Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie 英语专业教学课件
Finally Doubleday and Company published the book in order to fulfill their contract, but Frank Doubleday refused to promote the book. As a result, it sold less than seven hundred copies and Dreiser received a reputation as a naturalistbarbarian.
2. His childhood was spent in extreme poverty.
3. After some months at Indiana University, he became a reporter on the Chicago Globe before arriving in New York in 1894.
A feather in the wind, she is totally at the mercy of forces she cannot
comprehend, The tragedy of Hurstwood
Dreiser’s portrait is an authentic one of the important modern man unfit to survive
Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)
American author, outstanding representative of naturalism, whose novels depict real-life subjects in a harsh light
2. His childhood was spent in extreme poverty.
3. After some months at Indiana University, he became a reporter on the Chicago Globe before arriving in New York in 1894.
A feather in the wind, she is totally at the mercy of forces she cannot
comprehend, The tragedy of Hurstwood
Dreiser’s portrait is an authentic one of the important modern man unfit to survive
Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)
American author, outstanding representative of naturalism, whose novels depict real-life subjects in a harsh light
Theodore Dreiser
Nature, not social ideas, has formed Carrie Meeber. She entrusts herself first to Drouet, then to Hurstwood, not as an opportunist, but out of force circumstance. She is just like a feather in the wind. Fortunate enough, she follows the right direction to a pursuit of the American Dream. Circumstances and her desires for a better life direct her to the successful goal. But she is not contented, because with wealth and fame, she still finds herself lonely. She knows that her concept of what constitutes happiness has been inadequate. This finding is a manifestation of her distinctive difference from other wealthy people: Carrie is, by nature, not a bad girl. She is a product of the society, a realization of the theory that the fittest survive. back
If Carrie is the positive conviction [proof] of the theory that the fittest survive, then Hurstwood is negative evidence. He is driven by his instinctive drives and elopes with Carrie to a new environment. He is still conventional and cannot throw abruptly away the long-held social morals. Therefore he is not fitted to live in New York. He has failed because he leaves his original place. His tragedy is the triumphs of the natural desires and of the theory that the fittest survive.
Theodore Dreiser
Father: a German immigrant;a Catholic farmer;
move to America to escape the consription(征兵); treat children severely, only to make them distant from him.
Work List
• A Traveler at Forty (1913) • A Hoosier Holiday (1916) • Hey Rub-a-Dub-Dub: A Book of the Mystery and Wonder and Terror of Life (1920) • A Book About Myself (1922) • The Color of a Great City (1923) • Dreiser Looks at Russia (1928) • My City (1929) • Tragic America (1931) • Dawn (1931) • America Is Worth Saving (1941)
Sister Carrie
It tells the story of a woman who flees her country life for the city (Chicago) and there lives a life far from a Victorian ideal. It sold poorly and was not widely promoted largely because of moral objections to the depiction of a country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through unmorality but without remorse(自责) and punishment. Since 1932 the book has just been included by Modern Literature Series. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels". It was made into a film by William Wyler, which starred Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones.
Theodore Dreiser
Summary of Chapter one
Carrie is a pretty young girl at the age of eighteen. She leaves home by train for Chicago where her sister lives to look for work. On the train, she encounters Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted by Carrie’s prettiness. Carrie longs for wealth and affection, for the glitter of the big city, Chicago. Drouet’s fashionable clothes, rings, gold watch chain, knowledgeable talk and affectionate attention to Carrie made her hardly know how to repulse. He succeeds in getting her sister’s address before the train arrives at the station. Carrie’s sister comes to meet her at the station, but at the sight of her lean-faced, commonplace sister, Carrie’s heart sinks for she feels the cold reality with no promise of light, warmth, wealth and merriment.
7. Theodore_Dreiser
Dreiser’s Major Works
• 4) The Genius
« 天才»
an autobiographical
• 5) An American Tragedy • « 美国悲剧» (it was banned in Boston in 1927) • 6)The Bulwark《堡垒》
Class Conflict
Industrial growth brought the United States a period of prosperity during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Factory workers, however, not only earned low incomes, but they also worked long hours. Consequently, a wide division existed between the wealthy and the poor. Throughout Sister Carrie, the distinction between social classes is obvious. The clothes people wear, the homes in which they live, and the activities in which they are involved distinguish the rich from the poor.
