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1. s ______ long complex musical composition, usu. In three or four parts (movements) for a large orchestra

2. a ______ things produced by sb. trying to do or make sth.

3. a ______ arrangement to meet or visit sb. at a particular time

4. c ______ very important, decisive

5. a ______ feeling anxiety, worried, uneasy



1. teenager A. belonging to a particular place or district

2. hallway B. waste material

3. director C. corridor

4. mystery D. person who manages, esp. as a member of board;

person who in charge of a film

5. local E. mass of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface

6. ocean F. person in his or her teens

7. garbage G. make oneself appear to be (doing) sth. in order to deceive others or in the play

8. alien H. things of which the cause or origin is hidden or impossible to explain

9. creature I. foreign

10. pretend J. living being, especially animals


during, appointment, anxious, attempt, might, too many, symphony, crucial

1. The prisoners ______ to escape, but failed.

2. I have a datal ______ at 3 .

3. There are extra trains to the seaside ______ the summer.

4. I'm very ______ about my son's health.

5. There would be ______ people in the ______ hall.

6. Getting this contract is ______ to the future of our company.

7. If you have any idea where it ______ be, please call me.


1. Listen! Some of the girls ______ (talk) about Harry Potter.

2. - Where is Mr. Green now I haven't seen him for a few days. -He ______ (go) to Hong Kong.

3. You'd better ______ (not eat) too much meat. You are already overweight.

4. "Titanic" is a very nice film. I ______ (see) it twice.

5. There ______ (be) an English Evening next Monday.

6. I spent half an hour ______ (finish) doing my homework.

7. The teacher told Xiao Ming ______ (not be) late for school again.

8. Please write to me as soon as you ______ (reach) Shanghai.

9. Mr. Le is out. But he ______ (be) back in ten minutes.

10. When the headmaster came into the hall, all the students ______ (stand) up.


1. What do you think of the football match

A. How do you think of

B. How do you like

C. What do you think

D. What do you like

2. This question is ______ easy, all the students can answer the question.

A. too much

B. too many

C. much too

D. many too

3. This book ______ Tom's father's, because his name I son the book.

A. maybe

B. may be

C. must be

D. must

4. Who does this T-shirt belong ______

A. in

B. on

C. to

D. of

5. We had a lot of delicious food ______ the picnic.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

6. He ______ be a history teacher.

A. used to

B. be used to

C. use to be

D. be use to

7. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.

A. practise

B. to practise

C. practicing

D. practices

8. We should talk in English as ______ as possible.

A. much

B. many

C. more

D. a lot

9. What do you think "anxious" ______

A. mean

B. means

C. meaning

D. meant

10. I'd like to go with you, ______, my hands are full.

A. but

B. otherwise

C. however

D. or

11. He doesn't ______ to be a scientist.

A. pretends

B. pretend

C. pretendly

D. pretended

12. The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.

A. on

B. of

C. from

D. out
