EP1C12Q240C8N中文资料(Altera)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
注意 表 1-1: (1) 该参数包括全局时钟引脚.
EP1C3 59,904
1 104
EP1C4 78,336
2 301
EP1C6 92,160
2 185
EP1C12 239,616
2 249
FineLine ® BGA封装(见
通过 1–3).
于接口和支持ASSP和ASIC器件. Altera还提供新低成本串行配置设备
■ 2,910 20060个LE,见
■ 高达294,912 RAM位(36,864字节)
■ 通过低成本串行配置设备支持配置
须知 表 1-2: (1) TQFP:薄型四方扁平封装.
PQFP:塑料四方扁平封装. (2) Cyclone器件支持在同一封装内垂直迁移(即,设计人员可以之间迁移
文件 修订记录
表 1-4.文档修订历史记录
1. 开发板概述:介绍开发板的基本信息,如型号、尺寸、主要组件等。
2. 开发板硬件说明:详细描述开发板的硬件组成,包括处理器、存储器、接口、扩展槽等。
3. 开发环境配置:指导用户如何正确配置开发环境,包括安装和配置开发工具、驱动程序等。
4. 开发板连接与电源配置:介绍如何正确连接开发板和其他设备,并给出电源配置建议。
5. 开发板操作指南:详细说明开发板的各项操作方法,如开机、关机、重启、调试等。
6. 开发板接口与扩展说明:介绍开发板的各种接口和扩展槽,以及如何通过这些接口和扩展槽扩展开发板功能。
7. 开发板软件开发指南:提供软件开发的相关指导,包括编程语言、开发工具、示例代码等。
8. 常见问题解答:列出一些用户常见的问题,并提供相应的解决方法。
Pixel Compositor image, one could setup a 2D-DMA to only bring in the area of the main image that is affected by the overlay. This may reduce the amount ofDMA activity thus potentially improving system performance.There are two steps to implement the overlay process:1.Defining an overlay buffer•The user must define a rectangular region that covers thewhole overlay region no matter what shape the overlay con-tent is. The overlay buffer holds the pixel data in the entirerectangular overlay region, which can include some areaswhere there is no overlay. In memory, these areas have to befilled with the transparent color value. (See “TransparencyControl” on page28-17.)2.Configuring the overlay DMA•The user must define a single DMA descriptor for the over-lay data transfer. The user must also fill the overlaycoordinate registers in the PIXC with appropriate values.The overlay coordinate register set consists of two pairs ofregisters that specify the top left corner (H-Start, V-Start)and bottom right corner (H-End, V-End) of the overlay,along with a 4-bit register that specifies the (transparencyratio) value. Each overlay is thus completely specified by aset of five registers. The widths and addresses of these regis-ters are given in “PIXC Registers” on page28-35.There is a set of an additional five such registers that can be used to specifya second overlay region, so that two separate overlay blocks can be definedsimultaneously. Furthermore, either or both of these overlay coordinate register sets can be enabled or disabled at one time, since separate enable bits (OVR_A_EN and OVR_B_EN) exist in the PIXC control register for each of the overlay register sets.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferencePixel CompositorTransparent ColorA transparent color is a specific color that is removed from one image to reveal another “behind” it. This technique is also referred to as chroma keying. The principal subject is photographed or filmed against a back-ground having a single color, usually in the blue or green spectrums.When the phase of the chroma signal corresponds to the pre-programmed state associated with the background color(s) behind the principal subject, the signal from the alternate background (which in this case comes from the main image channel) is inserted in the composite signal and presented at the output. When the phase of the chroma signal deviates from that associated with the background color(s) behind the principal subject, the picture data associated with the principal subject (in this case, the overlay image) is presented at the output. Figure 28-10 illustrates this concept.In order to display the main image in the two triangle areas ∆ABE and ∆CDE in overlay block ABCD, the data in the overlay buffer correspond-ing to the pixels in the triangle areas ∆ABE and ∆CDE must hold a specific value, called the transparent color.Figure 28-10. Transparent Color (Chroma Keying)MAIN IMAGE OVERLAY BLOCKRECTANGLEA BCDE CHROMA-KEYINGAREASOVERLAY CONTENTTRIANGLE。
ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital HostSDH Data Length Register (SDH_DATA_LGTH)The SDH_DATA_LGTH register contains a 16-bit value for the number of data bytes to be transferred before generating the DAT_END event. The value loaded to this register is copied into the SDH_DATA_CNT register when the data path state machine is enabled and starts the transfer.SDH Data Control Register (SDH_DATA_CTL)The SDH_DATA_CTL register controls the data path state machine. The state machine becomes enabled once the DTX_E bit is set. The direction of the transfer is determined by DTX_DIR . If the DMA channel is to be used for the data transfer then the DTX_DMA_E bit must be set. Otherwise the SDH FIFO would only be accessible through the core. For block transfers, the block length must be specified by DTX_BLK_LGTH , where the block length is2DATA_BLK_LGTH . After a data write, data cannot be written to this regis-ter for five SCLK cycles.Figure 27-13. SDH Data Length Register 15141312111098765432100000000000000000SDH Data Length Register (SDH_DATA_LGTH)DATA_LENGTH(Number