
Unit 11)From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2)It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself。
3)I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair。
Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care。
5)British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.6)Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的)young man。
7)The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats。
8)I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong。
9)Having practiced for so long,the New York baseball team stand a chance of winning the World Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year. 10)At the trial ,Bob’s teacher,who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before。

大学英语教材课后练习答案1. Unit 1: Listening ComprehensionSection A1. C2. B3. A4. D5. CSection B1. True2. False3. True4. False5. True2. Unit 2: Vocabulary and GrammarSection A1. D2. C3. A4. B5. DSection B1. have been waiting2. will be coming3. had already left4. was watching5. will have finished3. Unit 3: Reading Comprehension Section A1. B2. C3. A4. D5. BSection B1. False2. Not Given3. True4. False5. Not Given4. Unit 4: Translation1. 我们正在讨论这个问题。
2. 我们可能会迟到,最好赶快出发。
3. 这个电视节目太无聊了,我关掉了。
4. 他在图书馆学习了三个小时。
5. 他继续在健身房锻炼。
5. Unit 5: Writing PracticeSample Essay:In recent years, the use of smartphones has become increasingly prevalent. They have transformed not only the way we communicate but also the way we live our lives. However, some people argue that smartphones have had a negative impact on our society. In this essay, I will present both the advantages and disadvantages of smartphone use.On the positive side, smartphones have greatly enhanced our ability to connect with others. With just a few taps on a screen, we can instantly communicate with friends and family around the world. This has made it easier to maintain relationships and stay connected, even when we are physically apart. Additionally, smartphones provide access to a vast amount of information. With internet connectivity, users can quickly search foranswers to their questions, making learning and problem-solving more convenient.Yet, there are also drawbacks associated with smartphone use. One major concern is the negative effect on interpersonal communication. People are increasingly engrossed in their devices, leading to less face-to-face interaction. This can result in a decline in social skills and a lack of genuine connections. Moreover, smartphone addiction has become a serious issue. Many individuals find it difficult to detach themselves from their devices, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress levels.In conclusion, smartphones have undoubtedly revolutionized our lives, bringing numerous benefits. However, it is important to recognize and address the potential drawbacks. Finding a balance between utilizing the advantages of smartphones while mitigating their negative impact is crucial. By doing so, we can fully harness the power of technology while preserving the essence of human connection.。

大学英语教材课后习题答案及解析一、选择题1. A解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“unpleasant”相反的词,表示“令人愉快的”。
2. C解析:句子的主语是“student”,所以谓语动词应该用单数形式。
3. B解析:根据句子的结构,“was”是“be”的过去式,应该与句子的主语“John”保持一致。
4. A解析:根据对话的语境,我们需要回答命题句“Would you like to go to the movies tonight?”,表示愿意的语气,所以选择A项。
5. B解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“cat”相关的词,表示“饲养或养育”。
二、填空题1. dangers解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“risk”相关的词,表示“危险”。
2. to解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“leak”相关的介词,表示“漏出”。
3. which解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个引导定语从句的关系代词,修饰先行词“world”。
4. happier解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“happy”相关的比较级形式,表示“更幸福的”。
5. successfully解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“pass”相关的副词,表示“成功地”。
三、完形填空1. B解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“alone”相对的词,表示“与他人一起”。
2. D解析:根据句意,根据语境,我们需要填入一个表示“友好地,热情地”的词,表达主人公心情的转变。
3. A解析:根据句意,我们需要在空格处填入一个与“curious”相对的词,表示“无聊的”。

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第三册Book3 Unit4答案1) junior2) junk3) winds4) physical5) handicap6) Click7) decayed8) interpreted9) leaning10) limb11) twisted12) relationship13) surrounded14) at least15)in hopes of1) covering2) runs3) affect4) dotted with5) Elaborate7) grabbed8) maximum9) per10) spotted11) strained12) caught her eye13) sort of1) add to2) curled up3) bring back4) called up5) grow up6) came up with7) work out8) was singled out9) take apart1)statistician2)politics3) Venusian4)Mars5)magician7)civil8)technician9)comedian10)Christian11)Russia12)Asia13)Australia14)Confucius15)electrician16)music17)vegetable18)guard1) taxpayers' money2) playgoers3) Young songwriters4) babysitters5) housekeepers6) sunbather7) wheelchair8) driveway1) that little progress has been made2) is doing a little better this season3) a little earlier than scheduled4) Little did he realize5) said little about her work experience6) little imagined then7) slow down a little8) have little contact with the outside world1) Nigel's novel was not as well received as he had hoped.2) He ran as hard as he could in hopes of breaking his record for the five miles.3) Some of the power stations have significantly failed to operate as efficiently as people have expected.4) The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficiently as it used to do.5) The British welfare system did not assist the genuinely needy groups as effectively as did some systems prevailing elsewhere.1) But why don't you pluck up the courage to do what you've always wanted to?2) He will help you prepare what you need to say.3) What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods.4) I have noticed that what are commonly called warm colors is not necessary to produce the impression of warmth in landscape.5) These travel books entertain readers with accounts of what travelers have seen.1) Every time I see you you're even lovelier than I remember.2) Every time it's sunny I enjoy driving.3) Every time the child completes a specified desirable behavior it will earn a toy.4) My ankle hurts every time I put my foot to the ground.5) Every time I sat down I went to sleep.1) affected2) physical3) interpret4) spot5) handicap6) fastened7) maximum8) per9) extensively10) Straining11) surrounded1)up2)wherever3)for4)the5)taught6)before7)being8)than9)who10)where11)still/even12)with13)told14)and15)Yet16)sounded17)to18)straight19)With20)howVII. DictationBaseball is America's national sport, played mainly by men. It developed in the mid 19th century from the British games of rounders and cricket. Baseball is also popular in Japan and several Latin American countries, and has been an Olympic sport since in 1972. Softball is similar but uses a large, softer ball and is popular with women. Many Americans play baseball for fun because players do not have to be strong like football players or tall like basketball players. Some people think baseball is too slow, but the team managers often change their players and plans during the game, and there are many exciting plays. Many American families enjoygoing to a Sunday afternoon double-header, that is, two games between the same two teams in one day.翻译你能想像一个身体严重残疾的妇女独自经营一个网站并且像一个专业的体育记者一样详细报道洛杉矶道奇队吗?如果我没有亲眼见到她蜷曲在轮椅里,用固定在头上的一根棍子敲击字键打出她的评论,我是绝不会相信的。

大学英语四课后练习答案及详解目录Unit One Fighting with the Forces of Nature Unit Two Smart CarsUnit Three Job InterviewUnit Four The Multicultural SocietyUnit Five CrueltyUnit Six The Pace of LifeUnit Seven TerrorismUnit Eight TravelUnit One Fighting with the Forces of Nature ComprehensionText organization1.2.Language FocusVocabulary1.1) alliance译文:劳动党以与其他较小党派结成战术同盟为根本的竞选策略已被证明是成功之举。
2) heroic译文:举国上下都在庆祝纽约消防队员在“9.11”事件中营救落难者的英勇行为。
3) stroke译文:意外的好运使得被埋于瓦砾堆下逾26个小时之久的詹尼勒活着走出来。
4) limp译文:我的兄弟受伤不重,但是他的腿骨折了,因而不得不在几周时间里都跛行。
5) minus译文:飞机面临着一次零下65摄氏度和零上120摄氏度的考验。
6) regions译文:我国将运用税收优惠政策来吸引一些公司到我国的西部地区而不是东部沿海投资。
7) declarations译文:开幕式的讲话听起来不像是和平献礼而更像是宣战。
8) siege译文:经过警方的三天包围,占据饭店的恐怖分子不得不妥协了。
9) raw译文:我们刚一走出飞机踏上草原就感受到一阵刺骨阴冷的寒风。
10) retreat译文:敌机的攻击迫使坦克从这座城市撤退了。
11) have taken their toll译文:过去几个月里令人烦恼的一些问题已影响到了她的健康,她的眼睛下面出现了黑眼圈。
12) In the case of译文:周末上班的员工拿双薪,国庆节上班的员工则拿正常工资的三倍。
现代大学英语Unit 1课后练习答案

