










专题一国际贸易简介一、考核知识点1、进行国际贸易的原因2、有关国际贸易的问题3、国际贸易的形式4、有形贸易与无形贸易5、比较优势理论6、国家实施贸易管制的原因二、考核要求1、识记(1)进行国际贸易的原因(2)国际贸易的形式2、领会(1)有形贸易与无形贸易(2)国家实施贸易管制的原因3、应用(1)有关国际贸易的问题(2)比较优势理论专题二进出口贸易的一般程序一、考核知识点1、出口贸易的一般程序2、进口贸易的一般程序3、出口和进口贸易中所涉及的机构4、出口和进口贸易中所涉及的专业人员5、出口贸易和进口贸易中所需要的单证6、进出口贸易的渠道7、进出口贸易的支付方式二、考核要求1、识记(1)出口和进口贸易中所涉及的机构(2)出口和进口贸易中所涉及的专业人员(3)出口贸易和进口贸易中所需要的单证3、应用(1)如何有效地询盘(2)如何有效地回复询盘(3)《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》有关订立合同的条款专题四贸易术语一、考核知识点1、单位价格的构成2、《国际贸易术语解释通则》3、“Incoterms1990”的贸易术语分类4、FOB 的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分5、CFR 的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分6、CIF的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分7、合同中的贸易术语条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)单位价格的构成(2)《国际贸易术语解释通则》2、领会(1)“Incoterms1990”的贸易术语分类(2)合同中的贸易术语条款实例3、应用(1)FOB 的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分(2)CFR 的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分(3)CIF 的定义、适用范围及买卖双方的责任义务、风险转移、费用划分专题五商品的品质、数量和包装一、考核知识点1、表示商品品质的方法2、品质公差的定义与认定3、合同中的品质条款实例4、商品数量的计算5、商品重量的计算6、溢短装条款的定义和表达方式7、合同中的数量条款实例8、商品包装的种类及作用9、包装的标志10、合同中的包装条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)表示商品品质的方法(2)商品数量的计算(3)商品重量的计算2、领会(1)合同中的品质条款实例(2)合同中的数量条款实例(3)合同中的包装条款实例3、应用(1)品质公差的定义与认定(2)溢短装条款的定义和表达方式(3)商品包装的种类及作用(4)包装的标志专题六货物装运一、考核知识点1、国际货物运输方式2、班轮运输3、租船运输4、航空运输5、提单的定义和内容6、提单的作用及其使用7、提单的分类8、集装箱运输9、装运条件10、货运单据11、合同中的单据条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)班轮运输的特点(2)租船运输的种类(3)运费的计算(4)货运单据的种类(5)提单的定义和内容(6)集装箱的种类和运输2、领会(1)商业发票的内容和作用(2)提单的分类3、应用(1)商业发票的范例(2)提单的作用及其使用(3)合同中的单据条款实例专题七国际贸易支付一、考核知识点1、汇票的定义、内容和当事人2、汇票的种类3、本票的定义4、本票和支票的区别5、支票的定义和使用规定6、汇付的种类及其特点7、汇付的利与弊8、托收的种类和程序9、托收的利与弊10、信用证的定义及流通过程11、信用证的种类12、使用信用证的利与弊13、合同中的支付条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)汇票的定义、内容和当事人(2)本票的定义(3)支票的定义和使用规定(4)信用证的定义及流通过程2、领会(1)汇票的种类(2)本票和支票的区别(3)汇付的种类及其特点(4)托收的种类和程序(5)信用证的种类(6)合同中的支付条款实例3、应用(1)汇付的利与弊(2)托收的利与弊(3)使用信用证的利与弊专题八海运保险一、考核知识点1、保险的原因2、海上保险的定义3、风险的分类及其定义4、损失的分类及其定义5、费用的分类及其定义6、海洋运输货物保险险别划分7、基本险别的种类及赔偿范围8、附加险别的种类及赔偿范围9、选择适当的险别种类10、保险价值11、保险费12、保险单和保险凭证13、合同中的保险条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)海上保险的定义(2)保险价值(3)保险费(4)保险单和保险凭证2、领会(1)保险的原因(2)风险的分类及其定义(3)损失的分类及其定义(4)费用的分类及其定义(5)合同中的保险条款实例3、应用(1)海洋运输货物保险险别划分(2)基本险别的种类及赔偿范围(3)附加险别的种类及赔偿范围(4)选择适当的险别种类专题九索赔和仲裁一、考核知识点1、违反合同的定义及原因2、不同违反合同情况及承担的责任3、买方和卖方违反合同的补救4、异议与索赔的条款5、罚金条款6、不可抗力的含义7、合同中的不可抗力条款8、仲裁的定义9、仲裁的优点10、仲裁条款的内容11、合同中的仲裁条款实例二、考核要求1、识记(1)违反合同的定义及原因(2)不同违反合同情况及承担的责任(3)不可抗力的含义(4)仲裁的定义2、领会(1)买方和卖方违反合同的补救(2)异议与索赔的条款(3)罚金条款3、应用(1)仲裁的优点(2)仲裁条款的内容(3)合同中的不可抗力条款(4)合同中的仲裁条款实例Ⅲ.考试形式及试卷结构1、考试形式为闭卷,笔试,考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分为100分。






二、主要参考书《商务英语阅读》,叶兴国、2017-03-01上海外语教育出版社、ISBN:978-7-5446-4515-7三、考试内容Unit 1 Effective CommunicationPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A V oice of CourageText B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational BondsPart HI Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:How to Make the Multicultural Work Force WorkPart V Test YourselfUnit 2 Soaring ChinaPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Clicks to BrickText B Still Made in ChinaPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Divergence Seen in Chinese Companies' DevelopmentPart V Test YourselfUnit 3 Gender DiscrepancyPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive.ReadingText A Home Truths about Working FamiliesText B The Weaker SexPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Humor MePart V Test YourselfUnit 4 Staff ManagementPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Handle Your Men in the OfficeText B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad BossPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:The New International Style of Management Part V Test YourselfUnit 5 Consumer BehaviorPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Rich Can Learn from the Poor about How to Be FrugalText B Here's How to Crack the Code on Your Customers' BehaviorPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:How Consumers Rewrote the Old Recessionary RulesPart V Test YourselfUnit 6 Marriage IssuesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Three Views of MarriageText B Married,with MoneyPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Yours,Mine & MinePart V Test YourselfUnit 7 Corporate Social ResponsibilityPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A What Businesses Owe the World:Then and NowText B Don't Put People Before ProfitsPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Social Saints,Fiscal Fiends Part V Test YourselfUnit 8 Career SuccessPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft Text B It's Time for a Brand New YouPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Why Can't You Find a Job?Part V Test YourselfUnit 9 Positive AttitudesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Be Happy 'Cause I Choose HappinessText B If You Fire People,Don't Be a Jerk about ItPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Positive ThinkersPart V Test YourselfUnit 10 Out-of-the-box ThinkingPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A How Fast Can You Learn?Text B Student TeachersPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Got ideas?Part V Test YourselfUnit 11 Time ManagementPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A 20 Ways to Save 20 MinutesText B How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers?Part III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Time Management in the Age of Social Media Part V Test YourselfUnit 12 Green BusinessPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Succeeding as a "Green" BusinessText B The Wellness BoomPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Recycle,Reuse,Reprofit:Startups Try to Make Money Selling Your StuffPart V Test YourselfUnit 13 Honesty IssuesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A In Search of HonestyText B 5 Ways to Spot a LiarPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Slasher AttackPart V Test YourselfUnit 14 Ways of InvestmentPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Ways to Keep More CashText B When Stocks Tank,Some Investors Stampedeto AlpacasPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Get the Right Coverage Part V Test YourselfUnit 15 Retirement PlanningPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A How Long Will You Live?Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement BluesPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Over 60 and OverlookedPart V Test YourselfUnit 16 Era of Big DataPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Second Age of ReasonText B Mass Individualism Makes Life Tough forConsumer Product GiantsPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Computer Chips and DipPart V Test Yourself四、考核形式(一)考核方法考核类型:闭卷考核方式:笔试考核时间:120分钟(二)成绩评定实行百分制,满分:100分。







