
这是一个按市场价值比重调整的指数,每种股票在指数的比重与其市场价值成正比SPV特殊功能公司 1.也称为 "不可能破产的公司" ,其业务限于对特定资产进行收购及融资。
特殊功能公司一般是一家子公司,基于其资产/负债结构与法律地位,即使母公司破产,特殊功能公司的责任仍然不受影响2.指一家可作为掉期及其他信贷敏感衍生工具的交易方,也称为 "衍生工具公司"Safe Harbor避风港1.在信誉良好情况下减低或取消负债的法律条款2.抗鲨条款(阻止不受欢迎收购的条款)的一种,目标公司收购一项表现恶劣的资产,以减低本身的吸引力,作为摫芊绺蹟3.会计方法的一种,旨在避开法律或税务监管,并可更简易地根据税务规则的准确条文预测税务结果Sales Per Share每股销售额计算过去12个月每股总收入的比率。
计算方法为一个财政年度的总收入除以该年度加权已发行股票数目Sales Tax销售税对零售货品或服务销售价格征收的税项Sales to Cash Flow Ratio 销售额与现金流比率衡量公司销售额相对现金流表现的比率计算方法为:每股销售额 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄每股现金流Salvage Value残值资产在有用寿命结束时出售可获得的预计价值Samurai Bond武士债券由日本以外公司在东京发行的日元债券Scarcity 稀有基本经济问题,人类有无穷欲望但资源却有限。

投资银行相关词汇BrokerA person or company that acts as an intermediary between a buyer and seller in return for a fee or commission.On Balance SheetA term given for an activity that appears on a company's balance sheet such as borrowing or lending.DerivativeA financial instrument that is attached to an underlying security or commodity, with the aim to protect against adverse price fluctuations. RestructureA change made to a company's operations, generally to reorganize and improve efficiency.UnderwriterAn intermediary between an issuer of debt securities and the investors. Investment banks usually charge a fee for this service. 经纪人在买主和卖主之间充当中介的人或公司,用酬金或佣金来作为回报。

金融资产组合(Portfolio) :指投资者持有的一组资产。
证券投资(Portfolio Investment) :国际收支中、资本帐下的一个项目,反映资本跨国进行证券投资的情况,与直接投资不同,后者涉及在国外设立公司开展业务,直接参与公司的经营管理。
投资组合经理(Portfolio Manager):替投资者管理资产组合的人,通常获授权在约定规范下自由运用资金。
头寸(Position) :就证券投资而言,头寸是指在一项资产上做多(即拥有)或做空(即借入待还)的数量。
总资产收益率(ROTA) :资产收益率是企业净利润与平均资产总额地百分比,也叫资产回报率(ROA),它是用来衡量每单位资产创造多少净利润的指标。
整批交易(Round Lot Trade) :指按证券和商品在市场最普遍的交易单位(例如100股为一单位)进行的交易。
交易回合(Round Turn):指在同一市场上通过对两种证券或合约一买一卖,或一卖一买的交易两相抵消。
缩略语有资产担保的证券(ABS)国际外汇交易商协会(ACI)现货(Actuals)亚洲开发银行(ADB)美国预托证券(ADR)非洲开发银行(AFDB)年度股东大会(AGM)另类投资市场(AIM)明日(T/N)债券有资产担保的证券(ABS)卖方报价(Ask)最优价指令(At Best)。

投资银行中英文常用语1.名词翻译a. 尽职调查:due diligenceb. 包销:firm commitmentc. 尽力推销:best effortsd. 余额包销:standby commitmente. 首次公开发行:initial public offeringf. 二次发行:secondary offeringg. 招股说明书:prospectush. 路演:road showi. 承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicatej. 做市商:market makerk. 交易商:dealerl. 经纪商:brokerm. 管理费:manager’s feen. 承销费:underwriting allowanceo. 销售费:selling concessionp. 墓碑广告:tombstoneq. 反向收购:averse mergerr. 美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s. 全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译a. 柜台市场:over the counterb. 做市商交易:dealer tradingc. 竞价交易:auction tradingd. 现金帐户:cash accounte. 保证金账户:margin accountf. 市场委托指令:market orderg. 现价委托指令:limit orderh. 止损指令:stop orderi. 定价全额即时委托指令:fill or killj. 定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k. 开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l. 套利:arbitragem. 投机:speculationn. 纳斯达克:NASDAQo. 特许交易商:specialist3.名词翻译a. 开放式基金:open-end fundb. 封闭式基金:closed-end fundc. 契约型基金:contract fundd. 公司型基金:corporate funde. 货币市场基金:money market fundf. 认股权证基金:warrant fundg. 国际基金:global fundh. 离岸基金:off-shorei. 国内基金:domestic fundj. 国家基金:country fundk. 对冲基金:hedge fundl. 托管人:trustee4.名词翻译a. 风险投资基金:venture capital fundb. 私募股权投资基金:private equity investment fundc. 天使投资:angeld. 商业计划书:business plane. 筛选:screeningf. 附带权益:carried interestg. 分隔收益率:hurdle rateh. 超额损失:excess lossesi. 交易结构:deal structuringj. 优先股:preferred stockk. 可转债:convertible debtl. 附加股权债:debt with warrantsm. 重组:restructuringn. 大甩卖:fire saleo. 私有化认股权证基金:voucher fund5.名词翻译a. 项目融资:project financingb. 债务人:debtorc. 债权人:loanerd. 合伙制:partnershipe. 普通合伙人:general partnerf. 有限合伙人:limited partnerg. 合资企业:joint ventureh. 公司型合资结构:incorporated joint venturei. 非公司型合资结构:unincorporated joint venture j. 设施使用协议:tolling agreementk. 杠杆:leveragel. 租赁购买:hire and purchasem. BOT:build-operate-transfern. 特许权:concessiono. 自有资金:unquoted equityp. 公募股权基金:quoted equityq. 从属性债务:subordinated debtr. 无担保贷款:unsecured loans. 可转债:convertible debt / convertible notet. 零息债券:zero coupon bondu. 担保存款:secured depositv. 备用信用证:standby letter of creditw. 欧洲债券:European bondx. 扬基债券:Yankee bondy. 武士债券:Samurai bondz. 商业票据:commercial paperaa. 抵押:mortgagebb. 担保:chargecc. 直接担保:direct guaranteedd. 间接担保:indirect guaranteeee. 或有担保:contingent guarantee6.名词翻译a. 企业重组:reorganizationb. 扩张:expansionc. 兼并:mergerd. 合并:consolidatione. 收购:acquisitionf. 收缩:contractiong. 分立:spin-offsh. 子股换母股:split-offsi. 完全析产分股:split-upsj. 剥离:divestiturek. 回购:repurchasesl. 杠杆收购:leveraged buy-outm. 赔偿条款:indemnificationn. 整合:integrationo. 保证条款:covenantsp. 锡保护伞:tin parachute7.名词翻译a. 住宅抵押贷款证券化:mortgage-backed securitizationb. 资产支持证券化:asset-backed securitizationc. 特殊目的载体:special purpose vehicle。

