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Manager抯 use information to enable them to reallocate resources to achieve objectives. 管理者使用信息能够使他们重新分配资源完成目标 This chapter focuses on the use of information systems at three levels: operational, tactical, and strategic. 本章节着重介绍在三个层次使用信息系统:操作,战 术,和策略 IS development is evolutionary and relies on managerial planning. 信息系统的发展是个演化过程并依赖于管理规划
Tactical Systems - Characteristics (continued) 战术系统 - 特征(续)

Reports can be used to compare one period to another period. 报告可用于比较一个阶段与另一个阶段的情况 Information is not detailed, but is summarized. 信息不具体,但概括 Information comes from both internal and external sources. 信息来自内部与外部资源 Supports ad hoc reporting. 支持特定报告
Operational Systems 操作系统

Collect, validate, and record data about business transactions that affect corporate resources. 收集,确认并记录影响公司资源的交易数据 Repetitive types of transactions. 交易的重复类型 Systems produce periodic reports: daily, weekly, monthly. 系统生产阶段性报告:日报,周报,月报 Information in the reports is fairly predictable. 报告中的信息具有相当的预见性
Managerial Roles of Mintzberg (1975) 明茨伯格关于管理的角色 (1975)

Mintzberg (1975) studied three roles. 明茨伯格研究的三个角色 Interpersonal - figurehead and leader. 人际关系方面 - 首脑领袖和领导 Informational - formal access to information from internal and external sources - communicating, monitoring, and scanning the environment. 信息 方面 - 内外资源信息的正式联系 - 通讯,监督与扫描 环境 Decisional - entrepreneurial manager; handler of problems; resource allocator, and negotiator. 决策方面 - 企业家, 问题处理者,资源分配者,及谈判者
Strategic Planning Systems 策略计划系统

Information is used to try to predict the future to guide planning. 信息是用于预测未来指导规划 Reports are typically very summarized. 报告非常概括 Much of the data provided comes from external sources. 大多数的数据来自于外部资源 Unstructured format to reports. 非格式化报告 Report data may be subjective 报告的数据可能是主观的
Operational Systems 操作系统

Systems that displays information about past activities of the firm. 系统显示企业过去活动的信息 Very detailed reports. 非常具体的报告
Data in the system is internally generated. 系统内的数据内部生成 The form of the data used as input is usually very structured. 用于输入数据表格非常结构化 Data are very accurate. 数据非常精确
Sequence of Development of Management Information Systems管理信息系统发展的顺序
systems must be in place before tactical information systems can be built. 操作系统必须在战术信息系统建立之前就存在
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The Functions of Management 管理职能

Planning - deciding what to do - evaluate use of resources - set organizational goals - determine tactical direction. 计划 - 决定做什么 - 评估资源的使用 - 设立组织目标 确立战术方向 Organizing - structuring the firm, establishing communications networks, etc.. 组织 - 企业结构,建立通讯网络,等 Leading - directing and motivating people. 领导 - 指导和激励员工 Controlling - determine is the firm抯 performance is on target. 控制 - 确定企业的绩效是否达到目标
Levels of Management 管理层次

Strategic - top level. Establish organizational goals and work with the internal environment. 策略 - 顶层。建立组织目标并与内部环境运作 Tactical - middle level. Allocate resources to meet objectives of top management. 战术 - 中层。分配资源以满足高层管理的目标 Operational - first level. Supervise day-to-day operations like order entry, credit checking, and inventory control. 操作 - 基层。监督日常运作,如订但录入,资信核查 及库存控制
Strategic Planning Systems 策略计划系统

Support long range planning. 支持长期规划 Sometimes there is not a clear delineation between Tactical and Strategic systems. 有时战略和战术系统没有明确的轮廓 Information may be produced ad hoc or on a periodic basis (e.g.. income statement). 信息可按特定情况或按周期基础产生(如:收入报表) Information provided may give unexpected results. 提供的信息可能是未预料的结果
of the information for tactical systems are produced by operational systems. 大多数战术信息系统的信息来自于操作系统
Cases in Information Systems 信息系统案例

General Life Insurance Company - General人寿保险公司
– On-line systems to update/access policies. 在线系统更新/连接政策 – Product analysis by sales agents 由销售代理分析产品

Dellco Foods, Inc. - Dellco食品公司
– Enables managing physical distribution of goods, invoices, and cash flow. 能够管理食品,发票和现金流的物理分配 – Support tactical analysis of sales by product and by territory. 按产品或地区支持销售的战术分析
Chapter 1 第1章 A Manager抯 View of Information Systems 信息系统的管理者观点
Manager抯 View 管理者的观点

Tactical Systems - Characteristics 战术系统 - 特征

Provide information for monitoring and controlling operations/resource allocations. 为监督控制操作系统/分配资源提供信息 Data are summarized: summary reports, exception reports, ad hoc reports. 概括数据:综合报告,例外报告,特定报告 Periodic reports, e.g.. dollar amounts over due by 30-, 60, and 90-days. 周期性报告,如: 30-, 60-, 和90- 天欠款金额 Unexpected findings may be provided by these systems. 未预期的发现可由这些系统提供
Cases in Information Systems 信息系统案例

Sea Lake County Welfare Department 海湖城福利局
– Provides financial assistance to residents in the form of medical assistance, food stamp program, social services, and special services. 以医疗支持,食物种类计划,社会服务和特殊服务的方式提 供财务援助 – On-line records to access client records. 在线记录与客户记录连接 – Supports analysis of long-term trends in client needs and to predict service needs. 支持客户长期需求的分析并预测服务需求
Keys to Managerial Effectiveness 管理有效性的关键
- doing the right things. 效率 - 做正确的事 Effectiveness - doing the right things right. 效果 - 将正确的事做正确 Transformation 转换