

2014年北京外国语大学英语学院考研611英语基础测试(阅读)资料汇编阅读练习例题解析1首先1-2分钟通览全文2重点在1-2段,并寻找中间段TOPIC句子3注意强因果、强转折4做题加深以上体会第一篇范文Life expectancy in the richest countries of the world now exceeds the poorest by more than 30 years, figures show. The gap is widening across the world, with Western countries and the growing economies of Latin America and the Far East advancing more rapidly than Africa and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Average life expectancy in Britain and similar countries of the OECD was 78.8 in 2000-05, an increase of more than seven years since 1970-75 and almost 30 years over the past century. In sub-Saharan Africa, life expectancy has increased by just four months since 1970, to 46.1 years. Narrowing this "health gap" will involve going beyond the immediate causes of disease-poverty, poor sanitation and infection-to tackle the "causes of the causes" -the social hierarchies in which people live, says the report published by the Global Commission on the Social Determinants of Health established by the WHO in 2005.Professor Sir Michael Marmot, chairman of the commission, who first coined the term "status syndrome", said social status was the key to tackling health inequalities worldwide. In the 1980s, in a series of ground-breaking studies among Whitehall civil servants, Professor Marmot showed that the risk of death among those on the lower rungs of the career ladder was four times higher than those at the top, and that the difference was linked with the degree of control the individuals had over their lives.He said yesterday that the same rule applied in poorer countries. If people increased their status and gained more control over their lives they improved their health because they were less vulnerable to the economic and environmental threats. "When people think about those in poor countries they tend to think about poverty, lack of housing, sanitation and exposure to infectious disease. But there is another issue, the social gradient in health which I called status syndrome. It is not just those at the bottom of the hierarchy who have worse health; it is all the way along the scale. Those second from the bottom have worse health than those above them but better health than those below."The interim report of the commission, in the online edition of The Lancet, says the effects of status syndrome extend from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy, with Swedish adults holding a PhD having a lower death rate than those with a master's degree. The study says: "The gradient is a worldwide occurrence, seen in low-income,middle-income and high-income countries. It means we are all implicated."The result is that even within rich countries such as Britain there are striking inequalities in life expectancy. The poorest men in Glasgow have a life expectancy of 54, lower than the average in India. The answer, the report says, is empowerment, of individuals, communities and whole countries. "Technical and medical solutions such as medical care are without doubt necessary. But they are insufficient." Professor Marmot said: "We talk about three kinds of empowerment. If people don't have the material necessities, they cannot be empowered. The second kind is psycho-social empowerment: more control over their lives. The third is political empowerment: having a voice."The commission's final report, to be published soon, will identify the ill effects of low status and make recommendations for how they can be tackled. In Britain a century ago, infant mortality among the rich was about 100 per 1,000 live births compared with 250 per 1,000 among the poor. Infant mortality is still twice as high among the poor in Britain, but the rates have come down dramatically to 7 per 1,000 among the poor and 3.5 among the rich. Professor Marmot said: "We have made dramatic progress, but this is not about abolishing the rankings, but by identifying the ill effects of hierarchies we can make huge improvement."1. Which of the following CANNOT be found from the passage?(细节题)B(A) Life expectancy in Latin America and the Far East is increasing faster than Africa.(B) In Africa, life expectancy had only increased by four years since 1970 to 46.1 years.(C) There is a gap of more than 30 years in life expectancy between the richest countries and the poorest countries.(D) Within rich countries there are also great inequalities in life expectancy between the rich and the poor.2. According to the passage, the term "status syndrome" _______,(细节题)C(A) was first accepted by the World Health Organisation in 2005(B) was proposed by Professor Marmot to describe social changes(C) is used to expose the major causes of health inequalities(D) is used to show the correlation between sanitation and infection3.According to the passage, the effects of status syndrome _______.(细节题)D(A) can only be found from those living at the bottom of the society(B) usually are greater among those from the lower classes(C) are the same on people from each ladder of the social hierarchy(D) extend universally from the bottom to the top of the social hierarchy4.Professor Marmot proposed that "empowerment" should ________.(细节题)C(A) mainly include technical and medical advancement(B) be equal to access to material necessities(C) be material, psycho-social and political(D) be the final answer to the social problem of "health gap"5.What can be concluded from the passage?(主旨推断)A(A) Health inequality is closely related to social hierarchies.(B) The "causes of the causes" of health gap lie in the differences between rich and poor countries.(C) Social ranking should be ultimately abolished.(D) The rich countries should give more assistance to poor countries to fill the health gap.