方法:以栀子苷含量为考察指标,以H LP C、紫外分光光度法为含量测定方法,对栀子的不同提取工艺进行比较,采用正交设计法优选出栀了苷的最佳提取工艺。
结果:醋酸乙酯提取法对栀子苷的提取量最大,且提取物中栀子黄色素杂质很少,提温度为75℃,料液比为50mL,浸提时间为 3 h,浸提级数为1,栀子苷提取得率为4.12%。
结论:醋酸乙酯提取法为最佳提取方法,浸提温度为75℃,料液比为1:5(g:mL),浸提时间为 3 h,浸提级数为1为栀子苷提取最佳条件。
实验方法1 栀子栀子苷的含量测定方法1.1 对照品溶液的配制精密称取栀子苷对照品1 1.83mg,置25mL量瓶中,加甲醇溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀,精密量取5mL置50mL量瓶中,加甲醇稀释至刻度,分别精密吸取对照品溶液1、2、4、6、8mL,置lOmL~瓶中,加甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,备用。
1.2 样品溶液的配制精密量取定容后的样品溶液lmL,置20mL量瓶中,用甲醇定容至刻度,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液lmL,置50mL量瓶中,加甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,备用。
1.3 检测波长的确定采用紫外分光光度法,以栀子苷对照品溶液和样品溶液,在200~600nm下扫描,在238nm波长处均具有最大吸收,故确定检测波长为238nm。
图1 对照品和样品的UV扫描图2.1.4 标准曲线的绘制取上述配制的系列对照品溶液,在238nm波长处测定吸光度,结果见表1。
表1 线性关系考察结果栀子苷浓度4.732 9.464 18.928 28.392 37.896(ug/ml)吸光度(OD)值0.166 0.255 0.500 0.750 0.998以对照品浓度为横坐标,吸收度为纵坐标,绘制标准曲线,经回归处理,回归方程为:A=0.0254C+0.0283 R=0.9993由此可见,栀子苷的浓度在4.732-37.8561~g/mL的范围内线性关系良好。

引用:宗艳艳,武美蓉,张圆圆,钱雅,魏京璐.中药扼子中栀子苷的精制工艺对比研究[J].中医药导报,2020,26 (11):54-58.(k ^^r- ^2020 年7月第26卷第 11 期July.2020 Vol.26 No. 11中药栀子中振子苷的精制工艺对比研究$宗艳艳,武美蓉,张圆圆,钱雅,魏京璐(扬子江药业集团有限公司,江苏泰州225321)[摘要]目的:探索中药栀子中栀子苷的精制工艺。
方法:以栀子苷为指标,在明确跨膜压力差、PH、温度因 素影响的基础上,采用Box-Behnken中心组合设计建立数学模型,考察膜截留相对分子量、跨膜压力差、p H,优选 栀子提取液的浓缩工艺,并与减压來缩对比分析,探索纳滤-减压浓缩联用的适用性。
结果:优化栀子苷纳滤浓缩工艺为截留相分子量450,跨膜压力差1.20 M P a,p H7.50,栀子苷截留率为(94.07±1.70)%,与理论截留率92.88%相近,高于减压加热浓缩工艺。
结论:选用Box-Behnken 响应面法设计优化的栀子苷精制工艺稳定可行,与减压浓缩联用,具有较好的生产适用性。
[关键词]栀子;栀子苷;纳滤;浓缩;响应面分析法;联用技术[中图分类号]R284.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-951X(2020)ll-0054-04Comparative Study on the Purification Process of Gardenoside in Zhizi(Gardenia Jasminoides)ZONG Yan-yan,WU Mei-rong,ZHANG Yuan-yuan,QIAN Ya,WEI Jing-lu(Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd.,Taizhou Jiangsu 225321, China) [Abstract]Objective: To optimization the concentrate process of gardenoside in Zhizi (Gardenia jasminoides). Methods:On the basis of single factor t e s t results, the rejection of geniposide was selected as index,nanofiltra- tion membrane pore size,transmembrane pressure difference and p H were selected as influencing factors during concentrate process by Box-Behnken central composite experiment design.The concentrate efficiency was compared between nanofiltration technique and decompressing concentration.Meanwhile,the applicability of nanofiltration combined with decompressing concentration was also explored.Results:The optimal nanofiltration concentrate conditions were as follows:nanofiltration membrane interception relative molecular weight of 450, transmem- brane pressure difference of 1.2 M P a and p H of 7.50, the predicted value of rejection of geniposidic acid was 92.88% under the optimum conditions, and the experimental value was (94.07± 1.70)%. The separation efficiency of nanofiltration was significantly better than the decompressing concentration.And the transfer rate of gardenoside was 89.27% by the combined technique.Conclusion: The combination of Box-Behnken design and response surface analysis can well optimize the concentrate process of gardenoside by nanofiltration,and the method i s stable and feasible. The combined technique of nanofiltration and decompressing concentration has better applicab i l i t y for heat-sensitive ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine.[Keywords]Zhizi (Gardenia jasminoides); geniposide; nanofiltration; concentration; response surface analysis; combined technology扼子来源于茜草科植物扼子Ellis 的干燥成熟果实,作为药食两用中药,具有泻火除烦、清热利 胆、凉血解毒的功效〃】,在药品、保健品中应用愈发广泛,如清 开灵注射液、茵梔黄颗粒等^1。

