




Passage One

新旧情况:旧 80103


题目:The impact of refrigeration

题型:1-5 时间配事件 6-9 人名配成就 10-13 句首配句末

文章大意:时间顺序讲了概述,冰箱运输的需求,问题,改进,形成火车运输,汽车运输有毒物质发明crc,进一步发展(共7 段)


1. I

2. H

3. A

4. B

5. E

6. Tudor

7. JB*****

8. Why***

9. Fudor

10. A healthy dietary- frost product

11. Refrigerated transport- big cities

12. The invention of CRC-danger

13. Refrigeration-water(答案仅供参考)

Passage Two


题型:14-19 细节配段落 20-24 实验结果配大学

文章大意:总述, A 大学实验,人类和个别动物会yawning,leeds 大学研究,london 大学研究,早期人类的推测(共 6 段)

参考文章: A When a scientist began to study yawning in the 1980s, it was difficult to convince some of his research students of the merits of "yawning science. "Although it may appear quirky, his decision to study yawning was a

logical extension to human beings of my research in developmental neuroscience, reported in such papers as "Wing-flapping during Development and Evolution. " As a neurobehavioral problem, there is not much difference between the wing-flapping of birds and the face- and body-flapping of human yawners.

B Yawning is an ancient, primitive act. Humans do it even before they are born, opening wide in the womb . Some snakes unhinge their jaws to do it. One species of penguins yawns as part of mating. Only now are researchers beginning

to understand why we yawn, when we yawn and why we yawn back. A professor of cognitive neuroscience at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Steven Platek, studies the act of contagious yawning, something done only by people and other primates.

C In his first experiment, he used a psychological test to rank people on their empathic feelings. He found that participants who did not score high on compassion did not yawn back. "We literally had people saying, ‘Why am I looking at people yawning?"’ Profes sor Platek said. "It just had no effect. "

D For his second experiment, he put 10 students in an magnetic resonance imaging machine as they watched video tapes of people yawning. When the students watched the videos, the part of the brain which reacted was the part scientists believe controls empathy - the posterior cingulate, in the brain’s middle rear. " I don’t know if it's necessarily that nice people yawn more, but I think it’s a good indicator of a state of mind, "said Professor Platek. "It’s also a g ood indicator if you’re empathizing with me and paying attention. "

E His third experiment is studying yawning in those with brain disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, in which victims have difficulty connecting emotionally with others. A psychology professor at the University of Maryland, Robert Provine, is one of the few other researchers into yawning. He found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds. Men and women yawn or half-yawn equally often, but men are significantly less likely to cover their mouths which may indicate complex distinction in genders. " A watched yawner never yawns, " Professor Provine said. However, the physical root of yawning remains a mystery. Some researchers say it’s coordinated within the hypothalamus of the brain, the area that also controls breathing.

F Yawning and stretching also share properties and may be performed together as parts of a global motor complex. But they do not always co-occur-people usually ya wn when we stretch, but we don’t always stretch when we yawn,especially before bedtime. Studies by J. I. P, G. H. A. Visser and H. F. Prechtl in the early 1980s, charting movement in the developing fetus using ultrasound, observed not just yawning but a link between yawning and stretching as early as the end of the first renatal trimester.

G The most extraordinary demonstration of the yawn-stretch linkage occurs in many people paralyzed on one side of their body because of brain damage caused by a stroke. The prominent British neurologist Sir Francis Walshe noted in 1923 that when these hemiplegics yawn, they are startled and mystified to observe

that their otherwise paralyzed arm rises and flexes automatically in what neurologists term an "associated response. " Yawning apparently activates undamaged, unconsciously controlled connections between the brain and the cord motor system innervating the paralyzed limb. It is not known whether the associated response is a positive prognosis for recovery, nor whether yawning is therapeutic for reinnervation or prevention of muscular atrophy.

H Clinical neurology offers other surprises. Some patients with "locked-in" syndrome, who are almost totally deprived of the ability to move voluntarily, can yawn normally. The neural circuits for spontaneous yawning must exist in the brain stem near other respiratory and vasomotor centers, because yawning is performed by anencephalic(无脑畸形) who possess only the medulla oblongata. The multiplicity of stimuli of contagious yawning, by contrast, implicates many higher brain regions.


14. D

15. B

16. E

17. A

18. B

19. F

20. B Leeds

21. C London

22. A Aryrn

23. B Leeds

24. danger

25. rest

26. communication

Passage Three

题目:Plain English

题型:27-33 判断

34-40 summary


A We launched Plain English Campaign in 1979 with a ritual shredding of appalling government and municipal council forms in Parliament Square, London. We had become so fed up of people visiting our advice centre in Salford, Greater Manchester, to complain about incomprehensible forms that we thought we ought to take action. At the time the shredding seemed like merely throwing sand in the eyes of the charging lion, but it briefly caught the public imagination and left an impression on government and business. Although we're

pleased with the new plain English awareness in government departments, many local councils and businesses maintain a stout resistance to change, one council began a letter to its tenants about a rent increase with two sentences averaging 95 words, full of bizarre housing finance jargon and waffle about Acts of Parliament. The London Borough of Ealing sent such an incomprehensible letter to ISO residents that 40 of them wrote or telephoned to complain and ask for clarification. Many were upset and frightened that the council was planning to imprison them if they didn't fill in the accompanying form. In fact the letter meant nothing of the sort, and the council had to send another letter to explain

B Plain legal English can be used as a marketing tactic. Provincial Insurance issued their plain English Home Cover policy in 1983 and sold it heavily as such. In the first 18 months its sales rocketed, drawing in about an extra £1. 5 million of business. Recently, the Eagle Star Group launched a plain English policy to a chorus of congratulatory letters from policyholders. People, it seems, prefer to buy a policy they can understand.

