Tiger 911语音拨号器安装与编程
Tiger 911语音拨号器安装与编程短路插J1置左侧:表示双音频拨号短路插J2,J3均置左侧:表示常闭,开路触发报警。
红线接12V, 黑线接地,黄线、绿线接报警器NC、C端。
408报警器地址及程序386 1 15 3 2 10数码管显示含义:右脚小点闪动,守候状态。
进入编程:输P 911 Enter 数码管显示S型,表示已进入编程。
以下操作均属于进入编程后的操作:存电话号1 输E1 - - - - - - - Enter存电话号2 输E2 - - - - - - - Enter存电话号3 输E3 - - - - - - - Enter存电话号4 输E4 - - - - - - - Enter加小号[9],以存电话1为例:输E1 9 P - - - - - - - - Enter每按1次P暂停2秒,若按两次暂停4秒]录报警语音输1 开始讲话,录音20秒后,回声嘟声,完毕.报警方式输5 0 Enter [一旦触发报3个循环,中间可用密码解除]输5 1 Enter [一旦触发报1个循环,中间可用密码解除]输5 2 Enter [保持触发才拨号,否则立刻中止拨号]更改密码输P - - - - - - Enter [ 3-6位均可]播放语音输 3 2 播放预存之20秒语音信息查询密码输 3 P 可显示密码查询电话码输 3 E1或3E2,3E3 3E4,可显示预存之电话号查询报警方式输 3 5 可显示0、1、2分别对应3种报警方式停止报警在数码管显示上半部口型时,输入前3位密码时,立刻停止报警Tiger 911拨号器常见故障双击自动滚屏发布者:admin 发布时间:2010-1-5 17:00:45 阅读:435次【字体:大中小】常见故障如下:1、不拨号在测试前应并联一台带免提的电话机以供拨号时监听。
潘基斯特-Porsche 911 型号 2021 年车辆使用指南说明书
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Starting the Engine
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Use caution if you ever drive your vehicle on very rough or rutted roads. You could damage the suspension and underbody by bottoming out. Going too fast over parking lot ‘‘speed bumps’’ can also cause damage.
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. In cold weather, turn off all electrical accessories to reduce the drain on the battery.
3. Push the clutch pedal down all the way. The ENGINE START button has no effect unless the clutch pedal is pressed.
6. If the engine does not start within 15 seconds, or starts but stalls right away, repeat step 5 with the accelerator pedal pressed halfway down. If the engine starts, release pressure on the accelerator pedal so the engine does not race.
伯劳特911 Targa 4产品配置说明书
911 Targa 4Your dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PR9X66R9Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PR9X66R9SummaryBour 911 Targa 4 Conpguration£ase Price311,0SSSmSS*u- of selected o/tions3SmSSTotal PriceA311,0SSSmSSAincluding VbT Y Please note the i-ages dis/layed here -ay not Fe a co-/lete and accurate re/resentation of your chosen s/ecipcation and so they should not Fe relied onm qor further infor-ation on the a//earance of colour0 eOui/-ent0 and other o/tions0 /lease contact your Porsche Centrem911 Targa 4Exterior Colours & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior colours Qhite S23SmSSConvertiFle To/ in Flack1V3SmSS Wheels19Yinch. HSYinch Carrera Qheels46E*tandard UOui/-entInterior Colours & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior colours & materials£lack leather interior b53SmSS ArraySeats*/orts seats 4Yway28b*tandard UOui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & chassis DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()G•1•*tandard UOui/-ent911 Targa 4Standard EquipmentWheelsZ19Yinch. HSYinch Carrera QheelsZ19Yinch. HSYinch Carrera Qheels with H,8.4S MR 19 front tyres and H98.,8 MR HS rear tyresZ Tyre Pressure xonitoring *yste- KTPxGZ Tyre re/air kit with sealing co-/ound and electric air co-/ressorSeatsZ*/orts seats 4YwayPowertrain & chassisZ DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()GZ6Ycylinder FoNer engine with twinYturFo0 dis/lace-ent: ,mS litres0 -aNi-u- /ower out/ut: HD, kQ K,D8 P*G0 -aNi-u- torOue: 48S I-Z DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()G Y DYs/eed dualYclutch trans-ission with -anual control via gearshiL /addles at steering wheelm jncludes an auto-atic -odeZ xcPhersonYfront aNle with antiYroll FarZ xultiYlink rear aNle with antiYroll FarZ4Y/iston0 alu-iniu- pNed -onoFloc Frake cali/ers front and rear0 Frake discs with ,,S -- dia-eter front and rear0 all discs internally vented and crossYdrilled0 Frake cali/ers £lack Z bllYwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiY/late clutch Porsche Traction xanage-ent KPTxGZ*PWRT Futton to activate dyna-ic driving settings for engine and trans-issionZ blu-iniu- engine Flock and cylinder headsZ Ulectro-echanical /ower steering with variaFle steering ratio and steering /ulse generatorZ QaterYcooled engine with ther-al -anage-entZ Porsche bctive *us/ension xanage-ent KPb*xGZ*tationary -anage-ent with EW+( functionZ Porsche *taFility xanage-ent KP*xG inclm b£* with eNtended Frake functionsZ H turFochargers0 H intercoolersZ buto start.sto/ functionZ(irect quel jn'ection K(qjGZ VarioCa- Plus variaFle valve ti-ing and liLZ jntegrated dryYsu-/ luFrication with an onYde-and controlled oil /u-/Z Two ,Yway catalytic converters and onYFoard diagnostics for -onitoring e-ission control syste-Z H gasoline /articulate plters K•PqGZ UN/ansion intake -anifoldZ UNhaust syste- with H tuFe tail/i/e tri-s pNed to the Fu-/er Kin stainless steelGZ Ulectrically o/erated /arking FrakeExteriorZ H‘H seater with rear engineZ jntelligent lightweight construction in alu-iniu- and steel co-/ositeZ*ide air intakes at front with active cooling air ’a/s and air FladesZ butoYde/loying rear s/oilerZ Tri- on side skirts in £lackZ RetractaFle door handlesZ xodel designation on rear tri- in +ightsilver911 Targa 4Z zPWR*CEUz lettering integrated in taillight stri/Z Rear lid grille with vertical slats in *ilver KhighYglossGZ qully auto-atic roof syste-0 co-/rising a faFric hood with roof shell and integral -agnesiu- ele-ents0 and a curved0 heataFle rear screen in la-inated safety glassm Roof o/erated when vehicle stationaryZ Qind de’ector in windscreen cowl surroundZ qiNed Targa roll Far with tri- in alu-iniu-0 gills and 7targa¹ logoLights & visionZ+U( -ain headlights including dayti-e running lights with 4Y/oint +U( s/otlightsZ Reading lights0 orientation0 ignition lock0 luggage co-/art-ent0 footwell0 glove co-/art-ent and door lightning all Fuild on +U( technologyZ jllu-inated vanity -irrors in sun visors for driver and /assengerZ+U( auNiliary light units in the front end with /osition lights0 direction indicators and side indicatorsZ Taillight stri/ including integrated /arking lights and rear fogYlightZ buto-atic headlight activation inclm 7Qelco-e Eo-e¹ lightingZ ThreeYdi-ensional +U( taillights inclm reversing light and direction indicators as well as integral third Frake lightsZ UNterior -irrors on door waist rails0 electrically ad'ustaFle and heataFle0 as/herical on driverzs sideZ Qindscreen washer syste- with aero wi/er Flades and washer 'etsZ buto-atically di--ing interior and eNterior -irrors with integrated rain sensorInterior designZ HY®one auto-atic cli-ate control with se/arate te-/erature settings for driver and front /assenger0Z jnstru-ent cluster with central rev counter and two ™Yinch TqT dis/lays0 1Sm9Yinch Centerdis/layZ xultifunctional steering wheel with shiL /addles and -anual heightY and reach ad'ust-entZ qront luggage co-/art-entZ Particle./ollen plter with active carFon plterZ*/orts seats with electric Fackrest angle and seat height ad'ust-ent and -anual ad'ust-ent of fore.aL /ositionZ qullYsi®e airFags KtwoYstageG for driver and front /assengerZ•ear indicator in rev counterZ P() gear changer lever with auto-atic -ode0 -anual gear selection via shiL /addles at the steering wheelZ bscending centre console with storage co-/art-entZ U-Fossed leather on front center seat0 side Folsters and front seat headrestsZ*-oothYpnish leather on steering wheel ri-0 door handles0 door /anel ar-rests and centre console storage co-/art-ent lidZ*torage co-/art-ent in each doorZ Porsche *ide j-/act Protection KPW*jPG0 co-/rising side i-/act /rotection ele-ents in the doors and EeadYThoraN airFag for driver and front /assengerZ•love co-/art-ent KlockaFleG and storage co-/art-ent in each doorZ(ashFoard tri- stri/0 centre console tri- and door /anel tri- stri/s in (ia-ar darksilverZ Two individual cu/holders K1N as inlet in the center console and 1N /assenger sideGZ xounting /oints on /assenger seat for j*WqjX child seat -ounting syste-Z Ungine i--oFiliser with re-ote central locking and alar- syste- with ultrasonic soundYFased interior surveillanceZ•reenYtinted ther-ally insulated glassZ Eeated rear screenZ Eood lining in Flack faFricZ(oor sill guards with -odel designationZ H 5*£YC /orts in center console -ain storage co-/art-ent lid0 socket K1HYvoltG in /assenger footwellZ qloor -atsZ Clothes hooks on seat FackrestsZ*eat heating KfrontGZ RollYover /rotection integrated into pNed Targa roll Far911 Targa 4Comfort & usabilityZ U-ergency call syste- eCallZ Porsche QUT xodeZ Qarn and £rake bssist inclm Pedestrian /rotectionZ)eyless driveZ Parkbssist front and rear including reversing ca-eraZ Ulectric window liLs with oneYtouch o/eration and door seal /rotectionZ Cruise controlZ Re-ote control for central locking syste- and luggage co-/art-ent lid releaseZ Pre/aration for Porsche (ashca-InfotainmentZ(igital radioZ*ound Package Plus0 analogue sound syste-0 D louds/eakers0 18SYwatt total out/ut with integral a-/liper and digital signal /rocessingZ Porsche Co--unication xanage-ent KPCxG including Wnline Iavigation³0 xoFile Phone Pre/aration0 budio jnterfaces and Voice ControlZ Porsche Connect online navigation Ksee Porsche Co--unication xanage-entG0 -usic strea-ing and online radio0 Re-ote *ervices and a wide range of other Porsche Connect *ervices Z Porsche Vehicle Tracking *yste- KPVT*G Y Iote: To use the PVT*0 you need to /urchase the Car *ecurity Package fro- the Porsche Connect *torem qor further infor-ation on followYon costs0 /lease visit wwwm/orschemco-.connect or consult your Porsche CentremZ*-art/hone jntegration inclm b//le CarPlay and bndroid buto911 Targa 4Technical Data Power unitConpguration . nu-Fer of cylinders6(is/lace-ent H09D1 c- Power KP*G,D8 P*xaNi-u- /ower at RPx608SS 1.-in xaNi-u- engine s/eed™08SS 1.-in xaNm torOue KI-G48S I-xaNi-u- torOue at RPx range1098S Y 80SSS 1.-inConsumption (WLTP)quel consu-/tion co-FinedA K-odel rangeG H8m9 Y H6m9 -/g CWHYe-issions co-Fined H,D g.k-U-ission standard Uuro 6dYj*CYqCx quel consu-/tion co-Fined H6m9 -/gCWH e-issions co-FinedA K-odel rangeG H4™ Y H,9 g.k-Body dimensions and weights+ength40819 --Qidth K-irrors foldedG10D8H --Qidth Kincluding -irrorsG H0SH4 --Eeight10H9™ --QheelFase H048S --5nladen weight K(jIG10668 kgPer-issiFle gross weight H0S6S kgxaNi-u- /ayload,98 kg911 Targa 4xaNi-u- /er-issiFle roof load S kgCapacities+uggage co-/art-ent volu-e KfrontG1,H litresW/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e KFehind front seatsG16, lquel tank6™ litresPerformanceTo/ s/eed1™9 -/h bcceleration SY6H -/h KSY1SS k-.hG4m4 secs bcceleration SY6H -/h KSY1SS k-.hG with */ort Chrono Package4mH secsService and WarrantyQarranty /eriod, yearsxain service interval every HS0SSS -iles . H years911 Targa 4911 Targa 4911 Targa 4。
