusy - 16 server is busyThere was an error in the completion of the KErrCompletion17 KErrNotReady18 is not readyKErrUnknow19 unknown errorKErrCorrupt20 errorKErrAccessDenied21 refused to acceptKErrLocked22 lockKErrWrite23 read and write failureKErrDisMounted24 disk errorTo the end of the file KErrEof25 beyond expectation kerrdiskfull-26 磁盘已满kerrbaddiver-27 驱动损坏kerrbadname-28 不允许的名称kerrcommslinefail-29 comms线失败kerrcommsframe-30 comms线框框错误kerrcommsoverrun-31 comms线超频错误kerrcommsparity-32 comms同位错误kerrtimeout-33 时间到了kerrcouldnotconect-34 连接失败kerrcouldnotdisconect-35 断连接失败kerrdisconnected-36 断了kerrbadlibraryentrypoint-37 损坏的资料库接入点一般彩信和上网设置上网设置quote:功能表-工具-设置-连接设置 - 接入点 - 选项-新增接入点-使用默认设置连接名称: cmwap (可以随便取)数据承载方式: 分组数据接入点名称: cmwap用户名: 无提示输入密码: 否密码: 无鉴定: 安全主页: http: / / * * * 然后再按下选项, 选高级设置网络类型: ipv4手机ip地址: 自动域名服务器: 自动代理服务器地址:代理端口号码: 80彩信设置quote:工具 - 设置 - 连接设置 - 接入点 - 选项 - 新增接入点 - 使用默认设置:连接名称: 移动彩信数据承载方式: 分组数据接入点名称: cmwap用户名: 无提示输入密码: 否密码: 无鉴定: 普通主页: http: / / 信息 - 选项 - 设置 - 彩信:使用的接入点: 移动彩信无线上网设置法quote:手机设置 (按wep加密方式设置)(1) 进入设置 - - > 连接设置 - - > 打开接入点 - - > - > 新增接入点选择 - - - - - > > 使用默认设置(2) 连接名称 (这里可以随便起名如: home) -- > 数据承载方式 - - > 选择 "无线局域网" - > wlan接入点名称 (选择自动搜索) - > 网络状态 (公开) - > wlan网络模式 (基础网络) - > wlan安全模式 (如果之前路由器已经设置了密码, 这里就选择 "wep",, "如果没有设置密码的这里就是开放式网络"- - > wlan安全设置 (使用的wep密钥 "# 1" - > "鉴定类型打开" - > "wep加密 64位" - > "wep密钥格式十六进制" - > "wep密钥 1122aabbcc"再输入主页,, 就完成...... 然后打开网络...应该就可以上网了wifi上网点滴quote:1. 设置本子无线网卡.先设置无线网卡, 在网卡属性的无线页简单添加一个无线网络属性, 写上网络名ssid, 如: x40如果需要, 设置密码, 把自动提供密码的钩去掉, 输入密码, 如:54321最重要需要选中下面的 "这是一个计算机到计算机的网络..."2. 设置本子网卡共享, 在网络连接中, 选中你的内网卡 (如有线网卡或提供网络的另一个物理 / 虚拟网卡), 在属性中的高级里面选中internet共享, 在共享栏里面设置你的无线网卡名, 点击确认.如果你的无线网卡已经设置了ip地址, 系统提示会将其ip地址设置成192.168.0.1 (这个傻a微软),Be sure. After completing, your wireless network card IP is, already have share, of course, you can also modify this IP.3. settings, manually create a connection, in the default menu tools - > Settings > connection settings - > access point (unless you adjust the position)The new access point, in the access point using the default settingsThe connection name is arbitrary, for example: the bookSelection of wireless LAN for data bearer mode"WLAN network name is set as your book wireless network name SSID, such as the above set "X40""Network status election "open""WLAN network mode select "special" (this important)WLAN security mode, if the book set the WEP password, here is also set to WEP, such as the book is not set to choose "open network""WLAN security settings, if the book set the password, here is setUsing the WEP key, the default is "#1""The