C Two kinds of instructions give us a lot of concern - medical labels and do-it-yourself products. With medical labels there is a serious gap between what the professionals think is clear and what is really clear to patients. A survey by pharmacists Raynor and Sillito found that 31% of patients misunderstood the instruction on eye drops 'To be instilled', while 33% misunderstood 'Use sparingly'. The instruction 'Take two tablets 4 hourly' is so prone to misunderstanding (for example, as 8 tablets an hour) that we think it should be banned. Unclear instructions on do-it-yourself products cause expense and frustration to customers. Writing the necessary instructions for these products is usually entrusted to someone who knows the product inside out, yet the best qualification for writing instructions is ignorance. The writer is then like a first-time user, discovering how to use the product in a step-by-step way. Instructions never seem to be tested with first-time users before being issued. So vital steps are missed out or components are mislabeled or not labelled at all. For example, the instructions for assembling a sliding door gear say: 'The pendant bolt centres are fixed and should be at an equal distance from the centre of the door. 'This neglects to explain who should do the fixing and how the bolt centres will get into the correct position. By using an imperative and an active verb the instruction becomes much clearer: 'Make sure you fix the centres of the pendant bolts at an equal distance from the centre of the door. '

D Effectively, the Plain English movement in the US began with President Jimmy Carter's Executive Order 12044 of 23 March 1978, that required regulations to be written in plain language. There were earlier government efforts to inform consumers about their rights and obligations, such as the Truth in Lending Act (1969) and the Fair Credit Billing Act (1975), which emphasized a body of information that consumers need in simple language. But President Carter's executive order gave the prestige and force of a president to the movement. All over the country isolated revolts or efforts against legalistic gobbledygook at the federal, state and corporate levels seemed to grow into a small revolution. These efforts and advances between the years 1978 and 1985 are described in the panel 'The Plain English Scorecard'.

E The Bastille (巴士底狱) has not fallen yet. The forces of resistance are strong, as one can see from the case of Pennsylvania as cited in the Scorecard. In addition, President Ronald Reagan's executive order of 19 February 1981, revoking President Carter's earlier executive order, has definitely slowed the pace of plain English legislation in the United States. There

are three main objections to the idea of plain English. They are given below, with the campaign's answers to them:

F The statute would cause unending litigation and clog the courts. Simply not true in all the ten states with plain English laws for consumer contracts and the 34 states with laws or regulations for insurance policies. Since 1978 when plain English law went into effect in New York there have been only four litigations and only two decisions. Massachusetts had zero cases. The cost of compliance would be enormous. Translation of legal contracts into non-legal everyday language would be a waste of time and money. The experience of several corporations has proved that the cost of compliance is often outweighed by solid benefits and litigation savings. Citibank of New York made history in 1975 by introducing a simplified promissory note and afterwards simplified all their forms. Citibank counsel Carl Falsenfield says: 'We have lost no money and there has been no litigation as a result of simplification. ' The cost effectiveness of clarity is demonstrable. A satisfied customer more readily signs on the bottom line and thus contributes to the corporation's bottom line. Some documents simply can't be simplified. Only legal language that has been tested for centuries in the courts is precise enough to deal with a mortgage, a deed, a lease, or an insurance policy. Here, too, the experience of several corporations and insurance companies has proved that contracts and policies can be made more understandable without sacrificing legal effectiveness.

G What does the future hold for the Plain English movement? Today, American consumers are buffeted by an assortment of pressures. Never before have consumers had as many choices in areas like financial services, travel, telephone services, and supermarket products. There are about 300 long-distance phone companies in the US. Not long ago, the average supermarket carried 9, 000 items; today, it carries 22, 000. More important, this expansion of options - according to a recent report- is faced by a staggering 30 million Americans lacking the reading skills to handle the minimal demands of daily living. The consumer's need, therefore, for information expressed in plain English is more critical than ever.

H What is needed today is not a brake on the movement's momentum but another push toward plain English contracts from consumers. I still hear plain English on the TV and in the streets, and read plain English in popular magazines and best-sellers, but not yet in many functional documents. Despite some victories, the war against gobbledygook is not over yet. We do well to remember, the warning of Chrissie Maher, organizer of Plain English Campaign in the UK: 'People are not just injured when medical labels are written in gobbledygook- they die. Drivers are not just hurt when their medicines don't tell them they could fall asleep at the wheel - they are killed. '

Questions 1-6

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

1 In marketing area, spread of Plain English can generate economic benefit.

2 Because doctors tend to use jargon when they talk with patients, thereafter many patients usually gets confused

with medicine dose.

3 After successive election over U. S president Jimmy Carter, effect of Plain English Campaign is less distinctive

than that of previous one.

4 The Plain English campaigner has a problem of talking with the officials.

5 Word check is made regularly by judge in the court scenario.

6 Compared with situation of the past, consumers are now facing less intensity of label reading pressure in

supermarket in America.

