新一代大学英语视听说教程1 U1 课件
新一代大学英语视听说教程1 U1 PPT 课件

Step 1 Step 2
Step 3
Student A turns to Page 123. Student B turns to Page 124. Student A describes Picture A to Student B, and the latter draws the picture without asking any questions. Student A does not correct Student B even if he / she makes mistakes. Student B describes Picture B to Student A and Student A draws the picture. There will be constant communication between you to make the drawing match the original picture as much as possible.
Listening and
How to apologize
Listening and understanding
Reference answers Step 1: Prepare. Step 2: Approach. Step 3: Lower your voice. Step 4: Make eye contact. Step 5: Give the apology. Step 6: Take the wrap. Step 7: Finish on a positive.
新一代大学英视听说教程1 U2 PPT 课件

Listening and
Genetically modified food Listening and understanding
Arguments for GM food
Arguments against GM food
• GM food is probably 1) _s_a_fe__r_ • GM food is unnatural and therefore
Unit 2
Food and Health
01 Warm-up 02 Listening and Speaking 03 Viewing and Speaking 04 Project
Work in pairs on the following activities. Step 1 Read the food terms and the descriptions carefully.
over a decade, there is still extensive controversy about it. Work in two groups and hold an informal debate on the topic “Is GM food beneficial?”. You can base your argument on what you’ve heard from the conversation, your own experience and reasoning, and what you’ve learned from books, newspapers, or the Internet.
新一代大学英语视听说教程1 U2 PPT 课件

1 Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness. —Edward Stanley
2 The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not. —Mark Twain
Unit 2
Food and Health
01 Warm-up 02 Listening and Speaking 03 Viewing and Speaking 04 Project
Work in pairs on the following activities.
Reference answers
1 Main points: Healthy eating is not just about keeping a healthy weight – it affects one’s total state of well-being. Poor eating habits are linked to a large number of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. My father, for example, always buys organic food even if it is more expensive. He tries to ensure a healthy and balanced diet for the family.

food in its natural state.
Work in pairs on the following activities.
Step 2
List the foods that you ate for breakfast, lunch and supper yesterday. For each of them, decide whether it is genetically modified, local, whole, processed, or organic.
it is eaten. It does not spend days or weeks to be transported
and is therefore generally fresher.
GM food 4 It is food that is produced from organisms that have had
Unit 2
Food and Health
Listening and Speaking
Viewing and Speaking
Work in pairs on the following activities.
Step 1
Reference answers
Breakfast Lunch Supper源自Muffin Banana

全新版⼤学英语视听说教程1(全)全新版⼤学英语视听说教程1U1ListeningA:1、Answers will vary. . He is picking an asparagus plant;he is a farmer.)2、Answers will vary. . Some people have too much rain;other people do not have enough water.3、Answers will vary.C:1、crucial2、resources3、huge4、on average5、conserve6、requires7、cut8、leak9、wastes10、statisticsD:1、C2、BC3、BE:1、70 22、billion3、9 billion4、1,7995、3,000 13F:1、water brush your teeth2、shorter showers3、meat4、leaky faucetsExtended ListeningExercise A:1、C2、B3、D4、CExercise B:S2: 6、20、25、80S3:put off、dripping、leaky、leave、brushing your teeth、shorter showers、laundry Exercise C:1、C2、B3、B4、A5、AExercise D:wastefula、leave the lights onb、drink half of itc、go badExercise E:3 2 1 4Exercise F:1、D2、B3、AExercise G:1、362、140,0003、 3 17Exercise H:1、B2、A3、B1、agreement world greenhouse emissions2、February 20053、air conditioning jackets and ties4、carbon emissionsSpeakingExercise D:serv nough tis leak cent la get wastTEDTalksC. Vocabulary:1—5:CBBAB6—10:CAACBD. Watch for Main Ideas:4E. Watch for Details:Segment 11、B2、A3、C4、ASegment 2I:You should follow two steps to use a paper towel correctly. A:ShakeB:FoldF. Expand Your Vocabulary:1、B2、A3、A4、BSelf-test1—5:BADAB6—10:DACCB1—5:CADCA6—10:BDDCCA. Communicate:1、Answers will vary. . Africa, east Africa, Tanzania and Kenya2、Answers will vary. . A cheetah is chasing a wildebeest in the Serengeti National Park.3、Answers will vary. . a trip to see animals in their natural habitatB. Think Critically1、photo safari.2、Awesome3、His reasons for going on a safariC. Vocabulary1、cycle2、essential3、a couple of4、motivation5、chases6、illegally7、landscape8、endangered9、extinct10、conservationD. Listen for Main Ideas1、BD2、4-3-1-2E. Listen for Details1、F2、T3、F4、T5、F6、F7、T1、B2、C3、A4、C5、BExtended Listening Exercise A1、B2、C3、DExercise B1、F2、T3、F4、T5、TExercise C1、C2、D3、AExercise D1、low carbon footprint2、environment3、incredible diversityExercise E1、C2、B3、DExercise F1、June 152、NANPA3、20064、outdoors camera interest hills cliffs Park Exercise G2、D3、BExercise H1、a school2、an organization3、a person4、a workshop5、a lakeSpeakingExercise A1、A professional guide.2、They had seven seats.3、In tents, in a camp.4、Female lions5、In the middle of the road6、Lying, sleeping.7、About 10 feet away8、For about 15 minutes.TEDTalksD. Vocabulary1–5:ABACB6—10:ACBBCWatchE. Watch for Main Ideas3F. Watch for Details1、=2、→→3、spctclr 2% ↑m ↑ftH. Watch for Details1 、giant super grapefruit spectacular2、tactile warm charged turquoise straightI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B after a while2、A I’m just kidding3、A small-scale versionSelf-test1–5: ADCAB6—10:DBCCC1—5: CADDB6–10:DACCAU3ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. . The photo shows a lot of trafficin a city. It was taken in Xiamen, China.2、Answers will vary. . traffic, long commutes, difficultyparking, accidents3、Answers will varyB. CommunicateAnswers will vary. . The speaker says that cars are not very eco-friendly. Alternative methods of transportation are different ways to travel that are better fo r the environment. An example is riding a bike.C. Vocabulary1、g2、d3、c4、a6、e7、b8、f9、I10、hD. Listen for Main Ideas1、To begin cable car (Mi Teleférico)2、I’m going to present e-bikes (electric bicycles)3、My topic today is electric microcarsE. Listen for DetailsProblems w / travel to / from El Alto & La Paz:dangerousnoisetrafficpollutionBenefits of Mi Teleférico system:convenientcheapeco-friendlyF. Listen for Details1、1,5002、20-303、a penny 1,0004、185、15Exercise G1、T2、F3、T4、T5、FExtended ListeningExercise A2、D3、C4、AExercise B1、F2、F3、TExercise C1、In 20102、Two3、They could communicate with each other and pass each other safely4、General Motors and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.5、Two years.Exercise D1、A3、A4、AExercise EAdvantages of regenerative brakes:1、converted stored used2、wear and tearAdvantages of smart sensors:1、safer2、delays3、passengersAdvantages of magnetic levitation:1、silently2、pollutantsExercise F1、C2、B3、DExercise G1、electric vehicle owners place charge2:a、full battery coverb、Electrify batteriesExercise H1、C2、B3、BExercise I1、2002、Their energy consumption and CO?emissions by 50%.3、Electricity4、It can emit between 20 to 35% less carbon per passenger mileTEDTalks。
全新版大学英语听说教程Book 1 Unit 1

