

在确定本阶段实施ERP的具体目标和投入成本时,首先就要认识到的ERP 是不存在的。

企业实施ERP项目的风险及应对措施ERP(ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PIAN.NING)企业资源划系统,是以系统化的管理思想,以财务管理为核心,集物流、资流和信息流为一体,支撑企业精细化管理和规范化运作的管理信系统。

本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:The development of the overall budget management In the 1980s, as information technology development, the whole social economy started to varying degrees from the industrial age to information age change the economy, it also makes the budget management can be more timely, accurately, high quality of information and decision-making. But the traditional mode of the budget lacks flexibility, strength, the functions of time between conflicting a defect is, the corporations internal management control system of the core also begun to vacillate, overall quality management and balanced scorecard for new operations management, and more strategic management tools, methods are prevalent.In this context, the overall budget and overall budget management pattern emerged, with a budget management in the development of the two completely opposite attitude: improving and abandoning. Manage national marketing expenses, to use and control in accordance with the overall budget. The key factors are concluded. Finally, this thesis gives a comprehensive conclusion of implementing overall budget.Up with the proposed budget of the proposed that "exceed budget (budgeting) beyond that and stand for improving budget is a" to improve the budgetary (better budgeting) "all the homework that the budget and continuously improve budget and strategic budgeting for a new mode of the budget, it is in the budget" to improve the budget management and process innovation. Homework budget responsibilities and obligations of employees and management work to achieve the objective and can work out in competitive pressure under the influence of the employee work for the production of concern. continuing improvements in the budget management accounting has two relatively new challenges in the budget, the target of cost and continued improvement in the budget. The two methods of the origin and popular inJapan and throughout the world have found wide application. the continued improvement in the budget is clearly reflected in the final budget improve and implement all the improvement program budget. Continued improvement in the budgeting process, the budget is expected future performance. Tradition is not like to extend the present budget that the activities of the strategic budgeting) as the strategic budget of the new mode of application of the year. the company 37.6% of costs.In the next few years, the budget strategy in both theory and was the application and development. Ttrategies adopted the budget for the budget and process innovation, effectively save the costs and eliminating waste is the most important enterprises financial resources more attention and support of corporate strategy and tactics.Hop& Fraser think a traditional budget has become more effective participation of the obstacles to the existing budget and development of a new model is very necessary budgets, on this understanding, and in the management of the magazine publish the preliminary promise beyond the budget of the basic theoretical framework. Beyond the budget from the strict sense is not a budget model innovation, it just for the traditional budgeting and patterns of a challenge, for only the budget, the content and scope of the limitations on the cash flow forecast and plans and traditional budgetary control and motivation of the other performance management system to implement.From homework budget and continuously improve budget and strategic budget of the three modes, the budget, the management theory and methods become a model innovation by the major driving force. the management theory and methods to resolve the budget, the traditional in the new business environment and insufficient the plight of the innovation and the budget model innovation is the policy of the situation. Mentioned in this article has been widely accepted and many kinds of the application of the model, we have integrated enterprise management theory value the value of the budget, depending on the principle of balanced scorecard for balanced scorecard based on the budget of the budget. at the same time, the information age to the budget of the theory and methods of a comprehensive challenge, so at this stage of the budget model innovation, information technology budget had been in anumber of applications and related to integration.Overall budget management of enterprises overall, by scientific prediction, decision-making, monetary value and multiple forms of business in future fixed period of all the production and operation and financial results for the integrated management system.An overall budget system should bo implemented in order to effectively control the company"s cash flows and financial risks.The overall budget management system was carried through reflecting the earnestness and authoritativeness of budget implementation.It is the comprehensive management of enterprises are important tools, the internal management and control a major method. this method on a century since the 1990s in the general electric, and general motors produce, soon became large businesses the sops. from the original plan, coordination, development in the control, evaluation, incentives also has to wait in a comprehensive implementation of the strategy of enterprise management mechanism.Overall budget itself is not the ultimate aim, more as a corporate strategy and business performance between the tool. the budget implementation strategy, the overall budget becomes a strategy of enterprise experience in all departments and the process, implementation of concrete.At the same time, the overall budget system more effective allocation of resources reasonable basis for monitoring and measuring and enterprises and departments of the business performance and to ensure that final realization of the company's strategic objectives, the overall budget management of "hot" and the budget management concept "turmoil" is the coexistence of the overall budget is not conducive to the management of practice. The overall budget management is equivalent to "financial budget is limited, especially financial budget of" "it's easy to the" total budget for "" the position of financial aspects of the budget "even positioned as" financial departments of the budget ".Overall budget management are involved in several areas, The whole process and total integration of gender management system, a comprehensive control and restraint, it is not only the finance department. understand and hold a comprehensive budget management should be based on corporate management mechanisms, it is not merely a kind of management and control strategy, more a kindof management. EU leaders have agreed that the overall budget should focus more on competitiveness.Comprehensive budget management is to protect the enterprise funds and flexible working, reasonable control of the daily economic activities of enterprises within the expected range of the main methods to ensure the strategic plan is an important means of implementation and completion.In recent years, the theories and successful experiences about overall budget begin to attract more and more attentions of Chinese