



20秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业1共20道题总分:100分100分∙单选题∙判断题我的得分:5分我的得分:5分我的答案:A8我的得分:5分我的答案:A二、判断题共5题,25分15分我的得分:5分我的答案:B55分Any discourtesy shown to Chinese persons by any official of the Government will be cause for immediate dismissal.如果有任何官方人员对中国人无礼,将会引来立即辞退。

我的得分:5分我的答案:A暂无内容20秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业2共20道题总分:100分95分∙单选题∙判断题我的得分:5分我的答案:B35分我的得分:5分我的答案:A75分His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.我的得分:5分我的答案:B95分The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered.我的得分:5分我的答案:A115分Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth to each other’s markets.我的得分:5分我的答案:A155分This chemical element is harmful to human beings,but that one is not.我的得分:5分我的答案:A4我的得分:5分我的答案:A20秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业3共20道题总分:100分100分∙单选题∙判断题我的得分:5分我的答案:A我的得分:5分我的答案:B我的得分:5分我的答案:A10我的得分:5分我的答案:B我的得分:5分我的答案:B8我的得分:5分我的答案:B20秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业4共20道题总分:100分100分∙单选题∙判断题一、单选题共15题,75分1我的得分:5分我的答案:A35分The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered.我的得分:5分我的答案:B55分当今世界正处在历史性的大变动之中,国际竞争日趋激烈。




(2)几个朝代的帝王在这个龙脉宝地(precious royal place)君临天下,并修建了雄伟壮观的长城、集全国能工巧匠智慧的故宫、集天下园林之大成的圆明园以及保留完整的古代祭天建筑群(flocks of the sacred buildings)——天坛。


Translation:(1)The ancient city Beijing is a masterpiece of the highly developed science technology and cultural art in ancient China.(2)Emperors of dynasties chose to accomplish their desirable goals in this precious royal place and built the grand Great Wall,the Palace Museum which gathers the wisdom of master craftsmen from all over the country,the Summer Palace which seize the first prize among all gardens around the world and the well preserved ancient flocks of the sacred buildings --Temple of Heaven.(3)Beijing,the representative of Chinese royal gardens and palace buildings,is a world cultural heritage gathering the heart of Chinese civilization.二.(1)自驾游(self-driving tour)属于自助旅游的一种类型,是近年来我国新型的旅游方式,以自由、灵活、富有个性化等突出特点被旅游者接受和喜爱。



北外⽹院英语翻译1第⼀次作业及答案Understanding of Theories(1)The following five statements are understandings of some translatio n theories you are familiar with. Decide whether those statements a re true or false by writing “T” for true, and “F” for false on your A nswer Sheet.______1.Understanding the designative and associative meanings of the text involves not only knowing the meanings of the words and the syntactic relations, but also being sensitive to all the nuances of the stylistic devices.______2.Knowing two languages is not enough. It is also essential to be acquainted with the respective cultures.______3.Sometimes translating doesn’t involve paraphrase, because one can successfully translate word for word and structure for structure.______4.Nida believes that in translation, one should try to achieve the equivalence in content rather than in words and grammar.______5.What is important in translation is the semantic legitimacy of t he paraphrase.答案:1.T (1/8/4/1)2.T (1/8/5/1)3. F (1/7/6/1)4.T (1/7/4/1)5.T (1/7/6/5)Translation of Phrases (Multiple choices)(1)Choose a better version of Chinese translation for e ach of the follo wing phrases. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.to arouse the tiger in one’s natureA.遇到了某⼈的劲敌B.激起某⼈凶残的本性2.the heavy seaA.深海B.波涛汹涌的海洋3. a rosy viewA.怀疑的眼光B.乐观的看法4.to join the tablesA.参加赌博B.共同进餐5. a troublesome woman with her nose in everythingA.贪吃的讨厌⼥⼈B.什么都要打听的讨厌⼥⼈答案:1. B2. B3. B4. A5.BTranslation of Phrases (Phrase translation)(1)Translate the following phrases and write your answers on the Ans wer Sheet.1.be in the blaze of publicity ____________________2.to be all on edge before the exam ____________________3. a film in color ____________________4.be in the spring of life ____________________5. the livestock idustry____________________答案:1.在公众瞩⽬之下2.考前⼗分紧张3.彩⾊影⽚4.青春年华5.畜牧业Translation of Sentences1)Translate the following sentences using the translation skills and te chniques you have learned from the study of Unit 2. Write your ans wers on the Answer Sheet.1.No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a numberof the old generations back 36 years ago.____________________________________________________________ 2.If your tooth hurts badly, take an aspirin or two.____________________________________________________________ 3.This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.It is our task to build up a nuclear power station somewhere by the end of this year.____________________________________________________________ 5. The United States spends about five percentof its gross national producton defense.____________________________________________________________1.难怪⽼⼀辈的许多⼈见了这件东西,就会回想起三⼗六年前的往事。



