XBSY砂泵安装使用说明书XBSY Sand Pump Installation And Operation Instruction



17ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้16 15
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
图1 1.底座 2.下泵盖 3.下护板 4.泵体 5.叶轮 6.上泵盖 7.轴套 8.油封 9.密封体 10.轴 11.下轴承体 12.机械密封 13. 上轴承体 14.支承筒 15. 电机座 16.轴承 17.泵联轴器
目录 一、概述…………………………………………………1 二、性能参数……………………………………………3 三、结构特征及特点……………………………………4 四、泥砂泵装配与拆卸…………………………………5 五、NPW 型泵的安装……………………………………8 六、泥砂泵使用注意事项………………………………8 七、泥砂泵的维护与保养………………………………8 八、泥砂泵常见故障与排除方法………………………11 九、泵运行条例…………………………………………14 十、泵的运输及贮存……………………………………14 十一、保修卡……………………………………………15 十二、NPL 型泵使用范例………………………………15
五、NPW 型泵的安装 (NPW 型泵安装尺寸见图 3 和表 2,法兰尺寸见图 4 和表 3)
除了一般的安装要求外,安装本型泵,应注意以下几点: 1. 电机与泵的轴心线必须在同一平面内成为直线,可用塞尺测 量两联轴器端 面间隙的均匀度,在圆周各个方向上最大和最小间隙 不得超过 0.2 毫米,两端面中心线上下或左右的差数不得超过 0.1 毫 米。 2. 电机与泵联轴器之间应保持一定间隙,此间隙值应接近泵轴 的串动量,一般为 3~5 毫米。 六、泥砂泵的使用注意事项 1.泵使用前应仔细检查泵和电机有无损伤,检查紧固件紧固情 况。 2.盘动泵检查有无摩擦声,同时检查泵与电机同心度,两联轴器 外圆偏差不超过 0.5mm. 3.泵的排出口管路,应另设支架,不允许将其重量加于泵体上。 4.水泵在无特殊情况下,必须配备全自动水泵控制柜,切勿直接 挂电网或使用闸刀开关来接通电流,确保水泵正常运行。 5.不得将水泵长期处于低扬程状态下运行(一般使用扬程不得低 于额定扬程的 40%情况),最好能控制在建议使用扬程范围以内,以 防水泵因超载而烧坏电机。 七、泥砂泵的维护与保养 1.水泵应有专人管理使用。定期检查水泵的电路和工作是



• 安装类型D和H: 见章节 6.5 干式安装。
警告 在运行期间,冷却套管内必须注满冷却液体,以确保 充分冷却。 在首次启动之前以及长时间停机之后,必 须通过空气排气阀将冷却套管内的空气排出。
• 安装类型ST: 液位必须在水泵进口上方不小于900-1100 mm处。见图 21。
2.3.3 压力版本 见章节 4. 安全。
9. 控制单元必须保护WIO不会被它所连接的电源的短 路电流损坏。 由控制单元而来的最大电流不能超过 350 mA。
10. 最大潜水深度为20米。
警告 针对安全使用WIO传感器需要注意的特殊情况如下: 1. 控制单元必须保护传感器不会被它所连接的电源的
2. 传感器的安装必须能够避免机械冲击危险。 3. WIO传感器不得用于自燃温度低于250 °C的油。
5. 泵送液体的液位必须由与电机控制回路连接的液位 开关来控制。 最低液位取决于安装类型,其规格在 本安装与操作指导中作出说明。
6. 避免水泵出现干运转的情况。
7. 确保永久安装的电缆受到恰当的机械保护,并连接 到对应的端子接线板上。
8. 污水泵的环境温度范围是 0 至 40 °C,且最大流程 温度为 40 °C。
警告 如果不遵守这些操作指导会有触电危险并造成严重的 人身伤害或死亡后果。
警告 该产品的表面十分灼热可以引起烫伤或其它人身伤害。
警告 高声压级,必须使用听力保护。
小心 不执行这些安全须知可能会导致故障发生或设备损坏。
注意 可以使工作简化和保证安全的注意事项或须知。
2. 概述
本手册对配备功率为55至520 kW电机的格兰富S系列污水及废水泵 的安装、操作及保养进行了说明。
图 4 显示72扬程水泵的认证标牌,该系列水泵可选择配备达到T3或 T4温度等级的电机。

XBC 型柴油机消防泵 安装使用说明书

XBC 型柴油机消防泵 安装使用说明书

XBC 型柴油机消防泵安装使用说明书XBC型柴油机消防泵安装使用说明书造制械机佳立湖南司公有限湖南立佳机械制造有限公司Hunan Perfect Industry Co., Ltd.1一、消防泵型号说明XBC200-670B设计流量:626.4m3/h扬程:1.15MPa水泵出口直径:DN200mm配套柴油机型号及功率:12V135DAZD,315KW(430HP)二、调试前检查工作1.安装检查1.1安装位置检查1.1.1泵房内的设备布置应保证安装、运行、管理维修等工作的方便。


1.1.2 两台泵之间的净距?0.75m,泵前端操作通道宽度?1m,多级泵?1.8m,泵前端维修通道?1.25m。

———————————————————————————————————————————————造制械机佳立湖南司公有限21.1.3 泵房有起吊设备或有至少能竖起三角架等吊装设备的空间,通风及光线良好(晴天的白天不用开灯能满足操作维修需要的光线)。





1.2.4 泵组底架与基础混凝土之间距离应?10mm,且基础表面要保留凹凸不平的原样。





1)电泵由隔爆型三相异步电动机和泵两大部分组成,两者为同轴直联; 2)电泵为下泵式,可抽送浅水杂质、可通过固体颗粒; 3)采用向心球轴承和角接触球轴承,支撑性能理想,可承受较大的轴向力,运转灵活; 4)叶轮为闭式离心式或开式离心式; 5)泵电机输出轴采用骨架油封和高性能机械密封,能够承受较大的密封压力。 6)电泵为立式,电机为内装式; 7)电泵的防护形式为 GB/T4942.1—2001 规定的“IP×8” 8)电泵电动机的定额是以连续工作制(SI)为基准的连续 定额; 9)电缆引入采用的夹紧装置符合 JB4262 标准; `10)引入电缆为四芯矿用橡套软电缆与压头为一体式,密封性好。
九、 运输、贮存
…………………………………………… ………………………10
十、 “三包”条件 …………………………………………………………………… 10
十一、受 控 零 部 件 明 细 表 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 11
2,在配电系统中应配置过热或过电流保护装置,必要时应配接漏电保护器 3,泵外配接的启动保护和矿用移动式软电缆,必须是具有煤安标志资
质的产品,接线时严禁带电作业以防触电 4,电泵应按相序标识的规定连接,电泵转向必须与转向标志一致。四芯电 缆黑色为地线,必须可靠接地。使用前,应检查定子绕组对机壳的绝缘电阻不低 于 100MΩ 5,电泵使用场所应设“严禁进入、防止触电”的警示牌,电泵运行时严 禁移动电泵。 6,确认转向正确后,方能启动运行。 7,电泵运行时发生下列情况应立即停机检查,排除故障方可运行。
额 定
流量 扬
m3/h 程 m




型号SB3?4配15kW、11kW、7.5kW 电机,常用有反转泵3个规格。











2.型号说明1.砂泵型号代号代表意义:SB—表示:SB系列单级单吸砂泵F—表示:反转(正对泵进口看,泵逆时针旋转,泵出口位于泵进口垂直中心线右侧)Z—表示:正转(正对泵进口看,泵顺时针旋转,泵出口位于泵进口垂直中心线左侧)J—表示:机械密封P—表示:皮带传动CSB6×SB注:泵壳12.轴图一SB6×8砂泵结构图1.泵壳2.叶轮3.纸垫4.机封泵盖5.机封6.油封7.轴承8.泵座9.轴承座10.O形圈11.轴承12.锁紧螺母13.垫圈14.轴15.调整螺栓16.O形圈17.活节螺栓18.压板组件19.O形圈20.轴套21.盖形螺母22.方螺母23.垫圈图二、SB6×8(5×6)砂泵结构图SB5×6砂泵结构图SB4×5砂泵结构图1.泵壳2.盖形螺母3.机封4.叶轮5.轴套6.填料7.压板组件8.活节螺栓9.抛泥环10.油封11.轴承12.轴13.泵座14.轴承15锁紧螺母16.油封17.机封泵盖图三、SB3×4砂泵结构图SB2×3砂泵结构图2.SB砂泵外形及安装尺寸精心整理a.英制SB砂泵法兰尺寸(表4)泵机组皮带张紧合适,过紧过松都不适宜,检查方法是:在胶带的跨度中点垂直于胶带作用100N 力时,胶带垂直方向的挠度为10mm,并要求各带轮轴线应相互平行,各带轮相对应的V型槽对称平面应重合,误差不大于20'。



SB系列砂泵安装使用说明书一、SB砂泵概述及性能参数1. 概述SB系列砂泵是针对石油天然气钻探设备特点新研制的配套泵,它采用轴向吸入结构,过流部件为抗磨铸铁,适用于输送腐蚀性带有悬浮颗粒的钻井液或其它类似工况的液体介质,是除砂器、除泥器、混合漏斗最佳配套泵,也是理想的泥浆泵的灌注泵,其参数设计充分考虑了所配套的设备能在最佳工况下工作,主要特点是零件的通用性和互换性强,轴封泄漏少,工作可靠,使用寿命长,维护方便。


















