ic-6-1中文听说读写》part1 level1 第六课教学课件




章节Unit 1 How,s your college life课时2教学目的1.Enlarging students' knowledge of health2.listening to people talk about health3.expressing worries and reassurance4.understanding and talking about health and health problems学点殳出法教重灵突方1 • Teaching emphasis:Enlarging students' knowledge of health;Expressing worries and reassurance2. Methods:Reinforcing the knowledge of health through pair/group discussion and note-taking exercise;Practicing the ability of expressing likes/dislikes and making suggestion through dialogue reading.教学难点及突破方法1.Difficult points:As for freshman, many students English speaking and listening ability could only be improved step by step.2.Methods:Assign students some simple and interesting tasks to warm up. Make the direction for every task clear and helpful.Give students some preparation time to discuss with their partners, and encourage every student to stand up and speak in public.相关内容素材1.Background information and proverbs of being health;2.Words and phrases related to symptoms of some diseases, living habits and healthy problems;3.Supplementary compound dictation material;4.Teaching textbook, and CDs and VCDs for teaching;Procedures Activities PurposeTopic Understanding 1.Activity 1Work in groups, choose either one of the followingquestion to discuss and then share your answers withthe whole class.1 ・ Do you often see a doctor? Why yes or why not?2.What's your understanding of “an apple a daykeeps the doctor away99?2. Activity 2brainstormingWork in groups of four, search your brains forsome sayings, proverbs concerning health as many aspossible, the group who can work out most wordswill win the game!1.Health is not valued till sickness comes・2.Health is not simply the absence of sickness3.Property may be destroyed and money may loseits purchasing power; but, character, health,knowledge and good judgment will always be indemand under all conditions・一First, to check the result ofthe students^ preview ofthis units and arouse theirinterests;Second, to activate theirbackground information onhealth;Third, to make them formthe habits of thinking thetopic critically;Finally, through groupwork, they can learnt tocooperate with theirclassmate and practice theirspoken English・Listening Focus 1・ Strategy AnalysisCompound-dictation:Listen to the passage talking about health, and fill inthe blanks:If you are a young lady in your 20s,you may either1or wonderingwhich diet to follow・ Now it has the same meaningas 2 • Very often voumeet young girls who look weak enough to 3 in thewind, yet they are still talking about diets! However,extreme diets can lead to4• Many such dietersmay end up with serious5. Prince DianaThrough doing thiscompound dictation, twomain purposes may beachieved:First: the students can learnand practice on how to takenotes;Second: explain someimportant words andexpressions about health・These sometimes are thedifficult points for them tounderstand thelistening material.For the culture tips here, Iconsider it plays a vital rolein college students‘ Englishlearning ・ For6an excessively strong appetite; Karen Carpenter, apopular singer of the 1970s,died of loss of appetite.You should know that looking good is important butnot when it comes 7your health or your life. Better eating habits and proper exercise are all you need to be fit and look good ・2. Additional PracticeDebate:Divide the whole class into two big groups, and ask one group to stand for the positive side, and the other group the negative side to debate on the topic: Should we diet in order to keep fit?3・ Language TipsCulture tips: Princess DianaDiana, Princess of Wales (1 July 1961-31 August 1997) was the first wife of The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. From her marriage in 1981 to her divorce in 1996 she was styled Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales. Though she was noted for her pioneering charity work, the Princesses philanthropic (博爱A 勺) endeavors were overshadowed by a scandal-plagued marriage.Tn 1987, when so many still believed that AIDS could be contracted through casual contact, Princess Diana sat on the sickbed of a man with AIDS and held his hand・ She showed the world that people with AIDS deserved not isolation, but compassion. It helped change world opinion, helped give hope to people with AIDS, and helped save lives of people at risk?----- Bill Clinton learning a language, to some degree, is to understand the culture transferred by the language itself. So this part is to arise students9 senses of culture.Speaking Workshop L Strategy AnalysisGroup-work:How many expressions do you know aboutexpressing worries?About oneselfIt makes me uneasy.By finishing thegroup-work of findingexpressions they knowabout expressing womes,Students can:First recall the knowledgeFm worried. It worries me.Fm worried/concerned about... r can't help worrying... Fm afraid... About othersAre you all righl/any better/felling better? What ,wrong/ the matter/ the problem? Is anything wrong? Is it serious?What 5s on your mind?Fm sure things will turn out fine. You cion I have to worried about that.Therereally no reason to be worried. There^s nothing to worry about. Cheer up.Your condition is not as bad as all that. Nothing to worry about. I quite understand. Pull yourself togethe 匚2. Additional PracticeRole-play:Work in pairs to make dialogues according to the following situations.Situation 1: Lisa's heartbeat is somewhat irregular, she is very worried and wonders whether to drop her jogging class, for her grandma died of a heart attack. The doctor tells her not to be so nervous and advises her not to take strenuous exercises but continue with her jogging class.Situation 2: Stephanie is worried about her interview on Friday for a part-time job. Robert tells her not to be worried, for there are many openings in the school bulledn. He sympathizes with her and asks her to be confident of herself. 3. Language Tips1. It makes me uneasy/it worries me: they are the expressions we sometimes use toexpress worries about ourselves. On the other hand, when we worried about others, we say:what's on your mind?2. I wouldn't worry/I wouldn^t be concerned: reassure ourselves ・Dorf l be concerned/you don^t have to worry aboutthey^ve previewed and then reinforce their impressions on them; second, they can enhance their abilities of speaking and communicating with their group members; In addition, they can learn how to express theirconcerns upon both others and themselves ・that: reassure others3.No need to get so worked up: tell someone not to be so worried.“worked up" means very excited and showing strong feelings, especially when we worried"cheer up,,urge someone to be happy/encourage someone in an activity.4.Pull yourself together: control your own feelings.。



