自命题试题参考书目报考学科代码考试科目参 考 书 目编(著)者出 版 社《现代控制工程》第四版Katsuhito Ogata电子工业出版社《自动控制原理》上、下册裴润,宋申民哈尔滨工业大学出版社0811控制科学与工程801控制原理《自动控制原理》第五版胡寿松科学出版社808理论力学《理论力学》(第7版)哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室编高等教育出版社新编材料力学(第2版)张少实机械工业出版社809材料力学材料力学(第三版上、下册)刘鸿文高等教育出版社0801力学(航天学院)810弹性力学《弹性力学》(上册)徐芝纶高等教育出版社《自动控制原理》鄢景华 哈工大出版社807控制理论《自动控制原理》胡寿松国防工业出版社《理论力学》程靳高等教育出版社082501飞行器设计、082504人机与环境工程816工程力学《材料力学》张少实机械工业出版社《物理光学》梁铨廷机械工业出版社0803光学工程805物理光学Ⅰ《物理光学与应用光学》石顺祥西安电子科大出版社2000«激光原理»第五版周炳琨 等国防工业出版社2004817激光原理«光电子学原理与应用»王雨三 等哈工大出版社2002080901 物理电子学842物理光学Ⅱ«物理光学与应用光学»石顺祥西安电子科大出版社2000080903微电子学与固体电子学806半导体物理《半导体物理学》(第七版)刘恩科等电子工业出版社,2008年《信号与系统》王宝祥哈工大出版社《信号与系统》(上、下)郑君里高等教育出版社0810信息与通信工程803信号与系统和数字逻辑电路《数字电路》龚之春电子科技大学出版社《电磁场与电磁波》邱景辉哈工大出版社2001《电磁场与电磁波习题解答》马汉炎哈工大出版社2002《电磁场与电磁波》赵家升电子科技大学出版社080904电磁场与微波技术804电磁场与电磁波《电磁场与电磁波》陈抗生高等教育出版社2003工程流体力学《工程流体力学》陈卓如高等教育出版社(第二版)2004年(选答试题:0807动力工程及工程热物理820工程热力学《工程热力学》严家騄中国电力出版社传热学《传热学》杨世铭、陶文铨高等教育出版社(第三版)燃烧学《燃烧理论与设备》徐旭常机械工业出版社空气动力学)《气体动力学基础》潘锦珊国防工业出版社《软件工程_原理、方法与应用》史济民等高等教育出版社《C 程序设计》谭浩强清华大学出版社085212软件工程834软件工程基础《JAVA 语言程序设计》(美)Y.Daniel Liang 著 王镁 李娜译机械工业出版社1.《基础电子技术》蔡惟铮高等教育出版社,20042.《集成电子技术》蔡惟铮高等教育出版社,20043.《模拟电子技术基础》(第四版)华成英高等教育出版社,20064.《数字电子技术基础》(第五版)阎 石高等教育出版社,20065.《电子技术基础》(模拟部分第五版)康华光高等教育出版社,20066.《 电子技术基础》(数字部分第五版)康华光高等教育出版社,20067.《模拟电子技术基础学习指导与考研指南》王淑娟高等教育出版社,2009(第2次印刷) 8.《数字电子技术基础学习指导与考研指南》王淑娟高等教育出版社,2010(第3次印刷)0804仪器科学与技术826电子技术基础注:在(1)(2)(7)(8)、(3)(4)(7)(8)和(5)(6)(7)(8)中任选一套电路部分教材: 《电路理论基础(第三版)》陈希有高教出版社,2004年《电路(第五版)》邱关源高教出版社,2006年电路部分参考书:《电路考研大串讲》孙立山科学出版社,2006年《电路名师大课堂》,孙立山科学出版社,2006年数字电子技术部分:①《基础电子技术》蔡惟铮高等教育出版社,2004年②《集成电子技术》蔡惟铮,高等教育出版社,2004年③《数字电子技术基础》(第五版)阎 石高等教育出版社,2006年0808电气工程827电路与数字电子技术④《数字电子技术基础》(数康华光高等教育出版社,2006字部分第五版)年⑤《数字电子技术基础学习指导与考研指南》王淑娟高等教育出版社,2010年(第3次印刷)注:在(1) (2) (5)、(3)(5)和(4)(5)中任选一套。
教材发行:周惠 183******** qq:1902527736本套教材按照教育部和建设部联合制定的《关于我国建设行业人力资源状况和加强建设行业技能型紧缺人才培养培训工作的建议》所提出的对建筑业人才培养的要求,严格本着从建设行业一线对技能型人才的需求出发,树立以就业为导向,以全面素质为基础,以能力为本位的教育理念,教材内容组织注重体现建筑施工领域的“五新三型”(五新:新技术、新工艺、新材料、新设备、新方法;三型:施工型、能力型、成品型)基本原则,依据现行有效规范(规程)、标准及工程技术动态,以“必需、够用”为度进行编写。
王承官教授(1938- ) , 1962年毕业于南开大学数学力学系数学专业分配至哈尔滨工业大学,任教期间首开多门统计学课程,完成十七项应用科研外协课题。
哈尔滨工业大学博士生入学考试科目参考书目录EDA技术[2217]半导体器件物理[2218]微波技术曼着;《小波分析与分数傅里叶变换及应用》,国防工业岀版社,冉启文,谭立英着;《分数傅里叶光学导论》,科学出版社,冉启文,谭立英着;[2216]《超大规模集成电路设计方法学导论》,清华大学岀版社,杨之廉;《数字专用集成电路的设计与验证》杨宗凯黄建杜旭编着电子工业出版社;《数字集成电路——电路、系统与设计(第二版)» Jan M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic ,周润德等译,电子工业岀版社; [2217]《半导体器件物理》,科学岀版社,王家骅;《现代半导体器件物理》,科学出版社, [2218]《微波技术》,哈工大岀版社,2006年版,吴群主编;《微波工程技术》,吴群主编,哈工大岀版社,2008年修订版。
027市政环境工程学院[2271]高等流体力学[2272]污染控制微生物学[2273]水分析化学[2274]水力学[2275]微生物学[2276]生物化学[2277]高等传热[2278]物理化学[2279]化工原理[2271]《流体力学基础》(上、下册),机械岀版社1982,潘文全主编;《流体力学》(第二版)上、下册、2000,高等教育岀版社,周光垧等编着;[2272]《污染控制微生物学》(第三版),哈工大岀版社2004 (2007.2重印),任南琪马放等编着;《环境污染防治中的生物技术》,北京化学工业出版社 2004,任南琪李建政主编;《环境工程微生物学》,北京化学工业出版社2004,李建政主编;[2273]《水分析化学》(第三版),中国建筑工业出版社,黄君礼[2274]《水力学》(上、下册),高等教育岀版社1995董曾南主编;《流体力学》(第二版)上、下册、2000,高等教育岀版社,周光垧等编着;[2275]《微生物学教程》(第2版),高等教育岀版社2002,周德瑞,《环境污染防治中的生物技术》,化学工业岀版社2004,任南琪,李建政主编;《污染控制微生物生态学》,哈尔滨工业大学出版社2005,李建政任南琪主编; [2276]《生物化学》(第三版)上、下册,高等教育出版社,王镜岩等;[2277]《高等传热学》(第二版),上海交通大学出版社,2004,杨强生等编着;,《工程传热传质学》,航空工业岀版社,1989,朱谷君主编;《工程传热传质学(上册)》,科学岀版社,1998,王补宣着;,《传热与传质分析》,科学岀版社, 1983,等着,航青译;《对流传热传质分析》,西安交通大学岀版社,1991,王启杰;《热传导理论》,高等教育出版社,1992,张洪济;《对流传热与传质》第四版中文版,高等教育岀版社,2007,凯斯等编着,赵镇南译;《对流换热》,高等教育出版社,1995,任泽霈。
序号出版社1北方妇女儿童出版社2朝华出版社3朝华出版社4朝华出版社5朝华出版社6朝华出版社7朝华出版社8朝华出版社9朝华出版社10海豚出版社11海豚出版社12海豚出版社13海豚出版社14海豚出版社15海豚出版社16海豚出版社17海燕出版社18黑龙江科学技术出版社19军事医学科学出版社20军事医学科学出版社21山东科学技术出版社22内蒙古科学技术出版社23内蒙古科学技术出版社24军事医学科学出版社25军事医学科学出版社26军事医学科学出版社27军事医学科学出版社28军事医学科学出版社29军事医学科学出版社30黑龙江科学技术出版社31海豚出版社32海燕出版社33海燕出版社34海燕出版社35大连理工大学出版社36北方妇女儿童出版社37百花洲文艺出版社38长江文艺出版社39四川辞书出版社40四川辞书出版社41四川辞书出版社42四川辞书出版社43四川辞书出版社44台海出版社45台海出版社46新华出版社47新疆青少年出版社48四川辞书出版社49四川辞书出版社50四川大学出版社51四川大学出版社52百花洲文艺出版社53百花洲文艺出版社54百花洲文艺出版社55百花洲文艺出版社56百花洲文艺出版社57北方妇女儿童出版社58朝华出版社59大连理工大学出版社60暨南大学出版社61海燕出版社62内蒙古科学技术出版社63内蒙古科学技术出版社64内蒙古科学技术出版社65生活?读书?新知三联书店66生活?读书?新知三联书店67生活?读书?新知三联书店68内蒙古科学技术出版社69内蒙古科学技术出版社70大连理工大学出版社71北方妇女儿童出版社72北方妇女儿童出版社73北方妇女儿童出版社74百花洲文艺出版社75百花洲文艺出版社76安徽少年儿童出版社77百花文艺出版社(天津)78百花文艺出版社(天津)79长江文艺出版社80北方妇女儿童出版社81北方妇女儿童出版社82北方妇女儿童出版社83四川大学出版社84四川辞书出版社85武汉大学出版社86台海出版社87台海出版社88四川文艺出版社89长江文艺出版社90百花洲文艺出版社91四川文艺出版社92台海出版社93台海出版社94四川文艺出版社95四川辞书出版社96四川辞书出版社97陕西人民美术出版社98陕西人民美术出版社99百花洲文艺出版社100北方妇女儿童出版社101中国社会出版社102中国社会出版社103大连出版社104内蒙古科学技术出版社105内蒙古科学技术出版社106内蒙古科学技术出版社107山东科学技术出版社108山东科学技术出版社109世界知识出版社110大连出版社111大连出版社112大连出版社113黑龙江科学技术出版社114黑龙江科学技术出版社115中国社会出版社116中国社会出版社117中国社会出版社118朝华出版社119朝华出版社120朝华出版社121朝华出版社122朝华出版社123朝华出版社124朝华出版社125四川大学出版社126新疆青少年出版社127安徽少年儿童出版社128中国画报出版社129中国画报出版社130中国画报出版社131中国画报出版社132中国画报出版社133陕西人民美术出版社134陕西人民美术出版社135陕西人民美术出版社136陕西人民美术出版社137朝华出版社138中国出版社139中国出版社140中国出版社141中国出版社142中国出版社143中国出版社144中国出版社145中国社会出版社146中国社会出版社147大连出版社148大连出版社149大连理工大学出版社150三联书店151大连理工大学出版社152中国社会出版社153中国社会出版社154中国社会出版社155中国社会出版社156中国社会出版社157中国社会出版社158中国社会出版社159中国社会出版社160中国社会出版社161中国社会出版社162中国社会出版社163陕西人民美术出版社164陕西人民美术出版社165陕西人民美术出版社166陕西人民美术出版社167陕西人民美术出版社168中国画报出版社169中国画报出版社170中国画报出版社171中国画报出版社172中国人民大学出版社173中国人民大学出版社174中国社会出版社175中国社会出版社176中国社会出版社177中国社会出版社178中国社会出版社179中国社会出版社180接力出版社有限公司181陕西人民美术出版社182陕西人民美术出版社183陕西人民美术出版社184安徽师范大学出版社185安徽师范大学出版社186天津人民出版社187天津人民出版社188上海科学普及出版社189上海科学普及出版社190天津人民出版社191天津人民出版社192安徽科学技术出版社193安徽科学技术出版社194黑龙江科学技术出版社195首都师范大学出版社196首都师范大学出版社197朝华出版社198上海科学普及出版社199上海科学普及出版社200天津人民出版社201天津人民出版社202上海科学普及出版社203上海科学普及出版社204天津人民出版社205天津人民出版社206百花洲文艺出版社207安徽师范大学