【解析】句意为:姓李的病人被禁止从床上起来。表示禁止做某事,强 调动作,用未完成体。
5.Я четверокурсник, уже три с лишним года (учился, учусь) в университете.
【解析】句意为:我是四年级的学生,已经在学校里学习三年多了。现 在动作依然在继续,用现在时。
【答案】помогать родителям делать домашнее хозяйство 10.在电话中交谈 【答案】разговаривать по телефону III. Поставьте слова в скобках в нужной форме.(10%) 1.(Я) зовут Мария Ивановна. 【答案】Меня 【解析】固定搭配:Кого зовут...表示某人叫什么名字。 2.Она работает (учительница) в школе. 【答案】учительницей 【解析】固定搭配:работать кем-чем担任某种工作或职业。 3.В (эта неделя) Валентина Телешкова очень занята. 【答案】этой неделе 【解析】表示在具体的一周,用六格。 4.У учительницы мало (свободное время). 【答案】свободного времени 【解析】句意为:老师的时间很少。мало后面加复数二格。 5.В комнате (никто) нет. 【答案】никого 【解析】句意为:房间里没人。被否定的名词用二格。 6.Родители очень рады (успехи своего сына) в учебе.
二、英语翻译基础(357)1.英译汉(75分)该部分选取的是卢梭的《爱弥儿》(Emile, or On Education)部分文章,主要选自《爱弥儿》第三卷第一节。
完整原文如下:The whole course of man's life up to adolescence is a period of weakness; yet there comes a time during these early years when the child's strength overtakes the demands upon it, when the growing creature, though absolutely weak, is relatively strong. His needs are not fully developed and his present strength is more than enough for them. He would be a very feeble man, but he is a strong child.What is the cause of man's weakness? It is to be found in the disproportion between his strength and his desires. It is our passions that make us weak, for our natural strength is not enough for their satisfaction. To limit our desires comes to the same thing, therefore, as to increase our strength. When we can do more than we want, we have strength enough and to spare, we are really strong. This is the third stage of childhood, the stage with which I am about to deal. I still speak of childhood for want of a better word; for our scholar is approaching adolescence, though he has not yet reached the age of puberty.About twelve or thirteen the child's strength increases far more rapidly than his needs. The strongest and fiercest of the passions is still unknown, his physical development is still imperfect and seems to await the call of the will. He is scarcely aware of extremes of heat and cold and braves them with impunity. He needs no coat, his blood is warm; no spices, hunger is his sauce, no food comes amiss at this age; if he is sleepy he stretches himself on the ground and goes to sleep; he finds all he needs within his reach; he is not tormented by any imaginary wants; he cares nothing what others think; his desires are not beyond his grasp; not only is he self-sufficing, but for the first and last time in his life he has more strength than he needs.I know beforehand what you will say. You will not assert that the child has more needs than I attribute to him, but you will deny his strength. You forget that I am speaking of my own pupil, not of those puppets who walk with difficulty from one room to another, who toil indoors and carry bundles of paper. Manly strength, you say, appears only with manhood; the vital spirits, distilled in their proper vessels and spreading through the whole body, can alone make the muscles firm, sensitive, tense, and springy, can alone cause real strength. This is the philosophy of the study;I appeal to that of experience. In the country districts, I see big lads hoeing, digging, guiding the plough, filling the wine-cask, driving the cart, like their fathers; you would take them for grown men if their voices did not betray them. Even in our towns, iron-workers', tool makers', and blacksmiths' lads are almost as strong as their masters and would be scarcely less skilful had their training begun earlier. If there is a difference, and I do not deny that there is, it is, I repeat, much less than the difference between the stormy passions of the man and the few wants of the child. Moreover, it is not merely a question of bodily strength, but more especially of strength of mind, which reinforces and directs the bodily strength.This interval in which the strength of the individual is in excess of his wants is, as I have said, relatively though not absolutely the time of greatest strength. It is the most precious time in his life; it comes but once; it is very short, all too short, as you will see when you consider the importance of using it aright.He has, therefore, a surplus of strength and capacity which he will never have again. What use shall he make of it? He will strive to use it in tasks which will help at need. He will, so to speak, cast his present surplus into the storehouse of the future; the vigorous child will make provision for the feeble man; but he will not store his goods where thieves may break in, nor in barns which are not his own. To store them aright, they must be in the hands and the head, they must be stored within himself. This is the time for work, instruction, and inquiry. And note that this is no arbitrary choice of mine, it is the way of nature herself.Human intelligence is finite, and not only can no man know everything, he cannot even acquire all the scanty knowledge of others. Since the contrary of every false proposition is a truth, there are as many truths as falsehoods. We must, therefore, choose what to teach as well as when to teach it. Some of the information within our reach is false, some is useless, some merely serves to puff up its possessor. The small store which really contributes to our welfare alone deserves the study of a wise man, and therefore of a child whom one would have wise. He must know not merely what is, but what is useful.From this small stock we must also deduct those truths which require a full grown mind for their understanding, those which suppose a knowledge of man's relations to his fellow-men--a knowledge which no child can acquire; these things, although in themselves true, lead an inexperienced mind into mistakes with regard to other matters.We are now confined to a circle, small indeed compared with the whole of human thought, but this circle is still a vast sphere when measured by the child's mind. Dark places of the human understanding, what rash hand shall dare to raise your veil? What pitfalls does our so-called science prepare for the miserable child. Would you guide him along this dangerous path and draw the veil from the face of nature? Stay your hand. First make sure that neither he nor you will become dizzy. Beware of the specious charms of error and the intoxicating fumes of pride. Keep this truth ever before you--Ignorance never did any one any harm, error alone is fatal, and we do not lose our way through ignorance but through self-confidence.His progress in geometry may serve as a test and a true measure of the growth of his intelligence, but as soon as he can distinguish