
OCLC CAMIO艺术博物馆在线1. 简介艺术博物馆在线(CAMIO – Catalog of Art Museum Images Online)收录了世界各地丰富多样的艺术资料,其内容及描述由二十多家世界级知名博物馆提供。
CAMIO 馆藏丰富,涵盖公元前 3,000 年至今约 95,000 件艺术作品,包括照片、绘画、雕塑、装饰和实用物品、印刷品、素描和水彩画、珠宝和服饰、纺织物和建筑,以及音频、视频和混合媒体资料等。
CAMIO 展示了各种美术和装饰艺术作品资料,为教育、研究和欣赏提供高质量的艺术图像。
2. 特点◆内容丰富、形式多样,提供当代珍稀艺术资料;◆所有内容已获得版权并可用于教学;◆作品图像分辨率高、描述详细;很多作品还有多视角的图像、音频、视频以及博物馆提供的描述;◆图像采用 JPEG 格式,尺寸各异,便于保存,还可下载使用;◆一次登录可访问多个博物馆馆藏,提供强大的、不受限制的、基于网络的搜索;◆运行条件简单,可使用任何网络浏览器查看。
3. 资源类型与收录数量4. 合作博物馆名单目前,CAMIO共与二十多家世界级知名博物馆合作,包含美国第一大博物馆大都会博物馆(The Metropolitan Museum of Art )、全美第三大美术馆费城艺术博物馆(Philadelphia Museum of Art )、世界知名摄影博物馆乔治•伊士曼之家,国际摄影博物馆(George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography )、美国最著名的当代艺术中心之一沃克艺术中心(Walker Art Center )、英国第二大博物馆维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum )。

歡迎來訪 M+視覺文化博物館!這本指南會介紹M+、通達導賞團及工作坊,並列出注意事項。
目錄01M+是甚麼地方?402M+收藏了甚麼物件?603視覺文化是甚麼?804進入 M+1205我們會做甚麼?1506我們會去甚麼地方? 1707要注意的事2508看不完全部展品,怎麼辦?2809與 M+聯絡2910出發前的準備3011我的參觀紀錄3212製作名單 34頁數章節01M+是甚麼地方?M+是西九文化區內的一座博物館。
4M+收藏了很多視覺文化物件,大部分是由 1950 年代至今製作。

ArtCAM 使用技巧-- 入门必备一. 如何对齐轮廓线节点?如果需将下图所示的节点在水平方向对齐:则使用手动方法对齐节点很有效。
为保证对齐精度,我们可采取下述两种方法中的任意一种:7 c5 j5 @* b. F% h:方法1:使用捕捉。
1. 在所需对齐位置增加一条标线。
2. 从主菜单中选取“二维查看”、“按标线捕捉”选项,打开按标线捕捉功能。
3. 用左鼠标键选取需对齐的节点,将其拖动到标线上,则节点自动捕捉到标线上。
方法2:手动编辑节点的XY坐标1. 用右鼠标键点击所需对齐的节点。
2. 选取属性。
3. 在属性对话方框中输入所需的Y 坐标值。
4. 选取确定,接受改变。
5. 对每个节点重复上述过程。
6. 编辑后的节点具有相同的Y 坐标,也即节点呈直线排列。
若需将节点在垂直方向对齐,用上述同样方法改变X 坐标值即可。
. 如何通过阳模浮雕产生阴模浮雕? 6 C5 Y* e- \5 c! `; b9 @阳模和阴模代表了一个形体的前后两个部分,在它们中间是一块金属板。
1. 首先保存好阳模浮雕。
(防止因疏忽使阳模浮雕被由它所产生的阴模浮雕所覆盖)2. 从浮雕编辑工具栏中选取浮雕偏置图标,于是打开偏置浮雕对话视窗。
3. 在偏置方向选项中选取向外,同时指定一偏置距离。
4. 点取转换图标,于是产生一个原浮雕的镜像浮雕。
三. 是否一定要通过阳模来产生阴模浮雕或是一定需通过阴模来产生阳模浮雕?! O2 p9 M6 d: P" S应首先产生用于挤压出精细细节的那一面浮雕。


1.Configuration drawingArtiosCAD 为瓦楞和折叠纸盒设计建立标准. 拥有ArtiosCAD ,你可以进行结构设计,结合图形,创建3D 模型,进行刀模准备或直接输出,一切均在同一应用软件中,无缝连接,无需转换。
.结合标准图库, 重复订单在几秒钟内就可完成准备刀模。
ArtiosCAD 使设计更简单,高效.DesktopCADDesktopDTPFront-endcontrollerArtiosCAD Workstation11. Product descriptionsBUILDER 的功能:● 通过Style 目录完成新的设计。
● 输入数值时在屏幕上显示出图解。
● 验证输入资料的有效性,防止错误设计。

以下是一些参考:1. 资讯和票务在游览弗洛伦萨乌菲兹美术馆之前,请提前了解一些基本资讯。
2. 行前准备在前往美术馆之前,确保带上必要的物品和相关准备。
3. 游览路线弗洛伦萨乌菲兹美术馆收藏了大量珍贵的艺术品,因此游览计划非常重要。
4. 作品亮点在美术馆中,一些作品被视为亮点,值得更加关注。
5. 导览服务如果您对艺术知识了解较少,可以选择导览服务。
6. 遵守规定在游览弗洛伦萨乌菲兹美术馆时,请遵守相关规定和规章制度。
7. 餐饮和休息美术馆内通常设有餐厅和咖啡厅,供游客休息和用餐。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 中国重要报纸全文数据库 (CCND) 中国环境标准网 国家标准化管理委员会网站 金图国际外文数字图书 万方数字资源系统(中外标准 类数据库) 读秀学术搜索(标准资源) 银符考试模拟题库 超星名师讲坛视频数据库 Science DirELSEVIER 丛书数据库 CELL PRESS (14 种期刊) CCC 数据库 CAMIO 艺术博物馆在线数 据库 中国社会科学引文索引 (CSSCI) 中国科学引文索引(CSCD) 中国专利数据库 中美百万册数字图书馆 中国西部环境与生态科学数 据中心 万方数据中外专利数据库 读秀学术搜索(专利信息) 人大复印报刊资料全文数据 库 超星读秀学术搜索 Springer 全文数据库 ProQuest 全文期刊数据库 EBSCO 全文数据库 超星全文电子图书 书生之家电子图书全文数据 库 中国知识资源总库(CNKI) Prefix=CC ND /cn/index.html/ / /Standard.aspx / /index.jsp / / / /autologin.html / / / / /search_sou.jsp / / / px /?channel=searchPatent / / /science/index / / / /grid2008/index/ZKCALD.htm

废弃的艺术仪器和道具也可以作为艺术品进行展示,如雕塑、绘画等,可以作为装饰品或收藏 品。
颜料:选择合适的颜色,根据 需要调整颜料的浓度和透明度
画笔:选择合适的笔刷,根 据需要调整笔刷大小和硬度
画板:选择合适的画板,根据 需要调整画板的角度和位置
调色板:选择合适的调色板,根 据需要调整调色板的大小和形状
雕塑刀: 用于雕刻、 塑形和打 磨
钢琴:键盘乐器,广泛应用于各种音乐领域 小提琴:弦乐器,具有丰富的表现力 吉他:弦乐器,常见于流行音乐和摇滚音乐 长笛:管乐器,音色优美,常用于古典音乐和爵士音乐
相机:包括单反相机、 微单相机、卡片相机
镜头:包括定焦镜头、 变焦镜头、广角镜头、
闪光灯:包括内置闪 光灯、外置闪光灯、
雕塑锤: 用于敲击、 塑形和调 整
雕塑钳: 用于夹持、 固定和调 整
雕塑锯: 用于切割、 分割和打 磨
雕塑刷: 用于清理、 打磨和上 色
雕塑泥: 用于制作 雕塑原型 和模型
