SHARCHIP Method ——S ——standardization H ——heart rate A ——axis R ——rhythm C ——conduction H ——hypertrophyI ——ischemic&infarction P ——previous ECGSHARCHIP方法—— S ——标准化 H ——心率 A ——心电轴 R ——节律 C ——传导 H ——肥大I ——缺血&梗死 P ——比较之前ECG***********************************************************************************************① standardizationVertically :10mm=1mV Horizontal : 25mm=1s① 标准化纵向:10mm=1mV 走纸:25mm=1s② heart rate=300 / large time units =1500/ small time unitsTachycardia (>90 bpm) Bradycardia (<50 bpm) ② 心率=300/大格数=1500/小格数心动过速(>90 bpm) 心动过缓(<50 bpm) ③axisL-axis deviation: <- 30°I is mostly positive & III is mostly negative R-axis deviation: > 100°I is mostly negative& III is mostly positive③电轴左偏:<- 30°I III :口对口,向左走右偏:> 100°I III :尖对尖,向右偏 ④rhythm (4Q ) Pacemaker?normal P : sinus rhythm ab. P, narrow QRS :atrial r. no P, narrow QRS :junctional r. no P, wide QRS :ventricular r.Normal /Tachycardia/Bradycardia? Active or passive(escape) Any Additional ? ④节律(4问) 起搏点?正常心率/心动过速/心动过缓? 有无逸搏? 附加节律?Common arrhythmiasatrial flutter:1 zigzag F waves replace P wave2 A/V (F/QRS) is proportionaatrial fibrillation:1 Irregular f waves2 RR interval absolutely irregular PSVT:(…)ventricular flutter:1 regular big wave (200-250bpm) ventricular fibrillation:1 irregular small waves (200-500bpm) VT:(…)Premature atrial contraction(PAC):1 premature P’wave,2 normal QRS,3 imcomplete compensatory pause Premature junctional contraction:1 antidromic P’wave2 normal QRS3 complete compensatory pause. Premature Ventricular Cont. (PVC):1 no P wave2 wide QRS (T is converse with QRS)3 complete compensatory pause 常见心律异常房扑:1锯齿状F波代替P波2固定房室比房颤:1 颤动f波代替P波2心室律绝对不齐阵发性室上速:(略)室扑:大震幅波动(200-250bpm)室颤:大小不等的低小波(200-500bpm) 室速:(略)房性早搏:异位P’窄QRS不完全代偿间歇交界性早搏:逆P’窄QRS完全代偿间歇室性早搏:无P宽大畸形QRS(T波反向)完全代偿间歇⑤conductionA VBPP Intervals RR Intervals1°SAB Invariant(prolonged PR Intervals) 2°SABType I invariant Wenckebach ph.Type II invariant RR pause=2RR3°SAB(Complete) invariant Escape rhythmLBBB:left side leads: incisure on wide R right side leads: wide S wave,reverse ST-T RBBB:right side leads: remarkable rsR`left side leads: wide S wave,reverse ST-TLAFB:Left-deviation axisrS inⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF(SⅡ< SⅢ)qR inⅠ、aVL(RⅠ< R aVL)narrow QRSLPFB:right-deviation axisrS inⅠ、aVLqR inⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF(RⅡ< RⅢ) narrow QRSWPW Pre-excitation syndrome short PRwide QRSslurring of the initial part of the QRS (Δ) Secondary ST-T changes 完左:左侧导联:宽R带切迹(型),失q 右侧导联: rS /QS型(宽S),ST-T与QRS主波反向完右:右侧电联:rsR’ ( 型)左侧导联: rS /QS型(宽S),ST-T与QRS主波反向左前分支阻滞:电轴左偏(-45~ -90°)下壁导联rS型,S III>S II左侧导联呈qR型,RⅠ< R aVLQRS不增宽左后分支阻滞:电轴右偏(>110°)左侧导联呈rS型下壁导联qR型,RⅡ< RⅢQRS不增宽W-P-W预激综合征:短PR间期QRS增宽起始部粗钝(附加Δ波)继发ST-T改变⑥HypertrophyLA Hypertrophy:duration of P wave > 3 mm (m-shape) RA Hypertrophy:amplitude of P wave > 2 mmLV Hypertrophy:left-deviation axis counterclockwise rotationRV Hypertrophy:right-deviation axisclockwise rotation ⑥房室肥大左房大:M型宽P波右房大:高尖P波左室大:电轴左偏逆钟转位RV5或RV6 >2.5mVRV5+SV1 > 4.0mV(男)/3.5 mV (女)右室大:电轴右偏顺钟转位RV1+SV5>1.05mV (重者>1.2mV)⑦ischemic & infarctionV1-V3:anteroseptal wallV3-V5:anterior wallV5, V6, aVL:lateral wallI, aVL:high lateral wallV1-V5: extensive anterior wall V8, V9:posterior wallII, III, aVF:inferior wall V3R-V6R:right ventricular ⑧previous (comparison) ⑦心肌缺血V1-V3:前间壁V3-V5:前壁V5, V6, aVL:侧壁I, aVL:高侧壁V1-V5:广泛前壁V8, V9:正后壁II, III, aVF:下壁V3R-V6R:右室⑧比较既往心电图Normal range horizontal VerticalP wave <3 mm <2.5 mm in E-leads<2.0 mm in C-leadsPR intervals 3-5 mmQRS complex <3 mm ≥5 mm in E-leads≥8 mm in C-leadsQ wave <1 mm <1/4RR wave <1.5 mmS waveST segment-0.5~ 1.0 mmT wave≥ 1/10 QRSQT intervals QTc: 8-11 mmQTc=QT/√RRU wavePE:an S1Q3T3 patternsinus tachycardiaRBBBI :prominent S waveIII :a Q wave and inverted T waveV1 - V3 :inverseT waveHypokalaemia:ST segment depression,low amplitude T waves,and prominent U wavesHyperkalaemia:small or absent P wavesAFVFwide QRSshortened or absent STwide, tall and tented T wavesPUMC kyanite。
