
中国人讲究题目的概括性,中国电影片名多使用提炼性的和情感意境归纳性的题名,如《开国大业》、《保持通话》、《投名状》、《东京审判》等,而西方电影片名则倾向于精简,择取片中具有代表性的人、物和地名等,如:“Titanic”、“Casablanca”、“Jane Eyre”、“Chicago”、“Harry Potter”、“Clyde”、“Chinatown”等。

也就是说片名的翻译讲求摆脱原文词语束缚,深入 把握作品的思想美学内容。用本族语言的艺术形式 传达原作的形象、情感和语言的艺术美,从而将美 感经验传导于观众。
A. 实现艺术性首先要讲求炼字。炼字讲求传 神,用语言创造一种意境,气氛。
(1)You Can’t Take It With You 【译一】你无法带走;【译二】浮生若梦
电影来源于生活,体现了本民族的文化, 影片名的翻译不单纯是语言转换的过程, 同时也是两种文化交流的社会现象,体现 文化价值,促进文化交流和理解,是电影 片名翻译的重要任务
著名的心理惊悚片“seven”。这部影片讲述的是 一个疯狂的凶手自认上帝,围绕天主教七大死 罪的惩戒逐条杀人的犯罪故事。Seven这个在宗 教上非常神秘的数字,在这部电影中也处处得 到体现,但是如果影片名译为简单的一个“七”
字,中国观众绝不会产生同样的文化联想和认 同,所以影片公映时译为《七宗罪》,点明故 事主线和seven最为主要的宗教寓意,可谓文化价 值体现的经典范例。
“One Flewover the Cuckoo’s Nest”直译为“飞越 杜鹃窝的人”,其实“Cuckoo‘sNest”在英语里 是“精神病院”的意思,因而“飞越疯人院”
Some Chinese movies’English name
Farewell My Concubine 霸王别姬
Ashes of Time
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙
Be there ,be square
House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏
西方电影名的 翻译特点

一、翻译理论1. 文化翻译理论在电影片名翻译中,文化翻译理论是一个重要的指导原则。
例如,《风之谷》(Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)这部宫崎骏的动画电影在翻译成英文时选择了"Wind"作为片名,以突出电影的主题和氛围,同时也为观众传达了电影中的自然主义思想。
2. 形式与意义的统一在电影片名翻译过程中,翻译人员需要将源语言片名的形式与意义统一起来。
例如,韩国电影《恶魔之眼》在翻译成英文时选择了"Eyes of the Devil"作为片名,将原片名中的恶魔形象与观众熟悉的恶魔概念进行对应,以提高观众的识别度和吸引力。
二、翻译方法1. 直译法直译法是最常用的翻译方法之一,它指的是将源语言的片名直接翻译成目标语言。


关键词:电影片名美学原则翻译技巧修辞功能文化差异毕业论文外文摘要Title The Beauty of Translation of the Movies’ NamesAbstractEnglish movies and TV are geeks in literature beds. It is aroma fragrant, enchanting, lovely, people welcomed. English movies and TV holds an important position with its strong exotic color and flavor. Movie name just like advertisement which name use for appealing to more audiences. The translation of English movie names exerts a direct influence on the publicity of that movie. While the spectator usually have the deepest impression of the movie names whether the names are beautiful or clear in meaning. A beautiful name attracts the spectator to seek the intension of the movie work. A beautiful name can leave the spectator a continuous impression .It makes one provide much food for thought. Consequently, the translation of the movies ’names is also an art. If the translation is good, it plays with the effect of the finishing touch. On the contrary, it will be faulty.This paper attempts to explain the aesthetic principles and feelings in the translation of English movie names by introducing the beauty of meaning, pronunciation, sentence pattern and folklore. It can make the translation accurate, popular and clear. It instructs the importance of the translation of movies’names, thus the spectator can have more profound understanding.Key words: movie name aesthetic properties translation skill rhythm function cultural differencesContents1 Introduction (1)2 Movie Names and Aesthetical Translation (2)2.1 Functions of Movie Names (3)2.2 The Necessity of Aesthetical Tranlation (5)3 Techniques of Aesthetical Translation (6)3.1 Aesthetics Properties of Movie Names (6)3.2 Common Transltion Methods (7)4 The Current Situation of Aesthetical Translation (12)Conclusion (13)Bibliography (14)Acknowledgements (16)1 IntroductionMovie, as an aesthetic form created by specific cultures, which reflects those cultures and in turn, affects them, is beloved by the public. In 1895, the two brothers Auguste and Louuis Lumiere made a machine that they called the cinematogaphe in France and started as well, the over-a-century-long history of movies. Whatever it is called: movie, film, flicker, motion picture, pix or the cinema, this popular art has been affecting life for generations. Movies have the magic power over the audience from teens to adults, through which, language and culture