国内生产总值是挃在一定时 期内(一个季度或一年),一个 国家或地区的经济中所生产 出的全部最终产品和劳务的 价值,常被公认为衡量国家 经济状况的最佳挃标。
国家预计10% 民间统计为30%
上面A,B,C,D,E,F....都在赚大钱,那么这些钱到底从 那里冒出来的呢?从根本上说,这些钱来自A以及 同A相仿的投资人的盈利。而他们的盈利大半来自 美国的次级贷款。人们说次贷危机是由于把钱借给 了穷人次贷主要是给了普通的美国房产投资人。这 些人的经济实力本来只够买自己的一套住房,但是 看到房价快速上涨,动起了房产投机的主意。他们 把自己的房子抵押出去,贷款买投资房。这类贷款 利息要在8%-9%以上,凭他们自己的收入很难对 付,不过他们可以继续把房子抵押给银行,借钱付 利息,空手套白狼。此时A很高关,他的投资在为 他赚钱;B也很高关,市场远约率很低,保险生意可 以继续做;后面的C,D,E,F等等都跟着赚钱
对于美国金融危机的収生,一般看法都认为,这场 危机主要是金融监管制度的缺失造成的,那些贪婪 无度的华尔街投机者钻制度的空子,弄虚作假,欺 骗大众。这场危机的一个根本原因在于美国近三十 年来加速推行的新自由主义经济政策。 所谓新自由主义,是一套以复关传统自由主义 理想,以减少政府对经济社会的干预为主要经济政 策目标的思潮。美国新自由主义经济政策开始于上 世纪80年代刜期,其背景是70年代的经济滞胀危机, 内容主要包括:减少政府对金融、劳动力等市场的 干预,打击工会,推行促迚消费、以大违市 9678 14 厦门市 9660 15 苏州市 9103 16 台州市 8967 17 青岛市 8962 18 天津市 8958 19 南通市 8950 20 福州市 8666 21 湖州市 8220 22 哈尔滨市 7939 23 无锡市 7843 24 佛山市 7822
国内生产总值是挃在一定时 期内(一个季度或一年),一个 国家或地区的经济中所生产 出的全部最终产品和劳务的 价值,常被公认为衡量国家 经济状况的最佳挃标。
国家预计10% 民间统计为30%
上面A,B,C,D,E,F....都在赚大钱,那么这些钱到底从 那里冒出来的呢?从根本上说,这些钱来自A以及 同A相仿的投资人的盈利。而他们的盈利大半来自 美国的次级贷款。人们说次贷危机是由于把钱借给 了穷人次贷主要是给了普通的美国房产投资人。这 些人的经济实力本来只够买自己的一套住房,但是 看到房价快速上涨,动起了房产投机的主意。他们 把自己的房子抵押出去,贷款买投资房。这类贷款 利息要在8%-9%以上,凭他们自己的收入很难对 付,不过他们可以继续把房子抵押给银行,借钱付 利息,空手套白狼。此时A很高关,他的投资在为 他赚钱;B也很高关,市场远约率很低,保险生意可 以继续做;后面的C,D,E,F等等都跟着赚钱
对于美国金融危机的収生,一般看法都认为,这场 危机主要是金融监管制度的缺失造成的,那些贪婪 无度的华尔街投机者钻制度的空子,弄虚作假,欺 骗大众。这场危机的一个根本原因在于美国近三十 年来加速推行的新自由主义经济政策。 所谓新自由主义,是一套以复关传统自由主义 理想,以减少政府对经济社会的干预为主要经济政 策目标的思潮。美国新自由主义经济政策开始于上 世纪80年代刜期,其背景是70年代的经济滞胀危机, 内容主要包括:减少政府对金融、劳动力等市场的 干预,打击工会,推行促迚消费、以大违市 9678 14 厦门市 9660 15 苏州市 9103 16 台州市 8967 17 青岛市 8962 18 天津市 8958 19 南通市 8950 20 福州市 8666 21 湖州市 8220 22 哈尔滨市 7939 23 无锡市 7843 24 佛山市 7822
美国经济大萧条 (全英文).ppt
In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world's economy can decline.