1. 血液检查 (Blood Test)- 血常规检查 (Complete Blood Count)- 血型检查 (Blood Typing)- 血糖检查 (Blood Glucose Test)- 血脂检查 (Lipid Profile Test)- 血液生化检查 (Blood Biochemical Test)- 血凝检查 (Coagulation Test)2. 尿液检查 (Urinalysis)- 尿常规检查 (Routine Urinalysis)- 尿液培养 (Urine Culture)- 尿蛋白检查 (Urine Protein Test)- 尿糖检查 (Urine Glucose Test)- 尿酮体检查 (Urine Ketone Test)3. 影像学检查 (Imaging Test)- X射线检查 (X-ray Examination)- CT扫描 (Computed Tomography Scan)- MRI检查 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)- 超声波检查 (Ultrasound Examination)- PET扫描 (Positron Emission Tomography Scan)- 核磁共振检查 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 4. 心电图检查 (Electrocardiogram)- 静息心电图 (Resting Electrocardiogram)- 动态心电图 (Holter Monitoring)- 应激心电图 (Stress Electrocardiogram)- 24小时心电图 (24-hour Electrocardiogram)- 心脏负荷试验 (Cardiac Stress Test)5. 生物医学检查 (Biopsy)- 细胞活检 (Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy)- 组织活检 (Tissue Biopsy)- 腹腔镜检查 (Laparoscopy)- 内镜检查 (Endoscopy)- 骨髓穿刺 (Bone Marrow Aspiration)6. 病理学检查 (Histopathology)- 标本制备 (Specimen Preparation)- 切片染色 (Histological Staining)- 免疫组化检查 (Immunohistochemistry)- 液基薄层细胞学检查 (Liquid-based Cytology)- 细胞遗传学检查 (Cytogenetics)7. 神经系统检查 (Neurological Examination)- 神经电生理检查 (Electrophysiological Examination) - 脑电图检查 (Electroencephalography)- 眼底检查 (Fundoscopy)- 神经影像学检查 (Neuroimaging)- 脑脊液检查 (Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination)8. 免疫学检查 (Immunological Test)- 血清学检查 (Serological Test)- 免疫组化检查 (Immunohistochemistry)- 免疫荧光检查 (Immunofluorescence Test)- 免疫酶标法检查 (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay)- 免疫电泳检查 (Immunoelectrophoresis)以上是一些医学常用辅助检查的中英文名称翻译,对于不同的检查,可能存在不同的翻译方式,因此在实际应用中,还需要结合具体的文献和规范进行准确选择和使用。
心电图诊断中英互译正常心电图 Normal ECG(Electrocardiogram)窦性心动过缓 Sinus Bradycardia 窦性静止 Sinus Arrest窦性心动过速 Sinus Tachycardia 窦性心律不齐 Sinus Arrhythmia房性早搏Atrial Premature Complex房性早搏伴心室内差异传导Atrial Premature Complex with Aberrant Intraventricular Conduction房性早搏未下传Non-conducted(Blocked) Atrial Premature Complex(阵发性)心房颤动(Paroxysmal)Atrial Fibrillation(阵发性)心房扑动(Paroxysmal)Atrial Flutter双心房肥大Bi-atrial Enlargement双心室肥大 Biventricular HypertrophyST-T 改变 ST-T Abnormalities ST段/T波改变ST Segment/T Wave Abnormalities 交界性早搏Junctional Premature Complex室性早搏二联律Bigeminal Ventricular Premature Complex三联律 Trigeminal多源性室性早搏连发(成对)Multifocal Ventricular Premature Complex‘s Couplet 短阵房性心动过速Short Run of Atrial Tachycardia阵发性室上性心动过速 Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia非阵发性 non-paroxysmal 逸搏Escape Beat 逸搏心律Escape Rhythm一度房室阻滞 First Degree A-V Block高度(三度)房室阻滞High(Third) Degree A-V Block二度I型(II型)房室阻滞Second Degree A-V Block ,Mobitz Type I (II)二度I型(II型)窦房阻滞 Second Degree SinoAtrial Block , Type I (II)完全性右束支阻滞Complete Right Bundle Branch Block完全性左束支阻滞 Complete Left Bundle Branch Block左前(后)分支阻滞 Left Anterior(Posterior) Fascicular Block心室预激Ventricular Pre-excitation房性(交界性、室性)逸搏心律 Atrial (Junctional、Ventricular) Escape Rhythm 提示高钾血症Suggestion of Hyperkalemia提示低钾血症Suggestion of Hypokalemia急性广泛前壁心肌梗死 Acute Extensive Anterior Myocardial Infarction急性(陈旧性)前间壁心肌梗死Acute(Old) Anteroseptal Myocardial Infarction 急性前侧壁心肌梗死 Acute Anterolateral Myocardial Infarction前壁anterior下壁inferior后壁posterior后侧壁posterolateral电轴左偏 Left Axis Deviation电轴右偏 Right Axis Deviation心肌缺血Myocardial Ischaemia起搏器Pacmaker最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。
诊断和治疗词汇中英对照 inspection 望诊inquiry 问诊auscultation 听诊percussion 扣诊palpation 触诊biopsy 活组织检查pathological section 病理切片endoscopy 内窥镜检查ECGelectrocardiogram examination 心电图检查EEGelectrocardiogram examination 脑电图检查Intravenous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影术Skin-test 皮肤试验examination by centesis 穿刺检查routine analysis of blood 血常规分析urine analysis of blood 尿常规分析red blood cell countRBC 红细胞计数white blood cell countWBC 白细胞计数general check-up 全身检查routine examination 常规检查follow-up examination 随访检查consultation 会诊emergency 急诊diagnosis 诊断prognosis 预后convalescence, recovery 康复relapse 复发treatment 治疗prescribe 开药方fill a prescription 配药injecting 打针hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌肉注射 intravenous injection 静脉注射 inoculating 预防注射fluid infusion 点滴注射blood transfusion 输血dose 剂量tablet 药片capsule 胶囊liquid medicine 药水powder 药粉ointment 药膏软膏plaster 硬膏,石膏lotion 洗剂suppository 栓剂analgesics 止痛药antipyetics 退烧药antitussive 止咳药expectorant 祛痰药diuretics 利尿药hemostatic 止血药antidiarrheal 止泄药antipruritic 止痒药antidote 解毒药antirheumatic 抗风湿药anticarcinogen 抗癌药antibiotics 抗菌素anticoagulant 抗凝剂cardiac tonic 强心药vasodilator 血管舒张药vasoconstrictor 血管收缩药 antiepileptic 抗癫痫药antispasmodic 解痉药sedative 镇静药anesthetics 麻醉药penicillin 盘尼西林streptomycin 链霉素gentamycin 庆大霉素aspirin 阿斯匹林morphine 吗啡dolantin 度冷丁iodine 碘酒distilled water 蒸馏水normal saline solution 生理食盐水 atropine 阿托品hormone 激素glucose 葡萄糖side effect, adverse effect 副作用 operative treatment 手术疗法major operation 大手术minor operation 小手术anesthesia 麻醉general anesthesia 全身麻醉local anesthesia 局部麻醉excision, removal, resection 切除术 tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术pneumonectomy 肺切除术mastectomy 乳房切除术gastrectomy 胃切除术cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术hepalobectomy 肝叶切除术splenectomy 脾切除术nephrectomy 肾切除术salpingectomy 输卵管切除术hysterectomy 子宫切除术hysteromyomectomy 子宫肌瘤切除术proctectomy 直肠切除术appendectomy 阑尾切除术prostatectomy 前列腺切除术tracheotomy 气管切开术incision of abscess 脓肿切开术 craniotomy 颅骨切开thoracotomy 胸廓切开laparotomy 剖腹术amputation 截肢fixation 固定hot compress 热敷cold compress 冷敷gastric lavage 洗胃enema 灌肠urethral catheterication 导尿 hemostasis 止血dressing 包扎sew up the incision 缝合切口remove the stitches 拆线cardiac massage 心脏按摩artificial respiration 人工呼吸 diet 饮食special diet 特定饮食low protein diet 低蛋白饮食low fat diet 低脂肪饮食low calorie diet 低热量饮食 liquid diet 流质饮食semi-liquid diet 半流质饮食 solid diet 固体饮食light diet 易消化的饮食vegetable diet 素食感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
