



抽沙机的启动步骤1. 开机顺序:1)开机前准备工作:检查柴油机机油及循环水箱冷却水是否达到规定值;检查高压水泵、抽砂泵及齿轮箱的机油是否足量(均为40#柴油机油)。


3)关掉高压水枪闸阀,打开抽真空总球阀,打开真空阀;提高抽砂泵主机转速至1300r/min后抽砂龙头提到水面以上,见到有清水连续的在吸砂龙头中流出来之后将吸砂龙头放回到水面下,将柴油机转速降到1000r/min以下然后合上齿轮箱离合器然后提高柴油机转速至1300r/min以上1500r/min 以下(新机器出磨合期之前转速控制在1350r/min以下),一段时间后见到有大量的水在出砂口流出后证明抽砂泵已经上水这时关掉真空阀及抽真空总阀打开高压水枪闸阀,逐渐放低吸砂龙头。


2. 关机顺序:1)如果设备运转中需要停机需先提高吸砂龙头,这时抽砂泵会吸一段时间的清水,待看到最终出砂口有清水连续涌出。



3. 注意事项:1)设备运转期间需有专人经常观察柴油机的运行状态,如油温、水温、机油压力及燃油是否正常。















M、AH、HH型渣浆泵使用、装配和使用说明书目录第一节:1、泵规格型号代号说明 32、泵装配 33、基础 34、泵轴(与电机轴)对中 35、管道 36、启动 47、维修 58、备件79、润滑脂710、建议采用的润滑脂量和润滑周期8第二节:轴承装配说明B、C、D、E、F和G型托架9—14 第三节:轴承装配说明R、Rs、S、ST、T和Tu型托架15—18 第四节:轴承组件试验说明书19第五节:托架装配说明书20第六节:泵头的组装说明书21—36 第七节:叶轮间隙的调整37第八节:泵的拆卸38附表1:泵的基本零件号39附表2:装泵工具目录41第一节使用说明1、泵规格型号代号说明每台沃曼泵都有一个铭牌,钉在托架上,铭牌上印有泵规格号,泵的规格号由数字和字母组成,并排列如下:数字数字字母字母(a)(b)(c)(d)(a)、吸入口直径,以英寸表示,如1.5、2.4、10、20、36等等。



示例:BQW15—15—2.2/K 表示:额定流量 15m3/h;额定扬程 15m;额定功率 2.2kW;。外装式结构,开式叶轮,输送介质为污水 的矿用隔爆型潜污水电泵。 (4)矿用隔爆型潜污水电泵用异步电动机型号:
YBQW— □ / 2 ( ) 电压,单位:伏(V) 电动机级数 电动机额定功率,单位:千瓦(kW) 矿用隔爆型潜污水电泵用电机
一、 概述 …………………………………………………………………………………3
二、 产品结构特征及工作原理……………………………………………………………5
三、 技术特性 …………………………………………………………………………….5
四、 泵的选型及安装调试 ………………………………………………………………8
式, 立式、 干式电动机,电压:660/1140
(3).BQW 型 矿用隔爆型潜污水电泵型号: B Q W □—□—□ / □
电泵叶轮形式特征 K—开式 电动机额定功率,单位为千瓦(kW) 电泵额定扬程,单位为米(m) 电泵额定流量,单位为立方米每小时(m3/h) 电泵输送介质:W—污水 潜水电泵 矿用隔爆型
40 70 22
80 60 30
80 80
100 60 37
110 50 45
50 150 45
360 28