Vocabulary第一大题第三小题1.Sense: sensitive; sensible; senseless; sensibility; oversensitive; insensitive;2.Technique: technical; technically; technician; technology3.Special; specially; specialty; specialize; especially4.Intellect: intellectual; intelligent; intelligence5.Civil: civilize; civilization; civilized; uncivilized第四小题1.很多人都认同,大学扩招是一个大业绩。
第二大题1.Fold one’s arms2.Fold the letter3.Acquire knowledge4.Generate ideas5.Generate jobs/careers/professions6.Generate power/electricity7.Generate/arouse interest8.Employ workers9.Employ/use/make use of time10.Rear/raise/bring up one’s children/offspring11.Rear sheep12.Raise one’s family13.Raise one’s voice14.Raise tax15.Raise the question16.Maintain contact17.Maintain law and order18.Maintain peace第三大题Synonyms近义词1.Fairly: reasonably/ rather/ quite2.Obviously: clearly; evidently3.Maintain: keep4.Rear (children): raise; bring up5.Acquire (knowledge): gain; obtain6.Generate (ideas): produce7.Certify: prove8.Faculty: department (at university); teaching staff9.Mankind: humanity; human beings; man10.Pharmacist: druggist; chemist (BrE)11.Specimen: type; example; model; case; sample12.Enroll (a school): enter; join13.Nevertheless: however; but14.Penetrating: sharp; thoughtful; profound15.Intellect: thinker; intellectual16.Shudder: shake; tremble; shiver;quake17.Inevitably: unavoidably; certainly18.Aid: help; assist(ance)19.Assume: suppose; think; guess20.Peculiar: strange; odd; unusual; queer;21.Accomplishment: achievement; success; victory victorious Victoria22.Expertise: special skillAntonyms反义词1.Available: unavailable2.Arrogantly: modestly3.Specific: general4.Qualified: unqualified5.Civilized: uncivilized; savage; barbarious6.Fold: unfold7.Employed: unemployedpetence: incompetence9.Sensitive: insensitive第六大题1. It is wrong to raise our children (in)the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. W e mustexpose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.2. As time goes on, we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.3. We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise/Or we will lose o urfriends.4. Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of an average library.5. That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a companythat specializes in building theaters.6. These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetra ting analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers.7. The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized unless the quality of our people’s lives is really improved.8. Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes and ponds; and a lot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields. 9. Give absolute power to any individual or any particular group of people, and that person or group is sure to Abuse/misuse power because, just as Lord Act ion says, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”10. Traditionally in our country, school education was always said to be moreimportant and useful, compared with all other pursuits.Grammar第一大题It is far more complicated to talk about the future than to talk about the present and past. Generally speaking, future time is expressed in the following ways:Future at presentA.“will”as in 3): used to say that something is expected to happen“will be doing” as in 4): used to say that you are sure that something will happen because arrangements have been madeB.“be going to” as in 2) and 5): used to say that something will happen quite soon or to talk about sb’s intentions or what they have decided to doC.“the present progressive现在进行时”as in 10): used to talk about something will happen because you have planned or arranged itD.“the simple present一般现在时”as in 9): used to say that something will definitely happen at a particular time, especially because it has been officially arrangedFuture in the pastA.“would”as in 7): used to say what you intended to do or expected to happenB.“was/were going to”as in 1): used to say that something was expected to happenC.“was/were to do”as in 6) and 8): used to talk about something that would happen because it had been planned or arranged.第二大题第一小题1.Two nouns2.Two adjectives3.Two prepositional phrases4.Two infinitive phrases5.Two noun phrases6.Two noun phrases7.Two prepositional phrases8.Two prepositional phrases第二小题1.The province is strong both in industry and in agriculture./ The province is not only strong in industry, but also in agriculture.2.Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3.Generally, after working for the company for five years, a number of young employees either are promoted or leave. programs for children should not only entertain but also teach.5.Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure.6.At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable to eliminate examinationsaltogether.n Americans are playing a more active role in politics than ever before, both at local and national level.8.My uncle believes that in our town sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycle.9.Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but is environmentally friendly.10.Until I read the article I knew neither where she was brought up nor (where she was) educated.11.I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12.Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting, but he also spoke for twenty minutes.第三大题(1) other (2) best (3) reason (4) mental (5) next (6) As (7) take (8) cool (9) thinking (10) rest第四大题1.T hepremier is leaving for New York for a UN= United Nations conference tomorrow.2. He is to meet the heads of state of several co untries during his stay in New York.3. what are you going to do during the Nationa l Day holidays? Are you going home or staying on campus?4. –What do you think school will be like in tw enty years’ time?- I think thatchildren will probably learn at home with a mechanized teacher.5. Thirty years ago, my grandparents never tho ught that they wouldbe able to move into a two-story house with all the modernfacilities.He is a two-year-old boy. equipment6. What they lack is not money but experience.7. They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but(also)to learn about Chinese culture (as well).8. What children want most from their parents are not materialthings but love and attention.9. You may either write your essay in your reg ular exercisebook or do it on your computer.10. I’m not quite sure why he didn’t show up. Either he was not interested, or he simply forg ot about it.11. A society should respect both its scientists and its garbage collectors/sanitation worker.12. He is miserly both with his money and with his time.mean第五大题1.I will phone you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.2.We can hardly imagine what life will be like in 50 years.3.No mistake. Here “if...will”is possible when “will” expresses “willingness”4.Please be seated, everyone. The show is about to begin. (Note:Use “be about to do sth” to say that something will happen almost immediately. “Will” is not used.)5.It is predicted that in about ten years’ time, China will be able to send man to the Moon. (Note:“To be able to do sth”is used to say that it is possible for someone or something to do something.)6.Drop in whenever you please. You’ll always be welcome. (Note:Adverbs of frequency频率副词, such as always, usually, often, sometimes, etc., usually go immediately in front of the main verb.)7.Neither his parents, nor his brother was able to come to his performance.(Note:The main verb agrees with the noun phrase introduced by nor就近原则)8.Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talent contest.9.My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Note: Normally, the two items connected by emphasizing coordinating conjunction s并列连词should be expressed in the same grammatical form, here, two prepositional phrases.)10.No mistake. Though the two items “do it now”and “after class”aren’t the same grammatical form, this is acceptable because we can regard them as condensed form “We can either do it now or (do it)after class.”Therefore, the two items can also be different grammatical forms serving the same grammatical function, here, both as adverbials.。

U81.Finally, the president was forced to _____ under tremendous pressure andhis_____ _____ the way for a peaceful settlement.2.The earthquake and tsunami were______ shocking. They caused so muchdamage that three months later the debris still had not been completely _____ away. The total loss of property_______ to trillions of Japan yen.3.He promised to______ in six months, but ______ his empty promise didnot______ to much. Few people believed that he would give up his power.4.It was hard for Zhou Yu to _____himself to the fact that Zhuge Liang was smarterthan he was. We have to keep in _____that he knew all along that this smart person was his most formidable potential enemy. To let him go safely on his way would ______ to letting a tiger go back to the mountain.5.To my ____, it is _____impossible that he was trying to run away. He would havebeen out of his ____to do that because it would _____ to an open admission that he was guilty as charged. I’m sure his lawyer will _____this point soon.6.She did not ______a word at the meeting , which was unusual because she is oneof those who always speak her _____. Actually, most of the time she did not seem to be listening. She _____ had something on her_____.7.He was accused of evading taxes in the total _____of fifteen million, but his wifesaid it was ______nonsense, and she believed that her husband’s name would be ______eventually.二、1. It is customary for the president to _____(preside ;preside over)this meeting, and when he enters everybody will rise____(out of; for; in; from)respect.2. He was weak and unsteady ______(for; with; from)age, but there was still something of the monkey_____(in; with; from; about)him.3. He ______(quit; dropped; left )out of high school and 10 years later, became a successful writer. I must admit I had never thought he had this ______(in; on; with)him.4. Don’ t leave anything on the stove when you have something ______(on; in)your mind. You are quite ______(able; capable; likely)of forgetting all about it.5.The number of car-owners is ______(on increase; on the increase; under increase). Some young people look_____(at; to; upon)the brand of a car as a status symbol.6.He was worked hard for 50 year_____(on; out of; in)faith _______(in; of)the importance of education. And he believes that the future is ______(for; to)the young.7._______(Instead of; In spite of)lecturing_______(on; in)American history, she just talked about Mark Twain’s personal life in a humorous _______(way; vein; tune)8.When my mother came_______(around; along; by)she was angry______(to; at; with)me _____(on; for)burning the supper. She knew my mind hadwandered_______(free; freely)again.9.In my day we thought________(of; about) money as something dirty, and we were always _____(on; in)the alert not to let it pollute our thinking.10.The international community is almost unanimous in its opinion that the man is trying to do the _____(impossibility; impossible), but it is to late to try to argue (him; with him)to be back to reality.11.We crossed the river hours ______(in advance; in the advance), long before the enemy could______(explode; blow up)the bridge.U101.On his 80th birthday, his friends threw a big party for him_______(Surrounded;Encircled)by his loved ones and friends, he sang and danced and had a drop too much.2.No doubt he had already been ________(written off; written away)as a possiblecandidate after the scandal, and it did not matter whether or not he was found guilty.3.He slipped through the enemy ______(surroundings; encirclement)and walked allthe way through the rain in the dark. He arrived home, ______(caked with;splattered with; covered with)mud.4.He went to _____(confer with; meet with’discuss with)the leaders of othercountries _______(on; regarding) the ______(approval; sanction)of a no-fly zone.5.Scientists say that a ______(dreaded; dreadful)global warming is looming_____(large; largely), and no country can escape ______(unscathed; unscathedly) 6.That decision proved to be a______(fateful; fatal)mistake. Before long the nationwas _______(in chaos; in a mess; in turmoil), and it all started from that _____(fateful; fatal) decision.7.What happened in Japan may prove to be a turning point. Since then support fornuclear power______(in truth; in effect)has come to an end in countries like Germany. In other countries, a new debate is also _____(on the way; in the way;under way).8.This is a story about a young American patriot during the War of Independence,who was captured by the British and was sentenced to be ______(hung;hanged)for spying. His last words were :” My only regret is that I have only one life to give to my country.”9.She was furious. She grabbed the box and______(ripped it apart; stripped it away;split it apart; tore it to pieces)10.I have no ______(concept; idea)who was the first to put forward the______(concept; idea)of global warming.U11一、1.______my opinion, _____all the factors involved , the overwhelming size of ourpopulation is still the key ______understanding many of our policies today.2.There is a growing popular concern _______pollution today _______the country.But those who concern themselves _______this problem are badly _______need ______government support.3.The school authorities have decided to reduce class hours. This is ______thestudent’s advantage, because _____doing so, they give the students time to pursue other activities.4.It is unexpected encounters ______strange animals that lends excitement_____these excursions _____ the other hand, this is also the reason why these excursions sometimes lead ______disaster.5.Our present economic policy differs ______the policies of the past ______thattoday the state does not try to control, but only to guide and regulate. Of course the decision _____ _____ how much should be guided and regulated is _____vital importance.6.I was shocked when I discovered that these people all had foreign passport______which they could immediately pack ______and leave the country _____the event_____ serious turmoil. And I thought I was the first to find ____that secret. But it turned ______that I actually was the only one kept _____the dark.7.My first reaction _______his idea was that it was irrelevant ______the problem_______study. Besides, we can’t base our judgement ______somebody’s personal opinion.8.The whole language learning process can be divided _______ many stages, andeach stage has a special focus. ___ short, we must not give equal weight /property _____the basic language skills.9.The term “Dragon Bones”was used to refer _____ the turtle shells firstdiscovered in Anyang. At first, nobody knew what to make ______them. Doctors used them _______medicine for many years.10.______ best charities can only save poor people ______from hunger. They cannotrelieve them _____ poverty; which often stems ______ a lack of education.二、1.history; history1.One chapter of the book is devoted to the _______meeting of the twoleaders.2.If you want to understand how it happened , you will have to put it in______context.3.It is now quite fashionable to write ______novels, but some writers don’tseem to respect the basic _______facts.4.Xi’an is one of the most important ______cities in our country. It was thecapital of many dynasties in ancient times.5.Great care is being taken to preserve these _____buildings.2.economic; economical1.Difference _______ views often reflect the different _____interests ofdifferent areas.2.These is a more _____way of disposing of garbage.3.I don’t want anything fancy. I just want an _______car.4.I think it will be more ______in the long run to use our water power.5.Even many Nobel prize winners in economics admit that we know toolittle about _____ affairs.3.Restricted(restriction);limited(limit)1.It was clear that this English was very______.2.If you exceed this speed _______, you will be given ticked.3.During waiting, freedom of the press is often seriously ______.4.Their movements were _______to that small area.5.We have only _____time. We must hurry.6.Congress is trying very hard to _________the power of the president.4.cause; course1.We support each other because we are fighting for the same ______.2.I have not taken too many selective _______this semester because I wantto concentrate on my English.3.Sometimes things just have to take their natural _______. You have towait patiently until conditions are ripe for change.4.Some economists take it as a matter of _____that equality and prosperitydon’t go together.5.One possible _____of students’deteriorating health is heavy________requirements.5.source; sauce1.Tourism has become one of the most important _____of income for thepeople of that area.2.What kind of ______do you use for Peking Duck?3.The news comes from a reliable ______.ter on I found the ______of my stomach trouble. It was a special kindof ______they used which did not agree with me.6. to suppose; to assume; to presume1. Let us _____that the present growth rate is sustained for another 10 years; Where will we get all the energy resources we need?2. A professor is _______to know something about everything and everything about something.3. Since he was a very old man, we can _____that he could not move as quickly as young people.4. ______ he turns down our request, what shall we do?5. He was reported meeting in the war, and was _____dead. Nobody would have expected to see him suddenly appear after 10 long years.U121.If we can take that strategic position we will hold the enemy _______.We can ______them even if we can’t defeat them.2.Dusk had ______. She could not make ______where the road was_____to. She lost her sense of direction and instead of heading towardthe city, she finally discovered that she was actually heading _____fromit.3.When the truck drove to the middle of the bridge, the bridge suddenly_______ _______ and _______ fell the truck into the river.4.Rock kept ______down the hill and the lives of all of the people in thebus were ______ _______. The driver knew that this was no time for_______. He had to get a _____on as fast as he could.5.They were so ______on their chess game that the sun had long_____before they decided to call it a day.6.The future of our country ______with us young people. We must refuseto be ______ wherever social problems occur, and we must refuse todespair however ___________the situation might be.7.He paused to take _______of the situation. He ________ down to studythe footprints and then he __________ up and looked around.8.When the enemy soldiers came close to our hiding place. I _______ there,because I was the only protection for all of these women and children. Atthe time I really _________ a year in a minute.9.As soon as the bear was gone, he _______ down the tree andran_________ his life.10.She is a wonderful scholar with ________ talent. When she retires, it willbe difficult to find somebody to ________ her.11.There is a little rude path ________its way through the villages all theway deep into the mountains. But nobody I know has _________to gothat far.。