Questions 7-14


Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 7-14 on your answer sheet. Campaigners experienced a council renting document full of strange 7 of housing in terms of an Act. They are anxious in some other field, for instance, when reading a label of medicine, there was a obvious 8 for patients.Another notable field was on 9 products, it not only additionally cost buyers, but caused 10 , thus writer should regard himself as a 11 , However, oppositions against the Plain English Campaign under certain circumstances, e. g. 12 language had been embellished as an accurate language used in the 13 Author suggested that nowadays new compelling force is needed from 14


27. T

28. NG

29. F

30. T

31. T

32. T

33. F

34. Legal jargons

35. Increased sales

36. Frustration

37. First-time user

38. Essential

39. Special knowledge

40. Legal formulation


本次考试题型总体题型以配对填空判断为主依旧是主要的考试题型相似题目类型参考C5T3P3 C5T1P2 C8T3P1 发展史历史类文章一直是常考话题也可以参考C5T3P3来练习。针对该类文章,时间定位词较多,用特殊的时间和地点定位做题速度会有一定提升。


2015年1月29日雅思考试回忆及考情分析 第一篇阅读Bovids,剑桥雅思第一篇阅读 之前我们启扬留学中心和大家分享过这篇文章,以及详细解释了这篇考题所有的题目,认真关注我们公众平台的同学们今天这篇文章应该全对了吧。 答案如下 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.royal antelope 10.the auroch 11.long, splayed hooves 12.arid deserts 13.pronghorn 原文如下


解析如下 注释:解析中的“ = ”表示同意替换 难度系数从一星(★)至五星(★★★★★)

★一星最容易 ★★★★★五星最困难 1.四选一 难度系数★★ 题干定位词the biggest range; bovids to be found 定位到第二段第一句 bovids to be found = 原文 bovids are well represented 地点是在most parts of Eurasia and Southeast Asian islands 看到这里,答案选择B. Eurasia 和 D. South-east Asia两个当中选 第三行 but they are by far the most numerous and diverse in the latter the most numerous and diverse = the biggest range the latter 就是指代并列的后者,也就是 Southeast Asian islands Southeast Asian islands = D. South-east Asia 答案选D 2.四选一 难度系数★★★★ 题干定位词preference,也可以利用选项去定位,四个选项的共同部分是地点 定位到原文第二段第十一行 preference = favour原文第二段第十一行


雅思阅读段落标题解题技巧 段落标题题,又称List of Headings,是雅思阅读部分的常考题之一。此类题型主要考查考生段落的概括能力以及对全文整体的把握能力,这两样技能,除了考生要有良好的英文阅读功底之外,还需要培养阅读中的逻辑思维。因此它是雅思阅读考试难度颇大的一类题型。 段落标题题的常规思路是在段落中寻找主旨句然后与标题配对,主旨句一般为首尾句,含观点的宾语从句,带标志词比如表转折的句子等等。这些方法,坊间已讨论颇多,故不再此赘述。这里主要针对当前此类题型出现的一些新情况进行一下分析。从最新的出题形式来看,常规的解题思路似乎已不能应付,所以在这里有必要提出一些新的方法以飨读者。 趋势之一:总体把握 此类情况是按图索骥找到了段落中的主旨句却发现无济于事,因为选项没有包含主旨句信息的标题。然后考生转而去寻找段落的话题词(即重复的具体名词),结果仍一无所获,陷入绝望。其实答案所选标题里的任何单词都没有在段落中出现过,仅仅依靠定位自然是白费工夫。作为答案的标题非常隐蔽,是原文段落的高度概括,确实不太好找,但出题者在这里其实是考查考生对作者写作思路的把握,标题超越了段落的具体内容。在阅读时,考生不仅要知道这段讲了什么,更要清楚这一段在全文所起什么作用。换言之,读文章时,脑子里一

定要有一条贯穿始终的逻辑主线。而不能像以往那样见木不见林,单句阅读代替整体阅读的做法再也行不通了。 解题策略 虽然段落标题题可以采用边做题边看文章的做法,但我认为鉴于目前出现的新情况,推荐先浏览一遍文章,然后开始做题的方式。浏览的时间必须控制在五分钟内,浏览的目的主要有这样两个:1. 记录各段主题;2. 把握文章结构(如时间顺序,cause-effect-solution 顺序,论证式等等)。读完一遍之后,再回去做题,仿佛高屋建瓴,感觉就完全不同了。做题时可先用常规的方法。如能找到主旨句,万不可生搬硬套,与选项牵强附会。一般说来,只有主旨句与选项存在替换改写关系,才能证明是正确答案。若无法替换或找不到主旨句时,可先搁臵不做,待其余段落基本选定之后,再对未选标题进行比较排除,最后搞定。这是一整套的做题步骤,下面以实例辅之。 请看剑5 P66。此题中B,D,F三段较为难选。但分析文章后我们发现,这篇文章是描述一种现象的说明文。此类题材的文章,通常先会针对现象进行一番介绍,然后分析其产生的原因,引发的后果以及解决措施等。由此可见,F段最为明显,因为此段为全文的末段,通常讲解决方法或展望未来,并根据第一句According to Siegel, international environmental organizations are beginning to pay closer attention to the region…可知这段不是探讨消失的三角洲本身,而是在讲人们的行动,所以很明显选viii,因为所有选项里只有这个和人为的东西有关。然后看D段,也找不到主旨句,



Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense A. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple,on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music,which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished. B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay. C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?“This is