1.The ship plows the sea.船在乘风破浪地前进。

2.Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.他们的主人,(又是)割啊,(又是)倒啊,(又是)上菜啊,(又是)切面包啊,(又是)说啊,(又是)笑啊,(又是)敬酒啊,忙个不停。

(增加语气助词和概括词语)3.This digital camera is easy to operate, versatile, compact and has a pleasing modern design. 这种数码相机操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。

4.Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it.因为空气具有重量,所以处在空气中的任一物体都会受到空气的作用力。

5.We won’t retreat,we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退6.Air pressure decreases with altitude.气压随海拔高度的增加而下降。

7.He stretched his legs which were scattered with scars.他伸出双腿,露出腿上的道道伤痕。

8.I was taught that two sides of a triangle were greater than the third.我学过,三角形的两边之和大于第三边。


Please fill in this form, and give it to me when you have finished.10.要提倡顾全大局。

We should advocate the spirit of the taking the whole the situation into consideration11.送君千里,终有一别。











1.心.有余而力不足One’s ability falls short of one’s ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.2.您的建议我会永远铭记在心.。

I will always bear your advice in ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.3.如果你忘了她的生日她会很伤心.的。

You’ll heart her ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ if you forget her birthday.4.居心.叵测 to nurse evil ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.5.得人心.者得天下Those who gain ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽among the people will gain the power.6.劳心.者治人,劳力者治于人。

Those who work with ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ rule and those who work with their brawn are ruled.7. 哀莫大于心.死 The greatest despair comes from a devastated ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.三、翻译下列句子,注意加着重号的词语的表达。

1. 如果你留下来,我也要留下来。

2. 小马也就是十二三岁,脸上还瘦。

3. 她怎么好好地就自杀了?这也怪了!4. 这本书我们没有货,但是可以帮你订。

5. 你能帮我把这份讲义订起来吗?6. 那件大衣的面子很漂亮。

7. 如果怕丢面子,就说不好英语。

8. 我是个爱面子的人,这种事我可做不出来。

9. 不是我不买你的面子,实在是这事儿不好办。




翻译作业1. (1)

翻译作业1. (1)

Please translate the following texts into Chinese:It’s never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with honesty and think how often you’ve judged roughly, said unkind things, pushed yourself ahead at the expense of a friend. Then count the occasions when you indicated clearly and truly that you were sorry. A bit frightening, isn’t it? Frightening because deep inside our mind we know that when even a small wrong has been committed, some moral feeling is disturbed, and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed.I remember a doctor friend, telling me about a man who came to him with a variety of signs: headaches, sleeplessness and stomach trouble. No physical cause could be found. Finally my friend said to the man, "Unless you tell me what’s worrying you, I can’t help you." After some hesitation, the man confessed that he had been cheating his brother, who lived abroad, of his inheritance. The wise doctor made the man write to his brother asking forgiveness and enclosing a check as the first step in restoring their good relation. He then went with him to mail box in the corridor. As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. "Thank you," he said, "I think I’m cured." And he was.A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, do something about it right now.。


4. foreign affairs 外国事物
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
5. to undergo a change 处于变动中
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
A. 做生意得有来有往,来和往这两股道得保持畅通,应当有这么一个观念,即伙伴双方同时都尽最大努力,来确保对方想自己市场的出口稳步增长
B. 生意好比双行道,伙伴双方都必须明白,只有竭尽全力确保对方向自己市场的出口稳步增长,道路的两个方向才得以畅通。
满分:5 分
2. Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a dacade.
A. 在马克思家族中,林肯得到很多爱和尊敬
B. 马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。
满分:5 分
14. 质量服务月
A. Quality Service Month
B. Quantity Service Month
满分:5 分
15. Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of red tape.
5. He is a Napoleon of finance.
A. 他是金融界的拿破仑
B. 它是金融界的巨头。
满分:5 分
6. 我不爱喝饮料。
A. I don't like soft drinks
B. I don't like drinks
满分:5 分
A. 十年来,失业人数一直顽固不降