桑德皮珀泵 250至600 gpm 手册说明书

桑德皮珀泵 250至600 gpm 手册说明书

S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.78675 YEAR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5 Year Guarantee for defects in material or workmanship. See /content/warranty-certificationsfor complete warranty, including terms and conditions, limitations and E ONLY GENUINE SANDPIPER PARTS All certification, standards, guarantees & warrantiesoriginally supplied with this pump will be invalidated by the use of service parts not identified as “Genuine SANDPIPER Parts.”CAPACITY GPMLPM2503003504004505000P S IAIR CONSUMPTION IN SCFMAIR PRESSURE IN PSI200150100501400153045607590105120135150165550B A R 891060010(17)1• No-lube, no-stall designSOLIDS-HANDLING• Up to .25 in. (6.3mm)HDB1½ / HDB40 METALLIC BALL VALVE PUMP ISO 9001 Certified I SO 14001 CertifiedII IIWEIGHTS• Aluminum 75 lbs. (34kg)• Cast Iron 104 lbs. (47kg)• Stainless Steel 107 lbs. (48kg)S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867DIMENSIONSHDB1 1/2 & HDB40, Side PortedDimensions are ± .13" (3mm). Figures in parenthesis = millimeters15.503949.962532.235713.88352.19510.63270DISCHARGE PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]SUCTION PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]9.152328.712216.8117311.002791.1830VERTICAL SUCTION12.06306VERTICAL DISCHARGE14.843777.67195AIR INLET 3/4" NPT8.632199.002294.501144.321104X .47 [12] MOUNTING HOLESAIR EXHAUST 1" NPTHDB1 1/2 & HDB40, Down PortedDimensions are ± .13" (3mm). Figures in parenthesis = millimeters15.814026.271599.9625323.3259210.64270 DISCHARGE PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]SUCTION PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]14.5036811.5929412.04306 16.26413.18517.28439VERTICAL DISCHARGE5.22132VERTICAL SUCTION17.7245010.55268VERTICAL PORTINGAIR INLET 3/4" NPT12.5031710.50267 8.6421914.5036810.642708X .44 [11]MOUNTING HOLESS A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O M Warren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867Material Profile:Operating Temperatures:Max.Min.CONDUCTIVE ACETAL: Tough, impact resistant, ductile. Good abrasion resistance and low friction surface. Generally inert, with good chemical resistance except for strong acids and oxidizing agents.190°F 88°C-20°F -29°CEPDM: Shows very good water and chemical resistance. Has poor resistance to oils and solvents, but is fair in ketones and alcohols.280°F 138°C -40°F -40°C F KM (FLUOROCARBON): Shows good resistance to a wide range of oils and solvents; especially all aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable oils. Hot water or hot aqueous solutions (over 70°F(21°C)) will attack FKM.350°F 177°C-40°F -40°CHYTREL ®: Good on acids, bases, amines and glycols at room temperatures only.220°F 104°C -20°F -29°C NEOPRENE: All purpose. Resistance to vegetable oils. Gener-ally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, ketones, esters and nitro hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.200°F 93°C-10°F -23°CNITRILE: General purpose, oil-resistant. Shows good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance. Should not be used with highly polar solvents like acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.190°F 88°C -10°F -23°CNYLON: 6/6 High strength and toughness over a wide tem-perature range. Moderate to good resistance to fuels, oils and chemicals.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°CPOLYPROPYLENE: A thermoplastic polymer. Moderate tensile and flex strength. Resists stong acids and alkali. Attacked by chlorine, fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°C PVDF: (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) A durable fluoroplastic with excellent chemical resistance. Excellent for UV applications. High tensile strength and impact resistance.250°F 121°C 0°F -18°C SANTOPRENE ®: Injection molded thermoplastic elastomer with no fabric layer. Long mechanical flex life. Excellent abrasion resistance.275°F 135°C -40°F -40°C UHMW PE: A thermoplastic that is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals. Exhibits outstanding abrasion and impact resistance, along with environmental stress-cracking resistance.180°F 82°C -35°F -37°C URETHANE: Shows good resistance to abrasives. Has poor resistance to most solvents and oils.150°F 66°C 32°F 0°C VIRGIN PTFE: (PFA/TFE) Chemically inert, virtually impervious. Very few chemicals are known to chemically react with PTFE; molten alkali metals, turbulent liquid or gaseous fluorine and a few fluoro-chemicals such as chlorine trifluoride or oxygen difluoride which readily liberate free fluorine at elevated temperatures.220°F 104°C-35°F -37°CMaximum and Minimum Temperatures are the limits for which these materials can be operated. Temperatures coupled with pressure affect the longevity of diaphragm pump components. Maximum life should not be expected at the extreme limits of the temperature ranges.Metals:ALLOY C: Equal to ASTM494 CW-12M-1 specification for nickel and nickel alloy.STAINLESS STEEL: Equal to or exceeding ASTM specification A743 CF-8M for corro-sion resistant iron chromium, iron chromium nickel and nickel based alloy castings for general applications. Commonly referred to as 316 Stainless Steel in the pump industry.For specific applications, always consult the Chemical Resistance Chart.CAUTION! Operating temperature limitations are as follows:EXPLANATION OF PUMP NOMENCLATUREPUMP SERIESHD Heavy DutyPUMP DESIGNBSolid BallPUMP SIZE & OPTIONS1 1/2”P1 Intrinsically Safe ATEX Compliant Pulse OutputSB S tainleSS -B raSS Sleeve and Spool Set DISCHARGE PORTING POSITIOND Down Ported S SideDIAPHRAGM CHECK VALVE MATERIALSB NitrileCFKM with PTFEMATERIALSF FDA Accepted White NitrileGN Neoprene Backup with PTFE Overlay and PTFE Check Balls GR Hytrel Backup w/ PTFE Overlay/PTFE Balls GZ PTFE/Nitrile Bonded One-Piece/PTFE Balls H EPDM with PTFE I EPDM N Neoprene R HytrelS SantopreneU Santoprene with PTFE V FKMDESIGN LEVEL7CONSTRUCTIONA Aluminum Wetted, Aluminum AirCI Cast Iron Wetted, Aluminum Air II Cast Iron Wetted, Cast Iron AirSI Stainless Steel Wetted, Cast Iron Air SS Stainless Steel Wetted, Aluminum Air HC Alloy-C Wetted, Aluminum Air HIAlloy-C Wetted, Cast Iron AirNOTE: See service manual for ATEX details.SP_DS_TemplateDataSheet_0118____ _____ __ ___ __ __Pump Pump Pump Size Discharge Diaphragm/ Design ConstructionSeriesDesignand Options Porting Valve LevelHD X XXXXXX, XX XXX X XXModel #:(fill in from pump nameplate)Your Model #:HD II 2II 2。



砂泵安装使用说明书成都西部石油装备有限公司SB系列砂泵安装使用说明书一、SB砂泵概述及性能参数1. 概述SB系列砂泵是针对石油天然气钻探设备特点新研制的配套泵,它采用轴向吸入结构,过流部件为抗磨铸铁,适用于输送腐蚀性带有悬浮颗粒的钻井液或其它类似工况的液体介质,是除砂器、除泥器、混合漏斗最佳配套泵,也是理想的泥浆泵的灌注泵,其参数设计充分考虑了所配套的设备能在最佳工况下工作,主要特点是零件的通用性和互换性强,轴封泄漏少,工作可靠,使用寿命长,维护方便。