NOTE! To the installer: Please make sure you provide this manual to the owner of the equip m ent or to the responsible party who maintains the system.MODEL WHV-5WASTE HANDLING SUMP PUMPSINSTALLATION AND SERVICE MANUALPart # 23833A156 | © 2012 Pentair Pump Group, Inc. | 11/14/12CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING:This product and related accessories contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.The WHV-5 series waste handling pumps are single phase 1/2 HP. Pumps have plug-in cords to operate as a manual pump by plugging directly into a grounded receptacle or into series plug of switch cord for automatic operation. Cords are furnished in 20' lengths. Plug is cut off when pump is used for duplex operation so as to connect directly to terminal block in control box. Also available are pumps with attached control floats for automatic operation.LEVEL SWITCHESWHV-5 manual pumps must be used with separate level controls for automatic operation. Switchesare sold and packaged separately and come with complete installation instructions.WHV-5 automatic pumps have their own attached control float switches.APPLICATIONSThe WHV-5 series waste handling pumps are designed for residential and commercial applications and will handle all wastewater, paper and other material normally found in sewage. Pump will handle 2" diameter solids. Not intended to pump large rags or mop heads.PIPINGPump case is fitted with 2" NPT female thread for 2" standard pipe.Pipe can be galvanized steel or schedule 80' plastic pipe. Schedule 40 plastic pipe can be used with proper cement adapters.CHECK VALVEA 2" check valve must be used at pump discharge. This should be a free-flow valve that will easily pass solids. The Myers CV-200 valve is designed especially for this service.INSTALLATIONThe WHV-5 waste handling pump is always installed in a gas tight sump basin. Myers offers complete packaged basin systems for simplex and duplex operation. Packaged basin systems include all parts except pump, level control, check valve, pipe and duplex control box. The WHV-5 pumps should be used in 24" dia. or larger basins. Do not use WHV-5 in an 18" diameter basin.SIMPLEX BASINThe B20-3036 basin package is for 1/2 HP pumps and has a 30" x 36" fiberglass basin with a steel basin cover and two cast iron pump covers. One cover is blank, for installation of second pump at later date if required, other cover has flange for 2" or 3" discharge pipe and has flange for mounting switch. Basin has 3" vent flange and inlet flange for 4-1/2" O.D. plastic pipe. This basin gives extra storage capacity needed for the larger pumps.DUPLEX BASINThe B20-3036D and B30-3036D basin systems are for duplex operation. This system has a 30" x 36" fiberglass basin with steel basin cover that supports two separate cast iron covers. Covers have sealing flange for discharge pipe either 2" or 3" as ordered. Covers also have mounting flanges for switches. Basin has 3" vent flange and inlet flange for 4-1/2" O.D. plastic pipe. An inlet flange for 6-5/8" O.D. plastic pipe, catalog number 1F-600 is also available. Inlet flanges are shipped loose for mounting in the field at inlet height required.SUMP COVERSMyers offers separate pump covers for simplex and duplex systems to be used with existing basin as a replacement, or with customer basin.Cover BC20-30D is for duplex system in 30" diameter basin with flange for 2" discharge pipe.Cover BC30-30D is for duplex system in 30" diameter basin with flange for 3" discharge pipe.With separate cover, the steel basin cover must be sealed to basin top with caulking compound. All covers include switch mounting flange and 3" vent flange.INSTALLING BASIN SYSTEMSThe sump basin is usually installed at time of pouring cement floor so that it can be cemented in place, level with the floor.Pumps are installed after construction is completed. Covers should be left on basin until after construction, so trash will not accumulate in basin.Check basin before installing pump and removeany rocks, cement chunks or other trash that could damage pump.23833A156 11/08/122Inlet flange is installed in the field and hole cut in basin at height required. More than one inlet flange can be used if required to bring extra lines into basin.CAUTION – Before installing pump in basin, turn pump on side and turn impeller with screwdriverin slotted shaft. Impeller must turn free on this test. Pump cord is sealed through cover with split rubber bushing.INSTALLING CHECK VALVEThe check valve is always installed in horizontal position to prevent solids from settling on top of clapper, causing clogging. A union and gate valve are recommended for use in discharge pipe to provide easy removal of pump.STARTING PUMP – SIMPLEX SYSTEM, AUTOMATIC PUMP1. Plug pump cord into 115 or 230 volt groundedreceptacle. The 230 volt receptacle has in-lineblade openings so that 115 volt plug cannot beplugged in.CAUTION – Never cut off grounding pins or use an adapter to plug into an ungrounded receptacle.2. Run water into sump until control turns on pump.Allow pump to operate until level drops, turningpump off.3. Run pump through several cycles to check switchoperation.4. If pump runs but does not deliver water, stopand start pump several times by unplugging andplugging in cord to clear air.Also, make sure the check valve is installedproperly, with flow arrow in the correct direction.Check elevations of discharge piping that theheight of the discharge is not greater than the total head capability of the WHV-5.5. If pump does not start at all, the trouble could bein the wiring, float switch, or the pump itself. STARTING PUMP WHV-5P (AUTOMATIC) USING MECHANICAL SWITCH WITH SERIES PLUG – SIMPLEX SYSTEM1. These pumps have a mechanical (mercury-free)float switch with a 10 ft. or 20 ft. cord with a 115volt or 230 volt series piggyback plug with switch mounted to the pump.2. Plug the switch cord plug into a proper voltage,properly grounded outlet.3. Plug the pump power cord into the back of theswitch cord.4. Tape the cords to the discharge pipe every 12".5. Run water into sump until pump starts. Be suredischarge line valve is open.6. Allow pump to operate through several on/offcycles.SETTING LEVEL CONTROLS – SIMPLEXSYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANELThree FLC mercury floats are used for simplexoperation. Cords from these controls must be marked so they can be connected to proper terminals in thecontrol box.The turn ON float should be set so that the water level raises at least to the top of the WHV-5 pump’s motorhousing before the pump turns on. With the WHV-5setting on the basin bottom, this height would be 14"minimum above the bottom of the basin. The settingof the ON float may be set as high as 6" below thebottom of the inlet pipe coming into the basin.Set the OFF float such that there is 6 to 7" of waterremaining in the basin. The water level should notdrop below the junction point of the WHV-5 volutecase and motor housing.The HIGH WATER (alarm) float should be set so thatthe water level is 4" above the level at which the pump turns on.STARTING PUMP – SIMPLEX SYSTEMWITH CONTROL PANEL1. Turn HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to OFF positionand close circuit breaker. Turn HAND-OFF-AUTOswitch to the AUTO position and run water into thesump or basin.2. When water level reaches the ON float switch, thepump should start and run. Yellow indicator lighton the panel will be illuminated. Pump will lowerwater level to the OFF float switch and the pumpwill stop.3. If the float switches are not set at the correctheights to result in the water levels as describedabove, turn the HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to OFFand adjust the float switches heights. RepeatSteps 1 and 2.4. If for any reason the water level reaches the HIGHWATER float, the alarm light or buzzer will beactivated. Alarm will stop as soon as level dropsbelow the HIGH WATER float.5. If pump operates as described, set HAND-OFF-AUTO switch to AUTO position and pumps areready for service.6. If pumps do not operate properly, make checks,as given in Steps 4 and 5, of STARTING PUMP,SIMPLEX SYSTEM, AUTOMATIC PUMP. SetHAND-OFF-AUTO switch to HAND position tocheck operation of the pump.23833A156 11/08/1237. Check for electrical trouble – explained in thecontrol box instructions. A competent electricianshould make checks in the control box to locatetrouble.CAUTION – NEVER WORK ON PUMPS ORCONTROL BOX UNTIL CIRCUIT BREAKER ISTURNED OFF.SETTING LEVEL CONTROLS – DUPLEX SYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANELFour FLC mercury floats are used for duplex operation. Cords from these controls must be marked so they can be connected to proper terminals in the control box.The turn ON float should be set so that the water level raises at least to the top of the WHV-5 pump’s motor housing before the lead pump turns ON. With the WHV-5 setting on the basin bottom, this height would be 14" minimum above the bottom of the basin. The setting of the ON float may be set as high as 12" below the bottom of the inlet pipe coming into the basin.Position the lag pump ON (override) float switch about 6" above the lead pump ON float.Set the OFF float such that there is 6 to 7" of water remaining in the basin. The water level should not drop below the junction point of the WHV-5 volute case and motor housing.The HIGH WATER (alarm) float should be set so that the water level is 4" above the level at which the lag pump turns on.STARTING PUMP – DUPLEX SYSTEM WITH CONTROL PANEL1. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to OFFposition and close circuit breaker.2. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to the AUTOposition and run water into the sump or basin.3. When water level reaches the first ON float switch,one pump should start and run. Yellow indicatorlight on the panel will be illuminated for theoperating pump.Pump will lower water level to the OFF float switch and the pump will stop.4. Run water into the sump again. When water levelreaches the first ON float, the opposite pump will start. The yellow light will show which pump isoperating. 5. This cycle will continue and pumps will alternateon successive cycles.6. If excessive flow enters the basin that is more thanone pump can handle, the sump level will rise and activate the override float, which will start bothpumps and activate the alarm.7. The same condition can occur if one pump failsfor any reason. Then level will rise to the override float, and the good pump will start and operateuntil failed pump is replaced or repaired. If for any reason level reaches fourth float, alarm light orbuzzer will be activated. Alarm will stop as soon as level drops below the alarm float.8. To check override operation, turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to OFF position and fill basin until level is above override float (3rd float).9. Turn both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to AUTOposition and both pumps should start.10. R epeat this operation with one pump off, whichwill duplicate a failed pump condition. In this case, when level reaches override float, the pump thatis in the ON position should start. Operation willcontinue on this one pump.11. l f pumps operate as described, set both HAND-OFF-AUTO switches to AUTO position and pumps are ready for service.12. l f pumps don’t operate properly, make checks asgiven for simplex system. Use HAND-OFF-AUTO switch in HAND position to check operation ofeach pump.13. C heck for electrical trouble given in the control boxinstructions.A competent electrician should make checks in thecontrol box to locate trouble.CAUTION – NEVER WORK ON PUMPS ORCONTROL BOX UNTIL CIRCUIT BREAKER ISTURNED OFF.CHECK POINTS IF PUMP DOES NOT RUN AND OPERATE PROPERLY1. Be sure fuse is not blown or circuit breaker is nottripped. Pump should have separate circuit withits own fuse or breaker. If on circuit with otherequipment, nuisance tripping may occur.2. CAUTION – Always unplug pump cord beforeremoving pump from sump basin. Removepump and check for plugged inlet or trashstuck in pump. Be sure pump impellers turnfreely after removing any trash.3. If pump does not operate after cleaning, statormay be damaged or burned out. Occasionally,lightning may damage a motor.23833A156 11/08/124523833A156 11/08/126WHV-523833A156 11/08/127ReferencePart Number Description Qty.121929A002Bolt, Eye 3/8"-161224472D001Cap1305876A125O-Ring, 6-1/8" x 5-7/8" x 1/8"1419099A023Screw, Machine 1/4"-20 x 7/8"6509822A006Screw, #10-24 x 1/2" (Auto Pump Only)1617190A008Clamp, Cable (Auto Pump Only)1717190A004Tie, Cable1824948C000Plate with Bearing 1920892A133Sleeve 3/4" I.D. x 3 Lg.11005030A163Washer, Teflon ® 1/2" x 1" x 1/6"11105030A173Washer, SST 1/2" x 1" x 1/32"1–See Chart Housing with Stator 11224946D000Housing Only 113See Chart Stator Only 114See Chart Rotor with Shaft 11512558A030Ring, Retaining 11608565A013Bearing, Ball11714525A010Seal, Shaft, Type 6 (Shown)1–22447A000Seal, Shaft, Type 21 (Not Shown)1ReferencePart Number DescriptionQty.1813321A009Screw, Set 5/16"-18 x 3/4"41924945C000Impeller 12024947D000Case, Volute 12109859A800Wire, Jumper 12209859A801Wire, Ground 22323838A000Capacitor 12420333A004Clip, Capacitor22505434A054Screw, 10-24 x 1/2"42611009A002Oil Transformer (1 Qt. Can)22706106A037Screw, 10-24 x 3/8"12805022A054Plug, Pipe 1/4" NPT 129See Chart Cord, Electric13024448A000Plug, Nut (Manual Pump & P Series)13105030A213Washer (Manual Pump & P Series)13224449A000Plug, Jumper (Manual Pump & P Series)13321813B120Control, Float (Auto Pump for A Series)13414743A000Emblem, Myers 13518812A157Instructions13819109A018Nut, Hex 3/8"-16UNC1M = Manual A = Automatic P = PiggybackPump Catalog No.Pump Engr. No.Housing with Stator (13) Stator Only (14) Rotor with Shaft (19) Impeller (29) Cord (33) Control WHV-5M-1124949D00024946D100K 24987B00024989B00024945C00021628B018–WHV-5M-2124949D00124946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B019–WHV-5A-1124949D00224946D100K 24987B00024989B00024945C00021628B01821813B120WHV-5A-2124949D00324946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B01921813B120WHV-5P-124949D90024946D100K 24987B00024989800024945C00021628B04121813B130WHV-5PC-l 24949D90124946D100K 24987B00024989800024945C00021628B01821813B131WHV-5P-224949D90224946D101K 24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B04221813B132WHV-5PC-224949D90324946D101K24987B00124989B00024945C00021628B01921813B133DIMENSIONSPARTS LISTONOFFModel Voltage Electrical Current – Amperes Flow – GPM04080120Locked RotorWHV-5M-111157. 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.810.5WHV-5A-21230 3.5 3.7 4.24.810.51101 MYERS PARKWAY 490 PinEbuSh RoAd, unit #4 AShLAnd, ohio, uSA 44805 CAMbRidGE, ontARio, CAnAdA n1t 0A5 419-289-1144 800-363-PuMP Warranty Rev. 12/13STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTYPentair Myers ® warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment from Pentair Myers or 18 months from the manufacturing date, whichever occurs first – provided that such products are used in compliance with the requirements of the Pentair Myers catalog and technical manuals for use in pumping raw sewage, municipal wastewater or similar, abrasive-free, noncorrosive liquids.during the warranty period and subject to the conditions set forth, Pentair Myers, at its discretion, will repair or replace to the original user, the parts that prove defective in materials and workmanship. Pentair Myers reserves the right to change or improve its products or any portions thereof without being obligated to provide such a change or improvement for prior sold and/or shipped units.Start-up reports and electrical schematics may be required to support warranty claims. Submit at the time of start- up through the Pentair Myers website: /startupform/startupform.asp?type=m. Warranty is effective only if Pentair Myers authorized control panels are used. All seal fail and heat sensing devices must be hooked up, functional and monitored or this warranty will be void. Pentair Myers will cover only the lower seal and labor thereof for all dual seal pumps. under no circumstance will Pentair Myers be responsible for the cost of field labor, travel expenses, rented equipment, removal/reinstallation costs or freight expenses to and from the factory or an authorized Pentair Myers service facility.this limited warranty will not apply: (a) to defects or malfunctions resulting from failure to properly install, operate or maintain the unit in accordance with the printed instructions provided; (b) to failures resulting from abuse, accident or negligence; (c) to normal maintenance services and parts used in connection with such service; (d) to units that are not installed in accordance with applicable local codes, ordinances and good trade practices; (e) if the unit is moved from its original installation location; (f) if unit is used for purposes other than for what it is designed and manufactured; (g) to any unit that has been repaired or altered by anyone other than Pentair Myers or an authorized Pentair Myers service provider; (h) to any unit that has been repaired using non factory specified/oEM parts.Warranty Exclusions: PEntAiR MYERS MAKES no EXPRESS oR iMPLiEd WARRAntiES thAt EXtEnd bEYond thE dESCRiPtion on thE FACE hEREoF. PEntAiR MYERS SPECiFiCALLY diSCLAiMS thE iMPLiEd WARRAntiES oF MERChAntAbiLitY And FitnESS FoR AnY PARtiCuLAR PuRPoSE.Liability Limitation: in no EVEnt ShALL PEntAiR MYERS bE LiAbLE oR RESPonSibLE FoR ConSEQuEntiAL, inCidEntAL oR SPECiAL dAMAGES RESuLtinG FRoM oR RELAtEd in AnY MAnnER to AnY PEntAiR MYERS PRoduCt oR PARtS thEREoF. PERSonAL inJuRY And/oR PRoPERtY dAMAGE MAY RESuLt FRoM iMPRoPER inStALLAtion. PEntAiR MYERS diSCLAiMS ALL LiAbiLitY, inCLudinG LiAbiLitY undER thiS WARRAntY, FoR iMPRoPER inStALLAtion. PEntAiR MYERS RECoMMEndS inStALLAtion bY PRoFESSionALS.Some states do not permit some or all of the above warranty limitations or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages and therefore such limitations may not apply to you. no warranties or representations at any time made by any representatives of Pentair Myers shall vary or expand the provision hereof.。



