数学中英名词对照表以下是一些常见的数学中英名词对照表:1.数学(Mathematics):2.代数(Algebra):•代数方程(Algebraic equation)•多项式(Polynomial)•因子(Factor)•等式(Equation)•变量(Variable)•系数(Coefficient)3.几何(Geometry):•图形(Figure)•角度(Angle)•直线(Line)•圆(Circle)•面积(Area)•体积(Volume)•对称(Symmetry)4.统计学(Statistics):•数据(Data)•平均数(Mean)•中位数(Median)•众数(Mode)•标准差(Standard deviation)•概率(Probability)•抽样(Sampling)5.微积分(Calculus):•导数(Derivative)•积分(Integration)•极限(Limit)•微分方程(Differential equation)•曲线(Curve)•点斜式(Point-slope form)6.线性代数(Linear Algebra):•矩阵(Matrix)•行列式(Determinant)•向量(Vector)•特征值(Eigenvalue)•线性方程组(System of linear equations)•范数(Norm)7.数论(Number Theory):•质数(Prime number)•最大公约数(Greatest common divisor, GCD)•最小公倍数(Least common multiple, LCM)•同余(Congruence)•素因数分解(Prime factorization)8.逻辑学(Logic):•命题(Proposition)•范式(Normal form)•谓词(Predicate)•推理(Inference)•命题逻辑(Propositional logic)•谓词逻辑(Predicate logic)这只是数学中的一小部分术语对照表,数学领域非常广泛,涵盖了许多分支和专业术语。
“ G ” Start : * G/A : Gate Array * GVIF: Gigabit Video Inter Face “ H ” Start : peration(高溫動作測試 高溫動作測試) * HTO : High Temperature Operation(高溫動作測試)
HannStar Confidential
HannStar Confidential
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பைடு நூலகம்
F ” Start : Circuit(軟性印刷電路 軟性印刷電路) FPC : Flexible Printed Circuit(軟性印刷電路) ransistor(場效電晶體 場效電晶體) FET : Field Effect Transistor(場效電晶體) Inspection(最終檢查 最終檢查) FI : Final Inspection(最終檢查) isplay(平面顯示器 平面顯示器) FPD : Flat Panel Display(平面顯示器) FQC : Finished goods Quality Control nalysis(失效模式效應分析 失效模式效應分析) FMEA: Failure Mode Effect Analysis(失效模式效應分析)
模組MDL專有名詞list 模組MDL專有名詞list MDL專有名詞
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NP230 .姜歌 .Ver4
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Start: : Allotropic Conductive Film (異方性導電膜) (異方性導電膜) 異方性導電膜 : Acf On Pcb (允收水準 允收水準) : Acceptive Quality Limited (允收水準) (承認驗證 承認驗證) : Approval Test (承認驗證) Start : Light(背光源 背光源) : Back Light(背光源) atrix(黑色矩陣 黑色矩陣) : Black Matrix(黑色矩陣) all- ird- rray(球形封裝技術 球形封裝技術) : Ball-Gird-Array(球形封裝技術) Material(物料清單 物料清單) : Bill Of Material(物料清單)
• 1. 按显示颜色分:黑白屏和彩色屏 • 2. 按结构类型分:COB,COG,COF,SMT等 • 3. 按显示视角分:TN普通视角屏,IPS全视角屏 • 4. 按TFT制作工艺分:a-si, LTPS ,IGZO • 5. 按用途分:手机屏,平板屏,车载屏等 • 6. 按透过率分:全透屏,半反半透,全反等 • 7. 按显示类型分:字符型,数码型,点阵型等
片。 • 16. 尺寸: LCM AA区对角线的长度,一般以英寸表示,如
5寸LCM,5.5寸LCM等。 • 17. 分辨率:指LCM AA区的行和列的点多少。如分别率
为540X960,720X1280等,英文一般以QHD,HD等表示。 • 18. PPI(Pixel per inch):LCM AALAY CO.,LTD.
• LCD:SHARP(夏普),JDI(日本显示), LG, SAMSUNG(三星 ),AUO(友达),CMI/INNOLUX(群创奇美),CPT( 中华映管),HSD(翰宇彩晶),BOE(京东方),TM (天马),CTC(深超),IVO(龙腾),中电熊猫……
点的多少(点的密度)。如PPI为350,即指该LCM点密度为 每英寸350个。
• 19. ACF(Anisotropic Conductive Film ):异方性导电胶膜 。分 COG ACF和FOG ACF两种,作用为连接LCD和IC, 及连接LCD和FPC。
常用液晶显示相关词语中英文对照解释关键词:常用液晶显示常用液晶显示相关词语中英文对照解释英文简称: CH-LCD英文全称: Cholesteric LCDs中文全称: 胆甾相液晶显示器英文简称: COB英文全称: Chip On Board中文全称: 通过邦定将IC裸片固定于印刷线路板上中文解释: 即芯片被邦定(Bonding)在PCB上,这样可省去PCB板等料件,可大大的模块减少体积,同时在价格方面也可降低成本。
英文简称: COG英文全称: Chip On Glass中文全称: 将芯片固定于玻璃上中文解释: 这种安装方式可大大减小整个LCD模块的体积,且易于大批量生产,适用于消费类电子产品用的LCD,如:手机、PDA等便携式电子产品。
这种安装方式在IC生产商的推动下,将会是今后IC与LC D的主要连接方式。
英文简称: COF英文全称: Chip On FPC中文全称: 将IC固定于柔性线路板上中文解释: 这种连接方式的集成度较高,外围元件可以与IC一起安装在柔性PCB上,这是一种新兴技术,目前已进入试生产阶段。
英文简称: Duty英文全称: Duty中文全称: 占空比英文解释: 高出点亮的阀值电压的部分在一个周期中所占的比率英文简称: DVI英文全称: Digital Visual Interface中文全称: 数字接口中文解释: DVI它是1999年由Silicon Image、Intel(英特尔)、Compaq(康柏)、IBM、HP(惠普)、NEC、Fujitsu(富士通)等公司共同组成DDWG(Digital Display Working Group,数字显示工作组)推出的接口标准。
它是以Silicon Image公司的PanalLink接口技术为基础,基于TMDS电子协议作为基本电气连接。
自由力 Liberalization 合作力 Cooperation 行動力 Motion 創新力 Innovation 願景 Vision
(ElectroStatic Discharge)
(Work In Process)
自由力 Liberalization 合作力 Cooperation 行動力 Motion 創新力 Innovation 願景 Vision
自由力 Liberalization 合作力 Cooperation 行動力 Motion 創新力 Innovation 願景 Vision
自由力 Liberalization 合作力 Cooperation 行動力 Motion 創新力 Innovation 願景 Vision
Module Tray
Air Shower 空气洗尘室
自由力 Liberalization 合作力 Cooperation 行動力 Motion 創新力 Innovation 願景 Vision
LED EL CCFL PDP CRT VGA PCB DPI LCM SMD SMT Light Emitting Diode:发光二极管 Electro Luminescence:电致发光。EL 层由高分子量薄片构成 (CCFT)Cold Cathode Fluorescent Light/Tube: 冷阴极荧光灯 Plasma Display Panel:等离子显示屏 Cathode Radial Tube:阴极射线管 Video Graphic Array:视频图形阵列 Printed Circuit Board:印刷电路板 Dot Per Inch:点每英寸 Liquid Crystal Display Modules:液晶显示模块 Surface Mount Device:表面安装器件,俗称贴片元件 Surface Mount Technology:表面安装技术。 一种较传统的安装方式,其优点是可靠性高,缺点是体积大、成本高, 限制 LCM 的小型化。 (指 SMD-IC)
Chip On Board :芯片被邦定(Bonding)在 PCB 上。 COB 由于 IC 制造商在 LCD 控制及相关芯片的生产上正在减小 QFP SMT 封装的产量,因此在今后的产 品中传统的 SMT 方式(SMD-IC)将被逐步取代。 Tape Aotomated Bonding:各向异性导电胶(ACF)连接方式。 TAB 将封装形式为 TCP Tape Carrier Package(带载封装)的 IC 用各向异性导电胶分别固定在 LCD 和 PCB 上,这种安装方式可减小 LCM 的重量 、体积,安装方便可靠性较好。 Chip On Glass:芯片被直接邦定在玻璃上。 COG 这种安装方式可大大减小整个 LCD 模块的体积且易于大批量生产,适用于消费类电子产品用的 LCD ,如手机、PDA 等便携式电子产品,这种安装方式在 IC 生产商的推动下将会是今后 IC 与 LCD 的主要连接方式。 Chip On Film/ FPC:芯片被直接安装在柔性 PCB 上。 COF 这种连接方式的集成度较高外围元件可以与 IC 一起安装在柔性 PCB 上这是一种新兴技术目前已 进入生产阶段。 异方性导电膜,主要的功能只提供两种接合物体垂直方向的电器导通,对于水平方向则具有绝缘 效果,ACF 主要由黏接剂(Binder)与导电粒子组成,一般 ACF 要求的规格主要有四个部分,接 合 强度,绝缘组抗,接合组抗与可靠度。 Organic Light Emitting Diode: OLED 高分子有机发光二极管,OLED 具有自发光性、广视角、高对比、低耗电、高应答速度、全彩化、 制程简单等优点,OLED 显示器的种类可分单色、多彩及全彩等种类,而其中以全彩制作技术最为 困难, OLED 显示器依驱动方式的不同又可分为被动式 (Passive Matrix, PMOLED) 与主动式 (active matrix,AMOLED) 。