语言点:immediat 现存的亟待解决的问题,有直接效应的coin 创造mortality 死亡immortal 永垂不朽的hierarchy 金字塔结构In Idaho's Snake River Valley, where potato farmers depend on electric pumps to water their crops, the state's largest power company hopes to stand tradition on its head and profit by selling farmers less, not more, electricity. To do that, Idaho Power is vastly expanding its energy-efficiency programs for 395,000 residential customers, small businesses, and farmers. Usually the more customers save, the less utilities make. But under an innovative deal with state regulators in March, Idaho Power gets paid for its plants and equipment and boosts profits by winning incentive payments for reducing electric demand.It's an idea that appears to be catching on as legislatures fret about global warming and utilities scramble to meet rising demand without the increasing harassment and cost of building new power plants. Idaho is among 13 states whose regulators have either adopted or proposed measures in the past year to decouple utility profit from electricity production. Decoupling is advancing even faster for natural-gas utilities, with 25 states either adopting or proposing decoupling plans in recent years. "This wave toward 'decoupling' is clearly gathering momentum," says Martin Kushler of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy in Washington. "More states seem to be calling every week to find out about this."Although California pioneered the idea 25 years ago-and strengthened incentives and penalties last month-interest is picking up again because of global warming, experts say. The main idea is that by rearranging the incentive structure, regulators can give utilities clear incentives to push energy efficiency and conservation without hurting their bottom lines. Under the new rules in California, for example, electric utilities could make as much as $150 million extra if they can persuade Californians to save some $2 billion worth of power, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council."This is a vital step in the global-warming fight," says Audrey Chang, an NRDC researcher. "It represents, we hope, a historic shift toward decoupling that is going to help bend the energy demand curve downwards." Beside Idaho, states that this year adopted decoupling for some or all of its electric power industry include New York, Connecticut, and Vermont. At least nine other states have seen major decoupling proposals this year.Idaho Power is happy that its key fixed costs-plants and equipment-are now separated from variable costs of electricity sales such as fuel. Regulators annually readjust those fixed rates-up or down-a maximum of 3 percent to ensure that the company gets no more or less than it has been regulated to receive. But customers should benefit, too, as utility efficiency programs cut energy use and energy bills-something the company is trying hard to do so it can win a bonus if it meets or exceeds energy-cutting goals. "Before there was almost a disincentive to go hard at efficiency because we weren't recovering our fixed costs," says Mike Youngblood, an analyst for Idaho Power. "Now the anticipation is that we will recover our fixed cost, no more or less. And our customers will see their bill go down if they invest in energy efficiency."One key reason utilities are often willing to decouple or even leading proponents of the proposals is because the costs of building a power plant has risen dramatically. A 500-megawatt coal-fired plant that cost $1 billion just a few years ago might cost $1.5 billion today, industry experts say. Add to that growing uncertainty about future costs. Global-warming legislation could put a price of $30 per ton on carbon-dioxide emissions from power plants. That could make coal, the cheapest power today, more costly. Another factor is the rising community opposition to coal-fired power plant construction.In North Carolina, where regulators recently refused a Duke Energy Corp. proposal to build a power plant, the company has instead put forward a controversial decoupling proposal. The plan would pay the company to meet efficiency standards, although consumer advocates and even environmental groups question whether it's a good deal for ratepayers. In fact, some consumer advocates have major reservations about decoupling overall. "Unfortunately, we're seeing utilities trying to use decoupling as a blank check," says Charles Acquard, executive director of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates in Silver Spring, Md. "We're not absolutely opposed to decoupling. It's how you do it that's critical."6.What is the main idea of the passage?(主旨题)D(A) Electric utilities lose more profits from reducing electric demand.(与文章相反)(B) Electric utilities gain more profits from increasing electric demand.(C) The more electricity customers save, the less profits utilities make.(D) The more electricity customers save, the more incentive payments utilities get.7.Which of the following gives the best definition of the expression "to stand tradition on its head" (para. 1)?(词汇题)B(A) To criticize tradition.(B) To go against tradition.(C) To carry forward tradition.(D) To integrate tradition.8.In the passage, the measures of decoupling used in utility efficiency programs refer to the practice of ________.细节题A(A) separating the utility profits from power production(B) combining fixed costs with variable costs(C) strengthening both incentives and penalties(D) rearranging the incentive structure9.According to the passage, when Idaho Power is building plants and purchasing equipment, such fixed costs _______.细节题B(A) will no longer be treated as the costs of electricity sales(B) will partially be covered by state regulators(C) are still to be recovered by the companies(D) are paid from customers' electricity bills10.All of the following are the reasons why electric utilities welcome decoupling EXCEPT ______.