ADI ADuM6420A带DC/DC转换器的四道数字隔离器解决方案

ADI ADuM6420A带DC/DC转换器的四道数字隔离器解决方案ADI公司的ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A是采用isoPower®集成隔离式直流/直流转换器的四通道数字隔离器.基于ADI 公司的iCoupler®技术,可提供稳压隔离式电源,在配备铁氧体的2 层印刷电路板(PCB)上在满载时符合CISPR 32/EN 55032 B 级限制.100mA输出电流,满足AEC-Q100汽车应用规范, 在500 mW的隔离式设计中不再需要单独的隔离式直流/直流转换器.具有四路DC到100Mbps信号隔离通路,可提供外形小巧四个独立的完全隔离式解决方案.高温125C工作温度,共模瞬态免疫为100 kV/μs, VIORM = 566 V peak.主要用在RS-232 收发器,电源启动偏置和栅极驱动,隔离式传感器接口和工业可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)以及汽车车载充电器(OBC)和DC/DC转换器.本文介绍了ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A主要特性,功能框图,.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/ EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.The ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A1 are quad-channel digital isolators with an isoPower®, integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converter. Based on the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology, the dc-to-dc converter provides regulated, isolated power that meets CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class B limits at a full load on a 2-layer printed circuit board (PCB) with ferrites. Popular voltage combinations and the associated output current levels are listed in Table 1.The ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A eliminate the need for a separate, isolated dc-to-dc converter in 500 mW, isolated designs. The iCoupler chip scale transformer technology is used for isolated logic signals and for the magnetic components of the dc-to-dc converter. The result is a small form factor, total isolation solution.The ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A isolators provide four independent isolation channels (see the Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions for additional information).ADuM6420A主要特性:isoPower integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converter100 mA output supplyAEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applicationsADuM6421AW (ADuM6423AW pending)Meets CISPR 32/EN55032 Class B emission limits up to 5 Mbps at a full load on a 2-layer PCBQuad dc to 100 Mbps signal isolation channels28-lead, fine pitch, SOIC with 8.3 mm minimum creepageHigh temperature operation: 125C maximumHigh common-mode transient immunity: 100 kV/μsSafety and regulatory approvals (pending)UL recognition (pending)5000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A (pending)VDE V 0884-11 certificate of conformity (pending)VIORM = 566 V peakCQC certification per GB4943.1-2011 (pending)ADuM6420A应用:RS-232 transceiversPower supply start-up bias and gate drivesIsolated sensor interfacesAutomotive on-board charger (OBC) and dc to dcIndustrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs)图1.ADuM6420A功能框图评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZThe ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A devices integrate fouriCoupler® on-off keying (OOK) digital isolation channels and iCoupler chip scale isoPower® transformer technology.This iCoupler transformer technology enables a small form factor integrated, reinforced isolated signal and power solution, in applications requiring up to 500 mW of isolated power.Available dc-to-dc converter supply configurations and maximum available power at the elevated ambient temperatures are specified in the ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A data sheet.The ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A devices provide regulated, isolated power that meets CISPR 32/EN 55032, Class B limits at full load on a 2-layer printed circuit board (PCB) with ferrite beads. Radiated emissions test plots of theEVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ are provided in Figure 4 and Figure 5. All devices inthe family include the same isolated dc-to-dc converter and are differentiated by directional digital channel configurations.The EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ includes the ADuM6421ABRNZ5 quad-channel digital isolator with integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converter. Alternatively, the EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ leaves the isolator position unpopulated to support evaluation of the ADuM6420A, ADuM6421A, ADuM6422A, ADuM6423A, or ADuM6424A.Full specifications for the ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ADuM6424A are available in the ADuM6420A/ADuM6421A/ADuM6422A/ADuM6423A/ ADuM6424A data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation boards.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ主要特性:isoPower integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converterMeets CISPR 32/EN 55032, Class B emission limitsOn-board 6 V to 9 V LDO power supply that provides 5 V to the VDDP pin5 V input operation and selectable 3.3 V or 5 V isolated dc-to-dc converter outputScrew terminal connectors for the followingLDO power supply5 V direct power supplyOff board PDIS controlIsolated output supplyEVALUATION KIT CONTENTSEVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ, includes the ADuM6421ABRNZ5EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ, requires the ADuM6420A, ADuM6421A, ADuM6422A, ADuM6423A, or ADuM6424A to be ordered separately图2.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ外形图图3.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ外形图图4.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ电路图评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/ EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ材料清单:图5.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/ EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ PCB设计图(顶层)图6.评估板EVAL-ADUM6421ARNZ/ EVAL-ADUM6421AURNZ PCB设计图(底层)。


79[问:A DuM5242的输出能力不够,如何通过外接器件来提高输出电流?[答:你是指的数字输出的能力还是隔离电源的输出能力?如果是数字输出的能力,你可以加一级buffer。
举例来说:离芯片 5mm 的 1 MHz 电流至少要有500A的幅值才会使芯片工作不正常。
85[问:A DuM5241可否用于CAN总线的电源及数据隔离?[答:ADuM5241用于CAN的隔离是在CAN的controller与transceiver之间。