Pattern 1
S-別-V1, S-得-V2 你別 V1, 你得 V2 Don't (verb 1), you have to (verb 2)
Supplementary materials created by Mary Jacob, UC Davis, revised 11/26/2016 Designed to complement Integrated Chinese level 1
2: 小高到-Place-去等你
•小高到哪兒去 等我? • 小高到王朋家去 等你。 王朋
2: 小高到-Place-去等你
•小高到哪兒去 等我? • 小高到學校去等 你。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Pattern 3
Auxiliary verb: 要-Verb future action or desire (will, want to)
1: 你別 V1, 你得 V2 你別打球, 你得看書。
1: 你別 V1, 你得 V2 你別喝茶, 你得睡覺。
1: 你別 V1, 你得 V2
你別看電視, 你得給王老師打電話。
喂, 王老師 在嗎?
1: 你別 V1, 你得 V2 你別睡覺, 你得練習中文。
1: 你別 V1, 你得 V2 你別聊天兒, 你得去開會。
Pattern 2
S-到-Place-去-(Verb) 小高到-Place-去等你 go to a place (to do something)
Supplementary materials created by Mary Jacob, UC Davis, revised 11/26/2016 Designed to complement Integrated Chinese level 1

应用型大学英语视听说教程Unit 6 Language

应用型大学英语视听说教程Unit 6 Language

Part 1 Lead-inTeaching tipsHelp the students understand that body language is the type of communication in which a person uses the body, including facial expressions, to react to situations. It will be of great benefit to develop one's ability to read and understand signals and signs of body language as this will help in easily understanding the nature of other human beings and also improve communication with them.ACTIVITY 1 LISTENINGBody LanguageTapescript:Some of us think that what we say (verbal communication) is more important than how we say that. Researches show that we could not be more wrong. Do you know what the numbers 55% - 38% - 7% mean? 55% body, 38% tone and 7% words. How 1 incredible! Non-verbal communication is more important than verbal. We can be saying wise and clever things but if they are not 2 coherent with our body language, no one will believe us. When we are talking to other people we want to be sure that they are listening and understand us, otherwise we are wasting our precious time. We can see whether a person is listening to us by 3 observing their body movements. Let's make an experiment. When speaking to people, observe if:(1). they 4 maintain eye contact(2). their hands are 5 inclined forward(3). they are nodding their heads(4). their feet are pointing towards the speaker(5). they often smile.Check the answers:1. incredible2.coherent3. observing4. maintain5. inclinedTeaching tipsAllow the students to listen to the passage once to get the general idea of the passage. Then let the students listen to the tape again to pay attention to some details.ACTIVITY 2 VIEWINGDirections: Watch the video on How to Talk to Your Cat twice, and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. If it is false,correct it.Video Transcript:How to Talk to Your CatSure, you talk to your cat now, but does he know what the heck you’re saying? And do you understand his purrs and meow s? If not, it’s time to have a good chat with your furry friend.You will need:o A willingness to look sillyo Attention to pay to his soundso A working knowledge of cat body languageStep 1: Mimic his soundsCreate greater intimacy with your cat by mimicking his meows. Just knowing that you’re attempting to speak his language will make him feel closer to you.Step 2: Use his nameIncrease your chances of your cat listening to you by using his name when you’re issuing a command.Men should use a higher-pitched voice when speaking to their cats, because cats respond better to sopranos.Step 3: Watch your toneLike humans, cats seek clues about a person’s mood by listening to his voice. So when you talk to your cat, be sure that your tone matches the message you want to convey.If you want your cat to know you’re upset that he just peed on the rug, do what his mom would do: Gently pick him up by the scruff of his neck and growl.Step 4: Learn his languageCats have about 100 words in their vocabulary in the form of meows, growls, purrs and hisses. Pay close attention and you’ll begin to learn the sounds he makes when he’s hungry, angry, fearful and so on.Step 5: Read his tailLearn how to read your cat’s tail. If only the tip is moving, he’s irritated. If the ta il is swinging from side to side, he’s PO’d. If he’s carrying his tail tall and proud, he’s happy.Step 6: Interpret speed and volumeFigure out kitty’s mood by paying attention to the speed and volume of his mewling. Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety, while slow, quieter sounds convey confidence. Did you know, in ancient Egypt, cats were so revered that when one died, the owner placed embalmed mice in the cat’s coffin so he’d have food in the afterlife.Note:PO’d:very angry (slang; not polite)Check the answers:Statements True / False Correct Answers 1. In order to have a good chat withyour cat you only need a willingness to look silly. FalseIn order to have a good chat withyour cat you will need:A willingness to look sillyAttention to pay to his soundsA working knowledge of cat bodylanguage2. When you talk to your cat, be surethat your tone matches the messageyou want to convey.True3. Cats have about 100 words in their vocabulary in the form of meows, growls, purrs and hisses.True 4. Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety,while slow, quieter sounds indicate intimacy. FalseFast, loud sounds indicateanxiety, while slow, quietersounds convey confidence.ACTIVITY 3 SPEAKINGDirections: Work in pairs, discuss the following questions. Then share your opinions with the whole class.How Do We Communicate?