
I will not waver and carry out my duties, and will remain true to my conviction.2.入则恳恳以尽忠,出则谦谦以自悔。
Goes officials should serve as loyal as they can conscientiously when they are in office and engage in modest self-reflection when their terms end.3.知我罪我,其惟春秋。
There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me,ultimately, history will have the final say.4.苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。
In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.5.骨肉之亲,析而不殊。
Brothers, though geographically apart will always be bound by their blood ties.6.如将不尽,与古为新。
It is only with reform that we can ensure continuous existence and growth.7.行百里者半九十。
翻译 张璐

翻译张璐Translation:Zhang Lu, a 700-word essay.Zhang Lu is a diligent and intelligent girl in our class. She is 15 years old and has been studying at our school for 3 years. During these 3 years, Zhang Lu has made remarkable progress both academically and in her personal development.In terms of academics, Zhang Lu has always been one of the top students in the class. She is proactive in her studies and actively participates in class discussions. Not only does she complete her homework carefully, but she also takes the initiative to review and consolidate her knowledge. Zhang Lu is never satisfied with simply understanding the content taught in class; she has the thirst for knowledge that pushes her to explore beyond the curriculum. She frequently reads additional books and references, broadening her knowledge and enhancing her understanding of various subjects.Zhang Lu's strong analytical and problem-solving skills are admired by both teachers and classmates. She has a logical thinking ability that allows her to quickly grasp and solve complex problems. In group discussions or in solving challenging questions, she often demonstrates her excellent analytical skills, providing insightful ideas that help the team reach effective solutions.Apart from academics, Zhang Lu is also actively involved in various extracurricular activities. She has a wide range of interests,from playing musical instruments to sports. Zhang Lu is a member of the school orchestra, where she plays the flute. She practices diligently and has won many awards in music competitions. In addition, she also excels in sports, particularly in badminton. Zhang Lu has represented our school in several competitions and has achieved outstanding results, earning the respect of her teammates and opponents.Moreover, Zhang Lu possesses a strong sense of responsibility and leadership qualities. She is often appointed as a class monitor due to her organizational and communication skills. She takes her role seriously and is dedicated to maintaining order and discipline in the classroom. Zhang Lu is an excellent team player and often takes the initiative to coordinate group activities, ensuring that everyone can contribute and work together efficiently.In summary, Zhang Lu is a well-rounded and outstanding student. With her dedication and perseverance, she has achieved remarkable results academically and has actively participated in various extracurricular activities. Zhang Lu's strong analytical skills, wide range of interests, and leadership qualities make her a role model for her peers. We believe that she has a bright future ahead of her and will continue to achieve great success in her academic and personal endeavors.。

张璐译文:half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side.译文直译:在百里的旅途中,有一半人会在途中放弃。
点评:“fall by the way side”在英语中是半途而废的意思,用英语中的成语来翻译中国古语,对接得很巧妙。
张璐译文:no matter how high the mountain is,one can always ascend to its top. 译文直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。
张璐译文:for the ideal that i hold dear to my heart,id not regret a thousand times to die.译文直译:我遵从我内心的想法,即使要死千万次我也不会后悔。
点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。
张璐译文:my conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the outside.译文直译:我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。
张璐译文:differences between brothers can not sever their bloodties.译文直译:兄弟之间的分歧,是无法割断他们的血脉亲情的。

Thetop priority of the financial sector is to support the development of real economy.➤不管市场发生怎样的波动,我们还是要坚定不移地发展多层次的资本市场,而且也可以通过市场化债转股的方式来逐步降低企业的杠杆率。
In regard to volatility in the financial market, we're determined to press ahead with the building of a multi-tiered capital market, and we can also used such a market-oriented format for equity swaps to help bring down the corporate leverage ratio.谈中国经济下行压力对中国经济长期向好充满信心。
It’s impossible for me to side with you and agree that China is unable to meet the decided target.➤我们对中国经济长期向好充满信心。
We are full of confidence in the long-term good prospects of the Chinese economy. As long as we stick to reform and opening up, China’s economy will not see a hard landing.谈养老金发放总理做安民告示:老有所养绝不能是一句空话➤这里我想做个安民告示,从全面长期来看,中国政府对中国公民保证养老金发放是没有问题的。