雅思阅读段落信息匹配题超细致实 例讲解 欲攻克雅思阅读段落信息匹配题是一直困扰着广大Ieltser 的难题,它信息量大,干扰项多,给大家带来了雅思阅读段落信息匹配题超细致实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读段落信息匹配题超细致实例讲解没学会算我输 一、雅思阅读段落信息匹配题型特点 首先我们来一睹“段落信息匹配”的“芳容”,拿C5p22举例:Questions 14-19 Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs,A-I. Which paragraph contains the following information?【标志性问法】 Write the correct letter A-I in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet. 14. a biological explanation of the teacher-subjects behaviour

15. the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment 16. the identity of the pupils 17. the expected statistical outcome 18. the general aim of sociobiological study 19. the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue 两大特点: 1. 考察全篇,绝对乱序(同段落小标题,都是“全篇乱序题”) 2. 题干为细节信息,本质是结合主旨考察细节(需要跳读主旨+扫读细节) 由此可见,题干中并未出现明显定位词,且人名Milgram是实验执行者,遍布全篇,并非定位词,所以传统的关键词定位法在此无法奏效,相当于“大海捞针”。因此,我们需要采取一种“俯瞰群山”的方法,由总到分,先定段落主旨,再搜题干细节。在此提出“结构预测法”,即首先了解*整体发展顺序,预测题干关键词可能出现的位置,然后跳读主旨,扫读细节,化被动为主动。 二、雅思阅读段落信息匹配题*发展顺序


解析雅思阅读信息配对题 关于雅思阅读当中的配对题,很多学生和老师都已经习惯了称它为matching题。但matching的范畴太过于宽泛,如果刻意细分的话,我们还可以把它分为单词配描述,句子完成题和段落信息配对题三个大类。针对句子完成题(题干往往为complete each sentence with the correct ending)和段落信息配对题(题干往往为which paragraph contains the following information),我将以后另开专题来讲解,本次将重点讲解最传统的配对题型(单词配描述),并根据雅思阅读题干部分将其继续细分为match题(match each XX with the correct statement)和classify题(classify the following features)。 首先强调一下配对题的基本功:定位能力+词汇量积累 我们分别来解释一下。定位,就是拿着给定的主语去文章当中去找到位置。这些主语往往是专有名词,首字母都会大写。这一个步骤看起来很容易,也不需要任何语言能力和技巧,我们经常开玩笑说就算这是一篇法语的文章,这一步也能很快搞掂。但在大班课堂的练习中,我们会发现,有很多同学定位单词耗费时间太多,往往三四个单词就要找两三分钟,无形中给自己增添了很多时间紧迫的压力。而这种办法的唯一破解,就是拿着一些练习题做专项训练,而唯一的技巧在于,match 类(非classify类)的定位词出题顺序与文章中原词的出现顺序是一致的,一项找不到,我们就用夹击法,把前后项都找到,当中的就好找了。 那么为什么强调词汇量的积累呢?因为到了我们配对题的关键破题点,会发现想在原文中找到与选项中一摸一样的单词或句子并不容易,往往会用到近义词转述,比如unable会变成at loss,lay stress on会变成emphasize。这些单词看起来很简单,但能不能意识到他们之间的近义词关系,需要课下多进行“词以类记”的单词强化记忆,单词不求难,但求精准和举一反三。 下面我们先说说match一类题型的做题步骤。 以雅思剑桥真题集5,第91页的题为例: Look at the following people and the list of statements below. Match each person with the correct statement. Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 14-17 on your answer


雅思阅读5大核心题型 对雅思阅读的题型烂熟于心,是备考雅思阅读的基本要求。今天小编给大家带来了雅思阅读5大核心题型,希望能帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读5大核心题型就这样被你征服 1.信息段落配对题 雅思阅读中的段落信息配对题一直是同学们取得高分的拦路虎。我们先来分析一下这种题型的特点和难点。配对题考察的重点只有一个,那就是同义替换。配对题看似简单,因为只要找到信息在那一段落就可以了,不需要像判断题那样的深度 理解和逻辑判断。但是,尤其对于阅读功底不强的同学,这种题目非常棘手。同学们会发现有的题目和原文对应的出题句样子长的一点都不一样,没有任何一个词是原词出现,但他们确实表达的一个意思。例如,剑桥雅思4第三套题第三篇文章中的配对题28题,题目是the importance of taking notes of body language,文中对应的句子却是the recording has to be supplemented by the observer’swritten comments of the non-verbal behavior of the participants. 这两个句子没有一个词是一样的,但细心的同学能发现很明显的三组同义替换那就是重要性、肢体语言、做笔记。因为配对题改写严重的特点,配对题的定位词很难确定,许多在判断题中不会改写的名词在配对题中也被改的面目全非。再加上配对题的出题顺序没有任何规律可言,还经常出现NB----一个段落里包含两个题目信息,所以这种题型蒙对的概率非常低。原则上来讲,配对题每做一道题都需要全文通读,因为每一题都可能在文中的任何位置。 配对题的难度是显而易见的,但是再难的题,我们也能把握其出题规律,找到最高效、快捷的做出尽可能多答案的方法。这种题在考场上我们肯定是没有时间去读很多遍文章的,我们必须做到文章读一遍,所有的题目就处理完了。绝大多数的配对题都是细节题,因此我们都要从题目入手,找到关键词。又由于名词也可能被替换成其他词,所以我们要采用多点撒网,重点抓鱼的策略,把题目中