型号SB6×8可配45kW、55kW、75kW电机,根据用户要求有正转泵和反转泵6个规格,该型号已申请外观设计专利,专利号ZL 2007 3 ;型号SB56配22kW、30kW、37kW、45kW电机,常用有反转泵4个规格。

型号SB45配15kW、22kW 电机,常用有反转泵2个规格。






SB系列砂泵的密封采用机械密封,该机械密封已申请实用新型专利,专利号ZL 2007 2 。





















抽沙泵合同范本甲方(卖方):____________________法定代表人:____________________地址:____________________联系电话:____________________乙方(买方):____________________法定代表人:____________________地址:____________________联系电话:____________________一、产品描述产品名称:抽沙泵规格型号:____________________数量:________台二、价格及支付方式1. 总价:人民币________元(大写:____________元整)。

2. 支付方式:乙方应在合同签订后______日内支付合同总金额的______%作为预付款;剩余款项在产品交付验收合格后______日内付清。

三、交货时间、地点及方式1. 交货时间:______年______月______日前。

2. 交货地点:由乙方指定。

3. 交货方式:甲方负责送货到交货地点。

四、质量标准及验收1. 质量标准:符合国家相关标准及甲方提供的产品质量标准。

2. 验收:乙方应在收到产品后______日内进行验收,如发现质量问题应及时通知甲方,甲方应负责解决。

五、售后服务1. 甲方对产品提供______年的质保期,自产品交付验收合格之日起计算。

2. 在质保期内,如产品出现质量问题,甲方应负责免费维修或更换。

六、违约责任1. 若甲方未能按时交货,每逾期一天,应按照合同总金额的______%向乙方支付违约金。

2. 若乙方未能按时支付款项,每逾期一天,应按照未支付金额的______%向甲方支付违约金。


八、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。

2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。



抽沙泵合同范本________________________地址:____________________法定代表人:_____________________________________地址:____________________法定代表人:_____________一、合同标的产品名称:抽沙泵型号:________________数量:________________单位:________________单价:________________总价:________________(抽沙泵:用于抽取沙、石等固体颗粒物质的泵类设备)二、质量标准2.1 供方保证所提供的产品质量符合国家相关标准及乙方的要求,具体质量标准如下:(1)产品材质:________________________(2)产品性能:________________________(3)使用寿命:________________________(4)产品配件:________________________三、交货及验收3.1 交货地点:____________________3.2 交货时间:____________________3.3 乙方应在收到产品后____个工作日内进行验收,并将验收结果通知供方。

(验收:对产品进行质量、数量、性能等方面的检查,确认产品是否符合合同规定)四、支付条款4.1 乙方在合同签订后____个工作日内,向供方支付合同总价款的____%作为预付款。

4.2 供方在产品交付乙方并经乙方验收合格后,乙方支付剩余合同总价款的____%。

五、售后服务5.1 供方应在产品交付后提供____个月的质保期,质保期内如产品出现非人为损坏的质量问题,供方应负责免费维修或更换。

5.2 供方提供终身售后服务,包括产品维修、配件供应等。

(质保期:供方对所售产品提供的质量保证期限)六、违约责任6.1 供方违反合同规定,导致乙方遭受损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。