enterprises.Following the ERP, CRM, SCM, BI, collaboration and other business management software application, after wave, a new management software is on the rise, it is causing enterprises, especially medium-sized enterprises sought after and concerns of the overall budget management software. To some extent, the prevalence of overall budget management software is the enterprise to pursue the inevitable result of meticulous management. Because the face of fierce market competition, the traditional labor budget can not meet the needs of existing enterprises, enterprises or projects in the project when bidding for a comprehensive budget for the system to perform analysis. Currently, most of the management software are integrated into a comprehensive budget management, however, results from the use of point of view is not satisfactory. The author believes that a third party, non-financial as the core system of budget management software and services to better meet the needs of users.Comprehensive budget management is associated with the survival of investment business activities, business activities and financial activities, expected future situation (prediction and planning) and the control of management behavior and control arrangements. Over the years, for various reasons, a comprehensive budget management software, and the resulting advanced business management methods can not receive timely promotion and popularization of Congerdaozhi some companies and individuals of the current misunderstanding of their Cunzai, that the overall budget management Zhishi simple financial sector management, and other business not related to, this understanding is one-sided.Not only depend on overall budget management software, technical support, ismore important is to rely on management thinking and methods of support, its core is the management software only supporting management tools. Comprehensive budget management software more a management and financial software reflects more of a software application tools. Total Budget management processes and corporate accounting system provides financial management is not the same as it is in line with modern corporate business development management processes, rather than meet the corporate financial sector management practices. Because financial management is very professional and very formatted, to finance on the business to manage this is unrealistic. Project budget of project, application, etc. to be provided by the business sector, financial sector only as a support and assistance, it is feasible.For now, most companies budget for the management of the domestic financial sector by "single-handedly", as departments or asymmetric information gap created business unit personnel to the project budget management do not understand and budgeting, and other business applications are not clearly, the financial sector, this comprehensive budget management in full compliance with the national accounting system to be implemented, in fact, business is management accounting systems do not understand, so the final overall budget to make unscientific, but also difficult to enforce. Overall budget should be the corporate business sector and the financial sector to participate in the formulation and advice to businesses mainly supplemented by the views of the financial sector, so that can really do a good job overall budget management. Comprehensive Budget Management is becoming popular.Currently on the market overall budget management software from the applications level, divided up, roughly divided into four categories: one is a "financial center" of the overall budget management software, such as UF and Kingdee, this type of software features focused on financial management ; a class is a "process centric" comprehensive budget management software, such as the thick shield, its such a long time, these software features focused on enterprise business process data management; a class is "collaboration center" of the overall budget management software such as wave and so on, such software features focused on departmental business collaboration management; a class based on "data analysis center" of theoverall budget management software such as Hyperion and other such software, data analysis and management function focused on. Overall budget management of the financial management of different.In fact, these types of comprehensive budget management software, in varying degrees to meet customer needs, such as the Hyperion oil do to the budget management is mainly focused on data analysis, because the oil companies too, inter-departmental and more only focus on data analysis and management, that is its strength; while UF and Kingdee enterprise's comprehensive budget management focus in the financial budget management level, but for modern enterprises, the financial budget management alone can not meet business development needs, and can not adapt to enterprise development. Because the overall budget management is the core of management, and financial software management is in compliance with national accounting system for financial management, such as budget management is restricted.However, the Comprehensive Budget Management not the same, every company in the business, management, quite different in many ways, its own characteristics. These are two different concepts, a comprehensive budget management software focused on the management to focus more on business management, it should reflect the implementation of corporate strategy and business process management features such as. In fact, the overall budget management software reflected in management thinking must reflect the business owners and management decision-makers the idea of representing the interests of corporate management, to some extent, this is the need to adapt to modern business management, so management ideas and methods are correct. Only in this way, a comprehensive budget management software in the enterprise, under different management models applied up to promote the most effective and most successful.Currently, domestic enterprises in the overall budget management, not as foreign companies mature, many companies can not locate their own strategies, most companies still developing. Therefore, domestic enterprises must first make budget management. Budgeting premise is to make sales forecasts, sales forecasts are notscience can not determine and analyze the production budget. However, apart from a few of the several domestic monopoly Few outside the business can be done several sales forecasts.Visible, budgeting for the overall budget management of the enterprises are well how important it is. Currently, the market only a few manufacturers offer a comprehensive budget management software can help enterprises easily budgeting, budget control, budget analysis, to help companies determine the reasonableness of the budget preparation, budget analysis is scientific, so that enterprises understand the full budget.Generally, overall budget is regarded as an important component of management accounting and an important method of modern corporation management.Source:Kaplan RS & Norton DP,2001“The development of the overall budget management”. Accounting Horizons,June,pp.147-160.译文:全面预算管理的发展20世纪80年代以后,随着信息技术的迅速发展,整个社会经济开始不同程度地从工业经济时代向信息经济时代转变,这也使得预算管理者可以获得更加及时、准确、高质量的预测、决策信息资料。

