商务英语unit2 recruitment[优质PPT]
新视野商务英语综合教程 Unit 2(课堂PPT)

The Production Department (生产部) is to turn input (e.g. raw materials, labor, etc) into output (goods), and to insure that the goods meet the customers’ needs.
organization’s employees. It is
responsible for the attraction, selection,
training, assessment, and rewarding of
employees; it oversees organizational
leadership and culture, and ensures
3 Unit 2 Company Structure
4 Unit 2 Company Structure
Task 1 Task 2
5 Unit 2 Company Structure
Task 1 In a company there are various departments with
Unit Overview
By studying this unit, you are expected to: • learn the common types of company structure; • describe a company’s structure; • know how to write an e-mail to introduce a new
The Marketing Department (市场部) creates value for customers and b uilds strong customer relationships in order to get value from customers in return. Its job includes identifying target customers, clarifying customers’ needs, keeping track of the trends of a particular field, and developing product promotion and advertising activities.
商务英语听力 Unit2精品PPT课件

2. / h / hat hello 4. / dʒ / jet jeep 6. / dr / drop driver 8. / dz / beds leads 10. / n / neck noon 12. / l / lazy lead 14. / j / yes your
Part Ⅰ
Section B: Exercise 2 (1)
Training Focus
General Listening
Fun Break
Business-Based Listening
Oral Practice
Part Ⅰ
Section A
Exercise 1. Listen and read the following consonants with their corresponding words after the tape.
b. path b. teeth _b_. _th_in_k__ b. sell b. coal b. bit b. mile
c. bath c. waits c. tink c_. _s_h_a_r_e_ c. coke c. pick c. weather
d. gaze d_._s_a_y_s__ d. dink d. usual _d_. _c_o_ld___ d. pig d. feather
Part Ⅰ
Section B: Exercise 1
Directions: Listen and read the following consonants with their corresponding words after the tape.
Business Communication (unit2)PPT教学课件

▪ Please compile your personal information which include what you want and what you have.
▪ The following personal data will help you organize your information.
what accomplishments do I gain from threse experiences? ▪ What kind of person am I?
B: Analyzing Job Advertisements
▪ After you are done with analyzing yourself, the next step of your jobhunting process is to search information from job advertisements which you can learn about different job vacancies.
Chapter-2 Business Communication
UNIT Two Employment Communication
▪ Learning Objectives
--After studying this unit, you should be able to:
*analyze what you have and what you want in job-hunting process
▪ What working environment do I prefer?
Business Communication(new)商务英语学习课件

L: 4) Next Sunday afternoon,and will stay for two weeks.
R: Sunday afternoon, 5) will be September5, and leaving on September19.
Bidding farewells
A:Making Reservations
Communication Knowledge
The first stage of an entire reception job is to arrange accommodations for the visitors.
右边一组由马太、达太和西门组成。三个人听了这骇人听 闻的消息后,自发地谈论起什么来,三人的手都伸向画面 的中心。
中右一组是多马、老雅各、腓力。多马伸出一个指头,好 象在问老师:“有一个人要出卖你?”和他并坐的老雅各 张开两手,作惊奇的表示:“这是多么可怕呀!”年轻的 腓力则用双手掩着胸部,似乎说:“难道在怀疑我对老师 有背叛行为吗?”
What to introduce? What is the priority? How to respond?
What to introduce?
names, positions, sth more
What is the priority?
lesser authority higher one
for my guests in my name.
R: OK. May I have your name please?