authentication type is set to "open""WEP key settings, set your book network password,WEP encryption selects "64 bits"""ASCII" in WEP key format"WEP key is a wireless key, such as: 54321Homepage, personal good, casualAnd then go to advanced settingsIPv4 settingsThe IP address of the mobile phone is set to share the address of a segment of the wireless network card with your book, such as: mask: gateway: (share IP of wireless network card)DNS address: (share IP of wireless network card)IPv6 settingsNot setSpecial channel: automaticProxy address: on-demandProxy port number: on-demandEnd, visit the site, the best way to connect is to ask each time, and then choose you set up this connection.NOKIA mobile phone password DaquanRemarks on the use of cipher*#06# query IMEI number, all mobile phone general*#7370# format mobile phone Series 60 dedicated mobile phone*#7780# restore factory settings Series 60 and Series 40 mobile phone universal*#0000# query current software version number, all mobile phonegeneral*#7760# query production line number Series 40 dedicated mobile phone*#2820# query Bluetooth device address Series 60 and Series 40 mobile phone general purpose*3370# activates some EFR models of mobile phones available#3370# closes some EFR models of mobile phones available*4720# activates some HFR models of mobile phones available#4720# closes some HFR models of mobile phones availableThe total call time of *#92702689# query is only 6630*#92702689# enters data mode Series 40 dedicated mobile phone*#7370925538# locks Series 60 for mobile phones。

lephone 题库

lephone 题库

1.乐Phone 是否支持GPS?A.支持B.不支持2.乐Phone 的主副摄像头为多少像素?A.500 万像素自动变焦+30万定焦双摄像头B.500万像素定焦+30万定焦双摄像头C.200万像素定焦+10万定焦双摄像头D.200万像素自动变焦+10万定焦双摄像头3.乐Phone 支持下列哪些视频格式?A.rmvbB.rmC.aviD.wmv4.乐Phone 支持下列哪些音频格式?A.RAB.AAC+C.WMAD.MP35.乐Phone 处理器为多少Hz?A.1 GHzB.833 MHzC.800 MHzD.600 MHz6.乐Phone 是否支持外接扩展全键盘?A.支持B.不支持7.乐Phone 的系统是什么?A.SymbianB.Windows MobileC.PALMD.乐Phone OS8.乐Phone 主屏中预设了哪四种功能在四叶草图案中?A.通话、短信、QQ、电子邮件B.通话、短信、游戏、电子邮件C.通话、短信、应用商店、电子邮件D.通话、短信、浏览器、电子邮件9.乐Phone 是否支持本地搜索以及互联网搜索?A.支持B.不支持10.乐Phone 不支持word,PPT,Excel,PDF等格式文档。


A.是B.否12.乐Phone 是否支持JAVA多任务处理?A.支持B.不支持13.下列对乐Phone 描述正确的是?A.支持WiFiB.支持PC同步C.支持USB 2.0D.支持3.5毫米标准接口14.以下功能可以享受乐Phone 时时推送功能的包括?A.邮件B.新闻C.音乐D.视频15.联通版乐phone官方推荐使用的同步软件是什么?A.91助手B.豌豆夹16.lephone的内存配置为A.512ROM+256RAMB.512ROM+512RAMC.256ROM+1GRAMD.256ROM+512RAM17.联通版lephone(3GW100)与电信版lephone(3GC101)的主要区别描述正确的是A.3GW100使用1GHz处理器,3GC101使用1.5GHz处理器B.3GW100的GPS功能配合预置的灵图导航来使用,3GC101内置高德导航C.3GW100使用了3.7英寸AMOLED电容触摸屏,3GC101使用了3.61英寸TFT电容触摸屏幕D.3GW100使用了300W像素摄像头,3GC101使用了500W像素AF摄像头18.