2018年考研英语阅读材料之日本汽车制造商Japanese carmakers日本汽车制造商Lots of oomph活力无穷Japan's small-car firms are defying the industry'sget-big-or-die imperative日本的小厂商们正在与“要么大,要么死”这一条金科玉律抗争ONE of the conundrums of the car business is thatfive smaller Japanese firms continue to prosper alongside three giants, Toyota, Nissan andHonda. In theory, those in the second division—Mazda, Mitsubishi, Suzuki and Subaru—shouldlong ago have merged with rivals at home or abroad, or fallen by the wayside. Daihatsu isalready controlled by Toyota, which has a 51% stake in the firm. They all sell 1m-2m vehicles ayear. Sergio Marchionne, boss of Fiat Chrysler, once said that 6m was the minimum required forcarmakers to have a hope of turning a profit.目前,汽车产业里有着这样一个费解的情况:在三大巨头(丰田Toyota、日产Nissan和本田Honda)的身旁,五家较小的日本公司能够持续地取得出色业绩。
商务英语阅读unit 11
Reading I Fast Reading II
TEXT “Toyota” of China
ding questions
1. How much do you know about Toyota and Chery? 2. What is the principle of Chery?
While Toyota is the fastest-developing automaker in the world, Chery is the fastest-growing auto company in China. Qin said frankly that realizing his company would be at the same exhibition hall with Toyota, Chery felt pressure initially, but then more excitement. “Today's Chery is actually similar to yesterday's Toyota,” Qin said. “We have been studying Toyota in our plan of production lines, manufacturing technologies, development of overseas markets and even utilization and design of auto shows. We do believe we can learn from Toyota in many aspects and it is an opportunity for us to learn at the same hall.”
商务英语阅读_Unit 7关于市场
Stores such as Niketown, Cabella's, and Recreational Equipment Incorporated draw consumers in by offering fun activities, fascinating displays, and promotional events (sometimes labeled “shoppertainment” or “entertailing”). At theme restaurants such as the Hard Rock Cafe, Planet Hollywood, or the House of Blues, the food is just a prop for what's known as “eatertainment.”
At Marriott, to stay in touch with customers, Chairman of the Board and President Bill Marriott personally reads some 10 percent of the 8,000 letters and 2 percent of the 750,000 guest comment cards submitted by customers each year. Understanding customer needs, wants, and demands in detail provides important input for designing marketing strategies.
—Philip Kotler
Unit11. After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends, teachers and advisers who had gone there, Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.经过数月在网上搜索并研究NW大学和仔细询问到访过NW大学的朋友、老师和顾问,Maxine 最终希望自己能被NW大学录取。
2. For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse.对于像Maxine一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。
3. But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab.---但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4万美元的那部分申请者。
4. Those who left private schools in the 1980s and 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.20世纪80年代和90年代中期的私立学校毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生多35%,他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所受的教育,而非背景。
Unit 8 Crisis Manage mentText AA Crisis Made in JapanIn Japanthereis a prover b, 'If it stinks, put a lid on it.' Alas, this seemsto have been Toyota's approa ch to its burgeo ningsafety crisis, initia lly denyin g, minimi zingand mitiga tingthe proble ms involv ing brakes that don't brakeand accele rator s that have a mind of theirown. Presid ent Akio Toyoda, grands on of the founde r, was MIA for two weeksand the compan y has appear ed less than forthc oming aboutcritic al safety issues, riskin g the trustof its custom ers world-wide.日本有句谚语:“要是闻着发臭,那就盖上盖子。
公司总裁丰田章男(Akio Toyoda)是丰田创始人的孙子,在危机发生的头两周成了失踪人员,公司对重大汽车安全问题的反应似乎不再那么积极,有负全球消费者对其的信任。