目的是测试考生对综合商务英语基本知识的掌握程度和综合运用各项基本技能的能力, 测试考生是否达到本科二年级下学期的水平,是否具有插班就读的能力。












本部分采用多项选择题, 阅读材料共长1800个单词左右,由4篇与商务有关的阅读材料组成。



商务英语阅读自学考试课程考试大纲商务写作(一)课内训练(重点)识记:1. When Banker’s Bets Go Bad银行家的猜测落空名词解释:OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 通货监理局Alan Greenspan 艾伦·格林斯潘,美联储主席句子翻译:1)The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successfulmergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its securities portfolio hadunrealized losses of nearly $131 million.2)We’re considering strategies that make the most sense if rates are goingup much more aggressively and sooner than anticipated.2. Creating Government Financing Programs for Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises in China中国为中小型企业提供政府财政援助项目名词解释:Labor-intensive 劳动密集型SME: small and medium-sized enterprise 中小型企业SOE: state-owned enterprises 国有企业句子翻译:In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown tobecome an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growthof the Chinese economic.(三)课外练习(一般)理解:1.Carlyle Group’s Asian Invasion加雷集团的亚洲扩张名词解释:V enture-capital 风险资本Carlyle Group 凯雷投资集团Citigroup 花旗集团2. Why the Dollar Is Blooming Again为什么美元再次复兴?名词解释:Greenback 美元(俚语)Lehman Brothers Inc 雷曼兄弟公司European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行Federal Reserve Bank 美国联邦储备银行(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. How Banks Pretty up the Profit Picture银行如何美化收益前景2. Thai Stocks What Goes Up泰国股市:到底是怎么了?3. Inventing to Order以市场为导向开发产品4. I t’s an Office Party in Hong Kong香港办公楼地价之争第二单元人力资源管理(一)课内训练(重点)识记:1. China’s Problem of Labor中国人力资源问题名词解释:Confucian heritage 孔子遗训Micro-managing 微观管理Job rotation 轮岗句子翻译:1)Many underestimate the cost of local staff. Chinese graduates often havean inflated view of their own, complain some foreign managers.Multinationals are als o competing for talent with China’s domesticcompanies, which need to improve the quality of their people as theirmarkets open to foreign rivals.2)But the growing shortage of executive talent may make the growthassumptions written into many business plans over-optimistic.2. No Prizes for Runners-up奖励只给最优秀的员工名词解释:Redundancy payment 冗余支出Benefit package 福利包Merit budget 贡献奖Flexible reward 灵活的奖励方式Egalitarian Europe “人人平等的欧洲”句子翻译:1\But benchmarking employees, and then paying them different rates, can turn out to be a minefield if handled badly.2\Those that want rewards to be cost-effective but memorable are seeking the services of firms that specialize in employee recognition.(三)课外练习(一般)理解:1. The Inside Story(PartⅠThe Power of Online HR Management)背景故事:(一、在线人力资源管理的威力)名词解释:Ford 美国福特汽车公司BP British Petroleum 英国石油公司Outsource 人力资源外包Holiday entitlement 员工休假权Expatriate employee 外派员工2. The Inside Story(PartⅡOnline Training as an Alternative)背景故事:(二、在线培训)名词解释:Curriculum Vitae 个人履历表(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. Organized Labor Revival(PartⅠAre Unions Declining in Europe?)工会组织的复兴(一、欧洲工会组织正在消亡?)2. Organized Labor Revival(PartⅡUnion Revival,True or Not?)工会组织的复兴(二、工会组织正在复兴?)3. Case Study Is There a Nice Way to Fire Y our Employees?案例分析:真有合理地解雇员工的好办法吗?4. Hold that Body Count!人力的真正意义!第三单元市场(一)课内训练(重点)识记:1. Celebrity Endorsements as a Strategy营销策略之名人效应名词解释:Bill Cosby 比尔·考斯比,美国黑人,喜剧之父句子翻译:Alternatively, advertisers can choose to use “spokescharacters”.Owens-Corning has used the Pink Panther for nearly 20 years to endorse itsinsulation products, and Metropolitan Life has used the Peanuts gang topromote its insurance policies. Another way advertisers protect themselves isby using deceased celebrities. Through the wonders of technology, televisionviewers see screen legends John Wayne pitching Coors beer and Fred Astairedancing with a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner.2. Challenges in Global Advertising and Promotion 广告及销售全球化的挑战名词解释:A von China Inc. 雅芳(中国)公司FedEx 联邦快递,全球最大的快递公司James Bond 詹姆斯·邦德,代号007,全球知名的英式间谍形象句子翻译:1)The style of the ad. Is also important, because comparative ads, whileacceptable and even common in the United States and Canada, are lesscommonly used in the United Kingdom, unacceptable in Japan, and illegalin India and Brazil.2)Coca-Cola’s Indian subsidiary was forced to end a promotion that offeredprizes such as a trip to Hollywood, because it encouraged customers to buyin order to gamble, in violation of India’s established trade practices.(理解:1. Advertisement 广告名词解释:Bureau of Public Enterprise, BPE 国有企业局,实际负责推动民营化计划的机构Management Information System (MIS) 管理信息系统Manual of accounting procedure 会计手续规则2. Marketing to Latinos and African Americans 拉丁美洲及非洲的营销策略研究(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. Advertising on the Web Companies Grab the Brass Ring网络广告:公司的新商机2. From Harley-Davidson Armchairs to Coca-Cola Fishing Lures The Rise ofCorporate Branding企业品牌化的兴起:从哈雷牌轮椅到可口可乐牌鱼饵3. Offering Guarantees to Promote Sales提供质量保证以提高销售额度4. Power Pricers: How Smart Companies Use Price as a Strategic Tool价格的威力:精明商家的价格策略第四单元管理(一)课内训练(重点)识记:1. Cross-cultural Management 跨文化管理名词解释:MBA: Master of Business Administration, 工商管理硕士Pay-for-performance (PFP) 业绩付酬—按照实际业绩付给酬劳Matrix structure 矩阵结构句子翻译:A fairly obvious cultural divide that has been much studied is the onebetween, on the one hand, the countries of North America and north-westEurope, where management is largely based on analysis, rationality, logic andsystems, and, on the other, the Latin cultures of southern Europe and SouthAmerica, where personal relations, intuition, emotion and sensitivity are ofmuch greater importance.2. Motorola Modes of Handling Ethical Issues Transculturally跨文化管理“摩托罗拉模式”所遵循的原则是什么?句子翻译:1)The simplest mode is one in which Motorola makes no particular effort toadjust to the local culture, but merely clarifies its policy on a given issue, andimplements that policy regardless of whether it overlaps with the values orstandards of the host culture.2)In some situations, the overlap between Motorola’s standards and certainpractices of the host culture might be so limited that the corporation has nochoice other than simply to abide by its own standards and attempt to remainviable in that country.理解:1. Might the Proper Study of Management Be Man?管理的核心是管理人?名词解释:Stock market 证券市场Zeitgeist 时代精神Theory X(Y) X(Y) 理论2. No more Boring Analysis无需反复研究管理方式(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. Will This Merger Go Down Smoothly?这一次的收购会顺利进行吗?2. Citi: A Whole New Playbook 花旗集团:一个全新的开始3. Do Y ou Really Need an MBA? 你真的需要一个MBA文凭吗?4. Going Global by Thinking Local 立足本土,走向国际第五单元贸易识记:1. Trade Disputes商务争议名词解释:Comparative costs 比较成本Specialization 专业化生产Insight 洞察力Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者Productivity 生产力Mainstream economists 主流经济学家avid Ricardo 大卫·李嘉图英国经济学家著有《政治经济学几赋税原理》句子翻译:Even if one country can make everything more cheaply than every other it still gains from focusing on the goods in which its relative advantages isgreatest —i.e., in which it has a comparative advantage —and importingthe rest.2. A Sale Contract 销售合同名词解释:FOB: Free on Board 船上交货价格, 离岸价格CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格CFR: Cost and Freight成本加运费价FCA: Free Carrier货交承运人CPT: Carriage Paid to 运费付至CIP: Carriage Insurance Paid to运费、保险费付至EXW: Ex Work 工厂交货DDU: Delivered Duty Unpaid未完税交货DDP: Delivered Duty Paid完税后交货Remittance 汇票T/T 电汇M/T 信汇Banker’s draft 银行汇票Commercial Draft 商业汇票Documentary Collection 跟单托收D/P Sight: Documents against Payment at Sight 即期付款交单D/P after Sight: Documents against Payment after Sight 远期付款交单D/A: Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单Letter of Credit 信用证Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证Sight L/C 即期信用证Usance L/C 远期信用证Transferable L/C 可转让信用证句子翻译:The Buyers shall open with a bank to be accepted by both the Buyers and Sellers an irrevocable transferable letter of credit, allowing partial shipment,transshipment in favor of the Sellers and addressed to Sellers payable at sightagainst first presentation of the shipping document to Opening Bank. Thecovering letter of credit must reach the Sellers 30 days before shipment andremain valid in China until the 21st day (inclusive) from the date of shipment. (三)课外练习(一般)理解:1. Business Negotiation 贸易磋商2. Two Business Letters 商业信函实例(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. A Letter of Credit 信用证2. A Business Letter—Revise Former Letter of Credit信用证修订书3. A Booking Order订舱委托书4. A Commercial Invoice商业发票第六单元经济全球化识记:1. Game Theory博弈论名词解释:Oligopoly 求过于供的市场情况Price cutting 大减价Dilemma 困境Game theory 博弈论Adam Smith 亚当·斯密,英国古典政治经济学代表人物,著有《国富论》Invisible hand “看不见的手”句子翻译:Game theory has been used by economists to study theinteraction of oligopolies, on-management disputes; countries trade policies, internationalenvironmental agreements, reputations, and a host of other situations.2. E-Commerce: The Kitty Hawk Era电子商务:Kitty Hawk时代名词解释:Sales volume 销售量Megastore 超级卖场Cyberspace 网络空间Distributor 分销商Retailer 零售商Intermediary 中介Stockbroker 股票经纪人Dealer 经销商Leverage 杠杆作用E-commerce 电子商务Wal-Mart 沃尔玛,世界第一大零售商Brick-and-mortar 传统意义上的公司句子翻译:1)Slowly but surely, consumers are leaving malls to shop on-line, often intheir pajamas at 11 PM. And anyone who doubts the potential power of thee-commerce juggernaut hasn’t grasped the advantage for both consumersand businesses.2)All companies fear the leverage gained by consumers who can demandever-lower prices. Finally, businesses are rapidly learning that it isn’tenough to tack the suffix “dot com” onto the company name.理解:1. The Logic of Economics经济学逻辑名词解释:Inflation 通货膨胀Tariff 关税Quota 配额Tax cuts of 1964 美国1964年的减税政策Great Depression 1929年至1933年的西方世界的经济大萧条2. The Four Wheels of Growth 促进经济增长的四个要素(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1.Careers in Global Marketing 全球营销下的职场规划2. How Markets Solve the Three Economic Problems市场解决三大经济问题的途径3. Global Marketing What It Is and What It Is Not揭开全球营销的面纱4. The Business-to-business Cyber-buying Bazaar网络购物市场第三部分有关说明与实施要求(一)阅读理解Reading comprehension.Although it is nothing new for companies to build relationships with customers, it has generally been done on a one-to-one basis. In recent years, however, technological developments have made it possible to build up individual relationships with clients on a much larger scale, and this more sophisticated kind of operation is known as relationship marketing. Relationship marketing aims to increase sales through deliberate efforts to retain customers and promote two-way communication with them and new technology has make communication possible with a for larger customer base than before. The information gathered forms the basis of highly technical analyses of customer purchasing and profitability, which can be used to increase sales.The building of good personal relationships with customers is usually integral to the management of small businesses, and owners of small corner shops clearly illustrate the essence of relationship marketing, although the technology available to them is far less advanced than that available to, say, a supermarket chain. Small shopkeepers have direct knowledge ofregular customers and become familiar with their needs, likes and dislikes. The shopkeepers can then provide services tailored to individual needs. Over time, a bond of loyalty is likely to develop between shopkeepers and regular customers.The benefits of relationship marketing enjoyed by small businesses are now available to big businesses, thanks to a number of developments. First and foremost is the increasing recognition of the importance of profitability of retaining existing customers. Secondly, technologies have been developed which enable the collection, manipulation and analysis of huge banks of customer information. Large retailers can use store cards to obtain detailed background information about customer’s ages, salaries and lifestyles, and point-of-sale technology can be sued to track purchases made by every customer. Electronic storage enables all of this information to be retained, manipulated and integrated, while detailed analyses can be carried out on ever more powerful computers. Companies are thus able to target individuals amongst their thousands of customers with unique promotions or information matched to their back grounds and to their purchasing tendencies. Thirdly, companies feel a need to use relationship marketing because of increased competition: amassing knowledge about customers and building up customer relationships through interactive contact can enable organizations to differentiate their products orservices more easily form those of competitors.However, relationship marketing is not always the right route for organizations to take, and is not appropriate for all customers. Some bank customers, for example, cost more to serve than the bank actually makes form their custom, while a supermarket customer who spends very little and does not shop regularlydoes not justify the expenditure of several pounds per annum on relationship marketing. In addition, customers may not always be interested in a relationship, even where there are demonstrable benefits to be had.Overall, successful relationship marketing depends upon selecting and targeting the customers you wish to retain, and identifying sales areas where the investment and effort will be worthwhile. Many organizations have found the approach to be very rewarding in terms of customer retention and related profitability, but relationship marketing is still a developing field and is neither cheap nor easy to operate. It involves an integrative approach which draws marketing, quality and customer service together; it also depends upon developing the capacity of every employee particularly front-line staff to market the goods or services of the organization in a customer-focused way; and finally, it can require heavy investment in appropriate information technology.1. In the first paragraph, the writer describes relationship marketing as ____.A. an idea that has passed in and out of fashion over the last few years.B. a term used for an activity that used to exist in a more basic form.C. a way for a company to advertise to its customers.D. a way for a company to analyze its profitability.2. Why are small shopkeepers used to illustrate relationship marketing?A. Their success depends on their relationships with their customers.B. They keep information about their customers on computer.C. They were the first to use the term relationship marketing.D. Their relationship with customers has started to change recently.3. One reason why large companies didn’t use relationship marketing in the past is that ____.A. they underestimated the true value of customer loyalty.B. heir customers didn’t want them to collect information.C. they didn’t need to find out about individual customers.D. they didn’t think they could justify the expenses.