1、Humanresourcemanagement 人力资源管理10、Conflict management冲突管理2、Recruitment 招聘11、Mutual共同的3、Quit 辞职12、Communication climate沟通气氛4、Administration 管理13、Constructive criticism建设性批评5、Courtesy 礼貌14、Compromising妥协的6、Conversational skills 交谈技巧15、Employee communication员工交流7、Resume 简历16、Job-hopping跳槽8、Conservative 保守的17、Interpersonal relationship人际关系9、Reputation名声18、High-conflict situation高冲突环境1、Bankrupt organization破产公司10、Etiquette礼仪2、Organization culture 组织文化11、Express gratitude表达感谢3、Opponent 对手12、Body language肢体语言4、Collaborating 合作13、Formal dress 正式着装5、Crisis management危机管理14、Casual dress非正式着装6、Honest诚实的15、Uniform统一的7、Reliable 可信任的16、handshake握手8、Fast-learner 快速学习的17、Business card名片9、Easy-going随和的1、Constructive criticism(建设性批评)is the process of offering valid andwell-reasoned opinions about thework of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.2 、Social scientists use the term communication climate (沟通气氛) to describe the quality of personal relationships in an organization.3、Since conflict is unavoidable, an inability or refusal to face problems can lead to job-hopping (跳槽).4、The process of handling unexpected and sudden changes in organization culture (组织文化) is called as crisis management.5 、Substantive conflict ( 实质性冲突) involvesdisagreements among group membersabout the contentof the tasks being performed or the performance itself. 6、Crisis arises when organization fails to pay its creditors and declares itself a bankruptorganization(破产的公司)7、By neglecting to address high-conflict situation(高冲突环境), avoiders risk allowing problems to fester out of control.8、Competing may negatively affect your relationship with the opponent(对手) in the long run.Every negotiation involves two or more parties.The objective of a negotiation must be definite.Negotiation must be conducted on an equal basis.A consensus must be built on the basis of mutual concession.Negotiation involves exchange of ideas, communication, persuasion, compromise and suchlike.Dressing appropriately is imperative. You will be judged on your appearance which includes how you dress, how you carry yourself and your body language.Don’tforget ,first impressions and corporate image play a significant role in modern business interactions. A professional image is fundamental to surviving in competitive business arenas.翻译:1、Business negotiation, in its modern sense, may bedefined as negotiation dealingwith business affairs.It arranges the settlement of terms and conditions of trade bydiscussions.从现代观念上,商业谈判可以被定义为处理营业事务的谈判。

6. performance the term is typically used to refer to a class of assessments assessment that is based on observation and judgment.
7. work objective
a mutually understood agreement about a specific work outcome that a staff member is expected to achieve during the cycle of management for performance. It is a direct link between the work the employee performs and the company’s plan.
10. qualification 11. workload
the capacity, knowledge, or skill that makes someone eligible for a duty, office, position, privilege, or status. Qualification denotes fitness for purpose through fulfillment of necessary conditions such as attainment of a certain age, taking of an oath, completion of required schooling or training, or acquisition of a degree or diploma. Qualification does not necessarily imply competence.

All the units interlock with one another rigidly.
同义词: meshing
同根词:construer construetion constructive 短语: construe as
He had the effrontery to suggest that she enjoyed being unhappy.
同义词: advise, advocate, counsel, offer, prescribe, propose recommend, denote, evoke, imply, indicate,
同义词: basic,fundamental,original,causal, primary, core, essential, principal,rudimentary, inherent
by rsed by reason of his age. 他因为年龄的关系而得到宽恕。
The professor illuminated the problem for his students.
A sudden smile illuminated her face.
同义词:enlighten, illumine, illustrate, light, lighten
unit 2 商务英语之招聘

Some jobs that suitable for us
一、跟单员merchandiser。 这个工资可能没有外贸业务员高,助理性质的工作会多一些,但是, 比较合适没有工作经验,但有外贸外语基础的学生。往往没有业务量要 求,不要求能独立操作外贸。 二、外贸业务员International Trade Sales。 这个工作比较有前途,能够直接接触外国客户,能锻炼人,很多做老 的人,都做业务的,然后才做老板的。因为,这份工作能接触到生意 最前沿,如产品,成本,出口过程,客户资源等等。 但是,要求也比较高,如果小的贸易公司接受你,你可以优先考虑这 工作。 三、货代forwarder。 就是货运代理,又分单证,业务(要揽单)和报关等。 四、报关员customs declarer,报检员Customs Coordinator,船务人 shipping specialist,单证员vouching clerk,这些也可以做,但是,一般 都要做助理类的,而且都要有证书的。
Means of recruitment
Advertising Recruitment agency Internal promotion Headhunting On-line recruitment On-site recruitment
Something simple that you should pay attention to in the recruitment fair 1. Take advantage of the condition of recruitment fair, communicate with the recruiters actively, try to make friends with the recruiters. 2. Make good preparation for the interview. Formal wear is the best. Leisure wear and sportswear are not permitted in this occasion. And you’d better not wear new clothes because it may make you uncomfortable. 3. Keep a good sitting position, be relaxed. Don’t make crossing legs. Keep a proper distance with the recruiter, but not exceed 1.5 meters. 4. Look directly at the recruiters with smile when you are talking with them, and do not gaze around. 5. Handclasp is a simple etiquette in the recruitment, but it’s very important. When you are talking with the recruiters, don’t clap your hands or play your fingers, it’s impolite.