⏹Ask the students to work in pairs, and then ask one or two groups to present theirown discussions.⏹Some ideas for reference:Animals communicate with each other and other species in the same ways we do, through vocalization and body language cues.We can communicate by words, by gestures, symbolic expressions and various other methods of communication. For example the way you walk, your posture, and the clothes you wear can communicate about you to others. Similarly, it is said that a mere cheerful look makes a dish a feast.A person will assume different roles to fit different situations, such as a) when talking to a business associate, b) when talking to an intimate friend, c) when talking to a subordinate, d) when talking to a spouse and e) when talking to a pet dog.Teaching tipsACTIVITY 1 ORAL FUNCTIONSDirections: Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the way of clarification.Help the students know more about clarification:While clarifying doesn’t actually sort out the problem, it does help to ensure that both parties have the same understanding about what the problem is. It also gives each the opportunity to agree or amend their understanding, and in this way enables them to move forward towards a resolution.The difficulty is that when we hear something negative it is human nature to take it as criticism. This immediately puts us on the defensive and/or we start fighting back before really having a full understanding of the issue being presented to us.ACTIVITY 2 ORAL PRACTICETask1ListeningDirections: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.Tapescript:On HouseworkA: I know I don’t help much with the children, but I’m at work all day. It’s such a rush in the mornings and by evening time I’m tired and there’s usually only about an hour before they go to bed. What you forget is that although my wo rk isn’t physical, it is very stressful! I usually spend part of the weekend doing jobs around the house or gardening and shopping with you, and I also play with the children as much as I can.B: So you don’t think my job looking after the children and the home is as difficult as yours and I shouldn’t complain?A: No –I’m not saying that, I think it is a difficult job which you do extremely well. What I’m trying to tell you is why I feel I can’t do much more.B: But do you think I’m being unfair to say you don’t spend enough time with the children?Check the answers:I know; you don’t think; I’m not saying that; What I’m trying to tell you;do you think;Task 2 ViewingDirections: Watch the video clip of Titanic twice. Pay attention to the following two examples of clarification and fill in the blanks.Video Transcript:JACK: Don’t do it!ROSE: Stay back! Don’t come any closer!JACK: Come on! Just give me your hand and I’ll pull you back over.ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!ROSE: What do you mean, no, I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.ROSE: You’re distracting me. Go away!JACK: I can’t. I’m involved now. You let go, and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you.ROSE: Don’t be absurd. You’d be killed.JACK: I’m a good swimmer.ROSE: The fall alone would kill you.JACK: It would hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?JACK: Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever, uh, ever been toWisconsin?ROSE: What?JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out in Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!Check the answers:Example 1:ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!ROSE: What do you mean, no, I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.Example 2:JACK: It would hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?JACK: Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever, uh, ever been to Wisconsin?ROSE: What?JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out in Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!Task 3 SpeakingDirections: Work with a partner and then come up with two dialogues that include clarification.Try to use as many as possible of the usefulexpressions and ideas that you learned in this unit.Teaching tipsSample:A: I’m so fed up with the arguments. There’s such an atmosphere - when you walk into the office you can cut it with a knife! I’ve started dreading going to work and on some mornings when I’m getting ready, I actually start feeling sick. She doesn’t seem to be affected by it at all, but I just don’t enjoy my job any more.B: So you’re finding it difficult to go to work because of this woman’s behavior, and it sounds like you’re thinking about leaving?A: No –that’s just it! I used to love my job, and I still love the work. It’s just her that I’m finding difficult. What I want is for her to behave differently.In this instance, while Person A seemed to be saying that she wanted to leave her job, in fact what she was saying that she wanted the situation in the office to change, so that she could once again enjoy her work.Notes:you could cut the atmosphere with a knife: something that you say to describe a situation in which everyone is feeling very angry or nervous and you feel that something unpleasant could soon happen.Part 3 In-putting & Out-puttingACTIVITY 1 LISTENING TO LEARNIn this section, you will hear a passage about baby sign language. Before you listen, think about the following questions:⏹What is baby sign language?