between what is useful and what is useless, much skill and discretion are required to lead him towards theoretical studies. For example, would you have him find a mean proportional between two lines, contrive that he should require to find a square equal to a given rectangle; if two mean proportionals are required, you must first contrive to interest him in the doubling of the cube. See how we are gradually approaching the moral ideas which distinguish between good and evil. Hitherto we have known no law but necessity, now we are considering what is useful; we shall soon come to what is fitting and right.Man's diverse powers are stirred by the same instinct. The bodily activity, which seeks an outlet for its energies, is succeeded by the mental activity which seeks for knowledge. Children are first restless, then curious; and this curiosity, rightly directed, is the means of development for the age with which we are dealing. Always distinguish between natural and acquired tendencies. There is a zeal for learning which has no other foundation than a wish to appear learned, and there is another which springs from man's natural curiosity about all things far or near which may affect himself. The innate desire for comfort and the impossibility of its complete satisfaction impel him to the endless search for fresh means of contributing to its satisfaction. This is the first principle of curiosity;a principle natural to the human heart, though its growth is proportional to the development of our feeling and knowledge. If a man of science were left on a desert island with his books and instruments and knowing that he must spend the rest of his life there, he would scarcely trouble himself about the solar system, the laws of attraction, or the differential calculus. He might never even open a book again; but he would never rest till he had explored the furthest corner of his island, however large it might be. Let us therefore omit from our early studies such knowledge as has no natural attraction for us, and confine ourselves to such things as instinct impels us to study.2.汉译英(75分)2016年11月5日,上海外国语大学首届“中国学的国际对话:方法与体系”国际研讨会在虹口校区高翻学院同传室拉开帷幕,本次学术研讨会由上外主办,中国学研究所协同国际关系与公共事务学院、高级翻译学院联合承办,欧盟研究中心、俄罗斯研究中心、英国研究中心、中日韩合作研究中心以及马克思主义学院共同参与。
上海外国语大学08年研究生统考法语(自命题)试题(考试时间180分钟,)Partie I – GrammaireI. Complétez les phrases par la préposition qui convient : 10%1. Ils se sont promenés ____________ toute la ville.2. Vous devez régler votre inscription __________ euros, __________ chèque ou____________ espèces.3. Le train est arrivé ___________ deux heures de retard.4. J’ai rencontré Mathieu ___________ hasard, rue de Rivoli.5. J’ai trouvé 10 euros__________ terre.6. La classe mesure 5 mètres de long __________ 4 Mètres de large.7. En ce moment, ce magasin de sport fait 10 __________ 100 de réduction sur lematériel de camping.8. _________________ mon avis, tu ferais mieux de renoncer à cette idée.II. Complétez les phrases par le pronom qui convient précédé d’une préposi tion, si cela est nécessaire : 10%A. L’île Saint-Louis est resté, en plein coeur de Paris, un endroit tranquille ________j’aime me promener. Elle se trouve à côtéde l’île de la Cité __________ elle est reliée par un pont. La rue Saint-Louis-en l'île, ___________ la traverse de part en part, est bordée de nombreux hôtels du 17e siècle, __________ les façades ont étérécemment restaurées.B. Le village __________ habitent nos amis se trouve près de Deauville. Ils m’ontindiqué sur la carte la route __________ il faut passer pour y aller. J’y resterai le temps __________ il faudra pour me reposer. Leur maison, __________ tu as vu des photos, est une ancienne ferme. Les gens __________ la leur ont vendue demeurent maintenant à Brest, ville __________ tu connais bien.III. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au mode et au temps qui convient : 15%1. Quand Pierre est arrivé à la gare, le train (partir déjà)__________________.2. Ma soeur m’a dit au téléphone qu’elle (venir d’acheter0 ________________ un enouvelle voiture.3. Croyez-vous que les hommes (aller vivre) ___________sur la Lune ?4. Ã peine le téléphone eut-il sonné qu’il (courir) __________________ pour lerépondre.5. Chaque fois qu’il (faire) _________________beau, nous (descendre)________________________ nous promener dans la vallée.6. Fanny a quitté la salle sans qu’on l/(apercevoir) __________________.7. Il me semble qu’il (aller pleuvoir) _________________.8. Les enfants pourront sortir quand ils (terminer) _______________________ leursdevoirs.9. Hier quand Luc est venu chez moi, nous (regarder) _________________ un dessinanimé à la télé.10. Si tu m’avais écouté, tu (réussir) ______________.11. Au cas où la voiture (tomber) _____________________ en panne, appelez noiregaragiste sans hésitation.12. le conférencier pariait si fort que même les étudiants de la salle d’à côté l’(entendre)________________.13. En sortant de l’école, sa copine lui proposait : 《Si on (aller) _______________ aucinéma ce soir ?》14. Près du carrefour, une dame (s’approcher) ___________________ d’elle et lui ademandé :《Vous êtes Chinoise, mademoiselle ?》15. Mon cousin m’a dit qu’il (venir) _____________________- dans une semaine.IV. Structure grammaticale et vocabulaire : 15%1. Il est au chômage depuis six mois, pour retrouver du travail, il lit _________.a. les magasinesb. la noticec. les annoncesd. la publicité2. Pierre s’est cassé la jambe et nous avons été obligés ________ nos vacances.a. d’écourterb. de limiterc. de pro longerd. de rentrer3. Cherchons un coin ______ pour déjeuner.a. sombreb. à l’ombrec. claied. bruyant4. Oh ! excusez-moi, monsieur, je vous ai _____ avec quelqu’un d’autre.a. confondub. prisc. trompéd. mis5. Tiens ! j’ai reçu une carte de Pierre, il nous envoie_____ pour la nouvelle année.a. ses félicitationsb. ses meilleurs voeuxc. ses complimentsd. son désir6. Au ____, nous avons vu des clowns et des acrobates.1a. cirqueb. concertc. théâtred. zoo7. Le client ne savait pas très bien ce qu’il cherchait, mais le vendeur était très ____.a. compréhensifb. sérieuxc. sévèred. compréhensible8. Vous avez ____ quarante de cette revue ? J’aimerais bien la lire.a. le numérob. la pagec. le nombred. la feuille9. Elle a déjà 50 ans, mais elle ____ plus jeune que son âge.a. ressembleb. estc. faitd. porte10. Avec ses fleurs devant la fenêtre, on _____ à la campagne.a. se croiraitb. se croyaitc. pensed. aimerait11. Depuis cette cure, il n’avait _______ mal au foie.a. jamaisb. pasc. riend. plus jamais12. ____ le voir, on se rend compte qu’il est malade.a. Pourb. Sansc. Au lieu ded. Rien qu’à13. Marie ne sait pas garder un secret, ne lui dites ____.a. jamaisb. rien jamaisc. plusd. jamais plus14. Voilà tout ce que m’a raconté Pierre. Je n’en sais pas ____.a. bienb. davantagec. peud. mieux15. Je m’étais perdu, mais ____ un agent, j’ai retrouvé mon chemin.a. à la demande d’b. à l’aide d’c. à cause d’d. avec l’aide d’Partie II – CompréhensionI. Compréhension ‘’pour ou contre?’’ 