ADI 新型数字隔离器提供简单高速的SPI 信号隔离方
ADI 公司针对SPI 通信系统推出了全新的数字隔离器系列ADuM315x,
该产品以屡获奖项的iCoupler 数字隔离器技术为基础,为系统设计师提供了
一种简单的高速SPI 信号隔离方案,同时在单个封装中集成了通常所需的低
传统的解决方案以光耦为核心,需要大量的外围器件,ADuM315x 的出
现可简化这种局面,只需外加3 个器件就能完成整个设计。
究其原因,是ADuM315x 具有很高的集成度。
ADI 接口和iCoupler 数字隔离器应用工程师
叶健介绍说:该系列采用了片上变压器,可以使用CMOS 工艺,这样就可以集成电阻、二极管等器件,而光耦中的光敏三极管是与CMOS 工艺不兼容的,因此ADuM315x 系列就可以节省很多外部器件。
高速率SPI 通信目前在工业自动化、仪表设备和电机控制中使用的分布式控制系统、可编程逻辑控制器和传感器监控器领域有着广泛应用,更快的
SPI 时钟速率将有助于提高数据采集系统吞吐量,进而提供更高的性能和更
ADuM315x 系列的隔离额定值为3.75kVrms,支持12 位、16 位和18 位精密ADC 最大采样速率,额定值为5kVrms 的SPIsolator。

数字隔离器是一种方便易用的USB隔离方法来源:EDN作者:Eric Gaalaas标签:ADuM4160(2)隔离器(26)数字隔离器(46)USB(889)ADI(433)USB,是英文Universal Serial Bus(通用串行总线)的缩写,个人电脑(PC)可以使用USB通过连接电缆与外设进行通信。
关于USBUSB 大受欢迎的一个原因是其简单的4线接口设计,不但可以为外设供电,还可以在外设和PC间充当串行数据链路。
VBUS线可以为外设提供5V 电力,GND为接地线,而D+和D-则用来传输数据。

贴子发表于:2009/2/4 11:02:55

周晓奇说,隔离器的主要结构大致有四种:一是传统光电耦合; 二是集成式变压器(磁耦合);三是集成式电容耦合; 四是分立式变压器耦合。
周晓奇告诉记者,ADI 公司是最早一家推出新型数字隔离器解决方案的公司,并于2001年率先推出基于其专有iCoupler磁耦隔离技术的标准数字隔离产品。

磁隔离是ADI公司iCoupler® 专利技术,是基于芯片级变压器的隔离技术。 磁耦
磁耦是基于iCoupler磁隔离 技术的隔离器件,也称为磁隔离器。
iCoupler磁隔离可以在低成本条件下实现多通道及其他功能集成。iCoupler磁隔离变压器采用平面结构, 在晶圆钝化层上使用CMOS金属和金构成。金层下有一个高击穿的聚酰亚胺层,将顶部的变压器线圈与底部的线圈 隔离开来。连接顶部线圈和底部线圈的CMOS电路为每个变压器及其外部信号之间提供接口。晶片级信号处理提供 了一种在单颗芯片中集成多个隔离通道以及其它半导体功能的低成本的方法。iCoupler磁隔离技术消除了与光耦 合器相关的不确定的电流传送比率、非线性传送特性以及随时间漂移和随温度漂移问题;功耗降低了90%;并且 无需外部驱动器或分立器件。
采用芯片级变压器技术传输信号,消除光耦传输时的器件损耗。器件内部基本不存在损耗,正常工作条件下 至少达到50年工作寿命。
磁耦能够在低功耗的条件下实现150Mbps的高速数据隔离,光耦鲜有如此高的传输速率,实现同样高的传输 速度,磁耦比光耦有着更高的性价比。磁耦芯片内部含有施密特电路,能够对输入输出的电路滤波整形,因此可 直接与各种高速控制芯片直接连接,如:DSP、ARM、PLC等。
01 技术03 分类 05 现状目录02 原理 04 优势
iCoupler磁耦隔离器是基于芯片尺寸变压器的磁耦合器,与传统光耦合器中采用的发光二极管(LED)和光 电二极管不同,iCoupler磁隔离技术通过采用晶圆级工艺直接在片上制作变压器。
磁耦的小体积及多种通道配置,是电路设计更加简洁,应用更加灵活。集成的多种接口收发器使得接口隔离 电路集成度更高,线路连接大大减少。

ADI推出业界最低功耗数字隔离器北京2013年11月19日电- Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)最近推出业界功耗最低的数字隔离器 -- ADuM144x系列。
ADuM144x基于ADI专有i Coupler数字隔离技术,可由低至1 uW的功率供电,其功率水平比光耦合器和数字隔离器竞争产品降低了1,000多倍。
因此,ADuM144x系列非常适合用于工业和仪器仪表系统,例如4-20 mA电流环路、远程传感器,以及需要高能效或依赖电池等受限制电源的绿色系统。
欲了解ADuM144x低功耗数字隔离器的更多信息,请观看视频:/ADuM144xvideo 。
ADI推出业界最低功耗数字隔离器欲订购ADuM144x样片、下载数据手册和其他技术文档,请访问:/zh/pr1119/adum144x欲让ADI中文技术论坛EngineerZone™上的ADI工程师为您解答数字隔离器相关的问题,请访问/community/interface-isolation更多有关产品信息,请致电亚洲技术支持中心:400 6100 006, 或发送邮件至china.support@,也可点击ADI官方微博/analogdevices ,或通过手机登录m. 或了解最新产品等信息。
更多ADI产品及应用视频,请访问:/category/chinese/产品目录上的授权代理商Digi-Key Corp和Mouser Electronics均有芯片和评估板库存现货。
ADuM144x是四通道数据隔离器,提供三种不同的通道配置,其一分钟的安全隔离额定值为2.5 kV rms。
ADuM144x的工作电压范围为2.25 V至3.6 V,不仅进一步降低了功率限制,而且提供了市场上最低的工作电压。
电压为2.5 V时静态电源电流小于每通道5。
uA,速率为2 Mbps时电源电流小于每通道380 μA。