(二)快速阅读Skimming and scanning.There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system, and the traditional system.In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence, the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. In the modern market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money.An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions. This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way ofadministering such an economy. The central plan, drawn up by the government, shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to different households for consumption. This is an example of complete planning of production, consumption, and exchange for the whole economy.In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition; every person’s place within the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, and custom. Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too. People belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons, provide them with food and shelter, care for their health, and provide for their education. Clearly, in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve. A stagnant society may result.1. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To outline contrasting types of economic systems.B. To explain the science of economics.C. To argue for the superiority of one economic system.D. To compare barter and money-exchange markets.2. In the second paragraph, the word “real” in “real goods” could best be replaced by ____.A. high qualityB. concreteC. utterD. authentic3. According to the passage, a barter economy can generate ___.A. rapid speed of transactionsB. misunderstandingsC. inflationD. difficulties for the traders4. According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control in the administered system?A. Individual householdsB. Small businessesC. Major corporationsD. The government5.Which of the following is not mentioned by the author asa criterion for determining a person’s position in a traditional society?A. Family backgroundB. AgeC. Religious beliefsD. Custom(三)名词解释Define the following terms.1. Booking order2. CFS(四)回答问题Answer the following questions.With no laor shortage, what prosperity will it expect in the article?(五)翻译Translate the following sentences into Chinese.In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown to become an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growth of the Chinese economic.商务英语沟通Business English CommunicationChapter One How to Apply for the Ideal Job(如何申请理想的工作) 本课要点一.Reading Job Advertisement (解读招聘广告)As you read , ask yourself these question1.Do I have the formal qualification required ?2.Do I have the experience required ?3.Am I really suited for the job ?4.What do I know about the employer ?5.What makes me specially suited for the job ?二.Analysing a Specific Job Advertisement (分析特定的招聘广告)三.What to Mention in Y our Letter or Email (在求职信件中该写些什么)四.Attracting an Employer’s Interest (引起招聘者的注意)五.Hints and Tips (技巧提示)Here are some good ways to make your application letter stand out:1.Look for something unusual in your experience or qualifications2.Make the contents of your letter appropriate for the job3.A void annoying phrases4.Get someone to read your letter before you send itNEVER send your first draft !5.Keep the letter short6.Mention the organisation7.Make your letter physically easy to read* Don’t use handwriting * Use a good quality printer * Use short sentences and paragraphs * Use plenty of breaks and white space * Use a type or font that can be easily read and use 12-point size* Don’t overuse italics ,bold, underlining or CAPITALS * Use a spell-check programme but don’t rely onthat alone. Y ou must also check your letter personally before you send it .* Don’t use coloured or fancy paper8.Remember to state which job you are applying for9.Be realistic10.Check again六.Practice Makes Perfect (实践造就完美)专业词汇Reputation 名誉声望Professional 专业人员职业运动员Qualification 资格Unpredictability不可预测性Continuity 连续性Candidate 候选人应试者Architect 建筑师Job seeker 求职者People-orientated 以人为本的Prestige 威望影响力Application letter 求职信Interview 面试采访Offend 冒犯Summarize 总结概述Demonstrate 证明示范Commitment 承诺保证Innovation 革新Coverage 新闻报道Template 模板Overlook 俯瞰忽视Chapter T wo Resume and the Interview (简历与面试)本课要点一.The Rasume or Curriculum V itae (简历)二.The Essentials(基本要素)*Full name in Chinese characters and Pinyin. Underline your family name*Adress*Telephone Number*Age, indicated by date of birth*Gender, indicated by Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms.Here are some of the things that can be included if you have them :*e-mail address*Fax number*PhotographQualifications : List your qualifications clearly , starting with the highestEducation : List the school and other educational institutions you have attended, again starting with the highest or most recent.Previous EmploymentSkillsInterests and hobbiesFuture career三.Model resume (single-page version)(简历样本)四.Interview Essentials(面试要点)五.What Do Y ou Do Now(如何准备)Times spent in preparation is never wasted. Time wasted is never spent in preparation.Quite simply, to be totally confident about your chances of success you must know almost everthing there is to know about : *The company*The job advertised*The overall business environment the company operates in *The business culture of the company*Existing employees you might know*Where you might fit into the company*The salary you might be offered六.The Big Day (面试当天)七.What Do I Wear(如何着装)八.What Questions Will They Ask(面试问题)九.Be Positive(要积极主动)十.Y ou Do the Talking (把握表述机会)十一.Dealing with Negatives at the Interview (正确处理面试中的消极因素)十二.Strength from Weakness(变不利为有利)十三.Hints and Tips (技巧提示)*Names *Eye contact *Sit comfortably专业词汇Curriculum vita 个人简历Resume 履历Clerk 文员Coordinator 协调员Turnover 营业额Orchestra 管弦乐队Martial arts 武术Facility 设备Innovation 革新创新Sector 部门Annual report 年度报告Trainers 运动鞋Pattern 模式图案Consultancy 咨询公司Bachelor 学士Master 硕士Doctor (Ph.D)博士Chapter Three Spoken Business Communication (口头商务沟通) 本课要点*The first, as always, is to spend as much time as possible on preparation.*The second is to think carefully about the actual content.*The third is to practise your presentation.一.Preparing for the Talk (为演讲准备)1.The audience2.The introduction3.The facts4.V isual aids5.Don’t trust the technology6.The venue7.The length8.Be ready for questions二.Preparing The Content (搜集素材)1.Structure*A clear introduction is essential.*Then you move onto the main part of your presentation.*Finally, you must have a conclusion.2.How long shoud your presentation be?Keep It Short and Simple三.Practice and Presentation Techniques(练习示范与演讲技巧)四.Hints and Tips(技巧提示)1.When you stand up to begin, take your time and try not to appear nervous.2.Most of the time you will be speaking to people who want to hear what you have to say.3.Talk to the people in the audience.4.Be careful about the things you do with your hands when speaking.5.Don’t just read your speaking notes.6.Don’t speak too fast./doc/b214476027.html,e only a few, well-chosen, visuals.8.Pause before you move into the final part of your speech.9.Don’t run away the minute you have completed your presentation.五.Practice Makes Prefect(实践造就完美)专业词汇Presentation 发言陈述conciseness 简明address 致辞演讲conference 会议协商Technician 技术员Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官layout 布局atmosphere 气氛Regional sales manager 地区销售经理audio-visual aids 视听辅助工具lectern 讲台Recruit 征募招聘draft 草图汇票resist 抵抗distraction 注意力分散temptation 诱惑Conclusion 结论pause 停顿volume 音量书卷eye contact 目光接触眼神交会Chapter Four Communicating with Colleagues and Customers(同事沟通及客户沟通)本课要点一.Unspoken Messages (非言语信息)Here are a few questions to consider about non-verbalcommunications :1.How do you think you look?2.How can you change your clothing message ?3.What non-verbal communications do you not like ?4.What assumptions do you make ?5.Do you make group assumptions ?二.Friendly Communications(传递好消息)三.Communicating Sensitively(敏感性沟通)四.Problem Communications(问题沟通)五.Hints and Tips(技巧建议)1.Stay clam2.Listen3.Don’t assume4.Explain clearly5.Speak clearly*Do not use jargon.*Do not use long words where short ones will do.*Make sure that you speak at a speed that allows people to understand what you are saying.*Pause frequently.6.Ask for details7.Check and respond8.Close六.Hearing and Understanding----Achieving Both(倾听与理解----两者兼顾)七.Action(行动)1.Do we want the person to decide the action after communicatiion?2.Do we want the person to take action that we have alreadydecided?3.Do we understand the effects the action may produce?八.Checking(核查)*Ask question.*Do not make assumptions.九.Communicating with Bosses(与老板沟通)“The boss may not always be right,but he or she is always the boss.”1.Listen2.Ask for suggestions3.Lead your ideas into the ideas of the other person4.Explain clearly5.Ask for suggestions again6.Offer to revise7.Checking8.Follow up十.A Fact(忠告)“Success has many fathers.Failure is an orphan.”专业词汇Comment 评论意见potential 可能性潜力context 语境背景phenomenon 现象奇迹Criminal 罪犯investment adviser 投资顾问district 行政区地区bonus 奖金红利Dedication 奉献commitment 委托提交initiative 主动权首创精神announcement 宣布通告identification card 身份证embarrassment 尴尬拮据maintenance 维修保持Reprimand谴责训斥conversation 谈话社交grievance不满委屈jargon行话component 组件Chapter Five Written Communication(书面沟通)本课要点一.Composing Y our Message(内容组织)*Take the example of a proposed meeting. It’s no good writing a message saying that a meetingis to be held if you don’t state what is going to be discussed.*No one will come to your meeting unless you give him or her a good reason why they should attend.*Unless you state a date and time when a meeting is going to be held people can’t att end.*Where the meeting is to take place is also vital.*Who is to be involved is also essential information. People will not come to an event if they do not know that their attendance is expected.*What is the sequence of events? How will decisions be implemented?二.Written Forms of Communication(书面沟通的形式)*Y our communication should not include unnecessary information.*Y our communication must have appropriate content.*Y our communication must contain the correct facts.*Y our communication should aviod the use or jargon and unnecessary technical terms.*Y our communication should introduce the purpose and mission of the paper, have anexplanatory content and should end with a clear conclusion or recommendation.*Y our communication should always be spell-checked and read by a colleague before it is issued.三.Let’s Practise(练习)四.Hints and Tips(技巧建议)1.Size Matters. Use a 12-point type./doc/b214476027.html,e white space.3.Read aloud.专业词汇Electronic storage 电子储存memo 备忘录sequence 顺序agenda 议程proposal 提议求婚Biography 传记个人简介quotation 引文报价单recommendation 推荐信bangle 手镯Pendant 耳环坠子text message 短信international purchasing manager 国际采购经理Explanatory comment 备注assessment 评价估计payment due 已到期应付款scissor 剪刀删去Stapler 订书机Cash flow 现金流amateur 爱好者外行sponsorship 赞助Chapter Six Business Meeting(商务会议)本课要点一.Why People Hold Meetings (为何举行会议)*To communicate policies *To issue instruction *T o listen to review *To hold discussions*To ensure that everyone is aware of what is going on *To review experiences and future action*T provide written records二.Meeting Styles (会议风格)Authoritarian Inclusive Combat Routine Informal三.Writing the Records of Business Meeting (商务会议纪要)四.The Disadvantages of a V erbatim Record (逐字逐句的会议记录的缺点)*They contain full information about when and where the meeting took place.*They record the names of the people taking part.*They list people who did not attend.*They record who made what decision.*They list points for action.*They are short and concise.*They remove duplications.*They are easy to access and can be held in electronic form.。