出版社208陕西人民美术出版社209陕西人民美术出版社210陕西人民美术出版社211陕西人民美术出版社212接力出版社有限公司213中国社会出版社214中国社会出版社215中国社会出版社216中国社会出版社217中国画报出版社218中国画报出版社219中国人民大学出版社220中国社会出版社221中国社会出版社222接力出版社有限公司223天津人民出版社224上海科学普及出版社225上海科学普及出版社226上海科学普及出版社227法律出版社228法律出版社229朝华出版社230安徽科学技术出版社231中国社会出版社232中国社会出版社233中国社会出版社234中国社会出版社236中国社会出版社237大连出版社238地震出版社239电子科技大学出版社240中国社会出版社241中国社会出版社242中国社会出版社243中国社会出版社244中国社会出版社245安徽科学技术出版社246解放军出版社247上海科学普及出版社248天津人民出版社249天津人民出版社250陕西人民美术出版社251陕西人民美术出版社252陕西人民美术出版社253陕西人民美术出版社254陕西人民美术出版社255陕西人民美术出版社256中国人民大学出版社257中国画报出版社258中国画报出版社259中国画报出版社260中国画报出版社261法律出版社262中国人民大学出版社263中国人民大学出版社264中国社会出版社265中国社会出版社266陕西人民美术出版社267陕西人民美术出版社268陕西人民美术出版社269上海科学普及出版社270天津人民出版社271天津人民出版社272安徽师范大学出版社273法律出版社274法律出版社275法律出版社276法律出版社277西南师范大学出版社278四川文艺出版社279解放军出版社280解放军出版社281朝华出版社283化学工业出版社284四川文艺出版社285西南师范大学出版社286西南师范大学出版社287西南师范大学出版社288西南师范大学出版社289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375377378379380381382383384385四川文艺出版社386四川文艺出版社387四川文艺出版社388四川文艺出版社389四川少年儿童出版社390四川少年儿童出版社391四川少年儿童出版社392四川少年儿童出版社393四川少年儿童出版社394四川少年儿童出版社395四川少年儿童出版社396四川少年儿童出版社397四川少年儿童出版社398中国水利水电出版社399中国人口出版社400现代出版社401现代出版社402人民出版社403现代出版社404江苏文艺出版社405江苏文艺出版社406四川少年儿童出版社407四川少年儿童出版社408四川少年儿童出版社409四川少年儿童出版社410四川文艺出版社411四川文艺出版社412中国大百科全书出版社413中国大百科全书出版社414北京教育出版社415中国社会出版社416人民邮电出版社417人民邮电出版社418人民邮电出版社419人民邮电出版社420北京教育出版社421江苏文艺出版社422江苏文艺出版社423江苏文艺出版社424江苏文艺出版社425吉林大学出版社426吉林大学出版社427北京教育出版社428北京教育出版社429人民邮电出版社430人民邮电出版社431清华大学出版社432清华大学出版社433中国社会出版社434北京教育出版社435北京教育出版社436中国社会出版社437中国大百科全书出版社438四川文艺出版社439四川少年儿童出版社440哈尔滨出版社441江苏文艺出版社442江苏文艺出版社443中国社会出版社444北京教育出版社445中国水利水电出版社446中国水利水电出版社447北京教育出版社448北京教育出版社449中国社会出版社450中国社会出版社451四川文艺出版社452四川文艺出版社453四川文艺出版社454北京教育出版社455北京教育出版社456中国社会出版社457高等教育出版社458高等教育出版社459清华大学出版社460清华大学出版社461清华大学出版社462清华大学出版社463清华大学出版社464清华大学出版社465清华大学出版社466清华大学出版社467清华大学出版社468清华大学出版社469三晋出版社470三晋出版社471北京少年儿童出版社472上海人民美术出版社473上海人民美术出版社474中国长安出版社475吉林大学出版社476吉林大学出版社477机械工业出版社478机械工业出版社479机械工业出版社480机械工业出版社481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 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2010书名定价探索发现:世界未解之谜生命起源未解之谜19.8一目了然的世界战争史3古罗马的繁荣与分裂23.8一目了然的世界战争史4法兰克王国与拜占庭帝国23.8优秀青少年科普趣味读物丛书:远古生物19.8优秀学生必知的化学解读23.8优秀学生必知的科技发明23.8优秀学生必知的陆地奇观23.8优秀学生必知的气象奇观23.8优秀学生必知的珍禽异兽23.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想不可思议的人体19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想动物王国大密探19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想令人惊奇的科学19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想千变万化大自然19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想日常生活大揭秘19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想异想天开好问题19.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想有趣的植物世界19.8玩转历史—大腕传记书系莎士比亚和他的戏梦人生18.5大灾难未解之谜24.8中小学快乐沟通丛书—难忘的伙伴:如何与同学沟通?16.8健康日记—扔掉小眼镜16中学数理化知识拓展丛书-手机电池中的化学25《红色侵染-革命歌曲大家唱》-歌唱新生活(一)19.8《红色侵染-革命歌曲大家唱》-歌颂祖国19.8健康日记-心理更健康16.8健康日记-远离大虫牙16.8中小学快乐沟通丛书-守护的天使:如何与父母沟通?16.8健康日记-防止意外伤15健康日记-告别小胖墩16.8中小学快乐沟通丛书-化雨的春风:如何与老师沟通?16.8大自然未解之谜24.8激发孩子想象力的1000个奇思妙想-宇宙地球大探索19.8玩转历史—大腕传记书系猫王和他的摇滚麦克风19玩转历史—大腕传记书系丘吉尔和他的光荣战役19玩转历史—大腕传记书系亚历山大和他的磅礴远征18没事儿读点英文小说吧-杰克·伦敦短篇小说精选20探索发现:世界未解之谜地球起源未解之谜19.8健康的生活18.7神的平衡器24.8小学生笔顺规范字典10小学生组词造句(双色)20学生反义词词典(双色)22赠言小词典10土地上的诗庄稼-中国农民诗人诗选25最经典的科幻故事25最经典的情感故事25雷锋精神学习读本25雷锋日记13学生常用典故词典(双色)18小学生辨字辨音手册(双色)18【中华民族优秀传统文化教育丛书】义的系列故事(连环画)29【中华民族优秀传统文化教育丛书】智的系列故事(连环画)29科学巨人18.7神奇的细胞18.7生命的基础18.7多彩的生命18.7生生不息18.7探索发现:世界未解之谜宇宙起源未解之谜19.8优秀学生必知的奇花异木23.8没事儿读点英文小说吧-马克·吐温短篇小说精选20教师口才艺术25玩转历史-大腕传记书系维多利亚女王和她的宫廷娱乐18《红色侵染-革命歌曲大家唱》-歌唱新生活(二)19.8《红色侵染-革命歌曲大家唱》-军歌嘹亮19.8破译天下谜团-飞碟谜团24.8历史深处的忧虑(二版)-近距离看美国之一19总统是靠不住(二版)-近距离看美国之二23如彗星划过夜空21破译天下谜团-宇宙谜团24.8破译天下谜团-地球谜团24.8福尔摩斯全集 血字的研究24探索发现:世界未解之谜自然科学未解之谜19.8探索发现:世界未解之谜UFO与外星人之谜19.8探索发现:世界未解之谜百慕大未解之谜19.8鬼斧神工18.7生命的圣火18.7飞翔的中国18成语故事(彩绘版)13.8动物故事(彩绘版)13.8天鹅·光源24.8探索发现:世界未解之谜恐龙灭绝未解之谜19.8探索发现:世界未解之谜奇趣自然未解之谜19.8探索发现:世界未解之谜人类进化未解之谜19.8【中华民族优秀传统文化教育丛书】行的系列故事(连环画)29学生同义词近义词词典(双色版)18英文书法指南(修订)16最经典的经济学常识25最经典的军事常识25牵牛花25长大不容易28中国记忆-美文卷19.8换一种方式飞行25最经典的人与动物故事25最经典的世界历史常识25中国红:中国新诗90年红色经典20探秘中国汉字18成语小词典19与青少年谈观念22如何与他人交往22从哪里来到哪里去18.7世界未解之谜发明发现未解之谜19.8大自然给人类的礼物能源20分分合合的陆地和水20探索月球的奥秘+20外星人谜团18苦乐年华24还我河山19树枝分叉中的数学19足球中的物理学25细读弟子规25探索太阳系的奥秘18探索星座的奥秘18探索宇宙的奥秘18飞碟现象未解之谜24.8探索宝藏未解之谜24.8高速智能的计算机24次级生长的木材20五彩缤纷的海洋世界20优秀生必知的航天航空20优秀生必知的人体奥秘23优秀生必知的物理奥秘23优秀生必知的宇宙奥秘23优秀生必知的昆虫王国23环境与科学23人类奥秘20恕的系列故事20两个小八路13受益终生的处世精粹16在苏州国学讲习会的讲稿20实用五线谱乐理入门18摄影基础与入门18围棋战术布局技巧18梁遇春精品文集20与青少年谈情操22如何面对灾难22好习惯成就好人生22好心态才会更健康22恐龙帝国24心心相印的磁20新型的纳米技术20细胞20陨石20钢铁20电20可回收使用的废物20爬行动物20地球20探索UFO和外星人的奥秘18探索地球的奥秘18英文小说 欧·亨利短篇小说精选20近距离看美国之三25柯南·道儿短篇小说精选20载人宇宙飞船20神奇的人体结构20生活中离不开的化学20撬动地球的力20干旱缺水的荒漠-沙漠 20温暖千家的热20无处不在的纤维20五彩缤纷的光20生命的杀手 病毒20与人类最亲密的哺乳动物20运输大王火车20在学习中走向成熟22挫折是成长的必修课22拥有健康的心理22与青少年谈品质22习惯是生活的基石22国际象棋人门与提高22五子棋人门与提高18象棋入门与提高18游泳入门与提高18钟启泉教育思想访谈录32感伤的科学史29吉鸿昌的故事18江竹筠的故事18孔子拜师人物传说19董存瑞的故事18刘志丹的故事18左权的故事18黑狗哈拉诺亥23永远的民族精神22与青少年谈哲理22学会思考22受益终生的美术精粹16受益终生的文学精粹16品味热的世界21化学趣味探索实验22你身边的特种部队 真菌与人类22环保的过去现在22图形趣话21蓝色经济21激励小学生勤奋进取的励志故事25开拓小学生创意思维的创新故事25科学未解之谜24.8“事”说师生关系25班主任九项技能训练25优秀学生必知的水族万象23.8玩转科学-透视蓝天的秘密-飞机中的科学25玩转科学-在钢铁中注入灵魂-玩转机器人25破解科学-时间的第四维世界23.8破解科学-网络中的虚拟世界24.5科学就在你身边-探索微观世界的精灵-细菌与人类25科学就在你身边-在深海中与你同行-海洋生物点评22解码科学-微生物的世界23.8解码科学-非常探险20文化艺术大讲堂-美在自然25受益终生的诗词精粹16.9尽展青春风采-与青少年谈礼仪22酿出青春的琼浆-在成长中积累智慧22青春的哲思感悟-与青少年谈感悟22一场滋养精神的盛宴-读书与励志22黒鹤动物文学系列 狼谷的孩子20马本斋的故事18.5邱少云的故事18.5方志敏的故事18.5黄继光的故事18.5刘师培:中国中古文学史19.8孟森:在北大讲明史19.8好学生是这样培养出来的-北京八中初中部得教育思考之二30王若飞的故事18.5刘胡兰的故事18.5黒鹤动物文学系列 