细节题D(A) the rapidly rising cost of building power plants(B) the uncertainty about future costs(C) the community opposition to the building of coal-fired power plants(D) the reservations consumer advocates have about energy-saving measures第三篇Historically, TV's interest in "green" issues has been limited to the green that spend: and makes the world go round. (That, and Martians.) As for environmentalism, TV is where people watch SUV ads on energy-sucking giant screens that are as thirsty as a Bavarian at Oktoberfest.But with the greening of politics and pop culture-from Al Gore to Leo DiCaprio to Homer and Marge in The Simpsons Movie-TV is jumping on the biodiesel-fueled band-wagon. In November, NBC (plus Bravo, Sci Fi and other sister channels) will run a week of green-themed episodes, from news to sitcoms. CBS has added a "Going Green" segment to The Early Show. And Fox says it will work climate change into the next season of 24. ("Dammit, Chloe, there's no time! The polar ice cap's going to melt in 15 minutes!")On HGTV's Living with Ed, actor Ed Begley Jr. offers tips for eco-living from his solar-powered house in Studio City, Calif.-see him energy-audit Cheryl Tiegs!-while Sundance airs its documentary block "The Green." MTV will set The Real World: Hollywood in a "green" house. Next year Discovery launches 24-hour eco-lifestyle channel Planet Green, a plan validated this spring when the eco-minded documentary Planet Earth became a huge hit for Discovery. "Green is part of [Discovery's] heritage," says Planet Green president Eileen O'Neill. "But as pop culture was starting to recognize it, we realized we could do a better job positioning ourselves."Clearly this is not all pure altruism. Those popular, energy-stingy compact fluorescent bulbs? NBC's owner, General Electric, has managed to sell one or two. "When you have them being a market leader and saying this makes good business sense, people listen to that on [the TV] side," says Lauren Zalaznick, Bravo Media president, who is heading NBC's effort. And green pitches resonate with young and well-heeled viewers (the type who buy Priuses and $2-a-lb. organic apples), two groups the networks are fond of. NBC is confident enough in its green week's appeal to schedule it in sweeps.It's an unlikely marriage of motives. Ad-supported TV is a consumption medium: it persuades you to want and buy stuff. Traditional home shows about renovating and decorating are catnip for retailers like Lowe's and Home Depot. Of course, there are green alternatives to common purchases: renewable wood, Energy Star appliances, hybrid cars. But sometimes the greener choice is simply not to buy so much junk-not the friendliest sell to advertisers.The bigger hurdle, though, may be creative. How the NBC shows will work in the messages is still up in the air. (Will the Deal or No Deal babes wear hemp miniskirts? Will the Bionic Woman get wired for solar?) Interviewed after the 24 announcement, executive producer Howard Gordon hedged a bit on Fox's green promises: "It'llprobably be more in the props. We might see somebody drive a hybrid."Will it work? Green is a natural fit on cable lifestyle shows or news programs-though enlisting a news division to do advocacy has its own issues. But commanding a sitcom like The Office to work in an earnest environmental theme sounds like the kind of high-handed p.r. directive that might be satirized on, well, The Office. Even Begley-formerly of St. Elsewhere-notes that the movie Chinatown worked because it kept the subplot about the water supply in Los Angeles well in the background: "It's a story about getting away with murder, and the water story is woven in."Of course, in an era of rampant product placement, there are worse things than persuading viewers to buy a less wasteful light bulb by hanging one over Jack Bauer as he tortures a terrorist. The greatest challenge-for viewers as well as programmers-is not letting entertainment become a substitute for action; making and watching right-minded shows isn't enough in itself. The 2007 Emmy Awards, for a start, aims to be carbon neutral: solar power, biodiesel generators, hybrids for the stars, bikes for production assistants-though the Academy cancelled Fox's idea to change the red carpet, no kidding, to green. The most potent message may be seeing Hollywood walk the walk, in a town in which people prefer to drive.11.Which of the following does not serve as the example to support the statement "TV is jumping on the biodiesel-fueled bandwagon" (para. 2)?B(A) MTV: The Real World: Hollywoodwill be set in a "green" house.(B) NBC: The program of the Deal or No Deal will be continued.(C) NBC: A week of green-themed episodes is being planned.(D) CBS: A "Going Green" program has been added to The Early Show.12.By stating that "Clearly this is not all pure altruism." (para. 4), the author is _______.B(A) highly appreciative(B) somewhat critical(C) ironic and negative(D) subjective and passionate13.Why does the author mention in paragraph 4 the two groups the networks are fond of?A(A) They are the main target of the consumption medium.(B) They are the advocates of green movement.(C) They are most representative of today's audience.(D) They are young adults and senior citizens.14.Which of the following best explains the sentence "It's an unlikely marriage of motives." (para. 5)?D(A) Ad-supported TV has consistent motives.(B) The main target of ad-supported TV is to persuade viewers to buy more.(C) It's impossible for TV to readjust its opposing motives.