王关富《商务英语阅读(第二版)》参考答案Unit 1Why China WorksExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1) How does the author view the Chinese economy?It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook. 2) According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well?Because of:(1) the capacity for state control by the Chinese government.(2) its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of the global credit crisis.(3) the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools and state control measures.3) In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China’s market economic system”?The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry.4) What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system?Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economic stress.5) Why can China work in the eye of the author?It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets.6) What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms?They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made.7) What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution?They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises.8) What is “shock therapy”?It is the economic policy adopted in Russia from 1991 to 1992 that totally deregulated prices and lead to a runaway inflation. It proved to be all shock and no therapy.9) In what ways does the Chinese economic system work efficiently?It can get things done quickly, move in a coherent manner, and marshal its people and resources to a common target: economic growth and prosperity.11) What are the Internet and public opinion used for?For putting pressure on local officials and influencing policy decisions.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)At a time when the need is growing for mental health services, many countries are unfortunately cutting back on itsspending.2)There is an increasing number of people out of work. But the western media often unfairly label them as lazy andreliable.3)Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, the impact of all the spilled oil and natural gas is still beingmeasured.4)Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability to deliver on services and projectsaimed at growing the economy and jobs.5)Housing prices are incredibly high today. But he bought his house for a song about five years ago.6)As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to daily necessities, the government feels rather urgentto hold down inflation rate immediately.7)Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.8)Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concerns have trickled down to all places,including residential buildings.9)Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last place when it comes to investment formultinational companies.10)Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers never think of quitting while many othershave battled in vain to quit.3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A_______________________ B__________________________________1)financial innovation A) A reduction in the general availability of loans (orcredit) or a sudden tightening of the conditionsrequired to obtain a loan from the banks.72)stimulus package B) A non-bank entity or organization such asinvestment companies and mutual funds thatinvests in large quantities. 83)overheating C)A legal entity created by a government to undertakecommercial activities on its behalf. 64)stamp tax D) The trading of a corporation's stock or othersecurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) byindividuals with potential access to non-publicinformation.9E) An industry that requires large amounts of capital, machinery and equipment toproduce goods. 55)capital-intensive sector F) Generation of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money management or investing. 16)state-run firm G) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chasing too few goods andeconomists fear a rise in inflation . 37)credit crisis H) tax levied on certain legal transactions such as thetransfer of a property such as building, copyright,land, patent, and securities. 48)institutional investor I) A plan or a series of measures taken by agovernment to jump-start its ailing economy,generally as a part of its fiscal policy. 210) insider trading4. Translate the following passage into Chinese.我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战并不是他们向我们大量销售的货物,而恰恰相反,是他们正在提升的价值链。
高级商务英语阅读5-t-Japan goes from dynamicto disheartened