Start of the Great Depression 1
The depression originated in the U.S., starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.
Black Tuesday
Demand-driven Keynesian Breakdown of international trade Debt deflation Monetarist New classical approach Austrian School Inequality Productivity shock
Austrian School
Theorists of the "Austrian School" who wrote about the Depression include Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and American economist Murray Rothbard, who wrote America's Great Depression (1963). In their view and like the monetarists, the Federal Reserve, which was created in 1913, shoulders much of the blame; but in opposition to the monetarists, they argue that the key cause of the Depression was the expansion of the money supply in the 1920s that led to an unsustainable credit-driven boom.
Start of the Great Depression 1
The depression originated in the U.S., starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.
Black Tuesday
Demand-driven Keynesian Breakdown of international trade Debt deflation Monetarist New classical approach Austrian School Inequality Productivity shock
Austrian School
Theorists of the "Austrian School" who wrote about the Depression include Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and American economist Murray Rothbard, who wrote America's Great Depression (1963). In their view and like the monetarists, the Federal Reserve, which was created in 1913, shoulders much of the blame; but in opposition to the monetarists, they argue that the key cause of the Depression was the expansion of the money supply in the 1920s that led to an unsustainable credit-driven boom.
1.3 货币政策的责任
▪ 进入新世纪以后,美国 经济呈下滑趋势。为 刺激经济,美国采取 了扩张性货币政策, 利率水平急剧下降。
▪ 扩张性货币政策的实 施,致使经济中的通 货膨胀抬头,为了治 理通货膨胀,货币政 策开始紧缩,利率水 平急剧上升。利率的 上升,使得次贷借款 人的成本上升,危机 被触发。
▪ 基于次贷这种基础性资产,一系列衍生品产生出来 • 抵押贷款公司热情地参与到这场活动中来,它们放松风险 评估条件,大量购买次级抵押贷款,并将其证券化出售。 • 信用评级机构也对次贷证券给予了过高的信用等级评定。 • 各种保险和担保机构也参与其间。 • 广大的金融市场其他参与者在缺乏信息的情况,不可能对 次贷债券进行合理的风险评估。投资者根据评级标准大量 购买次贷债券,使得次贷债券的流动性较高,债券发行更 加便利;反转来,次级抵押贷款因而更开展的如火如荼。
▪ 该文认为,全部过程可以从大规模投资开始分析。大规模投资是由大量 借款支持的,大量借款造成大量债务。然而,一旦发生某些降低人们对 利润期望之信心的事件,人们便会着手销售资产以偿还债务。债务的清 偿导致廉价抛售;当人们用之偿还银行贷款时,存款货币就会减少。价 格水平会降低,货币流通速度会减慢。同时,商业净值和商业利润也会 一落千丈。产出将下降,贸易将减少,失业将增加。商业上的亏损、破 产和失业将导致人们产生悲观情绪并丧失信心;反转来,这又会使得人 们进行窖藏,从而更大幅度地减慢货币的流通速度。银行为了保全自己, 将停止贷款,因而货币供应进一步减少。这一过程反反复复地进行着: 银行经营不良—倒闭—窖藏—破产……进一步廉价抛售……银行经营不 良—……直至产生大衰退。
▪ 2006年,在当年发行的万亿美元的住房抵押贷款证券中,次 级抵押贷款证券占据了21.9%。过度的繁荣,酝酿着巨大的风 暴。事实上,2004年的储贷协会危机,已预示风暴即将到来。
Current economic state Cause of financial state Influence in US and China Solution
The Economic Status of America
Unemployment Rate
· The unemployment rate fell to 8.6%, the lowest rate since
The Great Depression
• The depression originated in the U.S., starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as black crash). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.