投行名词词汇讲解投行名词词汇讲解投行(Investment Bank)是指从事证券发行、财务咨询和证券交易的金融机构。
1. IPO(Initial Public Offering)- 首次公开发行IPO是指一家公司首次将其股份公开发行给公众,以筹集资金。
2. M&A(Merger and Acquisition)- 并购M&A是指企业通过收购或合并其他公司来实现业务扩张或优化资源配置的行为。
3. Underwriting - 承销承销是指投行将发行公司的证券购入并承诺将其全部出售给市场投资者,为发行公司提供资金保证。
4. Debt Capital Markets(DCM)- 债务资本市场债务资本市场是指债券发行和交易的市场。
5. Equity Capital Markets(ECM)- 股权资本市场股权资本市场是指股票发行和交易的市场。
6. Sales and Trading - 销售与交易销售与交易是投行的重要业务之一,包括向机构投资者销售证券产品、提供交易策略和执行交易等。
7. Research - 研究投行的研究部门为客户提供金融市场和投资分析的研究报告。
8. Asset Management - 资产管理资产管理是指投行通过管理客户的资金和投资组合,帮助客户实现投资目标。

银行专业术语(中英对照)系统模块:CIF-Customer Information File客户信息文件CLS-Central Liability System中心债务系统GL-General Ledger总帐Deposit存款系统Remittance汇款系统Loans贷款系统Trade Finance贸易融资Treasury金库(银行的银行)Factoring保理系统Anti-money Laundry反洗钱关联术语:SWIFT-Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会BIC- bank identify code(swift code)IBAN-International Bank Account Number国际银行帐户号码STP-Straight Through Processing直接处理OSN-EIS-Electronic Interbank SystemEFT-Electronic Funds Transfer System知名银行:HSBC Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation汇丰银行SCB Standard Chartered Bank渣打银行China Merchants Bank(CMB) 中国商业银行常用词汇:overdraft 透支liability 负债asset 资产Deposits 存款nostro 往来帐reconciliation 对帐Statement 存单、结单passbook 存折settlement 结算(银行内)clear 清算(银行间)Endorsement 背书、签注文件Recourse 追索权Position 头寸Mortgage 抵押Overnight deposits 过夜存款Term deposits 定期存款Current deposits 活期存款Fixed deposits 定期存款Current Account 货币帐户Capital Account 资本帐户Loan Account 贷款帐户double counting重复计算Balance Sheet 资产负债表Profit & Loss Report 损益表L/C Creation 进口开证L/C Advising 信用证通知L/C Transfer 信用证转让L/C Negotiation 信用证议付/结汇Inward Bills 进口到单Import Collection 进口托收Shipping Guarantee 提贷担保Import Finance 进口融资Bank Guarantee 银行保函Factoring Business 保理业务Export Collection 出口托收Export Finance 出口融资Packing Loan 打包贷款Forfaiting 福费廷Clean Bill Collections 光票托收invoice reversal 发票撤销redemption 赎回Open Account(O/A) 赊销(记帐贸易):一种贸易方式,通常是交易双方达成协议,由Seller先行向Buyer发运货物,货款一季、半年或一年结算.Advising Bank 通知行Anticipatory L/C 预支信用证At sight 即期,见票即付At…days (month)after sight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款At…days after B/L 提单签发后若干天付款At…days after date 出票后若干天付款At…days sight 付款人见票后若干天即付款Authority to Purchase (A/P) 委托购买证Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证Bank Guarantee 银行保函Banker's Acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证Banker's Bill 商业汇票Banker's Bill 银行汇票Bankers' Acceptance Bill 银行承兑汇票Buyer's Bank 买方银行Buyer's Usance L/C 买方远期信用证Cash Against Documents (C.A.D) 凭单付现Cash Against Payment 凭单付款Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现Certified Invoice 证明发票Collection Advice 托收委托书Collection Bill Purchased 托收出口押汇Commercial Acceptance Bill 商业承兑汇票Commercial Bill 商业汇票Confirmed Irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤消信用证Confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证Confirming Bank 保兑行Consignment Invoice 寄售发票Contract Guarantee 合约保函Countervailing credit (俗称)子证Credit payable by a bank 银行付款信用证Credit payable by a trader 商业付款信用证Credit with T/T Reimbursement Clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证Date of issue 开证日期Demand Draft (D/D) 票汇Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收Documents against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单Documents against Payment (D/P) 付款交单Documents against Payment after Sight (D/P sight) 远期付款交单Documents against Payment at Sight (D/P sight) 即期付款交单Documents of title to the goods 物权凭证Drawee Bank 付款行Expiry Date 效期Exporter's Bank 出口方银行General Letter of Hypothecation 总质押书I.C.C. Publication No.400 第400号出版物Import Guarantee 进口保证书Importer's Bank 进口方银行Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/C 不可撤消不保兑的信用证Issuing Bank 开证行L/C amount 信用证金额L/C number 信用证号码Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证Letter of Guarantee (L/G) 保证书Letter of Hypothecation 质押书Letter of Indication 印鉴核对卡Mail transfer (M/T) 信汇Manufacturers' Invoice 厂商发票Negotiating Bank 议付行Notifying Bank 通知行Opening Bank 开证行Opening Bank' Name & Signature 开证行名称及签字Overriding credit 母证Paying Bank 付款行,汇入行Payment Guarantee 付款保证书Performance Guarantee 履约保证书Performer Invoice 形式发票Presenting Bank 提示行Promisory Note 本票Recipe Invoice 收妥发票Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证Remitting Bank 汇出行Repayment Guarantee 还款保证书Retention Money Guarantee 保留金保证书Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证Revolving L/C 循环信用证Sample Invoice 样品发票Seller's Bank 卖方银行Sight Bill 即期汇票Sight L/C 即期信用证Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 电汇Tender/Bid Guarantee 投标保证书Terms of validity 信用证效期Time Bill 远期汇票Trade Acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证Transferable L/C 可转让信用证Transmitting Bank 转递行Traveler's L/C 旅行信用证Trust Receipt 信托收据Unconfirmed L/C 不保兑的信用证Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例Uniform Rules for Collection 《托收统一规则》Untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证Usance Bill 远期汇票Usance L/C 远期信用证acceptor 承兑人bailee 受托人,代保管人bearer 来人beneficiary 受益人cheque 支票clean Bill for Collection 光票托收clean bill 光票clean payment 单纯支付collection 托收commodity 产品consignee 受托人consignor 委托人consingnee 受托人convenient 方便的copy 副本dealing 交易,生意decline 下降,下跌deferred payment 延期付款destination 目的地discount 贴现dishonour 拒付documentary bill 跟单汇票draft 汇票drawee 付款人drawer 出票人endorse 背书endorsee 被背书人endorsement 背书endorser 背书人fixed L/C or fixed amount L/C 有固定金额的信用证flexible 灵活的,多变的form of credit 信用证形式guarantor 保证人holder 持票人invoice 发票method of reimbursement 索汇方法original 正本pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款pay order 支付凭证payer 付款人payment against documents through collection 凭单托收付款payment against documents 凭单付款payment agreement 支付协定payment at maturity 到期付款payment by acceptance 承兑付款payment by banker 银行支付payment by bill 凭汇票付款payment by installment 分期付款payment by remittance 汇拨支付payment for (in) cash 现金支付,付现payment in advance 预付(货款)payment in full 全部付讫payment in kind 实物支付payment in part 部分付款payment on terms 定期付款payment order 付款通知payment respite 延期付款payment terms 支付条件,付款方式payment 支付,付款pay…Co. not negotiable 付…公司,不准疏通pay…Co. only 仅付…公司pay…Co. or order (pay to the order of…Co.) 付…公司或其指定人principal 委托人progressive payment 分期付款refusal 拒绝remittance 汇付sales-purchasing 促销,推销simple payment 单纯支付something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错stage 阶段,过程the bank interest 银行利息the mode of payment 付款方式the refusal of payment 拒付to amend L/C 修改信用证to make exception 例外to open by airmail 信开to open by brief cable 简电开证to open by cable 电开to pay 付款,支付,偿还trustee 被信托人truster 信托人usance credit payment at sight 假远期信用证without recourse 不受追索。