(D) It's quite difficult for TV to integrate its motives.15.It can be concluded from the passage that "product placement" (para. 8) is a kind of _______.C(A) commodity exhibition(B) display of products(C) indirect advertising(D) direct promotion strategy语言点:launch 发射altruism 利他主义egoism 利己主义本日课后单词abatement 减轻calorie 卡路里deception欺骗backlog 积压的工作emit 发射fade 消退gracious 高尚的亲切的hamper 阻碍icon 偶像图标肖像mortality 死亡死亡率juror 陪审员layer 层mandate 训练nicotine 尼古丁obese 肥胖pastoralist 田园诗人reflex 反映scare 惊吓tangible 有形的ubiquitous 普遍存在的tackle 处理hierarchy等级制度inequlity不平等不平均syndrome综合症apply申请status状态bottom底部臀部extend延伸striking醒目的identify 识别每日趣味练习一则26. If you try to sell them something that they ______ for free, they aren’t going to buy it.A. used to gettingB. used to getC. were used to getD. are used to get27. Applicants must show that they have $10,000 or more ______ for living expenses and approximately $10,000 for tuition.A. acceptableB. advisableC. availableD. applicable28. The director often says it is difficult to design a program that will meet the ______ needs of all our users.A. diverseB. distinctiveC. distinctD. distinguished29. ______ their differences, they are united by the common desire to transform their personal commitment into public leadership.A. But forB. For allC. Above allD. Except for30. The winter just ending was ______ severe, causing great hardship to the poorer people in this area.A. exceptionallyB. explosivelyC. extensivelyD. expressively答案:26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A育明教育·2014年考研复习宏观规划·仅供参考。



2016年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Grammar (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. She managed to save _____ she could out of her wages to help her brother.A. how little moneyB. so little moneyC. such little moneyD. what little money【答案】D【解析】句意:她节约下来她可以节约的每一分钱去帮助她的哥哥。
“She managed to save”后面缺失宾语,在选项中,只有what既可以作save的宾语又可以引导后面的从句,could 后面省略了save。
2. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _____ by the police each time.A. had been capturedB. being always capturedC. only to be capturedD. unfortunately captured【答案】C【解析】句意:三个男人尝试了很多次偷渡到邻国,但每次都被警察抓住。
only to do sth.表达的意思与主观愿望相反的结果。

说明:本书精心搜集了市面上的历年真题,并整理了答案详解,备考价值尤为珍贵!若需要纸质内容,可以申请定制,详情咨询在线客服!•试看部分内容2003年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. GRAMMAR (20 points, 1 point each)Di re c ti o n s: In t h i s se cti o n, th e re a re20se n te n ce s e ach wi th o ne wo rd o r ph rase mi ssi n g. Ch oo se one o f the four choice s marke d A, B, C, and D th at be st comple te s th e se n te n ce. Th e n m ark th e co rre spo n di ng l e tte ron the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. Th e re are m an y val u abl e se rvi ce s wh i ch th e p u b l i c are willing to p ay for, bu t which _____ bring a retu rn in money to the community.A. does noB. did notC. could notD. do not【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:有很多公众可以出钱的有价值的服务,但是哪些会为社会回馈利益呢?很多中并不一定只有一个服务项目可赚钱回馈,所以应该用复数。

•试看部分内容2000年北京外国语大学611基础英语考研真题及详解I. Reading Comprehension.(32分)1. Re ad th e f o l lo wi n g arti cl e an d p arap h r ase th e u n de rlined parts:Th e twe n ty-f i r st ce n tu r y wi l l m ar k th e e r a o f te r ti a ry an d l i f e l o n g l e a rn i n g f o r e v e r y b o dy-o r al m o s t e ve r yb o dy. Th u s the We st Re p o rt f ro m Au stral i a,e cho in g a ke y t h e m e o f th e i m m e di a te l y p r e c e di n g D e a r i n g Re p o rt i n th e U K①(Nati o n al C o m mi tte e o f In qu i ry into Hi gh er Education [NCIHE], 1997).Th e n o ti o n o f l if e l o n g l e arn i n g h as p e r v ade d h i gh e r e ducation aroun d the world as gove rnmen ts h ave incre a si n gl y co m e to re co gn i ze a l i n k b e twe e n th e i r e du ca ti on sy ste ms an d nation al e con o mic p erf ormance. Ho we v er, poli cy rel ati ng to the actu al makin g of the lin k ne e ds de e pe r consi de ratio n. Th e de ve lo p me n t o f ke y ski l ls’has been seen in the UK as an important way in wh i ch hi ghe r e du cati on can contri b u te to e co no mi c de ve l o pm e n t, b u t i t can b e argu e d th at to fo cu s o n th ese ski l l s re pre se n ts a n arro w an d i n su f f i ci e n t resp o n se to wh a t e m p l o y e r s-an d th e wi de r i n te r e s t-re al l y n e e d (see Stephenso n’s [1998] argument for a ‘capability’appro ach to h igh e r e du cati o n an d, m o re b ro adl y, th e di scu ssio n i n part 2o f B arn e tt [1994].Howe ver th e c o n te s te d n a tu re o f th i s asp e c t o f h i gh e r e du ca ti o n m i gh t be re so l ve d, cu rre n t di scu s si o n s h ave l e f t re l ati ve l y u n ex plo re d the b ro ade r im plicati o n s fo r cu rricu l a②a nd, in particular, for fist-cy cle provi sion.In e a rl i e r ti m e s m an y to o k th e vi e w th a t a f i r st de gre e③ was a suffi ci ent basis for lifetime career. Th e accel erating pace of knowl edge de velopmen t h as u ndermine d th i s co n ce ptio n, an d i n cre asin g atte n ti o n i s n o w b e i n g gi ven to the p ro vi sio n of high e r degre e p rogram s an d o th e r o ppo rtun i tie s fo r p ro fe ssio n al de velo pme n t. Th i s rai se s a se ri o u s qu e sti o n: wh at f u n cti o n do e s th e first degree se rve in the context of lifelong learning? Logically, it makes no sense in today’s world to try t o pa c k f i rs t de gre e cu r ri cu l a wi t h al l th e kn o wl e dge, unde rstan din g and skill s n ee d f or the re st of a life tim e.T h e r e s i m p l y i s n o t t h e t i m e a v a i l a b l e,a n d a n y w a y cu rri cu lum-p acki ng run s th e ri sk o f su pe rf i ci al ity o f le ar n i n g.