The Isolation Function
Isolation – No Current Flow
Point B
Information Flow No Current Flow Isolation Barrier Typical Application Characteristics High Voltage High-Precision Communications Long-Distance Communications
out Accelerated by:
Increased current Most are rated to 85C Higher Temperature ratings increase price and reduce speed
Chip-Scale Transformer Isolation
Transformer and Package Provide Up To 5 kV rms Isolation
Direction of Isolation Barrier
Transformer Chip
iCoupler Technology Background
Polyimide Isolation
standard for low-cost isolation
or GaAlAs LEDs emit light when current passes through it
typically used Speed is directly correlated to current

第6页/共 6 页
※兼容 VDD1=3V,V DD2=5V 以及 VDD1=5V,V DD2=3V 的工作模式。
图 2,ADuM1100 引脚图
第3页/共 6 页
引脚 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 名称 VDD1 VI VDD1 GND1 GND2 VO GND2 VDD2 功能描述 逻辑端供应电源输入 3.0~5.5V 逻辑输入 逻辑端供应电源输入 3.0~5.5V 逻辑端参考地 隔离端参考地 逻辑输出 隔离端参考地 隔离端供应电源输入 3.0~5.5V
第4页/共 6 页
脉宽失真 P W D (pulse-width distortion) 是指低至高延迟时间 TPLH 与高至低延迟时间 TPHL 之间的最大差值,它显示了器件经过器件输出后保持原样的精确程度。
5、 直流校正功能
磁隔离器每一通道的两组线圈起到脉冲变压器的作用,输入端逻辑电平的变化会引起 一个窄脉冲(2ns) ,经过脉冲变压器耦合到解码器,然后再经过一个施密特触发器的波形变 换输出标准的矩形波, 如果输入端逻辑电平超过 1µs 都没有任何变化, 则校正电路会产生一 个适当极性的校正脉冲,以确保变压器直流端输出信号的正确性,如果解码器一端超过 5µs 都没有收到任何校正脉冲,则会认为输入端已经掉电或不工作,由看门狗电定时器电路,将 输出端强行置为高电平。这确保了磁隔离可以传输直流信号。

有关数字隔离器的七大设计问题作者:德州仪器Luke Trowbridge您是否正在搜寻有关数字隔离器的更多信息?我们将为您提供帮助。
根据TI E2E™社区的反馈,我们搜集并整理了关于数字隔离器设计攻关的最常见问题清单。
1.基础型和增强型数字隔离器至简的区别是什么?基础型数字隔离器必须根据组件级标准,通过一套测试,如Deutsches InsTItut für Normung (DIN)V Verband der Elektrotechnik,Elektronik und InformaTIonstechnik (VDE)V 0884-11。
DIN V VDE V 0884-11 定义了隔离器可以耐受的电压水平,比如最大浪涌隔离电压,VIOSM;最大瞬态隔离电压,VOITM;及最大重复峰值隔离电压,VIORM(参见白皮书“高压增强型隔离:定义与测试方法”中的解释)。
增强型数字隔离器,除通过这些测试外,还必须通过最小浪涌电压测试等级10,000 VPK.测试。
举例来说,可以为ISO7721 施加3.3 V VCC1(在2.25 V - 5.5 V 之间)和5 V VCC2(也在2.25 V - 5.5 V 之间)。
例如,如果ISO7721 的电源电压为5 V,它对接微控制器(MCU),那么很重要的一点就是MCU 信号也工作在5V 逻辑电平。

⏹与隔离卡相连的三根IDE 数据线最好要统一,即全部是UDMA33或
⏹注意IDE 数据线的连接顺序,IDE 数据线的1端(蓝色)一般连接主
板或者隔离卡的内网、外网的IDE口,IDE 数据线的2、3端(黑色)
一般连接硬盘或者隔离卡的TO PC IDE口。
⏹如果有可能需要修改Power on self test.(需要把Quick改为Enhanced)、
Fast Boot.(需要把On改为Off)

