2018届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之二 学案(8页word版)
最新高考英语二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之2 (8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之二【1】Last weekend we went for camping in the mountains with our teacher, Anna.When we arrived, we made a camp fire first.Then, Anna taught us to catch fish so that they could have more food to eat that night.I liked the airs there because it was fresh and clean.Many stars were up highly in the sky and the moon looked bright.We all sat around the fire, listening Anna’s stories about her childhood.She was born into a poor family or she worked very hard to be successful.I was very touched that I couldn’t sleep the whole night, thought about being a teacher in the future.When I get home, I said to my parents, “Everything was great about the camping.I want to be the teacher like Anna in the future.”答案:第一句:去掉for第三句:they→we第四句:airs→air第五句:highly→high第六句:listening后加to第七句:or→and/so第八句:very→so; thought→thinking或thought前加and第九句:get→got第十句:第一个the→a【2】When Tom was a little boy, he dreamed of become a famous writer one day.We all know whether a person wants to become a writer, he should read many books and practiced writing every day.Besides, this was not what Tom did.Actual, he did nothing for his dream.Now at the age of 30, he still just talks about his dream.He doesn’t read or write it.In fact, there were many people like Tom.They have dreams, but they don’t try their best realize their dreams.If you also have a dream, please do which you can to realize it.If you just talk about it every day, their dream will be a dream forever.答案:第一句:become→becoming第二句:whether→if; practiced→practice第三句:Besides→However第四句:Actual→Actually第六句:去掉it第七句:were→are第八句:best后加to第九句:which→what第十句:their→your【3】Last weekend, I helped my grandparents preparing their trip to Beijing.On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched for the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beijing, and some hotel informations.In the afternoon, I go to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was long queue.After dinner, I put the thing my grandparents would need into the suitcase, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, or a map.The next morning, I went to the station to see him off.Waving goodbye with them on the platform, I felt happily for them and wished them a safe journey.答案:第一句:preparing→prepare第二句:去掉第一个for; informations→information第三句:go→went; long前加a第四句:thing→things; or→and第五句:him→them第六句:with→to; happily→happy【4】Alice, my best friend, devotes many energy to her lessons.She is always one of the top student in our class.She loves the music so much that she made it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time.Alice is always willing to help other, and she often helps us with our lessons.As a volunteer, she has successful organized some voluntary activities.We paid a visit a nursing home last month, so we picked up rubbish near ourschool.That we did was warmly welcomed.Win honor for our school, Alice is well known to our classmates.答案:第一句:many→much第二句:student→students第三句:去掉the; made→makes第四句:other→others第五句:successful→successfully第六句:visit后加to; so→and第七句:That→What第八句:Win→Winning【5】Li Ming is a friend of mine.I’m glad he changed greatly in the past two years.I clearly remember he was quite fat two years before.He got tired so easy that he couldn’t take exercise, that made him very ter, he realized unless he went on like that, he would end up achieve nothing.So he made up his minds to make a change.He went running every morning and played the basketball every afternoon.Besides, he followed a diet of more vegetables or less meat.Gradually he began to lose weight.He is now an energetic boy in good health.So when faced with problems, we should overcome it with great determination and strong willpower.答案:第二句:changed前加has第三句:before→ago第四句:easy→easily; 第二个that→which或在第二个that前加and第五句:unless→if; achieve→achieving第六句:minds→mind第七句:去掉the第八句:or→and第十一句:it→them【6】Being a teacher is always believed to be one of greatest occupations, because teachers make great contributions for the st week, I got a chance to experience teaching students.Our school asked us to teach some kids live in the countryside.The kids was so happy that they gave me a warm welcome.I teach them English and after class, we played games happily.We had a lot of funs together.When I returned back to school, I missed the students so much.They like me but some of them have kept in touch with me ever since.I felt so proudly of being a teacher.答案:第一句:greatest前加the; for→to第三句:us→me; live→living第四句:was→were第五句:teach→taught第六句:funs→fun第七句:去掉back第八句:but→and第九句:proudly→proud【7】The World Health Organization said that 92 percent of the world’s population live in areas of high air pollution.Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueling by diesel.Many cities in Europe have called for end the production of diesel cars.They hope to replace them with electric vehicles but their quality has improved.London is one of the most heavy polluted cities in Europe.Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see it.He says people across Great Britain have being died too early because the pollution.Experts say electric cars could offer a answer to air pollution in most city.They add, however, that the electricity should be created by using renewable energy.答案:第一句:said→says第二句:fueling→fueled第三句:end→ending第四句:but→because第五句:heavy→heavily第七句:it→them第八句:去掉being; because后加of第九句:a→an; city→cities【8】During my second month of nursing school, our professors gave us a quiz.I had smoothly finished the others’ questions when I got stuck on the last one: “What’s the first name of the woman who clean the school?” I had seen, many times, the woman, tall and in her fifty, but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper, leave the last question blankly.After a class ended, one student asked for the answer for the question.The professor said, “As you know, that in your careers you will meet many people.You should respect them and care about them, even you just smile and say ’hello’ to them.”答案:第一句:professors→professor第二句:others’→other; clean→cleans第三句:fifty→fifties第四句:leave→leaving; blankly→blank第五句:a→the; 第二个for→to第六句:去掉that第七句:even后加if/though【9】In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, that spent all his time in painting.People that lived in the village used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends.Whether he was offered money, he would never take it.He said he painted for a pleasure.He once gave one of his paintings to my father, who actually wasn’t interesting in art.Years later I found at our old house.By that time the old man had died and people had started to recognize his paintings as great work of art, which were worth lots of money.So an art gallery makes me an offer of $5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it.So then I decided not to.It reminds me of my childhood and of the old man who didn’t real want to make money by painting.答案:第一句:that→who第二句:admiring→admire第三句:Whether→If第四句:去掉a第五句:interesting→interested第六句:found后加it第七句:work→works第八句:makes→made第九句:So→But第十句:real→really【10】Tourism is booming in Tibet.More than 6.8 million Chinese and foreign tourists visit the region in the first half of this year.Tourism income during that period rose on to 7 billion yuan.More tourists are expected to traveling around Tibet in the second half of this year.The region is hosting the China Tibet Tourism or Culture Expo, featuring series of festivals.Currently, foreigners need a special travel permission to tour the region in addition for a Chinese visa.They have to wait for the permit patient.It is cheerful what the local authorities have promised us to shorten the time of obtaining it.答案:第二句:visit→visited第三句:去掉on第四句:traveling→travel第五句:or→and; series前加a第六句:permission→permit; for→to第七句:patient→patiently第八句:what→that; us→them。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错原创试题10篇汇聚之一 (含有解析)学案(10页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错原创试题10篇汇聚之一【1】In China, people and giant pandas had been living together for thousands of years. But China’s human population has been great growing. More population means more land is needed for farming. It also mean more forests are cut for wood to build and heat houses. Loss of habitat in lowland areas has forced pandas live only in the mountains. The most damaged result of development has been that it has divided the panda’s habitat into little islands of forest. Today, many panda are isolated in these small sections of forest, because of they will cross into areas which people live. The result is that the giant pandas can connect with one another to mate and have babies.Besides, to our relief, there is still some good news that people are trying to help the giant pandas by creating protected areas.【答案】【小题1】had--have【小题2】great-- greatly【小题3】mean--means【小题4】live 前加to【小题5】damaged --damaging【小题6】panda-- pandas【小题7】of划掉【小题8】which--- where / in which/ live后加in【小题9】can--can’t /cannot【小题10】Besides --However【解析】【小题1】一个动作表示持续到现在,还会持续下去用现在完成进行时,had--have。
2018届二轮复习短文改错解题技巧学案练与析 (8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错解题技巧学案练与析一、分清错误的类型,对症下药1.缺词短文改错中所缺的词常常是冠词、介词、代词等虚词,它通常与词的搭配相关,比如:见到名词,应考虑是否缺了冠词;见到动词,可注意后面是否少了应与之搭配的介词或其他词;见到某些固定表达,如in fact,as soon as等,应考虑是否完整;还有某些短语加冠词与不加冠词意义不同,如in front of,in the front of;某些短语加介词与不加介词用法不同,如:as a result,as a result of。
高考常考点具体如下表所示:典型例题:①In the car park there Gina nearly got knocked over as car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry.答案及分析:在as后加a。
②For example,how many times have you walked out of a room and left the lights or television when no one else was there?答案及分析:在television后面加on。