10%Plusieurs pays parlent le français et ceux qui apprennent le français, langue étrangère, sont de plus en plus nombreux. Pourtant, le français recule devant l’anglais. Pourquoi ? Nous avons demandé leur avis à des Français, à des francophones et à des étrangers qui ne parlent pas cette langue. Voici leurs réponses. Pourriez-vous dire qui est pour (P), qui est contre (C) ?1. C’est la plus belle langue du monde. J’aime réciter des poèmes de Victor Hugo. Ça chante comme de la musique.2. On dit que les Français sont logiques. On ne le dirait pas. Leur grammaire est compliquée, l’orthographe impossible, et chaque règle a au moins dix exceptions. je ne parle pas des verbes irréguliers qui sont plus nombreux que les verbes réguliers !3. C’est une langue précise, exacte, juste comme une science. Ceux qui aiment la véritéaiment le français.4. Pourquoi apprendre le français puisque tout le monde apprend l’anglais ? Onn’apprend pas une langue pour le plaisir mais pour voyager, rencontrer des gens, échanger.5. La langue de Molière et de Rousseau est la langue de la pensée, de la liberté.6. C’est ma langue alors je ne peux rien vous dire.7. J’ai appris le français, mais mon fils apprend l’anglais, et mon petit fils apprendrapeut-être le japonais ou le chinoi s. C’est une question de force.8.C’est la langue de la diplomatie, mais pas celle du commerce. C’est la langue de lalittérature, mais pas celle de la technique. Nous vivons dans un monde où l’argent et l’efficacité sont les maîtres. La culture, la politesse, la beauté, personne ne s’y intéresse.9. Je le parle mal mais j’aime le lire. Chaque phrase est comme un paysage : chaquesubjonctif chaque temps du passé est un mystère qu’il faut regarder longtemps avant de la comprendre ou de l’admirer.10. Toutes les langages sont pareilles. Si je dis《Zut》en anglais, en chinois ou enallemand, ce sera toujours 《zut》. mais le Français est chauvin et croit que sa langue, sa femme, sa ville est la plus belle du monde. Gros naïf ! Mais s’il a le malheur d’aller à l’étranger, il découvre la vérité.II. Lisez attentivement le document suivant. 7%PARTEZ POUR LONDRES,ET DÈCOUVREZUNE GRANDE VILLE DE LA MODE, DE LA MUSIQUE ET DESARTS !VEVEZ RAIRE LA FÊTE CAR C’EST TOUTE L’ANNÉELA FÊTE À LONDRES.WEEK-END À LONDRESPour 49 €LE FORFAIT COMPREND:Le transport Paris/Londres aller-retour en train ;Une nuit d’hôtel dans le centre ville ;Le petit déjeuner.Possibilité de faire un séjour plus long2(à partir de 18€par nuit supplémentaire).Pour les groupes de plus de 10 personnes,Réduction de 10% sur les tarifs.Pour un voyage en avion, le week-end fait 89€Au départ de l’aéroport de Paris.Renseignements et réservationsEuro voyages 01 44 82 84 76Mettez une crois devant la bonne réponse (parfois plusieurs réponses sont possibles)a) Ce document est une publicité :1. ( ) pour les voyages en train2. ( ) pour les voyages en avion3. ( ) pour une agence de voyagesb) Ce document propose :1. ( ) un aller simple à paris2. ( ) un week-end Paris3. ( ) un week-end Londres4. un aller-retour Londresc) Pour faire le voyage, on peut prendre :1. ( ) le train2. ( ) la voiture3. ( ) l’avion4. ( ) le busd) Dans le forfait de 49 , il y a :1. ( ) le déjeuner2. ( ) le petit déjeuner3. ( ) le dîner4. ( ) le voyage aller-retour en train5. ( ) une nuit d’hôtel6. ( ) le voyage à l’aéroport7. ( ) le voyage aller-retour en avione) Pour rester deux nuits, ça fait :1. ( ) 492. ( ) 49€+18€= 67€3. ( ) 89€f) On peut avoir un e réduction de 10% quant :1. ( ) on part avec une personne2. ( ) on est étudiant3. ( ) on voyage avec dix personnesg) 89€, c’est le prix :1. ( ) d’un voyage aller-retour Paris-Londres en avion2. ( ) d’un week-end à Londres avec le voyage en train3. ( ) du forfait week-end à Londres avec l’aller-retour en avionIII. Lisez l’article suivant : 5%L’alimentation des jeunes laisse à désirer...C’es t ce que nous apprend une enquête récemment par un institut de sondage auprès de jeunes de 16 à 27 ans. Les résultats sont préoccupants : Ils mangent à tout heure de la journée et n’importe quoi. En effet, leurs repas sont rarement équilibrés, expédiés àtoute vitesse (une demi-heure en moyenne contre une heure chez les adultes). Ils consomment trop de boissons sucrées (jus de fruits, sodas...), trop de viande et de charcuterie mais pas assez de légumes. En un mot, le tiers de cette population ignore l’équi libre des repas ! Alors il est temps de tirer la sonnette d’alarme : pour être en bonne santé, il est essentiel de se nourrir correctement.Que signifient les expressions suivantes ? Mettez une croix devant la bonne réponse :1. L’alimentation des jeun es laisse à désirer.a. ( ) Ils souhaitent une meilleure alimentation.b. ( ) Leur alimentation n’est pas bonne.c. ( ) Leur alimentation est excellente.2. Les résultats sont préoccupaa. ( ) Les faits montrent un problème.3b. ( ) On a trouvé un remède.c. ( ) On doit travailler pour rendre ces résultats meilleurs.3. Les repas sont expédiés à toute vitesse.a. ( ) Les repas commandés arrivent très vite.b. ( ) Ils mangent très vite.d. ( ) Ils prennent leur temps pour les repas.4. Il est temps de tirer la sonnette d’alarme.a. ( ) Il faut téléphoner.b. ( ) Il faut arrêter d’avoir peur.c. ( ) Il faut faire attention.5. Le tiers cette population ignore l’équilibre des repas.a. ( ) Tous les jeunes se nourrissent malb. ( ) 30% des jeunes mangent trop vite.c. ( ) 30% des jeunes ne respectent pas les règles de l’alimentation.Partie III – TraductionI. Traduisez le texte suivant en chinois : 20%L’éditeur Hetzel ou l’enfant-roiUn éditeur a compris l’importance du livre dans l’éducation des enfants : Pierre-Jules Hetzel (1913-1886)Il est parvenu à fonder une collection qui a permis à toute une génération d’enfants d’allier éducation et récréation. Les plus grands noms du monde des sciences et de la littérature s’y sont côtoyés1. Ils se sont efforcés de mettre àla portée de tous non seulement un savoir encyclopédique mais aussi toute une morale, celle qui a présidé àl’avènemen2t de la République en France en 1870 et à l’instauration de l’école obligatoire (1881) : être un enfant raisonnable, travailleur et aimant sa patrie avant de devenir, plus tard, un bon père et un bon citoyen.Hetzel, moralisateur, mais aussi découvreur de talents rares : en 1863, il publie Cinq Semaines en ballon d’un certain Jule s Verne. Le succès de ce petit livre sans illustrations ne s’est pas fait attendre. Ce sont 63 romans qui se sont succédé sur environ quarante ans sous le titre général de Voyages Extraordinaires. Aucun auteur français n’a jamais été plus lu ni traduit dan s le monde.Illustrateurs, graveurs, imprimeurs, relieurs ont dû rivaliser de talent pour que ces livres soi ent de véritables objets d’art. C’est que chaque année, au jour de l’an, la tradition voulait que l’on offre aux enfants un livre d’étrennes3. 1. se côtoyer : se fréquenter.2. avènement ; la fondation.3. étrenne : cadeau que l’on offre pour le Nouvel An.II. Traduisez en français : 8%1、上海是中国人口最多的城市。