• 隔离卡最早起源于1999年,当互联网正兴起时。 由于操作系统、CPU、内存等这些核心技术都不在中 国,数据放在操作系统之上,而操作系统的源代码不 了解,就会出现风险。这时就应运而生提出了物理隔 离的概念:“处于不同安全域的网络之间不能以直接 或间接的方式相连接。在一个物理网络环境中,实施 不同安全域的网络物理断开,在技术上应确保信息在 物理传导、物理存储上的断开。” • 同年国家保密局确定发文《关于加强政府上网信 息保密管理的通知》(国家保密局国保发行(1999) 4号)要求:“涉密信息网络必须与公共信息网实行 物隔离,在与公共信息网相连的信息设备上不得存储、 处理和传递国家秘密信息。”
(1)去除隔离卡,看系统能否检测到硬盘,如不能检测到 硬盘,则问题与隔离卡无关。 (2)数据线控制隔离卡:调整各硬盘跳线方式,更改隔离 卡连接到主板上的IDE插槽;如果是SATA硬盘,更改隔离 卡连接到主板上的SATA插槽,并将BIOS中相应选项设置为 “SATA ONLY”;使用尽量短的数据线。 (3)电源线控制隔离卡:如果是两块SATA硬盘,尽量将两 块硬盘连接到主板上的呈对角的SATA插槽上,并将BIOS中 相应选项设置为“SATA ONLY”;如果是IDE硬盘,更改硬盘、 光驱的跳线方式,以及在IDE线上的位置,两个硬盘跳线 不一定一致。
(1) 请检查内外网线是否插在相应的插座上,有否松 脱。 (2)请检查连接网络安全隔离卡和网卡的连接跳线是 否连接正确或松脱。 (3)将内网线或外网线直接插入网卡接口,如果故障 现象仍然存在,则故障与网络安全隔离卡无关,请检查 其它网络设备、网线、墙壁上的网线插座。

三、数字隔离器的优势数字隔离器具有以下几个优势:1. 隔离性能好:数字隔离器能够有效地隔离输入信号和输出信号,避免干扰和噪声的传递。
2. 电气隔离:数字隔离器能够实现电气隔离,避免电流和电压的传递,提高系统的安全性。
3. 抗干扰能力强:数字隔离器能够有效地抵御外界的电磁干扰和噪声,保证信号的稳定性和可靠性。
4. 传输速度快:数字隔离器能够实现高速的信号传输,满足现代工业控制和通信系统对高速传输的需求。
四、数字隔离器的应用领域数字隔离器广泛应用于以下领域:1. 工业控制系统:数字隔离器在工业自动化控制系统中起到了重要的作用,用于隔离控制信号和传感器信号,保护控制系统的稳定性和可靠性。
2. 通信设备:数字隔离器在通信设备中用于隔离输入信号和输出信号,保护通信设备免受电气干扰和噪声的影响。
3. 电子仪器:数字隔离器在电子仪器中用于隔离输入信号和输出信号,保护仪器的精度和稳定性。

说明:(1)隔离器引起分机无光栅一般为:各端口中大功率三极管 772 坏或供电电源良。 (2)分机无光栅一般是 CRT 坏。
是 否 主干视频线 接好
视频主干线上 是否有信号
分户视频线 否 接好
是 更换门口主机是否能排除故障
是 换门口主机
否 围墙机(602 )到多门选择器 接好
(602 )之间连接线是否接对、接好
供电 否 多门选择器(602 )是否有供电(+18 )
(+18 )
更换多门选择器 是 替换多门选择器(602 )
2.黑 GND 401
3.黄 HOOK 4.绿 AUDIO
5.棕 DOOR
6.橙 CALL
RVV6x0.3 101
RVV2x0.75 UPS-P
联网主干线 RVVP3x0.75
RVV2x0.75 UPS-DP
RVV3x0.5 1.绿 AUDIO
2.棕 DATA 3.橙 GND
2.黑 GND
2.黑 GND
3.黄 HOOK 3.黄 VIDEO
5.棕 DOOR
6.橙 CALL

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表1. 原边控制与副边控制的功能对比副边控制ADP1051是ADI公司先进的数字电源控制器,具有PMBus™接口,面向中间总线转换器等高功率密度和高效率应用。