汉译英作业:1. 本工厂最初建立时,只有200个工人,现在则已成为外向型合资企业,雇有2500个工人,分布在8个车间,生产各种产品主要向国外出口。

There were only 200 workers when this factory was first established, but now it has become an export-oriented joint venture, employing 2,500 workers, distributing in 8 workshops, and producing all kinds of products which are mainly exported to foreign countries.2. 本公司的一种次要但能赢利的产品,是“电子狗”,其特点是装有犬声装置,能对接近的物体作出迅速的反应,发出犬声.A minor but profitable product of our company is "e-dog", which is characterized with dog’s sound device to respond rapidly to the objects approaching and make a dog noise.3. 在聘期内,聘方可以根据工作需要,与受聘方协商后,调整受聘方的工作岗位。

Within the duration, the engaging party can adjust the engaged party’s jobs in accordance with the needs after negotiating with the engaged party要求:1.每位同学都必须有自己专门的翻译作业本,小组讨论前独立完成每次翻译作业,老师会随堂抽查。




汉英翻译练习作业-标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII单句类1. 直译与意译 (literal translation vs. free/liberal translation)1.怕什么呢?死了张屠夫,还有李屠夫,人多得很。





















2. 省词法 (omission)1.他在我不知道的情况下私自拿走了那东西。
















《翻译(一)》题库及答案I. Please translate the following phrases and the underlined part in each sentence.1.break the record2.armed to the teeth3.sour grapes4.a gentleman’s agreement5.open door policy6.the cold war7.soft voice 8.soft fire9. The poor account for the overwhelming majority of the rural population.10. He is ill, that accounts for his absence.11. In this battle he accounted for five of the enemy.12. I want you to account for every cent you spent.13. soft breeze 14. soft water15. If the stove isn’t made up, it will go out.16. There isn’t any girl called Clementine. He’s just made her up.17. Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.18. They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor.19. soft water20. soft hat21. It is not right for children to sit up late.22. The plane was right above our heads.23. In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.24. She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.II. Translate the following sentences according to the instructions in brackets.1.“It will make a man of him,” said Jack. “College is the place.”(黑体名词前加形容词)2.It is our duty to rebuild and defend our home-land.(重复黑体词)3.The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himselftongue-tied.(用四字词组表达黑体词)4.I was not evasive in my reply.(用四字重又叠词组表达黑体词)5.Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.(省略黑体代词)6.They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.(用一句子表达黑体词)7.On the walk through the city they saw a grand hotel.(名词转译动词)8.He is a regular visitor.(名词转译动词)9.He is a perfect stranger in the city.(名词转译形容词)10.This is sheer nonsense. (形容词转译副词)11.The garden-party is a great success(名词转译形容词)12.The sun rose thinly from the sea.(副词转译形容词)13.“This is grasping at straws, I know”, said the helpless man.(黑体词前加形容词)14. Now and then his boots shone.(黑体词前加副词)15.He began to see things and to understand.(黑体词后加名词)16.He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.(黑体词前加名词)17.Very acute problems exist among them.(黑体名词前加表复数的词)18.We should learn how to analyze and solve problems.(重复黑体的名词)19.We are quite sure that the socialist system will replace the capitalist system in the end.(形容词转译动词)20. When he went back, the radio was still on.(介词转译动词)21.They are going to build a school for the blind and the deaf.(形容词转译名词)22. We found difficulty in solving the complicated problem.(名词转译形容词)23. We place the highest value on our friendly relations with developing countries.(形容词转译副词)24. He was deeply impressed by what they did in the critical moment.(副词转译形容词)III. Translate the following passages.AIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity: it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.BPanshan Mountain, located in Jixian, is heavily covered with trees, streams, strange rocks, fountains and falls. It’s called “the First Mountain east to the Capital”. It has the scenery of the garden in the south of the Changjiang River.CBlessed with excellent transportation facilities, it takes only ten minutes by car to get to the renowned scenic spot named Splendid China from Luomazhou Post. The spot is easy of access both by CTS direct tourist coach between Hong Kong and Shenzhen and by bus or light bus through Shen-Nan Highway, Guang-Shen Highway and Beihuan Freeway.DHow Fast One Travels in 2000The earth also seems smaller because travel is now very quick. In 1850 we could travel as fast as a horse. In 1950 our planes could fly at one thousand miles an hour (1,000 m.p.h.). In 1970 we can fly at 25,000 m.p.h. Who knows how fast we shall be traveling in the year 2000?IV. Translate the following article.AI used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.BWhen you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the House of Parliament had not been burned down, it would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down.CDreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called “The Revealer”has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where—it is said—pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that “The Revealer” may reveal something of value fairly soon.DWhen he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man’s clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the Prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it stopped at the camp gates. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry for him. But there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.《翻译(一)》作业参考答案I.1.打破记录2.武装到牙齿3.酸葡萄4.君子协定5.开放政策6.冷战7.低声8.文火9.占 10.原因 11.消灭 12.交待清楚13.和风 14.软水 15.添煤 16.捏造17.修好 18.收拾一下 19.软水 20.呢帽21.好 22.正好 23.右 24.申冤。