Time Allotment: 2 periods
Procedures: Period 1 Part A Greetings and Introductions
Period 2 Part B Talking about studying English Part C How to improve listening comprehension Home Listening Part D English pronunciation
Speaking task
Step 1: Ask students to read the dialogue
Step 2: Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Step 3: Ask students to create their own dialogue.
Part B Talking about studying English
Step 1: Arrange the students in pairs and ask them to discuss the questions on page 4. Step 2: Bring the students attention to the Language Focus box and tell them they may use the expressions. Step 3: Language and culture notes. freshman: a first-year university student Singapore: a country in Southeast Asia with a population of about 3.4 million. English is one of its official languages. Step 3: Read exercise 1 and ask them to guess the questions from their reading of the choices. Step 4: Listen to the tape and finish exercise one and two.
unit 1大学英语视听说课件第一册

Section One
Dialogue 4 A) He has no idea about it. B) He’s quite interested in it. C) He enjoys it. D) He doesn’t like it.
Intensive Listening
B) David’s teacher. D) David’s friend.
4. How long has David played soccer? A) One year. B) Few years. C) Two years. D) Many years.
good5. Why do they have to say good-bye to Miss Smith? A) Because they will have a party. B) Because they will have a soccer match. C) Because they will attend a class. D) Because they will watch a play.
Book 1 – Unit 1
Section One
Dialogue 2
Intensive Listening
A) Interesting. C) All right.
B) Uninteresting. D) Too bad.
M: How's life, Kate? All right? W: Yes, not too bad, thanks. I’m a bit fed up with (厌倦) revising though. Are you? Question: How does the woman think of her life?

新一代大学英语视听说教程1-U6-PPT-课件第一部分:课程介绍1.1 教材概述新一代大学英语视听说教程1是一本为大学生设计的英语教材,主要侧重于培养学生的听说能力。
1.2 课件特点本次课程的PPT课件是第一单元的课件,主要内容围绕着“学习英语的方法和技巧”展开。
第二部分:课件内容2.1 第一部分:英语学习方法介绍•学会制定学习计划,合理安排学习时间;1•多听多读多说多写,锻炼听说能力;•利用各种学习资源,如英语电影、听力材料等;•创设英语语言环境,与他人进行交流。
2.2 第二部分:听力技巧讲解•提高听力技巧的重要性;•如何有效利用暂停按钮和重放功能;•如何辨别关键词和主要信息;•如何通过上下文猜测单词的意思。
2.3 第三部分:口语表达训练•如何准备口语表达的主题;•学会运用合适的语言表达自己的观点;•培养灵活运用词汇和语法的能力;•改善语音语调,增加语言流利度。
2.4 第四部分:写作技巧分享•提升写作能力的重要性;•如何进行写作规划和结构安排;2•学会使用恰当的过渡词和连接词;•加强对语法和拼写的练习。

Listening and
How to apologize Listening and understanding
Reference answers
Step 1: Prepare. Step 2: Approach. Step 3: Lower your voice. Step 4: Make eye contact. Step 5: Give the apology. Step 6: Take the wrap. Step 7: Finish on a positive.
Reference answers
- My relationship with my boyfriend is like a journey. It has twists and turns, ups and downs. Sometimes the road is smooth, sometimes it is rough, and sometimes there are even accidents on the road. But we have made it here all the way and I believe it has been a worthy journey.
2 Work in pairs on the following activities.