L C M产品术语解释 Revised by Petrel at 2021L C D p a n e l:显示屏1.COG:chiponglass:IC压接在屏上2.COGF:chiponglass+FPC:IC压接在屏上并附带FPC引出电路3.COGP:chiponglass+PIN:IC压接在屏上并附带金属PIN脚引出电路4.FOG:FPConglass:无IC,由FPC引出电路5.POG:Pinonglass:无IC,由金属PIN引出电路6.COB:Chiponboard:IC绑定在硬性电路板上(PCB)7.HOG:heatsealon?glass:无IC,由热压纸引出电路BL:背光BL_LG=?justthelightguidesize:背光导光板BL_Frame?=?thehousingwithoutthelightguide:背光胶框支架,不包含导光板BL_LED?=PCB(FPC)+LED:LED灯连接方式,分FPC与PCB两种BL_cable=FPCorcablewithconnector:灯电路引出,分FPC或排线并附带连接器BL?=BL_Frame+BL_lightguide+BL_LED+BL_cable完整背光:包含背光支架,导光板,灯条,排线!LCM:LCD_Module(LCM)=LCD+BL:液晶显示模组:包含显示屏加背光TLCM=?Touchpanel+LCD+BL:液晶显示模组:包含触摸屏,显示屏和背光TP:touchpanel触摸屏FPC:FlexiblePrintedCircuit软性线路板、柔性印刷电路板,挠性线路板PCBA:PrintedCircuitBoard+AssemblyPCB空板经过SMT上件,再经过DIP插件的整个制程PCB:PrintedCircuitBoard印刷电路板BL:Backlight背光IC:Integratecircuit集成电路。
英文术语描述英文中文ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 异方性(各向异性)导电膜Aging 老化试验Air Gun 空气枪Assembly 组装BLU Back Light Unit背光模块BLM Back Light Module 背光模组BEF Brightness Enhancement Film 增亮膜BM Black Matrix黑色遮光矩阵Bonding 压焊(或邦定)CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube冷阴极荧光管CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp冷阴极荧光灯Cell TFT+CF+LC液晶Cell gap 玻璃间的高度CF Color Filter彩色滤光片COF C hip On Film ( Driver IC )芯片贴附在薄膜带CG Color gamut 色域COG C hip On Glass芯片压合在玻璃上CR Contrast Ratio 对比度CRT Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管Reflector 连接器Cross talk Vertical / Horizontal鬼影Cassette 卡匣Data Line 讯号线( on X board ) Diffuser 扩散片Dot defect 点缺陷DBEF Dual Brightness Enhancement Film 双层增亮膜EMI 电磁波干扰ESD Electric Static Discharge静电破坏EEFL External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp外部电极荧光灯FAB 无尘室/ 工厂FFC Flexbible Flat Cable软排线(传递电压讯号用) FPC Flexbible Printed Circuit柔性印刷线路板Flicker 闪烁,调可变电阻去解决FPD Flat Panel Display 平板显示Gate 匣极,整条线称为scan line Glass 玻璃HDTV High Definition TV 高清晰度电视HCFL Hot Cathode Fluorescent Lamp热阴极荧光灯IR Image Retention 影像残留IS Image Sticking 影像残留IPS In-plane switching 平面转换Inline 自动/ 联机Inverter 变压器ITO Indium Tin Oxide 铟錫氧化物(或透明导电膜) Laser 雷射/激光LCD Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器LGP light guide plate导光板LED Light Emitting Diod 发光二极管Line defect 线缺陷LIPS LCD Integrated Power System LCD集成电源系统Module 模块( 成品)mura Color 瑕疵/ 不均匀/ 色差MPRT Motion Picture Response Time 动态画面响应时间ND filter 遮光板Noise 噪声Offline 手动/ 单机OLB Out Lead Bonding外引脚接合Packing 包装Pallet 栈板Panel Cell + X / Y board玻璃/面版Pattern 画面PCB Print Circuit Board印刷电路板Pixel 像素PLO Ploarizer偏光器/偏光板Prism 棱镜/聚光片REF Reflector 反射片R/W Rework重工RGB R ed / G reen / B lue红色绿色蓝色Response Time 响应时间Scan Line 扫描线( on Y board )S/N Serial Number序号SOP 标准作业指导书Source 源极,整条线称为data line Spacer 分隔物Spec Standard Product Engineer Control规格SDTV Standard Definition TV 标准清晰度电视TAB Tape Automatic Bonding软片自动接合STN Super Twisted Nematic 超扭转型(或超扭曲向列型) TN Twisted Nematic 扭转型(或扭曲向列型) TFT Thin Film Transistor薄膜晶体管Uniformity 均勻性Viewing Angle 可视角度。
Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry:An Introduction.Robert E.ArdreyCopyright¶2003John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.ISBNs:0-471-49799-1(HB);0-471-49801-7(PB) Glossary of TermsThis section contains a glossary of terms,all of which are used in the text.Itis not intended to be exhaustive,but to explain briefly those terms which often cause difficulties or may be confusing to the inexperienced reader.Accuracy The closeness of a result to its true value.Accurate mass The m/z ratio of an ion determined to high accuracy to enablethe elemental composition of the ion to be determined.Adduct ion An ion arising from the combination of two species,e.g.the molec-ular species observed in a positive-ion APCI spectrum is usually an adduct ofthe analyte molecule with a species such as H+,Na+or NH4+.Aerospray An atmospheric-pressure ionization technique in which dropletsare formed from a liquid stream by a combination of heat and a nebuliz-ing gas and ions are formed by ion evaporation rather than ion–molecule reactions.Affinity chromatography A form of chromatography in which separation is achieved by utilizing highly specific biochemical interactions,such as steric-or charge-related conditions,between the analyte and a molecule immobilizedon a column.It is different from most forms of chromatography in that analytesdo not continuously elute from the column–only those that interact with the stationary phase are retained and thus separated from other components ofthe mixture under investigation.These immobilized materials are eluted fromthe column after all other materials have been removed.Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization(APCI)An ionization method in which a liquid stream is passed through a heated capillary and a concentricflow of a nebulizing gas.Ions are formed by ion–molecule reactions betweenthe analyte and species derived from the HPLC mobile phase.Atmospheric-pressure ionization(API)A general term used for all forms of ionization that take place at atmospheric pressure.248Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Background-subtracted spectrum A mass spectrum from which ions aris-ing from species other than the analyte have been removed by computer manipulation.Base peak The most intense ion in a mass spectrum.The intensity of other ions in the spectrum are reported as a percentage of the intensity of the base peak. Biotransformation An alternative term for drug metabolism.Buffer An electrolyte added to the HPLC mobile phase.Capacity factor The parameter