⏹Does baby signing help or hinder?Background information:Baby sign language is a method in which you and your infant (or toddler) uses specific handshapes and motions to convey words and meaning (quickly and easily) with each other.Tapescript:Baby Sign LanguagePrior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicating his needs to you. This can cause frustration for you both -- yet there is a solution. Baby sign language is rapidly becoming popular as a means of recognizing -- and responding to -- a young baby's needs.Babies can be taught sign language from any age, but they really begin to take notice of the signs from around six months and may begin using them from as early as seven to eight months of age. As many parents will testify, babies understand an awful lot more than they are able to communicate through speech at this stage.Some parents fear that using baby sign language may hamper their child's speech development later on. Research into this subject, however, shows that children taught baby sign in infancy go on to develop superb language skills. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.There are other benefits to introducing baby sign language - studies indicate that children who sign often develop a higher than average IQ. The major advantage for parents, of course, is to be able to identify their babies' needs and respond appropriately -- easing the frustrations that can lead to tantrums. Once this channel of communication is open, many parents feel that a deeper bond with their child is formed, creating a great sense of harmony.Task 1 Listening for InformationDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. If it is false, correct it.Statements True/ False Correct Answers1. Baby sign language is becomingpopular as a means of recognizing-- and responding to -- a youngbaby's needs.True2. Babies can be taught signlanguage from any age.True3. Baby sign language hampersbabies’ speech development. FalseResearch shows thatchildren taught baby signin infancy go on todevelop superb languageskills.4. Studies indicate that children whosign often develop an average IQ. FalseStudies indicate thatchildren who sign oftendevelop a higher thanaverage IQ.Task 2 Listening for DetailsDirections: The following sentences are taken from the passage you have just heard. Listen carefully again and fill in the blanks.1. Prior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicatinghis needs to you.2. As many parents will testify, babies understand an awful lot more than they are ableto communicate through speech at this stage.3. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.4. Once this channel of communication is open, many parents feel that a deeper bond with their child is formed, creating a great sense of harmony.Task 3 Oral PracticeDirections: Take a survey. Ask your classmates about their opinions on the importance of body language. Then explain the results of yoursurvey to the class.Teaching tips■Allow students time to share their ideas.■Circulate and help students with vocabulary as needed.More for teachersBenefits of using baby sign languagePromotes the development of language skillsReinforces language skills already developedReduces frustration at not being able to express needsIt is true that eyes are the mirror of the soulThe facts about negative emotions, confusion, not understanding, lying, distracted, non-interest and anger is very well expressed with eyes. If you look away in an airy fairy manner, it clearly suggests you are not comprehending the topic of group discussion.It takes ten seconds to make a first impression and a lifetime to undo itAccording to some studies, 93% of communication is non-verbal. Out of this 55% is through body language and 38% is tone of voice and balance 7% of total communication is verbal. ACTIVITY 2VIEWING TO LEARNIn this section, you will watch and hear Alison Doyle, a Job Searching Guide, talking about the importance of body language during a job interview.Video Transcript:Hi, I'm Alison Doyle for . What you don't say during an interview is as important as what you do say. How you dress, your body language, and your communication skills will all be evaluated by the interviewer. Today I'm going to show you the best ways to use them to your advantage.Job Interview Communication College Journal reports that, according to some studies, body language comprises 55% of the force of any response, whereas the verbal content only provides 7%, and paralanguage, or the intonation -- pauses and sighs given when answering -- represents 38% of the emphasis. To maximize the perceptions you communicate, you want to use these non-verbal impressions to your advantage.Job Interview AttireFirst, consider your interview attire. Surveys show that dressing unprofessionally or untidily is the leading reason that candidates are excluded from consideration. This candidate already has more strikes against