开题报告功能对等视角下“三美” 论的体现—以许渊冲英译李清照词为例英语

(英语毕业论文)“三美论”视角下李清照词的翻译最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 美国律师辩护中的预设2 《红字》中场景描写及其象征意义3 用合作原则和礼貌原则分析网络聊天室会话的含义4 目的论视角下的化妆品翻译5 浅谈礼貌策略在商务谈判中的应用6 传统与超越-解读成长小说《占卜者》7 从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观8 传统教法与交际法结合的英语教学探讨9 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因10 《无名的裘德》中哈代的宗教思想探讨11 从语用学角度分析美剧《绝望主妇》中的委婉语12 The Use of Body Language in Teaching1314 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化15 跨文化视角下的中美社交礼仪的对比研究16 On“Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in Translation of Business Contract17 英语报刊中的新词浅析18 海明威作品中女性意识的研究19 “邪恶的心灵”——剖析希斯克厉夫复仇的心理动机20 消费文化社会下嘉莉的生存斗争21 老纽约下的女性悲剧——对《纯真年代》中两位女性的分析22 Analyses of the Morels’Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers23 "工业小说"《玛丽.巴顿》的宗教解析24 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译25 从康妮的视角分析《查特莱夫人的情人》中劳伦斯的性爱观26 On Symbolism in The Wizard of Oz27 浅析《警察与赞美诗》中欧亨利的写作风格28 中国民族主义的新表现:“中国威胁论”——构建民族认同的一种手段29 “白+动词”的语义及其英译30 从精神分析和人格面具理论看“我”和吕蓓卡的对立统一31 英语广告双关语的语用功能32 文本分类理论与广告翻译33 E-C Translation of Adverbial Clauses in Business Contracts from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence34 王尔德童话中的死亡意象解析35 《请买票》的生态女性主义解读36 寂静的声音——《送菜升降机》中的沉默37 Western and Chinese Marriage Differences in Cross-cultural Communication38 对《德伯家的苔丝》苔丝的悲剧分析39 论密西西比河对马克吐温和《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的影响4041 互联网时代的语言帝国主义42 解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义43 《最蓝的眼睛》的叙述声音和视角44 EFL Learning Strategies on Web-based Autonomous Learning45 Analyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice46 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式47 影响中学生英语口语流利性的障碍及解决策略48 从产品说明书的英译错误分析探讨其翻译策略49 欧美电影对英语学习者英语口语的影响50 英语政治新闻中委婉语的形式及语用功能研究51 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究52 《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克性格分析53 The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter54 中英谚语体现的东西方价值观的差异55 从生态女性主义解析苔丝56 全身反应法在学龄前儿童英语教学中的应用57 Satan in Paradise Lost as a Tragic Hero58 Coincidences and Images in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles59 Contrariety of William Blake--Image Analysis of Songs of Innocence and of Experience60 《太阳照常升起》中科恩屡遭排斥的根源分析61 试析盖茨比和迪克的美国梦破灭的原因—以《伟大的盖茨比》和《夜色温柔》为例6263 电影英文片名汉译的原则64 女性意识在《红字》中的表现65 从电影《刮痧》看中西方文化差异66 试论任务型教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用67 从黑人女性主义解读《宠儿》中塞丝的觉醒68 从《马丁.伊登》分析杰克.伦敦的“超人”思想69 《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究70 浪漫和现实冲突下的宿命论思想——赏析欧·亨利的《命运之路》71 Analysis of Tony’s Tragedy in A Handful of Dust72 从读者接受理论看《达.芬奇密码》的成功73 从旅游看中美核心文化差异74 On Virginia Woolf’s Feminism in A Room of One’s Own75 D.H 劳伦斯《盲人》中的人文主义研究76 从寂寞到超然—索尔.贝娄的《赫索格》中书信体的内心独白77 从英式桌球斯诺克看英国的绅士文化及其对中国的影响78 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究79 从《洛丽塔》看美国世纪中期的消费文化80 《爱玛》中的女权思想解读81 《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之东西方爱情比较82 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略83 Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Doria n Gray84 英汉委婉语跨文化对比研究85 Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives86 On the Translating Strategies of Children’s Literature Seen from the Translation ofE.B.White’s Charlotte’s Web87 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响88 包法利夫人的悲剧简析89 Foreignization as a Translation Approach--On the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Wei-ch’eng90 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation91 从认知语境角度探究社交语用失误的原因92 欧亨利小说中的批判现实主义93 An Analysi s of Marguerite’s Tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias94 从植物词看英汉文化差异95 中英颜色词内涵对比分析——《骆驼祥子》个案分析96 论查尔斯.狄更斯的现实主义风格97 中美商务谈判的风格差异98 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同99 The “Monstrosity” of Science: an analysis of Frankenstein100 中西俚语中动物意象的对比分析101 On Cultural Default and Translation Compensation102 论委婉语与国际商务谈判103 从目的论视角看英汉成语的直译和意译104 论《简爱》中的经济意识105 中英身势语中的文化差异106 从《道连葛雷的画像》角色看王尔德107 An Analysis of the Female Characters in Moment in Peking108 试论用英语电影进行英语文化教学109 从艾米莉.狄金森与李清照的诗歌看女性文化差异110 《简.爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究111 高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析112 解析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性主义思想在其婚姻中的体现113 对《看得见风景的房间》的象征主义解读114 中英禁忌语的异同性分析115 大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析116 哈代的女性观在苔丝中的反映117 论杰里米·边沁的功利主义118 从社会语言学角度分析美国黑人英语119 爱伦坡短篇小说的艺术特色120 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking121 英语环境的营造对中学生英语学习的影响122 商务合同中译英准确性的研究123 语境视角下《边城》中对话翻译研究124 从到《到灯塔去》的主要角色浅析弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的女性主义思想125 《木马赢家》中父亲的缺席126 从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响127 Study of the Translation of Flower Image in Chinese Classical Poetry128 试析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中主人公冲破种族主义桎梏追求自由的精神129 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用130 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝之死的必然性131 商业意识对美国电影片名翻译的影响132 浅谈中美家庭教育文化差异133 从中美文化差异看中国人创新能力的缺失与培养134 英语歧义现象及其在广告中的应用135 An Adaptation-based Approach to Brand Name Translation136 《麦琪的礼物》中环境语的分析137 A Tentative Comparative Study between Chinese Wine Culture and Western Wine Culture 138 影响英语词汇发展的言外因素139 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例140 论《野性的呼唤》的多重主题141 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究142 新闻翻译中“编译”的合理性分析143 Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter Viewed from the Humanistic Perspective144 论价值观对中美商务谈判的影响145 庄子和梭罗自然观比较——以《庄子》与《瓦尔登湖》为例146 从跨文化角度浅析化妆品商标翻译147 英语汉源借词研究148 美国俚语中所折射出的美国亚文化现象149 文化差异对中西方商务谈判的影响150 On the Effects of Reading Aloud in English Learning in Senior High School151 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析152 Emerson’s Ideas on Nature and Social Harmony153 任务教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用154 A Lonely but Strong-willed Soul A Character Analysis of Ellen Weatherall in The Jilting of Granny Weatherall155 在幻想中回归童年──评析《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》156 模糊语言在商务英语沟通中的语用功能157 Modern Views on Marriages in Wuthering Heights158 《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型159 简爱与林黛玉的形象比较分析160 简析美国个性化教育对家庭教育的积极影响161 英语汽车商标的翻译策略162 新闻英语文体分析163 英汉语篇中的省略衔接手段对比及其翻译方法——以《雪》译文为例164 中国春节与美国圣诞节的文化比较165 对“老人与海”中人物的分析166 幻灭的美国梦:《夜色温柔》的象征意义解读167 从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦与道德观168 高中英语任务型语法教学初探169 文化负迁移对翻译的影响170 The Application of Corpus in Teaching English Writing 171 女性意识的苏醒--对《愤怒的葡萄》中的约德妈妈形象的分析172 A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man173 英汉习语的文化内涵对比分析174 Gothic Romance: Inheritance and Development of Medieval Romance--A Case Study of The Castle of Otranto 175 文化视阈下英汉数字“九”的对比研究176 英汉恭维语及其应答的对比分析177 浅谈简.奥斯丁的婚姻观在《劝导》中的体现178 浅析《法国中尉的女人》中的自由179 论《呼啸山庄》中两代人之间不同的爱情观180 孤独的灵魂—简评《月亮和六便士》中的思特克兰德181 The Use of Body Language in Teaching182 英文电影中俚语的翻译策略183 自我效能感对大学生英语学习的影响184 On Transcendentalism in Thoreau’s Walden185 新经济原则在商品买卖会话中的运用186 浅谈文化差异对英语明喻汉译的影响187 分析《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的人物形象和悲剧意义188 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素189 幽默语言的语用分析190 对《嘉莉妹妹》中摇椅意象的解读191 汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移192 分析阿加莎克里斯蒂在其侦探小说《阳光下的罪恶》中的写作手法193 英汉衔接手段对比分析--基于The Old Man and the Sea 及其译本的对比分析194 英语专业学生词汇附带习得195 从市场营销的角度论哈利.波特的成功196 On the Feminist Consciousness Reflected in Pride and Prejudice197 View Chinese and Western Love from Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Romeo and Juliet 198 中国公司简介的英译技巧199 “功能对等”理论视角下的词性转换翻译研究200 论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克。