Unit1Vocabulary1:1、My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. On balance I think I'm happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am。
2、It is the nature of the wise to resist leasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them。
3、I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, can haul 1,000 pounds of goods.一组健壮的狗可以用轻小的雪橇拉动1,000磅的货物。
4、In the story, the little girl has a wicked stepmother, who makes her life a misery.在这个故事中,小女孩有一个心肠很坏的继母,让她生活很痛苦。
5、Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced -- even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.眼见为实——即使是谚语在你没有在生活中得到证明时,也不一定正确。
6、Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain withinTheir budget.当前,几乎所有图书馆发现靠他们的预算生存下去越来越难。
大学英语Unit 2课后练习答案

Section A—Check Yourself
4) The real estate broker required a 10% _____ down payment for the purchase of this house. 5) He lost all his wealth in the economic crisis; he killed himself in desperation __________. 6) She ___________ embraced his offer to help her with her English. protested 7) The defendant _________that he had never been near the scene of the crime.
Section A—Check Yourself
8) The jail is ___________ surrounded with the high walls.
9) Last night a burglar broke into the old couple’s savings house and robbed them of all their _______. sprayed my dress with water before ironing. 10) I _______
site attempting to 1) Emergency personnel are on ______ rescue workers exposed to the poisonous gas.
Section A—Check Yourself

大学英语综合教程1课后习题第一篇Unit 11.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。
(formal)As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.他的女朋友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。
(take hold)His girlfriend advised him to get out of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。
Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。
(violate)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。
It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.6.苏珊(Susan)因车祸失去了双腿。

4. It was a miracle that these flowers did not wither at all in the blazing sun.
5. Flocks of sheep feed on the patches of vegetation that rise above the winter snow.
10) vegetation 11) patches 12) Scores of
2. rewrite sentences
1)… was lined with people who came to welcome the distinguished foreign guests.
2)… the boss silenced all lively conversation in the office.
1) patches, came into full bloom, were puzzled, mysterious
2) throbbed with, sickened, migrant, a chorus
3) had crept into, flickered, the stark
II. Word Formation
7) accept 8) comprehend
9) boundaries 10) ultimately
1. This is a prosperous town, but there is still poverty in the midst of wealth and abundance.
1.age-old 2. air force 3. daughter-in-law 4. first-rate 5. greenhouse 6. half brother 7. ice-cream 8. lifelike

UNIT 1VocabularyI.1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved2 resist 6) budget 10) economic3) haul 7) lowering 11) blastin4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just aboutII. Translation1. 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小We have a problem with the comput er system, but I think it’sfairly minor.2. 父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。
就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我(my upbringing)的责任。
(at that point)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. 这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。
(requirement) The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. 作为新闻和舆论的载体(carrier),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。
(supplement,rather than)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. 至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

Unit 1 Vocabulary 1:1、My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. On balance I think I'm happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am。
2、It is the nature of the wise to resist leasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them。
3、I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, can haul 1,000 pounds of goods. 一组健壮的狗可以用轻小的雪橇拉动1,000磅的货物。
4、In the story, the little girl has a wicked stepmother, who makes her life a misery. 在这个故事中,小女孩有一个心肠很坏的继母,让她生活很痛苦。
5、Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced -- even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.眼见为实——即使是谚语在你没有在生活中得到证明时,也不一定正确。
6、Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain within Their budget.当前,几乎所有图书馆发现靠他们的预算生存下去越来越难。

大学英语1课后习题答案大学英语1课后习题答案期末考试到了,大学英语最好的复习方式就是做课后习题,为帮助同学们顺利复习,特分享大学英语1课后习题答案如下:单元1IEXPLORE1搭配小号①1.挂出2.有过错3.之类的4.当谈到5.占用6.在更大范围②1.断绝关系2.建立/发现了一个连接3.感觉到了密切的亲密关系4.休闲/老熟人5.酒肉朋友6.终生的友谊IEXPLORE2搭配1.互动2.相反3.在人4.各种5.有优势6.大声说出单元2IEXPLORE1搭配小号①1.影响......对2.米ESH(ED)与3.一个重新善于4.Çonfronted与5.Øn个工作6.我n效果7.Ënlisted的帮助②1.是造成/养问题2.b洛克/下车的习惯3Bulid/开发/增强/提高...情商3.Øbserve/读取......反应监测4.小号triking结果5.ðevelop/增高/改善同情IEXPLORE2搭配1.增加2.丰富多彩3.引导学生4.更好5.平原6.明确7.单8.毁灭性9.低估10.增强11.磁铁12.强烈②1.到达其主要目的→取得/服务/完成/完成了它的主要目的`2.加一点糖在他们的肥皂→加一点糖到他们的肥皂3.缓解强烈的情绪和消极思想→释放/转移强烈的情绪和消极的想法4.把你的背部世界→扭转你的世界5.类似于用火点燃→类似于生火6.发现他→给他远/背叛了他7.把这些痛苦的经历手臂的长度远远望去→保存/把这些痛苦的经历敬而远之单元3IEXPLORE1搭配小号①1.在...方面2.获得方式3.而不是4.退房5.下来到6.徒劳7.在一审8.符合9.变换...成10.放...下来②1.本/报告;发现2.行为/DO/进行实验3.有效/新方法4.独特/主/独有的特点5.朦胧/模糊的观念6.测试的假设7.大胆假设8.可观/戏剧/渐进/显著变化IEXPLORE2搭配1.已经错过了点2.帐户...为3.竟然是4.层5.在边缘6.干扰7.不要提8.迁移到单元4IEXPLORE1搭配小号①1.鉴于2.排除从...3.感到被迫4.份额责任5.否认6.寻求庇护7.通过扩展8.浇成...②1.Ëxposed2.提供3.私人4.公5.摹athered6.ü升气管7.小号ystematic8.^honorable9.ültimate10.W¯¯第i11.˚F或12.到IEXPLORE2搭配①1.绝版2.来到了新闻3.订阅4.账户5.退化到6.呼吁7.给...属于8.得到足够的②1.重演2.一般3.小号奥柏林4.小号ubstantial 5米ortally6.Ðouble7.活着单元5IEXPLORE1 搭配小号①1.行使权力2.软实力3.从事4.吞噬5.吸收6.转败为胜7.纯属偶然8.婴儿的步骤9.被视为10.距今②1.动态/主/强大的经济2.积极的外交3.吸引投资4.激进/极大/渐进/块状/快速扩张5.延迟改革IEXPLORE2搭配1.崛起之路2.因祸得福3.适应4.贸易为...5.取...理所当然6.否认7.提高对吧8.上算【大学英语1课后习题答案】。