钢琴:坐姿端正,手指自然弯曲,触键力度适中 小提琴:持琴姿势正确,左手按弦,右手持弓,弓法熟练 吉他:左手按弦,右手拨弦,注意和弦转换和节奏把握 萨克斯:正确握持乐器,嘴唇自然闭合,气息控制得当
相机设置:调 整曝光、对焦、 白平衡等参数
拍摄技巧:掌 握构图、光线、

虽然瓷砖并非源自葡萄 牙,但却在当地发展至 高层次艺术,并修成正 果,首都里斯本更称得 上是由瓷砖画描摹的城 市。
广泛的题材包括了大航海时代的历史 事件记录、宗教主题、贵族日常生活 及里斯本风景、带有葡萄牙特色的青 花瓷艺术呈现等
16世纪瓷砖画艺术进入葡萄牙时,因工艺复杂,价格昂贵,只装饰在 教堂、修道院、王宫和贵族宅邸的建筑物上,后来这种装饰艺术日渐 普及,开始出现在各类建筑上,如今在普通居所中也有了更多应用。
•法多作为葡萄牙文化流传中的国宝,是葡萄牙文化和传统中具有世界性意义 的音乐符号。转化为拉丁语是“命运”的意思,歌曲充满激情,揭示了葡萄牙 人民在充满“钉子”和无望的环境下产生了绝望的信念。
•葡萄牙的每个地方都有自己的一种音乐风格和法多,起源地是里斯本,后来 迅速以不同的形式传到波尔图和科英布拉。
•来源:1自于非洲的奴隶和由巴西的西非舞蹈改编,2葡萄牙海员的悲伤之歌 的发展或者是在摩尔人占领葡萄牙时发展出来
•法多的最早表现形式:一个名为Maria Severe的吉普赛女人和一个高贵的伯 爵Vimioso之间禁忌之爱的故事。
•在葡萄牙,瓷砖装饰叫“阿兹勒赫”,来自阿拉伯文“光滑的石头”的 意思。
圣地亚哥里贝罗 特点:最活跃的超现实主义画家之 一,作品一般展现梦幻般的时尚感
豪尔赫·桑托斯 特点:强烈的色彩和强烈的性别感,画风细腻到很像照片
英文名称: Cultural Landscape of Sintra 国家: 葡萄牙
历史经历:1、伊斯兰教时期(713年―1147 年)是里斯本的属地和除里斯本之外的第二 大城市中心。 2、1147年,辛特拉随即成为基督教世界一 部分。 3、约翰一世(1385―1433年)时,葡萄牙 伟大航海时代的开始,辛特拉的皇宫中大兴 土木。 4、15和16世纪,成为皇族主要休假地点。 5、西班牙统治时期,朝廷遗弃了辛特拉。
Icon 美学系统操作手册说明书

HANDPIECE PREPARATIONCynosure ® recommends cleaning between treatments of different individuals as described in the Chapters in the Operator’s Manual about the Base Module and different handpieces. Please refer to the handpiece Chapters for more details.∙Each pulsed-light handpiece and each non-ablative handpiece require cleaning and disinfection before and after treatments. In addition, the light-emitting window should be periodically wiped clean of hair and other debris between treatments.∙Each ablative handpiece requires cleaning and disinfection before and after treatments; consult the specific handpiece ’s Chapter for complete handpiece cleaning and setup information.∙For ablative treatments, in the event that a handpiece comes in contact with mucous membranes,broken, infected, bleeding or otherwise potentially infectious areas of the skin, Cynosure ®recommends cleaning the handpiece with an EPA-registered disinfectant/detergent, e.g., Sani-Cloth ®Plus, LpHse ®, and Birex ®. Please follow the cleanser manufacturer’s directions.BASE MODULE AND HANDPIECE CLEANING∙See relevant handpiece Chapters for any specific cleaning details, such as with the 2940 handpiece cleaning and disinfecting.∙During cleaning and disinfection, the Icon™ Aesthetic System should be switched off and disconnected from the main power supply.∙Pure, undiluted alcohol or detergents should not be used.∙Cleaning between treatments of different individuals: Clean the Base Module and umbilical using gauze or cloth moistened with a mixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water. Cynosure ® recommends cleaning the handpiece window with an EPA-registered disinfectant/detergent, e.g., Sani-Cloth ® Plus,LpHse ®, or Birex ®. Please follow the cleanser manufacturer’s directions. (For Sani-Cloth ® users, ensure the product is the stronger Plus version and not HB.)∙During treatment on same person: Cynosure ® recommends gauze or cloth moistened with a mixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water.