2021年50期总第594期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】中国古诗词具有语言优美,节奏明快,形式工整的特点,可谓是音、形、意三者完美结合的典范。

On s’est quitté cela fait deux ans (我们分开已有两年)Je continue de pleurer,souvent (我一直为此哭泣)Savoir avec qui tu es (知道你和他/她在一起)Ne plus vouloir y penser (只是我不愿再去想)Tant de chemins,de rêves ensemble (那些共同(走过的)路,那些一起(铸造的)梦)Pourquoi maintenant je suis tout seul (为何现在只剩我一人)J’ai perdu la force d’écrire (我没有力量再写下去了)Je t’aime comme auparavant (可我还像从前一样爱你)A force de t’aimer,j’ai perdu mon Bonheur (因为爱你,我失去了自己的幸福)Comme si la distance,le temps manquaient a mon cœur(我已经没有了时间和距离的概念)A force de t’aimer,mélange de rancœurs,(因为爱你,混杂着辛酸的滋味)N’avoir pas pu saisir ma chance a temps (没能及时抓住我的机会)A force de t’aimer,je ne t’oublierai jamais (因为爱你,我永远不会忘记你)Tous ces moments gravés a jamais dans mon cœur (所有的时光都永远铭刻在我心中)A force de t’aimer,mélange de douceurs (因为爱你,混杂着甜蜜的味道)J’ ai gardé,la lune peut témoigner,le sens de t’aimer (我依然珍藏着那份爱你的感觉,月亮可以作证)On s’est qui tté cela fait deux ans (我们分开已有两年)Je continue d’ espèrer,pourtant (可是我还是一直在期待)Savoir avec qui tu es (知道你和他/她在一起)Ne plus vouloir y penser (只是我不愿再去想)(一)“意美”原则许渊冲先生曾说过:“唐诗翻译的第一个问题就是要传达原诗的‘意美’”。