Key to Exercises U 4 V I1.1) wreck 2)balance(账户余额) 3)approaching 4)handle 5)discard 6)Above all 7)diet 8)do with 9)checked on10)cleaned up 11)weekly 12)principles2.1)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been /was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2) was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world.3) for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4) express her thought with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5) will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3. 1) for sale, hunting for , be amazed by 2) became skilled, handle their, loans3) character, by calling on, he passed awayII 1 1) personal 2)personnel 2 1) sometime 2) Sometimes 3)some time 4)sometimeIII Euphemism1)d 2)e 3)h 4)c 5)g 6) b 7)fComprehensive Exercises Ⅰ.Cloze1.⑴ sponsored ⑵determination ⑶turned,away ⑷assumed ⑸capacity ⑹skilled ⑺loan ⑻character ⑼hunting ⑽for sale ⑾send for2.⑴save ⑵recent ⑶modest ⑷grow ⑸dream ⑹immigrants ⑺business ⑻engineering⑼invest ⑽richⅡ.Correcting Non-standard English1.“Mr. Crawford, it’s going to snow pretty soon,”2.“When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory.”3.“I’d like to buy a house.’4.“Mr. Crawford, I’ve sold my house!”5.“Mr. Crawford, I’ve bought a farm.”Ⅲ.Translation1.1) It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2) Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.3) Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.4) I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it5) Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.2. After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request fora loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. New he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.U5V I1.1) monthly 2)acquaintances 3)classic 4)in the eye 5)manufactured 6)options 7)finance 8)replacement9)survival 10)out 11)married 12)grabbed at2.1)survived a car crash that killed both her parents 2)almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to thewhole class 3)of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils4)several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer.5)straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club3. 1)inquiry, died of hunger, people survived 2)Instantly, give up his, replace him, executiveⅡ. Word Formation1.embarrassment2. survivors3.newly4.remarkable5.monthlypetition7.conceivable8.respectableⅢ. Usage1.the poor2.The deceased/ The dead3.the disabled4.the French5.The accused(被指控者,被告)6.The young7.Theunemployed 8.the latter,the formerComprehensive Exercises I. Close1. 1)died of 2)instantly 3)classic 4)ask around 5)surviving 6)retire 7) executive 8)replacement 9)stock 10)look… inthe eye2. 1)impressed 2)diligence 3)Instead 4)Contrary 5)professionally 6)perform 7)personal 8)balance 9)commitment10)revealedII. Translation1.1) I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter—you’d better ask around.2) Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.3) Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.4) As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.5) We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales2. My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights. However, he tries his best to balance/maintain a balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dishes and plays ball with us.U 61)fertile 2)reflected 3)overseas 4)slim 5)split 6)sustained 7)glow 8)thrust 9)keen 10)bud 11)previous 12)whichever1.1)of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me. 2)corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother. 3)is bestlocated at an isolated place far from cities. 4)was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn’t hear Martin come in. 5)players grip the ball.2.1)to broaden , make their way 2)disgusts , take a chance on 3)the grand , and overseas , reflectedⅡ.1. 1)frightened 2)afraid / frightened 2. 1)alike / similar 2)similar3. 1)alive 2)living4. 1)sleeping 2)asleep Ⅲ.1)disappointed 2)disappointment 3)disappointing 4)disappoint 5)disappointingly 6)disappointing1)attractive 2)attract 3)attraction 4)attractively 5)unattractively 6)unattractive1)identifying 2)gripped 3)margins 4)corresponding 5)overseas 6)more , than , a , little 7)hesitated 8)grateful 9)made , my , way 10)going , my , way1.1)first 2)ring 3)Nor 4)another 5)threw 6)deliberately 7)reasoned 8)himself 9)restaurant 10)matter Ⅱ1)Before I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.2)Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you (for it).3)At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working environment.4)The management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.5)It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.2. Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to / Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to collage, and even got a chance to study overseas.U71)go(very)far 2)has expanded 3)In the interest(s) of 4)only to 5)encountered 6)has cooperated 7)assessed 8)(had) switched 9)horizons 10)gaze 11)disaster 12)wiped out1)a long/long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or not. 2)felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly. 3)suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay. 4)is obvious that our company is still maintaining its position as market leader in software. 5)give in until they give her a pay rise.1)have undertaken , original , to explore 2)evidence convinced , underneath , extending to 3)to negotiate , encounter , to figure out , exploreⅡ.1.first 2.first,first 3.At first 4.First/Firstly 5.first 6.First 7.at first 8.firstⅢ.1.animal intelligence , whose 2.zoo keeper , where 3.eye contact , through what 4.money supply , of what 5.killer whale , what kind 6.baby whale , how old 7.family member , of what 8.sea turtle , what kind/where1.1)emergency 2)evidence 3)original 4)up 5)negotiates 6)reveal 7)make , a , deal 8)dominant 9)in , their ,interest(s) 10)deceiving 11)controversy 12)judgment 13)explore2.1)protect 2)However 3)type 4)situation 5)sights 6)together 7)rang 8)associate 9)without 10)environment Ⅱ.1)A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2)Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3)We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4)My garden is dry and shady — few plants thrive in that condition.5)Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstances of the film star’s death.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were kept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!U81.1)industrial 2)idle 3)is functioning 4)intellectual 5)scared 6)handful 7)luxury 8)private 9)woke up10)slice 11)miracle 12)was jammed2.1)to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices. 2)is a matter of total indifference to me. 3)drove home the point thatthey needed extra people. 4)was found after they searched for it for a long time. 5)had run out of water by the time they got to the camp.3.1)manual , and complex , its financial 2)was very upset , make a living by , swore , was/became much better off 3)handful , Ignorant of ,paintings/works summed upⅡ.Words with Multiple Meanings1The young man made $5 an hour in his summer job.2What made you change your mind?3I’m sure Jason will make a good lawyer.4The vet put something down the dog’s throat to make it vomit.5The story makes interesting reading.6Five and five make ten.7On foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.8I don’t think she’ll ever really make it to the top.Ⅲ.Word Family1.1)developing 2)develop 3)development 4)develop 5)developing , developed2.1)amazed 2)amazes 3)amazingly 4)amazing 5)amazementC Ⅰ.Cloze1)complex 2)idle 3)make , a , living , by 4)accumulated 5)affect 6)function 7)faculties 8)ignorant 9)wake , up1.1)dormitory 2)passing 3)leaping 4)department 5)burned 6)destroyed 7)seriously 8)marriages 9)report10)perspectiveⅡ. 1)Without his personal file, an applicant can hardly expect to get/be employed as a teacher.2)With enough ice, we would be able to chill the drinks.3)In my humble opinion, reading is the most pleasant way to spend one’s leisure.4)Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5)The washing machine has broken down, so we have to wash our clothes by hand.2. This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: A man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks. The story goes/It’s like this:The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young. With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage. His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth. So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined to learn.。

大学英语课后习题Unit11. The essayist’s language expresses rich andsubtle meanings.2. The stockbrokers were overtaken by the sharp drop in the stock market last Tuesday.3. Biologists have estimated that there are around one million animal and plant species living and growing in the rainforests.4. In the United States the cost of living has been steadily rising in the past few decades5. The quickly growing company has ambitious plans to expand beyond nation boundarie6. That computer store is having a sale of audio software; let’s go and have a look.7. To be safe, you may put on your dark glasses to avoid the sun shining into directly your eyes.8. When the kitchen is finished, I’m going to focus my attention on the garden shed.9. In a serious tone of voice, the doctor warned him to keep off sugar.10. She Cupped her hands around the mug of hot coffee to warm them.1. I didn’t expect you to be so efficient at that rate; the task will be finished ahead of schedule.2. For the sake of safety, you must keep all medicines away from children.3. When we come to know these new employees better, we will assign more suitable tasks to each of them.4. This evening dress is rather expensive since it is made by hand5. In the World Cup, England tried to beat its long-term rivalArgentina and qualify from the “Group of Death” and vice versaUnit21. The theories of relativity have made fundamental changes in our views of the universe.2.That is our ultimate proposal, and no other changes will be considered.3. he forest ire was found to have been sparked by a cigarette end.4. The speaker had apparently noticed that his topic wasn’t popular with the audience, so he quickly ended his speech.5. I’ve no patience with people who are always complaining of their misfortune.6. I have never imagined that I would be the object of such curiosity.7. The doctors tried to convince her that she didn’t need to feel depressed about her health.8. The police asked him to describe the accident in ever detail y9. The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive responses from the consumers.10. The story of Harry Potter (has) stirred the imagination of children throughout the world.1. The scoundrel has fooled a lot of people into believing he’s a rich man.2. Isn’t this straw hat beautiful? My wife came upon it on her business trip to China last year.3. A group of bystanders was invited to join in the game.4. Scientists will have to come up with new technologies to improve the world’s food and fuel supplies.5. The news of the President’s warlike speech yesterday pushed the stock market to a sharp rise of up to 120 points. Unit31. I don’t think that the amount of studying you did in high school would be sufficient for you to attain good marks in university.2. Because of the impact of poor sales in other Asian countries, there has been a modest decrease in houses sale in China this year.3. Some young people find computer games so attractive that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters.4. The victim was able to give a precise description of the drunken driver, which was rather helpful to the police.5. Some non-governmental organizations are planning a public campaign to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution.6. The cost of producing a tube of toothpaste is about 3 yuan, so we will market it at 5.50 yuan to ensure our profits.7. Mike is now the director of a factory which manufactures canned food.8. Plenty of football and basketball clubs are eager to sponsor young athletes if they show great promise.9. The sweaters are made of wool imported from Australia.10. According to a recent survey, youths are beginning to havea lot of influence on the products and brands their parents choose.1. She wants to drop out of college and become a singer, but her parents frown very much on her intention.2. Many great men have risen from poverty; for instance,Lincoln and Edison.3. The number of families with both parents taking full-time jobs is growing; as a result, children are doing more of the housework.4. I can use a computer; but when it comes to hardware, I know almost nothing at all.5. It is expected that all the countries under the WTO umbrella should trade on equal terms.Unit41.A hacker attacked an e-commerce marketplace site. Thisis the latest in a string of online break-ins in which credit card numbers were stolen.2.The coming of IBM’s CEO caused a stir of excitement onthe campus.3.Brown’s comments on the project caused unexpectedcontroversy4.To combat poverty in the city, millions of dollars havebeen spent on training the unemployed workers.5.You will be overweight if you consume excessiveamounts of fat.6.The effective implementation of environmental laws andregulations is the responsibility of the local government.7.Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.8.After 20 hours of non-stop partying, scores of thebravest or most reckless men will risk their lives in athree-minute dash from six fighting bulls.9.The prohibition on street begging will be in force nextmonth.10.The court gave the heavy sentence, in response not tothe facts of the case but to the irrational public fear.1.With no paper qualifications to his name , he failed to geta decent job.2.This high dosage of Vitamin C is an excellent way ofhelping to keep at bay nasty colds and viruses.3.We have exchanged views on everything under the sun4.Taiwan’s PC makers were said to have jumped the gun bylaunching a new series of mini laptops.5.Hundreds of fans lined up to get the signature of theirfavorite singer, but she didn’t show up.Unit51.Being the son of a professor does not qualify him for thescholarship consideration.2.The police suspect that it was John who (had)committed the murder.3.So far, the new manager has given little hint that hewon’t be any different from the former one.4.From all the indications, it is safe to assume that theprices of cars will go down by large margins.5.Some of his instructions are outdated and others are toovague to be understood.6.The local dialect sounds a little peculiar to the peoplefrom the north.7.The failure of the movie hastened her decision toretreat from the glamorous screen and spend more time with her family.8.The woman’s headache puzzled the doctor; he couldn’tfind the cause.9.The state has laws that protect consumers against fraudor misleading sales practices.10.He tried to explain the complicated theory to me, but Igot even more confused by the technical terms in hisexplanation.1.The local government’s decision to reduceunemployment benefits enraged the workers who were laid off and they resorted to violent protest.2.What’s the point of racking your/one’s brains for monthsover something that a good teacher could have explained in minutes?3.The boy admires his father and hangs on his every word.4.The manager pulled the pencil and pad from his shirtpocket and jotted down every word the customer said.5.At present, the whole world seems to be at a loss abouthow to cope with economic globalization.Unit62. Mr. Wilson is quite satisfied with his new secretary because she’s much more efficient than the former one.3. I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.4. The regulations are so vague that they lead to misinterpretation.5. Chinese and mathematics have always been thecore subjects in primary and secondary schools in China.6.You are expected to get to the interview punctually or a few minutes early.7.Getting tired of her partner’s all-talk-no-action approach , she decided to take the action all by herself.8.For the purpose of economy , Mary decided to take lunch box to work every day.9.You could not be exempted from the punishment because there can be no exception to the rule.10.Strife at home would invite dangers from abroad.1.We hope the special loan from the bank will pull our company through the crisis.2.It is believed that the car the police found at the parking lot of the airport terminal belongs to the gunman.3.He founded the company five years ago and has been managing the business ever since4.The five candidates will speak in turn to introduce themselves to the voters.5.At the wedding party, guests milled about with cocktails in hand, talking and laughing.Unit71. As I came to know more about classical music, my love for it deepened2. The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy’s gunfire and many of them got killed or wounded.3. I saw a little girl curled up comfortably in an armchair reading a children’s magazine.4. The long climb up the hill made our heart throb5. For many years, the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York will remain a nightmare for the American people.6. Don’t bother about him. What he has said is utter nonsense.7. The explosion at the crowded market place caused great confusion in the small town.8. The doctor felt the patient’s pulse on her wrist and then took her temperature.9. After the intensive training, they became somewhat more confident than they used to be.10. The sight of the rats running about in the house made my flesh creep1. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison, and on top of that, all his property was confiscated.2. The chairman talked and talked, and it seemed as if the meeting would never end.3. Drugs and alcohol have put this young man in a state of utter physical ruin.4. As a leading producer of spare parts for airplanes, our company is a long way ahead of other companies.5. The bank robber has been sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment. If only he had known the consequence before he committed the robbery.Unit81On arriving at the scenic spot, the tourists were warned not to venture on the river in the small boat.2.Let’s go and sit in the middle of the theater so that we can see the screen at a comfortable angle.3.The judges must confine their attention to the facts only, and leave out anything that could be described as hearsay.4.Roy complained to the doctor that he had been in adazed condition recently.5.Owen and Nancy had been happily married for 2 years before they gradually drifted apart until they separated.6.Mike’s eyes lingered on the digital camera, a new model with all sorts of frills.7.When Bonny stepped into his house and saw it was in a mess,a bewildered expression appeared on his face.8.Pompeii was overwhelmed by dust and ashes from the volcano eruption.9.A lot of innocent people lost their lives during the border conflict.10.The thought of lying terrified her so much that she decided to give up the trip to Europe.1.As my house is the only one by the road built with red bricks, it sticks out and you can’t miss it.2.In those days even bicycles were very dear and hard to come by , and coupons were issued for them.3.The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is under way .4.The soldiers were going from one ruined house to another in search of survivors of the earthquake.5.Many international students suffer from “culture shock” after they arrive in a foreign country; it usually takes them about three months to adjust to the new life.。

