【免费下载】第三章 面向对象程序设计答案




面向对象程序设计课后题答案第二章C++概述【2.6】D【2.7】D【2.8】A【2.9】A【2.10】B【2.11】A【2.12】C【2.13】B【2.14】D【2.15】C【2.16】D【2.17】C【2.18】程序的运行结果:101【2.19】程序的运行结果:10 10【2.20】程序的运行结果:1020【2.22】编写一个C++风格的程序,用动态分配空间的方法计算Fibonacci数列的前20项并存储到动态分配的空间中。

#include <iostream.h>int main(){int *p,i;p[0]=1;p[1]=1;for(i=2;i<20;i++){p[i]=p[i-1]+p[i-2];}for(i=0;i<20;i++){cout<<p[i]<<endl;}return 0;}【2.23】编写一个C++风格的程序,建立一个被称为sroot()的函数,返回其参数的二次方根。


#include <iostream.h>#include<math.h>double sroot(int m){return sqrt(m);}double sroot(long m){return sqrt(m);}double sroot(double m){return sqrt(m);}int main()cout<<"sroot(145)="<<sroot(145)<<endl;cout<<"sroot(123456)="<<sroot(123456)<<endl;cout<<"sroot(1.44)="<<sroot(1.44)<<endl;return 0;}【2.24】编写一个C++风格的程序,解决百钱问题:将一元人民币兑换成1、2、5分的硬币,有多少种换法?#include <iostream.h>int main(){int k=0;for(int i=0;i<=20;i++){for(int j=0;j<=50;j++){if(100-5*i-2*j>=0){k++;}}}cout<<"将一元人民币兑换成1、2、5分的硬币,共有"<<k<<"种换法"<<endl;return 0;}【2.25】编写一个C++风格的程序,输入两个整数,将它们按由小到大的顺序输出。

JAVA第三章习题答案 (2)

JAVA第三章习题答案 (2)

10.学生类的创建和使用。 (1)创建一个 Student 类,包括的私有数据成员有学号、姓名、性别、年龄等。 (2)声明一个构造方法,以初始化对象的所有数据成员。 (3)声明分别获得各数据成员(学号、姓名、性别、年龄等)的各个 public 方法。 (4)声明分别修改各数据成员(学号、姓名、性别、年龄等)的各个 public 方法。 (5 ) 声明一个 public 型的 toString( )方法, 把该类中的所有数据成员信息组合成一个字符串。 (6 ) 在类中声明统计班级总人数的私有数据成员 count, 以及获得班级总人数的 public 方法。 (7)将 Student 类放在子包 student 中。 (8 ) 在子包 student 外, 创建测试类 StudentTest。 在测试类中, 使用 Student 类创建多个对象, 测试 Student 类的每个 public 方法。 //Student.java package student; public class Student { private String sno; private String sname; private char ssex; private int sage; private static int count=0; public Student(String no,String name,char sex,int age){ sno=no; sname=name; ssex=sex; sage=age; count++; } public void setSno(String no){ sno=no; } public String getSno(){ return sno; } public void setSname(String name){ sname=name; } public String getSname(){ return sname; } public void setSsex(char sex){ ssex=sex; } public char getSsex(){ return ssex;


















m_fReal += c.m_fReal;
m_fImag += c.m_fImag;
return *this;
Complex& operator-= (const Complex &c)
m_fReal -= c.m_fReal;
m_fImag -= c.m_fImag;
return *this;







程序一:#include <iostream.h>int add(int x,int y=8);void main(){ int x=4;cout<<add(x)<<",";cout<<add(x,add(add(x,add(x))))<<endl;}int add(int x,int y){ return x+y;}//12,28程序二:#include <iostream.h>void main(){ int *p,i;i=5;p=&i;i=*p+10;cout<<"i="<<i<<endl;}//i=15程序三:#include <iostream.h>void main(void){ int i=10;int &r=i;r++;cout<<"i="<<i<<", r="<<r<<'\n';i=88;cout<<"i="<<i<<", r="<<r<<'\n';}//i=11,r=11i=88,r=88程序四:#include <iostream.h>int f(int i){ static int k=1;for(;i>0;i--)k +=i;return k;}void main(){ int i;for(i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<f(i)<<" ";}// 1 2 5 11 21程序五:#include <iostream.h>void func();int n=1;void main(){ static int a;int b= -9;cout <<"a:"<<a<<" b:"<<b<<" n:" <<n<<endl;b+=4;func();cout <<"a:"<<a<<" b:"<<b<<" n:"<<n<<endl;n+=10;func();}void func(){ static int a=2; int b=5;a+=2;n+=12;b+=5;cout <<"a:" <<a<<" b:" <<b<<" n:" <<n <<endl;}// a:0 b:-9 n:1a:4 b:10 n:13a:0 b:-5 n:13a:6 b:10 n:35实验二C++对C的扩充一、实验目的1、了解在面向对象程序设计过程中C++对C功能的扩充与增强,并善于在编写程序的过程中应用这些新功能。



学号:姓名:第三章面向对象程序设计作业一、判断题1、一个Java源程序可有多个类,但只仅有一个public 类,而且程序名与public 类名相同。

对2、如果类 A 和类B 在同一个包中,则除了私有成员外,类 A 可以访问类 B 中所有的成员。



错5、对static 方法的调用可以不需要类实例。





对10、Java应用程序的入口main 方法只有一种定义法。

对二、选择题1、下列答案正确的是( A )A) 在同一个Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,只能有一个被声明为publicB) 在同一个Java 源文件中只能包含一个类,并被声明为publicC) 在同一个Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,都可以被声明为publicD) 在同一个Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,只能有一个被声明为default2、Java实现动态多态性是通过( B )实现的。

