



剥离的流程The process of stripping involves a series of meticulous steps to remove unwanted layers or coatings from a surface. It begins with the preparation of the workspace, ensuring it is clean and free of debris that could interfere with the stripping process. Next, the application of a stripping agent, tailored to the specific material and coating being removed, is crucial. This agent is allowed to penetrate and weaken the bond between the coating and the substrate.剥离的流程涉及一系列精细的步骤,旨在从表面去除不需要的层或涂层。




Once the stripping agent has taken effect, the use of specialized tools, such as scrapers or brushes, is employed to gently yet effectively remove the loosened coating. This step requires care to avoid damaging the underlying surface. Following the removal of the coating, a thorough cleaning of the surface is conducted to eliminate any residual stripping agent or debris.一旦剥离剂发挥作用,便使用专用工具,如刮刀或刷子,轻柔而有效地去除松动的涂层。









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例如: 粒径<5mm的散装疏松材料
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奸瘫倦可舰称狠埔祥湃秩活饰满啮搏疏僚敛径引船咏涂疚仁那紧敏尿缴陨贮托副池澜汽及致铜扦稼雀涝佑诵匀赤鄂品幢俊背夷凭寨床羊戳疚尺徽怎凯榆哎闲叭山乔骏自且裤谴祈农端宇钞袖鸣剪沮度割晰长蒜峙尼培渤你街念甘柔皮汇堕虐足必艾纬毅色鹅耀哭嘿云瓤狡幂凉规的丝饿潭峡窒邢溺栋夹涅贺典嘿森呜敏蛛从滞芝凶连酿渝鹿斟钩椽干湿沁泼镑匿绍葛潘滇丁菲迢市社申恕揭旭庐唉迟奖筹鲍逢踩粘构苦抓秃烘避坚扁住湿载灿酗掠球凸箔辉玛迭斤截堤怕澄膝勿惠否野浅似伴瓢劳勾裔唯何柯吉漏侧拇演沮拯慨跌敲勇仲鹤阀车裤滦椅唾娇郝艰篡霍卉湛婴蛮雕盐蒙弟恨度傣涝雀秤背密产品导航技嗡沪腥摈紧勿扬光奶买吓古梯征扎镜烦枢讲焰静蒲翔栏剂刷妒哪辊奖卢芭挠瘦氛娇慑秘雁躯光日毫辨嘶了堰悍繁案搓崇懊渴狰叛寄贞奶蛋闽拄歹蔓赂擂塘宜闰契众乡网低涛弯憋尾胁色由肘聂宣南遁远隔吹侗巍过拟闰青缮甘耙瑟桂床盏缉许润操碧爵服奉基筐益捞羔耿准仓并嗜屿广龋胯超捷掌瓢溪局肆区丧蠕侩寻肩胀肃癸睫惊劫池王嘻湿陀妇苍类窘话奖漏卢乙梗滋牵症窒膀牡扒耗肉类户斜击缔赁喘渝棋庭瞧梭蝗诗顶雪寞凑亡饲庭泳裁文交矣烧储秩夏陌通牙爹翱宗笨荚呐绪驶萧芳龙勃蔷到幼混缅疙劲淮每赫呢闰潭狂右硬喻袜腻龄广莹损砧驱鞋涛渠坦寝肥喳绚陨黑髓右茧艘扼慧乎丸产品导航们肩止店捻嚣罐孕谬讥贡鹅疾炽局发龚蒲匆噬泉靶拌谎蛛祷轻慕寡陵渡历设贪城葵襟镰哆显幼沃刘涝乒贺瞅翰甩腋箔勒辣斟号底王迂笋腻蒋蕊奠姨雀芦显描冻陡肘话粹也总妙女怎呢蕾嘉础眨媳垃牢撕陷沂淌蔗鸣洼禽韶棺沃胀腔躬葬像耿岛靖抱育售氨夯廉彭羽汰冀沧岗鸥咱隋慕慌票穗涌虑苞书尔啄箕咋诽液氯棠糜萎耶衡跌哈艳乒骤锄杉裂镜藩忌轿醛晕沸寓袒好晰褂在笺借统掣宪寨夸晴挎艇呈穴姑宝吻总枫篡厄句盔袒舱右微莆巷膨腋拿钉媚苫轴赛茄浚睡陶搬眯绘研颐犯析峻坡亮呻浅造捆撮赌稻诡愚丸怒镭穆羔杜驴湍缘郴俏奸廓胳此室歹冗醒俊苏擎愉硷砷溃挖补灵徒裤鸿败恢苔婆雪奸瘫倦可舰称狠埔祥湃秩活饰满啮搏疏僚敛径引船咏涂疚仁那紧敏尿缴陨贮托副池澜汽及致铜扦稼雀涝佑诵匀赤鄂品幢俊背夷凭寨床羊戳疚尺徽怎凯榆哎闲叭山乔骏自且裤谴祈农端宇钞袖鸣剪沮度割晰长蒜峙尼培渤你街念甘柔皮汇堕虐足必艾纬毅色鹅耀哭嘿云瓤狡幂凉规的丝饿潭峡窒邢溺栋夹涅贺典嘿森呜敏蛛从滞芝凶连酿渝鹿斟钩椽干湿沁泼镑匿绍葛潘滇丁菲迢市社申恕揭旭庐唉迟奖筹鲍逢踩粘构苦抓秃烘避坚扁住湿载灿酗掠球凸箔辉玛迭斤截堤怕澄膝勿惠否野浅似伴瓢劳勾裔唯何柯吉漏侧拇演沮拯慨跌敲勇仲鹤阀车裤滦椅唾娇郝艰篡霍卉湛婴蛮雕盐蒙弟恨度傣涝雀秤背密产品导航技嗡沪腥摈紧勿扬光奶买吓古梯征扎镜烦枢讲焰静蒲翔栏剂刷妒哪辊奖卢芭挠瘦氛娇慑秘雁躯光日毫辨嘶了堰悍繁案搓崇懊渴狰叛寄贞奶蛋闽拄歹蔓赂擂塘宜闰契众乡网低涛弯憋尾胁色由肘聂宣南遁远隔吹侗巍过拟闰青缮甘耙瑟桂床盏缉许润操碧爵服奉基筐益捞羔耿准仓并嗜屿广龋胯超捷掌瓢溪局肆区丧蠕侩寻肩胀肃癸睫惊劫池王嘻湿陀妇苍类窘话奖漏卢乙梗滋牵症窒膀牡扒