her than she can afford: inappropriate clothing, chewing gum, drinking coffee, and overall unprofessionalism. Dressing appropriately in a clean and professional interview outfit can increase your chances of getting a job offer.Nonverbal Communication in InterviewsNonverbal communication is as important, or even more important, than verbal communication. The evaluation of your nonverbal communication will start as soon as you walk into the company's lobby and continue until the interview is finished.Turn off your cell phone before you enter the building. Talking on the phone during an interview is not only disruptive, it's rude.Prepare for the InterviewPrepare answers to typical interview questions in advance, so you're comfortable responding.Job Interview Body LanguageIt's important to make eye contact with your interviewer and to focus on the question. Stay relaxed, but do not laugh or crack jokes at inappropriate times. You should show personality, but don't overdo it because you're nervous or over-eager.Relax and lean forward a little towards the interviewer so you appear interested and engaged. Don't lean back or slump in your chair. You will look too casual and relaxed. Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair. Pay attention, be attentive, and look interested. Focus on the interviewer, and don’t get distracted.A polished and professional image is what is going to get you to the next stage of the hiring process, a second interview or even a job offer. Thanks for watching. To learn more, visit us on the Web at .Task 1 Viewing for InformationDirections: Watch the talk once and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Check the answers:1. A2. B3.CTask 2 Viewing for DetailsDirections: In this talk, Alison Doyle gives us several tips on how to speak through appearance and body language in order to create a positiveimpression. Watch the video clip again and write down the tipsmentioned.Check the answers:1. Dress professionally2. Utilize non-verbal communication3. Avoid interruptions4. Come prepared5. Maintain body languageTask 3 Oral PracticeDirections: Work with a partner and use the clues given below to re-create two paragraphs. Student A does the first paragraph, while Student B listens and checks it. Then change roles and continue with paragraph two.1.According to some studies, body language comprises 55% of the force of any response, whereas the verbal content only provides 7%, and paralanguage, or the intonation -- pauses and sighs given when answering -- represents 38% of the emphasis. To maximize the perceptions you communicate, you want to use these non-verbal impressions to your advantage.2.It's important to make eye contact with your interviewer and to focus on the question. Stay relaxed, but do not laugh or crack jokes at inappropriate times. You should show personality, but don't overdo it because you're nervous or over-eager. Part 4 Follow-up ActivitiesACTIVITY 1 LISTENING TO LEARNTask 1 Listening for InformationDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanksnumbered 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. Forblanks numbered 9 to 11, fill in the missing information, using theexact words you have just heard or your own words. Finally, whenthe passage is read for the third time, check what you have written. Tapescript:On LanguageWhen each of you in this room were born, there were 6,000 languages spoken on the (1)planet. Now, a language is not just a body of (2)vocabulary or a set of grammatical rules. A language is a (3)flash of the human spirit. Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind, a watershed, a thought, an ecosystem of spiritual (4)possibilities.And of those 6,000 languages, as we sit here today in Monterey, fully half are no longer being (5)whispered into the ears of children. They're no longer being taught to babies, which means, (6)effectively, unless something changes, they're already dead. What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in (7)silence, to be the last of your people to speak your language, to have no way to pass on the (8)wisdom of the ancestors or anticipate the promise of the children? And yet, (9)that dreadful fate is indeed the plight of somebody somewhere on Earth roughly every two weeks, because every two weeks, some elder dies and carries with him into the grave the last syllables of an ancient tongue.And I know there's some of you who say, "Well, wouldn't it be better? (10) Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all just spoke one language?" And I say, "Great, let's make that language Yoruba. Let's make it Cantonese. Let's make it Kogi." And you'll suddenly discover (11)what it would be like to be unable to speak your own language.Task 2 Oral PracticeDirections: Look carefully at the following cartoons and topics, then pick one of them. Present a three-minute speech on it before your class. Try touse as many as possible of the useful expressions and ideas thatyou learned in this unit.Teaching Tips●Put the students into groups and ask them to prepare for this part before class.●Encourage students to use the Internet and other resources.