Unit 5Japan Goes From Dynamic to DisheartenedExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1)What were the two major factors comprising Japan’s economic bubble in the1980’s?# speculative stock# property bubbles2)What were the methods Japanese government adopted to stimulate itseconomy, but turned out to be a failure?# budget deficits# flood of easy money3)What does “economic Godzilla” mean in the text?It means economic giant with enormous power. It is so quoted because it is a Japan cultural icon.4)What are the reasons that the U.S. would not follow Japan’s suit, accordingto some economists?# the greater responsiveness of the American political system# Americans’ greater tolerance for capitalism’s creative destruction5)What are the specified steps in the “deflationary trap”?Demand decreases→supply decreases→unemployment/reluctance in investing→less spending→less demand.6)What are the factors contributing to Japan’s even dimmer future?# the wo rld’s largest government debt (around 200% of GDP)# a shrinking population# rising rates of poverty and suicide7)Why do people today refer to the Japanese youth as “herbivore s”?Because: under the background of long-term economic stagnation, younger generation of Japan become pessimistic and fatalistic, and they lack ambitions that their parents once valued and become mildly tempered and behaved in both career and sex.8)What do you think of Japan’s real estate industry?During the period of deflation, property keeps losing its value, and people then refuse to buy new houses and house-owners are burdened with large sums of loan.They have to come up with different ways to cut expenses, which sabotages people’s expectations towards a better future.9)Why is Mr. Kaiami expecting inflation to come back again?Because the Japanese economy has been depressed and sluggish for so long. If inflation comes back he expects to see vibrancy of the Japanese economy again. 10)According to the article, how would you explain “destructive destruction”?On the contrary to creative destruction, which describes the chaotic changes that occur when a new product (i.e., technology) or service is introduced into the market, and entrepreneurs can make great profit by innovation, destructive destruction here means people’s pessimistic expectation renders them making their living by cutting expenses and selling current property rather than risking creating new fortune.11)What can we learn from this article to enlighten China’s economy?#####China must be alert to Japan’s lessons, not to bubble its economy by overinvesting in certain fields like real estate and securities. In the period of fast growth, China must both stress the proper use of entity capital like resources, finance, technology and labor, and value the social capital composed of social trust, morals and interpersonal relationship.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below:1)I have discovered that paying down your loan can result in being cash poor whena need or emergency arises.2)The road to recovery is a long one, so the politicians must wake up to therecession, accept it and get us where we need to go.3)All signs point to Apple’s iPad sales as the recovery of tablet PCs and futurespending boom.4)During this urgent period, journalists were told to hold back on some stories incase they might do damage to the delicate administration.5)According to some analysts, BP Plc's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will drivedown rental prices for deep- sea drilling vessels by about 20 percent.6)Consolidation is likely to increase since no one player controls more than 10percent of the market, there’s a golden opportunity for big fish to gobble up smaller businesses.7)According to a survey, teachers and lawyers are put in the most overtime, theytoil for ten hours a week unpaid.8)They also added that they would not surrender the future of their children to afew people who are bent on enslaving them for life.9)China's top legislature is to deliberate about the draft amendment to the personalincome tax law, a major move that is meant to narrow the widening gap between the country's rich and poor.10)We must bridge the gap between the supply and demand of power if we are toachieve higher rates of economic growth on a sustainable basis in the next decade.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A B1) budget deficit a) A procedure which, in certain jurisdictions,allows an individual to declare bankruptcy. 102) stagnation b) The highest-ranking corporate administratorin charge of total management of anorganization. 