汽车商务英语Module 2
check[tʃek] vt.检查,核对;制止,抑制;在…上打勾
Reading Analysis
This new model is 4653 millimeters long, 1823 millimeters wide.
Now work with a partner. First look at the phrases in the box. Then look in the Partner Files and ask each other questions to find the dimensions (1-5) of the car in the drawing below.
Talking about dimensions - How high/long/wide is the car/body/…? - It’s …millimeters long/high … -What is the height/length/width of the boot/rear overhang/…? -The height/width is …millimeters…
Reading Reading Analysis
The total weight of the car body is _______.
Chinese version
“这款新车4653毫米长,1823毫米宽,轴距2850毫米。车身高度1394 毫米,后备箱高度约690毫米。车身总重为______。 前后悬挂的数据吗?我不太清楚,让我开查阅一下说明书… back
Lesson 1 Automobile Types
1. Recreational and off-road vehicles Recreational vehicles are capable of traveling off-road for
Look at the picture and guess which main part each one belongs to.
Lesson 2 Automobile Structure
Part Two: Text
Automobile Structure 汽车结构
1. Car body
The body includes the windows, doors and a hood. The car
take some measurements to solve it. 4. 底盘
底盘位于汽车的底部。它支撑着汽车构架和所有主要部分。 这四个主要部分相互紧密关联。如果哪部分出现异常,应仔 细检查问题所在,进行检测,加以解决
Lesson 2 Automobile Structure
Part Three: Words Srpose. Off-road vehicles like jeeps, SUVs are often used on roads in poor condition.
1.旅行车和越野型汽车 旅行车以消遣游玩为目的,可长距离旅行。而越野车
engine发动机 chassis底盘
汽车专业英语教程教案Title: Automotive English TutorialLevel: IntermediateDuration: 8 weeks (16 sessions)Week 1: Introduction to Automotive English- Brief introduction to the tutorial- Overview of the automotive industry and its importance in global markets- Vocabulary and terminology related to vehicle parts- Discussing the functions and features of different parts Week 3: Vehicle Systems and Maintenance- Overview of the major systems in a vehicle (engine, electrical, transmission, etc.)- Discussing routine vehicle maintenance and troubleshooting - Vocabulary related to vehicle maintenance and repairWeek 4: Diagnosis and Troubleshooting- Role-playing exercises for diagnosing vehicle issues- Importance of customer service in the automotive industry Week 6: Sales and Marketing in Automotive Industry- Discussing sales and marketing strategies in the automotive industry- Vocabulary related to sales and marketing- Role-playing exercises for negotiating vehicle salesWeek 7: Automotive Technology and Innovation- Introduction to emerging technologies in the automotive industry- Vocabulary related to automotive technology and innovation - Discussing the impact of technology on the industryWeek 8: Presentations and Final Review- Students will prepare and deliver short presentations on a chosen automotive topic- Final review of vocabulary, grammar, and industry-specific language- Evaluation and feedback sessionTeaching Methodology:- Lectures and discussions on automotive industry topics- Role-playing exercises to simulate real-life scenarios- Vocabulary-building activities (flashcards, word games, etc.)- Regular evaluations to track progress and provide feedback Assessment:- Weekly quizzes to measure understanding of vocabulary and industry knowledge- Participation in discussions and role-plays- Final presentation on an automotive topic- Final evaluation based on overall progressNote: The duration and specific topics of the tutorial can be adjusted based on the needs and level of the students. Additional resources such as textbooks, articles, and audiovisual materials can be incorporated to enhance the learning experience.。
汽车商务英语 (1)
汽车商务英语翻译及译文院(系):汽车工程系专业:汽车技术服务与营销学生姓名:李凤娇学号: 201105320117授课教师:吴灵芳2013 年11 月10 日Boost pressure controlIf the turbocharger boost pressure is not limited, excessive intake manifold and combustion pressure may damage engine components . May turbocharger have a wastage diaphragm mounted on the turbocharger. A linkage is connected from this diaphragm to a waste gate lave in the turbine wheel housing.The diaphragm spring holds the waste gate valve closed. Boost pressure from the intake manifold is supplied to the waste gate diaphragm. When the boost pressure in the intake manifold reaches the maximum safe limit, the boost pressure pushes the waste gate diaphragm and opens the waste gate valve. This action allows some exhaust to by-pass the turbine wheel, which limits turbocharger shaft rpm and boost pressure.On some engines, the boost pressure supplied to the waste gate diaphragm is controlled by a computer-operated solenoid. In many systems, the PCM pulses the waste gate solenoid on and off to control boost pressure. Some computers are programmed