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Sectio n1
Questio n 1:
Part A
Give n the competitive n ature of the mobile telecom muni cati ons market an alyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreeme nt with ano ther compa ny .12
Adva ntages:
Firstly, the part nership agreeme ntsca n provide Opal with tech no logy assista nce」t allows Opal for the joint developme nt of new products and the shari ng of tech no logy. Secon dly, a Chin ese part nership not only gives Opal access to local kno wledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is importa nt whe n con duct ing bus in ess in China. Thirdly, local firms 'ell-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to en sure that product developme nt and customer service is specifically targeted at meet ing the local n eeds and dema nds of the local market. Fourthly, compa nies in part nership can share the costs and reduce the risk.
Disadva ntages:
As for the disadva ntages, firstly, the own tech no logy of Opal might be leaked because of the shari ng of tech no logy which may result in the loss of Opal'
competitive adva ntages. Secon dly, in a part nership with others, the con trol power of Opal compa ny might be distributed because of the con siderati on of other part ners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.
s be i
Iden tify and justify possible opti ons the senior man ageme nt may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8
Firstly, since Chin ese market has eno rmous pote ntial. Opal n eeds con ti nue to in vest in Chin ese market to gai n more market shares for its expa nsion.
Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreementswith more companies, to gain more comprehe nsive market in formatio n and share the tech no logy and develop new products.
Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation. Opal needs to keep the strong stanee in relation to the environment, use more green and en vir onmen tal materials to produce ‘ en vir onmen 上&11卩血欣1祖蚁 and services,
and keep offeri ng a comprehe nsive mobile phone recycli ng scheme.
Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chin ese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expa nsion.
Questio n 2
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in the
coming years. 12
Stren gths
Firstly, the further deregulati on of the telecom muni cati ons markets en abled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.
Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘openin-up' of the Chinese market is curre ntly providi ng Opal with opport un ities for further expa nsion.
Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competi ng n etworks allowi ng access to a much larger market.
Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the en vir onment, and they were one of the first pho ne manu facturers in the world to offer a comprehe nsive mobile phone recycli ng scheme and offers en vir onmen tally frie ndly products and services.
Weak nesses
Firstly, the first han d-held phones were high priced because of the high research and developme nt costs and the n eed for highly specialized product ion facilities. And this may cause the n eeds of a large amount of inv estme nt capital and the decrease in sales.
Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resourcesa nd inv estme nt capital resources. It may not be able to meet the n eeds of cooperati on with other compa ni es.
Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hin der the developme nt and expa nsion of Opal.
Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operati ng with in the Chin ese market and the fierce competiti on may hin der the expa nsion of Opal and in crease a certa in level of risk.
Choose two Key values highlighted in Appe ndix 3 and for each, expla in how it
has impacted upon the company ' s activities. 8
Firstly, the customer deserves service excelle nce.
Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and the n the growth of sales and profits can be achieved.
According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Developme nt Sectio n and Customer Care Departme nt. With the rapid developme nt of tech no logy, the Service
Developme nt Secti on is tasked to enhance the customer experie nee of the mobile and
web-based services. And the Customer Care secti on is tasked to en sure that customer expectati ons are con siste ntly met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excelle nt services.
Secon dly, we accept that while we are drive n by tech no logy we will always aspire to drive tech no logy.
The developme nt of tech no logy can provide Opal with higher tech-competitive ness, and help it to develop new products and expa nd to larger market. As for Opal, they continue inv est in other inno vative products and market research, and has bee n very successful in ide ntify ing market trends and the n using the latest tech no logical developme nts to satisfy customer n eeds. And, there is a Special projects sect ion in Opal which requires sig nifica nt inv estme nt and provides the lead in g-edge tech no logy required for mobile and others.
Sectio n 2
Questio n1
Evaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expa nd
its bus in ess operati ons.
Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal ' s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.
Secon dly, issu ing debe ntures are a useful way too. Debe ntures are loa ns made to compa nies that carry a fixed rate of in terest. However, the debe nture holders n eed to repay the prin ciples on time and they do not participate in the running of the compa ny like shareholders do.
Thirdly, eve n though both issu ing shares and divide nds are appropriate for Opal, there
still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the compa ny, but the divide nd holders do not. And, the divide nds holders n eed to repay the principle on time, while it won' tbe necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get ben efits from the divide nds while the debe nture holders can get them from the in terests.
Identify ONE item of information which both a shareholder and any of the
organisations Gold works with within the Chinese market, could use as a measure to mon itor the effective ness of the orga ni sati on.
The tur no ver, profit, costs, divide nd and earnings per share could reflect the effective ness of a compa ny. As for Opal, it has inv ested a lot in the high research and developme nt and the n eed for highly specialized product ion facilities costs a lot too. Mean while, the dow nward pressure on prices has led to lower profit margins and a reduced rate of growth in tur no ver. Except for that, the divide nds directly affect on the shareholders b6nefits, it determines the repayments of investment and whether the in vestors are willi ng continue to in vest or not. The divide nd and earnings per share of Opal is increasing which means it is attracting more potential shareholders to invest in Opal and the existi ng shareholders to in vest more, and it is esse ntial for the finance and the expa nsion of Opal.