投资银行常用术语总汇一、证券发行部分首次公开招股(Initial Public Offering):一间公司初次推出股份让公众认购的行动,称为首次公开招股。
扬基债券(Yankee bonds)在美国债券市场上发行的外国债券,即美国以外的政府、金融机构、工商企业和国际组织在美国国内市场发行的、以美圆为计值货币的债券。
武士债券(Samurai bonds)在日本债券市场上发行的外国债券,即日本以外的政府、金融机构、工商企业和国际组织在日本国内市场发行的、以日元为计值货币的债券。
龙债券(Dragon bonds)以非日元的亚洲国家或地区货币发行的外国债券。
存托凭证(depository receipts,DR)是指在一国证券市场流通的代表外国公司有价证券的可转让凭证。

英文术语中文翻译详细解释DJIA 道琼斯工业平均指数道琼斯工业平均指数是30种在纽约股票交易所及纳斯达克交易所买卖的重要股票的股价加权平均。
道琼斯工业平均指数于1896年由Charles Dow 始创DJTA 道琼斯交通平均指数道琼斯交通平均指数是20种在美国买卖的交通业股票的股价加权平均。
道琼斯工业平均指数于1884年始创DJUA 道琼斯公用事业平均指数道琼斯公用事业平均指数是15种在美国买卖的公用事业股票的股价加权平均。
道琼斯工业平均指数于1929年始创Data Mining 数据探索一种数据库应用,旨在探索大量数据之中存在的潜在模式Days PayableOutstanding (DPO)应付账款天数公司付款的平均天数,计算方法为:备注:公式也可以作:应收账款/(信用成本/天数)Days Sales Outstanding(DSO)应收账款天数公司收款的平均天数,计算方法为:备注:公式也可以作:应收账款/(信用销售额/天数)Debenture 公司债券无抵押债务,只依赖借方信用质量作为支持,并无抵押品,协议属于契约形式Debit 借项、借方增加资产或减低负债的会计入项Debt 债务一名人士或一家公司亏欠其他人士或公司的金钱Debt Equity Ratio 债务股本比衡量公司财务贡杆的指标,计算方法为将公司的长期债务除以股东权益,显示公司建立资产的资金来源中股本与债务的比例备注:部分投资者在计算时只采用需要支付利息的长期债务,而不采用总负债总负债‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾股东权益Debt Equity Swap 债换股交易一种再融资安排,债权人获得公司的股权,因而注销该公司亏欠的债项Debt Financing 债务融资一家公司通过向个人及/或机构投资者出售债券、票据筹集营运资金或资本开支。
个人或机构投资者借出资金,成为公司的债权人,并获得该公司还本付息的承诺Debt Ratio 负债比率财务比率的一种,计算方法为总债务除以总资产Debt Restructuring 债务重组有未偿还债务的企业修改债务协议,以争取更有利条款的行为Debt Security 债务证券证明投资者向发行人借出资金的证券。

《证券投资学》英文词汇实物资产real assets金融资产financial assets资产负债表balance sheet现金流量表statement of cash flows损益表income statement会计收入accounting earnings帐面价值book value流动比率current ratio速动比率quick ratio酸性测试比率acid test ratio资产周转率asset turnover <ATO>应收帐款平均收款期或应收天数average collection period or day’s receivvables 积极管理active management积极型资产组合active portfolio美式期权、欧式期权American depository \ European depository看涨期权call option看跌期权put option套利arbitrage套利定价理论arbitrage pricing theory资产配置决策asset allocation decision资本配置决策capital allocation decision银行贴现收益率bank discount yield银行承兑汇票banker’s acceptance基差basis基差风险basis risk二叉树模型binomial model布莱克舒尔斯顶界公式Black-Scholes formula大宗交易block transactions普通股common stock优先股preferred stock债券bond面值par value公司债券corporate bonds可赎回债券callable bond可卖回债券put bond可转换债券convertible bond信用债券或无担保债券debenture or unsecured bond现金/债券选择cash \ bond selection经纪人市场brokered market佣金经纪人commission broker牛市、熊市bullish \ bearish经济周期business cycle赎回保护期call protection资本利得capital gains资本市场capital market资本市场线capital market line <CML>现金交割cash delivery现金等价物cash equivalents清算所clearinghouse交易所exchanges股票交易所stock exchanges场外交易市场over-the-counter market抵押品collateral有担保的抵押债务collateralized mortgage obligation封闭型〔共同〕基金closed-end <mutual> fund整个资产组合complete portfolio固定增长模型constant growth model或有债权contingent claim交叉持股cross holdings经常项目current account衍生资产derivative asset衍生证券derivative security红利折现模型discounted dividend model <DDM>红利支付率dividend payout ratio可分散风险diversifiable risk分散化diversification有效分散化efficient diversification道氏理论Dow theory久期duration有效率边界efficient frontier欧洲美元Eurodollars超额收益excess return名义利率nominal interest rate真实利率real interest rate实际复利realized compound yield汇率exchange rate汇率风险exchange rate risk<利率的>预期假定expectations hypothesis <of interest rates> 预期收益expected return面值face value因素模型factor model金融资产financial assets金融中介financial intermediary财政政策fiscal policy固定收益证券fixed-income security浮动利率债券floating-rate bond外汇市场foreign exchange market外汇互换foreign exchange swap利率互换interest rate swap远期合约forward contract远期利率forward interest rate期货合约futures contract期货期权futures option期货价格futures price基本面分析fundamental analysis套期保值hedging持有期收益holding-period return指数模型index model指数期权index option通货膨胀inflation首次公开发行initial public offering内部信息inside information内幕交易insider trading清偿价值liquidation value<企业的>内在价值intrinsic value〔of a firm〕期权的内在价值intrinsic value of an option投资银行investment bankers投资级债券investment-grade bond垃圾债券junk bond投资组合investment portfolio一价定律law of one price流动性liquidity流动偏好理论liquidity preference theory流动性溢价liquidity premium市场或系统风险market or systematic risk非系统风险nonsystematic risk交易所的会员或席位membership or seat on a exchange 最小方差边界minimum-variance frontier最小方差资产组合minimum-variance portfolio最优风险资产组合optimal risky portfolio现代资产组合理论modern portfolio theory <MPT>资产组合管理portfolio management货币政策monetary policy货币市场money market抵押担保证券mortgage-backed security转手证券pass-through security单因素模型single-factor model单指数模型single-index model多因素CAPM模型multifactor CAPM共同基金mutual fund开放型基金open-end fund.纳斯达克Nasdaq消极投资策略passive investment strategy消极管理passive management消极型资产组合passive portfolio消极策略passive strategy波峰peak市盈率price-earnings ratio市盈率效应P/E effect公司利润再投资率plowback ratio溢价premium原生证券primitive security衍生证券derivative security一级市场primary market二级市场secondary market本金principal利润率profit margin公开发行public offering私募private placement随机漫步random walk资产收益率return on assets <ROA>股本收益率return on equity <ROE>销售收益率return on sales <ROS>风险套利risk arbitrage风险厌恶risk-averse风险中性risk-neutral风险偏好者risk lover无风险资产risk-free asset无风险收益率risk-free rate风险溢价risk premium风险资产risk asset证券化securitization证券分析security analysis证券市场线security market line证券选择security selection有效市场假定efficient market hypothesis强有效市场假定strong-form EMH半强有效市场假定semistrong-form EMH弱有效市场假定weak- form EMH资产分割separation property短期利率short interest rate空头头寸short position套期hedge卖空short sale投机speculation.投机级债券speculative-grade bong即期利率spot rate股票选择上stock selection股票拆分stock split止损指令stop-loss order对敲straddle技术分析technical analysis基本分析利率期限结构term structure of interest rate时间价值time value三级市场third market国库券treasury bill中长期国债treasury bond or note承销underwriting波动性风险volatility risk认股权证warrant周末效应weekend effect充分分散化的资产组合well-diversified portfolio 收益率曲线yield curve到期收益率yield to maturity零息票债券zero-coupon bond零投资组合zero-investment portfolio。

