第二章 翻译技巧:词法翻译法

英译中翻译技巧一、翻译总的原则1. 表达应建立在理解的基础上。
e.g. 1) They were frank and candid with each other in a relaxed way.译文:他们相互之间开诚布公、直言不讳而且气氛十分轻松。
2)Suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.译文:准备工作完成不了,那可怎么办?3)Our rushing is understandable, but costly.译文:人们的忙碌是可以理解的,但是为此付出的代价却是昂贵的。
试比较:1) 他喜欢指出别人的缺点,但用意是好的。
译文:He likes to point out other people’s shortcomin gs, but he means well.(增加主语)2)屋里准有人,我听见有人声。
译文:There must be someone in the room, for I heard a voice. (增加连接词)说明:增词译法在英译汉中主要是添加原文中虽无形式却意在其中的成分;在汉译英中一般是增添原文中为了语言简洁而被省去的成分如,主语、宾语、物主代词、连接词、介词等1.2减词译法就是把原文中需要的译文中不需要的词、词组等在翻译时加以省略,以适应译文语法和习惯表达法的需要。
e.g. 1)One must make painstaking effort before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.(省略主语)译文:要掌握一门外语,非下苦功不可。
unit 2 词汇翻译 2

春节,又称农历新年,它是中国最重大的传统节 日。时间通常在一月底,二月初,象征着一年辛 劳后,冬春之交的休息和放松,也象征了喜庆。 The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a year’s toil, and means celebration as well.
春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、 放鞭炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年 ”的魔鬼。除夕之夜,一大家子定会在一起会餐 ,最受欢迎的主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好 运吉祥。 Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tales, for driving a demon named Nian away. On the eve of the Spring Festival, a gettogether banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Jiaozi, which is supposed to bring good fortune.
1) 减省语气助词 汉译英时语气助词多半要省略。 真的呢,再没有比这种童子面更好看的茶花了。(杨朔,《 茶花赋》) It’s true. No flowers are lovelier than children’s faces. 我想到李白杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟搏浪急进,该 是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!(刘白 羽,《长江三日》) This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets’ great imagination.
第二章 练习答案 词法翻译的一般技巧

第二章词法翻译的一般技巧第一节对等译法一、翻译下面的句子,注意搭配产生的“假朋友”1. a faithful Christian2. a loving parent3. an obedient child4. a virtuous wife5. a dutiful husband6. a hardworking student7. strong wind 8. thick fog9 heavy rain二、翻译下列句子,注意不顾语境而产生的“假朋友”。
1. Only when they find much n common and hope to keep in touch later on, will they offer their cards. (注意不要把“投机”翻译成speculative)2. Another example. The reading of Chinese classics is a must for all Chinese. Nevertheless, it was not until I was over 30 that I came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics.3. Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do physical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting. Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career.三、用对等译法,翻译下列成语。
1. fish in troubled waters2. be after one's own heart3. skin and bones4. touch and go5. hit the nail on the head6. be head and shoulders above others7. turn a deaf ear to8. burn one's boat9. turn a blind eye to10. look for a needle in a bundle of hay四、用对等译法,翻译下列谚语。
第二章 词法翻译一般技巧(1--7法)

hit the nail on the head
19) 充耳不闻 20) 出人头地 21) 吹毛求疵 22) 破釜沉舟 23) 大惊小怪 24) 大海捞针 25) 颠倒黑白 26) 得意忘形 27) 攀龙附凤 28) 大发雷霆 29) 骑虎难下 30) 视而不见
委员会提出那个提案,他们就把它否 决了。
They killed the motion when it came from the committee.
由于不同语言有不同的选择限制,汉英两种语言中 某些对应的词语搭配范围是不尽相同的。 首先,使用范围大小不同。 其次,可引申的程度或引申义不同。 最后,上下义词的搭配分工不同。在汉语中泛指一 般动作的动词只能与泛指一般事物的名词搭配,表 示具体动作的动词往往只能与表示具体事物的名词 搭配;英语一般不受此限制。
41) 这些国家的经济形势每况愈下。 The economic situation in these countries is on the downgrade. 42) 为了迷人眼目,他们把自己打扮成革命者。 In order to throw dust into the eye of the public, they decked themselves out as revolutionaries. 43) 扪心自问,他不得不承认自己是错了。 By searching his heart he could not but admit that he was in the wrong. 44) 他们个个摩拳擦掌,士气很高,准备再打一个漂亮仗。 Every one of them rolled up his sleeves for battle, high in morale and ready to win another brilliant victory. 45) 我们必须全力以赴,拿下这场球。 We must do our level best to win this game.