to momentarily allow a higher boost pressure on sudden acceleration to improve engine performance.Supercharger principlesTRADE JARGON: A supercharger may be called a blower .The supercharger is belt-driven from the crankshaft by a ribbed V-belt .A shaft is connected from the pulley to one of the drive gears in the front supercharger housing, and the driven gear is meshed with the drive gear. The rotors inside the supercharger are attached to the two drive gears .The drive gear design prevents the rotors from touching. However ,there is a very small clearance between the drive gears . In some superchargers, the rotor shafts are supported by roller bearings on thefront and needle bearings on the back. During the manufacturing process, the needle bearings are permanently lubricated. The roller bearings are lubricated by a synthetic base high-speed gear oil. A plug is provided for periodic checks of the front bearing seals prevent lubricant loss into the supercharger housing.增压控制如果涡轮增压器增压不是限制的,过量的摄取流形和燃烧的压力可能会损坏发动机部件。
Vol.13 No.4 J.CENT.S OUTH UNIV.TECHN OL. A ug.2006 Article ID:10059784(2006)04042206Modeling and control of hydraulic excavator's arm①H E Qing-hua(何清华),ZH ANG Da-qing(张大庆),H AO Peng(郝 鹏),ZH ANG H ai-tao(张海涛) (Schoo l of M echanical and Electrical Eng ineering,Central South Unive rsity,Changsha410083,China)A bstract:In o rde r to find a feasible w ay to contro l excava tor's a rm and realize autonomo us e xcava tion,the dy namicmodel for the boo m of excava to r's ar m w hich wa s reg arded a s a planar manipulato r w ith three degr ee s of freedo m was constructed w ith Lag range equatio n.T he excav ator w as re trofitted with electrohy dr aulic propor tio nal v alve s, associated senso rs(thr ee inclinometer s)and a compute r contro l sy stem(the mo tion co nt roller of EP EC).T he full no nlinear mathematic model o f electro hy draulic pro po r tional sy stem w as achieved.A disco ntinuo us projection ba sed on an adaptive r obust co ntr oller to appro xima te the no nlinear gain coefficient of the valv e w as pr esented to deal with the nonlinea rity of the who le system,the er ro r w as dealt w ith by robust feedback and an adaptiv e robust co ntro lle r was desig ned.T he ex pe riment results of the boo m mo tion co ntrol show that,using the contro ller,g ood per formance for tracking can be achieved,and the peak tracking er ro r of boom a ng les is le ss than4°.Key words:adaptive ro bust contro l;auto no mous ex cavatio n;dy namic model;hydr aulic excava to r;motio n co ntrolC LC num ber:T P24;T U621Document code:A1 INTRODUC TIONA hydraulic ex cavator is a m ulti-functional construction machine,and is used fo r excav ating, dumping,finishing,lifting w o rk,etc.H ow ever, operators w ho contro l hydraulic ex cavators must be trained for several years to do such w ork quickly and skillfully.A hydraulic ex cavator has three links:boom,dipper and bucket.An o perator has only tw o arms.Thus,it is no t easy for beg inners to execute elaborate w o rk that manipulates three links at the same time.M oreover,the operato rs have to w o rk in various dang erous and dirty envi-ronments som etimes,w hich is hazard to their health.For these reasons,studying the automa-tion o f hy draulic excavato rs is necessary fo r impro-ving productivity,efficiency and safety[1,2].The automation of hy draulic ex cavators w as stud-ied[16].A mong the fundam ental elements used as a basis for develo ping m ore com plicated tasks,the control of excavato r's arm is an important and bas-ic task in autono mous research o f hydraulic e xcava-to r at present,and is difficult because there exist the follow ing problems:parameter variatio ns in mechanical structures,various nonlinearities in hy-draulic actuato rs,and disturbance due to the co n-tact w ith the g round.To so lve these problem s, several researches have been perfo rmed,w hich may be catego rized as either studies based o n rules[3,5]o r m odel based studies[1,2,4].This paper presented a discontinuous projection based on an a-daptive robust contro ller to approximate the no n-linear gain coefficient of the valve and the no nlin-earity of the w hole sy stem,the erro r w as dealt w ith by ro bust feedback and an adaptive robust contro ller w as desig ned.Finally,the experiment of the boom mo tio n control w as presented to illus-trate the feasibility.2 MODEL OF ROB OTIC EXCAVATOR'S ARM 2.1 Dynamic model of manipulatorThe robotic excavato r's arm is m ade up of contro ller sy stem,hydraulic actuator sy stem and