④ Af i r s t deg re e sh o u l d,i f th e y h av e n o t al re ady acqu i re d i t, de ve l o p i n stu de n ts th e ab i l i ty to le a rn how to le arn, as well as en han ce thei r subj ect-spe c i f i c e x p e rti se an d o th e r re l e van t s ki l l s. Th e o l d sayi n g i s v al i d h e re: gi vi n g i n d i vi du a l s e ach a f i sh m i gh t f e ed them for a day, bu t te achin g them the skill s o f fis hing could feed them for life.There is a need to think of the first de gree in terms of the quality, rather th an the quantity, of stu dents’learning, In today’s world the first degree becomes m ore of a foundation qualifi catio n, upon which gradu ate s will expect to build during their lives. Some might r eact b y sayin g that to make su ch a sh ift im pli es a dil u ti o n o f ac ade m i c s tan da rd s—bu t th e co u n te r i s th a t stan dards re l ate p rim aril y to th e qu ali ty, an d n ot the quan tity, of stu dents’le arnin g.⑤The re cons trued first de gre e n e e d be n o in te ll e ctu al p o o r rel ati o n: acade m i c ri go u r c an be b u i l t i n to cu r ri cu l a o f wi de l y di f f e ri n g f o cu s. Th e s t an d ar d s m ay we l l b e di f f e re n t, bu t th e y do have to be inferior.S o me re du ctio n i n th e vol u me o f di sci p li n e-speci f i c co nten t will re qui re an adjustmen t of thought⑥—i n particu l ar, o n th e p ar t o f e m pl o y e r s an d p ro f e s si o n al b o di e s. The pro fe ssi on al accre di tati on of som e f irst de gree program s is se en by some as an essen tial con dition. Ho we ve r, t h e re se e m s n o n e ce s s ar y re a so n f o r th i s to be the case-an d it might well be to the profe ssion s’longer-te rm advan tage if fi rst degree cu rri cul a were t o pay p arti cul ar atte n ti on to de ve l opin g in gradu ate s th e abili ty to le arn to le arn,⑦ l eavin g su bse que nt p rof essional and de velopmental acti v itie s to provide the ‘t opping-up’that would cohere with the profe ssional b odies’expectations.A strategi c visio n for highe r educatio n in the next mil lennium requires more th an a m utte ring o f the man tra o f l if el on g le arn i ng. M aki ng l ife l on g le arni n g ‘wo rk de m an ds a su st ai n e d co m mi tm en t to f i tti n g to ge th e r t he pieces of th e multidimen sio nal jigsaw who se compo n e n ts i n cl u de edu cati o n al pu rp o se s, v al u e s an d p racti c alitie s. Academi cs are among th e people who ought to relish this jigsaw’s challenge.Whippi er-sn app e r: an in sign ificant, e sp. yo ung, person who appears impertinent.【答案】①re pe ati n g th e m ai n su bj e ct of re ce n t De ari ng Re po rt in the UK②Di s cu s si o n o f th e p re se n t ti m e pay s n o a tte n ti o n to th e e x ami n ati on o f th e de e p e r i m pli e d me an i ng an d f u n cti o n o f co u rse s, n o m at te r h o w p e o p l e h a ve de al t with the probl em that higher education serve s as skil l training.③bachelor’s degree④To o m an y co urse s m ay le ad to th e re sul t th at stu de n ts o n l y ge t th e su rf ace m e an in g o f stu di e s in ste ad of exploring deep.⑤th e argu men t is th at stan dards sho ul d rathe r base o n the excellency of students’l earning than on the qu antity of course s they have attended to⑥Pe o ple ne e d to adju st the i r th ou gh t to de crease th e amount and content of courses.⑦i f co u r se s w e r e de s i gn e d t o t e a ch t h e g r a du a te s h o w to l e arn du rin g th e bach el o r’s de gre e stu dy, i t wo u l d be h el p fu l to th e pro f e ssion s f ro m th e lo ng-te rm perspe cti veII. Re ad th e fo l lowin g passage an d an swe r the foll owi ng questions:(28分)W h e n th at Gran d o l d M an of Vi cto ri an, W i l l i am Evart Gl a d sto n e, w as i n h i s 85t h y e a r,h e was ste e ri n g th e s econd home-rul e bill foe Irel an d throu gh a re calci tran t parl iamen t an d going home to tran sl ate th e odes of Ho race at ni gh t, When Ron al d Re agan re ache d the ten de r age of 73, he was f igh tin g his se cond p re si den ti al election campaign. Alan Green span, the world’s most su cce ssf ul cen tral ban ke r, i s al so 73. Poli tics an d e co n o m i c s a re pl ai n l y j o bs th at th e o l d can do w e l l. Th e y are not alone. The boardroom s of the world’s big c o m p an i e s a re f u l l o f n o n-e x e cu ti ve s age s, te l l i n g wh i p persn apper 40-somethings how to run their firms.①Why, then, are so few of the rich world’s older folk i n e mplo y m en t? Th e y l i ve lo n ge r an d e n jo y b ette r h e a l th th an th ei r pare n ts di d. Mo st j o b s h ave be co me le s s phy sically de manding; mo st people in late middle ag e a re w e l l se n si bl y, i s n o h a r d e r th an t r ai n i n g th e yo u n g. B u t th e f i gu re s sh o w an1960, m e n co u l d e x p e ct to spend 50 of their 68 years of life in paid work. T oday, the y are l i kel y to wo rk fo r o nl y 38 of th ei r 76 years. Fewer tha n two-thi rds of men in their late 50a and early 60s ate in the rich world’s labour f orce, bythe time the y celebrate thei r 55t h bi rth day, m ore th an h al f of Eu ro pe’s m e n h ave g o n e h om e to tran sl ate Horace.②For most, that is something to celebrate. Ne ver be fore have so m an y people been abl e to loo k forward to s o m an y y e a r s o f h e al th y l e i su r e. T wo-th i r ds o f p e o p l e say th at the y l ike b eing re tire d an d have no desire t o go back to work. There are grandchildren to enjoy, forei gn coun trie s to vi si t, boo ks to re ad and golf gam e s to pl a y.Th e p l e a su re s o f o l d age l e s s e x p e n si ve, a nd more widely available, th an ever before.