Early changes by the Roosevelt administration included:
Early changes by the Roosevelt administration include: • Instituting regulations to fight deflationary "cutthroat competition" through the NRA(NonResident Account). • Setting minimum prices and wages, labor standards, and competitive conditions in all industries through the NRA. • Encouraging unions that would raise wages, to increase the purchasing power of the working class.
capitalist engulf
['kæpɪtəlɪst] n. 资本家;资本主义者 adj. 资本主义的;资本家的 [ɪn'gʌlf; en-] [dɪ'preʃ(ə)n]
vt. 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽 n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁 adv. 不可避免地;必然地 adv. 同时地 adv. 有系统地;有组织地
The most profound and perdurable economic crisis
The world economic crisis from 1929 to 1933 is the most profound and perdurable in the history of capitalism. Which began in America and engulfed the entire world immediately. "New Deal"implement by Roosevelt.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
simultaneously systematically
[saɪməl'tenɪəsli] [,sɪstə'mætɪkl]
What is the cause of the economic crisis?
Under the systerm of capitalist private ownership, the production of individual enterprise is systematically organized, where as the one of the society is in anarchy.
• 2008年收购了陷入困境的抵押贷款公司Countrywide Financial Corp和美林,该公司将掌控美国 规模最大的股票经纪人团队,以及一家受人尊敬的投行。二者的合并将造就一家业务范围广泛 的银行巨头。
Roots of outbreak 爆发根源
The U.S. government's improper real estate financial
金融衍生品的"滥用",拉长了 金融交易链条,助长了投机。
U.S. monetary policy added fuel to the flame.
From the outbreak of the subprime crisis in February 2007 to the collapse of the stock price of American loan companies in August, the subprime crisis worsened. In March 2008, Bear Stearns went bankrupt. In July, Fannie and Freddie fell into crisis. The Federal Reserve "rescued the market". In September, Lehman Brothers applied for bankruptcy protection. AIG, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley also faced crisis. Washington Mutual failed. Wall Street crisis broke out and swept the world, resulting in The full outbreak of the financial crisis. 从2007年2月次贷危机爆发,到8月美国贷款公司股价暴跌次贷危机 恶化,2008年3月贝尔斯登破产,7月两房陷入危机,美联储“救 市”,到九月雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,AIG,高盛,摩根士丹利 也面临危机,华盛顿互惠公司倒闭,华尔街危机爆发,并席卷全球, 造成金融危机的全面爆发。
Roots of outbreak 爆发根源
The U.S. government's improper real estate financial
金融衍生品的"滥用",拉长了 金融交易链条,助长了投机。
U.S. monetary policy added fuel to the flame.