③There was one in particular I’d always wanted.I put into my pocket when he wasn’tlooking.答案及分析:在put后加it。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题训练之三 学案(8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题训练10篇之三【1】When I look at this picture of myself. I realize of how fast time flies.I had grown not only physically. And also mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time, car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.答案【2】Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from theschool, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. beside, they often get some useful informations from the internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the vegetables!答案:1.all改为both 2.a改为an 3.interesting改为interested 4.that 改为which 5.earlier改为early 6.去掉for 7. Beside 改为besides rmations 改为information 9.came 改为comes 10.pick 前加to【3】Today I am talking to my dad Matthew, my hero. The reason why I admire him is because he starts every day with smile. And his smile always brings happy to my families. He has been looked after us carefully since many years ago. He often encourages me to keep going and not give it up. What’s more, he real does care and show his love to everyone he meets. I believe that he is a true person of compassion or carefulness. He had so many good personal quality that we all respect him.1.to改成about2.because改成that3.with smile之间加a4.happy 改成happiness5.looked改成looking6.give it up中去掉it7.real改成really8.or改成and9.had改成has 10.quality改成qualities【4】My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made from glass. I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view. On the left-hand side of the class, I could easy see the football field. In the mornings, it was full of students exercising. The view from the back of the classroom is also splendid. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. Farther in the distance, I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains. On the right side of the class was the road. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming. If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forget it.1. side-sides2. from-of3.sit-sitting4.easy- easily5.is-was6. them-it7. 去掉not8. in hurry- in a hurry9. felt-feel 10.If-Although/Though【5】Which is more important, health and wealth? Not until I witnessed my uncle’s real life I realize that health is of great important考点04.Devoting to his business, my uncle, a successful businessman, worked from morning till night every day with no spare time to relax himself. He often says“I must earn much money so that I can get wh atever I want”. As the consequence, he was serious ill. Rich as he was,he could do nothing but to die in the hospital bed.So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always on poor health, let alone live happily. If we are rich or not, we cannot ignore the importance of health.答案1 and改为or2 life后加did 3. important改为importance 4. Devoting改为Devoted 5. says改为said 6. the改为a 7. serious改为seriously 8. die前的to删除9. on改为in 10. If改为Whether。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之一学案(8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错专题10篇训练之一【1】Last year, I spent my summer holiday at my uncles in Beijing, which I stayed for nearly one month. In the first two weeks, I visited some places of interest such as the Forbidden City. In the following days. what interested me most was explore several op universities, including the PekingUniversity. Deeply attracted by the beautiful sceneries and academic atmosphere, I found myself greatly inspire to study hard to be admitted by one key university in 2018. Additional, one of the most interesting but meaningful things was to teach my cousin to learn English. Even though we had much difficulty at first, neither of us improved much both in knowledge and patience. I indeedenjoyed that summer holiday, which have benefited me a lot from life and study ever since.答案【2】In recent years it seems to be a common practice which students tear up their textbooks when graduating from high school. There are some reasons of this. First, after buried themselves in lessons all day long , students may find the school life boring but want to do something interesting. Second, students are under so great pressure that they need a way to relax.Personally, I don’t think students should tear up his textbooks. It suggested that textbooks be recycled so that we can save up more tree and protect the environment. Meanwhile, schools should provide them with guidance in a time on how to remove their pressure proper.答案In recent years it seems to be a common practice which students tear up their textbooks when graduating fromthathigh school. There are some reasons of this. First, after buried themselves in lessons all day long , students may findfor buryingthe school life boring but want to do something interesting. Second, students are under so great pressure that theyand suchneed a way to relax.Personally, I don’t think students should tear up his textbooks. It/\suggested that textbooks be recycled so thattheir iswe can save up more tree and protect the environment. Meanwhile, schools should provide them with guidance in atrees删除atime on how to remove their pressure proper.properly【3】Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’t fit? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to the campus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when the lovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendliness pushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or you will find out people are more friendly than you think!答案Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’textremelyfit∧? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to thein thoughts floatingcampus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when theseemedalovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendlinesswhoHerpushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or删除to andyou will find out people are more friendly than you think!【4】I woke up lately yesterday because my alarm clock didn't ring. With no time for the breakfast, I rushed out of my house. I had intended to catch the 7: 30 subway, and I didn't make it. Have a little time left, I take a taxi instead. I arrived at the school only find, with great sadness mixed with some relief, that the school where should have been full of students was empty. It was Saturday. However, our ill luck showed no sign of coming at an end. When I returned home, I found myself lock out. I had forgotten to bring the key. Just my luck.答案第一句lately--late;第二句breakfast前the去掉;第三句and---but;第四句Have--Having,take---took 第五句find前加to,where---which;第六句at---to第七句lock--locked【5】I was often troubled by lack of confidences. So I applied for a job at an exhibition as reporter last term. The exhibition was held annual to display the latest products in the field of education. At that time, I was responsible for interview parents who bought the learning tools. While talking with him, I found it was not so hard as I think. One lady even praised me but asked her son to learn from me. I realized the experience was in great value and nothing was more excited than communicating with people.From this experience, I am fully aware that we should take real action if our personality that needs improving.答案I was often troubled by lack of confidences. So I applied for a job at an exhibition as ∧reporter last term. Theconfidence a exhibition was held annual to display the latest products in the field of education. At that time, I was responsible forannuallyinterview parents who bought the learning tools. While talking with him, I found it was not so hard as I think. Oneinterviewing them thoughtlady even praised me but asked her son to learn from me. I realized the experience was in great value and nothingand ofwas more excited than communicating with people.excitingFrom this experience, I am fully aware that we should take real action if our personality that needs improving.删除that【6】Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Some mentioned the inspired Chinese Dream that was put forward by President Xi. Andothers talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We are all believe that this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. I had always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s life but also they are doing a respectably job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life without their professional knowledge. To realize my dream, I should try to work hardly from now on. I must learn as much as I can get into a good medical college, which I can prepare myself fully for the job of a doctor.答案Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Somementioned the inspired Chinese Dream that was put forward by President Xi. And othersinspiringtalked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We are all believetheirthat this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. I hadhave always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s life but also they arelivesdoing a respectably job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life without their respectable withprofessional knowledge. To realize my dream, I should try to work hardly from now on. Ihardmust learn as much as I can ∧get into a good medical college, which I can prepareto wheremyself fully for the job of a doctor.【7】When my grandfather left school, he got his first job as a office worker. In those days, he was extreme thin. He paid very little, so he could not afford to eating a lot. I have one or two photos of her from that time, and he looks just like me, but a lot thin! When he grew older, he worked at all sorts of thing, such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked as a part-time salesman. He worked hardly all his life, but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed, like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home.