广东理工学院 2021 年本科插班生专业课考试大纲(考试科目:商务英语阅读)Ⅰ.考试性质普通高等学校本科插班生(又称专插本)招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。


因此, 本科插班生考试应有较高信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。

Ⅱ.考试内容及要求依照教育部颁布的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》和我校制定的《商务英语专业本 科教学大纲》,通过本课程的学习,要求学生将运用相关阅读技巧,大量进行商务英语阅读, 切实提高学生运用商务英语的能力。

本课程注重能力培养,主要培养学生的阅读理解能力、 细致观察语言的能力、逻辑思维能力、吸收语言知识的能力和文化背景知识的能力、通过阅 读获取信息的能力、以正常速度阅读和快速阅读的能力,从而为今后从事实际工作提供必要 的知识和能力准备。

考试目的是测试考生对本课程的基本知识和基本技能掌握的程度,观察语言,假设判断, 分析归纳,推理验证等逻辑思维能力以及运用所学知识解决英语阅读中遇到的实际问题的能 力;测试考生是否达到本科二年级下学期的水平,是否具有插班就读的能力。

具体考试内容和要求如下:第 1 册序号 考试内容 考试要求International Organizations Part 2 Extensive Reading 1. 掌握 课文中的 Text A Roles of international organizations in the global 生词及其变形和搭 economy Unit 1 Text B Story of the international Chamber of CommercePart 3 Reading skills 配; Part 4 Supplementary reading Part 5 Test yourself 2. 熟练 运用重点 Telecommunication Part 2 Extensive Reading 句型; Unit 2 T ext A The computer and the poet Text B Getting the message, at last 3. 掌握 该单元的 Part 3 Reading skills Part 4 Supplementary reading 语法重点; Part 5 Test yourself International trade 4. 能使 用重点词 Part 2 Extensive Reading Text A Is trade good for America 句造句和翻译; Unit 3Text B The farm fight5.理解文章的总体Part3Reading skillsPart4Supplementary reading。