●Evaluation is necessary after the students’ presentations.ACTIVITY 2 VIEWING TO LEARNTask 1 Viewing for InformationDirections: Watch the video On the World's English Mania. Then answer the three questions below.Background information:Jay Walker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English -- "the world's second language" -- by the thousands.Video Transcript:On the World's English ManiaLet's talk about manias. Let's start with Beatle mania. Hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania. Deafening crowds. All for one idea: Get the ball in the net. Okay, religious mania. There's rapture. There's weeping. There's visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or manias can be deadly. The world has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.Teacher: ... change my life!Students: I will change my life.T: I don't want to let my parents down.S: I don't want to let my parents down.T: I don't ever want to let my country down.S: I don't ever want to let my country down.T: Most importantly ...S: Most importantly ...T: I don't want to let myself down.S: I don't want to let myself down.Jay Walker: How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them.Students: A T-shirt. A dress.JW: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China. If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law. That's why this year China will become the world's largest English speaking country. (Laughter) Why English? In a single word: Opportunity. Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table. Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days. Her score on this one test literally determines her future. She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare. 25 percent of her grade is based on English. It's called the Gaokao. And 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test. The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable. Unless you witness it.T: Perfect! S: Perfect!T: Perfect! S: Perfect!T: I want to speak perfect English.S: I want to speak perfect English.T: I want to speak -- S: I want to speak --T: perfect English. S: perfect English.T: I want to change my life!S: I want to change my life!JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely. English is the world's second language. Your native language is your life. But with English you can become part of a wider conversation. A global conversation about global problems. Like climate change or poverty. Or hunger or disease. The world has other universal languages. Mathematics is the language of science. Music is the language of emotions. And now English is becoming the language of problem solving. Not because America is pushing it. But because the world is pulling it. So English mania is a turning point. Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future. A future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems. Thank you very much. (Applause)Task 2 Oral Practice1. Directions: Read the following dialogue and discuss with your partner aboutLanguage Learning according to the key points listed in the box.Dashan’s Feelings about Language LearningZhao Wei: You have been in China for so many years, what’s yo ur feeling about living in China? Do you enjoy it?Dashan: Well, actually, I lived in China full time for 7 years, from 1988 to 1995. But now since 1995, I live half in Canada and half in China. I really enjoy that, because I enjoy my work in China and my friends and everything here. But I also enjoy Canada. So I find the best thing for me is to go back and forth, because that way I can continue with my career here and have my normal life in Canada where nobody recognizes me. For me, both of those together are really the best combination.Zhao: I think Chinese people are more familiar with you speaking Chinese, but our magazine needs you to speak English. So it’s lucky for us to hear your English this time. I just wonder which language do you speak more in your daily life, Chinese or English?Dashan:It’s hard to say, because sometimes it depends on what you are doing, whom you are talking with and what subject you are talking about. But I find talking about something very Chinese is difficult to do in English. And also from the opposite way, sometimes trying to explain something about western culture in Chinese is difficult too.Zhao: You are considered a successful foreign language learner, could you share with us your experience in learning foreign languages?Dashan: I studied Chinese for 4 years in my university in Canada. I think one of the things my teacher did very well was to get away from traditional textbooks as soon as possible. We used the standard textbooks for the first 2 years, because you have to learn the pinyin, you have to learn the basic characters and basic grammar. For those things, textbooks are the best, because they are very scientific. Everything is nicely arranged for you to learn in order. But language itself is not like that. In many ways, it’s not really a very scientific thing. I think many people in China who study English have a mistake. They try to use very scientific methods to study something that itself is very unscientific.Key Points in Discussionfeelings about living in Chinadepend onexperiences in learning foreign languages。