are epitomized and transmitted. With the continuous development in the movie industry, an increasing number of movies have become worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue. Take it for example that Titanic makes a record of 1, 835, 4000,000 dollars’box office. In this regard, movie translation contributes a lotto the box-office.With the deepening of cultural communication between China and foreign countries foreign movies are growingly surging into domestic movie market. The translation of the title of a movie will have an enormous effect on its economic returns and financial benefits, since the movie title is ultimately aimed at transmission of relevant in formation, expression of emotions in the movie, aesthetic and advertising functionsIn each phase of history, the translation of foreign movie names, which have profoundly been influenced by the mainstream of aesthetic ideology, taking on various aesthetic principles.Movie Names have many specific roles. Firstly movie name is the trademark of movie. Hao Huinan, in his book Cultural Context and Linguistic Translation, pointed out that movie name is the brand of a movie. As far as movie is concerned, what appeals to people first is its title.As the author knows, movie is a highly commercialized commodity. Movie names, as a marker of the movie, which is condensed of words and proved by authorities of the movie censorship and used to represent a movie, played a role of the trademark of movie.Secondly movie name is a cultural product. Movie as a popular art reflects the main trend of ideology of the society. Movie Name, a necessary part of movie is also a part of this cultural product. What’s more, movie name itself also bears cultural features of the region where the movie is produced, Abundant cultural elements have been traced in movie titles: such as idioms, slang, popular words lines of poems, titles of literary works, historical events and dialects etc. Movie names have well had the source culture reflected and condensed. Due to the above two reasons, movie names should be treated as a cultural product.Thirdly, movie name is a piece of art. Movie is said to be the seventh art. Since its birth, it has been spread to every comer of the world because of its unique ways of expressing feelings and emotion and has become a necessary in peoples’ spiritual life. Movie name, as a necessary part of movie is a segment and component of a piece of art. Without movie name, a movie can not be viewed as a complete work and will be forgotten by the audience soon. Moreover, the creating of movie name is highly creative.A good movie name can not only provide the audience aesthetic enjoyment, information about the movie but also can evoke the audience’s desire to see the movie the naming process itself is an artistic creation. Therefore, movie name should also be viewed as a piece of art.2 Movie Names and Aesthetical TranslationThe movie, a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, is one of the most influential mass media. Film looks like a piece of mirror which reflects all the respects of human society, including the materialworld and the spiritual world as well. With large quantities of English movies being introduced into China, more and more movie names are translated into Chinese, some well done while some poorly done. Exploring the present situation of movie names, within the framework of audience-oriented approach, this paper tries to generalize some principles, such as faithfulness, cultural awareness, and combination of commercial and aesthetic effects, of movie names with abundant examples. Based on the foregoing analysis, some concrete techniques