黑焰(插图版)19解码科学-图解南北极24.5科学就在你身边-让智慧点亮生活-影响你我的发明25玩转科学-做健康生活的领跑者:运动中的科学25玩转科学-再造另一个你自己-克隆与仿生25奥斯卡优秀影片阅读-大地惊雷25奥斯卡优秀影片阅读-圣安娜的奇迹24优秀青少年科普趣味读物丛书:宇宙探索19.8培养小学生真诚善良的品德故事25探究式科普丛书-最美丽的石头-宝石20探究式科普丛书-生物生存的重要能源-土壤20探究式科普丛书-天堑变通图:桥20探究式科普丛书-高超的猎手-猫科动物20探究式科普丛书-取之不尽的太阳能20探究式科普丛书-人的生物学信息-人类生物学20儿童围棋入门 启蒙篇(第三版)23.8地震与防震减灾知识200问答25国家自然科学基金科普项目《信息世界与人类》科普丛书14.3探究式科普丛书-人体内的电子机器-电子生化人20探究式科普丛书-高大巍峨的山20探究式科普丛书-巨大的天然冰体-冰川20探究式科普丛书-喜忧参半的细菌20探究式科普丛书-显微镜下的微世界-微生物20启迪小学生聪明才智的智慧故事25星火燎原全集普及本之二-强渡大渡河20科学就在你身边-何以构筑美好的家园-谈环境污染22魔幻科学-头脑的魔鬼训练与思维狂欢21解码科学-世博与能源21书写时代新风尚-学好八荣八耻22征服人心的魔力-培养出众的能力22砍断白魔的黑手-拒绝毒品22奏响青春的交响乐-成功与哲理22聆听青春的心跳-寻找激励的源泉22精神放松的艺术-健康的表达情绪22海参的爱情之歌(趣味自然史系列丛书)25孟森:在北大讲清史19.8章太炎:国学的精要19.8实用电子琴基础入门18围棋入门与提高18引领青少年了解世界-政治篇-美国可以说不25为科学献身的动物们19.8校园安全与危机处理(学校管理新探索丛书)32赵一曼的故事18.5鲁班传线人物传说19沉重的社会之痛-解读青少年犯罪22让青少年远离危险22奏响和谐的青春旋律-缓解成长的压力22科学就在你身边-40亿年的风雨历程动物进化22解码科学-墓室迷踪25破解科学-生活在数字时代19宇宙空间大探秘16.9青少年法律教育丛书-帮你活学活用:别让你受伤23.8青少年法律教育丛书-打造你的思维:养成法律思维小中版23.8青少年法律教育丛书-教你怎么行为:做个懂法的小中生22.8学生普法教育丛书-中华人民共和国义务教育法注释本9方法总比问题多-名师转变棘手学生的施教艺术25智慧诊所19.8星火燎原全集普及本之六-跟随毛主席长征18星火燎原全集普及本之一-“八一”的枪声19优秀学生必知的海洋奇观23.8星火燎原全集普及本之四-红十八师突围记19优秀女孩必读的101个故事19.5兄弟树19.8名师最有效的激励细节25让语文教学有趣简单高效25学学名师那些事25综合课的整合创新教学25。
软件工程基础《C语Fra bibliotek程序设计》苏小红、王宇颖、孙志岗
版次 2010年5月第1版 2004年1月第3版 2005年7月第3版 2008年8月第1版 2001年4月第1版 2009年8月第2版 2009年9月第5版 2007年8月第1版 2010年8月第3版 2008年5月第1版 2002年8月第1版 2005年4月第2版 2004年6月第1版 2008年3月第1版 2006年12月第2版 2006年2月第1版 2004年2月第1版 2004年6月第1版 1998年4月第1版 2001年5月第2版 2002年1月第1版 2005年4月第2版 2003年3月第1版 2007年1月第2版 2007年1月第3版 2000年8月第2版 2008年6月第2版 2006年5月第7版 2009年3月第4版 2002年5月第1版 2008年1月第2版 2009年5月第二版 2002年9月第1版 2001年2月第1版 2006年7月第2版 2000年9月第四版 2007年2月第5版 2008年4月第4版 2005年11月第2版 1998年12月第1版 1998年12月第1版 2004年4月第2版 2011年6月第3版 2003年1月第3版
生产与运作管理(第3版) 市场营销学 机床的数字控制技术 数字电子技术基础简明教程(第三版) 影视艺术与高科技应用 数字色彩 影视特效制作教程 法律文书学 《数据结构教程》(第2版) 统计学原理 《外贸英文书信》(第二版) 《西方经济学》宏观经济学部分 项目采购管理 项目风险管理 项目组织与人力资源管理 项目质量管理 土木工程材料 刑法学 行政管理学 行政法与行政诉讼法 Premiere Pro CS4视频编辑实用教程 音频信息处理技术 应用写作(第二版) 机械基础 中级财务会计 组织行为管理 电力系统分析理论 电机学 物流成本管理 技术经济学 企业物流管理:供应链的规划组织和控制
with the observation16 that SOCS2 is important for CUL5 interaction with ELOC–ELOB. The pentameric complex was crystallized and its structure was determined using molecular replacement (Extended Data Table 1 and Extended Data Figs 1b and 2). The overall complex structure has a U-shaped architecture, with nCUL5 and CBF-b–Vif corresponding to the two straight arms (Fig. 1b). Interaction of ELOC with nCUL5 and Vif forms the bent arm of the U-shaped structure. The Vif structure can be divided into a larger and a smaller domain, with a zinc ion binding between them (Fig. 1b). One side of CBF-b forms extensive contacts with the larger domain of Vif, whereas the carboxy-terminal peptide of CBF-b is sandwiched between the two domains of Vif. Vif also interacts with nCUL5. Thus, Vif has a central role in organizing the Vif–CBF-b–CUL5–ELOB–ELOC pentameric complex. Consistent with a previous study12, CBF-b–Vif binding causes no marked conformational changes in CUL5–ELOB–ELOC (Extended Data Fig. 3). ELOB makes no interaction with components other than ELOC, but we cannot rule out the possibility that the C-terminal portion (residues 103–118) of ELOB that was absent from the truncated ELOB in our construct is involved in the formation of the pentameric complex. CUL1 is a close homologue of CUL5 and forms a complex with SKP1, a substrate adaptor of cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases17. The CUL1– SKP1 and nCUL5–ELOC complexes share a similar structural organization, with the amino termini of CUL1 and CUL5 binding to SKP1 and ELOC, respectively (Fig. 1c). This observation supports the idea that the cullin-RING E3 scaffold proteins have a conserved mode of binding to substrate adaptors. However, the amino acids at the nCUL5–ELOC interface differ from those at the CUL1–SKP1 interface (Extended Data Fig. 4a–c), indicating that these residues govern specific interaction of cullin-RING E3 scaffold proteins with their respective substrate receptors. Vif in the complex maintains an elongated, cone-like shape (Fig. 2a) with highly positive charges on its surface (Fig. 2b). A database search using the DALI server (http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/dali_server) identified no structures appreciably similar to that of Vif, indicating that the viral protein possesses a novel fold. The two-domain structure of Vif, however, is reminiscent of the cellular substrate receptors SOCS2 and VHL that share the common substrate adaptor ELOBC with Vif (refs 16, 18, 19). The larger domain (referred to a/b domain) of Vif contains a distorted five-stranded antiparallel b-sheet with three helices tightly packing against the convex side (Fig. 2a). Two loosely packing helices form the smaller domain (referred to as the a-domain) of Vif that harbours the BC-box motif (residues 144–155) found in VHL and SOCS-box proteins16,18,19. The zinc-finger motif, HCCH, makes tetrahedral coordination to Zn21 (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 2b) and stabilizes the three inter-domain loops (Fig. 2a). Stabilization of the three inter-domain loops is further strengthened by their interaction with each other, which in turn rigidifies the two helices from the a-domain of Vif. The amino acids from the two domain regions, in particular those involved in packing of the secondary structural elements, are conserved among the Vif family of proteins (Extended Data Fig. 5a).