ERP实施风险分析及管理(重庆大学工业工程系 400044)摘要:企业实施ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning),就是利用信息技术,改造传统业务经营模式,加强企业内部管理,整合企业资源,从而实现企业经营成本减少,市场竞争力提高的有效方法和途径。
关键词:企业资源计划(ERP)风险分析管理0 引言随着全球经济一体化进程的加速,企业资源计划(ERP)日益成为众多企业首选的管理模式。
Along with accelerated process of global economy conbination , ERP has become the first choice of management model for many enterprises .However, ERP implement is a large- investment ,long-lifecycle ,high-risk project, which has extraordinary risks in the process of implement .In addition ,in China ERP implement is usually lack of full preparation and effective method ,especially in short of the understand in risk evaluation and risk management ,which leads to much blindness and random. All of these factors increase the risks of ERP implement.1 风险管理概述1 summary of risk management广义风险管理由风险的预测、识别、评估、分析、处置等环节组成,并通过计划、组织、指导、控制等过程,综合运用各种科学方法来实现其目标。
中小企业采用ERP的关键成功因素排序 外文翻译

Prioritizing and Ranking Critical Success Factors forERPAdoption in SMEsVijayakumar Bharathi , Omkarprasad Vaidya and Shrikant ParikhIndian Institute of Management (IIM)The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has invoked immense interest in the research community.Though ERP is believed as a key technology enabler and an effective management tool for organizations, the SMEs are faced with cost, resource and time limitations to adopt ERP into their business. Hence it is important to identify certain critical success factors that could be referred by SMEs to gain confidence in adopting ERP. The existing literature was explored and thirty Critical Success Factors (CSFs were identified for SMEs. The ERP adoption journey involves five sequential decision stages/phases namely planning,acquisition, implementation, usage and percolation and extension. We propose a framework to prioritize and rank CSFs using analytical hierarchy process(AHP) one of the widely accepted multi-criteria decision makingmethod(MCDM).keywords: ERP Adoption, MCDM, AHP, Critical Success Factors (CSFs),SMEs, Analytical Hierarchy Process1. IntroductionEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) primarily means the integration of core processes in a set of given business functions of an organization like accounting,production, inventory, sales and distribution, human resource management, service and maintenance, logistics etc. ERP systems are software solutions for business managers that provide seamless integration of business functions also known as modules within an organization in a consistently visible manner. From its evolution as a mere inventory control package in the 1960s ERP today has been accepted as a driver of operational efficiency and growth of business (Pasha, 2007). ERP systems are always looked upon as large and complex systems and often called for fundamental changes in the current working of an organization.The foundation of the organizational core processes are re-laid during the process of an ERP implementation which affects the reporting and decision-making processes (Holsapple and Sena, 2005). Organizations that implement ERP expect productivity improvements, competitive advantage and meeting customer demands as key business drivers (Scott and Shepherd, 2002). Many ERP systems have failed during implementation or have resulted in forced abandonment due to the cost and time over-runs rendering an irreparable loss to the organizations (Davenport 1998). Evenlarge corporations have resulted in a complete failure to achieve the business objectives (Peterson, Gelman, Cooke, 2001).The Indian Industry, in particular, which comprises of many Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs) in various segments or clusters are also influenced by Enterprise Resource Planning drive. However, the SMEs are constrained by size in terms of finance and business resources and they are hesitant and skeptical towards embracing information technology as a driver for growth (Dwivedy and Harigunani (2008),Misra (2009). SMEs, moreover, are limited in intellectual capital and supportivemanpower to drive the strategic IT initiatives of ERP. Hence considering these factors, ERP adoption for SMEs is a complex process.ERP Adoption is defined as an end-to-end journey of enabling an ERP workingenvironment in any SME. The journey of adoption involves five sequential, butdistinct phases namely planning, acquisition, implementation, usage and percolation and extension. These five phases are based on six different stages for adoption and system acquisition decision in the ERP system life cycle (Esteves and Pastor, 1999).The objective of this paper is to prescribe a set of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by evaluating some key decision phases for ERP adoption and then prioritize and rank relevant critical success factors in the decision phases. This will enable SMEs to take relevant decisions regarding suitability of ERP to theirbusinesses. In this study we have used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), (Saaty, 1980, Vaidya and Kumar, 2006), one of the methods ofMulti-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for ranking and prioritizing the CSFs in each of the decision phases and the decision phases as a whole. This paper is divided into five sections. The next section discusses the relevant literature review. Section Three briefly explains Analytical Hierarchy Process as a MCDM tool. Section Four proposes the framework for prioritizing and ranking CSFs for ERP adoption by SMEs and the managerial implication on the prescribed list of CSFs and Section Five lists out the findings and future directions based on the results.2. Literature ReviewMany researchers have identified critical success factors for ERP implementation in SMEs. For instance, Esteves and Pastor (1999), proposed six different stages for adoption and system acquisition decision in the ERP system life cycle. These stages were a) Adoption decision, b) Acquisition, c) Implementation, d) Use andmaintenance, e) Evolution and f) Retirement. Oliver and Romm (1999) have alsorecommended the need for Adoption Decision. Gable and Stewart (1999)investigated certain factors in the ERP context specific to smaller organizations mainly in the implementation area. Sistach et. al. (1999) worked on a methodical approach to the acquisition of ERP solutions by SMEs. Tang and Bernroider (2003), in their preliminary empirical study of the diffusion of ERP systems in Austrian andBritish SMEs presented the work-in-progress of an international research project,wherein, they focused on the early stages of making the adoption decision, there after evaluating and selecting an ERP. Their study attempted to close some of the identified gaps in ERP research with an objective to link the results of the early stages of decision-making to implementation, usage and evolution success. Their study was restricted to the case of ERP software, but also provided insights into the potential of integrating ERP and other important applications like CRM and SCM.Laukkanen et al. (2005) investigated the relationship of enterprise size to the constraints and objectives of ERP. The survey data was based on forty fourcompanies and revealed that significant differences existed between small, medium-sized and large enterprises in the adoption of ERP system. The author found that smaller companies experience bigger knowledge constraints than their larger counterparts in ERP adoption. Niclas and Marcus (2005), in their study presented an overview on the critical success factors across different stages of ERP life cycle for SMEs. Juell-Skielse (2006) analyzed the organizational effectiveness due to adoption of ERP functions and the related CSFs. Tommaso, (2007) researched the ex-post evaluation of success factors of ERP in SMEs and found that the introduction of ERPs into SMEs cannot be on a sheer reproduction of the experiences with larger companies and represents a new challenge with significant uniqueness to be addressed. His research was specifically targeted to the SMEs, which already completed the process of adopting an ERP system. The objective was evaluation of these experiences ex-post by examining some improvement indicators associated with the ERP project. Bharathi, Parikh, (2009) in their study on building a Unified Theory on CSFs for ERP adoption in SMEs established five decision areas namely Planning, Acquisition, Implementation, Usage and Percolation and Extension include a set of 39 critical success factors which were identified based on some of the important drivers of each of these five decision areas.Doom and Milis (2009) in their survey on CSFs for ERP implementation in SMEs categorized CSFs into six categories namely vision, scope and goals, culture,communication and support; infrastructure; approach and project management. Some of their key findings amongst others were related to