AUTO-DIALER 911微电脑自动求救机CCTV SECURITY ALARM AUTOMATION SYSTEM电气特性:工作电压:DC11V TO 15V静态电流:20mA (MAX)拔号方式:音频/脉冲,跳线选择J1报警方式:N.C.、N.O.和电压信号跳线选择J2、J3录音时间:20秒,掉电后电话号码、语音不丢失储存电话号码:4组电话,每组最长可存入16位数字二级私密码:0-6位私人密码,前三位可用解除报警,整体(六体)密码用于更改设置出厂密码:911外观图:①喇叭②麦克风③7段显示器:输入所要储存之号码时,会同时显示其号码④E4指示灯:设定E4号码时,此灯会亮⑤E1指示灯:设定E1电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑥E2指示灯:设定E2电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑦ E3指示灯:设定E3电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮若设定密码时,E1、E2、E3及E4指示灯会亮⑧接至电话接头⑨○10接至DC12V电源,桔色线(或红色)接正电压,咖啡色线(或黑色)接负电压○11○12信号触发线,当接到N.C.或N.O.干接点时,不分极性,作为DC12V电压输入时,蓝色线(或黄色)接正电压,绿色线接负电压○13 P按键可作为以下用途:可储存6位数字作为密码当使用于语音自动回报系统之总机时,可作为暂停时间,按1次,两秒;按2次,4秒,以此类推.有此功能,即可自动打到分机○14接并联电话机设定触发信号及电话系统:①打开背盖②可看见印刷电路板上有3个跳线座J1、J2、J3,依序并排。
(A)N.C.输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3亦置于“左边”(B)N.O.输入:将J2置于“右边”,J3置于“左边”(C)电压输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3置于“右边”⑤设定完成后,请将背盖盖上微电脑自动求救机AUTO-DIALER操作程序开机后先自检:自检完毕后进入工作状态,七段显示器的右下角小数点闪烁,若已存有信息,则收到报警信号后AUTO-DIALER自动开始报警,如要设置或改变设置,按以下步骤可以储存,检查电话号码,密码及录音、放音1 进入编程状态:先键入0-6位)然后按下注意:出厂密码为911例如:新机器未更改密码时进入编程状态操作如下:⑨①① ENTER如密码输入正确则显示一下□,然后进入编程状态显示5若密码输入错误则显示一下E,退回工作状态,可按上述步骤重新输入2 储存第1组电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下:例如电话号码为93953399,则操作程序如下:A9○3○5○3○3○99键入时间始储存号码,如显示□,则表示已正确存入,然后返回5状态,如显示一下E,则表示未能正确存入,5 如要清除第1组电话号码时,只需在5 状态下键入B 若先拨至语音自动播报总机,不透过接线员转接,再自动拨到分机,假设分机号码为12,则储存方式如下:9○3○5○3○3○99①②C 每按一次(储存第2、3、4组电话号码方式均与第1组相同)3查询所预存之电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下,按3键,此时显示匚,表示CHECK,再按所欲查询之E1、E2、E3、E4或PAUSE,显示器开始显示号码,其操作程序如下:或或或显示器开始显示所预存之电4储存及播放求救语音信息:A 本机可储存20秒语音信息,在编程状态下,即5状态下,按1键(此时显示器显示┌表示RECORD),即可直接录音,其操作程序如下:①开始讲话,录音回音嘟响(20秒后录音完毕,即自动停止。
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 配置说明书
911 GT3 RSYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRLFYJ45Visit the following link to view your build: https://conagur.tormporschemco-/porscheBcode/PRLFYJ45SummaryYour 911 GT3 RS Conagur.tion$.se Price2,4103EEPrice for qDuip-ent2EHelivery0 Processing .nd 6.ndling Fee210z5EG.s Guxxler T.7210*EETot.l PriceA2,440z5EAjll infor-.tion is subNect to ch.nge without noticem Ieither Porsche C.rs Iorth j-eric.0 Oncm nor the -.nuf.cturer c.n .ccept li.bility .rising fro- the use of .ny infor-.tion cont.ined hereinm Mnly .n .ctu.l invoice issued by PCIj .t the ti-e . vehicle is sold to .n .uthorixed Porsche Center -.y be used .s .n o(ci.l indic.tion of eDuip-ent .nd pricingm The Tot.l ).nuf.cturers Suggested Ret.il Price X)SRPU shown e7cludes t.7es0 title0 registr.tion0 other option.l or region.lly reDuired eDuip-ent0 .nd de.ler ch.rgesm The price .nd .v.il.bility of Ondividu.lly Co--issioned qDuip-ent XCWWU c.n be deter-ined only .!er review .nd .n.lysis by the -.nuf.cturerm jctu.l selling prices .re set by de.lers .nd -.y v.rymThe Porsche Fin.nci.l Services0 Oncm p.y-ent esti-.tor tool helps you esti-.te the p.y-ent for an.nce or le.se tr.ns.ctions for new vehicles b.sed on the v.ri.bles you enter into the toolm P.y-ent s.-ples .re illustr.tive onlym This is not .n oQer of s.le or le.se0 e7tension of credit or . co--it-ent to oQer an.ncingm qsti-.tes -.y include cert.in t.7 credits or reb.tesm jctu.l an.nce or le.se pricing will be b.sed on the an.l negoti.ted price .nd ter-s .greed upon by you .nd your "mSm .uthorixed Porsche Centerm Ter-s oQered by Porsche Fin.nci.l Services ch.nge freDuently .nd the ter-s you enter -.y not be .v.il.ble .t the ti-e you an.nce or le.se your Porsche vehiclem Fin.ncing .nd le.sing r.tes will v.ry b.sed on creditworthiness0 .nd not .ll .pplic.nts will Du.lifym The s.-ple esti-.tes e7clude .ny title0 t.7es0 registr.tion0 license fees0 insur.nce0 e7cess -ile.ge ch.rges0 TeDuip-ent .ccessories0 -.inten.nce .nd/or de.ler feesm Io security deposit is reDuiredm Ple.se see your "mSm .uthorixed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price0 your .ctu.l p.y-ent0 ter-s .nd .ny speci.l oQersmOnfor-.tion for our custo-ers:Khile we strive for .ccur.te conagur.tor visu.lix.tions0 there .re so-e options th.t -.y not be rendering .ccur.tely .t this ti-em Ke .re working on this0 but in the -e.nti-e0 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the an.l det.ilsm Th.nk youZ911 GT3 RSExterior Colors & WheelsC.tegory Mption Mption code Price Exterior Color Khite E•2EWheels,E+/,1+ GT3 RS Forged jlu-inu- Kheels5zPSt.nd.rd qDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsC.tegory Mption Mption code PriceInterior Color St.nd.rd Onterior with R.ceBTe7 .nd Stitching in GT Silver,,2E ArraySeats Full $ucket Se.ts•18St.nd.rd qDuip-entExterior OptionsC.tegory Mption Mption code PricePerformance*Bspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung XPH8U G1CSt.nd.rd qDuip-entOthersC.tegory Mption Mption code Price Others Oncluded First Ye.r / 1E0EEE )ile ).inten.nce®1S2E911 GT3 RSStandard Equipment Wheels°,E+/,1+ GT3 RS Forged jlu-inu- KheelsWheel Accessories°Kheels P.inted in Silver°Tire Pressure )onitoring Syste- XTP)SU°Tire Se.ling Co-pound .nd jir Co-pressorSeats°Full $ucket Se.ts°Re.r Se.t HeleteExterior°q7terior )irror Lower Tri- in q7terior Color .nd $.se in $l.ck°Kindow Tri- in S.tin $l.ck°q7clusive Hesign Fuel C.p°Re.r HiQusorRoof and Transport Systems° C.rbon Fiber Roof P.inted in q7terior Color with Contoured Sh.peExterior Decals and Logos°+GT3 RS+ Side Hec.l in Hevi.ted Color°)odel Hesign.tion on Re.r F.sci. in S.tin $l.ckPerformance°4mEBLiter I.tur.lly jspir.ted $o7er z°Re.rBKheel Hrive°PjS) Sport Suspension XLowered ,E--U°Porsche TorDue Vectoring Plus XPTV U°Chrono P.ck.ge with Prep.r.tion for L.p Trigger°Lightweight St.inless Steel Sport t Syste- with Two Centr.l T.ilpipes in $l.ck°Power Steering Plus°Re.r j7le Steering with Sport Setup°$r.kes with C.lipers in Red°1zm9 G.llon Fuel T.nk°Lightweight $.ttery LiFePM4°*Bspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung XPH8U°4mEBliter n.tur.lly .spir.ted bo7er z°51 hp / 34, lbB!911 GT3 RS Lights and Vision°LqH 6e.dlights with Ontegr.ted 4BPoint H.yti-e Running Lights°+PMRSC6q+ Logo on Re.r F.sci. in S.tin $l.ck°).nu.lly Hi--ing Onterior )irror°q7terior )irrors°Lightweight .nd Ioise Onsul.ted Gl.ssInterior Packages and Trim°Onterior Tri- in ).tte C.rbon FiberSteering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector°GT Sport Steering Kheel in $l.ck R.ceBTe7°Steering Kheel Colu-n with ).nu.l jdNust-ents°Ge.r Selector in $l.ck R.ceBTe7Interior°Roof Lining in R.ceBTe7°HoorBSill Gu.rds in C.rbon Fiber°Floor ).tsAssistance Systems°Reversing C.-er.°Cruise ControlInterior Comfort°6o-eLink°,B®one juto-.tic Cli-.te Control°P.rticle/Pollen Filter with jctive C.rbon Filter°IonBS-oking P.ck.geAudio and Communication°I.vig.tion )odule for Porsche Co--unic.tion ).n.ge-ent XPC)U°Voice Control°Sound P.ck.ge Plus°S-.rtphone Ontegr.tion°"S$BC PortsOthers°Tire V.lve in Silver911 GT3 RSTechnical DataFotor$ore1E,mE --Stroke 1m5 --Hispl.ce-ent3099z cc).7m power51 hp).7m power .t rp- 05EE rp-).7m engine speed90EEE rp-).7m torDue34, lbB!).7m torDue .t rp-z03EE rp-).7m power per liter1,9m5 hp/lBuel ConsumptionqPj Hiscl.i-er qPj esti-.tes not yet .v.il.blemodyLength1 EmE inKidth w/ -irrors folded*4m inKidth*9m in6eight5,m1 inKheelb.se9zm* inTurning circle di.-eter34m5 !Curb weight30,z lbGross Vehicle Keight R.ting XGVKRU3095* lb).7i-u- lo.d z 9 lb911 GT3 RSCapacitiesFuel t.nk1zm9 g.lPerformanceTop tr.ck speed Xwith su--er tiresU1 4 -phE B zE -ph3mE s1/4 -ile with Sport Chrono P.ck.ge1Em9 sTerrain Beaturesjppro.ch / dep.rture .ngle Xsteel suspensionU zm, B 9mR.-p bre.kBover .ngle Xsteel suspensionU1Emz).7m ground cle.r.nce Xsteel suspensionU3m9 inSer/ice and WarrantyLi-ited vehicle w.rr.nty 4 ye.rs/5E0EEE -iles Xwhichever co-es arstU including ,4Bhour ro.dside .ssist.nce progr.-).in service interv.l Porsche C.rs Iorth j-eric. oQers service .nd -.inten.nce p.ck.ges in . v.riety of ter-sto -.tch your intended us.gem Ple.se see your .uthorixed Porsche He.ler for det.ils .nd.v.il.bilitymLi-ited p.int w.rr.nty 4 ye.rs/5E0EEE -iles Xwhichever co-es arstULi-ited corrosion w.rr.nty1, ye.rs/unli-ited -iles911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RS。
Porsche 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet 配置说明书