excavato r's manipula to r.The manipulato r co ntains boom,stick and bucket.Fig.1show s a schematic representation of the m anipulator of hy draulic ex cavator w ith the as-sig ned variablesθ2,θ3andθ4for the boom,stick and bucket joint ang les,respectively.The base co-ordinate O0(x0,y0,z0)is defined in Fig.1to de-scribe the position of bucket tip,O1(x1,y1,z1), O2(x2,y2,z2),O3(x3,y3,z3),O4(x4,y4,z4) are put on each joint,re spectively.The cab sw ing angle(θ1)is no t show n in Fig.1,as it is no t con-side red in this study.In Fig.1,G i is the center of g ravity for link i expressed in polar coordinates(r i,αi)related to the link i.The link ang les w ith re-spect to the horizo ntal plane areθ2for the boom,θ23=θ2+θ3for the stick,and for the bucket,θ234=θ2+θ3+θ4.The dy namic model can be developed according to Lag rang e equatio n.Taking boom as an ex am ple,the dynamic equation[711]of boo m is as follow s:①Foundation item:Project(2003AA430200)s upported by th e National Hi-T ech Research and Development Program(863)of C hinaReceived date:20051206;Accepted date:20060125Correspondence:ZH ANG Da-qing,PhD;Tel:+86-731-4020667;E-mail:daqing_zh@Fig.1 Schematic m odel of excavato r and po sitio n of controller and transducers on ex cavator(D c+m L l2e)θ2+G c(θ2)+m L g l g(θ2)=yθ2(P1A1-P2A2)-T(t,θ2,θ2)(1) w hereD c=I2+m2r22+(m3+m4)l22+m3l2r3co s(θ4+α3)+I3+m3r23+m4l23+I4+m4r24+2m4l2l3c3+2m4l3r4co s(θ4+α4)+2m4l2r4cos(θ34+α4);G c=m2gr2co s(θ2+α2)+(m3+m4)gl2cosθ2+m3gr3cos(θ23+α3)+m4g[l3cosθ23+r4co s(θ234+α4)];l g=l2c2+l3c23+l4c234;l2e=[l2co sθ2+l3cosθ23+l4cosθ234]2+[l2sinθ2+l3sinθ23+l4sinθ234]2w here i=2,3,4;P1and P2are pressure of the bo om cy linder at the head-side and rod-side,re-spectively;A1and A2are areas o f pisto ns on tw o sides;T(t,θ2,θ2)is the to tal disturbed m oment including m oment of load and friction;I2,I3and I4are moment of inertia of boom,dipper and buck-et relative to center of mass of it's ow n,respective-ly;m2,m3and m4are m ass of bo om,dippe r,and bucket,respectively;m L is m ass o f unknow n load in bucket.2.2 Model of electro-hydraulic proportional system 2.2.1 Hy draulic cylinder equation of continuityThe driving cy linders of the manipulato r o f hy draulic excav ato r are controlled by Rex ro th SX14valve.The o rifice size o f directio nal valve is decided by output pressure of propo rtional relief valve,w hich is decided by the output current o f controller.H ydraulic sy stem mo del can be seen in Fig.2.The follow ing assumptio ns are m ade.1)Theproportional v alve is a sym metrical 3-w ay and4-por t valve.The dead band of valve is also symm etrical,and the flow in it is turbulent.2)Possible dynamic behavio r of the pressure in the transmission lines betw een v alve and actua-tor is negligible.3)Pressure is equal ev ery w here in one volume of hy draulic cylinder,and the temperature and the bulk modulus are constants.4)The leakage of flow s is laminar.Com pressibility of oil is considered.Ex ternal leakage on the construction machine is forbidden, and external leakage disappea rs w ith the develop-ment of sealing technolo gy.So,the influence of ex ternal leakage is neglected.Then,y can be ex-pressed as a functio n o fθ2.The continuous equa-tion[12]o f oil is given as follow s:P1=βeV1[Q1-C ic(P1-P2)-A1yθ2θ2](2) P2=βeV2[C ic(P1-P2)-Q2+A2yθ2θ2](3) w here Q1and Q2are the supplied and return flow to the cylinder,respectively;V1and V2are the vo lum e of fluid flow to and from the hydraulic cy l-inder;βe is the effective bulk mo dulus;C ic is the internal leakage coefficient assumed to be a con-stant to simplify the system mo del.2.2.2 Flow equation o f electro-hy draulic propo r-tional valveLoad independent flow distribution(i. e., LUDV)hy draulic system is adopted o n the experi-mental robotic excav ato r.According to the theo ry of LUDV sy stem[13],the flo w equation can be g ot-ten as follow s:Q1=423ZH ANG Da-qing,et al:M odeling and control of hydraulic excavator's armFig.2 Diag ram of LUDV hydraulic sy stemafter retrofitting C d WK I I (t )2ρΔP ,I (t )≥0-C d WK I I (t )2ρ(P 1-P r ),I (t )<0(4)Q 2=C d W x v 2ρΔP 2=-C d WK I I (t )2ρ(P 2-P r ),I (t )≥0C d WK I I (t )2ρΔP ,I (t )<0(5)w here P r is the pressure o f return oil ;ΔP is the pressure of spring of load sense valve ;C d is the flo w gain coefficient ;W is the area g radient of ori -fice ;x v is the displacement of spo ol ;ρis the densi -ty of oil ;K I is the current plus of proportional valve ;I (t )is the contro l current of proportional valve.According to the theory o f LUDV sy stem [13],the v alue of ΔP in Eqn.