93) price war c) The amount by which a government,company, or individual's spending exceeds itsincome over a particular period of time. 1 4) speculative stock d) A procedure with rapid increases invaluations of real estate until they reachunsustainable levels relative to incomes andother economic elements, followed by areduction in price levels. 85) deflation e) Commerce money that can be borrowed ata low interest rate. 76) gross domestic product f) A period of time in which an economyexperiences difficulties and achieves little orno growth. 27) easy money g) Market situation in which (usually two)Powerful competitors try to usurp eachother's market share by progressivelyreducing prices until one of them retreats, atleast temporarily. 38) property bubble h) The monetary value of all the finishedgoods and services produced within acountry's borders in a specific time period. 6 9) chief executive officer i) A general decline in prices, often caused by areduction in the supply of money or credit. 5 10) personal bankruptcy j) a stock with high risk relative to any potentialpositive returns. 44.Translate the following into Chinese:自2008年经济震荡以来酋长国城市迪拜遭受了负面宣传。
商务英语阅读习题及答案⼀.docII) Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right1. motivation2. pursue3. mark up4. procurement5. intangible6. cargoroyalty商务英语阅读习题(⼀)I) Comprehension1. What is international trade?2. What are the major motivations for private firm to operate international business?3. What measures do most companies usually adopt to avoid wild swings in the sales and profits?4. Pleas give the four major modes chosen by most companies when entering into international trade.5. Could you find any difference between Direct Investment and Portfolio Investment? If you can, please tell the main reasons.6. What is MNE? What are its synonyms?7. What limits a firm's sales?A. tomake continual efforts to gain sth. B. the action of obtaining, esp. by efforts of carefulattention. C. which by is its nature can not be known by senses, not clear and certain, not real. D. the goods (freight) carried by a ship, plane or vehicle.E. the amount by which a price is raised.F. profit, interest-G. the net value of assets or interest, invest.8. equity 股本,资产净值 H. not needing other things or people, taking decisions alone.9. yield I. a share of the profits.10. independent J. need or purpose.2. A3.E4.B5. C6.D7.18.G9.F 10.HHI) Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below and if necessary, put the word in the right form.A. orientationB. diversifyC. seek outD. differentiate...fromE. take advantage ofF. undergoG. bring aboutH. correspond L abandon J. amount to K. Come after L. approach1. That factory is trying to B its products to sell in different markets.2. A successful businessman is always skilled in E every possible opportunity.3. Reforming and opening to the world has G great changes in our lives.4. Can you D this kind of operating the others?5. Private firm going in for international business have a profit A6. He I his company and family and went away with all the money.7. The L of winter brings cold weather.8. The manager's words J a refusal to the proposal./doc/045460db492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7dd11956.html pany is always C the best way to gain more while cost less.10.The city has F many changes during the last ten years.11.Direct investment usually K a firm has experience in exporting or importing.12.There goods don't H to the list of these I ordered.IV)Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese;1.purchasing power lO.recovery2.sales potentials 11, recession3.mark-up 13. portfolio investment4.domestic markets 12. tangible goods5.finished goods 13. visible exports and imports6.profit margin 14. revenue and expenditure7.market share 15- excess capacity8.trade discrimination9.business cycles 16. licencing agreementsV)Translate the following sentences into Chinese;If the exporting market price exceeds the one at the importing country, a dumping margin exists on that particular sale. Then Under Article VI of GATT( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 1994, and the Anti-Dumping Agreement, WTO Members can impose anti-dumping measures, if, after investigation in accordance with the Agreement, a determination is made (a) that dumping is occurring, (b) that the domestic industry producing the like product in the importing country is suffering material injury, and (c) that there is a causal link between the two. Typically anti-dumping action means charging extra import duty on the particular product from the particular exporting country in order to bring its price closer to the “normal value" or to remove the injury to domestic industry in the importing country.VI)Translate the following sentences into English;1.国际贸易有助于所有的国家促进经济的发展。
