炎德英才大联考长郡中学2018届高三月考试卷( 五)答案
【英语】湖南省长郡中学2018届高三第三次月考英语试题 含答案
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.答案是C。
1. How much is a ticket to New Jersey?A. $ 21.B. $ 42.C. $ 50.2. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.3. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Bad neighborhoods.B. Chinese New Year.C. A loud noise.4. What does the woman mean?A. The butter is not in its usual place.B. She doesn’t want to ask Andy again.C. They should get more butter.5. What place are the speakers looking for?A. A cafe.B. A bank.C. A bookstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
学号 学校 班级 姓名
文化时间是指不同时代的人们根据自己对时间的不同理解而赋予时间以文化意 , * 义$ 其中包含了后来形成的% 向& 的概念# 文化时间是西方文化的组成部分$ 不同文化学派形成的不同时间概念和认识把现 -* 代人和原始生物在时间上连接起来# 文化时间的循环模式和线性模式在生物时间中都可以找到对应$ 文化时间与生物 .* 时间这两个概念在性质上是相同的# 下列对原文论证的相关分析$ 不正确的一项是! ! # * &分" " 文章论证说 $ 当时间被理解成循环模式 $ 那么任何事物都由时间辨别 $ 所有的自然 +* 现象' 人和历史都将经历循环往复的周期# % 时间之箭 & 意味着不稳定和变迁$ 指向的是世界的末日 ( 而% 没有真正的 ) 历史 * & 则 , * 意味着过去也就是将来$ 指向的是世界的重新再生# 文章从两方面分析文化时间 $ 相对于线性模式而言 $ 循环模式更容易为人们接受和 -* 认同 $ 因为它所具有的% 复生& 观念更能给人以安慰 # 据文章第四段 $ 当时间被理解成线性模式 $ 则意味着时间被看成是穿越在过去和未 .* 来之间的一条线 $ 不可逆转$ 这是最早由犹太基督教提出的观点# 根据原文内容 $ 下列说法不正确的一项是 ! ! & * &分" " 文化时间不同模式的形成取决于不同的文化观念$ 希腊各宇宙学派和犹太基督教 +* 传统对时间的认识大相径庭# 许多原始人通过对自然界循环现象的观察建立起对时间的认识$ 并用这种认识来 , * 解释历史$ 由此形成了最初的文化时间# 人从生到死体现的不可逆时间理论$ 改变了人们的观念 $ 为达尔文生物学说研究人 -* 类进化开辟了道路# 从文化层面解读时间$ 冬夏交替标志着时间的循环往复$ 而日常生活中钟表的旋 .* 转' 发条的松弛却告诉我们时间一去不回头# 二" 文学类文本阅读! 本题共&小题$ ! )分" ! 阅读下面的文字$ 完成) 题 # ( 在流放地 契诃夫 外号叫! 明白人" 的谢苗# 同一个谁也不知名字的年轻鞑靼 人 # 坐在岸边的篝火旁$ 谢苗是个六十岁上下的老头子 # 瘦骨嶙峋 # 掉了牙 # 但肩膀宽# 看上去还挺硬朗# 这时已 醉醺醺的了 $ 鞑靼人生了病 # 很难受# 他裹紧破衣衫# 正在讲他的家乡辛比尔斯克如何如何好 $ ! 那当然 # 这儿不是天堂$ " 谢苗说$ 不好 # 不好." 鞑靼人说着# 担惊受怕地朝四下里张望$ 鞑靼人抬头看一下天$ 满 ! 天星星# 跟他家乡一样多# 周围也是一片黑暗# 可总觉得缺少点什么$ 在家乡 # 完全不是 这样的星星 # 这样的天空$ ! 不好 # 不好$ " 他连连说道$ ! 你会习惯的." 谢苗说# 笑了起来# ! 现在你还年轻# 傻# 嘴上的奶味还没干# 凭那股 傻劲你会觉得 # 这世上没有比你更不幸的人# 可是总有一天你会说) / 上帝保佑# 但愿人 你瞧瞧我# 再过一个星期# 等水退下去# 我们要在这里安置渡船# 人都能过上这种生活.0 在这两岸间摆过去渡过来$就这样我一干就是二十年$ " 谢苗拿起酒瓶 # 猛喝了一大口# 接着说) ! 我呀# 伙计# 可不是普通的庄稼汉# 也不是 出身卑贱的人 # 我是教堂主管的儿子 $ 想当年我自由自在 # 进进出出穿着礼服$ 可现 在# 我把自己磨炼到了这种地步) 我能赤条条躺在地上睡觉# 靠吃草过日子$ 上帝保佑# 但愿人人都能过上这种生活$ 当年# 我从俄罗斯发配到这里 # 从头一天起我就咬牙顶 住) 我什么也不要."
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2017-2018学年高三上学期第五次月考物理试卷 Word版含解析
其中第1-8为单选题;9〜12为多选题,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,选错或不选的得0分)1.在物理学发展的过程中,有许多伟大的科学家做出了贡献.关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法正确的是()A.安培首先提出了磁场对运动电荷的作用力公式B.法拉第根据小磁针在通电导线周围的偏转而发现了电流的磁效应C.楞次发现了电磁感应现象,并研究得出了判断感应电流方向的方法﹣﹣楞次定律D.法国物理学家库仑利用扭秤实验发现了电荷之间的相互作用规律﹣﹣库仑定律2.如图所示,铁板AB与水平地面间的夹角为θ,一块磁铁吸附在铁板下方.现缓慢抬起铁板B端使θ角增大(始终小于90°的过程中,磁铁始终相对铁板静止.下列说法正确的是()A.磁铁所受合外力逐渐减小B.磁铁始终受到三个力的作用C.磁铁受到的摩擦力逐渐减小 D.铁板对磁铁的弹力逐渐增大3.如图所示有三个斜面a、b、c,底边分别为L、L、2L,高度分别为2h、h、h,同一物体与三个斜面的动摩擦因数相同,这个物体分别沿三个斜面从顶端由静止下滑到底端的三种情况相比较,下列说法正确的是()A.物体损失的机械能△E c=2△E b=4△E aB.物体运动的时间4t a=2t b=t cC.物体到达底端的动能E ka=2E kb=2E kcD.因摩擦产生的热量2Q a=2Q b=Q c4.如图所示,MN、PQ为水平放置的平行导轨,通电导体棒ab垂直放置在导轨上,已知导体棒的质量m=1kg、长L=2.0m,通过的电流I=5.0A,方向如图所示,导体棒与导轨间的动摩擦因数μ=.当加一竖直向上的匀强磁场时,导体棒水平向右运动,随着磁感应强度的增大,导体棒运动的加速度增大;若减小磁感应强度方向与速度方向的夹角,当该夹角减小到某一值θ时,无论怎样增大磁感应强度,导体棒ab均不会运动,则θ为()A.30°B.45°C.60°D.90°5.如图所示,AOB为一个边界为圆的匀强磁场,O点为圆心,D点为边界OB的中点,C点为边界上一点,且CD平行AO.现有两个完全相同的带电粒子以相同的速度射入磁场(不计粒子重力),其中粒子1从A点正对圆心射入,恰从B点射出,粒子2从C点沿CD射入,从某点离开磁场,则可判断()A.粒子2在BC之间某点射出磁场B.粒子2必在B点射出磁场C.粒子1与粒子2在磁场中的运行时间之比为3:1D.粒子1与粒子2的速度偏转角度应相同6.在光滑的绝缘水平面内有一沿x轴的静电场,其电势φ随坐标x的变化而变化,变化的图线如图所示(图中φ0已知).有一质量为m,带电量为q的带负电小球(可视为质点)从O点以某一未知速度v0沿x轴正向移动到点x4.