M AH HH型渣浆泵使用、装配和维护说明书2013年01月版安全须知(一)泵是一种即承压又传动的机器,在安装、操作和维修前及安装操作和维修期间,必须遵守所规定的安全措施。






注释应备有包括液池、泵送管路、阀门、控制装置等等在内的系列安装图,以免错装给泵带来不利影响M、AH、HH型渣浆泵使用、装配和使用说明书目录第一节:1、泵规格型号代号说明32、泵装配33、基础34、泵轴(与电机轴)对中35、管道36、启动47、维修5&备件79、润滑脂710、建议米用的润滑脂量和润滑周期8第二节:轴承装配说明B、C、D、E、F和G型托架9—14第三节:轴承装配说明R、Rs、S、ST、T 和Tu 型托架15—18第四节:轴承组件试验说明书19第五节:托架装配说明书20第八节:泵头的组装说明书21 —36第七节:叶轮间隙的调整37第八节:泵的拆卸38附表1:泵的基本零件号39附表2:装泵工具目录41第一节使用说明1、泵规格型号代号说明每台沃曼泵都有一个铭牌,钉在托架上,铭牌上印有泵规格号,泵的规格号由数字和字母组成,并排列如下:数字数字字母字母(a)(b) ( c) ( d)(a) 、吸入口直径,以英寸表示,女口1.5、2.4、10、20、36等等。

(b) 、吐出口直径,也以英寸表示,如1、1.5、3、8、18、36等等。











此泵仅适用于 Garmin®自动舵系统。







SmartPump 根据自动舵系统的命令通过与液压转向系统交互来操控船的方向。


如果您使用 Garmin 海图仪将自动舵系统连接至 NMEA 2000®网络,则可以使用海图仪更新软件。

如果您未使用 Garmin 海图仪将自动舵系统连接至 NMEA 2000 网络,则必须使用 NMEA 2000 网络更新器(单独出售)。


所需工具•护目镜•钻机和钻头•扳手•转矩扳手(如果为不平衡转向气缸配置泵)•钢丝钳/剥线钳•螺丝刀:十字头和一字头•扎线带•海洋腐蚀抑制剂喷雾•安装螺钉:泵套件包含安装螺钉,但如果随附的螺钉不适合安装表面,则您必须提供正确的螺钉类型•液压系统硬件 (液压系统注意事项, 第 3 页):◦液压软管,-4 [6 毫米(1/4英寸)ID] 或更高,带有机器压接或现场可更换配件,最小额定值为 1000 psi ◦液压 T 形接头◦液压截止阀◦螺纹密封剂,比如 Loctite® 567◦液压放气设备◦液压液安装注意事项泵必须安装在干燥位置,防止受到水和天气的影响。

SPX 水力泵产品说明书

SPX 水力泵产品说明书

HYDRAULIC PUMPSheet No. 1 of 7Rev. 18Date: 15 Apr. 2001Note: Shaded areas reflect last revision(s) made to this form.© SPX CorporationParts ListForm No. 10057761166RE21Cover Plate (For P116-10)66218BK21Cover Plate (For PE17-PARK, PE172-ABC, PE172A-BOC & PE17-SOLO)48*401641Cover Gasket 49*102731O-ring (13/16 X 5/8 X 3/32)†2501571O-ring (13/16 X 5/8 X 3/32)50*102651O-ring (5/16 X 3/16 X 1/16)†177141O-ring (5/16 X 3/16 X 1/16)51121491Dowel Pin (1/8 Dia. X 3/4 Lg.)52*160571Compression Spring (3/16 O.D. X 1"Lg.)53104271Pipe Plug (1/8 NPTF)542097951Outlet Ball Stop 55611671Check Body 56*102661O-ring (3/8 X 1/4 X 1/16)†177151O-ring (3/8 X 1/4 X 1/16)57211843 1 Dowel Pin (3/16 Dia. X 1" Lg.; Loctite Pin in Piston Hole with Radius End Out)58*163461Compression Spring (1" O.D. X 7/8 Lg.)59*102831O-ring (2" X 1-5/8 X 3/16)†2501591O-ring (2" X 1-5/8 X 3/16)60460631Automatic Valve Piston 61521671Automatic Valve Block 62130372Cap Screw (1/4-20 UNC X 2" Lg.; Torque to 40/50 in. lbs.)63151561Dowel Pin (1/4 Dia. X 1/2 Lg.; Tapered End Toward Spring)64112211Compression Spring (1/4 O.D. X 1" Lg.)65103861Locknut (3/8-24 UNF)66*297861Adjusting Screw 673501262T rade Name Decal (For 4044, 4045, 4046, 4046-50-220 & 4047)3048402T rade Name Decal (For 4044-50-110)3071372T rade Name Decal (For 4046-50-110)309219 2 T rade Name Decal (For PE17 Series)3051012T rade Name Decal (For HE172)3052572T rade Name Decal (For HE174)2119292T rade Name Decal (For 99150-B)2521872T rade Name Decal (For PE172-220-PFAFF & PE174-220-PFAFF)70151301Pipe Plug (1/8 NPTF)712004151Rubber Seal †177231Rubber Seal 72102452Lockwasher (1/4 Bolt; Air & Electric Versions)73100092Cap Screw (1/4-20 UNC X 3/4 Lg.; Torque to 60/80 in. lbs.; Air & Electric Versions)74113512Washer (Electric Versions)PARTS INCLUDED BUT NOT SHOWN *2001881Warning Decal (Elect. versions)2039721Decal (CSA Approval; For 4044, 4046-50-220, 4046 , PE172A-ITR & PE172A-FINN)†2503281Decal (EPR Seals)†112781T ube Elbow †150611Male Connector †2512291Oil Line106731Fitting (For PE172AF-CLEV & PE172AH-CLEV)2516171Coupler (For PE172AF-CLEV , PE172AH-CLEV , PE172F-CLEV ,& PE172H-CLEV)109091Plug Fitting (3/8 NPTF; For PE172AF-CLEV , & PE172AH-CLEV)2518741Decal (ISO; For PE172A-DAYCO)97961Coupler (For PE172A-EZE)3510601Gasket (Between motor and cover plate)2535241Serial No. Decal (PFAFF; For PE172-220-PFAFF)163391Foot Switch Guard (For P116-10)42576WH21Control Box Cover (For PE17-SOLO)16254190° Elbow Fitting (For PE172F-CLEV & PE172H-CLEV)Part numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300430.Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in EPR Seal Kit No. 300648.Parts List, Form No. 100577, Back sheet 2 of 7AIR MOTOR VERSION(For model no.'s 4045, 4047, PA172 & PA174 manufactured before July 1991) Note: For air version pump models manufactured after July 1991, refer to the list onback sheet 1 of 7.⑩➅1115732Cap Screw (5/16-18 UNC X 1/2 Lg.)2101742Machine Screw (1/4-20 UNC X 1/2 Lg.)3281572Bracket4281581Handle5*334051Air Motor6156681Set Screw(1/4-20 UNC X 1/2 Lg.;Turn in Until Flush with Cover Plate)7106721Straight Fitting (For 4045 & 4047)123281Straight Fitting (For PA172 & PA174)82116291Directional Valve (For 4045 & 4047)136451Directional Valve (For PA172 & PA174)102525791Muffler*Note: For air motor repair kit, order no. 252170.4-Way Tandem Center Directional ValveNo.Item Part No.Req'd Description No.No.Req'd Description14-Way Valve Ass'y(see Form No. 100623)2O-ring(1/2 X 3/8 X 1/16)2O-ring(1/2 X 3/8 X 1/16)2Backup Washer (1/2 X 3/8 X 1/16) 1Coupling2Cap Screw (5/16-18 UNC X 3/4 Lg.;Torque to 220/240 in. lbs.)1Adapter Block Manifold7*2003951Gasket8•*104421Copper Washer9•*2097871Replaceable Seat10•*122231Steel Ball112097971Hollow Lock ScrewUNF-3A; Torque to 110/130 in. lbs.) 12*2117971Compression Spring(5/32 O.D. X 5/8 Lg.) 13•2097951Outlet Ball StopPart numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300430.Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in EPR Seal Kit No. 300648. Part numbers marked with a bullet (•) are contained in Outlet Check Repair Kit No. 300606.Sheet No.Rev. 18GasketRetaining Ring (9/16 Shaft)Washer (3/16 Bolt)Compression Spring(1/4 O.D. X 5/8 Lg.)Steel Ball (9/32 Dia.)Cap Screw (5/16-18 UNC X 2-1/2 Lg.;Torque to 220/240 in. lbs.)Valve BodyO-ring (7/16 X 5/16 X 1/16)O-ring (7/16 X 5/16 X 1/16)Backup Washer(7/16 X 5/16 X 3/64 Thk.)103048491Release Valve Screw 112131091Release Valve Handle12105561Set Screw Torque to 30/50 in. lbs.)13*102682O-ring †177162O-ring 14*118632Backup Washer 152025051Coupling162097951Outlet Ball Stop Pump Ass'y)521701Complete Valve Ass'y Items 1 thru 15)Part numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300430.Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in EPR Seal Kit No. 300648.Item Part No.DescriptionNo.No.Req'dPart numbers marked with as asterisk (*) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300430.Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in EPR Seal Kit No. 300648.(5/16-18 UNC X 2-1/2 Lg.;Torque to 220/240 in. lbs.)(1/2 X 3/8 X 1/16)(1/2 X 3/8 X 1/16)5*11863620250572006098209795Item Part No.No.。