ADI 的全集成式RS-485 系统隔离解决方案
iCoupler 技术一直引领全球隔离技术的发展,提供了隔离与创新特性,采用单封装,是业界种类最齐全的隔离器产品,包括标准数字隔离器、采用isoPower 的数字隔离器、集成PWM 控制器和变压器驱动器的数字隔离器、USB 2.0 兼容型隔离器、隔离式门驱动器、隔离式I²C 数字隔离器、隔离式RS-485 收
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FAQ: Isolation, i Coupler® Technology, and i Coupler ProductsIsolationWhat is isolation? Why is it needed?What are common applications that use isolation?How is isolation specified?What is isolation rating?What are working voltage and rated mains voltage?What is the relationship between working voltage and isolation rating?What is the difference between basic and double (or reinforced) insulation levels?What are transient immunity and common-mode rejection?What other parameters are important when considering an isolation device?Regulatory StandardsWhat regulatory standards address isolation products?Traditional Isolation TechnologiesWhat types of technologies have been used to provide isolation?What are optocouplers? What is optical isolation?What is transformer isolation?What is capacitive isolation?i Coupler TechnologyWhat is i Coupler technology?What are the benefits of i Coupler technology?How much isolation can i Coupler products provide?With which regulatory standards do i Coupler products comply?Do i Coupler products have VDE certification for reinforced insulation?Are i Coupler products sensitive to external magnetic fields?i Coupler ProductsWhat are the different types of i Coupler products?Which i Coupler product is best for my application?What communications protocols are supported by i Coupler products?What are some of the distinguishing features of the i Coupler products?Can I replace an optocoupler with an i Coupler product in an existing design?How do i Coupler products differ from interface products?Does Analog Devices provide other products that employ i Coupler technology?Are i Coupler products Pb-free?How do I learn about new i Coupler products?iso Power™What is iso PowerWhat are common applications of iso Power?How does iso Power work?What are the benefits of iso Power?How much power do iso Power products supply?What iso Power products are currently in production?SupportWhere can I find support for designing with ADI's i Coupler products?I did not purchase i Coupler products from Analog Devices or an authorized distributor — how can I get support?What do the i Coupler product datasheets guarantee?What tools or models exist to support my design?back to topIsolationWhat is isolation? Why is it needed?Isolation is a means of preventing current from flowing between two communicating points. Typically, isolation is used in two general situations. The first is where there is the potential for current surges that may damage equipment or harm humans. The second is where interconnections involve different ground potentials and disruptive ground loops are to be avoided. In both cases, isolation is used to prevent current flow yet allow for data or power flow between the two points.What are common applications that use isolation?Isolation is commonly found in applications involving high voltage, high-speed/high-precision communications, or communication over large distances. Common examples of such applications include:q Industrial I/O systemsq Sensor interfacesq Power supply/regulation systemsq Motor control/drive systemsq InstrumentationThese applications can be found in a wide range of markets, including:q Medical equipmentq Communication networksq Plasma display panelsq Hybrid automotive vehiclesHow is isolation specified?The isolation characteristics of an isolator are specified in a variety of manners, including:q Isolation ratingq Working voltage (or rated mains voltage)q Transient immunity (common-mode rejection)The degree to which an isolator successfully insulates one side of an isolation barrier from high voltages on the other side is commonly described by the isolator's isolation rating and by its maximum working voltage (or rated mains voltage). In addition, the degree to which an isolator continues to correctly transfer a signal across an isolation barrier in the presence of a common-mode transient is described by its transient immunity (or common-mode rejection). Each of these three parameters is described below.What is isolation rating?An isolator's isolation rating (also called the test voltag e) is a measure of the protection provided against short-duration, common-mode voltage differences. Usually specified in terms of a 60 Hz RMS value, it is a rating of how much voltage can be safely applied between the input and output terminals of the device for a duration of one minute. A common isolation ratingfound on isolation devices is 2.5KV RMS. Other devices have ratings such as 3.75KV RMS or higher. The isolation rating does not describe how much voltage can be safely applied across the part on an long-term continuous basis – this is described by the "working voltage" or "rated mains voltage."What are working voltage and rated mains voltage?The working voltage or rated mains voltage defines the maximum steady-state voltage that a part can support on a long-term continuous basis. Typical values range from 100 to 600V RMS.What is the relationship between working voltage and isolation rating?The relationship between a given working voltage and the required test voltage is complex and is a function of the application, the magnitude of common-mode voltage transients (Installation Category), the "cleanliness" of the environment (Pollution Degree), and the required insulation type (Insulation Level). As a representative example based on IEC 1010-1 (international standard for measurement and control equipment), a measurement and control application involving installation category II, a pollution degree of 2, basic insulation, and a working voltage of 300 V RMS has a required test voltage of 1.35KV RMS. This means that for an isolation component to be suitable for this application, it must support steady-state common-mode voltages differences of at least 300 V RMS and transient common-mode voltages differences of at least 1.35KV RMS. The relationship between working voltage and isolation rating is defined by the specific safety standard for the end-equipment under consideration.What is the difference between basic and double (or reinforced) insulation levels?In general, protection against electric shock may be provided by adequate clearance (a physical spacing from the live part) or by one of two insulation levels. These insulation levels are basic insulation and double (or reinforced) insulation. The required insulation level is determined by the voltage levels involved as well as the presence or absence of a connection from accessible parts to earth ground. In general, compared to an isolator providing basic insulation, an isolator providing double or reinforced insulation has greater requirements on its test voltage as well as on its input-to-output spacing. The required insulation level is