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Ok, I ill first e here, please slol appreiate. And ou remember oh! When brosing don t litter, don t touh items, don t trample objets, so ou an see the air has a histor of the Forbidden Cit. I ish ou all have fun and pla.


Wele to join sunshine tour visitors. Small tour guide, I am here no, I lead ou to visit, I hope ou abide b the order, don t roded, photograph is prohibited. Wish ou happ spend the onderful time!

The Ming and qing dnasties to generations of the palae, also knon as the Forbidden Cit . It as founded in 1406, more than 600 ears. After several dnasties built no this is the best preserved of the imperial palae the imperial palae, is the largest anient palae plex.

I said histor, no sas it laout. The imperial palae is meridian gate, the south to the north is reature, DongHuaMen on the east, the est gate xihua, is the fine struture of the Angle of the sample. Polhedral alls more than 10 meters high and a moat 52 meters ide, 800 meters long, is not onl spetaular beaut.

Mandarin house is the plae here the emperor on the earl. Hall of martial valor is to eat, plae to live and to meet ith seretar of the emperor. Palae of earthl tranquilit and palae of heavenl purit is the emperor, the queen mother lived, in addition to these plaes, and after three palae and natural. The palae in61, is onsidered b UNESCO orld ultural heritage.

Finished m introdution, I believe ou kno a bit about the Forbidden Cit also. I ish ou all have fun!


The imperial palae is the largest and most plete imperial palae in China, is the most magnifient anient arhitetural

plex in the orld, has a histor of nearl 600 ears.

The Forbidden Cit is China s Ming and qing dnasties 24 of the emperor s palae, the palae onstrution laout an be divided into the outer ourt and the imperial palae. The outer ourt is the plae here the emperor held a eremon and summoned the minister. Whih building is the hall of supreme harmon, zhonghe palae and Baohe Palae, the three main halls of the mandarin house and hall of martial valor is divided on both sides. Imperial palae is the emperor to handle dail affairs and the harem onubines and oung prine live, pla, in the plae of god.

The Forbidden Cit, a total of more than 9000 rooms, ith a house, most magnifient majest. The Forbidden Cit is China s

anient arhiteture masters and skillful raftsman is speial the rstallization of tehnolog and rih alike. Suh as: 72 pillars

in the hall of supreme harmon, inluding six pillar is plated ith gold, ith golden dragon oiled. Through the railing into the hall look, ou ill see in a glorious temple. Is gilded throne, armrest is silver plated, four inense burner is made of ood, it s gorgeous. After the hall of supreme harmon is zhonghe palae, zhonghe palae is the plae here the emperor rest. The most let ou amazing is onfirmed and behind a piee

of stone. Stone arving a 1

6. 57 meters, idth

3. 7 meters, the thik one. Seven meters, more than 200 tons. Vulture on the rough sea, alking on dragons. The Palae Museum trul as China s valuable ultural heritage!

No I ll give ou to hours of free time to visit. Please the fae of these ultural relis left behind b our anestors, to herish all the more, be areful, don t damage, ou an use the amera aording to their favorite part. And, in addition to the photos, ou don t take anthing, besides, ou don t leave anthing.

We should get bak, hope ou like Beijing, have a hane to e to Beijing to visit the other 20 ultural heritage.