《大学英语(1)》课后练习答案与部分课文译文★课后练习参考答案:Unit 1 现在时1、I'm afraid I can't finish the work ___________to help me.A. unless you will comeB. unless you comeC. until you will comeD. until you shall come正确答案:B答案讲解:在时间、条件状语从句中,往往用一般现在时来表示将来的动作,故可以排除A、C 和D。
2、We can go when the ground____________.A. is dryingB. has driedC. driedD. dry正确答案:B答案讲解:有时为了明确在时间上分句动作的完成先于主句的动作,也可用现在完成时表示将来某一时刻前完成的动作,但不能用将来完成时的形式。
”3、Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand____________.A. feel so coldlyB. is feeling so coldC. feels so coldD. is felt so cold正确答案:C答案讲解:主语your hand是单数形式,谓语动词也应选择单数形式,故可以排除A。
4、Various programs____________on TV. World news____________best received.A. will show, areB. are shown, isC. are showing, isD. have shown, are正确答案:B答案讲解:第一句话的主语various programs是复数,故应选择复数的谓语动词,而第二句话的主语world news是单数,要对应单数的谓语动词,这样便可以排除A和D。

Unit 5
1. A 2.B3. C 4.D5. B 6.A7. D 8.B9. D 10.B11.C
1.set him up2.fit in3.is thankful for4.hold down5.built up
6.gone through7.weigh heavily on8.working out
1. move 2. drive 3. down 4. wheels 5. out 6. without 7. majority 8. imagine 9.realize 10. plagued 11. burns 12. that 13.to 14. what 15. But 16.done 17. altogether 18.on 19. electricity 20. practical
6. a. ambivalent b. adolescence

大学英语综合教程课后习题和听力答案11. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。
(get along with)She doesn't seem to get along with her new classmates.2. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。
(out of touch, get in touch)I'd been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to get in touch by phone yesterday.3. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。
(show off)The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。
(opposed to)Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.5. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。
(settle down)As Thomas couldn't settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西。
(bits and pieces)I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。
(pull strings)Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.8. 我希望这些菜合你的胃口。
(to somebody's liking)I hope the food is to your liking.9. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。