这些是美系投资基金Steel Partners Japan 着手收购的日本企业。
★ぞう-はい[0] 【増配】(名)スル株式などの配当や配給量をふやすこと。
Unit 1Trade off 权衡各方面的利益Pull off (成功或艰苦地)完成Intellectual property 知识产权Merchandise trade 商品贸易Strategic sector 战略部门Anti-dumping duties 反倾销税Export subsidies 出口补贴Bilateral relationship 双边关系Euro zone 欧元区Sovereign wealth fund 主权财富基金Exchange rate 汇率Monetary policy 货币政策国际收支经常项目顺差current-account surpluses知识产权intellectual property外资收购foreign takeoverUnit 2Discount retailers 折扣零售商Brand equity 品牌资产价值Profit margin 盈利溢价price premiums基线销售baseline sales营销组合marketing mixUnit 3Mete out 予以严惩Persuasion Principle 劝说原则Familiarity Principle 熟悉原则A sales point (产品的)卖点Potential consumer 潜在顾客广告案例advertising case以产品为中心的广告product-orientated advertising Unit 4Foreign direct investment(FDI)对外直接投资Cross-holdings 相互持股Market capitalization 公司市值Outsource 外包Core competency 核心竞争力Deregulation 放宽管制Complementary economies 经济互补体Go public 上市企业并购mergers and acquisition海外扩张overseas expansion全球化战略globalization strategy保护主义措施protectionist measures市场准入access to market知识产权intellectual property right贸易伙伴trading partners资本投入capital investmentUnit 6Tighten your belt 勒紧腰带,省吃俭用Translate into 转化为Volatile price 波动价格Rein in 严格控制Deflate a bubble 消除泡沫Collateral value 抵押(担保)价值Mortgage (住房)按揭贷款,抵押贷款External finance premium 外部融资溢价Subprime mortgage 次级按揭(抵押)贷款Monetary policy making 制定货币政策Credit crunch 信贷资金骤减Variable mortgage rates 浮动按揭/抵押贷款利率Surging and plunging asset prices 大起大落的资产价格楼市暴跌housing crush/collapse维持价格稳定maintain price stability核心通货膨胀(率)core inflation (rate )消费者物价指数consumer price index (CPI)资产负债表balance sheet市场预期market expectationsUnit 7Niche bank 专注细分市场的银行Withholding taxes 代扣所得税,预扣税款Capital market 资本市场Portfolio investment 笼统有价证券投资Extended producer liability 生产者延伸责任Investment climate 投资环境Emerging markets 新兴市场Corporate taxes 公司税Customs clearance 清关,海关放行外国直接投资foreign direct investment(FDI)经纪公司brokerage firm边际税率marginal tax rate保税仓库bonded warehouse信贷机构credit institution财产权property rights名义工资nominal wageUnit 8Divestiture 公司部门或子公司的出售,清算或资产分派Portfolio 一组投资Niche 产品或服务所需的特殊领域Acquisition 收购Liquidate 清算Untapped niches 尚未被竞争者发现的市场机会Convenience stores 便利店Market segments 市场细分Premium brand 高端品牌竞争优势competitive advantage实证研究empirical studies核心品牌core brand控股公司 a holding companyUnit 9To drum up 竭力争取(支持),招揽(生意等)Glut 过多供应Exodus 大批的离去Turnover 员工流失International assignment 海外任务Global recruitment 全球招聘Reward scheme 奖励机制Talent management 英才管理涨薪pay rises职业阶梯career ladder董事会主席board directorUnit 10Cost-effective 有成本效益的,划算的Differerntiation 差异化Loyalty marketing 忠诚营销Customerization 产品定制Non-stop flight 直飞航班Cost and revenue projections 成本和利润计算Customer feedback 客户反馈Substantial salary cuts 大幅度减薪/实质减薪Job rotation 岗位轮换行业危机industry crises商务舱business class产品开发product development地勤部门ground services department Unit 11Serve up 提供Infringe on 侵犯By all accounts 如大家所说Steal a march on 出其不意抢在别人之前Grease the palms of someone 向某人行贿Market cap 市值Dole out 少量的发放In the heyday 在鼎盛时期从无到有,白手起家start from scratch利基市场,细分市场niche market迫切需要cry out for蓄意侵犯willfully infringe on严格控制rein in最大的一份lion's shareUnit 12Ahead of the curve 领衔一筹的Plow into 投入Churn out 粗制滥造Bottom line 净盈利Balance sheet 资产负债表Institutional investor 机构投资者Mutual funds 共同基金Pension fund 退休基金Intangible assets 无形资产Listed company 上市公司Case in point 例证Competitive edge 竞争优势Fuel economy 燃油经济性,节油Market capitalization 总市值Renewable resources 可再生资源Utility company 公共事业公司替代能源alternative resources新兴市场emerging market。
商务英语阅读 1 4 5 8 Chapter 1 Why China Works
Chapter 1 Why China Works中国是今年唯一呈现出重大发展的主要经济体(economy),由于它通常是唯一敢于打破经济教科书中每一条例的经济体。
事实上,中国不像其他五大经济体那样发展缓慢的主要原因是,它宏观调控的能力(its capacity for macro-economic control)。
为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?(market economic system)目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及金融业实施新的有力规定(regulations),走向宏观调控。
但问题更加紧迫(the question has a new urgency)。
去年早期,由于房地产市场(housing market)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。