∙Do not submerge a handpiece in any solution as it may cause a hazardous condition for the operator and possibly those being treated. Submerging may also cause the Icon™ Aesthetic System to malfunction.Icon Cleaning & Disinfecting ManualBASE MODULE AND HANDPIECE CLEANINGCynosure® recommends cleaning and disinfectingbetween persons being treated as described in thesection below.In the event that a Handpiece comes in contact withmucous membranes, broken, infected, bleeding orotherwise potentially infectious areas of the skin,Cynosure® recommends cleaning and disinfectingthe light-emitting end of the Handpiece. (ForSaniCloth® users, ensure the product is the strongerPlus version, and not HB.) See below for cleaninginstructions for the Handpiece and Base Module.•During cleaning and disinfection, theand disconnected from the mainpower supply.•Pure, undiluted alcohol or detergentsshould not be used.•Cleaning and disinfecting between personsbeing treated: Clean the Base Module andumbilical using gauze or cloth moistened with amixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water.Cynosure recommends cleaning anddisinfecting the Handpiece window with anEPA-registered disinfectant / detergent e.g.SaniCloth® Plus, LpHse®, or Birex®. Please followthe cleanser manufacturer’s directions.•The use of SaniCloth® Plus meets therequirements for OSHA level disinfection ofsurfaces.•During treatment on same person: Cynosurerecommends gauze or cloth moistened with amixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water. Makesure the Handpiece is totally dry before pulsing.•Do not submerge the Handpiece in anysolution as it may cause a hazardous conditionfor the operator and possibly those beingtreated and also cause the System tomalfunction.2500-0047_001 1064+ LASER SPECIFICATIONS Icon™Operator’s Manual8-PROCEDURE TO CLEAN/CHANGE TREATMENT OPTICS AND DISPOSABLE SINGLE-USE FOCAL GUIDES NOTE: Do not attempt to change treatment Optics until your Icon™Aesthetic System screen prompts to do so. Refer to the following instructionswhen prompted to install Optics or disposable single-use Focal Guides.It is required that the Optics be cleaned prior to administering treatments.Protective gloves, laser plume protective masks, and protective eyewearmust be worn during cleaning procedure.To clean and sanitize the Optic, wipe all surfaces (including the front andrear window) with a Sani-Cloth® Plus. Next, wrap the Optic in a Sani-Cloth® Plus and place in a sealed plastic bag for no longer than 5-10minutes—any longer may damage the Optic. Lastly, wipe the Opticwindow with an isopropyl alcohol wipe.CAUTION: Do not submerse an Optic In fluid, anddo not wrap an Optic in a Sani-Cloth® Plus forlonger than 10 minutes, as damage to the Opticmay result.Never autoclave an Optic.CHANGING THE OPTIC•To remove a treatment Optic, rotate the locking collartowards the “unlock” position until the Optic disengages.•Visually inspect the Optic window for any contamination.Clean with a Sani-Cloth® Plus as required for no longer thanten minutes, or damage to the Optic may result.•Place the protective cap on the Optic and place into thestorage box.