of bytes to transfer)Reset = 0x0000Read0xFFC03928ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital Host SDH_RESPONSE20xFFC0391C R 32-bit “SDH Response Registers (SDH_RESPONSEx)” on page 27-59SDH_RESPONSE30xFFC03920R32-bit “SDH Response Registers (SDH_RESPONSEx)” on page 27-59SDH_DATA_TIMER 0xFFC03924R/W 32-bit “SDH Data Timer Register(SDH_DATA_TIMER)” onpage 27-60SDH_DATA_LGTH 0xFFC03928R/W 16-bit “SDH Data Length Register(SDH_DATA_LGTH)” onpage 27-61SDH_DATA_CTL 0xFFC0392C R/W 16-bit “SDH Data Control Register(SDH_DATA_CTL)” on page 27-61SDH_DATA_CNT 0xFFC03930R 16-bit “SDH Data Counter Register(SDH_DATA_CNT)” on page 27-62SDH_STATUS 0xFFC03934R 32-bit “SDH Status Register(SDH_STATUS)” on page 27-63SDH_STATUS_CLR 0xFFC03938W1A 16-bit “SDH Status Clear Register(SDH_STATUS_CLR)” onpage 27-65SDH_MASK00xFFC0393C R/W 32-bit “SDH Interrupt Mask Registers(SDH_MASKx)” on page 27-66SDH_MASK10xFFC03940R/W 32-bit “SDH Interrupt Mask Registers(SDH_MASKx)” on page 27-66SDH_FIFO_CNT 0xFFC03948R 16-bit “SDH FIFO Counter Register(SDH_FIFO_CNT)” on page 27-68SDH_FIFOx0xFFC03980R/W 32-bit “SDH Data FIFO Register(SDH_FIFO)” on page 27-69SDH_E_STATUS0xFFC039C0R/W1C 16-bit “SDH Exception Status Register (SDH_E_STATUS)” on page 27-69SDH_E_MASK 0xFFC039C4R/W 16-bit “SDH Exception Mask Register(SDH_E_MASK)” on page 27-70Table 27-10. SDH Functional Registers (Cont’d)RegisterNameAddress Type Access Description。
Functional DescriptionADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceDevice Terminating the Ultra DMA Data-Out TransferThe device terminates the Ultra DMA data-out sequence by negating ATAPI_DDMARDY before complete data is transferred and then negating ATAPI_DMARQ after t RP . The ATAPI host enters the pause state once it sees the ATAPI_DDMARDY getting de-asserted. During pause state, if it sees the ATAPI_DMARQ getting de-asserted, it goes into the termination sequence. This results in the ULTRA_OUT_TERMINATED bit getting set inATAPI_INT_STATUS register.Functional DescriptionThe following sections describe the function of the various protocols and functions in the ATAPI controller. For more detailed information on exact timing parameters, refer to the ATA/ATAPI-6 Specification and ADSP-BF542/544/547/548/549 Embedded Processor Data Sheet .Power-on and Hardware Reset ProtocolThe ATAPI host can use the DEV_RST bit in the ATAPI_CONTROL register to drive the ATAPI_RESET pin of the device. When the ATAPI_RESET signal is asserted, the connected devices execute the hardware reset protocol. The host should respond as described below:1.Assert ATAPI_RESET for at least 25 µs by writing a value of 1 to the DEV_RST bit (can use one of the system timers).2.Negate ATAPI_RESET by writing a 0 to the DEV_RST bit and wait at least 2ms.3.Read the device status register or the alternate status register.4.Wait for the busy flag (BSY) to be cleared.Programming ModeADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Referencethe same time. The same requirement stands true for W1LMAX_MIN , W1LMAX_CNT and W1LMAX_ZERO and also for W1LMIN_MAX , W1LMIN_CNT , and W1LMIN_ZERO .Programming ModeIn a typical application, the programmer initializes the rotary encoder to the desired mode, without enabling it. Normally the events of interest are processed by way of interrupts rather than by polling the status bit. There-fore, clear all status bits and activate the generation of interrupt requests using the CNT_IMASK register. Set up the peripheral interrupt controller and core interrupts. If timing information is required, set up the appropri-ate timer in the WDTH_CAP mode with the settings described in “Capturing Timing Information (Using the General-Purpose Timer)” on page 13-18. Then, enable interrupts and the peripheral itself.Rotary Counter RegistersThe rotary encoder interface has eight memory-mapped registers (MMRs) that regulate its operation.Refer to Table 13-3 for an overview of all MMRs associated with the rotary encoder interface.Descriptions and bit diagrams for MMRs are provided in the following sections.。
Secure Digital HostWAIT StateIn the WAIT state, the SDH waits for a response to be received on the SD_CMD signal. Upon entering this state, an internal timer starts. If the response is not received within 64 SD_CLK cycles, the CMD_TIMEOUT flag is set and the CMD_ACT flag is cleared. The state machine then enters theIDLE state, awaiting the next action.A response, sent back from the card and indicated by the "0" start bit onthe SD_CMD signal, transitions the SDH to the RECEIVE state where it is ready to receive a short or long response.The WAIT state can also detect card interrupts. This is an optional feature that applies only to MMC cards. The feature is enabled by setting the CMD_INT_E bit in the SDH_COMMAND register. When CMD_INT_E is set, the timeout timer that is normally started upon entry to the WAIT state is disabled. The SDH remains in this state until a card interrupt is detected.Cards that implement this feature may have functions with a delayedresponse that is triggered by an internal event in the card. Once the event is triggered the card sends the response. The SDH then detects this start bit of the response and proceeds to the RECEIVE state.RECEIVE StateIn the RECEIVE state the SDH reads the response on the SD_CMD signal from the card. Upon receiving either the short or long response, if the response passes the CRC check, the CMD_ACT flag is cleared and theCMD_RSP_END flag is set. If the CRC check fails, the CMD_CRC_FAIL flag is set. In either case, the state machine then goes to the IDLE state.