2012年6月门诊单词—心电图(2)Acute anterior myocardial infarction 急性前壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [æn'tiəriə] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute inferior myocardial infarction 急性下壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [in'fiəriə] [ˌmaiə'k ɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute posterior myocardial infarction 急性后壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [pɔs'tiəriə] [ˌmai ə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST elevation ST段抬高[ˌeliˈveiʃən]Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 急性ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t] [ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) 急性非ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t] [nɔn] [ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST-T changing ST-T改变['tʃeindʒiŋ]Escape beat逸搏[is'keip] [bi:t]Escape rhythm逸搏节律[is'keip] ['riðəm]Atrial escape beat 房性逸搏 ['eitriəl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Junctional escape beat交界性逸搏['dʒʌŋkʃənl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular escape beat室性逸搏[ven'trikjulə] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)室性心动过速[ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə] Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia 阵发性室性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl][ven'trikjul ə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl] ['su:prə] [ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Low voltage 低电压[ləu][ˈvəultidʒ]Left axis deviation 电轴左偏[left] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Right axis deviation 电轴右偏[rait] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Pacemaker signal 起搏脉冲信号 ['peisˌmeikə] ['signəl]Borderline ECG 边缘心电图(介于正常与不正常之间) ['bɔ:dəˌlain]Last ECG 临终心电图[lɑ:st]Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) WPW (预激)综合症[wulf] ['pɑ:kinsən] [wait] Early repolarization (ER)过早复极[ˈə:li] ['ri:pəulərai'zeiʃən]Premature atrial contraction (PAC)房性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə]['eitriəl][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) 室性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə] [ven'trikjulə] [k ənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Junctional premature contraction交界性期前收缩['dʒʌŋkʃənl][ˌpreməˈtʃuə][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Bigeminy 二联律[baiˈdʒemini]Trigeminy 三联律[trai'dʒimini]high degree AV block高度房室传导阻滞[hai] [diˈgri:] [ei] [vi:] [blɔk]AV dissociation房室分离[ei] [vi:] [diˌsəusi'eiʃən]。
1心电图诊断术语的历史回顾2中英文标准化心电图首要诊断术语的建议Overall interpretation 总述normal ECG 正常心电图otherwise normal ECG 余心电图正常abnormal ECG 异常心电图uninterpretable ECG 无法判读的心电图Technical conditions 技术条件extremity electrode reversal 肢体导联皮接misplaced precordial electrode(s) 胸导联锚接missing lead(s) 导联脱落right-sided precordial electrode(s) 右胸导联artifact 伪差poo俨quality data 低质量数据posterior electrode(s) 后壁导联Sinus node rhythms and arrhythmias 窦性心律及心律失常sinus rhythm 窦性心律sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缰sinus arrhythmia 窦性心律不齐wandering sinus rhythm 游走性窦性心律sinoatrial block, type 型窦房阻滞sinoatrial block, type 型窦房阻滞sinus pause or arrest 窦性停搏uncertain supraventricular rhythm 不确定的室上性心律Supraventricular arrhythmias 室上性心律失常atrial premature complex(es) 房性期前收缩(旱搏)atrial premature complex(es), nonconducted 房性期前收缩(旱搏)来下传retrograde atrial activation 逆传的心房激动wandering atrial rhythm 游走性房性心律ectopic atrial rhythm 房性心律ectopic atrial rhythm, multifocal 多源性房性心律junctional premature complex(es) 交界性期前收缩(旱博)junctional escape complex(es) 交界性逸搏junctional rhythm 交界性心律accelerated junctional rhythm 加速性交界性心律supraventricular rhythm 室上性心律supraventricular complex(es) 室上性心搏bradycardia, nonsinus 非窦性心动过缰Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias 室上性快速性心律失常atrial fibrillation 心房颤动atrial flutter 心房扑动ectopic atrial tachycardia, unifocal 单源性房性心动过速ectopic atrial tachycardia, multifocal 多源性房性心动过速junctional tachycardia 交界性心动过速supraventricular tachycardia 室上性心动过速narrow-QRS tachycardia 窄QRS心动过速Ventricular arrhythmias 室性心律失常ventricular premature