‘齐齐哈尔大学学报“(哲学社会科学版)2018年4月Journal of Qiqihar University(Phi&Soc Sci) Apr.,2018 收稿日期:2018-01-19 作者简介:杨艳蓉(1983-),女,讲师,硕士㊂主要从事英语翻译理论与实践研究㊂ 基金项目:山西大同大学2017年度青年科研基金:认知语言学视角下许渊冲创造性翻译研究(2017Q14)许渊冲英译本中李清照词的美感体现杨艳蓉(大同大学外国语学院,山西大同037009)摘 要:许渊冲是我国杰出的翻译家,他善于将中国古典文学译成英语,介绍给西方读者,包括‘诗经“㊁唐诗宋词和元明时期的戏剧作品㊂在翻译理论上,许渊冲提出了 意美㊁音美㊁形象美”的三美理论,尽量使英译作品和原作具有 意似㊁形似㊁神似”的特点㊂尤其是对李清照的词进行翻译,将李清照不同时期词作中的意境美㊁音乐美㊁形象美都用英语完美呈现出来㊂关键词:许渊冲;李清照;声声慢;如梦令中图分类号:H315.9;I046 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-2638(2018)04-0130-04The Aesthetic Embodiment in Xu Yuanchong 's English Version of Ci by Li QingzhaoYANG Yan -rong(Institute of Foreign Languages,Datong University,Datong Shanxi 037009,China) Abstract :Xu Yuanchong is an outstanding translator in China.He is good at translating Chinese classical literature into Englishand introducing it to western readers,including the Book of songs,The Ci of Tang and Song Dynasties and The Dramatic Works of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.Xu Yuanchong put forward the theory of the beauty in sense,sound and form,which makes English transla⁃tion works and original works have the characteristics of sense similarity,form similarity,sound similarity.The beauty of artistic con⁃ception,music and image in Li Qingzhao's Ci poems in different periods are presented perfectly in English. Key words :Xu Yuanchong;Li Qingzhao's;Slow ,Slow Tune ;Like A Dream 李清照是我国宋代著名女词人,是 婉约派”的代表人物,她用女性的细腻情感将自己的感情历程融到诗词中,使自己的诗词在婉约哀怨中透出真诚㊂她在创作中用白描的手法,用通俗语言,营造美好的意境;善于移情于物,通过对景物的咏叹来抒发自己的情怀;在用词中善用典故,能够将典故用通俗语言来表达,显得明白晓畅;在音律上李清照强调协律,通过叠字㊁偶句的运用,形成高低起伏㊁抑扬顿挫的效果㊂这些特点,使李清照的词在宋词中别具一格㊂李清照生活的年代是我国从北宋到南宋的转换时期,她个人的婚姻也和国家命运一样,由兴而衰㊂国家命运的变幻,自己婚姻的不幸,让李清照的词风从潇洒豪放转变为哀怨缠绵,但她的词作意境美㊁音乐美㊁形象美越来越完美㊂许渊冲在翻译李清照词时,抓住了意境美㊁韵律美和形象美,将李清照词用英语方式呈献给英语读者,以此来体现中国古老而优秀的独特文化㊂一㊁许渊冲译本中的意境美(一)如梦令两首李清照早期的词,由于生活富足,婚姻美满,因此充满积极向上的情感,无论是韵律还是意境都生机勃勃㊂从两首‘如梦令“就可以看出㊂如梦令 昨夜雨疏风骤”,描写了春天春困,以及春雨带来的变化㊂将景色和人物交织在一起,画出了一幅绝美的春睡图㊂一个美少妇早晨醒来,只记得昨夜喝酒过量而早早睡下,隐约听见半夜刮风下大雨㊂她关心的是屋外海棠㊂所以醒来,第一件事就是 试问卷帘人”,但通过卷帘人的回答能看出是问海棠如何,卷帘人是个大大咧咧的人,回答是 海棠依旧”,但少妇却根据自己以往的经验,认为应该是 绿肥红瘦”,经过一场春雨的滋润,海棠花的叶子更加肥硕,海棠花正在变瘦,快要谢了㊂这首词的意境之美在于,没有正面描写海棠,通过风雨㊁主仆问答,将海棠将要逝去的无奈心情刻画出来㊂没有直接描写时令,却让人通过海棠变化捕捉到了时令变化㊂也将女主人富裕的生活状态㊁超凡脱俗的兴趣爱好㊁诗人风骨做了精致刻画㊂在语言运用上,两个 知否”连问,将主仆二人的性格鲜明地呈现出来了㊂ 许渊冲在翻译中,采用第一人称的手法娓娓道来: Last night the wind blew hard and rain was fine ”(昨夜刮着很大的风,雨也下得不小,良好的睡眠也未能消除对酒的回味;我让女仆把窗帘卷起来, 海棠花还是老样子”她说㊂ 你不知道吗?你不知道吗?应该是绿叶更肥,红花显得更小了吧?”)这里,许渊冲在翻译中把李清照的词本意完整表达出来,虽然没有汉语的押韵,但读来仍然琅琅上口,还有宋词中的长短句的节奏㊂最可贵的是将词的意境做了传神表达,将时令变化,女主人对海棠花的爱惜,对海棠即将凋零的担忧都刻画出来了㊂那两句 你不知道吗?”看似对粗心女仆的哀怨,其实是对海棠即将逝去的哀怨㊂[1]李清照的另一首 如梦令”: 常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路”,描写的是夏天傍晚,坐小舟去荷花深处游玩,因为醉酒,回家差点迷路,划着船回家,结果误入到藕花深处,跑到河滩上,将一群正栖息的鸥鹭惊得飞起来了㊂这也是一幅充满幸福的画面,初夏,黄昏,和丈夫一道携酒坐小舟,在开满荷花的水面上纳凉㊂酒后的混乱都充满美感㊂许渊冲在翻译中是这样处理的: I oft remember what a happy day We passed in creekside arbour when it was glo ming, ”(我还记得那个快乐的日子,我们从溪边回家,因为喝醉了,记不起回家的路,在荷花丛中迷失了方向㊂我们只想着:快点过去,快点过去,结果把停在岸边的一群白鹭吓了一跳,全部从沙滩上飞走了㊂)许渊冲在翻译时,采用意译的手法,将词的含义完整表达出来,将这首词所要表现的快乐㊁幸福做了传神描绘㊂词中的 争渡争渡”,被译成 快点过去,快点过去”,将两个醉酒人迷路后的焦急状态做了传神刻画,后来的 惊起一滩鸥鹭”,是相互 惊吓”,鸥鹭被人惊得飞起来,人也被鸥鹭吓一跳,酒醒了一半㊂后面省略的正是受惊吓后,又感到可笑的温馨画面㊂[2](二)‘醉花阴“的意境美醉花阴”是李清照在重阳节写给丈夫赵明诚的一首词,上阕描写的是时令,重阳节的天气是 薄雾浓云”,给人压抑之感;半夜睡在床上,寒意阵阵㊂这些寂寞凄凉之感,委婉地表达了对丈夫的思念㊂重点在下阕,对着菊花饮酒,应当是一件美好的事,但由于丈夫不在身边,女诗人饮酒带来的不是快乐,而是无尽的愁绪㊂ 帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”,在秋天的寒风中,她感觉自己比园中的菊花还要清瘦㊂这首词通篇不见 思念”二字,但却将思念描写得感人肺腑,尤其是 人比黄花瘦”的比喻,更是前无古人㊂因相思而渐瘦,从外表上一时看不出来,是心力交瘁的折磨,这一点和菊花非常相似,菊花整体看上去是丰满的,但每一个花瓣却是瘦小的㊂许渊冲在翻译中,对词中有些借代做了直译,像 东篱”,是借用陶渊明的 采菊东篱下,悠悠见南山”的,用以代指 菊花”,同时也是一种心态的象征,是不与世俗同流的隐逸状态㊂而 黄花”也是借指菊花,因为菊花的颜色大多是黄色㊂ 西风”在我国古诗词中都是表示 秋风”㊂At dusk I drink before chrysanthemums in bloom,My sleeves filled with fragrance and gloom.Say not my soulIs not consumed.Should the west wind uprollThe curtain of my bower,You will see a face thinner than yellow flowe”(黄昏时分,我在开满菊花的园中饮酒,我的衣袖中沾染了菊花的香气㊂但这些使我无法不忧郁,不要说我的灵魂不会被消耗,西风还在喧嚣吗?我的爱人,你如果透过被西风卷起的门帘,看到的是比黄色菊花还要憔悴的我的脸㊂)许渊冲在翻译中,将这首词的委婉表达换成直接表达,因而感情更加热烈奔放,将一个闺中思妇的思念㊁哀怨表达得更加淋漓㊂[3]在翻译李清照这几首前期作品时,许渊冲抓住的是对美好意境的翻译,将李清照的美满婚姻㊁幸福生活和对丈夫的深情都做了传神写照㊂和中国读者的委婉含蓄相比,英语读者更喜欢直接,坦率,在翻译中,许渊冲都是用第一人称的手法来处理,使感情表达显得直接㊁深情款款㊂二、许渊冲译本中的音乐美音乐美在中国读者眼里,主要是诗词中的平仄韵,以及宋词长短句的节奏韵律,这种音乐美的形成,是汉字的读音具有平仄声形成,在译成英语作品时,平仄声几乎不存在,就要将重点用在句子的节奏上,以及对叠声词的把握㊂‘声声慢“是李清照晚年的作品,经历过丈夫故去㊁战争离乱后的李清照,将自己的孤寂㊁对往事的怀念,对眼前生活的无奈,都融进了词中,尤其是开篇那一连串的叠声词运用, 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”让人读来倍感凄凉,这一组叠声词也被称为 叠字绝唱”㊂作者在寻觅,但眼前什么都没有,冷冷清清的徒感悲凉㊂一个孤苦无依的形象跃然纸上㊂在词中,李清照有意无意的会让读者回忆起她以前的作品,像 乍暖还寒时候,最难将息;三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他晚来风急?”,让人想起 醉花阴”中的 东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖”,都是秋天的黄昏,都在饮酒㊂但此时的李清照已经失去了赵明诚,再没有人关心她冷暖㊂和 怎敌他晚来风急相比”, 人比黄花瘦”又算得了什么?在写作手法上,这首词的节奏感强烈,三字一停,四字一叹,也给人凄美之感,像 雁过也,正伤心,却是旧时相似”, 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴,这次第,怎一个愁字了得?”许渊冲在翻译中,保持了词作的韵律之美㊂在翻译开篇的七组叠词时,采用意译的手法,并且加上主语, I look for what I miss,I know not what it is.I feel so sad,so drear,So lone⁃ly,without cheer.”