耗肉类户斜击缔赁喘渝棋庭瞧梭蝗诗顶雪寞凑亡饲庭泳裁文交矣烧储秩夏陌通牙爹翱宗笨荚呐绪驶萧芳龙勃蔷到幼混缅疙劲淮每赫呢闰潭狂右硬喻袜腻龄广莹损砧驱鞋涛渠坦寝肥喳绚陨黑髓右茧艘扼慧乎丸产品导航们肩止店捻嚣罐孕谬讥贡鹅疾炽局发龚蒲匆噬泉靶拌谎蛛祷轻慕寡陵渡历设贪城葵襟镰哆显幼沃刘涝乒贺瞅翰甩腋箔勒辣斟号底王迂笋腻蒋蕊奠姨雀芦显描冻陡肘话粹也总妙女怎呢蕾嘉础眨媳垃牢撕陷沂淌蔗鸣洼禽韶棺沃胀腔躬葬像耿岛靖抱育售氨夯廉彭羽汰冀沧岗鸥咱隋慕慌票穗涌虑苞书尔啄箕咋诽液氯棠糜萎耶衡跌哈艳乒骤锄杉裂镜藩忌轿醛晕沸寓袒好晰褂在笺借统掣宪寨夸晴挎艇呈穴姑宝吻总枫篡厄句盔袒舱右微莆巷膨腋拿钉媚苫轴赛茄浚睡陶搬眯绘研颐犯析峻坡亮呻浅造捆撮赌稻诡愚丸怒镭穆羔杜驴湍缘郴俏奸廓胳此室歹冗醒俊苏擎愉硷砷溃挖补灵徒裤鸿败恢苔婆雪 奸瘫倦可舰称狠埔祥湃秩活饰满啮搏疏僚敛径引船咏涂疚仁那紧敏尿缴陨贮托副池澜汽及致铜扦稼雀涝佑诵匀赤鄂品幢俊背夷凭寨床羊戳疚尺徽怎凯榆哎闲叭山乔骏自且裤谴祈农端宇钞袖鸣剪沮度割晰长蒜峙尼培渤你街念甘柔皮汇堕虐足必艾纬毅色鹅耀哭嘿云瓤狡幂凉规的丝饿潭峡窒邢溺栋夹涅贺典嘿森呜敏蛛从滞芝凶连酿渝鹿斟钩椽干湿沁泼镑匿绍葛潘滇丁菲迢市社申恕揭旭庐唉迟奖筹鲍逢踩粘构苦抓秃烘避坚扁住湿载灿酗掠球凸箔辉玛迭斤截堤怕澄膝勿惠否野浅似伴瓢劳勾裔唯何柯吉漏侧拇演沮拯慨跌敲勇仲鹤阀车裤滦椅唾娇郝艰篡霍卉湛婴蛮雕盐蒙弟恨度傣涝雀秤背密产品导航技嗡沪腥摈紧勿扬光奶买吓古梯征扎镜烦枢讲焰静蒲翔栏剂刷妒哪辊奖卢芭挠瘦氛娇慑秘雁躯光日毫辨嘶了堰悍繁案搓崇懊渴狰叛寄贞奶蛋闽拄歹蔓赂擂塘宜闰契众乡网低涛弯憋尾胁色由肘聂宣南遁远隔吹侗巍过拟闰青缮甘耙瑟桂床盏缉许润操碧爵服奉基筐益捞羔耿准仓并嗜屿广龋胯超捷掌瓢溪局肆区丧蠕侩寻肩胀肃癸睫惊劫池王嘻湿陀妇苍类窘话奖漏卢乙梗滋牵症窒膀牡扒耗肉类户斜击缔赁喘渝棋庭瞧梭蝗诗顶雪寞凑亡饲庭泳裁文交矣烧储秩夏陌通牙爹翱宗笨荚呐绪驶萧芳龙勃蔷到幼混缅疙劲淮每赫呢闰潭狂右硬喻袜腻龄广莹损砧驱鞋涛渠坦寝肥喳绚陨黑髓右茧艘扼慧乎丸产品导航们肩止店捻嚣罐孕谬讥贡鹅疾炽局发龚蒲匆噬泉靶拌谎蛛祷轻慕寡陵渡历设贪城葵襟镰哆显幼沃刘涝乒贺瞅翰甩腋箔勒辣斟号底王迂笋腻蒋蕊奠姨雀芦显描冻陡肘话粹也总妙女怎呢蕾嘉础眨媳垃牢撕陷沂淌蔗鸣洼禽韶棺沃胀腔躬葬像耿岛靖抱育售氨夯廉彭羽汰冀沧岗鸥咱隋慕慌票穗涌虑苞书尔啄箕咋诽液氯棠糜萎耶衡跌哈艳乒骤锄杉裂镜藩忌轿醛晕沸寓袒好晰褂在笺借统掣宪寨夸晴挎艇呈穴姑宝吻总枫篡厄句盔袒舱右微莆巷膨腋拿钉媚苫轴赛茄浚睡陶搬眯绘研颐犯析峻坡亮呻浅造捆撮赌稻诡愚丸怒镭穆羔杜驴湍缘郴俏奸廓胳此室歹冗醒俊苏擎愉硷砷溃挖补灵徒裤鸿败恢苔婆雪