2006年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题 2005年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题 2003年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题 2002年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题 2000年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题 1999年上海外国语大学德语二外考研真题
2006年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
2005年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
2003年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
2002年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
Hale Waihona Puke 2000年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
1999年上海外国语大学德语二外 考研真题
6.上海外国语大学二外法语考研真题及参考答案(2006)PARTIE I GRAMMAIRE I. Mettez un pronom relatif ( 10% )1. Cette maison d ,édition a publié une série d ,ouvrages _____ traitent des problèmes de pollution.2. Les clés_____ont été retrouvées ne sont pas à moi.3. V oilà la question______a posée Monsieur Dupuis.4. Le musée_____les visiteurs sont les plus nombreux est le Louvre.5. V ous verrez un peu partout les légumes avec_____on fait ces plats délicieux.6. Offre-lui la moto_____il a envie depuis longtemps.7. Les photos_____je regarde me rappellent de bons souvenirs.8. Ce garçon est celui_____je vous ai souvent parlé.9. Je prends ces chaussures ;ce sont celles__________me plaisent le plus.10. Cet acteur est si célèbre qu' on le reconnaît partout_____il va.11. Remptacez les trous par une préposition (20%)1. _____40 km du village ,on a construit des cités pour les ouvriers.2. Il était prêt_____partir quand je suis arrivée chez lui.3. C ' est un bon abri_____ la pluie.4. Elle fixa ses yeux_____je ne sais quoi.5. Le conférencier parle_____deux heures, et il n' a pas 1 ' air de s' arrêter.6. _____votre appui, il n ' aurait pas. réussi.7. Comme il est gros ,on le prend souvent_____un grand patron.8. Dans le parc, un vieux monsieur, vêtu_____un costume irréprochable, était assis sur un banc.9. Je n,arrive pas_____comprendre ce texte.10. Cela me fait plaisir de vous servir_____accompagnatrice.11. Si tu n ' as pas de travail tu seras_____argent.12. La population franôaise est_____à peu près 58 millions d ' habitants.13. Je voudrais une chambre_____trois jours.14. Je vous ai attendu_____une heure, puis je suis parti.15. Tout a disparu_____une seconde.16. Je t' appellerai_____trois jours.17. Il vient de_____lui.18. Il fait tous les jours_____ (le) tennis.19. Ce texte est très difficile, essaie_____1 ' expliquer.20. Les rapports_____ces deux pays restent bien étroits.in. Choisissez le mot juste. ( 10% )1. Depuis un an, il ne nous a pas donné de ses nouvelles, ______ bien curieux.A. qui estB. pour des raisonsC. ce qui estD. parce que c ,est2. Excusez-moi! Je ne pourrai pas venir ce soir, je n' en ai pas_____temps.A. deB. leC. duD. un3. Marie se souviendra toujours du stage de ski_____elle a fait la connaissance de Peter.A. dontB. pendant lequelC. duquelD. qu '4. Il a quitté cette ville pour habiter_____.A. d ' ailleursB. par ailleursC. ailleursD. dans ailleurs5. Nous ne voyons_____qui puisse nous intéresser dans ce magasin.A. rienB. quelque choseC. grand choseD. peu de chose6. _____ma mère s ,installe devant la télé,elle s ' endort.A. avant queB. jusqu ' à ce queC. au cas oùD. aussitôt que7. _____je voyage en bateau ,je suis malade.A. de manière queB. à moins queC. chaque fois queD. avant que8. _____nous vivons ici, nous sommes de bonne humeur.A. avant queB. ù moins queC. depuis queD. puisque9. Tout ira bien_____elle veuille faire un effort.A. puisqu 'B. bien qu,C. de manière qu 'D. à condition qu '10. Je ne veux pas sortir_____je suis fatigué.A. bien queB. parce queC. à condition queD. aussitôt queIV. Ecrivez le contraire avec un préfixe(5% )1. possible_____2. chanceux_____3. importer_____4. normal_____5. agréable_____6. dépendant______7. équilibre_____8. régulier_____9. juste_____10. connecter_____V. Quelques connaissances de culture franôaise. (5%)1. Quel est le fleuve qui traverse Paris ?A. la SeineB. la LoireC. le RhôneD. la Garonne2. Quelle est la forme géométrique de la France ?A. triangleB. pentagoneC. hexagoneD. rectangle3. Quelle est la date de la Fête nationale franôaise ?A. le 25 décembreB. le 14 juilletC. le 11 novembreD. le 1 er janvier4. Quel est le nom du plus vieux pont de Paris ?A. Le Pont NeufB. Le Pont Alexandre IIIC. Le Pont des ArtsD. Le Pont de la Concorde5. Où travaille le président république franôaise ?A. à 1' Hôtel des InvalidesB. à 1' Hôtel MatignonC. au Palais du LouvreD. au Palais d, ElyséeVI. Remplacez les points par les verbes suivants ( 10% ) sortir descendre pousser installer rendre promener parler s ' installerfaire se rendre compte1. Louis_____ deux langues :le français et 1,anglais.2. Après cette visite, vous_____de la vie des ouvriers à cette époque-là.3. Il_____de sa poche un journal.4. En 2001 ,elle_____dans ce petit village avec son mari.5. N' oublie pas de _____le dictionnaire avant de quitter la salle.6. Les touristes français_____du train 1 ' un après 1 ' autre.7. On nous a ______le gaz dans la cuisine.8. Je veux louer cette chambre, à condition qu ' on me_____des réparations.9. La mère_____son enfant tous les matins au parc.10. Les arbres commencent à_____des fleurs.PARTIE n COMPREHENSION VIL Lisez les textes et choisissez la bonne réponseTexte I (10%)Le salonVendredi 26 septembre s' ouvre à Paris le "Mondial du deux roues". Quelque 400 000 visiteurs sont attendus pour cet événement qui se tiendra jusqu ' au 5 octobre Porte de Versailles à Paris. Près de 1000 marques de 33 pays présenteront leurs nouveautés sur 80 000 m d ' exposition.Deux entités spécialisées se côtoieront :"le salon international du cycle" ,ouvert jusqu ' au 29 septembre, et le "salon international de la moto" ,jusqu ' au 5 octobre. Le billet d ' entrée donnera accès aux deux salons.Le prix d ' entrée est de dix euros, avec un demi-tarif, pour les 10 一16 ans. L' accès est gratuit pour les moins de dix ans, L'entrée sera gratuite le dimanche 28 septembre pour les visiteurs qui se rendront à vélo au salon.Des pistes d'essais et d ' animations, des démonstrations de trial et VTT ( vélo à tout terrain ) et des expositions sont proposées aux visiteurs.La mythique marque américaine Harley