- Tell them that you are familiar with the purposes and goals of the firm.
- Show how your personal philosophy about work, job, place, and profession fits with the purpose of the position.
5.Show your characteristics, personality.
1.2 Structure of Application Letter
OPENING PARAGRAPH: Who You Are and What You Want (Purpose)
Most companies prefer that the resume and cover letter be embedded into the text of the email, rather than sent as an attachment.
(客观的数字和引述别人的话语来描述自己) √
4. Pay attention to beginning, ending.结尾表 达意愿时,避免软弱。
E.g.If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, Ishallbe glad to talk with you.

Golden Tips of Global Leaders & CEOsI’ve always found success by having happiness in my life, and this applies as much to your personal life as it does to your professional life. If you go to work everyday and you’re not enjoying it, then you’d better find another career. I feel tremendously fortunate because for many years—I’ve found happiness in both.——Don Carty, American Airline (about happiness)Unit 2 Letters, faxes and memos2.1 Communicating in writingAThe different forms of correspondence shown areFax ; airmail(航空); first class post(优先投递); handwritten lettertyped letter ; internal memo ; postcard(明信片); (on the computer screen) B:Post-It TM note(便签); magazinedo preparation : make preparationThe size of each class will be limited to 12 participants. 每个班仅限12人。
Try to limit your talk to ten minutes.start up 创办,开始从事; 误会misunderstanding ; what if 如果…将会怎么样?如果这是真的又怎么样?What if it’s true? ; how about…? (你认为)…怎么样?How about putting off the meeting? 延期开会,怎么样?ELS : English Language School ; 口试oral test ; relative merits 相对的优点…let’s say Wednesday? …咱们假定星期三怎么样?say: 假定,比如说我们假定他在撒谎。

A: A project manager. 4. Q: what / responsible?W_h_a_t__ar_e__y_o_u_r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_l_e_f_o_r_?________
A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships. 5. Q: where / based? _W__h_e_r_e__ar_e__y_o_u_b_a_s_e_d_?_________________
Speaking: Asking questions about jobs
0. Q: why / like/ the company? Why do you like the company?
A: It’s like a family.
How long have you been
1. Q: long / working / the company?w_o_r_k_in_g__f_o_r_t_h_e__co_m__p_a_n_y_?___
4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、
其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴 (Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。
A: Two years. 2. Q: when / join? _W__h_e_n_d_i_d__yo_u__j_o_in__(t_h_e__c_o_m_p_a_n_y_)?__________
A: In 1978. 3. Q: was / first job? _W__h_a_t_w_a_s_y_o_u_r__f_ir_s_t_j_o_b_?_______________
文秘英语教学课件:Unit Two Reception

Secretary English
regret [rɪ'gret] n./v. 遗憾,抱歉 available [ə'veɪləbl] a. 有用的,有空的 expose [ɪks'pəʊz] vt. 暴露,揭露 contact ['kɒntækt] vt. 接触,联系
Secretary English
Secretary English
Words and Expressions
announce [ə'naʊns] vt. 宣布,宣告 position [pə'zɪʃən] n.位置,职位 conversation [,kɒnvə'seɪʃən] n. 会话,交谈 willing ['wɪlɪŋ] a.乐意的,自愿的 alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] a. 选择的,二中择一的
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The secretary should let the visitor announce his name and title to the boss by himself.
D. The secretary should not force the visitor to talk if he seems unwilling to h
4. If the boss is not available, the secretary should tell the visitor some information except _____.
B. The secretary should let the visitor write down a message and mail it to the boss.

How to write an applying letter
• Part one: show your appreciation for the one who provide the opportunity, and your objective. • Part two:give a general introduction about yourself. Such as your educational and work experience,your hobbies etc.. • Part three:illustrate your qualities.you can prove it by kinds of qulifications. • Part four: express your strong willing to get the chance. • Part five:thanks words
Sep. 2000- Jun. 2004 College of Economics and Management, HZAU, B.A.
Work experiences
• • • • 2007-Present Putian University Lecturer in Marketing (illustrate your job responsibility ) Here, you also can write your summer intern, social activities, and campus activities, and emphases your abilities and skills to finish the job, or what you get from the jods.
Unit 2 recruitment ads(HR 招聘广告)

Job Specification:
词组:interpersonal skills, proficiency in…, ability to… 句式:_____ is essential/a necessity.
After recruitment ad
--Hiring and firing (vocabulary)
hire, recruit, employ
X:dismiss, sack, fire 裁员:lay off, make redundant
Give notice(离职通知), walk out/resign(辞职) *take voluntary redundancy:自愿离职 redundancy pay遣散费
Recruitment ads—sample II
Sale Representative 1. Is it essential that the Required for a small but dynamic candidate have a automobile company. The selected university degree? ___________________ candidate, preferably graduates, will No, but it’s preferable. take responsibility for all aspects of 2. What can be the sales and be willing to research the motivating factors of latest car models. Ability to work in a the position? team and a strong interest in the On-the-job training & client are essential. No experience commission(佣金) on necessary as on-the-job training is ____________ car sales. provided. Remuneration negotiable: basic salary and commission on car sales.