of movie names translation are discussed, such as translation, literal translation and explication.2.1 Functions of Movies’ NamesThe basic function of movie name is to identify the movie. Without this initial identification, people would not be able to talk about the movie. The name is a sign to guide people through the movie pages of newspapers/magazines or through the television flow.The title is also a means for guiding people’s reception and interpretations of a text, either by stressing a specific viewpoint or giving people an abstract of the movies. According to the achievement of Peter Newmark, the English translation theorist, there are six functions. That is, informative, expressive, vocative, aesthetic, phatic and metalingual functions. The last two functions are seldom incarnated. Though each function has its emphasis, the informative, expressive and aesthetic functions are, in the end, to serve vocation function. Informative function“The core of the informative function of language is external situation, the facts of a topic, really outside language, including reported ideas or theories”. Informative function coveys the audience a general idea of a movie. Normally, when a new movie is released, people know little about it. A movie name is supposed to give a hint to theaudience about what is going on in the story, that is, it provides information related to the movie. Form the title, people learn the background or the plot of the movie, thus make the audience decide whether they are interested in it or not. Information may include: genre, events and the main plot of the movie.Expressive FunctionA movie name is to establish identity or to be a factor in the movie’s distribution. The center of the expressive function is the mind of the speaker, the writer, the originator of the utterance, who wants to input his intention through the form of language. As far as a movie name is concerned, expressive function of a movie name is to show the intentions or aims of directors. The expressive function is the key to movies’communicative effectiveness, and accordingly makes the audience emotionally or moved by the tone of a movie, such as lyric, comic or horrible atmosphere.Aesthetic FunctionThis is language designed to please the senses, firstly through its actual or imagined sound and secondly through its metaphors. The rhythm, balance and contrasts of sentences, clauses and words also play their part. The audience is supposed to receive aesthetic pleasure form the good movie name. It can be achieved by means of the charm of language. For instance, Chinese is a tone language, which has contrasting pitches or tons by using the pitch of individual syllables to contrast meanings. It has four linguistic pitches pr tones. Thus it can produce a kind of phonological beauty through the arrangements of different pitches like(一声叹息)and(东邪西毒).Besides, figures of speech, which are frequently used in the movie names, are also one of movie names linguistic features stated above.Vocative FunctionMovie is the art form most likely t in fame the passions of the public, who express their preference by purchasing tickets. Vocative function is to make the audiences act, such as watching a movie, thought about a movie or buying CDs etc, which is connected with commercialization. Whoever they are, a producer, a director or an actor, they must have a good sense of business if they would like to become successful in the movie industry. And an excellent movie name helps to lead the audience to go to the theatre, so that the movie can get a good record of box office. In western countries, it comes after the news programs. By country, information