911 Carrera GTS CabrioletYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRWZNMK4Visit the following link to view your build: https://con.guratormporschemco-/porscheYcode/PRWZNMK4SummaryBour 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet Con.gY uration $ase Price613,70EE Price for qDuip-ent6E Helivery7 Processing and Fandling 5ee6173*E Total PriceA613*7,*EAjll infor-ation is subIect to change without noticem Neither Porsche Cars North j-erica7 Oncm nor the -anufacturer can accept liability arising fro- the use of any infor-ation contained hereinm znly an actual invoice issued by PCNj at the ti-e a vehicle is sold to an authori(ed Porsche Center -ay be used as an o)cial indication of eDuip-ent and pricingm The Total Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price xMSRPX shown eUcludes taUes7 title7 registration7 other optional or regionally reDuired eDuip-ent7 and dealer chargesm The price and availability of Ondividually Co--issioned qDuip-ent xC!!X can be deter-ined only aQer review and analysis by the -anufacturerm jctual selling prices are set by dealers and -ay varymThe Porsche 5inancial Services7 Oncm pay-ent esti-ator tool helps you esti-ate the pay-ent for .nance or lease transactions for new vehicles based on the variables you enter into the toolm Pay-ent sa-ples are illustrative onlym This is not an o2er of sale or lease7 eUtension of credit or a co--it-ent to o2er .nancingm qsti-ates -ay include certain taU credits or rebatesm jctual .nance or lease pricing will be based on the .nal negotiated price and ter-s agreed upon by you and your "mSm authori(ed Porsche Centerm Ter-s o2ered by Porsche 5inancial Services change freDuently and the ter-s you enter -ay not be available at the ti-e you .nance or lease your Porsche vehiclem 5inancing and leasing rates will vary based on creditworthiness7 and not all applicants will Dualifym The sa-ple esti-ates eUclude any title7 taUes7 registration7 license fees7 insurance7 eUcess -ileage charges7 TeDuip-ent accessories7 -aintenance and/or dealer feesm No security deposit is reDuiredm Please see your "mSm authori(ed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price7 your actual pay-ent7 ter-s and any special o2ersmOnfor-ation for our custo-ers:While we strive for accurate con.gurator visuali(ations7 there are so-e options that -ay not be rendering accurately at this ti-em We are working on this7 but in the -eanti-e7 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the .nal detailsm Thank you8911 Carrera GTS CabrioletExterior Colors & WheelsCategory zption zption code Price Exterior Color White E•6ECabriolet Roof in $lack1V6EWheels LE+/L1+ 911 Turbo S Wheels in Satin $lack54*Standard qDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory zption zption code Price Interior Color Standard Onterior in RaceYTeU GF6E ArraySeats Sport Seats Plus x4YwayX•4•Standard qDuip-entExterior OptionsCategory zption zption code Price ArrayPerformance®Yspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung xPHKX G15Standard qDuip-entOthersCategory zption zption code Price Others Oncluded 5irst Bear / 1E7EEE Mile Maintenance Z1S6E911 Carrera GTS CabrioletStandard EquipmentWheels³LE+/L1+ 911 Turbo S Wheels in Satin $lackWheel Colors³Wheels Painted in Satin $lackWheel Accessories³Tire Pressure Monitoring Syste- xTPMSX³Tire Sealing Co-pound and jir Co-pressorSeats³Sport Seats Plus x4YwayX³Feated Seats x5rontXExterior Packages³SportHesign PackageExterior³Side Skirts³qUterior Mirror °ower Tri- in qUterior Color and $ase in $lack³Rear °id Grille Vertical Slat Onlays in Satin $lackRoof and Transport Systems³5abric RoofExterior Decals and Logos³+911 Carrera T+ Side Hecal in jgate Grey³Model Hesignation on Rear in Satin $lackPerformance³,mEY°iter TwinYTurbocharged $oUer 3³RearYWheel Hrive³PjSM Sport Suspension x°owered 1E--X³Porsche TorDue Vectoring Plus xPTV X³Sport Chrono Package³Sport qUhaust Syste- inclm Tailpipes in $lack³Power Steering³Standard $rake Syste- with Calipers in Red³13m9 Gallon 5uel Tank911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet ³®Yspeed Porsche Hoppelkupplung xPHKXLights and Vision³°qH Feadlights in $lack inclm Porsche Hyna-ic °ight Syste- xPH°SX³Taillight Strip with +PzRSCFq+ °ogo³+PzRSCFq+ °ogo on Rear in Satin $lack³jutoYHi--ing Mirrors³qUterior Mirrors³Windshield with Grey Top TintInterior Packages and Trim³Onterior Tri- Onlays in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-Steering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector³GT Sport Steering Wheel in RaceYTeU³Steering Wheel Colu-n with Manual jdIust-ents³Gear Selector with RaceYTeU jccentInterior³Onstru-ent Hials in $lack³Sport Chrono Stopwatch or Co-pass Hial in $lack³5abric Roof °ining³HoorYSill Guards in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-³5loor MatsAssistance Systems³Parkjssist x5ront and RearX³Parkjssist x5ront and RearX inclm Reversing Ca-era³Cruise ControlInterior Comfort³Fo-e°ink³Co-fort jccess³LYZone juto-atic Cli-ate Control³Particle/Pollen 5ilter with jctive Carbon 5ilter³NonYS-oking Package³Co-fort jccess with Keyless Go and unlock upon approachAudio and Communication³Navigation Module for Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent xPCMX³Voice Control³Sound Package Plus³S-artphone Ontegration³"S$YC Ports911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet Others³Tire Valve in $lack911 Carrera GTS CabrioletTechnical DataFotor$ore91mE --Stroke03m4 --Hisplace-ent L79®1 ccMaUm power40, hpMaUm power at rp-37*EE rp-MaUm engine speed07*EE rp-MaUm torDue4LE lbYQMaUm torDue at rp-L7,EE Y *7EEE rp-MaUm power per liter1*0m3 hp/lBuel ConsumptionqPj Hisclai-er qPj esti-ates not yet availablemody°ength10®m* inWidth w/ -irrors folded0Lm9 inWidth09m0 inFeight*Em® inWheelbase93m* inTurning circle dia-eter,3m® QCurb weight,7*®0 lbGross Vehicle Weight Rating xGVWRX47490 lbMaUi-u- load91E lb911 Carrera GTS CabrioletCapacities5ront luggage co-part-ent volu-e4m3 Q5uel tank13m9 galPerformanceTop track speed xwith su--er tiresX19L -phE Y 3E -ph with Sport Chrono Package,m4 s1/4 -ile with Sport Chrono Package11m0 sTerrain Beaturesjpproach / departure angle xsteel suspensionX0m9 Y 1,m1Ra-p breakYover angle xsteel suspensionX11m3MaUm ground clearance xsteel suspensionX4m* inSer/ice and Warranty°i-ited vehicle warranty 4 years/*E7EEE -iles xwhichever co-es .rstX including L4Yhour roadside assistance progra-Main service interval Porsche Cars North j-erica o2ers service and -aintenance packages in a variety of ter-sto -atch your intended usagem Please see your authori(ed Porsche Healer for details andavailabilitym°i-ited paint warranty 4 years/*E7EEE -iles xwhichever co-es .rstX°i-ited corrosion warranty1L years/ unli-ited -iles911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet。
Porsche 911 Carrera T配置说明书
911 Carrera TYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRMAHME3Visit the following link to view your build: https://con.guratormporschemco-/porscheYcode/PRMAHME3SummaryBour 911 Carrera T Con.guration$ase Price214,09qqPrice for EDuip-ent2qFelivery0 Processing and Handling 6ee2105*qTotal Pricej21450**qjAll infor-ation is subNect to change without noticem Ieither Porsche Cars Iorth A-erica0 Oncm nor the -anufacturer can accept liability arising fro- the use of any infor-ation contained hereinm znly an actual invoice issued by PCIA at the ti-e a vehicle is sold to an authoriSed Porsche Center -ay be used as an o(cial indication of eDuip-ent and pricingm The Total Manufacturers )uggested Retail Price xM)RPX shown eUcludes taUes0 title0 registration0 other optional or regionally reDuired eDuip-ent0 and dealer chargesm The price and availability of Ondividually Co--issioned EDuip-ent xCWWX can be deter-ined only a!er review and analysis by the -anufacturerm Actual selling prices are set by dealers and -ay varymThe Porsche 6inancial )ervices0 Oncm pay-ent esti-ator tool helps you esti-ate the pay-ent for .nance or lease transactions for new vehicles based on the variables you enter into the toolm Pay-ent sa-ples are illustrative onlym This is not an oQer of sale or lease0 eUtension of credit or a co--it-ent to oQer .nancingm Esti-ates -ay include certain taU credits or rebatesm Actual .nance or lease pricing will be based on the .nal negotiated price and ter-s agreed upon by you and your "m)m authoriSed Porsche Centerm Ter-s oQered by Porsche 6inancial )ervices change freDuently and the ter-s you enter -ay not be available at the ti-e you .nance or lease your Porsche vehiclem 6inancing and leasing rates will vary based on creditworthiness0 and not all applicants will Dualifym The sa-ple esti-ates eUclude any title0 taUes0 registration0 license fees0 insurance0 eUcess -ileage charges0 TeDuip-ent accessories0 -aintenance and/or dealer feesm Io security deposit is reDuiredm Please see your "m)m authoriSed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price0 your actual pay-ent0 ter-s and any special oQersmOnfor-ation for our custo-ers:Ghile we strive for accurate con.gurator visualiSations0 there are so-e options that -ay not be rendering accurately at this ti-em Ge are working on this0 but in the -eanti-e0 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the .nal detailsm Thank you7911 Carrera TExterior Colors & WheelsCategory zption zption code Price Exterior Color Ghite qZ2qWheels4q•/41• Carrera ) Gheels in Titaniu- Lrey,5O)tandard EDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory zption zption code Price Interior Color)tandard Onterior with Checkered )portYTeU )eat Centers GA2q ArraySeats)port )eats Plus x,YwayX Z,Z)tandard EDuip-entExterior OptionsCategory zption zption code Price ArrayPerformance8Y)peed Manual Trans-ission and )port Chrono Package L1M)tandard EDuip-entOthersCategory zption zption code Price Others Oncluded 6irst Bear / 1q0qqq Mile Maintenance K1)2q911 Carrera TStandard EquipmentWheels+4q•/41• Carrera ) Gheels in Titaniu- LreyWheel Accessories+Gheel center caps with -onochro-atic Porsche Crest+Tire Pressure Monitoring )yste- xTPM)X+Tire )ealing Co-pound and Air Co-pressorSeats+Heated )eats x6rontX+Rear )eat Felete+)port )eats Plus x,YwayXExterior+)ide )kirts+EUterior Mirrors in Agate Lrey+Gindow Tri- in )atin $lack+Rear ®id Lrille Vertical )lat Onlays in Agate Lrey+Rear FiQusorRoof and Transport Systems+RoofExterior Decals and Logos+•911 Carrera T• )ide Fecal in Agate Lrey+Model Fesignation on Rear in Agate LreyPerformance+3mqY®iter TwinYTurbocharged $oUer 5+RearYGheel Frive+PA)M )port )uspension x®owered 1q--X+)port Chrono Package+)port EUhaust )yste- inclm Tailpipes in $lack+Power )teering+)tandard $rake )yste- with Calipers in $lack+15m9 Lallon 6uel Tank+8Y)peed Manual Trans-ission and )port Chrono Package+Tire te-perature display+Porsche TorDue Vectoring xPTVX with a -echanically locking rear diQerential+Iote: imcmwm ³Yspeed Porsche Foppelkupplung xPF°X 0 Porsche TorDue Vectoring Plus xPTV X inclm electronically controlled diQerential lock with fully variable torDue distribution is standard911 Carrera T Lights and Vision+®EF Headlights+Taillight )trip with •PzR)CHE• ®ogo+•PzR)CHE• ®ogo on Rear in Agate Lrey+AutoYFi--ing Mirrors+EUterior Mirrors+Gindshield with