答案71. ... a office worker. a → an72. ... extreme thin. extreme → extremely73. He paid ... paid前加was74. ... eating a lot. eating → eat75. ... photos of her ... her → him76. ... a lot thin! thin → thinner77. ... sorts of thing ... thing → things78. ... worked as a ... worked → working79. He worked hardly ... hardly → hard80. ... found out time ... 去掉out【8】The first time I went to the zoo was several years ago, with parents. Yesterday I went to the zoo with some classmates. Arriving here, we got a guidebook and started walking round a zoo. We all got pretty exciting about visiting the animals. But something in their eyes made me to think they might enjoy live in the wild rather than be kept in a cage. One classmate might have guessed what had come in my mind, as he tells me at least in this way we had a good chance to know more about the animals. I don't know. Maybe some days there will have a better way to see and study them.答案71. ... with parents. parents前加my72. Arriving here ... here → there73. ... round a zoo. a → the74. ... pretty exciting about ... exciting → excited75. ... made me to think ... 去掉to76. ... enjoy live ... live → living77. ... come in my mind ... in → to / into78. ... he tells me ... tells → told79. Maybe some days ... days → day80. ... will have a ... have → be【9】Last week, I went out with my family for the meal in a restaurant. The food is not very good though. For my first course, I chose a dish calling “Cook's special”, turned out to be a kind of pizza. Generally, I enjoyed fast food, and this meal was quite disappointed because it wasn't very tasty. The rest of my families didn't enjoy their food very much either. Personal, I think we would have enjoyed us more if we'd cooked a meal at home. After all, we always have had plenty of food in the fridge.答案71. ... for the meal ... the → a72. ... food is not ... is → was73. ... a dish calling ... calling → called74. ... turned out to ... turned前加which75. ... and this meal ... and → but76. ... was quite disappointed ... disappointed → disappointing77. ... my families didn't ... families → family78. Personal, I think ... Personal → Personally79. ... enjoyed us more ... us → ourselves80. ... have had plenty ... 去掉had【10】It's hard to make friends if you stayed at home alone all the time. Instead, you should get out of the house and does things that will put you touch with others. Joining a club or play a sport. Go to meetings of different group in the neighborhood. It's a lot easy to make friends when you have similarly interests. Plan things to talkabout with others people. Find out that what's in the newspaper, listen to the top CDs, and get to know something interesting about my favorite TV or movie star. 答案71. ... stayed at home ... stayed → stay72. ... and does things ... does → do73. ... put you touch ... touch前加in74. Joining a club ... Joining → Join75. ... of different group ... group → groups76. ... a lot easy ... easy → easier77. ... similarly interests. similarly → similar78. ... with others people. others → other或去掉people79. Find out that ... 去掉that80. ... my favorite TV ... my → your。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题10篇汇聚之二 学案(18页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇汇聚之二【1】When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast time flies.I had grown not only physically,and also mentally in the past few years.About one month after this photo was took,I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club.Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting the late music albums.This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.答案When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast timeflies.I hadhave grown not only physically,andbut also mentally in the past fewyears.About one month after this photo was tooktaken,I entered my secondyear of high school and becomebecame a new member of the school musicclub.Around me in∧this/the picture are the thingstheywhich/that were veryimportant in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments.Ienjoyed studying differencedifferent kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting thelatelatest music albums.This picture often brings back tome many happy memories of yourmy high school days.71.答案删除of解析考查介词。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错原创试题10篇汇聚之二(含有解析) 学案(10页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错原创试题10篇汇聚之二【1】This morning on my way to school I was deep moved by what I saw outside aPatience is of a great importance in our daily life. One day I waited for a bus to come at a stop. 30 minute had passed, and no bus came. Upset and annoyed, I decided to walk with foot. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I had chosen to take the next bus, I would have had to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste the effort that we have put in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience.【答案】【小题1】去掉a【小题2】minute----minutes【小题3】and --but【小题4】with ---on【小题5】when --- than【小题6】waited前面加had【小题7】other-- another【小题8】do --did【小题9】possible --- possibly【小题10】lose---losing【解析】【小题1】be动词+of后面用抽象名词,抽象名词是不可数名词,前面不能用冠词,去掉a。
2018届二轮复习短文改错题九大考点分析及典题演练 学案(8页word版)

如:they take him lots of good book and fresh fruit.(2009.陕西卷)此处book改为books. book前用lots of修饰,应用复数。
如:The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop across the street from our middle school were gone. 把were改为are。
反身代词一直以来都是短文改错中经常设空的语法项目,先将其用法简单归纳如下:一、反身代词的基本形式反身代词是oneself根据所指词的人称、性别、单复数等的变化可以有myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 等形式。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之二 学案(15页word版含有解析)

2018届二轮复习短文改错专题10篇训练之二【1】The first day I went to school, I climb nervously onto the school bus. It was full of noisy child shouting and laughing excited. Then I found out a place next to a quiet girl with long hair and big eyes. We were both very shy, but we didn't talk much on the way to school, although we smiled with each other. In the followed days, we got to know each other better, and became good friends. Now when either of them has a problem, the other is always ready to helping. We have so much in common that we spend most our free time together.答案短文改错:71. ... I climb nervously ... climb → climbed72. ... noisy child ... child → children73. ... laughing excited. excited → excitedly74. ... I found out ... 去掉out75. ... but we didn't ... but → so76. ... with each other. with → at77. ... the followed days ... followed → following78. ... either of them ... them → us79. ... ready to helping. helping → help80. ... most our free ... most后加of【2】There is always a great need for public bicycles in my area. Generally I have to waiting. But I had had a different experience yesterday. As usually, when I went to pick up a bike, here was no sign of one. I noticed woman riding past me, thinking she wouldn't stopped. Suddenly, she made a U-turn, rode towards me, returned the bikes and said, “Go ahead.”I was surprising and she smiled at me, “I'm not in any hurry and my office is just one stop away.” I thanked him and realized that there are some people who are truly kind and really makes a difference to others' life by doing small things.答案71. ... have to waiting. waiting → wait72. ... had had a ... 去掉had73. As usually ... usually → usual74. ... here was no ... here → there75. I noticed woman ... woman前加a76. ... wouldn't stopped. stopped → stop77. ... returned the bikes ... bikes → bike78. I was surprising ... surprising → surprised79. I thanked him ... him → her80. ... makes a difference ... makes → make【3】Some days before, I decided to leave my bike at home and take the bus instead. On the bus, I pull my cap off. When I reached my stop, I got off the bus. While cross the street, I realized something were missing. My cap! I turned around, running to the bus, and the bus pulled away from the stop. Just then, a bus stopped a short distance away because a red light. While I sadly looked at the bus, the door was opened. A man stood near the door and looked around. Seen me, he waved something: It was my cap. I barely had time to grab them and say thank you before the door closed again.答案Some days before, I decided to leave my bike at home and take the bus instead. On the bus, I pull my cap off.agopulledWhen I reached my stop, I got off the bus. While cross the street, I realized something were missing. My cap! Icrossingwasturned around, running to the bus, and the bus pulled away from the stop. Just then, a bus stopped a short distancebuttheaway because/\ a red light. While I sadly looked at the bus, the door was opened. A man stood near the door andof删除waslooked around. Seen me, he waved something: It was my cap. I barely had time to grab them and say thank youSeeingitbefore the door closed again.【4】Journey to the West is a fantastic story setting in the Tang Dynasty.When opening the book, you would read an exciting story. Tangseng and histhree companions went through adventurous experience to get the scriptures(经文),which could be beneficial for the ordinary people. They made the long and hardjourney westwards to achieve their dream. The Monkey King, also was calledSunwukong, managed to fight against all kinds of difficulties. Therefore, the MonkeyKing as a symbol of being bravery and determined is deeply loved by our Chinese.The story is so amazing that it is very worth reading,I believe you can learn moreabout Chinese culture from this book.答案【5】Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’t fit? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to the campus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when the lovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendliness pushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or you will find out people are more friendly than you think!