A) 重载B) 覆盖C) 接口D) 抽象类3、下列哪一个是正确的方法重载描述( A )A) 重载方法的参数类型必须不同B) 重载方法的参数名称必须不同C) 返回值类型必须不同D) 修饰词必须不同4、final 关键字不可以用来修饰( D )A) 类B) 成员方法C) 域D) 接口5、接口的所有成员方法都具有( B )属性A) private, final B) public, abstractC) static, protected D) static6、Java的封装性是通过( A )实现的A) 访问控制B) 设计内部类C) 静态域和静态方法D) 包7、下列接口或类不属于java.util.* 包的是( D )A) Collection B)Vector C) Map D) Integer8、下述哪一组方法,是一个类中方法重载的正确写法?( A )A) int addValue( int a, int b ){return a+b;}float addValue ( float a, float b) {return a+b;}B) int addValue (int a, int b ){value=a+b; }float addValue ( int a, int b) {return (float)(a+b);}C) int addValue( int a, int b ){return a+1;}int addValue ( int a, int b) {return a+b;}D) int addValue( int a, int b ) {return a+b;}int addValue ( int x, int y ) {return x+y;}9、下列说法哪个是正确的?( C )A) 子类不能定义和父类同名同参数的方法B) 子类只能继承父类的方法,而不能重载C) 重载就是一个类中有多个同名但有不同形参和方法体的方法D) 子类只能覆盖父类的方法,而不能重载10、对于下列代码:public class Parent {public int addValue( int a, int b) {int s;s = a+b;return s;}}class Child extends Parent {}下述哪个方法不可以加入类Child? ( B )A) public int addValue( int a, int b,int c ){// do something...}B) public void addV alue (int a, int b ){// do something...}C) public int addValue( int a ){// do something...}D) public int addValue( int a, int b ) {//do something...}11、以下程序段输出结果的是( B )public class A implements B {public static void main(String args[]) {int i;A c1 = new A();i= c1.k;System.out.println("i="+i);}}interface B {int k = 10;}A) i=0 B) i=10 C) 程序有编译错误D) i=true12、阅读下面的程序,输出结果是( B )public class TestDemo {int m=5;public void some(int x) {m=x;}public static void main(String args []) {new Demo().some(7);}}class Demo extends TestDemo {int m=8;public void some(int x) {super.some(x);System.out.println(m);}}A) 5 B) 8 C) 7 D) 编译错误13、下述哪个说法是不正确的?( A )A) 局部变量在使用之前无需初始化,因为有该变量类型的默认值B) 类成员变量由系统自动进行初始化,也无需初始化C) 参数的作用域就是所在的方法D) for 语句中定义的变量,当for 语句执行完时,该变量就消亡了14、下述那一个保留字不是类及类成员的访问控制符。

【免费下载】第3章 面向对象程序设计基础 答案

【免费下载】第3章 面向对象程序设计基础 答案

student(String id , String name, String sex, int age)
{ this.id = id;
= name;
this.sex = sex;
public String getId()
{return id; }
public String geห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Name()
[解答]:class student{ private String id; private String name; private String sex; private int age; public String getId() {return id; } public String getName()
{ return name; }
public String getSex()
{ return sex; }
public int getAge()
{ return age; }
void setAge(int age)
{this.age = age; }
public String printInfo()
public class TestStudent { public static void main(String args[]) { student stu = new student("201101010220", "许国鹏", "男",22);
System.out.println("student info: " + "\n 学号:" + stu.getId()+ "\n 姓名"+ stu.getName()+"\n 性别:"+stu.getSex()+ "\n 年龄:"+stu.getAge()); stu.setAge(23); System.out.println("修改后的年龄为:"+stu.getAge()); } }










5、下列哪一项说法最好地描述了Java中的对象?(C)A、对象是通过import命令引入到程序中的所有事情B、对象是方法的集合,这些方法在小程序窗口或应用程序窗口中产生图形元素,或者计算和返回值C、对象是一种数据结构,它具有操作数据的方法D、对象是一组具有共同的结构和行为的类6、下面哪个关键字不是用来控制对类成员的访问的?(C)A、publicB、protectedC、defaultD、private7、Java语言正确的常量修饰符应该是(D)A、finalB、static finalC、staticD、public static final;8、接口的所有成员域都具有public 、static和final 属性。

9、接口的所有成员方法都具有public 和abstract 属性。

10、编译下列源程序会得到哪些文件?(C)class A1{}class A2{}public class B{public static void main(String args[]){}}A) 只有B.classB)只有A1.class和A2.class文件C)有A1.class、A2.class和B.class文件D) 编译不成功11、下列哪种说法是正确的?(A)A、私有方法不能被子类覆盖。

C 面向对象程序设计习题解答(全)

C  面向对象程序设计习题解答(全)

4答案 n=2,sum=2 n=3,sum=5 n=5,sum=10
5答案 x=3 6答案 x=1,y=2 x=30,y=40 7答案 1 2 3 4 exit main 3 2 1 8答案 n=100 9答案 the student is:Li Hu the teacher is:Wang Ping 10答案 2 11答案 1035,789.504 12答案 13答案
一、选择题 1 2 3 4 D B B C
5 D 6 D 7 D B 8 C B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B D B A A C B A
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C C D B A D 二、填空题 1 this 2所有成员 3友元类、友元函数 4 friend 5 程序编译、程序结束 三、程序阅读题
第六章 派生与继承
一、选择题 1(1) 1(2) 2 A B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 D C C C D D B C A D
二、填空题 1 继承 2 具体化、抽象 3 公有继承、保护继承、私有继承 4 子对象 5 public(共有的)、protected(保护的)、不可访问 6 protected(保护的)、protected(保护的)、不可访问的 7 private(私有的)、private(私有的)、不可访问的 8 二义性 三、判断下列描述的正确性 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 √ × × × × × √ √ × × √ √ ×
1、 选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C 8 9 10 D D D C A D C 2、 程序阅读题 1答案 a=639,b=78,c=12 2答案 a=5,b=8 a=8,b=5 3答案 10 4答案 x=20.6 y=5 z=A x=216.34 y=5 z=A x=216.34 y=2 z=A x=216.34 y=2 z=E 5答案 ic=11 fc=7.82 ic=5 fc=2.15 3、 判断下列描述的正确性 1 2 √ × D A