complex(es) 室性期前收缩(旱搏)ventricular fusion complex(es) 室性融合波ventricular escape complex(es) 室性逸搏idioventricular rhythm 室性自主心律accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性室性自主心律fascicular rhythm 分支性室性心律ventricular parasystole 室性井行心律pulseless electrical activity 无脉性电活动cardiac asystole 心脏停搏Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 室性快速性心律失常ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速ventricular tachycardia, unsustained 非持续性室性心动过速bidirectional ventricular tachycardia 双向性室性心动过速ventricular tachycardia, polymorphous 多形性室性心动过速ventricular tachycardia, torsades de pointes 尖端扭转型室性心动过速ventricular fibrillation 心室颤动fascicular tachycardia 分支性室性心动过速wide-QRS t achycardia 宽QRS心动过速Atrioventricular (AV) conduction 房室传导short PR interval 短PR间期AV conduction ratio N:D 房室传导比N:Dprolonged PR interval PR间期延长first-degree AV block -度房室阻滞second-degree AV block, Mobitz type (Wenckebach)二度I型房室阻滞second-degree AV block, Mobitz type 二度II型房室阻滞2:1 AV block 2:1 房室阻滞AV block, varying conduction 房室阻滞,不等比传导AV block, advanced (high-grade) 高度房室阻滞AV block, complete (third-degree) 三度房室阻滞AV dissociation 房室分离lntraventricular and intra-atrial conduction 心室内及心房内传导aberrant conduction of supraventricular beat(s) 室上性搏动伴差异性传导left anterior fascicular block 左前分支阻滞left posterior fascicular block 左后分支阻滞left bundle-branch block 左束支阻滞incomplete right bundle-branch block 不完全性右束支阻滞right bundle-branch block 右束支阻滞intraventricular conduction delay 室内传导延迟ventricular preexcitation 心室预激right atrial conduction abnormality 右心房传导异常left atrial conduction abnormality 左心房传导异常Epsilon wave Epsilon i皮Axis and voltage 电轴与电压right-axis deviation 电轴右偏left-axis deviation 电轴左偏right superior axis 电轴极度右偏indeterminate axis 不确定电铀electrical alternans 电交苔low voltage 低电压low voltage in limb leads 肢体导联低电压low voltage in precordial leads 胸导联低电压abnormal preco时ialR-wave progression 胸导联Ri皮递增不良abnormal P-wave axis P 波电铀异常Chamber hypertrophy or enlargement 心脏肥厚或增大left atrial enlargement 左心房增大right atrial enlargement 右心房增大left ventricular hypertrophy 左心室肥厚right ventricular hypertrophy 右心室肥厚biventricular hypertrophy 双心室肥厚STsegment, Twave, andUwave ST段、T波和U波STdeviation ST改变STdeviation with T-wave change ST-T改变T-wave abnormality T 波异常prolonged QT interval QT间期延长short QT interval 短QT间期prominent U waves U波增高inverted U waves U波倒置TU fusion T U融合ST-T change due to ventricular hypertrophy 心室肥厚所致的ST-T 改变Osborn wave J j皮early repolarization 阜复极Myocardial infarction (Ml) 心肌梗死anterior MI 前壁心肌模死inferior MI 下壁心肌檀死posterior MI 后壁心肌檀死lateral MI 侧壁心肌梗死anteroseptal MI 前闻壁心肌梗死extensive anterior MI 广泛前壁心肌梗死MI in presence of left bundle-branch block 心肌檀死合并左束支阻;带right ventricular MI 右心室心肌梗死abnormal Q wave 异常Q波Pacemaker 起搏器atrial-paced complex(es) or rhythm 心房起搏/心律ventricular-paced complex(es) or rhythm 心室起搏/心律ventricular pacing of non-right ventricular apical origin 非右心室心尖部I心室起搏atrial-sensed ventricular-paced complex(es) or rhythm 心房感知心室起搏/1心律AV dual-paced complex(es) or rhythm 房室双腔起搏/心律failure to capture, atrial 心房失夺获failure to capture, ventricular 心室失夺获failure to inhibit, atrial 心房感知不良failure to inhibit, ventricular 心室感知不良failure to pace, atrial 心房起搏不良failure to pace, ventricular 心室起搏不良。
医学常用心电图术语中英文翻译Medical Terminology Translation of Commonly Used Electrocardiogram Terms in Chinese and EnglishIntroductionIn the field of medicine, accurate communication is vital to ensure effective diagnosis and treatment. Electrocardiography, commonly known as ECG or EKG, is a crucial tool in diagnosing and monitoring various cardiac conditions. Understanding the terminology used in ECG reports is essential for healthcare professionals to interpret the findings correctly. This article aims to provide a comprehensive translation of commonly used ECG terms from Chinese to English, ensuring clear communication and enhancing medical practice.1. Basics of Electrocardiogram1.1 心电图(xīn diàn tú) - Electrocardiogram (ECG)1.2 心率(xīn lǜ) - Heart rate1.3 心律(xīn lǚ) - Cardiac rhythm1.4 导联(dǎo lián) - Lead1.5 间期(jiàn qī) - Interval1.6 幅度 (fú dù) - Amplitude2. P Waves2.1 P波(P bō) - P wave2.2 P波增宽(P bō zēng kuān) - P wave widening2.3 P波高尖(P bō gāo jiān) - P wave tall and pointed2.4 P波倒置(P bōdǎo zhì) - Inverted P wave3. QRS Complex3.1 QRS波群(QRS bō qún) - QRS complex3.2 Q波(Q bō) - Q wave3.3 R波(R bō) - R wave3.4 S波(S bō) - S wave3.5 QRS时限延长 (QRS shí xiàn yán cháng) - Prolonged QRS duration3.6 QRS时限缩短(QRS shí xiàn suō duǎn) - Shortened QRS duration4. ST Segment4.1 ST段 (ST duàn) - ST segment4.2 ST段抬高(ST duàn tái gāo) - ST segment elevation4.3 ST段压低(ST duàn yā dī) - ST segment depression4.4 J点抬高(J diǎn tái gāo) - J-point