则下列叙述正确的是()A.带电小球从O运动到x1的过程中,所受电场力逐渐增大B.带电小球从x1运动到x3的过程中,电势能一直增大C.若小球的初速度v0=2,则运动过程中的最大速度为D.要使小球能运动到x4处,则初速度v0至少为27.实验室里可以用欧姆表直接测量电阻.如图所示,虚线框内是欧姆表的简化结构图,它由灵敏电流表、电源、变阻器等组成.某欧姆表的刻度值是按电源电动势为1.5V来刻度的,电流表的满偏电流为10mA.使用一段时间后,发现电动势已降为1.2V,此时重新调零后,用该欧姆表测得某电阻值为350Ω,则此电阻的实际值为()A.250ΩB.280Ω C.350Ω D.400Ω8.如图,在水平桌面上放置两条相距l的平行光滑导轨ab与cd,阻值为R的电阻与导轨的a、c端相连,质量为m.电阻不计的导体棒垂直于导轨放置并可沿导轨自由滑动.整个装置放于匀强磁场中,磁场的方向竖直向上,磁感应强度的大小为B.导体棒的中点系一不可伸长的轻绳,绳绕过固定在桌边的光滑轻滑轮后,与一个质量也为m的物块相连,绳处于拉直状态.现若从静止开始释放物块(物块不会触地,且导体棒不脱离导轨),用h表示物块下落的高度,g表示重力加速度,其他电阻不计,则()A.电阻R中的感应电流方向由a到cB.物体下落的最大加速度为gC.若h足够大,物体下落的最大速度为D.通过电阻R的电量为9.如图所示,汽车通过轻质光滑的定滑轮将一个质量为m的物体从井中拉出,绳与汽车连接点A距滑轮顶点高为h,开始时物体静止,滑轮两侧的绳都竖直绷紧,汽车以v向右匀速运动,运动到跟汽车连接的细绳与水平夹角为30°,下列说法正确的有()A.从开始到绳与水平夹角为30°时,拉力做功mghB.从幵始到绳与水平夹角为30°时,拉力做功mgh+mv2C.在绳与水平夹角为30°时,拉力功率为mgvD.在绳与水平夹角为30°时,绳对滑轮的作用力大于mg10.一汽车沿直线由静止开始向右运动,汽车的速度和加速度方向始终向右.汽车速度的平方V2与汽车前进位移X的图象如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.汽车从开始运动到前进X1过程中,汽车受到的合外力越来越大B.汽车从开始运动到前进X1过程中,汽车受到的合外力越来越小C.汽车从开始运动到前进X1过程中,汽车的平均速度大于D.汽车从开始运动到前进X1过程中,汽车的平均速度小于11.如图所示,光滑绝缘水平桌面上直立一个单匝矩形导线框,线框的边长L AB=0.3m,L Ad=0.2m,总电阻为R=0.1m.在直角坐标系xoy中,有界匀强磁场区域的下边界与x轴重合,上边界满足曲线方程y=0.2sin x(m)=(m),磁感应强度大小B=0.2T,方向垂直底面向外.线框在沿x轴正方向的拉力F作用下,以速度v=10m/s水平向右做匀速直线运动,则下列判断正确的是()A.线框中的电流先沿逆时针方向再沿顺时针方向B.线框中感应电动势的最大值为VC.线框中感应电流有效值为4AD.线框穿过磁场区域的过程中外力做功为0.048J12.如图所示,等腰直角三角形ACD的直角边长为2a,P为AC边的中点,Q为CD边上的一点,DQ=a.在△ACD区域内,既有磁感应强度大小为B、方向垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场,又有电场强度大小为E的匀强电场,一带正电的粒子自P点沿平行于AD的直线通过△ACD 区域.不计粒子的重力.下列说法正确的有()A.粒子在复合场中做匀速直线运动,且速度大小为B.若仅撤去电场,粒子仍以原速度自P点射人磁场,从Q点射出磁场,则粒子的比荷为=C.若仅撤去电场,粒子仍以原速度自P点射人磁场,从Q点射出磁场,则粒子的比荷为=D.若仅撤去磁场,粒子仍以原速度自P点射人磁场,则粒子在△ACD区域中运动的时间为二、填空题(本大题有2小题,每空2分,共14分)13.如图1示的器材是:木质轨道(其倾斜部分倾角较大,水平部分足够长)、小铁块、两枚图钉、一根细线、一个万能量角器(万能角度尺又被称为角度规、游标角度尺和万能量角器),它是利用游标卡尺读数原理来直接测量工件角度或进行划线的一种角度量具,其主尺刻线每格为1°,游标的刻线总与主尺相差1°,如游标为30格是取主尺的29°等分,其读数方法与游标卡尺一样).只用上述器材就可以测定小铁块与木质轨道间的动摩擦因数.实验步骤是:(1)将小铁块从倾斜轨道上的一固定位置由静止释放,让小铁块能下滑到水平轨道上.(2)由图钉把细线钉在小铁块的起、终点处并拉直.(3)用万能量角器测量.(先用文字说明再用字母表示)那么测得小铁块与木质轨道间的动摩擦因数可表示为μ=.(4)若万能量角器的示数如图2所示,则所测角度的读数为.14.小明利用如图甲所示的电路测定小灯泡的功率.被测小灯泡的额定电压为2.5V,电阻约为10Ω左右,实验室有如下器材:直流电源(电压为6V)、电流表(0~0.6A0~3A)、电压表.(0﹣3V O﹣15V)、开关各一个、导线若干、滑动变阻器三只:R1(20Ω、0.5A)、R2(50Ω0.5A)、R3.(1)实验前在检査仪器时,发现电流表指计如图乙所示.接下来的操作是,正确连接电路闭合开关后,发现无论怎样移动滑动变阻器滑片,灯泡都不亮,电压表示数接近6V,电流表示数几乎为O,电路的故障可能是;(2)排除电路故障后,闭合开关,改变滑动变阻器的阻值,多次测量,小明画出了小灯泡中电流随其两端电压变化的关系图象(如图丙),则小灯泡的额定功率为W.(3)灯泡的功率测量完毕,小明用5Ω、10Ω、15Ω、20Ω、25Ω的定值电阻更换电路中的灯泡,探究电流跟电阻的关系,得到如图丁所示的电流I随电阻R变化的图象,则小明应选用滑动变阻器(选填“R1”、“R2”或“R3”).三、计算题(本题3小题,共36分)15.如图甲所示,水平平台的右端安装有轻质滑轮,质量为M=2.5kg的物块A放在与滑轮相距l的平台上,现有一轻绳跨过定滑轮,左端与物块连接,右端挂质量为m=0.5kg的小球B,绳拉直时用手托住小球使其在距地面h高处静止,绳与滑轮间的摩擦不计,重力加速度为g(g取10m/s2).设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力.(1)某探究小组欲用上述装置测量物块与平台间的动摩擦因数.放开小球,系统运动,该小组对小球匀加速下落过程拍得同一底片上多次曝光的照片如图(乙)所示,拍摄时每隔1s曝光一次,若小球直径为20cm,求物块A与平台间的动摩擦因数μ;(2)设小球着地后立即停止运动,已知l=3.0m,要使物块A恰好不撞到定滑轮,求小球下落的最大高度h以及A的运动总时间?(假设小球距地面高度足够,结果保留两位有效数字)16.如图,光滑的平行金属导轨水平放置,电阻不计,导轨间距为l,左侧接一阻值为R的电阻.区域cdef内存在垂直轨道平面向下的有界匀强磁场,磁场宽度为s.一质量为m,电阻为r的金属棒MN置于导轨上,与导轨垂直且接触良好,受到F=0.5v+0.4(N)(v为金属棒运动速度)平行于导轨的水平力作用,从磁场的左边界由静止开始运动,测得电阻R两端电压随时间均匀增大.(已知l=1m,m=1kg,R=0.3Ω,r=0.2Ω,s=1m)(1)定性说明在力F作用下该金属棒的运动性质(不需叙述理由);(2)求金属棒在力F作用下运动的加速度a的大小;(3)求磁感应强度B的大小;(4)若撤去外力F后棒的速度v随位移x的变化规律满足v=v0﹣x(v0为撤去外力F时棒的速度),且棒运动到ef处时恰好静止,求外力F作用的时间.17.如图所示,在xOy平面内0<x<L的区域内有一方向竖直向上的匀强电场,x>L的区域内有一方向垂直于xOy平面向外的匀强磁场.某时刻,一带正电的粒子从坐标原点,以沿x轴正方向的初速度v0进入电场;之后的另一时刻,一带负电粒子以同样的初速度从坐标原点进入电场.