③Silver-hai red liningThe bi g que sti o n is whe the r all of this reti rem ent i s v oluntary. It is worth askin g for its own sake; in a libe ral socie ty, the old, too, should be free to cho ose. Bu t, in addi tion, the stampe de to re tire has con sequen ce s n o t m e re l y f o r th e o l d th e m s e l v e s. An d i t i s o f te n being encourage d by perverse public policy.W i de spre ad an d e arl y re ti rem ent wi ll in cre asi n gl y aff e c t the lives of everyone else, for two reasons. The first i s a f am i l i ar on e: as th e sh are o f o l d f o l k in th e p o pu l ati o n ri se s, so wi ll th e bu rde n on th e yo ung o f p ayin g fo r thei r pension s and he alth care. Th e se con d is less discu ssed: the ri se of the grey-he aded l e isu red c lass h as con sequence s for e con omic growth, be cau se o f its impact on the supply of labour and of capital. Many go ve rnme nts, thei r eye s focuse d on the impact t h at f u tu re pen sio n s cl ai m s wi l l h ave o n p u bl i c f i n an ce s, h ave e m ba rke d o n re f o rm s bu t n o t al ways r e f o rm s th at fi ve pe nsio ners a free r ch oice.For the ir e ye s are al so trai n e d i n th e sh o rte r te r m, o n hi gh un em p l o ym e nt.④Go vernmen ts, e speci al ly in weste rn Euro pe, are p r essin g mo re pe ople to re ti re e arly, on the mi staken vi ew that thi s wil l provi de jobs f or the young, even as they try to trim pensioners’entitlements in order to re du ce th e bu rde n on pu b li c fin an ce s. Th i s i s u nf o rgi v ab l e f ro m a l i be ral p o i n t o f vi e w. I t i s al so f o o l i sh f r om the perspective of public policy.The she er si ze of the baby-boo m gene ration th at start s to te ach re ti re me n t age o ve r th e co min g decade m e ans th at there will be a simple, but huge imbalan ce: t oo few people in work, paying taxe s and pen si on cont ri bu ti o n s; to o m an y i n re ti re m e n t, drawi n g o n p e n si o n s an d ru n n i n g u p h e al th co sts.In th at case, t h e m ai na l t e r n a t i v e s w i l lb e t o r e n e ge o n t h e p e n s i o n s t h a t wo rke rs tho u gh t th e y h ad bee n pro mi se d, o r to rai se t a x e s.I t w o u l d b e f a r b e t t e r f o r t h e h e a l t h o f ec o n o mie s if m u ch ol de r peo pl e wen t on workin g i n ste ad.Q u i te sm al l r i se s i n th e age s at wh i ch p e o p l e re ti re h a ve l arge effe cts.⑤As long as older fol k stay in the jo b marke t, the y pay taxes (helpi ng one side of the fisc al bal an ce) and drawe i th e r n o p e n si o n, o r a sm al l e r one(helping the other).第1章全国院校英语专业基础英语考研真题分析对于绝大多数报考英语专业的考生而言,“基础英语”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试必考的科目。
2020年考研北京外国语大学初试 611 基础英语回忆版

1. 英语改错30分难度系数中等,个人感觉很注重考察短语搭配,还有连词介词的使用。
2.四篇阅读前两篇为单项选择第三篇T and F第四篇六选五阅读文章应该是来自经济学人等报刊,幸运的是今年的第三篇阅读是我考前刚刚读过的,考场上有点小开心,把原文附上:Masters of the universeForget Gordon Gekko. Computers increasingly call the shots in financial marketsThe job of capital markets is to process information so that savings flow to the best projects and firms. That makes high finance sound simple; in reality it is dynamic and intoxicating. It reflects a changing world. Today’s markets, for instance, are grappling with a trade war and low interest rates. But it also reflects changes within finance, which constantly reinvents itself in a perpetual struggle to gain a competitive edge. As our Briefing reports, the latest revolution is in full swing. Machines are taking control of investing—not just the humdrum buying and selling of securities, but also the commanding heights of monitoring the economy and allocating capital.Funds run by computers that follow rules set by humans account for 35% of America’s stock market, 60% of institutional equity assets and 60% of trading activity. New artificial-intelligence programs are also writing their own investing rules, in ways their human masters only partly understand. Industries from pizza-delivery to Hollywood are being changed by technology, but finance is unique because it can exert voting power over firms, redistribute wealth and cause mayhem in the economy.Because it deals in huge sums, finance has always had the cash to adopt breakthroughs early. The first transatlantic cable, completed in 1866, carried cotton prices between Liverpool and New York. Wall Street analysts were early devotees of spreadsheet software, such as Excel, in the 1980s. Since then, computers have conquered swathes of the financial industry. First to go w as the chore of “executing” buy and sell orders. Visit a trading floor today and you will hear the hum of servers, not the roar of traders. High-frequency trading exploits tiny differences in the prices of similar securities, using a barrage of transactions. In the past decade computers have graduated to running portfolios. Exchange-traded funds (ETFS) and mutual funds automatically track in dices of shares and bonds. Last month these vehicles had $4.3trn invested in American equities, exceeding the sums actively run by humans for the first time. A strategy known as smart-beta isolates a statistical characteristic —volatility, say—and loads up on securities that exhibit it. An elite of quantitative hedge funds, most of them on America’s east coast, uses comp lex black-box mathematics to invest some $1trn. As machines prove themselves in equities and derivatives, they are growing in debt markets, too.All the while, computers are gaining autonomy. Software programs using AI devise their own strategies without needing human guidance. Some hedge funders are skeptical about AI but, as processing power grows, so do its abilities. And consider the flow of information, the lifeblood of markets. Human fund managers read reports and meet firms under strict insider-trading and disclosure laws. These are designed to control what is in the publicdomain and ensure everyone has equal access to it. Now an almost infinite supply of new data and processing power is creating novel ways to assess investments. For example, some fu nds try to use satellites to track retailers’ car parks, and scrape inflation data from e-commerce sites. Eventually they could have fresher information about firms than even their boards do.Until now the rise