(4)is an appro ximate co n -stant ,so Eqn.(4)can be sim plified as :Q 1=K q f (ΔP )x v (6)w here K q =C d W ,is the flow g ain coefficient o f valve ,and f (ΔP )=2ρΔP .In this paper ,the pro po rtio nal direction co n -tro l v alv e has a quite large dead band ,and K d is pro ved to be no nlinear by ex periment [14].The net actual valve opening x n av can be defined asx n av =x v-x d ,x v >x d0, -x d ≤x v ≤x d x v +x d ,x v <-x d(7)w here x d is the dead band of valve.Fig.3 Nonlinear characteristic flow g aino f pro po rtio nal v alve1—T heo retical curv e ;2—M easured curveThe actual ex perimental test results reveal the nonlinear flow gain show n in Fig.3,and the flow g ain coefficient of valve can be approxim ated by tw o lines to simplify the model.To be co ntro lled conveniently ,the flow of valve Q can be expressed as follow s :Q (x v ,ΔP )=Q M (x v ,ΔP )+Q ~(x v ,ΔP )(8)Q 1M =C d 1W f 1(ΔP 1)x nav Q 2M =C d 2W f 2(ΔP 2)x nav (9)w here Q M is cer tain simplified flo w m apping func -tion tha t w ill be used in the controller design ;Q ~is the model erro r of the flow projection ,and will be treated by robust feed back.Generally speaking ,C d 1and C d 2are constant in one w o rking state.3 ADAPTIVE ROBUST C ONTR OLLERAcco rding to the m odel o f excavato r ,the m ain difficulties to co ntrol the robo tic excav ato r are as follow s :1)The dynamic of sy stem is strongly no nlin -ear ;2)Parameters of sy stem are uncertain ,fo r ex -ample ,m L ,βe (valid bulk modulus )and T n (the to -tal disturb of sy stem )w hich is bro ug ht by ex ternal disturbance and un -m odeled frictio n are uncertain.In this pape r ,the nonlinearity and uncertainty of parameters are treated by a discontinuous pro -jection based on an adaptive robust controller [8].In Fig.3,the line is used to compensa te fo r the dead band of v ale ,w hich is the sym metrical line of plus curv e based o n the axis that is through the coordi -nate origin and make an ang le o f 45°w ith the x ax -is.The flow projection erro r is com pensated.m L ,βe and T n are m ainly co nsidered as424 Journal C SU T Vol.13 No.4 2006q 1=11+(l e /D c )m L ,q 2=T nD c +m L l 2e,q 3=βe ,and q =[q 1,q 2,q 3]Tis defined as unknow n param -eter se t.Then Eqns.(1),(4)and (5)can be transfo rm to Eqn.(10).θ 2=q 1D c [ y θ2(P 1A 1-P 2A 2)-G c (θ2)]+q 1l 2e gl g -1l 2egl g +q 2+T ~(t ,θ2,θ2);(10)P 1=q 3V 1[-C ic (P 1-P 2)-A 1 y θ2θ 2+Q 1M +Q ~1];P 2=q 3V 2[A 2 y 2θ 2-Q 1M -Q ~2+C ic (P 1-P 2)]w here T ~=T (t ,θ2,θ2)-T nD c +m L l 2e;q min ≤q ≤q max ;|T ~|≤δT ;|Q ~1|≤δQ 1;|Q ~2|≤δQ 2;q min ,q max ,δT ,δQ 1and δQ 2are know n num ber.It is assumed that q^and q ~are the estimated value and e stim ated error of q ,respectively.Eqn.(11)is the adaptation law structure needed.^q=Proj θ^(Γτ)(11)w here Γis the diago nal matrix ;τis the adaptivefunction matnix ,τ=[τ1,τ2,τ3]T;Pro j θ^( )is thediscontinuous projection [15].Defining P L =P 1A 1-P 2A 2,P L can be treated as the input of Eqn.(10).The go al o f this step is to ge t a virtualcontrol law P Ld for P L ,so that out -put error z 1=θ2-θ2d can converge to zero to g et hig h trajecto ry tracking accuracy.A ssuming thatθ2r =θ2d -k 1z 1,θ2r =θ2d -k 1z1,φ2=1J c ( x l θ2P Lda -G c )+gl g /l 2e ,1,0T,and according to function o f Ly apuno v ,the follow ing equatio n can be gained :P Ld =P Lda +P Ld s ,τ2=φ2z 2;P Lda = θ2 y [G c (θ2)+D c q 1(-^q1l 2e g l g +1l 2eg l g -q ^2+q2r )];P Lds =P Ld s 1+P Ld s 2;P Lds 1=-D c q 1min θ2 y(k 2s 1+k 2)z 2,k 2>0(12)w here k 2s 1is a co ntro l gain to be sy nthesized lat -er ,P Ld s 2is any function satisfying the follow ing conditions :z 2[1D c q 1 y θ2P Ld s 2-q ~T φ2+T ~]≤ε2z 2 y θ2P Lds 2≤0(13)z 3=p L -P Ld is assumed to be an error of input then the actual co ntrolling principle w ill be devel -o ped to make z 3appro xim ate to ze ro.Acco rding to Eqns.(10)and (12),Eqn.(14)can be g iven as fo llow s :z 3=P L -P Ld =q 3[-(A 21V 1+A 22V 2) y θ2θ 2+(A 1V 1Q 1M +A 2V 2Q 2M )+(A 1V 1Q ~1+A 2V 2Q ~2)]-P Ld c -P Ld u (14)w here PLd c =P Ld θ2θ2+ P Ld θ2θ^2+ P Ld t ,is thecalculable part of PLd;PLd u =P Ld θ 2[-1D c ( yθ2P L -G c (θ2))q ~1-1l 2e g l g q ~1-q ~2+T ~]+ P Ld q ^q,is the er -ro r part of PLd ,this erro r par t is treated by robustfeedback method ;A 1V 1Q 1M +A 2V 2Q 2M =Q L is consid -ered as a v alid input in Eqn.