正、负粒子从电场进入磁场时速度方向与电场和磁场边界的夹角分别为60°和30°,两粒子在磁场中分别运动半周后恰好在某点相遇.已知两粒子的重力以及两粒子之间的相互作用都可忽略不计.求:(1)正、负粒子的比荷之比:;(2)正、负粒子在磁场中运动的半径大小;(3)两粒子先后进入电场的时间差.四、选做题(共12分,请考生从给出的3个模块中选做一个模块)【物理--选修3-3】18.下列说法中正确的是()A.液晶既有液体的流动性,又具有光学各向异性B.分子的热运动是指物体内分子的无规则运动C.碎玻璃不能拼在一起,是由于分子间存在着斥力D.在完全失重的情况下,熔化的金属能够收缩成标准的球形E.物体做加速运动时速度越来越大,物体内分子的平均动能也越来越大19.如图所示,两端开口的U形玻璃管两边粗细不同,粗管横截面积是细管的2倍.管中装入水银,两管中水银面与管口距离均为12cm,大气压强为p0=75cmHg.现将粗管管口封闭,然后将细管管口用一活塞封闭并将活塞缓慢推入管中,直至两管中水银面高度差达6cm 为止,求活塞下移的距离(假设环境温度不变).【物理--选修3-4】20.如图所示是一列简谐波在t=0时的波形图,介质中的质点P沿y轴方向做简谐运动,其位移随时间变化的函数表达式为y=10sin5πt cm.关于这列简谐波及质点P的振动,下列说法中正确的是()A.质点P的周期为0.4sB.质点P的位移方向和速度方向始终相反C.这列简谐波的振幅为20 cmD.这列简谐波沿x轴正向传播E.这列简谐波在该介质中的传播速度为10m/s21.有一玻璃半球,右侧面镀银,光源S在其对称轴PO上(O为球心),且PO水平,如图所示.从光源S发出的一束细光射到半球面上,其中一部分光经球面反射后恰能竖直向上传播,另一部分光经过折射进入玻璃半球内,经右侧镀银面反射恰能沿原路返回.若球面半径为R,玻璃折射率为,求光源S与球心O之间的距离为多大?【物理--选修3-5】22.19世纪初,爱因斯坦提出光子理论,使得光电效应现象得以完美解释,玻尔的氢原子模型也是在光子概念的启发下提出的.关于光电效应和氢原子模型,下列说法正确的是()A.光电效应实验中,入射光足够强就可以有光电流B.若某金属的逸出功为W0,该金属的截止频率为C.保持入射光强度不变,增大入射光频率,金属在单位时间内逸出的光电子数将减小D.一群处于第四能级的氢原子向基态跃迁时,将向外辐射六种不同频率的光子E.氢原子由低能级向高能级跃迁时,吸收光子的能量可以稍大于两能级间能量差23.如图所示,光滑水平直轨道上有三个滑块A、B、C,质量分别为m A=m B=1kg,m C=2kg,A滑块上固定有一轻弹簧,弹簧压缩后用细线绑定(弹簧与B滑块不连接),开始时C静止,A、B以共同速度v0=2m/s向右运动,某时刻细绳突然断开,A、B被弹开,弹簧恢复原长后B与C发生碰撞并粘在一起,最终三滑块的速度恰好相等,求:(i)A、B、C三滑块的共同速率v;(ii)细线断开前弹簧所具有的弹性势能E p.2015-2016学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高三(上)第五次月考物理试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中至少有一个选项符合题目要求。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.答案是C。
1. How much is a ticket to New Jersey?A. $ 21.B. $ 42.C. $ 50.2. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.3. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Bad neighborhoods.B. Chinese New Year.C. A loud noise.4. What does the woman mean?A. The butter is not in its usual place.B. She doesn’t want to ask Andy again.C. They should get more butter.5. What place are the speakers looking for?A. A cafe.B. A bank.C. A bookstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
第1页(共6页) 第2页(共6页)长郡中学2018届高三第五次月考数学(文)试题注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
一、单选题1.已知R 为实数集,集合2{|230}A x x x =-++≤,则R C A =( ) A . ()1,3- B . []1,3- C . ()3,1- D . []3,1- 2.若122018,,,x x x 的平均数为3,标准差为4,且()32i i y x =--, 122018,,,i x x x =,则新数据122018,,,y y y 的平均数和标准差分别为( )A . -9 12B . -9 36C . 3 36D . -3 123.已知直角梯形ABCD 中, //AB CD , AB AD ⊥, 4AB =, 6CD =, 5AD =,点E 在梯形内,那么AEB ∠为钝角的概率为( )A .225π B . 425π C . 12 D . 144.已知复数1a iz i-=-(i 为虚数单位)为纯虚数,则实数a =( )A . 1B . -1C . 2D . -25.已知圆()()22212x y r -+-=上有且只有两个点到直线43350x y +-=的距离等于1,则半径r 的范围是( )A . ()4,6B . (]4,6C . [)4,6D . []4,66.某三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该三棱锥的表面积是( )A . 2+B . 4+C . 2+2D . 57.变量,x y 满足约束条件22{24 41x y x y x y +≥+≤-≥-,则目标函数332x y z +-=的取值范围是( )A . 3,92⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦B . 3,62⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦C . []2,3-D .⎡⎤⎣⎦ 8.cos y x x =+的大致图象是( )A .B .C .D .9.已知定义在R 上的函数(f x ),其导函数为()f x ',若()()3f x f x '-<-, ()04f =,则不等式()3x f x e >+的解集是( )A . (),1-∞B . ()1,+∞C . ()0,+∞D . (),0-∞ 10.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出S 的值为( )此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号第3页(共6页) 第4页(共6页)A ... 0 D . 1211.在中,角,,的对边分别为,,,且,则角的最大值为( )A .B .C .D .12.设点()0,1A , ()2,1B -,点C 在双曲线22:14x M y -=上,则使ABC ∆的面积为3的点C 的个数为( )A . 4B . 3C . 2D . 113.