vision and strategic goals of the ERP implementation, senior management support, active user involvement, culture,internal communication, project approach and methodology and a proper mix of users in the project team. Snider, et. al (2009), in their case based research analysis of Canadian SMEs identified factors that differentiated between successfuland unsuccessful implementations. The practical implication of their study was that managers can better prioritize the implementation efforts and resource management if they were to identify relevant CSFs for SMEs. Some of the factors identified were operational process discipline, small internal team, project management capabilities,external end-users training, lack of formal communication etc. Upadhyay, Parijat and Pranab (2009) made a post implementation study on CSFs for ERP implementationin the Indian context which was targeted to the SMEs which had completed ERPadoption.Moreover, for quantification of CSFs researchers adopted a number of methodologies like scoring, ranking, mathematical optimization etc. to ERP Projects a summary of which is given in the following Table 1.These mathematical models may sometimes be ineffective in addressing theunquantifiable attributes prevailing in the real world and may also be difficult for managers to interpret and implement. This is because these models are developed by considering a specific scenario in an industry which may be different to the other industry. Moreover, our paper addresses the ERP adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and hence we believe that use of MCDM can provide ease of nderstanding to the decision-maker in a SME.This study is an attempt to apply one of the widely used MCDM methods, the AHPto rank and prioritize critical success factors for ERP adoption in SMEs. Theexpected benefits of this research would be to have an understanding on the role of CSFs in each of the five decision phases of ERP adoption by SMEs. It will provide the decision maker to sequentially approach towards ERP adoption since ranking and prioritizing the CSFs and the decision phases will facilitate confident decision-making.This research enables the integration of subjective judgments aboutCSFs and decision areas with quantifiable numerical data. It also enables participation of the decision maker in learning, debating, revising and refining his decisions.3. The Analytical Hierarchy ProcessThe Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was evolved by Thomas L. Saaty (Saaty,1980). It is a methodology for multi-criteria analysis for decision making that enables decision makers to develop a hierarchical structure and to evaluate a large number of selected qualitative factors in a sequential and systematic manner. It involves structuring the problem and then deriving ratio scales to integrate the perceptions and purposes into a synthesis. Based on the hierarchical model, the AHP provides a method to assign numerical values to judgments which are subjective in nature based on their relative significance. Usually AHP follows a decomposition approach by breaking the total problem into sub-segments in such a manner that each of these sub-segments can be analyzed appropriately in relation to the total problem.The goal of this type of decomposition of the total problem into multiple levels is to facilitate pair-wise comparison of all the elements at each level and further be able to establish a relationship with its previous upper level. The Saaty’s scale gives theintensity of significance and their justification. Some researchers have used AHP in ranking Information Systems selection. Schniederjans and Wilson (1991) used AHP to determine the relative weights of attributes along with goal programming for IS selection. Teltumbde (2000) proposed a framework along with Nominal Group Technique to ERP system evaluation. His study focused on some common criteria for ERP evaluation. Vijayakumar, Suresh, Subramanaya (2010) conducted a survey based on AHP to understand the criticalities of factors affecting ERP Implementation.Taking the AHP methodology as a foundation, this paper attempts to prioritize a set of selected CSFs in each of the decision phases of ERP Adoption by SMEs. AHP methodology is applied on each of the CSFs on the basis of priority value obtained from the Saaty’s Scale. Consequently,this methodology is repeated for the decision phases as well. AHP provides a way of assigning numerical values to subjective judgments on the relative importance of each element and then to synthesize the judgments to obtain which elements have the highest priority. While fixing the intensity of significance both odd number (1, 3, 5…) and even number (2, 4…)values were assigned. For arriving at the weighted averages only spreadsheets (Excel) was used considering the limited number of qualitative factors and comparable pairs, although software like Expert Choice and Super Decision are available to the researchers. The computational details were obtained from Saaty(1980).The advantages of using AHP in multi criteria decision making scenarios involves simplification of a complex problem into simple pair-wise comparisons, and construction of a hierarchy of goals, criteria and alternatives. It is very useful in complex decision-making. However, care should be taken in deciding the length of the process, which increases with the number of levels and number of pair-wise decisions and hence, the complexity as a whole.4. The FrameworkWe identified several critical success factors that could be useful for SMEs. These CSFs were then grouped into five different ERP decision phases. These ERP phases were identified as a) Planning, b) Acquisition, c) Implementation, d) Usage and Percolation and e) Extension. In the following section we explain these phases. The ranking and prioritization is explained by using AHP. The ERP Adoption Model and the CSFs are given below in figure 1.We now briefly explain the considered Decision Phases (stages) and their relevant CSFs.Planning (PLG)In planning some of the factors that trigger decisions include the current status of business processes in core functional areas and their integration. Some critical considerations are, current status of information flow efficiency, scope of ERP to cover mission criticalprocesses, organizational maturity with regard to ERP readiness, and expectations of process owners’ from a functional and technological perspective, time taken to go live with ERP and the budgetary requirements and financing pattern for the project.The success of planning decisions depends upon understanding the factors that bridge the gap between current and desired states of business. These decisions determine the seriousness of the planning phase for whicha set of five critical success factors are identified. They are●Goal and Scope of ERP (GS) relate to internal and externalbusiness environment for the SME, status of certain core andcustomer centricbusiness processes, information flow efficiency and the coverage ofbusiness functions considered for integration.●Proprietor/Partners’ Commitment (PPC) defines owner’sunderstanding on the significance of information systems as astrategic enabler for driving growth and expansion.●Culture and Change Receptiveness (CCR) defines the unit’s age,organization’s cultural understanding and the receptiveness toaccommodate and appreciate change.●Vision and Growth (VG) defines the owner’s passion in thebusiness andtheir trust about information systems as an enabler of realizing the vision in the long run.●Project Planning and Scheduling (PPS) explains the expected timehorizon for ERP implementation at the SME given the constraintsof cost and time.It also relates to the budgetary requirementsfor the project and selection of the most viable financingpattern. The pair-wise comparisons of these CSFs are shown inTable 2.The analysis of the critical success factors in planning show that proprietor/partners’commitment is ranked as most important over the other factors.Acquisition (ACQ)The factors in this phase relate to the challenging task of finalizing the right solution for the business which is expected to realize the SME’s future growth and expansion initiatives. The factors include current status of Information Technology (IT)compatibility, availability of industry specific ERP product vendors and their experience, scope of support before, during and after implementation, the available ERP delivery models and their standings, successful product implementation in the peer group, requirement and role of an external consultant, guidance and support from SME cluster/industry association and costs (both explicit and hidden) associated with the ERP solution.中小企业采用ERP的关键成功因素排序Vijayakumar Bharathi , Omkarprasad Vaidya and Shrikant ParikhIndian Institute of Management (IIM)研究团体对中小型企业采用ERP产生了极大的兴趣。