最近几周,他们展开类似西方的经济救援行动(launch economic rescue efforts),其中包括价值6000亿的大计划以增加政府开支和大幅利率削减(ramp up government spending)(big interests cuts)。
但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively)发挥在经济中的作用。
曾把中国宏观调控视为不成熟经济的弊病(immature economy),现在是稳定的保障(bulwark of stability)。
商务英语阅读:中国市场的日本汽车Japan's Carmakers Outrun Rivals in ChinaThe six major automakers from Japan are coming on strong in the fastest-growing auto market, with new model rollouts and production expansionOver the past year, Japanese automakers have surprised the global car industry by outperforming both European and U.S. rivals as a group in the hyper-kinetic Chinese auto market, the fastest-growing in the world. Japan's six major auto manufacturers operating on the mainland—Honda (HMC), Toyota Motor (TM), Nissan (NSANY), Mazda (MZDAF), Mitsubishi (MMTOF), and Suzuki—have grabbed roughly 27% of the market. Plus, they're coming on strong in 2006 with new product rollouts and capacity expansions. Take Honda and Toyota. On Sept. 27, Honda will start selling its RL and TL versions of its Acura luxury sedan. Honda, which enjoys a 5.7% share of the Chinese passenger car market, set up its first joint venture with Guangzhou Auto Group back in 1998 about a half-decade before Toyota and Nissan became serious about the mainland. It just opened a new factory in Guangzhou in southern China that will have an annual capacity of 120,000 vehicles and make the Accord.In addition, Honda already sells Chinese versions of the Fit and City compacts, plus the Odyssey minivan and the Civic, with Guangzhou Auto and another joint venture with Dongfeng Motor, the mainland's third biggest domestic manufacturer.GOING HIGH-END. With the RL and TL Acura sedans, Honda is now aiming at the luxury segment and at "rich, high-end consumers," said Honda President Takeo Fukui while attending a press event back in Tokyo regarding the company's latest environmentally friendly concept cars. Both will be imported to China, says Fukui. "We will start off with the Japan-made RL and the North American-made TL models," he says.The Acura RL and TL sedans to be sold in China will be similar to the models now sold in the U.S. that retail there for about $45,000 and $33,000, respectively, according to a Honda spokesman in Shenzhen, where the Japanese automaker will launch its first Acura dealership. The exact retail price in China won't be released until Sept. 27. But sticker prices likely will be 40% higher than in the U.S. due to import duties. Meanwhile, Toyota is aiming to ramp up its China sales 60% this year to 290,000 units and reach a 10% market share by 2010. Toyota's current market share is about 4.5%, according to the first-half estimates by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.HUGE ASPIRATIONS. Recent additions to Toyota's China car lineup include the hybrid-engine Prius, the new Camry, the redesigned RAV4 and Previa, and the Lexus ES350 and IS300 luxury vehicles.The Lexus LS460 will make its China debut in November. Toyota Motor President Katsuaki Watanabe said at a press conference in Tokyo in late September that, "A strengthening and expanding product line-up is critical for continued growth in China."With the exception of Honda, Japanese automakers were relative latecomers to the game in China. Now it looks as if they have aspirations to dominate.单词:sedan:私家轿车joint venture:合资luxury:豪华,奢贵high-end:高端start off with:从…开始,用…开始dealership:代理权,经销权retail price:零售价sticker prices:价目表价格hybrid-engine:混合动力型press conference:记者招待会注释:Honda (HMC):日本汽车制造商本田汽车(Honda Motor Co., HMC)Toyota Motor (TM):日本汽车制造商丰田汽车Nissan (NSANY):日本汽车制造商日产汽车,也叫尼桑。
第1 课主课文译文新长征“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。
总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。
中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan 说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。
整个20 世纪90 年代,“中国品牌”这个概念一直在发育着,而目前在国内受到的重视更大了。