博鳌亚洲论坛2015年会员大会于3月27日在海南博鳌举办,大会组织者对招募的100名服务志愿者培训后,组织一次APEC 知识竞赛,将所得成绩制成如右频率分布直方图(假定每个分数段内的成绩均匀分布),组织者计划对成绩前20名的参赛者进行奖励.(1)试确定受奖励的分数线;(2)从受奖励的20人中利用分层抽样抽取5人,再从抽取的5人中抽取2人在主会场服务,试求2人成绩都在90分以上的概率.二、填空题14.已知()1,2a =, ()415,6a b -=--,则a 与b 的夹角的余弦值为__________. 15.是长、宽、高分别为12,3,4的长方体外接球表面上一动点,则到长方体各个面所在平面的距离的最大值是__________.16.设函数()f x 的定义域为D ,如果x D ∀∈, y D ∃∈,使()()2f x f yC +=(C 为常数)成立,则称函数()f x 在D 上的均值为C .给出下列四个函数:①2y x =;②2x y =;③ln y x =;④2sin 1y x =+.则其中满足在其定义域上均值为2的函数是__________.17.已知椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F , 2F ,过1F 且与x 轴垂直的直线交椭圆于A 、B 两点,直线2AF 与椭圆的另一个交点为C ,若72ABCBCFS S =,则椭圆的离心率为__________.18.在直角坐标系xOy 中,圆221:4C x y +=,圆()222:24C x y -+=.(Ⅰ)在以O 为极点, x 轴正半轴为极轴的极坐标系中,分别写出圆12,C C 的极坐标方程,并求出圆12,C C 的交点坐标(用极坐标表示);(Ⅱ)求出1C 与2C 的公共弦的参数方程.三、解答题19.已知函数()x f x a =的图象过点11,3⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,且点()*21,n a n n N n ⎛⎫-∈ ⎪⎝⎭在函数()xf x a =的图象上.(Ⅰ)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(Ⅱ)令113n n n b a a +=-,若数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n S ,求证: 2n S <.20.如图,已知ABCD 是直角梯形, 90ABC ∠=︒, //AD BC , 4AD =,2AB BC ==, PA ⊥平面ABCD .。
2018届湖南省长郡中学高三第五次月考-英语-(1)2018届湖南省长郡中学高三第五次月考英语得分:_____ 本试题卷共10页。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.18C. £9.15答案是C1. What does the woman mean?A. She enjoyed the movieB. She didn’t watch the movieC. She didn’t like the movie2. When does the man finish work on Monday?A. At 5:00 p. mB. At 6:00 p. m.C. At 4:00 p. m.3. What can we learn from the woman?A. The staff don’t like weekendsB. The staff are all every busyC. They don’t serve steak4. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Watch his bagB. Call his friendC. Go to the washroom5. What does the woman think of the apartments in New York City?A. They are expensiveB. They are valuableC. They are too small第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
学号 学校 班级 姓名
文化时间是指不同时代的人们根据自己对时间的不同理解而赋予时间以文化意 , * 义$ 其中包含了后来形成的% 向& 的概念 # 文化时间是西方文化的组成部分 $ 不同文化学派形成的不同时间概念和认识把现 -* 代人和原始生物在时间上连接起来 # 文化时间的循环模式和线性模式在生物时间中都可以找到对应 $ 文化时间与生物 .* 时间这两个概念在性质上是相同的 # 下列对原文论证的相关分析 $ 不正确的一项是! ! # * &分" " 文章论证说 $ 当时间被理解成循环模式 $ 那么任何事物都由时间辨别 $ 所有的自然 +* 现象' 人和历史都将经历循环往复的周期 # % 时间之箭 & 意味着不稳定和变迁$ 指向的是世界的末日 ( 而% 没有真正的 ) 历史 * & 则 , * 意味着过去也就是将来 $ 指向的是世界的重新再生# 文章从两方面分析文化时间 $ 相对于线性模式而言$ 循环模式更容易为人们接受和 -* 认同$ 因为它所具有的% 复生& 观念更能给人以安慰# 据文章第四段 $ 当时间被理解成线性模式 $ 则意味着时间被看成是穿越在过去和未 .* 来之间的一条线 $ 不可逆转 $ 这是最早由犹太基督教提出的观点# 根据原文内容 $ 下列说法不正确的一项是 ! ! & * &分" " 文化时间不同模式的形成取决于不同的文化观念$ 希腊各宇宙学派和犹太基督教 +* 传统对时间的认识大相径庭 # 许多原始人通过对自然界循环现象的观察建立起对时间的认识$ 并用这种认识来 , * 解释历史$ 由此形成了最初的文化时间 # 人从生到死体现的不可逆时间理论 $ 改变了人们的观念 $ 为达尔文生物学说研究人 -* 类进化开辟了道路# 从文化层面解读时间 $ 冬夏交替标志着时间的循环往复$ 而日常生活中钟表的旋 .* 转' 发条的松弛却告诉我们时间一去不回头 # 二" 文学类文本阅读! 本题共&小题 $ ! )分" ! 阅读下面的文字$ 完成) 题 # ( 在流放地 契诃夫 外号叫! 明白人" 的谢苗 # 同一个谁也不知名字的年轻鞑靼 人# 坐在岸边的篝火旁$ 谢苗是个六十岁上下的老头子 # 瘦骨嶙峋 # 掉了牙# 但肩膀宽 # 看上去还挺硬朗 # 这时已 醉醺醺的了$ 鞑靼人生了病# 很难受 # 他裹紧破衣衫 # 正在讲他的家乡辛比尔斯克如何如何好 $ ! 那当然# 这儿不是天堂 $ " 谢苗说 $ ! 不好# 不好." 鞑靼人说着 # 担惊受怕地朝四下里张望$ 鞑靼人抬头看一下天$ 满 天星星# 跟他家乡一样多 # 周围也是一片黑暗 # 可总觉得缺少点什么$ 在家乡# 完全不是 这样的星星# 这样的天空 $ ! 不好# 不好$ " 他连连说道 $ ! 你会习惯的." 谢苗说 # 笑了起来 # ! 现在你还年轻# 傻# 嘴上的奶味还没干 # 凭那股 傻劲你会觉得# 这世上没有比你更不幸的人 # 可是总有一天你会说) / 上帝保佑 # 但愿人 你瞧瞧我 # 再过一个星期 # 等水退下去# 我们要在这里安置渡船# 人都能过上这种生活 .0 在这两岸间摆过去渡过来 $就这样我一干就是二十年$ " 谢苗拿起酒瓶# 猛喝了一大口 # 接着说 ) ! 我呀# 伙计# 可不是普通的庄稼汉 # 也不是 出身卑贱的人# 我是教堂主管的儿子 $ 想当年我自由自在# 进进出出穿着礼服 $ 可现 在# 我把自己磨炼到了这种地步 ) 我能赤条条躺在地上睡觉# 靠吃草过日子 $ 上帝保佑 # 但愿人人都能过上这种生活 $ 当年 # 我从俄罗斯发配到这里 # 从头一天起我就咬牙顶 住) 我什么也不要."