ERP项目管理的五要素引言企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)是一种集成管理软件系统,旨在整合企业各个部门的信息流、物流和资金流。

文档可自由编辑【ERPMRP管理】ERP的项目管理XXXX年XX月XX日优选家文库,精品Word实用文档,值得您拥用!ERP 的项目管理什么是erp 的项目管理(wht is project management for erp) 本着整体规划,分步实施的原则,对erp 项目所有方面的计划、组织、管理和监控,是为了达到项目实施后的预期成果和目标而采取内部和外部的持续性的工作程序。
建立起一整套行之有效的项目和风险管理机制,对提高erp 系统的实施成功率至关重要。
erp 项目管理相关背景(erp history of project management)既然erp 是企业管理信息系,实施应用必然要结合业务流程的优化,也就是企业资源配置的合理化,而企业的效益又依赖于描述这种配置规划模型的优化,那么就让我们把建立规划模型的优化作为我们首要的同时也是最终的目标,其他任务都放在次要的从属地位上。
在erp 的实施中,要把erp 与工业自动控制系统的概念分开。
erp 是一个资源调度或决策支持系统,其中有对生产、设备、能力及各种工艺的评估和计算,但不能等同于自动控制。
项目过程管理( project process management )erp 项目管理的系统性( a system view of project management )对于erp 项目的实施,软件商与用户企业的合作是长期的,因此在项目的开始就必须对项目的连续性和系统性加倍重视:(1)软件商能够伴随企业共同成长(2)软件商提供的erp 具有先进性(3)实施服务操作规范且文档齐全4)软件商实施服务人员稳定5)客户企业选拔项目负责人要慎重(6)企业需要建立有利于项目实施的规章制度erp 项目阶段控制和评测( erp project phases and test )一个完整的erp 项目通常包括三大阶段:需求分析、系统选型和系统实施;在系统实施阶段又可细分为实施计划、业务模拟测试、系统开发确认、系统转换运行、运行后评估五个主要步骤。

