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①Although they are twins,they have nothing in common.
• ②We found that we had a lot in common and got on well.

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自我探究 compare sth. with sth. 把……和……比较;比起来 compare sth.to sth. 把……比拟为……;喻为…… compared to 常用作状语, 表示“和……相比”的意思。
完成句子 (1)比较一下我和他的作文,你会发现他的比较好 。 Compare ________ my composition with his,and you will find his is better. (2)和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努力学习英语。 Compared ________ with your brother,you should make greater efforts to study English. (3)当比较不同的文化的时候,我们经常只注意不 同点,而不注意它们的相同点。 Comparing ________ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
confuse (1) confuse
vt.使困惑;使难于理解 把A和B混淆 A with/and B______________
confusion n.困惑,混乱,混淆 (2) in confusion ______________困惑地;困窘地 confused adj.感到困惑的,感到难懂的 (3) be/get/become confused困惑,不知所措
牛刀小试 单项填空 (1)There’s no way of getting ________it-you’re going to have to tell the truth. A.around B.away C.down D.off 解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。由后半句 “you’re going to have to tell the truth”可知, 不讲实话是不行的,所以要用get around回避, 逃避。句意:逃避是不可能的,你必须说实话 。B项有一定的干扰性,但get away意思是“逃 脱”,不符合语境。
In common with • ________________a lot of other countries,we're facing a lot of economic challenges. • 同许多别的国家一样,我国也面临着经济 挑战。
• ①Your support will certainly make a difference in our class. • 你的支持当然将会在我们班上产生影响。 • ②I don’t think what he said will make any difference. • 我认为他说的话不会起什么作用。 • ③It makes no difference whether you will come or not. • 你来不来没什么区别。 • ④English is of great difference to our studies. • 英语对我们的学习来说作用巨大。
variety n.意为 “变化;品种,变种;多种多样”; a variety of 意为 “多种多样的”,相当于 varieties_of。 variety 的前面可以有great,large,wide 等词修 饰。
His opinion differs entirely from mine.
①It is difficult for him to get around without a stick. 他没有手杖四处活动很困难。 ②It quickly got around that Joshua was back in town. 乔舒亚已经回城的消息很快就传开了。(朗文 P813) ③I think we should be able to get around most of these problems. 我认为我们应该能避开这些问题的大部分的。
对我来说老师是讲美国英语还是英国英语都 没有关系。 makes no difference It __________________ to me whether a teacher speaks British or American English.
①It is quite obvious that he didn’t do it himself. 显然他没有亲自去做。 ②It was obvious that she felt upset. 显然她感到不安。 ③Her disappointment was obvious to everyone. 大家都看得出来她显然很失望。 ④Obviously he can’t tell the difference between them. 显然他无法区别二者的不同。
牛刀小试 单项填空 (1)Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly ________ size and shape. A.on B.from C.by D.in 解析:选D。表示“在……方面”用介词in。句 意为:各种各样的树上都长着叶子,但它们在 形状和大小上是大不一样的。
have...in common在„„方面有相同之处 have a lot/much/a great deal in common with... 与„„有很多共同之处 have nothing/little in common with... 与„„没有/很少有共同之处 in common with和„„一样 common people平民百姓 common sense常识 common knowledge人所共知的事

The twins are so alike that it’s difficult to tell the difference.
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differ vi.不同,相异 (1)differ from= be different from与„„不同 differ in在„„方面不同 differ with/from sb.about/on/over sth. 关于某事与某人意见不同 tell the difference分辨;区分 make a difference有影响
(2) We had to use public transport to
答案:get around
confusing that I often get His abstract theory is so __________
_________ confused at his words.他抽象的理论令人如此困惑以至 于我经常搞不明白他在说什么。
The two girls are similar in appearance,but they differ in voice. wk.baidu.com两个女孩在外表上相似,但声音却不同。 We differ with each other about this matter. 关于这件事,我们意见不同。 Our two sons are very different from each other. 我们的两个儿子一点也不像。
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make a difference有影响;起重要作用 (1)make no/little difference to 对„„没有/几乎没有影响 make much difference to 对„„有很大影响(作用) (2)be of little/no/much difference (某物)几乎没/没有/有很大作用 (3)tell the difference between...and... 区分„„,区别„
• ①Don’t confuse him with his brother. They are much alike. • • 别把他与他的弟弟混淆了,他们非常相像。 ②I was confused at his confusing words.
• 我对他说的令人难懂的话感到迷惑不解。 • ③From his confused expression,I can see this confusing problem puzzled him. • 从他困惑的表情可以看出,这个令人困惑的问题 把他难倒了。 • ④He stood there in confusion.他困窘地站在那里。 • 当修饰一个人的表情(look,expression)及 声音(voice)时应该用confused。
①There’s a large variety of dishes on the menu. 菜单上有许多种菜。 ②A variety of apples are sold in this supermarket. 这家超市卖各种各样的苹果。 ③There are new varieties of wheat. 麦子有许多新品种。 ④Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school. 各个学校的教学方法大不相同。(朗文P2206)
③Though born in different countries,we have much in 虽然生活在不同的国度里,我们仍有很多共同之处。 ④In common with most young people he enjoys computer 和大多数年轻人一样,他喜爱电脑游戏。
common with each other.
confuse with ①I always_______you _____your brother.You are so much alike.
in confusion . ②He stood there _____________
①Living in a town can’t compare with living in the country in many respects. 在许多方面城市生活比不上乡下生活。 ②These women nurses can be compared to angels in white. 这些女护士可以被比作白衣天使。 ③A beginner’s painting can’t be compared to that of an expert. 初学者的画不能与专家的相比。 ④Compared to/with developed countries,we still have a long way to go. 与发达国家相比,我们还有很长的路要走。
get around 意为“四处走动;传播;流传”, 相当于 get about,后接“人”作宾语时,表示 “劝服(某人)”。
归纳拓展 get across 使了解;使变得清楚或令人置信 get along 相处融洽;进展 get away 脱身;离开,走开 get down to sth./doing sth.开始做某事