technical manual contents

technical manual contents

四川宏华石油设备有限公司 HongHua Co., Ltd.ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册 ZJ70DBS DRILLING RIG TECHNICAL MANUAL C o n t e n t s Vol 0 1. ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册目录 2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Technical manual Contents 3. ZJ70DBS 钻机用户手册 4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Operation Manual Vol 1 1. DZ450/10.5-G5底座用户手册 2. DZ450/10.5-G5Substructure Operation Manual 3. JJ450/45-K15井架用户手册 4. Mast JJ450/45-K15 Operation Manual 5. JZ 系列指重表使用说明书 6. JZ Series Weight Indicating System Operation Manual 7. DSJ38YS 型倒绳机使用说明书 8. The Operating Instruction Manual of DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 9. DSJ38YS 型液压双卷筒倒绳机图册 10. Parts Catalogue With Illustration For DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 11. TC450天车用户手册 12. TC450 Crown Block Operation Manual Vol 2 1. 转盘传动装置用户手册 2. Rotary Table Drive Device Operation Manual 3. BS-50-20 型钻机转盘螺伞齿轮箱使用说明书4. BS-50-20 Type Bevel Gearbox Of The Drilling Winch Instruction Manual5. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册6. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor ManualVol 31. JC70DB 绞车用户手册2. JC70DB Draw works Operation Manual3. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册4. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual5. SEW 工业减速器M/CN 系列操作维护手册6. SEW Gear Units Maintenance Operation Installation7. 博能K 系列使用说明书8. K Series Operating Manual9. ABB 电机安装、运行和维护说明书10. ABB Motors Installation 、Operation and Maintenance Manual11. ZJ70DBS 钻机液压系统用户手册12. Hydraulic System Operation Manual13. YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书14. YB2 Series Of Flame-Proof Low-Voltage Three-Phase Asynchronous Motors Instruction On OperationVol 41. ZJ70DBS 钻机气控系统用户手册2. ZJ70DBS Pneumatic Control System Operation Manual3. 固定式螺杆压缩机操作手册4. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Operation & Maintenance Manual5. 固定式螺杆压缩机零件手册6. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Parts List7. SRC-240冷干机用户手册8. SRC-240 Refrigeration Dryer User Manual9. ZJ70DBS 发电房用户手册10. ZJ70DBS Generator House Operation ManualVol 51. 3NB-1600F 泥浆泵组用户手册2. 3NB-1600F Mud Pump Set Operation Manual3. ZJ70DBS 固控系统用户手册4. Solids Control System Operation Manual5. XBSY 砂泵安装使用说明书6. XBSY Sand Pump Installation And Operation Instruction7. XBSY 喷淋泵安装使用说明书8. XBSY Spraying Pump Directions For Installation And Operation9. LSB2×3 型供液泵安装使用说明书 10. Model LSB2X3 Solution Feed Pump Instruction For Installation And Operation 11. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册 12. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual 13. 隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书 14. Flameproof Three Phase Induction Motors Operation Instruction 15. ZHP150 混合漏斗安装使用说明书 16. Amalgamate Hopper Directions For Installation And Operation 17. 剪切泵安装使用说明书 18. Shear Pump Directions For Installation & Operation 19. ZG17-53S 钻井液管汇用户手册 20. Drilling Fluid Circulating Manifold Operation Manua l Vol 61. CY-Y 系列油泵电机组使用说明书2. Model CY-Y Series Oil Pump Electric Motor Set User Manual3. 齿轮式输油泵使用说明书4. Gear Type Oil Pump Operation instruction5. QJ5系列气动绞车使用说明书6. QJ5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual7. QJ0.5系列气动绞车使用说明书8. QJ0.5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual9. 液压绞车使用说明书 10. UPHW Series Hydraulic Winches Operation Manual 11. JC –FL 油冷却器说明书 12. JC-FL Oil Cooler Specification 13. 液压套管扶正台使用说明书14. Hydraulic Casing Stabilizer Board Operation Manual 15. YM-16液压猫头使用说明书 16. YM-16 Hydraulic Cat head Operation Manual 17. DZ400/500/600型防喷器移动系统使用说明书 18. DZ400/500/600 BOP Handing System Operation Manual 19. AH5攀升保护器使用说明书 20. Instructions To The Use Of The Climbing Protector 21. 钻井井架工逃生装置安装使用说明书 22. The Technique Which Mskes Life Safe Instructions for UseVol 7-11. ACS800 多传动安全须知2. ACS800多传动模块柜体装配指导3. ACS800多传动电气安装指导4. 二极管供电ACS800-307和ACS800-507 用户手册5. ACS800-107 逆变单元硬件手册6. ACS600/ACS800系统应用固件手册7.XVol 7-21. Safety Instructions For ACS800 Multidrive And Modules2. Planning The Electrical Installation User Manual3. ACS800-107 Cabinet Built Inverter Units User Manual4. ACS800-307&ACS800-507 Cabinet Installed DSU User Manual5. ACS600/ ACS800System Application Program7.X User Manual6. ACS800 Multidrive Modules Planning Cabinet Installation User ManualVol 81. VFD 房电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig VFD House Electrical Equipment Operation Manual3. MCC 模块电气设备使用说明书4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig MCC Electrical System Operation Manual5. ZJ70DBS 钻机空调设备电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Air Conditioning System Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机PLC 控制系统使用说明书8. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig PLC Control System Operation Manual9. 钻机数据监控及存储查询系统说明手册10. Operation Guide Of Monitoring Program For ZJ70DBS Rig11. 钻机照明系统电气设备使用说明书12. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Lighting System Operation Manual13. 钻机视频系统电气设备使用说明书14. Operation Guide Of Video System For 2000HP Land Rig15. ZJ70DBS 钻机电话系统使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Telephone System Operation Manual17. 钻机电气设备连锁使用说明书18. Operation Guide Of Electrical Interlocking Of ZJ70DBS Rig1. 钻机钻台和井架电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments On Drill Floor And DerrickOperation Manua l3. 钻机转盘驱动电气设备使用说明书4. RT Electrical-Drive Equipments Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide5. 钻机绞车驱动电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Electrical Drive Devices Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机综合液压站电气设备使用说明书8. Operation Guide Of The Electrical Devices On Integrated HPU Of ZJ70DBS Rig9. ZJ70DBS 钻机泥浆泵驱动电气设备使用说明书10. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments For Driving Mud Pump Operation Manual11. 钻机泥浆循环系统电气设备使用说明书12. Electrical Equipments Of Mud Circulating System For ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide13. ZJ70DBS 钻机空压机设备使用说明书14. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Air Compressor Operation Manual15. ZJ70DBS 钻机司钻房电气设备使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Driller ′s Cabin Operation Manual17. 钻机司钻房HMI 操作系统说明手册18. HMI System Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide19. 钻机气体探测系统说明书20. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Gas Detection System Operation ManualVol 101. ACS800 Multi Drive2. ACS800-01/U1传动单元硬件手册3. ACS 800-01(0.55 to 200kW)/U1 (0.75 to 200HP) Drives Hardware Manual4. ABB 传动RTAC-01脉冲编码器接口模块用户手册5. ABB Drives RTAC-01 Pulse Encoder Interface Module User's Manual6. ABB 传动NPBA-12 PROFIBUS 适配器模块安装启动指南7. ABB Drives NPBA-12 PROFIBUS Adapter Module Installation and Start-up Guide8. ACS 600 NBRA-6XX 制动斩波器安装启动指南9. ACS 600 Installation and Start-up GuideNBRA-6XX Braking Choppers1. FCB 彩色摄像机使用说明书2. SONY Module Inside Color Video Camera Operating Instructions3. E-ME-AC 型欧板式电子放大器使用说明书4. Electronic Drivers Type E-ME-AC User Manual5. MP377人机界面说明书6. SIMENS HMI Device MP377 WinCC Flexible Operating Instructions7. A-B (6181P ,6181F )集成显示电脑安装说明书8. Catalog Number (s) 6181P ,6181FVersaView Integrated Display Computers Installation Instructions9. KYB18系列压力/绝压变送器产品使用说明书10. The User's Application Manual KYB18-Series Pressure / Absolute-Pressure Transmitter 11. 树脂绝缘干式变压器安装使用说明书 12. Cast resin dry-type power transformers installation ,operation & maintenance manual 13. MT 低压产品用户手册 14. MASTERPACT MT Low Voltage Products User Manual 15. 控制单元2.0A,5.0A,6.0A 和7.0A 低压产品用户手册 16. MASTERPACT Control Units 2.0A, 5.0A, 6.0A and 7.0A Low Voltage Products User Manual17. HS45 增量式光电编码器手册18. HS45 Incremental Optical Encoder Specifications19. 爱克赛UPS 使用说明书20. POWERWARE 9120 User Guide1. YTJ-A 防爆监视器使用说明书2. YTJ-15 Explosion-Proof Monitor Use Manua l3. YTY 系列防爆电动云台使用说明书4. YTY-A13DI Explosion-Proof Dynamoelectric PTZ Use Manual5. YTS-A 系列防爆摄像仪使用说明书6. YTS-A11 Explosion-Proof Camera Protect Cover Use Manual7. Woodward SPM-A 同步器安装和操作手册8. SPM-A Synchronizer Installation And Operation Manual9. Woodward 2301A 电子负载分配和速度控制装置安装使用说明书10. 2301A Electronic Load Sharing and Speed Controls Installation and Operation Manual11. 过滤器和减压阀:LFR-1/2-D-MIDI-A 使用说明12. Operating Instructions for filter and decompress valve For LFR/LR/LFM/LFX…13. FESTO 可调压力开关PEV-1/4-B(OD) 安装操作说明14. Operating Instructions for FESTO Series adjustable pressure switch for PEV-1/4-B(OD)15. SITOP 电源:6EP1353-2BA00 使用说明书16. Operating instructions for SITOP Power17. 西门子SITOP 电源使用说明书18. Operating instructions for SITOP Smart 205A/5A/10A19. SDET-22T …型压力传感器操作说明20. Operating Instructions For Pressure Sensors Type SDET-22T…21. DJY 系列绝缘监控仪说明书22. DJY Series Insulation Monitor Applicable For Insulation Monitoring Of Any Current Below Than 1800V23. 交流JWS-6宽温型温湿度变送器使用说明书24. Model JWSK-6 Series Rigorous IndustryTemperature & Humidity Transmitter User Manual1. BDKN 系列防爆电加热器使用说明书2. Type Fan Heater BDKN-Serial Explosion-Proof Electric Heating Operation Instruction3. BBJ 防爆声光报警器使用说明书4. BBJ Series Explosion-Proof Audio & Visual Caution Spotlight Fitting5. HWBK 系列无主机防爆扩音对讲电话机使用说明书6. HWBK Series EX-Proof Public Address Intercomunication Tel of No Master Operation Manua l7. 光电感烟火灾报警器说明书8. Battery Power Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Instructions9. 开关柜用漏电保护继电器说明书10. Residual Current Relay For Switchboards Instructions11. XMZ-J 系列万能输入巡回检测仪表使用说明书12. The XMZ-J Series Temperature Patrol Measure Meter Of Manual13. 同步表使用说明书14. Operation Manual For Synchronoscope Meter15. 频率表使用说明书16. Frequency Meter Operating Manual17. 交直流电流电压表使用说明书18. AC And DC Ammeter And Voltmeter Operating Manual19. 制动电阻使用维修手册20. User Manual For Maintenance And Repair Of Braking Resistor21. 本安型安全隔离栅使用说明书22. BEI Intrinsic Safety Barrier For Hazardous Areas23. NPEXA-C3P 检测端隔离式安全栅使用说明书24. Instructions for isolated safety barrier NPEXA-C3P25. EX 防爆空调安装使用说明书26. EX Explosion-Proof Air Conditioner Instruction Of Installation And Operation27. 奥克斯风管送风式空调(热泵)机组安装操作维护手册28. Odyssey Air Cooled Split System Unit 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance29. 暗藏天花式分体空调机安装使用维护手册30. Concealed Ceiling Split System Unit MCD/MWD Series 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance1. BZC53系列防爆操作柱使用说明书2. BZC53 Series Explosion Proof Operating-Pole Operation Instructions3. BZD-600系列航空障碍灯使用说明书4. BZD-600 Explosion -Proof Obstruction Light Installation Instruction5. BQD58系列防爆电磁起动器使用说明书6. BQD58 Series Explosion-Proof Electromagnetic Starter Direction7. BXK56系列隔爆型组合控制装置使用说明书8. BXK56 Series Of Explosion-Proof Combined Controlling Unit Direction9. GBYS 系列防爆防腐全塑荧光灯使用说明书10. GBYS Series Explosion-proof full-plastic fluorescent lights Instructions11. GBYS 系列全塑应急防爆荧光灯使用说明12. GBYS series of full plastic explosion-proof fluorescent emergency instructions13. SSFMV 系列150-400W 不锈钢泛光灯安装和维护使用说明书14. SSFMV Series Stainless Steel HID Floodlight 150-400Watts Installation & Maintenance Instructions15. GBYL 系列应急防爆荧光灯使用说明书16. GBYL Series Emergency Explosion-Proof Fluorescent Lighting Fixture Operation Instruction17. P56N 系列薄膜式/活塞式压力开关使用说明书18. P56 Diaphragm/Piston Pressure Switch Instructions19. 可调整压力开关使用说明书20. Beck The Adjustable Differential Pressure Switches Instructions21. BZX51 系列防爆行程开关使用说明书22. BZX51 Explosion-Proof Travel Switches User Manual23. 增安型e 插头、增安型e 支架式插座使用说明书24. Increased Security Plug 、Increased Security Bracket Receptacle Instruction For Use25. WH 系列防爆电缆接头、DY 系列隔爆型引入装置使用说明书26. Cable Gland Of Series WH 、Cable Gland Of Series DY Instructions27. CZ0201系列防爆开关模块使用说明书28. CZ0201 series Explosion-proof switch module Operating instructions29. CZ0202系列防爆开关模块使用说明书30. CZ0202 series Explosion-proof signal lamp Operating instructions31. 魏德米勒防爆接线箱安装与维护说明32. Weidmuller Junction box Installation & Maintenance Instructions33. 16YT/GZ 、YZ 无火花型防爆多芯电连接器使用说明书34. 16YT/GZ 、YZ Series Of non-spark Multi-Contact Connector Operating instruction Manual35. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ 防爆电连接器产品使用说明36. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ Series Of non-spark Electric Connectors Operating instruction Manual1. 57 系列气体探测控制系统操作手册2. 5704 Control System Sieger System 57 Operating Instructions3. 固定式气体探测器操作手册4. Sensepoint XCD Gas Detector Technical Manual5. Impulse-XP 便携式气体探测器操作手册6. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Operating Manual7. 诺斯个人防护产品操作和维护指导手册8. Personal Protective Equipment Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual9. Impulse-XP 系列便携式气体监视仪操作指导手册10. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Series Operating Manual。