科目阅读 考试日期2016年4月16日 考题概述与分析: Passage One 新旧情况:旧 80103 题材:发展史 题目:The impact of refrigeration 题型:1-5 时间配事件 6-9 人名配成就 10-13 句首配句末 文章大意:时间顺序讲了概述,冰箱运输的需求,问题,改进,形成火车运输,汽车运输有毒物质发明crc,进一步发展(共7 段) 答案: 1. I 2. H 3. A 4. B 5. E 6. Tudor 7. JB***** 8. Why*** 9. Fudor 10. A healthy dietary- frost product 11. Refrigerated transport- big cities 12. The invention of CRC-danger 13. Refrigeration-water(答案仅供参考) Passage Two 题目:Yawning 题型:14-19 细节配段落 20-24 实验结果配大学 文章大意:总述, A 大学实验,人类和个别动物会yawning,leeds 大学研究,london 大学研究,早期人类的推测(共 6 段) 参考文章: A When a scientist began to study yawning in the 1980s, it was difficult to convince some of his research students of the merits of "yawning science. "Although it may appear quirky, his decision to study yawning was a


雅思阅读教案 paragraph headings(段落标题) 在阅读文章的前面给出 list of headings, 一般是 5 到 10 个左右选项,其中含一到两个段落及其标题的例子。要求对题目中给出的段落,根据其内容找出与其相匹配的段落标题。尽管题目说明中提示一个选项可能会适用多个,但正式考试中一般一个选项只能用于一个段落。 ? 段落标题类答题步骤: 1.首先在 list of headings 中划去做为例子的 heading 或 headings ,以免在根据段落内容在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他 headings 的选择。 ? 2.在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。 3.对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 4.如果时间允许,按照文章的段落顺序,对非题目中给出的段落及例子段落进行快速阅读,而对题目中给出并要求找出与其相匹配的段落标题的段落进行精读。找出其中心意思后,再在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 5.选出几个可能匹配的题目进行比较(通常两至三个),当然其中只能有一个为正确答案。 ? 6. 对于第一种匹配题型可以将最难的题留在最后进行匹配,不要在较难的题上花费更多的时间,而应选择较易回答的题目进行匹配,最后所剩即为该难题的答案。 ? 7. 要仔细检察答案,特别是第一题型,因为答错一题,就意味着答错两道题。 ? 相应练习:剑四 test3 passage2 剑五 test3 passage3 剑六 test2 passage1 剑六 test3 passage2 剑六 test4 passage1 二、辨别正误题型 (True / false /not given)? 该题型还涉及到:(not given / not mentioned)没有提到,有时还会出现下列提法 accurat / inaccurat 精确/不精确; supported / contradicted 一


今天给大家介绍雅思阅读SUMMARY题型该如何解答 一、SUMMARY题型要求 雅思阅读该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的缩写或改写,称之为摘要。摘要中有几个空白部分要求考生填空。 SUMMARY要求考生要对原文的内容结构有精确的把握,更需要考生运用一定的综合概括能力,将原文和缩写文章进行词句、词语的比较,提取原文信息。 按照范围,摘要可分为两种: 全文摘要(8-10题)和部分段落摘要(涉及2-3段,5-6题)。 全文摘要,摘要信息来自全文,题目空格的数目较多。 部分段落摘要,摘要信息来自原文某几个连续的段落,题目空格的数目较少。 最近雅思考试中出现的大部分是部分段落摘要,信息来自原文连续的两到三段,题目空格的数量在5 题左右。对于部分段落摘要,有的在题目要求中会指出它来自原文的哪些段落,如complete the summary below of the first two paragraphs of the reading passage。 但大部分的部分段落摘要只是在题目要求中说它是原文的一个摘要或部分段落摘要,并不指出它来自原文的哪些段落。 按照填空内容,摘要也可分为三种:原文原词、从多个选项中选词和自己写词。 原文原词的题目要求中常有from the reading passage 的字样。从多个选项中选词,选项的数目常常超过题目空格的数目。从多个选项 中选词或自己写词的题目要求中没有from the reading passage 的字样,有时会有using the information in the passage 的字样。 先看选项,按词性归类。注意是否有同根异性词选项(其中可能一个是答案)。以先猜后找方法解题:猜——用语法;找——回原文。 最近雅思考试中,绝大部分是原文原词或从多个选项中选词,很少有自己写词的。这类题在A类和G类考试中出现的频率一般都是每两次考一次, 每次考一组,共五题左右。 二、SUMMARY解题步骤 (1)雅思考试该类题型,要求仔细读摘要的第一句话,找出它在原文中的出处,通常是和原文某段话的 第一句相对应。确定填空部分是所给阅读文章的全篇还是部分的SUMMARY,确定是用题目所提供的单词表填空,还是需要自己从原文中挑选 单词填空。如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做。 (2)略读缩写文章,了解大致内容,迅速回原文定位,确定是哪一段落的SUMMARY,或是涉及哪些段落的内容。 把空格前后的词作为signal words,到原文中去找这些词的对应词。 对应词的特点如下: a.原词 b.词性变化;如空格前的词为threatening, 形容词,原文中的词为threat, 名词。