defined by the specific safety standard for the end-equipment under consideration.What are transient immunity and common-mode rejection?An isolator's transient immunity specifies how fast of a common-mode transient between input and output a part can be subjected to while maintaining correct signal transmission. Many isolators have no specification on this parameter while others have values ranging from 5 to 25 KV/µs. All i Coupler products have a transient immunity specification of at least 25 KV/µs.What other parameters are important when considering an isolation device?The ideal isolator consumes no power, imposes no signal errors, and supports any type of input signal. As a result, the important performance metrics are as follows:q Required supply current, input signal current, or input drive currentq Propagation delay through the partq Pulse width distortion: the degree to which the output pulse width of a signal varies from the input pulse widthq Data rate: the maximum signal data rate that the part can supportq Supply and signal voltage range: the range of voltages that the part can supportq Operating temperature: the range of temperatures that the part can supportWhich of the above metrics are important to a particular user is a function of the application in question. Often in a specific application, certain parameters are important and others are not.Other performance characteristics important to users are an isolator's power-up/down characteristics, its performance in the presence of input noise, and its performance in the presence of a DC input or after a loss of power. In all cases, the output of an isolator should properly reflect the correct input state.back to topRegulatory StandardsWhat regulatory standards address isolation products?There are a wide variety of safety standards related to isolation at both the system and component levels, for various geographic regions, and for various applications. Shown below is a table summarizing commonly-used standards for the U.S., Europe, and International geographic regions.Table 1. Application-Level Standards.Industrial UL 508EN 50178IEC 604Information Technology UL 1950EN 60950IEC 950Medical UL 2601-1EN 60601IEC 601 Measurement and Control UL 3111EN 61010-1IEC 1010-1Telecom UL 1459EN 60950IEC 950Household UL 8730-1EN 60065IEC 65Table 2. Component-Level Standards.Isolator UL 1577Component AcceptanceNotice #5DIN EN60747-5-2DIN V VDE V 0884-10IEC 747-5The standards that apply directly to isolation components are those of Table 2. The standards of Table 1 apply to applications that use isolation components. The designer of such an application must assure that the appropriate isolation component is selected such that compliance with the relevant application-level standard is ensured. However, the application-level standard is not directly applicable to the isolation component. Only the standards of Table 2 are imposed directly at the component level.back to topTraditional Isolation TechniquesWhat types of technologies have been used to provide isolation?There are three common isolation technologies:q Opticalq Transformerq CapactitiveEach has benefits and disadvantages related to price, performance, reliability, size, features and functionality. Historically, optocoupler and transformer technologies have been the most commonly used methods.What are optocouplers? What is optical isolation?Optocouplers are a form of optical isolation that employs light to transmit information across an isolation barrier. Typically, a light emitting diode (LED) transmits information to a light sensitive receiver (e.g., a transistor). Optical isolation's primary benefit is that it is widely used and accepted as a low-cost isolation solution for transmission of slower digital signals; high-speed, digital optocouplers tend to be expensive. Optocoupler-based methods are commonly used in applications in which the DC state of a signal is important. Because LEDs may wear out over time, optical isolation typically requires compensation and guardbanding to guarantee application operability over life.What is transformer isolation?Transformer isolation employs transformer coils to transmit information across an isolation barrier. Changes in current through the transformer winding on one side of the isolation barrier induce a corresponding current on the transformer winding on the other side of the isolation barrier. Transformer-based methods have been commonly used in applications involving AC signals (Ethernet, for example) that are well suited for transformer coupling. Transformer isolation has advantages in systems with high data rates, and it can also be used to provided an isolated power supply; however, transformers have typically been bulkier than alternative solutions.i Coupler technology (see below) is a form of transformer isolation that employs micro-transformer coils to address the size and integration disadvantages of discrete transformer solutions.What is capacitive isolation?Capacitive isolation employs capacitors to couple data signals across an isolation barrier. This approach can offer significant performance advantages relative to optocoupler but typically suffer a high vulnerability to common-mode and ESD transients.back to topi Coupler TechnologyWhat is i Coupler technology?i Coupler technology is a transformer-based approach to isolation that combines the advantages of optocoupler, transformer, and semiconductor technologies. By integrating micro-transformers onto semiconductor dice, isolation is provided without the detrimental characteristics of the electro-optical conversions present in optocouplers. These include excessive power consumption, large timing errors, and constraining data rate limitations. Safety agency-recognized insulation is achieved through the used of a special insulation layer between the transformer coils. The common transformer problem of achieving DC-correctness is avoided by the use of patented "refresh" circuitry that updates the output with the correct input state in the absence of input signal transitions.What are the benefits of i Coupler technology?i Coupler technology provides benefits in five key areas:q Integration (size/cost)q Performanceq Power consumptionq Ease-of-useq ReliabilityIntegration benefits are provided by the ability to readily combine i Coupler channels with other semiconductor functions or to combine multiple i Coupler channels in a common package thereby reducing size and cost relative to optocoupler implementations. Performance benefits are provided in the form of increased timing accuracy, transient immunity, and data rates relative to optocoupler components. Power consumption benefits are provided in the form of 10-to-50 times lower power consumption as well as the accompanying reduction in thermal dissipation.Ease-of-use benefits are provided by the elimination of many of the difficulties presented by optocoupler technology as well as the