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital HostSDH Data Path CRCThe data CRC generator of the SDH calculates the 16-bit CRC checksum for all bits sent or received for a given block transaction. The data path CRC generator is not enabled for stream based data transfers. For a 1-bit bus configuration, the 16-bit CRC is calculated for all data sent on the SD_DATA0 signal. For a 4-bit wide data bus, the 16-bit CRC is calculated separately for each SD_DATAx signal. The data path CRC checksum is a 16-bit value calculated as follows.with:where:SDH Data FIFOThe data FIFO is a 32-bit wide, 16-word deep data buffer with transmit and receive logic. The FIFO configuration depends on the state of the TX_ACT and RX_ACT flags. If TX_ACT is set, the FIFO operates as a transmit FIFO, supplying data to the SDH for transfer to the card. If RX_ACT is set, the FIFO operates as a receive FIFO, where the SDH writes data received from the card. If neither TX_ACT nor RX_ACT flags are set, then the FIFO is disabled.CRC[15:0]Remainder x 16M x ()⨯G x ()-------------------------=G x ()x 16x 12x 51+++=M x ()x 8(DTX_BLK_LGTH )⨯1–(first data bit)⨯...x 0(last data bit)⨯++=。
FPGA 开发板用户手册
FPGA_Cyclone_I_EP1C3 核心板一、FPGA_Cyclone_EP1C3 核心板特点:1.系统采用双层PCB板设计,高密度走线,完善的电源和时钟设计,性能稳定可靠、结构紧凑美观。
二、FPGA_Cyclone_EP1C3 核心板配置:1. FPGA芯片:EP1C3T144C8 含2,910 Les;59,904bits(13个4Kbit存储块);1 PLL;104 I/O口2. 配置芯片:EPCS1 FPGA串行配置芯片含1 M bit Flash3. I2C存储器电路:24LC16B 16K bit(8 Blocks×256×8 Bit)4. SPI存储器电路:93LC46B 1K bit(64×16 Bit)5. 有源晶振:50 MHz6. 电源芯片:LM1117-3.3V、LM1117-1.5V7. AS、JTAG调试接口8. 核心板尺寸:100mm×79mm套件包括:1. 一块已测试好的FPGA_Cyclone_EP1C3 核心板2. 配套光盘一张(模块例程,PDF格式原理图,相关技术文档,数据手册)可选配 ByteBlaster II 下载线Periphery_For_FPGA外设板Periphery_For_FPGA外设板特点:1. 该外设板是基于FPGA的硬件描述语言和软内核嵌入式系统的SOPC开发平台。
Memory read that occurs in the program source code after a write in the program flow to actually return its value before the write is completed. This order-ing provides significant performance advantages in the operation of most memory instructions. However, it can cause side effects that the program-mer must be aware of to avoid improper system operation.When writing to or reading from non memory locations such as I/Odevice registers, the order of how read and write operations complete is often significant. For example, a read of a status register may depend on a write to a control register. If the address is the same, the read would returna value from the write buffer rather than from the actual I/O device regis-ter, and the order of the read and write at the register may be reversed.Both these effects could cause undesirable side effects in the intendedoperation of the program and peripheral. To ensure that these effects do not occur in code that requires precise (strong) ordering of load and store operations, synchronization instructions (CSYNC or SSYNC) should be used. Synchronizing InstructionsWhen strong ordering of loads and stores is required, as may be the case for sequential writes to an I/O device for setup and control, use the core or system synchronization instructions, CSYNC or SSYNC, respectively.The CSYNC instruction ensures all pending core operations have completed and the core buffer (between the processor core and the L1 memories) is flushed before proceeding to the next instruction. Pending core operations may include any pending interrupts, speculative states (such as branch predictions), or exceptions.Consider the following example code sequence:IF CC JUMP away_from_herecsync;r0 = [p0];away_from_here:ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSystem Reset and BootingIn flash mode all the muxed address lines (A4 to A9 on port H andA10 to A25 on port I) are activated by the boot kernel. When BMODE = 0001, none of these pins can function as an input without exter-nal hardware protection. Upper address pins are unlikely to toggle and can still be used for GPIO output purposes, with the limita-tion that the pins are driven low during boot time.When the EBIU registers are configured to burst-flash mode by the pre-boot due to OTP programming, the boot kernel activates the NOR clock on the PI15 pin rather than the A25 line.After RESET has released, the preboot processes a number of OTP pages. Then, the boot kernel starts reading data from the external flash memory. The initial cycles of the flash boot are shown in Figure 17-14. The first Figure 17-12. 8-Bit Flash InterconnectionFigure 17-13. 16-Bit Flash Interconnection。