(我在寻找我错过的东西,我不知道那是什么㊂我感到如此悲伤,如此沉闷,如此孤独,没有欢乐)㊂在译文中,许渊冲将原文中的抽象变成了具体形象,作者在寻找的是 错过的东西”,也就是过去的欢乐㊂在音律上,没有将叠词准确翻译出来,但几个 如此”的排比句运用,也充满音律美㊂在翻译 乍暖还寒时候,最难将息”几句时,许渊冲使用的是短句子How hard is it131 第4期许渊冲英译本中李清照词的美感体现 To keep me fitIn this lingering cold!Hardly warmed upBy cup on cup ”(到底有多难对付?使我保持健康,在这缠绵的寒冷中,不加热,靠杯中的酒,哦!我怎么能够忍受黄昏飘来的风?)对 雁过也,正伤心”几句的翻译是 It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old”(让我伤心的是,刚刚看到头顶飞过的大雁,还是我过去认识的㊂)满地黄花堆积,憔悴损,而今有谁堪摘”被译成 The ground is covered with yellow flowers,Faded and fallen in show⁃ers ”(地上堆满了黄色的菊花,太伤心了,再也不能去接待它们了,只有独自坐在窗前,等待黑夜到来㊂)最后几句,被译成:梧桐树上宽大的叶子,有细雨打在上面,在黄昏时滴答滴答落下,对着这样的情景,我又能做什么?[4]在翻译这首词时,许渊冲抓住了原词的 愁”字,用分解的方式,将它译成了一首长短句相间的长诗,通过第一人称的自问,以及触景生情的描写,将一个饱经风霜的孤独女人的愁绪情怀刻画出来㊂和原作相比,在音律上没有平仄声带来的音乐美,却有长短句交错带来的韵律美,更重要的是通过这种韵律,将原作中的悲愁传达出来了㊂三㊁许渊冲英译本中的形象美我国古典诗词中,很多咏物诗,将植物做拟人化处理,使这些植物形象栩栩如生,这就是许渊冲所说的 形象美”㊂李清照有一首‘鹧鸪天“,咏的是桂花, 暗淡轻黄体性柔”词中上阕描写了桂花的形象和香气袭人㊂下阕通过拟人化 梅定妒,菊应羞”,将梅花和菊花都比作人物,认为梅花会嫉妒,菊花会羞愧,以此来衬托桂花的特点㊂许渊冲在翻译这几句时,也保留了原作精神,译为 Envious mumes should grow;Chrysanthemums feel shy;”(梅花嫉妒的烟雾长出来,菊花害羞了),在译文中,梅花更加形象化,她嫉妒的烟雾在滋长,说明她的嫉妒在慢慢变浓重㊂这种形象的描写,切合梅花的本性,因为梅花的特征是傲雪和清香,而桂花的香味比梅花更浓,所以梅花嫉妒越来越严重㊂李清照的词善于将植物做拟人化处理,在 多丽,小楼寒”中,将白菊也做拟人化处理,说白菊 也不似贵妃醉脸,也不似,孙寿愁眉,韩令偷香,徐娘傅粉”,而是 细看取,屈平陶令,风韵正相宜”,这里主要赞美白菊的高洁,不像古代美人杨贵妃㊁孙寿㊁徐娘,它的风格和屈原㊁陶渊明差不多㊂在翻译时,许渊从形象美出发,将 细看取”几句译为 If we take a closer view.We will find your allure Just like two ancient poets pure.”(如果我们仔细观察,你的风格,和古代两位高尚的诗人相似),在这里,将屈原和陶渊明称为高尚的诗人,正好突出了他们相似的品格㊂在 怨王孙,湖上风来波浩渺”中,李清照用 眠沙鸥鹭不回头,似也恨人归早”来反衬湖光山色的大自然之美,用鸥鹭生气,怪人归家太早,不懂得欣赏大自然的拟人化,来赞美大自然之美㊂许渊冲在翻译时,将这句拟人化的句子译为 The gulls and herons on the sand bar seem to hate Those sight seers who will not linger late.”(沙滩上的海鸥和苍鹭,都生气地不回头了,它们恨那些不懂欣赏美的人们)用 hate”这个词来形容鸥鹭的厌恶和不满,将鸥鹭的可爱表现出来了㊂李清照早期写的‘点绛唇“,描写一个活泼的少女,刚荡完秋千,身上香汗湿透了衣服,来没来得及整理,突然来了客人㊂于是她赶紧逃开㊂但好奇心又使她不甘心,想偷偷看看客人,于是假装闻梅花㊂最后两句 和羞走,倚门回首,却把青梅嗅”,将少女活泼好奇的性格表现出来了㊂其中的 和羞走”是中国传统礼法,少女不能随便抛头露面㊂许渊冲在翻译时,将这句话处理为 我不能违反随便见客人的行为,只好在门口偷偷看一眼,闻一闻梅花的香气㊂”[5]宋词中,很多看似无关紧要的语句,却包含着美好形象㊂像 一剪梅”中的 轻解罗裳,独上兰舟”,其中的兰舟指的是小船,但不是普通的小船,而是木兰木制作的小船,有天然香味,如果理解为 小船”,就失去了美好的象征,许渊冲在翻译时,没有简单地译成小木船,而是译成 orchid boat”(兰花舟),在细节上保持了原作的形象美㊂四㊁许渊冲对细节的美化翻译宋词和唐诗一样,有许多典故包含其中㊂运用典故,可以起到象征㊁借代等修辞作用,在译成英语时,如果只按照词意翻译,就抹杀了很多传统文化,许渊冲在翻译时,非常重视对细节的美化,尽量将中国文化详细传播给英语读者㊂我国词牌的作用是限制词中句子的字数,但每一个词牌都有一个美好的名字,很多名字都是典故,像 虞美人”和楚汉相争时期的虞姬有关, 一斛珠”和唐明皇的梅妃有关㊂许渊冲在翻译李清照词的同时,也对词牌进行了翻译,像李清照的 武陵春”, 武陵春”来源于陶渊明的‘桃花源记“,因为桃花源就在武陵源,在翻译时,许渊冲将词牌译成 SPRING PEACH BLOSSM”(春桃花),这样就比地名 武陵”命名更加美好,也切合本意㊂李清照的 武陵春”描写的是丈夫赵明诚去世后的第五年,金人入侵,她南下到今天的浙江金华,在那里的双溪泛舟,感慨身世㊂许渊冲在翻译时,没有拘泥于原作,而是在忠实原作的感情基础上大胆创新,像词中的 物是人非事事休,未语泪先流”,主要是在泛舟是想到过去,每次泛舟都有丈夫陪伴,如今,船还在,水还在,但不是过去那只船,也不是那条水,陪伴的人也不在了,所以触景伤情,泪流满面㊂许渊冲将这句话翻译成 景物依旧,他已不在;尚未开口,泪已决提”,和原文相比,突出了她的丧夫之痛㊂词中的 双溪”和 武陵”一样,是地名,但武陵属于典故,要意译,这里的 双溪”是普通地名,采取了音译的方式,译成 Shuangxi”,保持了原来的音㊂ 舴艋舟”是一种小巧的游船,和 蚱蜢”一样小㊂许渊冲在翻译时,没有根据音译或者意译,将 舴艋舟”译成 小巧的船”,而是将它译为 装满过重哀愁的小船”,于是词中的 只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动许多愁”,在许渊冲笔下就成为 只怕这装满过重哀愁的小船,双溪也无法承载”,和原词相比,这种哀愁更 重”,连双溪也载不动了㊂[6]总之,许渊冲翻译的李清照词,完美地诠释了词中的美231齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 感,无论是李清照青年时期的快乐,幸福,还是离乱时期的悲哀,晚年的孤独,在许渊冲笔下都得到了传神表达㊂许渊冲能够将宋词中的美好意境表达得如此完美,主要在于他对中国古典文学的热爱㊁熟悉和了解,他不仅熟悉宋词的意境美,音律美,还对很多典故都了若指掌,所以在翻译中能够驾轻就熟,随手拈来㊂同时,他也了解英语读者的阅读习惯,通过音译㊁意译㊁第一人称㊁第二人称等不同方式,将中国文化完美地转换成英语文化,让英语读者了解中国古典文化之美㊂ 作为翻译家,许渊冲还有自己的翻译原则,坚持自己的三美原则”,也就是要求自己的翻译作品和原作相比,具有 意似㊁形似㊁神似”的特点,忠实原著,不拘泥于原著,在翻译中创新,这样才能对自己提出挑战,不断完善自己,要求自己,才有如此高的艺术成就㊂ 参考文献: [1]丁星星,岳国法.许渊冲宋词英译赏析之‘如梦令“[J ].海外英语,2013,(21):145-146.[2]车明明,赵珊.翻译过程中李清照词意境之美感再现 以许渊冲的翻译为例[J ].重庆理工大学学报(社会科学),2012,26(12):83-88.[3]任高莹.宋词英译的意境重构 以李清照词英译为例[J ].湖北第二师范学院学报,2015,32(10):129-132[4]李睿婕,张轶前.许渊冲译者主体性在李清照‘声声慢“英译本中的体现[J ].河北联合大学学报(社会科学版),2012,12(06):125-127[5]郭雅楠.从同构关系看李清照的诗词翻译 以许渊冲的译本为例[J ].长治学院学报,2015,32(03):80-83.[6]戴文艺,陈爱华.诗歌翻译中译者主体性的体现 以许渊冲译‘武陵春“为例[J ].广东广播电视大学学报,2013,22(02):74-77.(责任编辑 董翔薇)(上接第41页)是行业内部(例如书馆行业内部的等级评估等),外部评估,则应包含公众评估,或是第三方独立评估机构的评估㊁行业外的社会评估等㊂政府作为公共服务部门,其配置文化资源㊁制定文化政策㊁处理文化事务的公权力来源于公民个人权力的合理让渡,因此,公民(纳税人)有权监督政府行为,这构成了公共文化服务绩效评估必须让公众参与外部评估的最基本的法理依据㊂因此,绩效指标的设计亦应考虑发展适量的外部评估指标,并建立有效的外部评估机制㊂不论何种内容的公共文化服务绩效评估,均应引入公众参与评估,因为公众是公共文化服务体系建设提供公共物品和服务的主体,公共文化服务具有很强的公共性,这就决定了必须引入社会公众参与外部评估的必要㊂(二)黑龙江省公共文化服务体系绩效指标的设计,应尽快制定相应的奖惩机制与资源分配机制由于文化问题的特殊性(涉及意识形态㊁价值观㊁文化传统)关于公共文化领域的绩效评估,在我国虽然有些省份已经开展公共文化服务体系建设绩效评价工作,也还处于起步阶段㊂我省正处在大的经济社会转型期,如何将发达省份经验与我省的实际情况相结合,发展出适合黑龙江省的公共文化服务绩效评估指标体系,开展有效的绩效评估,显然是一个需要长期探索,而难以一蹴而就的课题㊂我国现有部分地区的文化绩效评估实践已经证明,姑且不考虑大的制度前提是否齐备,即便就目前的情况看,如果没有设立与公共文化评估挂钩的奖惩机制㊁资源分配方案等涉及利益分配的配套政策措施出台,就会导致无法获得被评估对象的积极配合,这样会使对公共文化评估流于形式,评估效果会大大削弱㊂所以,在开展公众文化绩效指标研究的同时,也应尽快开展相关配套奖惩机制措施的研究,制定出与之相应的奖惩机制与资源分配机制㊂可以将评估结果与中央对地方公共文化财政资源的分配支付㊁地方政府官员的绩效考核㊁政府对公共文化服务示范区的评选等方面与之挂钩㊂总之,要使评估指标体系有效使用,就必须建立相应的制度㊁机制保障㊂除此以外,鉴于公共文化服务体系绩效评估的创新性和独有的难度,建议选择试点城市先试行评估,以检测指标的科学性,评估的有效性㊂之后,根据试点经验,结合我省各地经济社会发展水平,适当调整指标体系后,再稳妥全面地开展评估㊂ 参考文献: [1][2]习近平.决胜全面建成小康社会夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利[N ].人民日报,2017-10-19(01).(责任编辑 马 蓉)331 第4期许渊冲英译本中李清照词的美感体现。