最新-湖南省长郡中学2018届高三第五次月考物理试题 精品
湖南省长郡中学2018届高三第五次月考物理试题时量:90分钟 总分:120分 2018-1-5上午第Ⅰ卷一、选择题 (共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
)1、分别测量两个电池的路端电压和电流,得到如图所示的a 、b 两条U -I 图线,比较两图线,可得出结论( )A .a 电池的电动势较小、内阻较大B .a 电池的电动势较大、内阻较大C .b 电池的电动势较大、内阻较小D .b 电池的电动势较小、内阻较大2、A 、B 是一条电场在线的两点,若在A 点释放一初速度为零的电子,电子仅受电场力作用,并沿电场线从A 运动到 B ,其速度随时间变化的规律如图所示。
设A 、B 两点的电场强度 分别为E A 、E B ,电势分别为ϕA 、ϕB ,则( )A .E A =EB B .E A <E BC .ϕA =ϕBD .ϕA <ϕB3、如图所示,直角坐标系o-xyz 处于匀强磁场中.有一条0.6 米长的直导线沿ox 方向通有9A 电流,受到的安培力沿oz 方向,大小为2.7N ,则该磁场可能方向和磁感应强度B 的最小值为A .平行于xoy 平面,B=0.5TB .平行于xoy 平面,B=1.0TC .平行于yoz 平面,B=0.5TD .平行于xoz 平面,B=1.0T4、一辆汽车从静止开始做加速直线运动,运动过程中汽车牵引力的功率保持恒定,所受的阻力不变,行驶10 s 速度达到10m /s .那么该车在这段时间内行驶的距离:( )A 、一定大于50mB 、一定小于50mC 、一定等于50mD 、可能等于100m5、质量为0.8kg 的物体在一水平面上运动,如图所示的两条直线分别表示物体受到水平拉力和不受水平拉力作用时的v -t 图线, g 取10m/s 2,以下四种判断正确的是( )A .a 是物体受到水平拉力作用时的v -t 图线B .b 是物体受到水平拉力作用时的v -t 图线C .物体与地面的磨擦因子为0.15D .物体受到的水平拉力为0.6N6、一个密闭的绝热容器内,有一个绝热的活塞将它隔成A 、B 两部分空间,在A 、B 两部分空间内封有相同质量的理想气体,开始时活塞被销钉固定,A 部分气体的体积大于B 部分气体的体积,温度相同,如图所示,若拔出销钉后,达到平衡时,A 、B 两部分气体的体积V A 与V B 的大小,有( )A.VA>VB B.VA=VBC.VA<VB D.条件不足,不能确定7、波速均为v =1.2m/s 的甲、乙两列简谐横波都沿x 轴正方向传播,某时刻波的图像分别如图所示,其中P 、Q 处的质点均处与波峰.关于这两列波,下列说法正确的是( )A.如果这两列波相遇可能发生稳定的干涉图样B.甲波的周期大于乙波的周期C.甲波中P 处质点比M 处质点先回到平衡位置D.从图示的时刻开始,经过1.0s,P 、Q 质点通过的路程均为1.2m8、科学研究表时地球的自转在变慢,四亿年前,地球每年是400天,那时,地球每自转一周的时间为21.5h ,比现在要快3.5h 。
湖南省长郡中学2018届高三第五次月考物理试题第Ⅰ卷选择题(共48 分)一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小題4分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1-8题只有一项符合题目要求,第9-12题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错或不选的得0分)1.下列关于能量守恒说法不正确的是A.导致能量守恒最后确立的两类重要事实是:确立了永动机的不可能性和发现了各种自然现象之间的相互联系与转化B.自然界的能量虽然守恒,但还是要节约能源的根本原因是在能源的可利用品质上降低了,从便于利用的变成不便于利用的了C.能量的耗散从能量转化的角度反映出自然界中的宏观过程具有方向性D.对能量守恒定律的建立工作最有成效的是牛顿、焦耳、亥姆霍兹等3位科学家v逆时针匀速转动。
若两冰壶质量相等,则碰后两冰壶最终停止的位置不可能是图中的哪一幅图A .B .C .D .4.如图所示的实验装置中,平行板电容器的极板A 接地,极板B 与一个灵敏的静电计相接。
在某次实验中,发现静电计的指针偏角变小了,下列说法正确的是 A.这可能是由于两板间插人了一块金属导体 B 这可能是由于极板A 向上移动了一小段距离 C.两板间的电场强度一定变小了 D.两极板上的电荷量一定减小了5.如图,在绕地运行的天宫一号实验舱中,宇航员王亚平将支架固定在桌面上,摆轴末端用细绳连接一小球拉直细绳并给小球一个垂直于细绳的初速度,它做顺时针圆周运动在a 、b 、c 、d 四点时,设小球动能分别为ka E 、kb E 、kc E 、kd E 细绳拉力大小分别为a T 、b T 、c T 、d T 阻力不计,则A.ka E >kb E =kc E >kd EB.若在c 点绳子突然断裂,王亚平看到小球做竖直上抛运动C.a T =b T =c T =d TD.若在b 点绳子突然断裂,王亚平看到小球做平抛运动6.如图所示是一种延时开关,当开关S 1闭合时,电磁铁将衔铁H 吸下,R 电路被接通,当开关S 2断开时,由于电磁感应的作用,Q 将延时一段时间才被释放,图中D 为理想二极管,加正向电压导通,加反向电压截止,则下列说法中正确的是①由于线图a 的电磁感应作用,才产生延时释放H 的作用 ②由于线圈b 的电磁感应作用,才产生延时释放H 的作用 ③因只有接通b 线圈的开关S 2,才有延时作用 ④b 线圈的开关S 2接通与否,对延时作用没有影响⑤此延时开关只对R 电路的断开起延时作用 ⑥此延时开关只对R 电路的接通起延时作用A.①③⑤B.②③⑤C.②④⑥D.①④⑤7.在光滑水平面内有一沿x 轴方向的静电场。
【解析】 ,令 所以
所以 所以当 时, 有最小值为 ,当 时,
有最大值 所以
【解析】设椭圆与双曲线的方程分别为 满足
由焦点三角形的面积公式得 所以 故
1.若 为虚数单位,复数 满足 ,则 的虚部为( )
A. B. C. D.
2.已知集合 , ,全集பைடு நூலகம்,则 等于( )
A. B. C. D.
3.已知平面向量 满足 ,且 , ,则 等于( )
A. B. C. D.
4.中国古代数学著作《九章算术》中有这样一个问题:“某贾人擅营,月入益功疾(注:从第2月开始,每月比前一月多入相同量的铜钱),3月入25贯,全年(按12个月计)共入510贯”,则该人12月营收贯数为( )
(ⅰ)求图中 的值;
(ⅱ)在频率分布直方图中估算样本平均数,并根据样本估计总体的思想,从 的年平均浓度考虑,判断该居民区的环境质量是否需要改善?并说明理由.