•Install a treatment Optic by gently inserting the Optic into thedistal end of the Handpiece. Tighten the Optic by rotatingthe locking collar towards the “lock” position until secure.NOTE: The gold Calibration Optic, shown at right, is matched to your specificHandpiece and is not interchangeable with other 2940 Handpieces.CAUTION: Disposable single-use Focal Guides are designedto be autoclave steam sterilized before use. Multiple use, oruse without autoclave steam sterilization, may cause cross-contamination to patient and damage to the device.During the treatment, the Focal Guide may collect debris. The debrismay be wiped away with a 4x4 wipe dampened with sterile water.STERILIZING THE DISPOSABLE SINGLE-USE FOCAL GUIDE (Applied part) The Focal Guide must be sterilized before use. To sterilize, seal the Focal Guide in an autoclavable sterilization pouch. The pouch should be large enough to hold the Focal Guide without stressing the pouch’s seals. Place the pouch in a steam autoclave and select the settings below: Temperature Time Cycle Type Minimum Dry Time 250°F (121°C) 30 minutes Gravity 15 minutesThe Focal Guide is designed for single, one time use.2500-0049_001 2940 FRACTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Icon ™ 9-222940 HandpieceHANDPIECE CLEANING•Pure, undiluted alcohol or detergents should not be used .During cleaning and disinfection, the system should be switched off and disconnected from the main power supply. •For instructions on cleaning and disinfecting the Optic, see section titled SINGLE USE PROCEDURE TO CLEAN/CHANGE TREATMENT OPTICS AND DISPOSABLE FOCAL GUIDES. Do not submerge the Handpiece, Optics, or disposable single use Focal Guides in any type of solution. Submerging the Handpiece and its accessories may cause hazardous condition for the user and possibly the person being treated. Submersing may also cause the system to malfunction or permanent damage. Do not autoclave the Optics.•Follow the instructions on the Sani-Cloth ® Plus container.Since the Handpiece may becomecontaminated with blood, fluids or human tissue, it must be cleaned and disinfected after every treatment with Sani-Cloth ® Plus disposable wipes or equivalent.Use of Sani-cloth meets the requirements for OSHA level disinfection of surfaces. After every treatment, you must wipe down the entire 2940 Handpiece, Optic and its umbilical. Per Cleaning Procedure, the Optic also needs to be wrapped in a Sani-Cloth ® Plus disposable wipe for no more than 5-10 minutes. Longer than ten minutes may damage the Optic. Complete cleaning and disinfecting of the Optics by wiping the distal end of the Optic (the Optic window) closest to the disposable Focal Guide with an isopropyl alcohol wipe. Do not immerse the Optics in any type of liquid as it may permanently damage the Optics. The disposable single use Focal Guide must be sterilized before use. Refer to PROCEDURE TO CLEAN/CHANGE TREATMENT OPTICS AND DISPOSABLE SINGLE USE FOCAL GUIDES. Do not reuse the disposable Focal Guides due to potential cross contamination.Contact your local Department of Public Health for specific waste handling and disposal regulations that apply to the used disposable Focal Guides, other contaminated disposables, and medical waste material.CAUTION: Disposable single-use Focal Guides are designed to be autoclave steam sterilized before use. Multiple use, or use without autoclave steam sterilization, may cause cross-contamination topatient and damage to the device.1540 Handpiece BASE MODULE AND HANDPIECE CLEANINGCynosure® recommends cleaning and disinfecting between persons being treated as described inthe section below.In the event that a Handpiece comes in contactwith mucous membranes, broken, infected,bleeding or otherwise potentially infectious areasof the skin, Cynosure® recommends cleaningand disinfecting the light-emitting end of theHandpiece with an EPA-registereddisinfectant/detergent, e.g., SaniCloth® Plus,LpHse®, or Birex®. Follow the cleansermanufacturer’s directions.The use of SaniCloth® Plus meets the requirementsfor OSHA level disinfection of surfaces.Follow instructions on the detergent packaging.