on boarding
Stage Four
Appoint the arrange induction
CV reading, interviewing, handwritten test, IQ / EQ
test, psychometrics
Recruiting Program Goals
➢ The firm should represent the client in a highly professional and informed manner.
➢ Speed of initial identification of target candidates and a diligent and thorough search in all relevant organizations.
Summarize the basic the elements of recruitment ads
Sale Representative
required for Accountant firm Required for a small but dynamic
• Achieve cost efficiency • Attract highly qualified
candidates • Help ensure employee
1.筛选简历,确定面试人选 秘书1名: 4小时 *12 =48 招聘经理1名:1 小时*50 = 50 2.面试准备 秘书1名 :1小时 *12= 12 招聘经理1名 :2 小时*50 =100 3.面试初选〔10名候选人〕 同事1名 :5小时* 20 =100 主管1名 5 小时*30 =150 经理1名 5 小时*50 =250 4.参加笔试〔5名候选人〕 招聘专员1名 2 小时*20 =40 5.面试终选〔3名候选人〕 主管1名 2小时 *30= 60 经理1名 2小时* 50= 100 部门经理1名 2小时* 80= 160 可见招聘1名中级职员仅筛选——面试环节的内部招聘本钱就约1千元。

Sales manager executive supervisor
secretary typist receptionist
2.2 Telephoning
A Listen and find:
▪ How many people does she talk to? ▪ Who does she want to talk to?
field, who shall do his job with the specialized knowledge or skills. ▪ Administrative ▪ management of business operations; the act of directing people ▪ Clerical & office ▪ relating to clerks and office work
Make a phone call
Answer a phone call in business situation
▪ Hello or Good morning/afternoon ▪ Company name, office ▪ how can I help you?
A Listen
Does the caller want to speak to Robert Brown or George Braun?
B. General jobs in business
▪ Accountant 会计
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
on boarding
Stage Four Appoint the candidate
& arrange induction training 入职培训
CV reading, interviewing, handwritten test, IQ / EQ
test, psychometrics
Recruiting Program Goals
Can you think of some recruitment methods?
Internal recruitment Recruitment agency Newspaper or specialist magazine ads Headhunting / executive search E-recruitment Campus recruitment or college recruiting Employee referral
The headhunter usually charges 30% of the placed candidate’s first annual salary.
Advantages (headhunting)
--can select high quality candidates Headhunters know the market and the best people Can access people not actively on the job market Disadvantage: Very expensive in the short term.
Recruitment process: how to fill a key vacancy?
Skills, attributes, qualifications
Screening selection
Job advertisements
- Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment.
They can be found in many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job description, how to applyeither by CV or application form).
The firm working on their assignment should have a good understanding of the marketplace and take time to ensure they fully understand the client’s organization, goals and culture.
Above all, the client should expect the identification of a number of highly qualified candidates within the agreed time-frame, followed by the successful placement of the chosen candidate.
The firm should represent the client in a highly professional and informed manner.
Speed of initial identification of target candidates and a diligent and thorough search in all relevant organizations.
Whatwouldyoubedoing1yearsfromn ow?
What would I do after graduation?
Warm-up brainstorming
Where do you start your job-hunting? List as many ways as possible.
• Achieve cost efficiency • Attract highly qualified
candidates • Help ensure employee
1.筛选简历,确定面试人选 秘书1名: 4小时 *12 =48 招聘经理1名:1 小时*50 = 50 2.面试准备 秘书1名 :1小时 *12= 12 招聘经理1名 :2 小时*50 =100 3.面试初选(10名候选人) 同事1名 :5小时* 20 =100 主管1名 5 小时*30 =150 经理1名 5 小时*50 =250 4.参加笔试(5名候选人) 招聘专员1名 2 小时*20 =40 5.面试终选(3名候选人) 主管1名 2小时 *30= 60 经理1名 2小时* 50= 100 部门经理1名 2小时* 80= 160 可见招聘1名中级职员仅筛选——面试环节的内部招聘成本就约1千元。
Ways of job-hunting
Newspaper recruitment ads
4 Head-hunter/
recruitment agencies
Job fair
Friend/parents’ referral
E-recruitment 3
Ask the