In 1889, a year study at Indiana University
Life Experience
From 1892 to 1902, he worked as an itinerant journalist. In 1990, Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie was published.
Theodore Dreiser 德莱赛
❖ Enormous influence generation followed him.
❖ “stronger than all the others of his time, and at the same time more poignant; greater than the world he has described ,but as significant as the people in it.”---Alfred Kazin
❖ And Terror of life
❖ A Book about Myself《关于我自己》(1922) ❖ Dreiser Looks at Russia《德莱塞访苏印象记》 ❖ My City《我的城市》(1929) ❖ Dawn《黎明》(1931)
Sister Carrie
❖ It tells the story of a woman who flees her country life for the city (Chicago) and there lives a life far from a Victorian ideal.
Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representative of realism and naturalism in American literature. His creative work represents the highest achievements of American realism. Dreiser is also remembered as the pioneer of American modern novels and is considered as one of the three great writers in America apart from Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner.
10 Theodore_Dreiser美国文学
As a novelist Dreiser made his debut with Sister Carrie, a powerful account of a young working girl‘s rise to success and her slow decline. “She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterized her thoughts it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother’s farewell kiss, a touch in the throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievath
the help of his former teacher, he was able to spend the year 1889-1890 at Indiana University. Dreiser left after only a year. He was, however, a voracious贪婪 的 reader, and the impact of such writers as Hawthorne, Poe, Balzac, Herbert Spencer, and Freud influenced his thought and his reaction against organized religion.
Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Dreiser
An America Tragedy
※是“对美国制度的一个控诉” ※这部小说打开了一扇窗户,我们可以通过它 近距离地观察19世纪末20世纪初期美国社 会的本质
Plot Summary
Clyde, raised by poor and devoutly religious parents who force him to participate in their street missionary work, is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clyde's life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he's traveling kills a young child. He reestablishes himself as a foreman at the collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York. While remaining aloof from him as a kinsman and doing nothing to embrace him personally or advance him socially, the uncle does give him a job in his factory. Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden. Roberta falls in love with him. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship and ultimately persuades Roberta to have sex with him , but Clyde's ambition precludes marriage to the penniless Roberta. He dreams instead of the elegant Sondra Finchley. As developments between him and Sondra begin to look promising, Roberta discovers that she is pregnant.
An America Tragedy
※是“对美国制度的一个控诉” ※这部小说打开了一扇窗户,我们可以通过它 近距离地观察19世纪末20世纪初期美国社 会的本质
Plot Summary
Clyde, raised by poor and devoutly religious parents who force him to participate in their street missionary work, is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clyde's life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he's traveling kills a young child. He reestablishes himself as a foreman at the collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York. While remaining aloof from him as a kinsman and doing nothing to embrace him personally or advance him socially, the uncle does give him a job in his factory. Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden. Roberta falls in love with him. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship and ultimately persuades Roberta to have sex with him , but Clyde's ambition precludes marriage to the penniless Roberta. He dreams instead of the elegant Sondra Finchley. As developments between him and Sondra begin to look promising, Roberta discovers that she is pregnant.
Major features of Naturalism
Naturalism is a harsher and extreme form of realism. The naturalists have a major difference from the realists.
They feel realists as far too “genteel”. Naturalists do not look at the average, but at the violent,
Theme: man’s life is dominated by their heredity and environment.
Language: unpolished, lacking in academic skills and unwieldy in stucture.
The author’s tone is more ironic and pessimistic.
sensational, sordid, unpleasant and ugly aspects of life. They would go to the slums and write about the life of
poverty and crime. They write about war, prostitution, criminals, and all of
are controlled, determined. The universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires. Life becomes a struggle for survival. Two of the naturalist’s recurrent concerns are: social systems that destroy and dehumanize, and individual experience of loss and failure.
Major features of Naturalism
Naturalism is a harsher and extreme form of realism. The naturalists have a major difference from the realists.
They feel realists as far too “genteel”. Naturalists do not look at the average, but at the violent,
Theme: man’s life is dominated by their heredity and environment.
Language: unpolished, lacking in academic skills and unwieldy in stucture.