•During cleaning and disinfection,and disconnected from the mainpower supply.•Pure, undiluted alcohol ordetergents should not be used.•Cleaning between persons being treated: Cleanand disinfect the Base Module and umbilical usinggauze or cloth moistened with a mixture of 70%alcohol and 30% water. Cynosure® recommendscleaning and disinfecting the Handpiece windowwith an EPA-registered disinfectant / detergente.g. SaniCloth® Plus, LpHse®, or Birex®. Pleasefollow the cleanser m anufacturer’s directions. (ForSaniCloth® users, ensure the product is the strongerPlus version, and not HB.)•During treatment on same person: Cynosure®recommends gauze or cloth moistened with amixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water.•Do not submerge the Handpiece in any solutionas it may cause a hazardous condition for theoperator and possibly those being treated.Submerging may also cause the System tomalfunction.XD MICROLENS™ OPTIC CLEANING Immediately after XD Microlens™ optic treatment, Cynosure recommends cleaning the XD Microlens™ per the following steps.NOTE: Wear protective glasses,gloves, gowns and facemasks perthe device user’s office protocolsfor scrubbing and cleaningpatient-contact surfaces.STEP 1. Ensure protective rear cover is attached, as shown at right.STEP 2. Saturate a SELECT SAT™ drywipe (or equivalent, 7x7” size orlarger) with a 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution and wipe down the XD Microlens sapphire surface to cleanany loose debris that may be present. STEP 3: Using a clean, soft nylon brush (e.g., toothbrush or similar detail brush), gently clean the XD Microlens sapphire face in two directions as shown in the photos below using gentle strokes toavoid damaging the sapphire surface.XD MICROLENS™ OPTIC CLEANING, CONTINUED .STEP 4: Using a fresh 70% IPAsaturated wipe, re-wipe the XDMicrolens sapphire head asshown at right.STEP 5:Wrap the XD Microlenswith a fresh 70% IPA saturatedwipe, ensuring continual contactwith the wipe and the sapphiresurface. An elastic band can beused to hold the wipe in place.After ten (10) minutes haveelapsed, unwrap the XDMicrolens and wipe it with aclean, soft damp cloth to removeany residue. Let the XD Microlensair dry, and store in a safe place.。

8. OCLC 的会员
OCLC 的会员以图书馆 (或博物馆,或档案馆) 为单位,不是以个人 为单位。OCLC 的会员分三种: 管理性会员馆 (Governing Members) 愿意将全部新馆藏使用 WorldCat 作编目,将馆藏登陆在 WorldCat与全球图书馆真诚合作共建共享 会员馆 (Members) 愿意将一部分(但不是全部)新馆藏使用 WorldCat 作编目
是由国家经费支持的我国高等教育“211工程 ”总体规划的公共服务体系。目的是为了实现 信息资源共建、共知、共享,以发挥最大的社 会效益和经济效益,为中国的高等教育服务。 建设了文理、工程、农学、医学四个全国文献 信息中心,华东北、华东南、华中、华南、西 北、西南、东北七个地区中心和一个东北地区 国防信息中心,发展了152个高校成员馆,建 立了一系列国内外文献数据库,包括联合目录 数据库、中文现刊目次库等自建数据库和引进 的国外数据库等 。
为了进一步发展和加强OCLC与中国图书馆界的合作关系,提升对中 国图书馆的服务水平,为中国图书馆事业贡献力量,OCLC联机计算机 图书馆中心于2007年7月在中国北京设立了代表处。
“中国不仅是世界上经济发展最快的国家之一,而且还拥有 5000年的历史与文化。OCLC将一如既往的致力于帮助促进 中国图书馆之间的合作以达到资源共享,并且将向中国提供 更多的机会来向世界展示她悠久的历史、丰富的文化以及深 厚的学识”。
1. 什么是OCLC?OCLC做些什么?