S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.78675 YEAR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5 Year Guarantee for defects in material or workmanship. See /content/warranty-certificationsfor complete warranty, including terms and conditions, limitations and E ONLY GENUINE SANDPIPER PARTS All certification, standards, guarantees & warrantiesoriginally supplied with this pump will be invalidated by the use of service parts not identified as “Genuine SANDPIPER Parts.”AIR DISTRIBUTION VALVE • No-lube, no-stall design SOLIDS-HANDLING • Up to 2” (50mm)HEADS UP TO• 125 psi or 289 ft. of water • (8.8 Kg/cm2 or 88 meters)MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE • 125 psi (8.6 bar)DISPLACEMENT/STROKE • .47 Gallon / 1.8 liter WEIGHTS• Aluminium: 88 lbs. (39.9kg)• Cast Iron: 130 lbs. (59kg)• Stainless Steel: 140 lbs (63.5kg)*For cast iron center add 35 lbs (15.9kg)DIMENSIONSISO 9001 Certified I SO 14001 CertifiedII IIP S IB A R19.875059.8124921.6455020.305162.61662.6166OPTIONAL VERTICAL SUCTION PORTOPTIONAL VERTICAL DISCHARGE PORT2.55652.646717.694492.59667.06179 13.5634413.0033016.0040610.2526014.0035511.00279 8.882265.281348X.5013 THRUS A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O M Warren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867Material Profile:Operating Temperatures:Max.Min.CONDUCTIVE ACETAL: Tough, impact resistant, ductile. Good abrasion resistance and low friction surface. Generally inert, with good chemical resistance except for strong acids and oxidizing agents.190°F 88°C-20°F -29°CEPDM: Shows very good water and chemical resistance. Has poor resistance to oils and solvents, but is fair in ketones and alcohols.280°F 138°C -40°F -40°C F KM (FLUOROCARBON): Shows good resistance to a wide range of oils and solvents; especially all aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable oils. Hot water or hot aqueous solutions (over 70°F(21°C)) will attack FKM.350°F 177°C-40°F -40°CHYTREL ®: Good on acids, bases, amines and glycols at room temperatures only.220°F 104°C -20°F -29°C NEOPRENE: All purpose. Resistance to vegetable oils. Gener-ally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, ketones, esters and nitro hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.200°F 93°C-10°F -23°CNITRILE: General purpose, oil-resistant. Shows good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance. Should not be used with highly polar solvents like acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.190°F 88°C -10°F -23°CNYLON: 6/6 High strength and toughness over a wide tem-perature range. Moderate to good resistance to fuels, oils and chemicals.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°CPOLYPROPYLENE: A thermoplastic polymer. Moderate tensile and flex strength. Resists stong acids and alkali. Attacked by chlorine, fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°C PVDF: (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) A durable fluoroplastic with excellent chemical resistance. Excellent for UV applications. High tensile strength and impact resistance.250°F 121°C 0°F -18°C SANTOPRENE ®: Injection molded thermoplastic elastomer with no fabric layer. Long mechanical flex life. Excellent abrasion resistance.275°F 135°C -40°F -40°C UHMW PE: A thermoplastic that is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals. Exhibits outstanding abrasion and impact resistance, along with environmental stress-cracking resistance.180°F 82°C -35°F -37°C URETHANE: Shows good resistance to abrasives. Has poor resistance to most solvents and oils.150°F 66°C 32°F 0°C VIRGIN PTFE: (PFA/TFE) Chemically inert, virtually impervious. Very few chemicals are known to chemically react with PTFE; molten alkali metals, turbulent liquid or gaseous fluorine and a few fluoro-chemicals such as chlorine trifluoride or oxygen difluoride which readily liberate free fluorine at elevated temperatures.220°F 104°C-35°F -37°CMaximum and Minimum Temperatures are the limits for which these materials can be operated. Temperatures coupled with pressure affect the longevity of diaphragm pump components. Maximum life should not be expected at the extreme limits of the temperature ranges.Metals:ALLOY C: Equal to ASTM494 CW-12M-1 specification for nickel and nickel alloy.STAINLESS STEEL: Equal to or exceeding ASTM specification A743 CF-8M for corro-sion resistant iron chromium, iron chromium nickel and nickel based alloy castings for general applications. Commonly referred to as 316 Stainless Steel in the pump industry.For specific applications, always consult the Chemical Resistance Chart.CAUTION! Operating temperature limitations are as follows:EXPLANATION OF PUMP NOMENCLATUREMATERIALSNOTE: See service manual for ATEX details.SP_DS_BeastM_0118(fill in frompump nameplate)Your Model #:Pump Brand Product Line Pump Size Check Valve Type Wetted Material Non-Wetted Material Diaphragm Material Backup Diaphragm Check ValveMaterial Seat Material Air Valve Air Valve Option Exhaust Option Port Type Port Option Design LevelSP B 2000RF S S PUMP BRANDSP SANDPIPERPRODUCT LINEB The Beast FlapPUMP SIZE20 2”CHECK VALVE TYPE FFlap ValveWET END MATERIALSA AluminumI Cast IronP Polypropylene SStainless SteelNON-WETTED MATERIAL A AluminumI Cast Iron P Po l ypropy l eneW White Epoxy Coated AluminumDIAPHRAGM MATERIALB Nitrile (Buna) E EPDM F FDA Nitrile N Neoprene R Santoprene H Hytre l V FKM (Viton)BACKUP DIAPHRAGMNoneCHECK VALVE MATERIALS Stainless Steel SEAT MATERIAL S Stainless SteelAIR VALVESSANDPIPER Standard ESADSAIR VALVE OPTION0 None S Stainless Steel Sleeve & Brass SpoolEXHAUST OPTION 0 Encapsulated Polypropylene 6 Threaded MetalPORT TYPEB BSPTN NPTU Universal ANSI/DIN FlangePORT OPTIONR Center Ported DESIGN LEVEL1Design LevelII 2II 2。