投资银行部(IBD)专业知识主要内容:1.Corporate Finance (公司财务)2.Financial Statement Analysis (财务报表分析)/ Accounting (会计)[注:对会计的知识要求其实并不像四大国际会计师事务所要求那么严格,所以,财务报表分析的知识已经足够用了]3.Valuation (价值评估)4.Investments (投资学)[注:主要指证券投资学,其实和公司财务有交叉重叠]5.M%26amp;A (企业并购)[注:较少涉及] 这就需要申请者平时多加注意这些专业知识的积累和学习。
投资银行部(IBD)常问的问题:1.How to value a firm?2.What is the Balance Sheet/ Income Statement/ Statement of Cash Flows?3.What is Free Cash Flow? / How to calculate Free Cash Flow?4.What is CAPM?5.How to calculate WACC/ Cost of Capital?6.What is the difference between FIFO and LIFO?7.Compare with P/E ratio, P/BV ratio, and P/S ratio.8.What is the current ratio/ quick ratio/ …………?9.What is NPV/ IRR/ …………?10.What is the DCF Model/ DDM Model…………? …………………………近年来,各华尔街投资银行除了投资银行部以外,其它部门也开始逐渐进入中国开展业务,比如固定收益部(FID)、资本市场部(CMD)等,这些部门可能更侧重一些别的知识,比如:1.Futures, Options and Other Derivatives (经典教材:John Hull)2.Market Sense/ Financial Market(要求跟踪市场)3.Macro-Economy Status (宏观经济状况)4.Fixed Income Securities这些部门可能会常问以下一些问题:1.What is Forward/ Swap/ Future/ Call Option/ Put Option…………?2.What are the basic principles of Black-Scholes Model?3.W hat is Yield Curve/ Term Structure………..?4.What is Duration/ Convexity…………?5.What is the interest rate of the 10-year Treasury Notes in America at prese nt?6.How to value a bond?7.What is yesterday’s DJIA/ S%26amp;P500 / Nasdaq/ …………?8.What are the ef fects if FED raises basis interest rates? ……………这些专业知识如何可以速成或者短期内巩固呢?我个人推荐CFA一级的Study Notes,一来熟悉一些财经词汇的英文表达,二来那些Notes言简意赅,比较实用。

投资银行的专业术语及解释2012年03月02日 20:33:21The glossary below gives definitions for a number of words and phrases that you will be likely to come across in your application.AAll Ordinaries: A type of bond index.Analyst: A person who contributes strategic data from the studying of financial markets and components of them.Asset Management: The professional management of the assets of private individuals, or institutions, aimed at the realisation of an optimal investment result.Assets: The resources available to an individual or organisation.BBlock Trade: A trade involving a large quantity of stock or monetary amount of bonds.Bond: In its simplest form, a bond is a loan under a term of contract for the borrower to repay at a specific date in the future, and at an agreed upon interest rate the amount to the lender.Brokerage: A commission or charge by an intermediary, such as a stockbroker, for the execution of a transaction.CCapital Adequacy: Measure of a company's financial strength, often expressed in equity as a percentage of balance sheet total.Clearing and Settlement: A process of completing a transaction.Commercial Paper: Debt instrument issued by large companies with a term of 1 to 12 months as an alternative to bank borrowings.Commission: Payments made by the provider of a product to its seller for its sale/maintenance.Convertible Bond: A credit instrument which is convertible intoequity.Corporate Bond: Obligations issued by corporations.Corporate Finance: Activities in fields of mergers, acquisitions, privatisations, advisory services and origination.Credit Rating: The assessment of the financial situation of a country, company or institution to establish creditworthiness.Currency: Money in circulation as a means of financial exchange.Currency Risk: Price risk relating to exchange rates fluctuations.DDerivatives: Financial instruments whose value is derived from the price of one or several underlying .Disclosure: The release of information relevant to a transaction.EEconomic Profit: Net profit after tax less risk-adjusted cost of capital.Economics: The science of the production and consumption of goods and services.Equity: The value of the ownership of an investment.FFinancial Models: Tools used to determine the value of an investment in a company, commodity, currency, government initiative, etc. An analyst may consider past performance, market trends, political climate and overall value of the issuer, for example.Fixed Income: Interest-bearing notes, bonds and bills that pay a specified percentage of interest over the life of the loan.Fundamental Analysis: The research approach that considers economic and monetary factors.Future: A contract obligating the holder to buy or sell a commodity or security at a specific price on a specific date.GGAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.HHedge: Is the act of protecting a position by balancing risks. Hedges can be either long or short. Hedges are often done with derivative products.Hedge Fund: A fund invested in a way to provide balance against risks taken as a result of other investments.IInterest Rate Risk: Degree to which fluctuations in long and short-term interest rates have a negative influence on the bank's result.Investment Bank: Traditionally, a company that prepares financial offerings for public sale.IPO (Initial Public Offering): The first issue of stock or other securities by a company for sale to the public.Issue: A series or quantity of financial securities made available for sale.JJoint Venture: Cooperative venture between two or more separate legal entities.MMarket Risk: Risk relating to fluctuations in stock exchange prices and/or interest rates.MTN (Medium-term notes): Bonds with a maturity of 2 to 10 years.Mutual Fund: A fund operated by an investment firm that raises capital from shareholders to invest in stocks, bonds, options, commodities or money market securities.OOpen-end Fund: A mutual fund that offers and redeems its shares on a daily basis.Options: The right to buy or sell a commodity or security on a specific date for a predetermined price. The investor forfeits the investment money if the right is not exercised by the option expiration date.PPreference Share: Share that receives a fixed rate of dividend prior to ordinary shares.Private Banking: Dedicated to the development and execution of the policy in relation to high net-worth clients and small and medium-sized institutional investors.Private Equity: Investment capital provided by individuals or closely-held companies.Public Offerings: Process and documents related to making securities available for sale to the public.QQualitative Research: Research into how an investment's results were achieved including the quality of the people, strategies, systems and infrastructure that achieved them.Quantitative Research: Numbers-related research using statistical analysis of past performance of companies, products, segments, etc.SScenario Analysis: Method used to measure and manage the interest rate risk, for instance. Using various assumptions about future interest rate movements, net interest revenue is estimated.Securities: Stocks and bonds.Stock: Ownership of a piece of a corporation represented in shares.Syndicate: A group of investors that agrees to purchase securities from an issuer for resale.TTraders: People who buy and sell securities for brokers, dealers, and for their own accounts.TRS (Total Return to Shareholders): Share price appreciation plus dividend yield.VVenture Capital: Investment in risk capital of business for the account and at the risk of the bank.Volatility: Statistical measure for the degree to which market rates fluctuate over time.。