《面向对象程序设计》习题三答案一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1、用“>>”运算符从键盘输入多于一个数据时,各数据之间应使用( D )符号作为分隔符。

A、空格或逗号B、逗号或回车C、逗号或分号D、空格或回车2、C++中声明常量的关键字是( A )。

A、constB、externC、publicD、enum3、以下叙述中正确的是( B )A、使用#define可以为常量定义一个名字,该名字在程序中可以再赋另外的值B、使用const定义的常量名有类型之分,其值在程序运行时是不可改变的C、在程序中使用内置函数使程序的可读性变差D、在定义函数时可以在形参表的任何位置给出缺省形参值4、下列的符号常变量定义中,错误的定义是( C )。

A、const M=10;B、const int M=20;C、const char ch;D、const bool mark=true;5、函数原型语句正确的是( B )。

A、int Function(void a)B、void Function (int);C、int Function(a);D、void int(double a);6、在关键字private后面定义的成员为类的( A )成员。

A、私有B、公用C、保护D、任何7、在一个类的定义中,包含有( C )成员的定义。

A、数据B、函数C、数据和函数D、数据或函数8、在类作用域中能够通过直接使用该类的( D )成员名进行访问。

A、私有B、公用C、保护D、任何9、在关键字public后面定义的成员为类的( B )成员。

A、私有B、公用C、保护D、任何10、类中定义的成员默认为( B )访问属性。

A、publicB、privateC、protectedD、friend11、每个类( C )构造函数。

A、只能有一个B、可以有公用的C、可以有多个D、只可有缺省的12、对类对象成员的初始化是通过构造函数中给出的( B )实现的。



0837一、BCABB DDCBA二、1、答:程序运行的输出结果是:1 2 6 24 1202、3、问题(1):Test3是SuperTest的子类(或SuperTest是Test3的父类,或继承关系)。


问题(3):程序的输出是:<\ p="">Hi, I am OliveNice to meet you!Age is 7My age is 7My parent"s age is 35<\ p="">4、答:问题(1):new FileOutputStream(“out.txt”)dout.writeInt( ‘0’ + i);dout.close( );new FileInputStream(“out.txt”)din.readInt( )din.close( );问题(2):常被用于读取与存储(读写或输入/输出)基本数据类型的数据。

问题(3):文件out.txt的内容是:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9程序在控制台窗口输出:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,三、import java.io.DataOutputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;public class TestSort {public static int MAXSIZE = 61;public static void sortInt(int[] arr) { // 采用选择法对一维数组进行排序for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {int k = i;for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++)if (arr[j] < arr[k])k = j; // 用k记录最小值的下标if (k > i) { // 在外循环中实施交换arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[k];arr[k] = arr[i] - arr[k];arr[i] = arr[i] - arr[k];}}}public static void main(String args[]) {int score[] = new int[MAXSIZE];try {for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++)score[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 100 + 0.5);sortInt(score);DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(\"score.txt\"));for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++) {dout.writeInt(score[i]);System.out.println(score[i]);}dout.close();// 结果保存到文件} catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(\"发生异常:\" + e);e.printStackTrace();}// try-catch结构处理异常}}。

Visual C++面向对象程序设计第三章习题答案

Visual C++面向对象程序设计第三章习题答案

第三章作业3.18某城市为鼓励节约用水,对居民用水量做出如下规定:若每人每月用水量不超过2m*m*m,则按0.3元收费,若大于4 m*m*m按0.3元收费,剩余部分按0.6元收费;若超过4 m*m*m,则其中的2 m*m*m 按0.3元收费,再有2 m*m*m按0.6元收费,剩余部分按1.2元收费。


#include<iostream>using namespace std;double func(int i,double j){double k=j/i,sum;if(k<=2)sum=0.3*j;else if(k>2&&k<=4)sum=0.3*2*i+(j-2*i)*0.6;elsesum=0.3*2*i+0.6*2*i+(j-4*i)*1.2;return sum;}void main(){int n;double a;cout<<"该用户人数:"<<endl;cin>>n;cout<<"该户的用水量"<<endl;cin>>a;cout<<"应交纳水费"<<endl;cout<<func(n,a)<<"yuan"<<endl;}3.20利用迭代公式x(n+1)=(x(n)+a/x(n))/2 其中n=0,1,2,3…,x0=a/2 编程实现从键盘输入任一正数a,求出该正数的平方根#include<iostream>#include"math.h"using namespace std;double func(int i){double x0,x1;x0=i/2;x1=(x0+i/x0)/2;while(abs(x1-x0)>=1e-6){x0=x1;x1=(x0+i/x0)/2;}return x1;}void main(){int a;cout<<"请输入一个正数:"<<endl;cin>>a;cout<<"该正数的平方根为:"<<endl;cout<<func(a)<<endl;}3.22编写程序,把一个字符串插入到另一个字符串中的指定位置。