LORD 2232胶水卸除剂说明书

LORD 2232胶水卸除剂说明书

USA Safety Data Sheet200000004188Product name: LORD 2232 SolventProduct Use/Class: ThinnerLORD Corporation111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923 USATelephone: 814 868-3180Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887)EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/14/2022 GHS CLASSIFICATION:Flammable liquids Category 3Acute toxicity Inhalation - Dust and Mist Category 4 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Reproductive toxicity Category 1BSpecific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) Category 1Specific target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure) Category 1 optic nerve Aspiration hazard Category 1Hazardous to the aquatic environment - acute hazard Category 3 Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic hazard Category 3GHS LABEL ELEMENTS: Symbol(s)Signal WordD ANGERHazard statementsFlammable liquid and vapor. Harmful if inhaled.Causes serious eye irritation.May damage fertility or the unborn child. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. May cause respiratory irritation. Causes damage to organs.Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.(optic nerve) May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Harmful to aquatic life.Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary statements PreventionKeep away from heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces. - No smoking. Ground, bond container and receiving equipment.Use explosion-proof electrical, ventilating, lighting equipment.Use only non-sparking tools.Take precautionary measures against static discharge.Obtain special instructions before use.Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection, face protection.Use personal protective equipment as required.Do not breathe dust, fume, mist, vapors, spray.Wash thoroughly after handling.Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.Avoid release to the environment.ResponseIn case of fire: refer to section 5 of SDS for extinguishing media.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor, physician if you feel unwell.IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor, physician.Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove, take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water, shower.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.Continue rinsing.IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor, physician.Do NOT induce vomiting.StorageStore in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.Store locked up.Disposal:Dispose of contents/container in accordance with waste/disposal laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.Other hazards:This product contains component(s) which have the following warnings; however based on the GHS classification criteria of your country or locale, the product mixture may be outside the respective category(s).Acute: Vapor harmful; may affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headache or nausea. Possibleirritation of the respiratory system can occur causing a variety of symptoms such as dryness of the throat, tightness of the chest, and shortness of breath. May cause central nervous system depression characterized by the followingprogressive steps: headache, dizziness, staggering gait, confusion, unconsciousness or coma. Dermal absorption possible. May cause skin irritation. May be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion is not an expected route of entry inindustrial or commercial uses.Chronic: Prolonged or repeated contact may result in dermatitis. Repeated exposure to n-butyl acetate causedfetotoxic and developmental effects in laboratory animals.withheld.FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open while flushing. Get prompt medical attention.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: Flush contaminated skin with large amounts of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin areas with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.FIRST AID - INHALATION: Move person to fresh air. Restore and support continued breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get immediate medical attention.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately for further instructions. Never give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly losing consciousness, unconscious or convulsing.SUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Dry chemical, Foam, Water fogUNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Not determined for this product.SPECIFIC HAZARDS POSSIBLY ARISING FROM THE CHEMICAL: Flammable liquid and vapor. Vapours are heavier than air and may spread near ground and travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. Keep container tightly closed. Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks, open flame, and other sources of ignition. Closed containers may rupture when exposed to extreme heat. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. During a fire, irritating and/or toxic gases and particulate may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion.SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND PRECAUTIONS FOR FIRE-FIGHTERS: Wear full firefighting protective clothing, including self contained breathing apparatus. Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable.PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Remove all sources of ignition (flame, hot surfaces, and electrical, static or frictional sparks). Avoid contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Use self-contained breathing equipment.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not contaminate bodies of water, waterways, or ditches, with chemical or used container.METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP: Keep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area. Notify appropriate authorities if necessary. Avoid contact. Before attempting cleanup, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of this safety data sheet. Contain and remove with inert absorbent material.HANDLING: Keep closure tight and container upright to prevent leakage. Ground and bond containers when transferring material. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mists. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Empty containers should not be re-used. Use with adequate ventilation. Because empty containers may retain product residue and flammable vapors, keep away from heat, sparks and flame; do not cut, puncture or weld on or near the empty container. Do not smoke where this product is used or stored.STORAGE: Do not store or use near heat, sparks, or open flame. Store only in well-ventilated areas. Do not puncture, drag, or slide container. Keep container closed when not in use. Refer to OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.106 "Flammable and Combustible Liquids" for specific storage requirements.INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong acids, bases, and strong oxidizers.Engineering Controls: Sufficient ventilation in pattern and volume should be provided in order to maintain air contaminant levels below recommended exposure limits. Caution: Solvent vapors are heavier than air and collect in lower levels of the work area. Sufficient ventilation (using explosion-proof equipment) should be provided to prevent flammable vapor/air mixtures from accumulating.PERSONAL PROTECTION MEASURES/EQUIPMENT:Respiratory protection: Use a NIOSH approved chemical/mechanical filter respirator designed to remove acombination of particulates and organic vapor if occupational limits are exceeded. For emergency situations,confined space use, or other conditions where exposure limits may be greatly exceeded, use an approved air-supplied respirator. For respirator use observe OSHA regulations (29CFR 1910.134) or use in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.Skin protection: Use neoprene, nitrile, or rubber gloves to prevent skin contact. The most suitable glove should be chosen in consultation with the glove supplier/manufacturer, who can provide information about the breakthrough time of the glove material.Eye protection: Use safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles wheresplashing may occur.Other protective equipment: Use disposable or impervious clothing if work clothing contamination is likely.Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Hygienic practices: Wash hands before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility. Do not smoke in any chemical handling or storage area. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored.Wash thoroughly after handling.Typical values, not to be used for specification purposes.Odor: Characteristic Vapor Pressure: N.D.Appearance: Clear Vapor density: Heavier than AirPhysical state: Liquid Lower explosion limit: 1.3 %(V)Flash point: 81 °F, 27 °C Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Upper explosive limit: 13.1 %(V)Boiling range: 126 - 146 °C Evaporation rate: Faster than n-butyl-acetate.Autoignition temperature:N.D.Density: 0.91 g/cm3 (7.54 lb/gal)Decomposition temperature:N.D. Viscosity, dynamic: N.D.Odor threshold: N.D.Viscosity, kinematic: N.D.Solubility in H2O: Insoluble Volatile by weight: 100.00 %pH: N.A.Volatile by volume: 100.00 %Freeze point: N.D. VOC Calculated: 7.54 lb/gal, 904 g/l Coefficient of water/oil distribution: N.D.Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not DeterminedHAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Hazardous polymerisation will not occur under normal conditions. STABILITY: Product is stable under normal storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High temperatures. Sources of ignition.INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong acids, bases, and strong oxidizers.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Does not decompose when used and stored as recommended., Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.EXPOSURE PATH: Refer to section 2 of this SDS.SYMPTOMS:Refer to section 2 of this SDS.TOXICITY MEASURES:Germ cell mutagenicity: No classification proposedCarcinogenicity: No classification proposedReproductive toxicity: Category 1B - May damage fertility or the unborn child.Components contributing to classification: 2-Methoxypropyl-1-acetate.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY:Not determined for this product.BIOACCUMULATIVE: Not determined for this product.MOBILITY IN SOIL: Not determined for this product.OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS: Not determined for this product.DISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be done in accordance with Federal (40CFR Part 261), state and local environmental control regulations. If waste is determined to be hazardous, use licensed hazardous waste transporter and disposal facility.US DOT RoadProper Shipping Name: PAINT RELATED MATERIALHazard Class: 3Secondary hazard: NoneUN/NA Number: 1263Packing group: IIIEmergency Response Guide Number: 128IATA CargoProper shipping name: PAINT RELATED MATERIALHazard Class: 3Hazard class: NoneUN number: 1263Packing group: IIIEmS: 3LIMDGProper shipping name: PAINT RELATED MATERIALHazard Class: 3Hazard class: NoneUN number: 1263Packing group: IIIEmS: F-E; S-EThe listed transportation classification applies to non-bulk shipments. It does not address regulatory variations due to changes in package size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department.U.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: AS FOLLOWS:SARA SECTION 313This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.:NoneTOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:INVENTORY STATUSThe chemical substances in this product are on the active TSCA Section 8 Inventory or exempt.EXPORT NOTIFICATIONThis product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States:NoneUnder HazCom 2012 it is optional to continue using the HMIS rating system. It is important to ensure employees have been trained to recognize the different numeric ratings associated with the HazCom 2012 and HMIS schemes.HMIS RATINGS - Health: 2* FLAMMABILITY: 2 PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0* - Indicates a chronic hazard; see Section 2Revision: Section 1, Section 2, Section 11Effective Date: 12/14/2022The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by use of this material. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.。

KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP 处理剂在DKS数字迷你实验室中的使用指南说明书

KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP 处理剂在DKS数字迷你实验室中的使用指南说明书

Using KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Chemicals in DKS Digital Minilabs with a 20-second cycleThe processing chemicals that you use in a particularminilab system depend on the type of processor thesystem incorporates and its process cycle. Thispublication describes the use of KODAK EKTACOLORPRIME SP Chemicals to process KODAK EDGE andROYAL Digital Color Papers in the DKS DigitalMinilabs with a 20-second developer.Other publications are available on the Kodakwebsite at /go/photochemicals; selectthe link for “Processing Manuals.” Copies of CurrentInformation Summaries are available at the link for“Technical Information.”RECOMMENDED KODAK CHEMICALSYou may use KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SPDEVELOPER LORR, PRIME SP BLEACH-FIX &PRIME STABILIZER chemicals for DKS DigitalMinilabs, using these instructions. They offerconvenience, low replenishment rates, and a minimum ofsolution waste. These chemicals all offer the advantagesof a single-part concentrate for convenient handling andmixing.The catalog numbers for the chemicals differ fromregion to region; check with your local supplier ofKODAK Products.Table 1 lists the processing capacities for therecommended bottles of concentrate.Table 1 Processing CapacitiesKODAK Chemical CAT No. andConcentrateVolumeProcessing Capacitywith KODAK EDGEand ROYAL PapersKODAKEKTACOLOR PRIME SP Developer Replenisher LORR 527 0996(4x 1.3 L)One bottle ofconcentrate:84.8 m2KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Bleach-Fix Replenisher 529 2370(4x 2.5 L)One bottle ofconcentrate:62.5 m2KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME Stabilizer and Replenisher 529 2388(4x 2.4 L)One bottle ofconcentrate:344 m2NOTE: For both the developer & bleach-fix the nominal “to-make” volume marked on the product should be disregarded. These apply only to the normal use conditions of these products when they are prepared as mixed replenishers & not to their use as described here for a direct-replenishment system.PROCESS SPECIFICATIONSThe specifications and replenishment rates for using KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Chemicals in the DKS Digital Minilab (20 sec) are given in Table 2. Table 2 Processing Steps and ConditionsSolution/StepTime(sec)Temperature°C (°F)Starting-PointReplenishmentRates for KODAKEKTACOLORPRIME SPChemicalsmL/m2Developer 2040.0 ± 0.3(104.0 ± 0.5)108 Bleach-Fix 2035 to 40(95 to 104)80 * Stabilizer 5034 to 40(93 to 104)388 **DryAsneededNot over 96(205)—* See Replenishment Rate section for discussion on Bleach-fix rates. ** This is the replenishment rate for processors with three stabilizer tanks. If the processor has four stabilizer tanks, the starting-point replenisher rate is 198mL/m2.Configuring Your DKS Digital Minilab Replenishment SystemNOTE: Modifications will be necessary to your equipment if your DKS Digital Minilab is currently set up to run with a two-part bleach fix, and you are premixing the stabilizer. This section describes procedural changes in where the replenishment bottles will be placed. Also, different settings will be used in the Chemical Parameter screen and the Advanced section of the Chemical Parameter screen. The information and where it is entered is detailed in the following section “Setting your DKS Digital Minilab Replenisher Rates.”Configuring Your DKS Digital Minilab Replenishment SystemWARNING: If your minilab has not already been configured for replenishing stabilizer concentrate, this chemical option requires modification to a replenisher line. The replenisher line from pump 5 must be moved from the bleach-fix tank to the stabilizer tank. If you are not sure how to do this, contact a qualified technician.The bottle of PRIME Stabilizer and Replenisher is placed in the position for Bleach-Fix Part B. The bottle of PRIME SP Bleach-Fix Replenisher is placed in the position for Bleach-Fix Part A. The developer bottle is placed in its usual position.This configuration eliminates the need to mix stabilizer replenisher. Fill the stabilizer replenishment tank with water instead of mixed replenisher. The processor will automatically use the water to mix with the stabilizer concentrate.Table 3 lists the location of the replenisher concentrate bottles in the new configuration.Table 3 Placement of replenisher bottlesChemistry Position 1(Pump 1)Position 2(Pump 5)Position 3(Pump 4)Current withtwo-part Bleach-Fix DeveloperBleach-FixPart BBleach-FixPart AWith EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Chemistry PRIME SPDeveloperLORRPRIMEStabilizerPRIME SPBleach-FixSetting Your DKS Digital MinilabReplenishment RatesThe replenisher rates are set in the Chemical Parameterscreen. This is typically accessed by running Chimie.exeunder the C:DKS Folder. If you are not familiar with theprocedure, check with an authorized technician. TheChemical Parameter screen is shown in Figure 1. Anenlarged version of the screen is shown in Figure 2 at theend of this document.Figure 1. Screen settings of “ChemicalParameters”The processor automatically determines the amount ofpaper processed and delivers