of computers has democratized finance by cutting costs. A typical ETF charges 0.1% a year, compared with perhaps 1% for an active fund. You can buy ETFS on your phone. An ongoing price war means the cost of trading has collapsed, and markets are usually more liquid than ever before. Especially when the returns on most investments are as low as today’s, it all adds up. Yet the emerging era of machine-dominated finance raises worries, any of which could imperil these benefits.One is financial stability. Seasoned investors complain that computers can distort asset prices, as lots of algorithms chase securities with a given characteristic and then suddenly ditch them. Regulators worry that liquidity evaporates as markets fall. These claims can be overdone—humans are perfectly capable of causing carnage on their own, and computers can help manage risk. Nonetheless, a series of “flash-crashes” and spooky incidents have occurred, including a disruption in ETF prices in 2010, a crash in sterling in October 2016 and a slump in debt prices in December last year. These dislocations might become more severe and frequent as computers become more powerful.Another worry is how computerized finance could concentrate wealth. Because performance rests more on processing power and data, those with clout could make a disproportionate amount of money. Quant investors argue that any edge they have is soon competed away. However, some funds are paying to secure exclusive rights to data. Imagine, for example, if Amazon (whose boss, Jeff Bezos, used to work for a quant fund) started trading using its proprietary information on e-commerce, or JP Morgan Chase used its internal data on credit-card flows to trade the Treasury bond market. These kinds of hypothetical conflicts could soon become real.A final concern is corporate governance. For decades company boards have been voted in and out of office by fund managers on behalf of their clients. What if those shares are run by computers that are agnostic, or worse, have been programmed to pursue a narrow objective such as getting firms to pay a dividend at all costs? Of course humans could override this. For example, Black Rock, the biggest ETF firm, gives firms guidance on strategy and environmental policy. But that raises its own problem: if assets flow to a few big fund managers with economies of scale, they will have disproportionate voting power over the economy.The greatest innovations in finance are unstoppable, but often lead to crises as they find their feet. In the 18th century the joint-stock company created bubbles, before going on to make large- scale business possible in the 19th century. Securitisation caused the subprime debacle, but is today an important tool for laying off risk. The broad principles of market regulation are eternal: equal treatment of all customers, equal access to information and the promotion of competition. However, the computing revolution looks as if it will make today’s rules look horribly out of date. Human investors are about to discover that they are no longer the smartest guys in the room.High finance:financial transactions involving large amounts of money.Intoxicate: (of alcoholic drink or a drug) cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behavior.perpetual:continuing for a long period of time without interruptionIn full swing:在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段Humdrum: boring and always the samesecurity(证券)Commanding heights:制高点Equity:资产Mayhem:慌乱,骚乱Devotee:狂热崇拜者Spreadsheet 电子表格Swathes of 一大片的A barrage of 接二连三的ETFS交易所交易基金;Portfolios:有价证券组合quantitative hedge: 对冲基金Volatility 反复性,挥发性Black box是世界上第一台移动式的虚拟化数据中心,外观上是一个被漆成黑色的集装箱,方便进行海运和陆运。

北外规定的翻译学参考书目有三本,《当代西方翻译理论选读》(马会娟教授编的)、《当代翻译理论》(第二版)(Edwin Gentzler)、《翻译研究》(第三版)(Susan Bassnett),在网上都可以买到。
因为时间很紧,我继续看Susan Bassnett的书,这本书相对通俗易懂些,3天就读完了。
花了两三天时间粗略回顾一下这两本书的内容,但没时间做笔记,就继续开始看Edwin Gentzler的书。

In Hardy’s fiction and poetry,letters areready sources of excitement and suspense,harbingers of loss anddisappointment.They go missing, fall into(to)the wrong hands,orarrive too late(lately),bringing home the hopes and love of a soldieralready killed in action.Most famously, Tess’s letter of confession,hastilypushed not just under the door but under the carpet too,remains unread by thepriggish Angel Clare,as Hardy delivers his most powerful attack on theVictorian sexual double standard.Hardy’s own letters were places for quiet(quite)reflection and deepening emotional ties,for occasional advice,details to visitors of the times of the Waterloo trains,and for publicprotests on (towards)the iniquity of war and【against cruelty to animals.They ensured regular contact with his friends and the publishingworld,contained correctives to readings of his work.】More than anyother form,lettersprovide(make)insight into Hardy’smany-sidedness.Writing in1907to the poet Elspeth Grahame,he expressed admiration,and not alittle(little)surprise,that she had written verses on the top of miserating with one of his American admirers,Rebekah Owen,【forhaving to get in a plumber,he suggested that she take up plumbing herself.Such solid practical advice exists】alongside Hardy the naturalmodernist,writing(write)to tell Arthur Symons that he liked his poem“Haschisch”(the world is“the phantom of a haschisch dream”),discussingtimeless reality an d the nature o f matter at the drop of a hat.812英汉互译(笔译)(2013)第一题是关于生物燃料的,没有生词,字数很少,句子结构很比较简单。

因为是“理论与实践”,所以这张卷子的三分之一分数为Essay writing,针对翻译理论的一些命题或者翻译现象写个小短评。

2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解【圣才出品】2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Structure (20 points, l point each)Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences each with one word or phrase missing Choose one of the four choices marked A. B. C. and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. I ought to _____ them about the new, but I forgot to do so.A. remember tellingB. remember having toldC. have remembered to tellD. have remembered telling【答案】C【解析】ought to have done表示对过去事情的虚拟,意为“本应该,而实际上并未做”。
