
• 2) It advocates the full expression of individualism and the fulfillment of one’s abilities, against the despotic(专制的) rule of feudalism. It declares that the purpose of life is the unrestrained and self-sufficient practice of one’s "virtues", the competent and delighted exercise of one’s skill. • 3) It affirms the delight of earthly achievement, as well as man’s desire for happiness and pleasure. Its preoccupation is with this life and it exposes the hypocrisy(虚伪) and debauchery (放荡)of the clergy.
• The rise of the bourgeoisie soon showed its influence in the sphere of cultural life. The result is an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or, the birth of letters.
Outline of British Literature
1. Anglo-Saxon Period 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(449-1066) 2. Anglo-Norman Period 盎格鲁- 诺曼时期(1066—1485) 3.The Renaissance文艺复兴时期(15世纪后期—17 世纪 初) 4.The 17th Century (Age of Revolution and Restoration)17世纪文学 5.The Enlightenment 启蒙时期(17世纪后期—18世纪中 期) 6.The Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1798-1832) 7.The Critical Realism 批判现实主义时期(19世纪30年代1918) 8.The Modern Period现代主义时期(1918-1945) 9.Contemporary English Literature 当代文学(1945— 至 今)

Renaissance humanist,Catholic priest, and a theologian from The Netherlands. 伊拉斯谟(1466-1536)是一 家荷兰文艺复兴时期的人文 主义者,天主教神父和神学 家
Pieter Bruegel the Elder(老彼得·勃鲁盖 尔)
Map of Italian City-States (1494)
Siege of Constantinople – 1453 君士坦丁堡的陷落
Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul in Turkey) was the capital of the Byzantine Empire(拜占庭 帝国), the last vestige of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Pieta, is a sculptureof Mary holding the dead body of Jesus.
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Ceiling of Sistine Chapel(西斯 廷教堂) took four years to
1492 in Spain!
Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas Granada was taken (this event is called the Reconquista), thus unifying the Iberian Peninsula Intensification (增强) of the Spanish Inquisition Jews and Muslims were expelled from the country 克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现美洲 格拉纳达(此事件被称为“收复失地运动),从 而 统一了伊比利亚半岛 西班牙宗教裁判所的强化 犹太人和穆斯林驱逐出境
Opera 西方歌剧

Types Masterpieces
It can be adapted to different languages
Italian opera, German-language opera,
French opera, English-language opera, Russian opera, etc.
Theatre, Movies
The Marriage of Figaro
The Phantom Of the Opera
Western Opera
Originally understood as an entirely sung piece, in contrast to a play with songs, opera has come to include numerous genres, including some that include spoken dialogue such as musical theater(音乐剧), Singspiel(德国歌唱剧) and Opéra comique(法国喜剧歌剧). In traditional number opera, singers employ two styles of singing: recitative, a speech-inflected style and self-contained arias(叹咏调). The 19th century saw the rise of the continuous music drama.
The 20th century saw many experiments with modern styles, such as atonality(无调性) and serialism(序列音乐), Neoclassicism(新古典主义), and Minimalism(极简主义).

以下是外国歌剧历史发展的一个简要概述:1. 古希腊和罗马:古希腊的悲剧和喜剧是歌剧的早期形式,它们结合了音乐、诗歌和戏剧。
2. 中世纪:在中世纪,宗教剧(Mystery Plays)和奇迹剧(Miracle Plays)等形式的戏剧开始出现,它们通常在教堂外演出,包含了宗教故事和道德教训,音乐和歌词被用来增强戏剧效果。
3. 文艺复兴:文艺复兴时期,意大利成为音乐和艺术的中心。
这一时期,牧歌剧(Pastorale)和室内歌剧(Opera da Camera)等形式的歌剧开始出现,它们通常是较小规模的,为私人聚会或节日而作。
4. 17世纪:17世纪,歌剧在意大利得到了进一步的发展,特别是在佛罗伦萨、罗马和威尼斯等地。
5. 18世纪:18世纪的歌剧发展进入了一个黄金时期,特别是在意大利、法国和德国等国家。
6. 19世纪:19世纪是歌剧的另一个重要时期,出现了许多著名的作曲家和作品,如罗西尼(Rossini)、贝利尼(Bellini)、多尼采蒂(Donizetti)、威尔第(Verdi)和普契尼(Puccini)等意大利作曲家,以及法国的柏辽兹(Berlioz)、德国的瓦格纳(Wagner)等。
7. 20世纪:20世纪的歌剧继续发展,出现了许多现代和实验性的作品,如斯特拉文斯基(Stravinsky)的《春之祭》(The Rite of Spring)和贝尔格(Berg)的《沃采克》(Wozzeck)等。