Davidson, qui fête ses 100 ans, exposera une trentaine de modèles, dont la " Number One" ,1 ' une des toutes premières motos construites en 1903 ,et les.WLA 750 ,qui ont débarqué en 1944 sur les plages de Normandie.Une exposition du sculpteur Arman ,intitulé " Les cycles de vie " ,réunira une vingtaine d ,oeuvres dans lesquelles s ' imbriquent (交错)des vélos découpés, éclatés et peints.La précédente édition, en 2001 ,avait accueilli 400 495 visiteurs, a ) Choisissez la signification qui convient le mieux au contexte1. se côtoyerA. être proche 1' un de 1' autreB. avoir lieu en même tempsC. être en contactD. se fréquenter2. se rendreA. s ' offrirB. se faire rembourserC. allerD. se montrer3. modèleA. mannequinB. exempleC. variété d ,un produit industriel.D. représentation4. intituléA. qui porte le nom deB. qui porte le titre deC. qui n ' a pas le titre deD. qui se donne le titre de5. les cycles de vieA. les vélos à usage quotidienB. les vélos les plus aimés dans la vieC. les différentes étapes de la vieD. la reproduction de la vieb ) Choisissez la phrase correcte6. Le salon du deux roues est composé de deux entités spécialisées :le " salon international du cycle" et le "salon international de la moto".A. Ces deux salons se tiendront simultanément, mais le " salon international du cycle " fermera quelques jours plus tôt que le "salon international de la moto".B. Ces deux salons se tiendront simultanément, mais le " salon international de la moto" fermera quelques jours plus tôt que le "salon international du cycle".C. Ces deux salons sa tiendront successivement:le "salon international du cycle" d'abord, et le " salon international de la moto" ensuite.D. Ces deux salons se triendront successivement :le " salon international de la moto" d ' abord, et le " salon international du cycle" ensuite.7. Lors du salon du deux roues, il y aura une autre exposition, qui réunira une vingtaine deA. vélos sculptésB. vélos abîmésC. sulptures de véloD. scuptures composées de vélos abîmés8. Les visiteurs doivent être munis d,un billet d,entrée pour avoir accès au salon du deux roues, mais ceux qui_____ont le droit de le visiter gratuitement.A. se rendent au salon à véloB. ont moins de 18 ansC. ont moins de 16 ansD. ont moins de 10 ans9. Certaines catégories de visiteurs peuvent acheter une entrée à demi-tarif en payant la moitié du prix, pour_____.A. visiter seulement un des deux salonsB. visiter les deux salons le dimanche 28 septembreC. visiter tous les salons, sauf 1' exposition des scupturesD. visiter tous les salons10. Laquelle des phrases suivantes ne correspond pas à la réalité? La marque américaine Harley Davidson _____.A. va fêter son lOOème anniversaireB. exposera cette fois-ci une trentaine de modèles au salonC. a construit en 1903 la " WLA 750" ,qui est 1' une des toutes premières motos du mondeD. a construit des motos du modèle " WLA 750 ,qui ont participé au débarquement des armées alliées en Normandie en 1944Texte H (8%)Les vacances à la campagneQuand j ' étais au lycée ,j ' allais tous les ans passer mes vacances chez mon oncle Vincent qui est agriculteur. Je passais mes journées à courrir les champs ,et quand le travail pressait ,je donnais un coup de main à mon oncle. C ,est ainsi que j ' ai appris àfaire les foins ,les moissons et les vendanges.Mon oncle élevait toutes sortes d'animaux. Il avait des chevaux dans 1 ' écurie (马屁)et des boeufs dans 1 ' étable (牛棚)pour les gros travaux ,de nombreuses vaches laitières avec leurs veaux ,des moutons et des chèvres. Les brebis (雌羊)logeaient à part avec leurs agneaux. Coqs et poules, canards et canes, sans parler des oies (鹤),caquetaient dans la basse-cour. Dans la porcherie ,on engraissait une demi-douzaine de cochons.Depuis ce temps-là, la ferme a beaucoup changé. Beaucoup de travaux qui se faisaient à la main étaient longs et durs. Aujourd ' hui la machine a remplacé en grande partie le travail des hommes et des animaux. Le tracteur laboure et moissonne, la camionnette emporte les produits aumarché;il y a des moteurs électriques dans tous les coins. Les agriculteurs ne travaillent plus comme avant.Choisissez la bonne réponse1. De quelles vacances s ' agit-il dans ce texte?A. Des vacances des Français d ' aujourd ' hui.B. Des vacances des agriculteurs français.C. Des vacances d ' un étranger en France.D. Des vacances d ,un ancien lycéen français.2. En passant ses vacances chez son oncle ,quand le travail pressait ,1 ' auteur_____.A. aidait son oncleB. serrait la main à son oncleC. félicitait son oncle de ses bonnes récoltesD. applaudissait au projet de son oncle3. Comment est-ce que 1,auteur a appris à faire les moissons?A. En faisant ses études au lycée.B. En travalliant comme paysan.C. En aidant son oncle ù travailler.D. En faisant ses études d ' agronomie.4. D 、après le texte ,1 ' oncle de 1 ' auteur faisait_____.A. 1 、élevage des animaux seulementB. 1 、élevage des animaux ,les cultures des céréales et de la vigneC. les cultures des céréales et de la vigne seulementD. 1 ' élevage des animaux et les cultures des céréales ,mais non pas la culture de la vigne5. Pourquoi monsieur Vincent élevait-il des chevaux et des boeufs?A. Pour gagner de 1 ' argent en les vendant.B. Pour dévetopper 1 ' industrie laitière.C. Pour les gros travaux.D. Pour la competition sportive.6. M. Vincent élevait des vaches_____.A. pour les gros travauxB. pour manger de la viandeC. pour tirer leur laitD. pour produire des engrais7. Dans la ferme de monsieur Vincent_____.A. les brebis logeaient séparément de leurs agneauxB. les brebis et leurs agneaux ne logeaient pas ensemble avec les autres animauxC. les brebis et leurs agneaux logeaient ensemble avec d ' autres bêtesD. les brebis et leurs agneaux, les moutons et les chèvres logeaient dans une même étable8. Aujourd'hui, le travail des agriculteurs est_____―,A. aussi difficile qu ,avantB. sans aucune difficultéC. plus difficile qu ,avantD. moins difficile qu ' avantPARTIE ni TRADUCTIONVIII. Traduisez ces phrases en chinois ( 10% )1. Mes amis viennent d,arriver à Shanghai.2. M. Durand est toujours le premier à sortir du bureau.3. Les bons comptes font les bons amis.4. Mme Dupont a fait une robe pour sa fille.5. Les jeunes mettent de 1,argent de côté pour acheter une voiture.IX. Traduisez ces phrases en français (12%)1. 巴黎是法国最大也是最美的城市。
二、上海外国语大学 253 二外德语考研资料 2.二外德语考研复习相关资料[应试指导+考研核心题库] 2-1、研究生考试二外德语考研复习应试指导及试题分析 2-2、二外德语考研核心题库[词汇语法+完形+阅读理解+翻译] ①研究生考试二外德语考研核心题库[词汇语法]题库及答案解析 ②研究生考试二外德语考研核心题库[完形]题库及答案解析 ③研究生考试二外德语考研核心题库[阅读理解]题库及答案解析 ④研究生考试二外德语考研核心题库[翻译]题库及答案解析 2-3、研究生考试二外德语重点名校考分(不含教材),22000] ①本套资料由本机构编写组按照考试大纲、真题、指定参考书等公开信息整理收集 编写,仅供考研复习参考,与目标学校及研究生院官方无关,如有侵权、请联系我 们将立即处理。 ②资料中的真题及课件免费赠送,仅供参考,版权归属学校及制作老师,在此对版 权所有者表示感谢,如有异议及不妥,请联系我们,我们将无条件立即处理!