目录第一章综述 (1)第二章系统模块 (2)第三章软件的介绍 (10)第四章USB 电缆的安装与使用 (15)第一章综述THSOPC-3型FPGA开发板是根据现代电子发展的方向,集EDA和SOPC系统开发为一体的综合性实验开发板,除了满足高校专、本科生和研究生的SOPC教学实验开发之外,也是电子设计和电子项目开发的理想工具。
一、实用范围:●自主创新应用开发;●单片机与FPGA联合开发;●IC设计硬件仿真;●科研项目硬件验证与开发;●高速高档自主知识产权电子产品开发;●毕业设计平台;●研究生课题开发;●电子设计竞赛培训;●现代DSP开发应用;●针对各类CPU IP核的片上系统开发;●DSP Biulder系统设计。
二、硬件配置:THSOPC-3型FPGA开发板基于Altera Cyclone II 器件的嵌入式系统开发提供了一个很好的硬件平台,它可以为开发人员提供以下资源:●支持+5V 电源适配器直接输入或者USB接口供电,5V、3.3V、1.2V混合电压源;●FPGACycloneII FPGA EP2C8,40万门,2个锁相环;●isp单片机AT89S8253。
isp单片机AT89S8253及开发编程工具,MCS51兼容,12KB isp可编程Flash ROM,2KB ispEEPROM,都是10万次烧写周期;2.7-5.5V工作电压;0-24MHz工作时钟;可编程看门狗;增强型SPI串口,9个中断源等。
此单片机可与FPGA联合开发,十分符合实现当今电子设计竞赛项目的功能与指标实现;●EPM3032 CPLD;● 4 Mbits 的EPCS4 配置芯片;●512KB高速SRAM;●20MHz 高精度时钟源(可倍频到300MHz);● 4 个用户自定义按键;●8 个用户自定义开关;●8 个用户自定义LED;● 2 个七段码LED;●标准AS 编程接口和JTAG调试接口;●两个标准2.54mm扩展接口,供用户自由扩展;●RS-232 DB9串行接口;●PS/2键盘接口;●VGA接口;●4X4键盘;●液晶显示屏20字X4行;●USB-Blaster编程器,可对FPGA通过JTAG口编程、调试、测试;单片机编程ByterBlasreMV 编程器;●光盘:配套子程序库、资料、编程软件、实验指导书。
USB OTG RegistersADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSUSPEND_MODEIn host mode, SUSPEND_MODE (bit 1) is set by the processor core to enter suspend mode. In peripheral mode, this bit is set on entry into suspend mode. It is cleared when the processor core reads the interrupt register, or sets the resume bit.RESUME_MODEThe RESUME_MODE (bit 2) is set by the processor core to generate resume signaling when the function is in suspend mode. The processor coreshould clear this bit after 10 ms (a maximum of 15 ms) to end resume sig-naling. In host mode, this bit is also automatically set when resume signaling from the target is detected while the USB controller is suspended.RESETThe RESET (bit 3) bit is set when reset signaling is present on the bus. This bit is read/write from the processor core in host mode but read-only in peripheral mode.HS_MODEWhen HS_MODE (bit 4) is set, this read-only bit indicates high-speed mode successfully negotiated during a USB reset. In peripheral mode, itbecomes valid when the USB reset completes (as indicated by the USB reset interrupt). In host mode, it becomes valid when theRESET_OR_BABLE_B bit is cleared. It remains valid for the duration of the session.HS_ENABLEWhen HS_ENABLE (bit 5) is set by the processor core, the USB controller negotiates for high speed when the device is reset by the hub/host. If it is not set, the controller only operates in full-speed mode. By default HS_ENABLE is set to 1.CAN Module The disable receive input bit (DRI) is used to disable the CANxRX input. When set, the internal logic receives recessive bits or receives the internallygenerated transmit value in the case of the internal loop enabled (DIL=0).In either case, the value on the CANxRX input pin is ignored.The disable error counters bit (DEC) is used to disable the transmit andreceive error counters in the CANx_CEC register. When this bit is set, the CANx_CEC holds its current contents and is not allowed to increment or decrement the error counters. This mode does not conform to the CANspecification.Writes to the error counters should be in debug mode only. Write access during reception may lead to undefined values. The maxi-mum value which can be written into the error counters is 255.Thus, the error counter value of 256 which forces the module into the bus off state can not be written into the error counters.Table31-4 shows several common combinations of test mode bits. Table 31-4. CAN Test ModesMR B MAADILDTODRICDEFunctional DescriptionX X X X X0Normal mode, not debug mode.0 X X X X X No read back of transmit message.101001Normal transmission on CAN bus line.Read back.External acknowledge from external device required.111001Normal transmission on CAN bus line.Read back.No external acknowledge required.Transmit message and acknowledge are transmitted on CAN busline.CANxRX input is enabled.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference。
请大家一定要注意,为了您的利益,切记切记!!!一定要先关闭了电源开关,然后再拔插JTAG 和AS接口。
板上实物:(8)IIC-AT24C04 原理图板上实物(9)LCD1602/12864接口原理图:实验现象:(10)DAC-TLC5615:14M10位串行数模转换芯片。
原理图:实验现象:三、开发板配套资料(1)自制开发板教程(定期更新)数字实验教程:(2)相关资料(3)电子书籍推荐书籍:《EDA 技术实用教程-Verilog (第四版)》潘松、黄继业,科学出版社《Verilog 数字系统设计教程》夏宇闻北京航空航天大学出版 Verilog HDL 数字设计与综合《深入浅出玩转FPGA》吴厚航北京航空航天大学出版Altera公司推荐FPGA/CPLD培训教材•Altera FPGA/CPLD设计(基础篇和高级篇)。