以下对lephone网络功能描述正确的是A.乐phone支持WIFI功能(支持WAPI标准)B. 乐phone自动在WIFI与3G网络间自动切换,并保证WIFI优先C.lephone自动在WIFI与3G网络间自动切换,并保证3G网络优先D.由于运营商限制,lephone不支持WIFI功能19.Lephone的UI界面为独特的四叶草外形来突显以人为本的设计理念,关于四叶草UI的描述正确的是:A四叶草中心为联系人图标,并围绕联系人设置了“通话”、“邮件”、“短信”、“聊天”四个功能,以体现lephone的沟通之乐B四叶草中心为通话选项,并围绕联系人设置了“联系人”、“邮件”、“短信”、“聊天”四个功能,以体现lephone的沟通之乐C四叶草中心为联系人图标,并围绕联系人设置了“通话”、“互联网”、“飞信”、“视频”四个功能,以体现lephone的独特之乐D四叶草中心为通话选项,并围绕联系人设置了“联系人”、“邮件”、“飞信”、“视频”四个功能,以体现lephone的独特之乐20.使用lephone应用商店需要首先注册联想账户后才可以使用,这种说法正确吗?A.正确B.不正确21.电信EVDO版乐phone黑色产品的名称是什么?A.墨韵B.彤云22.乐phone支持集中操作手势?A.1种B.2种C.3种D.4种23.乐phone的“魔镜”键支持哪些功能?A.在浏览网页、照片、使用GPS时,按住“魔镜键”后,可通过重力感应器拖动画面B.在拍照时可做快门使用C.可以快速调节手机情景模式D.调节短信字体。

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15. 乐 Phone 支持哪些语言? 答:当前乐 Phone 和模拟器支持中文简体(默认)和英语。
16. 乐 Phone 支持 Google Market 吗? 答:乐 Phone 出厂时不内置 Google Market 应用,但是提供了联想版本的 Market -“应 用商店”以提供类似的在线下载应用服务。
11. 乐 Phone 的存储容量如何? 答:乐 Phone 提供 512 MB ROM, 512 MB RAM 和最大可扩展到 8 GB 的 SD 卡外存。
12. 为 什 么 在 安 装 某 些 应 用 时 , 乐 Phone 系 统 会 提 示 : Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_LIBRARY]? 答:表明系统缺少应用运行所需的库文件。比如某些应用调用了 Google Map API,但系 统缺少相关库的支持,所以安装会失败。由于乐 Phone 并不支持 Google API(提供了相 似的解决方案) ,所以某些基于 Google API 开发的应用程序无法在乐 Phone 上运行。
第二部分:乐 Phone OS
1. 乐 Phone OS 1.0 是基于 Android 什么版本的操作系统? 答:目前乐 Phone OS 1.0 是基于 Android 1.6 版本系统的。 随着 Google 推出了 Android 2.0 以上的版本,乐 Phone OS 也会紧跟其步伐,在将来提供系统的在线升级。
联想研究院乐 Phone FAQ
第一部分:乐 Phone
1. 乐 Phone 的屏幕分辨率是多少? 答:乐 Phone 采用 3.7 英寸 WVGA 屏, 分辨率是 800 * 480 像素,DPI 为 240。
2. 乐 Phone 特有的 Push 技术是什么? 答:Push,即信息推送技术服务;作为技术来说,Push 是相对与传统的第二代浏览器核心 技术服务而言的。 两者之间最大的不同是用户和信息之前的关系, 浏览器的核心技术是信息 拉取,即在“拉”技技术作用下, “信息找用 户” 。
2. 乐 Phone 是开源的系统吗? 答:不。目前的乐 Phone 是使用 LeOS 1.0 的操作系统,虽然 LeOS 1.0 是基于开源的 Google Android 1.6 系统,但是 LeOS 1.0 本身采取了闭源的策略。
3. 为什么乐 Phone 的用户不具有 root(管理员)权限? 答:root 权限是 Linux 系统中管理员的权限。在操作 Linux 系统时,除非必要,否则不要 使用 root 的权限,这是因为 root 权限太大了。我们可能会由于不小心搞错一个地方,结 果却造成整个系统崩溃。所以,建立一个一般身份用户的账号来操作,才是好习惯。所以乐 Phone 的用户默认不具有 root 权限。
2. 乐 Phone 的 SDK 与 Google Android SDK 有差别吗?差别大吗? 答:乐 Phone 的 SDK 与 Google Android SDK 是兼容的,并且在 Google Android SDK 的基础上增加了联想特色的功能。
3. 怎么在程序中调用乐 Phone 的前置摄像头? 答:在 Camera 接口中,参数 camerasensortype 表示摄像头的类型设定,若参数设为 1, 表示后置的 3M 摄像头,2 表示前置的 300K 摄像头。 4. 乐 Phone SDK 提供 Google Map API 吗? 答:乐 Phone 的 SDK 不提供 Google Map 服务,但提供了 Auto Navi Map API 解决方 案以替换之。 Auto Navi Map API 的接口与 Google Map API 相似,请访问 Auto Navi 的官网:/key。
public class TitlebarOnscreenBackButtonDemo extends Activity implements