elevation5. T Wave5.1 T波(T bō) - T wave5.2 T波高大(T bō gāo dà) - Tall T wave5.3 T波低平(T bō dī píng) - Flat T wave5.4 T波倒置(T bō dǎo zhì) - Inverted T wave6. U Wave6.1 U波(U bō) - U wave6.2 U波增高(U bō zēng gāo) - Increased U wave6.3 U波降低(U bō jiàng dī) - Decreased U wave7. QT Interval7.1 QT间期 (QT jiàn qī) - QT interval7.2 QT间期延长(QT jiàn qī yán cháng) - Prolonged QT interval7.3 QT间期缩短(QT jiàn qī suō duǎn) - Shortened QT intervalConclusionHaving a solid foundation in medical terminology is crucial for effective communication in the field of healthcare. This article provided a comprehensive translation of commonly used terms in electrocardiography, from Chinese to English, ensuring accurate interpretation and diagnosis. By understanding these terms, healthcare professionals can communicate effectively and deliver optimal patient care.。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------心脏超声中英文对照词汇一次谐波共振 First harmonic response [hɑː’mɒnɪk] 二尖瓣Mitral valve, MV [‘maɪtrəl] 二尖瓣口 Mitral valve orifice, MVO [‘ɑrɪfɪs] 二尖瓣后瓣 Posterior mitral valve, PMV [pɒ’st ɪərɪə] 二尖瓣血流 Mistral inflow 二尖瓣前瓣 Anterior mitral valve, AMV [n’tɪərɪə] 二尖瓣裂 Mitral valve cleft, MVCLF [kleft] 二次谐波共振 Second harmonic response 二次谐波多普勒组织成像 Second Doppler tissue imaging, H-DTI 二次谐波成像Second harmonic imaging 人工瓣膜血栓 Prosthetic heart valve thrombus 三心房心 Cor triatriatum 三尖瓣 Tricuspid valve, TV 三尖瓣关闭不全Tricuspid valve insufficiency 三尖瓣闭锁Tricuspid atresia 三尖瓣前瓣 Anterior tricuspid valve, ATV 三尖瓣狭窄Tricuspid valve stenosis 三尖瓣疾病Tricuspid disease 三尖瓣隔瓣 Septal tricuspid valve, STV 三维超声心动图Three-dimensional echocardiography 大动脉转位Transposition of the great arteries 川崎病 Kawasakis disease 中场 Middle filed 分辨率 resolution 反射 Reflection 心内血栓 Intracardiac thrombus 心内膜垫缺损 endocardial cushion defect 心包疾病 Pericardial effusion 心包积液 Pericardial effusion 心外膜冠状动脉 Epicardial coronary artery 心尖多孔瑞士奶酪样室间隔缺损 Digital multiple swiss cheese septal1 / 5defect 心肌内冠状动脉 Intramyocardial coronary artery 心肌对比超声心动图 Myocardial contrast echocardiography, MCE 心肌梗塞 Myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞并发症 Complications of myocardial infarction 心房内血栓 Atria thrombus 心房黏液瘤Atria myxoma, MYX 心室内附壁血栓Intraventricular mural thrombus 心绞痛Angina pectoris 心脏声学造影Cardial acoustic contrast 心脏肿瘤Cardial tumor 心脏移植Heart transplantation 主动脉二叶瓣 Bicuspid aortic valve 主动脉瓣口Aortic valve orifice, AVO 主动脉瓣狭窄Aortic valves stenosis 主肺动脉 Main pulmonary artery, MPA 主瓣 Main lobe 功率谱 Power spectrum 右心房 Right atrium, RA 右心室 Right ventricle, RV 右心室收缩时间间期 Right ventricle systolic time intervals 右心室收缩前间期 Right ventricle pre-ejection period, RVPEP 右心室射血时间Right ventricle ejection time ,RVET 右冠状动脉起源于肺动脉 Anomalous origin of right coronary artery from pulmonary artery 右室双出口Double-outlet right ventricle 右心室双腔心 Double chambered right ventricle 右心室流出道 right ventricle outflow 对比造影谐波成像 Contrast agent harmonic imaging, CAHI 对比超声心动图学 Contrast echocardiography, CE 对数压缩 Logarithmic compensation 尼奎斯特频率极限 Nyquist frequency limit 左心耳 Left atrium apendge, LAA 左心房 Left atrium 左心左心室长---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 轴切面 Left ventricle, LV 左心室发育不全综合征 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 左心室收缩末期内径 Left ventricle end systolic dimension, LVEDD 左心室流出道梗阻 Left ventricle outflow obstruction 左心室舒张末期内径 Left ventricle end diastolic dimension, LVSDD 左冠状动脉起源于肺动脉 Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery 平行扫描 Parallel scanning 永存动脉干 Persistent arterious 电子相控阵扇型扫面 Phased array sector scan 皮肤黏膜淋巴结综合征Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, MCLS 节制束 Moderator band 伪像Artifacts 伪影处理技术Pseudo-color processing technique 先天性肺动脉口狭窄Congenital pulmonary artery fistula 先天性冠状动脉瘘 Congenital coronary artery fistula 共振Resonant 共振频率Resonant frenquency 压力半降时间Pressure half-time, PHT 回声失落 Echo drop-out 回声增强效应Effect of echo enhancement 团注 Bolus 多平面经食道超声心动图Multiplane transesophageal echocardiography 多点选通式多普勒Multigate Doppler 多普勒方程 Doppler equation 多普勒组织 M 型模式 Doppler tissue m-mode, DT-M-MODE 多普勒组织加速度图Doppler tissue acceleration, DAT 多普勒组织成像Doppler tissue imaging, DTI 多普勒组织脉冲频谱 Doppler tissue pulsed wave mode, DT-DTE 多普勒组织能量图 Doppler tissue energy, DTE3 / 5多普勒组织速度图 Doppler tissue velocity, DTV 多普勒效应Doppler effect 多普勒超声心动图 Doppler echocardiography 多普勒频移Doppler shift 导航装置Homing deveces 导管超声Catheter ultrasound 机械扇型扫描 Mechanical sector scan 纤维瘤Fibroma 自由扫查Free-hand scanning 自动边缘检测Automatic border detection 自然组织谐波成像 Native tissue harmonic imaging 色彩倒错 Color aliasing 血栓 Thrombus 血流彩色成像 Color flow mapping 血管肉瘤 Angiosarocama 血管腔内超声成像Intravascular ultrasound imaging 负荷超声心动图Stress echocardiography 体元模型 