Description of OperationADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceA processor reset disables the SPORTs by clearing the SPORTx_TCR1, SPORTx_TCR2, SPORTx_RCR1, and SPORTx_RCR2 registers (including the TSPEN and RSPEN enable bits) and the SPORTx_TCLKDIV , SPORTx_RCLKDIV , SPORTx_TFSDIVx , and SPORTx_RFSDIVx clock and frame sync divisor regis-ters. Any ongoing operations are aborted.Clearing the TSPEN and RSPEN bits disables the SPORTs and aborts any ongoing operations. Status bits are also cleared. Configuration bits remain unaffected and can be read by the software in order to be altered or over-written. To disable the SPORT output clock, disable the SPORT. Note that disabling a SPORT through TSPEN /RSPEN may shortenany currently active pulses on the TFSx /RFSx and TSCLKx /RSCLKx outputs, if these signals are configured to be generated internally.When disabling the SPORT from multichannel operation, first disable TSPEN and then disable RSPEN . Note both TSPEN and RSPEN must be dis-abled before re-enabling. Disabling only TX or RX is not allowed.Setting SPORT ModesSPORT configuration is accomplished by setting bit and field values in configuration registers. Each SPORT must be configured prior to being enabled. Once the SPORT is enabled, further writes to the SPORT con-figuration registers are disabled (except for SPORTx_RCLKDIV ,SPORTx_TCLKDIV , and multichannel mode channel select registers). To change values in all other SPORT configuration registers, disable the SPORT by clearing TSPEN in SPORTx_TCR1 and/or RSPEN in SPORTx_RCR1.Each SPORT has its own set of control registers and data buffers. These registers are described in detail in the “SPORT Registers” section. All control and status bits in the SPORT registers are active high unless other-wise noted.Description of OperationADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference Table 24-3 shows the dependencies of bits in the SPORT configuration register when the SPORT is in multichannel mode.Frame Syncs in Multichannel ModeAll receiving and transmitting devices in a multichannel system must have the same timing reference. The RFSx signal is used for this reference, indi-cating the start of a block or frame of multichannel data words.Table 24-3. Multichannel Mode Configuration SPORTx_RCR1 orSPORTx_RCR2SPORTx_TCR1 or SPORTx_TCR2Notes RSPENTSPEN Set or clear both IRCLK-Independent -ITCLK Independent RDTYPETDTYPE Independent RLSBITTLSBIT Independent IRFS-Independent -ITFS Ignored RFSRTFSR Ignored -DITFS Ignored LRFSLTFS Independent LARFSLATFS Both must be 0RCKFETCKFE Set or clear both to same value SLENSLEN Set or clear both to same value RXSETXSE Independent RSFSETSFSE Both must be 0RRFST TRFST Ignored。
二、开发板规格本开发板规格如下:1. 尺寸:90mm x 60mm x 1.6mm。
2. FPGA型号:Xilinx XC7020。
3. 内存容量:128MB DDR3。
4. 存储器:8GB eMMC。
5. 接口类型:USB 2.0,以太网 10/100Mbps,RS232等。
6. 电源电压:5V。
7. 重量:约15克。
三、硬件连接本开发板可通过以下方式与外围设备连接:1. USB接口:用于连接电脑进行编程和调试。
2. 以太网接口:用于连接网络。
3. RS232接口:用于连接其他串口设备。
4. GPIO接口:用于连接其他数字设备。
5. I2C接口:用于连接I2C总线设备。
6. SPI接口:用于连接SPI总线设备。
7. HDMI接口:用于显示输出。
8. SRAM接口:用于高速数据存储。
9. UART接口:用于串口通信。
本开发板支持的FPGA设计工具有Xilinx Vivado和Intel Quartus等。
五、FPGA设计基本原则在FPGA设计中,需要遵循以下基本原则:1. 模块化设计:将复杂问题分解为多个简单的子问题,逐个解决,便于调试和维护。
2. 尽量使用硬件加速器:利用FPGA的并行处理能力,提高系统性能。
SPORT Controllers •Performs A-law and -law hardware companding on transmitted and received words. (See “Companding” on page24-31 for moreinformation.)•Internally generates serial clock and frame sync signals in a wide range of frequencies or accepts clock and frame sync input from anexternal source•Operates with or without frame synchronization signals for each data word, with internally generated or externally generated framesignals, with active high or active low frame signals, and with eitherof two configurable pulse widths and frame signal timing •Performs interrupt-driven, single word transfers to and from on-chip memory under processor control•Provides direct memory access transfer to and from memory under DMA master control. DMA can be autobuffer-based (a repeated,identical range of transfers) or descriptor-based (individual orrepeated ranges of transfers with differing DMA parameters).•Has a multichannel mode for TDM interfaces. Each SPORT can receive and transmit data selectively from a time-division-multi-plexed serial bit stream on 128 contiguous channels from a streamof up to 1024 total channels. This mode can be useful as a networkcommunication scheme for multiple processors. The 128 channelsavailable to the processor can be selected to start at any channellocation from 0 to 895 = (1023 – 128). Note the multichannelselect registers and the WSIZE register control which subset of the128 channels within the active region can be accessed.