大学英语自学教程(上册) 教材课后习题答案Unit 1 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1.d2.a3.c4.d5.dⅡ.找出下列词或短语的同义词1.task 2.intelligent 3.learning 4.clue 5.conclusion6.repeatmunicate8.purpose9.probably 10.outlineⅢ.选择最佳词语完成下列句子1.Instead of 2.therefore 3.more…than 4.Even 5.First of all 6. because 7.on the other hand 8.finally 9.looking for 10.ConverselyⅣ.汉译英1.The research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.nguage learning is a kind of active learning. Learners should look for every chance to use the language.nguage learning should be active, independent and purposeful.4.Learning a language is different from learning mathematics.5.The teacher often imparts successful language learning experiences to us. Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性1. a. success b. successful c. successfully2. a. independence b. depend c. dependent3. a. covered b. uncover c. discovered4. a. purposeful b. purposefully c. purposeⅡ.用下列单词的适当形式填空1.inexact 2.technique 3.outlined municate 5.regularly6. clues7.intelligent8.incomplete9.similar 10.statementⅢ.给下列单词加上前缀构成反义词1.disagree 2.independent 3.incomplete 4.inexact 5.uncoverⅣ.汉译英1.They find it hard to master a foreign language.2.The research shows that successful men are similar in many ways. 3.Successful language learners do not only depend on books or teachers.4.We are willing to help our friends.5.We should learn new things independently, actively and purposefully.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. FⅡ.根据课文填入所缺内容1.with the help of their fingers2.Bring me something to drink3.tea, coffee, wine, beer, soda-water4.put his hands on his stomach5.soda-water6.much more exact7.meanings, put together into sentences8.form new sentences9.can talk10.form new sentences out of the words he knowsVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.b 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. dⅡ.选择填空1.B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B Grammar exercisesⅠ.指出下列单词的词性whether连词towards介词second数次hour名词repeat动词successful形容词not副词probably副词than连词because连词which代词even副词intelligent形容词differ动词regular形容词some形容词/代词/副词into介词oh感叹词seem系动词communicate动词Ⅱ.指出下列各句中划线单词的词性1.Let动词round介词2.Fresh形容词for介词3.Leave名词call动词on介词if连词spare动词4.Even副词it代词5.Where连接副词will名词6.After介词calm名词7.seem系动词those代词makes名词(牌子)8.without介词return名词9.strict形容词work动词10.news名词live形容词(现场直播的) meeting名词(会议) Ⅲ.在下列句子的主语和谓语动词下边划线(带“______”为主语,带“_ _ _”为谓语.) 1.Most adults would disagree with this statement.2. How much time did they allow you for doing the work.3. I had a visit from Mary yesterday.4. China’s stand on this question is clear to all.5. Warm clothes protect against the cold of winter.6. What we need is more practice.7. There doesn’t seem to be much chance of my getting job.8. In those days the cost of living rose by nearly 4 percent.9. There are a number of people interested in the case.10. Every means has been tried but without much result.Ⅳ.指出下列各句中划线单词的成分1.a magazine(宾语);last night(时间状语)2. in need(定语);in deed(状语)3.outside your area(定语);telephoning long distance(主语补足语)4.your children(宾语);all day(时间状语)5.his direction(宾语);French(宾语)6.me(宾语);plenty of exercise(宾语)7.long(状语);to London(地点状语)8.those(宾语);themselves(宾语)9.her(宾语);above others(宾语补足语)10.to built a hotel in the village(定语);of the foreigners(定语)Unit 2 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1.a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. cⅡ.根据课文完成下列定义1.a certain percentage of the salaries paid to the government.2.the percentage of the tax increases as a person’s income increase.3. people who own a home have to pay taxes on it.4. the tax charged on cars in a city.5. a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state.Ⅲ.选择适当的词语或短语填空.1.due 2. depends on 3. diverse 4. consists of5. similar6. tends to7. complaining about8. In addition to9. issue 10.agreed onⅣ.从课文中找出合适的动词重新组织下列各句1.How much do you charge for a haircut?2.We are trying to raise the funds for the Red Cross.3.He earned a good reputation for honesty.4.We pay taxes in exchange for government services.5.An open letter protests the government’s foreign policy.Ⅴ.汉译英1.Every citizen is obliged to pay taxes.2.Americans often say that there are two things they can not escape from in life. 3.There are three levels of government in the United States; therefore ,there are three types of taxes.4.Some states charge the income tax in addition to the sales tax.5.Americans complain that taxes are too high and the government uses them in the wrong way.Ⅰ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性1.a. percent b. percentage c. percent2. a. adds b. addition c. additional3. a. confused b. confusing c. confusion4. a. complained b. complain c. complaintⅡ.用下列单词的适当形式填空1. charge2. department3. due4. diverse5. earn6. vary7. property8. leading9. funds 10. tendsⅢ.汉译英1.China leads the world with silk products.2.In addition to income tax, some states charge sales tax.3.The sales tax varies from price to price of any goods you buy.4.People always complain about the constantly rising prices.5.His mother says that he spends too much time in watching TV every day.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. T 10. FⅡ.根据课文填入所缺的内容1.newspapers, magazines, the mail, radio, television2.food, drinks, cars, television sets, furniture, clothing, travel, leisure time activities 3.notice, announcement4.bright colors, attractive pictures, shorts messages5.color and pictures, voices and music6.15,30,607.entertainment8.want the entertainment9.the audience they want to reach, the best way to get their message to their particular audience, the costs10.managementVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.e 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. aⅡ.从课文B中选词填空,其首字母已给出1.attracts 2. leisure 3. available 4. limited 5. estimateⅢ.用下列词或短语的适当形式填空1.Decided on 2. approved 3. estimate 4. carried over 5. put up with 6. characteristic ofⅣ.选词填空1.B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. DⅠ.在每个句子后边用SV,SVC,SVO,SVOO或SVOC标出其句型1.SV 2.SVO 3.SVOC 4. SVC 5. SVO6. SVOC7.SVOC8.SVO9.SVOO 10.SVOC11.SVOC 12.SVC 13.SVOC 14.SVOO 15.SVCⅡ.用下列动词的适当形式填空1.prefer 2.insisted 3.need 4.make 5.remember6. look7.worked8.was9.sounds 10.gaveⅢ.选词填空1.B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10.DⅣ.用所给句型将下列句子改成英语1.The two language are different/not similar in many ways.2.The deaf and dumb can neither speak nor hear.3.That Englishman can speak Italian very well.4.Would you give me a cup of coffee?5.At this time he felt thirsty and hungry.6.Yesterday evening she asked me to wait for her at the gate of the restaurant. 7.When did you get up this morning?8.The story sounds interesting, but it is not true.9.The meat and macaroni cost me 25 yuan.11.She often teaches the children to sing English songs.Unit 3 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1.d 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. dⅡ.选择下列单词之一填空1.Long/wide 2.deep 3.across 4.around 5.highⅢ.用适当的冠词填空,注意专有名词1.The,/,/ 2.The 3.the,the 4./ 5./,a6./,the7./8.The,the,the9.The,the 10./Ⅳ.用所给单词填空1.unwilling 2.average 3.take 4.runs 5.SupposeⅤ.汉译英1.On the average, there are 1,000 visitors a day.2.The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific, but it is more than 4,000 miles wide.3.It took him a long time to go to sleep last night.4.There are so many ads on TV that it is hard to remember how many there are. 5.Many wrong ideas made people in Columbus’days unwilling to sail westward. Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性1.a. sailed b. sailor c. sail(n.)2. a. willing b. unwillingly c. unwilling3. a. unusual b. usual c. usually4. a. average(n.) b. average(a.) c. average(v.)Ⅱ.用下列单词的适当形式填空1.peak 2. crew 3. average 4. boils 5. unusual6. highway7. narrow8. salty9.spot 10.affectedⅢ.汉译英1.The sailors were afraid that they might meet with bad weather.2.The mountain is half as high as Mountain Tai.3.There are 45 students in every class of the school on the average.4.Climates affect the growth of plants.5.My work keeps piling up.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6.T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. TⅡ.根据课文填入所缺的内容1.Four 2. the earth’s gravitational pull 3. it is so near4. 29.55. its own, reflects6. disc7. the old moon in the new moon’s arms8. outline9. the old earth in the new earth’s arms10. nightVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. eⅡ.选词填空1.C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. D Grammar exercisesⅠ.加后缀把下列单词变成名词depend-dependence explain-explanationform-formation conclude-conclusioninform-information move-movementmean-meaning govern-governmentgraduate-graduation similar-similarityconfuse-confusion pay-paymentagree-agreement advertise-advertisementannounce-announcement add-additiondecide-decision use-usefulnessattract-attraction mix-mixtureⅡ.加后缀把下列单词变成形容词science-scientific success-successfulresponse-responsible color-colorfulnation-national revolution-revolutionaryaddition-additional help-helpfulperson-personal vary-variouseducation-educational meaning-meaningfulaccept-acceptable use-usefulwood-wooden act-activeⅢ.加前缀把下列单词变成反义词disagree impractical independent uncoverinexact incomplete disorder unhappyinformal impossible inactive uncertaindischarge dishonest impoliteⅣ.指出下列划线单词的意思,并把各句译成中文1.try n. 尝试;试验. 他们经过许多次尝试后终于取得了成功.2. say n. 发言权. 妇女在所有的事务中应享有平等的发言权.3.market v.(在市场上)销售. 3年后他们开始在市场上销售他们的产品. 4.journey v.游历. 要到那儿,他们就不得不踏遍整个山区.5.makes n.牌子;产品. 尽管乍一看我们的产品价格比其他产品的价格要高,可顾客还是愿意买我们的产品.6.Parrot v.鹦鹉学舌般的重复. 老板说什么,他就说什么.7.Wine v.喝酒. 他们吃喝一直到深夜.8.Empty v.流入. 这条小溪流入黄河.9.Head v.作为…之首. 后来,他被任命为经理,主管这家公司.10.Bridge v.越过;跨过(障碍). 这项政策将有助于渡过难关.11.Slow v.使慢下来;减缓. 火车减速一半.12.After-sale a.售后的. 如果你们能提供令人满意的售后服务,那么你的产品可定会在这儿迅速占领市场.13.Machine v.加工. 机床是用来加工金属制品的.14.Take-off n.起飞. 飞机起飞时禁止吸烟.15.Radiocontrol v.无线电控制. 所有模型飞机都是无线电控制的. 16.Downtown a.城市商业区的. 繁忙的商业街或购物中心通常是开餐馆的好场所.17.Will n.意志力;决心. 有志者,事竟成.18.House v.容纳. 据说这套新公寓能住下6口之家.19. water v.淌口水. 看到苹果,他直流口水.20.Rule v. 控制;支配. 有钱就有势.Unit 4 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1.c 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. cⅡ.选择适当的形容词填空1. smooth2. similar3. mental4. municipal5. meaningful6. useful7. familiar8. single9. striking 10. difficultⅢ.汉译英rmation that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.2.Association refers to associating what we want to remember with what we havealready remembered.3.Categorizing words can help memory.4.Needless to say, readers could not find the books they wanted if the books in thelibrary were kept in a random order.5.Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in one’s memory. Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性.1.a. psychologist b. Psychology c. psychological2. a. meaningless b. meaning c. meaningful3. a. organized b. organizers c. organization4. a. repeated b. repetition c. repeatⅡ.用下列单词的适当形式填空1.Ability 2. accurately 3. focus4. needless5. meaningful6. random7. Repetition 8. preserve 9. improvement10.image 11.related to 12. associate, withⅢ.把下列名词变成动词1.Mean 2. organize 3. visualize4. associate5. improve6. repeat7. memorize 8. communicate 9. categorize10.imagineⅣ.汉译英1.Their research mainly focuses on the learning skills of adults.2.It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases.3.The adult group consists of fifteen people.4.Needless to say, we all know the facts clearly.5.Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events or experiences.6.I always associate that song with my school life.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.T 2. F 3. T 4.F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8.F 9. F 10. TⅡ.根据课文填入所缺的内容1.Eighteen2. repeat it over and over3. a cage; three doors4. wait different intervals5. a random6. reward7. beginning, intermediate, advanced, native-speaking students8.weather,whether,wither,wetter 9. recall, contrast, interrupt, dial10.the meaning of wordsVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.e 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. dⅡ.从课文B中选词填空,其首字母已给出1.Kept 2. contrast 3. human 4. released 5. intermediateⅢ.选择填空1.C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. BGrammar exercisesⅠ.判断下列句子是陈述句、疑问句、祈使句,还是感叹句1.Declarative sentence2. imperative sentence3. Declarative sentence4. exclamatory sentence5. interrogative sentence6. exclamatory sentence7. imperative sentence 8. declarative sentence9. declarative sentence 10. imperative sentenceⅡ.