面向对象的C++程序设计 第六版 课后习题答案第三章

面向对象的C++程序设计 第六版 课后习题答案第三章

Chapter 3MORE FLOW OF CONTROL1. Solutions for and Remarks on Selected Programming ProblemsIn order to preserve flexibility of the text, the author has not dealt with classes in this chapter at all. To help those who really want to do things with classes, some of the Programming Projects will be carried out using one or several classes.1. Rock Scissors PaperHere each of two players types in one of strings "Rock", "Scissors", or "Paper". After the second player has typed in the string, the winner of this game is determined and announced.Rules:Rock breaks ScissorsScissors cuts PaperPaper covers RockIf both players give the same answer, then there is no winner.A nice touch would be to keep and report total wins for each player as play proceeds.To find the classes, we note first that there are 2 identical players. These players record the character entered, and keep track of the wins. There is a constructor that sets the total wins to 0. There is a play() member function that prompts for and gets from the keyboard returns one of the characters 'R', 'P', or 'S' for rock, paper and scissors. There is an accessor member function for ch and an incrementor member function for accumulated wins so that a stand alone function int win(ch, ch); can determine who wins and increment the accumulated wins variable.(A better solution would make the wins function a friend of class player so that wins can have access to the each player's private data to determine who wins and update the accumulated wins without the accessor function ch() and incrementWins() function.)Note that I have left a bit of debugging code in the program.class player{public function membersconstructors()play(); // prompts for and gets this player's movechar ch(); // accessorint accumulatedWins(); // accessorincrWins(); // increments win countprivate datacharacter typed inaccumulatedWins};int wins(player user1, player user2);//player1's character is compared to player2's character using accessor // functions.// wins returns// 0 if there no winner// 1 if player 1 wins,// 2 if player 2 wins,//calls the appropriate incrWins() to update the winsNote that once the class is defined and the auxiliary function written, the code “almost writes itself.”//file: //Rock Paper Scissors game//class/object solution#include <iostream>#include <cctype> //for int toupper(int);using namespace std;class Player{public:Player();void play(); //prompts for and gets this player's movechar Ch(); //accessorint AccumulatedWins(); //accessorvoid IncrWins(); //increments win countprivate:char ch; //character typed inint totalWins; //total of wins};Player::Player():totalWins(0)//intializer sets Player::totalWins to 0 {//The body is deliberately empty. This is the preferred C++ idiom. //This function could be written omitting the initializer, and//putting this line in the body://totalWins = 0;}void Player::play(){cout << "Please enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors."<< endl;cin >> ch;ch = toupper(ch); //no cast needed, ch is declared to be char}char Player::Ch(){return ch;}int Player::AccumulatedWins(){return totalWins;}void Player::IncrWins(){totalWins++;}int wins(Player& user1, Player& user2);// player1's character is compared to player2's character// using accessor functions.// The function wins returns// 0 if there no winner// 1 if player 1 wins,// 2 if player 2 wins,//calls the appropriate IncrWins() to update the winsint wins(Player& user1, Player& user2 ) // this must change user1// and user2{if( ( 'R' == user1.Ch() && 'S' == user2.Ch() )||( 'P' == user1.Ch() && 'R' == user2.Ch() )||( 'S' == user1.Ch() && 'P' == user2.Ch() ) ){// user 1 winsuser1.IncrWins();return 1;}else if( ( 'R' == user2.Ch() && 'S' == user1.Ch() )|| ( 'P' == user2.Ch() && 'R' == user1.Ch() )|| ( 'S' == user2.Ch() && 'P' == user1.Ch() ) ) {// user2 winsuser2.IncrWins();return 2;}else// no winnerreturn 0;}int main(){Player player1;Player player2;char ans = 'Y';while ('Y' == ans){player1.play();player2.play();switch( wins(player1, player2) ){case 0:cout << "No winner. " << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << player1.AccumulatedWins() << endl<< "Player 2: " << player2.AccumulatedWins()<< endl<< "Play again? Y/y continues other quits";cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;case 1:cout << "Player 1 wins." << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << player1.AccumulatedWins()<< endl<< "Player 2: " << player2.AccumulatedWins()<< endl<< "Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits. "; cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;case 2:cout << "Player 2 wins." << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << player1.AccumulatedWins()<< endl<< "Player 2: " << player2.AccumulatedWins()<< endl<< "Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits.";cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;}ans = toupper(ans);}return 0;}A typical run for the class/object solution follows:Please enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors.RPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors.Sinside IncrWins()1Player 1 wins.Totals to this move:Player 1: 1Player 2: 0Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits. yThanksPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. SPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. Pinside IncrWins()2Player 1 wins.Totals to this move:Player 1: 2Player 2: 0Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits. yThanksPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. PPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. Sinside IncrWins()1Player 2 wins.Totals to this move:Player 1: 2Player 2: 1Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits.yThanksPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. PPlease enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors. PNo winner.Totals to this move:Player 1: 2Player 2: 1Play again? Y/y continues other quits qThanks1. Rock Scissors Paper -- Conventional solution:Here each of two players types in one of strings "Rock", "Scissors", or "Paper". After the second player has typed in the string, the winner of this game is determined and announced.Rules:Rock breaks ScissorsScissors cuts PaperPaper covers RockIf both players give the same answer, then there is no winner.A nice touch would be to keep and report total wins for each player as play proceeds.This is a conventional solution to the problem.