Now listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each
of the questions you hear.
2 A. Ask the teacher for help. B. Work harder to catch up. C. Do more daily homework. D. Change her learning style.
新一代大学英语(基础篇) 视听说教程 1 Unit 1
Explore 1: Listening and speaking
Listening and understanding
There are many differences between school life in high school and that of college. The type of homework is one of these differences.
Next page
新新一一代代大大学学英英语语((基基础础篇篇)) 视视听听说说教教程程11 UUnnitit11
Prepare Warming up
Have you already known all your classmates? Now do the following activity to get familiar with your classmates. STEP 2 Introduce the classmate you’ve just interviewed to the class.
新新一一代代大大学学英英语语((基基础础篇篇)) 视视听听说说教教程程11 UUnnitit11
创新大学英语视听说教程 第一册 视听说1_U1_Home Page讲解

Task B
After a hard day’s _s_tu_d_y_, going out and having f_u_n_ is what university life is all about.
University life is about _le_a_r_n_i_n_g_. You are expected to study a number of hours every day.
Task B
Whose idea do you agree with most? Why? I agree with … most because …
Whose idea do you agree with least? Why? I agree with … least because …
Task B
Six people are talking about university life. Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Then answer the questions.
University life is mysterious, and you n__e_v_e_r know what you will get. One of the best things about university life is living _a_w_a_y_ from home. You have f_re_e_d__o_m_ to do whatever you want to do. In the first week of university you may feel _l_o_n_e_ly_ and nervous. Just remember that everyone is in the same b_o_a_t_, and you will feel better.
新一代大学英语视听说教程1 U2 PPT 课件精编版

Listening and Speaking
Topic One
Genetically modified food
Genetically modified food
Listening and understanding
1 Listen to a conversation on GM food and decide whether the
Listening and
Genetically modified food Listening and understanding
2 Listen to the conversation again and complete the table with
what you hear.
• Genetic modification could be destruction of wildlife, for example, larks
used to make 3) _v_e__g_e_ta_b__le_s__ are rapidly 5) _d_e__cr_e_a_s_i_n_g_i_n__n_u_m__b_e_r_s_.
and refined as little as possible, before being consumed. It is
food in its natural state.
Work in pairs on the following activities.
Step 2
List the foods that you ate for breakfast, lunch and supper yesterday. For each of them, decide whether it is genetically modified, local, whole, processed, or organic.
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Listening and
How to apologize Listening and understanding
Reference answers
Step 1: Prepare. Step 2: Approach. Step 3: Lower your voice. Step 4: Make eye contact. Step 5: Give the apology. Step 6: Take the wrap. Step 7: Finish on a positive.
2 Work in pairs on the following activities.
Step 4
Discuss with your partner about the processes of drawing. Which way of communication, one-way for Picture A, or two-way for Picture B, is more effective? Do you think this is the same to our interpersonal relationships?
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3
Student A turns to Page 123. Student B turns to Page 124. Student A describes Picture A to Student B, and the latter draws the picture without asking any questions. Student A does not correct Student B even if he / she makes mistakes. Student B describes Picture B to Student A and Student A draws the picture. There will be constant communication between you to make the drawing match the original picture as much as possible.
- My relationship with my friends is like a book. It takes a long time to write, but only a minute to tear up.
2 Work in pairs on the following activities.
Listening and Speaking
Topic One
How to apologize
How to apologize Listening and understanding
1 Sometimes, we do things that require an apology. But
oftentimes it is not easy to open the mouth. Now you are going to hear some advice on how to apologize from an etiquette expert. Len steps of apologizing.
Reference answers
- My relationship with my boyfriend is like a journey. It has twists and turns, ups and downs. Sometimes the road is smooth, sometimes it is rough, and sometimes there are even accidents on the road. But we have made it here all the way and I believe it has been a worthy journey.
journey garden seed nutrient fruit tree film show dance song dream party game weather wind sunshine star fire spice book dictionary smartphone chemical paint piano key
Listening and
How to apologize
Listening and understanding
2 Listen to the talk again and fill in the blanks with the phrases
and expressions you hear. Then work in pairs and explain them in the context of the talk.
Unit 1
Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills
01 Warm-up 02 Listening and Speaking 03 Viewing and Speaking 04 Project
1 Work in groups to make a list of various kinds of interpersonal relationships in our lives. Then choose a word in the following box to describe the relationships. You may use your own word if it’s not included.