金融术语中英对照(附中文释义)American Style Option:美式选择权自选择权契约成立之日起,至到期日之前,买方可以在此期间以事先约定的价格,随时要求选择权的卖方履行契约。
Appreciation: 升值在外汇市场中,升值使指一个货币相对于另一个货币的价值增加。
Arbitrage: 套利在金融市场从事交易时,利用市场的失衡状况来进行交易,以获取利润的操作方式。
Asset Allocation: 资产分配原则基于风险分散原则,资金经理在评估其资金需求,经营绩效与风险程度之后,将所持有的资产分散投资于各类型的金融产品中。
如股票、外汇、债券、贵金属、房地产、放款、定存等项,以求得收益与风险均衡的最适当资产组合(Optimum Assets Components).Asset/Liability Management(ALM): 资产负债管理由于金融机构的资产为各种放款及投资,而负债主要为各种存款,费用收入、或投资人委托之资金。
因此资产负债管理的目的,即在于使银行以有限的资金,在兼顾安全性(Safty)、流动性(Liquidity)、获利性(Profitability)及分散性(Diversification)的情况下,进行最适当的资产与负债的分配(Asset Allocation)。
At The Money: 评价选择权交易中,履行价格等于远期价格时称之为评价。
Bear Market: 空头市场(熊市)在金融市场中,若投资人认为交易标的物价格会下降,便会进行卖出该交易标的物的操作策略。