答案Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’textremelyfit∧? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to thein thoughtsfloatingcampus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when theseemedalovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendlinesswhoHerpushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or删除to andyou will find out people are more friendly than you think!【6】Last Sunday,I volunteered in a tourists attraction.At noon,I was having lunch while I found a dog wandering around and looked for something to eat.Judging from its dirty look,I knew it homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away.Obvious,it was afraid of people.How can I give it more help?I suddenly thought of my uncle,which liked dogs very much.He was likely that he would adopt it!I telephoned to him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.He agreed,butwhen he came,the dog was going.Last Sunday,I volunteered in a tourists ①touristattraction.At noon,I was having lunch while ②when I found a dog wandering around and looked ③lookingforsomethingto eat.Judging from its dirty look,I knew it ∧④was homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away.Obvious ⑤Obviously ,itwas afraid of people.How can ⑥could I give it more help?I suddenly thoughtof my uncle,which ⑦who liked dogs very much.He ⑧Itwas likely that he wouldadopt it!I telephoned ⑨him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.Heagreed,but when he came,the dog was going ⑩gone.∧tourists→tourist 这里tourist 作定语修饰attraction,因此要用单数。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之二 学案(15页word版含有解析)

2018届二轮复习短文改错专题10篇训练之二【1】The first day I went to school, I climb nervously onto the school bus. It was full of noisy child shouting and laughing excited. Then I found out a place next to a quiet girl with long hair and big eyes. We were both very shy, but we didn't talk much on the way to school, although we smiled with each other. In the followed days, we got to know each other better, and became good friends. Now when either of them has a problem, the other is always ready to helping. We have so much in common that we spend most our free time together.答案短文改错:71. ... I climb nervously ... climb → climbed72. ... noisy child ... child → children73. ... laughing excited. excited → excitedly74. ... I found out ... 去掉out75. ... but we didn't ... but → so76. ... with each other. with → at77. ... the followed days ... followed → following78. ... either of them ... them → us79. ... ready to helping. helping → help80. ... most our free ... most后加of【2】There is always a great need for public bicycles in my area. Generally I have to waiting. But I had had a different experience yesterday. As usually, when I went to pick up a bike, here was no sign of one. I noticed woman riding past me, thinking she wouldn't stopped. Suddenly, she made a U-turn, rode towards me, returned the bikes and said, “Go ahead.”I was surprising and she smiled at me, “I'm not in any hurry and my office is just one stop away.” I thanked him and realized that there are some people who are truly kind and really makes a difference to others' life by doing small things.答案71. ... have to waiting. waiting → wait72. ... had had a ... 去掉had73. As usually ... usually → usual74. ... here was no ... here → there75. I noticed woman ... woman前加a76. ... wouldn't stopped. stopped → stop77. ... returned the bikes ... bikes → bike78. I was surprising ... surprising → surprised79. I thanked him ... him → her80. ... makes a difference ... makes → make【3】Some days before, I decided to leave my bike at home and take the bus instead. On the bus, I pull my cap off. When I reached my stop, I got off the bus. While cross the street, I realized something were missing. My cap! I turned around, running to the bus, and the bus pulled away from the stop. Just then, a bus stopped a short distance away because a red light. While I sadly looked at the bus, the door was opened. A man stood near the door and looked around. Seen me, he waved something: It was my cap. I barely had time to grab them and say thank you before the door closed again.答案Some days before, I decided to leave my bike at home and take the bus instead. On the bus, I pull my cap off.agopulledWhen I reached my stop, I got off the bus. While cross the street, I realized something were missing. My cap! Icrossingwasturned around, running to the bus, and the bus pulled away from the stop. Just then, a bus stopped a short distancebuttheaway because/\ a red light. While I sadly looked at the bus, the door was opened. A man stood near the door andof删除waslooked around. Seen me, he waved something: It was my cap. I barely had time to grab them and say thank youSeeingitbefore the door closed again.【4】Journey to the West is a fantastic story setting in the Tang Dynasty.When opening the book, you would read an exciting story. Tangseng and histhree companions went through adventurous experience to get the scriptures(经文),which could be beneficial for the ordinary people. They made the long and hardjourney westwards to achieve their dream. The Monkey King, also was calledSunwukong, managed to fight against all kinds of difficulties. Therefore, the MonkeyKing as a symbol of being bravery and determined is deeply loved by our Chinese.The story is so amazing that it is very worth reading,I believe you can learn moreabout Chinese culture from this book.答案【5】Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’t fit? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to the campus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when the lovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendliness pushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or you will find out people are more friendly than you think!答案Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’textremelyfit∧? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to thein thoughtsfloatingcampus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when theseemedalovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendlinesswhoHerpushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or删除to andyou will find out people are more friendly than you think!【6】Last Sunday,I volunteered in a tourists attraction.At noon,I was having lunch while I found a dog wandering around and looked for something to eat.Judging from its dirty look,I knew it homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away.Obvious,it was afraid of people.How can I give it more help?I suddenly thought of my uncle,which liked dogs very much.He was likely that he would adopt it!I telephoned to him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.He agreed,butwhen he came,the dog was going.Last Sunday,I volunteered in a attraction.At noon,I was having lunch I found a dog wandering around and for something to eat.Judging from its dirty look,I knew it homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away.,it was afraid of people.How I give it more help?I suddenly thought of my uncle,liked dogs very much.was likely that he would adopt it!I telephoned him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.He agreed,but when he came,the dog was .①tourists→tourist这里tourist作定语修饰attraction,因此要用单数。
Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurted my foot. I was in great pain at that mom ent, but I tried to act as if nothing happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom, but I still didn’t tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmates. As the result, the hurt on my foot became worse. Now I know I am wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him in return. In this way, we can get along each other happily and peacefully.答案:短文改错Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurted my foot. I was in great pain atwhen hurtthat moment, but I tried to act as if nothing ^ happened until the class was over. Though I hadhaddifficulty walk back to my classroom, but I still didn’t tell anyone and even refused the offer of walkinghelp from my classmates. As the result, the hurt on my foot became worse. Now I know I ama in was wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him inthemreturn. In this way, we can get along ^ each other happily and peacefully.with2、(2011·浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期末联考)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)下面短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之一 学案(8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之一【1】Boys and girls,May I have your fully attention, please? I have announcement to make.To welcome our friends in the United States, the Student Union was going to hold a party on Saturday evening, February 20.As never, the party will be held in the lecture hall of the Main Building.They will begin at 7 pm.There will be music, dancing, singing or exchange of gifts.Everyone will please to bring along a small gift for this purpose.Remember to pack it up, sign your name and writing a few words of good wishes.Don’t miss the party, where I believe we will have a lot of funs.Everyone is welcome.That’s all.Thank you.答案:第一句:fully→full第二句:have后加an第三句:in→from; was→is第四句:never→ever第五句:They→It第六句:or→and第七句:去掉to第八句:writing→write第九句:funs→fun【2】This morning, I got an email from the library.It said the book I reserved was ready to be picking up.Because I had always been waitingto read it, so at that moment I was very exciting.Outside the library, I saw the man driving around the small parking lot, try to find a parking space.He head for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free.He got off his car with a pile of library book to return.Seeing that, I offered to return them to him.He thanked me and jumped quick in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.