used in HPLC to measure the retention of an analyte.Capillary column This term refers to a chromatographic column of‘small’diameter and is used in both gas and high performance liquid chromatogra-phy.In HPLC,the term is usually applied to columns with internal diameters of between0.1and2mm.The term microbore column is often used synony-mously to describe these columns but is more correctly applied to columns with internal diameters of1or2mm.Charge-residue mechanism One of the two mechanisms used to account for the production of ions by electrospray ionization.Chemical ionization An ionization method used to maximize the production of intact molecular ed for volatile,thermally stable analytes. Chemical noise Signals from species other than the analyte present in the sys-tem or sample that cannot be resolved from that of the analyte. Chromatographic selectivity The degree to which compounds are separated on a particular chromatographic system.Chromatography General term for a number of methods used to separate the individual components of a mixture.Collision energy The energy of the collision between an ion and a gas molecule which may be used to vary the amount of fragmentation observed. Collision-induced dissociation Fragmentation of an ion by collision with a gas molecule.Concentration-sensitive detector A detector for which the intensity of re-sponse is proportional to the concentration of analyte reaching it.Cone-voltage fragmentation Fragmentation of ions,commonly produced by APCI or electrospray ionization,effected by the application of a voltage within the source of the mass spectrometer.Constant-neutral-loss scan An MS–MS scan in which ions containing a par-ticular structural feature may be identified.Corona discharge Occurs when thefield at the tip of the electrode is suffi-ciently high to ionize the gas surrounding it but insufficiently high to cause a spark.An integral part of the APCI interface.Coulombic explosion The process by which a droplet disintegrates into a number of smaller droplets which occurs when the repulsive forces between charges on the surface of a droplet are greater than the cohesive force of surface tension.Glossary of Terms249 Diode-array UV detector A UV detector which monitors all wavelengths simultaneously and therefore allows a complete UV spectrum to be obtained instantaneously.The alternative,a dispersive UV detector,monitors one wave-length at a time and thus requires a considerable amount of time to record a complete spectrum.Discharge electrode An electrode used to generate a corona discharge. Double-focusing mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer consisting of elec-trostatic and magnetic sector analysers capable of achieving high-mass spectral resolution.Drug metabolism The process by which drugs are transformed in the body to a form that is more readily eliminated.Dynamic range(of a detector)The range over which the addition of further analyte brings about an increase,however small,in detector response. Edman degradation A method of amino acid sequencing in proteins in which successive N-terminal amino acids are removed from the polypeptide chain and identified.Electrohydrodynamic ionization A process in which a high voltage is used to generate droplets from which ions are desorbed under conditions of high vacuum.Electron ionization An ionization method employed in mass spectrometry in which analytes,in the vapour phase,are bombarded with high-energy electrons. Electrospray The process whereby a liquid stream is broken up into droplets by the action of a high potential.Electrospray ionization The production of ions from droplets produced by the electrospray process.Electrostatic analyser(ESA)An energy-focusing device used in a double-focusing mass spectrometer to increase mass spectral resolution.Energy-sudden ionization technique One in which energy is provided to a thermally labile molecule so rapidly that it is desorbed and ionized before decomposition takes place.Enzyme digestion The treating of a protein with a proteolytic enzyme to form a number of smaller peptides which may then be sequenced. Experimental design A number of formal procedures whereby the effect of experimental variables on the outcome of an experiment may be assessed. These may be used to assess the optimum conditions for an experiment and to maximize the accuracy and precision obtained.External standard A method of relating the intensity of a signal from an analyte measured in an‘unknown’to the amount of analyte present.This method consists of running a series of standards containing known amounts of the analyte independently from the samples to be determined.Factor An experimental variable that has(or may have)an effect on the out-come of an experiment,e.g.temperature,concentration of reactants,presence of a catalyst,etc.250Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Factorial design One method of experimental design that allows interactions between factors to be investigated,i.e.whether changing one experimental variable changes the optimum value of another.Fast-atom bombardment An ionization method used for involatile and ther-mally labile materials.In this technique,the sample is dissolved in a matrix material