is rarely given concerning sales figures for new books or art gallery opening etc. To some degree, movie name are the trademarks of movies.2.2 The Necessity of Aesthetical Translation“Movie is so important that it has become the first arts of the human world,”pointed out by French artist and novelist Mona,Baker. With the increase in cultural exchanges between China and rest of the world, especially with the western countries, the movie has gradually stood out as one of the important medium of communication in its own right.Movie names are always the first thing that the audiences come to know about new movies. Thus a right choice of movie title translation is of great importance the successful release of a movie. A properly translated English movie name should fulfill many important functions.Because aesthetic translation has a lot of important functions, we should translate the movies’names with sense of beauty. Good translation is a kind of enjoyment. The translation of movie name must both reflect the content of the movie and have something new. Thus it can attract audiences, enhance the income of box office and promote cultural exchange between east and west.3 Techniques of Aesthetical TranslationSince the aesthetic translation is important, the author sums up some methods to translate the movies’names. The Chinese translators usually follow the properties and there are many excellent translation products appear in spectators’ vision.3.1 Aesthetics properties of Movie NamesIn order to have a better translation of the nature of English movie name, it is necessary for us to know the aesthetics properties of the movie names, in other words to know how movies are translated with beauty. According to the author summarized, there are four aesthetics properties about the movie names’ translation. There are the beauty of artistic conception, plain, classics, and fancy.The beauty of artistic conceptionThat is refers to the movie name is to contrast some atmosphere or artistic copy according to associated ideas about the vocabulary. Compared with the translation of the following translations, It’s not difficult to find the latter version is better.Ex1.(霸王别姬):Xiang Yu the Conqueror Bids Farewell to his Concubine/Farewell to My ConcubineEx2. Ordinary People(普通人)/(凡夫俗子)The beauty of plainThe beauty of plain calls for simple and novelty. It is easy for audiences to remember the movie names and it is also cut down the distance with the audience. For example:Breakdance(霹雳舞),America Beauty(美国丽人),Mulan(花木兰),Entrapment(偷天陷阱) ,Green Crad(绿卡).The beauty of classicsThe excellent movies last a long time, moves several generations. The classic movie names made people gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory. The movie Waterloo Bridge’s Chinese name is always taken as classics. The translator names it (魂断蓝桥),not only avoid the puzzlement for the cultural difference of Chinese people, but “lan qiao”references the folklore of Shanxi Province-Blue Bridge appointment. Moreover, Bathing Beauty(出水芙蓉),The Umbrellas of Cherbourg(秋水伊人), Lolita(一枝梨花压海棠),My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女),It happened One Night(一夜风流).The beauty of fancyThe beauty of fancy is refers to some movie names put to use some unusual representation so that it can draw attention of the audience. For example: The Day After Tomorrow(后天),is once be popularized “Tomorrow be on The Day after Tomorrow”. It’s fully strict the audiences’curiosity. Some similar examples: Funeral of the Famous Star(大腕),Ashes of Time(东邪西毒),Be there or Be Square(不见不散),Keep cool(有话好好说).3.2 Common Methods of Aesthetic TranslationRefining the wordsTo realize