1. 'La Fiera' (野兽) - 这首歌曲通过音乐表现了文艺复兴时期对野兽和自然世界的独特兴趣。
2. 'Il Giardino dell'Amore' (爱之花园) - 这首歌曲展示了文艺复兴时期对爱情和浪漫主题的迷恋。
3. 'La Luce della Conoscenza' (知识之光) - 在文艺复兴时期,知识和学术成为了人们的追求目标。
4. 'La Danza della Vita' (生命之舞) - 这首歌曲以欢快的舞曲形式展现了文艺复兴时期对生活的热情和对快乐的追求。
5. 'La Bellezza dell'Arte' (艺术之美) - 艺术是文艺复兴时期的核心,这首歌曲通过优雅的旋律和细腻的歌词表达了对艺术之美的崇敬和赞美。

The Renais sanceT he Renais sance refers to the period in Europe an civili zatio n toward s the end of the Middle Ages, whichwas charac teriz ed by a surgeof intere st in classi cal learni ng and values.1.The origin of the Renais sanceThe Renais sance emerge d when social instab ility, econom ic sluggi shnes s and intell ectua l depres sionbecame so intole rable that most of the people, especi allythe intell ectua ls couldno longer accept the worsen ing situat ion. The Renais sance as a moveme nt firststarte d in Floren ce and then expand ed to Venice, Rome and otherItalia n cities before it sweptthe rest partsof Europe. Painti ng and sculpt ure were the most sensit ive fields to the change with theirsubjec ts and tastes, shifti ng from dullne ss, stagna tion,lack of emotio n and divini ty to dynami cs, enthus iasmand humani taria nism.Litera tureand ideolo gy soon follow ed as otherimport ant areasprocee ded and the moveme nt furthe r separa ted itself from feudal istic tyrann y, eccles iasti c bondag e and sought intell ectua l freedo m and ideolo gical emanci patio n.2.The charac teris ticsof the Renais sanceThe Renais sance is charac teriz ed by seekin g ideolo gical emanci patio n, intell ectua l freedo m and politi cal awaren ess, basedon cultur al produc tionand religi ous reform ation. All thesewere undert akenor unfold ed gradua lly but widely, extend ing its influe ncesto everycorner of Europe, with more and more people gettin g involv ed. The achiev ement s were seen princi pally in six areas,namely, painti ng, sculpt ure, poetry, fictio n, dramaand religi ous reform ation as well as the change in the cultur al and intell ectua l climat e.3.The influen ce of the Renais sanceThe Renais sance was an import ant stagein the histor icalproces s of the Wester n civili zatio n and indica ted a transi tiona l period from the Middle Ages to the modern era in the develo pment of Wester n cultur e. Econom ic and intell ectua l change s during the Renais sance both helped to speedup Wester n social and cultur al develo pment and prepar ed the necess ary condit ionsfor the rapidprogre ss in politi cal, social and ideolo gical areasof the Modern Age.文艺复兴是指由于意大利最早产生了资本主义萌芽,13世纪末在意大利兴起,以后扩散到西欧各国,16世纪盛行的一场思想文化运动。

意大利喜歌剧意大利喜歌剧( Italian art-opera)诞生于19世纪末的佛罗伦萨,是文艺复兴时期意大利民族音乐文化的代表。
巴里作品的歌剧院歌剧( Opera court opera),被认为是西方歌剧最重要的奠基者。
今天,我们看到的喜歌剧实际上有三种类型:以意大利歌剧学派为代表的正歌剧( opera comune);以德国歌剧学派为代表的轻歌剧( opera funebre);以法国歌剧学派为代表的浪漫喜歌剧( opera romain)。
巴里作品的歌剧院歌剧( Opera court opera),被认为是西方歌剧最重要的奠基者。