(14).In this process ,Q Ld w hich is the v alid input of Q L must be devel -oped to m ake P L track P Ld .So Q Ld (contro lling function )and τ3(adaptive function )can be given as follow s :Q Ld (θ2,θ2,P 1,P 2,q ^,t )=Q Lda +Q Ldsτ3=τ2+φ3z 3Q Lda =-1q 3Q LdeQ Lds =Q Lds 1+Q Lds 2Q Lds 1=-1q 3min(k 3+k 3s 1)z 3,k 3>0(15)Q Lde =1D c y θ2z 2q ^1-q ^3(A 21V 1+A 22V 2) y θ2θ2-P Ldc ,φ3=[1D c y θ2z 2- P Ld θ21D c ( y θ2P L -G c (θ2))+1l 2e g l g ,- P Ld θ2,-(A 21V 1+A 22V 2) y θ2θ 2+Q Lda ]Tw here k 3s 1is a control gain to be sy nthesized lat -er ;P Lds 2is any functio n satisfy ing the fo llow ing conditio ns :z 3[q 3P Lds 2+q 3Q ~L -q ~Tφ3- P Ld / θ2 T ~]≤ε3z 3Q Lds 2≤0(16)Afte r Q Ld being gained ,the valid displacement of spool can be com puted according to Eqns.(4),(5)and (9)as fo llow s :x n av =Q Ld (θ2,θ2,P 1,P 2,q ^,t )A 1V 1C d 1f 1(ΔP 1)+A 2V 2C d 2f 2(ΔP 2)(17)x v is assumed to be proportionable to I (t ),that is x v =K I (t ),thenI (t )=K x v =K (x nav +x d ),x n av >00, x n av =0K (x nav -x d ),x n av <0(18)Assuming τ=τ3in Eqn.(11),k 2s 1and k 3s 1are selected to m akek 2s 1≥12‖Γφ2‖2,k 3s 1≥‖ P Ld / q ^2‖2+12‖Γφ2‖2.As a result ,high accuracy can be achieved by using Eqn.(18)as a contro lling principle.425 ZH ANG Da -qing ,et al :M odeling and control of hydraulic excavator 's armFig.4 Retrofitted electro hy draulic sy stemo f excava to r4 EXPERIMENTAL4.1 Overview of experiment excavator1)On the base of o riginal hy draulic sy stem o f S WE-85excavato r,electrohydraulic pilot control sy stem has replaced hydraulic pilo t contro l sy s-tem[16,17](the hydraulic sy stem retrofitted can be show n in Fig.4,and this paper takes the hy draulic sy stem of boo m as a exam ple,and tho se o f dipper and bucke t are the same).In the electrohy draulic pilo t co ntro l sy stem,the pilo t electrohy draulic pro po rtio nal valves are g otten by adding propor-tional relief v alves to the o rig inal SX-14main valve,and hydraulic pilo t handle is substituted with electrical ing the butto n o n the e-lectrical handle the operator can sw itch betw een manual control and com pute r control.The retrofit-ted system is still LUDV sy stem.S o the ex peri-m ent ex cavator is not o nly fit fo r control,but also can save energy.2)The block diag ram o f hardw are designed to control the robotic excav ato r is show n in Fig.5. The contro l sy stem co nsists o f tw o levels and some sensor s.T he inclinomete rs(resolutio n is0.05°) and pressure sensor are used to m easure joint ang le and cy linder pressure,respectively.During co n-tro l,the hig h-level(PC)controller computes ref-erence ang les co rresponding to reference trajecto-ries and transfers orde rs to low-level controller (the m otio n controller of EPEC,w hich is show n in Fig.1).According to these orders,the measured joint ang les and pressure of cylinders,the lo w-lev-el co ntroller co mputes the position o rders of buck-et,com pares them to reference o nes;and based o nthe erro rs o f po sitio n,the low level controller out-puts PWM current,w hich is the contro l current of proportional relief v alves;then tho se er rors tend to zero,by regulating the orifices of m ain valve,con-trolling the hy draulic cylinders,and adjusting the angles of m anipulator.T hat is to say,the actual angles are controlled to track the reference ones. so,the close lo op control sy stem of excava to r is proposed.Fig.5 H ardw are a rchitecture of control system 4.2 Results of experimentThe mo tion controlling ex periment of boo m is done on the robotic ex cavator.The reference an-gles of boom is a sine curve,w hich is the broken line show n in Fig.6(x coo rdinate is time,and y co-ordinate is angles of boom).Its amplitude and cen-ter are40°and-2°,respectively.Base o n the a-daptive robust co ntro lle r in this paper and w ith the compensation of deadband according to the data in Fig.3,the actual ang les(the real line in Fig.6) are gained.The max imum of control errors is 3.75°。
《汽车专业英语》课程标准合用专业:汽车运用技术学时:32 系别:汽车与信息工程系学分: 3一、本课程的性质、地位和教课目标《汽车专业英语》是汽车技术服务与营销专业的一门专业必修课程。
二、教课目标(1)能力目标整体目标:增添汽车专业词汇量,使学生可以用英语进行阅读、翻译一般性专业技术文件资料 , 认识最前沿的专业知识;使学生能听、说英语,以汽车专业英语为工具进行简单的平常对话,可以用英语进行简单的销售会话。
三、课程内容简介第一部分The Vehicle World课程内容1.英文对话《通知客户提车》2.英文短文 Automobile Structure、The Vehicle World的翻译、要点词及专业词汇的掌握。
2、翻译英文短文Automobile Structure ,掌握短文要点单词。
Lesson 5 Automobile Electrical System
Part Four:Practice
II. Do you know our names?
Lesson 5 Automobile Electrical System
Part Four:Practice
IV. Write out the components of the following systems
(English) The starting system
The lighting system The ignition system
The charging system
机械工业出版社 返回 目录
Lesson 5 Automobile Electrical System
Part One: Warming-up
Look at the picture and tell what these parts are .