1967年7月15日,OCLC由美国俄亥俄州54所大学图书馆组成,取名 为俄亥俄大学图书馆中心(Ohio College Library Center)简称OCLC。 1977年,改名为联机计算机图书馆中心(Online Computer Library Center),简称仍为OCLC。

摄影作品收 藏极为丰富
乔治•伊士曼之家,国际摄影博物馆 印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆
加拿大唯一一座 美国国会图书馆 收藏当代艺术家 洛杉矶县艺术博物馆
路易斯安那州立博物馆 波士顿美术博物馆 费城艺术博物馆
全美第三大美术馆,馆内 收描艺术品达30多万件之 Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal 多,其中以法国印象派作 Museum of Fine 品最著名 Arts, Boston
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— 芝加哥艺术学院视觉资源馆员 Leigh Gates
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二、智能导览系统1. 智能导览系统简介智能导览系统是指通过AI技术实现对展馆内的作品解读和参观路线推荐等功能的系统。
2. 如何使用智能导览系统a. 下载与安装:用户需要根据展览提供方提供的指引下载并安装相应的APP或软件。
b. 选择语言与偏好:打开APP或软件后,用户可以选择自己熟悉的语言和个人偏好设置。
c. 扫码导览:在入场处或作品旁边,用户可以扫描二维码获取作品信息,并即时收听AI解说带来更全面的艺术体验。
d. 个性化推荐:系统会根据用户的浏览记录和反馈,智能分析用户的喜好并提供个性化的作品推荐。
三、虚拟现实展览体验1. 虚拟现实技术简介虚拟现实技术是一种通过电脑生成的仿真环境,使用户可以与这个虚拟环境进行交互。
2. 如何使用虚拟现实技术a. 佩戴设备:参观者需要佩戴虚拟现实头盔以及手柄等装置。
b. 选择展览内容:打开虚拟现实应用程序后,参观者可以选择自己感兴趣的展览内容。
c. 进行艺术探索:通过手柄进行操作和交互,参观者可以在虚拟环境中自由探索作品、了解细节以及与其它参观者互动。
四、艺术作品风格生成1. 艺术风格生成技术简介艺术风格生成技术是一种基于机器学习的方法,通过分析大量的艺术作品数据集,使计算机能够模拟并生成具有特定风格的新作品。
2. 如何使用艺术风格生成技术a. 输入参考作品:用户可以提供一幅或多幅参考作品,以指导计算机模拟所需的艺术风格。
b. 设置参数与样式:用户可以根据个人喜好调整参数,控制生成作品的细节和特点。

参观根雕艺术馆的流程Visiting a root carving art gallery is an experience that allows one to appreciate the intricate skill and creativity of the artists. 参观根雕艺术馆是一种能够让人欣赏艺术家复杂技巧和创造力的体验。
From the moment you step into the gallery, you are greeted by the unique aroma of wood and the sight of beautifully crafted sculptures. 当您踏入艺术馆时,首先遇到的是木头独特的香气和精美雕刻的雕塑。
The ambiance is serene, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the artworks. 气氛宁静,让游客能够沉浸在艺术品的美丽之中。
Each piece tells a story, whether it's a depiction of nature or a representation of traditional Chinese culture. 每件作品都讲述着一个故事,不论是自然的描绘还是中国传统文化的代表。
As you walk through the gallery, you can feel the passion and dedication that went into creating each sculpture. 当你穿过画廊时,可以感受到创作每座雕塑所付出的激情和专注。
The intricate details and fine craftsmanship are evident in every piece, showcasing theartisan's talent and creativity. 每件作品都展现出精致的细节和精湛的手艺,展示了艺术家的才华和创造力。

EN2IntroductionA place to dream –with your eyes wide open.The dream of the sports car becomes reality before your eyes in the Porsche Museum. Delve deep into the exciting world of this sports car manufacturer. There’s also lots to discover away from the main exhibition. Besides culinary and cultural delights, there’s an adventure in store for our younger guests too.A tour through the exhibition is the stuff dreams are made of. In the 5,600 square metre exhibition area, you will find legend-ary racing cars, fascinating series production cars, as well as unusual prototypes and studies. More than 80 vehicles are just waiting to be discovered, and heard.Delve even deeper into the history of Porsche at the end of the exhibition tour. The interactive Porsche Touch Wall takes you on a virtual journey in time with its exciting high-tech features. You can also watch live demonstrations of how we restore classic Porsche cars in the Museum Workshop and prepare them for their journeys around the world.Situated above the workshop is the ‘memory’ of Porsche AG. The Porsche Company Archives contain all the important infor-mation on Porsche AG, covering the economic, technical, social and cultural aspects of the company.You can take a pit stop any time during your visit at the coffee bar, Bistro Boxenstopp or the Christophorus Restaurant. And our museum shop offers everything to set young and old Porsche fans’ hearts racing.Look forward to lots of action-packed hours ahead of you in the Porsche Museum. All the details on our services and offers can be found in this brochure.5Guided ToursLet us lead you the way.We are experts in leading.Guided Tours of the Museum and LocationRegular and Individual Guided ToursWe offer guided tours open to the public twice a day at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you would like to take part in a tour, you will need to register at the ticket desk on the day of your visit. Individual guided tours for groups of a maximum 25 persons in various languages can be booked in advance.Awareness TourThe one-hour Awareness Tour lets you experience and par-ticipate in the history of Porsche from a completely different perspective. The focus of this tour is on experiencing things for yourself, i.e. learning by doing. The tour is also suitable as a team-building exercise. The minimum age requirement is 12 years of age.Guided Tours for People with DisabilitiesThe Porsche Museum offers guided tours for visitors withhearing and visual disabilities, in easy-to-understand language and for sufferers of dementia. Please note that sign language interpreters must be organised by tour participants themselves.Zuffenhausen History WalkZuffenhausen has been the heart of the Porsche brand for over 80 years. Walking through its historic and modern buildings, you will learn how the site has developed from its beginnings as a construction office to a highly modern automotive factory.More information about prices and registration is available on our website /museum or from our visitorservice:**********************.6Factory Tours911/718 Factory TourDiscover the fascinating world of vehicle production and expe-rience the perfect symbiosis between tradition and modernity at the Porsche headquarters in Zuffenhausen. This one-and-a-half-hour plant tour takes you through various production departments, giving you an exclusive insight into the best of leather craftsmanship and series production. Our 911 