Enterprise implement ERP project risk analysisImplement ERP is the enterprise realize a chance of upgrade management, enterprise should seize the whole range of implementing ERP enterprise adjustment, break the enterprise inherent defect, the introduction of new type of management thought and business model, cultivate and explore information talent, advocating enterprise innovation and efficiency in the enterprise culture, and further to lay the foundation of enterprise development, so that the meaning of import ERP has evolved to become the enterprise in the new economic environment to adjust their a strategic means, but a significant number of domestic enterprises in the ERP project sink in, one of the important reasons for the ERP project implementation is the risk estimate shortage.ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning: Enterprise Resource Planning) is put forward in the early 90 s, it has two important characteristics:1. The whole project is enterprise informatization, it can make the enterprise all the business process in the system integration, this is it different from MIS and financial software en terprises such as the key difference between local application software.2. Is it contains advanced management ideas, ERP has transcended the common application software ideas, he from foreign materials demand Planning MRP (MaterialRequirements Planning) to the manufacturing resource Planning (ManufacturingResources Planning), called MRP-II, to the enterprise management ERPII ERP even thought fusion to a system.The two features in fact have buried the ERP implementation whole for the domestic enterprise brought about by the potential risks, foreign scholars very image will ERP business strategy, compared to the information technology, organization and management art hybrids. ERP cannot be understood as a limited information management tools, and domestic enterprises when implementing ERP is to basically see for a simple ERP information system, thus unable to obtain the enterprise all levels actively cooperate with. The domestic enterprise and most did not experience MRP stage directly into ERP stage, the entire enterprise all aspects of not ready, like a person's growth has had no adolescence, although time short, but not every individual is, have will have the ability to carry such great-leap-forward development.ERP should be regarded as enterprise management revolution: efficiency and innovation is the revolution, the revolution is need time, also need to environment, the support of the people, has been "a project" is for people of the main ERP project summary, actually this just reflects the ERP project to enterprises by the great impacts of. The ERP project implementation is carry some risk, but it is also very effective after success of exciting, wuxi LiXi LaLianChang in a nearly 3 years of ERP after the revolution, the finance department of six employees reduced to 3 employees, but accounting aspects than original fine many, realize a financial accounting automation and give full play to the financial personnel management, supervision and functions. With the inventory management system, the management of the loading and unloading goods fineness more and more small, in the management of the finished products achieve the real sense of "zero" inventory, LiXi the zipper's two central warehouse gone, so as to realize the "manufacturing-according-to-sale, produce order" management mode. Through the business intelligence system, can real time of all kinds of data mining analysis and will be automatically updated and reflects to related management personnel, have really realized real-time dynamic master the current management data.The following LiXi zipper will combine the cases of enterprise ERP implementation introduced the risk and the corresponding countermeasures.Risk a, selection.For most of the company for, they are mainly rely on outside force to develop and implement information system, the enterprise ERP vendor for enterprise project successful play a very important role, not only is their maturity of the software products, but they in implementation of the ability and the continued cooperation spirit, is the combination of internal and external causes can ensure enterprise ERP project ultimately successful. LiXi zipper since the early 90 s, by the Chinese academy of sciences calculations of wuxi, with a few units of 286 PC with a small server in production, sales and financial and several other department installed a simple management system management system, but because the design of the system is not reasonable, leading to the between various departments and can't sharing data, the system after a few years it out.The success of the selection from: first to analysis the size of the enterprise and its industry background, different scale enterprise ERP software products to the requirement isdifferent, ERP is for industry custom software, to industry background consideration should be reflected in the software in the selection. Next to note ERP software function applicability, also is the first to see the general part of the function can satisfy the requirement of the enterprise, in order to reduce software changes for the implementation of the amplitude and lower their costs. Once again about the ERP software provider of comprehensive investigation: choice of providers and ordinary ERP application software provider is the essential difference, the enterprise ERP supplier shall choose is a long-term partner, help enterprise to complete the improvement for IT, not a one-off sales.Risk two, training.The aim of personnel training is to be able to use ERP internal management. On one hand, we can improve the training of ERP in management levels of understanding, strengthen the enterprise ERP implementation of active power; On the other hand can better promote the use of ERP. At that time LiXi LaLianChang include more than half management personnel have no contact with the computer, the business enterprise inside salesman culture level is only junior middle school and high school. Project implementation phase, components of the stratification of LiXi LaLianChang cadres and the exchange and training, everything from the most basic of start to do. LiXi called in the middle school computer teacher training courses for the computer, the President himself take the lead to learn, from began with letters all can not find, has now been through the national computing level 2 test. In the company leaders to lead, LiXi basically all the management cadres to the salesman have mastered computer operating techniques.The purpose of training is to the user's staff at all levels should not only define what is ERP, and to understand its implementation will brings to the enterprise to the new changes and significance, and clear after implementing ERP each position of the new staff how to work in the way. In training, we should pay attention to training the distinction between the object. The key is to high-level training explain the significance of the ERP management, implement the key to success; Middle-level cadres key is to explain the meaning of enterprise informatization on the department, information department of the key; Of the basic level staff training is the focus of the interpretation of the sketch concrete operating procedures and ERP system for enterprise affect the future.Risk three, strategy.The ERP project success must reflect the enterprise strategic objectives, because enterprise strategy is to promote the enterprise motivation, and domestic quite part of enterprise is reflected in the ERP is part of the leader's ideas, a local problem of thinking, more do not pay great attention to the talents, management, technology in the process in the mutual bond.In the early stages of the system is established, top should be very clearly the importance of ERP, establish the implementation of its position, and analysis is necessary in this one phase into the comprehensive information resource integration? If LiXi zipper will use exactly six months time to undertake whole project consultation, sure implementing emphasis, and process the difference and the characteristics of the zipper industry, to establish the order as the core enterprise business process.In established strategic goal after, ERP project requirement analysis and enterprise management team personnel will discuss the future of the enterprise strategic idea, so that it can fully reflected in the system, for enterprise's business process design provides guidance goal.Risk four, culture.Culture is the foundation of evergreen enterprise, information system for the success of the project has a key role, enterprise since choosing implement ERP management software should have set up the goal of sustainable development, it is inevitable to bring enterprise culture change, because ERP management thought comes from the United States, with an American enterprise management of cultural background, Japan has a lot of enterprise ERP implementation failure is the cultural conflict, this enterprise implement ERP in China in some ways was covered up the other factors, a lot of implementation of the resistance is derived from the old culture of the enterprise with advanced management ideas of ERP conflict and friction, in a bureaucratic culture or small groups culture, the enterprise is not possible implementation of good ERP.In LiXi project, the chairman of the lead the project implementation team, balance, coordination between various departments, post the business process problems and interests, or even personal participation to the project implementation of every little detail, to ensure the implementation of ERP project smoothly. To overcome the implementation ofresistance from brought the company top shock, two deputy chief was demoted, two vice President to leave themselves, these essential cultural conflict.Training and ERP management thoughts of the fusion of enterprise culture is imperative. ERP management thinking in foreign countries is the customer (orders) as the guidance, advocate efficiency, this and most of the domestic enterprise target in conformity with ERP of this information into a basis to the cultivation of the enterprise culture, and acquire the significance of enterprise is kill two birds with one stone, not only can promote the ERP project and the advancement of the long-term development of an enterprise to build up new type of enterprise culture, and domestic enterprise on the introduction of enterprise culture when must pay attention to draw China enterprise management in the excellent culture, advocate efficiency and innovation simultaneously, form have their own unique corporate culture, and specific ways of the training is the future of the company stressed in the strategic target, propaganda knowledge sharing, advocate efficiency and does not innovation.Risk five, personnel.All through the implementation of ERP project staff will deeply feel this, domestic enterprise in project management exist quite a number of issues, many problems not only rely on methodology or several experts, they can accomplish some documents, must need customers, software company and other participants in each level of full cooperation. Man is the most basic resources enterprise, no enterprise the cooperation and actively participate in, any advanced technology and management methods are only a form now.Enterprise in the process of implementing ERP, if can have a suitable project management team, then implement the possibility of success will be greatly enhanced, and the control of enterprise ERP confidence will also be more satisfied. Implement ERP enterprise could further excavations, information management compound talents, for the enterprise's sustainable improvement after IT lay a solid foundation. The enterprise is through the talents such as ERP such large projects of exercise training, have data show that most of the domestic enterprise of the most successful CIO is cultivating enterprise, not airborne. The CIO is LiXi Shanghai some university graduation of WangJiao, through this ERP practice he has become LiXi train is familiar with the company in business and be familiar with ERP comprehensive information management talent.The more complex the organization of enterprise, are faced with the problem, the more you can please the third party auxiliary consulting institutions involved in, in order to make full use of them to provide services for each industry accumulation of project management and project experience and ability of comprehensive implementation. This large, complex projects to ensure the overall success, and in its subsequent operations for the project have the benefit of the corresponding investment, will play a key role.Enterprise hope to do bigger and stronger, and hope that fast changing face competition environment, the measures to improve their own competitiveness of enterprise ERP system is an effective choice, but about enterprise in implementing ERP project risk in the research is still in constant exploration, enterprise can pass comprehensive risk consider to choose a proper time for each enterprise ERP revolution is need to think deeply about the problem.企业实施ERP项目的风险分析实施ERP是企业实现管理升级的一个契机,企业应抓住实施ERP对企业整体范围进行调整,破除企业固有的缺陷,引入新型的管理思想和业务模式,培养和发掘信息化人才,倡导企业的创新和效率并进的企业文化,为进一步深入企业发展打好基础,这样导入ERP的意义已经演变成为企业在新的经济环境下调整自己的一个战略手段,但有相当一部分国内企业在ERP项目中被深陷泥沼,其重要原因在于对于ERP项目实施的风险估计不足。