S B系列砂泵安装使用说明书(总27页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除砂泵安装使用说明书成都西部石油装备有限公司SB系列砂泵安装使用说明书一、SB砂泵概述及性能参数1. 概述SB系列砂泵是针对石油天然气钻探设备特点新研制的配套泵,它采用轴向吸入结构,过流部件为抗磨铸铁,适用于输送腐蚀性带有悬浮颗粒的钻井液或其它类似工况的液体介质,是除砂器、除泥器、混合漏斗最佳配套泵,也是理想的泥浆泵的灌注泵,其参数设计充分考虑了所配套的设备能在最佳工况下工作,主要特点是零件的通用性和互换性强,轴封泄漏少,工作可靠,使用寿命长,维护方便。


型号SB6×8可配45kW、55kW、75kW电机,根据用户要求有正转泵和反转泵6个规格,该型号已申请外观设计专利,专利号ZL 2007 3 0094452.1;型号SB56配22kW、30kW、37kW、45kW电机,常用有反转泵4个规格。







SB系列砂泵的密封采用机械密封,该机械密封已申请实用新型专利,专利号ZL 2007 2 0079857.2。













”23警示忠告安装使用前必须详细阅读本说明书! 为保证人身和设备安全,必须可靠接地!禁止带电移动电泵,禁止任意磕碰电泵和用力拖动电缆! 电泵运行中禁止周边3米内人畜接近!电泵按功率外配隔爆型保护装臵,应有过热或过电流保护装臵,必要时应有漏电保护,或在配电系统中要求配臵相应的保护装臵。

电机为充水式,使用前电机腔内必须注满洁净清水! 长时间不使用时,须除尽机内存水以防锈死或冻裂!目录一、概述 (5)二、隔爆型式及执行标注 (5)三、使用环境及工作条件 (5)四、结构特点 (5)五、技术参数 (6)六、泵的选型 (20)七、使用前的准备和检查 (20)八、电泵的安装 (21)九、起动、运转和停机 (21)十、保养和维修 (22)十一、保修服务 (23)十二、故障及排除 (24)4BQS系列矿用隔爆型潜水排沙电泵使用说明书一、概述本公司研制的BQS系列矿用隔爆型潜水排沙电泵,适用于具有瓦斯或其它爆炸性气体危险的场所,包括煤矿采掘工作面、巷道、井底水窝、中央水仓等,排送含有煤屑、泥沙、岩粉等含固体颗粒的污水,也可用于工程抢险、矿底透水排险以及江河湖海等地方的抽水,流量从15m3/h到1000m3/h,扬程从24m到1000m,隔爆电机配套功率从30kW 可达到1150kW,具有安装使用方便,隔爆可靠耐用等特点。