Voxel model 声束形成 Bean forming 声阻抗Acoustic impedance 声学定量Acoustic quantification 声学速度Acoustic velocity 声强Acoustic intensity 层流 Laminar flow 希阿利网 Chiari netok 快速富里叶变换Fast fourier transform 折射Refraction 时间分辨率Temporal resolution 时间增益补偿 Time gain compensation 时域法 Time domain method 纵向分辨率 Longitudinal resolution 纵波 Longitudinal wave 肛管超声 Anal endosonography 近场 Near filed 进入曲线 Wash in curves 远场 Far filed 连续式多普勒Continuous wave Doppler, CW Doppler 连续注射Continuous injection 乳头肌Papillary muscle, PM 单脉冲删除Single pulse concellation 取样容积 Sample volume 图像分辨率 Image resolution 实时频谱分析 Real-time spectral analysis 房间隔缺---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 损 Atrial septal defect, ASD 房间隔脂肪瘤样肥厚 Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum 房间隔瘤Atrial septal aneurysm 欧氏瓣Eustachian 空壳Hollow core 空间分辨率Spatial resolution 组织多普勒成像技术 Tissue Doppler imagine 组织多普勒超声心动图 Tissue Doppler echocardiography 经心腔内超声心动图 Intracardiac echocardiography 经阴道彩色多普勒超声 Trans-vaginal color Doppler ultrasound 经食道超声心动图Transesophageal echocardiography 限制性室间隔缺损Restrictive ventricular septal defect 非致密性心室心肌二维超声心动图Non-compaction of ventricular myocardium two dimensional echocardiography 肺动脉 Pulmonary artery 肺动脉狭窄肺动脉高压肺动脉瓣肺静脉异位引流顶端侧方扫描式顶端旋转扫描式临床基础冠心病冠状动脉内超声显像冠状动脉异常冠状动脉血流储备冠状动脉起源异常冠状静脉窦厚度分辨率室上嵴室间隔缺损室间隔膜部瘤界面相干对比造影成像相干图像形成技术类脂背向散射积分背景噪音脉冲反相谐波成像脉冲式多普勒脉冲重复频率衍射重叠房室瓣扇形扫描振幅捆扎型纤维蛋白分子旁瓣效应浦肯野纤维瘤消除曲线涡流特定定点造影剂留间隔器缺血性预适应胸骨旁短轴切面能量对比成像脂肪瘤5 / 5。
(mitral stenosis)
1 病理 瓣膜表面粗糙硬化、瓣缘赘生
2 临床表现 症状:劳累后心慌、气短,端坐呼 吸、肝大、下肢浮肿 体征:心尖区舒张中晚期隆隆样杂 音,P2亢进
3 X线表现
(1)心脏增大:呈二尖瓣型 (2)左房大、左心耳(left auricle)突出 (3)右室大 (4)主动脉结小 (5)肺瘀血 (6)间质性肺水肿常见 (7)可有肺动脉高压
(mitral insufficiency)
1 病理 瓣叶增厚、收缩,瓣膜表面粗
糙硬化、有赘生物,腱索缩短、粘 连
2 临床表现 症状:劳累后心慌、气短、咯血、 端坐呼吸、肝大、下肢浮肿 体征:心尖区收缩期吹风样杂音, 向腋下传导
3 X线表现 心脏增大,二尖瓣型 左房、右室、左室大,左心耳突出 主动脉球正常或缩小 肺瘀血
3 病程 急性:心包积液(pericardial
(constrictive pericarditis)
1 病理 心包腔内过多液体,心
2 临床表现 乏力、发热等;可有心包填
塞(呼吸困难、面色苍白、发绀 和端坐呼吸);心音遥远
主动脉结缩小:体循环血流量减 少
(Fallot’s Tetralogy)
为肺血减少、右向左分流紫绀性 先天性心脏病。由肺动脉狭窄(漏斗 部、肺动脉瓣和肺动脉干及分支)、 室间隔缺损、主动脉骑跨和右心室肥 厚组成,前两者为主要组成部分
根据国际标准,心电图波形的中英文译名如下所示:1. 正常窦性心律 (Normal sinus rhythm)正常窦性心律是指心脏的起搏点在窦房结,并以正常的频率控制心脏收缩。
2. 房性早搏 (Atrial premature contraction)房性早搏是指心脏起搏点在窦房结之外的房性部位,提前激动引发心脏早期收缩。
3. 室性早搏 (Ventricular premature contraction)室性早搏是指心脏起搏点在心室,而不是在窦房结。
4. 房扑 (Atrial flutter)房扑是一种心律失常,心脏收缩速率较快,房室传导比例不一致。
5. 心房颤动 (Atrial fibrillation)心房颤动是一种最常见的心律失常,心脏收缩不规则而快速。
6. 完全性心房传导阻滞 (Complete atrioventricular block)完全性心房传导阻滞是指窦房结激动无法完全传导到心室。
7. 完全性束支传导阻滞 (Complete bundle branch block)完全性束支传导阻滞是指心室束支完全或部分阻滞,导致心室激动传导延迟。
8. ST段抬高 (ST segment elevation)ST段抬高在心电图上是一种异常的波形表现,可能是心肌缺血或心肌梗塞的指示之一。
9. ST段压低 (ST segment depression)ST段压低也是一种异常的波形表现,可能与心肌缺血有关。
心电图诊断中英互译正常心电图 Normal ECG(Electrocardiogram)窦性心动过缓 Sinus Bradycardia 窦性静止 Sinus Arrest窦性心动过速 Sinus Tachycardia 窦性心律不齐 Sinus Arrhythmia房性早搏Atrial Premature Complex房性早搏伴心室内差异传导Atrial Premature Complex with Aberrant Intraventricular Conduction房性早搏未下传Non-conducted(Blocked) Atrial Premature Complex(阵发性)心房颤动(Paroxysmal) Atrial Fibrillation(阵发性)心房扑动(Paroxysmal) Atrial Flutter双心房肥大Bi-atrial Enlargement 双心室肥大 Biventricular HypertrophyST-T 改变 ST-T Abnormalities ST段/T波改变 ST Segment/T Wave Abnormalities交界性早搏 Junctional Premature Complex室性早搏二联律Bigeminal Ventricular Premature Complex 三联律 Trigeminal多源性室性早搏连发(成对)Multifocal Ventricular Premature Complex‘s Couplet短阵房性心动过速 Short Run of Atrial Tachycardia阵发性室上性心动过速 Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia非阵发性 non-paroxysmal 逸搏Escape Beat 逸搏心律Escape Rhythm一度房室阻滞 First Degree A-V Block高度(三度)房室阻滞 High(Third) Degree A-V Block二度I型(II型)房室阻滞 Second Degree A-V Block ,Mobitz Type I (II)二度I型(II型)窦房阻滞 Second Degree SinoAtrial Block , Type I (II)完全性右束支阻滞 Complete Right Bundle Branch Block完全性左束支阻滞 Complete Left Bundle Branch Block左前(后)分支阻滞 Left Anterior(Posterior) Fascicular Block心室预激 Ventricular Pre-excitation房性(交界性、室性)逸搏心律 Atrial (Junctional、Ventricular) Escape Rhythm提示高钾血症 Suggestion of Hyperkalemia提示低钾血症 Suggestion of Hypokalemia急性广泛前壁心肌梗死 Acute Extensive Anterior Myocardial Infarction急性(陈旧性)前间壁心肌梗死 Acute(Old) Anteroseptal Myocardial Infarction急性前侧壁心肌梗死 Acute Anterolateral Myocardial Infarction前壁anterior 下壁inferior 后壁posterior 后侧壁posterolateral电轴左偏 Left Axis Deviation电轴右偏 Right Axis Deviation心肌缺血 Myocardial Ischaemia起搏器 Pacmaker感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。
(2)肺动脉圆锥隆起 左前斜位 心前下缘向前膨隆,心膈面延长,
见于:二尖瓣狭窄、肺心病和 肺动脉狭窄等
3 左心房增大(Enlargement of Left Atrium)
• 代表左室大一类心脏病 • X线心尖主要左下大,心腰相对凹陷 • 见于高心病等
3 普大型心(general enlarged heart):
代表心包病或多个房室大一类 心脏病
X线心脏向双侧增大,心缘各弓 弧消失
Hale Waihona Puke 4 靴型心(wooden-shoe heart):
代表右室大,有肺动脉狭窄一类 心脏病
X线心脏主要向左大,心尖上翘, 心腰器质性下陷