答案:第二句:picking→picked第三句:去掉so; exciting→excited第四句:man前的the→a; try→trying第五句:head→headed第六句:book→books第七句:第二个to→for第八句:quick→quickly; someone后加who【3】Last winter vacation, my parents and I went back to our hometown, where I spend my childhood.Walking slow in the quiet small town reminded me of the good old day.I went from street to street, in the search of my childhood footprints.Suddenly, I found me at the gate of the primary school on which I studied for six years.As I entered, I was surprised find that the old classroom building was gone.But it was filling with my childhood memories! I felt such sad that tears ran down my cheeks.It was just like the feeling I had while a good friend left me forever.答案:第一句:spend→spent第二句:slow→slowly; day→days第三句:去掉the第四句:me→myself; on→in第五句:find前加to第六句:filling→filled第七句:such→so第八句:while→when【4】How time flies! I had hardly had time to enjoy the warmth of my home while it’s time go back to school.This winter I spend ten days studying maths, chemistry and physics, none of which was easily for me.And I still had some fun during the Spring Festival.I had attended my uncle’s wedding and my new aunt was very beautiful.To my dis appoint, I didn’t get many lucky money as I had expected.I also went to the cinema with several classmates.We played jokes on each other and had a big meal in a restaurant calling “Red Lobster”.The food there was very delicious and we all really enjoyed myself.答案:第二句:while→when; go前加to第三句:spend→spent; easily→easy第四句:And→But第五句:去掉had第六句:disappoint→disappointment; many→much第八句:calling→called第九句:myself→ourselves【5】Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.If there is no aim in our lives, we will get st term, I couldn’t accept the truth which I failed in my math examination.I decided to give it up, so I skipped from classes frequently.Considered my case, my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a short-term goal to improve my math.Finally, I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math.In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals.However, we should remember to make our targets clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.答案:第一句:compass前加a第二句:lose→lost第三句:which→that第四句:去掉from第五句:Considered→Considering; approach→approaches第六句:work→worked; her→my第八句:However→Therefore; clearly→clear【6】Friendship is very important to everyone, especially to me.Now, I would like to describe one of my best friends whose name are Petou.The first reason why I consider him as my best friend is because he has a very warm personality.He always smile politely at me, make me absolutely delighted when I meet him.What’s more, honest is his good manner — he never lies me.In addition, he is the caring and compassionate friend.He’s willing to help me whenever I have in trouble.The second reason is that Petou is really excellently.He excels at every subject, which makes me admire him very much.To summarize, Petou has a very good personality.Besides, he has a great ability to help other friends and him.I really like him.答案:第二句:are→is第三句:because→that第四句:smile→smiles; make→making第五句:honest→honesty; lies后加to第六句:the→a第七句:去掉in第八句:excellently→excellent第十一句:him→me【7】My father is the man I respect most.Strict as he may be, however he never fails to show her care and consideration.Once I broke a neighbor window.Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately.When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what has happened.I could only tell him a truth.Instead of scold, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor.I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health, and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen.How luckily I am to have such a good father!答案:第二句:去掉however; her→his第三句:neighbor→neighbor’s第五句:has→had第六句:a→the第七句:scold→scolding; apologize后加to第八句:and→but; what→how第九句:luckily→lucky【8】Studying in the UK have been a good experience for me.When I first arrived, I find life very hard as I didn’t know anybody here, but I soon got to know other Chinese student at the ter I became interesting in communicating with people from various cultures, and I made fewer friends.During my study, I chose to live in with my classmates in the dormitory.I think it’s better than living in British family because I can meet people from different countries easy.The courses here are excellent.I enjoy the way the teachers give lessons.We are encouraged to think for yourselves, which is quite different from that I have experienced before.答案:第一句:have→has第二句:find→found; student→students第三句:interesting→interested; fewer→more第四句:去掉第一个in第五句:in后加a; easy→easily第八句:yourselves→ourselves; that→what【9】Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran bought a real bed.It was for the first time that he had become the proud owner of a bed where had springs (弹簧) and a mattress (床垫).Because the weather is very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.He slept very good for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up.A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof but sent it crashing into the courtyardbelow.The young man did wake up until the bed struck the ground.Although the bed was broken into piece, the man was surprisingly unhurt.When he woke up, he was still on the mattress.Glanced at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried them into his house.After he had put it on the floor, he quickly went for sleep again.答案:第二句:去掉for; where→which/that第三句:is→was第四句:good→well第五句:but→and第六句:did后加not第七句:piece→pieces第九句:Glanced→Glancing; them→it第十句:for→to【10】My neighbor Jackie is always consideration to others.One day, I was goi ng to deliver a speech at an institute while I found my car wouldn’t get starting.I rushed to the street to hire a taxi.Just at that time, I come across Jackie.He was hurried going to attend his sick mother in hospital.Furthermore, when he learned about m y problems, he didn’t hesitate to give me a lift.I arrived at the lecture hall in time, when the audience had been present.I owe my great thanks to my neighbor Jackie, who is a person ready to help the others at any time.答案:第一句:consideration→considerate第二句:while→when; starting→started第四句:come→came第五句:hurried→hurriedly; attend后加to第六句:Furthermore→However; problems→problem 第七句:when→where第八句:去掉the。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之八 (含有解析)学案(15页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错专题10篇训练之八【1】I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming.Sometimes I felt that individuals can not have any effect at such huge environmental problems.Anyway,I’m not sure where to start it with my project.So I would love to get any suggestion.It is suggested that we took many measures.For example,we can buy things making from recycled materials.Planting trees is also good way.Important,we can ask your family and friends to work together with us.We can get our parents to buy products that are made to save energy.Remembering—our contribution counts.答案I am doing a project on behalf of my school about globalwarming.Sometimes I feltfeel that individuals can not have any effectatonsuch huge environmental problems.Anyway,I’m not sure where to start itwith my project.So I would love to get any suggestion suggestions.It is suggestedthat we tooktake many measures.For example,we can buy thingsmakingmadefrom recycled materials.Planting trees is also ∧a good way.ImportantImportantly,we can ask yourour family and friends to work together with us.We can getour parents to buy products that are made to save energy.Remembering Remember—our contribution counts.【2】Exercise can have a surprised number of benefits.It is important way to keep fit.Not only can it help you achieve beneficial weight loss ,and every time you exercise ,it helps to reduce the risk of disease more efficiently.By exercising regular ,you look better and feel more confident ,which have a positive effect on both physical and mental well-being.While you exercise ,especially in some challenging sports ,you often work as a member of a team.In this way ,it also teaches us how to work with others.A healthy ,fit brain means you can answer questions more quickly ,think more clearly and developed a better memory.Have a healthy brain is useful for no matter what point you are at in your life.For these reasons ,we students should take exercises.答案Exercise can have a surprised surprising number of benefits.It is ∧animportant way to keep fit.Not only can it help you achieve beneficialweight loss ,and but every time you exercise ,it helps to reduce the risk ofdisease more efficiently.By exercisingregularregularly,you look better and feelmore confident,which havehas a positive effect on both physical andmental well-being.While you exercise,especially in some challenging sports,you often work as a member of a team.In this way,it also teaches usyou how to work with others.A healthy,fit brain means you can answer questions more quickly,think more clearly and developeddevelop a better memory.HaveHaving a healthybrain is useful for no matter what point you are at in your life.For thesereasons,we students should take exercises exercise.27.答案surprised→surprising解析考查形容词。

专题9 短文改错[2016·全国卷Ⅰ]假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady.74.honest→honesty 此处指诚实是他成功的秘诀,故用名词形式。
76.using→used 此处表示被动含义,be used for“被用来做”。
2018届高考英语二轮复习:短文改错题组 含答案

Yours sincerely,
Dear Mandy,
I'm not doing well in my lessons at school,in maths. My dad says I must try hard because he wants mego to university. He thinks I'm lazy, but it's not true. I work really hard, oftenlate into the night! I've tried to talk to my mother, but she alwaysI have to work as hardmy brother does. My brother doesn't study very hard,he always gets excellent grades. It's not fair!