//file //conventional solution to the Rock Scissors Paper game#include <iostream> // stream io#include <cctype> // for int toupper(int)using namespace std;int wins(char ch1, char ch2){if( ( 'R' == ch1 && 'S' == ch2 )||( 'P' == ch1 && 'R' == ch2 )||( 'S' == ch1 && 'P' == ch2 ) )return 1; // player 1 winselse if(( 'R' == ch2 && 'S' == ch1 )||( 'P' == ch2 && 'R' == ch1 )||( 'S' == ch2 && 'P' == ch1 ) )return 2; // player 2 winselsereturn 0; // no winner}char play(){char ch;cout << "Please enter either R)ock, P)aper, or S)cissors." << endl; cin >> ch;return toupper(ch); // no cast needed, char is return type}int main(){int wins_1 = 0;int wins_2 = 0;char ch1;char ch2;char ans = 'Y';while ('Y' == ans){ch1 = play();ch2 = play();switch( wins(ch1, ch2) ){case 0:cout << "No winner. " << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << wins_1 << endl<< "Player 2: " << wins_2 << endl<< "Play again? Y/y continues other quits";cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;case 1:wins_1++;cout << "Player 1 wins." << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << wins_1 << endl<< "Player 2: " << wins_2 << endl<< "Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits. ";cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;case 2:wins_2++;cout << "Player 2 wins." << endl<< "Totals to this move: " << endl<< "Player 1: " << wins_1 << endl<< "Player 2: " << wins_2 << endl<< "Play Again? Y/y continues, other quits.";cin >> ans;cout << "Thanks " << endl;break;}ans = toupper(ans);}return 0;}A typical run follows for the co nventional solution is essentially the same as for the …class‟ based solution.2. Credit Account problem. -- class/object solutionCompute interest due, total amount due, and minimum payment for a revolving credit account.Inputs: account balanceProcess: Computes interestinterest according to:1.5% on 1st $10001.0% on all over $1000adds this to account balance get total due.Computes minimum payment according to:if amount due < $10,minimum payment is total dueelseminimum payment is 10% of total dueoutputs: Interest due, total amount due, minimum paymentThe class is the account.the public interface has functions:constructorsdefault constructorconstructor with parameter balance,computes interest, total due, minimum payinterestDue() reports interesttotalDue() reports total amount dueminPayDue() reports minimum payment dueprivate databalancetotal dueinterest dueminimum paymentClass-object Implementation://file: //Interest//class-object solution//Purpose: Compute interest due, total amount due, and minimum payment //for a revolving credit account.////Inputs: account balance////Process: Computes interest// interest according to:// 1.5% on 1st $1000 of balance// 1.0% on all over $1000 of balance// adds this to account balance get total due.// Computes minimum payment according to:// if amount due < $10,// minimum payment is total due// else// minimum payment is 10% of total due////outputs: Interest due, total amount due, minimum payment#include <iostream>using namespace std;const double INTEREST_RATE1 = 0.015;const double INTEREST_RATE2 = 0.01;const double MINPAY_FRACTION = 0.10;class CreditAccount{public:CreditAccount(); // sets everything to 0CreditAccount( double balance );// computes everything needed double interestDue();double totalDue();double minPayDue();private:double balance;double interestDue;double totalDue;double minPay;};double CreditAccount::interestDue(){return interestDue;}double CreditAccount::totalDue(){return totalDue;}double CreditAccount::minPayDue(){return minPay;}CreditAccount::CreditAccount():balance(0),totalDue(0), interestDue(0), minPay(0){//Body deliberately left empty.//This is a C++ idiom. See this IRM Chapter 10.// This is covered in Appendix 7 of the text}CreditAccount::CreditAccount( double balance ){if (balance <= 1000 )interestDue = balance*INTEREST_RATE1;else if ( balance > 1000 )interestDue = 1000*INTEREST_RATE1 + (balance - 1000)*INTEREST_RATE2; totalDue = balance + interestDue;if (totalDue <= 10 )minPay = totalDue;elseminPay = totalDue * MINPAY_FRACTION;}int main(){cout.setf(ios::showpoint);cout.setf(ios::fixed);cout.precision(2);char ans;double balance;do{cout << "Enter the account balance, please: " ;cin >> balance;CreditAccount account( balance );cout << "Interest due: " << account.interestDue() << endl<< "Total due: " << account.totalDue() << endl<< "Minimum Payment: " << account.minPayDue() << endl;cout << "Y/y repeats. any other quits" << endl;cin >> ans;}while('y' ==ans || 'Y' == ans );}A typical run for the class/object solution follows:Enter the account balance, please: 9.00Interest due: 0.14Total due: 9.13Minimum Payment: 9.13Y/y repeats. any other quitsyEnter the account balance, please: 9.85Interest due: 0.15Total due: 10.00Minimum Payment: 10.00Y/y repeats. any other quitsyEnter the account balance, please: 985.22Interest due: 14.78Total due: 1000.00Minimum Payment: 100.00Y/y repeats. any other quitsyEnter the account balance, please: 1000Interest due: 15.00Total due: 1015.00Minimum Payment: 101.50Y/y repeats. any other quitsyEnter the account balance, please: 2000Interest due: 25.00Total due: 2025.00Minimum Payment: 202.50Y/y repeats. any other quitsq2. Credit Account problem -- Conventional solutionCompute interest due, total amount due, and minimum payment for a revolving credit account. Inputs: account balanceProcess: Computes interestinterest according to:1.5% on 1st $10001.0% on all over $1000adds this to account balance get total due.Computes minimum payment according to:if amount due < $10,minimum payment is total dueelseminimum payment is 10% of total dueoutputs: Interest due, total amount due, minimum paymentdatabalancetotal dueinterest dueminimum payment//file: //conventional solution////Purpose: Compute interest due, total amount due, and minimum payment //for a revolving credit account.