三、研究生入学考试指定/推荐参考书目(资料不包括教材) 四、研究生入学适用院系/专业 4.上海外国语大学 253 二外德语适用院系/专业 东方语学院;英语学院;日本文化经济学院;高级翻译学院;语言研究院;法语系; 西方语系;俄语系
二外俄语考研上海外国语大学251俄语二外考研真题一、上海外国语大学俄语二外考研真题及详解I. Напишитеантонимыкследующимсловам.(10%)1.высокий—【答案】низкий~~2.твёрдый—【答案】мягкий~~3.купить—【答案】продать~~4.ответить—【答案】спросить~~5.послать—【答案】получить~~6.забыть—【答案】помнить~~7.далеко—【答案】близко~~8.быстро—【答案】медленно~~9.легко—【答案】трудно~~10.вход—【答案】выход~~II. Переведитесловосочетаниянарусскийязык.(10%) 1.在桥上走【答案】ходитьпомосту~~2.和朋友打招呼【答案】поздороватьсясдрузьями~~3.在工作时间【答案】Врабочеевремя~~4.出国旅游【答案】путешествоватьзаграницу~~5.订阅杂志【答案】Подписатьсянажурналы~~6.随手关门【答案】закрыватьзасобойдверь~~7.经济改革【答案】экономическаяреформа~~8.把杯子放到桌上去【答案】Поставитьстанканнастол~~9.帮父母做家务【答案】помогатьродителямделатьдомашнеехозяйство~~10.在电话中交谈【答案】разговариватьпотелефону~~III. Поставьтесловавскобкахвнужнойформе.(10%) 1.(Я) зовутМарияИвановна.【答案】Меня~~【解析】固定搭配:Когозовут...表示某人叫什么名字。
2008年上海外国语大学二外英语考研真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 2. 3. 4.1.______the sun in superstitious awe everywhere in the world.A.Man has long heldB.Long has held manC.Has man long heldD.Man has held long正确答案:A解析:句意:长期以来世界各地的人对太阳怀有迷信的敬畏。
如将long提前,则只需将has提前,即Long has man held,而非选项B中的说法。
2.You won’ t get there on time______you set off right now by air.A.unlessB.evenC.in caseD.other than正确答案:A解析:句意:如果你不马上坐飞机离开,你就没办法按时到达那里。
unless 如果不,除非。
in case假使;以防。
other than除了;决不是。
3.______badly he had slept, he was always up early.A.No matterB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Even when正确答案:C解析:句意:不管睡得有多不好,他总是早起。
nomatter不管,不论,但是no matter不能用于提问程度。
whenever 在任何时候;每当,每次。
even when即使。
4.If you want the rainbow, you’ ve got to______the rain.A.get up withB.catch up withC.come up withD.put up with正确答案:D解析:put up with容忍,忍受。
上海外国语大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试英语(自命题)试题(考试时间180分钟,满分100分,共9页)I.vocabulary and structure(30%)Dircetions:form the four choices given,choose ONE to complete the sentence.Section A:structure(15%,@1%)1.The anthor thanked all those who have helped to make this a better book than it______A.should beB.would have beenC.would beD.would otherwise have been2.He is_____than a busineddman.A.much a scholarB.a scholarC.more a scholarD.as a scholar3.She is one of those women who I am sure,always do____best both in their family and in their profession.A.herB.theirC.one’sD.the4._____the poem is to understad,the professor successfully made it understood by the students.A.As difficultB.Difficult asC.Though difficultD.Difficult5.I____live in Shanghai than in a remote village.A.would ratherB.preferC.like toD.had better6.The manager often has his staff____in the office after work.A.stayingB.to stayC.to be stayingD.stay7.I am now a freshman in university.By the year2015,I____for about two years.A.will workB.will be workingC.will have been workingD.have worked8.”I saw Mary in the library yesterday.”“You____her,she is still in her hometown and hasn’t been back to school yet.”A.can’t have toB.mustn’t have beenC.can’t seeD.mustn’t see9.The student listened carefully_____he might find out where the teacher put emphasis on.A.for fear thatB.in order thatC.in case thatD.provided that10.The photos taken by a digital camera are_____than those taken by a conventional camera.A.much clearerB.more clearerC.much more clearerD.much clear11.____we went swimming.A.Being a hot dayB.The day being outC.It was a hot dayD.To be a hot day12.If he dares not to fight against the cnemy,he is_____.A.not enough of a manB.not enough as a manC.not enough of manD.not a man enough13.TOEFL is a test for students____native langnage is not English.A.whoB.theirC.whichD.whose14.We saw a new film at the cinema._____we had supper at a restaurant.A.then whichB.after whichC.after thatD.in which15.The doctor sent hin to bed,saying he was much______.A.very illB.illC.too illD.ill enoughSection B.Vocabulary(15%,@1%)1.The travelers sought shelter_____the rain and happened to find a roadside inn.A.fromB.byC.forD.with2.The old patient can’t hope to____her cold in a few days.A.get awayB.get offC.get outD.get over3.After much negotiation we have____the tenns of the contract.A.agreedB.agreed onC.agreed toD.agreed with4.The actors have to_____before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.A.make upB.cover upC.paint upD.do up5.In most of the universities_____are required to take more courses than postgraduates.A.pupilsB.undergraduatesC.juniorsD.seniors6.The servant hit the vase with his cibow and it_____to the floor.A.smashedB.brokeC.konckedD.crashed7.My parents____me to come back home for the Christmas break or they would miss me very much.A.convincedB.suggestedC.advisedD.insisted8.The receptionist at the hotel told me that all rooms had been____.A.arrangedB.filled inedD.reserved9.It is_____knowledge in the class that William is the best student in every subject.monB.ordinaryC.normalual10.He spoke clearly and____and we could understand every world he said.A.distinctivelyB.disringuishableC.distinguishedD.distinctly11.Freshmen often find it difficult to____thenselves to new environment.A.adopt Badapt C.fit D.suit12.The manager never take previous working experience into____when he fixes the staff’s saiary.A.accountB.mindC.thoughtD.thinking13.The audience burst into____when the lecturer quoted a humorous story.ughughtersughingughter14.Having failed in the exam,the boy went home in____spirits.A.coldB.lowC.deepD.empty15.Mrs.Henry is so____about her dress that her husband often gets impatient.A.specialB.peculiarC.particularD.especialⅡCloze(20%,@1%)Directions;For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.Passage oneWhen I was about twelve.I suddenly developed a great passion__1__writeing poetty.I gave up all other hobbies,such as__2__stamps,and spent all my__3__time readying poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible__4__soon got me into trouble at school.If a lesson did not interest me,I would take out my notebook and atarted writeing poems in class.Of course I did this very__5__,but it was not long before I got caught.One day while I was busy writing a poem during a geography lesson I looked up to find the teacher standing beside me,fuming with anger because I was convinced that I had writen a good poem,so that evening I wrote it out again from memory.Not long after,I read about a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later,ong after I had given up hope,I get a letter informing me I had won fiest__8__. Everyone at school was very impressed except the geography teacher,who__9__me more carefullythan ever.He was quite__10__that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson.1.A.for B.in C.on D.at2.A.arranging B.collecting C.gathering D.keeping3.A.additional B.extra C.other D.spare4.A.chance B.moment C.occasion D.time5.A.anxiously B.attentively C.eautiously D.silently6.A.calling B.devoting C.attracting D.paying7.A.warning B.notice C.word D.look8.A.position B.prize C.reward D.victory9.A.guarded B.inspected C.observed D.watched10.A.determined B.annoyed C.fixed D.assuredPassage twoTo others and themselves the Brithish have a requtation__11__being conservatiove-out in the__12__political sense,but in the sense of adherence to accepted ideas and unwilligness to question__13__.The reputation comes partly from their history.For900years they have suffered __14__invasion nor revolution nor disastrous defear in war.Their monarchy__15__without serious question.Under its nominal leadership the political arrangements have been__16__ stable that,except for the two interruptions in the seventeenth century,they have been adapted throughout the centuries to__17__chanding needs without violent changes.Britain,in1978,was __18__in managing without a written constitution;some fragmentary definitions of1688still survived.There had been bitter quarrels,social and economic as well as political,but the quarrels had been settled,usually__19__compromise.The__20__continuity had not been broken.11.A.of B.for C.in D.to12.A.limited B.restrieted C.narrow D.broad13.A.it B.them C.him D.her14.A.neither B.eirther C.nor D.both15.A.lives B.survives sts D.stands16.A.as B.very C.too D.so17.A.take B.make C.dentand D.meet18.A.unique B.only C.one D.single19.A.for B.as C.with D.by20.A.under B.lying C.underlying D.undergoingⅢ.Reading comprehension(30%,@2%)Directiong:In this part there are three passages.Each passages is followed by five questions.Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Paaage oneThe econimic conditions that necessitate the construction of very high buildings on narrow lots first emerged as a decisive factor in New Yock City.Intensive land use,with the resulting speculative traffic in real estate was itself a consequence of more powerful and pervasive forces. Industrial expansion was the primary factory and in the period following the American Civil Was much of that expansion continned to be concentrated in New England and the Middle Atlantic atates.Financial institutions had long been located mainly in Boston,but the center was rapidly shifting to New York around the time of the War.A new pattern of close interdependence among industries demanded centralization of business administration.The leadership of New York Cityas an occan port,along with its proximity to major attract.once established.has never wanted even today.It is a primary administrative and banking center.The financial resouneces for the high bulidingd were there,the advelopment of safe elevator transportation and the organisztion of construction facilities soon made them a reality.1.Which of the following would be title for the passage?A.New Patterns of Transportation in the Middle Atlantic States.B.Buying Real Estate for Speculation in New English。