football on the Internet.
• Every coin has two sides. The Internet has its advantages and disadvantages.(3mins)
• G1-3: list the advantages of the Internet.
因特网让我们的生活更加便捷而丰富多彩,为 我们节省宝贵的时间。
(convenient, colorful,saving time) The Internet makes our life more convenient and colorful, saving our valuable time.
• with the development of…, be widely used
• Every coin…, be true of… / sth is no exception.
• 因特网不仅给人们带来了极大便利,还带来了许多的 问题。
• bring sb sth, convenience,not only, but also
查资料。除此之外,还可以听音乐,看电影和学习。 • 另一方面,它使得人们变得越来越懒。有些人脱离现实生活。还
有人甚至沉溺于网络游戏。 • 在我看来,我们应该要把学习,健康和安全放在首位,控制上网
在我看来,我们应该要把学习,健康和安全放在首位, 控制上网时间,还有选择有价值并有用的东西。
另一方面,它使得人们变得越来越懒。有些人脱 离现实生活。还有人甚至沉溺于网络游戏。

新人教PEP版六年级上册英语 Unit 6 part B1 教学课件

新人教PEP版六年级上册英语 Unit 6 part B1 教学课件

angry afraid
课文讲解 Let’s try
It's seven o'clock in the morning, and it's time to get up.
Listen and circle.
How does she feel? 2. Is he ill? (做否定回答)
No, he isn't.
3. feel, now, he, does, how(?) (连词成句)
How does he feel now?
4. go, park, Let's, the, to (.) (连词成句)
5. NoLtewt'selgl.(o翻to译t)he park.
b. Don’t be angry. You should take a deep breath.
c. Don’t be sad. Just think
something happy.
d. Don’t be worried. I’ll help you.
二、按要求写句子。 1. She feels bad. (对画线部分提问)
2. What should he do?
He should go to the hospital.
Let’s talk
Act with your friends. Your friends need some help. Call them and give your suggestions.






















Recognizing key information
The ability to quickly identify key information in a spoken passage, such as names, dates, statistics, and other important details, and ensure they are captured in notes.
Listening reasoning skills
Inference making
The ability to use the given information in a spoken passage to make logical inferences or conclusions about what is not directly stated.
• Develop cultural awareness: By listening to English materials, students will gain a better understanding of English culture and society, enhancing their cross-cultural communication skills.
Drawing conclusions
The ability to synthesize information from a spoken passage and draw logical conclusions based on the presented evidence or arguments.
The materials contain complex sentence structures and vocabulary that may be challenging for students.

人教版高中英语选修6Unit1 Listening and speaking名师课件(共19张PPT)

人教版高中英语选修6Unit1 Listening and speaking名师课件(共19张PPT)
Unit1 Art
Listening and speaking
Revision 1. Retell the text.
2 .Check the answers of the exercises in learning about language and explain the difficulties.
Listening on P41
Questions 1.Which object do you think would be the most expensive? 2. If you could have one of these objects as a present, which would you choose? Why? 3.If you had to buy a present for someone who was an art teacher, which present do you think he would like best?
3.Which present do you think the students will get? Give your reason.
I think they will probably get the wall hanging because the others seem to respect Wang Pei’s opinion. Also, they know Mr. Huang likes that type of wall hanging.
Write a passage to introduce the galleries you have ever been to.
1.Why did they decide not to get the vase for Mr. Huang? It was too expensive. 2.Why did Steve Lee wish they had talked to Mrs. Huang before they went shopping? Mrs. Huang would probably have known what to get for Mr. Huang.

高中英语 模块六第一单元阅读课课件 新人教选修6

高中英语 模块六第一单元阅读课课件 新人教选修6

What special qualities should a comedian have?
sense of humor good at reading people think quickly acting skills ……
Good mood Optimistic Positive attitude Open-minded ……
His outstanding ability to improvise.
He’s hosted the Academy Awards eight times.
He began practising as a child.
Two comedians who lived to be 100 years old.
Observational Prop Physical ? Impressionist
C2: Choose the correct type of stand-up comedy.
A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.
Types of stand-up
: Make jokes about humorous things
: Use props to tell jokes
: Use bodies to make jokes
“Laughter is the best medicine.”
When you’re in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant feelings?

英语专业视听说book 1 Unit 6

英语专业视听说book 1 Unit 6

Unit 6 Language and Language Learning Vocabulary Building1.j2.d 3。

h 4。

b 5.f6。

c 7.a 8。

e 9. g 10。

i Part AListening PriacticeTopic:A Good language Learner --—Six Short Dialogues and One MonologueListening task 1 ANSWER: 1N 2S 3N 4S 5N 6 Y Listening Task 2Having the recording:1.having learning targets and approaches to it2.being willing to experiment and take risks3.being realistic4.being independent or working independent5.being organized and making proactive use of time and effort6.showing balanced concern for fluency and accuracy in communication Language Follow-up1.purposeful2.adventurous 3。

realistic 4。

independent5organized, proactive municativePart BListening PracticeTopic: Learning English in America —--an InterviewListening Task 1Questions asked by the interviewer:1.why did you choose “Stella” as your nickname?2.why did you choose to study journalism in America?3.did you say you had studied English for 10 years?4.Did you find it more difficult to speak English or to write it?5.Has there ever been an occasion when someone ridiculed yourEnglish?Listening Task 21. C 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 CLanguage Follow-up1.I’ve studied English for about 10 years, so there will be no greatlanguage barrier to communication if I choose to study in America. 2.I have a lot of friends and relatives here, so I can be taken care of bythem。