the aesthetic value of the movie names, the translator must focus on selecting words. When refining the words, the translator must strive to make both the sound and the means beautiful in order that the translation can attain vivid effects. Refining words stress make the translation lifelike vivid. This translation method is aimed at create a kind of aesthetic conception. It’s a concentration of source language audience’s feeling. Try to compare with the following two groups, It’s not hard to find the latter can better reflect the advantage of Chinese. Certainly, an appropriate choice of words can make a far reachingaesthetic conception and suit the theme better. So it will to be held up better.Ex1:You Can’t Take It With You你无法带走/浮生若梦Ex2:A Man from Snowy River来自雪河的人 /雪河男子汉Some excellent example: A Puzzlement of Love(情惑),the Strange Tale(奇谈),Intolerance (党同伐异),These are all typical instances worth learning.Conveying the beautiful soundsThe aesthetic translation strives for sounds beauty. The translators make the movie names easy to pronounce by means of rhythm and tone .It not only convey the emotive meaning, but also strengthen the aesthetic effect. Chinese is tone language, it forms a modulated voice by the high-low、heavy-light、long-short、fast-slow of the tone and express the colorful and delicate feeling accurately. For example, Outland is translated to(天外天)(inflection, rhyme),Courage Under Fire is translated to(生死豪情)(rhyme), Singing in the Rain is translated to(雨中曲)(rhyme).However ,as an international language, English use its different tone、accent、unstressed sound and secondary accent arrange its incessantly sound’s beauty just like floating clouds and flowing water. For example,(芳草碧连天)(1987)is translated to The Green Green Grass of Home,(大轮回)is translated to The Wheel of Life,Those are successfully embody thyme beauty of English.What’s more, alliteration and rhyme are also the common method to achieve sound beauty. It is common occurance in name creation and translation. For Example,English names: Picture Perfect(纯属虚构),Rock and Rule(万世魔星), Limelight(舞台生涯)Chinese names:(兵临城下) City Under Siege, Fight South and North(南征北战).Adding vocabularyMany of the foreign movie names seems not dramatic if the translator translated it with word-for-word translation, even let the audience feel difficult to understand. It’s hard to play the expected effect of attracting eyeballs. But an excellent translator can turn insipid to miracle. For instance, the American movie Forrest Gump, It is named with the hero’s name. The hero and his name are both fictitious, but the movie interspersed with the real life events which influence the American history. They make the movie in order to reflections on history. Act as a symbol of the spirit, the hero combines many American life history and mental characteristics. If we translated the movie name to the hero’s name, the name will appear inflexible. But the movie’s present name(阿甘正传)take the movie epic sex and interesting as a whole. The Chinese audiences will very natural to associate this with Lu Xun’s novels The True Story of Ah Q, So it broke over distances and unfamiliar feelings, thus Chinese audiences have interests in it. The following name Erin Brockovich(阿莲正传)can also please Chinese audience although there is applying suspicion.Other similar examples: The children’s theme movie Toy Story, if the translator translated it to (玩具的故事),it will be far from standing against its present name(玩具总动员).Toys are the best friends of today’s Chinese only children. Plus with Chinese famous variety children show, so-and-so general mobilization is in bogue. This movie helps parents generously with