【解析】设每个月的收入为等差数列{an}.公差为d.则a3=25,S12=510.∴a1+2d=25,12a1+ d=510,解得a1=15,d=5,
2018届湖南省长郡中学高三第五次月考英语试题 及答案
时量1 20分钟。
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22. 5 marks)Directions: In this section. you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation . there are. several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and. then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE. Conversation 11. Why do the speakers want to move?A. It was too noisy.B. There were no empty seats.C. They didn't have a reservation.2. Where do the speakers go study in the end?A. In the library.B. In the cafeteria.C. In a study room.Conversation 23. What is the weather like?A. Sunny and warm.B. Cloudy and windy.C. Clear and cold.4. What did the woman forget to bring?A. A jacket.B. Her sunglasses.C.A hat.Conversation 35. How does the woman's face look today?A. Very white.B. A little bit red.C. Quite fat.6. What did the man want to have for breakfast today?A. Fruit.B. Eggs and sausage.C. Pizza and chips.Conversation 47. How did the woman feel about the fighter jets?A. Indifferent.B. Excited.C. Curious.8. How did the woman find out why the planes were there?A. The man told her what was going on.B. She watched a news report on TV.C. She called the airbase and asked the question.9. What s the conversation mainly about?A. Fighter jets.B. A war.C.A TV show.Conversation 510. Who did the girl think the man was talking about?A. America president.B. President Mandela.C. The current South African president.11. How did many South Africans feel about NelsonMandela?A. He did too many teachings.B. He should be respected.C. He wasn't as great as his father.12. What's the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister.Conversation 613. How much will two tickets for the performance cost?A. $100.B. $200.C.$300.14. What kind of music will be played?A. Italian.B. South American.C.Middle Eastern.15. How does the man feel in the end?A. He's upset about the cost.B. He's happy about the food.C. He doesn't want to see his friend.Section B (7. 5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you've got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE 777A/V THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.The Citv of Xi'anPart n Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked. A, B. C and.D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21. I've come to the point _____ I can't stand her arguingany longer.A. whichB. whereC. howD. that22. I’ve got 29 different teapots in my collection. IfI buy this one, that 11 make _____ 30.A. itB. oneC. thoseD. them23. It was the first time I _____ how old my mother _____and it made me feel very sad.A. had noticed; had becomeB. noticed;had becomeC. had noticed; becameD. noticed;became24. All children deserve _____ equal opportunities ineducation so that they can succeed inlife.A. being givenB. having givenC. to be givenD. to give25. Some house plants grow better if placed near a windowwith plenty of sunlight ______others prefer to be in a more shaded spot.A. unlessB. sinceC. whenD. while26. Just in front of our school _____ with a history of500 years.A. stands a tall treeB. doesa tall tree standC. a tall tree stoodD. a talltree stands27. The book, which became the best-seller, was writtenby Arthur's wife. Joan._____ hemarried in 1962.A. to whomB. whomC. and whomD. with whom28. John's father suggested that a doctor _____ at once.A. sent forB. send forC. had been send forD. be sentfor29. _____. the bird may abandon the nest. leaving thechicks to die.A. Be disturbedB. HavingdisturbedC. DisturbedD.Disturbing30. It's very kind of you to help me with the washing-up,but you really _____ because I amquite happy to do it on my own.A. oughtn't to have botheredB. ought tobotherC. oughtn't to botherD. ought tohave bothered31. There is a general but false assumption _____intelligent people do better in life.A. asB. whatC. thatD. which32. —Excuse me. will you show me _____ the software?—Of course, please wait a moment.A. how to be loadedB. what to beloadedC. how to loadD. what toload33. My breakfast, such as it is. _____ five pieces ofbread and a cup of milk.A. making up ofB. made up ofC. makes up ofD. is made upof34. A true friend is always there when _____. In otherwords, a friend in need is a friendindeed.A. it is neededB. neededC. it needsD. needing35. Now that you are a student, you have to sit the exams._____ feel like doing them.A. whatever much don't youB. whatever much you don'tC. however much don t youD. however much you don'tSection B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there, are. four words or phrases marked A. B, C and.D. Fill in each blank with the word. or phrase that best fits the context.When I was in kindergarten. I remember my motherholding my hand as we walked to my school. Having my hand within hers made me feel 36One fall day two months later, my mother 37 said I could go to school all by myself. In those days, it was not very 38 the way it is now. I was so 39 that my mother let me go alone. I felt grown up.However, I soon discovered that it was not much fun. There were two girls who would pull the tassels(流苏) of my cap as I entered the schoolyard. They 40 me by saying. "You'd better not tell anybody!" I was too 41 to tell my mother.My mother felt something was wrong. One day she asked. "What's wrong? You don't seem 42 about going to school." I replied shyly. "I don't know."The next day I set off for school as usual. However, this day. without my knowing, my mother 43 me to school to see what was going on.As usual, the two girls were there, ready to 44 me. However, my mother seemed to appear out of nowhere all of a sudden! She 45 the two girls and told them she would be following me to school every day and that she would shake them if she ever saw them pull my cap again.Panic appeared all over their faces as they said. "Sorry,we won't 46 her again."My mother 47 me and told me I should never be afraidto tell her anything. My mother has been my guardianangel. Whether I can see her or not, I know she's alwaysthere!36. A. safe B. strong C. strangeD. positive37. A. quickly B. finally C. weaklyD. naturally38. A. special B. regular C.convenient D. dangerous39. A. careful B. worried C. proudD. sad40. A. cheated B. frightened C. depressedD. shocked41. A. embarrassed B. disappointed C. scaredD. ashamed42. A. excited B. crazy C. cautiousD. confused43. A. helped B. drove C. followedD. sent44. A. welcome B. surprise C. beatD. tease45. A. approached B. recognized C. doubtedD. noticed46. A. fight with B. laugh at C. look atD. depend on47. A. passed B. greeted C.criticized D. huggedSection C (12 marks)Directions : Complete the following passage by fillingin each blank with one word. that best fits the. context.A bag is one of the most simple and useful things inthe world. It is a container made of paper or cloth. Ithas given the world many strange expressions, some of48 are widely used in the United States today.One expression is to let the cat out 49 the bag.It is used 50 someone tells something that issupposed to be secret. No one can explain 51 the catgot into the bag. But there is 52 old story aboutit.Long ago tradesmen sold things in large cloth bags.One day a woman asked 53 a pig. The tradesman heldup a cloth bag 54 something moving inside it. He said it was a live pig. The woman asked to see it. When the dishonest tradesman opened the bag. out jumped a cat —not a pig. The tradesman's secret was out. He was trying to trick 55 And then everybody knew it. Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished, statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AAt the playground near my family's apartment. I sometimes get annoyed when I see older kids running up the slides or jumping off the side of the jungle gym (儿童攀缘游戏立体构架).After all, little kids play there, too—and they might get hurt. But honestly, I'm not so sure I can blame them for trying to make the playground a little bit more exciting. In our neighborhood park, there's not much to interest a kid over the age of 6 or 7.How is that possible? According to a report, modernplaygrounds are no fun and excitement for thrill-seeking kids. all as a result of helicopter parents. That worries child development experts, who say that as kids become older and outgrow ( 长大而厌倦 ) the cookie-cutter equipment, they become less interested in playing outside. Child development experts believe that exposure to risk makes kids more comfortable with it —keeping them too safe can encourage anxiety. "We don't give our children enough space to help them test their limits or to help them become confident in their physical skills," Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, a professor in the department of psychology at Philadelphia's Temple University, told the WSJ. "Sometimes when we protect people too much they never learn to take healthy risks."Of course, playground designers don't want to create spaces that lead to lots of children getting hurt. But there are ways to give kids a sense of excitement without risking serious injuries—for instance, the WSJ notes. "Specially designed climbing nets allow children to reach considerable (相当大的)) heights, without sacrificing safety in case of falls. "There are these types of more exciting playgrounds in Europe, and themovement is starting to spread to the U. S. "It's important that play environments are as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible, "said Ellen Sandseter. an associate professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education in Norway.What do you think? Is your neighborhood playground too boring?56. Why does the author sometimes get angry accordingto Paragraph I?A. There's a lot of danger at the playground.B. There's not much to interest a kid in many parks.C. Little kids get hurt now and then at theplayground.D. Some kids' risky actions may cause danger to theyoung.57. What is child development experts' attitude towardsmodern playgrounds?A. Positive.B.Critical.C. Reserved.D. Casual.58. ''Helicopter parents" mentioned in Paragraph 2 canbe described as _____.A. honestB. curiousC. overprotectiveD.overactive@ ^.t^X^Tg-(^W)- 659. According to Ellen Sandseter, _____.A. climbing nets are popular in EuropeB. some playgrounds in the U.S. are excitingC. play environments should be as safe as possibleD. parents should prepare kids for reasonable risks60. What's the best title for the text?A. Have kids been exposed to more risks?B. Why are kids' physical skills so limited?C. Have kids' playgrounds become too safe?D. Why are kids losing interest in playing outside?BRenault's new Twizy could be the future of motoring. . . or at least a big part of it. This is not some crazy future concept—this is a real vehicle, fully electric, and on sale now. Prices for the Twizy start at 6, 690,with battery hire from 45 a month. But is it a car? Technically no. it's classified under UK law assomething closer to a moped(摩托自行车).A two-seater(the passenger sits behind the driver), the Twizy runs on electric power only. and is designed to cover all those little trips we do. And as 87 per cent of Europe's drivers do less than 37 miles a day—50 per cent less than 12—there's really no need to be burning gas for that sort of journey.The Twizy is arguably the most unusual vehicle in this country. Other cars have been beautifully designed, others have been small, but no car has turned motoring on its head in quite the same way.The Twizy's batteries have a range of 62 miles, and it plugs into a standard socket like any other electrical equipment, going from flat to full power in three and a half hours. There are no full doors on the vehicle, so think of it like a covered moped with four wheels, but no noise and no need for a helmet. There's also a lower-powered type being designed, the Twizy 45. for which you don't need a license.Seeing the Twizy in the flesh, you're surprised by how striking it looks. Sit in it and everything feels right —just car enough to be easy. but different enough tobe exciting. With the battery underneath you. the vehicle is suckered (吸.) to the road, and the electric power means it accelerates with real energy up to about 50 mph. You don't feel you need any more. In the UK, the weather alone may make it a good buy. but the lack of easy access to outdoor sockets is the biggest challenge. Only time will tell if this brave move answers enough problems to find a place in our lives.61. According to Paragraph 1, Renault's new Twizy _____.A. is a concept carB. is classified as a carC. can be hired by the dayD. has been put on the market62. Which of the following is TRLIE about the appearanceof the Twizy?A. Attractive.B. Awkward.C.Traditional. D. Colorful.63. What do we know about the Twizy 45?A. A helmet is needed to drive it.B. It makes more noise than the Twizy.C. You can drive it without taking a test.D. Its batteries are better than the Twizy's.64. What will probably prevent the popularity of theTwizy?A. Its low speed.B. Its weak batteries.C. Its limited inner space.D. Its demand for outdoor sockets.65. In which part of a magazine can we most probably readthis text?A. Travel.B.Technology.C. Economy.D. Environment.CAmerican transportation pioneer William H. Russell advertised for riders to work on the Overland Express Route in March 1860.Russell had failed repeatedly to get the backing of the Senate Post Office for an express route to carry mail between St. Joseph, Missouri—the westernmost point reached by the railroad and telegraph—and California. St. Joseph was the starting point for the nearly 2. 000-mile central route to the West. Except for a few settlements, the route beyond St. Joseph was a vast.unknown land where Native Americans primarily lived.Many thought that year-round transportation across this area was impossible because of extreme weather conditions. Russell organized his own express to prove otherwise.With partners Alexander Majors and William B. Waddell. Russell formed the Central Overland California and Pike ' s Peak Express Company. They built new relay stations and readied existing ones. The country was combed for good horses—hardy enough to challenge deserts and mountains and to stand thirst in summer and ice in winter. Riders were recruited (招募) in a hurry but. before being hired, had to swear on the Bible not to fight or abuse their animals and to conduct themselves honestly.On April 3, 1860. the Pony Express began its run. On average, a rider covered 75 to 100miles daily. He changed horses at relay stations set 10 to 15 miles apart, swiftly transferring (转移) himself and his four pockets of mail to the new mount.The first mail by the Pony Express from St. Joseph to Sacramento took ten days. cutting the overland stage time via the southern route by more than half. Thefastest delivery was in March 1861. when President Abraham Lincoln's inaugural (就职的)) address wascarried from St. Joseph to Sacramento in 7 days and 17hours.On July 1. 1861, the Pony Express began operating undercontract ( 合同) as a mail route. By that time, theCentral Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company was deeply in debt. Though it had charged as muchas $ 5 a half ounce for a letter at a time when ordinaryU.S. postage was no more than ten cents, the company didnot make its operating expenses.The Pony Express officially ended October 26. 