Lesson 5 Automobile Electrical System
Part Two: Text
Automobile Electrical System 汽车电气系统
The electrical system is one of the basic parts of all vehicles. It can produce, store, and distribute all the electricity that auto needs. The major components of automobile electrical system include starting system, charging system, ignition system and accessory system. 电气系统是汽车最为主要的部分之一。它可以发电、蓄 电,并为汽车所需派送电能. 汽车电气的主要部件包括:发动系统、充电系统、点火 系统和辅助系统。
模型各个模块一、Vehiclegastankvolume(m3)油箱体积pressuredifferenceengine/environment(mbar)发动机与环境的压力差distancefromHitchtofrontaxle(mm)前轴到质心的距离wheelbase(mm)轴距temperaturedifferenceengine/environment(K)发动机与环境的温度差heightofsupportpointatbenchtest(mm)进行台架试验的支持点高度curbweight(kg)整车整备质量grossweight(kg)总重frontarea(m2)迎风面积dragcoefficient阻力系数liftcoefficientfrontaxle前桥提升系数liftcoefficientrearaxle后桥提升系数constantpart常量部分linearpart线性部分quadraticpart二次部分二、TireInertialmoment(kg*m2)惯性矩frictioncoefficientoftire轮胎摩擦系数referencewheelload(N)参考轮重wheelloadcorrectioncoefficient轮胎负荷修正系数staticrollingradius(mm)静态滚动半径dynamicrollingradius(mm)动态滚动半径三、engineenginetype(汽油/柴油)发动机类型charger(without/Turbocharger/TCwithintercooler)控制器enginedisplacement(cm3)发动机排量engineworkingtemperature(C)发动机工作温度numberofcylinders气缸数numberofstroke冲程数idlespeed(1/min)怠速maximumspeed(1/min)最大速度inertiamoment(kg*m2)转动惯量responsetime(s)响应时间fueltype燃料类型heatingvalue(kJ/kg)热值fueldensity(kg/L)燃油密度Idle怠速Consumption(L/h)油耗emissionNOX/HC/CO(kg/h)NOX/HC/CO排放量FuelShut-off(选择yesorno)切断燃油Lowerspeedforfuelshut-off燃油切断的最低速度upperspeedforfuelshut-off燃油切断的最低速度residualfuelconsumption残余燃料消耗consumptionincreaseafterdeactivation停用后的油耗增加量FULLLOADCHARACTERISTIC全负荷特性MOTORINGCURVE发动机的摩擦功ENGINEMAPSBASIC发动机的基本曲线BMEP=BrakeMeanEffectivePressure平均有效制动压力volumeflow流量四、Clutchinertiamomentin(kg*m2)输入转动惯量inertiamomentout(kg*m2)输出转动惯量maximumtransferabletorque(Nm)最大转矩pressureforce压力五、GearBoxgearratiotable齿轮传动比表gear齿轮transmissionratio传动比numberofteethinput输入处齿数numberofteethoutput输出处齿数六、SingleRatioTransmissionTransmissionratio传动比inertiamomentin(kg*m2)输入转动惯量inertiamomentout(kg*m2)输出转动惯量七、DifferentialDifferentiallock(选择unlocked/locked/Torquesplitfactorfromdatabus)差速锁Torquesplitfactor扭矩分配系数Inertiamomentin(kg*m2)输入转动惯量inertiamomentout1(kg*m2)输出转动惯量inertiamomentout2(kg*m2)输出转动惯量八、Brake Brakepistonsurface(mm2)制动活塞面积Frictioncoefficient摩擦系数specificbrakefactor具体制动因素Effectivefrictionradius(mm)有效摩擦半径Efficiency效率inertiamoment(kg*m2)转动惯量九、CockpitShiftingmode(选择manual/automatic)换挡模式Numberofgears档位数Forward前进档Reverse倒挡Maximumbrakingforce(N)最大制动力Numberofretardersteps减速器级数Accelerationpedalcharacteristic加速踏板特性Accelerationpedaltravel—Loadsignal加速踏板位移—负荷信号Clutchpedalcharacteristic离合器踏板特性Clutchpedaltravel—clutchrelease离合器踏板位移—离合器释放Brakepedalcharacteristic制动踏板特性specificbrakepedalforce—Brakepressure制动踏板具体压力—制动压力软件自带的七工况一、Cyclerun循环行驶工况outputoftextreport输出文本报告outputofMS-exportsMS-exports输出hotstart-steadystate稳态热启动hotstart-transient瞬态热启动coldstart冷启动Cycledependentinputdata,definedinthecomponent“vh i c l e ”循环工况依赖于组件“车”定义的入数据Coldstartcorrection冷启动修正Pre-definedtemperaturecurve预先确定的温度曲线Correspondingcycle相应的周期Roadway路面ChassisDynamometer底盘测功机Gearselectionofupshifting换高速挡Accordingtovelocity根据转速Accordingtospeed根据速度Accordingtoprofile根据配置文件Accordingtospeedofnextgear根据下一个齿轮的转速Gearselectionofdownshifting换低速挡Accordingtovelocity根据转速Accordingtospeed根据速度Accordingtoprofile根据配置文件Accordingtospeedofnextgear根据下一个齿轮的转速Tiptronic自动变速器Kickdown换低档Gearboxcontrol齿轮箱的控制Gearshiftingprogram换档程序Profile文件Profiledefinition定义文件Timedependent依时性Distancedependent距离依赖Profilemodle文件模型Standard标准Advanced高级Profileaccordingtotime取决于时间的文件Profileaccordingtodistance取决于距离的文件Inertiaweight(不能设置)惯性权重Usingexistinginertiaweight利用现有的惯性权重inertiaweight惯性权重inertiaweightclass惯性重量级别loadstate负荷状态vehicle车辆empty空载constantadditionalload恒定的附加荷载variableadditionalload变化的的附加荷载half半载full满载trailer拖车empty空载half半载full满载weightingfactors加权因素activate激活phasedendtime相位结束时间weightingfactor权重因子1、courseFrictioncoefficient摩擦系数Ambienttemperature&humidity环境温度和湿度Airdensityorpressure空气密度或大气压力Altitude海拔Windvelocity风速Speedlimit限速Coursesignal1过程信号1Coursesignal2过程信号2Coursesignal3过程信号32、profile3、driverMaximumbrakeforce最大制动力Startingtestlike以测试模式启动Free自定义Idlespeed怠速Speedatmax.torque扭矩最大时的速度Speedatmax.power功率最大时的速度Maximumspeed最大速度Launchspeed启动速度Timeofclutchrelease释放离合器所需时间Startingcustmerlike以用户模式启动Free自定义Idlespeed怠速Speedatmax.torque扭矩最大时的速度Speedatmax.power功率最大时的速度Maximumspeed最大速度Launchspeed启动速度Gearshifting换挡Shiftingtime(s)换挡时间Gearchange(s)换齿时间Accelerationpedaloff(%)加速脚开始离开踏板时,占总加时间的百分比Accelerationpedalon(%)加速脚开始离开踏板时,占总加速时间的百分比clutchpedalon在换挡的时候,在总换挡时间的前30%ped是连接状态的。
汽车专业英语project8 Maintenance Reception[精]
任务 实施
Answer Reservation Phone
Dialogue 2 A: Hello, this is Amy, Ford maintenance receptionist. What can I do for you? B: Hi, I want to have a 10,000 km regular maintenance for my car. A: OK, could you please tell me your name and the car number? B: My name is Mike, and the number is NB906. A: Please wait a moment. I’m inquiring about your car information. Oh, your car is Ford Focus 1.8MT. You maintained your car when in 5,000km. B: Yes, that’s the first time. A: When are you going to come here? B: May I come over on Saturday? A: Sure, however you’d better come over before 5:00p.m. B: All right. Thank you. A: You are welcome. Bye-bye.
