《英语阅读》Unit 1 Friendship

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Try this: 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。
It all depends on how you tackle the problem.
believe in somebody/something信仰;信任;相信 1. to be sure that someone or something exists Do you believe in God? 2. to think that something is effective or right I don't believe in all these silly diets to believe in God 信仰上帝 We believe in him. 我们信任他。 Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗? Some people believe in everlasting life after death. 有些人相信永生。
译: 比如说,两个人都认可家庭的重要性;两人都 认为从事志愿者的工作或保护环境非常重要。
Difficult sentences
2. There is no doctor like a true friend. (Para. 6) 此句中“no”并非“没有”的意思,而是为了反衬修饰后半句的“true friend”。 例: There is no place like home. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。
Part I (Para.1): The definition of friend & friendship
Part II (Para.2-4): : Examples to show the benefits of friendship Para.2: It is good to have friends Para.3: Para.4: Friends keep you healthy. The health benefits of friendship
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These studies show the health benefits of friendship. In general, people with friends have better physical health, have better mental health, feel less stress, and live longer than people without friends.
Para. 5
Why is this true? The main reason is this: With friends, life is easier. It is easier in two ways. First, friends give emotional support. For example, a friend will listen to your problems. A friend will give advice. A friend will help you make a decision. Friends also give you material support. For example, they will loan you money, give you a ride to school, or take care of your pet. These kinds of support make people feel less stressed. And less stress makes people healthier, both physically and mentally.
You can have many friends or just one good friend. Either way, research proves the benefits. As the saying goes, “There is no doctor like a true friend.”
keep somebody/something +adj.
To stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this. keep (somebody/something) warm/safe/dry etc 例: We huddled around the fire to keep warm. keep calm/awake/sane etc I was struggling to keep awake. keep something clean/tidy 例: Keep your room tidy. keep somebody busy/amused/occupied 例: Some toys to keep the kids amused You won't be able to keep it secret for ever. Peter cycles to work to keep fit .Don't keep us in suspense any longer! keep (somebody/something) away/back/off/out etc 例: The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back. If I were you, I'd keep away from that area at night. The little boy kept close to his mother
Try this:
My parents agreed that we should go.
prove yourself/prove something (to somebody) 例: When I first started this job, I felt I had to prove myself.
as someone else(反义disagree)同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认, 适合 agree with 例: If she felt he was right, she would agree with him. agree that 例: Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions. agree on/about 例: We don't agree on everything, of course. I quite agree/I couldn't agree more (=I agree completely) 例: 'We have to talk.' ‘Absolutely,' Meredith replied. ‘I couldn't agree more.' not agree with somebody 例:Green peppers don't agree with me.
Para. 3
Friends keep you healthy. They help to keep you mentally and physically healthy. Many scientific studies show this. For example, a Yale University study compared 194 physically ill people. Some had friends and some didn’t. In the group of people with two friends, 63 percent were still alive at the end of one year. In the group of people with no friends, only 43 percent were alive at the end of one year. Researchers at the Behavioral Research Center at Duke University Medical Center discovered the same thing. They studied 1,368 patients with heart disease for nine years. Patients with one good friend recovered sooner.
Try this:Facts have proved that the
creative power of the people knows no limits.
事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的. 事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的
depend: vi. 视情况而定; 信任,信赖;
It/That depends (口语体 口语体) 口语体 例: 'How long are you staying?' 'I don't know; it depends.' depend on/upon somebody/something 例: You can depend on Jane - she always keeps her promises. The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.
Try this:There is no time like the present.
译:一个真正的朋友胜过任何医生。或真正的朋友是最好 的医生。
agree: vi. & vt. to have or express the same opinion about something
There are many definitions of “friend”. But everyone agrees that it is good to have friends. Friends make you happy. And friendship is also good for your health.
Part III (para. 5): Friends give emotional and material supporБайду номын сангаас. Part VI (para. 6): Researches prove that it is good to have friends.
What is friendship? What is a friend? The answer depends on you. What do you like? What do you believe is important? Often friends like the same things. For example, friends often enjoy the same sports, the same movies, or the same music. They enjoy these activities together. Often friends believe in the same things, too. For example, two friends might both believe that family is very important, or that it is important to do volunteer work or help save the environment. Two friends might also have similar political ideas.
Difficult sentences
1. For example, two friends might both believe that family is very important, or that it is important to do volunteer work or help save the environment. (Para. 1) 此句中,“believe”的宾语是两个“that”从句,第二个“that” 从句的形式主语为“it”,实际主语为“to do volunteer work” 和“help save the environment” 。