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The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
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Lesson Eleven
19 carcase 20 conquest 21 constrictor 22 contented 23 date 24 dago 25 deceive
Relating to or of the nature of or having characteristics of an autocracy
He is always so autocratic. autocrat [ ] n. 独裁者,专制君主 A dictator or dictatorial person
37 General Election 38 gratify [
The book will gratify your thirst for knowledge. gratification gratifying [ [ ] ] n. 满足感,喜悦 State of being gratified; great satisfaction Giving pleasure or satisfaction
There is too much deceit in this advertisement. deception deceptive 26 decry 27 deity 28 despot [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] n. 受骗,骗术 The act of deceiving Causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true Express strong disapproval of Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force A dictator or dictatorial person
长椅沙发 家仆,用人 居住 爱沙尼亚(Estonia) 效力,功效 回避,逃避
A long backless sofa (usually with pillows against a wall) A household servant Make one's home or live in
Capacity or power to produce a desired effect Escape, either physically or mentally
This is the latest acquisition to my library. acquire 3 actuate 4 advocate 5 amply 6 antic 7 ape 8 apt 9 Asiatic [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] v. vt. vt. 获得 驱使 提倡 Come into the possession of something concrete or abstract Drive Speak, plead, or argue in favour of Sufficiently; more than adequately Ludicrously odd
Lesson Eleven On Human Nature and Politics
Words and Expressions
1 absolution [ ] ] n. n. 宽恕,赦免 贪得 Formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance Strong desire to acquire and possess
The autocrat was overthrown by his people. autocracy 11 befriend 12 bellicosity 13 boa 14 boar 15 bounds 16 brute brute 17 chieftain 18 civilized [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] n. vt. n. n. n. n. n. 独裁,独裁政府 A political system governed by a single individual
The policemen are looking for the elusive criminal. 35 gamble 36 gateway [ [ ] ] v. n. 赌博 出入口,途径 大选 ] vt. 满足 Make happy or satisfied A risky act or venture An entrance that can be closed by a gate
adv. 丰富地 n. n. 古怪 猿
adj. 倾向于,易于 n. 亚洲人
(usually followed by 'to') naturally disposed toward People from Asia
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Lesson Eleven
10 autocratic
adj. 独裁的
adj. 心满意足的 n. n. v. 枣 对西班牙,葡萄牙和意 大利人的侮辱性称呼 欺骗
Satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are
He deceived me into buying his broken car. deceiver deceit [ [ ] ] n. n. 骗子 诈骗,诡计 Cheater The act of deceiving
adj. 不朽的 n. n. 不虔诚,不敬神 贫困化
47 impoverisቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱment [
They can no longer bear the impoverishment. impoverish [ ] v. 使…贫困,使土地贫瘠 Make poor
The old man was impoverished by doctor's bills. 48 innumerable 49 insatiable 50 intoxicating [ [ [ ] ] ] adj. 无数的,数不清的 Too numerous to be counted
adj. 使人满意的
It is very gratifying to learn that he won the scholarship.
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Lesson Eleven
39 hereafter 40 hoard 41 inactive 42 indignant
[ [ [ [
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[ [ [ [ [
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n. n. n. n.
皇帝 主要动力 结构,组合,化妆 人类
The sovereign of Germany from 1871 to 1918 The most important spring in a mechanical device The way in which someone or something is composed All of the inhabitants of the earth Deficient in amount or quality or extent
亲近,以朋友态度对待 Become friends with 敌对 蟒蛇 公猪 范围,界限 野兽 The line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something A living organism characterized by voluntary movement Resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility The head of a tribe or clan Having a high state of culture and development both social and technological
Tom was indignant at the unfair dismissal. indignation [ ] n. 气愤,愤怒 A feeling of righteous anger
His rudeness arouse the indignation of the people. 43 Indian 44 infancy 45 immortal 46 impiety [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] n. n. 印第安人 幼年期 The early stage of growth or development Not subject to death Unrighteousness by virtue of lacking respect for a god The act of making poor
He tried to elude observation. elusion elusive [ [ ] ] n. 逃避,躲闪 The act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning) Skillful at eluding capture
adj. 逃避的,躲闪的
adj. 残酷无情的 n. 族长,酋长
adj. 开化了的,文明的
We need to learn more knowledge in the civilized society. civilize civilization [ [ ] ] v. n. 使文明,开化 文明,文化 Make a country technologically advanced A society in an advanced state of development
adv. 此后 vt. 囤积
In a future life or state Save up as for future use Not active or exerting influence Angered at something unjust or wrong
adj. 不活跃的,懒惰的 adj. 愤怒的
2 acquisitiveness [
Acquisitiveness is one of the four major desires of human beings. acquisitive acquisition [ [ ] ] adj. 贪婪的 n. 获得物 Eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas Something acquired
[ [ [ [ [ [ [
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n. n. n.
尸体 征服 蟒
The dead body of an animal esp. one slaughtered and dressed for food Success in mastering something difficult
adj. 不知足的,贪得无厌的 Impossible to satiate or satisfy adj. 醉人的,令人陶醉的 Extremely exciting as if by alcohol or a narcotic
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Lesson Eleven
51 Kaiser 52 mainspring 53 makeup 54 mankind 55 meagre
adj. 骗人的 vt. n. n. 谴责,贬低 神,神性 暴君,独裁者
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Lesson Eleven
29 divan 30 domestic 31 dwell 32 Esthonia 33 efficacy 34 elude
[ [ [ [ [ [
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n. n. vi. n. n. vt.