addition of new features that facilitate the use of i Coupler isolators in new designs. Optocoupler problem areas thati Couplers eliminate include their characteristic of widely-varying current transfer ratios, their LED wear-out phenomenon and the design burdens this imposes, and their need (in most optocouplers) to drive their input with high current to turn on the LED. Additional ease-of-use features that i Couplers provide include the ability to operate at reduced supply voltages, the ability to translate an input signal of one voltage into an output signal of a different voltage, the use of voltage-based digital interfaces, and the ability to operate over a wide temperature range.Lastly, reliability benefits are achieved by the elimination of the LEDs contained within optocouplers. By using only standard CMOS process technology, i Coupler devices provide the same lifetime characteristics as other standard CMOS products.How much isolation can i Coupler products provide?As of this writing, most i Coupler products carry an isolation rating of either 2.5KV RMS or 5.0KV RMS (the ADuM240x andADuM225x isolators carry an isolation rating of 5.0KV RMS). The maximum working voltage that i Coupler products support is a function of both the safety approvals a given product has as well as its insulation lifetime as evaluated by testing performed by Analog Devices in addition to that of the safety agencies.All i Coupler products support working voltages up to 400 V RMS. The ADuM240x and ADuM225x families support higher working voltages.The maximum working voltage supported by the ADuM240x or ADuM225x depends on the nature of the common-modewaveform that is imposed across the isolation barrier. This is due to the fact that the i Coupler insulation system is stressed differently for the various waveforms shown below. In the case of bipolar AC waveforms, the maximum working voltage is set by the criteria that the insulation have a 50 year minimum lifetime. In the case of other types of voltage waveforms, the maximum working voltage is limited by regulatory safety approvals – despite the insulation's ability to withstand higher voltages with a 50 year minimum lifetime. The table below summarizes the maximum recommended voltages for the ADuM240x and ADuM225x as a function of waveform type:Table 3: ADuM240x and ADuM225x Maximum Working VoltagesAC Voltage, Bipolar Waveform400 V RMS (565 (V PK)50-year minimum lifetimeAC Voltage, Unipolar Waveform519 V RMS (848 (V PK)Maximum CSA/VDE approved working voltage DC Voltage848 V PK Maximum CSA/VDE approved working voltageWith which regulatory standards do i Coupler products comply?i Coupler products typically carry at least a 2.5 kV RMS UL rating and a 400 VRMS working voltage approval from CSA and UL. The approvals and details for each specific product are summarized in the table available at /iCouplerSafety.Do i Coupler products have VDE certification for reinforced insulation?Yes. i Coupler products have now been approved for reinforced insulation by VDE. Until recently, no VDE standard covered reinforced insulation for magnetic couplers such as the i Coupler family of digital isolators; however, VDE released DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10) in December 2006, and i Coupler products successfully completed testing to this standard. For details about specific working voltages and isolation ratings for each i Coupler product, and to view the safety certificates, please visit /iCouplerSafety.Are i Coupler products sensitive to external magnetic fields?No – unless such fields are extremely strong and of high frequency. Since the transformers used within i Coupler devices typically measure about 0.5 mm in diameter, it takes a very high magnetic field rate-of-change to induce a voltage large enough to cause a performance error. For example, if a wire carrying a current oscillating at 1 MHz were to be placed 5 mm away from an i Coupler transformer, the current amplitude that would be required in order to cause a problem with the i Coupler's performance is 500A! (An analysis of this can be found in the Applications section of any i Coupler data sheet.)back to topi Coupler ProductsWhat are the different types of i Coupler products?i Coupler products are available in a variety of channel configurations and performance levels. Products consists of single, dual, triple, and quad channel 2.5KV RMS and 5.0KV RMS isolators each available in multiple performance/price options. Products arealso offered with other features including:q High Speed (150 Mbps) Quad Isolators (ADuM344x)q Default Low or Programmable Default Output (ADuM1210, ADuM131x, ADuM141x)q Increased EOS/ESD robustness (ADuM3100, ADuM320x, ADuM330x, ADuM340x)q Isolated power (see iso Power below) (ADuM524x)q Dual and quad gate drivers (ADuM1233, ADuM1234)2C (ADuM125x, ADuM225x)q Iq RS-485 (ADM2483, ADM2485, ADM2486, ADM2490E)qΣ∆ Modulator (AD7400, AD7401)Please refer to the i Coupler web site (/icoupler) for the most complete up-to-date selection table and other information about the iCoupler portfolio.Which i Coupler product is best for my application?Due to the unique nature of each application, the choice of which product to use is best left to the user. The selection tables available at /iCoupler should provide guidance for choosing the most appropriate i Coupler product. For additional assistance, please contact your local Analog Devices sales representative or distributor.What communications protocols are supported by i Coupler products?i Coupler products are capable of supporting most standard communications protocols but may require additional components to ensure communication integrity. Products such as the ADuM1401 are ideal for SPI where four channels are required for Clock, Data In, Data Out, and Select.The ADuM125x and ADuM225x have been designed for compliance to the I2C, PMBus and SMBus protocols.The ADM2483, ADM2485, ADM2486 and ADM2490E are complete isolated RS-485 solutions.What are some of the distinguishing features of the i Coupler products?Distinguishing features of i Coupler products include integration that optimizes cost and size as well as the ability to support high signal data rates and the ability to operate with extremely low supply currents. i Coupler products provide an excellent cost/size advantage over competing alternatives due to integration of multiple channels as well as other functions including isolated power. The speed and power consumption benefits can be seen in products such as the ADuM1100 that supports NRZ data rates of up to 100 Mbps and the ADuM344x that supports up to 150 Mbps.i Coupler products also have the ability to perform up to a maximum temperature of 125° C and to be operated with either 3.3V or 5V supplies. Also of benefit to users is the incorporation of integrated driver circuitry providing compatibility with standard digital interfaces.Can I replace an optocoupler with an i Coupler