and 718 sports cars are manufactured together with close-to-pro-duction race cars on one single assembly line – a first in the automotive industry.Taycan Factory TourExperience Porsche Production 4.0 – smart, lean and green. Our two-hour Taycan tour takes you through the world’s most cutting-edge vehicle production plant, showing you the latest technologies and production processes for you to witness up close the development of the first all-electric Porsche car. The Taycan Factory Tour can be booked from March 23, 2020 onwards.Powertrain Factory TourPerfection in product and process: Find out what drives our sports cars. Boxer, V and electric engines are manufactured at our plant in Zuffenhausen. Learn more about all three types of engine on this two-hour tour through various assembly areas. Powertrain Factory Tours are available from March 23, 2020. More information about prices and registration is available on our website /museum or send an e-mail to:**************************.8Porsche 4KidsThe great dream of a Porsche.Is something the kids can also experience.In the Porsche Museum, children can explore the exhibition on their own by going on the Porsche 4Kids Rally and solving a number of creative and tricky tasks along the way. The rally is available at the ticket desk in the Porsche Museum. The Porsche 4Kids Tours and the free Porsche 4Kids Multimedia Guide explain the exhibition in an age-appropriate way.Ever thought about celebrating a Porsche 4Kids Birthday Party in the company of over 23,000 PS? You can choose between three themes “Motor Sports”, “Design” and “Future” and play the role of a racing driver, designer or future researcher.The Porsche 4School Teamspirits have been designed as a series of four digital workshops together with the publishers Klett MINT for classes 5 to 13 and are in compliance with the educational curriculum. The solutions are evaluated and the winning team is awarded a prize at the end of the Teamspirits session. Choose between the themes “Automotive Design”, “Engine Technology”, “Aerodynamics & Lightweight Engineer-ing” and “Electromobility”. Maximum number of participants: 30 children.The Porsche Museum also offers one-hour insight toursfor all classes. Please contact us if you are interested in guided tours for pupils with disabilities. During the school holidays, the Porsche Museum invites children to take part in varying and free holiday programs.More information about prices and registration is available on our website /museum or from our visitorservice:**********************.11Museum ShopEven men will enjoy shopping here.You will find lots of special, interesting and rare objects from the history of Porsche in the Museum Shop. Whether a small and exclusive souvenir or the collector’s item you have been searching for. The Museum Shop invites you to browse around in amazement and delight. The wide range of gifts and items in-clude exclusive editions of model cars, fabrics and textiles from the Porsche world as well as selected accessories for classic as well as current cars. You can take a piece of Porsche back home with you.The ground-floor shop also offers a wide selection of books - including editions from the company’s own publishing house, Edition Porsche Museum. These books are “made in Zuffen-hausen” and combine detailed expert know-how with interest-ing background information and previously hidden treasures from the Porsche brand.You can also visit our factory shop from Monday to Friday on the premises of the historic factory Werk 1, just a five-minute walk from the Porsche Museum.Opening Hours Museum ShopTuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Opening Hours of the Factory Shop in Zuffenhausen Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.ContactPhone: +49 (0) 711 911-23007 E-mail:**********************12Porsche DriveOne day I’ll drive a Porsche.How about now?Make your childhood dream come true and prepare yourself for a ride of a lifetime. In the Porsche Museum, we offer you the opportunity to keep the sports car fascination alive for longer through a driving experience with Porsche Drive. Book a drive at the Porsche Drive counter at the entrance.Porsche Drive is the premium vehicle rental service which offers flexible, exclusive and sporty mobility – regardless of whether you already drive a Porsche or are still harbouring the dream of owning a sports car. Porsche Drive allows you to live that dream of driving your own sports car for a few hours, a weekend or even a whole week.You can always choose between the latest Porsche models. No matter your preference - the 911 sports car icon, the 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, Panamera, Macan or Cayenne – book the ultimate driving experience and enjoy pure driving pleasure with Porsche Drive.Would you like to find out more? Our Porsche Drive staff are on hand to help. We look forward to seeing you at the entrance to the museum. You can also find out about other Porsche Drive locations at HoursMonday from 7 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.