下半年商务英语中级阅读资料At the Beijing motor show last November, officials of South Korea's Hyundai Motor Company saw what they describe as a "shocking" scene.To their eyes, some of the new models displayed by Chinese carmakers - such as the Qisheng by Liaoning SG Automotive and the Yingxiong by Tianma Auto - looked similar to Hyundai's Santa Fe and its affiliate Kia Motors' Sorento."The moment we saw the Chinese models, we thought they were replicas. The front and rear exteriors looked so similar to our sports utility vehicles," recalls Jake Jang, a Hyundai official.The Chinese carmakers reject Hyundai's accusation. "What the people at Hyundai said about our Qisheng is completely groundless. We made the vehicles ourselves," says Gao Yanlong, an official at Liaoning. Tianma was equally blunt. "We don't need to make any response to the comments by Hyundai. It is their freedom to think that way. But I can tell you, our Yingxiong is fully self-developed. We also registered its related patents with the government," an official says.在去年11月的北京车展上,韩国现代汽车(Hyundai Motor)公司的管理人员看到了被他们称为"令人震惊"的一幕。
Lifting Economic Clouds to Boost Asian ExportsIf, as Bob Dylan once famously croaked, ―The answer is blowin’ in the wind,‖ then Asia’s macroeconomic weather vanes are indi cating fair to medium tailwinds, albeit with a risk of low pressure.The outlook certainly looks better now than it did a year ago. Fourth quarter 2013 data from major markets beat analyst expectations, and the JPMorgan-Markit global Purchasing Managers Index reached 53.3 in December, the highest reading since April 2011.Asia-Europe containerized tradeFull-size chartThe eurozone is forecast to move out of recession this year, with PMI data — which has consistently led GDP growth — suggesting further expansion, boosted by rising consumption in the U.K. and the improved performance of periphery countries. Most analysts expect this to lead to accelerating GDP growth in 2015 and 2016.Against a backdrop of burgeoning consumer confidence and low natural gas prices, U.S. GDP also is predicted to grow more quickly in 2014 than it did last year.Indeed, global economic output is set to expand 3.5 percent in 2014, up from an estimated 2.9 percent last year, according to global research and consulting firm PwC.Improved stability in key markets appears certain to benefit major exporting economies in Asia, as well as ocean carriers, rail operators and airlines that ship their goods.Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist for IHS, said accelerating global growth would be a major boost for Asia this year, especially for countries such as South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand that have a high share of exports relative to total GDP.―The economic outlook for China is also helped by the improving prospects for the U.S. and EU, which remain key export markets for China,‖ Biswas said. ―This upturn in world growth will also drive a rebound in world trade, with gr owth in world containerized trade forecast to rebound from a sluggish 2.1 percent growth rate in 2013 to 4.7 percent growth in 2014.‖Although PwC forecasts China’s GDP growth will slow to 7.5 percent this year from 7.7 percent in 2013, other analysts are more bullish. IHS, for example, expects growth of 8.1 percent in 2014 as exports improve and consumer demand remains robust.In Japan, the ―Abenomics‖ policies installed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will propel the country to 1.6 percent GDP growth t his year, up from a projected 1.4 percent in 2013, according to PwC, while South Korea’s GDP is expected to expand 2.8 percent in 2014, up from 2.7 percent last year.In terms of export growth, New York-based corporate bank HSBC forecasts major gains this year by China (8 percent growth, compared with 6 percent in 2013), Hong Kong (8 percent in 2014 vs. 6 percent last year), Japan (5.3 percent vs. 1.8 percent), South Korea (7.5 percent vs. 4.5 percent), Singapore (5.6 percent vs. 2.9 percent), Thailand (7.8 percent vs. 4.4 percent), Indonesia (5.1 percent vs. 4.5 percent) and Malaysia (5.6 percent vs. a 0.6 percent drop last year).Asia-wide, HSBC expects exports to grow an impressive 7 percent in 2014 and accelerate to 8.5 percent in 2015, a huge jump from the estimated 4.7 percent growth achieved in 2013 and just 3.1 percent in 2012.China’s solid economic expansion and rising demand for imports also will boost intra-Asia trade in 2014. ―China will continue to provide afast-growing export market for the rest of the Asia-Pacific,‖ Biswas said. ―Association of Southeast Asian Nations exports to China have been growing at an average annual rate of over 20 percent per year over the last decade, and strong ASEAN-China bilateral trade will continue to be an important e xport growth market for both ASEAN countries and for China.