money. Another popular movie, Spiderman also cause the audience wide-ranging interests. The wise translator translated the English word “man”to“xia(侠)”,the“xia(侠)” is fully demonstrated the actor’s lofty sentiments. Chinese audience always like and worship the chivalrous man who is everywhere. Little redundancy, the NuttyPrefessor(肥佬教授),Big Momma’s House(卧底肥妈), Legally Blond(政律俏佳人)can always make us feel Chinese folk custom.Four words idiomsFour words idioms are Chinese character’s distinguishing features. It has special infections. In view of the English language of lacking of Chinese special font structure, the translator can give full play to the advantage of Chinese. This method of translation can fully satisfy Chinese aesthetic psychology and express the artistic conception and the rhythmic beauty that the original lines did not reflect. Four words case in translation practice is widespread use in movies colleagues. One of the numerous examples, Top the Gun(壮志凌云),the translator is capable of film motif. Try to use the Chinese idiomatic inspiring idiom express the typical American patriotism and individualistic heroism. If the translator is not familiar with the content of the movie but take the words too literally, just translate the word “top” to“顶级”and the “Gun”to“枪杆”,the function of information and beauty of the movie will lost. Another classic love movie Gun with the wind, one of the translation is (飘),but the author think the four words translation(乱世佳人)appears more wonderful. The heroine Scarlett is a special case of women. She is beautiful and she is also ugly; She is firm and weak; She is optimistic , but she is vexed with brain. Even though the war let her nothing, but the nature that makes her like an invincible lion. Even if the wild world would be outbreak of a war of destruction, she is still the only live person. The movie name “乱世”imply the story’s background and “佳人”highlight the heroine’s heavenly beauty character. Since then Vivien Leigh who play the role of Scarlett and the heroine content together, She makes us enchantment and heartbreak for the sake of her smile and tear、her happy and anger. The movie has since become the classic. The four words translation can be found everywhere. The Mask(变相怪杰),The Fugitive(亡命天涯),Rush Hour(尖峰时刻),Die Hard(虎胆龙威), Under Siege(暴走潜龙),Entrapment (偷天陷阱),The Bodyguard(护花倾情),Inception(盗梦空间).These examples are all reflected the differences of the two languages in the process of translating and four words idioms ’universality and like sex.Taking implication of single word nameA large amount of the foreign movie’s original name is a single word, it asks for the translator using various means to interpret the theme of the movie. The movie Ghost set the best example for us. It tells the story of a devoted couple Sam and Molly. On the way home in a night, Sam was killed by his friend. Dir apart of Yin and Yang, unable to protect his girlfriend, Sam conquered evilness in the end with the help of goodness. It is a strong love affair. Its translation name (人鬼情未了)narrate an excellent matting for the plot of the story unfold. It build a desolate、mysterious、romantic atmosphere. Thus give the audience a great imagination of the life and death affection. Its commercial charm and artists charm are shown undoubted. Another movie Casino will make the audience puzzled if it is translated to (卡西洛).Now the translator translated it with its Chinese meaning and plus with “风云”,A movie named (赌场风云)stand vividly on the paper. As if all the fighting and revenge in gambling house are in your mind. It happens that there is a similar case, Legend is translated to (魔域传奇),that’s also in consideration