银行常用语中英文对照第一篇:银行常用语中英文对照中国民生银行新街口支行China Minsheng Banking. Cop., LTD 网银体验区E-Banking Experience Zone 暂停服务,请稍后Out of Service, Please Wait 自动存取款机Automatic Withdraw/Deposit Machine 请刷卡 Please Swipe Card 营业时间 Business Hour 对公 For Corporate 储蓄 Saving 24小时自助服务24 Hour Self Service中国银行 Bank of China 新街口对公业务CORPRATE BANKING (拼写错误)节假日不办理Public Holiday Closed 个人业务 PRIVATE BANKING 节假日营业时间 Public Holiday Opening Hours 理财服务 Wealth Management 私人金融业务 Personal Banking 领取汇票 To draw the draft here 汇兑 EXCHANGE & TRANSFER 印鉴挂失 Report of lost seal 密码挂失Report of lost password 存款证明 Certificate of Deposit 10元/笔/份/张RMB 10 per item 退汇Refunding 挂失止付(汇票)Loss reporting and payment stopping (draft) 存入收款人现汇账户Credit the payee’s amount of spot exchange 代售Agency sale 买汇Exchange purchase 光票托收Clean collection 现钞托收Banknote collection 退票Dishonor 年费Annual Fee 工本费(包括开卡和补发)Service Charge ( card issue and replacement) 个人人民币汇款(现金)Personal RMB remittance ( CASH ) 人民币对公结算The Corporate settlement of RMB 外币对公结算The Corporate settlement of Foreign Exchanges 银行卡服务业务The custom service of bank card 服务星级SERVICE LEVEL 您对本次服务的评价PLEASE LEAVE YOUR VALUABLE OPINIONS 满意SATISFACTORY 基本满意AVERAGE 不满意DISSATISFIED 代保管业务SAFE DEPOSIT DEPT. 货币兑换EXCHANGE 24小时自助服务24 hour self-service banking 理财Wealth Management 兑换机EXCHANGE MACHINE 自动取款机AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE 请将银行卡正确插入插卡处Insert your card into the slot correctly 输入正确密码(请注意安全防止他人窃取)Input your correct password (watch out to avoid being peeped) 按屏幕提示进行转账、存折补登、代缴费、查询业务Make transfer, entry account to passbook, payment, and query according to the direction on the screen.出门请按钮(一按即放)PLEASE PRESS THE BUTTON ( PRESS THEN REALASE)灭火器箱FIRE EXTINGGUISHER BOX东亚银行 The Bank of East Asia(China)Ltd.新街口 24小时自助服务24 Hour Banking Services 南京分行 Nanjing branch 营业时间Banking Hour 投诉箱 Complain Box 小心地滑Slippery Floor 请在此排队Please Queue Here 个人理财服务 Personal Financial Services 企业银行服务Corporate Banking 企业及银团贷款部Corporate Lending and Syndication Department 房地产贷款部Property Lending Department 贸易融资部Trade Finance Department 柜台服务Counter Services 小心地滑CAUTION WET FLOOR交通银行 Bank of Communications新街口 24小时自助服务24 Self Service Banking进门请刷卡,无需输密码Please Insert Your Card For Entry 营业时间Business Hour星期六、日休息Closed on Saturday and Sunday 储蓄时间Business Hours for Savings Deposits 存取款一体机Cash Recycling Machine 金融快线BOCOM EXPRESS 自动终端Multimedia Self Banking 现金服务Cash-related Services 对公服务Corporate Banking 交行理财BOCOM Fortune 交通银行湖南路对私服务Private Banking 理财服务Financing Service 外汇兑换Foreign Exchange 注意自动门Caution Automatic Door 中国建设银行China Construction Bank 新街口外汇储蓄营业点Foreign Currency Deposit Taking Office 24小时自助服务24 Hour Self Banking 中山路支行Zhongshan Road Sub-branch 对公服务Corporate Banking 节假日不办理Public Holiday Close 个人业务Private Banking 周一至周五Monday to Friday 节假日营业时间Public Holiday Operate Hours 个人理财中心Personal Finance Center 现役军人优先Servicemen Priority 大堂经理Lobby Leader 客户服务电话Customer Service Hotline 残疾人优先窗口Particular Counter for the Disabled 个人业务顾问Personal Banker 叫号机Queuing Machine 存款机Cash Deposit Machine 自动门Automatic江苏银行Bank of Jiangsu 总行营业部Headquarters Business Dept.广东发展银行玄武支行Guangdong Development Bank对公业务CORPORAT SERVICE拼写错误储蓄业务PRIVATE SERVICE 营业时间BUSINESS HOURS 24小时自助服务24 HOURS SELF-SERVICE 银行提示REMINDER请妥善保管银行卡和密码Please Safeguard Your Bank Cards and PIN 安全提示 Safety Hints 个人服务 Personal Banking 对公服务 Corporate Banking VIP服务VIP Banking 等候区Waiting Area上海浦东发展银行Shanghai Pudong Development Bank新街口对公业务Corporate Banking 个人业务Personal Banking 营业时间Business Hour 理财经理Financial Planner 叫号机Cueing Machine 24小时自助服务 Self Service Banking 现金业务Teller Counter 公司业务Corporate Account 等待区Waiting Area 理财专区Wealth Management Service 自助银行Self-service Banking 大堂经理Duty Manager中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 自助服务银行Self-service Banking 大堂经理CLIENT MANEGER 现金服务 CASH SERVICE华夏银行Huaxia Bank 新街口对公业务Wholesale Banking Service 对私业务Retail Banking Service 等待区Waiting Areas 保管箱Safe Deposit Box 自助银行区Self-service Areas长江路支行储蓄*出纳Savings 出纳Cash 涉外服务For Foreigners 保管箱Safe keeping box 收费项目Items 开卡工本费Administrative charge for card activation 补卡工本费Administrative charge for card replacement 卡挂失手续费Administrative charge for card loss reporting. 免费Free of charge 每笔十元The charge is 10 yuan per transaction 外汇业务Foreign Exchange Business 汇入/汇出汇款Inward/Outward Remittance 多币种汇款Multiple currency remittance 电子邮件通知Email Notification 强行改密(密码挂失)Overriding change of password ( loss of password) 异地柜台存款Exterritorial counter deposit 取款Withdrawal 卡卡转账Card-Card Transfer 跨行取款Inter-bank withdrawal 跨行查询Inter-bank enquiry 退汇Rejected Remittance 止付Payment termination 自动取款机Self-Drawing 自动存款机Self-Saving 服务流程图Service Flow Chart 华夏银行湖南路营业时间Opening Time 节假日不营业Weekend/Holiday Closed 渣打银行Standard Charted Bank 新街口业务办理时间Banking Hours 理财咨询时间Financial Consultancy Hours 投诉热线Complaint Hotline 电话银行服务Phone Bank Service中国邮政储蓄China Postal Savings浮桥外币储蓄点Foreign Deposit Service Available 意见箱Suggestion Box 业务办理Postal Service深圳发展银行Shenzhen Development Bank新街口自动查询缴费机Automatic Inquiry Payment Machine 营业时间Business Hours 存取款一体机CRS 大堂经理Lobby Manage 填单处Form Filling Area 业务咨询处Information 个人柜台Personal Banking Counter 本行网址Bank Web Address 网点咨询电话Network Information 非本行人员莫入Only Stuff自动取款机操作指引ATM Operational Guide 服务热线Service Line 存取款机操作指引CRS Operation Guide招商银行China Merchants Bank 营业时间Business Hours 个人营业时间Personal Business Hours 对公营业时间Corporate Business Hours 节假日照常营业Holiday Business as Usual 自助服务区Self Service Area 监督Oversight 理财中心Premier Customers 投诉Complaints 全国统一客户服务电话China Client Service Telephone 综合业务Integrated Services 代发业务Salary Release Service 现金快速通道Fast Track Deposit and Withdrawal 接待区Reception 理财服务区Financial Services 个人贷款业务咨询Personal Loan Business Consultant 会计结算Accounting Settlement 个人理财专柜Wealth Management Area 一卡通金卡业务All-in-one-card gold card service. 储蓄专柜Cashier Service 因您而变We are here just for you光大银行China Everbright Bank新街口营业时间Customer Service 个人业务Retail Service 出纳Cashier 会计结算Accounting 理财缴费机Self Help Machine for Paying Bill 现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine 现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine 多媒体查询机Multi-media Checking Machine 取款机操作提示Note for ATM Operation南京银行Bank of Nanjing 新街口综合业务General Services 私人业务Personal Banking 公司业务Corporate Banking 国际业务International Banking 大堂经理Reception Manager 现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine 现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine 自助服务终端Self-help Service Terminal 操作说明Operating Instruction中信银行China Citic Bank湖南路营业时间Business Time 储蓄时间Deposit Time 大堂经理HALL MANAGER 对公业务Corporating Banking Business 对私业务Retail Banking Business 现金结算Cash Settlement 24小时服务热线24 Hour Hotline 紧急按钮Emergency Button中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China 现金服务区Cash Service 自助服务区Self-Service Area 客户等候区Customer Waiting Area 咨询引导区Consulting Area 保管箱Lock Box 24小时自助服务24 Hours Banking 自助服务终端Self-service Terminal 操作指南Operation Instructions 插卡Insert card 输入密码Key in PIN湖南路查询Inquiry 转账Account Transfer 改密Modify PIN 挂失Reporting a loss 理财卡Wealth Management Card 查询子帐户Inquiry Subaccount 通知存款Call Deposit 外汇查询Foreign Exchange Inquiry 市价交易Market price transaction 委托Request 银证Banxecurity第三方存款The third partysafe keeping 银期转账Bank-option account transfer 银行转期货Bank-to-futures 查期方余额Inquiry the balance of the future 输入账号、密码Input account number, password 代缴费Charging service as agents 存折补登The passbook renewed 交易结束Transaction end 退出、取卡或存折Exit, take card or passbook 无卡存折Non-card deposit 核对户名Check Username 放入现金Put in Banknote 核对张数、金额Check up number of sheets, account 确认存款Confirm the deposit 活期存折Demand account for passbook 活期/定期Demand account/Time account 自动存取款机Automatic Deposit and Withdrawal Machine 自动取款机Automatic Teller Machine 自助服务终端使用说明User’s guides for Self-service Terminal 本机只受理农行金穗系列卡和存折等业务Kin card series and passbook of Agriculture Bank of China only 本机不能办理存取款业务Non-cash Business 客户热线Custom Service Hot-line 本机可受理加入“银联”的其他银联卡This machine ca n handle any “union pay” card 请妥善保管好银行卡和密码,在使用时请用时候身体挡住他人视线,谨防他人窥视您的密码Please take of your bank card and PIN, guide against others peeping your PIN while using the card 每次取款上限2000元,每日累计最多取款十次,每日累计取款限额20000元Ceiling of 2000 yuan per withdrawal, with 10 times at most, for amount of 20000 limit per day 存款现钞面额仅限100元Deposit domination: 100 yuan only 请不要将残币、不平整的钞票或其他异物放入本机Please do not put the damaged, untidy banknotes or things other banknotes into this machine. 如遇机器吞卡,请于次日持本人有效证件到营业厅柜台领取In case of card-swallowing, please go to the business hall with your own identity documents to take back your card the next day恒丰银行Evergrowing Bank湖南路中国人寿保险股份有限公司China Life Insurance Company Limited第二篇:常用生活用语中英文对照中英文对照表:生活用语餐馆、饭庄 restaurant 黄油 butter 快餐部 snack bar 果酱 jam 快餐台quick lunch counter 盐salt 酒吧bar 糖sugar 小吃部、食堂cafeteria 牛肉 beef 食堂 dining room 牛排 beef steak 午餐会luncheon party 小牛肉 veal咖啡馆 cafe 牛肚 fripe 茶馆 teahouse 羊肉 mutton 菜单 menu 猪肉pork 回民菜馆moslem 猪排pork chop 面包bread 猪肘子pork shoulder 米饭 rice 火腿 ham 炒饭 fried rice 咸肉 bacon 馒头steamed bun; steamedbread 香肠sausage 面条noodles 鸡肉chicken 汉堡包hamburger 烤鸭 roast duck 三明治、夹肉面包sandwich 鹅 goose 奶酪 cheese 海味 seafood 蛋糕 cake 大虾 prawn 奶油蛋糕 cream cake 鱼 fish 布丁 pudding 鲤鱼沙丁鱼 sardine 旅馆 hotel, inn 蛋 egg 接待处 reception 炒鸡蛋scrambled egg 问讯处 information 什锦小吃assorted appetizers 电梯lift; elevator 沙拉 salad 衣帽间 cloak room 水果沙拉 fruit salad 男盥洗室men's room 意大利面条spaghetti 女盥洗室women's room 汤一层first floor清汤 clear soup 二层second floor 肉汤 broth 十一层 eleventh floor 罗宋汤 russian soup 洗衣房 laundry 西红柿汤 tomato soup 洗衣袋 laundry bag 苹果 apple 洗衣液 shampoo 梨 pear 服务到房间 room service 橘子orange 搬运行李工蜜橘mandarin orange 大厅门厅lobby 香蕉banana 购物中心shopping center 西瓜 water melon 商店 store 桃 peach 理发(女) hair-dressing 咖啡 coffee 理发(男) hair cut 葡萄 grape 诊疗室 clinic 无奶咖啡 black coffee 路 road 茶街 street 加奶咖啡 white coffee 大道 avenue 红茶 black tea 小巷 lane 牛奶 milk 斑马线 zebra 绿茶 green tea 人行道 side walk 矿泉水 mineral water 此路不通no thorough fare 橘子水 orangeade 公共汽车 bus 果汁fruit juice公共车站水 ice 电车 tram 冰激凌 ice cream 电车站 tram stop 啤酒 beer 出租车 taxicab 生啤draught beer 地铁subway, tube 葡萄酒、甜酒 wine 火车rail, railway 香槟 champagne 火车站railway station 烈酒liquor,spirits 售票处ticket office, booking officepepper 单(双)程票single (return) ticket 辣椒 chilli 候车室 waiting room 站台票platform ticket 寄包裹处 parcel service 餐车 dining car 汇款处remittance counter 邮局 post office 打电报处telegraph counter 邮票 stamp 邮箱 mail box 信件 letter 电话telephone第三篇:室内设计常用语中英文对照表香料仓库Spice warehouse布草间员工休息间Rest room厨房kitchen机房machine room闻香台perfume room瑜珈 yoga冥想亭MeditationPavilion包厢SPA,桑拿Sauna服务台information健身中心Fitness Center乒乓室Ping-pong room跳操房Exercise room男浴室Male bathroom女浴室Female bathroom卡座区Elegant area舞厅dance room设备房Equipment roomKTV包厢配电间electric Distribution room 空调机房休息区rest area贵宾餐厅VIP Restaurant贵宾接待厅VIP reception hall化妆间Dressing room备餐间meal preparing room/ pantry 宴会库房BanquetTreasury商务中心Business Center音控室media control room灯光音响控制室Sound control room lighting 零点餐厅IndividualRestaurant电话厅telephone电梯厅elevator hall医务Medical鲜花店Flower shop西饼Cakes消防中心Fire Center寿司Sushi铁板烧T eppanyaki日本料理Japanese cuisine自助餐台Buffet Dining Table自助餐厅Cafeteria工作间Workplace宴会门厅Banquet porch开放厨房Open kitchen阅读区reading room行政入口Administrative entrance消防前室front Fire Room洗涤间washing room布草间储藏室store room经理室Manager Room无障碍通道Barrier-free access信息屏Information screen总统套房Presidential Suite室外景观Outdoor Landscape门厅porch总统套房入口 Presidential Suite entrance 会客厅The drawing room起居室Living room厨房Kitchen餐厅dinining room夫人房lady’s room应急通道Emergency access主卧室Master bedroom更衣室Locker room健身房Gym书房 reading room酒吧 bar休闲区 Leisure area水景Waterscape绿化Green茶水间Pantry room贵宾接待室VIP reception随员房cortegeroom男卫male T oilet女卫female Toilet残疾人卫生间 disabled Toilet清洁间Clean room酒水库房wine Warehouse家具库房Furnitures warehouse果汁Juice水吧Water bar洽谈室MEETING ROOM会议厅Chamber会议室Conference Room大会议室Large conference room会议服务中心Conference Service Center接待大厅Reception hall等候区Waiting area前厅Antechamber化妆区Make-up area打印区Print Area电话交换机房Telephone switchboard room服装寄存处Clothing storage收银Cash register空调机房Air conditioning room(A/C room)楼梯前室The stairs before the room酒店各部门职位中英文对照Departments:市场营销部sales & Marketing Division销售部Sales Department公关部Public Relation Department预订部Reservation Department客务部Room Division前厅部Front Office Department管家部Housekeeping Department餐饮部Food & Beverage Department康乐部Recreation and EntertainmentDepartment 工程部Engineering Department保安部Security Department行政部Rear-Service Department商场部Shopping ArcadeJob Positions:人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources 人事部经理Personnel Manager培训部经理TrainingManager督导部经理Quality Inspector人事主任Personnel Officer培训主任Training Officer财务总监Financial Controller财务部经理Chief Accountant成本部经理Cost Controller采购部经理Purchasing Manager采购部主管Purchasing Officer电脑部经理EDP Manager总出纳Chief Cashier市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Director of Sales公关经理P.R. Manager宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager销售经理Sales Manager宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer销售主任Sales Officer高级销售代表Senior Sales Executive销售代表Sales Executive公关代表P.R. Representative总行政办公室 Executive Office宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer公关部经理Public Relation Manager公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor客户经理Account Manager高级客户经理Senior Account Manager资深美工Senior Artist美工Artist销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator资深销售中心预订员Sales Center SeniorReservation Clerk销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor礼宾部经理Chief Concierge行李员Bellboy女礼宾员Door Girl礼宾司Door Man财务部 Accounting营销部 Sales & Marketing Dept总经理 General Manager人力资源及培训部 Human Resource & Training Dept常务副总经理 Deputy General Manager房务部 Room Division餐饮部 Food & Beverage Dept采购部 Purchasing Dept电脑部 Electronic Data Processing Dept.保安部 Security Dept工程部 Engineer Dept客房总监Director of Housekeeping前厅部经理Front Office Manager前厅部副经理Asst . Front Office Manager大堂副理Assistant Manager礼宾主管Chief Concierger客务主任Guest RelationOfficer接待主管Chief Concierge接待员Receptionist车队主管Chief Driver出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk行政管家Executive Housekeeper行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper办公室文员Order T aker客房高级主任Senior Supervisor楼层主管Floor supervisor楼层领班Floor Captain客房服务员Room Attendant洗衣房经理Laundry Manager餐饮总监F&B Director餐饮部经理F&B Manager西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary领班Captain迎宾员Hostess服务员Waiter ,waitress传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl行政总厨Executive chef中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管Chief Baker工程总监Chief Engineer工程部经理Engineering Manager值班工程师Duty Engineer 保安部经理SecurityManager保安部副经理Asst. Security Manager保安部主任Security Manager保安员Security Manager商场部经理Shop Manager商场营业员Shop Assistant第四篇:砂轮用语中英文对照abrasive 砂轮Al2O3 氧化铝balance 平衡bond 结合氧化硼立方晶buffing wheel 抛光布轮diamond 钻石dresser 砂轮整修机dressing 修整endless grinding belt 循环式研磨带 finishing allowance 加工余量grain 磨粒grinding disc 研磨盘jamp up 孔眼堵塞mesh 网筛目parameter 参数resinoid grinding wheel 半树脂型砂轮 slitting 切缝量vitrified 陶瓷的wheel 旋转第五篇:外贸货运用语-中英文对照货运用语中英文对照货物goods / freight /cargo运输transportation / transit / conveyance运送 to transport / to carry /to convey运输业transportation business / forwarding business / carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent承运人a freight agent / a carrier船务代理人 a shipping agent陆上运输 transportation by land 海上运输 transportation by sea货物运输 goods traffic / freight traffic / carriage of freights/ carriage of goods货轮 cargo boat / freighter / cargo steamer /cargo carrier火车 goods-train /freight-train卡车 goods-van/ goods wagon/freight car/ truck货运办公室 goods-office/freight-department运费率 freight /freight rates/goods rate运费 carriage charges/shipping expenses/express charges车费 cartage/portage运费预付 carriage prepaid/carriage paid运费到付carriage forward/freight collect运费免除/免费carriage free协定运费conference freight/freight rate运费清单freight account托运单 way-bill /invoice运送契约 contract for carriage装运 shipment/loading装上货轮 to ship/ to load / to take on a ship装运费 shipping charges/shipping commission装运单/载货单 shipping invoice装运单据 shipping documents 大副收据 mate's receipt装船单 shipping order提货单 delivery order装船通知 shipping advice包裹收据 parcel receipt准装货单 shipping permit租船契约 charter party租船人 charterer程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter期租船 time charter允许装卸时间 lay days/laying days工作日 working days连续天数 running days / consecutive days滞期费 demurrage 滞期日数 demurrage days速遣费 despatch money空舱费 dead freight退关 short shipment / goods short shipped /goods shut out / shut-outs赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载 loading卸货 unloading / discharging /landing装运重量shipping weight / in-take-weight卸货重量 landing weight 压舱 ballasting压舱货 in ballast舱单 manifest船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry航海日记 ship's log船员名册 muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health光票 clean bill不清洁提单 foul bill 有疑问提单 suspected bill。