任务 实施
东北大学出版社 Maintenance Reception
A: Miss Lin, the brake pads of the rear wheels were worn badly. I suggest you should replace them. B: All right. What about the cost? A: Totally it costs 300 RMB, including 220RMB for the new brake pads. B: OK. (After two hours) A: Miss Lin, the maintenance has been finished. Please follow me to check it. B: OK. Let me check the braking system. Oh, it works very well now. A: Of course, Miss Lin. Here is the maintenance sheet. If you haven’t any different opinions, please sign your name and take it to the cashier counter to pay for repairs. B: All right. Thank you. A: you are welcome.
商务英语口译Unit 7 Product Introduction
including kids’ series, women’s series and men’s. All these series sell well on the market. • W: Are they different from the old ones? • L: Yes, these are for winter’s wear, which are quite different from the summer ones. And we put a thin cotton linen liner in these new shirts. • W: Fantastic! But lined up with liner, do they wear comfortable?
Part Two
Unit 7 Product Introduction
• This unit includes some general conversations with relation to the introduction, presentation and specification of products, such as how to describe new products, how to recommend commodities, how to present products to potential customers and how to catch the customers’ eyes. The learner can master these skills according to each situation and they can easily handle every situation when it happens.
中职教育-《汽车商务英语》第二版课件:Module 2 Automobile Specifications(3).ppt
16. side mirror 17. side window 18. aerial 19. rear window 20. number plate 21. badge 22. boot
23. rear bumper 24. exhaust pipe 25. tail light 26. door 27. door handle
17. handbrake 18. gearstick 19. ashtray 20. accelerator 21. brake pedal 22. clutch pedal
Exercises Task 1 Complete the sentences using words from exterior.
(9) Open the __s_u_n_r_o_o_f_____ and let some sun and fresh air into the
(10) I wish all drivers would use their __________________ when
they want to turn right or left!
(5) It’hasndasgafirneset ttehleeplhaowneto phone while driving so I’ve ordered
a car withldcoymoupahratmveenat look in the road atlas? It’s in the
Sun visor
passenger’_________S_t_e_ering wheel
(4) I have a leather ___________________it’s not so cold for my
34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)
高等职业技术教育研究会 审 定
黄 星 黄汽驰 主 编
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars Unit 2 Introduction to Automobile Engine Unit 3 Lubrication and Cooling Se Train Unit 5 Automotive Ignition System
Automobile English
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Figure 1-5 Ford: Focus
Figure 1-6 Toyota: Corolla
Figure 1-7 Volkswagen: Sagitar
Automobile English
Figure1-8 Volkswagen: Golf7
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Also called mid-sized cars, intermediates provide what many consider to be the best trade-off between economy and comfort. Parking maneuverability and fuel economy are superior to the full-size models, while maintenance access, roominess and long-trip comfort are better than those of the compacts and subcompacts. Intermediates have room for five adults and a large trunk (boot). Engines are more powerful than compact cars and 6-cylinder engines are more common than in smaller cars. Car sizes vary from region to region; in Europe, large family cars are rarely over 4700 mm long, while in North America they may be well over 4800 mm.
BCE 商务英语10Unit 4b
Work in pairs. Your company is launching a new product in four months’ time. Agree on the following details.
The name of the product The venue for the launch The date and time of the event Some details of the event program A final date for returning replies
Warm-up Questions
Are the following the responsibility of the PR or marketing Department at Skoda?
Communication with the press Research into the public’s needs Development of the company’s reputation Brand development Decisions about product pricing Public awareness of company values
What is Public Relations?
It is the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its publics. The main goal of a public relations department is to enhance a company’s reputation. Public relations provide a service for the company by helping to give the public and the media a better understanding of how the company works.
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: BMW Drives Germany 3. Text B: How Mass Customization Is
Changing Our World
Case Study
❖MyMuesli, the manufacturer of cereal food, enables the users to customize a food product through online interaction.
❖“Do one’s homework” is an idiomatic expression which means “to study a subject or situation carefully so that one knows a lot about it and can deal with it successfully”.
economy, which is resurgent from economic straitjacket but still hindered by both internal and external counter-forces.
❖Q2: What are internal and external counter-forces which hinder German economy?
