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Professional English for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is to study the relationship between human and nature. It is a natural science which has a long history and rich contents, including basic theory, diagnostics, medicine, clinical medicine, acupuncture, massage, and health rehabilitation. The theoretical system is based on syndrome differentiation, concept of holism and constant dynamic. Nowadays, the significance of TCM has become more obvious.

Channel Meridia经络



The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic 《黄帝内经》

The Classic of Difficult Issues 《内经》

Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases 《伤寒杂病论》

Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica 《神农本草经》

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: The Spiritual Pivot 黄帝内经灵枢

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Basic Questions 黄帝内经素问

Essentials from the Golden Cabinet 金匮要略

Yin-yang and Five-element Theory(阴阳五行)

2.Mutual Rooting of Yin and Yang 阴阳互根互用

3.Waxing and Waning of Yin and Yang 阴阳消长

yin waning with yang waxing 阴消阳长yang waning with yin waxing 阳消阴长4.Yin-yang Conversion 阴阳转化

Excess of yin or yang 阴阳偏盛

Excess of yang——excess-heat syndrome

Deficiency of yin or yang 阴阳偏衰

——syndrome of deficiency-cold

”treating heat with cold”.热者寒之

”treating cold with heat”.寒者热之

Conception of Five-element Theory

Five-element theory holds that all things in the natural world can be derived from

wood,fire,earth,metal and water and maintain a harmonious balance through the activities of Characteristics of the five elements

The characteristics of wood: growth,smoothness and regulation(生长、升发、条达、舒畅).木曰曲直。

The characteristics of fire: heat and ascent pertain to fire.(温热、上升)火曰炎上

The characteristics of earth: growth and change ,bearing and accepting pertain to earth.(生化、承载、受纳)土爰稼穑

The characteristics of metal: descent and astringency pertain to metal.(沉降、肃杀、收敛)金曰从革

The characteristics of water: descending,moistening,coldness and chill and storing pertain to (滋润、下行、寒凉、闭藏)水曰潤下

Interaction among five elements


Inter-generation explains the meaning of mutual production and assistance. The law of

inter-generation among the five elements is:wood generates fire,fire generates earth,earth generates metal,metal generates water,water generates wood.

2.Inter--restriction among the five elements 五行相克

Inter--restriction contains the meanings of mutual restriction,conquering and suppression. The law of inter-restriction among the five elements is :wood restricts earth,,earth restricts water;water restricts fire .fire restricts metal,metal restricts wood.