Harbin Institute of Technology
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Harbin Institute of Technology课程设计说明书(论文)课程名称:机械原理课程设计设计题目:产品包装生产线(方案4 )院系:机电工程学院班级:设计者:学号:指导教师:陈照波设计时间: 2013年7月1日-7月7日哈尔滨工业大学哈尔滨工业大学课程设计任务书姓名:院(系):机电工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班号:任务起至日期: 2013 年 7 月 1 日至 2013 年 7 月 7 日课程设计题目:产品包装生产线(方案4)已知技术参数和设计要求:工作量:工作计划安排:同组设计者及分工:指导教师签字___________________年月日教研室主任意见:教研室主任签字___________________年月日*注:此任务书由课程设计指导教师填写1.题目要求如图1所示,输送线1上为小包装产品,其尺寸为长*宽*高=600*200*200采取步进式输送方式,送第一包和第二包产品至托盘A上(托盘A上平面与输送线1的上平面同高)后,每送一包产品托盘A下降200mm,当第三包产品送到以后,托盘A上升400mm,然后,把产品推入输送线2。
图1 产品包装生产线(方案4)功能简图2.题目解答(1)工艺动作分析由题目可以看出,产品包装线共由3个执行机构组成。
三个执行构件的工作周期关系为:3T1= T2= T3。
理论力学(B类)Theoretical Mechanics (B)课程编号:学 时:64+8 学 分:4.5课程性质:必修选课对象:材料、能源、化工、环境等类专业内容概要:理论力学主要讲授经典力学中的牛顿-欧拉体系及分析力学基础。
建议选用教材:《理论力学》,洪嘉振、杨长俊编著,高等教育出版社《理论力学多媒体课件》,王左辉、洪嘉振编制,高等教育出版社主要参考书目:《理论力学》,哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研组编,高等教育出版社《理论力学》,贾书惠、李万琼编著,高等教育出版社《静力学》,谢传锋编,高等教育出版社《动力学》,谢传锋主编,王琦、程耀、王士敏编,高等教育出版社《理论力学》,武清玺、冯奇主编,高等教育出版社《Engineering Mechanics-Statics》,R.C. Hibbeler,Pearson Education《Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics》,R.C. Hibbeler,Pearson Education《理论力学》(B类)教学大纲学时:64+8 学分:4.5教学大纲说明一、课程的目的与任务理论力学是各门力学课程的基础,同时是一门对工程对象进行静力学、运动学与动力学分析的技术基础课,在诸多工程技术领域有着广泛的应用。
800 5
机械制图习题集(第 二版)
800 5
吴志军、易启 伟、翟彤、余 吴志军 群、胡江萍 胡江萍、张家 胡江萍 凡 胡江萍、张家 胡江萍 凡 丁世云 丁世云 丁世云 丁世云
4 9787514201963
工程测试与信号处理 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
978-7-5609-3832-5 蔡共宣 978-7-30212342-2 978-7-11122823-3 978-7-04021963-0 978-7-04021963-0 9787560976716 7111152751 978-7-11115062-6 陈国香 叶久新 鞠鲁鲁 鞠鲁鲁 骆莉 刘全坤 王卫卫
61340622 1362826135 1362826135 62883662 62883662
画法几何与土木工程 1 制图 画法几何与土木工程 1 制图习题集
王晓琴、 2 庞行志 庞行志\贾 2 康生 常明 胥北澜 单辉祖 3 3 4
画法几何与机械 画法几何及机械制图 1 制图1 画法几何与机械 画法几何及机械制图 1 制图1 习题 工程力学 工程力学 1
13995577674 13237133137 13871169227 13871169227 13871258120 13808608861 13871169227 15342268391 15342268391 15342268391 13871110601 15994281400 15327226353
哈尔滨工业大学 计算传热学 第一章 绪论-2013
![哈尔滨工业大学 计算传热学 第一章 绪论-2013](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ea78d69fdaef5ef7ba0d3c92.png)
u,v,w, p, ,T
状态方程: f ( p,T )
( mi ) div( Umi ) div( mi gradmi ) Smi t
s dI a s I a Ib (T ) ds 4
I (s)(s,s)d
手册 W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow,
Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2006
I I I a s I a I b (T ) s x y z 4
I (s)(s,s)d
导热、对流、扩散控制方程 的通用形式 ( ) div( U ) div( grad ) S t
( v) p div( vU) div( gradv) Sv t y ( w) p div( wU) div(gradw) Sw
t z
2. 动量方程
3. 能量方程
( h) div( hU) pdivU div( grad T ) Sh t
Abnormal artery(动脉)
Nasal cavity鼻腔
Design of helmet
再通过适当的培训后,可较为熟练 地使用商业软件进行工程计算。 会自编程序(段)进行科学机理的 研究分析与计算。
描写传热与流动问题的 控制方程
要使方程定解,必须给定: 1. 几何条件
[2087] 机器人技术
[2088] 现代精密与超精密加工技术
[2087]《机器人机械设计》,电子工业出版社1995,龚振邦等;《机器人学导论》,机械工业出版社2006,[美]J.J. Craig着,贠超等译;
[2025]《等离子体物理学》,高等教育出版社 2006年,李定等编着;
[2028] 《高等工程热力学》,西安交通大学,苏长荪
In recent years, with the popularity of computer and expansion of network, Internet-based information management system has opened up a broad market in the enterprise applications. Financial management is an important part of enterprise management, especially with the international competition increasing actively, advanced financial management ideas and stable and secure financial accounting systems are absolutely necessary.