ToughTek M680a砂浆泵说明书

ToughTek M680a砂浆泵说明书

ToughTek™ M680aA better way to spray heavy, gritty materialsHose Cam and Groove Connection •F or quick andeasy assembly• Y our choice of Flex Hose, Poleor HTX 680 Applicator– Flex – for heavy materials– Pole – for heavy materials in hard to reach areas – HTX 680 – for lighter materials• Atomization air adjustments• Chemically resistantfluid hoses• Solvent resistant sleeve • Cam and groove connections stainless steel construction• Tri-clamp on cylinder –easy to disassemble• Pack-less pressurerelief valve• High-velocity flush foreffective cleaning3Features and Benefits4Large Capacity Hopper• I deal for materials that require more than10 gal/38 liter capacity, such as fireproofing• Boost productivity by minimizing refills• 25 gal (95 L) hopper kit• Easily connects to M680• Easy to connect and maneuver• Order 24W889Pole Applicator• For hard to reach areas• Best for heavily filled materials that easily pack out• Includes Round Nozzle; provides a rough finish texture• Simple design, easy to clean• Order 24T946Flex Hose Applicator• Best for heavily filled materials that easily pack out• Includes Round Nozzle; provides a rough finish texture• Simple design, easy to clean• Order 24T947HTX 680 Applicator• Good for lighter materials that don’t typically pack out• Includes Round Pattern Nozzles; provides a medium round pattern texture finish• Air mixed into fluid through multiple venturi ports provides a consistent pattern• Gives a more controlled pattern for lightweight materials or high solids coatings• I ncludes flat pattern discs – fans spray patternfor wider coverage area per pass• Order 24U209LABOR SAVINGS %= change in line 8 labor cost / labor cost without sprayer5Return on InvestmentSave time and money by spraying material with the ToughTek M680a Mortar Pump and troweling to finish.ROI CalculatorToughTek M680a Mortar Pump R.O.I.With M680aExample Without M680aExample1. Pump operator(s) / Mixer(s) 1 1. People mixing kits 12. People spraying1 2. People spraying 03. # of people required to finish trowel only 1 3. # of people required to hawk & trowel manually 34. Labor rate/hour (including benefits) $27.004. Labor rate/hour (including benefits) $27.005. Hours to complete resurfacing 16 5. Hours to complete resurfacing 326. Crew Total 3 6. Crew Total 47. Man hours 48 7. Man hours 1288. Labor cost$1,296.008.Labor cost $3,456.00LABOR SAVINGS % 63%How much will you save?With M680aActual Without M680aActual1. Pump operator(s) / Mixer(s) _________ 1.People mixing kits _________2. People spraying_________ 2. People spraying _________3. # of people required to finish trowel only _________ 3. # of people required to hawk & trowel manually _________4. Labor rate/hour (including benefits) $ _________ 4. Labor rate/hour (including benefits) $ __________5. Hours to complete resurfacing _________ 5. Hours to complete resurfacing* _________6. Crew Total [add lines 1, 2, 3] _________ 6. Crew Total [add lines 1, 2, 3] _________7. Man hours [multiply lines 4 + 6] _________ 7. Man hours [multiply lines 4 + 6] _________8. Labor cost [multiply lines 7 + 4] $ __________8.Labor cost [multiply lines 7 + 4] $ __________LABOR SAVINGS % ________* Based on field testing, resurfacing takes less thanhalf the time with a Graco M680 Mortar Sprayer“ W e sprayed 200 gallons one day with four guys finish troweling. At the end of the day, we hadto hawk and trowel a small section by hand and the crew quickly realized how easy the pumphad made their job.” — Shane Anderson – Owner, Applewood Painting Company, Arvada, CO“ W e cut our time in half and reduced our costs by one third to resurface a lift stationusing the Graco M680 pump. We also sprayed a new material we normally have to do by hand.”— Jeff White – Owner, Commonwealth Epoxy Coatings, Newport News, VA“ T his pump was a big time saver for our project. Normally we would have had one man mixingand three to four guys troweling to cover 900 square feet per day. With the pump, we were ableto complete as much as 2500 square feet in a day with two guys mixing, one spraying and oneguy troweling.” — Jason Becker - Project Manager, Coblaco Services, Denver, COWhat people are saying about the ToughTek M680a Mortar Pump6Pressure Ratio ....................................................................................................................................................................10:1 fluid to air Maximum air operating pressure ..........................................................................................................................100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar) Air Inlet Size ..........................................................................................................................................3/4 in. npt(f) (Chicago Claw Fitting) Fluid Inlet Size ...........................................................................................................................................................2 in cam groove male Fluid Outlet Size...........................................................................................................................................................................1 in npt(f) Dry Weight .............................................................................................................................250 lb (113 kg) with 35ft hose and applicator Chemical resistance patible with solvent or water based materials Inlet air filtration ..................................................................................................................40 micron, moisture separation with auto drain Wetted parts ..............................................SST, aluminum, carbide seats, plated steel fittings, PTFE, UHMWPE, solvent-resistant elastomer Manual (332612)Sprayability may be affected by aggregate size or distribution, hose size and other factors.Check with material suppliers or contact your Graco distributor for a demonstration.Technical SpecificationsOrdering InformationPackagesAll packages include: pump; motor; controls on cart; gaskets for cam and groove connectors; pilot tube repair fitting; pump rachet tool and soft seal pump kit. Package 262927 includes a complete pump repair kit instead of soft seal kit.Fluid and Air Lines24R254 Spray Line Extension bundle (fluid and air), 25 ft (7.6 m) 24U210 Spray Line kit (fluid and air) with fluid shut-off valve,35 ft (10.7 m)16W511 Hose, 1 in x 25 ft (7.6 m), 1000 psi (69 bar) bare hose, solvent compatible, 1 in (mbe)ABOUT GRACO GRACO LOCATIONSSALES/ DISTRIBUTION/SERVICE。