////Inputs: account balance////Process: Computes interest// interest according to:// 1.5% on 1st $1000 of balance// 1.0% on all over $1000 of balance// adds this to account balance get total due.// Computes minimum payment according to:// if amount due < $10,// minimum payment is total due// else// minimum payment is 10% of total due////Outputs: Interest due, total amount due, minimum payment#include <iostream>using namespace std;const double INTEREST_RATE1 = 0.015;const double INTEREST_RATE2 = 0.01;const double MINPAY_FRACTION = 0.10;double interestDue(double balance){if (balance <= 1000 )return balance*INTEREST_RATE1;return 1000*INTEREST_RATE1 + (balance - 1000)*INTEREST_RATE2; }double minPay(double totalDue){if (totalDue <= 10 )return totalDue;return totalDue * MINPAY_FRACTION;}int main(){double balance;double interestDue;double totalDue;double minPay;cout.setf(ios::showpoint);cout.setf(ios::fixed);cout.precision(2);char ans;do{cout << "Enter the account balance, please: " ;cin >> balance;interestDue = interestDue(balance);totalDue = balance + interestDue;minPay = minPay(totalDue);cout << "Interest due: " << interestDue << endl<< "Total due: " << totalDue << endl<< "Minimum Payment: " << minPay << endl;cout << "Y/y repeats. any other quits" << endl;cin >> ans;}while ( 'y' ==ans || 'Y' == ans );}A typical run for the conventional solution does not differ significantly from the …class‟ based solution.3. Astrology Class/Object solution.Notes:I have not done a conventional solution. All the bits and pieces necessary to do a conventional solution are present here. I also have not done the enhancements suggested. I have, however, included comments that suggest how to carry out these enhancements.I have used slightly modified new_line and display_line code from the text. Encourage students not to reinvent the wheel, that is, to use bits and pieces code from the book and other sources as long as copyrights are not violated.I used a library book on astrology for my reference. A newspaper works as well.Planning:Input: user's birthday. Month 1-12, day 1-31Process: table lookup of signs and horoscopes, with repeat at user's optionOutput: Sign of the Zodiac and horoscope for that birthday.Hint: user a newspaper horoscope for names, dates and ahoroscope for each sign.Enhancement: If birthday is within 2 days of the adjacentsign, announce that the birthdate is on a "cusp" and outputthe horoscope for the adjacent sign also.Comments and suggestions. Program will have a long multiwaybranch. Store the horoscopes in a file.Ask your instructor for any special instructions, such as file name orlocation if this is a class assignment.Planning for the solution:What are the object and classes?The Astrological Chart would be the class if we were doing a full chart. We are only selecting the Sun Sign, but we still let Astro be the class.Zodiac Sign names and dates:Aries March 21 - April 19Tarus April 20 - May 20Gemini May 21 - June 21Cancer June 22 - July 22Leo July 23 - August 22Virgo August 23 - September 22Libra September 23 - October 22Scorpio October 23 - November 21Sagittarius November 22 - December 21Capricorn December 21 - January 19Aquarius January 19 - February 18Pices February 19 - March 20Horoscope file structure.The initial <cr> is necessary given this code to prevent output from running on from the first horoscope. (We did not make use of the sign number.)<cr>sign numberhoroscope#sign numberhoroscope#and so on.Pseudocode for the class and what member functions do...class Astro{public:constructorsAstro();Astro( Date birthday);looks up and sets the sign number,Enhancement:sets iscusp to -1 if birthday is within 2 daysbefore the adjacent sign, to -1 if within 2 daysafter adjacent sign and 0 if neither.member functionsvoid horoscope ();Enhancement:if iscusp == -1, report horoscope before thecurrent one and the current one.else if iscusp == 1, report the current horoscopeand the one following.else // iscusp == 0, do the default action:Unenhanced action:Dump the horoscopes from file up to the current one.Display current horoscope.How? # is sentinel for end of a horoscope. Dump horoscopesthrough (signNumber -1) # symbols, using utilityfunctions. Display through next # using utilityfunctions.private:Day birthday;int signNumber;void newHoroscope(istream & inStream);// display inStream to next # and discard the #void displayHoroscope( istream& sourceFile);// read and ignore inStream through the next #//Enhancement:// int isCusp(};Planning done, now to the coding. The contents of “horoscope.dat” are listed with the …typical run‟ at the end of the following code.// Program: file: // Requires file "horoscope.dat" having structure// lines of text// #// lines of text// #// ...// lines of text// ##include <fstream> //for stream io#include <stdlib> //for exit()using namespace std;// an enum could have certainly been used hereconst int aries = 1;const int taurus = 2;const int gemini = 3;const int cancer = 4;const int leo = 5;const int virgo = 6;const int libra = 7;const int scorpio = 8;const int Sagittarius = 9;const int capricorn = 10;const int aquarius = 11;const int pisces = 12;//const makes certain no error that changes these constants is made.struct month //no checking is done... Let the user be warned!