张璐译文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey m ay fall by the way side.译文直译:在百里的旅途中,有一半人会在途中放弃。
点评:“fall by the way side”在英语中是半途而废的意思,用英语中的成语来翻译中国古语,对接得很巧妙。
张璐译文:No matter how high the mountain is,one can always ascend to its top. 译文直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。
张璐译文:For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart,I'd not regret a thousand time s to die.译文直译:我遵从我内心的想法,即使要死千万次我也不会后悔。
点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。
张璐译文:My conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the ou tside.译文直译:我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。
张璐译文:Differences between brothers can not sever their bloodties.译文直译:兄弟之间的分歧,是无法割断他们的血脉亲情的。
点评:“小忿”有愤恨的意思,在极短的时间内,能想到用differents(分歧),而不是用an gry等表示愤怒的词,非常有急智,比较得体。

张璐译文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side.译文直译:在百里的旅途中,有一半人会在途中放弃。
点评:“fall by the way side”在英语中是半途而废的意思,用英语中的成语来翻译中国古语,对接得很巧妙。
张璐译文:No matter how high the mountain is,one can always ascend to its top.译文直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。
张璐译文:For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart,I'd not regret a thousand times to die.译文直译:我遵从我内心的想法,即使要死千万次我也不会后悔。
点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。
张璐译文:My conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the outside.译文直译:我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。
张璐译文:Differences between brothers can not sever their bloodties.译文直译:兄弟之间的分歧,是无法割断他们的血脉亲情的。

张璐译文:For the ideal that I hold near to my heart,I'd not regret a thousand times to die.
点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。
We must reinforce our confidence: no matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top.
I have deep love for this country. I love every inch of its land. I love every river that flows on this piece of earth with deep passion and deep affection. For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret a thousand times to die. With this strong commitment, I will continue to devote myself to my work in the next three years.
张璐译文:My conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

1.合则两利,斗则俱商张璐译文:A peaceful and harmonious biliateral relationship between these two countries will make both winners,while a confrontational one will make both losers.2.行百里者半九十。
张璐译文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one-hundred-mile journey mayfall by the wayside.译文直译:在百里的旅途中,有一半人会在途中放弃。
点评:“fall by the wayside”在英语中是半途而废的意思,用英语中的成语来翻译中国古语,对接得很巧妙。
张璐译文:No matter how high the mountain is, one can alwaysascend to it's top.译文直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。
张璐译文:For the ideal that I hold dear to myheart, I'd not regret at thousand timesto die.译文直译:我遵从我内心的想法,即使要死千万次我也不会后悔。
点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。
张璐译文:My conscience stays untaintedin spite of rumors and slanders from the outside。
美女翻译 张璐

骨肉之亲,析而不殊。 Brothers, though geographically apart will always be bound by their blood ties.
如将不尽,与古为新。 It is only with reform that we can ensure continuous existence and growth.
苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。 In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,
regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.
行百里者半九十。 That is half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the ayside.
亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 For the ideal that I hold near to my heart, I would not regret a thousand times to die.
人或加讪,心无疵兮。 My conscience stays untainted inspite of rumors and slanders from the outside.
in office and engage in modest self-reflection when their terms end.
知我罪者,其惟春秋。 There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me,ultimately,history will have the final say.

To ensure that the elderly will be provided for, cannot and will notbe an empty promise.中国奉行不结盟政策,我们之间的合作也不针对第三方。
China follows the principle of nonalignment, and China-Russian cooperation will not be targeted at any third party.我对两岸关系和平发展的前景是乐观的,我们之间的血脉是分不开的。
I for one feel optimistic about the future of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. There is a strong tie between the two sides that cannot be severed.2015年因地制宜,分城施策。
Differentiated policies need to be adopted in the light of local conditions.穿鞋要合脚,施政也要利民惠民。
Shoes must suit the feet, our administration must meet people‟s needs and deliver well benefits.以史为鉴、面向未来。
One needs to take history as mirror and at the same time look to the future.2014年把今天的垫脚石变成明天的绊脚石。
Let today’s stepping stone become tomorrow’s stumbling block.相互尊重、管控分歧、互利互惠。