翻译作业1 完整版

翻译作业1 完整版

第二天早上,孩子们还没醒,我就起 床开始做早饭。我听到小卧室有动静,以 为尼克醒了/起床了(up),便等着他进来吃 饭。随后我听到他和玛雅在说话,他严肃 地对小妹妹说:“今天要让妈妈笑。”
他的话让我怔(stop)在那里,不寒而栗(cold) 。 我猛然惊醒(hit)。我之前一直沉浸(wrap)在自 己的痛苦中,竟未曾意识到它一直在影响着我的 孩子。我的小儿子感受到我的不快乐,他正尽最 大努力(为我)做点什么。他的体贴与我的自私 让我的眼睛充满了(愧疚)的泪水。在我们的小 厨房里,我双膝跪地,祈求重拾快乐的力量,无论 用什么方法(somehow)。我请求上帝赐予我的生 活一些美好,好让我看到,真正地看到,真正地 感觉到我所拥有的幸福(what)。
我面带微笑冲进卧室,去拥抱我的孩子,却 再一次停下了脚步(却又一次被什么阻挡 了我的步伐)。眼前(增词法),尼克坐在 地板上,玛雅坐在紧挨着他的地毯上,他 们面前摆着一堆生日礼物。这是一个三个 人的生日聚会。
看到这么多礼物,我目瞪口呆(wide-eyed and open-mouthed),随后转向我的儿子 。“生日快乐!”他大声喊道,咧着还没 有长全牙的小嘴可爱的笑着。看到我惊讶 的表情,他活泼的脸上堆满了笑容。“妈 妈,我让你很吃惊,是不是?”
约翰· 韦恩(John Wayne)(1907.5.26- 1979.6.11),美国电影演员,曾获奥斯卡最佳男 主角奖。他演绎的角色极具男子气概,个人风格 鲜明,他的说话语调、走路方式都与众不同。他 有绰号名Duke(与宠物小狗同名)。
我差点要责备(chide) 他花掉了他悉心 (carefully)攒下的所有积蓄,但仔细想想, 他在买他的东西时候我已经买完了。我记 得他把袋子紧紧抱在怀里时欣喜的表情和 咯咯地笑声(gleeful smile and giggles)。 我本以为他是为自己买的玩具,怎么也没 想到藏在里面的惊喜是为我准备的。 意译法




I would like to introduce my hometown to you.2.我的家乡,交城,坐落在山西省的中部。

My home town, Jiaocheng, lies in the center/middle of Shanxi province.3.自从我住在这儿已经有16年了。

I have lived there since sixteen years ago.(正确)It is/has been sixteen years since I lived there.(错误:我不住在那儿已经16年了)4.这儿的气候冬冷夏热,且最热的月份是七月。

The climate here is cold in (the) winter and hot in (the) summer, and the hottest month is July.5.我认为它是一个很有活力的城市。

I think it is a lively city.6.这儿有许多名胜,它们能吸引很多游客。

(可用定从)There are a number of places of interest/tourist attractions, which can attract a great many tourists.7.所以,近年来,城市发生了很大的改变。

Therefore/so,in recent years, the city has greatly changed. 8.除此而外,许多摩天大楼已经被建起来,因为越来越多来自农村的农民搬到了城市。