of Chinese cultural tradition. Because “风暴”“风云”“传奇”are all reflect Chinese aesthetic orientation. It adds international and aesthetic elements in the meanwhile reflected the original information, thus bring potential business opportunities and considerable box-office income.The Rhetoric of Aesthetical translationRhetoric achieve the aesthetic value .The translator brings aesthetic pleasure by the means of copy or use the rhetoric creatively. For instance, using simile method to translate Gaslight into (郎心如铁),using iterative method to translate A Few Good Man into (好人寥寥),using antonym to translate True Lies into(真实的谎言),using rhetoric method to translate the Great Gatsby,Old Wives for New, Love Me Tenderly into(大亨小传)、(旧宠新欢)、(铁汉柔肠).4. The Current Situation of Aesthetical TranslationThe translation of movies’names is not a easy task. Chinese translators still do not have an effective principle for aesthetic translation. It is far from formed a complete system. As the means to achieve language functions, the vision of translation must be more greatly broadened. In any case, As long as the translation theory is objective, it is effective. Working hard to make the efforts to the realization of the function of the language is A focal point of future efforts.Bibliography1.Baker, Mona. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,20042.Cameron, Lynne , Graham Low. Researching and Appling Metaphor[M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,20013.Eugene A. Nida. Language and Culture: Contexts in Translation[M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,20024.Gentzler, Edwin. Contemporary Translation Theories[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20045.Hickey, Leo. The Pragmatics of Translation[M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,20016.Jeremy. Translation Studies: Theoried and Applications[M]. London and New York,20017.Kelly, Jeanne , Nathan K. Mao. Fortress Besieged[J]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2003(12)8.Kotler. Mraketing Management[M]. 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Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the other teachers at English Department: Ms. Jiang, Ms. Lu, Ms. Zhao and Ms.Zhang who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past three years.Third, My sincere thanks should also go to the staffs of CNIK website that give me many free precious materials and give me a lot of advices.I also own my result to my deer classmates who have accepted my frequent consultations and left valuable comments.Last but not least, my gratitude also extends to my beloved parents who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life.Thanks for all your patient listening and careful answers.。

的球 队为 “ 之 队 ” 等 。然 而 西 方 世 界 一 般 认 为 龙 是 一 种 体 型 庞 大 , 有 双 翼 , 齿 尖 刺 , 色 多 样 , 中 喷 火 的怪 龙 等 长 利 颜 口 物 , 邪 恶 和 暴 力 的 标 志 , 相 凶 狠 的龙 也 被 古 代 西 方 人 用 在 盾 牌 、 旗 和徽 章 上 以 阻 吓 敌 人 , 以 , 在 西 方 也 是 战 是 长 军 所 龙 争 的 象 征 。也 就 是 说 . 西 方 文 化 中 , 并 不 受 欢 迎 ,因此 电影 片 名 翻译 为 “ d c ao ”在 英 语 中 为 贬 义 。按 照 在 龙 HidnDr n g
藏着 未被 发 现 的人 才 , 褒 义 的 。龙 , 为 一 种 虚 卡 的 动 物 , 中 国神 话 中被 描 述 为 能 显 能 隐 , 细 能 巨 , 短 能 长 , 是 作 句 在 能 能 呼 风 唤 雨 , 所 不 能 , 是 力 量 、 富 、 荣 及 祥 和 的 象 征 。 中 国 的历 代 帝 王 都 自命 为 龙 , 用 器 物 也 以 龙 为 装 饰 。 中 国 无 它 财 繁 使
化 的 一 个 组 成 部 分 , 映 一 个 民族 丰 富 多 彩 的 文 化 现 象 。 翻 译 就 是 通 过 一 种 语 言 传 达 另 一 种 语 言 的 文 化 信 息 的 过 反 程 , 何 一 种 语 言 的 翻 译 行 为 中都 有 文 化 在 发 挥 着 作 用 ,电影 名 的 翻译 也 是 如 此 。成 功 的 电影 译 名 应 忠 实 地 转 述 另 任

一、英语电影片名特点从语言层面上看,英语电影片名通常以名词或名词性词组为主导,如奥斯卡获奖影片Inception《盗梦空间》,Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》,Slumdog Millionaire 《贫民窟的百万富翁》等,电影标题均为名词性词组,其形式简洁而内涵丰富,赋予了电影标题概括性的语言特征。