and bombarded with a high-energy atom or ion beam.Field desorption An ionization method in which sample is deposited on a wire to which a high voltage is applied.Flow programming Varying the HPLCflow rate during the course of a separation.Forward-geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer A double-focusing mass spectrometer in which the electrostatic analyser precedes the magnetic analyser.Four-sector mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer used for MS–MS studies consisting of two double-focusing mass spectrometers in series. Fragmentor voltage Another term for cone-voltage fragmentation.General detector A(chromatographic)detector which responds to all com-pounds reaching it.Glycoprotein A protein containing sugar molecules attached to its polypep-tide chain.Glycosylation The incorporation of a sugar molecule into a protein. Gradient elution The changing of HPLC mobile phase composition during the course of an analysis.High-resolution mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer capable of high res-olution and measuring m/z ratios with high accuracy to enable the atomic composition of an ion to be determined.Hybrid mass spectrometer An MS–MS instrument combining magnetic sector and quadrupole mass analysers.Hybrid technique The combination of two or more analytical techniques. Hyphenated technique The combination of two analytical techniques. Injector A common term for the method of sample introduction into a chro-matographic system.In-source fragmentation(see Cone-voltage fragmentation)Interface The hardware employed to link two analytical techniques.The pri-mary purpose of an interface is to ensure that the operational requirements of each of the techniques are not compromised by the other.Interference A species other than the analyte of interest which gives a detec-tor response.Internal standard A method of relating the intensity of signal from an analyte measured in an‘unknown’to the amount of analyte present.In this approach, a known amount of an internal standard is added to both calibration andGlossary of Terms251‘unknown’samples and the ratio of signal intensities of the analyte and internal standard in each is calculated.This method of standardization improves both accuracy and precision.Ion evaporation One of the two mechanisms used to account for the production of ions by electrospray ionization.Ion–molecule reaction The reaction between an ion and a neutral molecule which leads to the production of an adduct ion.Ion-pairing reagent A compound that forms a complex with an ionic com-pound to allow its analysis using HPLC.Ionspray Pneumatically assisted electrospray–a process in which nebuliz-ing gas is used in conjunction with a high voltage to form droplets from a liquid stream.Ion-trap A low-resolution mass analyser.Isocratic elution The use of a mobile phase of constant composition during the course of an analysis.LC–MS–MS The combination of HPLC with MS–MS.Library searching The use of a computer to compare a mass spectrum to be identified with large numbers of reference spectra.Limit of detection The smallest quantity of an analyte that can be detected reliably.Limit of quantitation The smallest quantity of an analyte that can be deter-mined with accuracy and precision.Linear range The range of concentrations over which the analytical signal is directly proportional to the amount of analyte present.Linked scanning A series of techniques in which the electrostatic analyser voltage and magneticfield strength of a double-focusing mass spectrometer are scanned to obtain MS–MS spectra.Low-resolution mass spectrometer A spectrometer which is capable of mea-suring the m/z ratio of an ion to the nearest integer value.Magnetic sector A low-resolution mass analyser in which the variation of a magneticfield is used to bring ions of different m/z ratios to a detector. Mass-analysed ion kinetic energy spectrometry(MIKES)A form of MS–MS product-ion scan that may be carried out on a reversed-geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer.Mass chromatogram(see Reconstructed ion chromatogram)Mass-flow-sensitive detector A detector for which the intensity of response is proportional to the amount of analyte reaching it.Mass-sensitive detector(see Mass-flow-sensitive detector)Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization(MALDI)A method used for the ionization of high-molecular-weight compounds.In this approach,the ana-lyte is crystallized with a solid matrix and then bombarded with a laser of a frequency which is absorbed by the matrix material.252Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Matrix effects An increase or decrease in signal intensity from an analyte due to the presence of any other materials in the sample in which it is being determined.Matrix material A material used in fast-atom bombardment and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization to transfer energy to an analyte molecule to bring about its ionization.Maximum entropy A computer algorithm used to predict the theoretical signal from which that observed in a spectrum has been ed in conjunction with electrospray ionization to enhance the quality of the spectra obtained. McLafferty rearrangement A