S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.78675 YEAR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5 Year Guarantee for defects in material or workmanship. See /content/warranty-certificationsfor complete warranty, including terms and conditions, limitationsand E ONLY GENUINE SANDPIPER PARTS All certification, standards, guarantees & warrantiesoriginally supplied with this pump will be invalidated by the use of service parts not identified as “Genuine SANDPIPER Parts.”SUCTION / DISCHARGE PORT SIZE • 1 1/2 ANSI Flange or • PN10 40mm DIN Flange CAPACITY• 0 to 100 GPM (0 to 378 LPM)AIR DISTRIBUTION VALVE • No-lube, no-stall design SOLIDS-HANDLING • Up to .47 in. (12mm)HEADS UP TO• 100 psi or 231 ft. of water (7 bar or 70 meters)MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE • 100 psi (7 bar)DISPLACEMENT/STROKE • .43 Gallon / 1.63 literWEIGHTS• Polypropylene 82 lbs. (37kg)• PVDF 112 lbs. (51kg)• Conductive Polypropylene 85 lbs. (38kg)• Polypropylene Spill Containment 149 lbs. (68kg)• PVDF Spill Containment 194 lbs. (88kg)DIMENSIONSS15 NON-METALLIC PUMPTECHNICAL DATA SHEETPERFORMANCEISO 9001 Certified I SO 14001 CertifiedII IISTANDARD DUTY BALL VALVE PUMPSOffering the widest range of performance and application capabilitiesSERIESPerformance based on water at ambient temperature.0CAPACITYGPM LPM1008060402050100150250200300350B A RP S IH E A D12345670302025101559.167.634.51.5N P S H RF e e tM e t e r s AIR CONSUMPTION IN SCFM AIR PRESSURE IN PSI20 (34)10 (17)30 (51)40 (68)50 (85)100P SI (6.8 Ba r )80 P SI (5.44 B a r )60 PS I (4.08Ba r )40 PS I (2.72 Ba r )20 P S I(1.36 B ar) A ir I n let P re s s ureAIR INLET 3/4” NPTSUCTION PORT1 1/2” STANDARD 125# FLANGE CONFIGURATION.62 (4) HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON A 3.88 BOLT CIRCLEOPTIONAL THREADED 1”NPT METAL MUFFLERFOR A TEX COMPLIANT PUMPSOPTIONAL THREADED 1”NPT SOUND DAMPENING ORBRASS MESH MUFFLERS A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867S XX X X X X X X X X X XXModel #:S __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____(fill in frompump nameplate)Your Model #: Pump Pump Check Design Wetted Diaphragm/ Check Valve Non-Wetted Porting Pump Pump KitConfig. Size Valve Level Material Check Valve Seat Material Options Style Options OptionsMaterial Profile:Operating Temperatures:Max.Min.CONDUCTIVE ACETAL: Tough, impact resistant, ductile. Good abrasion resistance and low friction surface. Generally inert, with good chemical resistance except for strong acids and oxidizing agents.190°F 88°C-20°F -29°CEPDM: Shows very good water and chemical resistance. Has poor resistance to oils and solvents, but is fair in ketones and alcohols.280°F 138°C -40°F -40°C F KM (FLUOROCARBON): Shows good resistance to a wide range of oils and solvents; especially all aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable oils. Hot water or hot aqueous solutions (over 70°F(21°C)) will attack FKM.350°F 177°C-40°F -40°CHYTREL ®: Good on acids, bases, amines and glycols at room temperatures only.220°F 104°C -20°F -29°C NEOPRENE: All purpose. Resistance to vegetable oils. Gener-ally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, ketones, esters and nitro hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.200°F 93°C-10°F -23°CNITRILE: General purpose, oil-resistant. Shows good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance. Should not be used with highly polar solvents like acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.190°F 88°C -10°F -23°CNYLON: 6/6 High strength and toughness over a wide tem-perature range. Moderate to good resistance to fuels, oils and chemicals.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°CPOLYPROPYLENE: A thermoplastic polymer. Moderate tensile and flex strength. Resists stong acids and alkali. Attacked by chlorine, fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°C PVDF: (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) A durable fluoroplastic with excellent chemical resistance. Excellent for UV applications. High tensile strength and impact resistance.250°F 121°C 0°F -18°C SANTOPRENE ®: Injection molded thermoplastic elastomer with no fabric layer. Long mechanical flex life. Excellent abrasion resistance.275°F 135°C -40°F -40°C UHMW PE: A thermoplastic that is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals. Exhibits outstanding abrasion and impact resistance, along with environmental stress-cracking resistance.180°F 82°C -35°F -37°C URETHANE: Shows good resistance to abrasives. Has poor resistance to most solvents and oils.150°F 66°C 32°F 0°C VIRGIN PTFE: (PFA/TFE) Chemically inert, virtually impervious. Very few chemicals are known to chemically react with PTFE; molten alkali metals, turbulent liquid or gaseous fluorine and a few fluoro-chemicals such as chlorine trifluoride or oxygen difluoride which readily liberate free fluorine at elevated temperatures.220°F 104°C-35°F -37°CMaximum and Minimum Temperatures are the limits for which these materials can be operated. Temperatures coupled with pressure affect the longevity of diaphragm pump components. Maximum life should not be expected at the extreme limits of the temperature ranges.Metals:ALLOY C: Equal to ASTM494 CW-12M-1 specification for nickel and nickel alloy.STAINLESS STEEL: Equal to or exceeding ASTM specification A743 CF-8M for corro-sion resistant iron chromium, iron chromium nickel and nickel based alloy castings for general applications. Commonly referred to as 316 Stainless Steel in the pump industry.CAUTION! Operating temperature limitations are as follows:EXPLANATION OF PUMP NOMENCLATUREPUMP BRANDSSANDPIPER ®PUMP SIZE15 1 1/2”CHECK VALVE TYPE B BallDESIGN LEVEL3Design LevelWETTED MATERIALKPVDFP PolypropyleneCConductive PolypropyleneDIAPHRAGM/CHECK VALVE MATERIALS1 Santoprene/Santoprene2 PTFE-Santoprene Backup/PTFE 6 PTFE Pumping, PTFE-Neoprene Backup Driver/PTFE B Nitrile/Nitrile C FKM / PTFEG PTFE-Neoprene Backup/PTFE M Santoprene/PTFE N Neoprene/Neoprene U Urethane/Urethane Z One-Piece Bonded/PTFEMATERIALSCHECK VALVE SEATK PVDFP PolypropyleneNON-WETTED MATERIAL OPTIONSC Carbon Filled Conductive PolypropyleneP 40%Glass Filled Polypropylene 1 40%Glass Filled Polypropylene w/PTFE Coated HardwarePORTING OPTIONSA ANSI FlangeD DIN Flange7 Dual Porting (ANSI) 8 Top Dual Porting (ANSI) 9Bottom Dual Porting (ANSI)PUMP STYLED with Electronic Leak Detection (110V)E with Electronic Leak Detection (220V) M with Mechanical Leak Detection S StandardV with Visual Leak DetectionPUMP OPTIONS0 None6Metal MufflerKIT OPTIONS 00. NoneP1. Intrinsically-Safe 5.30VDC, 110/120VAC 220/240 VAC Pulse Output KitP2. 110/120 or 220/240VAC Pulse Output KitE0. Solenoid Kit with 24VDC Coil E1. Solenoid Kit with 24VDC Explosion-Proof CoilE2. Solenoid Kit with 24VAC/12VDC Coil E3. Solenoid Kit with 12VDC Explosion-Proof CoilE4. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC Coil E5. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC Explosion-Proof CoilE6. Solenoid Kit with 220VAC Coil E7. Solenoid Kit with 220VAC Explosion-Proof CoilE8. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC, 50 Hz Explosion-Proof CoilE9. Solenoid Kit with 230VAC, 50 HzExplosion-Proof Coil SP . Stroke Indicator PinsA1. Solenoid Kit with 12 VDC ATEX Compliant CoilA2. Solenoid Kit with 24 VDC ATEX Compliant CoilA3. Solenoid Kit with 110/120 VAC 50/60 Hz ATEX Compliant Coil A4. Solenoid Kit with 220/240 VAC50/60 Hz ATEX Compliant CoilNOTE: See service manual for ATEX details.SP_DS_TemplateDataSheet_0817II 2II 2。