Explain the possible effects that the expansion into the Chinese market could have upon
the profitability of the bus in ess.
Firstly, i n the long run, the profitability of Diam ond would in crease. Because Chi na is
pote ntially the largest global telecom muni cati ons market, and it provides Diam ond with
s populati on an un rivalled opport unity to gen erate growth. The size of Chi na huge, and there are
room rema ins for massive expa nsion.
Secondly, in the short-term, the profitability of Diamond would not grow rapidly. China is
an emerging market, the competition is likely to be severe with 43 foreign n ati onal manu
facturers and n etwork providers already hav ing a prese nee in Chi na and a further 25
medium to large firms set to en ter the market over the coming 3 years. Diamond needs to
invest a number of money in to the new market, and the costs cannot be take n back in
the short-term.
Thirdly, the profitability of Diamond would not grow rapidly in the short-term because in
order to en ter the new market, Diam ond may facing the big funding gap, and it would
cost a lot to finance the needed capital.
Fourthly, the profitability would not grow rapidly in the short-term becauseof the low-price competition. In order to gain a larger market share and coverage, and survive in the
intense competition, Diamond may choose to lower the price at the beg inning of en teri ng
the Chin ese market.
Questio n 2
Explai n any cha nges to the policies of gover nments that may support the market progressi on and expa nsion of Opal. 8
As the ‘ nighWatch man the government should not directly intervene the market operation, so it should provide further deregulation for companies.
Except for this, gover nment should supervise the market and regulate the econo mic activities to provide companies like Opal with a stable and peaceful environment. Besides, government can provide Opal with more financial sources or support and implement some reward investment to facilitate the expansion of Opal. And Opal n eeds to make more trade agreeme nts with other coun tries ' gover nment.
An alyse the mai n factors that will affect dema nd for the products of Opal.6
Firstly, the price has an in verse relati on ship with dema nd, the higher the price, the less people will choose the product. The dow nward pressure on prices might lead to more dema nd of Opal ' s products.
Secon dly, the tech no logy is of great importa nee, and Opal ide ntified the market trends and the n uses the latest tech no logical developme nts to satisfy customer n eeds, by doing so, more customers will be attracted and the dema nd will in crease. Thirdly, the purchas ing power of people will directly affect the dema nd, since Opal is cutting the prices, more people will be able to afford the costs of Opal ' s produ cte dema nd will in crease.
Describe acti ons that Opal could take to stimulate dema nd for their products
within the Chin ese market. 6
Firstly, cutt ing prices can attract more subscribers and make Opal more competitive. Secon dly, cooperate with the local well-k nown firms can establish the recog niti on of the brand.
Thirdly, dema nd can be improved by advertis ing and other promoti onal activities. Fourthly, Opal can share the resources with other companies to enhance the competitive ness of the whole in dustry.
Fifthly, cooperate with the international companies, such as Nokia and Siemens, can attract and share their loyal customers and enhance the intern ati onal reputati on.
Last but not least, Opal n eeds to develop the tech no logy and provide con sumers with the new and up-date products with more fun cti ons.
Questio n 3
An alyse possible opport un ities the market ing departme nt may have, to develop each of the four elements of the marketing mix. 12
Product, price, promotion and price are the four elements of the marketing mix.
As for products, firstly, Opal can concentrate on the development of environment frien dly mobile pho nes, devices and releva nt mobile pho ne applicati ons since it is the characteristic of its products. Secondly, Opal may be able to continue invest in
‘ Smartpho ne ' or in tellige nt tech no logy. It curre ntly produces over 120 models withi n its portfolio, in clud ing devices that use state of the art smart phone tech no logy. Lastly, Opal can develop 4G tech no logy. Opal is worki ng with a nu mber of electr onics compa nies and n etwork operators. Based on 3G tech no logy, Opal can develop the 4G tech no logy un der their tech no logical assista nces.
As for the price, firstly, Opal has the unit cost advantage for low-price based strategy. Opal can cut prices of products since the costs are lower the new plant of the art product ion facility can produce han dsets for the global market at sig nifica ntly lower unit costs. Secondly, Opal can charge their network customers for the , texting and calling since the value for money services have been provided. In addition, Opal can use targeted pricing for the emerging markets. The cooperation with Huawei helps Opal to ensure its pricing method can be specifically targeted at meeting the local n eeds and dema nds of the Chi nese market.
As for promotio n, targeted promoti onal activities, Push and Pull Strategy, the word of
mouth promotion and on-line and off-line promotion can be used by Opal. Cutting price is an effective way for sales promotion since the costs are lower. Opal can choose pers onal selli ng to specifically in troduce their products and services one by one. The word of mouth promotion is also suitable for Opal, given its strong stance in relation to the environment and its good reputation for their senseof responsibility and the quality of goods and services. On-Iine or off-line advertise and support for programs for public goods can help Opal to improve its recognition and reputation among con sumers.
Fourthly, after the reorga ni zati on, Opal has established a marketi ng sect ion to regulate the distribution activities and supply chain operations. The development and man ageme nt of the supply cha in en able Opal to manu facture in develop ing country and sell in developed country which can help to gen erate more profits. And with the developme nt of E-commerce, Opal may be able to en ter into part nership agreeme nts with E-commerce retailers to achieve direct sales to final users.