1861,after the Transcontinental telegraph line was completed.66. The underlined word "backing in Paragraph 2 can bereplaced by "_____A. supportB. benefitC. attentionD. job67. Before 1860. the central route to the West _____.A. was mainly taken by mailmenB. had become a well-traveled routeC. had not been explored thoroughlyD. was well protected by Native Americans68. It can be learned from the text that to search forgood horses, Russell ____A. built new relay stationsB. put in a great deal of effortC. asked some riders for adviceD. walked through deserts and mountains69. According to the text, the Pony Express _____.A. had very few relay stationsB. delivered its first mail successfullyC. sometimes treated its animals badlyD. began its run in the latter half of 186070. Which of the following brought the Pony Express toan official end?A. The heavy debt.B. The high postage.C. A new method of sending messages.D. A new express company's establishment.Part IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions : Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the. Information from thepassage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.The 9-to-5 work routine plays a big part in the lives of many people, and many find it hard to adjust to a life with no job. Problems experienced as a result of unemployment include the loss of earnings, as well as the amount of tree time that someone suddenly has to till. With some careful planning, however, anyone can cope with the problems of unemployment.The loss of earnings makes life more difficult when you are unemployed. A simple idea to carry out as soon as possible after losing a job involves writing down a full list of monthly expenses. Work through the list to identify those considered a luxury rather than a necessity. Cutting luxury items from monthly expenses will help preserve money to better endure (忍受) a period of unemployment.Besides, finding ways to earn a little extra money each month is advised during a period of unemployment. Searching the Internet provides a way to find paid tasks these days, with options including online article writing or paid surveys. However, try to avoid thewebsites that ask for payment up front (预付)or unreasonable personal information, especially financial data. Part- time job opportunities in your neighborhood might be another good choice. Keep an eye on the boards in local grocery stores for opportunities.As we know, finding a new job involves effort, and setting aside a period of time every day should help you find a job more quickly. Updating your resume to make it as professional as possible will help when you apply for jobs. Also. use this newly free time to network and get in touch with friends and former colleagues who might know about job opportunities.Section B (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the. questions according to the information given in the passage and the required, words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Alien is planning to build a spaceship that could replace the Space Shuttle and put paying passengers into space this decade.Alien is hoping to launch unmanned rockets from a huge flying carrier plane to put governmental and commercial satellites into space and eventually send humans into space.The important plan comes only months after the United States retired the Space Shuttle program after 30 years. It opens the door for private enterprises to supply space vehicles.Alien's rocket will be launched from what will be the world's biggest plane. The rocket itself will be made by private space company SpaceX.The first test flight is targeted for 2018 with the first commercial flight the year after. Alien, the onlyfunding source for development, indicated the project would cost $ 200 million or more.Fifty-eight-year-old Alien, listed by Forbes Magazine as the world s 57th richest person, is the latest in the line of billionaires (亿万富翁)p with interests in the privatization (私有化) of space travel. Alien said he has long had space fantasies. "I dreamed of becoming an astronaut. "he said at his office in downtown Seattle. Poor eyesight ruined his dream of becoming a pilot, but he said his ambition for space travel never died.Initially, his company will aim to fly unmanned rockets to put mid-sized satellites into orbit, and perhaps fly cargo (货物) to the International Space Station, if permitted.Since the Space Shuttle's retirement, NASA is under increasing pressure to show the next innovation (创新) in US space flight. The United States is dependent on partner countries' spacecraft to fly cargo and people to the space station, although NASA is working together with some private enterprises.After that. Alien's target is to fly paying customers into space, which he says has a huge potential market.81. Why is Alien planning to build a spaceship? (No morethan 12 words)82. What provides the chance for the private to supplyspace vehicles? (No more than 7 words)83. What problem is the US space center facing? (No morethan 12 words)84. What does the passage mainly talk about? (No morethan 7 words)Section C(20 marks)Directions:Write an English composition accordi,zg to the instructions given below.假如你是中学生李华,今年三月,作为“国际学生交换”项目中的一名交换生,你去美国学习、生活,现在刚刚回国。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.答案是C。
1. How much is a ticket to New Jersey?A. $ 21.B. $ 42.C. $ 50.2. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.3. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Bad neighborhoods.B. Chinese New Year.C. A loud noise.4. What does the woman mean?A. The butter is not in its usual place.B. She doesn’t want to ask Andy again.C. They should get more butter.5. What place are the speakers looking for?A. A cafe.B. A bank.C. A bookstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.答案是C。
1. How much is a ticket to New Jersey?A. $ 21.B. $ 42.C. $ 50.2. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.3. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Bad neighborhoods.B. Chinese New Year.C. A loud noise.4. What does the woman mean?A. The butter is not in its usual place.B. She doesn’t want to ask Andy again.C. They should get more butter.5. What place are the speakers looking for?A. A cafe.B. A bank.C. A bookstore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
湖南省长郡中学2018届高三第三次月考 英语
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.答案是C。
1. How much is a ticet to New Jersey?A. $ 21.B. $ 42.C. $ 50.2. How does the woman feel?A. Ecited.B. Confused.C. Annoyed.3. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Bad neighborhoods.B. Chinese New Year.C. A loud noise.4. What does the woman mean?A. The butter is not in its usual place.B. She doesn’t want to as Andy again.C. They should get more butter.5. What place are the speaers looing for?A. A cafe.B. A ban.C. A boostore.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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解析 地形起伏对气温变化的影响比纬度因素对气温变化的影响大得多 乙地较丙地积温低的主导因素 ( & , 是地形因素 答案为 , 解析 材料提到在每年小雪至大雪期间常常出现冰挂 时间较固定说明不是冬季降水 不稳定 土壤水 ' & , 只有在超过田间持水量后才能以流动水体的形式补给其他水体 而在冬季在该地区固定时间出现超过田间 持水量情况下不断补给岩层水不可能 解析 渭河北岸为黄土高原 坡缓 南岸为秦岭 坡陡 * & . 解析 由乙图可知 渭河中心线距离南岸监测点越来越远 渭河不断北移 以向北侵蚀为主 北移速度有 $ & 差异 解析 可能的情况有 南岸物质堆积的更多 地势抬高 侵蚀更弱 南岸植被破坏或地势抬升 + & / 解析 俄罗斯远东地区 经济发展水平较低 基础设施较薄弱 市场较狭小 投资环境较差企业多为劳 ! % & 动力密集型和资源密集型 解析 特色农产品是确定主导产业的关键 以农产品服务为主导的特色小镇 发达的交通网是制约小 " ( & , 镇产业及小镇发展的基础条件 特色主导产业是小镇建设成败的关键 同一地域文化可发展不同的 , 正确 特色小镇 解析 " ' & . , / 均是相关主导产业空间集聚后的优势或意义故 . 正确 解析 小镇产业等级决定服务等级 进而决定服务范围和人口 " ) & / 二 非选择题 本大题共%小题 共' '分 % ! & ! $分 阳光充足 饵料丰沛 利于鱼苗生长 浅水区水温适宜 盐度低 水质优利于鱼卵孵化 上游地区天敌少 ! 水流急 水体中氧气含量高 必答 砂砾质河底 利于鱼卵的覆盖 必答 每点"分 答出四点即可得 $分 实现陆地和海洋之间的物质循环和能量流动 为陆地生态系统提供充足的养分 维持生物多样性和生态 " 使陆地生态系统和海洋生态系统形成一个开放 联系的有机整体 每点"分 答出两点即可得(分 平衡 鲑鱼洄流为灰熊提供了充足的食物来源 周边植被繁茂 灰熊隐蔽空间大 靠近河流 饮水方便 地形开 % 生存空间大 每点"分 答出三点即可得)分 阔 % " & " !分 纬度低 气温高 蒸发量大 两侧山地阻挡暖湿气流作用强 降水少 干燥的下沉气流增温效应强 土层结 ! 土壤贫瘠 每点"分 答出三点即可得)分 构松散 地理试题参考答案 长郡版 第! 页
炎德 英才大联考 长郡中学 " 五 # ! $ 届高三月考试卷
一 选择题 本题共% 每小题! 共( 只有一项是符合题目要求 #小题 & '分 '分在每小题给出的四个选项中 的 题号 答案 题号 答案 ! , ! ) . " ! * / % . ! $ / ( , ! + , ' , " # , ) / " ! , * . " " . $ " % / + / " ( , ! # / " ' . ! ! , " ) / ! " . " * / ! % " $ , ! ( / " + , ! ' , % # ,
春季晴天多 光照更足 座果率高 地处河谷 受下沉气流影响 气温较高 地处龙川江谷地 四周有高山 " 屏障 冬季北方冷空气影响较小 地处干热河谷 昼夜温差大 光照足为龙眼的深加工 桂圆肉 桂圆干 提供 每点"分 答出四点即可得$分 天然能源 上市早 价格高 % !分 最冷月出现在! 较其福建主产区提前一个月 花芽分化 授粉 成熟等物候期均提前一个月左右 上市 "月 光照强 昼夜温差大 品质优 价格高 早熟错时上市及山区运输不便 价格高 早 "分 "分 "分 % % & ! )分 大致以" ! # # (年为界以前面积波动减小 "分 " # # (年后面积波动增大 "分 波动减小原因 人口增加 沿湖生产生活用水量增加 交通线建设 不合理的农事活动等使植被遭到破坏 气 候变干 全球变暖 蒸发量增大 "分 波动增加原因 全球变暖 冰川加速融化 入湖水量增加 当地采取生态环境保护措施 对湖区水位上升起到 了积极作用 "分 地理环境各要素相互影响 相互制约 形成一个有机整体 湟鱼减少导致刚毛藻大量繁殖 水中氧气减 " 少 湖泊水质变坏 鸟类数量减少 生物多样性减少 湖区生态系统被破坏 生态环境恶化等题参考答案 长郡版 第" 页