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Module 4 Unit 1 Things we do


【话题】Period 1: Things they can do

Period 2: Tommy is super


经过前三个Module的学习,学生已经学习了感官、食物、玩具、气候、四季、衣物等类别词汇,有了一定的词汇积累。在第四个模块中,我们将继续学习一些常用的行为动词及动词短语。本课新授的是牛津英语1B M4U1 Things we do 的第一单元,主要学习的是四个动词ride, skip, play, fly和与这四个动词有关的动词词组ride a bicycle, skip a rope, play football, fly a kite,并学会用can句型表达能力。在上个学期已经学习了一些动词,并且也已经接触到了can句型。基于低年级孩子心理年龄特点以及本课内容,在主题Activities 下我设计了两个话题:1.Things they can do. 2. Tommy is super. 第一课时围绕教材中的4个人物,理解、交流他们会做的事情;第二课时,整合前面学习过的季节,围绕Tommy 在不同季节能做的事情。突出他的super.值得注意的是ride 和read是学生容易在形和音上混淆的单词,


(1)能听懂、会说、会准确认读四个动词ride, skip, play, fly和四个动词词组ride a bicycle, skip a rope, play football, fly a kite

(2)能运用简单的句型What can you/she/he do?来询问他人会做的事. (3)能运用句型I can …来表达自己的能力,学会使用句型She can …来描绘介绍别人。

(4) 通过动作的教学,培养学生充满自信地向他人展示自己的能力。

Period 1 Things they can do 【教学过程】

Period 2 Tommy is super.

Tommy is super.

This is my friend. He is Tommy. He loves sports. What can he do in spring?

He can ride a bicycle. He can ride a horse. How cool!

What can he do in summer?

He can go to the beach. He can swim like a fish. How happy!

What can he do in autumn?

He can play football, skip a rope and fly a kite. How super!

What can he do in winter?

He can make a snowman.

How nice!


My Friend

This is my friend. He/She is ...

He/She loves sports.

What can he/she do in _______? (spring/…) He/She can _________________.

He/She can _________________.

How______! (nice/super/cool/…)