Besides, many high-rise buildings have been built because more and more farmers from villages have moved into the city.9.到目前为止,他们中的一些人已经有了自己的小轿车。

unit 1 翻译作业

unit 1 翻译作业

9.You ______ _______(应该)give your seat to ought to the old man.
10.They ______ ________(扔掉)the old news threw away papers yesterday.
benefited a lot ________working.( from 6.He________ 从…中受益)
7.The doctor advised him to have a ______ balanced _________.(平衡饮食) diet 8.The thief ______ _____ _____(携带…而逃)a lot of jewels. got away with
Playing __________ tricks on __________ __________ (捉弄)
others is something we’ll never do.
as though He speaks English ___________ _________ he were ________ ________ (好像他是)an American. It’s obvious that _____ ___________ _______(很明显) he has no
1、儿童节是在六月一日。(take place) 2、孩子们盼望着这一天的到来。 3、今年六一儿童节他们穿上盛装,很早就到了学 校。 4、他们都屏息观看表演。 5、很明显他们玩得很高兴。
7、等将来他们长大后,这些照片可以使他们想起 快乐的童年。
1、儿童节是在六月一日。(take place) Children’s Day takes place on June 1. 2.The children are looking forward to its coming. 3.On Children’s Day of this year,they dress up and turned up at school very early. 4.They held their breath to watch the wonderful performance.
































被动语态(注:这是留到“被动语态”那一讲用的,开学初不做)As oil is found deep in the ground its presence can not be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out . If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig ’’is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “ a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by a drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil isstruck , a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves.1.2.A greeting card can warm aheart, hold a hand, lend a ear,pat a back, light up aface ,tickle a funny bone, dryan eye , surprise a child , wooa sweet heart, toast a bride ,welcome a stranger, wave agood- bye, shout a bravo, blowa kiss, mend a quarrel, ease apain, boast a morale, stop aworry and start a tradition.。



《英语翻译基础》作业(1)一、选择题1.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于( )的形式。

A. 词句B. 词句和比喻C. 各种修辞手段D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段2. 翻译是一种()的交际活动。

A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会3.翻译的理想单位是:__________。

()A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词4.严复的“雅”是指:___ ___。





A. 词汇空缺,词义冲突,语义联想,语用含义B.词汇空缺,语用含义C. 语义联想,语用含义D. 词义冲突, 语用含义6. 中国佛经翻译的主要代表人物是________。

A.玄奘 B. 徐光启 C. 林纾 D. 严复二、改译句子1. The research work is being done by a group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve.译文:这项研究工作正在被一小组专心致志、具有想象力的科学家进行着。


改译为:2. A big question mark hangs over the company’s future.译文:一个大问号悬挂在这家公司未来的上方。

改译为:3.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.译文:昨夜我听见他把他的猪赶到市场。

改译为:4.At the beginning of the new year, this area saw a big snowfall.译文:在新年的开始, 这个地区就经历了一场大雪。



汉译英(一)作业Week 1笑雨声渐渐的住了,窗帘后隐隐的透进清光来。





Week 3高帽子世俗谓媚人为顶高帽子。










” 一人曰:“敝乡有一人更大,上嘴唇触天,下嘴唇触地。


”Week 5拆迁故事拆迁是现代都市的常见现象。








Week 7旅游资料翻译1.夜幕降临,乐山上空礼炮轰隆,彩灯光芒四溢。

高级翻译作业unit 1

高级翻译作业unit 1

郑果文学院现当代文学2015级学号:112015308000629Section A橘子一年当中的水果,我最喜欢橙子。






















Section BOnly when the underdevelopment is acknowledged, can it be changed. Learn from the developed, to gain the ability to surpass them. To improve our science and technology, we must rely on ourselves, we must develop our creation, we must insist on independence and self-reliance. But independence is not meaning to close the country’s door, self-reliance is not meaning blind opposition to everything foreign. Science and technologyare the common wealth of mankind. Any nation and country needs to learn from other countries, to learn the advanced science and technology. We need to work hard to learn from foreign countries because of the backwardness of science and technology. Even if our science and technology are the world advanced, we also need to learn the strengths of others.。

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Session 6 Conversion 转性译法
1. Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted. (into adv.)
2. John was eloquent and elegant ---but soft. (into noun)
3. Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats. (into noun)
4. The communication system is chiefly characterized by its ease with which it can be maintained.
5. This new electronic computer is most widely used and plays an important part in scientific research. (into noun)
6. His statement yesterday was inconsistent with the facts. (into verb)
7. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars. (into verb)
8. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. (into noun)
9. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in this direction. (into n.)
10. Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonably equally. (into adj.)
How to Grow Old
The best way to overcome the fear of death ----so at least it seems to me --- is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river--- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue.。