Yours rபைடு நூலகம்spectfully,
Wang Yong
Passage 2
Dear Mandy,
I'm not doing well in my lessons at school, especial in maths. My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university. He thinks I'm lazy, but it's not true. I work really hard, often study late into the night! I've tried to talk to my mother, but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does. My brother doesn't study very hard, and he always gets excellent grades. It's not fair!
2018届二轮复习 短文改错典题冲刺训练10篇(二) 学案(5页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错典题冲刺训练10篇(二)【一】Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and become a student in an ordinary school.Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patiently and considerate.Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class.I decided make the best of it.I worked hard and got along good with my teachers and classmates.Whenever I had difficulties, they are always available.Soon, I became one of the top student in my class, and which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated.My experience tell me that it is not what you are given but how you make use for it that determines who you are.答案:第一句:become→became第二句:Disappointing→Disappointed; patiently→patient第四句:decided后加to第五句:good→well第六句:are→were第七句:student→students; 去掉and第八句:tell→tells; for→of【二】It is true that famous schools have equipped with better teaching facilities.However, teachers there are excellent, who come from all over country and even abroad.They have a strong teaching ability to make classes more live and interesting, but students will be able to accept knowledge a bit more easily and better.However, not every student was fit to go to famous schools, in that there is fierce competition among students.And students there have to work much harder than these in ordinary schools.I hope the government will take effective measures to make sure all the schools to provide equally good educations.答案:第一句:have→are第二句:However→Besides/Moreover; country前加the第三句:live→lively; but→so第四句:was→is; that→which第五句:these→those第六句:去掉第二个to; educations→education【三】I still remember the first day I come to this new school.Everything was new to me, what made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on me.Luckily, I made several good friend.Their interests were similar with mine.I had great English teacher, Maggie.She let me knowthe important of English.So I decided to learn English hardly.Although it was very difficult at first, but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidly progress.Just as the old saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”答案:第一句:come→came第二句:what→which第三句:me→myself第四句:friend→friends第五句:with→to第六句:great前加a第七句:important→importance第八句:hardly→hard第九句:去掉but或but→yet; rapidly→rapid【四】It is clear shown that many middle school students have physical and mental problems.68% of the students surveying have studying anxiety as well as poor eyesight too.And a larger percentage lacks sleep.52% are short of physical exercise.42% of the students won’t obey our parents or teachers.Personally, I think we student should balance our physical exercise and studies.Without sound body, one can’t achieve anything.However, too much attention has been paid only on studies.As a result, I suggest we are given less homework or more time for out-of-classroom activities.Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life.答案:第一句:clear→clearly第二句:surveying→surveyed; 去掉too第三句:lacks→lack第五句:our→their第六句:student→students第七句:sound前加a第八句:on→to第九句:are→be; or→and【五】Yesterday was my father’s birthday.We made many preparation for it.Early in the morning, my mother and I set off for the department store to find gift for Father.We chose very careful, eventually a warm sweater caught our eye but was purchased.To showing my love for my father, I made a birthday cake under the help of my mother.In the evening, we got together to celebrate her birthday.With candles lit, we sang happy birthday out loud and clapped, that made the room alive with the sound of cheering.Then we take a family photo to record the happy moment.When I saw tears of joy in Father’s eyes, I was filled in with a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.答案:第二句:preparation→preparations第三句:gift前加a第四句:careful→carefully; but→and第五句:showing→show; under→with第六句:her→his第七句:that→which第八句:take→took第九句:去掉第二个in【六】The most important festival in Tibet is the Tibetan New Year, in January 1st of the Tibetan calendar.It is for say goodbye to the past year and welcoming the New Year.From mid-December, people start to prepare or do festival shopping.A lot of activity are held in the streets of the Lhasa during the New Year Festival.There is an interested competition on this day.A young man from each family tried to get the first bucket of water from the river.It is believed be gold water.According to the Tibetan tradition, they will bring good luck, happiness and wealth to those which get it.答案:第一句:第二个in→on第二句:say→saying第三句:or→and第四句:activity→activities; 去掉Lhasa前的the第五句:interested→interesting第六句:tried→tries第七句:be前加to第八句:they→it; which→who【七】I once bought the beautiful bracelet from a store and felt excited when I tried it on.Sadly, I was soon disappointed at that my naughty kids broke it.But instead of just feel sad, I chose to repair it myself.To my greatly surprise, it didn’t take a long time to do it.As time went by, I found that I was not happy with just repairing my breaking bracelets.I started making new bracelets out the materials from my old ter on, I begin to design on my own.Then I made my first deal.Back in 2013, I posted my bracelets on WeChat for the first time and several friends said that they wanted it.That was just the start.With much materials at hand, I made my designs into reality.答案:第一句:the→a第二句:去掉at第三句:feel→feeling第四句:greatly→great第五句:breaking→broken第六句:out后加of; one→ones第七句:begin→began第九句:it→them第十一句:much→many【八】Dear Jamie,I am glad to share one of my favorite movie with you.The other day, I watch a movie called TheGreatWall, which impressed me a lot of and I can’t wait to introduce it to you.TheGreatWall is one of the masterpieces directed by Zhang Yimou, especial with some famous actors like Matt Damon, Andy Lau and Zhang Hanyu in the film.Basing on the earlier Song Dynasty, TheGreatWall tells audience what people fight against gluttons (饕餮).Actually, it is historical and martial arts movie, whose theme is about bravery and justice.Personally speaking, the pictures and special effects in the movie is great and the story is very exciting.It is such excellent that it is well worth watching.I hope you can enjoy them as well.Yours,Li Hua 答案:第一句:movie→movies第二句:watch→watched; 去掉of第三句:especial→especially第四句:Basing→Based; what→how第五句:historical前加a第六句:第一个is→are第七句:such→so第八句:them→it【九】Not only our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness with sorrow.I’m very grateful for my parents.They give me so much love and spare no effort to support me.I still remembered once I was seriously ill.They were so worried and almost kept my company the whole night.Now I’m in Senior 3.Lucky for me, my parents can understand my stressed condition and often communicate with me with encouraging words.However, they give me enough personal space, that I appreciate so much.What I should donow is to study hard.When I grow up, I’ll try my best to make my parents to live a happy life.答案:第一句:only后加do; with→and第二句:for→to第四句:remembered→remember第五句:my→me第七句:Lucky→Luckily; stressed→stressful第八句:However→Besides/Furthermore/Moreover; that→which第十句:去掉第二个to【十】Dear Bob,I’m sorry to tell you that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on this Sunday, because something unlucky happened to me in the PE class yesterday.I was playing basketball with my friends while I jumped highly to catch the ball.Another student struck me on a leg accidentally, that made me break my leg.The situation made everyone nervous.However, I was sent to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.The doctor suggested that I rested until next Friday.I hope the change will not cause you too much troubles.Shall I go next Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time read and select books.Yours,Li Hua 答案:第一句:去掉on第二句:while→when; highly→high第三句:a→the; that→which第五句:However→Therefore第六句:rested→rest第七句:troubles→trouble第八句:I→we第九句:read前加to。
