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The Procedure
National Representatives Conference
January June July August November
Primary election
Inaugura l address
National Representatives Conference
Social policies
• Oppose government recognition of samesex unions such as with same-sex marriage. • Pro-life(反堕胎) and oppose elective abortion(流产) • Support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for凭证 private schools
Economic policies
• Emphasize the role of free markets and individual achievement as the primary factors behind economic prosperity • Oppose to increase in the minimum wage • Oppose a government-run single-payer单一支付 health-care system and in favor of a personal or employer-based system of insurance • Support giving government grants to faith-based and other private charitable慈善的 organizations to supplant welfare spending
Differences Social policies
Economic policies Voter base
It includes primary election, the determination of presidential candidate,the competition of candidate,the popular vote, the electoral college vote and inauguration.
Social policies
• Support for same-sex marriage and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) • Believe that all women should have access to birth control and call for abortion to be "safe, legal and rare " • Support equal opportunity for all Americans regardless of sex, age, race, sexual orientation性取向, gender性别 identity, religion, creed信条 , or national origin原始国籍
T h e e ig h te e n th N a tio n a l C o n g re s s o f th e C P C h a d ju s t e n d e d .A n d to d a y w e in tro d u c e d th e U n ite d S ta te s e le c tio n .
America is a presidential government country. The presidential election is held every four years. The system of presidential government is complicated and the process is endless.
introduce They began to
Formal presidental election
Formal presidental election start on the first Monday of september make campaign speeches across the country interview voters debate in public with their rivals
After National Representatives Conference, someone is elected as party’s official candidate their own party’s political claims voters their own political programmes give promises Serve the people voters get more support
Barack Hussein Obama II
Thank You!
Never Say Never
Economic policies
• Favor a higher minimum wage, and more regular increases • Oppose tax cuts and incentives刺激 to oil companies, favor a policy of developing domestic renewable energy国内可再生资源 • Support more government spending on social services while spending less on the military • Call for "affordable and quality health care," and many advocate an expansion of government intervention干预 in this area.
The Election of American President

Байду номын сангаас
美国大选 的前奏 (第一阶 段) 第二阶段
全国选民投票在选丼年11月份 真正的总统选举是在12月第 全国代表大会之后,总统竞 预选是美国总统选丼的第一阶 就职典礼是美国总统选举的最 预选结束后,两党通常将分别 二个星期三之后的第一个星 选活动便正式拉开帷幕。这 段,被视为美国大选的前奏。 的首个星期一的翌日(2008 后一道程序,只有到当选总统 在7、8月份召开全国代表大会 期一举行(2008年是12月15 一过程一般要持续8至9周。 该阶段通常于大选年2月开始, 年是11月4日,2012年为11月 于次年1月20日手抚《圣经》 确定本党总统候选人。在两党 日)。届时,各州和哥伦比 在此期间,两党总统候选人 至6月结束。党内预选绝大多 6日),这一天被称为总统大 (历史上除西奥多· 罗斯福) 全国代表大会上,哪位竞选人 亚特区被推选出的“选举人” 将耗费巨资,穿梭于全国各 数是在星期二丼行。在预选阶 选日。所有美国选民都到指定 宣誓就职时,美国的总统选举 得到最多出席者支持,就能被 将前往各州的首府进行投票。 地,进行广告大战、发表竞 段,美国民主、共和两大政党 地点进行投票,在两个总统候 获270张选票以上的候选人 选演说、会见选民、召开记 将分别在全国大多数州选出参 才告结束。 推丼为该党总统候选人。会议 将当选总统,并于次年1月 者招待会以及进行公开辩论。 加本党全国代表大会的代表。 选人之间作出选择(在同一张 的主要任务是最终确定本党总 20日宣誓就职。 此外,候选人还将通过多种 少数不丼行预选的州,则由两 选票上选出各州的总统“选丼 统、副总统候选人,并讨论通 形式阐述对国内外事务的政 党的州委员会或州代表大会选 人”)。一个(党的)总统候 过总统竞选纲领。 策主张,以赢得选民信任, 拔参加本党全国代表大会的代 选人在一个州的选丼中获得多 争取选票。 表。这些代表将在党代会上提 数取胜,他就拥有这个州的全 出本党的总统候选人。 部总统“选丼人”票,这就是 全州统选制 。