全新版大学英语听说教程Book 1 Unit 6

全新版大学英语听说教程Book 1 Unit 6

TeachiБайду номын сангаасg steps:
1. warm-up activity 2. Introduce useful expressions for getting infromation so that students can have an idea of the following exercise. 3.Play the tape once for the students to complete the exercise. 4.Make some explanation on difficult points. 5.Replay the tape for students to check the answer. 6.ask the students to say three or five sentences, using the expressions they have learned.
Unit 6 Shopping
I. II. III. IV. V. Objectives: Teach students how to get information;Learn to recognize prices; Train the students ability to understand the general idea of the listening text and important details;Give students more chances to talk about shopping Time Allotment: 2 periods Procedures: ● Period 1 Part A Communicative function: Getting Information Listening Strategy : Recognizing Prices ● Period 2 Part B Shopping Pre-listening Task Listening Tasks Speaking Tasks Additional Listening: Part C Defective Goods Home Listening: Part D (1) The First Supermarket (2) Science and Daily Life




nǐ zhù zài nǎr


wǒ zhù zài màn gǔ.

我 住在曼谷。

tā tā zhù zài nǎ ér


tā tā zhù zài qīng lái

• 练习:p44 6题 9题 10精题选课件
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
装 源 款 段
• nǐ de diàn huà hào mǎ shì duō shǎo
• 你的 电话 号码 是 多少?
• what is your telephone number?
• answer:
wǒ de diàn huà hào mǎ shì ....
• 1.-我的电话 号码 是0909510839 • 2.-0909510839
dì liù kè diàn huà hào mǎ
第六课 电话 号码
lesson 6 Telephone number
dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì tàiguó rén wǒjiào
大家 好, 我 是 泰国 人, 我叫...
nǐjiào shénme míngzì? tā /tā25

•x+i+ān xiān 先 •t+i+áo tiáo 条 •j+i+ǎn jiǎn 减 •q+i+àn qiàn 欠

国际汉语提高篇听和说课件 第6课 手机生活

国际汉语提高篇听和说课件 第6课 手机生活
B:好,谢谢你,我尽量吧,能不迟到就不迟到。 2.A:你还是别去出差了,家里的事这么多。
1. 随时
2.时不时 3.赌气 4.适合 5.辐射
翻译:to end up ( in a bad situation) 解释:做某事得到不好的结局。 例子:A: 听说小李被公司解聘了。丢了这么好的工作太可惜了, 你能不能找找老板,帮小李说说话?
翻译:far apart 解释:形容距离遥远的不同地区。 例子:大家从天南海北来到这里,为了学好汉语而努力。
听力热身 1
听后请做出恰当 的应答
你们国家的手机在中国还能用吗?你用的 手机号是哪个公司的?办了哪些套餐呢?
办理手机 业务
8.月 业厅 租费 9.流 量 10.微 博 11.注 册 12.账
翻译:haven't got time to do sth. 解释:表示很忙,没有时间做某件事。 例子:A:你终于回来了,走,我们去唱卡拉OK。
B:卡拉OK?我可不去,我忙了一天,都没顾上吃饭,哪 有力气唱歌啊?
小学生该不该带 手机
现在带手机去学校的小学生已经为数不少, 家长们对这件事的看法却不太一样,有人支持, 有人反对。你觉得小学生带手机上学好不好?
小学生该不该 带手机
对于男的和女的的看法,你同意哪一个?你认 为孩子用手机学有什么好处和坏处?怎么避免不好 的影响?


Unit 6: Preparing to Read
• Preparing to Read
➢ Task 1 ➢ Task 2
Unit 6: Preparing to Read
1. Read this cartoon and try to figure out what the father’s life philosophy is. Do you agree with such a philosophy? Why or why not?
“Son, of course there’s more to life than just money—it’s power.”
Task 2
Unit 6: Preparing to Read
2. Express your opinion. Below is a list of five famous people. Work individually to rank them in order of success. 1 represents the most successful and 5 represents the least successful. Then compare your ranking with others’ and find out why they rank differently from you.
______ Mother Teresa of Caculta, winner of Nobel Prize in Peace in 1979
______ Bill Gates, the wealthiest person in the world and the creator of MS
To be continued ...Unit Βιβλιοθήκη : Preparing to Read
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