molecular rearrangement that occurs under cer-tain ionization conditions which results in the production of characteristic ions in the mass spectrum of the analyte from which it has been generated. Megaflow electrospray An electrospray system capable of producing droplets directly from HPLCflow rates of the order of1ml min−1(true electrospray is most efficient atflow rates of the order of10µl min−1).Microbore column(see Capillary column)Mobile phase That part of a chromatographic system which causes the analyte to move from the point of injection to the detector–in HPLC,this is a liquid. Molecular ion The ion in the mass spectrum corresponding to the unfragmented molecule under investigation.Monoisotopic molecular weight The molecular weight of an analyte,calcu-lated by using the masses of the more/most abundant isotopes of each of the elements present.MS–MS A number of techniques in which two stages of mass spectrometry are used in series to probe the relationship between ions formed from an analyte–also known as tandem mass spectrometry.MS n An extension of MS–MS in which more than two stages of mass spec-trometry are used to probe the relationship between ions formed from an analyte.Multiple-ion detection(see Selected-ion monitoring)Multiply charged ion An ion with more than one charge.The electrospray spectra from compounds of high molecular weight contain exclusively multiply charged ions.Murphy’s Law‘If something can go wrong it will do so and at the most inconvenient time!’†Nanoflow electrospray A form of electrospray ionization,carried out atflow rates of the order of nl min−1.Negative ionization The production of negative ions of analytical significance from the analyte of interest.Noise The change in detector response over a period of time in the absence of analyte.This consists of two components,namely the short-term random †As the majority of readers will confirm,this observation regularly holds true in all walks of life.Also known under various other names!Glossary of Terms253 variation in signal intensity,and the drift,i.e.the increase or decrease in the average noise level over a period of time.Normal-phase HPLC An HPLC system in which the mobile phase is less polar that the stationary phase.Packed column An HPLC column containing particles of inert material of typically5µm diameter on which the stationary phase is coated.Peptide A linear chain of a small number of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.The number of amino acids which differentiates between a protein and a peptide remains a matter for discussion.Peptide mapping The process of considering the amino acid sequence infor-mation from peptides obtained by enzyme digestion in an attempt to derive the(amino acid)sequence of the parent protein.Phase I metabolism The introduction of a polar group, hydroxyl group, into a parent drug structure prior to its elimination from the body.Phase II metabolism The reaction of a phase I metabolite with an endogenous compound,e.g.glucuronic acid,to form a polar compound that is eliminated from the body.Plate height The width of a theoretical plate.Plate number The number of theoretical plates in a chromatographic column. This is a measure of the efficiency of the column.Polyimide belt The continuous belt used in the moving-belt LC–MS interface. Post-source decay The term used to describe the production of product-ion MS–MS spectra in a time-of-flight mass analyser.Post-translation modification Changes that occur to proteins after peptide-bond formation has occurred,e.g.glycosylation and acylation.Precision The closeness of replicate measurements on the same sample. Precursor-ion scan An MS–MS scan in which those ions that fragment to a given product ion are detected.Product-ion scan An MS–MS scan in which those ions obtained by fragmen-tation of a given precursor ion are detected.Protein A linear chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.Q–ToF The combination of quadrupole and time-of-flight mass analysers. This allows the m/z ratios of ions produced during a product-ion scan to be measured accurately and the elemental composition of these ions to be determined.Quadrupole A low-resolution mass analyser.Qualitative analysis The analysis of a sample to determine the identity of any compounds present.Quantitative analysis The analysis of a sample to determine the amount of an analyte present.Reagent gas A gas used in chemical ionization to produce species which react with molecules of the analyte of interest to produce a molecular species.254Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Rearrangement ion An ion formed under certain ionization conditions in which the original molecular structure of the analyte has undergone some modifica-tion,i.e.has not been produced by simple bond scission.Reconstructed ion chromatogram A plot of the intensity of an ion of chosen m/z ratio as a function of analysis time.This is produced by computer analysis of mass spectral data acquired over an extended mass range.Reflectron An ion lens used in the time-of-flight mass analyser to increase the distance travelled by an ion and thereby increase the resolution of the instrument.Repeatability The closeness of a set of measurements carried out