1.在1994年72)题a leader of the new school contends 中,school 是“学派”的意思,而不是“学校”的意思;2.在1996年74)题elegant system 中,elegent是“完美,完善”的意思,而不是“优雅”的意思;3.在2001年75)题And home appliances will become so smart that ...中,smart 是“智能化”的意思,而不是“聪明”的意思;4.在2003年75)题like the concept of set in mathematics 中,set 是“集,集合”,而不是“一套,放置”等意思;5.在2004年62)题we are obliged to them 中,obliged是“感谢,感激”,而不是“被迫”的意思。
词义的选择例1.I’ll see her home tonight.今晚我送她回家。
例2. India is the home of elephants.印度是大象的生长地。
例3.He’s at home with the classics.他精通古典文学。
例4.New homes are for sale.新房出售。
例5.She’s at home where she is.她在哪儿都自由自在。
例6.Maternity homr costs in America have gone up sharply.美国妇产医院收费已经急剧上涨。
例7.Much is produced here for home market.这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。
例8.He looks on London as his home.他把伦敦看成是他的故乡。
Chapter 2 翻译技巧之一--词类转译

Some longtime associates and friends wanted to protect him from the White House; some, protect him from the public; and others, to protect him from himself. 有些老同事和老朋友想保护他,使他免受白宫的 迫害;一些人是想保护他,使他不受公众的攻击; 还有一些人则想保护他,使他本人不要说错话或 做错事。 “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. “来了!”她转身蹦跳着跑了,越过草地,跑上小 径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。
注:英语介词可暗示词和词之间的关系,翻译时 应根据上下文词语之间的关系进行理解,同时应 注意英汉语言差别,汉语多用动词,英语多用名 次和介词。大体上说,我们一般不逐词翻译一些 英语词组,如”arrive at/in”, “put up with”, “take care of”等等。而是把介词或介词词组转译作汉 语动词。 2.5 英语动词转换成汉语名词 The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American. 我在聚会上见到的那个人,外表和谈吐都像美国人。
Some other examples: 1. A developing country with an impressive development plan requires large imports of capital, goods, technology, raw materials and consumer goods to carry out the plan effectively. 一个具有宏伟发展计划的发展中国家,为了有效 地实施其发展计划,可能需要大量进口资本、货 物、技术、原材料和消费品。 2. I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my older brother is a better teacher than I. 我未必能教你游泳。我想我的哥哥比我教得好。

一、转译成动词:1.Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.2.The government called for the establishment of more technical schools.3.I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.lions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.5.It was a very informative meeting.6.This pupil is a good writer.7.I am no drinker, nor smoker.8.I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.9.Rockets have found their application for the exploration of the universe.10. Arrogance and complacency turned out to be his ruin.11. The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.12. Ours is a policy for peace.13. Those Mexicans were great workmen. (jinghao: P.107)14. The Bench was nothing to me but an insensible blunderer.15. He is not an originator, but merely a calculator.二、转译成名词:1. Formality has always characterized their relationship.2. To them, he personified the absolute power.3. It was officially announced that Paris is invited to the conference.4. This instrument is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.5. Glass is more transparent than plastic cloth.6. This problem is no more important than that one.7. A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car.8. Stevenson is eloquent and elegant—but soft.9. Because of Einstei n’s theory, scientists never regarded again regarded the world as they had before.10. The knowledge of how to communicate in an original, amusing, and spontaneous manner todelight the audience may be of importance to a would-be lecturer.三、转译成形容词。