Brief of shakespare
William Shakespeare ,who was a thinker, writer,
dramatist, and poet . He was born in a wealthy family in 1564. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old female. He had study in the "grammar school", but after his father bankruptcy ,he had to dropout. At 21 years old who went to work in theatre of London . Later he began stage acting, and writing plays and poems.
1) comedy:
1595,A Midsummer Night's Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》 1596,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》 1598,The Merry Wives of Windsor 《温莎的风流娘儿们》 1598,Much Ado About Nothing 《无事生非》 1599,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》 1600,Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》
1.Political background
After long years of domestic year England enjoy a prosperity during

David (1504) by Michelangelo
In essence,
the Renaissance is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers attempted to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by Roman Catholic Church and to introduce new ideas expressing the interest of the rising bourgeoisie.
1.1 What is Renaissance?
Renaissance refers to the activity, spirit and time of the revival of art, learning, and literature in Europe extending over a period of 300 years (1350-1650), marking a transition from the Middle Ages to the modern time.
A Presentation on William Shakespeare
A Different View of Humanity Human beings are glorious creatures capable of individual development toward the direction of perfection. Human beings live in this world not to suffer merely but to interrogate, to explore and to enjoy.

La Scala
opera house
The Paris Opera House
European Opera
By 叶钏 and 徐婉婉
Origin Distinguished op
Opera house
A group of cultural celebrities in the art world were keen on restoring ancient Greek dramas.
Tchaikovsky 柴科夫斯基
Pique Dame黑桃皇后
Carmen 卡门
Type of drama
正歌剧Opera Seria :Most of them are based on the myth or historical stories.
趣歌剧(Opera buffa):often reflect social reality of comic story in life.
In the 16 century, Opera eventually was produced in Florence, Italy.
It was known then as the rural drama
The first opera which was universally acknowledged in the world is "Dafne” created by Monteverdi in 1607. From then on, opera with its unique charm gradually became Europe's most important music genre.
文艺复兴时期人物介绍 英文版

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
He believed that the Sun was located near the center of the universe. It was this center of universe which influenced those bodies and caused them to revolve. This is called suncenter theory of the universe or the heliocentric theory .
Famous Men of the Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci Dante Alighieri Nicolaus Copernicus
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet, who is the founder of modern Italian, also known as the pioneer of the Renaissance , famous for the long poem "Divine Comedy". His works were first written in local dialects rather than as Latin in the medieval European formal literary language and he implicitly criticized and exposed the corruption and stupidity of medieval religious domination.
【实战英语听力】Lesson56: 歌剧 Opera (意大利)

lesson56:歌剧 Opera (意大利)原文:M: Man W: WomanM:You've been listening to that music for ages, whatis it?W: It's an opera, composed by Monteverdi.M: Oh, it's by Monteverdi. It's too old for me! Who invented it anyway?W: Opera was invented by a group of wealthy people in Florence, who wanted to reproduce ancient Greek dramas. M: Wasn’t the first real open Daphne, by Jacopo Peri, written over 400 years ago?W: Yes, it was. I'm surprised you know that. Peri's opera is lost, because there were no music publishers then, but we know it existed because so many people wrote comments about the performance of Daphne.M: So, Monteverdi started after this, changing the form into the modem style we know today. He added ariasallowing the singers to express the emotions of their characters, and to show off their singing abilities. W: Right, and later on other composers added many other things. For example, chorus parts, dances and instrumental parts. After this, opera grew and changed in many ways.M: It comes from Italy, right? I mean all of these composers were Italian, but Mozart was Austrian.W: That's because it was so popular and spread to Germany, France, England, Russia, Spain, Portugal and other countries. But yes, it originated in Italy.M: Were all of the first operas written in Italian? W: Yes, even foreigners like Mozart wrote in Italian, but later as it expanded, they started to write intheir own languages.M: OK, so I know it started in Italy and became widespread across Europe pretty quickly, but chat doesn't explain how it came to America.W: European immigrants brought opera to the United States in the 18幽 and 19h centuries. That's why wehave "The Met", or Metropolitan Opera House. It opened in 1883.M: I see, but why is it still so popular nowadays? Opera fans still love to attend operas at " The Met. " W: Most operas on at "The Met" nowadays are 18'hand 19出 century ones, written by Mozart, Puccini, Wagner, and so on. I guess people just find them incredibly beautiful, I know I do!M: It is an interesting topic, but I think I'II stick to my pop music.译文:M:男人 w:女人M: 这首乐曲你听很久了,是什么音乐?W: 是蒙泰威尔第创作的一部歌剧。