The author’s tone is more ironic and pessimistic.
sensational, sordid, unpleasant and ugly aspects of life. They would go to the slums and write about the life of
poverty and crime. They write about war, prostitution, criminals, and all of
are controlled, determined. The universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires. Life becomes a struggle for survival. Two of the naturalist’s recurrent concerns are: social systems that destroy and dehumanize, and individual experience of loss and failure.
Theodore Dreiser (西奥多
Sister Carrie
• 小说描写了农村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝加哥寻找幸福, 嘉莉是个俊俏的农村姑娘,她羡慕大都市的物质生活来 到了芝加哥谋生。严酷的现实破碎了她的美梦,迎接她 的是失业和疾病。在走投无路时,她做了推销员杜洛埃 的情妇,后来由于更大的欲望又做了酒店经理赫斯特伍 德的情妇。与赫斯特伍德私奔后,在纽约由于偶然的机 会她成了走红一时的演员,挤上了上流社会,实现了她 的梦想,最终物质却无法满足她心灵的寂寞,而赫斯特 伍德也身败名裂、穷困潦倒,以自杀终其一生。该作品 细腻地展示了嘉莉的生存景观及心路历程,以真切的现 实主义为鲜明的特征,比较真实地揭露了20世纪初人们 狂热的追求美国之梦的悲剧事实,揭示了驱驶人们享乐 却最终幻灭的本能主题,说明了在以金钱为中心的美国 资本主义社会里不可能有真正的幸福。
• • • • • •
American dream Change and transformation Choices and consequences Wealth and poverty Identity sex
• Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism.
In 1894, he moved to New York began his Publishing career.
In 1945 Dreiser was died
• Dreiser lived in the stage of monopoly of American capitalism rapid development period. • The core of the American value is materialistic. • Dreiser was influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
Part 4 Theodore Dreiser 德雷塞 嘉莉妹妹
Representatives: 自然主义的代表作家 Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser. Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is the first American naturalism work. Stephen Crane的《街头女郎梅季》是第一部 自然主义作品。 Norris’s McTeague is the manifesto of American naturalism. Frank Norris的《麦克提格》的美国自然主义的最佳体现。 Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is the work in which naturalism attained maturity. Theodore Dreiser 的《嘉莉妹妹》是自然主义的顶 峰之作。 These writers’ detailed description of the lives of the downtrodden and the abnormal, their frank treatment of human passion and sexuality, and their portrayal of men and women overwhelmed by blind forces of nature still exert a powerful influence on modern writers. 自然主义作家们对这些压抑的, 不正常人物生活的描 写 , 对 待激情,性的坦白,女人和男 人被自然力量摧毁的刻画等,深深影响了现代作家。
Sister Carrie (1900): the first novel, masterwork Jannie Gerhardt (1911) The Fanancier (1912) The Titan (1914) The Stoic (1947) These three works form Trilogy of Desire which shows Dreiser's shift from the pathos of helpless protagonists to the power of those unusual dominating individuals.
Theodore Dreiser
About Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie, published in 1900, stands at the gateway of the new century. Theodore Dreiser based his first novel on the life of his sister Emma. In 1883 she ran away to Toronto, Canada with a married man who had stolen money from his employer. The story as told by Dreiser, about Carrie Meeber who becomes the mistress of a traveling salesman, is unapologetically told and created a scandal with its moral transgressions.
Having done an abortion for Roberta by a false promise of marriage, Clyde intends to marry Sondra. Roberta then threatens to reveal their relationship, which causes Clyde to plan a murder.
His stories are always solid and intensely interesting with their simple but highly moving characters.
He is good at employing the journalistic method of reiteration to burn a central impression into the reader’s mind.
德莱赛 PPT
1. Industrialism and science and the new philosophy of life based on science helped to create economic, social, and cultural transformation of the country. 2. Slums appeared in great numbers where the conditions became steadily worse.( New York Bowery in Stephen Crane’s work) 3. The westward expansion made the settlers subject to the ruthless manipulation of forces including the railroad, which charged heavy freight rates and drove farmers to bankruptcy( in Frank Norris’s wheat novels).
