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1. Introduction 简介或事由

This report aims / sets out to…

The report is based on…

The aim / purpose of this report is to…

Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give feedba ck / estimate / assess…

As requested by…, I am submitting the following report about…

Upon request of…,

As you… requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on…

Here is the report concerning…

We have done a survey showing that…

2. Findings 调查结果或比较结果

The following points summarize our key findings.

The key findings are outlined below.

This disparity clearly showed…

According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above...

The recent visit / investigation / survey showed that…

Most people thought that...

Many members of staff suggested that...

A number of people mentioned that...

Several changes were put forward...

Several staff members expressed the view that...

3. Conclusion 结论或推论

It was decided / agreed / felt that …

It is clear that…

In conclusion / On balance …

No conclusions were reached regarding…

According to the findings above, it can be concluded that…Therefore, it can be concluded that…

4. Recommendations 建议或推介

It is suggested / pro posed / recommended that…

We (strongly) recommend that…

It is essential to…

It would be advised to…


Adding ideas

Furthermore / Moreover / In addition...

Contrasting ideas



Despite / In spite of

...while / whereas

Making comparisons

Both / Neither

Like / Unlike

Linking cause and effect

because of / as a result of /due to / owing to

This means

... lead to / result in


To go up a little

an increase / a rise / a growth / an improvement / an upturn/ an upward trend / steady progress

to increase / to rise / to grow / to improve / to go up

To go down a little

a decrease / a fall / a drop / a decline / a downturn / a downward trend / to decrease / to fall / to drop /to decline/ to go down / to slip / to be in decline

To go up a lot

a surge / an upsurge / a jump / a leap

to surge / to take off / to shoot up to soar / to rocket / to jump / to leap

to go down a lot

a plunge / a slump / a crash / a tumble / a collapse

to plummet / to plunge / to slump / to crash / to sink / to tumble

No change

to remain stable / to level off /to stay at the same level / to remain constant / to stagnate / to stabilize

Change of direction (up)

to peak / to reach a peak / to top out

Change of direction (down)

to reach the lowest point / to bottom out

Change of directions (back)