Lrey Top Tint+®ightweight and Ioise Onsulated LlassInterior Packages and Trim+Onterior Tri- in $lack with Onlays in High Lloss $lackSteering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector+LT )port )teering Gheel in ®eather+)teering Gheel Colu-n with Manual AdNust-ents+PF° Lear )elector or Manual Lear ®everInterior+Onstru-ent Fials in $lack+)port Chrono )topwatch or Co-pass Fial in $lack+Roof ®ining in 6abric+)port Pedals and 6ootrest in $lack+FoorY)ill Luards in $lack $rushed Alu-inu-+6loor MatsAssistance Systems+ParkAssist x6ront and RearX+ParkAssist x6ront and RearX inclm Reversing Ca-era+Cruise ControlInterior Comfort+Ho-e®ink+Co-fort Access+4YKone Auto-atic Cli-ate Control+Particle/Pollen 6ilter with Active Carbon 6ilter+IonY)-oking Package+Co-fort Access with °eyless Lo and unlock upon approachAudio and Communication+Iavigation Module for Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent xPCMX+Voice Control+)ound Package Plus+)-artphone Ontegration+")$YC Ports911 Carrera T Others+Tire Valve in $lack911 Carrera TTechnical Data Botor$ore91mq --)troke85m, --Fisplace-ent409³1 cc MaUm power389 hp MaUm power at rp-50*qq rp-MaUm engine speed80*qq rp-MaUm power per liter145m3 hp/lFody®ength188m9 in Gidth w/ -irrors folded84m9 inGidth89m8 in Height*qm9 in Gheelbase95m* in Turning circle dia-eter35m³ !Curb weight304*, lb Lross Vehicle Geight Rating xLVGRX,0q89 lb MaUi-u- load³4* lbCapacities6ront luggage co-part-ent volu-e,m5 !6uel tank15m9 galPerformance911 Carrera TTop track speed xwith su--er tiresX1³1 -phq Y 5q -ph with )port Chrono Package,m3 sTerrain eaturesApproach / departure angle xsteel suspensionX11m* Y 13m*Ra-p breakYover angle xsteel suspensionX11m³MaUm ground clearance xsteel suspensionX,m* inSer/ice and Warranty®i-ited vehicle warranty, years/*q0qqq -iles xwhichever co-es .rstX including 4,Yhour roadside assistance progra-Main service interval Porsche Cars Iorth A-erica oQers service and -aintenance packages in a variety of ter-sto -atch your intended usagem Please see your authoriSed Porsche Fealer for details andavailabilitym®i-ited paint warranty, years/*q0qqq -iles xwhichever co-es .rstX®i-ited corrosion warranty14 years/ unli-ited -iles911 Carrera T911 Carrera T911 Carrera T。
威仕特-V911 用户指导手册目录功能说明>前言>检查产品包装>产品结构说明>产品功能说明>LED显示说明>按键设定说明>语音响声含义说明数据下载更新说明>下载与更新GPS状态>GPS主要规格说明>无法取得卫星信号因素>GPS异常警示状态目前警方制式系统与产品保修>目前警方制式系统>重要原厂保证需知>产品保修凭证>打假维权声明前言亲爱的用户您好:首先非常感谢您使用我公司系列产品,除恭喜您挑选到好的产品外,也为您正确的选购有完善保固及有服务品质的产品,而替您庆幸不已,汽车雷达侦测器在全球各地虽行之有年,然而全球各地之汽车雷达业者良莠不齐,行销花招百出,广告夸大不实,已令广大消费者眼花缭乱无从选择,再加上各家公司对于商品本质之感度及侦搜范围,大多无专业仪器进行测试,而造成即使于市场知名度很高的商品,仍免有不堪使用之劣质商品充斥其中贩售,造成消费者人人只能自求多福,同样是雷达侦测器,为何我们就是比人家好?因为我们一直很用心,希望带给您行车更安全!本公司自成立以来,无论商品的品质保固,都做到每一位顾客有口皆碑外,诚实不夸大,诚实标价不欺骗,落实于每一位销售环节中,贵为市场之清流,堪称业界之表率,更领先全国销售同业,引进百万专业仪表检查仪器,严格把关,使得公司所行销之商品,有大幅度超越一般市销商品的品质与性能,进而使您购买到最优良的商品。
AUTO-DIALER 911微电脑自动求救机CCTV SECURITY ALARM AUTOMATION SYSTEM电气特性:工作电压:DC11V TO 15V静态电流:20mA (MAX)拔号方式:音频/脉冲,跳线选择J1报警方式:N.C.、N.O.和电压信号跳线选择J2、J3录音时间:20秒,掉电后电话号码、语音不丢失储存电话号码:4组电话,每组最长可存入16位数字二级私密码:0-6位私人密码,前三位可用解除报警,整体(六体)密码用于更改设置出厂密码:911外观图:①喇叭②麦克风③7段显示器:输入所要储存之号码时,会同时显示其号码④E4指示灯:设定E4号码时,此灯会亮⑤E1指示灯:设定E1电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑥E2指示灯:设定E2电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑦ E3指示灯:设定E3电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮若设定密码时,E1、E2、E3及E4指示灯会亮⑧接至电话接头⑨○10接至DC12V电源,桔色线(或红色)接正电压,咖啡色线(或黑色)接负电压○11○12信号触发线,当接到N.C.或N.O.干接点时,不分极性,作为DC12V电压输入时,蓝色线(或黄色)接正电压,绿色线接负电压○13 P按键可作为以下用途:可储存6位数字作为密码当使用于语音自动回报系统之总机时,可作为暂停时间,按1次,两秒;按2次,4秒,以此类推.有此功能,即可自动打到分机○14接并联电话机设定触发信号及电话系统:①打开背盖②可看见印刷电路板上有3个跳线座J1、J2、J3,依序并排。
(A)N.C.输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3亦置于“左边”(B)N.O.输入:将J2置于“右边”,J3置于“左边”(C)电压输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3置于“右边”⑤设定完成后,请将背盖盖上微电脑自动求救机AUTO-DIALER操作程序开机后先自检:自检完毕后进入工作状态,七段显示器的右下角小数点闪烁,若已存有信息,则收到报警信号后AUTO-DIALER 自动开始报警,如要设置或改变设置,按以下步骤可以储存,检查电话号码,密码及录音、放音1 进入编程状态:P 0-6位)然后按下注意:出厂密码为911P ⑨①① ENTER如密码输入正确则显示一下□,然后进入编程状态显示5若密码输入错误则显示一下E,退回工作状态,可按上述步骤重新输入2 储存第1组电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下:例如电话号码为93953399,则操作程序如下:A9○3○5○3○3○99键入时间始储存号码,如显示□,则表示已正确存入,然后返回5状态,如显示一下E,则表示未能正确存入,机器会返回5 状态,用户可重新操作,如要清除第1组电话号码时,只需在5 状态下键入B 若先拨至语音自动播报总机,不透过接线员转接,再自动拨到分机,假设分机号码为12,则储存方式如下:9○3○5○3○3○99①②C 每按一次(储存第2、3、4组电话号码方式均与第1组相同)3查询所预存之电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下,按3键,此时显示匚,表示CHECK,再按所欲、、或或显示器开始显示所预存之电4储存及播放求救语音信息:A 本机可储存20秒语音信息,在编程状态下,即5状态下,按1键(此时显示器显示┌表示RECORD),即可直接录音,其操作程序如下:①开始讲话,录音回音嘟响(20秒后录音完毕,即自动停止。
911 Dakar Porsche配置说明书
911 DakarYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PR8ILFX2Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheOcode.PR8ILFX2911 DakarExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite QZWheels19O.2QOSoll Dakar wheels /ainted in Batin Alack and TllO5errain tyres E85Btandard qxui/-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price2bInterior Colours & Materials RaceO5e, interior /ackage with e,tensive ite-s in leather3 stiching BhadeOgreen ArraySeats Full Kucket seats Z1(Btandard qxui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance8Os/eed Porsche Do//elku//lung )PD(G•1•Btandard qxui/-ent911 DakarStandard Equipment WheelsM19O.2QOSoll Dakar wheels /ainted in Batin Alack and TllO5errain tyresWheel AccessoriesM0heel centre set with fullOcolour Porsche CrestM5yre Pressure Nonitoring Byste- )5PNGSeatsM Full Kucket seatsM6o rear seatsExterior designM0heel arch cover in Alack and sideskirts in Alack with inlays in stainless steelM q,terior -irror lower tri- /ainted in e,terior colour including Nirror Aase in AlackM Bide 0indow 5ri-s in AlackM q,clusive Design Fuel Filler Ca/M Rear lid grille with vertical slats in Batin AlackM Rear Di+usor in Louvered DesignRoof and transport systemsM Tlu-inu- roofM Preexui/-ent Roof 5rans/ort Byste- including roof electripcation with e,ternal /ower connection Lettering and decalsM Nodel designation on rear tri- in Batin AlackPowertrain & PerformanceM HOcylinder Ko,er engine with twinOturKo3 dis/lace-ent: bmQ litresM TllOwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiO/late clutch Porsche 5raction Nanage-ent )P5NGM Porsche Tctive Bus/ension Nanage-ent )PTBNG and raised )‘EQ--GM Porsche 5orxue Vectoring Plus )P5V PlusGM Porsche Dyna-ic Chassis Control )PDCCGM Li’ing syste- front and rear a,leM B/ort Chrono Package inclm -ode switchM B/orts e,haust syste- )tail/i/es in AlackGM Power steering /lusM RearOT,le BteeringM Arake syste- with Arake Cali/ers /ainted in RedM AatteryM8Os/eed Porsche Do//elku//lung )PD(G911 Dakar Lights & VisionM5inted LqD Nain 'eadlights with Natri, Aea- including Porsche Dyna-ic Light Byste- Plus )PDLB PlusG M5aillight stri/ with jPWRBC'qz letteringM®PWRBC'q® logo /ainted in satin AlackM Tuto-atically di--ing interior and e,terior -irrors with integrated rain sensorM qlectric folding e,terior -irrors inclm courtesy lightingM0indscreen with grey to/ tintM Lightweight and noise insulated glassInterior packages & decors/materialsM Interior tri- in Klack Krushed alu-inu-M DashKoard 5ri- Package LeatherSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerM'eated •5 B/orts Bteering 0heel RaceO5e,M Bteering wheel with -anual fore.a’ and height ad4ust-entM PD( •ear Belector Tlu-iniu-Interior designM Beat Kelt /retensionersM Instru-ent dial KlackM Co-/ass instru-ent dial.B/ort Chrono sto/watch instru-ent dial KlackM Roof lining in RaceO5e,M TirKagsM Pedals Tlu-iniu-M Door sill guards in Krushed alu-inu- in Alack with ®911 Dakar® -odel designationM Bun Visors RaceO5e,M Floor -ats frontAssistance systemsM ParkTssist )front and rearG with visual and audiKle warningM Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityM Light design /ackageM5woOUone auto-atic cli-ate controlM Particle./ollen plter with active carKon plterM6onOs-oking /ackageInfotainmentM6avigation 'ighM Voice ControlM AWBq7 Burround Bound Byste-M B-art/hone integration911 Dakar M°BAOC /orts911 DakarDechnical 1ata Power unit6u-Ker of cylinders HAore91mQ --Btroke₂Hm³ --Dis/lace-ent23981 c-Y Power )k0G bEb k0Power )PBG³8Q PBRPN /oint -a,i-u- /ower H3EQQ 1.-in Na,i-u- engine s/eed₂3EQQ 1.-in Na,m torxue E₂Q 6-RPN range -a,i-u- torxue23bQQ O E3QQQ 1.-in Na,m out/ut /er liter )k0.lG118mQQ k0.l Na,m out/ut /er liter )PB.lG1H1mQQ PB.lConsumption/Emissions26W, e-issions11m8 -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLDP(Fuel consu-/tion urKan19m³ O 19m³ l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion suKurK1Qm₂ O 1Qm₂ l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion e,tra urKan9mE O 9mE l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion highway1Qm1 O 1Qm1 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion co-Kined11mb O 11mb l.1QQ k-CW2Oe-issions low )0L5PG³³Q O ³³Q g.k-CW2Oe-issions -ediu- )0L5PG2³b O 2³b g.k-911 Dakar CW2Oe-issions high )0L5PG21H O 21H g.k-CW2Oe-issions e,tra high )0L5PG229 O 229 g.k-CW2Oe-issions co-Kined )0L5PG2EH O 2EH g.k-Sound leTel Utype approTed based on N-5R )2BBound level of stationary vehicle9³ dA)TG Bound level of stationary vehicle )r/-G b3b2E 1.-in Bound level of /assing vehicle₂1 dA)TGConsumption/Emissions UECEBFuel consu-/tion urKan1Em2 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion e,traOurKan₂m8 l.1QQ k-Fuel consu-/tion co-Kined1QmE l.1QQ k-CW2 e-issions co-Kined2b9 g.k-3odyLength³3EbQ --0idth138H³ --0idth )with -irrorsG23Qbb --'eight13bb8 --0heelKase23³EQ --5urning circle1Qm₂ -°nladen weight )DI6G13HQE kg°nladen weight )q°G113H8Q kgPer-issiKle gross weight139HQ kg Na,i-u- load bEE kg911 DakarNa,i-u- /er-issiKle roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste-₂E kgCapacitiesLuggage co-/art-ent volu-e3 front1b2 lFuel tank H₂ lPerformance5o/ s/eed2³Q k-.hTcceleration Q O HQ -/h bm2 sTcceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h bm³ sTcceleration Q O 1HQ k-.h₂m8 sTcceleration Q O 2QQ k-.h12mQ sInOgear acceleration )8QO12Qk-.hG )EQO₂E -/hG2m2 s1.