总账系统是用友软件 NC(New Century)产品中财务管理系统的一个子系统, 采用 B/S 三层软件体系结构,基于组件抽取的 MVC 开发模式,选用 Tomcat 服 务器和 Oracle 数据库,设计和实现了统一财务管控下的会计核算处理系统。本 项目采用 ERP 集成财务处理的管理方式,为用户提供基本的会计核算功能,并 提供良好的交互界面。此外,系统还增添核销管理功能和基于辅助核算的多维 财务分析功能。
第 1 章 绪论 ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 课题的背景及研究目的 ............................................................................. 1 1.2 与课题相关的国内外研究综述.................................................................. 1 1.2.1 会计电算化的国内外研究概况 ............................................................ 1 1.2.2 ERP 软件国内外研究概况.................................................................... 2 1.3 本论文的主要工作内容 ............................................................................. 4
• 4)要重视与课程有关的各教学环节(课程设计、下
• 1)《机械制造工艺与装备》是一门专业课,它 与基础课和技术基础课不同,随着科学技术和经 济的发展,课程内容在不断地更新和充实。由于 制造工艺非常复杂,影响因素很多,课程在理论 上和体系上需不断完善和提高。
编制简单的工艺过程卡 编制详细工艺规程及 编制详细工艺规程、工序
传统加工,生产率低, 中等
需要一定熟练程度的 对操作工人要求较低,
• 采用教材: • 叶文华等编,机械制造工艺与装备,哈尔滨工业大学出版社
• 参考资料: • 1)王先逵编著,机械制造工艺学,机械工业出版社,2007 • 2)王启平主编,机械制造工艺学,哈尔滨工业大学出版社 • 3)王信义主编,机械制造工艺学,北京理工大学出版社 • 4)李旦主编,机械制造工艺试题精选与技巧,哈尔滨工业大
•第一章 绪 论
•第八节 生产过程、生产类型与工艺过程 •二、生产纲领与生产类型
•生产类型是由产品的年生产纲领来区别。 •生产纲领和生产批量 •生产纲领: •企业根据市场需求和自身的生产能力编制的在计 划期内,应当生产的产品产量和进度计划。
•计划期为一年 ------ 年生产纲领
Pin 1Pin 124-Jul-2010 PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)5962-0051201Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051201QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051201QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051202Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051202QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051202QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051203Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051203QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051203QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051204Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051204QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051204QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051205Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051205QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051205QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051206Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051206QHA ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051206QPA ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051207Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051207QCA ACTIVE CDIP J141TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051208Q2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples 5962-0051208QCA ACTIVE CDIP J141TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples TLV2460AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2460AIP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460AIPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460AMFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2460AMJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460AMUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460AQD OBSOLETE SOIC D8TBD Call TI Call TI Samples Not Available TLV2460AQDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500TBD Call TI Call TI Purchase Samples TLV2460AQDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460AQPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460AQPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460AQPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460AQPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460CD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460CDBVR ACTIVE SOT-23DBV63000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460CDBVRG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV63000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460CDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23DBV6250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2460CDBVTG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV6250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2460CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460CDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2460CP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460CPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460ID ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2460IDBVR ACTIVE SOT-23DBV63000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460IDBVRG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV63000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460IDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23DBV6250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460IDBVTG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV6250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2460IDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2460IDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2460IP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460IPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2460MFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460MJG ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460MJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460MUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2460QD ACTIVE SOIC D875TBD Call TI Call TI Purchase Samples TLV2460QDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500TBD Call TI Call TI Purchase Samples TLV2460QPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460QPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460QPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2460QPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461AID ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2461AIDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2461AIP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461AIPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461AMFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461AMJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461AMUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461AQD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461AQDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461AQDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461AQDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2461AQPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2461AQPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461CD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461CDBVR ACTIVE SOT-23DBV51Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461CDBVRG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV51Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461CDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23DBV5250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2461CDBVTG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV5250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2461CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461CDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2461CP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461CPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461ID ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461IDBVR ACTIVE SOT-23DBV53000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461IDBVRG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV53000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461IDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23DBV5250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461IDBVTG4ACTIVE SOT-23DBV5250Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461IDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2461IDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2461IP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461IPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2461MFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461MJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461MUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2461QD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2461QDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461QDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2461QDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2461QPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2461QPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462AID ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462AIDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2462AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2462AIP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2462AIPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2462AMFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462AMJG ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462AMJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462AMUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462AQD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462AQDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462AQDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462AQDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2462AQPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2462AQPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDGK ACTIVE MSOP DGK880Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDGKG4ACTIVE MSOP DGK880Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDGKRG4ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462CDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2462CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2462CP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2462CPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free SamplesTLV2462ID ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462IDGK ACTIVE MSOP DGK880Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462IDGKG4ACTIVE MSOP DGK880Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2462IDGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2462IDGKRG4ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2462IDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2462IDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2462IP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2462IPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2462MFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462MJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG81TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462MUB ACTIVE CFP U101TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2462QD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462QDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462QDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2462QDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2462QPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2462QPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2462QPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-220C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2462QPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2463AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2463AIN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463AINE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463AMFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2463AMJ ACTIVE CDIP J141TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2463AMJB ACTIVE CDIP J141TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2463AQD ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463AQDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463AQDR ACTIVE SOIC D1475Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463AQDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2463AQPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2463AQPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463CD ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2463CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2463CDGS ACTIVE MSOP DGS1080Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2463CDGSG4ACTIVE MSOP DGS1080Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2463CDGSR ACTIVE MSOP DGS102500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463CDGSRG4ACTIVE MSOP