Part II Sentence Interpretation
❖ 1. Faced with low-cost competition from Asia and Eastern Europe, he says, “many German firms did their homework, and now they are benefiting from it.” (Line 1, Para. 8)
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Part Two: Text
Lesson 8
5. Body of a pickup vehicle: Pickup vehicle’s body has an open cargo area behind the driver’s compartment. 6. Body of Vans: The van body design has a tall roof and a totally enclosed large cargo or passenger area. 7. Body of Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV): This classification of vehicle covers a range of body designs. 5.轻型货车车身:这种车的设计使驾驶室的后面可 直接装载货物。 6.搬运车车身:这种车的顶部很高,可装载大型货 物,并拥有足够的空间。 7. 运动型多功能车车身:这种车的设计多种多样。
Part Three: Words Study
Ⅱ. The inside of the car.
Lesson 8
1-后视镜 rearview mirror 4 -顶灯 room lamp 7 -安全头枕 head restraint 10 -臂枕 arm rest
2 -遮阳板 sun visor 5 -脚垫 carpet 8 -安全带 seat belt 11 -扩音器 speaker
汽车的尺寸参数是它最基本的技术参数,它包括:轴距、 前后轮距、总长、总宽、总高、前悬、后悬、接近角、离去 角、 最小离地间隙。
Lesson 9
The weight of a vehicle contains the kerb weight and the gross weight. The kerb weight means the vehicle weight when it’s not loaded with passengers and luggage. It includes full tank fuel. While the gross weight is the total of vehicle’s kerb weight, passengers and luggage. In other words, a vehicle’s loading capacity is the gross weight minus the kerb weight.
Part Two: Text
Lesson 8
3. Body of a life back or hatchback: The distinguishing feature of this vehicle is its rear luggage compartment, Which has more room to the passengers. 4. Body of Station Wagon: A station wagon is characterized by its roof. It extends straight back and has a bigger interior luggage compartment in the rear. 3.两厢两门或掀背式车身:这种车的显著特征是有 后行李箱室,这样乘客可拥有更大的空间。 4.旅行车车身:旅行车最大的特点是它的顶部。它 的车顶延伸了平直的背部,并且在车的后部有一 个宽敞的行李箱空间 。
Ⅲ. Find out words to the car body.
Ⅳ. Words puzzle. re r-f nd r m rr r h d l mp cl ck tr n k-l d c pt wh l s t w nd w
Part Three: Words Study
Hood 发动机室盖 Window 车窗 Roof 顶篷
Lesson 8
Ⅰ. The outside of the car
Trunk lid 后备箱盖
Door 车门
Rear fender 后轮翼板 Front fender 前翼板 机械工业出版社 Wheel 车轮
3 -阅读灯 map lamp 6 -座椅 seat 9 -门锁 door lock switch
Part Four:Practice
I. Translate the Chinese into English .
Lesson 8
window hood
trunk lid
door front fend er
机械工业出版社 返回 目录
Lesson 9 Specifications I Dimensions and weight
Part One: Warming-up
Look at the picture and tell what the letters stand for.
Dimensions and Weight 尺寸和重量
The dimensions of an automobile are the most basic technical data. It contains the wheelbase, the track front and rear, the overall length, the overall width, the overall height, overhang front, overhang rear, the angle of approach, the angle of departure and the ground clearance.
A.speaker B.rearview C.mirror D.map lamp E.carpet F.door lock switch G.arm rest H.seat belt I.seat J.room lamp K.sun visor
Lesson 8
Part Four:Practice
Lesson 9
1.5 GL Manual(M/T) 1.5 GL Auto 手动 (A/T)自动 4630 1680 1385 2500 620 1040 1450 1460 150 1825 1400 1160 980 1370 4 5 415 4630 1680 1385 2500 820 1040 1450 1460 150 1825 1400 1160 1000 1390 4 5 415
Part One(lesson8--10)
张素容 何小青 主编 ISBN 978-7-111-24296-8
Lesson 8 Automobile Body
Part One: Warming-up
Look at the picture and guess the terms of the each part in Chinese
Lesson 8
Part Two: Text Automobile body 汽车车身
The body is the place where the driver works and the passengers or goods are contained. It includes a hood, doors, tailgates, mirrors, fenders, grilles, head lights and tail lights. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers and goods. 车身是驾驶员工作和装载乘客和货物的地方。 它包括车篷、车门、后挡板、后视镜、挡泥板、 栅格、前照灯和尾灯。车身起保护发动机、乘客 和货物的作用。
Overall Height
Overhang Front
Overhang Rear Angle of Departure
Track Front
Part One: Warming-up
Model Overall length总长/mm Overall width总宽/mm Overall height总高/mm Wheel base轴距/mm Overhang front前悬/mm Overhang rear后悬/mm Track front前轮距/mm Track rear后轮距/mm Ground clearance最小离地间隙 Interior length室内长/mm Interior width室内宽/mm Interior height室内高/mm Curb weight空车重量/kg Gross vehicle Weight汽车总重量/kg Number of the doors门数 Seating capacity乘坐人数(含驾驶员)(人) Trunk/cargo space行李箱容积/L
汽车的重量包括:空车重量和总重量.空车重量是指汽车不载 人或货时的重量.它包括满箱油的重量.而汽车总重量是空车重量、 乘客和货物的总和.换句话说,汽车载重量等于汽车的总重量减去 空车重量.
Lesson 9
Part Three: Words Study
Overall Width Overall Length Angle of Approach Ground Clearance