³ -ile11mH sDerrain featuresBlo/e angle3 front.rear steel sus/ension1³m2 O 1Hm³Ra-/ Kreak over angle steel sus/ension1Hm2Na,m ground clearance steel sus/ension1H1 --1mData deter-ined in accordance with the -easure-ent -ethod rexuired Ky lawm Bince 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q1₂ certain new cars have Keen ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide 'ar-onised Light Vehicles 5est Procedure )0L5PG3 a -ore realistic test /rocedure to -easure fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-issionsm Ts of 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q18 the 0L5P re/laced the 6ew quro/ean Driving Cycle )6qDCGm Due to the -ore realistic test conditions3 the fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-ission values deter-ined in accordance with the 0L5P will3 in -any cases3 Ke higher than those deter-ined in accordance with the 6qDCm 5his -ay lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle ta,ation fro- 1 Be/te-Ker 2Q18m ou can pnd -ore infor-ation on the di+erence Ketween 0L5P and 6qDC at wwm/orschemco-.wlt/ Currently3 we are still oKliged to /rovide the 6qDC values3 regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess usedm 5he additional re/orting of the 0L5P values is voluntary until their oKligatory usem Ts far as new cars )which are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0L5PG are concerned3 the 6qDC values will3 therefore3 Ke derived fro- the 0L5P values during the transition /eriodm 5o the e,tent that 6qDC values are given as ranges3 these do not relate to a single3 individual car and do not constitute /art of the o+erm 5hey are intended solely as a -eans of co-/aring di+erent ty/es of vehiclem q,tra features and accessories attach-ents3 tyre for-ats3 etcmG can change relevant vehicle /ara-eters such as weight3 rolling resistance and aerodyna-ics and3 in addition to weather and tra c conditions3 as well as individual handling3 can a+ect the fuel.electricity consu-/tion3 CW e-issions and /erfor-ance values of a carm2m5hese values corres/ond to your current conpgurationm If you add or re-ove exui/-ent this -ay change the values currently shownmbmAodybm10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation onlym W/tional exui/-ent increases this pgurem 5he pgure given includes ₂Ekg for the driver911 Dakar911 Dakar911 DakarPorsche Code: PR8ILFX2 11。
3、由总机自动拨分机(不用转接),例如分机为12,则输入:[E1]-[62817323]-P-12-[Enter] 每按一次P,即暂停2秒。
保时捷 911 卡雷拉 驾驶手册说明书
WKD 997 11、 PCCB、 PCM、 PDK、 PSM、 Carrera 和精装配件均为 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 的注册商标。
未经 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 的书面授权, 不得再版、摘录或复印本手册。
运动型排气系统 ...........................................45 手刹车 ......................................................... 45 脚制动器 .....................................................46 ABS 制动系统 ..............................................48 “Sport”(运动)模式 .................................49 Porsche 稳定管理系统 (PSM)................... 51 Porsche 主动悬挂管理系统 (PASM)...........54 Porsche 牵引力控制管理系统 (PTM)..........54 伸出后扰流板 ..............................................55 车内照明灯 ..................................................57 停车辅助 .....................................................58 点火锁 / 转向锁 ...........................................60 起动和关闭发动机 .......................................62 灯光开关 .....................................................64 回家模式 .....................................................64 大灯光束调节 ..............................................65 转向指示灯 / 远光灯大灯 / 停车灯 / 大灯远近光操纵杆 .......................................65 个性化车灯功能 ...........................................65 挡风玻璃雨刷器、清洗器操纵杆...................66 巡航定速控制 ..............................................69 危险警示灯 ..................................................71 杯座 ............................................................71 烟灰缸 ......................................................... 73 点烟器 ......................................................... 73 储物空间 .....................................................74 行李厢盖和发动机舱盖 ................................76 行李厢 (未配备 Porsche 牵引力 控制管理系统的车辆).................................77 行李厢 (配备 Porsche 牵引力 控制管理系统的车辆).................................78 车载电话和双向无线电通讯..........................79
Tiger 牌电热水器使用说明书
When using the appliance, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:
1. Read all instructions. 2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. 3. To protect against electrical shock, do not immerse cord or plug in water or other liquid. 4. Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is used by or near children. 5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or
1 安全注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2 各部件名称和附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 烧水 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4 按出水键倒出开水 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5 设定节能功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6 设定省电计时 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7 设定厨房定时 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8 不使用时倒除开水 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9 进行清洗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 10 认为发生故障时 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
911 GT3 RSYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRSUUAK3Visit the following link to view your conagurption: htt/s:..conagurptorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PRSUUAK3SummaryBour 911 GT3 RS Conagurption£pse Price219,60**m**Su- of selected o/tions2*m**Totpl Priceb219,60**m**bincluding VAT Y Plepse note the i-pges dis/lpyed here -py not Fe p co-/lete pnd pccurpte re/resentption of your chosen s/eciacption pnd so they should not Fe relied onm qor further infor-ption on the p//eprpnce of colour6 eOui/-ent6 pnd other o/tions6 /lepse contpct your Porsche Centrem911 GT3 RSExterior Colours & WheelsCptegory D/tion D/tion code Price Exterior colours Shprk £lue7I2*m**Wheels,*Y.,1Y5nch GT3 RS forged Alu-inu- wheels E0PStpndprd xOui/-entInterior Colours & SeatsCptegory D/tion D/tion code PriceI,2*m** Interior colours & materials5nterior with eQtensive lepther . RpceYTeQ ite-s in £lpck with contrpstingcolour GT Silver ArraySeats qull Fucket septs(1KStpndprd xOui/-entExterior OptionsCptegory D/tion D/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & chassis IYs/eed Porsche 7o//elku//lung )P7K•G1CStpndprd xOui/-ent911 GT3 RSStandard EquipmentWheelsJ,*Y.,1Y5nch GT3 RS forged Alu-inu- wheelsJ qront wheels Y 1*Z Q ,*Yinch 911 GT3 RS forged Alu-iniu- wheels with ,IE.3* MR ,* s/orts tyresJ Repr wheels Y 13 Z Q ,1Yinch 911 GT3 RS forged Alu-iniu- wheels with 33E.3* MR ,1 s/orts tyresJ qorged lightYplloy wheels with centrpl locking6 oneY/iece design6 /pinted in silver colour6 centrpl locking in £lpck )sptin anish•6 including wheel huF cover with RS lettering6 pntiYthez/rotection with centrpl lockingJ Tyre Pressure 4onitoring )TP4• with rpce trpck -odeSeatsJ qull Fucket septsPowertrain & chassisJ IYs/eed Porsche 7o//elku//lung )P7K•J SiQYcylinder hori8ontplly o//osed pnd npturplly ps/irpted engine6 Wm*Ylitre dis/lpce-ent6 -pQi-u- /ower out/ut 3N0kj )E,EPS•6 -pQi-u- torOue W0EL-J4pQi-u- engine s/eed 96*** r/-J xngine Flock pnd cylinder hepd in plu-iniu-6 with rocker pr-sJ qourYvplve technology with cp- followersJ VprioCp- cp-shpz pdéust-ent for intpke pnd eQhpust vplvesJ qorged titpniu- /iston rodsJ7ry su-/ luFricption with se/prpte engine oil tpnkJ Dil su//ly with fully vpripFle oil /ressure /u-/6 seven scpvenge /u-/s6 oil centrifuge pnd pdditionpl oil su//ly vip crpnkshpzJ7irect fuel inéection )7q5•J IYs/eed Porsche 7o//elku//lung )P7K• with short gepr rptios pnd s/orts setu/m Porsche TorOue Vectoring Plus )PTV Plus• including electronicplly regulpted repr di;erentipl lock with fully vpripFle torOue distriFutionm D/erption of P7K through geprshiz /pddles on the steering wheel pnd through the -pnupl gpte of the P7K gepr selectorJ Chrono /pckpge including Chrono £utton on steering wheel pnd lp/ trigger /re/prption Y Co-/rising pn pnplogue sto/wptch on the dpshFoprd6 p digitpl sto/wptch function in the instru-ent cluster pnd /erfor-pnce dis/lpy in Porsche Co--unicption 4pnpge-ent )PC4•m D/erption with s/eciac Chrono Futtons on the steering wheelm jith p lp/ trigger6 the cpFling /re/prption for the lp/ trigger enpFles pn puto-pted pnd highly /recise lp/ ti-ing controlm The results cpn then Fe pnplysed pnd co-/pred on the s-prt/hone using the Porsche Trpck Precision p// o;ered ps stpndprdmJ Two threeYwpy cptplytic converters6 Gpsonline Pprticulpte qilter )GPq• pnd onYFoprd dipgnostics for -onitoring the e-ission control syste-J VpripFle intpke -pnifold in /lpstic with two switchpFle resonpnce vplves pnd siQ individupl throttle vplvesJ‘ightweight stpinless steel s/orts eQhpust syste- with two centrpl tpil/i/es in FlpckJ‘ightweight stprter Fpttery ‘iqePDW 0*AhJ Auto stprt.sto/ functionJ ReprYwheel driveJ qront pQle Y 7ouFle wishFone front sus/ension with pero wishFones6 integrpted hel/er s/rings6 pntiYroll Fpr6 pll sus/ension -ountings FpllYéointedJ Repr pQle Y 4ultiYlink repr pQle with integrpted hel/er s/rings6 pntiYroll Fpr6 selected sus/ension -ountings FpllYéointedJ xlectro-echpnicpl /owerYpssisted steering with vpripFle steering rptio pnd s/eedYsensitive steering force pdéust-entJ ReprYpQle steering with s/ort setu/J Porsche Active Sus/ension 4pnpge-ent )PAS4• with S/orts setu/ pnd ride height lowered Fy p//roQm ,*-- )co-/pred with 911 Cprrerp•m 4ulti level pdéust-ent of co-/ression pnd reFound directly on the steering wheel controlsJ Porsche StpFility 4pnpge-ent )PS4• including A£Sm 4ulti level pdéust-ent pnd totpl switch o; of StpFility Control )xSC• pnd Trpction Control )TC• fro- the steering wheelJ Sus/ension pdéustpFle for rpcing use )toe pngle6 cp-Fer6 pntiYroll Fprs6 height•J SiQY/iston plu-iniu- -onoFloc aQed Frpke cpli/ers pt the front6 fourY/iston plu-iniu- -onoFloc aQed Frpke cpli/ers pt the repr6 cpli/ers in RedJ Co-/osite Frpke discs with Frpke chp-Fers -pde of plu-iniu-6 discs internplly vented pnd di-/led6 dip-eter: W*N-- )front•6 3N*-- )repr•J£rpke /pd wepr -onitoring911 GT3 RSJ xlectricplly o/erpted /prking FrpkeExteriorJ TwoYsepter Cou/’J5ntelligent lightweight construction in plu-iniu- pnd steel co-/osite co-Fined with severpl co-/onents -pde of CprFon qiFre Reinforced Plpstic )CqRP•J qront p/ron in eQterior colour6 Flpck lower section with integrpl cooling pir intpkes with pnthrpciteYcoloured grilles ps well ps Flpck s/oiler li/ pnd side FlpdesJ‘ightweight Fonnet in cprFonYaFre reinforced /lpstic )CqRP• in eQterior colour with /rinted Porsche crest6 two lprge pir outlets pnd perodynp-ic ele-entsJ Repr p/ron with pdditionpl pir outlets including pnthrpciteYcoloured grilles6 Flpck lower sectionJ UnderFody /pnelling with anned repr di;userJ Sideskirts in £lpck with pirFlpde Fehind front wheelJ Side window tri-s pnd sideskirts in £lpckJ qiQed6 twoY/prt repr wing with 7RS function6 swpn neck connection pnd wing -ounts in CprFon qiFre )CqRP• which pre integrpl to the FodyshellJ Repr wing lower /prt )aQed• in eQterior colour6 u//er /prt )-oving• in £lpckH hydrpulic ele-ent6 side /lptes on repr wing pnd wing u/rights in £lpckJ qiQed eQterior door hpndle designJ xQterior -irror u//er pnd lower tri- /pinted in eQterior colour6 -irror Fpse /pinted in sptin £lpckJ'GT3 RS+ -odel designption in sptin Flpck on repr p/ronJ Sep-less tpillight stri/ with integrpted 'PDRSC¹x+ logo in sptin £lpckJ‘ightweight glp8ing -pde of co-/ound glpss pnd pcoustic al-6 for windscreen6 doorY6 repr sideY pnd repr windowm D;ers i-/roved interior pcoustics Fy -ini-ising eQternpl noise such ps rolling pnd wind noiseJ Side windows with wpterYre/ellent coptingJ¹epted repr screenJ Re-ote centrpl lockingJ xQclusive 7esign fuel aller cp/ Y design ele-ents pnd 'PDRSC¹x+ logo in plu-iniu- look including securing tetherLights & visionJ‘x7 -pin hepdlights including dpyti-e running lights with WY/oint ‘x7 s/otlightsJ‘x7 puQilipry light units in front p/ron with /osition lights6 direction indicptors ps well ps side indicptorsJ Tpillights with Frpke light6 reversing light pnd direction indicptors /lus third ‘x7 Frpke lightJ Tpillight stri/ ps repr driving lights with integrpted /prking pnd repr fog lightJ Auto-ptic hepdlight pctivption inclm 'jelco-e ¹o-e+ lightingJ jindscreen wpsher syste- with pero wi/er Flpdes6 two wi/ing s/eeds6 pdéustpFle inter-ittent wi/e pnd wpsher éetsJ‘x7 repding lights6 orientption pnd ignition lockm Also includes luggpge co-/prt-ent6 footwell6 glove co-/prt-ent pnd eQit courtesy lightingJ5llu-inpted vpnity -irrors in Foth sun visorsJ xQterior -irrors on door wpist rpils6 electricplly pdéustpFle pnd heptpFle6 ps/hericpl on driver®s sideJ Auto-pticplly di--ing interior pnd eQterior -irrors with integrpted rpin sensorJ jindscreen with grey to/ tint to reduce glpreJ Pre/prption for Porsche 7pshcp-Interior designJ Stpndprd interior in Flpck with contrpsting colour GT SilverJ5n Flpck lepther: Sept Folsters6 hepdrests pnd steering wheel pirFpg -oduleJ5n Flpck RpceYTeQ: sept centres )/erforpted6 silverYcoloured Fpckground•6 steering wheel ri-6 P7K gepr selector gri/ prep inclm gpiter6 door /ulls6 door /pnel pr-rest6 centre console -pin storpge co-/prt-ent lid pr-rest6 roof lining pnd AY.£Y.CY/illpr tri-smJ Stitching6 e-Froidered 'GT3 RS+ logos pnd door o/ening loo/s in GT SilverJ CprFon interior /pckpge )sptin anish• Y 7pshFoprd tri- stri/s in £lpck with decorptive inlpys in cprFonYwepve anish )sptin anish•: dpshFoprd pnd door /pnel tri- stri/s pnd centre console tri-m 7oor sill guprds )lez.right• plso in cprFonYwepve anish )sptin anish•mJ‘ightweight full Fucket septs -pde of cprFon aFreYreinforced /lpstic )CqRP• with cprFonYwepve anish with integrpted thorpQ pirFpg6 electric height pdéust-ent pnd -pnupl fore.pzpdéust-ent for the driver pnd /pssenger sidesm Septs u/holstered in Flpck lepther with sept centres in Flpck RpceYTeQ /prtiplly /erforpted pnd with Fpcking in contrpsting colour GT Silverm ¹epdrests with e-Froidered 'GT3 RS+ logo in GTYSilverm )Lote: Child septs pre not co-/ptiFle with this sept•911 GT3 RSJ‘ightweight repr cover6 covered with Flpck cpr/et )Lo repr septs•J4ultifunction GT3 s/orts steering wheel6 7RS Futton6 Chrono Futtons6 P7K shiz /pddles in 7prk Silver pnd four single -ode switches for drive -odes6 PTV™6 PAS4 pnd xSC.TCm Steering wheel ri- )dip-eter 30* --• pnd to/ centre -prking in Flpck RpceYTeQ pnd pirFpg -odule in s-oothYanish lepther in FlpckH -pnupl fore.pz pnd height pdéust-entJ GTYs/eciac P7K gepr selector with -pnupl gpte pnd gri/ prep including gpiter in Flpck RpceYTeQH gpte surround with 'GT3 RS+ logo in yellowJ, US£YC /orts in centre console -pin storpge co-/prt-ent lid6 socket )1,Yvolt• in /pssenger footwellJ qloor -pts Y set of two in £lpck with e-Froidered 'PDRSC¹x+ logo pt frontJ TwoY8one puto-ptic cli-pte control with se/prpte te-/erpture settings for driver pnd front /pssenger6 puto-ptic pirYrecirculption -ode including pir Ouplity sensorJ Pprticle./ollen alter with pctive cprFon alter Y trp/s /prticles6 /ollen pnd odours pnd thoroughly alters ane dust out of the outside pirJ xlectric window lizs with oneYtouch o/erption pnd door sepl /rotectionJ Keyless goJ Cruise controlJ5nstru-ent cluster with centrpl rev counter pnd two IYinch TqT dis/lpys with TrpckYScreenJ Rev counter with digitpl dis/lpy for selected gepr pnd vehicle s/eed6 distinguishpFle dipl pnd ®GT3 RS® logoJ qullYsi8e pirFpgs for driver pnd front /pssengerJ Porsche Side 5-/pct Protection )PDS5P•6 co-/rising side i-/pct /rotection ele-ents in the doors pnd side pirFpgs )thorpQ pirFpgs integrpted into the side Folster of epch front sept pnd curtpin pirFpgs integrpted into the roof for driver pnd front /pssenger•J ThreeY/oint puto-ptic sept Felts in front with septY-ounted Fuckles6 /retensioners pnd force li-itersJ5--oFiliser with re-ote centrpl locking6 plpr- syste- with ultrpsonicYFpsed interior surveillpnceJ Glove co-/prt-ent )lockpFle• pnd storpge co-/prt-ents in the doorsJ Two individupl cu/holders )1Q ps inlet in the centre console pnd 1Q /pssenger side•J Pre/prption for Porsche 7pshcp-InfotainmentJ7igitpl rpdioJ Porsche Co--unicption 4pnpge-ent )PC4• including Dnline Lpvigption³6 4oFile Phone Pre/prption6 Audio 5nterfpces pnd Voice ControlJ Porsche Trpck Precision A//J Porsche Connect online npvigption )see Porsche Co--unicption 4pnpge-ent•6 -usic strep-ing pnd online rpdio6 Re-ote Services pnd p wide rpnge of other Porsche Connect Services J Porsche Vehicle Trpcking Syste- )PVTS• Y Lote: To use the PVTS6 you need to /urchpse the Cpr Security Ppckpge fro- the Porsche Connect Storem qor further infor-ption on followYon costs6 /lepse visit wwwm/orschemco-.connect or consult your Porsche CentremJ Sound Ppckpge Plus6 pnplogue sound syste-6 N louds/epkers6 1E*Ywptt totpl out/ut with integrpl p-/liaer pnd digitpl signpl /rocessingJ S-prt/hone 5ntegrption inclm A//le° CprPlpy pnd Android Auto911 GT3 RSTechnical Data Power unitConagurption . nu-Fer of cylinders0£ore1*,m* --Stroke N1mE --7is/lpce-ent36990 c- Power )kj•3N0 kj Power )PS•E,E PS4pQi-u- /ower pt RP4N6E** 1.-in4pQi-u- engine s/eed96*** 1.-in4pQm torOue )L-•W0E L-4pQi-u- torOue pt RP4063** 1.-inConsumption (WLTP)quel consu-/tion low,*m0 l.1** k-quel consu-/tion -ediu-1,mW l.1** k-quel consu-/tion high11mW l.1** k-quel consu-/tion eQtrpYhigh1,mW l.1** k-quel consu-/tion co-Fined13m, l.1** k-quel consu-/tion low )-odel rpnge•13m1 Y 13m1 -/g quel consu-/tion -ediu- )-odel rpnge•,,m0 Y ,,m0 -/g quel consu-/tion high )-odel rpnge•,Wm0 Y ,Wm0 -/g quel consu-/tion eQtrpYhigh )-odel rpnge•,,mW Y ,,mW -/g quel consu-/tion co-Finedb )-odel rpnge•,1m1 Y ,1m1 -/g CD,Ye-issions low W0N g.k-911 GT3 RS CD,Ye-issions -ediu-,N1 g.k-CD,Ye-issions high,EN g.k-CD,Ye-issions eQtrp high,N, g.k-CD,Ye-issions co-Fined,99 g.k-x-ission stpndprd xuro 0dY5SCYqC4 quel consu-/tion low13mI -/g quel consu-/tion -ediu-,,mN -/g quel consu-/tion high,WmN -/g quel consu-/tion eQtrpYhigh,,mN -/g quel consu-/tion co-Fined,1mW -/g CD,Ye-issions low )-odel rpnge•WNN Y WNN g.k-CD,Ye-issions -ediu- )-odel rpnge•,NW Y ,NW g.k-CD,Ye-issions high )-odel rpnge•,0, Y ,0, g.k-CD,Ye-issions eQtrp high )-odel rpnge•,N0 Y ,N0 g.k-CD, e-issions co-Finedb )-odel rpnge•3*E Y 3*E g.k-Body dimensions and weights‘ength W6EI, --jidth )-irrors folded•169** --jidth )including -irrors•,6*,I --¹eight163,, --jheelFpse,6WEI --Turning circle1*mE -Unlpden weight )75L•16WE* kg Unlpden weight )xC•16E,E kgPer-issiFle gross weight16I9E kg4pQi-u- /pylopd3WE kg911 GT3 RSCapacitiesquel tpnk0W litresPerformanceTo/ s/eed1NW -/h Accelerption *Y0* -/h3m* secs Accelerption *Y0, -/h )*Y1** k-.h•3m, secs Accelerption *Y99 -/h )*Y10* k-.h•0m9 secs Accelerption fro- *Y1,W -/h )*Y,** k-.h•1*m0 secs5nYgepr pccelerption W9YIW -/h )N*Y1,* k-.h•1mN secs1.W -ile1*m9 sTerrain featuresSlo/e pngle6 front.repr )steel sus/ension•0m, Y 9mN Rp-/ Frepk over pngle )steel sus/ension•1*m04pQm ground cleprpnce )steel sus/ension•1** --911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RS911 GT3 RSPorsche Code: PRSUUAK3 11。
Porsche 911 Sport Classic配置说明书