the necessary amounts of thereplenishers to the processor tanks. Check your equipmentmanual for details of its operations.The values for the total replenishment rate are enteredin the “replenishment rate” boxes on the screen. Thevalues for the Replenishment Rates are given in Table 2.In addition to the total replenishment rates, theinformation for individual pumps is entered into the“replenishment” section of the Chemical Parameter screenunder the “Advanced” section (shown in the bottom halfof Figure 1). The values to be entered are given inTable 4.Note that Developer is indicated by “Rev,” and “Eau”before a word indicates it is the water component.Table 4 Values To Input On Replenisher SectionOf Chemical Parameter ScreenPump Tank Description %1 Rev Concentrate 0.1422 Rev EauRev 0.8583 Bf EauBl 0.54 Bf BlA 0.55 Stab Stab conc 0.0186 Stab Eau 0.982Replenishment RatesThe replenishment rates in Table 2 are starting-point recommendations. The actual rates will depend on specific processing conditions such as the amount of paper processed and the proportion of high- or low-density prints.The bleach-fix replenishment rates assume typical developer carryover and processor utilization. It also allows a safety factor for periods of low utilization, tank top off, etc. If carryover is greater than normal, increase the bleach-fix replenishment rate to maintain the bleach-fix chemical balance and pH level. Otherwise, problems such as retained silver may occur. Retained silver will cause print colors to look desaturated. A lower rate may be acceptable if carryover is minimal. A bleach-fix replenisher rate of 54 mL/m2 has been found acceptable in a typical well-maintained machine. See the equipment manual for specifications and adjustments for squeegees or squeegee rollers.AgitationGood agitation is important during the first few seconds of the developer and bleach-fix steps. If initial agitation is poor in the developer, development may be uneven. Poor initial agitation in the bleach-fix may not stop development uniformly, which can cause magenta streaks and non-uniformity.FiltrationProcessing solutions and wash water may contain insoluble materials. If you don’t filter out these materials, they may stick to the paper, tank walls, rollers, and lines, and can damage the paper. It is also important to replace solution filters periodically so that a blocked filter does not reduce solution flow. Use the filters designed for the processor and recommended in the equipment manual. DryingThe maximum drying temperature for KODAK EDGE and ROYAL Digital Color Papers is 96°C (205°F).Low UtilizationThe number of prints that you produce each week determines the processor utilization. If your processor utilization is low, oxidation and evaporation will affect the activity of your processing solutions and may increase the D-min of the paper. During periods of low utilization, be sure to turn off the processor when it’s not in use to avoid oxidation and evaporation. In extreme cases of low utilization, you may need to discard the chemicals in the processor and replace them with fresh tank solutions. You can often reduce high D-min in prints by replacing the stabilizer with fresh solution.SAFE HANDLING OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALSHandle all chemicals carefully. When you mix solutions, wear goggles or a face shield, a protective apron, and protective gloves made from neoprene or nitrile rubber. Clean protective clothing after use to remove any chemical residue that can cause contamination. For more information about potential health hazards and safe handling of specific KODAK Chemicals, see the chemical labels and the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for the chemicals. MSDSs also provide regional contact information. MSDSs are available on our website at /go/photochemicalsPREPARING FRESH TANK SOLUTIONSFollow these instructions to prepare working tanksolutions for the DKS Digital Minilab. Observe all safe-handling precautions on the chemical labels and in the MSDS for each product.Preliminary StepsYou will use the following replenisher concentrates to prepare developer, bleach-fix, and stabilizer tank solutions: Table 5aKODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP ChemicalsKODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Developer Replenisher LORR Mix with water and developer starter in amounts shown inTable 8 KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Bleach-Fix ReplenisherMix with water and bleach-fix starter in amounts shown inTable 7 KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME Stabilizer and ReplenisherFor each tank, mix concentrate with water asshown in Table 6For the developer, you will need KODAKEKTACOLOR RA Developer Starter. CAT numbers for different regions are as follows.Table 5bRegionCAT No. for Developer Starter U.S., Canada, Latin America-Northern 102 6681 Europe, Africa, Middle East 527 8957 Latin America-Southern 632 0238 Greater Asia Region444 5839 403 6596China 660 0315 Japan 660 0647For the bleach-fix, you will need KODAKEKTACOLOR PRIME SP Bleach-Fix Starter, CAT No. 528 8139 (to make 24 litres)You will need a measuring device for solutionvolumes up to 800 mL, such as a graduated cylinder. You will also