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceProgramming ExamplesTWI0_SLAVE_INIT:/***********************************************************Enable the TWI0 controller and set the Prescale valuePrescale = 10 (0xA) for an SCLK = 100 MHz (CLKIN = 50MHz)Prescale = SCLK / 10 MHzP1 points to the base of the system MMRsP0 points to the base of the core MMRs***********************************************************/R1 = TWI0_ENA | 0xA (z);W[P1 + LO(TWI0_CONTROL)] = R1;/***********************************************************Slave addressprogram the address to which this slave responds to.this is an arbitrary 7-bit value***********************************************************/R1 = 0x5F;W[P1 + LO(TWI0_SLAVE_ADDR)] = R1;/***********************************************************Pre-load the TX FIFO with the first two bytes to betransmitted in the event the slave is addressed and a transmit is required***********************************************************/R3=0xB537(Z);W[P1 + LO(TWI0_XMT_DATA16)] = R3;/***********************************************************FIFO Control determines whether an interrupt is generatedfor every byte transferred or for every two bytes.A value of zero which is the default, allows for single byteevents to generate interrupts***********************************************************/ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference。
Section I: Device CoreRevision HistoryChapter 2:Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Stratix III DevicesAdaptive Logic Modules Shared Arithmetic ChainThe shared arithmetic chain available in enhanced arithmetic mode allows the ALM to implement a three-input add. This significantly reduces the resources necessary to implement large adder trees or correlator functions.The shared arithmetic chains can begin in either the first or sixth ALM in an LAB. The Quartus II Compiler creates shared arithmetic chains longer than 20 (10 ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. For enhanced fitting, a long shared arithmetic chain runs vertically allowing fasthorizontal connections to TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A shared arithmetic chain can continue as far as a full column.Similar to the carry chains, the top and bottom half of shared arithmetic chains in alternate LAB columns can be bypassed. This capability allows the shared arithmetic chain to cascade through half of the ALMs in a LAB while leaving the other half available for narrower fan-in functionality. Every other LAB column is top-half bypassable, while the other LAB columns are bottom-half bypassable.Figure 2–14.Example of a 3-Bit Add Utilizing Shared Arithmetic Modeshared_arith_in = '0'Z0Y0X0Z1X1Y1Z2Y2X2Z3X3Y3+C3 C2 C1 C0X3 X2 X1 X0Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0+Z3 Z2 Z1 Z0S3 S2 S1 S0R4 R3 R2 R1 R0Binary Add Decimal Equivalents 1 1 1 00 1 1 10 1 0 0 +1 1 0 1+1 1 0 01 1 1 1 1144+137+2 x 12311st stage add is implementedin LUTs.2nd stage add is implemented in s.3-Bit Add ExampleChapter 4:TriMatrix Embedded Memory Blocks in Stratix III DevicesOverview Figure 4–10 shows the timing waveforms for read and write operations in single-port mode with unregistered outputs for M9K and M144K. In M9K and M144K registering the RAM’s outputs would simply delay the q output by one clock cycle.Figure 4–11 shows the timing waveforms for read and write operations in single-port mode with unregistered outputs for MLABs. For MLABs, the read operation is triggered by the rising clock edges whereas the write operation is triggered by the falling clock edges.Simple Dual-Port ModeAll TriMatrix memory blocks support simple dual-port mode. Simple dual-port mode allows you to perform one-read and one-write operation to different locations at the same time. Figure 4–12 shows the simple dual-port configuration.Figure 4–10.Timing Waveform for Read-Write Operations (Single-Port Mode) for M9K and M144Kclk_aw renaaddress_a data_a rdenaq_a (asynch)a0a1A B C D E F a0(old data)a1(old data)A B D EFigure 4–11.Timing Waveform for Read-Write Operations (Single-Port Mode) for MLABs。
EP1C12 SOPC开发板
NIOSII-EP2C35 开发板【适用人群】适用于计算机专业和电科类专业的本科生、研究生、博士生、IC 集成电路/ IP CORE 前期设计验证、全国相关各科研院所,如计算机科学、微电子、通信、测控技术与仪器设计、电子工程、机电一体化、自动化等相关专业;航天部、电子部、图象/ 通讯研发……NIOSII-EP1C12开发板不仅是全国高校本科生、研究生年度竞赛的最理想良师益友,也是各科研院所成功开发特色新产品最佳选择。
【产品特色】支持硬件描述语言VHDL/Vlogic 的开发与设计。
支持NIOSII 系统的开发与设计。
随板提供丰富的IP Core 设计和设计实例,同时会陆续开发最新的IP Core 和设计实例。
【硬件配置】NIOSII-EP2C35核心板采用10层PCB 精心设计,系统稳定主芯片EP2C34 F484C8 Cyclone FPGA 4 Mbits 的EPCS4配置芯片1 Mbytes SRAM8 Mbytes NOR Flash ROM32M bytes SDRAM64M bytes NAND FlashROM4个用户自定义按键4个用户自定义LED 1个七段码LED标准AS 编程接口和JTAG 调试接口50MHz 高精度时钟源三个标准2.54mm 扩展供用户扩展系统上电复位电路支持+5V 直接输入,板上电源管理FPGA 开发板核心板NIOSII-EP2C351602点阵式字符LCD RTC 实时时钟1×256色VGA 接口1×RS232串行接口1×USB 接口(PDIUSBD12)SPI/IIS AUDIO CODEC 接口1个音频喇叭输出模块2 ×PS2键盘/鼠标接口1×SD Card 接口,支持SD/MMC 卡12 BIT 串行ADC/DAC (SPI )IIC接口EEPROM1-Wire 1线数字温度传感器8×七段码管LED显示16×自定义LED显示8×用户自定义按键1×40P标准扩展接口开发板选配扩展模块64*128图形式点阵液晶模块视频编解码模块步进电机模块直流电机模块高速AD/DA模块(5540/5602)SPI音频解码模块【软件配置】QuartusII设计软件,5.1版 + SP2补丁,支持全系列CycloneI/II芯片SoPC Builder标准微处理器外设库NiosII开发工具,包括NisoII 集成开发环境(IDE 5.1)GNU工具NiosII指令仿真器(ISS)Microtronix NiosII Linux开发包,1.4版本,支持QuartusII5.1和NIOSII 5.1【设计文档】FPGA开发板用户手册QuartusII和NIOSII IDE安装指导和入门教程Verilog HDL/VHDL教学实验指导手册NIOSII嵌入式系统教学实验指导手册主要芯片的数据手册及完整的电路图PDF文档【实验示例】VHDL/V logic设计示例计数器的设计数码管显示驱动设计四人抢答器1602字符型LCD显示设计基本触发器可控脉冲发生器多功能数字钟音乐存储播放器数字秒表数字频率计的设计流水灯的设计PS2键盘显示操作PS2鼠标操作VGA彩条发生器和图象显示控制器设计更多示例……NIOSII IP CORE 设计示例建立一个最小NIOSII系统Hello Word实验按键及中断Timer定时器串行端口UART通信IIC EEPROM读写SPI AD/DA转换Wire数字温度计的设计1602字符型LCD显示PS2键盘键值读取操作PS2鼠标操作实验音频CODEC实验RTC实时时钟的设计USB通迅实验(含USB控制器)更多示例……【产品清单】设备名称NIOSII-EP2C35开发板型号HH-FPGAB-EP2C35规格160MM*220MM*28MM核心板EP2C35核心板附件清单1 USB Blaster 下载电缆壹根2 5V/ 1.5A电源壹个3 串口连接线壹根4 用户使用手册壹本5 USB连接线壹根6 用户配套光盘壹套7 音频连接线壹根8【选配模板】。