1 形态改变:迂曲、延长(tortuosity、elongation) 2 密度改变:增粗、钙化(dilatation、calcification)
(五)心包钙化(Pericardial Calcification)
主要以右下肺动脉干直径为标准: 正常成人男性10~15mm
女性 9~14mm 一般肺动脉和伴行支气管直径之比 为1:1
3 肺动脉高压(Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension)
收缩压>4kPa(30mmHg),平 均压>2.7kPa(20mmHg)
1 肺动脉段突出 2 肺门截断征 3 中心肺动脉搏动强 4 右室大
后前位 1 左心耳(left auricle)突出 2 心底部双重密度,心右缘双重 轮廓影
Course Overview
• Textbook
• ECG interpretation text is recommended
• Evaluation
• Test 1: 20% • Test 2: 20% • Test 3: 20% • Practical Exam: 40%
Teaching Agenda for Class 1
Universal Precautions
• Minimum standard of work performance to prevent exposure to pathogenic agents
• Includes:
• Education • Personal protective equipment • Hand washing – single most effective measure • Safe work practices
duties • Ensures safety, confidentiality, and privacy of the
patient • May not change any medical document, signed
by a physician, without physician’s approval • Diagnosis is outside scope of practice • Communication of a test result to a patient is
审题指导 习作要求 1.通过一件事的叙述或一个场景的描 写,用上几个拟声词。 2.学会把生活中听到的声音用拟声词 写下来,写的时候一般要加引号 3.叙写内容具体、语句通顺、语言生 动、表达有序。
SHARCHIP Method ——S ——standardization H ——heart rate A ——axis R ——rhythm C ——conduction H ——hypertrophyI ——ischemic&infarction P ——previous ECGSHARCHIP方法—— S ——标准化 H ——心率 A ——心电轴 R ——节律 C ——传导 H ——肥大I ——缺血&梗死 P ——比较之前ECG***********************************************************************************************① standardizationVertically :10mm=1mV Horizontal : 25mm=1s① 标准化纵向:10mm=1mV 走纸:25mm=1s② heart rate=300 / large time units =1500/ small time unitsTachycardia (>90 bpm) Bradycardia (<50 bpm) ② 心率=300/大格数=1500/小格数心动过速(>90 bpm) 心动过缓(<50 bpm) ③axisL-axis deviation: <- 30°I is mostly positive & III is mostly negative R-axis deviation: > 100°I is mostly negative& III is mostly positive③电轴左偏:<- 30°I III :口对口,向左走右偏:> 100°I III :尖对尖,向右偏 ④rhythm (4Q ) Pacemaker?normal P : sinus rhythm ab. P, narrow QRS :atrial r. no P, narrow QRS :junctional r. no P, wide QRS :ventricular r.Normal /Tachycardia/Bradycardia? Active or passive(escape) Any Additional ? ④节律(4问) 起搏点?正常心率/心动过速/心动过缓? 有无逸搏? 附加节律?Common arrhythmiasatrial flutter:1 zigzag F waves replace P wave2 A/V (F/QRS) is proportionaatrial fibrillation:1 Irregular f waves2 RR interval absolutely irregular PSVT:(…)ventricular flutter:1 regular big wave (200-250bpm) ventricular fibrillation:1 irregular small waves (200-500bpm) VT:(…)Premature atrial contraction(PAC):1 premature P’wave,2 normal QRS,3 imcomplete compensatory pause Premature junctional contraction:1 antidromic P’wave2 normal QRS3 complete compensatory pause. Premature Ventricular Cont. (PVC):1 no P wave2 wide QRS (T is converse with QRS)3 complete compensatory pause 常见心律异常房扑:1锯齿状F波代替P波2固定房室比房颤:1 颤动f波代替P波2心室律绝对不齐阵发性室上速:(略)室扑:大震幅波动(200-250bpm)室颤:大小不等的低小波(200-500bpm) 室速:(略)房性早搏:异位P’窄QRS不完全代偿间歇交界性早搏:逆P’窄QRS完全代偿间歇室性早搏:无P宽大畸形QRS(T波反向)完全代偿间歇⑤conductionA VBPP Intervals RR Intervals1°SAB Invariant(prolonged PR Intervals) 2°SABType I invariant Wenckebach ph.Type II invariant RR pause=2RR3°SAB(Complete) invariant Escape rhythmLBBB:left side leads: incisure on wide R right side leads: wide S wave,reverse ST-T RBBB:right side leads: remarkable rsR`left side leads: wide S wave,reverse ST-TLAFB:Left-deviation axisrS inⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF(SⅡ< SⅢ)qR inⅠ、aVL(RⅠ< R aVL)narrow QRSLPFB:right-deviation axisrS inⅠ、aVLqR inⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF(RⅡ< RⅢ) narrow QRSWPW Pre-excitation syndrome short PRwide QRSslurring of the initial part of the QRS (Δ) Secondary ST-T changes 完左:左侧导联:宽R带切迹(型),失q 右侧导联: rS /QS型(宽S),ST-T与QRS主波反向完右:右侧电联:rsR’ ( 型)左侧导联: rS /QS型(宽S),ST-T与QRS主波反向左前分支阻滞:电轴左偏(-45~ -90°)下壁导联rS型,S III>S II左侧导联呈qR型,RⅠ< R aVLQRS不增宽左后分支阻滞:电轴右偏(>110°)左侧导联呈rS型下壁导联qR型,RⅡ< RⅢQRS不增宽W-P-W预激综合征:短PR间期QRS增宽起始部粗钝(附加Δ波)继发ST-T改变⑥HypertrophyLA Hypertrophy:duration of P wave > 3 mm (m-shape) RA Hypertrophy:amplitude of P wave > 2 mmLV Hypertrophy:left-deviation axis counterclockwise rotationRV Hypertrophy:right-deviation axisclockwise rotation ⑥房室肥大左房大:M型宽P波右房大:高尖P波左室大:电轴左偏逆钟转位RV5或RV6 >2.5mVRV5+SV1 > 4.0mV(男)/3.5 mV (女)右室大:电轴右偏顺钟转位RV1+SV5>1.05mV (重者>1.2mV)⑦ischemic & infarctionV1-V3:anteroseptal wallV3-V5:anterior wallV5, V6, aVL:lateral wallI, aVL:high lateral wallV1-V5: extensive anterior wall V8, V9:posterior wallII, III, aVF:inferior wall V3R-V6R:right ventricular ⑧previous (comparison) ⑦心肌缺血V1-V3:前间壁V3-V5:前壁V5, V6, aVL:侧壁I, aVL:高侧壁V1-V5:广泛前壁V8, V9:正后壁II, III, aVF:下壁V3R-V6R:右室⑧比较既往心电图Normal range horizontal VerticalP wave <3 mm <2.5 mm in E-leads<2.0 mm in C-leadsPR intervals 3-5 mmQRS complex <3 mm ≥5 mm in E-leads≥8 mm in C-leadsQ wave <1 mm <1/4RR wave <1.5 mmS waveST segment-0.5~ 1.0 mmT wave≥ 1/10 QRSQT intervals QTc: 8-11 mmQTc=QT/√RRU wavePE:an S1Q3T3 patternsinus tachycardiaRBBBI :prominent S waveIII :a Q wave and inverted T waveV1 - V3 :inverseT waveHypokalaemia:ST segment depression,low amplitude T waves,and prominent U wavesHyperkalaemia:small or absent P wavesAFVFwide QRSshortened or absent STwide, tall and tented T wavesPUMC kyanite。