二、教材及主要参考书目教材:《商务英语阅读教程1(第二版)学生用书》, 叶兴国主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 2017年3月.参考书:《商务英语阅读教程1(第二版)教师用书》, 叶兴国主编, 上海外语教育出版社, 2017年3月.三、考试内容Unit 1 Effective CommunicationPart II Extensive ReadingText A Voice of CourageText B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds Part IV Supplementary Reading: How to Make the Multicultural Work Force WorkPart V Test YourselfUnit 2 Soaring ChinaPart II Extensive ReadingText A Clicks to BrickText B Still Made in ChinaPart V Test YourselfUnit 4 Staff ManagementPart II Extensive ReadingText A Handle Your Men in the OfficeText B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad Boss Part V Test YourselfUnit 5 Consumer BehaviorPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Rich Can Learn from the Poor about How to Be FrugalText B Here’s How to Crack the Code on Your Customers’BehaviorPart V Test YourselfUnit 7 Corporate Social ResponsibilityPart II Extensive ReadingText A What Businesses Owe the World; Then and NowText B Don’t Put People Before ProfitsPart V Test YourselfUnit 10 Out-of-the-box ThinkingPart II Extensive ReadingText A How Fast Can You Learn?Text B Student TeachersPart V Test YourselfUnit 11 Time ManagementPart II Extensive ReadingText A 20 Ways to Save 20 MinutesText B How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers? Part IV Supplementary Reading: Time Management in the Age of Social MediaPart V Test YourselfUnit 12 Green BusinessPart II Extensive ReadingText A Succeeding as a “Green” BusinessText B The Wellness BoomPart V Test YourselfUnit 14 Ways of InvestmentPart II Extensive ReadingText A Ways to Keep More CashText B When Stocks Tank, Some Investors Stampede to Alpacas Part V Test YourselfUnit 16 Era of Big DataPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Second Age of ReasonText B Mass Individualism Makes Life Tough for Consumer Product GiantsPart V Test Yourself四、考试方式与试题类型1、考试方式:闭卷,时间为120分钟2、试题类型:单选题、判断题、填空题、翻译题3、试卷安排:(1)本大纲各章所提到的内容和考核目标都是考试内容。











三总教学参考学时为36学时, 其中理论36学时,实验0学时;理论与实验学时之比36:0。

四教材:《商务英语阅读教程3学生用书》,上海外语教育出版社,叶兴国,1版,2010年II 正文第一章一教学目的介绍课程的目的、范围、学习方法以及考核方式。



二教学要求(一) 了解教育的意义和功能(二) 了解教育对于社会的利弊(三) 训练阅读速度和理解能力(四) 掌握文章中出现的词语和表达三教学内容(一) 课程设计、教学安排、课程要求的介绍。

(二) 了解教育的意义和现状(三) 教育的利弊(四) 新词汇和表达第二章一教学目的认识并了解跨国公司及其运作,了解企业的社会责任。





















具体考试内容和要求如下:Introduction1. What is writing?2. Why do we write?3. What is good writing?重点:Universally accepted Criteria for good writing难点:What’s good writing?Part One Manuscript Form1. Arrangement2. Capitalization3. Word Division4. Punctuation5. Handwriting重点:Arrangement难点:Word DivisionPart Two Diction1. Levels of Words2. The Meaning of Words3. General and Specific Words4. Idioms5. Figures of Speech重点:General and Specific Words难点::Figures of SpeechPart Three The Sentence1. Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragment2. Types of Sentences3. Effective Sentences重点:Effective Sentences难点:Effective SentencesPart 4 Paragraph1. Criteria of an Effective Paragraph2. Steps in Writing a Paragraph3. Ways of Developing Paragraphs重点:Ways of Developing Paragraphs难点:Criteria of an Effective ParagraphPart Five The Whole Composition1. Criteria of a Good Composition2. Steps in Writing a Composition3. Three Main Parts of a Composition4. Types of Writing重点:Types of Writing (Exposition and Argumentation) 难点:Outline WritingPart Six The Summary and Book Report1. The Summary2. Book Report重点:The Summary难点:Book ReportPart Seven Formal and Informal Styles1. The Meaning of Style2. Formal and Informal Styles重点:Formal and Informal Styles难点:Formal and Informal StylesPart Eight The Research Paper1. The Purpose2. The Process3. Format4. A Sample Research Paper重点:The Process难点:The ProcessPart Nine Practical Writing1. Notices2. Greetings, Good Wishes, Congratulations and Condolences3. Formal Invitations4. Notes5. E-mails6. Letters重点:Layout of a Letter难点:Layout of a LetterPart Ten Punctuation2. The Period3. The Semicolon4. The Colon5. The Question Mark6. The Exclamation Mark7. Quotation Marks8. Parentheses9. Brackets10. The Dash11. The Slash12. Italics and Underlining重点:The Comma, The Period, The Semicolon, The Colon难点:Quotation MarksⅢ.考试形式及试卷结构一、试卷结构1、名词解释题(Terms Explanations)(本题共5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)2、改错题(Sentence Correction )(本题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分20 分)3、主题句查找及非关联句辨识题(Topic Sentences)(本题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)4、概要写作题(Summary Writing)(本题共 1 小题,满分20 分)5、写作题(Essay Writing)(本题共 2 小题,满分 40 分)二、考试方式和时间1、考试方式:闭卷考试2、考试时间:120 分钟Ⅳ.参考书目1、《高等学校英语专业四级考试大纲》上海外语教育出版社2004;2、丁往道,《英语写作手册》(第三版),外语教学与研究出版社,2009。






二、主要参考书《商务英语阅读》,叶兴国、2017-03-01上海外语教育出版社、ISBN:978-7-5446-4515-7三、考试内容Unit 1 Effective CommunicationPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A V oice of CourageText B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational BondsPart HI Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:How to Make the Multicultural Work Force WorkPart V Test YourselfUnit 2 Soaring ChinaPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Clicks to BrickText B Still Made in ChinaPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Divergence Seen in Chinese Companies' DevelopmentPart V Test YourselfUnit 3 Gender DiscrepancyPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive.ReadingText A Home Truths about Working FamiliesText B The Weaker SexPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Humor MePart V Test YourselfUnit 4 Staff ManagementPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Handle Your Men in the OfficeText B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad BossPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:The New International Style of Management Part V Test YourselfUnit 5 Consumer BehaviorPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Rich Can Learn from the Poor about How to Be FrugalText B Here's How to Crack the Code on Your Customers' BehaviorPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:How Consumers Rewrote the Old Recessionary RulesPart V Test YourselfUnit 6 Marriage IssuesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Three Views of MarriageText B Married,with MoneyPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Yours,Mine & MinePart V Test YourselfUnit 7 Corporate Social ResponsibilityPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A What Businesses Owe the World:Then and NowText B Don't Put People Before ProfitsPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Social Saints,Fiscal Fiends Part V Test YourselfUnit 8 Career SuccessPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft Text B It's Time for a Brand New YouPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Why Can't You Find a Job?Part V Test YourselfUnit 9 Positive AttitudesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Be Happy 'Cause I Choose HappinessText B If You Fire People,Don't Be a Jerk about ItPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Positive ThinkersPart V Test YourselfUnit 10 Out-of-the-box ThinkingPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A How Fast Can You Learn?Text B Student TeachersPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Got ideas?Part V Test YourselfUnit 11 Time ManagementPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A 20 Ways to Save 20 MinutesText B How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers?Part III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Time Management in the Age of Social Media Part V Test YourselfUnit 12 Green BusinessPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Succeeding as a "Green" BusinessText B The Wellness BoomPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Recycle,Reuse,Reprofit:Startups Try to Make Money Selling Your StuffPart V Test YourselfUnit 13 Honesty IssuesPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A In Search of HonestyText B 5 Ways to Spot a LiarPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Slasher AttackPart V Test YourselfUnit 14 Ways of InvestmentPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A Ways to Keep More CashText B When Stocks Tank,Some Investors Stampedeto AlpacasPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Get the Right Coverage Part V Test YourselfUnit 15 Retirement PlanningPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A How Long Will You Live?Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement BluesPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Over 60 and OverlookedPart V Test YourselfUnit 16 Era of Big DataPart I Pre-reading QuestionsPart II Extensive ReadingText A The Second Age of ReasonText B Mass Individualism Makes Life Tough forConsumer Product GiantsPart III Reading SkillsPart IV Supplementary Reading:Computer Chips and DipPart V Test Yourself四、考核形式(一)考核方法考核类型:闭卷考核方式:笔试考核时间:120分钟(二)成绩评定实行百分制,满分:100分。



商务英语阅读自考大纲-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Ⅰ、课程性质及其设置的目的和要求一、本课程的性质与设置的目的“商务英语阅读”是高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(独立本科段)的选考课,占 6 学分。