Assess differe nt market research tech niq ues that Gold could utilise in order to mai ntain its customer focus.
Gold might use qua ntitative and qualitative research to get the market in formati on and use them to ide ntify and main tai n its customer focus.
Qualitative research concerns the gathering of information which can be interpreted in a number of ways; it can be used to analyze opinion, beliefs and attitudes of in dividuals. The main qualitative research tech niq ues used are: focus group in terviews, depth in terviews, observati onal research and projective research.
However, the quantitative research on the other hand seeks to establish statistical information about the subject matter. This type of research tends to require a larger
amount of research to be under taken in order to be deemed as valid. The main research tech niq ues in elude: experime ntal research, teleph one surveys, internet surveys, postal surveys and so on.
In this case study, the qualitative research that the Gold can use is focus group in terviews. Gold can select a set of people who are brought together to test and evaluate its concept, product or service. It can produce a great deal of information. In view of the Gold has a con sta nt flow of new product developme nt, these can be used into new product developme nt and problems settleme nt. It can let Gold know whether customers like the new products is convenient or not, what new function do they like, what should be focused on, or what can be improved.
In the early, the quantitative research that the Gold might use is postal surveys, and now may be the internet surveys or questi onn aire. Internet surveys offers Gold an approach to sample a broader audie nee at a lower cost, as Gold is pla nning for an expa nsion, they can use internet surveys to know what kind of services and products customers prefer. Besides, the questi onn aire is a quick, cheap and reas on ably effective means of collect ing statistical in formati on or of gaugi ng attitudes or opinions, Gold can use them to get more suggesti ons or statistical in formati on about their products or
services to an ticipate and meet
cutomers n eedd mai nta in the customer
Questio n
Iden tify the main stakeholders of Opal and discuss their in terests and in flue nee.
Firstly, the employees may in terest in the payme nts, the work ing con diti ons and the expa nsion pla n and rewards and punish regulati on of the compa ny. And their work ing efficie ncy and performa nee directly affect the compa ny performa nee and developme nt, and the n the sales and finan ce.
Secondly, the shareholders are the owners of the company, and they focus on the divide nds and profits. And their inv estme nt is the basis of the establishme nt and developme nt of the compa ny, so they have the voti ng right which means they have the decisi on making right and that will in flue nee the directi on and developme nt of the compa ny.
Thirdly, the government will pay attention to the company ' s economic activities and whether they have abided by the laws and regulatio ns. Mea nwhile, the gover nment ' policies and regulati ons would en courage or restrain the developme nt or expa nsion of Opal. Like the deregulation enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities, and the reducti on of taxes rate may reduce the costs and in crease the profits of Opal.
Most importa ntly, the con sumers concern the quality, price and value of the products and services. As the cen ter of the operati on of Opal, con sumers ' choices and feedb may have great impacts on the sales, decisi on-mak ing, and eve n the survival of Opal.
In this case, Opal has pay attention to the customer experienee, and the service developme nt secti on and customer care departme ntwere established to enhance the customer experie nee and to en sure that customer expectati ons are eon siste ntly met.
Lastly, the cooperators like Siemens, Nokia and Huawei may pay attention to Opal sales, market share and tech no logy developme nt, becausethose factors can provide them with the shari ng of in formati on and tech no logy and stron ger competitive ness aga inst other compa ni es. Mean while, those cooperators not only gives access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability to Opal, and their wealth of experie nee will also help to en sure that product developme nt and customer services is
specifically targeted at meet ing the local n eeds and dema nds.
Given the challenging environment in which Opal operates, explain how the
effective ness of man agerial performa nee could be measured and assess the value
of each measure.8
Firstly, the primary goals and objects are of great importanee to Opal, because it can directly shows the managementperformanee and efficiency of the company, and it would affect the in vestor ' s con fide nee. Opal can compare the actual con diti ons with
the orig inal goals to evaluate the operati on performa nee.
Secon dly, the customer feedbacks are valuable. They are on beha lof the customers ' loyalty and attitudes towards the products and services. As a result of word of mouth, their positive feedback can create new dema nd and determ ine the new market directi on. Opal can know the adva ntagesa nd defects of their products and services accord ing to customers ' feedback, and figure out the directi on of its expa nsion.
Thirdly, the productivity is important to Opal because it determines its capability of satisfy ing the market dema nd. Opal can evaluate its productivity by compari ng its actual product ion nu mber with the pla nned goals to see whether the goals are met.
Fourthly, the profitability can stand for the efficiency and it directly affects the
in vestor ' s eon fide nee, because it represe nts the compa ny ' s value and prospect in the market. As the Appe ndix 4 shows, the divide nd is in creas ing which means the operati on performa nee of Opal is well and more pote ntial and existi ng shareholders might be attracted.
Lastly, the market share shows the market coverage of Opal. It represents the competitive ness of the compa ny in the whole market. The larger the market share, the
stron ger the Opal is. So it can be used to evaluate Opal s operati on performa nee.。