国外歌剧发展史英文原文The art of opera, a quintessential part of Western classical music, has evolved significantly since its inception in the late 16th century. It began in Italy and soon spread across Europe, becoming a staple of cultural expression. The earliest operas, crafted in the Italian courts, were elaborate spectacles that combined music, drama, and dance. They were rooted in the Renaissance tradition of intermedio, a musical sequence performed between the acts of a play.As opera moved from private courts to public theaters, it became more accessible to a wider audience. The first public opera house, Teatro San Cassiano in Venice, opened in 1637, marking a pivotal moment in opera history. This democratization of opera led to a surge in its popularity and the development of various national styles.In France, opera took on a distinctive form known as tragédie en musique, or tragédie lyrique, pioneered by composers like Jean-Baptiste Lully. These operas were characterized by their French libretti, grandeur, and incorporation of ballet. Meanwhile, in England, the semi-opera, which combined spoken dialogue with musical interludes, emerged, with Henry Purcell's "Dido and Aeneas" being a notable example.The 18th century saw the rise of the bel canto style in Italy, with composers such as Gioachino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini, and Gaetano Donizetti. Bel canto emphasized beautiful, lyrical melodies and virtuosic vocal lines. This period also witnessed the advent of German singspiel, a form that included spoken dialogue, exemplified by Mozart's "The Magic Flute."The 19th century brought about further diversification. Italian opera was dominated by Giuseppe Verdi, whose works focused on dramatic intensity and memorable melodies. In Germany, Richard Wagner introduced the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, a "total work of art" that synthesized music, poetry, drama, and visual arts. His epic operas, with their complex leitmotifs and expansive structures, were a stark contrast to the Italian tradition.The verismo movement in the late 19th century, led by composers like Ruggero Leoncavallo and Pietro Mascagni, aimed to bring realism to opera. Their works depicted everyday life and the struggles of ordinary people, a departure from the historical and mythological themes of earlier operas.In the 20th century, opera continued to evolve, reflecting the turbulent times. Composers such as Benjamin Britten in England and Dmitri Shostakovich in the Soviet Union addressed contemporary issues and experimented with new musical languages. American opera also began to find its voice, with George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" blending classical music with jazz and folk elements.Today, opera is a global phenomenon, embracing diverse cultures and continuing to innovate. Contemporary composers like Philip Glass and Kaija Saariaho have expanded the boundaries of the genre, incorporating electronic music and non-traditional narratives.Throughout its history, opera has been a mirror to society, reflecting its values, struggles, and aspirations. It has evolved from courtly entertainment to a form of art that resonates with audiences worldwide. As it continues to adapt and grow, opera remains a testament to the enduring power of human creativity and expression. 。

The highlighted words are the tierce de picardie
= minor chord sequence
This chord sequence is used for the famous tune Greensleaves
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company.
Medieval and Renaissance Instrumental Music
Medieval “Music of the Middle Ages”
“Istampita Palamento”
Medieval Dance Music
Estampie • Stamping Dance - People stand in a circle holding hands • Made up of several sections, each section is played twice, the first with an open ending and the second with a close ending
Chorus: Greensleeves was all my joy Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves was my heart of gold, And who but my lady greensleeves.
I C iii
Pavan Dance
上演于文艺复兴故乡的新歌剧 ABDR设计的意大利佛罗伦萨新歌剧院