DescriptionThis pump system is designed for decorative use and canimprove water aeration. It produces water fountains up to 15’ in height, and up to 4,900 gallons of water per hour. Make your floating fountain system even more dramatic at night by adding the NightBright lighting system 023069.Operates in 5 feet of water or deeper.UnpackingWhen unpacking the unit, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Floating Pond Pump SystemModels FPS0501 and SPS0501Operating Instructions & Parts ManualPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in per-sonal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.FW07790909 Supersedes0408General Safety InformationCarefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on pump. Keep safety labels in good condi-tion. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.This is a SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. When you seethis symbol on the pump or in the manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury or property damage.Warns of hazards that WILL cause seriouspersonal injury or death, if ignored.Warns of hazards that MAY cause minorpersonal injury, product or property damage if ignored.IMPORTANT: Indicates factors concerned with operation, installation, assembly or maintenance which could result in damage to the machine or equipment if ignored.NOTE: Indicates special instructions which are important but are not related to hazards.Never enter the watereither wading, swimming or in a boat with thepump power on, as this may result in severecarefully. Failure to follow could result in serious bodilyinjury and/or property damage.shall be in accordance with National ElectricCode (NEC) and all applicable local codesand ordinances. A licensed electrician shouldperform installation.“NO SWIMMING” ANDOR WARNING SIGNS SHOULD BE POSTED PERSTATE AND LOCAL CODES.Please affix included warning label to powerreceptacle or junction box.100ft power cord with three prong GFI plug. –Must connect to properly grounded receptacleof grounding type. Do not remove groundpin on plug. Do not extend the cord length by splicing orTHIS UNIT, WITH THE GFI, TO A PROPERLYGROUNDED RECEPTACLE MAY RESULT INto a circuit equipped with a fuse or circuitbreaker of ample capacity.Always disconnect powersource before performing any work on ornear the motor or its connected load. If thepower disconnect point is out-of-sight, lock itin the open position and/or tag it to prevent unexpectedapplication of power. Failure to do so could result in fatalelectrical shock or bodily injury.DO NOT handle pump withwet hands or when standing in water asfatal electrical shock could occur. Disconnectmain power supply before handling systemfor any reason.from coming in contact with sharp objects,oil, grease, hot surfaces or chemicals. DONOT kink the power cable. If damagedbox, fused disconnect switch, or covers open(either partially or completely) when notbeing worked on by a competent electricianor repairman.Always use caution whenoperating electrical controls in damp areas.If possible, avoid all contact with electricalequipment during thunderstorms or extremedamp conditions.equipment in protected area to preventmechanical damage which could produce seriouselectrical shock and/or equipment failure.DO NOT use this system topump flammable liquids such as gasoline, fueloil, kerosene, etc. Failure to follow the abovewarning could result in property damage and/or personal injury.Do not pump water above 120 degreesFahrenheit.Water leaving nozzle is at high velocityand can cause bodily injury if contact is made.in swimming pool areas.!to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm.!coming out the bottom and protected from direct rainfall.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Only install this system in ponds where no swimming,wading, boating or fishing is allowed while fountain isoperating. Disconnect power to pump before fishing orentering the water.2. Post appropriate warning signs per local and state codes.3. Inspect pump system for damage before installing inpond. Check that all bolts and screws are tight. Check forany bent prongs or a cracked case on the GFI.4. The unit ships with one spray nozzle attached. To changeto one of the other 2 nozzles, remove the 4 screws fromthe nozzle then replace with desired nozzle. Refer toFigures 1, 2 & 3 for spray pattern appearance. Nozzlesare marked “This side up.” Make sure the o-ring isseated in groove before installing nozzle. Tighten screwsuntil seated, approximately 10 to 12 in-lbs.5. Attach nylon anchor ropes to 3 eyebolts located at topof screen. Secure (make sure rope is tight) to weightsplaced on pond floor or stakes on pond shore. Whenusing weights to anchor the pump, place weightsapproximately 10 feet from unit. Alternately, two anchorropes placed 180 degrees apart can be used, but 3 ropeswill provide the best stability.6. Before connecting the unit to the power receptacle,check to insure there is no leakage to ground. This canbe done by using an ohm meter and setting the scale toits highest setting (i.e. Rx100K). Connect one ohmmeter lead to the unit power cord ground (round prong) and to one of the flat prongs. It should read infinite or at least 2 mega ohms. Repeat with the other prong. If reading is below 2 mega ohms on either prong contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.7. Do Not Operate System on an Extension Cord. If no power is accessible at the pond, contract a licensed electrician to install the proper power supply in accordance with National Electric Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances.8. After installing the unit, checking ground andconnecting power to the unit, the unit can be powered up. Check operation of the GFI by pushing the “Test” button, the unit should stop. Pushing the “Reset” button should restart the unit. If pressing the “test” button does not stop the unit, immediately shut off power to unit and contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.NOZZLE PATTERNST h is s id eu p Figure 1: Water Lily - An eye-catching combination spray. Item #2AT h i s s id eu pFigure 2: Sky Cannon - A dramatic single plume of water. Item #2BT h i s s id eu pFigure 3: Water Trumpet - A symmetrical inverted bell shape.Item #2CFigure 4: Typical InstallationINSTALLATION CHECK LIST☐ Read installation instructions and warnings ☐ Post appropriate warning signs ☐ Install desired spray nozzle ☐ Install and anchor unit in pond☐ Check insulation resistance to ground ☐ Power up unit☐ Test operation of GFI by pressing the “Test” Button.☐ File instructions for future reference REQUIRED TOOLS & SUPPLIES• #2 Phillips screwdriver • Nylon rope to anchor unit• Stakes or weights for anchoring unit• Ohm meter to check insulation resistance to groundWINTER STORAGE• Rinse unit with clean water to remove any build-up on unit.• Check unit for any damage.• Store unit in heated space in freezing climates.The pump motor is water lubricated and is factory filledwith an antifreeze solution. During operation the antifreeze may exchange, thru the filtered check valve, with the pond water. In climates where freezing may occur, the unit must be stored in a heated storage space to prevent damage to the motor.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSESCORRECTIVE ACTIONUnit won’t run Circuit break-er trippedReset circuit breaker GFI Tripped Reset GFINo or low spray Blockedscreen ornozzle, miss-ing or dam-aged o-ring,or incorrectlyinstallednozzleDisconnect power. Clean screenand/or nozzle. Check that o-ring isundamaged and seated in groove.Check that nozzle is installed prop-erly (nozzles are marked “This sideup”). Check depth of pond. If lessthan 5 feet deep, move to deepersection. Restart unit.GFI Trips Electricalstorm can tripGFIReset GFIShort in sys-tem Disconnect power and check cord for damage. If cord is damaged contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page for replacement.Unit spins Anchor ropeloose Check anchor rope and re-attach if necessaryItem #Qty Part No.Description16021624Screw - #10 x 3/4 Pan Head High-Low 2A1021617Nozzle - Water Lily2B1021618Nozzle - Sky Cannon2C1021619Nozzle - Water Trumpet31021622O-Ring - AS568A - 041 (3” ID x 3/18” OD) 44021628Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 3/454021629Lockwasher - 1/4”61021707Mounting Flange71021534Float81021713Pump End91021740Motor 1/2 HP 115V104127021Locknut - SS 5/16-24111021715100 ft. power cord with GFI11A1021614GFI123021609Eye Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 2-1/2133021623Locknut - SS 1/4--20141021608Screen151021611Screen Cap161021613Strain Relief172021625Warning DecalFlow (GPH)Spray Height(Ft.)PatternImagePatternName 490015Thissi de upIL053Thissi de upThissi de upWater Lily- 2A 330015Sky Cannon- 2B 270013WaterTrumpet - 2C15161112(A/B/C)345671710911131214811A。

SPX 水压泵产品说明书

SPX 水压泵产品说明书

Sheet No. 1 of 8Rev 5Date: 27 June 2003 Litho in USAItemPRESSURE SWITCH ASS’YSheet No. 2 of 8Rev 5Date: 27 June 2003AR Machine Screw(8-32 UNC x 5/16 Lg.)42575WH21Control Box1Toggle Switch (On/Off/Jog)1T oggle Switch (On/Off/Remote)AR Jumper Wire 1Snap Bushing1Relay Starter (24 volt)1Relay Starter (115 volt)1Relay Starter (230 volt)AR Self-tapping Screw(#6-20 x 3/8 Lg.)42576WH21Control Box Cover 5Machine Screw(8-32 UNC x 3/8 Lg.)1Lockwasher (#8 external tooth)AR Strain Relief Bushing 2Hex Nut (#8-32)13113882Lockwasher (#8 external tooth)143056651Transformer (120/240-24V)15250171Remote Control (Hand Operated;See Form No. 101644)104611Remote Control (Foot Operated - Not shown)2032251Remote Control (For PE184-RAY 2521601Hand Switch (For 115 V equipped with transformer)2P-550 & 2P-5550)16250151Cord Set (230 volt)247331Cord Set (115 volt)PARTS INCLUDED BUT NOT SH0WN 3520801Indicator Decal (On/Off/Remote)3520791Indicator Decal (On/Off/Jog)3520611Metal Switch Guard 2001881Warning DecalAR = As RequiredNo.Item Part No.Req'd Description N o. N o.Req'd DescriptionSheet No. Rev 5ListPump Body (For 2-way Valve & Pressure Regulator)Pump Body (For 3-way Valve & Pressure Regulator)Pump Body (For 4-way Valve & Pressure Regulator)Pump Body (For Automatic Valve & Pressure Regulator)Pump Body (For 4-way valve & Pressure Regulator for PE184-RAY only. See illustration below.)Pipe Plug (1/16 NPTF)O-ring (3/8 x 1/4 x 1/16)Valve SeatValve Stem6104281Compression Spring(1/2 O.D. x 3/4 Lg.) 7102681O-ring8246291Spring Button9223621Valve Adjusting Screw 10103861Jam Nut11213051Valve Cap12105271O-ring13111731Tube Connector 14247881T ube (For 2-way, 3-way &4-way Valve)273971Tube (For Automatic Valve only) 15112781Tube Connector Elbow 16247021TeeItem Part No.Req'd Description No.No.Req'd Description1 2 3BASIC PUMPFOR PE184-RAY ONLY Item Part No.No.No.Req'd Description 1191211T ee Fitting221278-101Relief Valveshown at left and set at900/1,100 PSI) 3644011Pump BodySheet No.Rev 5Item Part No.No.No.Req'd Description1120421Copper Washer (9/16 x 3/8 x 1/32)22027741Replaceable Seat (Torque to 180/200 in. lbs.)3103751Steel Ball (1/4 dia.)4109141O-ring (1-3/8 x 1-3/16 x 3/32)5273211Cover6114344Soc. Hd. Cap Screw (10-24 UNC x 1/2 Lg.)7128211Knob8245641Stud9105191Set Screw (1/4-20 UNC x 3/8 Lg.; Torque to 87 in. lbs.) 10†102671O-ring (7/16 x 5/16 x 1/16)112027751Valve Stem12331371Collar13115872Roll Pin (1/8 dia. x 1/2 Lg.)14425161Pump Body (For 2-way Valve only)425151Pump Body (For 53005 only)15151301Pipe Plug (1/16 NPTF)Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300914.Item Part No.No.No.Req'd Description1272001Rotor2107161Roll Pin (1/4 dia. x 3/4 Lg.)3121881Needle Thrust Bearing4121891Bearing Race5†109301O-ring (1-1/2 x 1-5/16 x 3/32)6258211Cover7114344Soc. Hd. Cap Screw (10-24 UNC x 1/2 Lg.)8121951Compression Spring (1/4 O.D. x 1/2 Lg.)9103751Steel Ball (1/4 dia.)10†102663O-ring (3/8 x 1/4 x 1/16)11331171Stem12245641Stud13128211Knob14115871Roll Pin (1/8 dia. x 1/2 Lg.)15245702Shear Seal16†121842Backup Washer (3/8 x 1/4 x .058)17†121872Spring Washer18425221Pump Body (For 3-way Valve only)19103741Steel Ball (7/32 dia.)20135741Roll Pin (1/8 dia. x 1-1/8 Lg.)21†110311Copper Washer (15/32 x 5/16 x 1/32)22256831Cap Screw2012881Directional Decal (Not Shown)Part numbers marked with a dagger (†) are contained in Repair Kit No. 300914.Sheet No. 6 of 8Rev 5Date: 27 June 2003Sheet No.7 of 8Rev 5Date: 27 June 2003NOTE: Assemble in sequence shown. Lubricate under head and on threads.Torque to 170 in. lbs.Sheet No. Rev 5NOTE: Assemble in sequence shown. Lubricate under head and on threads.Torque to 170 in. lbs.。