栀子苷的提取工艺流程英文回答:Extraction process of gardenoside:To extract gardenoside, several steps need to be followed. The first step is the collection of the plant material, which in this case would be the flowers of Gardenia jasminoides. These flowers are rich in gardenoside, a natural compound with various medicinal properties.Once the flowers are collected, they need to beproperly dried to remove any moisture content. This can be done by spreading the flowers in a well-ventilated area or using a drying machine. It is important to ensure that the flowers are completely dry before proceeding to the next step.After drying, the flowers are crushed or ground into a fine powder. This increases the surface area of the flowers,allowing for better extraction of gardenoside. The powdered flowers are then subjected to a solvent extraction process.In the solvent extraction process, a suitable solvent, such as ethanol or methanol, is used to extract gardenoside from the powdered flowers. The powdered flowers are mixed with the solvent and allowed to soak for a certain period of time. This allows the gardenoside to dissolve in the solvent.Once the soaking period is complete, the mixture is filtered to separate the liquid extract from the solid residue. The liquid extract contains gardenoside along with other compounds present in the flowers. To isolate gardenoside, further purification steps are carried out.One common purification method is chromatography. In this method, the liquid extract is passed through a column filled with a stationary phase. As the extract passes through the column, different compounds separate based on their affinity towards the stationary phase. This allowsfor the isolation of gardenoside from other compounds.After purification, the gardenoside is obtained in a concentrated form. It can be further processed into various forms, such as powder or liquid, depending on its intended use. The extracted gardenoside can be used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of medicines or in the cosmetic industry for the formulation of skincare products.中文回答:栀子苷的提取工艺流程:要提取栀子苷,需要按照以下几个步骤进行。

栀子 ( adn , 茜 草 科 ( ui ee 植 物 栀子 Gr i 系 e a) R b ca ) a
陶瓷膜 微滤 技术 由于具有 : 去除鞣 质 等果质 , ① 明显 提高溶 液澄 清度 和储 存稳 定性 ; 分 离无 相 变 , ② 利于保 存 浸 提 液 中 的 色 素及 其 它 天 然 药 用 成 分 ; ③ 工艺 流程及 生产 周期短 , 操作 简便 易行 , 占地面 积小 ;
第 01卷第1月 期 227年 1 0
化工8 T 1U
Ch m ia n us H me e c lI d t Ti s
Vo121, . No. 1
J n. 2 07 a 1. 0
陶瓷 膜 微 滤 技 术在 栀 子 浸 提 工 艺 中 的 应 用
相 互 作 用 而 形 成 的大 分子 配 合 物等 杂 质 , 用 陶瓷 膜 微 滤 技 术 对 栀 子 浸 提 液 进 行 澄 清 。 将 栀 子 浸 提 液 微 滤 前 后 进 行 采
对 比分 析 , 果 表 明 , . a膜 的工 作 效 率 高 , 在 滤 液 重 为 原 料 液 重 的 6 % ~ 0 时 , 入 3 %原 料 重 的 纯 水 透 析 结 以02pn 并 0 7% 加 0
*N o i ehC m ay G agi ann ,3 04 n e t a t Bo e o p , u x N n i 53 0 ) n n g
Ab ta t To cai mp r y o h xrcin o ad n a, rmi co— f trme rn r s d. h e te - sr c lr y i u i fte e ta to fg r e i Cea c mir f t i e mb a e wee u e T e b s x l ta to e h oo ywa o fr d b a so o tatn n n lzn e fr r cin tc n lg sc n me y me n fc n rsi ga d a ay ig t o e— a d— atxr ein o ad na. s l n i h n f ta t fg r e i Re ut i - e o s d c td ta eme rn f0. t Wa e b s n rmir — fl ra d p r wae a c u id 3 iae tt m a e o 2 tm s t eto ef c h h b h o o it n u e e trt to c pe 0% o h a s l — h f te r w u o to a d e o fl rfrt i s he efl ae weg to c p e 0% 一 7 in w s a d d t t wo t i e o me w n t t t ih u id 6 h i r c 0% o e rW ou in. ft h a slt o Ke wo d Cea c m co— i trme r n cuny g re i t ee ta t n tc n lg y rs rm i i r -f e m a e l b l a na d h xrci e h oo y o