二、考核知识点和考核要求(一)词汇基础(1)掌握课文中出现的普通词汇含义及其用法:1. disembark v. 2. chuckle v. 3. inequality n. 4. meritocracy n. 5. marvel v. 6. relish v. 7. dopey adj. 8. intuition n. 9. eclipse n. 10. frenzy n. 11. celebrity n. 12. briefing n. 13. eternity n. 14. train depot n. 15. cadre n. 16. friction n. 17. meddle v. 18. journalism n. 19. rebuff v. 20. accost v. 21. quantify v. 22. avalanche n. 23. hierarchy n. 24. notorious adj. 25. drop out v. 26. wayward adj. 下船,下飞机咯咯地笑不平等精英管理的社会觉得惊奇从……得到乐趣,喜爱笨的,迟钝的直觉(日、月)蚀疯狂名人简报,(新闻)发布会永久火车站核心班子,骨干队伍摩擦管闲事新闻学回绝打招呼,搭话量化雪崩,大量的等级制度声名狼藉的中途退学任性的27. permanent adj. 永久的28. rational adj. 29. recruit v. 30. affinity n. 理性的,明智的招收亲和力22. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.31. credential n. 32. reminisce v. 33. phobia n. 34. perimeter n. 证书,证明 回忆 恐惧症 周界,周长 35. commercialised adj. 商业化的 36. shrink v. 37. enrolment n. 38. vigorous adj. 39. momentum n. 40. squeeze v. 41. intrigue v. 42. dilemma n. 43. elite n. 44. lavish adj. 45. gleefully adv. 萎缩 注册 活跃的 发展势头 挤堵 吸引,激起兴趣 困境 精英 丰富的 愉快地 46. renunciation n. 摒弃 (2)掌握课文中的专业术语,能够准确进行中英文互译: 1. the Federal Reserve Board (美国)联邦储备委员会 stockbroker 股票经纪人 financial consulting company 财政咨询公司 the Council of Economic Advisers 总统经济顾问委员会 mathematical economics 数理经济学 business forecaster 商情预测员 econometrician 计量经济学家 8. profit margin revenue 利润率 财政收入 (二)掌握课文中的句式 (1)能够准确理解课文中有关商务英语的常用句子结构和意义; (2)能够准确翻译与这些句式相关的句子。








第二部分考核内容与考核目标第一单元财经一、学习目的与要求通过本单元学习,认知商贸英语文章的内在逻辑关系,帮助学生提高第 1 页阅读理解的能力,了解国际财经概况。

二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)课内训练(重点)识记:1. When Banker’s Bets Go Bad银行家的猜测落空名词解释:OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 通货监理局Alan Greenspan 艾伦·格林斯潘,美联储主席句子翻译:1)The bank had doubled profits in the past year viaa string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 itreported that its securities portfolio hadunrealized losses of nearly $131 million.2)We’re considering strategies that make the mostsense if rates are going up much more aggressivelyand sooner than anticipated.2. Creating Government Financing Programs for Small andMedium-sized Enterprises in China中国为中小型企业提供政府财政援助项目名词解释:Labor-intensive 劳动密集型SME: small and medium-sized enterprise 中小型企业SOE: state-owned enterprises 国有企业句子翻译:In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkabledevelopment and have grown to become an important forcein contributing towards sustained and rapid growth ofthe Chinese economic.(二)阅读技巧(次重点)应用:阅读的逻辑技巧(三)课外练习(一般)理解:1.Carlyle Group’s As ian Invasion加雷集团的亚洲扩张名词解释:Venture-capital 风险资本Carlyle Group 凯雷投资集团Citigroup 花旗集团2. Why the Dollar Is Blooming Again为什么美元再次复兴?名词解释:Greenback 美元(俚语)第 3 页Lehman Brothers Inc 雷曼兄弟公司European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行Federal Reserve Bank 美国联邦储备银行(四)拓展阅读(一般)理解:1. How Banks Pretty up the Profit Picture银行如何美化收益前景2. Thai Stocks What Goes Up泰国股市:到底是怎么了?3. Inventing to Order以市场为导向开发产品4. I t’s an Office Party in Hong Kong香港办公楼地价之争第二单元人力资源管理一、学习目的与要求通过本单元学习,掌握商务英语阅读中的快速阅读技巧,了解人力资源管理概况。

























《综合教程》共 3 册,每册包含 14 个单元,其中每一单元包含围绕同一个主题的两篇课文。


除个别经典文章外,绝大多数的课文选自 20 世纪 70 年代以来国外原版的教科书、报刊杂志和其他读物。


二、教材及主要参考书目教材:《综合教程》(第二版,1-3 册)主编:何兆熊,上海外语教育出版社,2013 年 4 月参考书:《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》商务印书馆. 牛津大学出版社三、考试内容《综合教程》第一册:Unit 1Text I Never Say Goodbye (重点)Text II The Dinner Party (一般)Unit 2Text I The Fun They Had (次重点)Text II The Laugher (一般)Unit 3Text I Whatever Happened to Manners? (次重点)Text II An Educator’s Moral Responsibility (一般)Unit 4Text I Dealing with AIDS (重点)Text II AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) (一般)Unit 5Text I How to Be True to Yourself (次重点)Text II Becoming a Child of Nature: It’s Twofold Task of Parents and Children (一般)Unit 6Text I Is an Only Child a Lonely Child? (重点)Text II Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads (一般)Unit 7Text I When Lightning Struck (次重点)Text II Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in Life (一般)Unit 8Text I My Forever Valentine (重点)Text II Make Today Count (一般)Unit 9Text I Hollywood (重点)Text II The Disney Company (一般)Unit 10Text I A Debt to Dickens (重点)Text II The Companionship of Books (一般)Unit 11Text I Salvation (次重点)Text II The Capture of Kunta Kinte (一般)Unit 12Text I Gender Bias in Language (重点)Text II The Difference Between Sex and Gender (一般)Unit 13Text I The Light of Depression (次重点)Text II Remaining Positive When Facing a Chronic Illness (一般)Unit 14Text I Five Traits of the Educated Man (次重点)Text II When Does Education Stop? (一般)-2-《综合教程》第 2 册Unit 1Text I “We’ve Been Hit!”(重点)Text II Rethinking Skyscrapers (一般)Unit 2Text I The Virtues of Growing Older (次重点)Text II Closing the Gap (一般)Unit 3Text I My Stoke of Luck (重点)Text II A New Attitude to Gratitude (一般)Unit 4Text I Cultural Encounters (次重点)Text II Does Your Body Betray You? (一般)Unit 5Text I Fourteen Steps (次重点)Text II The Power of Belief (一般)Unit 6Text I The Diary of the Unknown Soldier (重点)Text II Life Goes On (一般)Unit 7Text I Letter to a B Student (重点)Text II College Pressures (一般)Unit 8Text I Focus on Global Warming (重点)Text II The Villain in the Atmosphere (一般)Unit 9Text I What Is Happiness? (重点)Text II The Art of Unhappiness (一般)Unit 10Text I The Jeaning of America (重点)Text II Happy Birthday to You (一般)Unit 11Text I Open the Door to Forgiveness (次重点)Text II Forgiveness (一般)Unit 12Text I The Importance of Moral Intelligence in Children (重点)Text II Across America, Grief and Horror (一般)Unit 13Text I Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx (次重点)Text II Reminiscences of Karl Marx (一般)Unit 14Text I The Wedding Story (重点)Text II Gossip (一般)《综合教程》第 3 册Unit 1Text I Fresh Start (重点)Text II A University Stands and Shines (一般)Unit 2Text I The Company Man (重点)Text II Time to Take It Easy (一般)Unit 3Text I Out of Step (重点)Text II Skylines and Skyscrapers (一般)Unit 4Text I Fun, Oh Boy. Fun. You Could Die from It (重点)Text II The Age of Thrills (一般)Unit 5Text I The Real Truth about Lies (重点)Text II To Lie or Not to Lie?—The Doctor’s Dilemma (一般)Unit 6-4-Text I How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No Effort (重点)Text II The Interpretation of Poetry (一般)Unit 7Text I The Chaser (重点)Text II Young Men and Elderly Men (一般)Unit 8Text I Knowledge and Wisdom (重点)Text II How to Become a Man of Genius (一般)Unit 9Text I Chinese Food (重点)Text II Chinese Food in America (一般)Unit 10Text I The Transaction (次重点)Text II Some Self-Analysis (一般)Unit 11Text I On Becoming a Better Student (重点)Text II The Art of Acknowledgement (一般)Unit 12Text I “Take Over, Bos’n!”(重点)Text II War (一般)Unit 13Text I Our Schedules, Our Selves (重点)Text II The Unhappy American Way (一般)Unit 14Text I Homeless (次重点)Text II The Ideal of the Family versus the Ideal of Personal Individualism (一般)四、考试方式与试题类型1、考试方式:闭卷,时间为 120 分钟2、考试题目类型:语法和词汇:测试学生运用词汇、短语、语法结构以及基本语法概念的能力。