DGS102500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463CDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2463CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2463CN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463CNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463ID ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2463IDGS ACTIVE MSOP DGS1080Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463IDGSG4ACTIVE MSOP DGS1080Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463IDGSR ACTIVE MSOP DGS102500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2463IDGSRG4ACTIVE MSOP DGS102500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2463IN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463INE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2463MFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD POST-PLATE N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2463MJB ACTIVE CDIP J141TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type Contact TI Distributoror Sales Office TLV2463QD ACTIVE SOIC D1475Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463QDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463QDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2463QDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase Samples TLV2463QPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000TBD CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2463QPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464AID ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464AIDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464AIDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464AIDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2464AIN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples TLV2464AINE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Purchase Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2464AIPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464AIPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464AIPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464AIPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464CD ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464CDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2464CN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2464CNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free SamplesTLV2464CPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464CPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464CPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464CPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464ID ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1450Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Contact TI Distributoror Sales OfficeTLV2464IDR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464IDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D142500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2464IN ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2464INE4ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2464IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464IPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1490Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2464IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2464IPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW142000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2465AID ACTIVE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TI Purchase Samples TLV2465AIDG4ACTIVE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TI Purchase Samples TLV2465AIPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465AIPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465CD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465CDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465CDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2465CDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples TLV2465CN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2465CNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2465CPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2465CPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2465ID ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465IDG4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465IDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples24-Jul-2010Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLV2465IDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2465IN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2465INE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type Request Free Samples TLV2465IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465IPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW1690Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Purchase SamplesTLV2465IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free SamplesTLV2465IPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW162000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM Request Free Samples(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.。
Technical AnnexforBaogang (Group) CorporationSeamless Pipe Plant159 Line ProjectEddy Current Detection UnitTechnical Annex 1General Project Description, Products Plan and General ConditionsTECHNICAL ANNEX 1 – GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION, PRODUCTSPLAN AND GENERAL CONDITIONS1.1. TECHNCIAL SPECIFICATION OF TUBES TO BE TESTED1.1.1 General InformationOuter Diameter: 38.0 – 168.3 mmWall thickness: 2.9 – 25.0 mmLength: 6.0 – 15.0m1.1.2 Type of productHot rolled, ferromagnetic seamless pipes with plain ends; free of magnetic in homogeneities.1.1.3 Surface conditionsHot-rolled, free of loose scale, free from protruding burrs, scabs, chips and spicules.Liquid and grease are not permissible.1.1.4 Condition of endsBoth cut at right angle to the axis, without deformation of cross-section; free from external and internal chips. Plain ends, no upsets.1.1.5 Straightness toleranceMax. 0.20 % (2.0 mm/m referred to the tangent), but not more than 10 mm over the entire length of the test piece.Straightness of tubes within 1.5 m of both ends: < 3.18 mm.1.1.6 Diameter tolerance±1%1.1.7 Wall thickness tolerance+15% -12.5%1.1.8 Ovality≤ 80% of the tolerance of external diameter.1.1.9 Test piece temperature:-15 to 85°CTECHNICAL ANNEX 1 – GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION, PRODUCTSPLAN AND GENERAL CONDITIONS1.2 Requirements for operation, connected values, ambient conditions1.2.1 Ambient conditionsAtmosphere: Normal rolling mill conditionsAmbient temperature (hall temperature): - 15 ~ + 39°CThe electronics and PC are installed in a control cabinet at a temperature 5 ~ 35 °C 1.2.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)Our equipment and systems comply with the requirements of the European Directive89/336/EEC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and corresponding with the EuropeanStandard EN 61326.If at the job site radio disturbances are occurring, which override limits of theEuropean Standard EN 61326 (Industrial environment), additional measures from thecustomer may be necessary for elimination of the radio disturbances.1.2.3 Control VoltageWhen designing other control systems than included in this proposal, that a DCcontrol voltage of 24 V is recommended for all control operations during the actualpipe testing to that full noise suppression during these switching operations ispossible.1.2.4 Power supply: 380 V ± 10%, 50 Hz ± 1 Hz3-phase supply network 4 lines220 V ± 10%, 50 Hz ± 1 Hz Power consumption: approx. 100 kVA1.2.5 Compressed air supplyCompressed air consumption approx. 20 Nm³/hPressure at connection point: 4 - 6 bar gauge pressureQuality of compressed air: low oil and water contentCross-section of connection point:Input side R 1"TECHNICAL ANNEX 1 – GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION, PRODUCTSPLAN AND GENERAL CONDITIONS1.2.6 Other requirementsFoundation plan (the foundation plan can be worked-out after the seller’s drawings)Foundation work,Entry and exit sections (loading / unloading / sorting system, entry- and exit conveyor)should be well functional including the mechanical, electrical and control parts.Anchor elementsA partial assembly and function trial of the equipment in the seller’s factory or attheplant of the seller’s sub-supplier are included in the contract price in such avolume, which is required for matching of functional parts of the scope of supplyfrom the seller.The electrical control system within the scope of supply from the seller, exclusively fulfilsthe task specified therein, and does not cover the remain control and monitoringoperations required for the transport process, e.g. such as supply / transport andsorting of tested materialThe related interface signals exchange shall be provided from the buyer and the sellerrespectively.Technical Annex 2Technical Description and Specification of the EquipmentTechnical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment2.1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT2.1.1 DEFECTOMAT CI 2.812 – with sensor system M 170, 1 setconsisting of:BASE UNIT 1 CHANNEL, DYNAMIC MODEWindows based Eddy Current test equipment for flaw detection on material surface, built in a 19'' Compact housing, with IP63 environmental protection. Single differential channel, 12 selectable test frequencies : 1 - 3 - 6 - 10 - 12 - 15 - 20 - 30 - 60 -100 - 300 - 1000 kHz, High Pass, Low Pass and Speed Adapted Shift Filter for optimised signal to noise ratio. Signal evaluation for Vector, Y-component or Sector mask with two trigger thresholds for separation of small and large defects. Easy operation with TFT colour display, function keys and Turn & Push wheel. Library for unlimited number of setting parameters, Result storage for requests and pieces. USB, Ethernet and VGA interfaces for external components, networking and remote service. Includes operator instructions as online help which can be printed out.Language English, for user dialogue and reports.LASER PRINTER, with USB connectorLaser printer with single-sheet feed, for heavy duty operation, including mainscable and 3 m printer cableREMOTE INTERFACE, VIA TCP/IPWIRELESS MODEM ANALOG, FOR REMOTE SERVICEKEYBOARD + MOUSE, WITH USB CONNECTORSensor system M 1701 MAGNETIZING YOKE M 1701 MAG M, YOKE CURRENT BOX1 TEST PIECE SENSOR, M170 LEFT1 COIL CABLE 20M1 YOKE CABLE 20M1 TEST PIECE SENSOR CABLE 20M2 NOZZLE ADAPTER 44-3, SIZE M40 -> M1702 NOZZLE ADAPTER 100-2, SIZE M90 -> M1702 NOZZLE ADAPTER 1702 NOZZLE, NOM.SIZE 41 (for reference tube)2 NOZZLE, NOM.SIZE 78 (for reference tube)2 NOZZLE, NOM.SIZE 175 (for reference tube)1 COIL ADAPTER 100, SIZE M90 -> M1701 COIL ADAPTER 44, SIZE M40 -> M90Equipment2.1.2 Change parts for magnetizing yoke M 170 Nozzles (1 pair) for diameter range:• > 40 up to 68 mm in 1 mm steps• >70 up to 100 mm in 2.0 mm steps• >104 up to 120 mm in 4.0 mm steps• >125 up to 180.0 mm in 5.0 mm stepsFor each dimension, 2 protection nozzles are necessary.Except for the 4 sets of nozzles for final acceptance test included in the scope ofsupply from the Seller, the other nozzles will be made by the buyer according to theworkshop drawings from Seller.22 LMD-Test coilsTube diametermm Test Coil diameterΦ38,00 42Φ42,40 47Φ44,50 49Φ48,00 53Φ48,26 53Φ48,30 53Φ51,00 55Φ57,00 61Φ60,00 65Φ60,30 65Φ60,32 65Φ63,50 68Φ73,00 78Φ73,02 78Φ73,03 78Φ76,00 80Φ77,80 82Φ88,90 94Φ89,00 94Φ93,20 98Φ101,60 108Φ114,00 120Φ114,30 120Φ120,00 125Φ127,00 135Φ133,00 140Φ139,70 145Φ140,00 145Φ141,00 145Φ141,30 145Φ153,70 160Φ159,00 165Φ168,00 175Φ168,30 175Equipment2.1.3 Demagnetizing equipment EMAG F 200Demagnetizing unit for tubes up to 180 mm Ø and wall thickness up to 25 mm, with adjustable DC field, Power supply in housing W600 H800 D420, with master switch, ON/OFF button, function indicator, selectable frequency 10...100 Hz, and fault indicator, with:Demagnetising SupplyDemagnetising coil, nominal size 200 mm,Cable set, 30 mInstrument for measuring the remaining field2.1.4 MAGNATEST DH3.623Magneto-inductive test instrument with simultaneous multi-frequency technology for non destructive material testing of semi finished products like tubes and bars.Identification, material differentiation and sorting can be integrated in an existing testing line. Automatic