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这B译种. r文能ef:量lec来或te自者d 太b被y阳上th的层e 大g大a部气se分中s 能i的n 量t气he都体u不反pp会射er到或a达吸tm地收os球。ph的在er表到e 面达,低 层大气的能量中,有30%的能量被云层或地球的表面所反 射C,. l剩os下t in的t7h0e%u使pp地er球an的d表lo面we温r a暖tm。osphere
2.Subjunctive mood:虚拟语气是一个语 法难点。其表示的内容与真实相反,加 上其形式变化多种多样,就加大了理解 上的困难。
If the bees had stayed in Brazil, this would have been bad enough. But now they are on the move, heading northward in countless millions towards Central and North America.
difficult for him to equal the reputation set
up by his father, who was more brilliant than
• 高考阅读题中的长难句
.Much of the energy that comes from the Sun never reaches the Earth’s surface. It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere,30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth’s surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet.( 2008 江苏卷B 篇)
Harry was a capable lawyer, but it was
difficult for him to live up to the reputation
established by his more brilliant father.
=Though Harry was a capable lawyer, it was
D. used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes
• The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989.There are now 300,000 members of Kids FACE worldwide and is the world’s largest youth environmental organization. (NMET 2008 山东卷D篇)
5. Set phrases and expressions that are difficult to understand: 有时一个句子难以理解,是由于句子中的某一
个习惯用语或固定词组引起的。如果阅读者不熟 悉的话,整个句子的理解也就无从下手。因此平 时尽可能地多掌握一些固定词组和习惯用语是非 常必要的。
A. Extra-curricular activities are equally important compared with academic work. B. Academic work is less important than extra-curricular activities. C. Extra-curricular activities are much more important than academic work. D. Academic work, no less than extracurricular activities, is important.
4.Double-negation: 双重否定 :
有的句子含有形式上和语义上的双重否定 设置圈套,会干扰阅读者的思维。
It was not unusual to see children doing the work of adults in great many rural areas.
=It was usual that children often did adults’ work in many rural areas.
造成句子理解Biblioteka Baidu难的主要原因: 1.Inversion: 倒装句与正常语序不同,往往会加深理解 的难度
Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.
实例:60.Only a small part of the Sun’s energy reaches the e简itAhE.析eaarr:bt.h.s.句’oosrr连子sbue结中rdfa的b含cye是有tbh并两eec列c个alou结定used构语sm。从ino句tsht,eolf这oiwt是iesr_解_a题_tm_的_o_s关p. h键er。e
3. Comparative degree and superlative degree: 比较级和最高级也是增加句子难 度的因素之一
No less important than students’ academic work are their extra-curricular activities.