2018届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之三 学案(8页word版)

2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之三【1】Dear Mom and Dad,In London at last, we are having great time!To stay in a hotel in an old castle, and we tried to make a reservation.However, that hotel was fully booked.So, instead, we get a couple of beds in a dormitory.Stay in a dormitory was a lot of fun because there were lots of people from various place.If you had come without us, you would have enjoyed Europe either.All of the paintings I’ve seen so far is fantastic.Now I think Van Gogh is his favorite artist.Is there anything specially I can bring you?Li Ming 答案:第一句:great前加a第二句:去掉and第四句:get→got第五句:Stay→Staying; place→places第六句:without→with; either→too第七句:is→are第八句:his→my第九句:specially→special【2】Last summer, I got a part-time job as a waiter.I worked hard and very helpful.Everyone in a restaurant including some regular customer liked me.One day, a foreign couple in their fifties entered into therestaurant.I was happy to have a chance to practice their spoken English.I went up to greet them warm.After I took their order, I told them their food will be served quickly because we Chinese respect the elderly.After heard my words, a look of displeasure appeared on the wife’s face.Seeing my confusing look, her husband explained to me the Westerners disliked the description “old”.I apologized to them but realized the importance of knowing cultural differences.答案:第二句:very前加was第三句:a→the; customer→customers第四句:去掉into第五句:their→my第六句:warm→warmly第七句:will→would第八句:heard→hearing第九句:confusing→confused第十句:but→and【3】Dear Bob,I’m sorry to tell you that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on this Sunday, because something unlucky happened to me in the PE class yesterday.I was playing basketball with my friends while I jumped highly to catch the ball.Another student struck me on a leg accidentally, that made me break my leg.The situation made everyone nervous.However, I was sent to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.The doctor suggested that I rested until next Friday.I hope the change will not cause you too muchtroubles.Shall I go next Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time read and select books.Yours,Li Hua 答案:第一句:去掉on第二句:while→when; highly→high第三句:a→the; that→which第五句:However→Therefore第六句:rested→rest第七句:tr oubles→trouble第八句:I→we第九句:read前加to【4】Not only our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness with sorrow.I’m very grateful for my parents.They give me so much love and spare no effort to support me.I still remembered once I was seriously ill.They were so worried and almost kept my company the whole night.Now I’m in Senior 3.Lucky for me, my parents can understand my stressed condition and often communicate with me with encouraging words.However, they give me enough personal space, that I appreciate so much.What I should do now is to study hard.When I grow up, I’ll try my best to make my parents to live a happy life.答案:第一句:only后加do; with→and第二句:for→to第四句:remembered→remember第五句:my→me第七句:Lucky→Luckily; stressed→stressful第八句:However→Besides/Furthermore/Moreover; that→which第十句:去掉第二个to【5】Dear Jamie,I am glad to share one of my favorite movie with you.The other day, I watch a movie called The Great Wall, which impressed me a lot of and I can’t wait to introduce it to you.The Great Wall is one of the masterpieces directed by Zhang Yimou, especial with some famous actors like Matt Damon, Andy Lau and Zhang Hanyu in the film.Basing on the earlier Song Dynasty, The Great Wall tells audience what people fight against gluttons (饕餮).Actually, it is historical and martial arts movie, whose theme is about bravery and justice.Personally speaking, the pictures and special effects in the movie is great and the story is very exciting.It is such excellent that it is well worth watching.I hope you can enjoy them as well.Yours,Li Hua 答案:第一句:movie→movies第二句:watch→watched; 去掉of第三句:especial→especially第四句:Basing→Based; what→how第五句:historical前加a第六句:第一个is→are第七句:such→so第八句:them→it【6】I once bought the beautiful bracelet from a store and felt excited when I tried it on.Sadly, I was soon disappointed at that my naughty kids broke it.But instead of just feel sad, I chose to repair it myself.To my greatly surprise, it didn’t take a long time to do it.As ti me went by, I found that I was not happy with just repairing my breaking bracelets.I started making new bracelets out the materials from my old ter on, I begin to design on my own.Then I made my first deal.Back in 2013, I posted my bracelets on WeChat for the first time and several friends said that they wanted it.That was just the start.With much materials at hand, I made my designs into reality.答案:第一句:the→a第二句:去掉at第三句:feel→feeling第四句:greatly→great第五句:breaking→broken第六句:out后加of; one→ones第七句:begin→began第九句:it→them第十一句:much→many【7】The most important festival in Tibet is the Tibetan New Year, in January 1st of the Tibetan calendar.It is for say goodbye to the past year and welcoming the New Year.From mid-December, people start to prepare or do festival shopping.A lot of activity are held in the streets of the Lhasa during the New Year Festival.There is an interested competition on this day.A young man from each family tried to get the first bucket of water from the river.It is believed be gold water.According to the Tibetan tradition, they will bring good luck, happiness and wealth to those which get it.答案:第一句:第二个in→on第二句:say→saying第三句:or→and第四句:activity→activities; 去掉Lhasa前的the第五句:interested→interesting第六句:tried→tries第七句:be前加to第八句:they→it; which→who【8】Yesterday was my father’s birthday.We made many preparation for it.Early in the morning, my mother and I set off for the department store to find gift for Father.We chose very careful, eventually a warm sweater caught our eye but was purchased.To showing my love for my father, I made a birthday cake under the help of my mother.In the evening, we got together to celebrate her birthday.With candles lit, we sang happy birthday out loud and clapped,that made the room alive with the sound of cheering.Then we take a family photo to record the happy moment.When I saw tears of joy in Father’s eyes, I was filled in with a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.答案:第二句:preparation→preparations第三句:gift前加a第四句:careful→carefully; but→and第五句:showing→show; under→with第六句:her→his第七句:that→which第八句:take→took第九句:去掉第二个in【9】It is clear shown that many middle school students have physical and mental problems.68% of the students surveying have studying anxiety as well as poor eyesight too.And a larger percentage lacks sleep.52% are short of physical exercise.42% of the students won’t obey our parents or teachers.Personally, I think we student should balance our physical exercise and studies.Without sound body, one can’t achieve anything.However, too much attention has been paid only on studies.As a result, I suggest we are given less homework or more time for out-of-classroom activities.Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life.答案:第一句:clear→clearly第二句:surveying→surveyed; 去掉too第三句:lacks→lack第五句:our→their第六句:student→students第七句:sound前加a第八句:on→to第九句:are→be; or→and【10】I still remember the first day I come to this new school.Everything was new to me, what made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on me.Luckily, I made several good friend.Their interests were similar with mine.I had great English teacher, Maggie.She let me know the important of English.So I decided to learn English hardly.Although it was very difficult at first, but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidly progress.Just as the old saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”答案:第一句:come→came第二句:what→which第三句:me→myself第四句:friend→friends第五句:with→to第六句:great前加a第七句:important→importance第八句:hardly→hard第九句:去掉but或but→yet; rapidly→rapid。