沙鹧鸪泵(Sandpiper Pump)G10F型号使用和操作手册说明书

沙鹧鸪泵(Sandpiper Pump)G10F型号使用和操作手册说明书

Certified QualityWarren Rupp, Inc.A Unit of IDEX Corporation800 N. Main St.,Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone (419) 524.8388Fax (419) © Copyright 2016 Warren Rupp, Inc.All rights reservedModel G10FMetallicDesign Level 1Natural Gas-Operated 1" Flap ValveQuality System ISO 9001 CertifiedEnvironmental Management SystemISO 14001 CertifiedCertified to CSA Technical Letter No, R-14Certified to ANSI LC6-2008SERVICE & OPERATING MANUALOriginal InstructionsU M P S P E C S7: W A R R A N T YRead the safety warnings and instructions in this manual before pump installation and start-up. Failure to comply with the recommendations stated in this manual could damage the pump and void factory warranty.When used for toxic or aggressive fluids, the pump should always be flushed clean prior to disassembly.Airborne particles and loud noise hazards. Wear eye and ear protection.Before maintenance or repair, shut off the compressed air line, bleed the pressure, and disconnect the air line from the pump. Be certain that approved eye protection and protective clothing are worn at all times. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in serious injury or death.ATEX compliant pumps are suitable for use in explosive atmospheres when the equipment is properly grounded in accordance with local electrical codes. Pumps equipped with electrically conductive diaphragms are suitable for the transfer of conductive or non-conductive fluids of any explosion group. When operating pumps equipped with non-conductive diaphragms that exceed the maximum permissible projected area, as defined in EN 13461-1: 2009 section 6.7.5 table 9, the following protection methods must be applied:• Equipment is always used to transfer electrically conductive fluids or• Explosive environment is prevented from entering the internal portions of the pump, i.e. dry running For further guidance on ATEX applications, please consult the factory.When the pump is used for materials that tend to settle out or solidify, the pump should be flushed after each use toprevent damage. In freezing temperatures the pump should be completely drained between uses.Before pump operation, inspect all fasteners for loosening caused by gasket creep. Retighten loose fasteners to prevent leakage. Follow recommended torques stated in this manual.Nonmetallic pumps and plastic components are not UV stabilized. Ultraviolet radiation can damage these parts and negatively affect material properties. Do not expose to UV light for extended periods of time.In the event of diaphragm rupture, pumped material may enter the air end of the pump, and be discharged into the atmosphere. If pumping a product that is hazardous or toxic, the air exhaust must be piped to an appropriate area for safe containment.This pump is pressurized internally with air pressure during operation. Make certain that all fasteners are in good condition and are reinstalled properly during reassembly.Take action to prevent static sparking. Fire or explosion can result, especially when handling flammable liquids. The pump, piping, valves, containers and other miscellaneous equipment must be properly grounded.Safety InformationGrounding ATEX PumpsUse safe practices when liftingTable of ContentsSECTION 1: PUMP SPECIFICATIONS (1)• Explanation of Nomenclature• Performance• Materials• Dimensional DrawingsSECTION 2: INSTALLATION & OPERATION (4)• Principle of Pump Operation• Recommended Installation Guide• Troubleshooting GuideSECTION 3: EXPLODED VIEW (7)• Composite Repair Parts Drawing• Composite Repair Parts List• Material CodesSECTION 4: GAS END (10)• Gas Distribution Valve Assembly• Pilot Valve Assembly• Intermediate AssemblySECTION 5: WET END (12)• Diaphragm Drawing• Diaphragm ServicingSECTION 7: WARRANTY & CERTIFICATES (14)• Warranty• EC Declaration of Conformity - Machinery• EC Declaration of Conformity - ATEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Explanation of Pump NomenclatureATEX DetailNon-Wetted Material OptionsA Painted Aluminum with Nitrile Elastomer PartsV Painted Aluminum with FKM Elastomer PartsPorting OptionsN NPT Threads B BSP TaperedPump StyleS StandardMuffler OptionsX No Muffler Permitted *Pump Brand G Gas OperatedPump Size10 1"Check Valve TypeF Flap Design Level1Design LevelWetted MaterialS Painted Stainless Steel A Painted AluminumDiaphragm/Check Valve MaterialsB Nitrile/Nitrile V FKM/FKMCheck Valve SeatS Stainless SteelYour Serial #: (fill in from pump nameplate) _____________________________________Pump PumpCheck Design Wetted Diaphragm/ Check Valve Non-Wetted Porting PumpMuffler Pump BrandSizeValveLevelMaterial Check Valve Seat Material OptionsStyleOptionsOptionsG XX X X X X X X X X X XXModel #: G 20 F__ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____(fill in from pump nameplate)Your Model #:II 2GD T5II 2G c T5II 2D c T100°C1PerformanceG10FSUCTION/DISCHARGE PORT SIZE 1” (25.4mm) NPT1” (25.4mm) BSP TaperedCAPACITY• 0 to 70 gallons per minute (0 to 265 liters per minute)GAS DISTRIBUTION VALVE • No-lube, no-stall design SOLIDS-HANDLING • Up to 1 in. (25mm)HEADS UP TO• 100 psi or 231 ft. of water (7 bar or 70 meters)MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE • 100 psi (7 bar)DISPLACEMENT/STROKE • .10 Gallon / .38 liter SHIPPING WEIGHT • Aluminum 48 lbs. (21kg)• Stainless Steel 79 lbs. (36kg)100755025150125200175225250275300B A R1273456P S ILiters per minute U.S. Gallons per minute CAPACITYH E A DGAS CONSUMPTION MODEL G10F Performance CurvePerformance based on the following: elastomer fitted pump, flooded suction,water at ambient temperature. Average displacement per pump stroke: .10 Gallons (.38 Liters).The use of other materials and varying hydraulic conditions may result in deviations in excess of 5%.MaterialsAmbient temperature range: -20°C to +40°CProcess temperature range: -20°C to +100°C for models rated as category 2 equipmentIn addition, the ambient temperature range and the process temperature range do not exceed the operating temperature range of the applied non-metallic parts as listed in the manuals of the pumps.1: P U M P SG10F Natural Gas Operated 1" Flap ValveDimensions in inches (metric dimensions in brackets). Dimensional Tolerance .125" (3mm).1" BSP TAPEREDPORT ROTATION)Dimensional Drawings1Gas-Operated Double Diaphragm pumps are powered by compressed gas, nitrogen or natural gas.The main directional (gas) control valve ① distributes compressed gas to an gas chamber, exerting uniform pressure over the inner surface of the diaphragm ②. At the same time, the exhausting gas ③ from behind the opposite diaphragmis directed through the gas valve assembly(s) to an exhaust port ④.As inner chamber pressure (P1) exceeds liquid chamber pressure (P2), the rod ⑤ connected diaphragms shift together creating discharge on one side and suction on the opposite side. The discharged and primed liquid’s directions are controlled by the check valves (ball or flap)⑥ orientation. The pump primes as a result of the suction stroke. The suction stroke lowers the chamber pressure (P3) increasing the chamber volume. This results in a pressure differential necessary for atmospheric pressure (P4) to push the fluid through the suction piping and across the suction side check valve and into the outer fluid chamber ⑦.Suction (side) stroking also initiates the reciprocating(shifting, stroking or cycling) action of the pump. The suction diaphragm’s movement is mechanically pulled through its stroke. The diaphragm’s inner plate makes contact with an actuator plunger aligned to shift the pilot signaling valve. Once actuated, the pilot valve sends a pressure signal to the opposite end of the main directional gas valve, redirecting the compressed gas to the opposite inner chamber.Gas LineDischarged FluidDischarge StrokeSuction StrokePrimed FluidPrinciple of Pump OperationPump can be submerged if the pump materials of construction are compatible with the liquid being pumped. The gas exhaust must be piped above the liquid level. When the pumped product source is at a higher level than the pump (flooded suction condition), pipe the exhaust higher than the product source to prevent siphoning spills.2: I N S T A L & O PRecommended Installation GuideInstallation And Start-UpLocate the pump as close to the product being pumped as possible. Keep the suction line length and number of fittings to a minimum. Do not reduce the suction line diameter.Gas SupplyConnect the pump gas inlet to a gas supply with sufficient capacity and pressure to achieve desired performance. A pressure regulating valve should be installed to insure gas supply pressure does not exceed recommended limits.Gas Valve LubricationThe gas distribution system is designed to operate WITHOUT lubrication. This is the standard mode of operation. If lubrication is desired, install a gas line lubricator set to deliver one drop of SAE 10 non-detergent oil for every 20 SCFM (9.4 liters/sec.) of gas the pump consumes. Consult the Performance Curve to determine gas consumption.Gas Line MoistureWater in the compressed gas supply may cause icing or freezing of the exhaust gas, causing the pump to cycle erratically or stop operating. Water in the gas supply can be reduced by using a point-of-use gas dryer.Gas Inlet And PrimingTo start the pump, slightly open the gas shut-off valve. After the pump primes, the gas valve can be opened to increase gas flow as desired. If opening the valveincreases cycling rate, but does not increase the rate of flow, cavitation has occurred. The valve should be closed slightly to obtain the most efficient gas flow to pump flow ratio.Note:after the flexible connectionby pump connections.In the event of a diaphragm rupture, pumped fluid can enter the center section of the pump and exit through the gas exhaust port. When pumping hazardous fluids, it is recommended to pump the exhaust air to a safe location.Available Accessories: 1. Filter/Regulator020.064.000 FilterVENTING WARNING: This filter is equipped with a stainless steel manual drain. The port is 1/8" NPT. When draining moisture from the filter, first shut off the natural gas supply.020.058.000 REGULATOR WITH GAGEPRESSURE WARNING: This regulator is to be installed at point of use with the pump. The maximum gas supply is 400psi. Full line pressure needs to be regulated below 400psi prior to the regulator installation position.VENTING WARNING: This regulator is equipped with a 1/4" NPT vent port. In the event of a diaphragm rupture, natural gas can be exhausted into the surrounding environment. Connect a conductive hose orpipe to the vent port to send the escaping natural gas to a safe area for gas reclamation. Make sure to ground the regulator, hose, and/or pipe.2Troubleshooting Guide*******************************************************************************************************2 : I N S T A L & O PComposite Repair Parts Drawing476.361.363 Gas End Kit with FKM elastomer partsSleeve and Spool Set, Pilot Valve Assembly, Bumpers, Bushings, Gaskets, O-rings, Seals, Plungers, and Retaining Rings476.341.363 Gas End Wear Kit with FKM elastomer parts Bumpers, Bushings, Gaskets, O-rings, Seals, Plungers, and Retaining Rings476.361.000 Gas End KitSleeve and Spool Set, Pilot Valve Body Assembly,Bumpers, Bushings, Gaskets, O-rings, Seals,Plungers, and Retaining Rings476.341.000 Gas End Wear Kit(With new die cast aluminum air valve body) Bumpers, Bushings, Gaskets, O-rings, Seals, Plungers, and Retaining Rings 476.286.360 Wet End KitNitrile Diaphragms, Nitrile Flap Valves, Nitrile Hinge and Wear Pads, Nitrile O-rings and Seals 476.286.363 Wet End KitFKM Diaphragms, FKM Flap Valves, FKM Hinge and Wear Pads, FKM O-rings and Seals3Composite Repair Parts ListItem Part Number Description Qty 1 031.203.000 Assembly, Air Valve 1031.203.363 Assembly, Air Valve with FKM O-rings 12 070.012.571 Bearing, Sleeve 23 095.074.558 Pilot Valve Assembly 1095.074.363 Pilot Valve Assembly 14 114.007.157 Bracket, Intermediate 15 115.071.330 Bracket, Mounting 16 132.019.360 Bumper 2132.019.363 Bumper 2 7 132.022.360 Bumper, Actuator 2132.022.363 Bumper, Actuator 28 135.034.506 Bushing, Plunger 29 165.134.157 Cap, Air Inlet, Ass'y 110 170.029.