2012年6月门诊单词—心电图(2)Acute anterior myocardial infarction 急性前壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [æn'tiəriə] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute inferior myocardial infarction 急性下壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [in'fiəriə] [ˌmaiə'k ɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute posterior myocardial infarction 急性后壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [pɔs'tiəriə] [ˌmai ə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST elevation ST段抬高[ˌeliˈveiʃən]Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 急性ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t] [ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) 急性非ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t] [nɔn] [ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST-T changing ST-T改变['tʃeindʒiŋ]Escape beat逸搏[is'keip] [bi:t]Escape rhythm逸搏节律[is'keip] ['riðəm]Atrial escape beat 房性逸搏 ['eitriəl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Junctional escape beat交界性逸搏['dʒʌŋkʃənl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular escape beat室性逸搏[ven'trikjulə] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)室性心动过速[ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə] Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia 阵发性室性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl][ven'trikjul ə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl] ['su:prə] [ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Low voltage 低电压[ləu][ˈvəultidʒ]Left axis deviation 电轴左偏[left] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Right axis deviation 电轴右偏[rait] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Pacemaker signal 起搏脉冲信号 ['peisˌmeikə] ['signəl]Borderline ECG 边缘心电图(介于正常与不正常之间) ['bɔ:dəˌlain]Last ECG 临终心电图[lɑ:st]Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) WPW (预激)综合症[wulf] ['pɑ:kinsən] [wait] Early repolarization (ER)过早复极[ˈə:li] ['ri:pəulərai'zeiʃən]Premature atrial contraction (PAC)房性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə]['eitriəl][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) 室性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə] [ven'trikjulə] [k ənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Junctional premature contraction交界性期前收缩['dʒʌŋkʃənl][ˌpreməˈtʃuə][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Bigeminy 二联律[baiˈdʒemini]Trigeminy 三联律[trai'dʒimini]high degree AV block高度房室传导阻滞[hai] [diˈgri:] [ei] [vi:] [blɔk]AV dissociation房室分离[ei] [vi:] [diˌsəusi'eiʃən]。
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正常心电图 Normal ECG(Electrocardiogram)
窦性心动过缓 Sinus Bradycardia 窦性静止 Sinus Arrest
窦性心动过速 Sinus Tachycardia 窦性心律不齐 Sinus Arrhythmia
房性早搏Atrial Premature Complex
房性早搏伴心室内差异传导Atrial Premature Complex with Aberrant Intraventricular Conduction
房性早搏未下传Non-conducted(Blocked) Atrial Premature Complex
(阵发性)心房颤动(Paroxysmal)Atrial Fibrillation
(阵发性)心房扑动(Paroxysmal)Atrial Flutter
双心房肥大Bi-atrial Enlargement双心室肥大 Biventricular Hypertrophy
ST-T 改变 ST-T Abnormalities ST段/T波改变ST Segment/T Wave Abnormalities 交界性早搏Junctional Premature Complex
室性早搏二联律Bigeminal Ventricular Premature Complex三联律 Trigeminal
多源性室性早搏连发(成对)Multifocal Ventricular Premature Complex‘s Couplet 短阵房性心动过速Short Run of Atrial Tachycardia
阵发性室上性心动过速 Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
非阵发性 non-paroxysmal 逸搏Escape Beat 逸搏心律Escape Rhythm
一度房室阻滞 First Degree A-V Block
高度(三度)房室阻滞High(Third) Degree A-V Block
二度I型(II型)房室阻滞Second Degree A-V Block ,Mobitz Type I (II)
二度I型(II型)窦房阻滞 Second Degree SinoAtrial Block , Type I (II)
完全性右束支阻滞Complete Right Bundle Branch Block
完全性左束支阻滞 Complete Left Bundle Branch Block
左前(后)分支阻滞 Left Anterior(Posterior) Fascicular Block
心室预激Ventricular Pre-excitation
房性(交界性、室性)逸搏心律 Atrial (Junctional、Ventricular) Escape Rhythm 提示高钾血症Suggestion of Hyperkalemia
提示低钾血症Suggestion of Hypokalemia
急性广泛前壁心肌梗死 Acute Extensive Anterior Myocardial Infarction
急性(陈旧性)前间壁心肌梗死Acute(Old) Anteroseptal Myocardial Infarction 急性前侧壁心肌梗死 Acute Anterolateral Myocardial Infarction
电轴左偏 Left Axis Deviation
电轴右偏 Right Axis Deviation
心肌缺血Myocardial Ischaemia