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2018届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之二【1】Last weekend we went for camping in the mountains with our teacher, Anna.When we arrived, we made a camp fire first.Then, Anna taught us to catch fish so that they could have more food to eat that night.I liked the airs there because it was fresh and clean.Many stars were up highly in the sky and the moon looked bright.We all sat around the fire, listening Anna’s stories about her childhood.She was born into a poor family or she worked very hard to be successful.I was very touched that I couldn’t sleep the whole night, thought about being a teacher in the future.When I get home, I said to my parents, “Everything was great about the camping.I want to be the teacher like Anna in the future.”答案:第一句:去掉for第三句:they→we第四句:airs→air第五句:highly→high第六句:listening后加to第七句:or→and/so第八句:very→so; thought→thinking或thought前加and第九句:get→got第十句:第一个the→a【2】When Tom was a little boy, he dreamed of become a famous writer one day.We all know whether a person wants to become a writer, he should read many books and practiced writing every day.Besides, thiswas not what Tom did.Actual, he did nothing for his dream.Now at the age of 30, he still just talks about his dream.He doesn’t read or write it.In fact, there were many people like Tom.They ha ve dreams, but they don’t try their best realize their dreams.If you also have a dream, please do which you can to realize it.If you just talk about it every day, their dream will be a dream forever.答案:第一句:become→becoming第二句:whether→if; practiced→practic e第三句:Besides→However第四句:Actual→Actually第六句:去掉it第七句:were→are第八句:best后加to第九句:which→what第十句:their→your【3】Last weekend, I helped my grandparents preparing their trip to Beijing.On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched for the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beijing, and some hotel informations.In the afternoon, I go to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was long queue.After dinner, I put the thing my grandparents would need into the suitcase, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, or a map.The next morning, I went to the station to see him off.Waving goodbye with them on the platform, I felt happily for them and wished them a safe journey.答案:第一句:preparing→prepare第二句:去掉第一个for; informations→information第三句:go→went; long前加a第四句:thing→things; or→and第五句:him→them第六句:with→to; happily→happy【4】Alice, my best friend, devotes many energy to her lessons.She is always one of the top student in our class.She loves the music so much that she made it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time.Alice is always willing to help other, and she often helps us with our lessons.As a volunteer, she has successful organized some voluntary activities.We paid a visit a nursing home last month, so we picked up rubbish near our school.That we did was warmly welcomed.Win honor for our school, Alice is well known to our classmates.答案:第一句:many→much第二句:student→students第三句:去掉the; made→makes第四句:other→others第五句:successful→successfully第六句:visit后加to; so→and第七句:That→What第八句:Win→Winning【5】Li Ming is a friend of mine.I’m glad he changed greatly in the pasttwo years.I clearly remember he was quite fat two years before.He got tired so easy that he couldn’t take exercise, that made him very ter, he realized unless he went on like that, he would end up achieve nothing.So he made up his minds to make a change.He went running every morning and played the basketball every afternoon.Besides, he followed a diet of more vegetables or less meat.Gradually he began to lose weight.He is now an energetic boy in good health.So when faced with problems, we should overcome it with great determination and strong willpower.答案:第二句:changed前加has第三句:before→ago第四句:easy→easily; 第二个that→which或在第二个that前加and第五句:u nless→if; achieve→achieving第六句:minds→mind第七句:去掉the第八句:or→and第十一句:it→them【6】Being a teacher is always believed to be one of greatest occupations, because teachers make great contributions for the st week, I got a chance to experience teaching students.Our school asked us to teach some kids live in the countryside.The kids was so happy that they gave me a warm welcome.I teach them English and after class, we played games happily.We had a lot of funs together.When I returned back to school, I missed the students so much.They like me but some of themhave kept in touch with me ever since.I felt so proudly of being a teacher.答案:第一句:greatest前加the; for→to第三句:us→me; live→living第四句:was→were第五句:teach→taught第六句:funs→fun第七句:去掉back第八句:but→and第九句:proudly→proud【7】The World Health Organization said that 92 percent of the world’s population live in areas of high air pollution.Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueling by diesel.Many cities in Europe have called for end the production of diesel cars.They hope to replace them with electric vehicles but their quality has improved.London is one of the most heavy polluted cities in Europe.Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see it.He says people across Great Britain have being died too early because the pollution.Experts say electric cars could offer a answer to air pollution in most city.They add, however, that the electricity should be created by using renewable energy.答案:第一句:said→says第二句:fueling→fueled第三句:end→ending第四句:but→because第五句:heavy→heavily第七句:it→them第八句:去掉being; because后加of第九句:a→an; city→cities【8】During my second month of nursing school, our professors gave us a quiz.I had smoothly finished the others’ questions when I got stuck on the last one: “What’s the first name of the woman who clean the school?” I had seen, many times, the woman, tall and in her fifty, but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper, leave the last question blankly.After a class ended, one student asked for the answer for the question.The professor said, “As you know, that in your careers you will meet many people.You should respect them and care about them, even you just smile and say ’hello’ to them.”答案:第一句:professors→professor第二句:others’→other; clean→cleans第三句:fifty→fifties第四句:leave→leaving; blankly→blank第五句:a→the; 第二个for→to第六句:去掉that第七句:even后加if/though【9】In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, thatspent all his time in painting.People that lived in the village used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends.Whether he was offered money, he would never take it.He said he painted for a pleasure.He once gave one of his paintings to my father, who actually wasn’t interesting in art.Years later I found at our old house.By that time the old man had died and people had started to recognize his paintings as great work of art, which were worth lots of money.So an art gallery makes me an offer of $5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it.So then I decided not to.It reminds me of my childhood and of the old man who didn’t real want to make money by painti ng.答案:第一句:that→who第二句:admiring→admire第三句:Whether→If第四句:去掉a第五句:interesting→interested第六句:found后加it第七句:work→works第八句:makes→made第九句:So→But第十句:real→really【10】Tourism is booming in Tibet.More than 6.8 million Chinese and foreign tourists visit the region in the first half of this year.Tourism income during that period rose on to 7 billion yuan.More tourists are expected to traveling around Tibet in the second half of this year.The region is hosting the China Tibet Tourism or Culture Expo, featuringseries of festivals.Currently, foreigners need a special travel permission to tour the region in addition for a Chinese visa.They have to wait for the permit patient.It is cheerful what the local authorities have promised us to shorten the time of obtaining it.答案:第二句:visit→visited第三句:去掉on第四句:traveling→travel第五句:or→and; series前加a第六句:permission→permit; for→to第七句:patient→patiently第八句:what→that; us→them。