Secure Digital Host10.Enable the data path state machine by setting the DTX_BLK_LGTHbits in the SDH_DATA_CTL register to 9 for a 512 byte block. DTX_Eshould also be set to enable the data path state machine. All otherfields of the SDH_DATA_CTL register should be zero.11.Write data to the SDH_FIFO register until the FIFO is full as indi-cated by the TX_FIFO_FULL flag of the SDH_STATUS register.Continue to write data to the FIFO as long as the FIFO is not fullor write data in blocks of eight 32-bit words if polling on theTX_FIFO_STAT bit indicates the transmit FIFO is half empty. Con-tinue to write data until all 128 32-bit words (512 bytes) have beentransferred.12.Wait for the DAT_BLK_END event that indicates the card hasresponded with the CRC token. If the SDH_DATA_LGTH register wasset to 512 bytes in step 5, DAT_END is also set.13.Clear the DAT_BLK_END and DAT_END flags in the SDH_STATUS_CLRregister.Using DMA1.Write the 16-bit RCA of the card to the upper 16-bits of theSDH_ARGUMENT register.2.Write the SELECT/DESELECT_CARD command to theSDH_COMMAND register. This configures the command path statemachine to expect a short response by setting CMD_RSP and clearingCMD_L_RSP. The response type is R1b.3.Wait for the CMD_RSP_END indication in the SDH_STATUS register.When the indication is detected, clear the status bit using theSDH_STATUS_CLR register.4.Verify the response in the SDH_RESPONSE0 register to ensure that thedevice is not busy and that no errors have occurred.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital Host11.Write data to the SDH_FIFO register until the FIFO is full as indi-cated by the TX_FIFO_FULL flag of the SDH_STATUS register.Continue to write data to the FIFO as long as the FIFO is not fullor write data in blocks of eight 32-bit words if polling on theTX_FIFO_STAT bit indicates the transmit FIFO is half empty. Con-tinue to write data until all 128 32-bit words (512 bytes) have beentransferred.12.Wait for the DAT_BLK_END event that indicates the card hasresponded with the CRC token.13.Clear the DAT_BLK_END flag14.Repeat steps 11 to 13 for the number of blocks to be transferred oruntil the DAT_END event occurs. When waiting for the DAT_ENDevent to occur, move to the next step only when the followingDAT_BLK_END event has occurred.Pay particular attention to this step. The DAT_END event occurs when the SDH_DATA_CNT register decrements to zero. At this point,the SDH has emptied the FIFO but is waiting for the card to sendthe CRC token back for the block. It is only safe to send out theSTOP_TRANSMISSION command when the DAT_BLK_END eventthat follows the DAT_END event has occurred. Failure to wait forboth of these events may result in the SDH sending theSTOP_TRANSMISSION command before receiving the CRCresponse. This would result in the card treating the final data blockas incomplete and thus the final block would not be programmed.15.Write the STOP_TRANSMISSION command to the SDH_COMMANDregister. This configures the command path state machine toexpect a short response by setting CMD_RSP and clearing CMD_L_RSP.The response type is R1.16.Clear the DAT_END flag using the SDH_STATUS_CLR register.ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference。
Pixel CompositorPIXC RegistersThe PIXC has memory-mapped registers (MMRs) that regulate its opera-tion. These registers are listed in Table28-3. Descriptions and bitdiagrams for each of these MMRs are provided in the following sections.Table 28-3. List of PIXC Memory-Mapped RegistersRegister Name WidthAddress DescriptionPIXC_CTL160xFFC0 4400“PIXC Control (PIXC_CTL) Register” on page28-37 PIXC_PPL160xFFC0 4404“PIXC Pixels Per Line (PIXC_PPL) Register” onpage28-38PIXC_LPF160xFFC0 4408“PIXC Lines Per Frame (PIXC_LPF) Register” onpage28-38PIXC_AHSTART160xFFC0440C Horizontal start pixel information of the overlay data (set A).“PIXC Horizontal Start (PIXC_xHSTART) Registers” on page28-39PIXC_AHEND160xFFC0 4410Horizontal end pixel information of the overlay data(set A).“PIXC Horizontal End (PIXC_xHEND) Reg-isters” on page28-39PIXC_AVSTART160xFFC0 4414Vertical start pixel information of the overlay data (setA).“PIXC Vertical Start (PIXC_xVSTART) Registers”on page28-40PIXC_AVEND160xFFC0 4418Vertical end pixel information of the overlay data (setA).“PIXC Horizontal End (PIXC_xHEND) Registers”on page28-39PIXC_ATRANSP160xFFC0441C Transparency ratio (set A).