【真题解读】雅思阅读段落匹配题答题方法详解 顾名思义,段落信息匹配是指题目中给出若干个句子,且均是原文某段中某些细节内容的改写,要求考生在题号前写出这些句子含义所在的段落编号,有时题目要求中会提示:NB you may use any letter more than once. 这便意味着至少有两道题目出自同一段落。本题型着重考察信息筛选与定位的能力。 解答此类题目试,首先要关注是否有“more than once”这样的提示,然后读一下每道题目的句子,大致判断其在文中的位置,各题目大致排序,然后到目标段落定位关键词,关键词指的是题目中句子的核心词或词组,当然,这些词和词组在原文必然会以同义词的形式出现,要注意甄别。 细节性的规律为,如果某道题描述的是背景、历史,比如带有明显的background\history 这种提示词,则重点去文章第一二段定位答案,此两段重点描述写作背景,如果题目描述中带有比较明显的预测、未来、推广等含义则重点去末尾两段定位,此两段主要是对整篇文章的总结和对未来的展望。 下面我们以剑桥真题6中第一套题的第一篇文章做个较为细致的讲解。 1) a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports 分析:通过reference一词可以得知本句是关于某个内容的介绍,而介绍是背景段的主要作用,本题主要介绍的是不同体育项目,因此定位在1~2段。其中提到不同项目,主要找举例、不同、差异这类定位词,可以看到B段第三句AIS scientists work across a number of sports,applying skills learned in one对应题目1中的the exchange of expertise between different sports。 2) an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations 分析:通过explanation一词可以看出本句属于原理解释,位于文章中间,解释的对象是视觉影响,也就是说要去文章中间几段定位影像、图片、照片等关键词。我们可以从文中C段明显看到3D这一表示相机和拍照的大写定位,顺而向下可以看到在倒数第二句It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second,这句话对应题目中的视觉影像一词。 3) a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity


1.题型:按照考试顺序来说吧。 (1)雅思考试分为听力、阅读、写作和口语四部分。听力有四个section,分别为两个对话,两个独白,每个section只读一遍,难度依次递增。考试时间为半个小时,有单独的10分钟作为将答案誊写在答题纸上的时间,即一共40分钟。 (2)阅读有三篇文章,考试时间为一个小时,没有专门誊写答案时间。 (3)写作分为两个task,task1是小作文,要求考生根据题目所给出的图示写一篇描述性的文章,150字左右,task2是大作文,题目给出一个论题,要求考生根据题目要求写一篇论属性的文章,250字左右,考试时间一个小时。 (4)口语跟其他三项考试不在一个时间,具体时间安排会在报名网站上登录后的“我的状态”中公布,公布时间大约在笔试时间的前两天。考试的时候是一对一与考官交流,问题包括对自己的介绍,相关的热门话题等等,可以经常登录环球雅思王陆老师的博客看看最新的口语预测,非常准,我13号考试的所有题目都囊括在她的预测之中。 2.复习的时候主要在作文和口语,据我所知,雅思考试中一般听力和阅读分数要高于作文和口语的分数,而雅思考试的总成绩是按照4项成绩的均分计算的(也不完全是平均分,简单举个例子说明,比如说平均分5,25,那你最后的成绩应该是5.5;平均分5.75,最后成绩是6),所以这两项很容易拉分,应该多注意复习。 3.一套雅思试题,这个直接给你粘过来不太容易,因为网上有的全都是pdf文件格式,直接用粘贴的会有很多错误,雅思真题只有两个途径可以获得。 一是买剑桥雅思系列,现在一共有1-6册,全部都是考过的真题,很权威,是考雅思的必做书目,非常重要!!!二是到各大雅思论坛上下载剑桥雅思系列,都是pdf文件,还可以省下买书钱,就是做题时候费点劲,或者你也可以打印。近期的就是剑桥雅思6了。貌似有人说已经出7了,我是9月13号考的,我考以前还没出,所以不知道是不是真的。 出名的雅思论坛有(而且非常有帮助的)3g雅思论坛,无忧雅思论坛,在百度上输入搜索一下就可以了。 4.现在还有一个月时间考试,最主要的就是做剑桥雅思系列,熟悉题型,剑桥5和6最接近现在考试的方向,所以重点也在这两本,要把它认真研究,前面的1-4就要用作练习材料,练习作提的熟练度。 5.雅思5.5的水平真的很容易得,应该有4级水平就差不多了,高中生也差不多能拿到, 6.5是六级水平。这里再详细说明一下,以阅读为例,一共40个题,对22-26个就差不多是5.5.


“黑技巧”教你搞定雅思阅读最难题型段落matching题 作者简介: 詹逸雄,环球雅思阅读女教师一枚,但是因为名字很有mafia老大的气质,很多同事 和学生会叫我熊哥…听力阅读均9分,硕士就读于UCL英语教育专业。 写在前面的话: 段落matching题,英文名称为which paragraph contains the following information? 问的是题目的内容在文章哪段出现。这种题型,江湖上人称“断子绝孙题”,一听名字 就让烤鸭们虎躯一震,身体某个部位随之一紧,学渣闻风丧胆,学霸也抓耳挠腮。很 多学渣被这个题型虐过几次之后,基本上处于放弃治疗状态,最后纯蒙大法了事。甚 至业界一些老师给出的策略也很佛系:反正你也做不好,留到最后做,能做成咋样就 咋样...段落matching题确实难,但最大的问题是绝大部分烤鸭都没有一个正确的做题方法!!真是让熊哥痛心疾首,今天熊哥就来教大家段落matching题正确的做题方法,再配以一些黑技巧,让大家看到段落matching题感觉so easy,妈妈再也不担心我的 学习! 讲述段落matching题正确的方法前,先诊断一下烤鸭们可能存在的问题: 1.完全凭感觉,在各段乱找乱瞟。这类同学,正确率经常不稳定,好的时候也能 对不少,差的时候基本没有对的,当然差的时候居多。。。这类同学,用上熊 哥正确的方法,正确率和稳定性很容易都提上来!!! 2.题目都读不懂,只能找找哪段出现了题目中的原词,找不到原词的就纯蒙了事。 说句实在话,这类同学建议先背单词,关于单词,熊哥有很多话要说,等我拖 延症痊愈了(怎么可能???),等我拖延症病情缓解了,就好好码字给大家 分享背什么单词,以及背单词的方法。其实,雅思阅读文章有生词很正常,熊 哥能考到9分,但自己的雅思书上也会有零(mì)星(mì)几(má)个(má)的生词,所以熊哥上课从来不带阅读书,一方面是为了装X显示自己对于文章 熟悉,另一方面主要是怕背学生看到我查的生词有(guò)点(yú)多,影响 我的光辉形象(好像并没有任何形象可言...)BUT!BUT!我说的是文章有生