{int day; // 1..28, or 29 or 30 or 31, depending on month.int month; // 1..12};class Astro{public:Astro();Astro( month birthday);// looks up and sets the sign number//Enhancement: sets iscusp to -1 if birthday is within 2 days // before the adjacent sign, to -1 if within 2 days// after adjacent sign and 0 if neither.void horoscope ();//Enhancement: if iscusp == -1,// dump (signNumber - 2) horoscopes// else if iscusp == 1// dump (signNumber - 1) horoscopes// display next two horoscopes.// return;// unenhanced action: if we get here, iscusp == 0 so we// dump (signNumber - 1) horoscopes,// display next horoscope.private:month birthday;int signNumber;void newHoroscope(istream & inStream);void displayHoroscope( istream& sourceFile);//Enhancement:// int isCusp;};// dumps all from file through the next #void Astro::newHoroscope(istream & inStream){char symbol;do{inStream.get(symbol);} while(symbol != '#' );}//displays all from file through the next #void Astro::displayHoroscope( istream& sourceFile){char next;sourceFile.get(next);while ( '#' != next ){cout << next;sourceFile.get(next);}}void Astro::horoscope(){ifstream infile;infile.open( "horoscope.dat");int c;// cusp == 0 case: dump signNumber - 1 horoscopes.for ( int i = 1; i < signNumber; i++)newHoroscope( infile );displayHoroscope( infile );cout << endl;//Enhancement, change from //cusp==0 case://so that// if (cusp == -1)// dump thru (signNumber - 2) horoscopes// else if(cusp == 1 )// dump thru (signNumber - 1) hororscopes// from this position,// display two horoscopes// return// this is the cusp = 0 case, as above.}Astro::Astro() // I prefer to use the class initializer list { // notation. This follows the textsignNumber = 0;// isCusp = 0; // for one of the enhancements I did not do }Astro::Astro( month birthday)//int signNumber( month birthday ) // to test this turkey// looks up and sets the sign number,{switch( birthday.month ){case 1:if (birthday.day <= 19) signNumber = capricorn;else signNumber = aquarius;// enhancement code will look like this in all the cases:// if ( 17 <= birthday.day && birthday.day < 19 )cusp = -1;// else if ( 19 < birthday.day && birthday.day <= 21 )cusp = -1; // else cusp = 0;//break;case 2:if ( birthday.day <= 18 ) signNumber = aquarius;else signNumber = pisces;break;case 3:if ( birthday.day <=20 ) signNumber = pisces;else signNumber = aries;break;case 4:if ( birthday.day <= 19 ) signNumber = aries;else signNumber = taurus;break;case 5:if (birthday.day <= 20 ) signNumber = taurus;else signNumber = gemini;break;case 6:if (birthday.day <= 21 ) signNumber = gemini;else signNumber = cancer;break;case 7:if (birthday.day <= 22 ) signNumber = cancer;else signNumber = leo;break;case 8:if (birthday.day <= 22 ) signNumber = leo;else signNumber = virgo;break;case 9:if (birthday.day <= 22 ) signNumber = virgo;else signNumber = libra;break;case 10:if (birthday.day <= 22 ) signNumber = libra;else signNumber = scorpio;break;case 11:if (birthday.day <= 21 ) signNumber = scorpio;else signNumber = sagittarius;break;case 12:if (birthday.day <= 21 ) signNumber = sagittarius;else signNumber = capricorn;break;default: cout << "no such month as " << birthday.month<< " Aborting " << endl;exit(1);break;}}int main(){month birthday;cout << "Any non-digit in the month field will terminate the program." << endl;cout << "Enter birthday in numeric form: month day, as 12 5 : "<< endl;cin >> birthday.month >> birthday.day;do{cout << birthday.month << " " << birthday.day;Astro user(birthday);user.horoscope();cout << "Enter birthday in numeric form: month day, as 12 5: " << endl; cin >> birthday.month >> birthday.day;} while ( cin );}Test Data and Runs.Space restrictions prohibit including a complete horoscope here for each Sun Sign. I have created an abbreviated test file for Horoscopes. (The carriage return at the start of the file is necessary to obtain acarriage return before the Aries horoscope.)$cat horoscope.dat1 Aries#2 Taurus#3 Gemini#4 Cancer#5 Leo#6 Virgo#7 Libra#8 Scorpio#9 Sagittarius#10 Capricorn#11 Aquarius#12 Pisces#A shortened typical run with the test data file following:a.out < data | lessTest data: first entry is the month, second is the day:cat data1 191 201 212 182 19several dates omitted10 2411 2011 2111 2212 2112 2212 23Output from this run:Enter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:1 1910 CapricornEnter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:1 2011 AquariusEnter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:1 2111 AquariusSeveral lines of output have been deleted.Enter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:12 219 SagittariusEnter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:12 2210 CapricornEnter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:12 2310 CapricornEnter birthday in numeric form: day month, as 12 5:4. Modify Horoscope// File: ch3.4.cpp// Modify File: ch3.3.cpp//// Modify Project 3 to request the user's birthday then// to display the three most compatible astrological signs// (having the same Element)//// Elements are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,// Fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius// Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn// Air signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius// Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces//// Known Bugs:// Day number is only partially verified. Program aborts if the// day number > 31. No further checking is done for day input errors // such as Feb 29 on non-leap-years or April 31.// Enhancements suggested from #3 are not implemented. Hints// on how to do the enhancements are given in strategic places// in comments.// Program: file: // Requires file "horoscope.dat" having structure// lines of text// #// lines of text。




