栀子苷的提取工艺流程英文回答:The extraction process of Gardenoside, also known as geniposide, involves several steps. First, the plant material containing Gardenoside is collected and dried. This can be done by harvesting the plant and allowing it to air dry or by using specialized drying techniques such as freeze-drying. Once the plant material is dried, it is ground into a fine powder.Next, the powdered plant material is subjected to a process called maceration. In this step, the powder is mixed with a suitable solvent, such as ethanol or water, and allowed to soak for a certain period of time. This allows the solvent to extract the Gardenoside from the plant material. The maceration process can be carried out at room temperature or at an elevated temperature, depending on the solubility of Gardenoside in the chosen solvent.After the maceration process, the mixture is filtered to remove any solid particles or impurities. The filtrate, which contains the extracted Gardenoside, is then concentrated to remove the solvent. This can be done by evaporation under reduced pressure or by using techniques such as rotary evaporation or freeze-drying.Once the solvent is removed, the concentrated extract is further purified. This can be achieved through various techniques such as chromatography or crystallization. For example, column chromatography can be used to separate Gardenoside from other compounds present in the extract based on their different affinities for the stationary phase. Crystallization involves cooling the concentrated extract to promote the formation of pure Gardenoside crystals, which can then be separated from the mother liquor.Finally, the purified Gardenoside is dried and packaged for storage or further use. The drying process can be carried out using methods such as air drying or vacuumdrying.中文回答:栀子苷的提取工艺流程涉及几个步骤。
栀子中栀子苷的提取 论文 综述

栀子(Fructus gardeniae)是茜草科植物栀子(C.arde—nia jasminoides Ellis)的干燥成熟果实,它的形状呈尖长椭圆形,外表皮有五棱、七棱、九棱等。


验结果表明 :通过对水提取法 、乙醇回流法的比较 ,发
现用 70 %乙醇提取法栀子苷的相对含量最大 ,且提取
物中栀子黄色素杂质很少 ,有利于栀子苷的纯化与精
制 。同时通过正交试验确定了栀子苷的最佳提取工
艺 ,并通过中性氧化铝柱进一步纯化栀子苷 ,使其相对
含量达到 18 %以上 ,为工业化生产提供依据 。
栀子为茜草科植物栀子 Gardenia jasminoides E1lis. 的干燥成熟果实 。《中国药典) 2005 年版一部记载 ,具 有泻火除烦 、清热利尿 、凉血解毒的功效 。栀子苷为栀 子的主要活性成分之一 ,本文在综合文献资料[1 ,2] 的 基础上 ,考察了药材提取溶剂 、提取方法对栀子提取物 中栀子苷含量的影响 ,并在此基础上采用中性氧化铝 对栀子苷进行纯化 ,提高了提取物中栀子苷的含量 。 1 仪器与试药
表 2 栀子提取因素水平表
A 醇浓度 ( %)
因 素
B 加醇量 (倍)
C 提取次数 (次)
D 提取时间 (小时)
1. 5
2. 3. 2 试验方法及数据处理 称取栀子药材粗粉末 50g ,分别根据表 2 的试验条件进行试验 ,制备栀子提 取液 , 回 收 乙 醇 并 浓 缩 至 50mL 。精 密 取 015mL 至 100mL 量瓶中 ,混匀 ,按 2. 2 项下条件测定栀子苷的含 量 ,有关试验数据及其计算分析结果见表 3 、表 4 。
有显 著 性 影 响 ( P > 0105) , 因 此 推 出 最 佳 工 艺 为
A2B3 C3D3 ,因素 B 、D 不显著因素 ,考虑到实际生产成