From the outbreak of the subprime crisis in February 2007 to the collapse of the stock price of American loan companies in August, the subprime crisis worsened. In March 2008, Bear Stearns went bankrupt. In July, Fannie and Freddie fell into crisis. The Federal Reserve "rescued the market". In September, Lehman Brothers applied for bankruptcy protection. AIG, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley also faced crisis. Washington Mutual failed. Wall Street crisis broke out and swept the world, resulting in The full outbreak of the financial crisis. 从2007年2月次贷危机爆发,到8月美国贷款公司股价暴跌次贷危机 恶化,2008年3月贝尔斯登破产,7月两房陷入危机,美联储“救 市”,到九月雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,AIG,高盛,摩根士丹利 也面临危机,华盛顿互惠公司倒闭,华尔街危机爆发,并席卷全球, 造成金融危机的全面爆发。
英语PPT(Unit3,TextB the recession'sBig Test经济衰退)
It is the home of the New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies.Several other major exchanges have or had headquarters in the Wall Street area, including NASDAQ, the New York Mercantile Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, and the former American Stock Exchange. Anchored by Wall Street, New York City is one of the world's principal financial centers. 这是纽约证券交易所之家,世界上最大的股票交易市 场资本化的上市公司。其他几个主要交易所或总部设 在华尔街地区,包括纳斯达克,纽约商品交易所,纽约期 货交易所,和前美国证券交易所。由于华尔街,纽约是 世界上主要的金融中心。
(歌曲名:Devil May Care歌手:Jamie Cullum)
trample v.踩踏 ,践踏 prowl v.(紧张愤怒地)来回走 lash v.猛击 lash out(at sb.)痛打/痛斥(某人) rampage n.横冲直撞,撒野 swindle n.诈骗,骗取 mayhem n.大混乱 retrenchment n.削减开支成本 malice n.恶毒 solace n.安慰 慰藉,安慰物 contagious a.有感染力的 sturdy a.壮实的,强健的 cammiseration = sympathy 同情怜悯
经济大危机ppt26 人教版课件
直母接亲原:因因:为没资有本煤主炭义。 生产力的迅速发展 与女劳儿动:人为民什么购没买有力煤的炭呢相?对低下之间的矛 盾母。亲(:生没产有钱与买消。费脱节-生产相对过剩
劳母动亲人:民你购爸买爸失力业在了下。降,商品无法销出, 造女成儿生:产那与为消什么费失的业脱呢节?。
(1)美国是资本主义国家,工厂企业 都是私有的,大都是股分公司,和股票 有直接关系;
(2)经济繁荣,股票就升值,人们就会 抢购;反之,经济凋敝,股票就贬, 人们就抛售;
聚集的人们要求银行兑现 1929年10月,华尔街股票市场崩溃,股价暴跌,一些主要股票的市值下跌了 近40%。股票的暴跌引发了美国严重的经济危机,先后有10万多家企业破产,半数 银行倒闭,失业工人占全国工人的1/3以上。农业也出现危机,“过剩”的农产品 堆积如山,使100余万农户破产。
我们讲过哪几位美国总统? 他们的主要贡献分别是什么?
华盛顿 林肯
美国独立 维护统一
➢他是唯一一位连任四届的 美国总统(1933-1945);
➢他是唯一一位坐在轮 椅上的美国总统;
➢他被人们喻为“狮子” 和“狐狸;他是继华盛顿 林肯后最受美国和世界 公众欢迎的美国总统. ➢有人说:林肯拯救了 美国,而他拯救了整个 资本主的: 布实行新政。 直接目的:消除经济危机,稳定社会经 济正常秩序。
3、新 根本目的:巩固资产阶级统治
经济危机使大批工人和农民饥寒交迫,流离失所。各城市的“贫民窟”迅速扩展,用破铁皮和 木板搭建的所谓“胡佛小屋”随处可见。
直母接亲原:因因:为没资有本煤主炭义。 生产力的迅速发展 与女劳儿动:人为民什么购没买有力煤的炭呢相?对低下之间的矛 盾母。亲(:生没产有钱与买消。费脱节-生产相对过剩
劳母动亲人:民你购爸买爸失力业在了下。降,商品无法销出, 造女成儿生:产那与为消什么费失的业脱呢节?。
(1)美国是资本主义国家,工厂企业 都是私有的,大都是股分公司,和股票 有直接关系;
(2)经济繁荣,股票就升值,人们就会 抢购;反之,经济凋敝,股票就贬, 人们就抛售;
聚集的人们要求银行兑现 1929年10月,华尔街股票市场崩溃,股价暴跌,一些主要股票的市值下跌了 近40%。股票的暴跌引发了美国严重的经济危机,先后有10万多家企业破产,半数 银行倒闭,失业工人占全国工人的1/3以上。农业也出现危机,“过剩”的农产品 堆积如山,使100余万农户破产。
我们讲过哪几位美国总统? 他们的主要贡献分别是什么?