911 Sport ClassicYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PP2ZT924Visit the following link to view your con/guration: https:..con/guratormporschemco-.porscheOcode.PP2ZT924911 Sport ClassicExterior Colors & WheelsCategory Bption Bption code Price Exterior Colour Alack016Dq Standard xLuip-entWheels2(O.21OZoll Sport Classic wheels painted in Alack )highOglossEInterior Colors & SeatsCategory Bption Bption code Pricex8Interior Colour Heather ,eritage qesign ClassicN Alackm Kote: imcmwm seat ventilation seat cenOters and door panles in leather ArraySeats0daptive Sports seats PlusN electrical 1QOways with -e-ory package J17Standard xLuip-entIndividualizationCategory Bption Bption code Price Drive train / Chassis GOSpeed 5anual Trans-ission and Sport Chrono Package b15Standard xLuip-ent0PPInterior Hi-itation nu-•er911 Sport ClassicStandard Equipment Seats30daptive Sports seats PlusN electrical 1QOways with -e-ory packageDrive train / Chassis3GOSpeed 5anual Trans-ission and Sport Chrono PackageWheels32(O.21OZoll Sport Classic wheels painted in Alack )highOglossE911 Sport ClassicTechnical Data Power unitKu-•er of cylinders D³uel grade9QAore1(2m( --Stroke GDm4 --qisplace-ent FNG46 c-WPower )kRE4(6 kRPower )PSE66( PSUP5 point -aMi-u- power DNG6( 1.-in5aMi-u- engine speed GN2(( 1.-in5aMm torLue D(( K-UP5 range -aMi-u- torLue2N((( O DN((( 1.-in 5aMm output per liter )kR.lE1(Gm(( kR.l5aMm output per liter )PS.lE14Dm(( PS.lConsumption/EmissionsKBM e-issions11m6 -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLTPConsu-ption low21m2 O 21m2 l.1(( k-Consu-ption -ediu-12m9 O 12m9 l.1(( k-Consu-ption high1(mD O 1(mD l.1(( k-Consu-ption eMtraOhigh1(m9 O 1(m9 l.1(( k-Consu-ption co-•ined12mD O 12mD l.1(( k-CB2Oe-ission low )RHTPE4Q2 O 4Q2 g.k-911 Sport Classic CB2Oe-ission -ediu- )RHTPE292 O 292 g.k-CB2Oe-ission high )RHTPE24( O 24( g.k-CB2Oe-ission eMtra high )RHTPE24G O 24G g.k-CB2Oe-ission co-•ined )RHTPE2Q6 O 2Q6 g.k-BodyHength4N6F6 --Ridth1N9(( --Ridth )with -irrorsE2N(24 --,eight1N299 --Rheel•ase2N46( --Turning circle1(m9 -Inladen weight )q°KE1N6G( kgInladen weight )xIE1ND46 kgPer-issi•le gross weight1N966 kg5aMi-u- load FQ6 kgCapacitiesHuggage co-part-ent volu-eN front1F2 lBpen luggage co-part-ent volu-e )•ehind front seatsE2D4 l³uel tank DG lPerformanceTop speed F16 k-.h0cceleration ( O D( -ph Fm9 s0cceleration ( O 1(( k-.h4m1 s911 Sport Classic 0cceleration ( O 1D( k-.h Gm9 s0cceleration ( O 2(( k-.h12m( s³leMi•ility )Q(O12( k-.hE )6(OG6 -phE in 6th gear4m6 s1.4 -ile12m( sTerrain featuresSlope angleN front.rear )steel suspensionE1(m4 O 1FmDUa-p •reak over angle steel suspensionE12m(5aMm ground clearance )steel suspensionE116 --911 Sport Classic911 Sport Classic911 Sport Classic。
Porsche 911 Carrera 4 配置说明书
911 Carrera 4Your dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PR93NVU1Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheOcode.PR93NVU1911 Carrera 4Exterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite Q2Wheels19Oinch. 6QOinch Carrera 0heels4HSEtandard qBui/-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior Colours & Materials Etandard interior in Alack5q ArraySeats E/orts seats 4Oways285Etandard qBui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance DOs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()G•1•Etandard qBui/-ent911 Carrera 4Standard Equipment WheelsT19Oinch. 6QOinch Carrera 0heelsWheel AccessoriesT0heel centre set with -onochro-e Porsche CrestT Myre Pressure xonitoring Eyste- KMPxGSeatsT E/orts seats 4OwaysExterior designT EideskirtsT qLterior xirror bower Mri-s including xirror Aase in AlackT Eide 0indow Mri-s in AlackT Rear lid grille with vertical slats in Eilver KhighOglossGT Rear (i,usor in bouvered (esignRoof and transport systemsT5lu-inu- roofLettering and decalsT xodel designation on rear tri- in bightsilverPowertrain & PerformanceT HOcylinder ‘oLer engine with twinOtur‘o’ dis/lace-ent: 3mQ litresT5llOwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiO/late clutch Porsche Mraction xanage-ent KPMxGT Porsche 5ctive Eus/ension xanage-ent KP5ExGT qLhaust syste- with 6 tu‘e tail/i/e tri-s pLed to the ‘u-/er Kin stainless steelGT Power steeringT Arake syste- with Arake Cali/ers /ainted in AlackT DOs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()GLights & VisionT bq( -ain headlightsT Maillight stri/ with IPWRECSqj letteringT IPWRECSqj logo in Eilver colour KhighOglossGT'nterior -irror di--ed -anuallyT qLterior -irrors on door waist rails’ electrically adFusta‘le and heata‘le’ as/herical on driverzs side Interior packages & decors/materials911 Carrera 4 T'nterior /ackage (ia-ar darksilverSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerT xultifunctional steering wheelT Eteering wheel with -anual fore.a7 and height adFust-entT P() gear changer leverInterior designT Eeat ‘elt /retensionersT'nstru-ent dial ‘lackT Roo³ining and 5O.AO. CO/illar tri-s in fa‘ric’ 5O/illar tri- in leatherT5ir‘agsT Pedals and footrest in AlackT(oor sill guards in alu-iniu- with -odel designationT Eun visorsT₂loor -atsAssistance systemsT Park5ssist Kfront and rearG with visual and audi‘le warningT Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityT MwoOYone auto-atic cli-ate controlT Particle./ollen plter with active car‘on plterT NonOs-oking /ackageInfotainmentT Navigation SighT Voice ControlT Eound Package PlusT E-art/hone integrationT UEAOC /orts911 Carrera 4Dechnical 1ata Power unitNu-‘er of cylinders HAore91mQ --Etroke Hm4 --(is/lace-ent6’9D1 c- Power Kk0G6D3 k0Power KPEG3D8 PERPx /oint -aLi-u- /ower H’8QQ 1.-inxaLi-u- engine s/eed ’8QQ 1.-in xaLm torBue48Q N-RPx range -aLi-u- torBue1’98Q O 8’QQQ 1.-in xaLm out/ut /er liter Kk0.lG98mQQ k0.l xaLm out/ut /er liter KPE.lG169mQQ PE.lConsumption/Emissions2NWL e-issions16mD -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLDP(₂uel consu-/tion ur‘an1DmH O 1Dm4 l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion su‘ur‘1Qm8 O 1Qm1 l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion eLtra ur‘an9m6 O Dm l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion highway9m O DmD l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion co-‘ined1Qm9 O 1Qm3 l.1QQ k-CW6Oe-issions low K0bMPG466 O 41 g.k-CW6Oe-issions -ediu- K0bMPG63D O 66D g.k-911 Carrera 4 CW6Oe-issions high K0bMPG6QD O 19H g.k-CW6Oe-issions eLtra high K0bMPG619 O 6QQ g.k-CW6Oe-issions co-‘ined K0bMPG64 O 634 g.k-Sound leTel Utype approTed based on N-5R )2BEound level of stationary vehicle96 dAK5G Eound level of stationary vehicle Kr/-G3’368 1.-in Eound level of /assing vehicle 3 dAK5GConsumption/Emissions UECEB₂uel consu-/tion ur‘an13m3 l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion eLtraOur‘an m3 l.1QQ k-₂uel consu-/tion co-‘ined9m8 l.1QQ k-CW6 e-issions co-‘ined61H g.k-3odybength4’819 --0idth1’D86 --0idth Kwith -irrorsG6’Q64 --Seight1’69D --0heel‘ase6’48Q --Murning circle11m6 -Unladen weight K('NG1’888 kg Unladen weight KqUG11’H3Q kgPer-issi‘le gross weight1’9D8 kgxaLi-u- load43Q kg911 Carrera 4xaLi-u- /er-issi‘le roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste- 8 kgCapacitiesbuggage co-/art-ent volu-e’ front136 lW/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e K‘ehind front seatsG6H4 l₂uel tank H lPerformanceMo/ s/eed691 k-.h5cceleration Q O HQ -/h4mQ s5cceleration Q O HQ -/h with E/ort Chrono Package3mD s5cceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h4m6 s5cceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h with E/ort Chrono Package4mQ s5cceleration Q O 1HQ k-.h9mH s5cceleration Q O 1HQ k-.h with E/ort Chrono Package9m3 s5cceleration Q O 6QQ k-.h14m9 s5cceleration Q O 6QQ k-.h with E/ort Chrono Package14mH s'nOgear acceleration KDQO16Qk-.hG K8QO 8 -/hG6m s1.4 -ile16m8 s1.4 -ile with E/ort Chrono Package16m3 s1m(ata deter-ined in accordance with the -easure-ent -ethod reBuired ‘y lawm Eince 1 Ee/te-‘er 6Q1 certain new cars have ‘een ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide Sar-onised bight Vehicles Mest Procedure K0bMPG’ a -ore realistic test /rocedure to -easure fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-issionsm 5s of 1 Ee/te-‘er 6Q1D the 0bMP re/laced the New quro/ean (riving Cycle KNq(CGm (ue to the -ore realistic test conditions’ the fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-ission values deter-ined in accordance with the 0bMP will’ in -any cases’ ‘e higher than those deter-ined in accordance with the Nq(Cm Mhis -ay lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle taLation fro- 1 Ee/te-‘er 6Q1Dm ou can pnd -ore infor-ation on the di,erence ‘etween 0bMP and Nq(C at wwm/orschemco-.wlt/ Currently’ we are still o‘liged to /rovide the Nq(C values’ regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess usedm Mhe additional re/orting of the 0bMP values is voluntary until their o‘ligatory usem 5s far as new cars Kwhich are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0bMPG are concerned’ the Nq(C values will’ therefore’ ‘e derived fro- the 0bMP values during the transition /eriodm Mo the eLtent that Nq(C values are given as ranges’ these do not relate to a single’ individual car and do not constitute /art of the o,erm Mhey are intended solely as a -eans of co-/aring di,erent ty/es of vehiclem qLtra features and accessories attach-ents’ tyre for-ats’ etcmG can change relevant vehicle /ara-eters such as weight’ rolling resistance and aerodyna-ics and’ in addition to weather and tra c conditions’ as well as individual handling’ can a,ect the fuel.electricity consu-/tion’ CW e-issions and /erfor-ance values of a carm6mMhese values corres/ond to your current conpgurationm 'f you add or re-ove eBui/-ent this -ay change the values currently shownm3mAody3m10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC (irectives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation onlym W/tional eBui/-ent increases this pgurem Mhe pgure given includes 8kg for the driver911 Carrera 4911 Carrera 4911 Carrera 4。
Porsche 911 Carrera 4S 配置说明书