Autobiography * A Book About Myself 《关于我自己的书》 Stories * Free 《自由》 * Chains 《锁链》 * A Gallery of Women《妇女群像》
MAIN * *
Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》 Jennie Gerhardt 《珍妮姑娘》 The Financier 《金融家》 An American Tragedy《美国的悲剧》 The Titan 《巨人》 The Genius《天才》 “Trilogy of Desire” The Stoic 《斯多葛》(after death )
美国文学 Theodore Dreiser
• Carrie • traveling salesman, Chas H. Drouet • Hurstwood
The novel begins with the scene of Carrie leaving for Chicago in search of better prospects in life. She makes acquaintance with a travelling salesman, Chas H. Drouet during the journey. He is a typical urban society man who believes more in appearances than in meaningful existence. In her sister’s flat Carrie rapidly realizes the urgent need for employment. But Chicago city intimidates her with its size and complexity. She gets employment at a shoe factory which pays small wages. She loses even this job when she falls ill. In effect, • circumstances drive her into the hands of Drouet. She leaves her sister’s flat to set up her own house at Drouet’s insistence. Carrie is also introduced to Hurstwood in these circumstances. As Carrie realizes that she does not have a life with or without Drouet, she finds herself being wooed by Hurstwood who is increasingly infatuated with her, despite being a married man.
Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie 英语专业教学课件
Dreiser’s position
Dreiser has been called the “Wheelhouse of American naturalism ” and” chief spokesman for the realistic novel”, and “a profound and prescient critic of debased Americna values”
2. His childhood was spent in extreme poverty.
3. After some months at Indiana University, he became a reporter on the Chicago Globe before arriving in New York in 1894.
4. His first novel, Sister Carrie, was rejected because of his relentless honesty in presenting the true nature of American life.
5. The young author felt so depressed by “a decade’s delay”—in the words of Larzer Ziff—in social recognition that he was said to have walked by the East River at the turn of the century, seriously committing suicide.
Finally Doubleday and Company published the book in order to fulfill their contract, but Frank Doubleday refused to promote the book. As a result, it sold less than seven hundred copies and Dreiser received a reputation as a naturalistbarbarian.
Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Sarah and John Paul Dreiser, a strict Catholic family. John Paul Dreiser was a German immigrant from Mayen in the Eifel region, and Sarah was from the Mennonite
Works byTheodor Dreiser
sister carrie,Jennie Gerhardt,The Financier, The Titan,The Genius,An American Tragedy,The Bulwark,The Stoic
Short story collections
• The outstanding American practitioner of naturalism. He was the leading figure in a national literary movement that replaced the observance of Victorian notions of propriety with the unflinching presentation of real-life subject matter.
• In November 1931, Dreiser led the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners (NCDPP) to the coalfields of southeastern Kentucky, where they took testimony from coal miners in Pineville and Harlan on the violence against the miners and their unions by the coal operators
Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Sarah and John Paul Dreiser, a strict Catholic family. John Paul Dreiser was a German immigrant from Mayen in the Eifel region, and Sarah was from the Mennonite
Works byTheodor Dreiser
sister carrie,Jennie Gerhardt,The Financier, The Titan,The Genius,An American Tragedy,The Bulwark,The Stoic
Short story collections
• The outstanding American practitioner of naturalism. He was the leading figure in a national literary movement that replaced the observance of Victorian notions of propriety with the unflinching presentation of real-life subject matter.
• In November 1931, Dreiser led the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners (NCDPP) to the coalfields of southeastern Kentucky, where they took testimony from coal miners in Pineville and Harlan on the violence against the miners and their unions by the coal operators
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Main Literary Works
Sister Carrie 1900 《嘉莉妹妹》 嘉莉妹妹》 Jennie Gerhardt 1911 《珍妮姑娘》 珍妮姑娘》 Financial 1912 《金融家》 金融家》 The Titan 1914 《巨人》 巨人》 The “Genius” 1915 《天才 》 An American Tragedy 1925 《美国悲剧》 美国悲剧》 The Stoic 1947 《斯多葛》 斯多葛》
Born Died Occupation Wife Parents
Hale Waihona Puke 1871-08-27,Indiana 1945-12-28,Hollywood Novelist Sara White Sarah and John Paul Dreiser
Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Sarah and John Paul Dreiser, a strict Catholic family. John Paul Dreiser was a German immigrant from Mayen in the Eifel region, and Sarah was from the Mennonite farming near Dayton, Ohio; she was disowned for marrying John and converting to Roman Catholicism. Theodore was the twelfth of thirteen children (the ninth of the ten surviving). The popular songwriter Paul Dresser (1857–1906) was his older brother.