by a sin-gle analyst on a single instrument within a narrow time-interval using the same reagents.Repeller An electrode used in thermospray ionization to effect fragmentation of molecular species.Reproducibility The closeness of a set of measurements carried out by a num-ber of analysts on a number of instruments over an extended period. Resolution A term which indicates the ability of a device/technique to sepa-rate/distinguish between closely related signals.In chromatography,it relates to the ability to separate compounds with similar retention characteristics,and in mass spectrometry to the ability to separate ions of similar m/z ratios. Retention index The parameter used in gas chromatography to measure the retention of an analyte.Reverse-geometry double-focusing mass spectrometer A double-focusing mass spectrometer in which the magnetic analyser precedes the electrostatic analyser.Reversed-phase HPLC An HPLC system in which the mobile phase is more polar than the stationary phase.Selected-decomposition monitoring An MS–MS scan in which thefirst stage of mass spectrometry is set to transmit a selected ion and the second to trans-mit only a selected product ion.This technique increases the selectivity of the analysis.Selected-ion monitoring A technique in which the mass spectrometer is used to monitor only a small number of ions characteristic of the analyte of interest. Selected-ion recording(see Selected-ion monitoring)Selected-reaction monitoring(See Selected-decomposition monitoring) Selective detector A detector which responds only to compounds containing a certain structural feature.Selectivity The ability to determine the analyte of interest with accuracy and precision in the presence of other materials.Separation factor(see Chromatographic selectivity)Sequence tagging The use of MS–MS to investigate the amino acid sequence of a peptide.Glossary of Terms255 Sequencing The determination of the order in which the repeating units occur in a biopolymer,e.g.amino acids in a protein,sugar residues in a carbohy-drate,etc.Signal enhancement The increase in analyte signal intensity brought about by the presence of extraneous materials in the sample.Signal-to-noise ratio The ratio of the intensity of the analytical signal to that of the noise.This is used in determining the limits of detection and quantitation. Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS–PAGE) An electrophoretic technique used for the separation of proteins.Soft ionization technique An ionization technique that produces molecular species with few,if any,fragment ions.Solute-property detector A detector which monitors a property of the analyte, e.g.the UV detector.Solvent-property detector A detector which monitors a property of the HPLC mobile phase which is perturbed when an analyte elutes from the chromato-graphic column.Spray deposition A method used to apply HPLC eluate in later versions of the moving-belt interface to provide a uniform layer of mobile phase on the belt and thus minimize the production of droplets.Standard additions A method of relating the intensity of signal from an analyte measured in an‘unknown’to the amount of analyte present.This technique is designed to take matrix effects into account.Stationary phase That part of the chromatographic system with which the analytes interact,over which the mobile phaseflows.Suppression effects The decrease in analyte signal intensity brought about by the presence of extraneous materials in the sample.Tandem mass spectrometry An alternative term for MS–MS.Tandem technique An alternative term for the combination of two or more analytical techniques.Theoretical plate In plate theory,the chromatographic column is viewed as a series of narrow layers,known as theoretical plates,within each of which equilibration of the analyte between mobile and stationary phases occurs. Thermally labile compound A compound that decomposes under the influence of heat.Thermospray The process whereby a liquid stream is broken up into droplets by the action of a high temperature.Thermospray ionization The formation of ions from droplets produced by the thermospray process.Three-dimensional quadrupole(see Ion-trap)Time-of-flight mass analyser A mass analyser in which ions are separated‘in time’as they drift through afield-freeflight tube.Total-ion-current trace A plot of the total number of ions reaching the mass spectrometry detector as a function of analysis time.256Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Transformation The mathematical process of changing a‘raw’electrospray spectrum containing a number of multiply charged ions into a mass spectrum plotted on a true mass scale.Triple quadrupole A mass spectrometer consisting of three sets of quadrupole rods in series,which is used extensively for studies involving MS–MS.Tri-sector mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer consisting of an electro-static analyser(ESA),a magnetic sector and a second ESA in series. Universal detector An alternative term for a general detector.Western blotting A means of transferring protein bands from an electrophoresis gel onto afixing medium for further analysis.Z-spray An electrospray source in which ions are extracted into the mass spec-trometer at90◦to the direction in which the spray is produced.MS Glossary on the Web/analyticalreview/mass spec/msglossary.htm。