“PIXC Transparency Value (PIXC_xTRANSP) Registers” on page28-41PIXC_BHSTART160xFFC0 4420Horizontal start pixel information of the overlay data(set B).“PIXC Horizontal Start (PIXC_xHSTART)Registers” on page28-39PIXC_BHEND160xFFC0 4424Horizontal end pixel information of the overlay data(set B).“PIXC Horizontal End (PIXC_xHEND) Reg-isters” on page28-39ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferencePixel Compositor If the sum of the preceding and succeeding pixels’ U/V components is anodd number, the average is rounded down (truncated to an integer value).Since the last pixel on a line is always an even-numbered pixel, the last odd pixel value on that line is used as the last even pixel value duringupsampling.DownsamplingA YUV 4:4:4-to-YUV 4:2:2 conversion can be performed either by averag-ing or by dropping the pixel components. The UDS_MOD bit also governs the downsampling mode. Setting the UDS_MOD bit to 0 (default) enables the dropping of the chroma components of the even numbered pixels:YUV 4:4:4 input: Y1U1V1, Y2U2V2, Y3U3V3, Y4U4V4, …YUV 4:2:2 conversion: V1Y1, U1Y2, V3Y3, U3Y4, …Setting the UDS_MOD bit to 1 enables the averaging of the chroma compo-nents of two consecutive pixels to obtain a single chroma value for a pixel pair:YUV 4:4:4 input: Y1U1V1, Y2U2V2, Y3U3V3, Y4U4V4, …YUV 4:2:2 conversion: V12Y1, U12Y2, V34Y3, U34Y4, …[U12 = (U1+U2)/2, U34=(U3+U4)/2][V12 = (V1+V2)/2, V34=(V3+V4)/2] ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference。
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使用手册目 录第一章综述 (1)EP1C12核心板资源介绍 (1)FPGA开发板资源介绍 (2)第二章 系统模块功能介绍 (5)EP1C12核心板模块说明EP1C12F324C8芯片说明 (7)NOR FLASH模块说明 (8)SRAM模块说明 (9)FPGA接口I/O说明 (10)调试接口JTAG、AS说明 (11)其它功能模块 (12)EP1C12核心板使用注意事项 (15)FPGA开发平台模块说明液晶显示模块 (17)RTC实时时钟模块 (19)USB接口模块 (19)音频CODEC接口模块 (20)EEPROM存储模块 (21)数字温度传感器模块 (22)其它功能模块 (23)FPGA开发平台使用注意事项 (24)附表一核心板载资源与FPGAEP1C12I/O接口对照表 (25)附表二EP1C12与开发板硬件资源I/O接口对照表 (30)第一章综述FPGA开发来台是根据现代电子发展的方向,集EDA和SOPC系统开发为一体的综合性实验开发系统,除了满足高校专、本科生和研究生的SOPC教学实验开发之外,也是电子设计和电子项目开发的理想工具。
EP1C12核心板EP1C12核心板为基于Altera Cyclone器件的嵌入式系统开发提供了一个很好的硬件平台,它可以为开发人员提供以下资源:1主芯片采用Altera Cyclone器件EP1C12F324C82EPCS4I8配置芯片34个用户自定义按键44个用户自定义LED51个七段码LED6标准AS编程接口和JTAG调试接口750MHz高精度时钟源8三个高密度扩展接口9系统上电复位电路10支持+5V直接输入,板上电源管理模块系统主芯片采用324引脚、BGA封装的E1C12 FPGA,它拥有12060个LE,52个M4K 片上RAM(共计239616bits),2个高性能PLL以及多达249个用户自定义IO。
同时,系统还可以根据用户不同的设计需求来更换其它不同系列的核心板,如: EP1C6、EP2C20、EP3C25等。
图1-1 EP1C12核心板系统功能框图FPGA开发板FPGA开发平台提供了丰富的资源供学生或开发人员学习使用,资源包括接口通信、控制、存储、数据转换以及人机交互显示等几大模块,接口通信模块包括SPI接口、IIC接口、VGA接口、RS232接口、USB接口、PS2键盘/鼠标接口、1-Wire接口等;存储模块包括EEPROM存储器模块等;数据转换模块包括串行ADC、 DAC以及音频CODE等;人机交互显示模块包括8个按键、16个LED发光二极管显示、1602字符型点阵LCD、8位动态7段码管、实时时钟、SD卡等。
图1-2 FPGA系统平台功能框图第二章 系统功能介绍核心板系统功能介绍本节将重点介绍SOPC-NIOSII-EP1C12核心板上所有的组成模块及其电路原理。
图2-1 SOPC-NIOSII-EP1C12布局图序号名称功能描述主芯片EP12C12F324C8U1 CycloneII存储单元Mbits主动串行配置器件U2 EPCS416416U3 NOR Flash 8 Mbytes线性Flash存储器U4,U5 SRAM两片组成1 Mbytes,即256K×32bits接口资源JP1-JP3 扩展接口出了板上固定连接的IO引脚,还有多达180个左右的用户自定义IO口通过不同的接插件引出,供用户进行二次开发JP4 JTAG调试接口供用户下载FPGA代码,实时调试Nios II CPU,以及运行Quartus II提供的嵌入式逻辑分析仪SignalTap II等JP5 AS编程接口待用户调试FPGA成功后,可通过该接口将FPGA配置代码下载到配置器件中人机交互BT1-BT4 自定义按键4个用户自定义按键,用于简单电平输入,该信号直接与FPGA的IO相连RESET 复位按键该按键在调试Nios II CPU时,可以作为复位信号,当然也可以由用户自定义为其它功能输入LED1-LED4 自定义LED 4个用户自定义LED,用于简单状态指示,LED 均由FPGA的IO直接驱动7SEG-LED 七段码LED静态七段码LED,用于简单数字、字符显示,直接由FPGA的IO驱动时钟输入U8 晶振高精度50MHz时钟源,用户可以用FPGA内部PLL或分频器来得到其它频率的时钟电源J1 直流电源输入直流电源适配器插座,适配器要求为+5V/1A U6,U7 电源管理负责提供板上所需的3.3V和1.2V电压表2-1 系统组成部分及其功能描述下面对板上的各个模块及其与FPGA硬件的连接逐一作详细说明。
Cyclone FPGA器件(U1)继Altera公司成功推出第一代Cyclone FPGA后,Cyclone一词便深深的烙在广大硬件工程师心中,一时间它便成为低功耗、低价位以及高性能的象征。
它们都是Altera Cyclone系列中的一员,其核心板主芯片采用324引脚的BGA封装,表2-2列出了EP1C12的有关资源特性,更详细的特性请参阅其数据手册。
特性 EP1C12逻辑单元LEs 12,060M4K Memory Blocks 52所有RAM Bits 239,616PLLs 2用户可用I/O 249基本串行主动配置器件EPCS4表2-2 EP1C12F324C8资源列表图2-2 EP1C12F324C8芯片管脚示意图如图2-2所示BGA封装的FPGA(EP1C12)的管脚名称用行、列合在一起来表示。
开发板上提供了两种途径来配置FPGA:¾使用Quartus II软件,配合下载电缆从JTAG接口下载FPGA所需的配置数据,完成对FPGA的配置。
这种方式主要用来调试FPGA或Nios II CPU,多在产品开发初期使用。
¾使用Quartus II软件,配合下载电缆,通过AS接口对FPGA配置器件进行编程,在开发板下次上电的时候,会完成对FPGA的自动配置。
NOR Flash(U3)核心板上提供了1片容量为2Mbytes(2M×8bits)NOR Flash存储器—————AM29LV017D,在FPGA器件上实现的NIOS/NOISII嵌入式处理器可以使用FLASH存储器作为通用只读存储器和非易失性存储器,用户可以将基于NIOS/NIOSII处理器的应用程序通过编程器写入到该FLASH中,在程序运行前,将FLASH中的代码复制到其它速度更快的易失性存储器中(如SRAM、SDRAM等),然后运行。
NOR Flash的相关引脚与FPGA的IO接口对应关系见附表一,其硬件连接电路如图2-3所示。
在硬件连接上,NOR FLASH与SRAM共用数据端口(D0—D7)和地址端口(A2-A19)。
图2-3 NOR Flash硬件连接电路图SRAM(U 4, U5)核心板上的SRAM由2片3.3V CMOS静态RAM IDT71V416组成容量为256K ×32bits的存储空间,高速度SRAM和高带宽数据总线,保证了Nios II CPU可以工作在非常高效的状态。
本开发板所用的SRAM为-10等级的,这就意味着Nios II CPU 可以在32位总线带宽情况下,以100MHz的速度进行读写操作,数据吞吐率高达到400Mbyets/S。
图2-4 SRAM硬件连接电路图扩展接口核心板上提供的资源模块占用了部分FPGA引脚,除此之外,还有164个左右的可用IO供用户自定义使用,这些IO通过JP1、JP2、JP3扩展接口引出。
JP1、JP2、JP3的引脚定义如图2-5所示,JP1、JP2、JP3其引脚与FPGA的IO接口的对应关系见附表:图2-5 JP1-JP3所使用的接插件及其引脚定义JTAG调试接口在FPGA开发过程中,JTAG是一个比不可少的接口,因为开发人员需要下载配置数据到FPGA。
在Nios II开发过程中,JTAG更是起着举足轻重的作用,因为通过JTAG接口,开发人员不仅可以对Nios II系统进行在线仿真调试,而且还可以下载代码或用户数据到CFI Flash中。