911 Carrera 4SYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PR4JCXY8Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheOcode.PR4JCXY8911 Carrera 4SExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite Q2Wheels6QO.61Oinch Carrera S wheels4IEStandard qBui/-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior Colours & Materials Standard interior in Alack5q ArraySeats S/orts seats 4Oways2D5Standard qBui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance8Os/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()G•1•Standard qBui/-ent911 Carrera 4SStandard Equipment WheelsT6QO.61Oinch Carrera S wheelsWheel AccessoriesT0heel centre set with -onochro-e Porsche CrestT Myre Pressure xonitoring Syste- KMPxGSeatsT S/orts seats 4OwaysExterior designT SideskirtsT qLterior xirror bower Mri-s including xirror Aase in AlackT Side 0indow Mri-s in AlackT Rear lid grille with vertical slats in Silver KhighOglossGT Rear (i,usor in bouvered (esignRoof and transport systemsT5lu-inu- roofLettering and decalsT xodel designation on rear tri- in bightsilverPowertrain & PerformanceT IOcylinder 3oLer engine with twinOtur3o‘ dis/lace-ent: HmQ litresT5llOwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiO/late clutch Porsche Mraction xanage-ent KPMxGT Porsche 5ctive Sus/ension xanage-ent KP5SxGT Porsche MorBue Vectoring Plus KPMV PlusGT qLhaust syste- with 6 dualOtu3e tail/i/e tri-s pLed to the 3u-/er in silver stainless steel KhighOglossGT Power steeringT Arake syste- with Arake Cali/ers /ainted in RedT8Os/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()GLights & VisionT bq( -ain headlightsT Maillight stri/ with ’PWRSCjq' letteringT’PWRSCjq' logo in Silver colour KhighOglossGT Enterior -irror di--ed -anuallyT qLterior -irrors on door waist rails‘ electrically adFusta3le and heata3le‘ as/herical on driverzs side911 Carrera 4S Interior packages & decors/materialsT Enterior /ackage (ia-ar darksilverSteering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerT xultifunctional steering wheelT Steering wheel with -anual fore.aN and height adFust-entT•ear selector in leather or P() gear changer leverInterior designT Seat 3elt /retensionersT Enstru-ent dial 3lackT RooUining and 5O.AO. CO/illar tri-s in fa3ric‘ 5O/illar tri- in leatherT5ir3agsT Pedals and footrest in AlackT(oor sill guards in alu-iniu- with -odel designationT Sun visorsT7loor -atsAssistance systemsT Park5ssist Kfront and rearG with visual and audi3le warningT Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityT MwoO³one auto-atic cli-ate controlT Particle./ollen plter with active car3on plterT₂onOs-oking /ackageInfotainmentT₂avigation jighT Voice ControlT Sound Package PlusT S-art/hone integrationT SAOC /orts911 Carrera 4SDechnical 1ata Power unit₂u-3er of cylinders IAore91mQ --Stroke Im4 --(is/lace-ent6‘981 c- Power Kk0G HH1 k0Power KPSG4DQ PSRPx /oint -aLi-u- /ower I‘DQQ 1.-inxaLi-u- engine s/eed ‘DQQ 1.-in xaLm torBue DHQ ₂-RPx range -aLi-u- torBue6‘HQQ O D‘QQQ 1.-in xaLm out/ut /er liter Kk0.lG111mQQ k0.l xaLm out/ut /er liter KPS.lG1D1mQQ PS.lConsumption/Emissions2₂WL e-issions1HmH -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLDP(7uel consu-/tion ur3an18mD O 18m6 l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion su3ur31Qm O 1QmH l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion eLtra ur3an9mH O 8m8 l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion highway1Qm6 O 9m6 l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion co-3ined11m1 O 1QmD l.1QQ k-CW6Oe-issions low K0bMPG419 O 414 g.k-CW6Oe-issions -ediu- K0bMPG646 O 6H4 g.k-911 Carrera 4S CW6Oe-issions high K0bMPG611 O 6QQ g.k-CW6Oe-issions eLtra high K0bMPG6H6 O 61Q g.k-CW6Oe-issions co-3ined K0bMPG6DH O 6H9 g.k-Sound leTel Utype approTed based on N-5R )2BSound level of stationary vehicle9H dAK5G Sound level of stationary vehicle Kr/-G H‘H6D 1.-in Sound level of /assing vehicle H dAK5GConsumption/Emissions UECEB7uel consu-/tion ur3an1HmD l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion eLtraOur3an mH l.1QQ k-7uel consu-/tion co-3ined9mI l.1QQ k-CW6 e-issions co-3ined619 g.k-3odybength4‘D19 --0idth1‘8D6 --0idth Kwith -irrorsG6‘Q64 --jeight1‘HQQ --0heel3ase6‘4DQ --Murning circle11m6 -nladen weight K(E₂G1‘DID kgnladen weight Kq G11‘I4Q kgPer-issi3le gross weight6‘Q1Q kgxaLi-u- load44D kg911 Carrera 4SxaLi-u- /er-issi3le roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste- D kgCapacitiesbuggage co-/art-ent volu-e‘ front1H6 lW/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e K3ehind front seatsG6I4 l7uel tank I lPerformanceMo/ s/eed HQI k-.h5cceleration Q O IQ -/h Hm4 s5cceleration Q O IQ -/h with S/ort Chrono Package Hm6 s5cceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h HmI s5cceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package Hm4 s5cceleration Q O 1IQ k-.h8mH s5cceleration Q O 1IQ k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package8mQ s5cceleration Q O 6QQ k-.h16m s5cceleration Q O 6QQ k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package16m4 s7leLi3ility K8QO16Q k-.hG KDQO D -/hG in Dth gear4m9 sEnOgear acceleration K8QO16Qk-.hG KDQO D -/hG6mH s1.4 -ile11m8 s1.4 -ile with S/ort Chrono Package11mI s1m(ata deter-ined in accordance with the -easure-ent -ethod reBuired 3y lawm Since 1 Se/te-3er 6Q1 certain new cars have 3een ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide jar-onised bight Vehicles Mest Procedure K0bMPG‘ a -ore realistic test /rocedure to -easure fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-issionsm 5s of 1 Se/te-3er 6Q18 the 0bMP re/laced the ₂ew quro/ean (riving Cycle K₂q(CGm (ue to the -ore realistic test conditions‘ the fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-ission values deter-ined in accordance with the 0bMP will‘ in -any cases‘ 3e higher than those deter-ined in accordance with the ₂q(Cm Mhis -ay lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle taLation fro- 1 Se/te-3er 6Q18m You can pnd -ore infor-ation on the di,erence 3etween 0bMP and ₂q(C at wwm/orschemco-.wlt/ Currently‘ we are still o3liged to /rovide the ₂q(C values‘ regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess usedm Mhe additional re/orting of the 0bMP values is voluntary until their o3ligatory usem 5s far as new cars Kwhich are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0bMPG are concerned‘ the ₂q(C values will‘ therefore‘ 3e derived fro- the 0bMP values during the transition /eriodm Mo the eLtent that ₂q(C values are given as ranges‘ these do not relate to a single‘ individual car and do not constitute /art of the o,erm Mhey are intended solely as a -eans of co-/aring di,erent ty/es of vehiclem qLtra features and accessories attach-ents‘ tyre for-ats‘ etcmG can change relevant vehicle /ara-eters such as weight‘ rolling resistance and aerodyna-ics and‘ in addition to weather and tra c conditions‘ as well as individual handling‘ can a,ect the fuel.electricity consu-/tion‘ CW e-issions and /erfor-ance values of a carm6mMhese values corres/ond to your current conpgurationm Ef you add or re-ove eBui/-ent this -ay change the values currently shownmHmAody911 Carrera 4SHm10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC (irectives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation onlym W/tional eBui/-ent increases this pgurem Mhe pgure given includes Dkg for the driver911 Carrera 4S911 Carrera 4S911 Carrera 4SPorsche Code: PR4JCXY8 11。
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CCTV SECURITY ALARM AUTOMATION SYSTEM 电气特性: 工作电压:DC11V TO 15V 静态电流:20mA (MAX) 拔号方式:音频/脉冲,跳线选择 J1 报警方式:N.C.,N.O.和电压信号跳线选择 J2,J3 录音时间:20 秒,掉电后电话号码,语音不丢失 储存电话号码:4 组电话,每组最长可存入 16 位数字 二级私密码:0-6 位私人密码,前三位可用解除报警,整体(六体)密码用于更改设置 出厂密码:911
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
喇叭 麦克风 7 段显示器:输入所要储存之号码时,会同时显示其号码 E4 指示灯:设定 E4 号码时,此灯会亮 E1 指示灯:设定 E1 电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮 E2 指示灯:设定 E2 电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮
⑦ ⑧ ⑨○ 10 11 12 ○○
E3 指示灯:设定 E3 电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮 若设定密码时,E1,E2,E3 及 E4 指示灯会亮 接至电话接头 接至 DC12V 电源,桔色线(或红色)接正电压,咖啡色线(或黑色)接负电压 信号触发线,当接到 N.C.或 N.O.干接点时,不分极性,作为 DC12V 电压输入时,蓝 色线(或黄色)接正电压,绿色线接负电压
13 ○
P 按键可作为以下用途: 可储存 6 位数字作为密码 当使用于语音自动回报系统之总机时,可作为暂停时间,按 1 次,两秒;按 2 次,4 秒,以此类推.有此功能,即可自动打到分机
14 ○
① 打开背盖 ② 可看见印刷电路板上有 3 个跳线座 J1,J2,J3,依序并排. 可根据附图调整触发信号及电话系统
③ 配合电信局设定电话为 TONE 或 PULSE 系统 将 J1 设定于"左边"即为 TONE 系统 将 J1 设定于"右边"即为 PULSE 系统 ④ 触发信号,请根据保全主机或感应器触发后输出接点, 选择适当之跳线座组合. (A)N.C.输入:将 J2 置于"左边" ,J3 亦置于"左边"
(B)N.O.输入:将 J2 置于"右边" ,J3 置于"左边" (C)电压输入:将 J2 置于"左边" ,J3 置于"右边" ⑤ 设定完成后,请将背盖盖上
微电脑自动求救机 AUTO-DIALER 操作程序
自检完毕后进入工作状态,七段显示器的右下角小数点闪烁,若已存有信息,则收到报 警信号后 AUTO-DIALER 自动开始报警,如要设置或改变设置,按以下步骤可以储存,检 查电话号码,密码及录音,放音
1 进入编程状态:
先键入 P 然后输入私人密码(0-6 位)然后按下 注意:出厂密码为 911 例如:新机器未更改密码时进入编程状态操作如下: P ⑨ ① ① ENTER 如密码输入正确则显示一下 □ , 然后进入编程状态显示
若密码输入错误则显示一下 E ,退回工作状态,可按上述步骤重新输入
2 储存第 1 组电话号码:
在编程状态下,即显示 5 状态下: 例如电话号码为 93953399,则操作程序如下:
9 ○
3 ○
5 ○
3 ○
3 ○
9 ○
9 ○
键入 ENTER 时间始储存号码,如显示 □ ,则表示已正确存入, 然后返回 5 状态,如显示一下 E ,则表示未能正确存入, 机器会返回 5 状态,用户可重新操作,如要清除第 1 组电话号码时,只需在 5 状态下 键入 E1 后,直接键 ENTER
若先拨至语音自动播报总机,不透过接线员转接,再自动拨到分机,假设分机号码为 12,则储存方式如下: E1 9 ○ ENTER 3 ○ 5 ○ 3 ○ 3 ○ 9 ○ 9 ○ P ① ②
每按一次 P ,即暂停两秒,若按两次,则暂停四秒 (储存第 2,3,4 组电话号码方式均与第 1 组相同)
在编程状态下,即显示 5 状态下,按 3 键,此时显示
匚,表示 CHECK,再按所欲
查询之 E1,E2,E3,E4 或 PAUSE,显示器开始显示号码,其操作程序如下: 3 E1 或 E2 或 E3 或 E4 或 P 显示器开始显示所预存之电 话或私人密码,显示完毕后,即回单嘟响.
4 A
本机可储存 20 秒语音信息, 在编程状态下, 5 状态下, 1 键 即 按 (此时显示器显示 表示 RECORD) ,即可直接录音,其操作程序如下: ① 开始讲话,录音 回音嘟响 (20 秒后录音完毕,即自动停止. )
播放求救语音信息: 在编程状态下按 3 键再按 2 键,此时显示器显示 P , ( 表示 PLAY) , 即播放录入之语音信息,其操作程序如下: ③ ② 播放预存之 20 秒语音信息 回音嘟响 (20 秒后, 即自动停止)
5 A
储存密码: 可储存(0-6 位)私人密码,密码出厂时预设为 911.如私人密码为 714160,则操作程 序如下: 在编程状态下,即 5 状态下,键入 P ⑦ ① ④ ① ⑥ 0 ENTER ,即可听到回音嘟响声,表示输入完毕
查询密码: 在编程状态下,即 5 状态下,按 3 键,再按 P 键,显示器显示密码,其操作程序 如下: 键 ③ P 显示密码,显示完毕后,即回音嘟响声
如使用当中遗忘密码,则需打开背盖,加电到工作状态,按下(图一)所示的 RESET 键,则密码恢复为出厂密码 911
6 A B C
依次键入--5--0--enter:报警信号一旦触发,则连续拨号报警三个循环,中间可用密 码解除;详见第 8 条 依次键入--5--1--enter:报警信息号一旦触发,则连续拨号报警一个循环,中间可 用密码解除;详见第 8 条 依次键入--5--2--enter:报警信号保持触发才拨号,一旦报警信号中断,拨号报警也立
刻停止 检查键入--3--5:对应 A,B,C 分别显示 0,1,2
7 停止求救拨号:
当 AUTO-DIALER911 被触发后,即根据原先储存之电话号码,拨号求救报警.想要随 时停止 AUTO-DIALER 拨号报警,可于显示器显示 □ 时,输入私人密码,以停止拨号 求救.假设密码为 1,2,3,当输入 1 2 3 时,显示器即由原来之显示 □ , 改为显示 1,2,3,如密码正确时,即发出嘟声解除报警.解除报警,只需键入前碱闰 密码即可,若密码不足三位,则需用"0"补齐 例如:密码为 1,2,操作程序为:显示 □ 状态下,键① ② 0 即可
8 注意事项: A
以上设定操作时,若欲变更原设定内容,只需编程状态下,即 5 状态下,重新操作同 一步骤,即可自动储存新内容
正确地按照说明书安装使用是十分重要的.在我们的销售活动中,经常会遇到一些新 客户在试用机器后说机器不正常, 当我们的工程师赶赴现场后, 才发现往往是客户电话 线接错或者是跳线设置不对, 以及报警方式没有设置. 所以我们针对这三点希望客户能 够特别注意: (1) 报警方式设置(详见使用说明书第 6 条) (2) 报警线触发方式跳线设置(详见设定触发信号及电话系统) (3) 电话线的连接(详见设定触发信号及电话系统)
常见故障排除法: (1)触发但拨不出号码:可能是电话线接反 (2)不触发:可能触发方式设置错误,即 J2,J3 跳线设置错误 (3)放音时噪音大:大多是由于拨号器的电源有问题 (4)拨号不停:是没有选择设置报警方式
不需主机直接用拨号器的方法: (1)选择对应的触发方式,911 可直接接探头,门磁,紧急按钮,电源开关而形成独 立的防盗系统 (2)布防:只需关掉电源,关门出去后,打开电源进入警戒状态 (3)撤防:在输入电话号码时,在电话号码前面按 8 次 P,即可延时 16 秒,每按一次 P 可延时 2 秒,进门后在 16 秒内按密码解除报警或关掉电源