华盛顿 林肯
美国独立 维护统一
➢他是唯一一位连任四届的 美国总统(1933-1945);
➢他是唯一一位坐在轮 椅上的美国总统;
➢他被人们喻为“狮子” 和“狐狸;他是继华盛顿 林肯后最受美国和世界 公众欢迎的美国总统. ➢有人说:林肯拯救了 美国,而他拯救了整个 资本主的: 布实行新政。 直接目的:消除经济危机,稳定社会经 济正常秩序。
3、新 根本目的:巩固资产阶级统治
经济危机使大批工人和农民饥寒交迫,流离失所。各城市的“贫民窟”迅速扩展,用破铁皮和 木板搭建的所谓“胡佛小屋”随处可见。
大学外贸英语chapter 1 The Global Economic Crisis
Economic Terms
• 6 capital flows资本流动(movement of capital) • 7 high yield高收益;高回报(high income from an
investment) • 8 macroeconomic policy宏观经济政策(economic policy
which affects the performance of the economy as a whole. They typically include monetary policy, fiscal policy...) • 9 liquidity流动性(availability of liquid assets, enabling a person or organization to pay debts when they fall due and also to move into new investment opportunities) • 10 trade protectionism贸易保护主义(policy of using tariffs, import quotas and other restrictions to protect domestic industries from foreign competition)
• 7 (be) conducive to...有益于;有助于(be conducive to fiscal stability 有助于财政稳定)
经济大危机ppt16 人教版课件
你知道美国人民心目中 最尊敬的总统是谁吗?
eat Depression
一战后,资本主义国家召开了哪些会议? 有何影响?
巴黎和会 华盛顿会议
暂时缓和了帝国主义国家之间的矛 盾,使世界处于相对稳定时期。资 本主义经济渐渐恢复。
我会三项技能,我会三种语言,我 已经有三年工龄,我有三个孩子, 我已经失业三个月了,现在仅仅需 要一份工作。
1929——1945年美国失 业率
1929-1933年资本主义 世界突然出现一种令人 不可思议的现象:
一方面,成千上万的老 百姓食不果腹,衣不蔽 体,另一方面,资本家 故意大量销毁产品,把 大量的牛奶倒入河中, 任凭成熟的水果烂在枝 头,玉米和小麦被当作 燃料付之一炬。
资本家为什么要销毁商品 而不去救济贫民? 答:减少产品,维持价格,保持利润。
这说明了资本家什么本性? 答:唯利是图。资本主义制度的腐朽和罪恶,资
(2)引起政治危机,资本主义各国社会矛盾 尖锐,政局动荡,造成世界局势紧张.
答:1933 年在资本主义制度内部进行调整,加强了国 家对经济的干预和指导,以消除经济危机。
(3)罗斯福上台后,针对‘‘工业企业尽成枯枝残叶”, 采取了什么措施?
材料二:所谓的“新”指的是美国抛弃了自 1776年以来的所确定的自由放任,自由竞争 的基本原则,实现国家对经济生活的全面干 预和调节。
要 “企业界和政府合作,共同拟订计划”, 《国家工业复兴法》出炉。接受这项规定的,雇 主将得到一个“蓝鹰”。 这样的场合,这样的语言,人们怎么能不为之感 召呢!
eat Depression
一战后,资本主义国家召开了哪些会议? 有何影响?
巴黎和会 华盛顿会议
暂时缓和了帝国主义国家之间的矛 盾,使世界处于相对稳定时期。资 本主义经济渐渐恢复。
我会三项技能,我会三种语言,我 已经有三年工龄,我有三个孩子, 我已经失业三个月了,现在仅仅需 要一份工作。
1929——1945年美国失 业率
1929-1933年资本主义 世界突然出现一种令人 不可思议的现象:
一方面,成千上万的老 百姓食不果腹,衣不蔽 体,另一方面,资本家 故意大量销毁产品,把 大量的牛奶倒入河中, 任凭成熟的水果烂在枝 头,玉米和小麦被当作 燃料付之一炬。
资本家为什么要销毁商品 而不去救济贫民? 答:减少产品,维持价格,保持利润。
这说明了资本家什么本性? 答:唯利是图。资本主义制度的腐朽和罪恶,资
(2)引起政治危机,资本主义各国社会矛盾 尖锐,政局动荡,造成世界局势紧张.