product in an existing design?In most cases, an i Coupler product may be used as a replacement for an optocoupler in a given application in order to achieve higher performance, lower cost, greater space savings, or improved quality and reliability. In some cases, Analog Devices products are pin-for-pin compatible with industry standard optocouplers. For example, the ADuM1100, Analog Devices’ firsti Coupler product, is a single-channel digital isolator intended for applications requiring high-speed digital isolation. It is footprint- and pin-compatible with Agilent Technologies’ HCPL-0710, -0720, 0721, -0723 optocouplers and provides substantial performance, power consumption, and cost advantages over these optocoupler components.For all other products, please refer to the selection tables available at /iCoupler to identify the appropriate part. For assistance, please visit our web site or contact Analog Devices or one of our authorized sales representatives or distributors.How do i Coupler products differ from interface products?i Coupler isolation products are a subset of traditional interface products. Typically, a given i Coupler product may be suitable for a wide array of applications, whereas interface-specific products are limited in scope (e.g., RS-232 or RS-485 transceivers). In addition, interface-specific products may not require isolation; however, it is common that such interfaces also require some level of isolation. Analog Devices offers a variety of interface products, some of which integrate i Coupler technology for a fully integrated solution (see below).Does Analog Devices provide other products that employ i Coupler technology?A significant benefit of i Coupler technology is its ability to integrate isolation in a wide range of products. Integrating i Coupler isolation with other products simplifies designs, reduces the bill-of-materials, lowers cost, reduces size and increases reliability. The ADM2483, ADM2485, ADM2486 and ADM2490E are RS-485 transceivers that employ i Coupler technology. Likewise, the AD7400 and AD7401 are isolated Σ∆ analog-to-digital converters. In the future, Analog Devices will release additional products integrated isolation via i Coupler technology.Are i Coupler products Pb-free?All i Coupler products are offered with Pb-free versions.How do I learn about new i Coupler products?Please visit the Analog Devices website at /icoupler for the most up-to-date information on new products. Youmay also contact your local Analog Devices Sales representative. A quarterly newsletter, "Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update," is also available. The newsletter includes new product announcements as well as news, application tips and technical information about the iCoupler technology. Please refer to /Subscriptions to learn how to subscribe to the "Analog Devices' Digital Isolation Update."back to topiso Power™What is iso Power?iso Power refers to the Analog Devices technology that employs i Coupler technology to supply isolated power to systems via an integrated DC/DC converter.What are common applications of iso Power?iso Power is ideally suited for applications that need low levels of power that are isolated from a system's main supply. Such applications include:q Factory automation equipmentq Secondary-control power suppliesq Medical systemsHow does iso Power work?iso Power uses the same underlying technology used in i Coupler products. Integrated transformer coils are employed in the equivalent of a fully integrated switching power supply. On-chip regulation ensures that the output supply is stable. By using the i Coupler technology, iso Power can be combined with standard i Coupler designs to create fully integrated solutions that include isolated power as well as isolated signals.What are the benefits of iso Power?The primary benefits of iso Power for system designers are:q Lower costq Reduced areaq Improved time-to-marketThe integrated DC/DC converter replaces multiple discretes in a system which reduces the size and design complexity. This, in turn, speeds time-to-market.The benefits of iso Power are best realized in applications requiring a small, cost-effective source of localized, isolated power. How much power to iso Power products provide?Analog Devices initial iso Power products (ADuM5240/5241/5242) provide 50 mW of isolated power in an 8-lead SOIC package. Future products will provide higher amounts of power as dictated by market needs. Please refer to the selection table on our website at /icoupler.What iso Power products are currently in production?The ADuM524x is the first i Coupler product to feature iso Power. Released in 2007, it is a family of dual-channel isolators with 50 mW (5V / 10mA) of regulated, isolated power. Future iCoupler products with isoPower will have more data channels, supply more power and offer supply voltages other than 5V. For more information on the ADuM524x products, please refer to www. /ADuM524x.back to topSupportWhere can I find support for designing with ADI's i Coupler products?Support for Analog Devices' products is available on-line at or through the Analog Devices' sales force or any authorized Analog Devices sales representative or distributor. For a full list of contact information, please visit the Analog Devices web site at: /salesdir to find a sales office near you.For information on a specific product, please use the search feature on the Analog Devices web site to access the product page. The product page will have direct links to datasheets, application notes, technical articles and support tools (e.g., models).An e-mail newsletter is published quarterly and provides updates on new products, application updates and other news. To subscribe to the newsletter, please visit our eNewsletter Subscription Page.I did not purchase i Coupler products from Analog Devices or an authorized distributor — how can I get support? Analog Devices cannot support products that have been procured through unauthorized sources.What do the i Coupler product datasheets guarantee?Analog Devices data sheets adhere to a strict convention to ensure that products meet the published specifications. Unless otherwise noted, all parameters are guaranteed over the full range of conditions specified in the Recommended Operating Conditions section of a given data sheet.Parameters are guaranteed to fall within the minimum and maximum specifications, where provided. Where parameters are specified as "Typical," customers may find that, in a reasonably sized population of units, half will fall above the typical value and half will fall below the typical value. Typical values are not guaranteed.What tools or models exist to support my design?Analog Devices currently provides IBIS models for most i Coupler products. Evaluation boards are also available for most products. Information on these tools can be found on the associated product pages.back to topLast Updated: 11/2007。