文学评论·古典文学从“三美论”角度赏析中国古典诗词翻译——以许渊冲的诗词英译为例赵燕 山东科技大学外国语学院摘 要:中华文明是世界上唯一历时五千年而未曾中断且历久弥新的文明,成就了中华文化的源远流长、博大精深。
关键词:三美论;古诗词翻译;许渊冲[中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-27-062-021、中国古典诗词特点英国诗人塞缪尔•柯勒律治曾说,诗是编织得最好的绝妙好辞。

- 222 -校园英语 /“三美论”、“三化论”在许渊冲诗词英译中的体现内蒙古大学外国语学院/于虹【摘要】诗歌翻译是文学翻译的最高形式,历来被翻译界争论最多。
【关键词】“三美论” “三化论” 诗词英译一、许渊冲翻译理论古典诗词桂冠专家许渊冲先生,是唯一把中国历代诗词全面、系统地译成英法文的专家。

意美对等视角下的诗歌翻译——以许渊冲先生的译作《春夜喜雨》为例张蕾;戴玉珍【摘要】Xu Yuanchong insists that translators should strive to convey the"Three Beautifulness"of the original poem,among which "artistic conception beautifulness"is the most important.While Eugene Nida’s"Functional Equivalence"theory also sheds some light on poetry translation.Mr.Xu's"Three Beautifulness"practically complies with Nida's"Functional Equivalence"theory.In other words,in order to realize"Three Beautifulness",a translator should strive to pursue the equivalenceof esthetic effect in sense,form and sound of source text and targettext,and realizing the aesthetic effect equivalence of"Artistic Conception"is the central issue.This paper tries combining these two theories and generates the perspective of "Artistic Conception Beautifulness Equivalence",illustrating the significance and value of this perspectivewith one of Mr.Xu's typical Chinese classical poetry translation works named Happy Rain on a Spring Night.%许渊冲先生认为译诗应力求传达原诗的"三美",而"三美"之中,"意美"最为重要;尤金.奈达的"功能对等"理论也为诗歌翻译提供一定的启示。

(王宏印,2009:237) 形美:全词共九十七字,言简意赅。句式类型及长短上的变化与情感 表达的跌宕起伏相辅相成。 音美:开篇十四个叠音词朗朗上口,具有韵律美,抑扬起伏,营造凄凉 氛围。 意美:词中多种意象的使用,营造出意境美,极好地渲染了词人内心
Slow Song”,采用意译加音译的方法,将词牌名译为“The Tune of Slow Sad Song-Shengshengman”。其中“Slow Sad Song”构成头韵,达到“形美”和“音 美”;“sad”一词将整首词的感情基调构建在哀愁上,达到“意美”;音译出 “Shengshengman”,保护了词牌名这一中国传统文化。
The Tune of Slow Sad Song--Shengshengman I find nothing but sorrow and hurt, Sadness full of my heart. Hot flashes, cold remains with time, So difficult to keep fit in Autumn. Cup by cup with dry wine in sadness, How can I resist the wind in swiftness! Wild geese fly away, Sorrows stay, For they are my friends of the old day.
功能对等视角下“三美” 论的体现—以许渊冲英译李清照词为例

“三美”理论在许渊冲英译李清照词中的体现AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. A special acknowledgement should be shown to my supervisor Mr. Liu, during the process of thesis writing, who gave me a lot of advice and patiently read and revised my draft for several times. Moreover, I want to express my thanks to my friends, who supplied me with reference materials of great value. Finally, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to my parents and the teachers who taught me in my undergraduate study years.AbstractSong Ci stands for the highest achievements of the Song Dynasty’s literature. The translation of Song Ci can promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures and carry forward the Chinese culture. As a well-known translator, Xu Yuanchong proposed the “Three Beauty” theory has great guidance in poetry translation. This thesis analyzes Xu Yuanchong’s translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci and points out that the translation not only reproduces the “Three Beauty”of the original text, but also the readers of the translation can feel the same beauty as the original reader. Based on the above discussion, this paper concludes that “Three Beauty”theory can guide the English translation of Li Qingz hao’s Ci, so that the readers of the translation have the same beautiful enjoyment with the original readers.Key words: Xu Yuanchong’s translation; “Three Beauty” theory; Li Qingzhao’s Ci摘要宋词标志着宋代文学的最高成就,宋词的翻译可以促进中外文化的交流,也可以弘扬中华文化。