二、主要参考书《英语泛读教程2》,刘乃银主编、高等教育出版社、2011年5月第三版;ISBN:978-7-04-031750-3三、考试内容Unit 1Text The Shadowland of DreamsReading skills Using the DictionaryTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome reading Help Yourself Through the Hard TimesUnit 2Text Critical ThinkingReading skills Dealing with Synonyms and AntonymsTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome reading Happy AccidentsUnit 3Text RecyclingTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome reading Global WarmingUnit 4Text The Lady on Pemberton StreetReading skills Dealing with HomonymsTesting Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedHome reading It’s Our World, TooUnit 5Text A Mother’s PlaceReading skills SkimmingTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading To Grandmother’s House We Go Unit 6Text Fathers & Sons: the Bonding Process Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading My Father’s MusicUnit 7Text Numbers and OmensReading skills ScanningTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading The Concept of CultureUnit 8Text Getting Enough Sleep? Dream On Reading skills Choosing Reading Speeds Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading Three Hours to Save Your Life Unit 9Text Invented WordsTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading A History of EnglishUnit 10Text Nuclear EnergyReading skills Facts and OpinionsTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading If Earth Were Powered From Space Unit 11Text The Rocking-horse Winner IReading skills Making InferencesTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading The Rocking-horse Winner IIUnit 12Text Social Critic with VerveTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading Jacques DerridaUnit 13Text Giving Hitler Hell IReading skills Underling and ListingTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading Giving Hitler Hell IIUnit 14Text Overdue InterestReading skills SummarizingTesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading G. A. Fitcb’s DiaryUnit 15Text The Old Man and the Sea ITesting Your Reading Comprehension and Speed Home reading The Old Man and the Sea IISources of some reading materials四、考核形式(一)考核方法考核类型:闭卷考核方式:笔试考核时间:120分钟(二)成绩评定实行百分制,满分:100分。










专题一选择填空(V ocabulary and Structure)一、考核知识点考核考生掌握词汇、短语及基本语法概念的熟练程度。





专题三阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)一、考核知识点考核考生的综合语言知识和技能。


2021 专插本英语考什么

2021 专插本英语考什么

专插本英语考什么?Part I Vocabulary and structure (35%)Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)4 passagesPart III Close (10%)Part IV Writing(15%)(应用文)Part I Vocabulary and Structure▪ 1. By the end of this month, all this .A. is changedB. had changedC. will have changedD. has changed答案是c,应用将来完成时态,因为时间状语是by the end of this month ▪ 2. Such questions are often through negotiations.A. settlesB. settleC. settledD. settling答案是C, 此题考查的是被动语态,属语态范围。

2008 年试题:▪10. I can’t this type of computer; it’s too expensive.▪ A. cost B. spend▪ C. afford D. trade▪答案是C▪近义词的区分:▪Cost 主语必须是物“价钱为,需花费”▪These books cost 20 yuan.▪It costs too much.▪The meal cost us 30 dollars.How much does it cost?Spend 主语必须是人:主语(人)spend 时间/金钱on sth主语(人)spend 时间/金钱(in) doing sthI spent 20 yuan on the book.I spent two hours in doing my homework.▪Afford 为(某目的)有足够的钱、时间、地方等▪“负担得起” “买得起”(主语是人)▪Afford sth “买得起…” “能负担得起…”▪Afford to do sth “买得起…” “能负担得起…”▪通常与can, could, be able to 连用They walked because they couldn’t afford(to take) a taxi.I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t afford the time.Becase he was very poor,he couldn’t to rent this flat.A.SpendB. affordC. feelD. think2008 年试题:▪12. Thank you for the you did me to move the sofa upstairs.▪ A. favor B. good▪ C. help D. kindness▪答案为A,固定用法“帮助某人”▪do sb a favor▪ 4. He stopped last week and feels much better now.A. smokingB. smokedC. smokesD. smoke答案是A,考察的是stop 的用法▪Stop to do sth 停下来去做…▪Stop doing sth 停止做…▪When the teacher came in , the students stopped (talk).▪When I saw him come in, I stopped(say) hello to him.▪Remember to do sth▪Remember doing sth▪Forget to do sth▪Forget doing sth▪Finish doing sth▪Mind doing sth▪Feel like doing sth▪Can’t help doing sth▪Used to do sth▪Be / get used to doing sth1.He finished (work) at 3:00 pm.2.Would you mind (turn on , not) the radio?3.She couldn’t help (laugh) at the strange coat which her friend was wearing.4.Henry Thoreau, a well-known American writer, had been used to (live) verysimply when he wrote “Walden”.5.They didn’t feel like (go) to the football game.6.They walked in the rain without (carry) umbrellas.▪2008 年试题:▪16. I remembered the door before I left the house.▪ A. locking B. lock▪ C. to lock D. locked▪答案是A,考察的是remember 的用法20.I am afraid I should you of your promise.A. remindB. rememberC. releaseD. record答案是,考察的是词组和固定搭配。