把下列句子变成一般疑问句1.Did he attend the English lecture yesterday?2.Was it still raining when you came in?3.Is there anyone in the house?4.Was the baby well looked after?5.Do you usually get up early in the morning?6.Do you like to study in the reading room?7.Can he tell you the result next week?8.Was she able to swim across the lake?9. Will it be good weather tomorrow?10 .Did Mr. Brown lose his job again?Ⅲ.就划线部分提问1.Where is the post office?2.When did Tom graduate from college?3.How does he study French?4.Who lost the key to the door?5.Why did Miss Lee feel very bad?6.What are listed in the telephone book?7.How is your mother?8.Which bus do you think she is to take?9.What did he advise you to go?10.Why did he come?Ⅳ.汉译英1.She disagrees on many issues with her husband.2.Could you talk about the problem about taxes?3.Please bring me a glass of beer.4.Your uncle never says anything at home, does he?5.What are the customers complaining about?6.Did he travel in France or in Italy last summer?7.Did he see the ad in a newspaper or in a magazine?8.Do you have to pay sales tax when buying something?9.Who is responsible for the company’s advertising?10.At that time many salaried people did not support the federal government, did they?Unit 5 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1. b2. d3. d4. c5. cⅡ.从课文中找出下列单词或短语的同义词1.Bravery 2. eager 3. civilized 4. overseas5. substitute6. foundation7. mixture8. belief9. protein 10. containⅢ.用括号中的所给名词的复数形式填空1.Pianos,violins2.firemen3.data4.deer5. potatoes, tomatoesⅣ.汉译英1.During World War Ⅱ,the soldiers ate a large amount of potatoes.2.There is a fallacy that eating an animal one can get the good qualities of that animal for himself.3.It has yet to be proved whether fish is the best brain food.4.Milk contains rich proteins, so many people have it for breakfast.5.Today many people have wrong ideas about some foods.Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性1.a. civilize b. civilized c. civilization2. a. free b. freedom c. freelyb. digestiblec. digestiond. digestive, digestible4. a. scientists b. scientific c. scienceⅡ.用下列单词的适当形式填空1.Mixture 2. poisonous 3. suppose 4. digest5 . widespread 6. overseas 7. similar 8. foundation9. eager 10. substituteⅢ.给出下列单词的名词形式1.Digestion2.mixture3.belief4.civilizationbinationⅣ.汉译英1.We have not found a substitute for him yet.2.Children are eager to become as strong and brave as the heroes in the moves. 3.He is supposed to be the fastest runner among us.4.Some stories are widespread, while others are not.5.As a matter of facts, meat and potatoes can be eaten together.6.People often think of a school as a small society.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. TⅡ.根据课文填入所缺的内容1.True 2. run races, wrestle, have mock fights together3. Frogs, owls4.sports,very grave5.dams6.take care of sheep7.make changes and improvements 8.fashions,none from each other9.methods 10.instinct 11.ant,frog,owl,beaver,parrot,horse,dog,Elephant, sheep, spiderVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏找出左栏单词的相应释义1.d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. eⅡ.选择填空1.D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B 9.B 10.C Grammar exercisesⅠ.指出下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句Simple sentences are 6,8,10Compound sentences are 2,4,7,9Complex sentences are 1,3,5Ⅱ.选择填空1. B2. D3. D4. C5. B6. A7.C8.C9.D 10.AUnit 6 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1. b2. a3. b4. c5. cⅡ.从课文中找出下列词或短语的同义词1.Rare 2. substance 3. slight 4.pressure 5.crystal6. crack7. gem8. elevator9. crush 10. pebbleⅢ.用“It is”或“It was”把下列句子改成被动句1.It was thought that the earth was flat.2.It is reported that a new government has been formed.3.It was believed that the sun travelled around the earth.4.It is believed that living things exist on Mars.5.It is said that the world temperature is growing higher.Ⅳ.选择适当的短语完成下列句子1.Stick to 2. change…into 3. stick to4. running out5. pick up6. changed into7. run out 8. picked up 9. sorting out10.sort outⅤ.汉译英1.It is known to all that diamond are the hardest substance.2.Today most diamonds are not found in streambeds but mined from rock formations deep inside the earth.3.Diamonds, as they are first mined, do not look very impressive.4.He never sticks to anything he does.5.The explosion of active volcanoes is a kind of horrible natural phenomenon. Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并注意其词性1.a. popularity b. popularize c. popular2. a. hand(n.) b. hand(vt.) c. handful(n.)3. a. formed b. formation c. forms4. a. impression b. impressive c. impressedⅡ.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.experienced 2. Extreme 3. formation4. pressure5. blasted6. handful7. crystal 8. destroyed 9. unusual10.flowⅢ.汉译英1.Please sort out what you want and throw the rest away.2.The price of the elevator is somewhat higher than expected.3.These designs are very popular with young people.4.He stopped writing,for his pen had run out of ink.5.Experienced people can tell which one is real immediately.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子的正误1.F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T Ⅱ.根据课文填入所缺的内容1.difficulty 2. the thin blue haze 3. magnifying glass4. do,be5. guessing6. vegetable7. come first,a higher order of beings 8. earth,air9. flowers,fruits,grain 10.dissolvesVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. eⅡ.从课文B中选词填空,其首字母已给出1.puzzled 2. dissolve 3. aside4. magnifying5. latter6. observes7. beneath 8. broadGrammar exercisesⅠ.用括号中所给动词的限定时态填空,并将各句译成汉语1.died 父亲去世时汤姆才23岁.2.does not guarantee 对成年人学习语言来说,单靠练习不能保证成功. 3.advised 他建议儿子到30岁再结婚.4.is looking 她正在找机会,心爱那个和他谈一谈.5.comes 还没轮到你的时候你先等着.6.was going 他正要离开饭店的时候经理进来了.7.will have left 快点!否则,我们到火车站时火车就要开走了.8.would help 她说第二天要帮助她丈夫洗车.9.will be sitting 明天的这个时候他们将坐在电影院里了.10.w ere playing 男孩们透过窗户看见一些小象在外面玩耍.11.w ill go 100年之后,人们将会到其他的星球上度假.12.h ad finished 他吃完早饭就去售票处.13.w ould be 最后她终于认识到应该考虑一下出国的费用.14.w ill have locked 快点!要不然他们锁了门你就进不去了.15.h ad been getting 他认为最近一段时间天气变得相当好.16.h ad been keeping 我只想让你知道你一直让我们睡不着觉.17.h ad happened 几乎过了一个星期后,那个女孩才说清楚所发生的一切. 18.w ill tell 当你问她时,她就会把这个消息告诉你.19.h ad finished 我还没有吃完早饭,约翰就打电话来说要来看我.20.h as passed,failed 乔治通过了驾车考试,可没有通过学校考试.Ⅱ.选择填空1.B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. A Ⅲ.用括号中所给动词的适当时态填空1.invented 2. offer 3. have been sitting4. brought5. has not paid6. had seen7. was making 8. has been working 9.am preparing10.has happenedⅣ.汉译英1.Students of a medical institute are watching an operation now.2.It blows hard in March.3.Where are you going to hang the picture?4.She fell down when she was going downstairs.5.For how many years has Henry been learning to cook from Miss Smith? 6.The history teacher said that World War Ⅰcame to an end in 1918. 7.Mary has been waiting for you since this morning.8.My elder sister told me that the performance was not interesting at all. 9.If you come at 8:00 tomorrow morning, you will see him in the office. 10.-Have you seen the movie?-Yes, I saw it in Nanjing.Unit 7 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1. b2. b3. d4. b5. cⅡ.从课文中找出下列单词的反义词1.divorce 2. single 3. extended4. together5. traditional6. increase7. result 8. love 9. earn 10. oftenⅢ.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.basically 2. Traditionally 3. extended4. divorced5. related6. relative7. industrial 8. industrialized 9. nuclear 10. nucleusⅣ.汉译英1.There are many single parent families and remarried families in the US 2.Undoubtedly, the members of an extended family are related by blood or by marriage.3.The nuclear family in China usually consists of mother, father and their only child.4.The family has a sense of belonging, whether to the young or to the old. 5.Most children are unwilling to live with their parents when they grow up. Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并主语其词性1.a. relatives b. relation c. relate2. a. extension b. extensive c. extended3. a. tradition b. Traditionally c. traditional4. a. industrialized b. Industrial c. industryⅡ.用下列词的适当形式填空1. relatives2. extend3. marriage4. descended5. nucleus6. traditional7. social8.definition9. security 10. basicallyⅢ.汉译英1.In a modern family both the father and the mother earn money for the family. 2.She is a teacher, while her elder brother is an engineer.3.Traditionally, Chinese youth live with their parents until they grow up and marry.4.All the teachers care for the progress in my study.5.In some families, both parents work and take care of their family and children as well.6.The group was spilt up into two because it was too large.7.They plan to extend their study in this field.8.She divorced her husband two years ago.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. TⅡ.根据课文填入所缺内容1.equal 2. physical and emotional 3. nuclear 4. worked outside the home 5. the housework, preparation 6.her first years of marriage 7. busier 8. the family has two incomes 9. child care center, baby-sitter 10. get ready for school, make their breakfastVocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择填空1.D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. DⅡ.从课文B中选词填空,其首字母已给出1.dependent 2. primary 3. structured 4. similarities5. role6. partners7. customaryGrammar exercisesⅠ.根据限定时态,用括号里所给的被动语态填空1.are being printed 2. are guaranteed3. will be pulled4. were developed5. will be built6. was praised7. has been translated 8. had been sent9. would be given 10. is being doneⅡ.用被动语态改写下列各句,省去划线的单词1.All the books are kept in good order in the library.2.The income tax was graduated from 14 to 70 percent in the 1960’s. 3.We sometimes can be persuaded to buy things that are not necessary. 4.What should be done in a case like this?5.It has been announced that only three of us will be invited to the party. 6.The meeting will be put off till next Monday.7.You are not allowed to smoke in the laboratory.8.The problem must be dealt with without any delay.9.He was given a warm welcome at the railway station.10.Your baby will be looked after at the day-care center.Ⅲ.用下列各句括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. is spoken2. can not be kept3. was turned off4. were believed5. should not be eaten6. were let out7. were taken care of 8. can be remembered9. would be becalmed 10. are lighted upⅣ.用被动结构将下列句子译成英语1.Was the United Nations established in 1945?2.It is said that he has been seriously injured.3.This building will be designed by Dr.Ford.4.Where was the last meeting held?5.Was America discovered by Columbus in 1492?6.This task must be fulfilled by you.7.The patient should be treated carefully.8.She was given a warm welcome at the railway station.9.He is called Lao Wang ,though he is not old at all.10.The gate had been closed when I came back.Unit 8 Text AExercises for the textⅠ.阅读理解1. c2. a3. b4. d5. dⅡ.找出下列单词或短语的同义词1.transmit2.access3. remote4.demonstrate5.instruction6. simultaneously7.travel8. available9.privacy 10. application Ⅲ.从课文选出单词或短语完成下列各句1.television broadcasts, telephone calls; printed materials2.an education and entertainment center3.transmits, stores, displays4.telephone calls5.a risk to our privacyⅣ.介词填空1.over2. via3. to4. of5. for6. at7. on8. to9. from 10. betweenⅤ.汉译英1.The information stored in computers can be transmitted via satellite to users.2.Now a satellite is capable of receiving and transmitting 100,000 telephonecalls simultaneously.3.The high and new technology may help us and also harm us.4.To meet the 21st century, it is important for us to learn to use computer.5.The goal of learning a new technology is to apply it.Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.选择所给单词的适当形式填空,并主语其词性1. a. established(v.) b. established(a.) c. establishment2. a. signal(v.) b. signal(n.) c. sign3. a. entertainment b. entertainer c. entertains4. a. limited b. limit, limit c. unlimitedⅡ.用下列词的适当形式填空1. displayed2. theory3. established4. remote5. visual6. signaled7.access8. channel9.transmitted 10. transportation Ⅲ.汉译英1.Satellites are capable of transmitting not only television broadcasts but alsotelephone calls.2.In theory, every person has access to education.3.You should follow the doctor’s instructions on how to take the medicine.puter systems can transmit sound as well as pictures simultaneously.5.It is modern technology that leads us to success.6.The patient should be isolated from the rest.7.The soldier displayed his courage and skills.8.His experiment has fully demonstrated the psychological principle.Text BExercises for the textⅠ.根据课文判断句子正误1.F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. FⅡ.根据课文填入所缺内容1.Where2.deadly3.2,000pounds4.the coal, oil, and gas we have on earth5.our bodies6.powerful current of electrical energy7.the electric energy8.the energy in the atmosphere9.automobiles ,airlines, factories, atomic explosions10.l earn how to protect our atmosphere, the roof over the world of man Vocabulary ExercisesⅠ.从右栏中找出左栏单词的相应释义1.d 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. aⅡ.从课文B中选词填空,其首字母已给出1.atmosphere2. existence3. thorough4. radar5. elements6. protect,from7. created8. rest onGrammar exercisesⅠ.在下列各句中的不定式下划线,并指出其语法功能(注:这里的动词不定式都已给出)1.to say you like it (主语)2.to discover the secret(结果状语)3.how to make use of the waste paper(宾语)4.to tell the difference between the two(主语)5.not to miss the train(目的状语)6.to improve the present economic situation(定语)7.To be a teacher of the people(目的状语)8.(to)grow (宾补)9.to write a story(宾语)10.(to)be treated in that way(宾补)11.to make such an experiment(定语)12.to take care of so many children (主语)13.to hear her(原因状语)talk like that(宾补)14.to be very interesting(主补)15.to be waiting for us (宾补)16.to be discussed today(定语)how to divide the work(表语)17.to attend the meeting(主补)to be held(定语)18.to have seen your performance(原因状语)19.to learn new words(目的状语)20.to build their houses(主补)Ⅱ.用括号中所给动词的不定式的适当形式填空1.to drive2. to take3. to be praised4. ring5. to go6. to be invited7. to be sent, to work 8. take 9. to have heard 10. to learn。