答:1933 年在资本主义制度内部进行调整,加强了国 家对经济的干预和指导,以消除经济危机。
(3)罗斯福上台后,针对‘‘工业企业尽成枯枝残叶”, 采取了什么措施?
材料二:所谓的“新”指的是美国抛弃了自 1776年以来的所确定的自由放任,自由竞争 的基本原则,实现国家对经济生活的全面干 预和调节。
要 “企业界和政府合作,共同拟订计划”, 《国家工业复兴法》出炉。接受这项规定的,雇 主将得到一个“蓝鹰”。 这样的场合,这样的语言,人们怎么能不为之感 召呢!
2020-2021学年人教版选修3 第三单元第1课 1929~1933年资本主义经济危机 课件
①缺乏民主传统 ②华盛顿体系压制
①经济危机的打击 ②军部法西斯势力的推动 对内独裁,对外侵略扩张, 使亚洲战争策源地得以形成
通过发动政变和军部推动来实现政权的 法西斯化,进而实现国家的法西斯化
异Leabharlann 历史 都是受到本国军 因素 事、封建主义历
国际关系中不利 地位的影响
众运动 法西斯兴风作浪,引发社
向殖民地半殖民地转嫁 危机 引起全球范围的经济战 引起世界格局开始变化 和世界主要矛盾的变化
美国罗斯福新政 日本法西斯专政的建立 德国法西斯专政的建立
1、美国 世界各地所有的人都在认真地思考 并坦率地议论着西方的社会制度也许 会失败和不再起作用的可能性。
历史原因 《凡尔赛和约》对德制裁 激发了德意志民族复仇情绪; 缺乏民主传统
现实原因 经济危机的严重打击 纳粹党的兴风作浪
本质 核心人物
对内独裁,对外侵略扩张, 使欧洲战争策源地得以形成
3、日本 法西斯专政的建立
历史原因 现实原因 本质 核心 夺权方式
1、这个情况大概发生在什么时候? 2、为什么会发生这样的情况?
学习目标: 理解此次经济危机爆发的原因; 掌握大危机激化了资本主义社会的各种矛 盾以及主要资本主义国家应对危机的不同方 式和道路; 评价大危机的影响和法西斯势力掌握政权 造成的后果。
1929——1933年资本主义世界经济危机 1、经济危机的原因
罗斯福 新政
• 黑子三:所有信托投资公司都在进行倒金
字塔式的操作……1928年8月底,美国股票市 场的平均价格相当于5年前的4倍。1929年夏 季的三个月中,通用汽车公司的股票由268上 升到391,美国钢铁公司的股票从165上升到 258
• ______崩股溃市、 ______倒闭银、行______破产、 __________激增、 _____企____业_价格猛跌 失业人口
材料1:从美国爆发的经济危机迅速波及到了所有的资 本主义国家,并影响到所有的经济部门。
影响:加深了各主要资本主义国家的社会危机,示 威游行、罢工抗议活动接连不断。法西斯分子利用 人们对现状的不满,加大了政治影响力。加剧了世 界紧张局势,以美国为首的主要资本主义国家开始 加强对经济的干预,加紧在国际市场上的争夺和对 殖民地半殖民地人民的掠夺,使各国家、各地区之 间矛盾日益尖锐。
B 5、美国胡佛政府采取的反危机政策是
• 1.1929—1933年发生了一场席卷整个资本主义 世界的经济危机。当时人们最有可能的体验 是:
A.“牛奶面包价格都涨到天上去了” B.“找工作比买彩票中奖还要难”
C.“整个西方世界象一潭死水般平静” D.“为共渡难关各国变得亲如兄弟”
• 黑子三:所有信托投资公司都在进行倒金
字塔式的操作……1928年8月底,美国股票市 场的平均价格相当于5年前的4倍。1929年夏 季的三个月中,通用汽车公司的股票由268上 升到391,美国钢铁公司的股票从165上升到 258
• ______崩股溃市、 ______倒闭银、行______破产、 __________激增、 _____企____业_价格猛跌 失业人口
材料1:从美国爆发的经济危机迅速波及到了所有的资 本主义国家,并影响到所有的经济部门。
影响:加深了各主要资本主义国家的社会危机,示 威游行、罢工抗议活动接连不断。法西斯分子利用 人们对现状的不满,加大了政治影响力。加剧了世 界紧张局势,以美国为首的主要资本主义国家开始 加强对经济的干预,加紧在国际市场上的争夺和对 殖民地半殖民地人民的掠夺,使各国家、各地区之 间矛盾日益尖锐。
B 5、美国胡佛政府采取的反危机政策是
• 1.1929—1933年发生了一场席卷整个资本主义 世界的经济危机。当时人们最有可能的体验 是:
A.“牛奶面包价格都涨到天上去了” B.“找工作比买彩票中奖还要难”
C.“整个西方世界象一潭死水般平静” D.“为共渡难关各国变得亲如兄弟”
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The Financial Crisis that also called Financial storm, points that most Financial index of a country or a few regions sharply deteriorate in the short run.
The housing market declined
The housing slump set off a chain reaction in our economy. Individuals and investors could no longer flip their homes for a quick profit, adjustable rates mortgages adjusted skyward and mortgages no longer became affordable for many homeowners, and thousands of mortgages defaulted, leaving investors and financial institutions holding the bag.
• Sharp increase of unemployment rate • Even resulting In Social Unrest
Байду номын сангаас
Because of Subprime mortgage crisis ,in the next two years, developed country will make currency withdrawal for the stability of financial institutions. So there will be a new type of financial crisis. In this time, the biggest victims will be some emerging market countries that will also bring new opportunities and challenges to China's economy.