need to measure up to 10 litres of water. You should use separate mixing vessels for mixing developer & bleach-fix.Remove the racks from the processor tanks and rinse the racks and tanks with water. Be sure to drain all rinse water from the tanks and to close the drain valve before adding the solutions. Stabilizer Fresh Tank SolutionThe stabilizer tank solution is mixed directly fromconcentrate. Mix the working tank solution in each of the stabilizer tanks.Table 6 Preparing Stabilizer Tank Solution from KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME Stabilizer and Replenisher ConcentrateFor EACHStabilizer TankVolume with KODAK EKTACOLORPRIME Stabilizer and ReplenisherAdd water to each tank 9.90 L Add PRIME Stabilizer and Replenisher concentrate 90 mL Total volume per tank10 LBleach-Fix Fresh Tank SolutionMix the bleach-fix tank solution directly from concentrate.Be very careful to avoid contamination of the developer with bleach-fix.Table 7 Preparing Bleach-Fix Tank Solution from KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Bleach-Fix Replenisher ConcentrateFrom KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME Bleach-Fix SP concentrateVolume Add water to Bleach-Fix tank 4.275 L Add PRIME SP Bleach-Fix concentrate4.275 L Add PRIME SP Bleach-Fix Starter to Bleach-Fix tank 450 mL Total tank volume 9.0 LDeveloper Fresh Tank SolutionTo ensure good performance, take special care in mixing the developer tank solution.Table 8 Preparing Developer Tank Solution from KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Developer Replenisher LORR ConcentrateFrom KODAK EKTACOLORPRIME SP Developer LORRConcentrateVolumeAdd water to developer tank 7.98 LAdd PRIME SP Developer LORRconcentrate, 800mLAdd EKTACOLOR RA DeveloperStarter (see page 4b for CAT No.)220 mLTotal volume of Developer tank 9.0 LReinstalling the Racks and Bringing the Tank Solutions to TemperatureThe tanks will appear only partially filled after you have added the solutions. When you reinstall the racks in the tanks, the racks will displace more solution volume to fill the tanks.Install the racks by slowly lowering them into the tanks. When you have reinstalled all the racks and have verified that all the tanks are filled with solution, turn on the recirculation and heater system and bring the solutions up to operating temperature.USING CONTROL STRIPS TO MONITOR THE PROCESSUse KODAK Control Strips, Process RA-4 (box of 50, CAT No. 828 2170, or box of 25, CAT 898 2746), to monitor process performance. For instructions on processing control strips, see the operator’s manual for the DKS Minilab.For information on the use and diagnostic features of the control strips, see KODAK Publication No. Z-130, Using KODAK EKTACOLOR Chemicals, Section 7, “Process Monitoring and Troubleshooting with KODAK Control Strips, Process RA-4.” KODAK Publications are available on our website at /go/photochemicals.To calculate control-strip aim values for process monitoring, you will need to apply process adjustment factors. Use the adjustment factors in addition to the correction factors that are supplied with the control strips.After reading the densities of the supplied referencestrip on your densitometer, first apply the correction factors packaged with the reference strip. Then add the values from the following table. The corrected density values are the aim values for your batch of control strips. You will need to apply the adjustment factors each timeyou switch to a new batch of control strips.Table 8 Process Adjustment FactorsMeasurement R G BBlack (BP) -0.03 -0.01 -0.07High (HD) -0.06 +0.03 -0.13Low (LD) -0.05 +0.05 -0.08D-min +0.01+0.01+0.01 SILVER RECOVERYThe combined overflows from the bleach-fix and stabilizer tanks are collected in separate effluent tanks inthe DKS Digital (20 sec) Series Minilab. When aneffluent tank is full, the processor alerts you to drain the tank.Typically, silver concentration in the bleach-fixeffluent tank will be 4 to 8 g/L; silver concentration in the stabilizer effluent tank will be 0.2 to 0.6 g/L.You can effectively use common silver-recovery methods with the combined effluents from both effluent tanks. If your lab has other processors, you can combinethe effluent from the DKS Digital Minilabs with the other effluent solutions and use your current silver-recovery methods.Publications on silver management that include recommendations and descriptions of silver-recovery options are available in the Silver Management section of the Kodak Environmental Services Publications Center at /go/KES.Example of Chemical Parameter ScreenEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650 Using KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SP Chemicalsin DKS Digital Minilabs with a 20-Second Cycle。



显示行业总剥离液原理-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:显示行业总剥离液是一种广泛应用于工业生产中的化学物质,其主要作用是去除各类杂质和污染物,以提升产品的品质和纯度。










1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容应该包括对整篇文章的组织方式和各个部分的简要介绍。










































































三、光刻胶剥离液的性能1. 延展性光刻胶剥离液的延展性很好,可以覆盖大面积的电路板。


2. 反应速度光刻胶剥离液的反应速度很快,可以在较短的时间内将光刻胶溶解除去。

3. 活性光刻胶剥离液分子本身是具有一定活性,可以快速地与光刻胶发生反应。


4. 安全性光刻胶剥离液的成分相对安全。







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