series testing in production for quality assurance and production control. The synthetic output pulse contains a large number of individual frequencies and is applied in one shot. Since only the lowest frequency component determines the testing time, this method is particularly the domain where only very short testing time is available, e.g. in online test of long products.Other outstanding features are high throughput rate, evaluation of higher harmonics, easy integration into complex production processes and network capability.consisting of:1 MAGNATEST DH, BASIC UNIT 50HZ1 FUNCTION MODULE MAG DH, TUBE/BAR TESTING HZP1.04 TEST COIL LF ROUND, NOM.SIZE 75 / 100 / 150 and 200 mm1 COIL CABLE, 20m2.1.5 Testing SectionTesting Section, (V-roller system, 120°), for axial transportation of the tubes throughthe transmitter system with:Entry-guard device for avoiding of running in of two test pieces simultaneously into the first roller driver.Laser Speed measuring device for generating mm pulses.Height adjustable (manual) holder for MAGNATEST coilsOne motorized roller driver with two pressure roller. The diameter adjustment of pressure rollers is motorized. Automatic adjustment of pressure rollers will beactivated by control device according to the tube diameter.Lifting and shifting table for DEFECTOMAT sensor system M 170. Automatic vertical adjustment according to bar diameter is motorized. Shifting the table fromthe test position into the maintenance position manually.Technical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the EquipmentOne motorized roller driver with two pressure roller. The diameter adjustment of pressure rollers is motorized. Automatic adjustment of pressure rollers will beactivated by control device according to the tube diameter.Height adjustable (manual) console for Demagnetising coil.Holder for 1 marking devicePaint marking device, 2-channel used for DEFECTOMAT and for MAGNATEST (end marking with certain length)2 marking cable, 20 m longThe marking is length-specific and is not referred to the circumference.The paint vapour exhausting equipment, if necessary, is not part of supply and should be installed by customer.Electrical control equipment (Siemens S7 315-2DP, the CPU load ratio is less than 40% and the spare I/O with more than 15%). Ethernet TCP/IP will be used forcommunication among systems and DP/DP coupler will be used for Sellers andBuyers PLC communication. Control desk, cubicle (in several sections, type ofprotection: IP 54),and frequency converter (Siemens industrial).Set of installation material (cable, special cable, connection box etc.)It is assumed that the distance between the testing section and the control desk orcubicle is not more than 25 m.The electrical equipment is produced according to the Seller’s plant specifications(SIEMENS system) in compliance with the pertinent VDE-regulations.Colour of mechanics: should be stipulated during design liaisonmeetingColour of control equipment: grey RAL 7032Exclusions:The following equipment or performances are excluded:AC power supplyFoundation plan (The foundation plan can be worked-out after our drawings)Foundation worksEntry and exit section(Loading- and unloading system, entry- and exit conveyor)Electrical control system for entry and exit sectionAnchoring elements for the foundation and foundation workLimitations:A partial assembly and function trial of the equipment in the seller’s factory or at theplant of the seller’s sub-supplier are included in our contract price in such a volume,which is required for matching of functional parts of the scope of supply from theseller.The electrical control system within the scope of supply from the seller, exclusively fulfils the task specified therein, and does not cover the remaining control andmonitoring operations required for the transport process, e.g. such assupply/transport and sorting of tested material.Technical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment2.1.6 Wear- and Spare Parts,according to the Technical Annex 10.2.2 Technical Specification of the Equipment2.2.1 Changeover time, Testing speed, Calculating the throughput2.2.1.1 Changeover timeDEFECTOMAT CI 2.812Electronics, Using the stored test data files in each case. approx. 5minutessensor systems M 170: approx. 10minutesTesting SectionAdjusting for new material dimension approx. 5minutesDemagnetiser EMAG FAdjusting the electronic circuitry approx. 5minutesMAGNATEST DHTEST COIL LF, ROUND: approx. 5minutesUsing the stored test data files in each case.Total changeover time for above equipment: approx. 30minutesFor checking and/or adjustment with test material, where required (to check theelectronic circuitry adjusted per experimental values) approx. 20minutesThe above figures refer exclusively to changeover of the equipment supplied bySeller, and presuppose the employment of trained operating personnel and properstorage of the interchangeable parts.The changeover times stated above are based on changeover by two operators. Testing speed of the equipmentDEFECTOMAT CI 2.812 v = 3.0 m/sTesting section: v = 0.3 ~ 3.0 m/sTesting speed is continuously variable (frequency control), reversible at minimumtesting speed.Technical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment EMAG F 200Maximum test speed dependent on demagnetization frequency !f / Hz V max / m/s5 0.257.5 0.3510 0.515 0.720 0.930 1.450 2,0Note:The max. testing speed might be restricted in particular case to approx. 0.25 m/s due to the demagnetising frequency.The demagnetising frequency is depending on:- the wall thickness of the test material- on the alloy (i.e. hard magnetic) and on the heat treatment state.Higher transport speeds are permitted but do, under certain circumstances, impair the demagnetization result.MAGNATEST DHThe testing speed depending on the selected test frequency.In order to reach the required separability it maybe necessary to select a low test frequency which leads to lower test speed. Calculating the throughputThe hourly throughput is calculated according to the following formula:1Throughput [m/hour] = 3600 * v * --------------- * ba + bWhere: a = sequence spacing 5 seconds * v,b = material length in mv = testing speed in m/sTechnical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment2.2.2 Functional description of the equipment quotedThe material to be tested is individually transferred in axial direction to the testing section by the entry section. The entry section will be provided by the Buyer.The transfer speed of the test piece before entering the test section will be identically with the test speed.The test section consists of the drivers required for guiding and feeding and of sliding table for the sensor system. The tube throughput speed is infinitely variable by frequency converter.The drivers arranged ahead of and behind the sensor system in the testing section are necessary to ensure an uniform, smooth and low vibration feed of the test pieces through the sensor system.The sliding table can be shifted horizontally to allow servicing and changing of dimension related parts.The paint marking system located behind the last driver allows marking of defective material sections.After leaving the testing section, the tested material reaches the exit section and is transferred from there to the deposits in accordance with the test result and in conjunction with the control system. The exit conveyor as well as the deposits will be provided by the BuyerTechnical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment2.2.3 Description of the Eddy Current Test EquipmentThe Eddy Current testing equipment DEFECTOMAT CI 2.812 is used for detection of flaws on the external surface of the tubes.Testing method: Eddy current, trough-type-coilSignal evaluation: 2 thresholdsSignal filter pass: automatic filter adaptation, high and low pass FilterTest frequency: 1 - 3 - 6 - 10 - 12 - 15 - 20 - 30 - 60 -100 - 300 -1000 kHzSorting and marking thresholds: 2 thresholds, each adjustable in 1%-stepsEvaluation modes: v/t, y/t, and x/y (vector, y-component and sector)Setting of test parameters: The test parameters can be loaded from the libraryDefect detection: settings with test tubes by artificial defectsTest speed: 3 m/s,Testing: For testing defects on the outer surface of tubes,except untested ends.Test sensitivity for artificial defectsEddy current testing according Chinese Standard GB/T 7735, B-class.External diameter of tubes Diameter of the calibrationstandards (bore hole through tubewall)larger than 38 to less than/equal to 60 mm 1.4 mmlarger than 60 to less than/equal to 76 mm 1.8 mmlarger than 76 to less than/equal to 114 mm 2.2 mmlarger than 114 to less than/equal to 152 mm 2.7 mmlarger than 152 to less than/equal to 170 mm 3.2 mmUntested ends transmitter systems M 170:Untested headtest speed 1 m/s 50 mm + 1 x (4 x wall thickness) for tube headtest speed 3 m/s 50 mm + 3 x (4 x wall thickness) for tube headUntested tube tailtest speed 1 m/s 50 mm + (4 x wall thickness) for tube tailtest speed 3 m/s 50 mm + (4 x wall thickness) for tube tailTechnical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment2.8.1.1 Demagnetizer EMAG FIn order to reach the permissible limit of 20 Gauss at the end of the test piece,the test speed for tubes less than 12 mm wall thickness can be up to 3 m/s.The test speed for tubes > 12 mm wall thickness the test speed might berestricted in particular case which can be refer to the operation manual of theEMAG.Frequency dependence of conveying speedf / Hz V max / m/s5 0.257.5 0.3510 0.515 0.7 20 0.9 30 1.4 50 2.2 75 3.3 100 4.4 Higher transport speeds are permitted but do, under certain circumstances, impair the demagnetisation result.Minimum material conveying speed for all coils: 0.1 m/s.Maximum demagnetisation frequency as a function of the material sizef / Hz Wall thickness tube /mm5 257.5 2510 2515 2520 2530 2050 1275 8100 6It may be practical to select a lower frequency depending on the material composition and heat treatment. Generally however, demagnetisation results which are still acceptable are achieve d even at higher frequencies.Technical Annex Dated:17. September2009 Technical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the Equipment Technical Data of the MAGNATEST DHApplication of EquipmentType: MAGNATEST DH 3.623 with TEST COIL LF ROUNDApplication: Non-destructive material identification of hot rolledtubesMagneto-inductive test instrument with simultaneous multi-frequency technologyMAGNATEST DH 3.623 is used for non destructive material identification of semi-finishedproducts (hot rolled, straightened).Magneto-inductive test instrument with simultaneous multi-frequency technology for nonDestructive material testing of semi-finished products like tubes and bars. Identification,material differentiation and sorting can be integrated in an existing testing line. Automaticseries testing in production for quality assurance and production control. The syntheticoutput pulse contains a large number of individual frequencies and is applied in one shot.Since only the lowest frequency component determines the testing time, this method isparticularly the domain where only very short testing time is available, e.g. in online test oflong products. Other outstanding features are high throughput rate,evaluation of higher harmonics.Functional description of the equipmentThe material to be tested is individually transferred in axial direction (min. distancebetween two tubes is approx. 