例如:雇员刘名是一个对象对象名:刘名对象的属性:年龄:36 生日:1966.10.1 工资:2000 部门:人事部对象的操作:吃饭开车[1_4]什么是消息?消息具有什么性质?在面向对象程序设计中,一个对象向另一个对象发出的请求被称为“消息”。

Visual C++面向对象与可视化程序设计课后答案第三章

Visual C++面向对象与可视化程序设计课后答案第三章

1.Windows 编程中窗口的含义是什么?Windows应用程序基本的操作单元,系统管理应用程序的基本单位,应用程序与用户之间交互的接口环境2.事件驱动的特点是什么?Windows程序设计是针对事件或消息的处理进行。





Typedef struct tagPOINT{LONG X; LONG Y;}POINT5.一个windows应用程序的最基本构成有哪些部分(5)部分组成,1).C语言源程序文件c或者cpp 2).头文件h3).模块定义文件def 4).资源描述文件rc 5).项目文件vcproj6.应用windows API函数编程有什么特点1)为应用程序提供Windows系统特殊函数及数据结构2)Win应用程序可以利用标准大量API函数调用系统功能3)是Win系统与Win应用程序间的标准程序接口。

功能:窗口管理函数:实现窗口的创建、移动和修改功能,系统服务函数:实现与操作系统有关的多种功能,图形设备(GDI)函数:实现与设备无关的图形操作功能7.Windows编程中有哪些常用的数据类型LONG 32 位有符号整数,DWORD 32 位无符号整数,UINT 32 位无符号整数,BOOL布尔值,LPTSTR 指向字符串的32 位指针,LPCTSTR 指向字符串常量的32 位指针,LPSTR 指向字符串的32 位指针,LPCSTR 指向字符串常量的32 位指针。








答:public class Dog{private String name;private String color;private String age;Dog(String n,String c,String a){name = n; color = c; age = a;}public String toString() {return name + "," + color + "," + age;}public static void main(String args[]) {Dog dog = new Dog("小白", "白色", "2岁");System.out.println(dog.toString());}}3.什么是访问控制修饰符?修饰符有哪些种类?它们各有何作用?答:访问控制修饰符是对类、属性和方法的访问权限的一种限制,不同的修饰符决定了不同的访问权限。


各个修饰符的作用如下表所示:B:包中的类C:所有子类D:本类A:所有类:所有类4.阅读程序,写出程序的输出结果class A{private int privateVar;A(int _privateVar){privateVar=_privateVar;}boolean isEqualTo(A anotherA){if(this.privateVar == anotherA.privateVar)return true;elsereturn false;}}public class B{public static void main(String args[]){A a = new A(1);A b = new A(2);System.out.println(a.isEqualTo(b));}}程序的输出结果为:false5.阅读程序,写出程序的输出结果public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {int x;int a[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };calculate(a, a[5]);System.out.println("the value of a[0] is " + a[0]);System.out.println("the value is a[5] is " + a[5]);}static int calculate(int x[], int y) {for (int i = 1; i < x.length; i++)if (y < x.length)x[i] = x[i - 1] + 1;return x[0];}}程序的输出结果为:the value of a[0] is 0the value is a[5] is 56.阅读程序,写出程序的输出结果public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {String str1 = new String("Java");String str2 = new String("Java");System.out.println(str1 == str2);}}程序的输出结果为:false7.阅读下列程序,程序中已经指明错误位置,请说出错误原因。


using namespace std;
class aClass
int gettotal()
{ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
return total;
static int total;
int aClass::total=0;
cout<<"objects in existence after allocation\n";
delete p;
cout<<"objects in existence after deletion\n";
return 0;
int main()
N P(5),Q(9);
return 0;
class M
int x,y;
M(int i,int j)
void copy(M * m);
void setxy(int i,int j)
static void f1(M m );
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第三章 面向对象程序设计作业
1、一个 Java 源程序可有多个类,但只仅有一个 public 类,而且程序名与 public 类名相同。

2、如果类 A 和类 B 在同一个包中,则除了私有成员外,类 A 可以访问类 B 中所有的成员。

3、接口中的成员变量全部为常量,方法为抽象方法。 对
4、抽象类可以有构造方法,可以直接实例化。 错
5、对 static 方法的调用可以不需要类实例。 对
6、包含抽象方法的类一定是抽象类。 对

C)义的变量,当 for 语句执行完时,该变量就消亡了
14、下述那一个保留字不是类及类成员的访问控制符。( C )
A) public
C) static
int num1=10;
int num2=20;
String word = new String(“exam”);
12、阅读下面的程序,输出结果是( B )
public class TestDemo {
int m=5;
public void some(int x) {
public static void main(String args []) {
new Demo().some(7);
class Demo extends TestDemo {
B) int addValue (int a, int b ){value=a+b; }
float addValue ( int a, int b) {return (float)(a+b);}
C) int addValue( int a, int b ){return a+1;}
int addValue ( int a, int b) {return a+b;}
B) 成员方法
C) 域
D) 接口
5、接口的所有成员方法都具有( B )属性
A) private, final
B) public, abstract
C) static, protected
D) static
6、Java 的封装性是通过( A )实现的
A) 访问控制
B) 设计内部类
C) 静态域和静态方法
C) 重载就是一个类中有多个同名但有不同形参和方法体的方法
D) 子类只能覆盖父类的方法,而不能重载
public class Parent {
public int addValue( int a, int b) {
int s;
s = a+b;
return s;
double answer=25.5;
public int stuff(String s, int x, int y)
A) num1=stuff(“hello”,num1,num1);
B) answer=stuff(word,answer,num2);
2、Java 实现动态多态性是通过( B )实现的。
A) 重载
B) 覆盖
C) 接口
D) 抽象类
3、下列哪一个是正确的方法重载描述( A )
A) 重载方法的参数类型必须不同
B) 重载方法的参数名称必须不同
C) 返回值类型必须不同
D) 修饰词必须不同
4、final 关键字不可以用来修饰( D )
A) 类
D) int addValue( int a, int b ) {return a+b;}
int addValue ( int x, int y ) {return x+y;}
9、下列说法哪个是正确的?( C )
A) 子类不能定义和父类同名同参数的方法
B) 子类只能继承父类的方法,而不能重载
A) 5
int m=8;
public void some(int x) {
B) 8
13、下述哪个说法是不正确的?( A )
A) 局部变量在使用之前无需初始化,因为有该变量类型的默认值
B) 类成员变量由系统自动进行初始化,也无需初始化
1、下列答案正确的是( A )
A) 在同一个 Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,只能有一个被声明为 public
B) 在同一个 Java 源文件中只能包含一个类,并被声明为 public
C) 在同一个 Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,都可以被声明为 public
D) 在同一个 Java 源文件中可以包含多个类,只能有一个被声明为 default
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i;
A c1 = new A();
i= c1.k;
interface B {
int k = 10;
A) i=0
B) i=10
C) 程序有编译错误
D) i=true

9、类的实例对象的生命周括实例对象的创建、使用、废弃、垃圾的回收。 对
10、Java 应用程序的入口 main 方法只有一种定义法。