GMZ系列多用途抽沙泵结构图:1、联轴器2、轴3、轴承箱4、拆卸环5、副叶轮6、后护板7、蜗壳8、叶轮9、前护板 10、前泵壳 11、后泵壳 12、填料箱 13、水封环 14、底座 15、托架 16、调节螺钉GMZ型系列耐磨抽沙泵型谱图:使用注意事项:1、起动:起动前应按下列步骤检查整个机组。















GMZ系列多用途抽沙泵结构图:1、联轴器2、轴3、轴承箱4、拆卸环5、副叶轮6、后护板7、蜗壳8、叶轮9、前护板 10、前泵壳 11、后泵壳 12、填料箱 13、水封环 14、底座 15、托架 16、调节螺钉GMZ型系列耐磨抽沙泵型谱图:使用注意事项:1、起动:起动前应按下列步骤检查整个机组。




















P R O D U C TD E S C R I P T I O N Submersible pump consisting of a solids handling grinder inlet with a high head open impeller to pump waste water containing soft solids in suspension.A P P L I C AT I O N S•Grey & Black Water Pumping •Sump Emptying•Septic effluent & sewage disposal •Pumping of waste water with soft solids in suspensionO P E R AT I N G L I M I T SPUMPHeavy duty shredding and grinding ring at inlet. Centrifugal design, open impeller. Double Mechanical shaft seal in oil bath.Hard faced Silicon Carbide / Ceramic seal on pump side. Sand slinger lip seal for added protection.Oring casing sealing.Corrosive resistant stainless steel and quality heavy duty powder coated cast iron pump parts. MOTOR2 pole, 2900rpm 50Hz 240 volt single phase or 415 volt three phase.Submersible with IPx8 enclosure.10 metre HO7RN-F oil resistant power lead and seal sensor lead fitted with bared wire lead ends for easy connection to power supply terminations.Class E insulation.Protected against both high operating temperatures and high current by a built in automatically resetting thermal overload.•Able to pump soft organicsolids, sanitary products, thinrubber products and evensome textiles in suspension, byshredding to a slurry•Open impeller preventsblockage of the pump by smallsolids in the slurry•High heads and small solidsallow connection to smalldischarge pipe systems,especially suited to pumpingwaste water to pressure sewermains•Silent operation•Quick and easy installation•Hose tail supplied with everypump•Low maintenance•Fully repairable•Mounting feet with rubbercushions fitted for a firm andstable positioning duringinstallation and operation forD120G/A, D150G/A, DT12G &DT15G.•Adaptable to slide rails - seeaccessoriesCapacities290 lpmHead to38mMax. submergence25mMax. operating temperature50o CSuitable FluidsSewage or “Grey Water” of neutralpH containing up to 20% softorganic solids (some wear should beexpected while pumping hard solidsin suspension).SUMP PUMPSD E S I G N F E AT U R E S B E N E F I T SA C C E S S O R I E SThese optional accessories are available:•Slide rail kit - P/No SR50•Seal Sensor relay, allows connectionto contactor warning system - PartNo. 49076•Auto float switches are fitted to D120GA &D150GA models •Separate automaticcontrol panels availablefor single or multiplepump installationsGrinder and shredder ringT E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N SH Y D R A U L I C P E R F O R M A N C EM AT E R I A L S O F C O N S T R U C T I O NPA R TM AT E R I A LImpellerShredding ring Grinding ring Pump casing OutletShaft seal - pump side- motor side Shaft seal elastomer Pump shaft OringsMotor shell Handle FastenersFloat & power supply leadsCast iron - FC200High Chromium steel High Chromium steel Cast iron - FC200Cast iron - FC200Silicon carbide/ceramic Carbon/ceramicMechanical Seals in captive oil bath and oil seal.Nitrile rubber 304 stainless steel Nitrile rubber 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel HO7RN-F oil resistantE L E C T R I C A L D ATAI N S TA L L AT I O N & P R I M I N GD120G/GA D150G/GA DT12GDT15GDT22GDT37GElectrical lead 10mPhase Single Three Volts220-240380-415kW (nameplate) 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 2.2 3.7Amps - FL classUse