液晶顯示器 LCD。Liquid crystal display
為一種顯示器,基本原理為將液晶封存在玻璃箱中,然後施以 電極使之產生冷熱變化,而因此影響它的透光性,來達到明滅 的效應。目前常見的液晶顯示器裝置有TN、STN、DSTN與TFT, 前三種之製造基本原理皆相同,成為被動式矩陣液晶,而TFT 則較為複雜,因保有記憶性,而稱為主動式矩陣液晶,由於液 晶顯示器具有佔空間小、面板厚度薄、重量輕、可帄面直角顯 示、耗電量低、無電磁波輻射、無熱輻射等優越性,使之逐漸 取代傳統CRT影像管監視器。LCD顯示器基本上一共有四種顯示 方式:反射式、反射透射轉換式、投射式、透射式。(1).反射 式基本上液晶顯示器本身不發光,藉著所處空間中的光源射入 LCD板中,再由其反射板將光線反射到人的眼中;(2).反射透 射轉換式則是空間中光源充足時可當成反射式,而空間中光線 不夠時則利用內藏之光源作為照明;(3).投射型是利用類似電 影播放原理,利用投射光學將液晶顯示器所顯示出來的影像投 影到遠端較大的螢幕上;(4).透射式液晶顯示器則完全利用內 藏之光源當作照明。
是一種以液晶做為材料的顯示器。液晶為一種介於固態與液態 間的有機化合物,也是一種具有規格性分子排列的化合物,將 其加熱會呈透明液態,將其冷卻會成結晶的混濁固態,因此特 性故稱液晶。液晶顯示器的基本原理為將液晶封存在玻璃箱中, 然後施以電極使之產生冷熱變化,而因此影響它的透光性,來 達到明滅的效應。常見的液晶顯示器分為TN LCD、STN LCD、 DSTN LCD和TFT LCD四種。其中TN LCD、STN LCD和DSTN LCD三 種基本的顯示原理都相同,只是液晶分子的扭曲角度不同而已。 STN LCD的液晶分子扭曲角度為180度甚至270度,尺寸較TN LCD大,可應用於尺寸較大的電子字典、電子娛樂產品、PDA、 行動電話、低階筆記型電腦等。
液晶面板 & LCM制程简介
溶剂清洗 加压清洗
TCP初固定 TCP初固定 TCP压接 TCP压接
准确对位后用异方向性导电胶除固定 脉冲加热压接(较短的引脚) 脉冲加热压接(较短的引脚)
S印制线路 板压接
将S-PWB和TCP 进行邦定 PWB和 常规加热压接(较长的引脚) 常规加热压接(较长的引脚)
LCM制程简介 制程简介
液晶面板&LCM制程简介 制程简介 液晶面板
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L C M 制程
LCM制程简介 制程简介
LCM的常见术语( LCM的常见术语(一): 的常见术语
• LCM (Liquid Crystal Display Module): 液晶显示模组 • COG (Chip on Glass): 晶粒-玻璃接合 • COB:通过邦定将IC裸片固定于印刷线路板上 • COF:将IC固定于柔性线路板上 • TAB (Tape Automated Bonding): 捲带式晶粒接合,柔性带自动连接,带状 元件自动邦定 • ACF (Anisotropic Conductive Film):异方向性导电胶 • OLB (Outer Lead Bonding): 外引脚接合 • ILB (Inner Lead Bonding):内引脚接合 • FPC (Flexible Print Circuit Board): 柔性印制电路板 • TCP(Tape Carrier Package):带状的一体化驱动IC • PCB (Print Circuit Board): 印制电路板 • PWB (Print Wire Board):印制线路板 • CCFL(CCFT): 冷阴极荧光灯 • TFT:薄膜晶体管 • Backlight(B/L): 背光 模组
液晶电视中英文对照术语:英文意义,中文解释LCD:Liquid Crystal Display,液晶显示LCM:Liquid Crystal Module,液晶模块TN:Twisted Nematic,扭曲向列。
液晶分子的扭曲取向偏转90°STN:Super Twisted Nematic,超级扭曲向列。
约180~270°扭曲向列FSTN:Formulated Super Twisted Nematic,格式化超级扭曲向列。
一层光程补偿片加于STN,用于单色显示TFT:Thin Film Transistor,薄膜晶体管Backlight:背光Inverter:逆变器OSD:On Screen Display,在屏上显示DVI:Digital Visual Interface,(VGA)数字接口TMDS:Transition Minimized Differential SignalingLVDS:Low V oltage Differential Signaling,低压差分信号Panelink:-IC:Integrate Circuit,集成电路TCP:Tape Carrier Package,柔性线路板COB:Chip On Board,通过邦定将IC裸片固定于印刷线路板上COF:Chip On FPC,将IC固定于柔性线路板COG:Chip On Glass,将芯片固定于玻璃上Duty:占空比,高出点亮的阀值电压的部分在一个周期中所占的比率LED:Light Emitting Diode,发光二极管EL:Electro Luminescence,电致发光。
EL层由高分子量薄片构成CCFL(CCFT):Cold Cathode Fluorescent Light/Tube,冷阴极荧光灯PDP:Plasma Display Panel,等离子显示屏CRT:Cathode Radial Tube,阴极射线管VGA:Video Graphic Array,视频图形阵列PCB:Printed Circuit Board,印刷电路板Composite video:复合视频Component video:分量视频S-video:S端子,与复合视频信号比,将对比和颜色分离传输NTSC:National Television Systems Committee,NTSC制式、全国电视系统委员会制式PAL:Phase Alternating Line,PAL制式(逐行倒相制式)SECAM:SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire,SECAM制式(顺序与存储彩色电视系统) VOD:Video On Demand,视频DPI:Dot Per Inch,点每英寸。
液晶显示器行业术语中英文版英文缩写:BLU(Back Light Unit):背光源CCFL/CCFT (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Light/Tube):冷阴极荧光灯Composite vide:复合视频Component vide:分量视频COB(Chip On Board):IC裸片通过邦定固定于印刷线路板上COF(Chip On Film):将IC封装于柔性线路板上COG(Chip On Glass):将IC封装于玻璃上CRT(Cathode Radial Tube):阴极射线管DPI(Dot Per Inch):点每英寸Duty:占空比,高出点亮的阀值电压的部分在一个周期中所占的比率DVI(Digital Visual Interface):(VGA)数字接口ECB(Electrically Controlled Birefringence):电控双折射EL(Electro luminescence):电致发光,EL层由高分子量薄片构成FSTN(Formulated STN):薄膜补偿型STN,用于黑白显示HTN(High Twisted Nematic):高扭曲向列的显示类型IC(Integrate Circuit):集成电路Inverter:逆变器ITO(Indium-Tin Oxide):氧化铟锡LCD(Liquid Crystal Display):液晶显示器LCM(Liquid Crystal Module): 液晶模块LED(Light Emitting Diode):发光二极管LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling):低压差分信号NTSC(National Television Systems Committee):NTSC制式,全国电视系统委员会制式OSD(On Screen Display):在屏上显示PAL(Phase Alternating Line)AL制式(逐行倒相制式)PCB(Print Circuit Board):印刷线路板PDP(Plasma Display Panel):等离子体显示SECAM(SE quential Couleur Avec Memoire):SECAM制式(顺序与存储彩色电视系统)STN(Supper Twisted Nematic):超扭曲向列的显示类型S-videS端子,与复合视频信号比,将对比和颜色分离传输TAB(Tape Automated Bonding):柔性带自动连接TCP(Tape Carrier Package):柔性线路板TFT(Thin Film Transistor):薄膜晶体管显示类型TN(Twisted Nematic):扭曲向列的显示类型VFD(Vacuum Fluorescence Display):真空荧光显示VGA(Video Graphic Array):视频图形阵列VOD(Video On Demand):视频点播专有名词:有效显示区域( Active Area) :LCD Panel 的有效显示区域,即可显示文字图形的总面积,图示一般为白色区域即此片Panel 的有效显示区域开口率(Aperture Ratio) :开口率即是每个画素可透光的有效区域除以画素的总面积,开口率越高,整体画面越亮画面比率(Aspect Ratio) :Aspect Ratio为画面宽与高之比率。
LCM 物料中英文对照表1.F RAME: 框架(铁框,塑框)2.P CB:印刷电路板3.I C :集成电路4.C onnector:连接器5.Z IF Connector :插入式连接器6.P NH Connector:排针7.R esistor:电阻8.H eat Seal Connector:斑马纸9.F FC/FPC:软性印刷电路连接器10.Zebra Connector:斑马导电胶连接器11.Solder Wire:锡线12.Solder Paste:锡膏13.Black Epoxy:黑胶14.Die Attach Adhesive IC :红色粘胶15.Bonding Wire:铝质邦定线(铝线)16.Transistor:三极管17.Diode:二极管18.Crystal Resonator:晶振19.Tape:胶纸20.Hot Melt Adhesive Stick:热熔胶棒21.Bolt:螺丝22.Nut:螺帽23.Gasket:垫圏24.ACF:各向异性导电胶25.Silicon Epoxy:硅胶26.Anti-static Gassy Package:防静气泡袋27.Anti-static Package:防静电袋28.Key Panel :按键29.Touch Panel :触板bel:标签纸31.Inductor:电感32.Capacitor:电容33.Miscellaneous Production Material :混杂物料34.LED:发光二极管35.Other Production Material:其它物料36.Mylar Material:玛拉片mp Base :灯座FL:冷阴极荧光灯。
1. LCD panels即LCD液晶玻璃,或液晶屏,简称LCD,是指由上下偏光片、上下ITO玻璃、液晶材料等构成的显示组件,不含控制及驱动电路及器件。
2. LCD Modules即LCD液晶显示模块,或液晶显示模组,简称LCM。