项 目功 能 : 歌剧 厅 、音 乐厅 、室 外剧 场 以及 公园
基地面 积 : 3 3h m
建筑面 积 : 4 0O 0 0 m 设计 , 建成 时 间 : 2 0 0 9/ 2 0 1 1 项 目建 筑 师 : AB D R建筑 事务 所 结构 : 穆 勒公 司 的乔根 . 雷茵 霍尔 德和 西蒙 - 孔 达
h o w a mode r n op e r a h ou s e s uc c e e d s t h e R e n a i s s a nc e
p a s t a n d t h e p r e s en t .
KE Y W ORDS Op e r a ho us e ;Ci t y ;P ub L i c ;Ac ou s t i c s
Ne w Ope r a Hous e i n F l or en c e b y ABDR
Op e r a Hou s e a br a nd — n e w f u nc t i o n a c c or d i ng t o t h e u r ba n v i e wp oi n t .T h e a r c h i t e c t s ma k e g oo d us e o f hi gh — t e c hn ol og y t o a b s t r a c t an d r e in f e t h e t r a di t i on a l f o r m— c o mb i ni n g t h e c i t y , pu bl i c a n d c u l t u r e i n o r d e r t o c r e a t e an op e r a h ou s e whi c h mod er a t e l y c on n e c t s t h e

文艺复兴英文介绍The Renaissance, also known as the rebirth, refers to a period in European history between the 14th and 17th centuries. It was characterized by a renewed interest in art, literature, philosophy, and science, marking a transition from the medieval period to the early modern era.During this time, there was a revival of classical learning and a shift towards humanism, emphasizing the importance of individualism, reason, and the potential of human beings. Artists and scholars looked back to the works of ancient Greece and Rome for inspiration and sought to surpass achievements of the past.In the field of art, the Renaissance saw the rise of renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. These artists explored new techniques and subjects, using perspective and light to create realistic and emotionally powerful works. The concept of beauty shifted from the divine to the idealized human form.In literature, humanism influenced the works of writers like Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, and Miguel de Cervantes. Literature became more focused on the individual human experience, exploring themes such as love, morality, and the pursuit of knowledge. The printing press, invented during this period, allowed for widespread dissemination of literature, contributing to an increased interest in reading.Moreover, the Renaissance brought significant advancements in science and technology. Scientists like Nicolaus Copernicus,Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler challenged the traditional understanding of the universe, making groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy, physics, and mathematics. This scientific revolution paved the way for modern scientific methods and thinking.In conclusion, the Renaissance was a transformative period in European history, characterized by a resurgence of interest in art, literature, philosophy, and science. Its humanistic ideals and emphasis on individuality continue to influence Western culture to this day.。

意大利歌剧介绍英语作文Title: An Introduction to Italian Opera。
Italian opera, a cultural phenomenon that hasenthralled audiences worldwide for centuries, is a vibrant fusion of music, drama, and visual arts. Originating in the Renaissance era, Italian opera has evolved into a complex art form that continues to captivate and inspire. This essay aims to explore the history, evolution, notable composers, and enduring charm of Italian opera.The roots of Italian opera can be traced back to the late 16th century, when composers began experimenting with combining music and drama. The earliest operas, known as "intermedi," were performed in Florence, Italy, and often featured simple plots and melodies. However, it was in Venice, a city renowned for its musical culture, that opera truly flourished. Composers such as Monteverdi and Cavalli began to experiment with more complex storylines and musical structures, paving the way for the development ofthe modern opera.The Baroque period marked a significant turning point in the evolution of Italian opera. Composers like Claudio Monteverdi and Carlo Gesualdo pushed the boundaries of music, introducing innovative techniques like expressive recitatives and monody. This period also saw the emergence of opera seria, a formalized style that focused on mythological and historical themes. The operas of this period were often lavish affairs, with elaborate costumes, elaborate sets。