2 m) to the LF Round test coil by the entry section which isthe part of the supply from the Buyer.The test equipment supplies signals for sorting of the test pieces. The further processingof the sorting signals for sorting purposes shall be done in the electrical control system ofthe customer. Paint Marking DeviceThe flaw marking accuracy is +/- 50 mmTechnical Annex 2 - Technical Description and Specification of the EquipmentAttachment 1 Product mixProduct mixSize of finished productoutside diameterwallthicknesscuttinglengthAnnualOutputAnnualOutputnumber Applicationmm mm m t/a pcs/a1 Petroleum tubing material 48,26 3,68 9,75 1515 48992 Petroleum tubing material 48,26 7,62 9,75 1515 29663 Petroleum tubing material 60,32 4,24 9,75 1815 32394 Petroleum tubing material 60,32 4,83 9,75 1715 27165 Petroleum tubing material 60,32 6,45 9,75 1715 20956 Petroleum tubing material 60,32 8,53 9,75 1317 14067 Petroleum tubing material 73,02 5,51 9,75 39034 494818 Petroleum tubing material 73,02 6,45 9,75 2671 33009 Petroleum tubing material 73,02 7,37 9,75 2759 302610 Petroleum tubing material 73,02 7,82 9,75 5239 545111 Petroleum tubing material 73,02 11,18 9,75 2559 261912 Petroleum tubing material 88,90 5,49 9,75 4571 706013 Petroleum tubing material 88,90 6,45 9,75 6980 928314 Petroleum tubing material 88,90 7,34 9,75 3071 362815 Petroleum tubing material 88,90 9,52 9,75 6994 785516 Petroleum tubing material 88,90 13,46 9,75 2771 289517 Petroleum tubing material 101,60 6,65 9,75 5830 783718 Petroleum tubing material 114,30 6,88 9,75 3794 544619 Petroleum tubing material 114,30 8,56 9,75 5420 635320 Petroleum tubing material 114,30 9,65 9,75 1933 203121 Petroleum tubing material 114,30 16,00 9,75 1530 206422 Petroleum tubing coupling 63,50 6,50 9,83 204 23223 Petroleum tubing coupling 77,80 8,00 8,95 305 31624 Petroleum tubing coupling 93,20 9,00 8,81 1526 157725 Petroleum tubing coupling 114,30 10,50 9,28 406 41626 Petroleum tubing coupling 127,00 11,00 8,58 303 28627 Petroleum tubing coupling 141,30 11,50 9,78 406 38428 Petroleum casing pipe material 114,30 5,21 11,80 2036 418929 Petroleum casing pipe material 114,30 6,35 11,80 1525 260130 Petroleum casing pipe material 114,30 7,37 11,80 2525 374631 Petroleum casing pipe material 114,30 8,56 11,80 1536 198532 Petroleum casing pipe material 139,70 6,20 11,80 9438 1999233 Petroleum casing pipe material 139,70 7,72 11,80 48480 5561534 Petroleum casing pipe material 139,70 9,17 11,80 23488 2293635 Petroleum casing pipe material 139,70 10,54 11,80 16590 2136636 Petroleum casing pipe material 139,70 12,70 11,80 3776 410537 Petroleum casing pipe material 168,28 10,59 11,80 2562 269038 Petroleum casing coupling 127,00 13,00 9,88 510 48139 Petroleum casing coupling 153,70 14,00 10,00 3228 341540 Drill pipe 60,30 7,11 11,67 1000 187641 Drill pipe 73,00 9,19 11,32 1000 103942 Drill pipe 88,90 9,35 10,76 3000 310243 Drill pipe 88,90 11,40 12,00 2000 195244 Drill pipe 114,30 10,92 12,00 5000 509145 Drill pipe 127,00 7,52 10,31 5000 558446 Drill pipe 127,00 12,70 10,08 3000 282847 high pressure boiler tube 38,00 4,50 10,84 1016 286048 high pressure boiler tube 38,00 7,30 10,84 4065 769449 high pressure boiler tube 42,40 2,90 10,91 1016 374150 high pressure boiler tube 42,40 9,00 10,40 1016 192251 high pressure boiler tube 44,50 4,50 11,27 2033 518352 high pressure boiler tube 44,50 7,00 11,96 5082 956853 high pressure boiler tube 48,00 3,50 11,99 1016 321754 high pressure boiler tube 48,00 5,00 11,89 1016 235155 high pressure boiler tube 51,00 6,00 11,68 3049 571556 high pressure boiler tube 51,00 8,00 10,67 5082 954857 high pressure boiler tube 51,00 9,00 11,62 6098 1148958 high pressure boiler tube 51,00 12,00 11,76 4065 764159 high pressure boiler tube 57,00 4,50 11,13 2033 533160 high pressure boiler tube 57,00 12,00 10,16 6098 1149861 high pressure boiler tube 63,50 4,00 12,00 3049 883562 high pressure boiler tube 63,50 5,50 12,00 2033 439563 high pressure boiler tube 63,50 10,00 12,00 3049 327664 high pressure boiler tube 63,50 14,00 10,40 5082 486365 high pressure boiler tube 76,00 5,00 10,58 1016 160066 high pressure boiler tube 76,00 12,00 11,25 1016 97467 high pressure boiler tube 89,00 14,00 10,34 1016 96968 high pressure boiler tube 159,00 25,00 12,00 1016 104769 high pressure boiler tube 168,00 22,00 6,84 1016 95870 low/medium pressure boiler tube 38,00 4,50 10,84 506 142371 low/medium pressure boiler tube 48,00 3,50 11,99 506 160172 low/medium pressure boiler tube 60,00 4,00 10,89 1011 190673 low/medium pressure boiler tube 76,00 5,00 10,58 1011 159274 low/medium pressure boiler tube 114,00 4,50 11,97 2022 472975 low/medium pressure boiler tube 140,00 6,00 10,67 2022 325276 low/medium pressure boiler tube 159,00 20,00 7,86 1011 95877 Line pipe 48,30 3,70 12,00 2062 718378 Line pipe 60,30 3,90 12,00 2062 404279 Line pipe 73,00 5,20 12,00 8301 1353180 Line pipe 88,90 5,50 12,00 9319 1401181 Line pipe 114,30 6,02 12,00 8326 1468282 Line pipe 141,30 15,88 6,00 2062 357183 Line pipe 168,30 11,00 12,00 1044 104184 structural tube 38,00 4,50 10,84 3025 851285 structural tube 48,00 3,50 11,99 6025 1907286 structural tube 48,00 5,00 11,89 2000 462587 structural tube 60,00 4,00 10,89 1200 226288 structural tube 76,00 5,00 10,58 1000 157489 structural tube 76,00 9,00 11,03 2025 210090 structural tube 89,00 6,00 11,06 1600 200491 structural tube 89,00 10,00 10,12 1013 104992 structural tube 114,00 10,00 9,73 2025 207193 structural tube 120,00 5,00 11,67 1600 328994 structural tube 120,00 10,00 9,20 1600 163695 structural tube 133,00 12,00 10,05 2025 191596 structural tube 140,00 6,00 10,67 1000 160897 structural tube 140,00 16,00 11,04 2538 239898 structural tube 159,00 20,00 7,86 3525 333899 liquid service tube 38,00 4,50 10,84 506 1423 100 liquid service tube 48,00 3,50 11,99 506 1601 101 liquid service tube 76,00 4,00 10,66 506 974 102 liquid service tube 76,00 5,00 10,58 506 796 103 liquid service tube 89,00 8,00 10,29 1011 1046 104 liquid service tube 114,00 8,00 10,94 1011 1128 105 liquid service tube 127,00 8,00 9,74 2022 2256 106 liquid service tube 140,00 6,00 10,67 1011 1626 107 liquid service tube 159,00 20,00 7,86 1011 958 108 ship tube 38,00 4,50 10,84 513 1444 109 ship tube 48,00 3,50 11,99 1024 3241 110 ship tube 76,00 7,00 10,81 2050 2322 111 ship tube 89,00 8,00 10,29 1537 1590 112 ship tube 114,00 10,00 9,73 3077 3146 113 ship tube 140,00 12,00 9,50 1024 968 114 ship tube 159,00 25,00 6,50 1026 976 115 petroleum cracking tube 38,00 3,00 10,81 513 2079 116 petroleum cracking tube 57,00 4,00 11,25 1537 4445 117 petroleum cracking tube 89,00 8,00 10,29 2050 2121 118 petroleum cracking tube 114,00 10,00 9,73 3077 3146 119 petroleum cracking tube 141,00 12,00 9,42 1537 1454 120 petroleum cracking tube 159,00 16,00 9,57 1537 1453 Total 406628 589297min 38,0 2,9 6,0 204 232max 168,3 25,0 12,0 48480 55615Technical Annex 3 Scope of supply from both partiesTechnical Annex 3 - Scope of supply from both partiesThe Seller shall supply a set of Eddy Current system with complete functionality, all technical parameters should correspond to the Annex 2. Technical description of this document.3. Scope of Supply from the Seller4 Sets of eddy current NDT equipment, each consisting of:1 DEFECTOMAT CI with sensor system M 170(See Annex 2, Item 2.1.1)1 set of Change parts for magnetizing yoke M 170 (LMD Test coils)(See Annex 2, Item 2.1.2) The nozzles will be made by buyer according to theworkshop drawings from seller.1 Demagnetizing equipment EMAG F 200(See Annex 2, Item 2.1.3)1 MAGNATEST DH 3.623(See Annex 2, Item 2.1.4)1 Testing Section (see Annex 2, item 2.1.5)1 Electrical control equipment (see Annex 2, item 2.1.51 Flaw Marking Device 1.176,2 channel (see Annex 2, item 2.1.5 with color paint forthe first filling.1 set of Wear and Spare PartsSee Annex 10Packing and FOB TransportationOperator training in GermanySee Annex 7Assembly, Putting into Operation and Final Acceptance Test and consumables like color paint, paper, etc. for this period.See Annex 7Technical Documentation according to Annex 5Basic data for entry and exit section。
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ISBN (必传)丛书名书名(必传)定价(必传)978-7-5603-3915-3数学.统计学系列近代拓扑学研究38.00978-7-5603-3999-3无穷分析引论(上)88.00978-7-5603-4000-5无穷分析引论(下)98.00978-7-5603-3809-5国家出版基金资助项目/影响数学世界的猜想与问题从费马到怀尔斯——费马大定理的历史198.00978-7-5603-3916-0国家出版基金资助项目/影响数学世界的猜想与问题从庞加莱到佩雷尔曼——庞加莱猜想的历史298.00978-7-5603-1937-7高等学校研究生教材矩阵分析教程38.00978-7-5603-4086-9平面几何专题研究98.00978-7-5603-4165-1塑性加工学科的创建与发展历程68.00978-7-5603-4207-8哈尔滨市未成年人思想道德建设系列丛书我的梦中国梦(中学版)18.80978-7-5603-4206-1哈尔滨市未成年人思想道德建设系列丛书我的梦中国梦(小学版)19.80978-7-5603-4127-9应用型本科院校“十二五”规划教材/体育类大学生体育理论与实践教程32.80978-7-5603-4208-5哈尔滨市未成年人思想道德建设系列丛书美在哈尔滨29.80978-7-5603-4160-6新编中学化学解题方法全书(高考复习卷)48.00978-7-5603-4116-3高等学校“十二五”规划教材通风工程施工58.00978-7-5603-4096-8“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目土木工程材料39.00978-7-5603-4146-0“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目/材料科学研究与工程技术系列特种焊接技术33.00978-7-5603-4144-6“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目/电子与信息工程系列电子测量技术与应用34.00978-7-5603-4141-5高等学校“十二五”规划教材/市政与环境工程系列丛书基础环境毒理学58.00978-7-5603-4170-5高等学校“十二五”规划教材单片机基本技能与应用系统设计32.00978-7-5603-4167-5普通高等教育“十二五”创新型规划教材/电工电子实验精品系列数字电子技术实验教程22.00978-7-5603-4168-2普通高等教育“十二五”创新型规划教材/电工电子实验精品系列电工学实验教程25.00978-7-5603-4080-7高等学校“十二五”规划教材/工商管理大类系列会计学专业英语26.00978-7-5603-4139-2俄语系列图书最简俄语三阶快速进级26.80978-7-5603-4027-2俄语系列图书全新大学俄语四级考试真题模拟训练28.80978-7-5603-4026-5俄语系列图书大学俄语六级考试真题模拟训练29.80978-7-5603-4184-2钱眼看世界——生活中的会计学29.80出版社(必传)出版日期(必传)作者(必传)作者介绍CIP分类(必传)内容简介(必传)哈尔滨工业大学出版社2012/12/1希尔顿O189本书主要是对近代拓扑学的研究,全书一共分为5章,第1章主要讲述了曲线是什哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/3/1欧拉O173本书是作为微积分预备教程,为弥补初等代数对于微积分的不足,为学生从有穷概哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/3/1欧拉O173本书为微积分预备教程、为弥补初等代数对于微积分的不足,以及为学生从有穷概哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/3/1佩捷,王忠玉,欧O156本书介绍了关于费马大定理的历史,并详细介绍了证明费马大定理的艰难历程.哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/3/1佩捷,李莹英,郭O189本书共分3编23章:上编庞加莱与庞加莱猜想;中编三维空间与拓扑学;下编面向哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1董增福O151.21本书全面、系统地介绍了矩阵论的基本理论、运算方法及其应用。
全书分为13章,主要内容包括化学计量哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1苏德权,王全福TU834本书为适应高等职业教育特点而编写,致力于系统解决通风工程设计施工方面的实哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1迟培云,葛宏翔,TU5本书主要介绍土木工程中常用材料的基本组成、技术性能、质量检验及应用方法和哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1张洪涛,陈玉华TG456 本书主要包括焊接方法中除焊条电弧焊、埋弧焊、气体保护焊等传统焊接方法哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1徐杰TM93本书系统地介绍了电子测量技术的基本原理及测量方法,内容包括:基础知识、测哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1李永锋,王岩,赵R994.6本书主要介绍环境毒理学的基础理论和实验方法。
本书共计5篇14章:第1篇(1~4哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1曾庆波,商俊平,TP368.1 本书以单片机应用为主线,以典型工作任务为载体,以单片机应用系统设计与哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1房国志TN79-33 本书是按照高等学校电子技术实验和课程设计的教学要求,结合作者多年的实哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1赵明TM-33本书共分6章,内容包括电工电子实验基础知识、常用电子仪器仪表的使用、电工哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/8/1周鲜华H31本书是一本为会计英语教学而编写的专业基础教材,内容以基础会计理论、财务会哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1陈国亭H35所有会话场景均以实际需要为依据,内容贴近现实,简单易懂,易学实用。
《最简哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/4/1林丽H359.6适用于高簪学校非俄语专业本专科学生,也可以作为同等学力人员、专升本学生的哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/4/1林丽H359.6本书包括八套大学俄语六级考试真题模拟试题,每套题都附有试题答案(含写作部哈尔滨工业大学出版社2013/7/1许延明女,1969年12月生,山F230从会计学的角度说,爹是一种资产——拼爹这出戏,已经在中国上演了几千年目录(必传)是否重点书印数(首印量)营销活动(媒体报道、书评)出版社推荐语试读章节引言 ∥1第1章 曲线是第一章 函数//1第一章 曲线概述//1上篇 攻克费马大定理的历上编 庞加莱与庞加莱猜想第一章 线性空间与线性变第1章 基本概论及方法 //第一章哈工大锻压专业的创第一章 寻梦篇第一章 寻梦篇第一节 岁月第1章体育概述1.1体育的概念第一篇 美在自然第一章化学计量在实验中的学习项目一 民用建筑排风系绪论第1章 材料学第1章概述1.1焊接方法的第1章 基础知识第1篇环境毒理学基本原理第1章单片机基础与基本技能第1章绪论1.1数字电路实第1章 电工电子实验基础知Chapter 1 TheAccounting第一阶第一部分迎来一、全新大学俄语四级考试大学俄语穴级考试真题模拟第一章 当黑帮教父遇见会计开本页数字数(千字)版次装帧作者国别/地区读者群体图书策划公司译者16172229 1.1平塑美国本书适合高等院校数学林聪源16280400 1.1平塑瑞士数学工作者和广大数学张延伦16325470 1.1平塑瑞士数学工作者和广大数学张延伦16720830 1.1精装本书适合大中学数学爱1611501330 1.1精装本书适合于高等学校数16350529 1.1平塑本书可作为工科院校硕16535613 1.1平塑本书可供中学数学师生16306320 1.1平塑1610060 1.1平塑中学生1611467 1.1平塑小学生16257374 1.1平塑本书适合于高等院校本16183151 1.1平塑16490748 1.1平塑中学生16456725 1.1平塑本书可作为高职高专院16350501 1.1平塑本书是高等院校土木工16276396 1.1平塑本书可作为普通高等院16311475 1.1平塑本书可以作为高等学校16388587 1.1平塑本书可供环境科学、环16210310 1.1平塑本书可作为电气控制类16150229 1.1平塑本书可作为普通高等学16160248 1.1平塑大32200250 1.1平塑本书可作为高等院校本16142230 1.1平塑可作为高职高专等外语16162210 1.1平塑适用于高簪学校非俄语16168215 1.1平塑本书适用于高等学校非16262257 1.1平塑建议上架类别责任编辑册数/包插图作者书名(原文)作者(原文)外文书名包装高度拓扑学张永芹40Modern topology 26分析/科普张永芹20Infinite analysis 26分析/科普张永芹20Infinite analysis 26科普类/数学史/数论王勇钢12From fermat 26科普类/数学史/拓扑学张永芹8Frompoincare 26张永芹24Matrix analysis 26初等数学/平面几何张永芹1623许雅莹28Establis hment 23甄淼淼72My dream china 23甄淼淼60My dream china 23苗金英40College sports26甄淼淼4023张 瑞1626张 瑞2426张秀华28Civil engineer 26刘 瑶36Special welding 26许雅莹36Technolo gy and26李广鑫2826李广鑫4826范业婷7226李长波7226田新华100Accounti ng in21甄淼淼8023甄淼淼5623甄淼淼5623许雅莹32Accounta nt sees26印张纸张/载体册数著作方式附件印刷厂译者介绍初版时间正文语种腰封宣传印刷情况11.5纸质18.25纸质21纸质45纸质72.25纸质22纸质34.25纸质19纸质6.25纸质7纸质16.25纸质11.25纸质30.75纸质28.5纸质21.75纸质17.25纸质19.5纸质24.25纸质13.25纸质9.5纸质10纸质6.625纸质9纸质10.25纸质10.5纸质16.5纸质原出版社。