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 2411 170.033.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 4170.083.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 412 170.045.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 1213 170.063.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 114 170.080.330 Capscrew, Hex HD 415 170.043.330 Capscrew, Hex HD (AL Center) 616 196.042.157 Chamber, Inner (AL Center) 117 196.043.157 Chamber, Inner (AL Center) 118 196.199.156 Chamber, Outer 2196.199.110 Chamber, Outer 219 920.025.000 Grounding Cable 120 286.008.360 Diaphragm 2286.008.363 Diaphragm 2 21 312.119.156 Elbow, Suction 2312.119.110 Elbow, Suction 2 22 312.120.156 Elbow, Discharge 2312.120.110 Elbow, Discharge 2 23 338.014.360 Flap Valve 4338.014.363 Flap Valve 424 350.002.360 Foot, Rubber 425 360.056.379 Gasket 126 360.057.360 Gasket 127 360.058.360 Gasket 128 518.205.156 Manifold 2518.205.156 E Manifold 2518.205.110 Manifold 2518.205.110 E Manifold 2Item Part Number Description Qty30 542.001.330 Nut, Square 131 545.004.330 Nut, Hex, 5/16-18 1432 547.002.110 Nut, Stop 1233 560.001.360 O-Ring 2560.001.363 O-Ring 234 560.038.360 O-Ring 8560.038.363 O-Ring 835 560.040.360 O-Ring 2560.040.363 O-Ring 236 560.198.360 O-Ring 4560.198.363 O-Ring 437 570.018.360 Pad, Hinge 4570.018.363 Pad, Hinge 438 570.019.360 Pad, Wear 2570.019.363 Pad, Wear 239 612.022.330 Plate, Diaphragm, Inner 240 612.108.157 Assembly, Diaphragm Plate 2612.101.110 Assembly, Diaphragm Plate 241 618.003.330 Plug, Pipe, 1/4 342 620.007.114 Plunger, Actuator 243 670.053.110 Retainer 444 675.040.360 Ring, Sealing 2675.040.363 Ring, Sealing 245 675.042.115 Ring, Retaining 246 675.065.360 Ring, Sealing 4675.065.363 Ring, Sealing 447 685.039.120 Rod, Diaphragm 148 706.013.330 Screw, Machine 449 720.010.375 Seal, U-Cup 2720.010.363 Seal, U-Cup 250 720.066.360 Seal, Seat 4720.066.363 Seal, Seat 451 722.101.110 Seat, Flap 452 807.018.110 Stud, 1/4-20 853 900.004.330 Washer, Lock, 5/16 3254 901.005.330 Washer, Flat, 3/8 455 901.012.180 Washer, Sealing 256 901.005.330 Washer, Flat 3/8 6901.035.330 Washer, Flat 1/4 657 901.035.330 Washer, Flat 1/4 1LEGEND:= Items contained within Air End Kits= Items contianed within Wet End KitsNote: Kits contain components specific to the material codes.3Material Codes - The Last 3 Digits of Part Number000.....Assembly, sub-assembly;and some purchased items 010.....Cast Iron015.....Ductile Iron020.....Ferritic Malleable Iron 080.....Carbon Steel, AISI B-1112 110.....Alloy Type 316 Stainless Steel 111 .....Alloy Type 316 Stainless Steel(Electro Polished) 112.....Alloy C113.....Alloy Type 316 Stainless Steel(Hand Polished) 114.....303 Stainless Steel 115.....302/304 Stainless Steel 117.....440-C Stainless Steel (Martensitic) 120.....416 Stainless Steel(Wrought Martensitic) 148.....Hardcoat Anodized Aluminum 150.....6061-T6 Aluminum 152.....2024-T4 Aluminum (2023-T351) 155.....356-T6 Aluminum 156.....356-T6 Aluminum 157.....Die Cast Aluminum Alloy #380 158.....Aluminum Alloy SR-319 162.....Brass, Yellow, Screw Machine Stock 165.....Cast Bronze, 85-5-5-5 166.....Bronze, SAE 660 170.....Bronze, Bearing Type,Oil Impregnated 180.....Copper Alloy305.....Carbon Steel, Black Epoxy Coated 306.....Carbon Steel, Black PTFE Coated 307.....Aluminum, Black Epoxy Coated 308.....Stainless Steel, Black PTFE Coated 309.....Aluminum, Black PTFE Coated 313.....Aluminum, White Epoxy Coated 330.....Zinc Plated Steel 332.....Aluminum, Electroless Nickel Plated 333.....Carbon Steel, ElectrolessNickel Plated 335.....Galvanized Steel 337.....Silver Plated Steel 351.....Food Grade Santoprene®353.....Geolast; Color: Black 354.....Injection Molded #203-40Santoprene® Duro 40D +/-5;Color: RED356.....Hytrel®357.....Injection Molded Polyurethane 358.....Urethane Rubber(Some Applications)(Compression Mold) 359.....Urethane Rubber 360.....Nitrile Rubber Color coded: RED 363.....FKM (Fluorocarbon)Color coded: YELLOW 364.....EPDM RubberColor coded: BLUE365.....Neoprene RubberColor coded: GREEN366.....Food Grade Nitrile368.....Food Grade EPDM371.....Philthane (Tuftane)374.....Carboxylated Nitrile375.....Fluorinated Nitrile378.....High Density Polypropylene379.....Conductive Nitrile408.....Cork and Neoprenepressed Fibre426.....Blue Gard440.....Vegetable Fibre500.....Delrin® 500502.....Conductive Acetal, ESD-800503.....Conductive Acetal, Glass-Filled506.....Delrin® 150520.....Injection Molded PVDFNatural color540.....Nylon542.....Nylon544.....Nylon Injection Molded550.....Polyethylene551.....Glass Filled Polypropylene552.....Unfilled Polypropylene555.....Polyvinyl Chloride556.....Black Vinyl557.....Conductive Polypropylene558.....Conductive HDPE570.....Rulon II®580.....Ryton®600.....PTFE (virgin material)Tetrafluorocarbon (TFE)603.....Blue Gylon®604.....PTFE606.....PTFE607.....Envelon608.....Conductive PTFE610.....PTFE Encapsulated Silicon611.....PTFE Encapsulated FKM632.....Neoprene/Hytrel®633.....FKM/PTFE634.....EPDM/PTFE635.....Neoprene/PTFE637.....PTFE, FKM/PTFE638.....PTFE, Hytrel®/PTFE639.....Nitrile/TFE643.....Santoprene®/EPDM644.....Santoprene®/PTFE656.....Santoprene® Diaphragm andCheck Balls/EPDM Seats661.....EPDM/Santoprene®666.....FDA Nitrile Diaphragm,PTFE Overlay, Balls, and Seals668.....PTFE, FDA Santoprene®/PTFE• Delrin and Hytrel are registeredtradenames of E.I. DuPont.• Nylatron is a registered tradenameof Polymer Corp.• Gylon is a registered tradenameof Garlock, Inc.• Santoprene is a registered tradenameof Exxon Mobil Corp.• Rulon II is a registered tradenameof Dixion Industries Corp.• Ryton is a registered tradenameof Phillips Chemical Co.• Valox is a registered tradenameof General Electric Co.R E C YC L I N GMany components of SANDPIPER® GODDpumps are made of recyclable materials.We encourage pump users to recycle wornout parts and pumps whenever possible,after any hazardous pumped fluids arethoroughly flushed.3Air Distribution Valve Assembly With Aluminum CenterStep 1:Step 5:Step 6:Note:= Items contained within Gas End Kits= Items contianed within Wet End KitsNote: Kits contain components specific to the material codes.Qty1112288Qty11122884:GASENDPilot Valve AssemblyPILOT VALVE ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST WITH NITRILE O-RINGSItem Part Number DescriptionQty 4 095.074.558 Pilot Valve Assembly 14A 095.071.558 Pilot Valve Body 14B 755.025.148 Pilot Valve sleeve 14C 560.033.360 O-Ring 44D 775.014.115 Pilot Valve Spool 14E 560.023.360 O-Ring 44F675.037.080Retaining Ring1Pilot Valve ServicingWith Pilot Valve removed from pump.Step 1: Remove snap ring (4F).Step 2: Remove sleeve (4B), inspect O-Rings (4C), replace if required.Step 3: Remove spool (4D) from sleeve (4B),inspect O-Rings (4E), replace if required.Step 4: Lightly lubricate O-Rings (4C) and (4E). Reassemble in reverse order.LEGEND:= Items contained within Gas End Kits = Items contianed within Wet End KitsNote: Kits contain components specific to the material codes.PILOT VALVE ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST WITH FKM O-RINGSItem Part Number DescriptionQty 4 095.074.363 Pilot Valve Assembly 14A 095.071.558 Pilot Valve Body 14B 755.025.363 Pilot Valve Sleeve 14C 560.033.363 O-ring 44D 775.014.363 Pilot Valve Spool 1 4E 560.023.363 O-ring 44F675.037.080Retaining Ring14Diaphragm Service DrawingStep 1: With manifolds and outer chambers removed, remove diaphragm assemblies from diaphragm rod. DO NOT use a pipe wrench or similar tool to remove assembly from rod. Flaws in the rod surface may damage bearings and seal. Soft jaws in a vise are recommended to prevent diaphragm rod damage.Step 1.A: NOTE: Not all inner diaphragm plates are threaded. Some models utilize a through hole in the inner diaphragm plate. If required to separate diaphragm assembly, place assembly in a vise, gripping on the exterior cast diameter of the inner plate. Turn the outer plate clockwise to separate the assembly.Always inspect diaphragms for wear cracks or chemical attack. Inspect inner and outer plates for deformities, rust scale and wear. Inspect intermediate bearings for elongation and wear. Inspect diaphragm rod for wear or marks.Clean or repair if appropriate. Replace as required. Step 2:Reassembly: There are two different types of diaphragm plate assemblies utilized throughout the Sandpiper product line: Outer plate with a threaded stud, diaphragm, and a threaded inner plate. Outer plate with a threaded stud, diaphragm, and an inner plate with through hole. Secure threaded inner plate in a vise. Ensure that the plates are being installed with the outer radius against the diaphragm. Step 3: Lightly lubricate, with a compatible material, the inner faces of both outer and inner diaphragm plates when using on non Overlay diaphragms (For EPDM water is recommended). No lubrication is required. Step 4: Push the threaded outer diaphragm plate through the center hole of the diaphragm. Note: Most diaphragms are installed with the natural bulge out towards the fluid side. S05, S07, and S10 non–metallic units are installed with the natural bulge in towards the air side.Diaphragm ServicingStep 5: Thread or place, outer plate stud intothe inner plate. For threaded inner plates, use atorque wrench to tighten the assembly together.Torque values are called out on the exploded view.Repeat procedure for second side assembly. Allow a minimum of 15 minutes to elapse after torquing, then re-torque the assembly to compensate for stress relaxation in the clamped assembly. Step 6: Thread one assembly onto the diaphragmrod with sealing washer (when used) and bumper. Step 7: Install diaphragm rod assembly into pump and secure by installing the outer chamber in place and tightening the capscrews. Step 8: On opposite side of pump, thread the remaining assembly onto the diaphragm rod. Using a torque wrench, tighten the assembly to the diaphragm rod. Align diaphragm through bolt holes, always going forward past the recommended torque. Torque values are called out on the exploded view. NEVER reverse to align holes, if alignment cannot be achieved without damage to diaphragm, loosen complete assemblies, rotate diaphragm and reassemble as described above. 5 : W E T E N DDeclaration of ConformitySignature of authorized person Date of issue Printed name of authorized personRevision Level: FTitleDavid RoseberryEngineering Manager October 20, 2005Date of revisionAugust 23, 2012Manufacturer: Warren Rupp, Inc., 800 N. Main StreetMansfield, Ohio, 44902 USACertifies that Air-Operated Double Diaphragm Pump Series: HDB, HDF, M Non-Metallic, S Non-Metallic, M Metallic, S Metallic, T Series, G Series, U Series, EH and SH High Pressure,RS Series, W Series, SMA and SPA Submersibles, and Tranquilizer ® Surge Suppressors comply withthe European Community Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery, according to Annex VIII. This product has used Harmonized Standard EN809:1998+A1:2009, Pumps and Pump Unitsfor Liquids - Common Safety Requirements, to verify conformance.5 - YEAR Limited Product WarrantyWarren Rupp, Inc. (“Warren Rupp”) warrants to the original end-use purchaser that no product sold by Warren Rupp that bears a Warren Rupp brand shall fail under normal use and service due to a defect in material or workmanship within five years from the date of shipment from Warren Rupp’s factory. Warren Rupp brands include Warren Rupp ®,SANDPIPER ®, MARATHON ®, PortaPump ®, SludgeMaster™ and Tranquilizer ®.~ See /content/warranty-certifications for complete warranty,including terms and conditions, limitations and exclusions. ~5David Roseberry, Director of Engineering。

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