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大学英语课后习题 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.U n i t11. The essayist’s language expresses rich and subtle meanings.2. The stockbrokers were overtaken by the sharp drop in the stock market last Tuesday.3. Biologists have estimated that there are around one million animal and plant species living and growing in the rainforests.4. In the United States the cost of living has been steadily rising in the past few decades5. The quickly growing company has ambitious plans to expand beyond nation boundarie6. That computer store is having a sale of audio software; let’s go and have a look.7. To be safe, you may put on your dark glasses to avoid the sun shining into directly your eyes.8. When the kitchen is finished, I’m going to focus my attention on the garden shed.9. In a serious tone of voice, the doctor warned him to keep off sugar.10. She Cupped her hands around the mug of hot coffee to warm them.1. I didn’t expect you to be so efficient at that rate; the taskwill be finished ahead of schedule.2. For the sake of safety, you must keep all medicines away from children.3. When we come to know these new employees better, we will assign more suitable tasks to each of them.4. This evening dress is rather expensive since it is made by hand5. In the World Cup, England tried to beat its long-term rival Argentina and qualify from the “Group of Death” and vice versa1. The theories of relativity have made fundamental changes in our views of the universe.2.That is our ultimate proposal, and no other changes will be considered.3. he forest ire was found to have been sparked by a cigarette end.4. The speaker had apparently noticed that his topic wasn’t popular with the audience, so he quickly ended his speech.5. I’ve no patience?with people who are always complaining of their misfortune.6. I have never imagined that I would be the object of such curiosity.7. The doctors tried to convince her that she didn’t n eed to feel depressed about her health.8. The police asked him to describe the accident in ever detail y9. The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive responses from the consumers.10. The story of Harry Potter(has) stirred the imagination ofchildren throughout the world.1. The scoundrel has fooled a lot of people into believing he’s a rich man.2. Isn’t this straw hat beautifulMy wife came upon it on her business trip to China last year.3. A group of bystanders was invited to join in the game.4. Scientists will have to come up with new technologies to improve the world’s food and fuel supplies.5. The news of the President’s warlike speech yesterday pushed the stock market to a sharp rise of up to 120 points.1. I don’t think that the amount of studying you did in high school would be sufficient for you to attain good marks in university.2. Because of the impact of poor sales in other Asian countries, there has been a modest decrease in houses sale in China this year.3. Some young people find computer games so attractive that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters.4. The victim was able to give a precise description of the drunken driver, which was rather helpful to the police.5. Some non-governmental organizations are planning a publiccampaign to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution.6. The cost of producing a tube of toothpaste is about 3 yuan, so we will market it at 5.50 yuan to ensure our profits.7. Mike is now the director of a factory which manufactures canned food.8. Plenty of football and basketball clubs are eager to sponsor young athletes if they show great promise.9. The sweaters are made of wool imported from Australia.10. According to a recent survey, youths are beginning to have a lot of influence on the products and brands their parents choose.1. She wants to drop out of college and become a singer, but her parents frown very much on her intention.2. Many great men have risen from poverty; for instance, Lincoln and Edison.3. The number of families with both parents taking full-time jobs is growing; as a result, children are doing more of the housework.4. I can use a computer; but when it comes to hardware, I know almost nothing at all.5. It is expected that all the countries under the WTO umbrella should trade on equal terms.1. A hacker attacked an e-commerce marketplace site. This is thelatest in a string of online break-ins in which credit cardnumbers were stolen.2.The coming of IBM’s CEO caused a stir of excitement on thecampus.3.Brown’s comments on the project caused unexpected controversy4.To combat poverty in the city, millions of dollars have beenspent on training the unemployed workers.5.6.You will be overweight if you consume excessive amounts of fat.7.The effective implementation of environmental laws andregulations is the responsibility of the local government.8.Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.9.After 20 hours of non-stop partying, scores of the bravest ormost reckless men will risk their lives in a three-minute dashfrom six fighting bulls.10.The prohibition on street begging will be in force next month.11.The court gave the heavy sentence, in response not to the factsof the case but to the irrational public fear.1.With no paper qualifications to his name , he failed to get adecent job.2.This high dosage of Vitamin C is an excellent way of helping tokeep at bay nasty colds and viruses.3.We have exchanged views on everything under the sun4.Taiwan’s PC makers were said to have jumped the gun bylaunching a new series of mini laptops.5.6.Hundreds of fans lined up to get the signature of theirfavorite singer, but she didn’t show up.1.Being the son of a professor does not qualify him for thescholarship consideration.2.The police suspect that it was John who (had) committed themurder.3.So far, the new manager has given little hint that he won’t beany different from the former one.4.From all the indications, it is safe to assume that the pricesof cars will go down by large margins.5.Some of his instructions are outdated and others are toovagueto be understood.6.The local dialect sounds a little peculiarto the people fromthe north.7.The failure of the movie hastened her decision to retreat fromthe glamorous screen and spend more time with her family.8.The woman’s headache puzzled the doctor; he couldn’t find thecause.9.The state has laws that protect consumers against fraud ormisleading sales practices.10.He tried to explain the complicated theory to me, but I goteven more confused by the technical terms in his explanation.1.The local government’s decision to reduce unemploymentbenefits enraged the workers who were laid off and theyresorted to violent protest.2.What’s the point of racking your/one’s brains for months oversomething that a good teacher could have explained in minutes?3.The boy admires his father and hangs on his every word.4.The manager pulled the pencil and pad from his shirt pocket andjotted down every word the customer said.5.At present, the whole world seems to be at a loss about how tocope with economic globalization.2. Mr. Wilson is quite satisfied with his new secretary becauseshe’s much more efficient than the former one.3. I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.4. The regulations are so vague that they lead to misinterpretation.5. Chinese and mathematics have always been the core subjects in primary and secondary schools in China.6.You are expected to get to the interview punctually or a few minutes early.7.Getting tired of her partner’s all-talk-no-action approach, she decided to take the action all by herself.8.For the purpose of economy, Mary decided to take lunch box to work every day.9.You could not be exempted from the punishment because there can be no exception to the rule.10.Strife at home would invite dangers from abroad.1.We hope the special loan from the bank will pull our companythrough the crisis.2.It is believed that the car the police found at the parking lot of the airport terminal belongs to the gunman.3.He founded the company five years ago and has been managing the business ever since4.The five candidates will speak in turn to introduce themselves to the voters.5.At the wedding party, guests milled about with cocktails in hand, talking and laughing.1. As I came to know more about classical music, my love for it deepened2. The soldiers in the open field were exposed?to the enemy’s gunfire and many of them got killed or wounded.3. I saw a little girl curled up comfortably in an armchair reading a children’s magazine.4. The long climb up the hill made our heart throb5. For many years, the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York will remain a nightmare for the American people.6. Don’t bother about him. What he has said is utter nonsense.7. The explosion at the crowded market place caused great confusion in the small town.8. The doctor felt the patient’s pulse on her wrist and then took her temperature.9. After the intensive training, they became somewhat more confident than they used to be.10. The sight of the rats running about in the house made my flesh creep1. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison, and on top of that, all his property was confiscated.2. The chairman talked and talked, and it seemed as if the meeting would never end.3. Drugs and alcohol have put this young man in a state of utter physical ruin.4. As a leading producer of spare parts for airplanes, our company isa long way ahead of other companies.5. The bank robber has been sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment. If only he had known the consequence before he committed the robbery.1On arriving at the scenic spot, the tourists were warned not to venture on the river in the small boat.2.Let’s go and sit in the middle of the theater so that we can see the screen at a comfortable angle.3.The judges must confine their attention to the facts only, and leave out anything that could be described as hearsay.4.Roy complained to the doctor that he had been in a dazed condition recently.5.Owen and Nancy had been happily married for 2 years before they gradually drifted apart until they separated.6.Mike’s eyes lingered on the digital camera, a new model with all sorts of frills.7.When Bonny stepped into his house and saw it was in a mess, a bewildered expression appeared on his face.8.Pompeii was overwhelmed by dust and ashes from the volcano eruption.9.A lot of innocent people lost their lives during the border conflict.10.The thought of lying terrified her so much that she decided to give up the trip to Europe.1.As my house is the only one by the road built with red bricks, it sticks out and you can’t miss it.2.In those days even bicycles were very dear and hard to come by, and coupons were issued for them.3.The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is under way.4.The soldiers were going from one ruined house to another in searcho fsurvivors of the earthquake.5.Many international students suffer from “culture shock” afterthey arrive in a foreign country; it usually takes them about three months to adjust to the new life.。