Activity.OnTitleIconClickListener { @override Protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { … This.customTitleIcon(0, 0, R.string.***, this); } @override Public void onTitleIconClick() { Toast.makeText(this, “Title’s icon is clicked”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } }
4. 乐 Phone 机身右侧的键是什么键? 答:右侧的按键叫‘魔镜键’ ,在打开‘拍照与摄像’应用后,该键具有拍照功能。
5. 乐 Phone 支持哪些传感器? 答: 乐 Phone 内置了加速度传感器(Accelerometer Sensor)、 光线传感器(Light Sensor) 和近距传感器(Proximity Sensor)。
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联想研究院乐 Phone FAQ
17. 乐 Phone 的摄像头是否支持自动对焦(Autofocus) ? 答:目前联通版的暂不支持。
18. 乐 Phone 是否支持基站定位? 答:不支持。
19. 乐 Phone 采用什么制式? 答:目前联通版的乐 Phone 采用了 WCDMA 制式。WCDMA 网络可以说是目前世界上用 户最多的和技术最成熟的一个 3G 网络了,它在全球范围内的用户达到了 3.2 亿。乐 Phone 在将来可能支持更多的制式。
4. 联想什么时候推出乐 Phone 2.0 系统? 答:大致在 2010 年年底,推出的系统是基于 Android 2.2 的。
第三部分:乐 Phone SDK
1. 如何获取乐 Phone 的开发工具? 答: 乐 Phone 的 官 方 开 发 工 具 可 以 在 联 想 开 发 社 区 网 站 下 载 , 地 址 为 :
13. 用 命 令 行 安 装 乐 Phone 应 用 时 , 系 统 会 提 示 : Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE],这是怎么回事? 答:当手机内部存储空间不足,安装应用时系统会做出如上提示。此时应该删除不需要的应 用后再试。
14. 为什么有些 Android 应用程序在乐 Phone 上无法安装? 答:对非联想应用商店为来源渠道的应用,联想不承担任何应用无法安装的责任。对于这些 非官方渠道得来的应用,无法安装的原因有很多: 1. 乐 Phone 的 API Level 为 4 ,若应用使用高于这个 Level 开发的话在乐 Phone 上无法安装。 2. 乐 Phone 不支持 Google 的一些服务,如 Google Market ,所以如果应用依赖 Google API,则无法在乐 Phone 上安装。
9. 乐 Phone 支持多点触摸(Multi-Touch)吗? 答:由于 Android 1.6 系统并不支持多点触摸,所以乐 Phone 暂时不支持。但是今后推出 乐 Phone 2.0 以上系统在线升级后,乐 Phone 将支持多点触摸。
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1. 乐 Phone 的应用图标有什么要求? 答:应用图标的尺寸为 100*100 像素的 PNG 格式文件。图标由外部和内部图形合成,外 部尺寸范围为 100*100,代表整体图标的输出尺寸;内部为一 86×86 像素的表面光滑的 圆形。参考如下示图:
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联想研究院乐 Phone FAQ
10. 乐 Phone 支持哪些多媒体格式? 答: 视频格式 音频格式 图片格式 *.3gp, *.mp4, *.rm, *.rmvb, *.avi, *.wmv, *.divx, *.div, *.mpg, *.mpeg MP3, WAV, Midi, AMR NB, AAC, AAC+ *.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png
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联想研究院乐 Phone FAQ
/developer/download.jsp。 上面您可以获取 Linux 版本与 Windows 版本的 SDK,开发文档,例子程序,开发指南与 常见问题解答等。
3. 乐 Phone 是全触摸操作,机身正面不带任何物理按键吗? 答:乐 Phone 的机身正面没有传统意义上的物理按键,但乐 Phone 在机身正面的下方有 一手势感应区, 通过手指的滑动, 可以感应一系列的按键操作。 比如: 从右向左滑动为返回; 从左向右滑动为打开任务管理器;从下向上滑为打开菜单;双击为 HOME 键。
6. 乐 Phone 是否支持 GPS? 答:是, 乐 Phone 支持 GPS 功能。
7. 乐 Phone 支持 WAPI 吗? 答:乐 Phone 支持 WAPI,可以通过无线局域网接入互联网。
8. 乐 Phone 是否支持蓝牙? 答:是, 乐 Phone 支持蓝牙功能,而且乐 Phone SDK 中包含了蓝牙 API,以帮助应用开 发者开发出基于蓝牙的应用。
7. 在应用中使用 WebView 嵌入网页,在使用 Wi-Fi(使用代理服务器)时, WebView 无法访问网页? 答:在这种情况下对使用到 WebView 的 Activity 中添加如下代码即可:
@Override public void onResume() { WebView.enablePlatformNotifications(); Super.onResume(); } @Override public void onPause() { WebView.disablePlatformNotifications(); Super.onPause(); }