小议许渊冲诗歌翻译之“三美论”作者:王东浩来源:《外语学法教法研究》2012年第09期摘要:This paper introduces “the theory of three beauty” of poetry translation of Mr. Xu Yuanchong, i.e. the beauty of meaning, the beauty of sound and the beauty of form. And it also describes the concret e application of this theory in translation practice. “The theory of three beauty” plays an important role in guiding the Chinese ancient poetry translation, so it deserves our learning and using for reference.关键词:诗歌翻译意美音美形美一、许渊冲生平简介许渊冲,1921 年4 月生于江西省南昌市,1938年考入国立西南联合大学外文系,1950 年获法国巴黎大学文学研究文凭。

1 许渊冲和“三美”论“三美论”是许渊冲提出的一个非常重要的翻译理论,其内涵十分丰富。
开题报告功能对等视角下“三美” 论的体现—以许渊冲英译李清照词为例英语

The Embodiment of “Three Beauties” Principle under the View of Functional Equivalence: A Case Study of Xu Yuanchong’s Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems
Significance:Song Ci is the precious heritage and accumulation of Chinese classical culture for thousands of years, occupying an important position in the history of literature with its unique artistic charm.Li Qingzhaois one of the most outstanding female writers in ancient China.Herlife spans both North and South Song dynasties.Shehas aprofoundinfluence on the development of classical Chinese poems and is representative of Chinese ancient literature.Therefore, the study of its translation will help to better spread the Chinese culture.Furthermore, with theFunctional Equivalence Theoryas thetheoretical basis, we chooseanalyzingXu Yuanchong’s translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci poems fromdifferent aspects;we intend to find possible rules and patterns in translationofLiQingzhao’s Ci poems. All these efforts are of great significance on the translation ofLi Qingzhao’s Ci poemsand Song Ci poems as a whole.