3. Display Format显示方式,对于图形或字符点阵型LCD来说就是显示的行、列像素数,如128*64点阵,表示每行128个像素,每列64个像素;对于段码式,是用可显示的行、列的“8”字数表示,如12*2,表示可显示2行,每行12个“8”字;4. Outline Dimension即外形尺寸,指LCD或LCM的长、宽、高的最大外围尺寸,单位mm;5. Viewing Area即视域尺寸,指LCD上用于显示字符、图形、段码或图符的那部分区域的长、宽尺寸,单位mm; 6. Viewing Modes即显示模式,有两种显示模式,即Positive(正性),或Negative(负性);图1为Positive,是指显示部分是不透光的,非显示部分透光,俗称亮底暗字,常用于环境光线较强的场合。
7. Optical Modes即透光模式,有三种,即:Reflective(反射式):LCD利用外部光线进入LCD后的反射出来的光线进行显示。
8. Operating Modes即工作模式,通常有TN、HTN、STN、FSTN等几种类型。
ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 异向性导电膜COB Chip on Board 通过邦定将IC裸片固定于印刷线路板 COG Chip on Glass 将芯片固定于玻璃上COF Chip on FPC 将芯片固定于FPC 上IC Integrated circuit 集成电路Vop Operating Voltage LCD 驱动电压MOQ Minimum Order Quantity 最小订单数量 RTV Room temperature vulcanizatio 常溫硫化ITO Indiurn tin oxide氧化銦錫 FPC Flexible printed circuit 軟性電路板TAB Tape automated bonding TCP Tape carrier packageFFC Flexible flat cable 可撓性電纜CCFL Cold cathode florescent lamp 冷陰極管TFT Thin film transistor 薄膜電晶體STN Super twist nematic 超級旋轉層列型EL Electro luminescent 冷光片FPD Flat panel display 平面顯示器SMT Surface mount technology 表面黏著技術SMD Surface mount device 表面黏著元件PDP Plasma display panel 等離子體顯示面板TN Twisted nematicSTN Super twisted nematic OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode 有機發光二極體(LCD&LED 的结合品)PLED polymer Light Emitting Diode 高分子有機發光二極體LCD Liquid crystal display液晶顯示面板Steel electrogalvanized coldrolled c SPCC Steel plate coldrolled coil 冷軋鋼板SGCC Steel galvanized coldrolled co 冷軋熱浸鍍鋅鋼板SPHC Steel plate hotrolled coil 熱軋鋼板 LEDLight Emitting Diode 發光二極體 ILB Inner lead bonding OLB Outer lead bonding RMA Return Material Authorization 材料返工授權(碼)BOM Bill of material 料件表SPEC Specification規格(書) SOP Standard operation process標準作業程序(作業指導書) SIP Standard inspection process 標準檢驗程序上 SMT是英文Surface mount technology 的缩写,即表面安装技术。
LCD panel:显示屏1.COG: chip on glass: IC压接在屏上2.COGF: chip on glass + FPC:IC压接在屏上并附带FPC引出电路3.COGP: chip on glass +PIN:IC压接在屏上并附带金属PIN脚引出电路4.FOG: FPC on glass:无IC,由FPC引出电路5.POG: Pin on glass:无IC,由金属PIN引出电路6.COB: Chip on board:IC绑定在硬性电路板上(PCB)7.HOG: heat seal onglass:无IC,由热压纸引出电路BL:背光BL_LG=just the light guide size:背光导光板BL_ Frame =the housing withoutthe light guide:背光胶框支架,不包含导光板BL_LED=PCB ( FPC)+LED:LED灯连接方式,分FPC与PCB两种BL_ cable=FPCorcable with connector:灯电路引出,分FPC或排线并附带连接器BL=BL_ Frame+BL_ light guide+ BL_ LED+ BL_ cable完整背光:包含背光支架,导光板,灯条,排线!LCM:LCD_ Module( LCM)=LCD +BL:液晶显示模组:包含显示屏加背光TLCM =Touch panel +LCD+BL:液晶显示模组:包含触摸屏,显示屏和背光TP:touch panel触摸屏FPC:Flexible Printed Circuit软性线路板、柔性印刷电路板,挠性线路板PCBA: Printed Circuit Board +Assembly PCB空板经过SMT上件,再经过DIP插件的整个制程PCB: Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板BL: Back light背光IC:Integrate circuit集成电路。
LCM模組定義1.根據模組結構可分為:COG: Chip On Glass即:晶片邦定在玻璃上COB: Chip On Board即:晶片邦定在PCB板上TAB: Tape Automatic Bonding即:各向異性導電膠連接方式,將封裝形式為TCP(Tape Carrier Package帶載封裝)的IC 用各向異性導電膠分別固定在LCD和PCB上COF: Chip On Film即:晶片被直接安裝在柔性薄膜上(週邊元件可以與IC一起安裝在柔性薄膜上 )其他分類:如按顯示內容分類有數顯模組,點陣字元模組,點陣圖形模組,按溫度分類有常溫和寬溫型等。
HTN型:110°扭曲STN型:180°~250°扭曲,工作電壓稍高,視角明顯大於TN型,驅動占空比為1/4 ~1/8以上。
COG基本構成LCD面板(包括面偏光片和底偏光片)IC(積體電路) :驅動和控制LCD顯示ACF(各向異性導電膜) :將IC與LCD || FPC與LCD連接FPC(柔性線路板) :連接和導電作用[localimg=400,154]1[/localimg]IC Bonding原理:通過各向異性導電膜(ACF)之導電粒子使積體電路晶片的引出端與LCD的ITO引線直接連接[localimg=400,130]2[/localimg]COB基本構成BZF(鐵框)LCD面板(包括面偏光片和底偏光片)ZBC(導電膠)B/L(背光)PCB板IC(積體電路)[localimg=307,178]3[/localimg][localimg=400,249]4[/localimg]IC Bonding原理通過打線機將金屬鋁線焊接在IC和PCB板上,起到一個導通的作用。
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ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 异方性(各向异性)导电膜Aging 老化试验
Air Gun 空气枪
Assembly 组装
BLU Back Light Unit背光模块
BLM Back Light Module 背光模组
BEF Brightness Enhancement Film 增亮膜
BM Black Matrix黑色遮光矩阵
Bonding 压焊(或邦定)
CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube冷阴极荧光管
CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp冷阴极荧光灯
Cell TFT+CF+LC液晶
Cell gap 玻璃间的高度
CF Color Filter彩色滤光片
COF C hip On Film ( Driver IC )芯片贴附在薄膜带
COG C hip On Glass芯片压合在玻璃上
CRT Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管
Reflector 连接器
Cross talk Vertical / Horizontal鬼影Cassette 卡匣
Data Line 讯号线( on X board ) Diffuser 扩散片
Dot defect 点缺陷
DBEF Dual Brightness Enhancement Film 双层增亮膜
EMI 电磁波干扰
ESD Electric Static Discharge静电破坏
FAB 无尘室/ 工厂
FFC Flexbible Flat Cable软排线(传递电压讯号用) FPC Flexbible Printed Circuit柔性印刷线路板
Flicker 闪烁,调可变电阻去解决FPD Flat Panel Display 平板显示
Gate 匣极,整条线称为scan line Glass 玻璃
HDTV High Definition TV 高清晰度电视
IR Image Retention 影像残留
IS Image Sticking 影像残留
Inline 自动/ 联机
Inverter 变压器
ITO Indium Tin Oxide 铟錫氧化物(或透明导电膜) Laser 雷射/激光
LCD Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器
LGP light guide plate导光板
LED Light Emitting Diod 发光二极管
Line defect 线缺陷
LIPS LCD Integrated Power System LCD集成电源系统
Module 模块( 成品)
mura Color 瑕疵/ 不均匀/ 色差ND filter 遮光板
Noise 噪声
Offline 手动/ 单机
OLB Out Lead Bonding外引脚接合
Packing 包装
Pallet 栈板
Panel Cell + X / Y board玻璃/面版
Pattern 画面
PCB Print Circuit Board印刷电路板
Pixel 像素
PLO Ploarizer偏光器/偏光板
Prism 棱镜/聚光片
REF Reflector 反射片
R/W Rework重工
RGB R ed / G reen / B lue红色绿色蓝色
Scan Line 扫描线( on Y board )
S/N Serial Number序号
SOP 标准作业指导书
Source 源极,整条线称为data line Spacer 分隔物
Spec Standard Product Engineer Control规格
SDTV Standard Definition TV 标准清晰度电视
TAB Tape Automatic Bonding软片自动接合
STN Super Twisted Nematic 超扭转型(或超扭曲向列型) TN Twisted Nematic 扭转型(或扭曲向列型)
TFT Thin Film Transistor薄膜晶体管。