投资银行中英文常用语解释1.名词翻译a.尽职调查:due diligenceb.包销:firm commitmentc.尽力推销:best effortsd.余额包销:standby commitmente.首次公开发行:initial public offeringf.二次发行:secondary offeringg.招股说明书:prospectush.路演:road showi.承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicatej.做市商:market makerk.交易商:dealerl.经纪商:brokerm.管理费:manager’s feen.承销费:underwriting allowanceo.销售费:selling concessionp.墓碑广告:tombstoneq.反向收购:averse mergerr.美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s.全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译a.柜台市场:over the counterb.做市商交易:dealer tradingc.竞价交易:auction tradingd.现金帐户:cash accounte.保证金账户:margin accountf.市场委托指令:market orderg.现价委托指令:limit orderh.止损指令:stop orderi.定价全额即时委托指令:fill or killj.定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k.开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l.套利:arbitrage m.投机:speculationn.纳斯达克:NASDAQo.特许交易商:specialist3.名词翻译a.开放式基金:open-end fundb.封闭式基金:closed-end fundc.契约型基金:contract fundd.公司型基金:corporate funde.货币市场基金:money market fundf.认股权证基金:warrant fundg.国际基金:global fundh.离岸基金:off-shorei.国内基金:domestic fundj.国家基金:country fundk.对冲基金:hedge fundl.托管人:trustee4.名词翻译a.风险投资基金:venture capital fundb.私募股权投资基金:private equity investment fund c.天使投资:angeld.商业计划书:business plane.筛选:screeningf.附带权益:carried interestg.分隔收益率:hurdle rateh.超额损失:excess lossesi.交易结构:deal structuringj.优先股:preferred stockk.可转债:convertible debtl.附加股权债:debt with warrantsm.重组:restructuringn.大甩卖:fire saleo.私有化认股权证基金:voucher fund5.名词翻译a.项目融资:project financingb.债务人:debtorc.债权人:loanerd.合伙制:partnershipe.普通合伙人:general partnerf.有限合伙人:limited partnerg.合资企业:joint ventureh.公司型合资结构:incorporated joint venture i.非公司型合资结构:unincorporated joint venture j.设施使用协议:tolling agreementk.杠杆:leveragel.租赁购买:hire and purchasem.BOT:build-operate-transfern.特许权:concessiono.自有资金:unquoted equityp.公募股权基金:quoted equityq.从属性债务:subordinated debtr.无担保贷款:unsecured loans.可转债:convertible debt/convertible notet.零息债券:zero coupon bondu.担保存款:secured depositv.备用信用证:standby letter of creditw.欧洲债券:European bond x.扬基债券:Yankee bondy.武士债券:Samurai bondz.商业票据:commercial paper aa.抵押:mortgagebb.担保:chargecc.直接担保:direct guarantee dd.间接担保:indirect guarantee ee.或有担保:contingent guarantee 6.名词翻译a.企业重组:reorganizationb.扩张:expansionc.兼并:mergerd.合并:consolidatione.收购:acquisitionf.收缩:contractiong.分立:spin-offsh.子股换母股:split-offsi.完全析产分股:split-upsj.剥离:divestiturek.回购:repurchasesl.杠杆收购:leveraged buy-outm.赔偿条款:indemnificationn.整合:integrationo.保证条款:covenantsp.锡保护伞:tin parachute7.名词翻译a.住宅抵押贷款证券化:mortgage-backed securitization b.资产支持证券化:asset-backed securitizationc.特殊目的载体:special purpose vehicle。

ABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities的英文缩写)Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据Accounts payable 应付帐款Accounts receivable 应收帐款Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者。
Accredit value 自然增长值Accrediting 本金增值适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合约、掉期和互换期权)的期限内连续增长。
Accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制Accrued interest 应计利息ACE 美国商品交易所Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率Acquisition 收购Across the board 全面一致;全盘的Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产Active capital 活动资本Actual market 现货市场Actual price 现货价Actual useful life 实际可用年期Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家ADB 亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank的英文缩写)ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证(参见AmericanDepository Receipt栏目)ADS 美国存托股份(American Depository Share的英文缩写)Ad valorem 从价;按值Ad valorem stamp duty 从价印花税Adjudicator 审裁员Adjustable rate mortgage调息按揭(ARM)Admitted value 认可值Advance 垫款Affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司After date 发票后,出票后After-hours dealing 收市后交易After-market 后市[股市] 指某只新发行股票在定价和配置后的交易市场。

4、套利基金(ArbitrageFund ):属于「对冲基金」(HedgeFund也称为避险基金)的一种,其投资标的相当广泛,但通常一档套利基金操作设计,只锁定一种标的进行套利,最常见的套利标的包括利率、汇率、可转债、购并与重组中的企业等。
卖价又称赎回价(redemptionprice ),通常相当于净值(除非有赎回手续费redemptionfees )。
6 资产调配(AssetAllocation):订立出最理想投资组合,包括证券、债券、现金或房地产的过程。
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a.尽职调查:due diligence
b.包销:firm commitment
c.尽力推销:best efforts
d.余额包销:standby commitment
e.首次公开发行:initial public offering
f.二次发行:secondary offering
h.路演:road show
i.承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicate
j.做市商:market maker
m.管理费:manager’s fee
n.承销费:underwriting allowance
o.销售费:selling concession
q.反向收购:averse merger
r.美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s.全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译
a.柜台市场:over the counter
b.做市商交易:dealer trading
c.竞价交易:auction trading
d.现金帐户:cash account
e.保证金账户:margin account
f.市场委托指令:market order
g.现价委托指令:limit order
h.止损指令:stop order
i.定价全额即时委托指令:fill or kill
j.定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k.开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l.套利:arbitrage
a.开放式基金:open-end fund
b.封闭式基金:closed-end fund
c.契约型基金:contract fund
d.公司型基金:corporate fund
e.货币市场基金:money market fund
f.认股权证基金:warrant fund
g.国际基金:global fund
i.国内基金:domestic fund
j.国家基金:country fund
k.对冲基金:hedge fund
a.风险投资基金:venture capital fund
b.私募股权投资基金:private equity investment fund c.天使投资:angel
d.商业计划书:business plan
f.附带权益:carried interest
g.分隔收益率:hurdle rate
h.超额损失:excess losses
i.交易结构:deal structuring
j.优先股:preferred stock
k.可转债:convertible debt
l.附加股权债:debt with warrants
n.大甩卖:fire sale
o.私有化认股权证基金:voucher fund
a.项目融资:project financing
e.普通合伙人:general partner
f.有限合伙人:limited partner
g.合资企业:joint venture
h.公司型合资结构:incorporated joint venture i.非公司型合资结构:unincorporated joint venture j.设施使用协议:tolling agreement
l.租赁购买:hire and purchase
o.自有资金:unquoted equity
p.公募股权基金:quoted equity
q.从属性债务:subordinated debt
r.无担保贷款:unsecured loan
s.可转债:convertible debt/convertible note
t.零息债券:zero coupon bond
u.担保存款:secured deposit
v.备用信用证:standby letter of credit
w.欧洲债券:European bond x.扬基债券:Yankee bond
y.武士债券:Samurai bond
z.商业票据:commercial paper aa.抵押:mortgage
cc.直接担保:direct guarantee dd.间接担保:indirect guarantee ee.或有担保:contingent guarantee 6.名词翻译
l.杠杆收购:leveraged buy-out
p.锡保护伞:tin parachute
a.住宅抵押贷款证券化:mortgage-backed securitization b.资产支持证券化:asset-backed securitization
c.特殊目的载体:special purpose vehicle。