(only for vehicle return & information).Tuesday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.ContactPhone: +49 (0) 711 911-27911E-mail::**************************15EventsYou can find space for your guests everywhere.But not in the middle of 23,000 PS.Corporate Archives and Museum WorkshopWe preserve our history.And put it onto the road.We are also there for you outside the usual opening hours. We offer exclusive surroundings for your events on our event floor. State-of-the-art technology is available for meetings, seminars, conferences, lectures or film presentations. Press conferences can also be held here, as can vehicle presentations and new model demonstrations.Further information for your event in the Porsche Museum is available at /museum or by phone on +49 (0) 711 911-21911.The memory of Porsche keeps the over 100-year history of the company alive. We are talking here so far of two kilometres of files, 2.5 million photos and slides, 4,000 books and 1,700 hours of film material in the Porsche Company Archives. In order to guarantee expert maintenance and care of the historic race and sports cars, employees in the Museum Workshop preparethe vehicles in the collection for worldwide use.17Food and BeverageIt is worth looking up from your meal now and then. You might just spot a legend.The Porsche Museum has a wide selection of sophisticated culinary offerings. Coffee specialities, international snacks or exclusive cuisine - there’s something for every taste. Our Coffebar is waiting for you in the foyer area. Enjoy a tasty meal freshly prepared in front of you with family, friends or colleagues in the friendly atmosphere of the Bistro Boxenstopp.The Christophorus Restaurant offers a fine dining experience for connoisseurs. The speciality of the house is US prime beef. We serve freshly prepared meals made from regional and seasonal ingredients to the delight of our guests. Accompany your meal with wide selection of German and international wines from our wine cellar. Restaurant guests are treated to a panoramic view over the “Porscheplatz” and the “Inspiration 911” sculpture through the spacious glass façade.Opening Hours CoffeebarTuesday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.ChristophorusTuesday to Saturday from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and from 5.30 p.m. to 12 midnight.BoxenstoppTuesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.Grill and kitchen times from 12 noon to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.Reservation required for the Christophorus Restaurant and Bistro BoxenstoppPhone: +49 (0) 711 911-25980E-mail :*****************************1819InformationPreparation is key – not just on the race track. The Porsche Museum essentials at a glance.Admission ChargesAdults: 10 euros, reduced: 5 euros.Evening ticket: half price from 5 p.m. onwards.Children up to 14 years old and accompanied by an adult are entitled to free admission. For groups of 10 persons or more without a guided tour, admission costs 8 euros per person including a multimedia guide.Our visitor service can provide in-depth information on the range of guided tours and the various programs for children and school parties.Parking FacilitiesWe offer sufficient parking facilities during opening times in our underground car park (subject to fee) as well as charging stations for electric vehicles. There are also parking spaces available for buses, camper vans and motorcycles. Please follow the corresponding signs.Multimedia GuideOn request, every guest will receive an electronic Multimedia Guide free-of-charge. This includes information, photo and film material on the individual vehicles. A children’s version is also available for our younger visitors.Porscheplatz AppThe Porscheplatz app is quick and simple to download and allows you to discover exclusive themed tours through the Porsche factory. This is available for iOS devices in the App Store and for Android devices in the Google Play TM Store.AccessibilityAll areas of the museum have barrier-free access and can be accessed with ramps or the lift. Free parking is available for people with disabilities.Services for People with Disabilities • Various guided tours• Gloves for the blind to feel the cars• Guide dogs are welcome in the Porsche Museum • Mobile folding stools and wheelchairs for physically impaired guests• Staff who are aware of the special requirements of visitors are happy to be of serviceArrivalby train via Stuttgart main stationThe Porsche Museum is located right next to the suburbanrailway station “Neuwirtshaus/Porscheplatz”. You can reach this station by taking the suburban railway lines S6 to Weil der Stadt and S60 to Leonberg. For more information, see We recommend using public transport to travel to the motorwayA 81 Stuttgart–Heilbronn or Heilbronn–Stuttgart. Take exit no. 17 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, directionB 10 and then the exit Stuttgart-Neuwirtshaus. You reach the Porscheplatz by follow-ing the Schwieberdinger Straße/L 1143.from the direction of StuttgartB 10 in the direction of the A 81 motorway. Take the exitsignposted Korntal, turn right off the Stammheimer Straße and follow Adestraße. Then turn right into Strohgäustraße, which takes you to the Porscheplatz.AddressPorsche MuseumPorscheplatz70435 Stuttgart-ZuffenhausenOpening HoursTuesday to Sunday: 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Ticket desks close at 5.30 p.m. Closed on Mondays. We are open on all national bank holidays. Information on special closing and opening days is provided on our homepage. General InformationPhone: +49 (0) 800 3560-911Our visitor service will be happy to assist you.More information available at /museum. BookingsVisitorservicee-mail:**********************E-mailforguidedplanttours:************************** Social MediaFacebook: porsche.museumInformation on the Data Protection Policy/museum/en/privacypolicy/MAP00102020。
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