The credit well dried up
These massive losses caused many banks to tighten their lending requirements, but it was already too late for many of them… the damage had already been done. Several banks and financial institutions merged with other institutions or were simply bought out. Others were lucky enough to receive a government bailout and are still functioning. The worst of the lot or the unlucky ones crashed.
The effects of financial crisis
• 1. Overall decline in economic indicators. In the major developed countries, Leading Economic Indicators, Consumer Confidence index and Entrepreneur Expectation indicaton significantly lowered, meaning the future economy would experience a suffering decline . According to the statistics of the OECD, until October 2008, the LEI of the US, the euro zone and Japan had been lower than the previous for 15, 15 and 6 months, respectively.
This caused massive losses in mortgage backed securities and many banks and investment firms began bleeding money.
This also caused a glut of homes on the market which depressed housing prices and slowed the growth of new home building, putting thousands of home builders and laborers out of business. Depressed housing prices caused further complications as it made many homes worth much less than the mortgage value and some owners chose to simply walk away instead of pay their mortgage.
The causes Market instability The recent market instability was caused by many factors, chief among them a dramatic change in the ability to create new lines of credit, which dried up the flow of money and slowed new economic growth and the buying and selling of assets.
There were other factors as well, including the cheap credit which made it too easy for people to buy houses or make other investments based on pure speculation. Cheap credit created more money in the system and people wanted to spend that money. Unfortunately, people wanted to buy the same thing, which increased demand and caused inflation.
3. Significant downturn in global trade growth. The less demand coupled with the rise of trade protectionism led to the slowdown of the global trade growth. In 2009, the world trade increased by 2.1%. 2.5% less than that of 2008. (Xiang yang Li.2009
monetary crisis debt crisis bank crisis
• Currency devaluation by a wide margin • The greatly decline of total economic output and economic volume • Economic depression with mass enterprise bankruptcy
2.Significant slowdown in economic growth. Based on the data analysis of 2009, the growth rate of world economy was 2.2%, 1.5% less than that of the previous year, among which the developed countries declined by 1.7% and the developing countries declined b y 1.5%.
