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Phonics is a method of teaching beginning readers to read and pronounce words by learning the sounds of letters, letter groups and syllables. Children are taught the sounds of letters and how those letters combine to form words.
(一)建立字母与发音对应的概念(Establishing phonics awareness)
Letter name and letter sound Bb ---- /b/ Cc ---- /k/
(二)教授字母发音(Learning letter sounds)
D d /d/ Z z /z/
1、形在前,音在后(Show the letter first)
2、音在前,形在后(Listen to the sound and find out the letter)
(四)分辨单词中的音素(Identifying the sounds in words)
1、字母和字母音组合单词:b at c at h at m at
(五)拼读效果检测与阅读运用(Feedback and application)
(一) 列出常用的五个元音对照表,把所学单词对号入座。
h a te h a t game fat
th e se l e g Chinese pen
b i te b i t like fit
n o te n o t nose box
u se b u s cute cut
(二) 以旧经验唤起新经验,引导学生拼读新单词。
t ea cher meat tea east
tea ch er rich peach which
teach er worker driver
(三) 鼓励学生自行发现规律外的特殊,引导学生圈出特殊处。
or a nge e raser h ea d a pp le
(四) 引导学生慢速依序读出单词,强化学生印象。
五、充分利用chants、rhymes, songs、tongue twisters等巩固phonics
Chant:am am am ad ad ad
Pam and Sam!Pat, Pat, Pat!
Pam and Sam Dad, Dad, Dad!
are good friends. Pat is my Dad.
Rhymes: Hickory, Dickory, Dock; Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
The mouse ran up the clock, the clock truck one.
The mouse ran down. Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
Phonics Song
A is for apple, /æ/ /æ/ , apple.
B is for book, /b/ /b/ , book.
C is for cat, /k/ /k/ , cat.
D is for dog, /d/ /d/ , dog.
E is for elephant,/e/ /e/ , elephant.
F is for face, /f/ /f/ , face
G is for gift, /g/ /g/ , gift.
H is for hand, /h/ /h/ , hand.
I is for ink, /i/ /i/ , ink.
J is for jump, / / / /, jump.
K is for kite, /k / / k /, kite.
L is for leg, /l / / l /, leg.
M is for milk, /m / / m /, milk.
N is for nose, /n / / n /, nose.
O is for orange, / ﺪ/ / ﺪ/, orange.
P is for pig, / p / / p /, pig
Q is for queen, /kw/ /kw/, queen.
R is for rice, / r / / r /, rice.
S is for six, / s / /s /, six.
T is for tiger, / t / / t /, tiger.
U is for umbrella, / ۸/ / ۸/, umbrella.
V is for vest, / v / / v /, vest.
W is for water, /w / /w /, water.
X is for fox, /ks / / ks/, fox.
Y is for yellow, /j / /j /, yellow.
Z is for zoo, /z / / z /, zoo.
A: The a nt cuts the a pple with an a x.
B: The b oy takes a b anana from the b ox b ehind the b ed.
C: The c at c an c atch a c up of c offee.
D: The d og is running after the d octor, my d ad.
E: The e lf (小精灵)is sending by the e ntrance(入口) waiting for the e lephant to deliver e ggs in an e nvelope. F: There are f our f unny f irefighters in the f amily f ood f estival on a f arm.
G: The g irl g ot a g oat and a g oose as a g ift.
H: The h orse h ammers(锤打) a h en in a h ouse.
I : The I ndian i nfant(婴儿)lives in an i gloo(雪块砌成的圆顶小屋).
J: J ack puts j am( 果酱)and j elly in his j uice j ar.
K: The k ing flies a k ite with a k angaroo in the k itchen.
L: I see a l ion l icking(舔) a l emon by the l ake through the l iving room window.
M: The m onkey is m opping(擦拭) a m at(垫子) with its m other on the m oon.
N: The n urse takes out a n ail from the patient’s n eck, puts it in a n apkin(餐巾纸).
O: The o ctopus(章鱼) sits on the o strich(鸵鸟), waiting to be o perated(动手术) in O ctober.
P: A p ink p ig eating a p ear in the p ark.
Q: The q ueen asks q uestions about the q uarrel(争吵) over q uilts (被子)in the palace.
R: A r abbit is jumping over the r ope(绳索) on a r ug(小块地毯).
S: S usan s its on the s ofa, waiting s unset at s even past s ix.
T: My t eacher is wearing t wo t ies t oday.
U: U ncle Joe puts the 7-u p(七喜)u nder the u mbrella.
V: After a long ride to the v illage, the v et(老兵), V incent v omits(呕吐) in the v ase.
W: The w oman tries to w ash off the w ords on the w all.
X: There is an a x(斧头) in the bo x in the X-ray(X光照片) room.
Y: Mr. Y am bought a y ellow y acht(快艇) this year.
Z: A z ebra is running around the z oo with a z ipper(拉链) in its mouth.