erp项目管理散记一、ERP项目简介ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源计划)项目是一种以信息技术为基础,对企业各类资源进行整合和管理的大型项目管理工程。
同时,对企业员工进行系统培训,提高员工对ERP 系统的操作熟练度和应用意识。

外文翻译稿浅谈ERP项目实施成功因素和风险管理ERP —Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划系统,是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。
ERP 不仅仅是一个软件,更重要的是一个管理思想,它实现了企业内部资源和企业相关的外部资源的整合。
从台湾当地的建筑企业实施的实例讨论了ERP成功实施的七个关键:密钥系统、生产流程系统、ERP 基础实施的优先度、用户自定义设置、参与者角色、咨询者角色、实施表现分级。
大量的研究与实践充分表明,ERP 在我国应用的成败并不取决于技术、资金、网络、应用软件和软件实施,而主要取决于企业自身主体意识。

gnilliw ssel dna ,gninrecsid erom ,gnidnamed erom gnim oceb era stneilc taht tniop eht ezisahpme ot devres rehtruf tI .stcejorp noitcurtsnoc erutuf rof ygetarts tnemeganam
retfa sraey 01 noitapucco fo etacifi trec eht deussi ,y tilapicinum tnemnrevog
. foor eht fo espall oc laitrap retfa dna ,noitapucco
a eriuqer ot dias si tnemeganam ksir evitceffE .tcejorp eht fo trap s‟tnapicitrap
fo noi taicossA dradnatS fo QH eht gnisuoh gnidli ub eht fo foor eht fo espalloc laitrap eht gnidnuorrus seussi eht esylana ot saw si sylana lacitirc siht f o mia ehT . laitnedifnoc tpek tnemelttes eht fo smret eht htiw ,noi tseggus
ksir evi tceffe na fo noi tacifi tnedi eht ,melborp noitcurtsnoc a fo noi tanimaxe laci tirc
eht dna rotcartnoc eht htob tsniaga mialc ecnegilgen a thguorb evah ot ffi tnialp eht rof

XXX项目RFP(Request For Proposal)

ERP Project Implementation StepsIntroductionIn this document, we will outline the steps involved in the implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) project. ERP implementation is a complex and crucial process that requires attention to detail and careful planning. By following these steps, you can ensure a successful ERP implementation for your organization.Step 1: Project Planning•Identify and define project goals, objectives, and scope.•Formulate a project team comprising members from various departments.•Determine project timelines and deadlines.•Allocate necessary resources, including budget and personnel.Step 2: Requirement Gathering•Conduct a thorough analysis of business processes and requirements.•Identify gaps between existing systems and desired functionalities.•Document detailed requirements, including specific modules and features.•Engage stakeholders to ensure all requirements are considered.Step 3: Vendor Selection•Research and evaluate ERP vendors based on their industry experience, product features, and support services.•Request proposals from shortlisted vendors and compare them.•Conduct vendor demonstrations to assess their ERP solution.•Consider factors such as cost, scalability, implementation timeline, and technical support before finalizing a vendor.Step 4: Customization and Configuration•Collaborate with the chosen vendor to customize the ERP solution to meet specific business requirements.•Configure the system settings, including workflows, permissions, and user roles.•Develop and test any required integrations with existing systems.Step 5: Data Migration•Identify and extract relevant data from legacy systems or existing databases.•Cleanse and validate the data to ensure accuracy and consistency.•Map the data to the new ERP system’s format and structure.•Conduct test migrations to ensure data integrity and functionality.Step 6: Training and User Adoption•Develop a comprehensive training plan for end-users on how to effectively use the new ERP system.•Conduct training sessions, workshops, and provide online resources.•Encourage user adoption by addressing concerns and providing ongoing support.•Monitor user feedback and make necessary adjustments to the training program.Step 7: Testing and Quality Assurance•Create test scenarios and test cases to validate the functionality of the ERP system.•Conduct rigorous testing across all modules to identify and resolve any issues or bugs.•Perform system integration testing to ensure seamless operation with other systems.•Involve end-users in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to validate system performance.Step 8: Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support•Develop a robust cutover plan to transition from existing systems to the new ERP system.•Execute the cutover plan, ensuring minimal disruptions to business operations.•Provide post-implementation support to address any issues or concerns that arise.•Regularly monitor the system performance and conduct periodic reviews and updates.ConclusionBy following these eight steps, organizations can successfully implement an ERP system. However, it is essential to customize these steps based on the specific needs and circumstances of your organization. Remember that ERP implementation is an ongoing process, and continuous monitoring and improvement are necessary for long-term success.。