remember to do sth.记得去做某事。
remember doing sth.记得做过某事。
2. On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door _____ loose.A. was feltB. felt likeC. was feelingD. felt【答案】D【解析】感官动词feel,taste,sound,smell等无需用被动语态,后面直接加形容词。
3. _____ now, he prefers a quiet life.A. T o be all old manB. Being an old manC. Having been an old manD. Be an old man【答案】B【解析】根据句中的now可判断,空白处需填表示目前状况的短语,选项B现在分词短语做状语,表进行。

北京外国语大学英语基础测试(技能)考研真题及详解(2013~2014)北京外国语大学2014年英语基础测试(技能)考研真题Part I GRAMMAR(30Points)Correct ErrorsThe passage contains ten errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.In each case,only ONE word is involved.You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word,copy the wrong word to your answer sheet and write the correct one after it.For a missing word,write∧on the answer sheet followed by the word after the missing word,and then write the word which you believe is missing.For an unnecessary word,copy the unnecessary word to your answer sheet and cross it with a slash/.In Hardy's fiction and poetry,letters are ready sources of excitement and suspense,harbingers of loss and disappointment.They go missing,fall to1.______ the wrong hands,or arrive too lately.Most famously,Tess's letter of 2.______ confession,hastily pushed not just under the door but under the carpet too,remains unread by the priggish Angel Clare,as Hardy delivers his mostpowerful attack of the Victorian sexual double standard. 3.______ Hardy's own letters were places for quite reflection and deepening 4.______ emotional ties,for occasional advice,details to visitors of the times of theWaterloo trains,and for public protests towards the iniquity of war 5.______ and against cruelty to animals.They ensured regular contact with their 6.______ friends and the publishing world,contained correctives to readings ofhis work.More than any other form,letters make insight into Hardy's7.______ many—sidedness.Writing in1907to the poet Elspeth Grahame,he expressed admiration,and not little surprise,that she had written8.______ verses on the top of an omnibus.Commiserating with one of his American admirers,Rebekah Owen,for having to get in a plumber,he suggestedthat she took up plumbing herself.Such solid practical advice exists9.______ alongside Hardy the natural modernist,wrote to tell Arthur Symons that10.______ he liked his poem“Haschisch”(the world is“the phantom of a haschisch dream”),discussing timeless reality and the nature of matter at the drop ofa hat.【答案与解析】1.to→into(fall into固定词组,意思为“陷入、落入”。

在本体研究方面,开设句法学、语音学、形态学、语义学和语用学等核心课程,使学生对语言的本质和演化规律有比较全面的了解, 引导学生在语用学和认知语言学领域开展研究方面较为突出。
5.拟招人数:70人6.研究方向:(01)英语语言学与应用语言学(02)英美文学(03)美国研究(04)英国研究(05)澳大利亚研究(06)爱尔兰研究二、考试科目:①101政治②二外(202俄语、203日语、241法语、242德语、243西班牙语,选一)③611英语基础测试④811英语写作测试三、分数线:2020年总分:355.0 单科(满分=100):52.0 单科(满分>100):78.0 2019年总分:355.0 单科(满分=100):51.0 单科(满分>100):77.0 2018年总分:345.0 单科(满分=100):55.0 单科(满分>100):83.0四、参考书目:(1)英语语言学与应用语言学1.蓝纯编:《语言导论》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007年。

A. 语内翻译B. 语际翻译C. 符际翻译D. 以上选项都正确2. 下面哪个选项是错误的_________。
A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适________。
A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。
B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。
C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。
D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。
A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒C.许渊冲D.鲁迅6. 下面哪个配对是错误的_____。
A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tigerC.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in seaD B C D C D7.哪句话的描述是正确的______。

○长 祚北京外国语大学俄语学院2002年硕士研究生入学考试翻译理论与实践方向试卷一、Переведитеследующиетекстынакитайскийязык.(50баллов)11Дружба—этошколавоспитаниячеловеческихчувств.Дружбанужнанедлятого,чтобычем2тозаполнитьвремя,адлятого,чтобыут2верждатьвчеловеке,ипреждевсеговсамомсебе,добро.21Усиленныйбатальонизсоставаамериканской102йгорнойдивизии(примернотысячачеловек)перебрасываетсявУзбекистаниТаджикистан.СообщилажурналистампресссекретарьПентагонаВикторияКларк.Поеесловам,которыеприводитгазета《Вашингтонпост》,развертываниевСре2днейАзииболеетысячибойцоврегулярныхсухопутныхсилСШАпред2ставляетсобойпервоевисторииихпоявлениесбоевымзаданиемнатерри2ториибывшегоСССР.Комментируясообщение《Вашингтонпост》,нача2льникГенштабаВооруженныхсилРоссииАнатолийКвашнинсказал,чтоемуничегонеизвестноопосылкеамериканскихвойсквУзбекистан.Как○РУССКИЙЯЗЫКΠ2005.2 47сказалКвашнин,уРоссииестьопределенныедоговоренностисУзбекиста2номиеслиТашкентнесообшилМосквеопребываниинаеготерриторииамериканскихвойск,тоэто《нездорово》.31ВчераМосгорсудприговорилбывшегоминистраюстицииРоссииВалентинаКовалеваиегопомощникаАндреяМаксимовасоответственнокдевятиишестигодамлишениясвободыусловно,сообщилоагентствоРИА《Новости》.СудустановилКовалевуиМаксимовуиспытательныйсрок—соответственнов5и4года.Согласнорешениюсуда,уКовалеваиМакси2моваконфискованыдваземельныхучасткавОдинцовскомрайонеПодмос2ковьяидвеквартирывМосквекакнажитыепреступнымпутем.Крометого,вдоходгосударствабудутобращенытакже40тыс.долларов,полу2ченныеКовалевымввидевзятки.КовалевиМаксимовтакжелишеныклассныхчиновсоветниковициииправазаниматьдолжностивправо2охранительныхорганахиорганахюстициивтечениетрехлет.二、Переведитеследуюшиетекстынарусскийязык.(50бал2лов)11那是十多年前的事了。
北外英语笔译考研 英语翻译基础和汉语写作与百科知识复习指导

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Part I Grammar
A.Correct Errors(改错题,与专八改错类似,一篇文章10个错)
Part II Reading Comprehension(阅读题跟2006-2010的基础英语阅读题型类似)
A.Multiple Choice(两篇阅读,各6道单选)
B.True or False(一篇阅读,5道判断正误)
C.Gap Filling(一篇阅读,挖出7句话,给出8句答案,有一句是多余的,将这些句子按正确的逻辑回填到原文中)
Part III Translation(说明文为主)