a rope to position and retrieve the pump. Do not lower or retrieve the pump using the power lead as this may damage the cable entry seals, causing water leaks and unsafe operation.Do not use this product for recirculating or filtering swimming pools,spas, etc. While these pumps are built to high safety standards, they are not approved for installations where people will be in the water while they are operating.Do not pump abrasive materials. Sand and grit in the water being pumped will accelerate wear, causing shortened pump life.Make room for the float switch to operate. Automatic models have a float switch to turn them on when the water level rises and turn them off again when it has been pumped down to the safe operating level of the pump. If the float switch is not free to rise and fall, correct pump operation may not be possible.Don’t run your pump dry. Non-automatic models must be switched off manually or by way of an external float/level switch when the water level is reduced to the top of the pump housing.020103040252005075100175150125300275250225FLOW (lpm)TOTAL HEAD m Ipm g/min 015300ft50100DT15G/D150GDT12G/D120G DT37GDT22G4560D I ME N S I O N SOutlet Net Model A B C D E BSP Weight (kg)D120G 530305185180-11/4” F 31D120GA 53030518518040011/4” F 32D150G 580310185180-11/4” F 34D150GA 58031018518040011/4” F 35DT12G 520305185180-11/4” F 31DT15G 570310185180-11/4” F 34DT22G 520350210240-2” F 49DT37G530350210240-2” F52Davey Water Products Pty LtdMember of the GUD GroupABN 18 066 327 517Head Office and Manufacturing 6 Lakeview Drive,Scoresby, Australia 3179Ph:+61 3 9730 9222Fax:+61 3 9753 4100Website:.auCustomer Service Centre Ph:1300 367 866Fax:1300 369 119E-mail:***************.au Interstate OfficesSydney • Brisbane • Adelaide Perth • TownsvilleInternational 6 Lakeview Drive,Scoresby, Australia 3179Ph:+61 3 9730 9121Fax:+61 3 9753 4248E-mail:****************.au GermanyKantstrasse 47,04275 Leipzig Ph:+49 341 301 0412Fax:+49 341 301 0413E-mail:**********************New Zealand 2 Rothwell Avenue,North Harbour, Auckland 1330Ph:+64 9 914 3680Fax:+64 9 914 3685Website:E-mail:****************.nz USADavey Pumps Inc.1005 N. Commons Drive Aurora, Illinois 60504Ph:+1 630 898 6976Fax:+1 630 851 7744Website:E-mail:******************This literature is not a complete guide to product usage. Further information is available from your Davey dealer, Davey Customer Service Centre and from the relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions. This data sheet must be read in conjunction with the relevant product Installation and Operating Instructions and all applicable statutory requirements. Product specifications may change without notice.® Davey is a registered trademark of Davey Water Products Pty Ltd. © Davey Water Products Pty Ltd 2004.DPM126-3/3K/1007/SC supersedes DPM126-2/3K/0305/GPW。












”23警示忠告安装使用前必须详细阅读本说明书! 为保证人身和设备安全,必须可靠接地!禁止带电移动电泵,禁止任意磕碰电泵和用力拖动电缆! 电泵运行中禁止周边3米内人畜接近!电泵按功率外配隔爆型保护装臵,应有过热或过电流保护装臵,必要时应有漏电保护,或在配电系统中要求配臵相应的保护装臵。

电机为充水式,使用前电机腔内必须注满洁净清水! 长时间不使用时,须除尽机内存水以防锈死或冻裂!目录一、概述 (5)二、隔爆型式及执行标注 (5)三、使用环境及工作条件 (5)四、结构特点 (5)五、技术参数 (6)六、泵的选型 (20)七、使用前的准备和检查 (20)八、电泵的安装 (21)九、起动、运转和停机 (21)十、保养和维修 (22)十一、保修服务 (23)十二、故障及排除 (24)4BQS系列矿用隔爆型潜水排沙电泵使用说明书一、概述本公司研制的BQS系列矿用隔爆型潜水排沙电泵,适用于具有瓦斯或其它爆炸性气体危险的场所,包括煤矿采掘工作面、巷道、井底水窝、中央水仓等,排送含有煤屑、泥沙、岩粉等含固体颗粒的污水,也可用于工程抢险、矿底透水排险以及江河湖海等地方的抽水,流量从15m3/h到1000m3/h,扬程从24m到1000m,隔爆电机配套功率从30kW 可达到1150kW,具有安装使用方便,隔爆可靠耐用等特点。

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1.抽砂施工时,先下底阀,底阀上面接2 7/8TBG泵下部油管管柱。



下部油管管柱接完后,接上砂泵,砂泵上面接2 7/8TBG上部油管管柱,直至底阀接触砂层,这时油管再也下不去了。






3.上下部管柱均为2 7/8TBG油管。