‖Exports across ASEAN will play a greater role as a growth engine in 2014 than they have in previous years, he said, with domestic demand likely to moderate. Myanmar and Vietnam also will benefit from recent economic reforms.Trans-Pacific containerized tradeFull-size chartAmple reasons remain for caution on Asia’s prospects for 2014, however. The eurozone still needs further reform of its financ ial sector, while the U.S. and Japan are struggling with high government debt and related fiscal risks that could hurt GDP growth and trade.Uncertainty also clouds the outlook in India, Indonesia and Thailand, all of which face national elections this year. China, meanwhile, is at odds with a number of its neighbors over territorial sovereignty, especially at sea.Many Asian countrie s also need to adjust their economies. ―A new round of structural reforms is a must for many emerging market economies, including investment in infrastructure, to reignite potential growth,‖ the International Monetary Fund wrote in its latest Wo rld Economic Outlook paper. ―China needs to rebalance growth away from investment toward consumption to make way for more balanced and sustainable domestic and global growth.‖According to Biswas, the main risk to an upturn in U.S. export demand comes from the impact of Federal Reserve tapering during 2014 if it results in an unexpected slowdown in the pace of U.S. private sector recovery.―In the EU, a key risk to the fragile economic recovery is that it could still falter due to the impact of ongoing fiscal aus terity and weak consumer demand,‖ he added.Intra-Asian trade, which has become an increasingly important driver for export-led Asian economies, also will be at risk if Chinese growth slows because of the impact of efforts to curb domestic credit expansion, par ticularly in the shadow banking sector, Biswas said. ―This could significantly dampen intra-Asian trade growth, given China’s role as a key export market for most other Asian economies,‖ he said. ―The territorial disp ute between China and Japan also remains a key risk to bilateral Sino-Japanese trade flows if tensions escalate further.‖In 2014, you may need more than one weatherman to know which way the winds blow.HSBC Economist: Weak Yen Could Lift Japan’s ExportsJapanese export volumes could finally surge激增this year after a disappointing 2013 as manufacturers start to reflect反映the decline下降of the yen in more competitive pricing in overseas markets, according to one leading economist.declined在2013年制造业开始在在海外的出口竞争中获得更少的资本的时候便被预测,日本出口数量在今年最后可能激增Japanese exports increased 15.3 percent year-on-year in December by value, with major gains seen in the auto汽车, steel钢铁and organic chemicals有机化合物sectors. Yet export shipments发货rose just 2.6 percent last month, and over the full year volumes contracted契约的1.5 percent, despite the yen’s falling 17 percent against the dollar.尽管跟美元比起来日元下降了17%。
2022考研英语阅读日本的交通Transport in Japan Bullet v budget日本的交通票战vs站票Can low-cost airlines beat bullet trains?低成本航空公司能击败子弹头列车吗?THE world s busiest train route, and one of the busiest air routes, is between Tokyo andOsaka, Japan s two biggest metropolitan areas.世界上最繁忙的铁路线和最繁忙的航线之一连接着日本最大的两个大都市区东京和大阪。
They whizz 120,000 passengers a day smoothly from one place to another, on trains thatleave every ten minutes.每10分钟一班,该系统一天之内可以快速且流畅得将120,000名乘客送抵各自的目的地。
Although humans, not robots, are at the controls, the average delay is a miraculous 36seconds.虽然该系统由人而非机器掌握,却可以将平均延迟时间掌握在令人不行思议的36秒内。
To take all those passengers by air would require 667 aircraft, each with 180 seats, or fivetimes Japan s fleet of Boeing 737s, estimates Macquarie, an investment bank.据一家叫做麦格理的投资银行估算,假如上述乘客改乘飞机,则需动用667架180座的客机,5倍于整个日本的波音737保有量。
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start off with:从…开始,用…开始
retail price:零售价
sticker prices:价目表价格
press conference:记招待会
Honda (HMC):日本汽车制造商汽车(Honda Motor Co., HMC) Toyota Motor (TM):日本汽车制造商汽车
Nissan (NSANY):日本汽车制造商日产汽车,也叫尼桑。
Mazda (MZDAF):日本马自达汽车公司
Mitsubishi (MMTOF):日本三菱汽车
Acura, RL, TL:Acura为本田高档品牌,RL、TL其旗下今年两款最新进口车型
中型豪华轿车,持续高踞TOYOTA 最畅销的中国车型榜首
RA V4:1994年在日本问世,销量为丰田公司预期值的两倍。
Lexus ES350, IS300:LEXUS雷克萨斯两款车型