2021年广东专插本考试《英语》真题<i>广东专插本英语</i>广东省2021年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试《英语》(公共课)试题Part Vocabulary and Structure30%1.―Where are you going,Tom?―To Bill’s workshop.The engine of my car needs____.A.repairingB.repairedC.repairD.to repair2.The luggage is____heavy to carry all the way home.Let’s call a taxi.A.veryB.tooC.soD.much3.Our teacher suggested that each of us____a study plan for the long summer vacation.A.makeB.madeC.will makeD.would make4.If you had told me earlier,I____to meet you at the hotel.A.had comeB.will have comeC.would comeD.would have come5.Kim went to visit the teachers in the primary school____he worked three years ago.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.that6.The language school started a new____to help young learners with reading and writing.A.programB.designC.eventD.progress7.Always keep in mind that more fruit,vegetables and____exercises will keep us healthy.A.regularB.normalC.averageD.ordinary8.Peter often accompanies his parents to the concert,____he does not like pop music at all.A.asB.ifC.sinceD.though9.Mr.Brown would like to make____on his house,but he was disappointed.A.gainsB.interestsC.a profitD.a benefit10.It is Allen’s first time to speak to the public,but I a m sure he will get____his nervousness.A.awayB.offC.overD.through<i>广东专插本英语</i>11.If you are not satisfied with this pair,I will get you____one of the same size and colour.A.otherB.anotherC.moreD.less12.It is reported that a plane has____in the mountainous area near the borderline of that country.A.crashedB.crushedC.flashedD.clashed13.―Where is my cell phone?I can’t find it.―Well,you____have put it somewhere.A.shouldB.mustC.ought toD.would14.I think we should stop arguing and work together,if we want to get____near a solution to the problem.A.anywhereB.everywhereC.nowhereD.somewhere15.The gardener____the boy not to step on the grass.A.suggestedB.chargedC.warnedD.insisted16.―I’m afraid we must go now if we don’t want to get caught in the traffic jam.―OK.____.A.It doesn’t matter.B.You’re welcome.C.Take care.D.Never mind.17.You might not like the way Sam behaves,but please be kind to him.____,he is your grandfather.A.After allB.Above allC.In allD.At all18.We mention the importance of giving up smoking once and again,but hardly____it.A.did they realizeB.have they realizedC.they did realizeD.they have realized19.Tom’s room is in a terrible mess,everything seems____in it.A.out of controlB.out of dateC.out of orderD.out of service20.At the60th anniversary,the guests sitting in the front are those____graduates from the university.A.faithfulB.distinguishedC.impressiveD.interesting21.We were caught in a traffic jam.By the time we arrived at the airport the plane____.A.will take offB.would take offC.has taken offD.had taken off22.____is not known yet.A.Although he is serious about itB.No matter how we will do the taskC.Whether we will go outing or notD.Unless they come to see us23.You can’t rely on Jane as she is____changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next.A.occasionallyB.rarelyC.scarcelyD.constantly24.Kids will soon get tired of learning____more than they can.A.if they expect to learnB.if they are expected to learnC.if they learn to expectD.if they are learned to expect25.Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the____made of plastic.A.itB.oneC.onesD.them26.____from far away,the600-meter tower is stretching into the sky.A.SeeB.SeeingC.To seeD.Seen<i>广东专插本英语</i>27.The tribe had been living in that part of the area for generations until the civil war____.A.broke downB.broke offC.broke outD.broke up28.The young man had decided to give up the chance of studying abroad, ____surprised his parents a lot.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.that29.____,Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate.A.As a short manB.Being shortC.As he is shortD.Short as he is30.The temperature is likely to go down next week.____,we will have to cancel the outdoor activities.A.In that caseB.In caseC.In no caseD.In any case Part Reading Comprehension40%Passage1On Thursday afternoon Mrs.Clarke,dressed for going out,took her handbag with her money and her key in it,locked the door and went to the club.She always went there on Thursdays.It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.At six o’clock she came home,let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house?How?How?Had someone got in?She checked the back door and the windows.All were locked or fastened,as usual.There was no sign of forced entry.Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone had a key that fitted her front door―a master key perhaps.So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened.Was anyone watching her movements?On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time,dressed as usual,but she didn’t go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again,letting herself in through her garden and the back door.She settled down to wait.It was just after four o’clock when the front door bell rang.Mrs.Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time.The bell rang again,and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open.With thekettle of boiling water in her hand,she moved quietly toward the front door.A long piece of wire appeared through the letter box,and then a hand.The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock.Mrs.Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand.There was a shout outside,and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove.The wire fell to the floor,the hand was pulled back,and Mrs.Clarke heard the sound of running feet.31.On Thursday,Mrs Clarke usually_____.A.went on an outingB.visited a clubC.worked at a clubD.went to see a friend32.No one made a forced entry,because_____.A.she smelt cigarette smokeB.she found nobody in the houseC.she came into the house as usual and locked the door<i>广东专插本英语</i>D.she found the door and windows remained the same33.On the second Thursday,nothing happened and Mrs.Clarke was wondering_____.A.whether her guess was wrongB.whether someone had a master keyC.whether her movements were being watchedD.whether someone took a short cut to the house34.The wire fell to the floor_____.A.because it was too hot to holdB.when the man’s glove dropped offC.because the man just wanted to run awayD.when the man’s hand was badly hurt by hot water35.It can be inferred from the passage that Mrs.Clarke was_____.A.calm and cleverB.brave and luckyC.anxious and worriedD.scared and frightenedPassage2We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching.On the contrary,both their knowledge and experience are enriched.We feel that there are many disadvantages in dividing pupils into different groups.It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates.It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child.After all,it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!Besides,it is rather unusual to grade pupils just according to their intellectual ability.This is only one aspect of their total personality.We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full,not just their academic ability.We also value personal qualities and social skills,and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.In our classrooms,we work in various ways.The pupils often work in groups:this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate,to share,and to develop leadership skills.They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as how to think,to make decisions,to analyze and evaluate,and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.Sometimes the pupils work in pairs;sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments,and they can do this at their own speed.They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate.We encourage our pupils to use the library,and we teachthem the skills they need in order to do this effectively.An advanced pupil can do advanced work.It doesn’t matter how old the child is.We expect our pupils to do their best,not their least,and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.36.The phrase held back in Line1means being_____.A.forced to study hardB.stopped from making progressC.unwilling to study hardD.pushed to make great progress37.The writer’s attitude towards mixed-ability teaching is_____.A.approvingB.negative<i>广东专插本英语</i>C.criticalD.indifferent38.According to the writer,the main concern of a teacher should be the development of the students’_____.A.social skillsB.total personalityC.personal qualitiesD.intellectual ability39.Which of the following is NOT *****ED in the third paragraphA.Pupils can learn how to be capable organizers.B.Pupils can learn how to work together with others.C.Pupils can learn how to be participate in teaching activities.D.Pupils can learn how to develop their reasoning abilities.40.This passage aims to_____.A.offer advice on the effective use of the libraryB.emphasize the importance of teaching the skillsC.discuss pair work and group work for classroom activitiesD.argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same classPassage3In the1960s,medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events.They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful.Negative events like serious illness of a family member were high on the list,but so were some positive life-changing events,like marriage.When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress―it only shows how much you have to deal with.And we now know that the way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying healthy.By the early1970s,hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow,the research was described briefly in a memorable message.Women’s magazines ran headlines like Stress causes illness!If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy,the articles said,avoid stressful events.But such simple advice is impossible to follow.Even if stressful events are dangerous,many―like the death of a loved one―are impossible to avoid.Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription()for staying away from opportunities as well as trouble.Since any change can be stressful,a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry,have a child,take a new job or move.The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people.It assumes we’re all weak and passive in the face of difficulties.But what about human initiative and creativity?Manypeople come through periods of stress with more physical and mental energy than they had before.We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom,and physical and mental strain.41.Holmes-Rahe made a medical research on_____.A.what to do to avoid stress<i>广东专插本英语</i>B.what to do to cope with stressC.what kind of events can cause stressD.what kind of stress can cause changes42.The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows_____.A.how much you have to deal with stressB.how positive events can change your lifeC.how negative events can change your lifeD.how you can deal with life-changing events43.The studies on stress in the early1970s made people_____.A.feel more stressful in working and livingB.believe that it’s impossible to av oid stressC.worry about their mental and physical healthD.believe that it’s possible to avoid stressful events44.If a person wanted to avoid stress completely,he would have to_____.A.avoid any changesB.make some changesC.be free of dangerous thingsD.stay away from the opportunities45.Which of the following best describes the writer’s tone in the passageA.Critical.B.Objective.C.Subjective.D.Prejudiced.Passage4Even plants can run a fever,especially when they're under attack by insects or disease.But unlike humans,plants can have their temperature taken from3,000feet away-straight up.A decade ago,adapting the infrared()scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites,physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under attack.The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide()spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field,which always includes plants that don't have pes()problems.Even better,Paley's Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye.An infrared scanner,on a plane flying at3,000feet at night,measured the heat sent out by crops.The data was turned into a color-coded map showing where plants were running"fevers".Farmers could then spot-spray,using50to70percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.The bad news is that Paley's company closed down in1984,after only three years.Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term supports were hard to find.But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce,and refinements in infrared scanning,Paley hopes to get back into operation.Agriculture experts have no doubt about how the technology works."This technique can be used on75 percent of agricultural land in the United States,"says George Oerther of Texas AM. Ray Jackson,who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture,thinks long-distance infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade,but only if Paley finds the financialsupport which he failed to obtain10years ago.<i>广东专插本英语</i>46.Plants will run a fever when they are_____.A.sprayed with pesticidesB.facing an infrared scannerC.troubled with insects or diseaseD.having their temperature taken47.In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely,we can use infrared scanning to_____.A.draw a color-coded mapB.locate the problem areaC.attract insects and treat diseaseD.estimate the damage to the crops48.Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by_____.A.making use of spot-sprayingB.transforming poisoned rainC.consulting infrared scanning expertsD.detecting crop problems at an early stage49.The difficulty in applying infrared scanning technology to agriculture is_____.A.its high costB.the financial problemC.the decreased productionD.the lack of official support50.The passage mainly talks about the_____.A.problems of cropsB.temperature of plantsC.roles of Paley’s companyD.function of infrared scanningPart Cloze15%A friend of mine met with an accident driving in the darkness.His legs were so hurt that he couldn't move.What was the___51__was that he found himself unable to ask for help―his mobile phone went out of___52__because of the exhausted battery.___53__could be done but to wait in the cold wilderness.It was eight hours later that day broke,and then the rescue arrived.It can___54__that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long.Even more surprising was his___55__,"First of all,I checked up my physical conditions and found myself not in mortal danger.As there was no tools to___56__help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to___57__the wound from bleeding.In this way I dozed off."His story put an end to my regret for the sadness of an exploration adventure that happened last year.A group of young men___58__to explore a mountain cave and got lost.___59__to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of___60__.Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the rescue people__61___found them,the place where they got lost was only about10meters away from the___62__of the cave.If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to calm themselves,they would probably__63___a faint light glimmering not far away.Don't you think you can compare it with life___64__?When you meet with difficulty in life and work,and you are not clear about it yet,you___65__put up<i>广东专插本英语</i>struggle immediately.It seems to be a negative attitude,but a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.51.A.certain B.uncertain C.best D.worst52.A.reach B.way C.control D.work53.A.Everything B.Anything C.Something D.Nothing54.A.almost B.hardly C.possibly D.scarcely55.A.determination B.decision C.explanation D.conversation56.A.call for B.go for C.leave for D.look for57.A.treat B.cure C.keep D.remain58.A.tried B.managed C.liked D.tended59.A.Able B.Unable C.Lucky D.Unlucky60.A.space B.balance C.frustration D.direction61.A.that B.which C.when D.where62.A.ending B.beginning C.opening D.closing63.A.tell B.sense C.tough D.think64.A.himself B.itself C.yourselves D.themselves65.A.mustn’t B.wouldn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’tPart Writing15%66.objective career objective awards special skills。

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Unit 1
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The New International Style of Management
Text B New Thinking for Successful Entrepreneurs
Part IV Supplementary Reading: New Thinking for a New Financial Order
Unit 2
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A How Fast Can You Learn?
Text B Student Teachers
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Learn to Work with the "Now"
Unit 3
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A If you Fire people, Don't Be a Jerk About it
Text B Why Can't You Find a Job?
Part IV Supplementary Reading: They were once Executives
Unit 4
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft
Text B It’s Time for a Brand New You
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Today’s Hottest Product? You!
Unit 5
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Ways to Keep More Cash
Text B When Stocks Tank, Some Investors Stampede to Alpacas Part IV Supplementary Reading: On Breaking Rules
Unit 6
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Got Ideas?
Text B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad Boss Part IV Supplementary Reading: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
Unit 7
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The End of E-Mall
Text B The Disruptive Power of Networks
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Who Killed the Newspaper?
Unit 8
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A How Long Will You Live?
Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement Blues
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Over 60 and Overlooked
Unit 9
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Voice of Courage
Text B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Home Truths About Working Families
Unit 10
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Be Happy 'Cause I Choose Happiness
Text B Humour Me
Part IV Supplementary Reading: Come Out and Play