雅思考试考试题型介绍 国际英语语言测试系统(International English Language Testing System,即IELTS,以下称雅思)是受广泛认可的语言评估系统,其目的是为准备进入英语国家学习的学生或到英语国家参加非学术培训、工作或移民人士测试英语水平。本书为广大雅思备考者客观评价自己的英文水平,提供了有力依据。 雅思考试由剑桥大学外语考试部(University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations)、英国文化协会(British Council) 与澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education Pty Limited,经由其下属公司IELTS Australia Pty Limited)联合开发并共同拥有。 考试类型和形式 雅思考试内容涵盖听力、阅读、写作和口语四项语言技能,分为学术列(Academic)和培训类(General Training)两种考试类型。雅思考试由6部分构成。无论是学术类考生还是培训类考生都必须参加内容相同的听力和口语考试,而两类考生因其考试类型的不同,他们的阅读和写作考试的内容也不同。 学术类:适用于计划申请国外高校本科或研究生课程的考生。 培训类:适用于计划移民、申请国外非学术培训、中学课程或出国工作的考生。 考试依据以下程序进行: 听力:4部分,共40题,30分钟。 学术类阅读:3部分,共40题,60分钟。 或 培训类阅读:3部分,共40题,60分钟。 学术类写作:2题,60分钟。 或 培训类写作:2题,60分钟。 口语:11~14分钟。 总考试时间:2小时44分钟。 听力 该部分共有四组考题,每组10题。前两组题目涉及社会课题,开始是两个人的对话,接着是一段独白。后两组题目与教育或培训课题有关,开始是最多4人的对话,跟着是一段独白。考题类型多样化,包括:选择题、简答题、完成句子题、完成笔记/表格/图表/摘要/流程图/时间表题、为图表/设计图/地图做标记题、分类及配对题等。 考生只能听一遍录音,并且需要一边听一边记录答案。录音播完后,考生有10分钟的时间把答案写在答题纸上。 学术类阅读 该部分有三组考题,共40题。考生将阅读三篇文章,文章选自期刊、书本、杂志、报纸等。文章多为大众普遍感兴趣的课题。至少有一篇文章涉及详细的逻辑论证。 考题类型多样化,包括:选择题、简答题、完成句子题、完成笔记/摘要/流程图/图表题、图解标签题、分类及配对题等,以及从一组选项中找出合适的段落标题,说明作者的观点或主张(赞成/反对/没有表明),或确认对文章内容的理解(正确/错误/没有提供答案)。 培训类阅读 该部分有三组考题,共40题。文章选自通告、广告、传单、报纸、说明书、书本、杂志等。第一组的文章与生活化英语有关,主要是测试考生对正确信息的掌握程度。第二组着重于工作环境,文章内容涉及较复杂的句子。第三组的文章篇幅较长,结构也较为复杂,着重描写和说明而不着重于论证。


雅思考试阅读部分全解析 无论是A类还是G类, 雅思的阅读与国内\国际现今流行的各种重大考试有很大的区别。其广泛的选材范围、多样的出题形式、艰涩的段落和句法结构、冗长的篇幅和无处不在的生词对于考生的语言实力和解题技巧提出了严峻的考验。但是,回顾这么多年的考试历程,雅思并没有跳出语言测试的樊篱。换言之,雅思就是在有限的时间里测试考生的语言实力和应试技巧。 一、概述 I.文章的篇幅 长篇幅是雅思阅读文章的突出特点。每段文章至少700字以上,7、8个段落也算正常。 阅读目的就是为理解服务,应试型阅读就是为解题服务。雅思阅读中的题目虽然貌似复杂,其实归结起来无外乎主旨题与细节理解题。而解题的过程实际上是略读、扫读和细读这三大技巧的综合。雅思考试的阅读很有限,一个小时读三篇文章,每篇文章的阅读和解题时间非常短暂。因此,我们要坚持两点论和重点论相结合的原则,使用略读的技巧在短时间内抓住文章的中心思想、段落大意和长句的要旨。然后,仔细阅读文章之后的题目,并从中找出关键词或词组,同时迅速扫读,确定题目答案在原文中所对应的大致范围。然后对相关语段进行仔细阅读。这样,可以避免或减少对文章中干扰信息的阅读,从而节省时间,提高阅读效率。 II.文章的选材范围 剑桥大学考试委员会秉承剑桥大学的作风,奉行高等教育的精英主义理念,反复强调非专业原则和国际化两条原则,体现考试的公平和公正、严肃和全面的特点,所选的文章大多源于世界主流媒体,如Economist , Financial Times,Guardian;政府各部门的社会发展报告,联合国机构的年度报告;某些著名的协会杂志(带有官方色彩),如Info;英国及欧洲的专业杂志如Arts Management,Arts Education等;70%的自然科学文章选自National Geographic, New Scientist, Science, Popular立场Science和Nature杂志;80%的重大事件(非政治经济),重大发明都选自美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic) 雅思是一种语言考试,不是专业测试。因此,为了让不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等参与,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已经不再作为其考查范围。以下几个方面的内容经常作为考点出现:世界范围的就业状况;世界范围内的教育状况,经济发展的问题,