在音乐方面,法国文艺复兴时期出现了许多著名的作曲家,例如Josquin des Prez,Claudin de Sermisy,Jean Mouton 以及Claude Goudimel等人,这些作曲家对文艺复兴时期的音乐做出了非常重要的贡献。
古典音乐史上非常有名的“曼荷美团”就是法国音乐家Martin le Franc所创建的一个音乐小组,在小组的音乐创作中,使用了复杂的和声,优美的旋律和美妙的节奏,这些都彰显出了法国文艺复兴时期音乐家的创造力和技巧。

2、“悍妇”形象的塑造。 麦克白夫人充满野心,冷酷无情,心狠手辣, 是西方文艺作品中常见的“悍妇”形象之一。
卡俄斯 该亚 (混沌之神) (大地)
2、“悍妇”形象的塑 造。
奥林匹斯神系取 代前奥林匹斯神系, 已经表明两性冲突的 结果是男性文化对女
Shakespeare (1564——1616)
1、童年 (优裕的家境) 斯特拉福镇,文法学校,良好的教育; 2、青少年 (家道中落) 经济负担,离开家乡到伦敦谋生; 3、伦敦剧院(成功之路) 剧院伙计,编写剧本,出入宫廷; 4、回乡(安度晚年) 起初有少量的传奇剧创作,后停止创作。
1、多头绪、松结构。莎士比亚通过“节外生 枝”来扩大喜剧的效果。 主线:奥西诺——薇奥拉——奥利维娅; 副线:托比——安德鲁——马伏里奥。
2、莎士比亚在作品中 设置了一系列“误会”, 推动情节发展,挖掘人物 内心情感。(5个误会) 3、作品中的丑角(费 斯特、马伏里奥),通过 狂欢放纵的方式再现了人 民大众本真的生命价值。
《理查三世》描 写了新王朝约克家 族内部续演的一部 争夺王权的悲剧。 外表丑陋、内心自 卑的理查,出于妒 忌和野心,施展阴 谋,窃取王位,最 后走向灭亡。
“一匹战马!一匹战马!我愿以我的 王国来换取一匹战马!”
导演:萨姆· 门德斯
主演:凯文· 史派西
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Pastoral Drama In this convention the purity and simplicity of shepherd life is contrasted with the corruption and artificiality of the court or the city. Intermezzo Was a lighter, more comedic scene interpolated between more serious scenes. Opera Either comedic or serious, some dialogue but accompanied with music. Singing used to frame and enhance the action of the play.
The Renaissance and Shakespeare
GHS Fall 2012
Cultural movement that spanned the periods of the 14th through the 17th centuries It was not a uniform process. Not every country experienced the “Rebirth” at the same time.
Dates back to Florence, Italy in the late Sixteenth century (1500’s). The purpose that lead to creation of Opera was the need to understand Greek drama and how music was an integral part of drama. Even Gregorian chants of the Medieval period were a type of liturgical musical dramas, but the Opera looked to the classical period for its inspiration.
Opera https:///watch?v=PfyHMZWMnQ Intermezzo https:///watch?v=Cap3qdSP RJw Pastoral https:///watch?v=5cj0rly3JxY https:///watch?v=UCIx07t14j w&feature=related
It imitated Greek musical drama, and incorporated the chorus and actors together. For two hundred years, this art form accelerated. The libretto, scenery, costumes, dance, music, etc. saw vast improvements and expansion. Orchestration, vocal virtuosity etc. expanded the Opera to a high art form.
Art accelerated in production and quality from the Medieval period.
Important artists of the period= Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
A move toward Humanism and a desire to seek the “truth” about nature, God, and man. Christianity was not rejected; many works were devoted to it.
Renaissance started in Italy in the 1300’s. Learning focused on classical sources such as the Romans (Latin), Greeks, and Arabic and Hebrew texts.
By the 15th and 16th centuries, European nations had established their own native traditions, religious dramas and farces based on Greek and Roman plays. Drama of the Renaissance mirrored or reproduced classical themes.
The Elizabethan Period marked the beginning of the Renaissance in England It lasted 45 yrs, or the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). During this period all Arts blossomed, but Drama and Theater excelled like no otf ancient texts long forgotten, including Greek Christian works that would lead to the Protestant reformation. The period marked a period of Church reforms and eventually movements that would birth the American and French Revolutions.