4. World economy in face of great risks. The shortterm inflation risk decreased, Except for the financial crisis, the world on the contrary, in some major countrie economy confronted many relative unc s, the deflation might appear. The finan ertainties. International capital flows an cial crisis forced the world economy to d the changing direction of exchange ra adjust its unbalanced situation. In those te could not be clearly identified. The sh developed countries, at the stage of re ortage of liquidity is an inevitable result; cession, the increasing of unemployme that is what Keynes called the liquidity nt would definitely promote the protecti trap. The price of oil would come down onism a bit but still remain on a relatively high level.
The housing market declined
The housing slump set off a chain reaction in our economy. Individuals and investors could no longer flip their homes for a quick profit, adjustable rates mortgages adjusted skyward and mortgages no longer became affordable for many homeowners, and thousands of mortgages defaulted, leaving investors and financial institutions holding the bag.
• Sharp increase of unemployment rate • Even resulting In Social Unrest
Байду номын сангаас
Because of Subprime mortgage crisis ,in the next two years, developed country will make currency withdrawal for the stability of financial institutions. So there will be a new type of financial crisis. In this time, the biggest victims will be some emerging market countries that will also bring new opportunities and challenges to China's economy.
The credit well dried up
These massive losses caused many banks to tighten their lending requirements, but it was already too late for many of them… the damage had already been done. Several banks and financial institutions merged with other institutions or were simply bought out. Others were lucky enough to receive a government bailout and are still functioning. The worst of the lot or the unlucky ones crashed.
The effects of financial crisis
• 1. Overall decline in economic indicators. In the major developed countries, Leading Economic Indicators, Consumer Confidence index and Entrepreneur Expectation indicaton significantly lowered, meaning the future economy would experience a suffering decline . According to the statistics of the OECD, until October 2008, the LEI of the US, the euro zone and Japan had been lower than the previous for 15, 15 and 6 months, respectively.
This caused massive losses in mortgage backed securities and many banks and investment firms began bleeding money.
This also caused a glut of homes on the market which depressed housing prices and slowed the growth of new home building, putting thousands of home builders and laborers out of business. Depressed housing prices caused further complications as it made many homes worth much less than the mortgage value and some owners chose to simply walk away instead of pay their mortgage.
The causes Market instability The recent market instability was caused by many factors, chief among them a dramatic change in the ability to create new lines of credit, which dried up the flow of money and slowed new economic growth and the buying and selling of assets.
There were other factors as well, including the cheap credit which made it too easy for people to buy houses or make other investments based on pure speculation. Cheap credit created more money in the system and people wanted to spend that money. Unfortunately, people wanted to buy the same thing, which increased demand and caused inflation.
3. Significant downturn in global trade growth. The less demand coupled with the rise of trade protectionism led to the slowdown of the global trade growth. In 2009, the world trade increased by 2.1%. 2.5% less than that of 2008. (Xiang yang Li.2009
monetary crisis debt crisis bank crisis
• Currency devaluation by a wide margin • The greatly decline of total economic output and economic volume • Economic depression with mass enterprise bankruptcy
2.Significant slowdown in economic growth. Based on the data analysis of 2009, the growth rate of world economy was 2.2%, 1.5% less than that of the previous year, among which the developed countries declined by 1.7% and the developing countries declined b y 1.5%.
4. World economy in face of great risks. The shortterm inflation risk decreased, Except for the financial crisis, the world on the contrary, in some major countrie economy confronted many relative unc s, the deflation might appear. The finan ertainties. International capital flows an cial crisis forced the world economy to d the changing direction of exchange ra adjust its unbalanced situation. In those te could not be clearly identified. The sh developed countries, at the stage of re ortage of liquidity is an inevitable result; cession, the increasing of unemployme that is what Keynes called the liquidity nt would definitely promote the protecti trap. The price of oil would come down onism a bit but still remain on a relatively high level.