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We face extremely daunting tasks and complex domestic and international situations. We must work very hard if we are to achieve successes in our work on all fronts and meet the goals we haveset."我们要有忧患意识,始终保持清醒的头脑。
We must be fully mindful of potential dangers and keep a cool head. At the same time, we should have firm confidence. Confidence is like the sun. It brings us and bright and hope."扩大就业以及改善民生。
expand employment and improve people’s well-being."在今后五年以至中国经济发展的相当长时期,我们要把转变经济增长方式作为主线。
In the next five years and even for a much longer period of time to come, in the course of China’s economic development, we will take the transformation of China’s economic development pattern as our priority task so that we will be able to refocus China’s economic development to scientific and technological advances and to higher educational level of the labor force. And we will be able to in that way raise the quality and efficiency of China’s economic development."我们要充分利用这样一个机会,调整经济结构,解决中国经济长期以来存在的不平衡、不协调和不可持续的问题,使经济的发展与人口、环境和资源相适应。
We must seize the current opportunities and make adjustments to China’s economic structure so that we will be able to resolve the long-standing problem in China’s economic development. That is a lack of adequate balance, coordination and sustainability. And we must strike a balancebetween economic development and population, environmental protection and resources."谈到就业,我觉得我们应该重视结构调整,在结构调整中特别应该重视发展中小企业,主要是科技型的小企业。
With respect to jobs, I would like to say that we must pay close attention to economic restructuring. And in this course we should give priority to developing small and medium-sizedenterprises, in particular small high-tech enterprises and develop the service sector includingproducer services. All these will help us spur more jobs."我们认为,任何把中国同西亚、北非发生政治动荡的国家相类比都是不正确的。
We take the view that it is not right to draw an analogy between China and those relevantcountries."中国经济这些年确实发生了很大的变化,我们的经济总量跃居到世界第二位,但是我们一直清醒地认识到中国人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡,依然是一个发展中国家。
It is true that recent years have witnessed major changes in China’s economy. Now the Chinese economy has become the second largest in the world. But at the same time, we are also fully aware that China remains a developing country with large population, weak economic foundationand uneven development."我们选择了一条适合中国国情的发展道路。
W e have embarked on the development path that fits China’s national conditions. The main features of this development path are as follows: First, we will focus on economic construction and vigorously promote economic development and social progress; Second, we will continue to put people’s interests first and strive for comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development;Third, we will continue to promote social fairness and justice and maintain social stability and harmony; And fourth, we will protect the democratic rights of the people, promote their all-round development and give further play to the initiative and creativity of the people."我们认为任何国家都要走适合自己国情的发展道路,我们尊重各国人民的选择。
We believe that all countries can identify their own development paths which are suited to their national conditions, and we respect the choices made by people of other countries. At the same time, we take the view that countries can learn from each other in terms of development path onthe bases of mutual respect. Thank you!"香港背靠祖国,面向国际,有着开放的自由经济,有着同国际经济接轨的完备法律法规,有着全面的各类管理人才。
Hong Kong with strong backing of the motherland and facing the world has an open and free economy. It has a full fledged legal system that is consistent with international practices. It has a large pool of managerial personnel in various kinds. And Hong Kong has withstood the test of twofinancial crises. So I believe Hong Kong’s traditional advantage as international financial centerhas not changed."我以为,在香港还要重视教育、科技,以增强香港发展的后劲。
I believe it’s important for Hong Kong to pay close attention to the development of education and science and technology so as to sustain its momentum of future development. Meanwhile, Hong Kong needs to further develop its service sector, including financial services and tourism in the light of Hong Kong’s actual conditions and further develop those small innovative high-techenterprises to create more jobs."香港有着比较充裕的财政收入和雄厚的外汇储备,要进一步加强社会保障体系的建设,特别要照顾好弱势群体,致力于改善民生。