雅思配对类题型:段落标题配对题解题技巧 段落标题配对题是雅思阅读考试中比较特别的题型,因为大部分的题型都是考查考生对细节的理解,而段落标题配对题考查的是考生对段落主旨的把握能力。而由于雅思的文章篇幅长,题目较多,而时间又非常紧张,因此这种题型对于考生来说无疑是一道难过的坎。在本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的雅思阅读专家将针对这种题型,从出题特点、阅读技巧角度来分析 它的解题方法。 一、出题特点 1. 永远位于文章之前 段落标题配对题是唯一的一个位于文章之前的题型,这意味着考官建议考生事先完成这种题型。因为对文章主旨的把握有助于考生更好地寻找文章中的细节。 2. 选项以短语形式出现,数量大于段落数,且为乱序 在List of headings中,选项都是以一个短语的形式出现的,考生需要从中选出最能够概括一个段落大意或者主要内容的短语。出于干扰的需要,选项中一定会有若干干扰选项,需要考生去鉴别。另外选项全部是打乱顺序的,即与文章的顺序不一致。 3. 个别题目中会有示例;选项不可能重复使用 个别文章中,题目中会有一个Example,会提示某一段的答案。由于选项不可能出现一个选项使用两次的情况,因此这个给出的答案即可以排除。 二、解题步骤 1. 浏览文章 朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议考生,如果文章有标题、副标题、图片、小标题,则必须在做题之前仔细进行阅读,因为这些内容往往暗示了文章的主题,这对于考生把握全文大意、排除干扰选项会有一定的帮助。 2. 划掉示例中的选项 由于选项不可能被重复使用,因此Example中的选项不可能再次出现,故没有必要浪费

时间去阅读这部分内容。所以直接在这个选项上划叉即可。另外,对于某些记忆力不好的考生来说,也可以把这个选项所对应的段落做上记号,以免误读从而浪费时间。 3. 阅读所有选项,标出关键词 由于选项是乱序,因此如果先读文章再去找选项,就有可能出现每读一个段落,就要通读一遍所有的选项这样的问题,最后发现把所有的选项读了数遍。因此,朗阁RAFLE专家建议考生在阅读文章之前就先把所有选项仔细阅读一遍,并且划出关键词以便记忆。 4. 甄别干扰选项 由于出题需要,考官会放出一些干扰选项,这里列举出两种常见的干扰选项: a. 与主题大相径庭 雅思阅读的选文十分严谨,都是围绕一个范围较小的主题展开,因此不太可能出现与出题出入非常大的段落大意。很多带标题的文章经常会存在此类干扰选项,因此,只要考生在做题前阅读标题,就不难甄别。如果考生发现干扰选项,应在选项上做一个标志,比如把选项圈起来。但是不要划叉,因为在没有阅读原文的情况下,并不能绝对肯定此类答案是错误的。 下面我们以剑桥雅思中的几个例子来看一下这类干扰选项: 例1出处:剑3 Test 1 Passage 1 文章标题:The rocket—from east to west 干扰选项1:The first use of steam 干扰选项2:Developments of fire 通过文章的标题我们不难发现,文章主要描述的对象是rocket(火箭),而这两个干扰选项中的主要内容是steam(蒸汽)和fire(火),这两个主题显然不可能在如此短的文章内出现,因此可以初步判断是干扰选项。 例2出处:剑3 Test 1 Passage 3 文章标题:The scientific method



考试日期: 8月25日 Reading Passage 1 Title: Dirty But Clean River ---(FLOOD) Question types: TRUE\FALSE\NOT GIVEN 9题 Complete table 5题 文章内容回顾flood对生态群系的重要性,但某处flood愈发减少以致人们不得不模拟flood。 问flood or fire对森林更有害,后面问自从1663年t鱼就开始减少,还有flood最多可到3500每秒,1996的人造flood开始被认为成功了,cube鱼的减少是因为t鱼的引入,人造flood比天然的大,以前flood含有干净的水。 题型难度分析难度偏低,本文只有两种题型,且都是有顺序的题目,降低了做题难度。是非无判断的题量较大,在一定程度上降低了定位的难度。在表格填空题中,还有两道是时间(数字)的定位,难度降低。 题型技巧分析是非无判断题: 解题思路: 1. 关键词定位到原文中与题目出现重复的段落 2. 判断方式不包含任何逻辑推理 TRUE: 是原文中同义近义改写 FALSE: 对于原文信息的直接改写 NOT GIVEN: 原文没有信息,或经过原文信息不能直接推理出来3. 书写应该规范,大写全拼 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥5-3-2 Disappearing Delta 话题相似剑桥6-2-3 题型相似 Reading Passage 2 Title: graffiti(涂鸦) Question types: Which paragraph contains the following information? 5题连续两个5选2 (4题) Sentence completion 4题 文章内容回顾 graffiti(涂鸦)是艺术还是犯罪,主要讲各种去除涂鸦的方法,不足之处和注意事项 等。 英文原文阅读Graffiti (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun) is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. Stickers and other adhesives are not considered graffiti, apparently because they are less common. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.[2] In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become