汉英翻译基础教程第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 (2)第二章词法翻译的一般技巧 (4)第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 (9)第四章动词的翻译 (11)第五章数词和冠词的翻译 (12)第六章成语的英译 (13)第七章修辞格的翻译 (17)笫八章文化词语的翻译 (19)第九章汉英句子比较与翻译 (20)第十章换序和转态译法 (23)笫十一章断句合句译法 (25)笫十二章长句的翻译 (27)第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译 (29)第十五章风格与翻译 (30)第十六章语用与翻译 (32)第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译第一节翻译中的选义一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文1. b2. a3. b4. a二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配1. a swarm of beesa brood of chickensa litter of pups2. a bevy of beautiful ladiesa pack of houndsa team of ducksa herd of antelopes3. unfailing supportproactive fiscal policymake effective use of overseas resources4. make a phone calltake a taxiknit a woolen sweaterfetch waterplay basketballspray insecticide5. basic wagecapital constructionessential commodityprimary industryfundamental interest三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public.3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan.4. Everyone complained against such a practice.5. They had a dispute at the meeting.6. You should follow the doctor's advice.7. They reached a consensus on this issue.8. There is still some unfinished business to settle.9. We have consulted him about the matter.10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now第二节翻译中的选词一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。

汉英翻译基础教程第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译第一节翻译中的选义一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文1. b2. a3. b4. a二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配1. a swarm of beesa brood of chickensa litter of pups2. a bevy of beautiful ladiesa pack of houndsa team of ducksa herd of antelopes3. unfailing supportproactive fiscal policymake effective use of overseas resources4. make a phone calltake a taxiknit a woolen sweaterfetch waterplay basketballspray insecticide5. basic wagecapital constructionessential commodityprimary industryfundamental interest三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public.3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan.4. Everyone complained against such a practice.5. They had a dispute at the meeting.6. You should follow the doctor's advice.7. They reached a consensus on this issue.8. There is still some unfinished business to settle.9. We have consulted him about the matter.10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now第二节翻译中的选词一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。
Chapter 2 词法翻译技巧

他的呼吸有股大蒜的味道。 His breath smells of garlic. 他是世上一切邪恶的化身。
personify vt. to be a (perfect) example of, be the living form of (some quality) 是…的化身
Father looked at him in disapproval.
我们必须广泛利用现代科学技术的新成就。 We must utilize the achievements of modern science and technology on a wide scale.
词法翻译的一般技巧 3
He personified the evil that was in the world. 计算机的灵活性比较大,因此能做很多不同的工作。
Computers are more flexible, and can do a greater
variety of jobs. 就测量的精度和速度而论,似乎还没有其他的技术能
The carpets made in our company are beautiful and magnificent.
We have made unremitting efforts for it.
神不知,鬼不觉 取之不尽,用之不竭 攻无不克,战无不胜 主持公道,伸张正义 场场爆满,座无虚席 洗心革面,脱胎换骨 认真读书,刻苦学习 骨肉同胞,手足兄弟 精诚团结,上下一心 secretly / stealthily
新东方考研英语翻译技巧 附丁雪明完型讲义


Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.
She was proficient both as a singer and as a dancer.
We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other—of everything but our host and hostess.
John is your friend as much as mine.
But we still have defect, and very big ones.
Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.
The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
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1.在1994年72)题a leader of the new school contends 中,school 是“学派”的意思,而不是“学校”的意思;2.在1996年74)题elegant system 中,elegent是“完美,完善”的意思,而不是“优雅”的意思;3.在2001年75)题And home appliances will become so smart that ...中,smart 是“智能化”的意思,而不是“聪明”的意思;4.在2003年75)题like the concept of set in mathematics 中,set 是“集,集合”,而不是“一套,放置”等意思;5.在2004年62)题we are obliged to them 中,obliged是“感谢,感激”,而不是“被迫”的意思。
词义的选择例1.I’ll see her home tonight.今晚我送她回家。
例2. India is the home of elephants.印度是大象的生长地。
例3.He’s at home with the classics.他精通古典文学。
例4.New homes are for sale.新房出售。
例5.She’s at home where she is.她在哪儿都自由自在。
例6.Maternity homr costs in America have gone up sharply.美国妇产医院收费已经急剧上涨。
例7.Much is produced here for home market.这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。
例8.He looks on London as his home.他把伦敦看成是他的故乡。
book 这个单词,在作名词时,意思是“书,书籍”;用作动词却表示“预定,预约”的意思。
例1.That car was really moving .那汽车跑起来可真快。
例2. Share prices moved ahead today .股票价格今日上扬。
例3.The story of thire sufferings moved us deeply .他们的苦难经历深深打动了我们。
例4.Work on the new building is moving quickly.新大楼的工程进展得很快。
例5. The government’s opinians on this matter haven’t moved .政府对这件事的看法没有改变。
例6.I move that we support the introduction of his new technological process .我提议我们支持采用这一新工艺方法。
例7.She moves in the highest circles of society .她生活在高级社交圈里。
例8. Unless the employers move quickly ,there will be strike .雇主若不尽快采取措施,就要引起一场罢工。
(三)根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义deep: a deep well 是指深井;a deep voice低沉的嗓音;a deep red 鲜红色;deep in study 专心学习;a deep mystery难以理解的奥秒;a deep thinker知识渊博的思想家;a deep outrage 强烈的愤怒。
例1.I think your suggestion will work .我想你的建议行得通。
例2.The new treatment wroks like magic .新疗法疗效神奇。
例3.My watch doesn’t work .我的表不走了。
例4.The sea works high .浪涛汹涌起伏。
例5.She worked her way to the front .她好不容易才挤到前面。
例6.The root of the pine tree worked down between the stones .松树的树根在石缝间扎下去。
例7.The new regulation is working well .新规定执行得很顺利。
词义的引申(一)通过抽象化加以引申例1.The have their smiles and tears .他们有自己的欢乐和悲哀。
(原文中的smiles and tears 本来是“微笑和眼泪”,但是可以引申为抽象的“欢乐和悲哀”。
)例2.We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.我们坚持主张国际贸易不应是有来无往。
)例3.I have no head for mathematics .我没有数学方面的天赋。
)(二)通过具体化加以引申例1.Perhaps the only trouble with copper is that ot is not hard enough for some uses .就某些用途来说,铜的唯一缺点也许是硬度不够。
)例2.The car in front of me stopped ,and I missed the green .我前面的车停住了,我错过了绿灯。
二、词性的转换强调词性的概念在翻译时可能会造成译者的障碍一. 转译成动词例1.I admire your decision to fight for the difficulties in preparing the examination .译文:你决定战胜复习考试中的困难,这一点我很羡慕。
(一)名称转译成动词1. 由动词派生的名词转译成动词。
例1.Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe .火箭已经用来探索宇宙。
例2. In China ,there is a lot of emphasis on politeness .在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。
2. 含有动词意味的名词往往可以转译成动词。
例1. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation .仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好。
3. 英语中有些加后缀-er的名词.例1.He is a goog singer他唱歌唱得很好。
4. 有些短语中作为中心主体词的名词往往可以转译成动词。
To have a rest和To have a good look at 里的rest 和look .例1.You must be tired .Why don’t take a rest ?你一定很累了,为什么不休息一会呢?例1. I am anxious about his health.我担心他的身体健康。
例2. Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible .科学家们都深信,所有的物质都是不灭的。
常见的有:与思维和直觉相关的形容词:aware ,conscious ,certain ,sure ,mindful ,ignorant ,alert 等;与感情相关的形容词:glad ,pleased ,cautious ,careful ,angry ,happy ,exhilarated ,excited , confident ,thankful ,grateful ,concerned ,eager ,afraid ,doubtful ,sorry 等;与欲望相关的形容词:desirous ,hopeful ,anxious ,keen ,enthusiastic ,zealous等。
(三)副词转译成动词例1. She opened the window to let fresh air in .她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。
例2. After careful investigation they found design behind .经过仔细研究之后,他们发现这个设计落后了。
例1. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind .这种举止是罪犯的心理特征。
例2. To them ,he personified the absolute power .在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。
2.名词转用的动词例1. Our age is witnessing a profound political chage .我们的时代是深刻政治变革的见证。
例2. Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions .美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。