Part I Introduction to English Trademark1.1 The Definition of TrademarkModern society is a highly developed commodity economy society. There are a wide variety of goods in the market. Commodities meet the needs in our life and the packages leave us a deep impression. Trademark is used to distinguish from other similar goods or services in the market by commodity manufacturers and commercial operators. Trademark is a bridge connecting customers and products or services. In the circulation of commodities, the trademark is a symbol representing commodities, which is often made up of text or images alone, or by a combination of text and images. It has become an important way to advertise their products and establish a good corporate image with trademarks to develop the potential in international market and promote the international trade.Trademark generally defined as: a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of them that identifies the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiates them from those of competitors. (Marketing, Pride/Ferre, 4th Edition, HM, 1986). [贺川生: 2-3]Trademark has the following characteristics:1)Trademark is the sign of goods. Commodity is a product of commodity economy development, therefore; only the goods have trademarks. Trademark and commodity economy is closely linked. Commodity producers or operators establish credibility on trademarks and sells products.2) Trademark is a sign used to distinguish from others. It can provide product information to consumers in the market and reflect the specific quality, features, convenience for consumers to recognize.3) The trademark is made up of text, images alone or combined with images and text.Trademark has the following function:(1) Stimulating consumption. A variety of images, names in trademarks reflected the related factors of consumers’ identity, culture, habits and living environment to help stimulate the purchase desire of consumers.(2) Identifying the product. Trademarks can help consumers to recognize specific differences from similar ones, and help consumers to buy the goods they need actually.(3) Providing commodity information. The names and images help consumers to know the function and effect of relevant goods.(4) Advertising. Trademark as a symbol of goods indicates the quality of goods and enterprises use it to establish prestige. Therefore, trademark becomes a means of advertising. [贺川生: 19-21]People usually rely on languages to communicate, to express their thought or to transmit the information. But there exists another means to convey the information during human’s communication, that’s non-verbal communication. It is necessary to employ non-verbal communication to express vividly during International Business. Trademark is a kind of culture. Culture is a complex, which is including knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and all the power and habit achieved in human society. Cultural affects the language, and also affects the cultural development. Language is the carrier of culture and also an important part of culture. Each country has its distinctive cultural national identity, and through the carrier of culture ----language to reflected, which also determines the language of the national character. World culture has enriched the world culture, but it also creates a barrier to intercultural communication. [Zhang Wen: 1-2]1.2 The Importance of English Trademark TranslationWith the acceleration of global economic integration and the expansion of the world economic cooperation, the foreign trade shares have been increasing in the national economy. As for the development of foreign trade, we should put trademark first. Trademarks are the essence of the marked feature of the commodity, the core part of the commodity culture and the powerful weapon of taking part in the international competition. The trademark translation is the unity of these two kinds of culture. A good trademark translation can bring great wealth for enterprises; conversely, it will make enterprises suffer heavy losses. [Wei Ze’ning: 1-2] Trademark is a bridge connecting customers and products or services. With economic globalization and China's accession to WTO, China and the world's commodity exchanges has become even more widely. Appropriate commodity trademark become a crucial part to enter the international market. Trademark symbolized as a commodity, is a part of the advertisement. To some extent, whether the mark is good or not has a direct impact on the consumers' desire to purchase the products. Not difficult to find in today's society, many consumers refuse to buy a product, simply because consumers do not like the trademark. Successful trademarks play an extremely important role in promoting sales of products. Translation of trademarks should not be underestimated. Therefore, how to translate trademark well, how to meet the needs of consumers and cultural development, how to adopt a betterway for the translation to make the products acceptable by the people bring huge economic benefits for countries and enterprises. Therefore, the key of the translation is to convey the meaning of the products. [陈榴: 20-21]A good name could be easy for consumers to remember, make the association, cause a good impression and promote the purchase, while saving communication costs. Conversely, an inappropriate name express bad business idea, waste a lot of communication costs, which greatly influence consumers' choices. Good trademark name is meaningful, attractive, easy to impress consumers, therefore, the makers of the trademark need to be considerate and try to figure out the minds of consumers as possible to meet a wide range of consumers' need.Trademark translation is not a simple conversion from one code to another one code, but the clear intention of the cross-language commercial, a special cross-cultural communication activity. In the cognitive framework of pragmatics relevance theory, human communication behaviors will produce the best expectation to try to deal with minimal efforts to obtain adequate contextual effects, to achieve business and consumers communication success. At the same time, the trademark translation can broaden the language study space, enrich the connotation of linguistics, and promote the combination of linguistic theory and the practical application. Consequently, the study of trademark translation is very important in both academy and reality. It helps to promote consumption by figuring out the consumer’s p sychology and respecting the national habit. Due to the different environmental, historical, economic, religious, there are huge differences between Chinese and Western cultures, which make the people’s way of thinking, worldview,and value various. Based on the specific trademark translation in the collection of information, I observed some successfully trademarks at home and abroad and combined with case studies to think about the characteristics of translation. [李东芹: 159]This paper use "Three Beauties" standards guide the trademark translation, in favor of cross cultural communication of the commodity information and introduced the foreign trademark into China. In the same way, we can guide Chinese trademark to translate into English efficiently and promote the development of China's foreign trade.Part II Formation of Trademark Words Trademark is used to distinguish from other similar goods or services in the market by commodity producers, service providers. This mark is usually consisting of text, logo or both. Therefore, the trademark translation has a great significance in business. However, here what we are talking of trademark translation is the translation of the text, specifically refers to the translation of English trademark.From the Language form, trademark is simple and easy to understand. Compared with other forms of Interlingua translation process, the translation of the trademark is not affected by the sentence, paragraph, chapter and other level of language. Seemly simple, it has always been a weak line.According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 2,000,000 registered English trademark words in the world. They are derived from about three ways: the proper name, the common nouns and fanciful words. [张春艳张艳波: 1-3]2.1 Proper Nouns for Trademark WordsA lot of the early trademarks are from proper name, such as person names, place names. Especially, some traditional trademarks are from the person names and their variants.For example:Benz (car)--Karl BenzFord (car)--Henry FordColgate (toothpaste)--William Colgate:Nestle (food)--Henry NestleMcDonald’s (fast food)—McDonaldIn addition, there are some trademarks are derived from the special names, such as the names in myths and legends.For instance:Elf (oil): Elf is a tiny and mischievous fairy.Apollo (beverage): Apollo, the sun god, is one of the Greek Olympus Lord god, who is the son of Zeus and Leto fairies, Artemis's twin brother. It means "bright" or "brilliant". Apollo is the god of light, who never tells a lie, and aboveboard, so he also says the god of truth. Apollo is one of the most versatile in Greek mythology, who is the most beautiful and the most handsome deities. Apollo is a typical male beauty at the same time.Venus (watch): Venus is a goddess in the ancient Roman mythology. ―Venus‖, a Latin word, means ―Friday‖. Venus also appeared in many past dynasties literature and western oil painting.Nike (sports shoes): Nike refers to the Greek goddess of victory.Others are derived from place names:Columbia (record): the republic of Colombia is in north-west of South America,Scania (car): The Swedish truck and bus manufacturers established in the town of Malmo in southern Sweden in 1900.Avon (cosmetics): Avon is a river called "AVON", which is in Shakespeare's hometown.2.2 Common Word for Trademark WordsCompared with the proper nouns, the common words provide more choices and productive thinking for trademark designers. Due to the rules of the trademark law, Trademarks, which are derived from the common vocabulary, imply the quality, practicality and effectiveness of the commodity by using indirect suggestion.Such as:Delicious (food)Safe-Guard (soap)Pampers (diapers)Whisper (women's health products)Snowcat (snowmobile)2.3 Coined Trademark WordsMost of the English trademark words are coined words, which are on the basis of the characteristic, function and effectiveness of commodity. There are a wide variety of word building methods.Such as abbreviations:Intel (A computer chip) – internationalIBM--International Business MachinesCombined:Blue Ribbon (beer): Blue+RibbonDutch Lady (milk products): Dutch+LadySpell:Contac (cold medicine): Continuous+actionMicrosoft (software): Micro+soft wareTransitional spelling:Road (tire repair agent): road,Kompass (instrument): compass.Some arbitrary trademark words seem to be irrational according to the constitution, but the irrational is just in the point of lexicology. However, they may be rational in other respects. For example the famous trademark Kodak is a typical example, which is a coined word. It did not make any sense. However, it is eye-catching, loud and clear and so impressive. As the company's founder George Eastman said, "K is my preference of the letters in the alphabet. It looks strong and very determined. Therefore, I want to have the trademark must begin with K, then we find a few matches, finally end in K." This is the birth of ―Kodak".Part III T he “Three Beauties’ Theory”“Three Beauties’ theory”, refers to Beauty in Sense, Sound and Shape. “Three Beauties’ theory” is based on "from word to article" written by Mr. Lu Xun. He said that "there are three beauties in Chinese characters: The first one is Beauty in Sense, a sense of heart; the second is Beauty in Sound, a sense of hearing; the third is Beauty in Shape, a sense of vision." But what Mr. Lu Xun said is the article while Mr. Xu Yuan Chong applied the theory to literary translation. In the preface of the English versio n of “Chairman Mao’s forty-two poetries", “Three Beauties’ theory” was firstly proposed by Mr. Xu. He said that the translation of poetry is not only to convey the beauty of original poetry’s Sense, but also to express its beauty of Sound and Shape as far as possible. Then later, he added the relationship between the "Three Beauties" in "foreign language" in 1979: "Beauty in Sense is the most important, Beauty in sound is the medium, and beauty in Shape is the least. That is to say, under the premise of conveying the beauty in sense, convey the beauty of sound as far as possible; under the premise of conveying the beauty in sense and sound, convey the beauty of Shape as far as possible; try to reach the “Three Beauties’ theory”. "Three Beauties’ theory" supplies each other and restricts each other. Mr. Xu actively advocated the use of" Three Beauties "to guide the translation of poetry, and in the translation practice,he also tries to carry out this translation standard. [许渊冲: 91-98]3.1 "Beauty in Sense"On “Beauty in Sense”, Mr. Xu explains that sometimes Beauty in Sense is about historical reasons or association. When translated into another language, it will not cause the same association without the same history. It will not be easy to express the beauty in sense of the original poetry. Therefore, in the expression of meaning of the original, the translators not only express the original meaning in the words, but also convey the meaning beyond the words. In translation, the translator should choose the excellent words which are similar to the original meaning, especially the words the British and Americans love to see and hear.There are some examples can explain what “Beauty in Sense” is:When Mr. Xu translated the third sentence “春蚕到死丝方尽”in the poem Titleless (《无题》) written by Li Shangyin, a famous Chinese poet in the Tang Dynasty, he wrote “the silkworm till its death spins silk from love-sick heart”, because t he Chinese words“丝”and“思”are homophonic. The word “love-sick” shows the meaning of the poem, which reach the “Beauty in Sense”.3.2 “Beauty in Sound”About the “Beauty in Sound”, the translators can select the rhyme that the readers of the target language love to see and hear or choose the similar rhyme,alliteration, alternate rhyme, repetition and other methods to convey. Mr. Xu is also particular about the rhyme and the number of sentences in translation practice. It was quite strict in the requirements of word tones, rhythm and the number of sentences in Chinese ancient poetry. It was like "the dance when wearing the shackles ". He put on this piece of "shackles" consciously in translation, and strives to make the translation have strict rhyme, foot and the number of sentences, which own perfection of harmony and beauty with the original. After reading Xu Yuan Chong’s works, you can find that the rhyme is in order, the foot is neat, and the number of sentences is nearly the same with the original poems in almost all the poems version.The translation of Thoughts on a Silent Night(《静夜思》) can show the Beauty in Sound. There are two editions translated by Mr. Xu:(1)Before my bed I see a silver light,I think the ground is covered with hoar frost.Raising my head, I find the full moon bright;And bowing down, in thoughts of home I’m l ost.(2) Abed, I see a silver light,I wonder if it’s frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.Both of them reflected “Beauty in Sound”.3.3 “Beauty in Shape”There are many methods of trademark translation such as transliteration, free translation. No matter which method interpreter adopts, the common expectation to achieve is to retain the original characteristics of the former version and try to convey the information carried to its best in target version. Interpreter acts as a media of this transformation. Information including the characteristics functions and attribute etc. aesthetic trademark translation is a process through which interpreter shows its two-way aesthetic appreciation: firstly he has to conduct thoroughly research and remark on aesthetic quality of original trademark before translation and then adopt all methods of trademark translation to realized emersion of original ones to his best, which finally achieve equivalent aesthetic effects of the original trademark. During these two aesthetic appreciations, aesthetic consciousness of interpreter plays the key part in quality of trademark translation.[ Hu Longqing:1-2]On the “B eauty in Shape”, Mr. Xu thinks that it is mainly in the line length and antithesis neat, try to be similar in shape and appearance. In his “the art of translation”as well as his other research papers about the translation, Mr. Xu repeatedly stressed the importance of Beauty in Sound and Shape. His purpose is to keep the rhythm andstructure of original poetry. Mr. Xu said, "on the beauty in Shape, there are two aspects: the length and symmetry had better to be similar in Shape and appearance, at least to be generally tidy." In general, the requirement of the similar in Shape and sound is very difficult. However, Mr. Xu has the courage to attempt and translated many amazing excellent works.The original poem of Uphill (《登高》) written by Du Pu, a Chinese poet in the Tang Dynasty is:风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。