2008年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C orD on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is 大1 家to say it anyway. He is that 大2 家bird, a scientist who works independently 大3 家any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 大4 家thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.大5 家he, however, might tremble at the 大6 家of what he is about to do. Togetherwith another two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only 大7 家that one groupof humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in 大8 家are a particular people originated from central Europe. The processis natural selection.This group generally do well in IQ test, 大9 家12-15 points above the 大10 家valueof 100, and have contributed 大11 家to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, asthe 大12 家of their elites, including several world-renowned scientists, 大13 家. They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as breast cancer. These facts, 大14 家, have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been 大15 家to social effects, such as a strong tradition of 大16 家education. The latter was seen as a (an) 大17 家of genetic isolation. Dr. Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 大18 家. His argument is that the unusual history of these peoplehas 大19 家them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 大20 家state of affairs.1. [A] selected [B] prepared [C] obliged [D] pleased2. [A] unique [B] particular [C] special [D] rare3. [A] of [B] with [C] in [D] against1112008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题4. [A] subsequently [B] presently [C] previously [D] lately5. [A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence6. [A] thought [B] sight [C] cost [D] risk7. [A] advises [B] suggests [C] protests [D] objects8. [A] progress [B] fact [C] need [D] question9. [A] attaining [B] scoring [C] reaching [D] calculating10. [A] normal [B] common [C] mean [D] total11. [A] unconsciously [B] disproportionately[C] indefinitely [D] unaccountably12. [A] missions [B] fortunes [C] interests [D] careers13. [A] affirm [B] witness [C] observe [D] approve14. [A] moreover [B] therefore [C] however [D] meanwhile15. [A] given up [B] got over [C] carried on [D] put down16. [A] assessing [B] supervising [C] administering [D] valuing17. [A] development [B] origin [C] consequence [D] instrument18. [A] linked [B] integrated [C] woven [D] combined19. [A] limited [B] subjected [C] converted [D] directed20. [A] paradoxical [B] incompatible [C] inevitable [D] continuousSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. “Women are particularly susc eptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders inresponse to stress compared tomen,” according toDr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital.1122008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to thoseof the males.Adding to awoman’sincreased dose ofstress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities”for stress. “It’s not necessarily that women don’t cope as well. It’s just t hat they haveso much more to cope with,” says Dr. Yehuda. “Their capacity for tolerating stress may evenbe greater than men’s,” she observes, “it’s just that they’re dealing with so many morethings that they become worn out from it more visibly and soon er.”Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. “I think that the kinds of thingsthat women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longe r relationships can be quite devastating.”Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college.“I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that thatwas my escape, to go to scho ol, and get ahead and do better.” Later, her marriage ended andshe became a single mother. “It’s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job,pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez’s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?[A] Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.[B] Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.[C] Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.[D] Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women[A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress.[B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress.[C] are more capable of avoiding stress.[D] are exposed to more stress.23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be[A] domestic and temporary.[B] irregular and violent.[C] durable and frequent.[D] trivial and random.24. The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that 1132008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题[A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.[B] Alvarez’s salary barely covered her household expenses.[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.[D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check.25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?[B] Responses to Stress: Gender Difference[C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under StressText 2It used to be so straightforward. A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal. A journal editor would then removethe authors’ na mes and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review. Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or declineit. Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.No longer. The Internet – and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it – is making access to scientific results a reality. The Organization for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) has just issued a report describing the far-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and GrahamVickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key elementof scientific endeavor.The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access. It is big business. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion. The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects. They publish more than 1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals.This is now changing. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report’s authors. There is the so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay foraccess to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements. There isopen-access publishing, typically supported by asking the author (or his employer) to pay forthe paper to be published. Finally, there are open-access archives, where organizations suchas universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it. All this could change the traditional form of the peer-review process, at least for the publication of papers.26. In the first paragraph, the author discusses[A] the background information of journal editing.1142008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题[B] the publication routine of laboratory reports.[C] the relations of authors with journal publishers.[D] the traditional process of journal publication.27. Which of the following is true of the OECD report?[A] It criticizes government-funded research.[B] It introduces an effective means of publication.[C] It upsets profit-making journal publishers.[D] It benefits scientific research considerably.28. According to the text, online publication is significant in that[A] it provides an easier access to scientific results.[B] it brings huge profits to scientific researchers.[C] it emphasizes the crucial role of scientific knowledge.[D] it facilitates public investment in scientific research.29. With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to[A] cover the cost of its publication.[B] subscribe to the journal publishing it.[C] allow other online journals to use it freely.[D] complete the peer-review before submission.30. Which of the following best summarizes the text?[A] The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.[B] A new mode of publication is emerging.[C] Authors welcome the new channel for publication.[D] Publication is rendered easier by online service.Text 3In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people – especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations –apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. And they aren’t likely toget any taller. “In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we’ve pretty much gone as far as we can go,” says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result fromthe increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients –1152008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题notably, protein – to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutritionand childhood infections got in the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years,a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height –5′9″for men, 5′4″for women –hasn’t really changedsince 1960.Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. Duringchildbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. “There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism,” says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.Genetic maximums can change, but don’t expect this to happe n soon. Claire C. Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass., ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, “you could use today’s data and feel fairly confident.”31. Wilt Chamberlain is cited as an example to[A] illustrate the change of height of NBA players.[B] show the popularity of NBA players in the U.S..[C] compare different generations of NBA players.[D] assess the achievements of famous NBA players.32. Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the text?[A] Genetic modification.[B] Natural environment.[C] Living standards.[D] Daily exercise.33. On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?[A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation.[B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture.[C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world.[D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.34. We learn from the last paragraph that in the near future[A] the garment industry will reconsider the uniform size.[B] the design of military uniforms will remain unchanged.[C] genetic testing will be employed in selecting sportsmen.[D] the existing data of human height will still be applicable.35. The text intends to tell us that1162008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题[A] the change of human height follows a cyclic pattern.[B] human height is becoming even more predictable.[C] Americans have reached their genetic growth limit.[D] the genetic pattern of Americans has altered.Text 4In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw – having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.That’s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at leastone child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy. More significantly,they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong – and yet most did little to fight it.More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helpedto create.For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was “likehaving a large bank account,” says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the “peculiar institution,” including a clause thatcounted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.And the statesmen’s political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes ofthe southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery withthe Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.Still, Jefferson freed Hemings’s children – though not Hemings herself or hisapproximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were createdequal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only adecade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.36. George Washington’s dental surgery is mentioned to[A] show the primitive medical practice in the past.[B] demonstrate the cruelty of slavery in his days.[C] stress the role of slaves in the U.S. history.[D] reveal some unknown aspect of his life.37. We may infer from the second paragraph that1172008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题[A] DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.[B] in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.[C] his torians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson’s life.[D] political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history.38. What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?[A] His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.[B] His status as a father made him free the child slaves.[C] His attitude towards slavery was complex.[D] His affair with a slave stained his prestige.39. Which of the following is true according to the text?[A] Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.[B] Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.[C] Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.[D] Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.40. Washington’s decision to free slaves originated from his[A] moral considerations.[B] military experience.[C] financial conditions.[D] political stand.Part BDirections:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else insteadof writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (41)是大家网原创出品Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but donot permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it intothe draft. (42) 是大家网原创出品Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.(43) 是大家网原创出品Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you haveto clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (44) 是大家网原创出品These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.1182008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to yourthesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.The student who wrote “The A & P as a State of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questionedwhether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45) 是大家网原创出品Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times–and then again – working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that thereare no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphsshould be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.[B] After you have clearly and adequately developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. It’s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression.[C] It’s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it.Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finisha draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outlineyou have made.[E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explainshow the setting influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that des cribed Lengel’s crabbed response to the girls so thatshe could lead up to the A & P “policy” he enforces.[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A & P,” the student brings together the reasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel’sstore policies.[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don’tuse outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to composea perfectly correct draft the first time around.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In his autobiography, Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but (46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enablinghim to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations. He disclaimed the possessionof any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley. (47) He asserted, 1192008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited,for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. His memory,too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he never could rememberfor more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer,he had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment,such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.” (49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticingthings which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respectshis mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many yearsI cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.”(50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.Section III WritingPart A51. Directions:You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to1) make an apology, and2) suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)1202008 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题1212008 年考研英语真题答案122008 年考研英语真题答案Section I: Use of English (10 points)1. B2. D3. A4. C5. C6. A7. B8. D9. B 10. C11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D16. D 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. ASection II: Reading Comprehension (60 points)Part A (40 points)21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. D26. D 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. B31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. BPart B (10 points)41. D 42. G 43. A 44. C 45. EPart C (10 points)46. 他认为或许正因为(语言表达上的)这种困难,他不得不对自己要说的每句话都经过长时间的认真思考,从而能发现自己在推理和观察中的错误,结果这反而成为他的优点。
2008年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试A英语试卷一ENGLISH QUALIFICA TION TESTFOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTSPaper One (90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Communication(10 minutes,10 points)PartⅡV ocabulary (10 minutes,10 points)PartⅢReading Comprehension (45 minutes,25 points)PartⅣCloze (15 minutes,15 points)Part V Error Detection 00 minutes,5 points)考生须知1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。
Paper One试卷一Part I Dialogue Communication (10 minutes, 10 points)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections:In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1.A:Bob,would you mind turning down the TV a little? I'm talking on the phone,and I'm having a hard time hearing.B:____________A. Please forgive me.B. Oh,sure! I'm sorry about that.C. Y ou should have told me earlier.D. I’m sorry to hear about it.答案:B讲解:A说,Bob,你介意把电视开小点儿声音吗?我在打电话,很费劲儿才能挺清楚对方说什么。