从结构层面看,英语电影片名有时以一个单词命名,如Up《飞屋环游记》,有时以一个短语命名,如Finding Neverland《寻找梦幻岛》,又有时以一个句子命名,如One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nes《飞越疯人院》,这足以说明英语电影片名灵活、松散的结构特征。
从文化层面看,英语电影片名通常会突出反映西方个人主义的价值观,致力发扬个性,如The Pursuit of Happyness《当幸福来敲门》,Spiderman《蜘蛛侠》,Iron Man《钢铁侠》等,都是基于西方文化的核心价值观——个人主義的影片,其共同特征就是追求个人价值的实现。

的今 天 ,只 有 相互 了解 各 自的不 同文 化 ,我们 才 能推 进 经济 的 合 译 者们 多 半拘 谨且 小心 ,不愿 轻易 改变 原 片名 的结 构 ,片 名翻 译 作 ,才 能真 正实 现全 世界 的共 同繁 荣 。 通 常 以直 译 为主 ,力 求 “ 忠实 ”,且 往往 比较 中性 ,极少 带有 煽 中西方 国家 由于 在历 史地 理 、宗 教信 仰 、政 治 经济 及 思维 方 情 、暴 力或 夸 张 的色彩 。这 也使 得传 统 的翻 译 标 准 “ 信 、达 、 式 等方 面 存在 巨大 差 异 ,文化 交 流 从某种 程 度上 来 说存 在很 大 障 雅 ” ,尤 其 是 “ 信 ”在 大 陆地 『 又 = 片 名 翻 译 实 践 中得 到 了充 分 应 信 ”往 往 只是 从字 面 上传 递 了原片 名 的信 息 ,并 碍 。 当中 国传 统儒 家 文化 遭遇 西 方 资本 主义 文化 ,当 “ 重 义气 轻 用 。然而 这种 “ 利 益 ”的 中 国思想 遭 遇 “ 重物 质 轻人 伦 ” 的西方 标准 ,必将 火 光 没 有起 到 赋予 原作 第 二次 生命 的作 用 。大 陆译 本只 有 在直 译 的基 四溅 。然 而 ,英 文 电影 作为 中 视 觉及 听觉 艺 术 ,将西 方 文化 融 础 上 ,对 片名 进行 深 入地 雕琢 ,使 之 成为 兼具 时代 特 征和 影 片 内 入 精彩 的剧情 之 中 ,受 到 了广大 中 国观 众 的喜 爱 ,也成 为 了 中西 容精髓 的译 本 ,才能 真正 成为经 典译 作 。 方 文化 交 流 的主 要媒 介之 。但 是 在观 看 一 部 电影 之前 ,首先 映 例 如 , 由著 名 演 员 达 斯 汀 ・ ・ 霍 夫 曼和 汤 姆 一 克鲁 斯 主 演 的 入 人们 眼 帘 的是起 着 导 向作 用 的 电影片 名 。片 名对 于 电影 来说 起 美 国经 典 冒险 喜 剧 电 影 “ R a i n M a n ”, 在 大 陆被 译 成 了 《 雨 着 “ 画龙 点睛 ” 的作 用 , 因此 一 一 部 英 文 电影 要想 在 中 国得 到 传 人》 ,看 似对 原 名绝 对 “ 忠 实 ”的译 本 ,其 实丝毫 没 有传 达 影 片

许多优秀的译制片,如Waterloo Bridge《魂断蓝桥》,Gone with the Wind《乱世佳人》,Top Gun《壮志凌云》等在中国观众中经久不衰,除了影片感人至深的情节、精美的商业包装之外,巧妙的译名更是起到了很大的作用。
美国大片The Matrix,其名源于计算机术语“矩阵”,抽象的科学概念令人费解,而中文译名《黑客帝国》不仅对电影内容有所引导,而且抓住了科幻片的特质,一举获得了商业上的成功。


身 独特 的美学 特 征 。随 着越 来 越 多 的外 国影 片不 断
“ 形美 ” 目。语 言文字 整齐规 则 的排 列 , 感 看起来
涌 人 国内市场 , 同时更 多 的 国内影 片打入 国 际市 场 , 就是一 副艺 术 作 品 。相反 , 七 八糟 的一 堆 文 字 , 乱 只 如何正确 翻译 电 影 片 名具 有 十 分 重 要 的现 实 意 义 。 会 使读者 望而却 步 , 带来视 觉疲 劳。
神怡 。当然 , 里的 “ ” 能仅仅理 解为 “ 丽 ” 这 美 不 美 。有 维 , 象思 维 。 抽 中 国传统思 维深受 传统 儒教 和道教影 响 , 直觉 思 的时候 ,惊 险 ” 一种 美 ,凄惨 ” 是一种 美 。与 “ “ 是 “ 也 意
汉字 美” 相反的是 , 译者表达的信息内容平淡无奇 , 甚至粗 维和整体思维在语言上体现为汉语言的模糊美 , 俗不 堪 , 味低 下 , 趣 这样 的 泽文 如何 能 持续 地 为 读 者 中的象 形文 字 和讲 求 意 合都 是 意 象 思维 的结 果 。中 文 电影片 名 中有 很 大 一 部分 是 使 用 具体 的意象 来 表 接 受呢 ? 例 一 、老 、 孔 “ 音美 ” 耳 。好 的译 文 , 分 利 用 了译 语 的 优 达十 分 抽 象 的涵 义 , 如 “ 地 鸡 毛 ” “ 井 ” “ 感 充
电影 作 为 有声 有 色 的艺 术 形 式 , 已成 为 老 少 皆 势 , 在语 音 的 处 理 上 别 出 心 裁 , 造 出 音 乐 一 般 的 创 宜、 雅俗 共赏 、 们 喜 闻乐 见 的 鉴 赏对 象 。电 影 片名 “ ” 人 美 。比如汉 语 四 字成 语 多 , 读起 来 规 整顺 畅 , 扬 抑 好 比电影 的 门楣 , 往是 编剧精 心构思 的产 物 。它除 顿 挫 , 上押韵 等 手 法 的恰 当运用 , 往 加 听者 会 觉得 是 一 了是 内容 的浓缩 , 起着 “ 导看 ” 作 用之 外 , 具有 自 的 还 种享 受 , 饱 “ 福 ” 会 耳 。


影视翻译/帕Vl EL I T E R A T U R E墓文化视域下的中美电影片名翻译●李楠刘金铃(吉林大学,吉林长春130062)[摘要]文化是一个复杂的、多元的系统,具有鲜明的民族性。

1.探析电影片名翻译的美学特征 [J], 黄顺红;詹蓓
2.从文化翻译观看电影片名的翻译 [J], 王琳
3.电影片名的美学特征与翻译 [J], 朱娥
4.略谈文化与审美因素影响下的英文电影片名汉译——归化异化策略在电影片名英汉翻译中的运用 [J], 夏云
5.好英语电影片名的翻译与美学特征 [J], 王彦昌

英文电影名翻译的文化特色(举例)●电影名的重要性意义电影作为一种重要的文化传媒, 既是介绍异域文化的一种简洁直观的手段, 又是传播本国本民族文化的一个重要途径。
电影片名的翻译着重从语言、文化的差异及观众效应切入, 应具有商业、信息、文化、审美功能,同时要简短醒目、别出心裁, 以便最大限度地吸引观众, 在观众心目中留下难忘的印象,为影片进行广告宣传。
这七条死罪指七项世人常犯的过错,即:饕餮gluttony 、贪婪greed、懒惰sloth、淫欲lust、骄傲pride、嫉妒envy和暴怒wrath。

- 216-校园英语 / 翻译研究译加注的方式会让译文更加准确,让目标读者更容易理解,并且最大程度上保留了原文的文化内涵,达到了跨文化交流和政治宣传的目的。
此外,习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委二次全会上指出“老虎、苍蝇一起打”,我们也可以采取直译加注的方式进行翻译,可以翻译为 “take down both ‘flies and tigers ’”(Flies and tigers refer to junior and high-ranked officials who take bribes, steal assets and illicitly enrich themselves and their families.)4.音义结合。
例如,“不折腾”有很多翻译,如 “buzhenteng ”(国务院新闻发布会);don ’t get sidetracked (《中国日报》);don ’t sway back and forth(新华社)等等翻译。
目前,有种译法为“No Z-turn ”。
该译法比其它译法更加生动形象,它无论是发音还是语义都与汉语 “折腾”极为相似,可为音义结合的完美典范。
参考文献:[1]Cartford.J C.Linguistic Theory of Translation[M].London: Oxford University Express,1965.[2]张健.报刊新词语英译纵横[M].上海:上海科技教育出版社, 2001.[3]杨贵明.论汉语时政新词语英译的难点和原则[J].兰州大学学报,2002,30(40):151-155.[4]刘传殊.可译性的语言功能观[J].中国翻译,2000(1):85-89.【基金项目】汉语“时政热词”英译研究,项目编号:2016KY017。