璧 譬 O : S i i . g e n i p i n - 1 - :  ̄ - 、 g 竺 e n [ 3 t . i o ] b i 譬 i ( s h i z h 苦 , 具 泻 火 除 烦 , 清 热 利 湿 , 凉 血 散 癖 i s i 之 d e 功 效 , ’ 临 床 用 篁 于 热 病
“ 表 2栀 子 苷 正 交 实 验 结 果 — — — — — _ U — — — — — — 里 丽丽
: : :
6 7 8 9
心烦 , 急性黄疽型肝炎, 膀胱炎, 目赤肿痛, 上消化道出血及 局部出血等; 外治扭挫伤疼[ 5 ] 。 本课题对桅子苷的提取工艺 以 及含量测定进行研究, 为栀子的开发利用提供了 一定的 科
6 . 6 0 8 3 6 . 5 2 6 2 7 . 0 0 0 6 6 . 2 0 5 7
: : ; ;
L C一 1 0 AT v p岛津 高 效 液 相 色 谱 仪 ( 岛津 公司 ) ; RE一 5 2 A 型旋转蒸发 器( 上 海亚荣生化 仪器厂 ) ; D R T— S X 型 数 显恒 温加热套 ( 郑 州 长 城 科 工 贸 有 限公 司 ) : S HB 一 Ⅲ型 循 环 水式多用真空泵 ( 郑州 长城 科 工 贸 有 限公 司 ) 。
学 依 据 。
1 实 验 材 料 1 . 1 仪 器
: : ;
2 3 3 3
: :
3 l 2 3
: : :
1 3 1 2
: : :
2 2 3 1
: ‘ : : : : : . v : : : : : : :

栀子苷的提取工艺流程英文回答:Zeaxanthin is a natural compound found in plants, particularly in flowers and fruits. It belongs to the class of carotenoids, which are pigments responsible for the vibrant colors in plants. Zeaxanthin has been found to have various health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.The extraction process of zeaxanthin from plants can be quite complex, but I will explain it in a simplified manner. One common method is the solvent extraction technique,which involves the following steps:1. Plant material preparation: The plant material, such as marigold flowers or paprika fruits, is collected and dried. It is important to ensure that the plant material is free from contaminants and properly stored.2. Grinding and sieving: The dried plant material is ground into a fine powder using a grinder. The powder is then sieved to obtain a uniform particle size.3. Solvent selection: A suitable solvent is chosen based on its solubility properties and safety considerations. Common solvents used for zeaxanthin extraction include ethanol, hexane, and acetone.4. Extraction: The powdered plant material is mixed with the chosen solvent in a ratio that allows efficient extraction of zeaxanthin. The mixture is then subjected to mechanical agitation or sonication to enhance theextraction process.5. Filtration: After extraction, the mixture isfiltered to separate the solid plant material from the solvent extract. This can be done using various filtration methods, such as vacuum filtration or centrifugation.6. Concentration: The solvent extract containing zeaxanthin is concentrated to remove the solvent and obtaina higher concentration of the compound. This can be achieved through techniques like rotary evaporation or freeze-drying.7. Purification: The concentrated extract may undergo further purification steps to remove any impurities or unwanted compounds. This can be done using chromatographic techniques, such as column chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).8. Drying and packaging: The purified zeaxanthin is dried to remove any remaining moisture and then packaged in suitable containers for storage or further use.中文回答:栀子苷是一种天然化合物,主要存在于植物中,特别是花朵和水果中。


该类化合物存在多样性,Chen 等[3] 从栀子干燥果实的乙醇提取物中分离并鉴定出8 种环烯醚萜类化合物,研究发现是由其基础骨架经羟基化、环氧化及由莽草酸途径得到的芳香酸酯化造成的。
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