ERP实施的关键成功因素随着信息技术的不断发展, 各行各业都在不断地追求高效、精准和协同的管理模式,尤其是在企业管理方面,ERP系统成为了企业管理升级的必要工具。
在实施前期,公司应该做好以下几点准备:1. 定义项目目标:公司应该清楚地定义ERP实施所要解决的方案和目标,以及实施ERP系统所需要的时间、经费和其他资源。
2. 安排合适的人员:ERP系统的实施需要一些具备专业知识和技能的人员,如实施顾问、技术支持人员、培训人员、项目经理等。
3. 选择合适的软件和服务商:在选择ERP软件时,公司应该根据实际需求和预算,并结合各项标准来选择适合自己的软件。
1. 资源控制:ERP系统实施过程需要大量的资源,如人员、资金、时间和设备等,这些资源需要统一管理和控制,以确保项目的顺利实施。
2. 项目沟通:ERP实施需要不同部门之间进行充分沟通和协作,并确保各部门领导人员及时了解项目进展情况。
3. 项目管理:ERP实施的项目经理需要多方面进行管理和协调,如时间、任务、管理和预算等,在项目实施过程中要注重掌握项目进展情况,及时调整实施方案。
三、ERP实施的培训和支持1. 培训:ERP系统是一项综合性的应用,与各部门和业务密切相关。

• 客户要求:与客户约定中途交稿的时 间并要求客户及时反馈
• 定价:根据客户要求,由于稿件内容 为出口设备,对质量要求较高,所以 定价为300元/千字
项目总收入是12万,毛利率40%,为48,000元。 剩余72,000元用于该项目支出,具体安排如 下:
译员:4万元,100元/千字 审校:2万元,50元/千字 专家:2000元 排版:6000元 项目经理:2000元 其他:2000元
•组建项目团队,确定团队相 关人员 •将一周的翻译量扫描成电子 版。 •根据专家建议,录入专业术 语库。 •译员熟悉稿件
•译员开始翻译,两天交一次 稿件供译审审校和排版人员 排 •第6天译审交一次稿件
•第7天第一次给客户提交稿 件,并要求客户对稿件质量 及时反馈,以便作出调整 •第7-13天,译员继续翻译, 两天交一次稿件,供译审审 校和排版人员排版
4.财务 5.项目管理
我的投入物有所值 所有成本调整均通知了 我 如有其他评论,敬请填写 在这里
项目按预定时间完成 项目时间表和实施策略 清楚明白 定期且及时地为我提供 项目状态信息 答复询问和解决问题迅 速而令人满意 如有其他评论,敬请填写 在这里
打交道时《公司名称》主 管联系人表现了专业风 范 与我方联系人沟通自如 《公司名称》项目积极回 应电话和回答问题 项目范围和计划变更处 理的井井有条 如有其他评论,敬请填写 在这里

例如, Oracle的方法论(Oracle Method)是一套建立整体解决方案的方法,由AIM(应用系统实施方法论)、CDM(定制开发方法论)、DWM(数据仓库方法论)和PJM(整体项目管理方法论)等各自独立的方法论组成。
ERP 的 项 目 管 理

ERP 的项目管理什么是ERP的项目管理(What is Project Management For ERP) 本着整体规划,分步实施的原则,对ERP项目所有方面的计划、组织、管理和监控,是为了达到项目实施后的预期成果和目标而采取内部和外部的持续性的工作程序。
ERP项目管理相关背景(ERP History of Project Management) 既然ERP是企业管理信息系统,实施应用必然要结合业务流程的优化,也就是企业资源配置的合理化,而企业的效益又依赖于描述这种配置规划模型的优化,那么就让我们把建立规划模型的优化作为我们首要的同时也是最终的目标,其他任务都放在次要的从属地位上。
项目过程管理(Project Process Management)ERP项目管理的系统性(A system View Of Project Management)对于ERP项目的实施,软件商与用户企业的合作是长期的,因此在项目的开始就必须对项目的连续性和系统性加倍重视:(1)软件商能够伴随企业共同成长(2)软件商提供的ERP具有先进性(3)实施服务操作规范且文档齐全(4)软件商实施服务人员稳定(5)客户企业选拔项目负责人要慎重(6)企业需要建立有利于项目实施的规章制度ERP项目阶段控制和评测(ERP Project Phases and Test)一个完整的ERP项目通常包括三大阶段:需求分析、系统选型和系统实施;在系统实施阶段又可细分为实施计划、业务模拟测试、系统开发确认、系统转换运行、运行后评估五个主要步骤。
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就连ERP界的首领SAP 也推出了Business One产品,价格低于十万。
1998年Thomas H.Davenport在哈佛商务评论发表了名为《将企业放入企业系统》的文章(Putting the entERPrise into the entERPrise system)。
要防范或减轻这种风险,需要对用户进行大量的培训:ERP的由来,ERP 的功能,实施ERP的目的与期望等等,尽可能在用户产生“ERP不能满足我的需求和期望”这种想法之前,让用户知道“现阶段对ERP合理的需求期望是什么”。