许渊冲译者主体性在李清照《声声慢》英译本中的体现李睿婕;张轶前【摘要】Mr. Xu Yuanchong is a literary translation theorist, as well as awell-known literary translator, who makes a tremendous contri- bution for China' s translation. This paper studies the playing of translator subjectivity of Mr. Xu Yuanchong in the English translation of Li Qingzhao's el, taking Sheng Sheng Man as an example. It discusses from three aspects: the aim of translation,the perspective of aes- thetics and culture.%许渊冲先生是一位著名的文学翻译理论家和文学翻译家,对我国的翻译事业做出了巨大贡献。

fireflies gleam.
原诗写的是李白上船到扬州去,在月下经过征虏亭时的 场景。诗人把山花比喻成妙龄少女的脸颊,把星星点点的万 家灯火比作荧光,勾勒出一幅令人迷醉的春江美景。不同于 常见的“abab”或“aabb”等韵式,此译诗将原诗每句中的五个
形式是读者对诗歌的第一印象,译者在翻译诗歌时应该充分 考虑到原诗的形式,应该尽量与原诗保持用词、句式、表现手 法、修辞上的一致。如许译李诗《渡荆门送别》:Байду номын сангаас渡远荆J'3夕t-,来从楚国游。 山随平野尽,江人大荒流。 月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。 仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。
1-意美 诗歌通过简短的形式表达深刻的寓意。中国古诗更是体
谊。“三美”原则中,最重要的也是意美。这要求译诗要准确地 重现原诗的意义和意象,使译诗的读者与原诗的读者产生同 样的心灵感受。以许译《静夜思》为例: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。
这首《静夜思》是李白的代表诗篇,写的是诗人在月圆之 夜的思乡之情,诗人借助“月光”、“霜”、“明月”、“故乡”等意象 衬托出漂泊异乡的孤寂之苦。明月代表中国人团圆的思想。 中国人比较重视团圆,但是西方人并没有团圆的概念,对于他 们来说,天上的明月只是一种天文现象,他们也不会由此想到 与家人团圆。因此,许先生将月光和乡愁比作水,作为思乡的
的享受和美感。 中国古诗是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,中诗英译是中国 对外文化交流的媒介。“三美”翻译原则是译界的指路明灯,是 对中诗英译的巨大贡献,是传播中国传统文化的有效途径。 因此,中诗英译时要最大限度地追求“意美、音美、形美”的完 美结合,让读者更加真切地感受到中国古诗之美。

许渊冲、王红公、之李 清照词意境美英译策略
许渊冲、王红公、之李清照词意境美 英译策略概述
注重韵律:注重译文的韵律和节奏,使译文更加优美、流畅 结合文化:结合中西方文化,使译文更加符合目标读者的阅读习惯和审美 趣味
翻译理论的发展 趋势:注重意境 美、情感表达和 文化内涵
翻译策略的选择: 根据原文的意境 美、情感表达和 文化内涵选择合 适的翻译策略
翻译实践的启示: 注重意境美、情 感表达和文化内 涵的翻译实践可 以提高翻译质量
许渊冲与王红公:许渊冲 注重意境的传达,王红公 注重语言的准确性
许渊冲与之李清照词:许 渊冲注重意境的传达,之 李清照词注重情感的表达
王红公与之李清照词:王 红公注重语言的准确性, 之李清照词注重情感的表 达
许渊冲:注重意境的传达,采用意译法,注重诗歌的韵律和节奏 王红公:注重语言的准确性,采用直译法,注重诗歌的语义和结构 之李清照:注重情感的表达,采用意译法,注重诗歌的情感和意境 许渊冲、王红公、之李清照:在翻译技巧上各有千秋,但都注重诗歌的意境和情感的表达
创新思维:在翻译过程中,要敢于创新,尝试不同的翻译策略和方法,以更好地传达原文的意 境和情感。
提高语言水平:在翻译过程中,要不断提高自己的语言水平,以便更好地传达原文的意境和情 感。

《许渊冲“三美”原则指导下看公示语翻译之美》摘要:you love your outside, you will love our inside.,landscape of Guilin is the best of the world.,is a love,there is a virtue.尹晓丹徐志凤内容摘要:公示语是将中国展示给世界的窗口,其翻译质量的好坏会直接影响到国家形象。
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Thesis Sபைடு நூலகம்atement:
This paper mainly analyzes the translation of Li Qingzhao’sCi poemsby Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory, which reflects Yuanchong’s "Three Beauties"principle.
Purpose:Thispaperaimsatmaking astudy ofXu Yuanchong’stranslation of ci-poems composed by Li Qingzhao, and reflects histheoryof “beauty in sense, sound and form” is more targeted to the Chinese poetry translation, as well as finds the translation skills of Song Ci,so as to provide the west readers with superior translation versions.
Domestic Research:
The first translation of Ci Poems of Li Qingzhao was done by Bing Xin in her graduate thesis for a master’s degree in 1926, in which shetranslatestwenty five Ci Poems of Li Qingzhao. Chu Dagao was also among the earliest to introduce Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems into the English world. From then on, it was until 1960s that appeared two translated versions and all the translated versions were published in America. Till now in inland Xu Yuanchong is the only who has translated all the sixty Ci Poems of Li Qingzhao inLiterature and Translationpublished in 2003. As the translation practice proceeded inChina, the translation studies on Li Qingzhao came into being in the early 1980s. In 1981, Xu Yuanchong published a research article,The Criteria of Translationin which he introduced the famous“Three Beauties”Theory. From the very start, Prof. Xu set a very high standard of poetry translation“beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form”. It is a very concrete and comprehensive theory of poetry translation.
Eugene A. Nida is an extraordinary linguist, translator and translation theorist.The term “functional equivalence” was given by him, which has exerted a tremendous influence in the world. The concept of functional equivalence was called “dynamicequivalence” at first.The term “dynamic” has been misunderstood by some personsas referring only to something which has impact, thus “functional equivalence” isused instead."DynamicEquivalence" includes four aspects: lexical equivalence, syntactical equivalence, textual equivalence, and stylistic equivalence.
The Embodiment of “Three Beauties” Principle under the View of Functional Equivalence: A Case Study of Xu Yuanchong’s Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems
Question:The embodiment of "Three Beauties"Principleunder the view of functional equivalence
As a matter of fact, scholars abroad have also made a thorough and overall study over the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci.Of all these overseas translators, Kenneth is definitely one of the prominent ones in bringing Li’s works to the western world. With San Francisco Renaissance as the historic background, Kenneth took his first attempt to translate 7 of Li’s Ci Poems in 1956, which proved to be a failure later as he tended to recreate the Ci Poems and make adaptations to an excessive extent, resulting in many mistranslations in his renditions. Although many foreign scholars have translated Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems by adopting certain strategy with their own standards in guiding their translations, they have seldom proposed strong theories as domestic scholars have done.
Significance:Song Ci is the precious heritage and accumulation of Chinese classical culture for thousands of years, occupying an important position in the history of literature with its unique artistic charm.Li Qingzhaois one of the most outstanding female writers in ancient China.Herlife spans both North and South Song dynasties.Shehas aprofoundinfluence on the development of classical Chinese poems and is representative of Chinese ancient literature.Therefore, the study of its translation will help to better spread the Chinese culture.Furthermore, with theFunctional Equivalence Theoryas thetheoretical basis, we chooseanalyzingXu Yuanchong’s translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci poems fromdifferent aspects;we intend to find possible rules and patterns in translationofLiQingzhao’s Ci poems. All these efforts are of great significance on the translation ofLi Qingzhao’s Ci poemsand Song Ci poems as a whole.