1927 He visited The Soviet Union. 1941被选为美国作家协会主席 被选为美国作家协会主席 1944获美国文学艺术学会荣誉奖 获美国文学艺术学会荣誉奖 July,1945. 加入美国共产党 He died Dec. 28, 1945, Hollywood, California.
Theodore Dreiser 西奥多·德莱塞 西奥多 德莱塞
Life : Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945)
Theodore Dreiser
Dreiser and his wife
Dreiser’s residence
1. Dreiser’s major works ’ 2. Sister Carrie 3. Theodore Dreiser’s style ’
• The Vances, a wealthy merchant and his wife, who live in the same building as Hurstwood and Carrie in New York City. • Robert Ames, Mrs. Vance's cousin from Indiana, a handsome young scholar whom Carrie regards as a male ideal. • Lola Osborne, a chorus girl Carrie meets during a theatre production in New York, who encourages Carrie to become her roommate.
Naturalism Criticizing America social darkness. People were commonly corroded and infected by American life style (money talks) in that period. Exposing Polarization between rich and poor and immorality.贫富悬殊和道德沦丧 Dreiser's great theme was the tremendous tensions that can arise among ambition, desire, and social mores. He depicted real-life Subjects in a harsh light .
美国评论家把德莱塞跟福克纳、海明威并列为第一 美国评论家把德莱塞跟福克纳、 次世界大战后美国的三大小说家。 次世界大战后美国的三大小说家。 德莱塞在《嘉丽妹妹》 “德莱塞在《嘉丽妹妹》里满怀同情地刻画了嘉丽 利用自己性的魅力改变了自己的命运。 利用自己性的魅力改变了自己的命运。正是由于德 莱塞真实地描写了芝加哥以及美国城市迅速腾飞的 原始动力才赢得了当时众多年轻追随者和崇拜者。 原始动力才赢得了当时众多年轻追随者和崇拜者。” “德莱塞之前和之后的美国文学的变化就如达尔文 之前和之后生物学上的变化一样大。 之前和之后生物学上的变化一样大。” 德莱塞“ 德莱塞“是美国最后一位毫无窘迫或者俯就地直接 为大众, 为大众,也就是直接为大众进行创作的一位大作 家。” 他是一股强大的原动力, “他是一股强大的原动力,使美国文化在传达性行 心理和政治原动力方面更全面更率直。 为、心理和政治原动力方面更全面更率直。”
1.1chronological order. 1.2precise document, 1.3 Hurstwood’s story was meant to ’ complement Carrie’s story, to show ’ how precarious [uncertain;unsteady] is the ideal she pursues. 1.4 the story forms 2 lines that move among the 3 different individual worlds of Carrie, Hurstwood, and Drouet.
Dreiser’s Style
Without good construction deficient characterization lack in imagination Simple words Journalistic method of reiteration重复新 重复新 闻手法 Techniques in painting (word-picture, sharp contrast, truth in color, movement in outline)
):《 《欲望三部曲》(Trilogy of Desire):《金融 欲望三部曲》 ): );《 家》(The Financier,1912);《巨人》 , ); 巨人》 );《 (The Titan,1914);《斯多葛》(The Stoic, , ); 斯多葛》 , 1947死后完成)。 死后完成)。 死后完成
• Caroline Meeber, a.k.a. Carrie, a young woman from rural Wisconsin; the protagonist. • Charles H. Drouet, a buoyant traveling salesman Carrie meets on the train to Chicago. • George W. Hurstwood, a well-to-do, sophisticated man who manages Fitzgerald and Moy's resort. • Julia Hurstwood, George's strong-willed, social-climbing wife.
Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie
• Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream by first becoming a mistress to men that she perceives as superior and later as a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels."
His first novel, Sister Carrie, published in 1900, tells the story of a woman who flees her country life for the city (Chicago) and there lives a life far from a Victorian ideal. It sold poorly and was not widely promoted largely because of moral objections to the depiction of a country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through relationships to men. The book has since acquired a considerable reputation. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels." (It was made into a 1952 film by William Wyler, which starred Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones.) He witnessed a lynching in 1893 and wrote the short story, Nigger Jeff, which appeared in Ainslee's Magazine in 1901. His second novel, Jennie Gerhardt, was published in 1911